#Mike Selinker
mainstango · 2 years
Focused scrutiny pathfinder
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#Focused scrutiny pathfinder license
Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.Psionics Unleashed, Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press.Psionics Augmented, Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press.Psionic Bestiary, Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press.Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic, Copyright 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor. Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, Copyright 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J.Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide, Copyright 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C.Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Skip Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens, James L. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Reynolds, F. Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC Author: Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J.Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony, Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC Author: JD Wiker.Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing.Mindscapes, Copyright 2003–2004, Bruce R.Legendary VI: Legendary Armor, Copyright 2012, Purple Duck Games Author: Marc Radle.If Thoughts Could Kill, Copyright 2001–2004, Bruce R.Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, Copyright 2004, Bruce R Cordell.Advanced Player’s Guide, Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC Author: Jason Bulmahn.
#Focused scrutiny pathfinder license
The text on this page is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri & Friends #42 - Unearthly OP
Artist: @sheastandefer
When we started playing through the old boxes, I thought adding in Ultimate Add-On decks would be a fun way to spice things up on a replay (for me) and see a variety of interesting cards for my new friends. However, we seem to keep finding little card combos that were likely unintentional.
In Wrath, our Hunter Adowyn had been having trouble recharging spells, so with the Riffle Scrolls came along (which lets you place spells on it instead of banishing them, and then bury the Riffle Scrolls to recharge all spells on it that could be recharged with a check of a skill you have), that seemed like a great solution to not always be losing her Cure.
Then we found Unearthly Aim, a (supposedly) one use card that banishes to add 10 + AD# to your Ranged combat check. A really powerful card, but it has no recharge check, so you just have to banish it to use, and hope it comes up to acquire again.
Except, if you place a spell on Riffle Scrolls, and then never bury it to recover those spells, all spells left on it are buried. Meaning, they go right back in your deck! It requires you to sink two cards to keep, you have to be a caster who also makes Ranged attacks, and you need to have the Riffle Scrolls out before you can play Unearthly Aim without losing it, but a once-per-game +13 (or +14 or +15 or +16) is pretty good insurance in the villain fight!
Despite his comedic objection in this comic, I feel like Mike Selinker would approve our ingenuity. :)
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puzzlenation · 3 years
The greatest gift exchange there never was...
The greatest gift exchange there never was…
It’s Christmas Eve, so hopefully you’ve perused our Holiday Puzzly Gift Guide and completed all your shopping in a timely and not-at-stress-inducing, hair-tearing-out manner. But if not, fear not! Some of the puzzliest and cleverest people in the artistic, board game, and puzzle communities may have just come up with the perfect last-minute solution for you. You’re probably familiar with the…
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parallelpodcast · 7 years
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Hot off of episode 24 here’s a picture of the game itself! It got damaged a little while in storage from a move, but puzzles are forever. 
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pirateswithben · 5 years
Mike Selinker is one of the original game designers of Pirates CSG.
His company, Lone Shark Games: http://lonesharkgames.com/ http://lonesharkgames.com/staff-member/mike-selinker/ Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Selinker BGG page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamedesigner/604/mike-selinker Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeselinker
Question of the Day: Do you wish the Dutch had been a faction from the start in Spanish Main?  Would you prefer them as one of the major factions in the game?
The list of questions from the Forum at Pirates with Ben: https://pirateswithben.com/forums/topic/submit-your-questions-for-pirates-designer-mike-selinker/
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paxesoterica · 3 years
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Dungeon Magazine #078
Cover by Brian Despain
“Lear the Giant-King” by Mike Selinker
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Title: The Hindenburg Archives: The Story of the Fireside Family Podcast (Episode 104)
Author: Mike Selinker
Rating: 5/5 stars
Follow-up to my final review of The Hindenburg Archives. This was a pretty good episode, and as always with Selinker, if I had more time I'd want to get back to it and provide some analysis on individual episodes. This episode, however, is pretty self-contained and should not be missed.
In case you missed it, here's the scenario:
In the late 1980s, a Howard Hughes-esque billionaire named Michael Whitney II used an old oil derrick in rural upstate New York as his second (and last) family home. In 1992, Whitney's daughter and his wife discovered a radio broadcast from the derrick; Whitney and his family were trapped inside the burning building, which was quickly growing in size.
We meet several of the people involved in the crisis at this point: Whitney's son, Ethan, the only person with any sense; Whitney's daughter, Ariana; the Whitney's pets (a Bearded Dragon and a Leopard), which include an injured tortoise and several chickens; and also a fly named Gordo, for some reason.
So far, so familiar. After some time, Whitney's daughter (who has been apparently named Ariana in error) decides to leave the building, going down an elevator and out of the burning building. Ariana uses the Internet (as can be imagined) to contact her father, and learns that he's still trapped inside.
This story moves at an interesting clip: after Ariana's father sends a frantic message on the Internet, a machinist named Dave Dunne (the founder of a website called "Emergency Alert System," or "EAS") receives the message and decides to try to convince Ariana to get out of the building.
Dunne is as baffling a character as you'd expect someone to be in this situation: he is a mysterious, sardonic man who broadcasts on a website called "Second Opinion" and seems to be some sort of odd gangster. He broadcasts on Second Opinion, as well as a website called "Trader Joe's," which sounds like it might be a front for some sort of con, and he may even be one of the people trying to free Whitney from the building. It's also mentioned that he seems to be a friend of Ariana's boyfriend, named Andrew, and that Andrew has been helping Ariana out.
Dunne apparently communicates via a website, "Second Opinions," which is frequently followed by comments that become increasingly panicked and bizarre, then abruptly cease. This website appears to be a front for a con, and Dunne has made some comments that sound as if they could be threats.
Then, right at the end of the episode, a guy named Brad Gage arrives to help, seemingly from nowhere, and places a harness around Ariana and Ariana's pets. This seems to get the job done (although maybe there was a mistake), and he then leads the way out of the building.
Now, if you've watched the original episode, you know that Ariana was actually really stuck. If she didn't have the harness around her, I can't imagine she would have gone down the elevator -- and the people she was with seemed pretty aware that there was a lot of danger in the air. It is no wonder she didn't listen to Dunne.
So, what happened in this new episode? Well, Ariana uses her iPhone to contact a bunch of people, including Andrew. Andrew tries to get Ariana to go back to the building, which she doesn't want to do, but then Andrew drops the ball. He tells Ariana that, actually, everyone is probably dead, and that they probably aren't getting out alive.
Ariana's response is surprisingly reasonable: "What happens after I die, I dying?" Andrew, who may be mad at her or sympathetic to her, replies that they'll "go out in style." Ariana complains that this may not be enough to get her out.
Ariana gets the harness on Andrew, which seems to work -- Andrew goes down to the elevator. And then Andrew and Ariana are in the elevator together! Andrew expresses concern that he may have "screwed up," but Ariana reassures him that "it's a safe thing." Andrew says that if they are worried about making things "too comfortable," maybe they can just go straight to Whitney's, "because we don't want to be stuck in some part of the building."
Andrew and Ariana then try to get out of the building, but Andrew is in trouble: Whitney's security guards have locked the door. Andrew asks Ariana for help, and she tells him that if he gets out of there alive, "you just give us the code for the roof and we'll go down in an elevator and we'll be fine." Andrew has a plan, so Ariana says they can just pretend to be dead in the elevator, and he agrees to try it.
Now, the elevator is about to leave the building, but Ariana, after telling Andrew that they'll "go down in an elevator," has a new idea: "We'll go down in an elevator, but we'll come up with a real plan first." So Ariana and Andrew get in the elevator (where there is a box of cash and a note that says "Help wanted") and, apparently, did not die in vain.
Meanwhile, we see Ariana in Whitney's dressing room. Whitney and her friends have just learned of Andrew and Ariana's escape. Ariana appears on screen, saying she "did some tricks" to get out of the building and try to contact her father. We then see Ariana, Andrew, and Whitney's daughter, who seems to be Nellie Oates. Ariana introduces herself and asks if she can help, as Nellie's daughter. Nellie seems unsure, but agrees to help -- although she doesn't seem sure whether she did it to help Ariana, as Ariana had apparently "screwed up" somehow. Whitney and her friends appear slightly uneasy, and when Ariana begins to explain the details of Andrew's plan, they "shut [them] down," and immediately end the call.
It's now ten minutes to nine, and Ariana's on the phone with her father. Ariana is expressing her frustration that Andrew and Ariana didn't just get a plan together, and that Andrew screwed up. Her father then tells her he's going to check the building to see if they're all okay, and then hangs up.
This scene seems to be taking place in the elevator, but Andrew has already gotten out of the elevator when Ariana hangs up. We see Andrew exiting the elevator. The elevator doors open, and Andrew exits and sees Whitney and her friends, who are also standing in the elevator. Andrew suddenly notices a strange thing on his chest: he has a "t-shaped" scar on his chest. He is now suddenly covered in a thick, black cloak. It is now nine minutes to eight.
Ariana and Andrew argue in a darkened alley. Andrew pulls a gun on Ariana. Ariana says that Andrew isn't dangerous, and she will never harm him. Andrew angrily says, "I am dangerous! I am very dangerous!" Andrew points his gun at Ariana and asks Ariana if she can "tell that to my wife." Ariana refuses to tell her, saying that there are some things that are too dangerous to talk about. Andrew continues to insist that she harm him, and she says that "I can't." Andrew pulls the trigger.
We see Ariana walking along a dark, empty street, and she hears Andrew calling to her. She turns around, and Andrew is no longer there. She sees a man walking toward her, and he has long, dark hair.
The man is Benjamin Lin, played by Michael Emerson. He tells Ariana
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Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker ebook epub download
Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker ebook epub download
Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker mobi download
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About Book:
Conveying Diablo II to the tabletop.
The incredible Diablo and Diablo II PC amusements spring up with the arrival of the tabletop Diablo II: To Hell and Back pretending experience. Each of the a player needs is the Dungeons and…
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tsanavaq7776 · 6 years
Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker ebook epub download
Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker ebook epub download
Diablo II: To Hell & Back (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory) Mike Selinker mobi download
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About Book:
Conveying Diablo II to the tabletop.
The incredible Diablo and Diablo II PC amusements spring up with the arrival of the tabletop Diablo II: To Hell and Back pretending experience. Each of the a player needs is the Dungeons and…
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gameapalooza · 7 years
Apocrypha gets the review treatment by a HUGE Selinker fan. 
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iihih · 7 years
The Ghastlytrump Tinies: A Parody by 26 Illustrators
The Ghastlytrump Tinies: A Parody by 26 Illustrators
The Ghastlytrump Tinies is a parody of Edward Gorey’s classic alphabet book The Gashlycrumb Tinies, but with the children representing what we’d lose in a Trump administration. Written by game designer Mike Selinker, and illustrated by 26 different artists, only 1,000 copies of the softcover book have been published. (more…)
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puzzlenation · 4 years
PuzzleNation First Look: Letters to Margaret, an interactive puzzle novel
In today's blog post, we spread the word about a new interactive crossword comic book, Letters to Margaret, launching on Kickstarter today! And we've got an exclusive first look!
Some of the coolest puzzle experiences of the last decade have come from the team at Lone Shark Games. Not only have they spearheaded numerous puzzle packs connected to various charitable causes, but they also created Puzzlecraft, a one-stop shop for learning how to construct dozens of different puzzles! Their masterpiece, though, is The Maze of Games, a wonderful story-driven series of puzzles…
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parallelpodcast · 7 years
24: Into the Labyrinth - You Cannot Turn Ducks Into Gold
In this episode we review a poster! Can we escape the labyrinth with our vowels intact?
Mike Selinker The Music
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pirateswithben · 5 years
Mike Selinker talks about the 2008 Financial Crisis | Podcast #42 Audio ...
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geekandsundry · 7 years
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Some classic games just get better with time. This week on Game the Game, Avalon Hill is taking over the show for a 4-hour live stream where host Becca Scott will be playing the Anniversary Edition of Axis & Allies! Tune into Game the Game today, Wednesday, October 10, at noon PT on...
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mrjohnangulo · 5 years
New Game Round-up: Watch Your Back in Hyde Society While Golfing on Revised Buses
by W. Eric Martin
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Time to round up more game announcements and pseudo-announcements from the past few months that have slipped by me while I was focused on conventions: • Designer Mike Selinker announced in late March 2019 that for the past two years his company Lone Shark Games has been working with Justin Gary of Stone Blade Entertainment "on my first game with a traitor mechanic since Betrayal at House on the Hill". This game, tentatively called Hyde Society, is a fantasy game set during the Victorian era. Beyond that brief description, nothing else has been announced so far. • U.S. publisher Capstone Games is partnering with Dutch publisher Splotter Spellen to release a twentieth anniversary edition of Bus from designers Jeroen Doumen and Joris Wiersinga • In June 2019, Z-Man Games will release a new edition of Seiji Kanai's Love Letter that contains five cards more than the original Love Letter — which might not sound like much, but since the original game has only sixteen cards, it will now be 31% larger! This 2019 edition of the game has all new art and two new characters: the Chancellor (value 6) allows you to draw two new cards, add those to your hand, then place two cards of your choice on the bottom of the deck, while the Spy (value 0) wins you a favor token if you were the only player to play or discard a spy during the round. • CABO is a variant of the public domain card game Golf that designers Mandy Henning and Melissa Limes published through Eventide Games in 2010. Now Bézier Games has released a second edition of CABO that keep the fundamentals of the game while changing some details of the gameplay and scoring. The gist of the game remains the same: Start with four face-down cards from a deck numbered 0-13, looking at two of those cards. On a turn, you can draw from the deck or discard pile, look at the card drawn (if from the deck), then decide whether to swap it for one of the cards in your display or use it for its special power (assuming that it has one). If you have matching cards in your display, you can remove them both and replace them with a single card, ideally lowering the total of the cards you hold. If you think you have the lowest total, you can call for the round to end at the start of your next turn, with you scoring no points if you're correct and scoring the sum of your cards and a penalty if you're wrong. Everyone else scores for their cards' value, and you play multiple rounds, trying to have the lowest score. from BoardGameGeek News | BoardGameGeek http://bit.ly/2ID0Osv
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