foolishdragon · 6 days
listen pokemon is really cool but some of the final evos for the starters are really pushing it for pokemon. that is not a thing that eats from a bowl on the ground that cunt pays rent and goes to gay bars on the weekend
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foolishdragon · 6 days
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I was trying to do what I do and turn Daishi into a deer for a potential Golden Shrike oc and she started looking incredibly familiar. Turns out she had Boneslav have similar color schemes, so I decided to draw them togheter! I couldn't pass up a chance to draw my favorite characters <3
Sorry for any innaquiracies, its my first time drawing Boneslav or just. Deer in general.
Golden Shrike and Boneslave belong to @goldenshrikecomic , go read it, its very cool!!
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foolishdragon · 16 days
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First fanart I do of this wonderful comic and its this super low effort meme. Go figure. Anyways Isopod and the Tide are cuties 10/10 would draw again.
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foolishdragon · 25 days
Artists are coming back to tumblr. Nature is healing.
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foolishdragon · 26 days
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foolishdragon · 1 month
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My favorite ocs (Daishi and Drako) dressed up as my favorite kny characters (Genya Tira-a-boca-do-pau and Mitsuri <3). We should all draw our ocs in cosplay once in a while. Its good for the soul.
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foolishdragon · 1 month
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Uhhh guess I gotta introduce my oc Indra. Shes a melanistic silkwing and has a whole Backstory ive been working on. Yesh. Its below the read more bc its quite big. Description in alt. @crypt3ral its quite big but i wanan dhow u this
Indra's mom: Eri
Indra's dad: Ulysses
Mistress: Rhyssa
Psocid's mother: June
Psocid's father: Thorax
Indra is a melanistic silkwing born a couple years after the Tree Wars in Jewel Hive. She wasn’t killed or thrown out because her family’s hivewing mistress thought she had such an exquisite appearance that she couldn’t get rid of her.
However… Silkwings couldn't be black, could they? This was something Indra was always puzzled by. She needed to know why she was the wrong color.
She believed it was because she was a hybrid. It was obvious to her. Silkwings never had black scales, but hivewings always did. After her metamorphosis, she didn't get an assigned partner because her mistress wanted her to focus on helping her. This was allowed because the mistress was rich.
Until she meets Psocid, an albino hivewing with no black scales. In fact, his scales had no color at all.
He is seen an outcast of the tribe. Hivewings belive his family has been cursed, to give them a godless heathen as a son.
Indra's misstress is the equivalent of a psychic and claims to be able to heal curses. Of course, Psocid is often brought with them as they spend more and more scales trying to get rid of their son's curse.
Indra is used as a marketing strat to give her more credibility. Like, she was able to connect Indra's parents with Clearsight to give her her black scales, so she would be seen as more respectful than those other silkwings.
Indra doesn't belive a word she says, but she is a silkwing so she gets no rights.
Again, she only doesn't get killed because her mistress insists she is proof of her powers.
During this time, Psocid and Indra become friends, since his parents and her mistress are often in deep private talks about lifting the curse or whatever and leave both alone.
Indra's mom worked for the hivewing mistress. There was a silkwing she loved and wanted to start a family with but he wasn't her assigned partner. She still had Indra with him, but when she was born with all black scales, her parents saw this as a bad omen, that what they were doing was wrong, so the guy left for a different Hive, and she gave Indra away to her mistress.
The mistress ratted her out almost immediately (but was allowed to keep Indra, as the guards didn't know that she had black scales, and again, she was rich. The only thing that can topple being rich is status). Her punishment for adultery was jail, and because she refused to reveal who the father was, she got stuck there for life.
Psocid's family, after the mistress slowly but surely drained them of their welth but their son was still white as snow and hadn't darkned a bit, started getting more and more suspicions that this "curse lift" wasn't working. They called her out, she acted like the problem was that they never had any faith in her so the healing process wasn't working, they shut it but decided to investigate.
Psocid's mother was a guard, which meant she had access to prison records. Soon she discovered that Indra's mother was in the prison (during the initial conversations the mistress let her name accidentally slip by) and went in to question her.
The mother wasn't eager at all to help a hivewing, but eventually told her story to Psocid's mother under one condition: she would be allowed to see her daughter again, even if its just once.
During one of the sessions, Psocid's mother exuses herself and goes to talk with Indra. She tells Indra that she can let her go see her mother, but she firstly has to gather proof that the mistress's powers are fake, and the best way to do that is by revealing that she didn't actually connect her with Clearsight, that she was simply born this way.
Indra, so blinded by the urge to see her mother, fails to realize that by doing this she is digging her own grave, by revealing that she isn't actually blessed.
After it gets out that Indra was born from an adulterous relation and that the mistress doesn't actually have anything to do with her black scales, the mistress is arrested for scamming dragons with her fake powers, and Indra also gets arrested for being a symbol of blasphemy.
Psocid's mother doesn't help her get out of jail, saying that she will not ruin her reputation by saving a silkwing. She does one good thing, and that is making sure Indra ends up in a cell close to her mother. But that's it, and only because the jail is mostly empty and she can choose whatever cells the prisioners get put into.
Indra's mother and Indra get to talk, and she reveals to Indra who her father really is. Indra is shocked she isn't a hybrid, like she was so sure of, but really wants to meet her father.
Psocid, in the dragon equivalent of "bring your kid to work", helps Indra and her mother get out of prison. He is risking everything to help them because he is really close to Indra, she was the only one who didn't make fun of his scales or thought he was cursed, or wanted to change him completly.
They escape, undetected. Psocid because of his sensitivity to sunlight is always covered in veils and fabrics, and blends in perfectly with the other fancy hivewings in Jewel Hive, so he uses that to lead both away. Again taking advantage of the fact no one looks at silkwings specially if they have a hivewing near them.
Indra's mother reveals Indra's father name, description and the Hive he said he would be working at.
But the mistress denounced them so now dragons are looking closely at silkwings. So they get spotted and have to run. This is brought to the attention of Wasp and she uses her mind control powers to possess Psocid and force him to bring Indra and her mother out of hiding.
But because Psocid isn't that strong physically nor does he have any hivewing powers Indra's mother can take him down. Using her silk Indra makes a little blindfold for him so that Wasp cannot see their location.
Indra insists they take Psocid with them because he saved them, and they can somehow find a way of cutting the connection with Wasp. Her mother argues that he'll just be a liability and could get them arrested. In the end Indra wins.
Her mother then says is best if they run away instead of going to look for Indra's father, as it will only put him at risk of getting caught too. She still loves him and doesn't want him to get in trouble for sheltering them. Indra reluctantly agrees. Wasp has been listening closely in Psocid's body and sends in guards to the location they're at.
Indra's mother and Indra, carrying Psocid with them, run away, out of Jewel Hive, and fly through the savannah. Guards pursue them, but they narrowly escape.
Eventually Wasp loses interest and lets Psocid go. She makes everyone belive she killed the runaways and everyone is like "good ridance, glad we got rid of the blasphemous hivewing and silkwing." Execept for Psocid's mother who is trying her best to find her son.
Indra, her mom and Psocid keep flying. They are flying along the river, and while Indra's mom isn't happy with walking so out in the open, specifically because of Psocid's scales, but there isn't any other option. She shields him as best as she can with her wings and Indra is doing more swimming than walking because her black scales absorb the sunlight and make her overheat. Her mom isn't happy about this either, who knows what kind of dangers are inside the water but there isn't much she can do.
Psocid feels bad. He feels like hes gonna get possessed by Wasp at any moment and let her know of their location.
They are going to Vinegaroon Hive, where Indra's father lives. They spend a while inside the Hive, trying to look for them, but eventually they give up and leave, unware that they have been spotted by some guards. Word travels, and reaches the ears of Psocid's mother, who up until now had been in a mad dash to find her son (or his corpse, since no one gave her closure on what exactly had gone down) hears the words "sickly pale hivewing traveling with a light blue silkwing and a weird dark colored silkwing" and starts making preparations to travel to Vinegaroon Hive.
Outside, just near Beetle Lake, there's a small fishing settlement. Its not big enough to call a town or a village, but some hivewings moved there so they could fish the well known fish from Vinegaroon Hive and, with permisson from Lady Vinegaroon and Queen Wasp, brought their families and silkwing servants with them.
One of those silkwings happens to be Ulysses, Indra's father, who sees her pass by and recognizes the pale blue scales of Eri, and how the black scaled dragon beside her looks nothing like a hivewing. He thinks he's hallucinating. Wasp had chased her around and then killed her, he had heard his hivewing employers say over the strange mind control Wasp had.
But one night, when everyone was asleep, he walked outside to drink water, and there she was. Eri, and his daughter, the one he abandoned as soon as she hatched. He wished he was wrong, but he only knew of one silkwing with scales as black as the night sky. They were accompanied by a white hivewing with big red eyes.
They meet, reconciliation or something, he apologizes for abandoning Eri and Indra, they ask that he help them.
"Help you... with what exactly?" He asks.
"I don't know. Hide. Get away. So we can live our lives. Psocid here is also with us." Eri says.
"I cant. I cant do anything. But maybe..."
Ulysses then reveals that up north from Beetle Lake, if the rumours are true, then there are dragons living there. No one has ever been able to confirm, because all that go there to investigate, including elite hivewing soldiers directed by Queen Wasp, either came back empty handed or never came back at all.
What do they do in such place? He doesn't know. But because not even Queen Wasp can get inside, it must be pretty secure. Eri doesn't buy this. She thinks its too convinient and too suspicious. Plus, the three of them are tired from the trip. Ulysses says that they could rest around here for a couple days. They can meet at midnight, and since the fields around beetle lake are filled with mounds, very tall grass and places to hide, they can stay safe for a while until they decide on the next step of their journey.
This continues for a couple days, but eventually, June arrives and starts searching Vinegaroon Hive from top to bottom. Being the dragon equivalent of head of the police force in Jewel Hive doesn't give her much authority in Vinegaroon Hive, but she is a desperate mother and does not let up, even if it puts her career at risk.
She's conducting this opperation alone. Involving her soldiers would attract too much unwanted attention, and doubting Queen Wasp's word would be, as her husband said, seen as treason and she could go to jail or even get killed for that. Her and Thorax had a huge fight over this, with him beliving that Psocid is dead and all of this is just her being in denial because why would their good Queen Wasp ever lie to them and really, what chances did a dragonet who is weak to the sun have of surviving in the savannah, and her fully ready to throw Wasp's judgment out of the window if it meant her son was alive.
Eventually she finds her way into the village, in the middle of the night, and sees Eri, Ulysses, Indra and Psocid.
"YOU!" She snarls at them. "Wasp thought you were dead, but look at you, just as alive as you were in the day you stole my kid from me."
"Mother, they-" Psocid tries to calm her, but it doesn't work. She says she's going to announce to everyone that they are still alive (without thinking of the consequences of calling Wasp a liar) and make sure they are dealt with this time, either rotting in jail or dead, and this includes Ulysses too, because taking care of prisioners is a crime, and so is cheating on your assigned partner.
June is making enough of a commotion that dragons are waking and walking outside to see what's up, so the group flies away as fast as they can, heading north, with June on their tails.
They pass by a little forest, and Indra and Psocid are confused because they've been told their whole life that trees were only avaliable in the Poison Jungle and Wasp had taken them all down, but there isnt time to question it with the hivewings of Beetle Lake curious to see what happened and June flying right behind them, trying to grab Psocid and go back to the Hives.
Up north they find mountains, with a long winding river, and have to land because they are all too tired to continue flying. The ground cover is strange, and Indra has a distinc feeling that this isn't what green grass is supposed to look like. June of course keeps flying overhead, and manages to snatch Psocid. As soon as hes out of the ground and before Ulysses, Eri or Indra have time to fly after June, vines shoot from below and pull them into the Earth, and Indra sees that the ground cover wasn't grass, but thick sturdy vines that pull them under the cover and return back to normal.
Three dragons are there, waiting for them. A silkwing and two brown dragons that they dont immediately recognize. They are shocked to know there are still some leafwings around, alive and kicking and that they have just been saved by a group of dragons that refuses to follow Wasp's orders and has been living in peace underground even before the Tree Wars.
These two leafwings, Eucalyptus and Snakeroot come from the Poison Jungle. They are from the first generation after the Poison/Sap split, when the "dragons from these two subtribes cannot interact" rule wasn't all that solidified. So they ran away togheter, and ended up on the other side of the continent. The silkwing, Metalmark, is a blind silkwing from Beetle Lake. Their mistress was an old, old hivewing, that cared a lot for them, even going as far as considering them a part of her family more than her own kids (who pretty much abandoned her the minute they got the chance to go live the more sofisticated life in the Hives) so when she died, she left some stuff on her will for Metalmark. Her kids didn't like this, and came after Metalmark to demand what they "stole" from them. Knowing full well they would not survive a trial against a hivewing, Metalmark ran away.
Indra wants them to get Psocid too, to save him from June, but the 3 refuse, saying he'll just be a liability because of Wasp's mind control. Snakeroot points out that getting them in front of two hivewings was dangerous as is, but Eucalyptus insisted. Indra retorts saying that Wasp thinks Psocid is dead, and if June ever reveals that they are alive and implies Wasp lied, they are more likely to execute her for treason than to belive her.
They still refuse, Metalmark remarking that they can't feel them anymore which means they probably are still flying and are impossible to reach. The canopy that serves as ground cover took years of dedicated leafspeakers to grow, and neither Snakeroot nor Eucalyptus are strong enough to move them very high, even working togheter.
Snakeroot, Eucalyptus and Metalmark take them deeper, to the actual settlement. To their surprise they actually start going up instead of down, and its revealed that the mountains have extense cave systems that go almost to their peak, so everyone doesn't need to stay 6 feet under. (Said by Snakeroot)
Aboveground, June has Psocid in a firm grip and is flying him back to the hives. However, the sun is starting to rise and Psocid doesn't have his veils, which means that his scales will likely burn in the sun as they dont have time to get to the Hives before the sun rises completly. June doesn't want to land, she saw the three silkwings being eaten by the ground, and is fearful that the vines will steal her son as well.
With the sun rising, Psocid insists even more, and June finally caves in and lands, in the forest they saw earlier. They both land in a tree branch, and don't say anything to eachother.
Psocid asks about the forest.
"Where do you think Wasp gets stuff to make paper from for all the books in her library?," June replies, "Where to you think she got all that treestuff to repair Mantis Hive when part of it collapsed? As much as she might deny it, we need the trees."
"But... doesnt treestuff come from shrubs? And the paper we use comes from silk, doesn't it?" Psocid asks.
"Those shrubs are more leaves than sap. Sap is what we use as glue to keep the hives togheter. If you get a talonful of treestuff from a shrub you're lucky. The trees just speed up the process enough for it to be profitable. And you're correct, most of the paper we use comes from silk, but the finest, most pristine books that end up in the Wasp Hive Library are made from real trees. We need the trees as much as we need the silkwings."
"I find it funny that we need the silkwings so much, yet treat them like they're less than dirt." Psocid says, even if he doesn't find it funny at all. Neither are laughing, and June doesn't say anything else.
The sun is up now, and they cannot leave the forest, not if they want to risk Psocid's scales burning.
Psocid asks about his father. June tells him he didn't care, that Thorax fully belives him dead. June is unsure if he cares about her either. She has the disctint feeling that if he cared he would have come with her.
While they wait for the sun to go back down, June does a bit of self reflection. She had been so caught up in trying to get her son back that she hadn't really thought of the consequences of actually bringing him back to the Hives and proving Wasp lied when she announced he was dead.
They couldn't go back to the Hives. But where would they go?
Psocid suggested they go back to the vine floor thing, and explained what Ulysses had told them. June sighs and agrees.
At sunset, when the sunlight isn't as harsh they can make it back.
Metalmark senses them and Snakeroot and Eucalyptus bring them both down, blindfolded for safery. Indra vouches for Psocid, saying that he's her friend and Wasp declared him dead, so she wont be possessing him. She does have her doubts about June, but Psocid swears she is on their side now.
The moments afterwards are very awkward. Psocid never had a good relashionship with his mother and June sees how much the stunt with Rhyssa damaged him and how being constantly trying to change him was not a "mother knows best" situation, and more of her trying to mold him to fit their status. They try to rebuild their relashionship togheter but it will take time.
The end (for now)
No, not really I wanted to add more but its a work in progress so no true ending for now lol.
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foolishdragon · 2 months
Does anyone else have this problem that after reading Wings of Fire all my dragons became Wings of Fire-y? Like. Is this like a warrior cat thing where u can tell someone has read it just because of the way they draw cats?
I don't want this to happen I wanna draw original dragons and not wof tribes 😭😭😭
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foolishdragon · 2 months
(Go watch it on youtube as well) I made this bullshit instead of sleeping. I just wanted to draw Uzui's wives kissing man, they deserve it.
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foolishdragon · 2 months
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The full dream outfit. Not 100 percent my vision but I think it looks cute!!
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foolishdragon · 2 months
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This one came to me in a dream. I dreamt about a modern kny au but the only characters that appeared where Mitsuri and Obanai having a boba date. Mitsuri had this very cute design that I didn't do justice in this drawing, while Obanai was just in full hashira regalia. My brain did not think about him XDD
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foolishdragon · 3 months
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Her again <3
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foolishdragon · 3 months
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Drako again I guess
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foolishdragon · 3 months
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I finally have a single Drako drawing that isn't the one where he's in a maid dress. Yes I changed his design somewhat. Mainly his colors. I like new Drako :D
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foolishdragon · 3 months
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Me and my cousin as akatsuki >:)
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foolishdragon · 4 months
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Is naruto still even relevant? Anyways, have Kisame as a seawing in Wings of Fire. Reblogs appreciated <3
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foolishdragon · 4 months
I just saw a girl in my class playing Subway Surfers when her desk is litterally in front of the teacher. She was using her notebook to hide her phone, but like. What. Math class girl, you dont play Subway Surfers during class 💀
Artistic renditon
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