#Cheapass Games
arielluva · 4 months
9 year old me shouldve been investing in pokemon cartridges instead of playing animal jam.. god damn <- guy who just looked at listings online
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
Currently still having to rest my hand from the artparty-notetaking combo strain injury, but a guildie has me buzzing in place wanting to play eso again
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greatrunner · 3 months
Wow... okay, then
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"There was thirteen of them and one of me" a more serious reading of Beni's "There’s only one of you and fifteen of me".
Francis going out like a chump is fittingly abrupt. He thought he was the final boss ☠️🤡
Armond ran a troupe of two faced snitches, and was surprised that one of them snitched on him.
Daniel went out poking the bear with the stick. Now he's wearing sunglasses at night.
Only ten million dollars? Louis you cheapass.
Anything that paints Lestat as other than malicious and self serving makes me sus, but it's also Armond doing underhanded shit, so, it like... [shrug] y'all are awful, and I guess Louis like him some garbage men.
Lestat doesn't seem to be all there toward the end.
Him getting stuck with a 30 something having an undead life crisis who looks at him like an annoying grandparent is, again, fitting
Why didn't you save your daughter, man???? I'm so fucking angry at you dumbasses!!!
lmao the vampires telepathically rage tweeting
"I am the danger."
If I can say anything about Jacob Anderson, it's that his performance in this show alone, when contrasted to what he was given to do in something like Game of Thrones, is what you miss when the industry intentionally undermines Black artists.
Like, dude is absolutely fire in this show. And for the most part, the people he worked with knew that.
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the fallout show is actually pretty enjoyable. maybe because I’m obsessed with the world and love the new perspective. and yes the props look like they’re from Amazon and the humor is a little “Reddit” for lack of a better term, but the plastic-y look and cringy humor matches the vibe of the games to be quite honest.
with the props/sets though it’s interesting, like they all have this cheapass look but also it’s clear a lot of care and detail were put into the set pieces/costuming, so it gives the vibe of like a YouTube skit where everything is super cheap but you’re like “wow this looks really good considering what they had to work with” except that this show had a fucking $153 million budget so it’s like. come on man.
I DO think that the sets are amazing, for the most part, even if the costuming and props leave something to be desired. like it’s clear that’s where most of the budget went.
I also appreciate that basically the whole cast is unknowns or up-and-comers rather than the marvel-starwars-disney Big Names Only casting that seems to be the only way mainstream media is cast. so that’s cool, I always love the potential for new talent to cut their teeth and get their big break. plus I hate seeing the same shitty fucking actors over and over again. if they’re good idc but like Scarlett Johansson or Jermey renner just suck. like they are not even good at the craft. even like Chris whatever the fuck who plays Thor has some genuine talent and can be enjoyable to watch, but so many of them are just so baaaddd.
the soundtrack is great, honestly, all the picks are bangers & I love the Johnny cash & I actually love the choice to use sound effects from the games in the sound mixing. it’s very fun. like again, cheesy, but it’s a cool design choice.
and like ultimately, that doesn’t really impact my enjoyment of it. all in all it’s so far above my expectations. I’ve been dreading it since it was announced bc I love fallout as a “mythos” (basically) and I did not think a nostalgia-bait fan service big budget mainstream major release could ever have any redeeming qualities so the fact that it’s “fun to watch” and “has a plot” is pretty neat.
also one of the brotherhood people is a they/them which I thought was neat. as of yet they have not gendered them at all like no “brother” or “girl” or “man” or “he/she” it’s been exclusively they/them or their name.
oh! speaking of the brotherhood, I like how they are portrayed. like they are fucked up clutists with a self righteous god complex and I think they’ve really shown that, rather than the brotherhood fanboys ‘fascism is awesome’ characterization that you see in the fandom. the main brotherhood guy having to deal with his idealistic idea of what the brotherhood “should” be versus what it is is intriguing and I’m excited to see more. also very excited to see more prewar stuff.
And so far my biggest complaint so far is the weird ass ghoul. like they make this big deal about him basically being a corpse and he looks like some dude got a bad sunburn. like with all the gore and horror elements I wish they would have made the ghoul look more.. you know.. like a ghoul.
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ao3cassandraic · 1 month
15, 26 and 35 for the ask game 💜
15. If you could be besties with anyone from the Good Omens universe, who would it be?
Agnes. Absolutely positively Agnes Nutter. The badassest of all GO badasses. The kind of badass Crowley can only wish he were.
This bad bitch can make a plan and carry it out and help people and take a village full of assholes with her when she goes. Gotta love that energy.
26. Do you need an Eccles cake right now?
My fridge died yesterday -- like, completely non-functional dead-as-a-doornail this-is-an-ex-fridge. So I spent last night ordering a new one, and this morning going out for ice and filling coolers with what was still salvageable and then the fridge turned itself back on temporarily (Crowley, is that you?) so I froze every freezy-pak I have in the house (a lot, actually, when I was infusing antibiotics last fall every weekly shipment came with a freezy-pak) for when the ice melts and dealt with all the freezer stuff that thawed out (my compost pile is happy today) and I'm so glad I'm vegetarian because at least I did not have to deal with meat going off.
Theoretically I'm on vacation. Theoretically.
I can afford this -- I'm even replacing my cheapass janky gas range with an induction range while I'm at it -- so nobody worry about me. But damn, I sure could go for an Eccles cake.
35. On a scale of 1 to 666, how bad is your GO brainrot?
Uff da. Pretty bad. Somewhere around 500, I think.
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reddeliciousauce · 4 months
1, 2, 17, 20
1. Favorite toy? Any specific reason or are they just attached?
cheapass pez dispenser from a dollar store that had the head of some mangled cartoon character think it was meant to be a simpson from the yellow skin or whatever didnt even have any pez for it i just flicked the stupid head up and down and bit on it
2. Did they have a lot of toys? Were they the kind of kid that wanted a lot of toys?
had a bunch of ironic cheapo bullshit from bro or dirk when wed head out on the town and saw knockoffs we just had to steal OR buy if it was a dollar which score
17. How did they play as a kid? Did they like playing with their toys or did they prefer imaginary friends? Did they like to play pirates? House? Pokemon? Warrior cats?
i scratched records watched tv and bothered dirk when he played video games or tinkered with shit mostly
other than that i dunno bro didnt like a lotta noise
20. What kind of toys did they gravitate towards? Stuffed animals, trucks, action figures, dolls?
again knockoffs and useless bullshit is key here i had refined taste for terrible garbage
misprints are gold star worthy
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the-grand-av3 · 4 months
Okay, now that you've played DDLC., you need to play cooking companions
(basic run down. There are four Ukrainian refugees in your home, who barely have enough food. After a bit, the cabin floods in. Someone has to go out to find food. The first one to leave is Mariah, the sweetest and youngest of the group, in which you wake up the next morning with a slab of meat. Then theres Anatoly, an absolute airhead who acts like a nerd. Then again, you wake up with meat. Eventually, Karin, a crazy red haired woman, cuts off the limbs of Gregor, basically a giant teddy bear. She reveals that she knew she was eating the others, and was absolutely addicted to it. In the end, you lock her in the basement, eventually going down and killing her. Oh yea. Theres talking vegetables too)
Cooking companions? Count me--
this isnt cooking mama--
its okay al you wouldn’t’ve liked it much anyway
wait no you would have loved it wanna know what it's about
*whisper whisper*
Oh! Sounds fun!
yeah but watch them they think its cooking mama
So~ who are we mating with?~
Same thing :(
I say
Cus when shit goes down and they hate each other I have someone who knows their shit
Okay~ Pick the little twinky guy~
i woulda picked karin but okay
What why
Cus she wants her to peg her~
sure man
rip lmao
I am emotionally injured and will never recover from this
I like these vegetables
I don't:( They’re scary :((
No theyre not
Yeah huh
Nuh uh
ladies ladies settle down
So whose left
The souls of mariah and anatoly
karin and gregor
Okay we're gonna go kiss karins ass
That I can do~
Oh my god
Never again why would you recommend a game like that
Im scared now
I think i pissed or came I can't tell
Let me smell
Hello! I return with some sandwiches for the group!
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drowningworms · 8 months
I actually went to Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney and was close enough to see the no shadow for myself before the drunk guys in top hats told us what they saw.
I experienced the whole frigid, boring, tedious, painful, boring, long, standing room only for 6 hours of physical hell, low rent, cheapass, tacky, corny, tawdry, obnoxious, fucking dry event for you.
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It involved security pat downs for liquor on every man woman and child to keep out liquor. Weed was illegal by community consent thanks to Reagan. It was 10 degrees and dark in the dead of a Pennsylvania Winter. And there was absolutely no entertainment for hours till it got daylight. Then this local DJ comes on to entertain the out of towners. He's horrible.
Remember that we are the cash cow for this little group of local good old boys and their buddies. And for the entire town. And they treat us like shit. Just penned us up and hit us for cash money at every turn. This was 1998, so that wasn't unusual everyone outside major businesses required cash. I'm dead sure they have those little credit card scanners everywhere now. They milked us for everything they could think of.
And it was so fucking cold. You don't understand cold until you know standing huddled still in the dark cold. Most people never really experience cold. Insulation is really fucking good now. I overpaid so much when goose down jackets got sorta affordable. They were like miracles to me. I would have given anything for such a miraculous jacket then. I had to make do with layers of insulated flannels and long underwear. I did have true winter underwear from my Boy Scout days so I was a good bit less cold than my buddies who didn't know how to layer.
Most people only experience shoveling snow cold. Maybe skiing cold. A few hunting cold. (Real damn cold) And a mighty few who have lived in it for days just sitting around camping in tents with nice sleeping bags and a big fire to warm us. In teens or subzero temps. I have. You have to dig deep and layer well. And just accept being cold every single minute of your life outside of your sleeping bag.
So we were doing hunter cold. This was Western Pennsylvania. Everyone knew how to do hunter cold. My buddies were all suburban kids. I told them how to dress. A few listened.
3+ hours of my best friends in the world talking shit to AC/DC and Ace of Base or whatever was the thing.
That night we started at like 3am and drove a few hours of dark Pennsylvania highway. Just darkness, trees, and sky. I can't remember if the stars were out. Something about those Appalachian Forest highways just are monotonous in a weird way.
Those road trips are always fun. I strongly suggest. Even if you have to brave the Appalachian Static.
Anyway we arrive at Punxsutawney. It is in the middle of nowhere. Just another isolated abandoned steel town. They have a bit of a real downtown that most of these towns utterly lack. Often it's a gas station and a Dollar General and a bunch of run down houses with a school 40 minutes away it shares with the other rundown towns.
But Punxsutawney has a nice little town of happy people because of Phil and our fascination with this thing.
So of course there is not parking for 30,000 people. In a town of 5,000. So they rope off some field frozen solid and park us all charging Disney parking fees.
They subcontract school buses to haul people from the parking lot to the main event. The bus drivers are the first line of defense against alcohol and drugs.
Security is the second. Compete with pat downs and local cops along with PA Troopers with drug dogs and quotas to meet. No spoiling the fun with chemical enhancement!
Then you walk for fucking ever. Slowly. Going to the Knob.
It is deadly cold. And it begins to dawn on you what you are in for in this grassy pen with nothing but a porta potty or two for entertainment.
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Look at all that fun!
This was before phones people. My friends and I were super studious and none of us owned any kind of video game. No handheld games. Maybe you thought to bring a newspaper or book. I think I brought a book. I'm sure at least one of them brought engineering notes to study. Most just talk and bitch about the cold.
Cold in the dark is different from cold in the light. It is so much deeper without the solar radiation slightly warming your surface and your spirits.
Then the dawn brings light and a little warmth and hope.
Then the dawn brings the DJ.
Small town DJs are interesting critters. They are small town famous and often they are unique personalities that can be really entertaining. At least between songs and commercials. Some of them are pretty amazing like Nipsey, Jen, and Earl in Harrisburg/Hershey/Lancaster/Lebanon area back when it was even more podunk backwater.
It was 1998 and this guy showed up.
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So this small town guy is used to entertaining local venues with his shtick that everyone knows and loves with his slightly out of date look and inside local jokes.
Today he has 2 hours of just him on a stage in front of 30,000 pissed off college students who were expecting a lot more entertainment and maybe some food or drinks and tired & grumpy rural folk hoping to get in a little fun and excitement before going to work. At least half the crowd had found a way to sneak in a flask or something. So people were unruly.
And we just watch the poor guy spend 2 hours fighting for his life up there feeling bad for him trying to entertain us while hosting his fun little morning show for his listeners who are probably loving it all.
He got heckled. Badly. This was 25 years ago and we weren't very nice.
After 2 hours of this entertainment. The main event started.
My heroes arrived on the scene.
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They have been partying all night long. In a nice warm place with warm food, comfy chairs/couches, running water, and a ton of alcohol. They are all drunk as skunks. The all come up on stage, wave and whip up the crowd, pull out their buddy, give him some scritches and lift him up to the crowd like he's the new Lion King, and then examine his shadow, make their proclamation, smile and wave, go back to their party, and count their money.
This is the highlight of the entire event. The peak of excitement. The best it got for the whole day.
Then they shoved the DJ back on stage, the national media and anyone with connections left, and the rest of us were kept penned up for another hour or 2 till it was our turn to take a school bus back to our frozen car, a 3+ hour drive through winter highways to get back in time for afternoon classes.
It was so much fun.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
yo do you know shit abt chairs. i need a new one but the stores around here dont have anything & im 90% surw gaming chairs are a scam anyway. im queer & neurodivergent & i sit like it so there better not be armrests i cant put my legs under/over. anyway ty have fun w your streams :)
also ive realized i cant call myself aster after all bc thats the name of our dog from two dogs ago & just the thought of the shit jokes id have to put up w from everyone who knows is killing me lmao still best name tho i like the flowers too
oh my god were u hte person who was going to name urself after me lmao. s all good broski uhhhhhhh. im gonna keep it a bukc fifty with u i live in a dorm adn i just use the one htey gave me. it's kinda padded but ohterwise it's a cheapass office chair. despite spending like. literal hours gamign i dont really care what chair i sit in as long as it doestn make my ass hurt
im sure someone in hte notes could help u out though best of luck my dude
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ladyosen · 1 year
It's been forever since I've done anything like this and I look at my dw entry I made in 2012 and wow. I mean I'm in a better place moneywise at least, though I could be more responsible, but I got to get back on track with a lot of things.
But some goals and thoughts.
1. I really need to improve my eating. It's like the biggest part of the puzzle for me. I have a bad habit of snacking on junky food out of boredom. Also stopping at places on the way to or from work and getting a lot of junky food. I need to stop that and also do better with my meals. I think I want to have a goal of having at least one veggie/fruit-laden meal. Like a smoothie, salad or soup or something else that is plant-heavy.
2. getting more consistent with fitness which is hard because of all the pain issues I have in my foot, back and hips. I've been working with this mobility app, so I'm hoping that will help. And I'm thinking about getting a Switch so I can play games like Ring Fit Adventure, but in the mean time, I'm working on doing some small exercise videos to get into the habit.
3. Want to keep up with my writing consistently. I'm also working on mirroring stuff here and at squidgeworld (would love suggestions though). It's hard because some of the ao3/otw stuff demotivated me bad, but I don't want to give up either
4. I also want to write an original thing, because I've been reading too many bad transmigration novels and the like. But I want to research more.
5. I also want to I don't know, take up painting. I saw a good post on twitter about having a hobby that doesn't involve screens which resonated with me a lot and like... I think something artsy like that would be good. I experimented with a cheapass pour painting kit I won at our work holiday party and it didn't go well but I also want to keep trying because colors! There's also all these fun youtube tutorials I want to do though I realize that is slightly against the no screens things lmao, but the spirit is there.
6. Also want to catch up with reading both books and manga, because there is a whole world out there. And I was a big reader as a child.
7. Getting into a good groove with rp while not being anxious about being slow. I want to just... hold myself to my own standards I guess.
8. Also less mindless reading gossip sites. I have a bad habit of just clicking and scrolling for hours, sometimes obessively and it's stressful for me. I've lost so much of my life doing this. I hate it.
9. Also this is hard but I want to be more honest about my likes and that. I have a bad habit of holding back, which ties in with my shyness about chatting with people, but I want to be more honest, though that might be baby steps.
And honestly, this all feels cathartic to write out.
cross posted to dreamwidth
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vaguegrant · 2 years
I want to talk about the best thing I've done for my mental health recently: Keeping a diary.
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To clarify, this is different from "journaling" as an organized activity. I'm sure that's cool, but I haven't looked into it. No, I'm talking about keeping a regular-ass diary for the day. Events, thoughts, general state of things, and the like. It's extremely simple, and yet I've found it to be remarkably grounding. Also, it's fun as hell! And also it's weirdly poignant!
There's no special process involved; I just have a notebook sitting next to my bed, and before going to sleep I write about my day in it. A little summary of the day, how I feel about those events and why, what I'm worried about or excited about, and whatever else comes to mind. That's it! But for someone with both ADHD and anxiety (which stems from said ADHD), this has been super helpful.
See, my anxiety typically stems from the unknown. If I'm sick, and I don't know what it is, I assume it's the worst possible condition. Lots of disasterizing like that. Unfortunately, ADHD means a LOT of unknowns. Did my boss think I completely screwed up? Who knows, I wasn't fully paying attention, and I definitely won't remember tomorrow—so yes, probably! But keeping a diary has mitigated many of those issues. If I'm writing about my day, I have to provide a concrete, honest description of it. Not only does that ground me, it also reinforces my memories and gives me something to refer back to of needed. And likewise, when GOOD things happen, I can remember those better.
Writing in my diary is also a chance to meditate on and appreciate the events of the day. Those little mundane things that are personally meaningful—a kid's soccer game, a good meal with the family, a fun movie with my partner, etc.—those get written down and written about. Now when I say "meditate", I mean that in the loosest possible way. Nothing formal, just revisiting them and writing about my feelings about them. (Honestly, a lot of this is about my kids, and the feels that come with watching someone change into an actual full-grown person.) I don't need to talk about the difficulty of expressing genuine emotions publicly, especially as a middle-aged man in modern American society—gotta leave something for the rest of you to discuss—but this is the ultimate safe space. Being honest with myself and reminding myself that good things do in fact happen to me, even just in the privacy of a diary, has chipped away at my protective shell of cynicism and anger.
A few notes. First off: Yes, sometimes I absolutely sound like a stuck-up Edwardian gentleman in my head when I'm writing. It's great. This has an audience of one, at least until I'm dead or nearly so. So you'd better believe I'm writing my diary the way I'd want to read it. I can be my own little weirdo for a few minutes, and the world be damned.
I do mean "a few minutes," by the way. Each entry is a half-page on slow days, to a page-and-a-half on eventful or emotional days. That's it. No need for more—again, who am I trying to impress?
Second, I know beautiful leather-bound notebooks, dot journals, and rich thick paper are a thing. Frankly, I think they're beautiful objects. But here's my journal:
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A cheapass composition notebook (I sprung for the plastic cover! So fancy!) and a Papermate #2 pencil. No 90g paper. No fountain pens. No trappings. And that's all you really need. That's not just me railing against the bourgeoisie, either—I always struggle with getting "the right tools" for a new project or activity, and that quickly becomes a distraction or a source of guilt when I eventually drop it. So, none of that. Pencil. Paper. Writing. I might ask for a nicer one for my birthday or for Christmas or something, but it's utterly unnecessary and I'll only do so if I'm sticking with it still.
Third, regular writing as opposed to typing has been like a remedial handwriting course. I'll never be a calligrapher, but I do find that improvement a little satisfying.
Finally: At some point, I'll be dead or in a nursing home or something. And for all that a diary is a very private thing, it is also a record of a life. Not an exceptional life, but one that I hope means something to a few key people. And so there's always a certain sense that ultimately, my diary is something my kids or a historian somewhere might find interesting. It doesn't stop me from writing honestly, and it's weirdly motivational. After all, this is for posterity!
So yeah. If any of this resonated with you, pick up a notebook. Keep a diary for two weeks. See if it sticks. I hope it'll be worth it for you.
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alljamesbondgames · 10 months
Before I Kill You, Mr Bond…
Original Release: 1996
Developer: James Ernest
Publisher: Cheapass Games
Platform: Board Game
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This is an unlicensed James Bond-inspired card game from Cheapass Games. In this, each player is taking on the role of a supervillain, trying to capture spies in their evil lairs.
Each turn you draw a card and can improve your lair, and then play a spy card to attack an opponent’s (or your own lair). You can play a spy from your hand, or one from an opponent’s hand (the backs of the spy are different) and risk not knowing the value of the spy.
If the spy is a higher value than the lair, the lair is discarded. You don’t score any points for this, you just mess up your opponent. If the spy is lower value than the lair, then the owner of the lair has two options: kill or taunt.
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If you kill a spy, you score points equal to the value of the spy. You can taunt by playing a “Doubler” card, saying “Before I Kill You, [Name]” and reading out the card. The card has a letter in the corner and if another player plays the second card with this letter, the Spy escapes and you lose your lair (and all the points), but if you’re successful, you double the points of the spy. You can play additional Doubler card, however, you run the risk of losing all the points with each additional one.
It’s a fun, silly game, but also quite flawed. The only incentive to attack opponents is to potentially stop them from getting points, which makes it too risky to play unknown cards from other players.
Danjaq got wind of this game and ordered Cheapass Games to remove any reference to “Bond” and was relaunched as James Ernest’s Totally Renamed Spy Game before being revised as “Before I Kill You, Mister Spy…”. The newest version fixes some of the issues, such as being able to play lair cards face down or stealing lair cards from your opponents, giving you an incentive to attack.
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abel-oc · 2 years
OK I WANT TO LEARN ABOUT ABEL so im filling in these OC question posts from forever ago. This one from user @/ jovishark (some deleted if non applicable) under cut bcuz there is like 50 !! 
1. Are they happy with their body? 
YEAH he knows hes hot. he would probably want slightly more muscle but def wouldn’t actually do any work to get it. only exercise is walking and fucking 
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
his piercings aren’t a secret (ears tounge nips and cock ( frenulum ill draw it eventually)
3. Do they collect anything?
designer shit.. he doesn’t have a lot of space to put things otherwise so mainly clothes and makeup etc. prob a few fancy bags.Not quite like those birkin people on instagram though they are scary ! 
4. What is their favorite music genre?
THIS IS SO HARD prob like jazzy pop ish music?? hes an Italian in the 90s-2000s.. so he would have heard eurodisco.. much to think about. Probably music you can sleazy dance to 
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
i think ambient music would make him bored!! 
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
he has like a flip phone. I am making the setting before smartphones because he would be too scary equipped with tinder. so prob a defaulty one or like the kind of all over logo prints on fancy bags
7. What is their shoe size?
well his cock is pretty big i think. thats what we’re really asking isnt it 
8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?
leather and silk! 
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
i think he hates sports. all of them
10. How do they decorate their living space?
I think he has a really small room so its probably on the minimal / classy spectrum. It’d be mostly clean with nice furniture but I think a lot of his really bougie stuff isn’t on display all the time since I think ppl from the church might go in sometimes 
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
room is clean but i think in other peoples spaces he would be MESSY.. just inconsiderate. bitchass
12. What’s their preferred sleeping position?
he would never admit it but little spoon ⭐
13. Did they have a favorite comfort item as a child?
when he was young I dont think he owned much stuff because he was being a nun more properly. maybe some books ?? idk !!! 
14. Do they have a favorite period in history?
He’d like baroque art i think but i dont think he would care as much culturally ! not a history person 
15. Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to make?
he can prob manage absolute basics but thinks cooking is for losers. He buys all his food! hes a regular at probably like every cafe and restaurant ever
16. What food do they hate eating?
hes probably bad with spicy food! 
18. What was their worst injury?
He probably did too many blood sacrifices on his palms and couldnt pick stuff up for a few days. Has probably happened more than once
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
HE DEF CAN probably good at like formal party kinda waltzy things. but he can probably do a real good club type sleazy dance and lapdancing. Probably some non advanced pole he probably joins some of Holly’s pole classes which I just decided she goes to
24. What kind of cake or birthday treat would they prefer?
big fancy cake! the kind that has a few macarons on top 
25. What is their favorite animal?
probably cats! 
26. Do they wear perfume/cologne? What is their favorite scent?
wears a LOT i went and tested YSL Y EDP for him and he wears that its perfect. Besides not being out in the correct time period but lets forget that. I like the apple / ginger / pepper on him
27. What smell do they hate the most?
any dirt / filth + cheapass perfume 28. What sound do they hate the most?
probably crying kids / babies.. he would ask them to shut up 😭
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
HEs not a GAMER... if the DS was out when i think this is set maybe some of the really normie ones like 100 classic books or some animal crossing (holly would play that and make him) 
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
wake up late, go eat breakfast / lunch at cafe, go shopping for a while, go home and watch some TV, find someone with enough money to take him out to dinner then bang him if he feels like working, then go sneak into the church and summon something to attempt to fuck, then go to sleep alone  
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
would avoid fighting directly but is violent lol, if he needed to he would be all kicks and mindgames, the full gaslight gatekeep flirt with people to make them drop guard 
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
starts but ALSO has to finish. Thinks he’s always right about everything.
33. What is their personal style? Favorite outfit?
kind of gothic high fashion, mainly black! Shoes always louis’ with the red on the bottom. will NOT wear cheap or even midprice clothes. Does wear nun clothes sometimes mainly for fun / debauchery 
34. Do they have a dream job?
35. What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?
wank or just stay up plagued by the Thoughts 
36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don’t, would they consider wearing any?
ALWAYS he wears Dior eyeshadow + nars deepthroat and some kind of pencil eyeliner. doesn’t need mascara his eyelashes just like that. Also probably has to conceal bad eyebags. Bad habit of sleeping in makeup even though he detests it for himself 
37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?
cold! hates being sweaty
39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?
can drive im still picking vehicle maybe a benz or rols royce. but he would have to keep it in Holly’s garage because he doesn’t have one. He probably mainly just walks around though hes a local guy 
40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
NO he thinks he is too good for love and doesn't think hes been in love. doesn’t realise he wants it
41. Are they married? Do they want to be?
NO very single. probably wants to get married but from an aesthetic / party / being the center of attention perspective 
42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?
has none! but doesn’t want any either i think
43. What do they think is their worst quality? What is their actual worst quality?
He isn’t actually very self aware so he probably thinks hes perfect. This may be his worst quality
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
CONSTANTLY to an art
45. Are they good at keeping secrets?
NO he will tell anyone anything especially if its incriminating or dramatic 
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
people would have a good first impression since he acts classy and suave and sexy but when you talk to him for more than an evening or two its REALLY clear hes awful to talk to
48. What are they most afraid of?
he thinks nothing but probably getting close to someone 💖 
49. Would they ever kill anybody?
without much of a thought ! he just hasn’t needed to so far. 
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bozclothing · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cheapass Games Kill Doctor Lucky Anniversary Edition NWT.
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geekandsundry · 6 years
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I’ll be the first to admit that I’m probably one of the least romantic people you’ll meet. I think flowers are impractical (all they do is sit in water and die) and my favorite box of chocolate is one whose box can be easily repurposed to be a quickly crafted dice tray or wet ...
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This week (April 8-12, 2019), the Cheapass crew is visiting with Greater Than Games, streaming vintage Cheapass Games like Lord of the Fries and Give Me the Brain. Tune in between 11am and 5pm Central Time to catch some of it live, or replay the videos later - they’ll be available on the Greater Than Games channel, and maybe even edited later! :D And don’t miss the campaign for “Cheapass Games in Black and White: A Retrospective” - a lovely big brick of a book covering the history of Cheapass games and the development and rules of the 100+ games published during their 20 odd years of publishing. 
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