#Michael's Cruiser
spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate Atlantis "Search and Rescue"
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mancandykings · 2 months
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Eddie and the Cruisers (1984)
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swagcoolcat · 5 months
Being into bmc and not knowing shit about cars was so funny because I, for the longest time, did not know what a PT Cruiser looked like, so I was picturing that Michael drove something that looked like an early 2000s Honda Civic or something.
Then I finally looked up what a PT Cruiser looks like, because I was curious.
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I had no idea for so long. I’m so sorry Michael.
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hickorywind · 5 months
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what-the-mell · 3 months
how's your ugly ass car still running??
-rich ❤️
my car is not ugly. shes beAUTIFUL THE WAY SHE IS!!!
also i take very good care of her. ❤️
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80smovies · 24 days
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I think Michael would drive a bright red jeep
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corvid-ghost · 5 months
real story from earlier today
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eemcintyre · 6 months
Rare pictures of underrated 80s boy
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hollywoodoutbreak · 11 months
It's not often that a movie which made less than $5 million at the box office will still be talked about four decades later, but Eddie and the Cruisers fits the bill. Despite the fact that it was a box office disaster, the film spawned a hit soundtrack, had a pair of hit singles, and became a cult hit through cable airings and home video. When the film was being shot, Michael Paré was a young actor working on The Greatest American Hero, and Eddie and the Cruisers was his big screen debut. Speaking at a fan event, Paré said he was as shocked as anybody else when the film started to take on a whole new life.
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male1971 · 2 years
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Michael Paré and Ken Wahl. 😍 Amirite?!!
#EddieAndTheCruisers #Wiseguy
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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First Engagement "The Kindred Pt 1"
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mancandykings · 6 months
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Michael Paré as Eddie Wilson || Eddie and the Cruisers (1983)
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Red Moto Boots
Red Moto Boots is the replica of those worn by Michael Van Der Mark in WSBK 2023 having particular features concerning the rider’s foot safety. and ease.
Red Moto Boots
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classicanalyzer · 6 days
LEGO Star Wars Rebuild The Galaxy Thoughts
"Nothing makes sense, and everything's mixed up, and that's okay. Things fall apart, but maybe they can come back together better than before." Sig Greebling
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Rebuild The Galaxy is my favorite out of all the D+ LEGO SW specials. I really love the connections to LEGO and SW, including the previous LEGO SW shows, especially Freemaker Adventures. Michael Kramer did an amazing job with the soundtrack, Sig's and Yesi's themes were well-composed.
Part I
"For someone who spends all his time telling stories about heroes, you have no idea how to be one. Maybe that's why you like history so much. It's over and done, but your life isn't. There's so much ahead of you if you'd just try, but you're afraid." Dev Greebling
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Sig Greebling is such a cool name. I really love how he's a literal in-universe SW fan, yet someone who actually wants to be normal despite his Force sensitivity. I find it funny he's a literal Nerf herder. I do emphasize of how he wanted to avoid all the expectations if people know he's Force-sensitive.
I love the reference to Wookiees originally being a part of RotJ before being replaced with Ewoks.
Fennesa is a cool-looking world. Yesi Scala is another cool name (I get reminded of Scala Ad Caleum from KH haha). It's too bad Sig's indecisiveness and inability to step out of his comfort zone translates to his social life, even his crush. The background painting showing the sunset is so beautiful.
I really like how the Ackbar Troopers are the Clones in this universe. They must have chosen Ackbar as the main host due to his skills since he was a skilled warrior and leader, but definitely also for the memes out of universe. I also love how Phase I was used because the Kaminionans designed the Phase I suit based on aquatic species like themselves and would fit the Mon Calamari Clones.
The fighting animation and choreography for Yesi's fight against the Ackbar Troopers are so well animated. I laughed seeing that one Ackbar Trooper shooting with two blasters. I can see why Sig likes Yesi. Also ooff, Yesi lost her father in this timeline to the Empire. You can feel the bleak state of this galaxy under this Empire. At least, Yesi's desire to fly among the stars and not live in a backwater world is still there. I like how Sig also mentioned how Rancors are actually misunderstood intelligent creatures.
Double ooff, Sig's brother is now Darth Devastator "Dev". At least we finally get our first on-screen appearance of Jedi Bob!
Part II
"Being a hero is easier when you don't know the cost...Sig, the Force doesn't work that way. The dark side is loud and obvious like a big, mean Gamorrean kicking you in the head over and over. But the light side, the light side of the Force is just a whisper in the back of your mind." Bobolian Afol "Jedi Bob"
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Darth Rey as Dev's apprentice feels so wrong about the intentional nature of aspects of this new universe. Jedi Bob!...or rather Bobolian Afol lmao (I also love how the markings seem a bit faded which signals his age). I love this cynical Jedi who sucks at fighting but is amazing at the Force...which is what a true Jedi should specialize in.
FREEMAKER LORE! THE FORCE BUILDERS ARE BACK! I love seeing them once again and hearing Bob recap them feels cathartic.
Ewok Bounty Hunters is one thing but bounty hunter C-3PO channeling his Triple 0 and HK-47 vibes in a Naboo Royal Cruiser with gold plating feels so right yet so wrong in the best ways possible. Yesi really has a lot of baggage with her wanting to prove herself and redeem herself for accidentally getting a rebel base captured.
Mos Eisley Marina made me die on the inside lmao. Tatooine isn't boring anymore lmao. I do love how this is a nod to how the BoBF and Legends mention Tatooine being once covered with oceans before becoming a desert world.
Like father like son indeed, however, even Anakin wouldn't go that far to cheat. I do love how Luke and Anakin use the same Podracer. Poor Max Rebo.
I love how Maul in this galaxy is much more relaxed and happy. At least, in this galaxy, Maul gets to live his life without the tragedies in his main galaxy life.
I love the implication that Nubs is well-known in the main galaxy that Sig knows about him. I'm incredibly confident that Darth Hammerhead is Rusty. Even in another universe, nobody remembers his name lmao.
That brief Duel of the Fates theme playing when Darth Jar Jar appeared was so hype and chilling. His line goes unironically hard.
Part III
"I know you can't restore a galaxy once it's gone because I tried to restore my own, and I failed. In the galaxy I'm from, things were simpler. I was a Padawan on Alistan Nor, learning the secrets of Force Building. I'd heard rumors about the Cornerstone. The more I read, the more obsessed I became. Was it possible to remake an entire galaxy? I needed to know the truth. My Masters forbid me from searching for the Cornerstone, but I wasn't exactly good at following orders. There were so many rules. I just wanted to do things my own way. I thought I could control the Cornerstone. I never thought -- When I left that temple, everything was different. My galaxy was gone, Sig. And yours had just been born." Bobolian Afol "Jedi Bob"
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We truly reached the pinnacle of miniaturized Death Star tech with the Dark Falcon lmao.
Darth Jar Jar definitely isn't dead and I love what little time we had with him.
I love the lights looking like the Binary Sun and the music playing as Luke looks towards them.
I love how Palpatine in this universe is a cynic who gave up on fighting. I like that fascinating take on this alternate Palpatine. The new Jedi Council (I like the faded and scratched markings similar to Jedi Bob signals their age and tiredness of a seemingly hopeless war) is insane with Jedi Vader (I love that this is a SW Infinities comic reference, it felt cathartic to see it realized in visual media), Dooku, Cad Bane, Jannah, Lobot, IG-88(?), and even Jabba. I really love that Jannah has more to do here including her actress returning to voice her.
Greedo being the Han of this universe was so funny. He even has the Rodian ears for his Slave I Firespray ship lmao.
I love how Yesi recreates the energy in TFA when she does smth incredibly insane with Greedo's ship. Sig saying I do feels like his and Yesi's "I know" moment. And a Star Trous mention. I also feel like Yesi's point of how you fix the mistake got to Jedi Bob and got to him into revealing the truth. I love how Grevious is one of the rebels in this universe.
Damn, this Han really became just like his mentor in the old universe. A true scoundrel.
God that twist of the old universe never coming back is gut-wrenching...especially since Jedi Bob is the only survivor of his old universe. The story of Jedi Bob is beyond tragic. One simple curiosity into the cornerstone left him the only survivor. Spending all that time alone in the Temple to make sure it doesn't happen again...only for it to happen again. I also really love how the simple galaxy is represented by 4:3 aspect ratio and all LEGO figures are the classic yellow designs.
WHEN SERVO WAS DESTROYED, I FELT MY HEART BREAKING APART. God that was heartbreaking to see, just like many heroes before him in his stories, to save his friends Sig gave himself up.
Part IV
"The tales of my galaxy. The tales of people like Dev. My Dev. I don't wanna forget them. They matter." Sig Greebling
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God the intro with the sad music and Servo shutting down just hurts me in ways I cannot comprehend. The collapsing logo really showcases we're in the endgame.
I love how Yoda is voiced by his Young Jedi Adventure VA in this show. It is heartbreaking to see Ian Han hate Yoda given the very first major LEGO SW special (The Padawan Menace was one of my first non-SW movie experiences in my childhood).
Even if Dev is mentally messed up, I really like how he came around to having a brother and want to be brothers. I like how Sig realizes this is all a fantasy of a galaxy he can never restore. He fights to save this galaxy now.
I'm happy Tico got to a substantial role in this show alongside Rey. Reusing the Nobody line toward Darth Rey was pretty cruel.
The space battle was shot very well and I love the designs of the Calamari Destroyers.
Dev's breakdown was pretty disturbing to see and how he took the rage and lack of happiness in his life to put his idea of "order" and to take control of his life. Especially how he sees himself as beyond redemption and the point of no return.
The quote I used for the introduction quote is beautifully anti-nihilist.
The fight is so well choreographed and so peak, especially when the brief moment the windows were destroyed and the energy shield was activated. The fact the Nerf herder stick came back to be a major turning point in the fight against Dev is great. It was heartbreaking and I got a bit misty-eyed to see Dev ultimately decide to remain evil.
My heart repaired itself as Servo was reconstructed. The old galaxy is gone but the stories will live on. And leave it for Servo to interrupt Sig and Yesi's tender moment haha.
The ending shot with the new crew really felt like the passing of the torch between the Freemaker Adventures to Rebuild the Galaxy. I hope we get to see the Freemaker cast, especially the Freemaker family on Alistan Nor.
Also, The Landolorian and Evil Grogu has been so hyped as the sequel hook alongside Darth Rey and Tico being in charge of the Empire.
This is such a great show and I can't wait to see more LEGO SW stories set in this universe.
I love the score by Kramer who is also responsible for Ninjago’s score (alongside Jay Vincent):
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jungle-angel · 5 months
While He Was Sleeping (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Bob's parents have been together for close to 30 years, but there's a little secret to how they met
Warnings: Weed smoking, concert shenanigans, Bob's uncles all being complete morons etc.
Notes: For @sorchathered for the RomCom prompts!!! I did kinda deviate a little bit from the story, but my darling, please enjoy (lol).
30 years........30 years to that day Bob's family had been together and you and him could hardly believe it.
The whole Floyd family had convened en masse to the ranch in Montana to celebrate, but at the end of the day it was just you, Bob and his parents, the four of you sitting out by the firepit in the waning evening light, the haze of late spring having set fully over Bozeman and the bright red disk of the sun fully visible in the sky.
"Holy hell what a day," Joe sighed as he pulled Irene close to him.
"Good day, Dad?" Bob asked him.
"Yeah, just exhausting," he said. "Wasn't expecting that many people to show up."
"I'm surprised your brother's brain still works," Irene chuckled as the flames crackled.
"What do you mean?" you asked, laughing a little.
"Bobby never told you?" Joe asked. "Jeez, I thought that story ran rife in the family."
You looked at your husband who in turn grew sheepish. "What happened with your uncle?"
"Um......I.....I don't remember......" Bob said, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to come out.
"Oh I do," Joe chuckled. "Eyeballs, you remember this one?"
"Oh indeed I do," Irene laughed. "Because that's the story about how we met."
Your eyes went wide, yourself smiling as your jaw hung open.
"Alright, my guess is it's storytime," Joe said, making himself comfortable in the Budweiser camp chair. "Back in the late 70s, me and my brothers decided we were gonna sneak into a Doobie Brothers concert with a few friends of ours."
"Summer of '79 right?" Irene queried.
"Yep," Joe replied. "Us five idiots had piled into the back of our friend's Vista Cruiser and headed off to the stadium to go see'em in Oklahoma City. Concert was great, until Chris decided he was gonna actually smoke a doobie."
You and Bob laughed a little bit. Bob's uncle, Chris, had always been the straight laced one in the family, a very well respected police officer just like Bob's brother, Michael.
"Anywho....." Irene said, giving her husband 'the look'.
"Anywho," Joe continued. "Chris is high out of his mind by the time the concert gets out and walks himself right into a fuckin lamp-post on the way back to the car. He's not moving of course, so we've gotta book it right to the hospital. We get there and the nurses completely freak so they test him and fin out he's concussed."
You and Bob both grimaced at the image.
"So us idiots are waiting," Joe explained. "When lo and behold I see this gorgeous lady coming in because a friend of theirs was so loaded that she ended up eating shit on the pavement."
You and Bob shouldn't have laughed, but you were, the two of you letting out a piggish snort.
"Oh my God," Irene laughed. "Cheryl Anne was more than loaded. She was giving the nurses a hard time and I needed some air."
"So she goes out and I'm thinking that maybe I should talk her up a little bit," Joe chuckled.
"Yeah, Chief Running-Of-The-Mouth is hitting on me while his partner, Afraid-Of-Crotch-Hair is near the dumpster and has just lit his pants on fire," Irene remarked.
"Nobody knew he had a lit roach in his pocket, dear," Joe reminded her.
By this time, you and Bob could barely breathe, let alone stop laughing. "Dad what the hell.....?" Bob squeaked in between laughing fits.
"Do you even remember what we were talking about that night?" Irene asked Joe.
"I think it had something to do with the furniture," Joe theorized. "You were leaning kinda funny on it."
"There was something else too," Irene added.
"What was that?" Joe asked her.
"Chris asked me when it was the two of us fell in love," Irene told him. "I told him it was while you were sleeping."
Joe's forehead came to rest against Irene's, and yours against Bob's. Who would have thought, that his father had found the same romance that the two of you had found all those years ago.
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