#Mike losing both him siblings
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What if Mike got the bad ending of the FNAF movie..
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hothammies · 6 months
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morning hug - apoc au relationship details under the cut!
--- mike and will's (+ the og party's) background:
is it mike and will if they aren't childhood besties? their moms were friends before the infection hit and they saw each other occasionally before the apocalypse
after the apocalypse, they lived in the same walled community with their families and stuck together for a long time! from ages 4 to 7, they were basically each other's only friends until lucas came around at age 8 and dustin came around at age 9
the boys were separated from their families because a neighboring group attacked, effectively destroying the community (more on that another time)
this is when the og party learned to live and survive with each other!
in this au -> mike fell first, will fell harder :)
just friends... with benefits:
are able to talk about anything and everything
each other's closest relationship out of the party -> used to rely on each other emotionally (much more strained after they started doing fwb)
tentative fwb - usually only engage in benefits after they've had a bad day or are really stressed out
things feel normal when they're together and the morning after but then they give each other the cold shoulder...
mike has started making a habit of ensuring that there's a buffer person between the two of them when he assigns jobs (cannot handle the tension)
are currently -> avoiding each other + the other party members have noticed (they don't know ab the two of them)
what is their problem?
mike is scared of being committed to each other because he's seen what happens to people (his mom, rip ted LOL) who have lost their partners. he doesn't want that to happen to him or will were one of them to die.
he's also afraid of the possibility that a relationship between the two of them could affect the party's whole group dynamic and set things off, because he's more worried about their survival then he is about his own feelings towards will.
he loves will so unbelievably much that it hurts, and the idea of getting even closer to will and suddenly losing him hurts even more, so he keeps his distance.
will is most afraid of losing mike and the group were he to ask him to take their feelings any further. he's seen how devoted mike is to the group and to him, but he doesn't know if there's a limit to what mike is willing to tolerate from him.
he doesn't want to take the risk of alienating either of them, and he cherishes his relationship with mike so much that he's willing to go along with what mike is doing, which is straining their friendship.
will is a natural giver. if all mike wants is a fwb relationship even if he wants more, than he'll give it to him, even if it's tearing him apart on the inside :') he doesn't know if mike loves him back, so will is emotionally torn up from the distance that this is creating btwn them.
other notes: fwb byler is a really interesting dynamic to explore, especially in this apocalypse setting - by the point in the story that they become fwb, they're 17 and they don't really have any clue about what they're doing. most of their clues about intimate relationships stem from old magazines from a while back (that don't say anything about gay relationships) as well as what their older siblings taught them when they were 12, which highlighted the emotional aspect and not the physical aspect.
mike and will know that something within their relationship has fundamentally changed, and they have no idea how to handle it. however, they know that they can experiment and relieve tension with each other safely, but are also extremely conflicted on how they present themselves to each other outside of their experimenting and to the party.
heteronormative societal pressure is not a conflict in this story (at least, not yet) - they don't live with anyone else except the other party members for the time being. their only conflict has to do with them both being scared of losing the other. they live in a world where anyone can die so quickly, so they don't want to fuck up what they have :'D mike wheeler is the king of being unable to process his romantic feelings properly and will byers is the king of completely repressing his emotions! they're perfect for each other!
both of them are the equivalent of shaken up soda bottles with mints inside them, ready to explode (the mints are them being friends with benefits)
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pillowspace · 10 months
Thinking about how Charlotte Emily most likely regularly hung out with the Aftons.
William comes downstairs at 9 in the morning to see Charlie and Elizabeth with empty teacups and a teapot, and is just like, ah. Of course. Little girls love tea parties, but indulges them anyway like "what are you two up to?" Elizabeth immediately lights up. "Charlie said that we should play British People 'cause we're British!" William, now a bit more confused, "...ah. I see." Elizabeth, "oh won't you join us? Pretty please?" Charlie then pipes in that she had also asked Mike, but that he had very unfortunately said no, because "Liz plays too mean." Elizabeth, "I do not, you're just too scared to lose!" Michael, "I can't fucking lose at 'British People.'"
Charlie and Elizabeth do atrocious things to their dolls. Drama. Tragedy. They always clash on the endings though, as Charlie wants their dolls fo have a happy end while Elizabeth wants their dolls to have an even worse end
Michael doesn't know Charlie's staying over, and brings home his schoolmates one day. William Frowns TM like "I tried to tell you Henry was dropping off Charlotte today, but you were already halfway out the door." Michael later re-enters the room to find his schoolmates picking on Charlie and pulling at her hair. The closest Michael ever feels to peace is when he's with the Emilys, so he immediately spirals at the sight like, "oh god, if Uncle Henry finds out I brought people over who hurt his daughter, he might not bring her over anymore. What do I do then? What do I do if he stops liking me?" He quickly shoos off his friends, going "dude! She's a guest, leave her be" while Charlie recovers. Before he too can follow after them, Charlie asks Michael if he'll draw with her. He hesitates. The Emilys are the closest he ever gets to peace, so he agrees and sits down to draw. "What are you drawing, Char?" "Marionette!" "'S that the creepy thing that's always watching the guests come and go at Freddy's?" "He's not creepy, he's my friend. Dad made him for me :(" "ahh. You know, my father's been building something for Liz too." "You think that it'll protect her like Marionette protects me?" "Maybe."
Charlie notices how anxious CC always seems to be, and declares one day that she'll keep him safe. She makes him a drawing of them both holding hands, and gives it to him so that he may always look upon it and know that Charlie's rooting for him. He nearly bursts into tears at the kind gesture. The whole household tries to be nicer to each other whenever Charlie's around, but CC tells her about Michael's behaviour to him. Knowing how weak Michael is to her, Charlie gives Michael a look while he's grabbing cereal the next morning like "you should be nicer to your brother. He's just a little kid." Michael immediately pauses, then awkwardly closes the cupboard like "ummm. Okay." Not wanting to use Charlie as a means to make fun of CC, he just never brings the interaction up afterwards
The Emily and Afton families joining together are constantly filled with different forms of jealousy from the Aftons. William, he's jealous of Henry. Michael, he's jealous of Charlie's positive relationship with her father. CC, he's jealous of how Michael seems to like Charlie so much more than him. Elizabeth doesn't even notice her own jealousy, but deep down, Charlie's completely peaceful household... confuses her. She rationalizes the lack of favouritism or hostility as it only stemming from Charlie being an only child, rather than Henry's good parenting. Being so young as well as being the perfect golden child, Elizabeth doesn't know how to express doubt in her father. Clearly, it must be her siblings doing something wrong if Charlie and Uncle Henry are doing so well on their own!
After CC's death, the house is filled with an unbreakable tension. It's grief. It's guilt. Michael and his schoolmates completely cut ties after what happened. And as always, the Emilys feel so separate from the tension of his own home. Michael starts talking to Charlie more frequently, more often at Henry's house rather than his own. He tries not to, or at least usually tries to hide first, but he accidentally has a complete breakdown in the living room one time. Charlie hums a soothing lullaby to him until Henry eventually comes back, notices the state Michael's in, and takes over calming him down while sending Charlie off to do some other seemingly helpful task. After Elizabeth's death, Michael only really has the Emilys left. Charlie stops just being his source of peace, and becomes his best friend. His only friend. Then after Charlie's death...
It's rather lonely all of a sudden.
Later, years later, when Michael's flesh is rotting on his bones and everything is just about to finally be done with, he sits down on the edge of a cheap creaky stage he bought, and lightly knocks his knuckles against Lefty's calf. "Charlie? Can you hear me alright? It's Michael ... I'm sorry. I know I never acted like it, but... for what it's worth... you were my best friend back then. ...Whatever's beyond this, would you like to be friends again there too?"
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mmelionsblog · 11 months
First time [Mike Schmidt x Reader]
“ and the first time that you kissed me,
I drank dry the river lethe”
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Mike’s heart was beating rapidly. Today was the day. The day that he’d add more into the Schmidt family, a fellow member. He fixated on his fingers, his eyes going haywire as they looked towards your side of the church and as to his side. He gulped, as he looked at your mom, and your siblings. They were all talking to other family of yours, whispering, then glancing back and fourth at him.
Mike wasn’t close to anyone, so the groomsmen were mostly from your side of the family that he felt closest too. The best man, a cousin of yours, noticed that Mike was starting to have a panic attack.
“Are you okay, Mike?” He questioned into his ear. Mike nodded, half listening to him. “Y—yeah.. sorry I don’t do well with big crowds like this, and to be the center of attention.” The cousin chuckled, “well get used to it. Her family adores her, so everyone is gonna want to talk to the both of you tonight.” Mike nodded slowly. Then, everyone went silent.
The song you picked started to play, his lips turning into a smile. Can’t help falling in love, of course, started to play as soon as you got into view. There is already tears falling down the poor man’s cheeks. Your dad was seen next to you holding your forearm carefully, while your hand rested on top of your dad’s.
He could hear crying on the other side of him, your cousin was just as worse as he (and apparently your whole family too). The best man patted Mike’s back, toughening up when you got close up. Mike smiled widely, picking up your veil that covered the beauty of your face. You were stunning.
Mike stopped breathing as soon as his eyes locked in with yours. Your hand in his. This is really happening, he thought.
Mike simply couldn’t hold it in any longer. He broke down, in front of you, and in front of everyone that is witnessing the wedding. “Mike?” You whispered, placing your hand onto his cheek. “M sorry,” he sniffled with a small smile. “M just in my feels right now,” he shrugged off his emotions, coughing and then looking up to the priest that was standing in the middle. Then, the wedding continued.
As the priest went on and on and on rambling, Mike couldn’t help but remember the simple times where it was just him and you, and Abby.
The first time you kissed him, he couldn’t believe it. After all these years alone, he himself had thought he’d die alone. He’d rot alone. Abby, the only one in his life, taking care of him as he got older.
The first argument, he thought he’d lose you. He was the first one to say sorry to you. He was sure you didn’t want him after the way he yelled at you, scared of the actions of what Mike’s done. But you were already in his arms washing away the worried face Mike had.
The first time you both had sex, god Mike was in a complete mess afterwords. He had never felt so good in his life, you had completely changed him after Mike had put himself inside of you. To him, if he ever lost you, he doesn’t think he’d ever feel the same way with anyone else after you. So, he can’t lose you. Whatsoever. At all.
“Now you will repeat after me,” the priest says. The two of you were so lost in thought that both of you didn’t hear anything he had said. “Hello?” The priest sang jokingly. “Anyone home?” He snapped his fingers in front of both of your faces, then the two of you had been brought back into reality. Laughter filled the church and echoed could be heard. “I’m sorry, what?” Mike nervously spoke. “You two are really in love,” the priest laughed.
“Now both of you will repeat after me,” he looked at you two in the eyes this time. “I [Name] [Last name] take you, [NAME], to be my [wife/husband]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life. [Partner two repeats this vow.] Bless, O Lord, these rings which we bless in your name.” The priest spoke.
Mike inhaled, and exhaled. “I, Mike Schmidt, take you, [NAME], to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life. Bless, O lord, these rings which we bless in your name.” He finished. You copied after him.
The priest smiled widely. “And now will the ring bear come over?” He called out, a little boy around the age of five came out, handing over the rings to Mike. Mike placed the ring onto your ring finger, and you placed his onto his own. Your hands both holding each other afterwords.
“Mike Schmidt,” the priest spoke. “Do you take [NAME] [LAST NAME] to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?”
Mike looked like the happiest man on earth in front of you. “I do.” Gasps and giggles could be heard in the church.
“[NAME] [LAST NAME], Do you take Mike Schmidt to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?”
Your almost new husband looked at you with complete awe, and your heart skipped a beat. “I do.” You said. “And now, everyone’s favorite part!, I pronounce you husband and wife.” The priest spoke. “You may now—” Mike did not hesitate to place his lips on yours, his hands resting on your white dress near your hips. “Kiss the bride..” the priest said with a chuckle.
A/N: this is so corny and cheesy but idc bc I love Mike Schmidt
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nocofamilyau · 2 months
1. since its summer do they go on family vacations...
2. how do mikes classmates/the other parentd react to him havinf 2 dads
3. can we see how/why noah and cody decided to adopt mike dave and raj.. like their upbringing..
They don’t do anything too elaborate, maybe the occasional day trip to the woodsy area/lake near where they live, simple lil trips like that, but they’re saving proper vacations for when the boys are all a lil older and money is way easier to keep (that and travelling with a baby, a kid who absolutely loses it at the drop of a hat and another kid who has a complex mental condition kinda sounds like hell, don’t think anyone would come out of that experience happy)
Yea, most of em are cool with it, I mean they live in Canada where they’re much more accepting, they just treat Mike and his parents like any other family (shit, I think some of Mike’s classmates might also have gay parents too…)
This is kinda harder to answer, but you'd think that Noah and Cody (especially Noah) wouldn't really be the type of people to want kids, but plot/au needs to happen so for the sake of it,, I'd say for both they just felt it was just the next natural step in life (it'd also give them something else to focus on instead of the crushing internal turmoil that C-list stardom during your youth brings you). To get more specific, Noah probably already thought about wanting kids when he was still with Emma (and he'd probably be more used to it given he lived with several older siblings, and possibly dealt with multiple younger cousins, nephews and nieces at it too) while Cody would probably want to prove to himself that he's much more capable than his parents (particularly his father) in terms of loving something.
Besides, most of their time as parents has boiled down to 'fuck it, guess we'll do this now'. Like I mentioned this before, but they only wanted to adopt one kid and keep it at one kid in the beginning. And while they (mainly Noah) both wanted kids, it does make sense that they chose to adopt an older kid than raise them right from the start. Like yea this kid may have mental problems but at least we won't have to deal with sleepless nights and no time to ourselves and constant screaming and crying and shitty diapers and all that stuff (and then fucking Dave comes along and just throws a massive curveball into that plan but they got through it the best they could, so much so that they're confident enough to handle ANOTHER baby, or whatever comes over parents to make them want another kid)
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abiatackerman · 5 months
AOT characters relationships with you.....
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Levi Ackerman
At first your relationship with Levi wasn't good at all. You thought he's an arrogant bastard and he thought you're a lazy assed useless doctor who won't survive even a second on the battlefield. He got more pissed on you because he was ordered to train a fragile person like you and had to turn you into a soldier.
On the other hand, you used to get so pissed with him because he was a strict and harsh trainer. Also not to mention he used to insult you as often as he could. You almost shouted at him every day. But little did none of you two know, Levi liked it when you would get angry at him and you really liked shouting at him.
Slowly but surely, you two started to get close. You started to heal his mental and physical wounds, he focused on making you stronger. Not to mention he never hesitated to let anyone know that he was your protector and he would show no mercy to anyone or anything which will try to hurt you in any way.
But with you he was soft. He would cry on your shoulder, reveal his real feelings to you. You helped him to get out of his childhood trauma, showed him how amazing love and physical affection is.... You made him love you so hard that getting worried if losing you, he dragged your ass to the church and married you just when he got the chance. And thus you two become the ideal couple of the survey corps.
Hange Zoe
She's your best friend in the survey corps. Also not to mention you two spend the most time together. You two are like sisters to each other, you pulling her to shower she's pulling you out of your bed in the morning. Though there's a lot of difference between you two.... You two never fail to get along.
Also, she's the main supporting character in your relationship with Levi. Also the main teaser too!
Erwin Smith
Your relationship with him is formal but you two both respect each other. You slowly but surely get his trust and he started to trust you so much that he never imagined making you a pawn of his bet. Also you both support each other mentally if you two get the chance. Like he would console you if you wouldn't be able to save a soldier's life and you would console him if one of his plans would accidentally fail.
Special Operation Squad members
Since you were a member of this squad too and you spent most of your time with them, your relationship with them was pretty friendly. Especially with Petra, you cared for her like she was your little sister. Also you and Oluo would try to mimic Levi together, have fun chatting with Eld and Gunther. They even forced you to meet their family... That's how close you were with them. You were the breath of fresh air and happiness in the squad.
Mike Zacharias
Your relationship with him was just how two colleagues relationship should be. You two would meet often and talk about the normal things out of formality. Also you liked how amazing his smelling ability was, it always amused you.
Eren, Mikasa and Armin
You always cared for them as you little siblings. Especially Armin, who likes to read books just like you. You would chat with him for hours about your favourite books and not to mention support his amazing ideas and encourage him since he was so insecure about himself.
Eren and you had spent enough quality time together. He was so scared of Levi and you would try to reassure him as you would laugh seeing his scared expressions. Also most of the time you two would talk about the titan abilities and you would try to find out how many similarities titans and humans had until it was discovered that titans are actually humans.
Mikasa and you never really spend that much time together.... But you always respected her for her strength and protectiveness and she loved you for always saving Eren's ass from Levi.
Jean Connie and Sasha
Just like the previous trio, you cared for these three the same. Especially Sasha, you probably cared for her the most. You find her always the cutest and the most adorable. You litarery cared for her so much that you sometimes gave her the opportunity to sneak in the kitchen to steal food. Also you loved cooking for her and enjoyed seeing how happily she ate them.
As for Jean and Connie, you would always enjoy their jokes and stupidity. You would sometimes joke with them too to reduce some weight from your shoulder. They were a refreshment for you from the cruel life of the survey corps.
Historia Reiss
You always felt pity for her. You didn't know her until her true identity was revealed. After she became queen and started to work for the homeless-unwanted children, you helped her to run the orphanage and to manage the kids. You were with her during her pregnancy period and helped her to give birth.
A/N: Hello there everyone! So I decided to write my thoughts on what your relationship would look like with the AOT characters. Of course it's my and only my thinking, you guys can think in your way. Here you means 🫵 (if you wanna imagine yourself) also me and my oc.... The oc of the story I've been writing on my ao3 account.
So that's it! Hope ya all have a great day!
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Summary: After a really bad argument with your brother Mike, you are left feeling distraught after both of you said things you shouldn't have. As you're struggling to come to terms with what happened, you find comfort in the person you least expected. | Words: 4.225K. Requested by @xxinmyfnafworldxx.
Warnings: Mentions of child disappearance. Mentions of poverty. Cursing, miscommunication, hurt/comfort, family drama, family issues, unresolved romantic tension. Smoking. A bit of an age gap, since Reader is younger than Mike and Vanessa. Fem!Schmidt!Reader.
A/N: Okay, yeah, I know this took long but I was busy, sorry. School is beating my ass, my cousin got into a car accident and a stray dog bit me in the leg. It may not have the same quality as the last one, but I did put in a lot of effort, and I do like how this turned out, so I hope you guys like it too.
Main Masterlist | Vanessa Masterlist | AO3
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Nebraska, 1987.
“During autumn, Nebraska is colder than at home. So don’t take off your sweater.”
That was the first thing your dad said when he helped you get out of the car.
Garrett and Mike were already playing tag around the campsite. You chuckled and ran after them, following them into the woods.
That night, at the police station, as you sat beside the only sibling you had left now, you realized your dad was right. Nebraska was indeed colder than Hurricane.
November, 2000.
The past months had been rough.
With Max’s disappearance, you had no choice but to quit your job and stay home to look after Abby while Mike was at work.
After all, Mike had an accident (that he didn’t want to tell you anything about) which caused him to lose another job, which meant even more cost-cutting since he couldn’t keep one job for too long, nor get a high-paying one.
Abby had been there with him the night of the “accident” and she didn’t want to say a thing about it either.
It was driving you insane.
At least things with Aunt Jane had gotten better. But that only was because you had found her passed out in the living room the same night Mike had been injured, and she never came back to bother you and your siblings ever since.
So currently, you were struggling financially, like you always did. 
Mike always got the worst of it.
The smallest portion at dinner, the cheapest clothes, the most worn-out shoes.
You lived in a perpetual state of worrying about him. He would just give you a tired smile, and say, “It’s alright.”
You knew it wasn’t.
Everything changed after Mike lost his job at that old restaurant.
Mike and Abby’s relationship had been magically fixed, or at least that’s how it felt. 
She wasn’t shutting both of you out anymore, and Mike had become more calm and understanding.
There was also Vanessa, the police girl who had stayed a couple of weeks at your house. She was Abby and Mike’s friend and had also been involved in whatever happened in that old place.
Mike had let her stay in the house while recovering from whatever injury she had suffered.
She had slept on the couch. Sometimes you would go to the kitchen for water in the middle of the night, and you would find her awake, looking through the window.
Vanessa never talked much, at least not with you, she seemed to like Mike more. But you would still stay with her until she whispered goodnight and slipped under the blankets.
Sometimes, you would stay even after she had fallen asleep. You were the only one who could wake her from her nightmares after all.
Then she had moved out and you barely saw her. Sometimes she would drop Abby off from school, or Mike would invite her to dinner.
Vanessa was… fine. 
It’s not that you didn’t like her. 
You liked her very much.
But you didn’t have time to acknowledge what that meant. Much less let her know.
 Not that you were thinking of actually doing it.
After all, it seemed like everyone's life was improving, except for yours.
You still couldn’t go to college like you wanted to, since there were no babysitters around to look out for your little sister.
Mike was still jumping from job to job, getting paid barely enough to help with the mortgage and the basic groceries. And you couldn’t help with that either, since nobody wanted to hire you just for the part-time, and even if they wanted to, Mike wouldn’t approve of it.
And even worse, you couldn’t even go out to make friends, because, even if your older brother had changed, he was still as overbearing and overprotective with you.
You were sure that if you went to look at the meaning of overzealous on the library computers, his name would be the first thing to come up.
It always drove you nuts.
Even if you were young, you were already an adult. You didn’t need him to always keep an eye on you.
You understood it was just a trauma response. You really did.
You were there the day Garrett was kidnapped, after all. You recalled the horrified look on Mike’s face as they were interrogating him. His cheeks were tear-stained, his eyes red-rimmed, and he was so pale anyone could have mistaken him as a ghost.
You could remember him saying, “I just looked away for a second. I swear it was just a second,” to your parents' sorrowful faces over and over again.
Still, it didn’t mean you had to suffer such consequences. You wanted to live a normal life, as normal as you could, regardless of what had happened.
Abby sighed profoundly and shifted on her seat, frowning at her drawing. 
You were in the kitchen, making dinner, and close enough to her to notice her discontent, so you pushed the salad you just finished aside and looked at her.
“What’s wrong, Abz?”
She made a face, meeting your gaze. “My friend from school invited me to have a sleepover tonight, but Mike won’t let me go.”
You frowned. When did this kid make friends at school?
And why were you just finding out about it?
“Well, uh,” you trailed off. “Did he give you a reason? Like, is he going to stay late at work tonight?”
Abby shook her head, looking back at her drawing, and put the crayon she was holding down on the table.
Just then, as if you had summoned him, Mike opened the door and stepped into the house.
Abby and you turned to look at him as he took out his jacket, and stepped out of his shoes.
He smiled at Abby, first, ruffling her hair, and looked at her drawing.
“That’s a good one,” he murmured, looking at Abby. He then turned to look at you.
“What’s with that face?” Mike asked casually.
“Abby told me something interesting,” you said, focusing on the salad again.
Mike hummed, peeking into the pots on the stove, and checked what you were cooking. “What did she say?”
You huffed, setting the salad to the side again.
“Well, first of all,” you turned to look at him. “I have just been made aware that she has a friend in school.”
Mike chuckled softly, leaving the pots alone to face you. “Ah, yes. It’s true, she has a school friend.”
You huffed, frustrated. Did neither of them feel like this was important information? After all the time Abby had struggled to make real friends?
“And also,” you continued, “her friend invited her to a sleepover, and you didn’t allow it.”
Mike sighed, already tired from the conversation. “Yes, that’s true, too.”
“So, why can’t she go?” You crossed your arms.
Mike shrugged. “It's not safe for her.”
You scoffed. “You're unbelievable. It's just a sleepover. What's the worst that could happen? Kids consuming too much sugar? She asking her friend's mom to call you because she misses her room? ”
Mike huffed, shaking his head, and tried to walk away from the conversation.
You followed him across the hall and into his room.
“Come on, Mike. What's the worst that could happen? Seriously.”
Mike sighed, turning to face you while he tossed away his tie. “I don't know – I mean, we don't know these people. God knows what strange habits–”
“Are you hearing yourself?” you said, disbelief clear in your voice. “You’re accusing people you don’t know of being,” you gestured with your hands, “weirdos, just because you’re afraid of letting Abby out of your sight!”
Mike rolled his eyes, scoffing. “I'm not afraid, I'm just being careful! It's my job as an older brother–”
“You won't have control over her all her life. You know that, right?” You argued back. “She might be a kid right now but she’ll keep on growing and things will get out of hand, Mike.”
The conversion was turning into a whole-blown argument. You knew you shouldn't press Mike's buttons further, but it was too late to care about that.
“Y/N,” he said in a warning tone. “Don't start this again.”
You scoffed, “Start what, exactly?”
“You know what. I'm not in the mood to argue.”
“You're never in the mood for anything!” You snapped at him. “All you do is work,” you continued. “Or rather, try to keep your job and watch over us like you're our bodyguard. You are going to asphyxiate us with your intensity.”
“I'm just trying to keep you two safe!”
Your voices were raised so high that Abby could probably hear the discussion from the living room.
“Keep us safe–”
“Oh, please,” he practically mocked. “You know I have reasons!”
Before you could argue back, he continued.
“Abby is a kid. She doesn’t understand the dangers she could be in, and you,” Mike met your gaze, “you think I don't notice how you look at me sometimes? Like I'm ruining your life? Like you hate me?”
You huffed, “I don't hate you! I just– I just want some space, okay?”
Mike scoffed, but you ignored him.
“I want to be able to go out at night, to have a job, and make money not only for us to have something to eat, but to buy things for myself too. I want to stop worrying so much about you!”
You took a long breath, trying to calm down.
“I want a normal life. A normal, relaxing life, Mike. Where I can make friends and go on dates without having to sneak out because you won’t agree.”
“Y/N–” he tried to interrupt.
“No!” you cut him off. “You think I don’t know who I remind you of? You think I don't know that when you look at me, you think of Garrett? You think I don’t hear when you tell Abby I look just like him?”
“That’s not true!” he shook his head, now seemingly hurt. “Look, I'm just trying to look out for you! For you and Abby. I'm your big brother–” he said, exasperated. And that was your last straw.
“We don't need you to protect us! Did you forget what happened the last time you tried to look out for one of us?”
A deafening silence followed. Mike deflated, his words dying in his mouth.
You looked at each other for a second before you realized what had been said.
“Fuck,” you exhaled. “Mike, I'm sorr–”
“Get out.”
“But–” You approached him, and tried to take his hand but he cringed, pulling away.
“Please, just…” he trailed off, not looking at you. “Just leave.”
You looked around, thinking of what to do. 
Something, anything that could change the situation you were in.
But of course, there was nothing to do, at least not until Mike had calmed down.
So you left his room, looked at him one last time, and closed the door.
You stood still outside his door, letting everything sink in. You were still angry, but you also felt guilty.
Using Garrett’s kidnapping as an argument during the discussion was a low blow. If there was a hell, you were fucked.
Running your hands through your hair, you approached the living room.
Abby was still sitting at the dining table, eyes fixated on her now-finished drawing.
“Abby?” you called, softly.
She didn’t react. It was one of those moments when she felt stressed so she wouldn’t acknowledge you– or anyone, for that matter.
You sighed, took your jacket from the coat hanger, and stormed out of the house.
You walked for a while, just following the river.
After a good fifteen minutes, you stopped. It was cold, and your jacket wasn’t warm enough.
You sighed in frustration, kicking rocks into the water, and finally decided to sit on the grass.
“Was it really that serious?” You thought. After all, even if it was annoying, Mike's overprotectiveness had probably saved you from a lot of trouble.
You ripped up handfuls of grass as you stared at the water.
“Yes, it is,” you said out loud. Blaming him for Garrett’s disappearance was shitty, but you knew your anger was justified. Mike couldn’t keep being like this.
Not with you, and not with Abby, either. He needed to understand. To learn.
But how would he understand and learn if you only told him about your frustrations after bottling up and then exploding?
It wasn’t fair to him, either. Mike would just feel like you’re being antagonistic.
Grumbling, you rummaged through your jacket’s pockets. The wind had started to pick up and you needed something to warm up.
You pulled out a cigarette pack and a lighter from the front pocket of your jacket.
You huffed. Mike would kill you if he found out. 
Lighting the cigarette, you took a quick drag and as you put the items away again, you felt something strange in your pocket. 
Frowning, you placed the cigarette between your lips and reached into your pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper.
Humming, you unfolded it without care, not remembering what it was.
You almost choked on the smoke.
It was a drawing from Abby.
She had given it to you a few weeks ago after you picked her up from school.
It was a drawing of you, her, Mike, and a little airplane toy. Garrett's favorite.
“God-fucking-dammit,” you said, putting the cigarette back in between your lips to avoid getting ash on the paper.
“Language,” a voice behind you said, and you jumped, turning around.
Standing there, with her blonde hair swaying slightly in the wind, was Vanessa.
“Great,” you thought.
Out of all the people you could have run into this situation, it had to be her.
You noted was wearing civilian clothes: jeans, a cheap-looking sweater, and a jacket. Her hair was also down. Very different from her usual everyday look.
“That’s bad for your lungs. You know that right?” she said, pointing to the cigarette between your lips.
You grumbled, turning to face the water again, and she took it as an invitation to sit beside you.
“I mean that,” Vanessa said, staring at you.
You took a drag and blew the smoke away from her. “I know.”
She hummed. “Does Mike know?”
You frowned, looking at your shoes while the cigarette slowly burned in your hand.
“There’s a lot of things Mike doesn’t know about me,” you answered, meeting her gaze.
You stared at each other for a moment before she spoke again. “Can I?” She said, pointing to the cig. You handed it to her, and she took a puff from the cig.
You smiled. “I thought you said it’s bad for your lungs. What changed?”
Vanessa rolled her eyes, blowing the smoke. She took another puff, then looked at you.
“Nothing has changed, it’s still bad,” and as she said it, she threw the cigarette into the water.
You gasped. “Hey, those are not cheap!”
It was her turn to smile then. “I know.”
You huffed. “Between this and Mike’s pills, I think you can be considered an environmental terrorist.”
Her smile faltered. “He told you about the pills?”
You nodded slowly, humming. “Mike tells me everything,” you said with a smile.
You paused, your mind returning to the night that he arrived limping and with several superficial wounds and scratches, and with a trembling Abby beside him.
“Almost everything,” you thought out loud.
Vanessa looked at the glistening water. “What makes you say that?”
You scoffed. “Come on. Something happened to him in that old pizzeria, and he won’t speak about it. Neither will Abby.”
You looked at her. She shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.
“And I’m assuming you won’t, either.”
She cleared her throat.
“It’s…” She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just something I shouldn’t be the one to tell you.”
You sighed, looking towards the water again. “Called it.”
You two stayed silent for a moment before you spoke up again. “How did you find me anyway?”
Vanessa sighed, rubbing her forehead with one hand.
“Oh,” you breathed out. “Of course.”
Mike had told her to find you.
“He's your brother, Y/N,” she said softly. “I'm sure he only wants what's best for you.”
You felt a twinge of annoyance.
"Yeah sure..." you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "He's always known what's best for me. Like when he convinced me to leave my job so I can stay home and be a housekeeper.”
Vanessa's brows furrowed. “He did?”
You sighed. “It's… more complicated than that, but… that's how it feels.”
A beat passed in silence.
“I know he's doing it because of Garrett,” you murmured. 
“Doing what?” Vanessa asked carefully.
“This. All of this…” You sighed. “Not letting Abby hang out with her new friend, convincing me to stay home and take care of her...”
She watched you intently, waiting for you to continue.
“I can't go out at night, he's constantly barging into our rooms, I can't date anyone,” you sighed, and she seemed to understand, her expression softening.
Slowly, Vanessa reached out to you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
"I understand that Mike can be overprotective at times, I can't deny that,” she said softly. "I know it must suck not being able to go anywhere or do anything without him always checking on you..." she sighs, looking you in the eyes empathetically. "But we both know he just wants to protect you, even if he’s doing it in the wrong way. He loves you dearly.”
You avoid her gaze, your eyes focusing on the grass underneath you.
“It's worse with me.”
“Why do you say that?”
You smile bitterly. “Because apparently, I’m the only one who looks just like Garrett.”
“I–” She began but cut herself off.
“I just wish,” you continued, “he could just try to move on. At least now he's aware it wasn't his fault, but,” you took a deep breath. “I feel like he's still stuck trying to be a protector instead of just being our brother.”
Vanessa stayed silent, and you were grateful for that. You didn’t feel like hearing fake reassurances while talking about Garrett or his disappearance.
“Every time we try to talk about it, it just turns into an argument,” you whispered
“And why's that?” Vanessa squeezed your shoulder. You felt your heart flutter at the gesture.
“I guess… because we're both too stubborn to hear each other out,” you chuckled tiredly, running your hands through your hair. 
Vanessa opened her mouth, but you interrupted her.
“I fucked up today,” you turned to face her. “I kind of… blamed him for Garrett's disappearance.” 
Vanessa seemed shocked by this. Then she sucked in her breath between her teeth.
Your expression turned bitter as you felt your face flush in shame. 
“I know, you don't have to tell me.”
You hid your face in your hands. “He seemed so distraught, so hurt, I can't… I can't stop thinking about it.”
You felt your nails dig into your scalp. “I can’t stop thinking about the pain in his eyes, I can’t unsee the way he just… shrank.” 
Carefully, Vanessa rested her hand on your back, and when you didn't protest, she started rubbing small, comforting circles.
You feel a knot form in your throat.
“I…” you swallowed. “I remember it. The day he disappeared.”
A pause.
“I remember it so vividly,” you huffed a self-deprecating laugh. “I sprayed almost the whole bottle of ketchup on my sweater. Mom guided me to the tent so I could change,” a shaky breath slipped from your lips, and you felt her stomach churn.
The dread, the fear you felt that day would never leave your system.
“Next thing we knew, Mike was running and yelling, desperate. You closed your eyes, the memories flooding your mind.
“Mom, Dad! Help, they took him! They took Garrett!”
You stayed with your eyes closed for a few seconds, as Vanessa kept rubbing your back reassuringly.
“Did you know I had a brother?” She began.
“Really?” You asked with surprise in your voice.
“Mhm,” you could hear her smile in her voice, “we used to be really close. He was always looking out for me.”
“What happened to him?”
Her hand stopped. You tensed up.
“He… disappeared. Many years ago. Just like Garrett.”
You pulled slightly at your hair. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…”
“It's okay,” she said in a solemn voice, but with a small, resigned smile on her face.
“Why are you telling me this?” You finally faced her again.
“Because you can never take your family for granted. You shouldn’t say hurtful things to each other, and if it happens, you should let it cool off and then talk about it, not run away.”
Oh, now she was scolding you.
“I didn't–” you cringed. “Mike asked me to–”
She giggled. Giggled.
“I'm not saying it only because of you. Mike needs to understand that you're an adult now, that he won't always be able to protect you.”
Your eyes lit up. “Will you help me, then? Will you talk to him?”
Vanessa shook her head. “No, Y/N. You two need to sit down, talk, and finally start listening to each other.” She gave you a small smile.
You sighed, nodding. 
“Come on,” she said, standing up, shaking the dirt off her jeans, “I'll take you home.”
She extended her hand, and you took it without thinking twice.
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Vanessa parked her car in front of your house, sighing softly before turning off the engine.
She looked at you, and after a few seconds, you met her gaze.
“You know,” she smiled, “I’m pretty sure you two can actually come to an agreement.”
You huffed, “That’s easier said than done.”
You pushed the car door open.
“Wait,” she said, holding onto the back of your jacket. You stayed still.
“I mean it, Y/N,” she gave you a soft look. 
“Just talk to him. No yelling, not arguing,” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “talk. Really talk…”
You stared at each other momentarily before she let go of your jacket.
“Hear him and… make him hear you,” Vanessa added, a whisper more than anything.
You nodded, climbing out of the car, and closing the door.
She lowered the window. “Good luck, I guess,” she smiled.
You felt your heart speed up. Was this really the end of it? Would she only speak to you when Mike asked her to? So she was just being nice, right?
You swallowed. “Yeah… Well.”
You felt heat rising up your neck, reaching your cheeks. Shame.
“Thanks for the ride, by the way,” you scratched the back of your neck, trying to get rid of the sensation.
“No problem.”
You nodded, and just as you were about to push the front door open, Vanessa called your name and you practically rushed to the car window. “Yes?”
Vanessa let out a breathy laugh and you almost melted on the spot. She opened the glove compartment and took out a notebook and a pen.
She started to write something down. 
“In case you and Mike keep having trouble…” She trailed off as she handed you the paper, which had a phone number written on it. 
You raised your gaze to meet hers. “If it doesn’t work out, you can call me and I can give you some advice,” she grinned at you. 
“And if it does?”
"Maybe we can go for a coffee, then?"
“I don’t like coffee,” you blurted out, feeling your cheeks warm up.
Vanessa's smile grew wider at your reaction and she chuckled softly. "Well, how about tea then? Or maybe we could just go for a walk instead?"
Her tone was playful and her smile was contagious, making it impossible for you to stay embarrassed for long.
You stayed silent, not sure how to respond. All you knew was that it was supposed to be cold outside at this time of the year, but you were sweating.
Vanessa shook her head, still smiling, and her playful tone turned into a sincere one. “We don’t have to if you don’t want–”
“I want to,” you interrupted her. “I do.”
She seemed to perk up. 
“I’ll call,” you said, without a doubt. “I promise.”
Vanessa gave you a soft smile before turning the car on, and slowly drive out of sight.
You sighed, turning to push the door open, and to your surprise, Mike was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, and Abby peeking at you from behind him, smiling.
He met your gaze, and against all odds, he smiled at you. “I guess we need to talk.”
You smiled at him. “Yeah,” you looked down at the small piece of paper in your hands and swallowed. “Yeah. We do.”
Mike sighed, gesturing for you to come inside.
“So you heard all of that?” You said in a weary voice, and Abby giggled.
Mike shook his head. “Maybe we should eat first, I’m about to pass out.”
Right, you still hadn’t had dinner. Your stomach grumbled.
As you followed your brother into the dining room, you had the sensation that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright.
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A/N: Reblogs are not only appreciated but also encouraged. Reblogs are what keep the fandom going.
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keirawantstocry · 8 months
Poly Morning Crew but Vampires/Vampire Hunters :> Pretty please?
emerges from Google docs covered in blood, sweat, and tears 
Fit was a hunter first. That was his priority. He was raised a hunter. 14 years old with a shotgun full of silver bullets in his hands. He killed his first at 14. Anyone else would consider it crazy. Insane even. To Fit it was just life. It's what the Minecraft family did. Ever since years and years before when their great great grandfather Philza first began the hunt of the ungodly beasts. 
Phil was a legend among hunters. The man who first realized that vampires were living among them. Who realized the clubs that lay in the deep city housed thousands of hissing beasts who would bring the crowds in before sending the people home with no memories but the bite marks on their necks. They got sloppy, a friend of Phil's went missing the night she went to the club. They found her dead tossed behind the place with her body shredded open. That's when the hunt began. He killed nearly 70 of the monsters before he disappeared all those years ago. Nobody knew what had happened to him. But his children were hunters. His grandchildren were raised as hunters. And their children and grandchildren after that. 
So the bloody reality was all Fit knew. He learned to see the patterns. To see the trail of bodies they left behind and kill them before they could do any more damage. 
When Fit was born his parents thought their mission was close to over. There hadn't been vampire activity in years. They trained him up anyway. Just in case. Their son would be strong, the greatest warrior and hunter this world had seen. 
He lost them both to a vampire nest on the morning of his 17th birthday. It was that day that Fit swore to hunt down the nest that had done it and kill every last son of a bitch there. 
Pac had been Turned when he was 28. By an apologetic young boy named Tubbo. It was comedic in fact, the way he got Turned. Pac was a human who knew, who volunteered to get his blood sucked. He had to admit the adrenaline did a lot for him, even after losing to his leg when his dear vampire friend Cellbit was a little *too* hungry. But it wasn't what turned him. Turning could only be done by drinking another vampire's blood. 
In stories it would seem hard to do this by accident due to the fact there was no reason to store vampire blood. But they did. 
Tubbo had explained it to him once over some drinks. According to him the blood of different species tasted different. But vampire blood tasted the best. The metaphor he used was “human blood is like a nice juicy steak but vampire blood is like a pure shot of the sweetest honey on Earth”. So Tubbo drank both. Well that's to say he drank many different creature's blood. But the main, the best he claimed, were human and vampire. 
He gave him the wrong glass. By the time they noticed the process had already started. Tubbo apologized a thousand times over but Pac always waved him away. “It's so okay dude. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a vampire.” 
He had nothing to leave to be honest. Mike was immortal, the goddess that possessed his body made sure of that. Any other friends he had were the vampires he held his company with. His family was long gone, parents and siblings. 
The vampires became his family. 
Tubbo was 20 when he was turned. He was a very new vampire. He spent his first ten years in a haze of mindless killing before he was found and taught the ropes, taught how to take care when biting, how to keep the victims alive. He was only 31 years old in human time when he met Pac. 32 when he turned him. His mentor described his mental state as much younger. He had been in a frenzy for ten years, he was barely 22 mentally. Tubbo couldn't help but be glad about that cause no way in hell was he ready to be 32 years old. Even now with vampiric timing it felt too old. He struggled with the implications of turning Pac but the man had nobody left outside of the vampire world. They lived together, Pac moved in. At first Tubbo insisted they build a room for him but once again Pac waved him off. 
It was safer to sleep in the same bed anyway. 
Family. It was a word that Tubbo hadn't really felt in years. He didn't remember his parents or if he had any siblings. Pac became his family, his life, his heart. His everything. 
That was all that truly mattered. 
There was a nest close by, Fit could feel it. There had been signs for weeks in this small town in the west. People with a lack of memories, strange unexplained blood loss, and bites on their necks. 
Fit ducked quickly behind a wall as the current subject he was stalking did a half turn to look behind her. A moment later he heard a door open and then close. Peeking out he saw that she was gone, presumably into the large door at the end of the alley with a blinking red exit sign above it. 
He followed after her. Bingo, he thought as he stepped right into the back of a club. In the very back corner he saw two men, one hunched over the other with his mouth on his neck. Dark hair covered the work he was doing but what else could it possibly be? Creeping over, he slowly pulled out his knife and pulled the guy off the other, holding the knife to his throat. They both gasped as he pressed the metal hard against the man's throat. “Don't move a muscle. I know what gig you're pulling in here.” 
The man still lay half dazed, leaning against the stage and blinked up at him with hazy dark eyes. His hair was mussed and a bright flush covered his cheeks.“What the fuck man?” 
Fit felt the man he held at knife point giggle from where they were pressed together. “Can't a man kiss his boyfriend?” 
Fit hesitated. Had he been wrong? Had he actually just interrupted a lovers tyrst? 
His grip on the knife slackened as his eyes shot to the man's neck. It was a hickey. 
He released the man and he stumbled forward to his boyfriend before turning to face Fit. “You aren't a vampire?” 
The dark haired man laughed while his half blonde boyfriend laughed and slowly stood up. He was a gorgeous man, dark hair and dark eyes with a beautiful yet wicked smile. “Oh, I am. We just both are.” 
Fit raised his knife again, panic sweeping through his veins. So he had been right. 
“Who are you?” the younger looking man asked. “Most humans don't know anything about us.” 
“He's a hunter, Tubbo,” the other man said. “Look at the way he holds himself.” He laughed again. “I thought hunters gave up years ago.” 
Fit gritted his teeth. These bastards were cocky and annoying. “My parents taught me. And their parents before them. And their parents before them. Our great grandfather found out about you and we have sworn to make sure you hellspawn all rot in hell like you deserve. Phil started this job and I'm going to finish it.” 
Both men laughed and it grated on his nerves.
“Do you hear this shit Pac?” the younger looking one, Tubbo, crowed. 
“What's your name?” the one called Pac asked.  
“Last name?” 
They both stared at him, their laughter fading quickly. “You related to Philza?” the half blonde one asked. 
Instantly his guard was up even higher. “You know my great grandfather? How old are you freaks?” 
“We know Philza,” Tubbo said casually as if it didn't flip Fit's world entirely on it's head. 
His heart felt like it shattered at that moment. “Excuse me?” 
“We know him,” Pac repeated, slipping his arm through his boyfriend's. “Wanna meet him?” 
Fit wasn't sure exactly what compelled him to follow the two men. Morbid curiosity perhaps? Whatever it was, he listened to it. 
The place they led him to was an old building, a little house near the edge of town. Beautiful plants grew plentifully out of a lovely garden in the back. 
Pac rapped his fist on the carved dark oak door. It was gorgeous. “Oi, Phil! We have a visitor!” 
The door swung open. A young blonde boy stood there with a golden duck floatie around his middle. 
“Hi Chayanne!” Tubbo said as he picked up the young one and spun him around. It was domestic. Fit couldn't help but feel conflicted about the love between these monsters. 
Behind the young child a man appeared. But he wasn't a man no. It was a creature. A man like one with large black wings and sharp black talons. Shoulder length blonde hair was pulled back at the base of his skull with a green ribbon. He smiled and it was soft, too soft. “Hey guys what brings you all the way out here?” 
“We got someone who wants to meet you,” Tubbo said as he shifted the young boy to his side, the boy resting his head ever so gently on the vampire's shoulder. The amount of trust was debilitating to everything he knew. 
The avian turned to look at him. “Yes?” 
“Let's go inside,” Pac suggested as he placed his hand gently on Fit's arm. For some reason he let him. “This man is about to have his world absolutely wrecked.” 
Fit was gripping the side of the couch hard. It couldn't be. It just couldn't possibly be. 
Phil was staring at him from the other couch, the other side of the room. His son was in his arms, the two vampires were perched on either side of the couch Fit sat on. 
“You're immortal,” he said slowly. “And you live with vampires?” 
Phil nodded. “I hunted them down when I was younger it's true. But they were the ones who took me in when I discovered my wings, discovered my immortality. They're kind, Fit.” 
“They killed my parents,” Fit spat. 
Philza looked sympathetic. It hurt. Fit averted his eyes to look down at the floor. “I'm sorry for that. But you can't blame their deaths on every single vampire. They may be out here drinking blood but do you see killings? Be honest with yourself mate. My friends here aren't doing any harm.” 
Fit let out a deep breath and sunk back into the couch. “It's hard to believe. Cut me some slack. It's all I fucking know.” 
“Then let us teach you more,” Pac said. Fit cut his eyes over to him and was entranced by the sincerity in his dark eyes. 
“You would?” he asked. It felt easy but he couldn't help but want it. To put down his weapons and rest. For the first time in decades. He just wanted to rest. 
“Of course.” 
“My parents,” Fit said slowly. “I want justice for them.” 
Pac's eyes lit up. “We'd be willing to help. Well. Me and Tubbo at least. I do love a good killing. Can't blame me for that considering you're also a killer.” 
Tubbo laughed, high and crazy while Phil chuckled to himself. 
“I'd say you'd do good to go with these two,” he suggested. “They're good boys. You know damn well most vampires woulda just killed you as soon as they knew who you were.” 
Tubbo shrugged. “We like ‘em crazy.” 
Fit looked over at him now, staring intently at those eyes, at the elegant undead face. 
It was crazy. Considering going with these two. But hell there was just something about them. So when he finally said, “okay,” it felt like the beginning of something life changing.
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violetmuses · 1 month
Light Up The World - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Light Up The World - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Burnett!Female Reader
Main Storyline: Your father Marcus finds out that you've been dating Armando Aretas. 🏷 @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful
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For the first time in quite a while, your father, well-known Detective Marcus Burnett, would visit this separate home in Miami.
Unlike your sister Megan, you moved out of the family household for different reasons.
Warm sunlight beamed around. Ringing that doorbell, Marcus stood on the porch waiting near his partner and best friend Detective Mike Lowrey.
Footsteps echoed inside the house and your silhouette moved closer this afternoon.
“Hey!” Your father Marcus and Uncle Mike yelled through laughter and grinned.
“Hi, Dad. Hey, Uncle Mike!” This raving smile brightens as you welcomed both men into the house.
“How's my girl?” Your father Marcus embraces you. “The house is really coming together. You all right?”
“Can't complain, Dad. I'll settle in before you know it.” You smiled toward your father, but Uncle Mike offered eye contact next.
Growing up with your siblings, “Uncle Mike” would show up to the Burnett household quite often and there was no better feeling every single time.
“There's my niece! What's going on?” Mike hugged you once more.
“I'm doing great! How's Christine?” You referred to Mike's wife Christine, a physical therapist. She also helped Mike's shooting recovery years back.
“She's good. We'll definitely come by for dinner or something. This place is beautiful already.” Mike compliments your home.
“Thanks. Hungry?” You headed toward the kitchen with your guests. “I could order some food if you want.”
“Sure. Be careful with your father, though.” Mike glanced toward Marcus. “I'm still looking out after the accident.”
“Of course.” You nodded, thankful beyond words that Marcus is even alive.
Unexpected tragedy struck Mike's wedding as your father collapsed on the dance floor. Marcus then survived this heart attack by some miracle.
After handing over takeout menus to Marcus and Mike, your cell phone rings out of nowhere.
Shit! You realize.
Armando is calling.
Sooner than later, Marcus explained that Uncle Mike learned his truth and stood as the biological father of previous criminal Armando Aretas.
“Hello?” Picking up the call, you finally greeted Armando this time.
“Cariño?” His slightly accented English rasped from the other line.
“What's wrong?” Your heart breaks. For whatever reason, Aretas sounds exhausted.
“Miss you. Can I come over?” Armando wants to visit.
“I miss you too, but Mike just stopped here with my Dad.” You told Armando the truth about Uncle Mike and your father Marcus.
“Damn.” Armando worried a little.
Uncle Mike always chilled out, but neither of you could stand theatrics from Marcus, which is why this relationship hadn't been made public yet.
“Sorry. I'll call as soon as…” You trailed off because Uncle Mike returned the menus. “Hold on.”
“Is that Armando?” Mike whispered to you for a second.
“Yeah.” You nodded because Mike and Christine learned about your relationship first.
“Invite him for real this time.” Uncle Mike just walked away.
Oh my God! You panicked from within, but kept moving forward.
After meals reached this house, the doorbell rang again. Armando knew better than using one key instead. Your father Marcus would lose his mind.
“Hey, man.” Uncle Mike greeted Armando first just in case. “Shit’s cool, but don't do too much with my niece, all right?”
By this point, you unintentionally roll both eyes toward Mike for once.
“Oh! She just gave me attitude. Marcus!” Uncle Mike arched his brow for your reaction.
“What's going on, Mike?” Reaching the foyer, your father Marcus connected dots in his head as you stood right next to Armando.
“Sorry, Dad.” You frowned.
“No! She's dating Armando, Mike! Why didn't y'all tell me earlier?” Scrunching up his face, your father Marcus looked absolutely distraught.
“That's why.” Uncle Mike then pointed to your father. “You overreact with everything.”
“I'm not overreacting.” Your father Marcus pulled himself together, yet rage burned. “Out of everybody on this planet, you're with him?!”
“Dad!” Your own heart breaks near Marcus once more. Even Uncle Mike can't believe what's going on.
“I knew that you would act like this!” Mike clenched his teeth near Marcus. “They wanna be together, so leave it alone.”
“If you ever hurt my baby girl, I'll knock your ass out!” Your father Marcus shouted near Armando despite everything.
“Stop it, Dad. Please!” While Uncle Mike held Marcus back, you nearly cried in Armando's arms.
“I'm sorry. We'll leave.” Uncle Mike apologized here and turned your father Marcus away from the house.
“I can't have anything!” You paced back and forth later.
“Look at me. Opinions don't matter anymore. I'm right here.” Armando stepped closer, but you flinched.
“I love you, but I'm tired.” You would never leave him, yet today wore so much out.
“I know.” His accented English whispered and you fell asleep, hoping to feel better soon.
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bananasbyler · 3 months
(Fuck it, I’m not getting sleep anyway. OKAY so regarding my last post, I forgot the first episode is called The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler. Also pigtails… I’m an idiot sometimes.
Also, I haven’t been in the ST loop in a while because the fandom was so dead a few months ago 😭 I didn’t even know about the Holly recast or teasers or whatever.)
ANYWAY let’s get into it:
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Holly’s delivering a box of some sort in Vecna’s mailbox? My first thought was her being a girl scout but it doesn’t seem like the right outfit.
He’s looking normal, which must mean it’s a mind trick, deception, or upside down related of some sort since we know what happened to him physically in s4.
He’s wearing clothes typically worn in the 50s, when he was a kid, but in the role of an adult man or working father now. Again, another reason why this must be a “vision” or a new (?) power.
*I’d like to note the Poltergeist 2 nod as well, which is even more compelling.
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Why is she seen at a U.S. military base (?) with Mike and Will. Is it some sort of Hawkins or California protection for people who know more (like Will, Hopper, Joyce, etc. with Dr. Owens)?
Or something to do with Holly’s package? Possibly a school project, which is why Mike and Will accompany her? They all seemingly came from school, considering the backpacks. How do they go from all 3 of them at the military base to her being alone with Vecna?
Mike and Will could have an argument, leaving Holly to go off on her own while they’re not watching. Mike could also pull the older sibling threatens younger sibling to stay put/go away/keep a secret but the younger sibling doesn’t and goes off and gets into trouble trope. I’m not sure if that’s really his character, but he is pretty whiny and Nancy did the same to him.
*Side note: their arm bands read MP, idk if that’s important.
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Also, Mike is wearing the same outfit for the Holly scene and the one-on-one scene with El where he doesn’t seem upset or distressed. Meaning this is before or during when she disappears.
The bricks of the buildings look similar but not completely the same in the El photos and military photos. Top of the military base maybe? Or the radio station photos where the bricks seem closer in matching, and more weathered looking?
My best guess is Mike is already meeting up with El, (maybe at the base or station?) he tells Holly to stay with Will, then Will loses Holly somehow (maybe he’s blinded by a vision or feeling. Or just simply loses her?), Holly talks with Vecna and disappears, all the while Mike is having his talk with El. He might blame himself or… unfortunately… Will. Thus creating a weird full circle of the one who disappeared (The Vanishing of Will Byers) lost the new one who disappeared (The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler)
Alternative: He blames Holly? (Doubt)
Alternative: Will and Mike both go to see El, Will leaves earlier than Mike, Mike loses Holly.
Alternative: these events take place throughout the day rather than a sequence.
Alternative: the events of this storyline take place over a number of episodes but probably ends the first episode with showing Holly going missing.
Alternative: They’re all meeting up with the party at the radio place.
Alternative: ??? Tell me some theories in the replies bc I’m seriously interested :] :3
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hearts401 · 10 months
Could you list all of your Au’s and what each acronym stands for
this includes aus without tags but i'll tag the ones that have tags lol
EAPS au. Evan afton's pizzeria simulator: evan survives the bite and goes on to be scooped, later reuniting with an alive and healthy michael in ffps. shenanigans ensue
N? au. Normal? Aftons au: The afton kids survive and evan and michael, along with a ton of other characters, have to work to stop william elizabeth and a mystery killer
normal aftons au: just ur run of the mill happy au. everyones normal and silly
mm au. Murder Mystery au: Afton kids live and liz calls them to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance while they uncover certain... concerning things
Pitdad au: william gets springlocked before he can kill any kids and becomes springbonnie early on. springbonnie also becomes sentient and the two of them have to mend the family william has neglected for so long
dysfunctionally functioning au: Nobody dies but the afton kids have to learn to deal with their abusive household dynamic (important note! the abbreviation for the fic of this au is gbwwwg and stands for getting by with what we've got.)
Wizard's Quest au: Springtrap and William team up in ucn to escape while its in a fantasy type landscape
Michael's robots au: William, Henry, and Michael build the robots together following the deaths of michaels siblings. however not only does william has a lot of dark secrets, mcihael is learning a whole lot about his robot friends (like how. yk. theyre possessed)
Swap au: Exactly what it sounds like. Elizabeth is michael, michael is the puppet, evan is circus baby, charlie and sammy are golden duo, and theres other thigns im not getting into rn
fnaf x tadc au: just the fnaf characters getting put in the digital circus world
fnaf x ut au: fnaf/undertale crossover but i changed so much its unrecognizable at some points
Werewolf will au: william is a werewolf adn kills people and manipulates his friends while keeping his kids hidden for evil nefarious reasons
Employee trio au: William drags vanessa and henry into killing people and everything goes to shit
kill ur dad au: Michael kills william and drags evan in to help him cover it up. unfortunately, william always comes back
Traveling circus au: the funtimes, as humans, run a circus and meet elizabeth who got lost when her father had a springlock accident. while htye take care of her, william gets help from a shady wizard and things dont go well
Fnaf theatre au: where the fnaf game characters are a highschool theatre class and end up making a huuuge broadway show that retells the fnaf movie
anthro au: everyones a furry and the aftons are searching for william who disappeared many years ago
Golden memories au: Evan and Cassidy fail to keep william in ucn and end up losing their memories of everything past being killed (which includes meeting each other officiall) and help cassie throughout ruin
this isnt rlly important but good ending tfc au: novel elizabeth goes home with charlie instead of dying and they become friends
scrap baby's pizzeria: scrap baby (not liz), lefty (charlie), and molten freddy run a pizzeria in ucn and have to watch william while cassidy is away on torture vacation
Foxymike au: Michael is a robot william built years ago. he looks like foxy and ev n liz dig him up and decide to adopt him as their new big brother while william has a more special, evil plan for him
Lizzie time travel au: Elizabeth travels back in time after fnaf 6 and has to fix everything
the immortal and the restless au: Evan survives the bite and both him and mike work to fix everything, but they dont meet again until fnaf 6. evan burns down fnaf 3, and mike still gets scooped and all.
Fredbear sb plush au: Evan follows greg around as a possessed discontinued golden freddy plushy and they become besties
glitched mike au: au where michael goes looking for his missing sister and gets wrapped up in the remains of glitchtrap, whos clawing his way back to life
Zombiegolf au: Michael works at the pizzaplex and is bestfriends with monty and theres other lore but william is glitchtrap, evan and liz r there, and gregory is there lolz
Zombie apocolypse au: William accidently makes a zombie virus and everything goes to shit while his kids search for him and he finds his ex wife again
time travel crack au: Michael goes back in time but hes like. nine. and hes pissed as fuck and is trying to kill his dad wiht cassidy
fnaf wcm au: Ellis goes to the pizzaplex and meets the ghosts of the people who died there (most notably tony, gregory, and cassie) but somethings wrong. gregorys still alive...
Monster Island au: (the fic for this is deep end!) au where the animatronics are giant monsters on an island where a bunch of kids get stranded (afton kids, mci kids, sb kids, ect)
mer cbby au: circus baby is a mermaid that michael befriends (not liz!!!)
Michaels plush shop: michaels family gets cursed as plushies and he realizes any plushy he makes comes to life so he just has a funny little plushy family
flashlight frights au: flashlight duo are springbon and golden freddy and they r besties while william runs fazbear frights and jeremy, michael, and vanessa are security guards there
fredbears pizza mania au: glitchtrap remakes the afton family in a video game and they become sentient
little nightmares au: au based on the LN games. full of angst and horror adn afton brothers
Cityscape au: Au where its all futuristic shenanigans centered around glitchtrap vanny and the sb kids
afton house of horrors au: au where the afton kids meet the very kind hearted robots fredbear, springbonnie, circus baby, and ennard. unfortunately for htem, williams testing his nightmare gas in that house
ucn mike au: post fnaf 4 mike gets stuck in ucn bc cassidy fucked up the timeline and hes stuck with william
warrior cats au: jsut fnaf retold with kitties
Elliz sb protag au: Ellis is the sb protagonist and befriends monty
Williams apprentice au: Elizabeth lives and becomes williams helper
Williams successor au: an au based on a post by @/puhpandas (go follow him!!!! NEOW!!!) where william tries to make evan his successor and evan flips him the bird
Afton family business au: a murder family au catered to me
the sun sets in utah au: Elizabeth, grown by now, returns home after college to find both it and the people in it have changed so much. Especially her family
Glamrock baby au: Elizabeth in the pizzaplex what will she do
marionette emily au: charlie is accidently killed possesses the puppet. henry takes her as his daughter still. what could go wrong? (a lot)
the puppet and the carver: Charlie is trying to get her father to move on, but he has work to do. So much work. A lot of charlie and henry angst n stuff
summer camp au: Michael dies and is a ghost and his family + cassidy investigate
those are the ones of note i can think offff they dont all have tags like i said. I'll link this on my pinned post btw so anyone can find it
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bonefall · 1 year
What was Leopardstar and Carpwhisker’s relationship like?
You know how in Fire Emblem Awakening how there's that side character whose entire existence is dedicated to a running joke that he's the biggest person in the room... but no one sees him, ever? To the point where they even end up thinking an extra goblet at dinner must belong to a ghost?
Face obscured by Chrom's knee on the box art, Mike Wazowski magazine style?
I'm GUTTING Leopardstar's Haggis. It is in the bottom 5 WC entries for me. Leopardstar's childhood bullying was cheap and brainless. How fucking dare they, actually?
How dare they take their ONE confident, intimidating female character, DEFINED by how she was beloved in RiverClan and by her apprentice generation, had no romance, and wasn't a mother figure, and fuck up ALL THREE THINGS???
So. Anyway.
If anyone gets bullied it's Carpwhisker, still by Skyheart.
Brightsky didn't die; she became a kittypet. There were four kits.
Carp, Oat, Leopard, Water.
Mudfur took Carp and Leopard home, due to their resemblance to their famous ancestor, Volestar.
If Mudfur knew what Leopardstar would become... he would have left her there, with her mother. He regrets bringing her back to RiverClan
He feels he should have known better. He became a Cleric shortly after returning because he came to believe that the constant fighting was wrong, and yet...
What did he expect?
Carpwhisker is a nervous wreck who can't stand up for herself despite being as big as a badger, and Leopardstar eventually booked herself a rock appointment
I feel like at some point, Carpwhisker learned the secret about Brightsky... but keeps it to herself.
She can't imagine Leopardstar taking it well, "and um, she's..." (Carpwhisker grasps for words not wanting to outright say she's terrified of her) "...she's a wee bit intense about bad news."
You know that one post about the kid who got severely bullied in school, the teacher put on Dumbo, and they watched every single one of their bullies cheer for the underdog? All the bullies think they're Dumbo.
That's poor Carp. I feel like she used to really like Aftergatherings until Leopardstar told her about the reputation of those events, and that attending them was making Carp look disloyal.
People often take credit for her achievements. She was the one who made the Bonehill practical-- it's not solid bone, it's a mud facade with a layer of bone around it. Tigerstar said it was TigerClan's achievement, and his by proxy.
When Carpwhisker was struggling for breath to correct him, Leopardstar gave her a sideways glance and killed the thought.
So, Carp's relationship with Leopardstar is not great. But Carp defends her, and loves her, and insist she knows best.
Leopardstar is a better friend of Skyheart than she is a sister of Carp. Leopard's beloved by that whole group, and a natural leader from a young age.
I think when Leopardstar dies, Carp is distraught by it. Inconsolable, and it's really hard to tell her in that moment that it sounds like she's a lot better off without her.
She'd probably end up hanging out with Mothwing a lot, seeking spiritual advice. Moth just gives her normal, mortal, nonspiritual advice, but Carpwhisker thinks it's divine.
After all... they both did just lose very toxic siblings that they still loved very much, and are kinda working through that.
In terms of politics, Carpwhisker is a weak-traditionalist. Really, she just goes along with what's popular at the moment, and doesn't make waves. She's conflict-avoidant, and just tries to make others happy with her hard work.
Most of all she just wants peace, really. What if there were no problems forever and everyone was just nice and well-fed and we all took a big nap in this warm den I made. What then.
SO all that to say... She loved Leopardstar. Leopardstar was awful to her. "We're sisters! It's just like that!" (It Is Not Like That.) She was hidden in her shadow. She thought the shadow was normal. She's destroyed when her sister dies. She can only begin to recover once she's gone.
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hibiscusheir · 10 months
Mike Schmidt x Reader (Part 1)
a/n: ... i will not be explaining why I was gone for so long but thank you to those who stuck around even tho I was on an unannounced hiatus. i will try to get to what's in my inbox but at the moment, I'm finishing up my first semester of this year and my finals are literally in two days adkjhewiasdfkj
c/w: all hurt no comfort :), breakups, cursing, fighting, abby's got trauma from her parents being gone so this is rly sad for her-, there's blood in one part, there's sickness in one part, I forgot what nights had what happen but hey it doesn't rly matter all that much-
Out of all the babysitters Abby had had in her life, you were her favorite. You tried to connect with her and supported her when she needed it. You also got along well with Mike, which was a bonus.
It wasn’t until a few months after the first time you and Abby met that you and Mike formed a romantic relationship. You truly loved him, and he was infatuated with you. It was you three against the world, like a little family. More so than it already was with the two siblings. 
Abby enjoyed having you around all the time, instead of just when she needed a babysitter. You acted like her mom, which filled the hole in her heart that had formed when both of her parents had died. Mike did his best to be a good guardian for her, but you just felt like a mom. She thought you and Mike would get married right away from how much you loved each other. For being ten years old, she was observant.
Everything came crashing down when you and Mike had called her into the living room for a conversation. Those weren’t ever good, so she was apprehensive. She swore she could hear her heart shattering when you said, ' We’re breaking up.’ What? Why would you guys do that? You were supposed to be together forever, that’s what Mike had said! You two had promised to love her forever!
“It’s the best decision for what’s going on right now, Abby,” Mike had tried to soften the blow of this news, but it was futile. Abby felt like she had been stabbed in the back, that much was apparent.
Abby had stood up and glared at her older brother. “No! You- you’re supposed to be together forever! You promised! You-” she sputtered, trying to think of something else to say. Her emotions took over and she said something she never meant. “I hate you!” She shouted and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. You could still see the look of betrayal engraved on her face, and the look of shock and guilt on Mike’s.
Once that bedroom door was closed, Abby pounced on her bed and wrapped her blankets around her figure as tight as possible. The tears came quickly and plenty, falling onto her shirt, pillow, and stuffed animal that she had practically glued to her chest. How could you do this to her? She had already lost both her parents, she had no friends (well, save for the ones only she could see), and- and you both had promised!! That had been her main issue: you two had promised to be with her forever. Now you and Mike weren’t going to want to talk to each other, and you were going to leave, and you weren’t going to want to babysit her anymore, and she was going to lose her favorite babysitter, and- and-
She could hardly breathe with how much she had been crying. Her throat and chest hurt, but the sobs wouldn’t cease. She had laid there, curled up under her covers, with hot, angry tears staining her youthful cheeks, for what felt like hours. Maybe it had been hours, she couldn’t tell. Time didn’t matter to her. All that mattered was that she hated Mike a lot at that moment. A lot a lot.
You and Mike, still sitting in the living room, glanced over at each other. There was guilt present in both of you, but neither one of you said anything. What was there to be said? It wasn’t going to work out at this moment in time was what you had said. “...I’m… gonna call that guy back. For the night job.” Mike had broken the tension-filled silence, albeit awkwardly. He looked over at you hesitantly. “Would you still be able to watch Abby?” he had braced himself for your answer. No, why would I watch my ex’s sister? I never want to see you again, was what he had convinced himself you would’ve said. You had to have hated him. He had broken up with you… right? Or was it you who had brought it up? Maybe it was mutual? He didn’t know.
“Yeah,” you had given him a small nod. “I can still watch her.”
That was three weeks ago. It had taken a little while for all the paperwork to get done, but now, Mike was employed as a nightguard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. It didn’t pay well, and the hours were shit, but it was something.
You came over almost every night to watch Abby, a smile plastered on your face every time you saw her. Although she had recovered from the breakup announcement, it had put a dent in your guys’ relationship. She spent all her time in her room, drawing and talking to her imaginary friends. This behavior, although previously normal, was becoming alarming, as it was never this frequent. You had tried everything to get her to talk to you: starting conversations, waiting for her to come to you, bribery, et cetera. Nothing worked.
It was about eleven PM when you got to the Schmidt household, your overnight bag slung over your shoulder. You, per usual, opened the door and called out for the young girl. “Abby, I’m here!” You weren’t surprised to see her sitting at the kitchen table, coloring, and not giving you as much as a side glance.
Mike was dressed in his uniform, his vest fitting on his body perfectly. You had always admired how he was able to look good in anything he wore. He could’ve worn a pink onesie and you still would’ve thought he was hot. But you couldn’t tell him that, not anymore, now that you were broken up. Honestly, you thought about asking him if he was open to getting back together. But, then again, what would he even say to that? And even more mind-boggling was thinking about what Abby would say. She already felt betrayed enough- she would probably break down if Mike agreed to get back together.
“(Y/N), hey. Abby needs to be put down for bed, but she won’t listen to me. Think you can handle her?” Mike asked with a small smirk tugging on his lips.
You set your bag down on the floor by the door and walked into the dining room, right behind the young girl. “Hi, sweetpea. Whatcha’ drawing?” You placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at the surprisingly detailed artwork she had created.
“My friends.” She said monotonously, not even looking up to glance at you. You had become accustomed to this sort of treatment by now, and while it hurt that your smiley girl no longer smiled so brightly, you knew there was nothing you could do to revert her.
She was obviously in the middle of the drawing, with you and Mike on each side of her. In previous pieces, you two had been side-by-side, holding hands and smiling. That was no longer the case. On Mike’s side, there were two other children: one with long blonde hair and one with short dark-brown- maybe black- hair. On your side, there were two more children: one with short blond hair and one with auburn hair. All the children were smiling, while you and Mike had blank expressions.
“Good to know I’m your friend, Abs.” You tried to joke with her, rubbing her shoulder as you spoke, but that seemed to have no effect. When you realized nothing you were doing was going to get her to talk to you more, you sighed. “Abby, it’s time for bed. It’s past eleven.” 
Abby looked up, finally, and frowned. “I don’t want to go to bed. I’m not tired.”
“This isn’t up for debate, love. Bedtime, now. I’ll help you pick out some pajamas while you go brush your teeth.” Your voice wasn’t stern, more calm yet still authoritative. She must’ve realized you weren’t playing around, and with a dramatic huff, she left the table to go to the bathroom. Once she was out of earshot, you sighed and rubbed your face.
“She listens to you so much more than me,” Mike commented, adjusting the collar of his shirt. You glanced up at him and nodded, watching out of your peripherals as he leaned against the kitchen table beside you. An awkward silence bloomed in the already tension-filled air as you both stared ahead, watching the other out of the corner of your eyes.
Finally, you spoke. “This is, what, your fourth night, right?”
“Okay. Just making sure.” A partial lie, but he wouldn’t notice. You mostly just wanted to hear his voice again. As always, it was perfect, like the rest of him.
Upsettingly so, he saw right through you. Even worse was that he said nothing on the matter. He stood there, staring ahead just like you, not saying a word. The only sounds in the entire house were the sounds of you two breathing, the sink in the bathroom running (presumably from Abby brushing her teeth), and the soft hum of the air conditioning running through the home.
Mike was the first to move from this position, claiming he had to get going to work. It was disappointing that he couldn’t stay longer to talk, but you didn’t fight him on it.
“I’m gonna go help Abby. Stay safe.” You announced. Mike had never told you about what went on at the Pizzaria, so it made him do a double-take when you told him to stay safe. He stared at you momentarily before nodding and heading towards the door. And with that, it was just you and Abby.
You walked into Abby’s room and looked for some pajamas for her to wear. Sure, she was ten years old and perfectly capable of picking out her clothes, but it was something you had offered to do when you first started seeing her, and she never opposed the action. You finally settled on a pale pink t-shirt and some fuzzy pajama pants with little pumpkins on them. You laid them out on the bed and left the room, waiting for her to go in and change so that you could tuck her in for the night.
Once she called for you, albeit begrudgingly (she’s convinced she doesn’t even need a babysitter anymore), you went in and found her already under her covers, her stuffed animals crowded around her. You smiled and were reminded of simpler times when she would beg and beg you and Mike to read her just one more story or have you sing one more song because although those times are probably long gone, the memories are still embedded in your head. You tucked her in and kissed her forehead, smoothing her hair back before whispering goodnight to her. Thankfully, she whispered the same.
You left the room and went to sit down on the couch. Once your body hit the leather, you immediately sighed heavily and brought your hands to your head, rubbing your temples as though you had a headache. In reality, you were just tired. And maybe stressed. Scratch that, you were feeling a lot of both.
You wanted your family back; the family you had formed with Mike and Abby. You wanted to call him and tell him you still loved him and that you prayed he felt the same. You wanted to sing a million lullabies to Abby every night and tell her every bedtime story imaginable. You wanted that comfort back. But it seemed as though that wouldn’t be happening any time soon.
Sometime in the middle of the night, you woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. You had fallen asleep and groggily looked over to the clock on the wall, reading that it was four in the morning. You woke up immediately, not knowing if someone was trying to break into the house. You grabbed the nearest object, a broken table lamp (in retrospect, you should’ve run to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, not a fucking table lamp), and cautiously made your way to the front door. You took a deep breath and braced yourself before throwing the door open. 
There stood an injured Mike and a blonde woman whom you had never seen before. Your defensive instincts fell, and they were replaced by fear for Mike, and jealousy, because who was this woman? And why was she so goddamn pretty? No, why was Mike hurt? Was he bleeding?!
“Michael Schmidt, what the hell happened?!” You practically yanked the two inside the house and immediately sat Mike down on the couch, looking him over. Your eyes darted from wound to wound as your mind raced with possibilities for what caused this.
He let out a shaky breath, as he was in excruciating pain. “Looks like I didn’t listen to you…” he chuckled, but it stopped once he realized you were glaring at him.
“What? Mike, I’m serious. What happened?” Your gaze moved from him to the mystery woman, who you realized was wearing a police uniform. “What the hell happened to him?” You demanded, your voice dropping.
The woman was quick to assure you that she was not the cause of Mike’s injuries. “Calm down. I can explain everything if you just sit down and let me talk.” She sounded so calm, and that fact pissed you off. How could she be so nonchalant about this?!
“(Y/N). Please.” Mike placed a bandaged hand atop yours, which had been holding onto his shirt sleeve. The action caught you off guard. It made your eyes widen as you realized how desperate he was. 
You gulped and nodded your head. You sat down beside Mike, your legs brushing together, as you looked up at the mystery woman. “You’ve got five minutes.
Surprisingly, the blonde was able to explain a lot in five minutes. For starters, her name was Vanessa. She was a police officer, which was a job you considered in the same genre as Mike’s position as a security guard. She was rather vague about it, but what you got from it was that the pizzeria was a hotspot for kids in the eighties, especially for birthday parties. Once kids started disappearing, and the animatronics started acting ‘off’, the place was shut down. The owner never tore it down, supposedly for its ‘sentimental value’. The reason Mike was hurt, was because the animatronics had attacked him. That made your blood run cold.
“So you’re telling me that Mike has been risking his life these past four nights? For shitty wages?” You turned your head away from Vanessa and Mike and stared ahead at the wall. Did Mike know all this beforehand? Was he planning on keeping this from you, or would he have told you eventually? What would Abby think if she found out her brother got hurt, or worse, died?
You hadn’t realized it, but you began to quiver. You rocked yourself back and forth ever so slightly, your arms wrapped around your body, and your lower lip lodged between your teeth. Mike tried to reach his hand out to place on your shoulder, to comfort you, but you immediately recoiled. He looked more surprised than anything, but there was a hint of hurt there too.
“This is only the second time this has happened, (Y/N), I swear-”
“The second time out of four days of working there?!” Your voice raised but quickly lowered again when you realized where you were. “Mike, please, find another job. We can’t-” You stopped yourself from making a statement that made it seem like you were still a family. You caught yourself, changing up your word choice. “Abby can’t lose you.” Your voice was down to a whisper now, and you looked truly hurt that Mike kept this from you.
Vanessa stayed quiet and backed up a few steps to give you both some space.
You rubbed your eyes in both exhaustion and frustration. You couldn’t even look Mike in the eyes right now.
Mike tried again to calm you, opting to put his hand on your knee. This time, you didn’t push him away. “I’ll be careful. Promise.”
Finally, you glanced over at him. “You better fucking keep it. Because if you die…” You couldn’t even finish that sentence.
“I won’t.” His smile was infectious, and you couldn’t help but fall in love all over again.
You really should’ve just risked getting Abby sick, rather than stay home one night. You had come down with strep throat, and it just so happened that the last day you had it was when you needed to babysit Abby. You called Mike to explain the situation, and although he was a little frustrated because he couldn’t get another babysitter, he assured you that it was not your fault. And so you went about your day, laying in bed, watching TV, eating soup, really just doing anything you could to keep your mind off the guilt you felt.
By the time night rolled around, you were out cold. You had taken some medicine a little bit before bed, and the ‘helps with insomnia’ benefit listed on the bottle was not a lie. You were so deep in REM that you almost didn’t wake up to your phone ringing on the bedside table. Thankfully, you did. The caller ID read ‘Mike Schmidt’, and you picked up the phone, putting it up to your ear.
If you weren’t awake yet, you certainly would’ve been after he started talking. You were still a bit drowsy, and Mike’s words were partially intelligible, but the words you could make out were ‘couldn’t replace’, ‘animatronics’, ‘Vanessa’, ‘Abby’, ‘electrical discharge’, and ‘hurt’. You managed to form your theory as to what had happened, and boy did that wake you up. You shot out of bed and tugged a pair of socks on before slipping on your shoes, not even bothering to tie them. You were about to tell Mike not to hang up, but then he did.
You drove there in record time, probably going over the speed limit, but that didn’t matter. Abby was hurt. Your theory was that Mike couldn’t get someone to watch Abby in time, and so he took her to the pizzeria. That alone was enough for you to feel angry, but you were furious to know that Abby got hurt. Electrical discharges are no joke, and you needed to see her to at least look her over and decide if she was okay. Maternal instincts die hard, you guessed.
You practically broke the door by opening it so quickly. Abby and Mike were sitting on the couch. When she saw you, her face sort of glowed like it used to. She ran up to hug you, and you bent down and caught her in your arms. You swayed her back and forth, rubbing her back and combing through her hair as you whispered inaudible ‘thank you’s to God. She was okay by the looks of it.
When you let go of her, you immediately stared at Mike with the angriest expression you had ever had. He looked sad and guilty. But also sort of numb. Like he’s been through this before. Like he knew this was how it would end. This was how it ended with everyone.
“Abby, go get in bed,” Your voice was stern but softer than your expression.
She looked like a kicked puppy when you ordered her away, but she did as you demanded, and slinked away into her bedroom, closing the door.
“(Y/N), I can explain-”
You laughed, but it wasn’t out of humor. It was dry, and he could tell you were pissed. Pissed couldn’t even describe how livid you were with this beautiful, beautiful man.
“You better have a good excuse as to why Abby got hurt, and why you took her to the pizzeria in the first place, knowing it was dangerous.”
Mike had never heard your voice sound this venomous, and it worried him. He was used to everyone looking at him with such disdain, but not you. He had never seen your soft face and gentle smile look like this. “...You’re right. There is no excuse. …I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say that to me. Say that to your little sister, who you’re supposed to protect. I thought you didn’t want to live up to your aunt’s opinion of you.” The moment those words left your lips, you immediately regretted it. That was a low blow, even if you were upset.
Mike’s lip quivered, and he visibly stepped back. “I’m- I’m don’t. I don’t want to live up to that. But if that’s really what you think of me…” His voice trailed off, leaving you two in silence. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. And although he tried to hide it, you could see the tears in his eyes. It was rare that Mike cried, and even more scarce when you witnessed it. You couldn’t bear to see him anymore; you had to get out of there.
And so you did. You left without saying another word. You didn’t even say goodbye to Abby, who would’ve very much appreciated someone coming to check on her. Although you thought she had closed her door, she only pulled it to. She heard every single word exchanged between you and her older brother. She was scared. Scared that you and Mike may never get back together. Scared that Mike wouldn’t be nice anymore. Petrified that she would never see you again. And she didn’t know how to feel about that. She curled up in her bed, pulled the covers over her head, and sobbed until her throat burned and she felt like her lungs were going to fall out. It was all her fault.
(part two will be out eventually, once I get the time to write)
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ceriisehart · 10 months
No need for words
Word count: 1 400
TW: The grammar is dead
Content: Hurt/comfort? | angst | spoilers
This piece was born thank to a silly little discussion I have with @janitorhutcherson about what type of sport Mike would have played in middle and high school. Eng isn't my first language so I apologize for the mistakes 💀
You were more than familiar with Michael Schmidt. Having both your parents acquainted and living in the same little suburb would do that to you. Playing in each other's garden, climbing trees and chasing imaginary treasure maps. Through the years you had seen him developing a liking to sport, baseball in particular. The way his hazel eyes had lit when both of your fathers had dragged you to a baseball game was still perfectly inked in your mind.
Then, out of nowhere, little Garrett disappeared. You learned it from your parents, who themselves learned from Mike's one. It shocked you. How could that have happened? Being twelve years old, you had been warned many times about the danger lingering and hiding outside. But never could you have thought this was ever going to happen to you. Or someone you knew. All the time you had passed with the Schmidt brothers flashing in front of your eyes. For weeks, you hadn't had news from your friend. Weeks that soon turned into a whole month. You were worried sick, and the back and forth of the police car to the Schmidts house wasn't helping.
And one day, your parents sat you in the living room, dumping the news that Garrett wasn't going to ever be found. You had cried a lot that night. You couldn't start to imagine how Mike was possibly feeling across the street. That was why, the day he officially came back to school you dropped your backpack to your friends feet, not caring one bit about your stuff, to go and hug the boy.
You had tightly gripped his shirt, not ready to let go. You never once asked him how he felt, knowing he was more than likely going to get harassed by classmates and other professors about it. You just made it clear to him that you weren't going anywhere. You assured him that you were always going to be here for him.
You had witnessed first hand the life seeping away from his body. Not even baseball was appealing to him anymore. It was clear that healing would take a while. You were aware of that. Yet you couldn't help but blame yourself for not finding a way to relieve him from his pain.
And the sudden arrival of a new Schmidt didn't help at all. The fear of losing a sibling again had struck Mike head on. He had failed Garrett before, why would it be different this time? He wasn't ready to be an older sibling again. In all his panic, you were grateful. You knew it wasn't how you were supposed to feel, but he had come to you. Just like you would have gone to him. Within all the reshaping Garrett's abduction had done, it had never affected your relationship with the older Schmidt's brother. He had closed himself up to people, except to his inner circle that you were a part of. And this piece of information was making your gloomy day better.
After a few years, you were now in your last year of high school. Thankfully, Mike was doing better. He was enjoying life a little bit more, even though you knew he wasn't healed hundred percent. There wasn't a world where he could forget and forgive himself for what happened. But him wanting to play baseball again was a start you were more than happy to witness. You couldn't wait to go and see him play like you used to.
Both of you were closer than ever. Even though you weren't seen often together at school, people just knew there was no separating you. Everybody knew it, to the point that they were whispering in corridors and back of classes if you and Mike were only just friends. Ambiguity was lying between the two of you making every last one of you friends and classmates doubt your relationship. And even though you had silently decided to not address the matter at hand by pretending you didn't know, you both knew.
Of course something was going on between you two. It wasn't new. Electricity had grown during all this time you had known each other. Both of you were just a little too blind to see it at the beginning. It all eventually made sense one summer night. You were off school, walking aimlessly in your neighborhood in a comfortable silence. The small breeze was brushing through your loose hair, while your hand was brushing against his. Linked pinky soon shaped into intertwined hands as he walked you back home. None of you said a word that night. You knew each other perfectly, both satisfied with what you had. There was no need for words to cross your lips.
So you let the whispers run free in your school. You let people say whatever they wanted. Mike let his teammates teased and taunted him every time they would spot you at their training or official games. You let the rumors slide. Because there was no need to tell the world how it was between you. You were both already aware.
And it all went crashing down when Mike's mother passed away, soon followed by his father. He was alone again with a kid in charge and an awful greedy aunt in his shadow. Still living across the street, having your parents moved away, you had tried to be there for him, like you had promised. But again it seemed like whatever you would do was never enough to ease his mind. Working in the local bookstore, you had offered taking care of Abby for him. Suggestions that Mike had strongly disagreed with, saying you already had enough on your plate. Statement you both knew was false.
He was so stressed out, tired. You worry was back on track in a flash when he came into the bookstore buying a book about dreams and memories. The explanation he gave you did nothing to reassure you. His parents dying had opened an old wound you thought was partially healed. You saw the pills, the debts, the anger rising without knowing how to help. That went on for months until you took the matter into your hands.
Waiting on the small set of stairs in front of the Schmidts door house, twirling your keys, you saw Mike parked his car getting out. Standing up you walked the distance separating you. “Don't worry about Abby, my parents are here, she's with them.” You answered before he got the time to ask. “You're coming with me.” Again you didn't let him have the time to protest, taking his hands in yours, crossing the street to your car shoving him in the passenger seat.
The drive was silent, just like most of your walk were. Nothing had changed you guessed. After an hour or so, you parked into a rather empty parking lot. Getting out of the car, Mike could read “batting cages” lightened in neon color above the entrance of a building.
When you started your journey to the edifice, he followed hot on your heels. Inside you were greeted by the familiar sound of baseball being hit. While you paid for the most far away cage, Mike took in his surroundings. Memories were flooding back in his mind, stopping when you called for him.
Putting on the rented gloves he got inside the cage, muscle memory kicking in as soon as the first ball was sent his way. After two others hit, he knew why you had dragged him here. He needed to get his anxiousness and anger out. So he indulged. And it lasted for two hours. Two hours you spent sitting on the bench watching your neighbor and friend never missing a hit.
Getting out of the cage, he discarded the gloves sitting down next to you, taking the bottle of water you offered him. He was more relaxed now as he took a swing of the water, back against the wall behind you.
“How did we get here.” He almost whispered, putting the bottle down, never looking at you.
Next to him, you examined his features; the sweat rolling down his neck, his hair sticking to his forehead, the sad look in his hazel eyes. Turning your gaze back in front of you, you mimicked Mike leaning your back against the wall.
“I don't know.” was all you answered.
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skyblueartt · 4 months
It’s 1:30am and I just had another fictional guys thought out of nowhere and tumblr is is the only place I can post about them without looking insane !!!!
This is SO SELF INDULGENT but my favorite Fnaf fanon thing ever is ‘uncle Henry’, right, like him and scooped Mike just having each other. WAHHhhhh- what if…what if for a while they’re like…healing, I guess. (???? Imagine. Lol) But then Fazbear’s Fright like opens up and BRUHhhh can you IMAGINE your child being murdered (alongside multiple children) in YOUR OLD RESTAURANT and then like 30+ years later they make a HALLOWEEN ATTRACTION 💀 if I was Henry I’d lose my fucking mindddd, dude ‼️‼️‼️ that’s like the final strawwwww
ANYWAYS Mike figures out Springtrap is his dad yadayadaya, and what if. What if what if what iffff Henry and Mike planned the whole Fnaf 6 fire thing together. What if they both mutually agree to burn together in that fireeee. Henry’s like “well fuuuuck I’m old now anyways lol, and idk how I can go on normally after this and I just wanna see my daughter again if there is a heaven” and Mike’s like “well! I am a walking corpse and I also wanna see my siblings and righting the wrongs of my dad was my life’s goal” and it’s like. Well. “Let’s go down with the ship”. AU OR HEADCANON OR WHATEVER I’m sobbing
Henry and Mike just sorta hugging each other or something after the place goes up in flames “…I love ya, kid. See you on the other side😎” that’s so self indulgent but lemme have thisss
I make yap session posts about ficitonal media instead of writing fics (<——is lazy)
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Elizabeth ? - William x Male!Reader
A/N: This is split in two Chapters, because it would have been too long otherwise. TvT
WARNING!: Mention of corpse, cursing, mention of possession AND MORE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
It had been five months since Penelope Liz Afton and Alex Zero Afton were born. William was mostly in bed, recovering, when he was walking around, M/n stayed around or Mike was written sick from school to keep an eye on his Father.
Evan mostly looked out for his new siblings, still feeling like trash, that he didn’t say anything about Lizzy sooner. M/n told him to keep silent about that to William, because he didn’t want him to stress out. He was recovering, there was no time for him to stress. He had to feed the babies, lose weight and heal.
M/n knew for a long while that William healed best when he slept a lot and ate more than usual, so he told him to stay in bed mostly. While William was recovering and breastfeeding the Babies, M/n, Henry and Mike tried to do his jobs.
Mike took care of the finances, so they all got paid and sometimes took over the Nightshift in Fredbear’s. He offered to also go to Circus Babies Entertainment and Rentals, but M/n refused him. Sometimes, Reina also came over and helped out, by cooking and telling Mike to not overwork himself. M/n was thankful for her. Michael was like William if it depended on it, he was a workaholic. Will would smack Mike over the head and tell him to sleep, if he knew.
Henry took care of both of the restaurants and took over most of Will’s Nightshifts. He took full control of the Restaurant, paying the bills, dealing with the Costumers, doing the paperwork, etc.
M/n helped where he could. He went shopping for food, he helped Henry out by doing a part of the paperwork from Fredbear’s, he took the Nightshifts, he tried to repair the Animatronics, if they broke down, remembering what William taught him and explained to him, just anywhere, where he could, he helped.
Evan was always watching his siblings. When they fuzzed and Will was sleeping, he tried to cheer them up and calm them down. He was afraid of loud noises, yes, but he wanted to be there for his siblings.
They did all they could in those five long months. At the third month William started to exercise a bit, losing the extra weight that stayed after childbirth. As the fifth month was half over, finally, William was fully recovered again.
Henry put him on a strict working and break schedule. He was allowed to work for 20 minutes, with one hour break in between every 20 minutes, so he can feed his Babies and catch a breath. If William won’t keep to the rules, Henry will put him on 4 years of Maternity. William was always bad with breaking habits, the Babies needed feeding until they were at least a year old and they can be very random too and then William has to decide with the Babies, if they want to continue with the breast feeding a bit longer.
Henry will not have William overwork himself for the next 6 years !
As William was working, M/n made Michael responsible for his newborn siblings, telling him that he had something else to do, something important. That was when he finally had enough time to look for Elizabeth.
He put on William’s old Circus Baby’s working clothes, took the old ID, to get inside the elevator, and stole the spare keys from William’s safe, in their Bedroom. Then he left, telling Mike and Evan to not utter a WORD of where he was going or where his stuff went. They promised to be silent. Evan was worried and felt sick, while Michael was confused as to why M/n, his Dad, would go back to that old place.
Not many went there for the Nightshift, nor the Dayshift. That day it was even closed, because of repainting Circus Baby’s Gallery.
So here M/n was now, staring at Circus Baby. He stood a few feet away from it, not wanting to get too close in case. He sighed and stared. He was hoping that he will get Elizabeth back.
“Circus Baby, power on.”, M/n demanded.
The Animatronic reacted.
“Circus Baby.exe.powering on.”, the System informed and not long later the eyes of the machine started to glow.
M/n almost choked in shock as he saw the eye color. William didn’t change it, he knew that.
‘Why are they green, like Elizabeth’s ? They were blue the whole time !’
M/n was VERY cautious. He glared at the machine. It glared back.
“Alright...You are one creepy clown. I really don’t understand what Lizzy saw in you... Let us open your Stomach and see if Evan didn’t dream what happened.”
The Machine didn’t move for a while, then it nodded and stayed still.
“If you stupid thing try to kill me, I will dismember you, PIECE BY PIECE.”, M/n swore darkly.
No reaction from the machine. M/n went in front of it and opened the stomach cavity. What he found made his heart drop and he felt sick. The smell was horrid and the sight was not better either.
“Oh God...”, M/n muttered.
He carefully pulled out the body. The DEAD body of Elizabeth. It was already rotting and it smelled really horrid, it also was very mangled.
“Fuck, Lizzy...”
He let tears escape his eyes, saddened and struck by grief. Elizabeth was dead and she was for a while now. He didn’t even notice that Baby closed her cavity and came closer. She was also struck by grief, remembering who M/n was.
She needed his help. She wanted to go HOME. She wanted her Daddy, Brothers and him back ! She was so scared and alone... She HATED it ! She should have listened to her Daddy...
“I’m so sorry Lizzy. We tried to find you and there was no trace of your whereabouts. Mike forgot his pills and thought he hallucinated, Evan was too scared to tell us, we didn’t check Baby, because we thought you didn’t go near them anyways, we didn’t see you on the security cameras and the police stopped trying to find you after a while. I am so sorry. I failed you as a Dad...”, M/n babbled in grief.
Circus Baby’s eyes widened in shock. So her Daddy and M/n were serious.
“We planned the wedding a month ago and...and you have two new siblings too. Alex and Penelope. You would have loved them, Lizzy. I bet you would have loved to support your Daddy through that difficult time as he gave birth to them. Evan and Mike were so brave and supported him, they were with him in the same room, comforting him. You would have been so proud.”
At that Baby couldn’t stay silent anymore. It hurt her that M/n thought she was gone. She wanted to go home and meet her new siblings, wanted to know what else she missed out on, wanted to be there when they will marry...
“D-Dad...”, Baby stuttered out.
M/n froze and whipped around, seeing Baby right behind him. He sprung up with Lizzy in his arms, glaring at the machine.
“Stop it ! You are NOT Lizzy ! You are the very machine that KILLED OUR LIZZY !”, M/n yelled outraged.
“Dad, p-please... I-I’m scared. I...I became Baby after I died. I don’t...I don’t know h-how it happened. Papa, please take me home. Please do something ! Help me, please !”, Baby said, scared and broken.
She fell to her knees, oil leaking out of her eyes. She was so scared that M/n will leave and not believe her. M/n was shocked.
“I wanna see Mikey again ! I wanna go back to Daddy a-and Evan ! I wanna go home, Papa ! I don’t wanna stay here ! It’s so dark and quiet in here... Papa, please, help me...”, Elizabeth begged.
M/n stared at Circus Baby.
“Lizzy ? Is that really you ?”
The machine nodded.
“My Daddy is William Afton, you are his Boyfriend, M/n L/n, I have two Brothers, Michael Afton and Evan Afton. Evan is very afraid of the Animatronics, Daddy made, and Mikey bullied Evan, because his friends forced him to do it. I was the youngest of the Family.”
M/n stared in absolute shock at her.
“You are definitely Lizzy... Fuck...How...how will I be able to...”, M/n was thinking hard about what to do.
If he told William three things might happen. A: William will go insane B: William will tell M/n that he has gone crazy and he will put M/n into an asylum C: William will lose his shit and believe M/n, trying to help Lizzy to look normal again and overwork himself again.
“Papa, please don’t leave me...”, Elizabeth begged.
“I am not planning to, but...I don’t know what to tell William. There are too many options that he would NOT understand...”
“Bring me home and then tell him. I am the proof, right ?”
M/n was in deep thought, then shook his head.
“No, we are going to Uncle Henry. He will know what to do and how to trick William into making something, without freaking out. As soon as he made something, Henry asked of him, to make you look normal, we will tell William. I can’t have him overwork himself again.”
Baby nodded. Together they left the Pizzeria and made their way to Henry’s.
-Time skip-
“You have gone crazy, M/n.”, Henry claimed agitated.
“I am not, Henry. Believe me, I thought I was going crazy, but Baby talks like a human, not robotic anymore, not in code and she knew things about the Afton Family, only Lizzy knew. PLEASE help us with her. I don’t know HOW she possessed the very thing that killed her, but I NEED you to convince Will that it would be for a new project. Anything that can make her look less robotic.”, M/n begged.
“How did you even know that Elizabeth died by Circus Baby ?”, he asked suspiciously.
“Mike and Evan saw it happen. Mike forgot to take his pills and thought it was just in his head and Evan was too scared to tell us. He only told me recently after the Babies were born. I wanted to investigate sooner, but we were all very busy with replacing Will, until he was better.”
At that Henry grew very concerned and less wary. He started to get the picture. He sighed and massaged his temple, already feeling a headache to arrive soon.
“Fine, I will help you.”, Henry then said.
“Thank you, Henry ! Thank you.”, M/n thanked him relieved.
Then small footsteps were heard and Charlie appeared. She looked around the corner.
“Dad ? Why is CB here ?”, she asked her Father.
“Hi Charlie !”, Baby/Elizabeth greeted.
Charlie stared at the robot and Henry sighed.
“Circus Baby is here, because Elizabeth is with her. Don’t tell Uncle William, okay, Sweetheart ?”, Henry asked.
“Okay !”
“Thank you, now go play.”
Charlie left quickly. As she was out of earshot, Henry turned back to M/n and Circus Baby.
“If this is a trick, I will kick your ass, M/n.”, Henry warned.
“I promise it is not.”, M/n swore with honesty.
Henry sighed and got out a Blueprint from his top shelf, Charlie couldn’t reach. He opened it and let M/n and CB take a look.
“I call it an Illusion Disk. They are supposed to change the appearance of the Animatronics. Recently, some children asked for Animatronics that can change their looks on the stage, like in some Movies, where the Characters suddenly wear different clothes, without ever going away to change into them, you know ? I’ve sat on them for almost 3 years now, without William knowing. Maybe...if I get his help on them and beat a bit around the bush to make him believe that it is only for the Pizzeria, he might find a way to make one of these with way better features. Will is a genius, I don’t doubt him on that.”, Henry explained.
“Henry...You. Are. A. GENIUS ! Thank you ! Oh my Gawd, if this works, Lizzy will look normal again and Willy will be so happy again !”, M/n cheered.
“Wait....Will isn’t happy ? I thought he got over Lizzy.”
“He...he didn’t. He still blames himself and gets frequent Nightmares, I try my best to avoid them to happen.”
“Oh Lord...”, Henry said softly.
M/n looked away, not wanting Henry to see how helpless M/n felt.
Henry went to the phone he had and dialed William’s number. He picked up after two rings.
“Henry ! What do you need, Pal ?”, William asked happily.
“Hey, Buddy. Can I come over in a bit ? I have a new invention, I think you will love, to make with me.”
“Oh, uhm...Sure ! By the way...do you know where M/n went ? Mike and Evan said that they don’t know and he is nowhere in the house and he also didn’t leave any letter behind that told me where he went... I am worried. Mike said he didn’t see M/n in almost two hours.”, William asked worried.
Henry side eyed M/n, who had a face of guilt.
“I think he went to Fredbear’s. He said he wanted to check on everything, just to make sure everything was okay. He might have just forgotten to inform you, I will drive there and pick him up, then come over, okay ?”, Henry lied.
“Yeah...o-okay. Thank you Hen.”
“No problem, Will.”
Then Henry hung up and he glared M/n down.
“You didn’t leave any message to him, so he WON’T worry ?! Are you stupid or are you brain dead ?!”, Henry yelled.
“I’m sorry ! I forgot ! I wanted to figure everything out as quick as possible !”, M/n quickly apologized.
M/n knew ONE thing...Henry was very protective of William. Since William’s wife was such a bitch, he got overprotective. The slightest discomfort William showed and Henry was ready to smack the offender with a bat. Henry was scary when he was like that.
“Next time this happens, I won’t hesitate, to smack you with a frying pan, M/n !”, Henry growled out.
M/n sweat dropped and had a nervous smile on his face. He might be a Killer if it is the only way to keep his Family safe, but even he was scared of Henry and his threats.
“U-understood, S-Sir !”, he nervously saluted.
-Time skip-
Henry arrived with M/n at the Afton Family’s house. As soon as William saw M/n, after opening the front door, he pulled him into a tight hug.
“Idiot ! Tell me next time !”, William scolded.
“Sorry, Love...I forgot to leave you a message. I won’t forget again.”, M/n said softly.
“Dumbass ! God knows what could have happened to you !”
“I’m sorry, Darling.”
“You better !”
Henry closed the front door behind him as William pulled M/n inside and pushed him into the Living room, forcing him to sit down on the couch. M/n looked at his Bunny in confusion.
“Bunny ? What are you planning to do ?”, M/n asked.
“You have a time out for at least ten minutes ! I don’t want to hear anything from you nor are you allowed to get up until ten minutes are over !”, William scolded.
M/n stared at his Lover with an agape mouth, shock evident. Then he closed it and pouted.
“Fair...”, he admitted and then stayed seated.
William stared at M/n, dumbfounded. He didn’t expect M/n to listen. He expected him to drag him to their Bedroom and to have some rough Love making instead, but nothing... Was it because Henry was here ? William wanted M/n to screw his brains out !
M/n stayed silent, looked at the wall in front of him and didn’t say anything at all. Why was he so...tame today ? Usually he would punish HIM for trying to command him around.
“So Will, I have the Blueprints. I am sure you will LOVE it. I bet you have some awesome ideas to them too.”, Henry pulled William from his thoughts.
“Oh ? Let me see.”, he said and stretched out his hand.
Henry gave William the Blueprint, he took a look at them and was confused.
“Tell me what this is supposed to be, Hen.”
“An Illusion Disk. Some kids are bored of the Animatronics just looking the same all the time and others are scared of them, so I thought about this ! They are supposed to make them look more human like, to change their design, without building anything to it. All that we would need is the Illusion Disk, program it and then we can just put an illusion OVER our Animatronics ! They would still look the same without them, but with them on, they will look different !”, Henry explained in excitement.
William’s eyes sparkled and had small stars in them. He LIKED the idea.
“Oh ? How long have you been planning on this, Hen ?”
“About three years. This is just the ground that I made, maybe you can add a bit more to its features, when we built them.”
“Impressive. They would have to look very real though, do you think we can built something like that ? Such Technology wasn’t used before, Hen.”
“I am VERY sure, Will ! You and me, we are VERY smart and intelligent men, after all ! We both have great ideas and they ALWAYS work out too ! We made Circus Baby’s and Fredbear’s together with ANIMATRONICS, Will ! That Technology wasn’t ever used before, back then, either ! We MADE it happen !”, Henry encouraged with enthusiasm.
William smiled brightly and nodded.
“Okay then ! Let us start in my office ! I can’t wait to start !”, William said with excitement.
Henry smiled and followed William. Henry turned around and made eye contact with M/n, winking at him. The plan was working...for now.
Michael entered the room soon enough, with Evan in tow. They both looked at M/n.
“What did you do in Circus Baby’s ?”, Mike asked.
M/n looked at him and then at Evan, who was looking very ashamed still. M/n smiled.
“Don’t tell your Dad, but I found Lizzy.”, M/n answered.
“What ?! Where is she ?!”, Michael yelled.
M/n shushed him and looked at the hall, waiting for the Basement door to open, but it didn’t. He sighed in relief.
“Something weird happened with Elizabeth. She doesn’t look like herself anymore, boys. Uncle Henry knows and is trying to help me out, by making something, called and Illusion Disk, so Lizzy will look normal again. Until then, do NOT tell your Dad. He will have a heart attack if he sees her the way she looks like right now.”, M/n explained.
“Is...is Lizzy hurt ?”, Evan asked.
M/n looked at Evan with a saddened face.
“Come here Evan, on my lap.”
Evan did as told and Mike stood in front of M/n. The Incubus held Evan so he doesn’t fall off of his lap.
“When Lizzy was ‘eaten’ what did you think happened with her, Ev ?”, M/n asked.
Mike looked at Evan in horror. Elizabeth was EATEN ?!
“I...I thought she d-died...”
M/n took a deep breath and looked Mike in the eye.
“The day it happened, Mike, you forgot to take your pills and thought you just hallucinated, as Baby pulled Lizzy into her stomach. It...it did really happen though and Evan was traumatized by it, then he was too scared to tell us anything. He told me after Alex and Penelope were born, what he saw. I went back to investigate.”
Michael stared at M/n in horror.
“Wh-what did you find ?”, he asked.
“What Evan, right now thought. I found her dead body, reeking of death for weeks.”
Michael took a step back, covering his mouth, face fully covered in horror.
“But that was not all of it, Mike. There it starts to get strange, my boys... Lizzy was still around. She...stayed.”, M/n added.
“Wh-what do you mean, Papa ?”, Evan asked.
Mike was just as confused.
“Circus Baby’s eyes changed from blue to green and she started to act like Elizabeth. She knew things about us, only Lizzy knew and she begged me to get her home, that she had no idea how she ended up possessing Circus Baby...she begged me to find a way home for her. I don’t know how something like this is possible, but I believe that Lizzy truly possessed Circus Baby. The very thing, that killed her. She is at Henry’s right now and we are trying to find a way to make her look more like...well...Lizzy again.”, M/n explained.
The boys stared, eyes wide.
“Dad, you do know how insane this all sounds, right ?”, Michael asked.
“I know, but the proof is at Henry’s house. She doesn’t act like a robot anymore, nor is she talking robotic like. She talked like a human being and moved as such too. It convinced me, that she is possessing CB. All we need is time, more proof and something to make her look normal again. When we have all of that, I will tell William and hopefully...he believes me a little bit and...is finally happy again. With everything advancing in technology, we even might modify her Disk over time and she could be a full human again, who knows ? I am praying that I found Lizzy’s soul, but can you blame me ? I want my Love to be happy again. Yes he loves Alex and Penelope, but...he still blames himself and feels empty about Elizabeth’s disappearance.”
Both the boys had pain in their eyes at that. They knew William was still not over Elizabeth’s sudden disappearance and he will NOT take it lightly, when he finds out that she died by his own Machine’s hands.
“Yes, Dad ?”
“Do me a favor...for all of us, okay ?”
“What is it...?”
“Keep away from the Animatronics and keep Evan, Alex and Penelope away from them too. Protect them with your life, if Will and me aren’t around. What happened to Liz, is exactly the reason he tells everyone to stay away from his Machines. They can malfunction and if that happens, you can lose your life. They are safe from a certain distance, but don’t get too close to them. Stay at least three feet away from them. Can you do that for me ? Watch over your siblings ?”
Michael nodded with determination.
“I will do my best to keep my siblings safe.”, he replied.
“Thank you, Mikey.”
With that Mike sat down next to M/n and they started to watch Movies, not wanting William to hear anything, he wasn’t supposed to hear.
-With William and Henry-
William was already planning more features and what should be the best material to built the Illusion Disks with.
“It has to look and FEEL realistic. When you touch a thin arm, you can’t let it happen that the Illusion breaks and you feel a thick arm instead. That would be a bad green screening. You understand Hen ?”
“I do Will, but how do we make that ?”
“I will ask M/n ! He can program stuff very good, maybe he knows how to make it or he can give me some tips !”
“That is a great Idea, Will ! “
William smiled and noted it down.
‘I hope he won’t find out, that we are only making these now for his daughter, who became a literal Circus Clown...’, Henry thought in nerves.
William would so beat the shit out of them, if he finds out, BEFORE they can show him that CB is possessed by Lizzy....
“Hen, you with me ?”, William asked.
Henry snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.
“Yup, all ears, old friend.”
With that William continued to add and explain why he added more features. Henry listened in all the time, but his nerves never calmed down. He was scared shitless if William will find out...
Hopefully he will not find out too soon. ;)
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