#i pointed out a car and the said it was a PT Cruiser
corvid-ghost · 5 months
real story from earlier today
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sochilll · 7 months
Day Two of Pins and Patches Week! (See the prompt list here!)
Day 2: Tears/Drunk
Read on Ao3
Michael was aware that he couldn’t just stay in Jake Dillinger’s bathroom forever. He knew at some point he’d have to get off the floor and leave the room and walk through the party and get back to his car and drive home. But he just didn’t think he’d survive any of that at the moment. He lifted his head as yet another person banged on the door. He was concerned that if he ignored them much longer, someone would just break the door down. 
He pulled himself to his feet, using the counter for leverage. He stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were red and puffy. 
He opened the door, was shoved aside by some girl he vaguely recognized, and was left to fend for himself in the hallway.
The music pounded in his ears, rattling his teeth. He put his hands over ears, trying to protect them. Trying to be able to think clearly. He needed to get out. He needed to find the door and his car and… uh oh.
Michael hadn’t realized it while fighting with Jeremy or while sitting on the floor crying but he was perhaps a little drunker than he meant to be. When he turned his head, the world took a second to catch up. He swayed. 
“Hey man.” Someone grabbed Michael’s shoulder. “You seen—? Hey, you okay?”
Michael blinked. “Jake.”
“Yeah.” Jake ducked to meet Michael’s eyes. “Are you okay?”
Michael nodded. Then he started crying. He felt his balance go weird but Jake’s hands were squeezing his shoulders, keeping him upright. 
“Um,” Jake glanced around like he was looking for somewhere to put Michael.
“Sorry. Fuck. Shit. Sorry. I just—I got into a big fight with Jeremy. My best friend. And now he ha-hates me. And I didn’t even want to be at this stupid party. No offense. And now I have to go home and I don’t know where the front door is and…” Michael trailed off, hiccuping through his tears. 
“Hey,” Jake straightened Michael’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. “It’s your lucky day. I can help you find the front door.”
Michael laughed a little, still crying. 
Jake fought his way through the crowds of people, gripping Michael’s arm, and hauling him along. Michael stumbled blindly after him. 
They reached the front door and stepped out onto the porch. The cold air stung Michael’s wet cheeks. He shivered.
“Look at that. We made it.” Jake grinned at him. 
Michael nodded, still having enough sense to keep his mouth shut. 
“So, where’s your ride?”
Michael blinked. He pointed at the PT Cruiser parked across the street. “I drove here.”
“Oh.” Jake eyed him. “That’s… probably not a good idea.”
“No, I’m fine,” Michael insisted. “I’m good. I’ll just sit for a minute and then I’ll be good.” He didn’t really believe that but he needed to get away from Jake and this whole humiliating experience, even if it meant sleeping in her car across the street. 
“Dude, you’re fucked up. You can’t drive.” Jake glanced behind him at the open front door, then back at Michael. “I’ll take you home.”
Michael snorted. “Like you’re sober right now.”
“I am,” Jake said, rolling his eyes. “I wasn’t supposed to be. But Rich is on some weird rampage and I’ve been trying to keep track of him all night.” He dug his keys out of his pocket. “Come on.” 
Michael stumbled after him, trying to come up with an excuse to not get into Jake’s car. He stopped walking when he saw Jake unlock a shiny black sports car.
“Oh I can’t get in there.”
“Why not?” Jake frowned.
“Cause I might possibly maybe throw up in it. And I can’t afford to pay to fix your upholstery because I’d like to go to college.”
Jake snorted. He shoved Michael toward the car. “We’ll roll the windows down. And I promise I won’t charge you for any puke-related damages.”
Michael dragged his feet but eventually got into the car and gave Jake his address. Jake drove smoothly enough that Michael didn’t get overwhelmingly nauseous on the drive. Only mildly nauseous. 
“So what happened with that dude?” Jake asked suddenly.
“You said you were fighting with your friend.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Michael didn’t know how he’d even begin to explain what was happening between them. He figured Jake didn’t really care to know the details anyway. “Just stupid high school shit. He thinks being popular is the most important thing. Doesn’t get that all the popular kids are vapid, selfish, assholes.” Michael looked over, sniffling. “No offense.”
“You say no offense after directly insulting me a lot.”
Michael slid down in his seat. “Sorry. I’m drunk.”
Jake laughed. He pulled up to the curb in front of Michael’s house. 
“Thanks.” Michael unbuckled his seatbelt. 
“No problem. Honestly, it was nice to get some space from the noise.” Jake gave him a seemingly genuine smile. “I’ll come get you tomorrow so you can get your car.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can… Uber or something.”
“That’s stupid. I’ll probably sleep in pretty late so let’s say noon to be safe.”
“I… uh… okay.” Michael got out of the car. “Thanks.” 
“See you around.”
“Yeah. Uh, see you around.” Michael smiled slightly, and then remembered he was supposed to be sad and fixed his face before going inside.
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steampunkenglish · 1 year
Working Writer or Working Writer: Let's Work Through This a Bit
Are You a Working Writer?
This question always comes back at me when I rewatch the early episodes of the old Columbo series. Yes, I know I'm old. Shut up. The creators of this show had a thing about successful writers and would often cast them as the murderer (the first episode of the series--not the original pilot "Prescription: Murder," which is excellent FYI--but the one with Jack Cassidy). These are successful writers of the early 70s. I'm not sure what was going on with publishing at this point in time, but apparently, there were writers who were earning enough on books to have huge houses with massive windows and gardens, nice sports cars, and spending accounts to go to fancy restaurants wearing stylish clothes. They also didn't have second jobs. Those were the days.
What's funny is that vision of the author is ingrained in our society. That's what people think of even now. You publish a book, and you join a secret society where you get things like advances and you can do things like quit your day job.
It can happen, I suppose, but it only happens to a slim percentage of the population of writers. I can literally think of maybe one or two writers I know who have gone on that track. Seriously.
The rest of us are working, and by that, I mean we either work a day job (or a night job for those of my friends who are vampire-types), or we are running a small business (some of my small or medium publisher friends).
So, the question "are you a working writer" is kind of convoluted. I AM a working writer. I have a day job, but I also work as a writer.
When Do You Plan to Write Full-Time?
This is the dream, right? To get up each morning and not have to worry about the day job or bills or insurance or retirement. All you have to do is write and the rest takes care of itself. Ha!
I just finished reading Lucy Worsley's biography of Agatha Christie (Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman--I enjoyed it a great deal). What I learned was that even if you come from a moneyed background like Dame Agatha, even if you end up with some really good book deals and even if you manage to have your books turned in to movies and television series, you can struggle with making ends meet and have to work. She had tax problems almost her entire career that were caused by a change in US law and then a drawn out argument concerning how she would be taxed. She also loved to shop. Dame Agatha held several outside jobs over her lifetime. This work allowed her to continue to produce her writing.
My point is this: sometimes--most of the time--we must have a job to support our craft, and that job is not our craft.
I have embraced the idea that I will probably have to continue working while I also continue to produce more stories and novels. I like eating. I like to make sure my cats eat. I enjoy the comfort of having good insurance and being able to save money to maybe purchase a new car one day (my PT Cruiser is not going to last forever). My day job gives me a good cushion. There's no shame in wanting financial security.
James Moore, author of some great horror and dark fantasy novels and short stories (https://www.fantasticfiction.com/m/james-a-moore/) gave me a piece of advice a while back that made a hell of a lot of sense: "Work so you can focus on your craft." (I'm putting quotes around this, but I'm not sure if this is exactly what he said. If he didn't, it was pretty damned close). He also told me to "Sit my ass down and write." When he tells you something, you do it. Seriously.
What he says makes sense. Give yourself security. That security means that you can then focus on creating. That's not selling out. That's taking care of yourself and whoever else is in the boat with you including your craft. If the craft ends up adding to that security along the way, huzzah! Just don't expect that Jack Cassidy lifestyle to roll your way (Spoilers: You learn that his character is in over his head, which is why he murders his writing partner who is about to leave him).
Until next week, my friends! Keep an eye out for random photos from this weekend. I'm doing some fun stuff with @dzgrizzle in Carrollton, GA! #writing #horrorwriting #agathachristie #columbo #jackcassidy #ptcruiser #writingcraft #workingwriter #jamesmoore
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Someone said I was invalidating the experiences of abused children today and I got angry and I got triggered and I wrote a 705 word short story on my personal experience of being an abused child so here’s that.
Obvious trigger warnings for abuse and shit.
I am scared of street signs. 
Specifically the ones that tell you the speed limit. 
It didn’t matter much when I was younger. I could read a book or play with my Barbies and I was none the wiser to which street signs we passed on our drives. 
It got a bit more complicated when I started driving on my own. Operating a vehicle was stressful enough without the overwhelming panic that set in every time I had to look for the speed limit. I had to get one of those fancy cars with the screens that told you what the speed limit was, simply because I couldn’t look at the signs on the side of the road like a normal person. 
We couldn’t afford it. But my mother saved up all her money, and helped me get a loan, and she made it work like she always did. Instead of being excited, I felt bad the day she pulled up in my shiny new car that was more expensive than anything she’d ever bought for herself. 
It wasn’t her fault that I was so scared of something so stupid. 
I’m scared of a lot of stupid things. Most of them have a story behind it, but some of those stories I can’t even remember now. It’s funny, because most of the things that terrify me are things I used to love. 
Wild flower fields, nightlights, television remotes. Diving boards, showers, ashtrays, beer cans. I’m scared of the smell of cigarette smoke and pink dog collars and Christmas-tree-patterned wrapping paper. I’m scared of exercise machines, I’m scared of eating too fast, I’m scared of street signs, and I’m scared of him. 
I used to love most of those things. The things I’m most scared of. Or, at the very least, I thought I did. Maybe my brain just blocks out some of the reasons they terrify me so much now. And sometimes it’s easy to think that they don’t scare me. That I’m only being dramatic. 
But then I remember the car, and my mom, and the feeling of absolute panic when I so much as think of a speed limit sign. I’m not being dramatic. 
It’s not her fault, though I’m sure she blames herself. I blamed her for a while. But I didn’t tell her until I was 12, and I didn’t let on to just how bad it was until I was 18 and he legally had no claim over me anymore. I didn’t want to deal with any more Child Services Agents and I knew she would make me. He’d already given up visitation rights, anyway. 
Oh, yeah: I’m scared of Child Services Interviews. 
I’m sure my mother blames herself, but it wasn’t her fault that she had a kid with a monster. She didn’t know. She couldn’t have. I had made sure she didn’t. 
I often wonder if all kids in my situation have so many irrational fears. I wonder if they remember the reasons behind those fears. I only remember half of my own stories, really. I tell people I was too young to remember. My therapist disagrees - she says I probably just blocked out the trauma. 
All of my irrational fears have a story, and every single story relates back to my singular rational fear: him. 
But this story is about street signs, and I do remember that. 
This story starts in a PT Cruiser. There’s a five-year-old bouncing in her seat with her hand out the window. She has known pain at this point, but she luckily doesn’t remember. This story starts with laughter, and the desire to be helpful, and a called out “35 miles per hour!” to which Mamma laughs along. 
This story ends in a Dodge. There is an eight-year-old crying in her seat with her head against the window. She has known pain at this point, and the new bruise on her cheek will not let her forget. This story ends with tears, and the burn of a cigarette on skin, and a shouted “I know the damn speed limit” from a father who does not know the monster he has started to create. 
This story ends with a fear of street signs.
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years
Deadbeat Pt. 3
Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
18+ ONLY 
Warnings: age gap (reader is 21), smut, cursing, abandonment, infatuation, cheating/divorce, angst, mild housewife kink, mentions of prostitution, mentions of alcohol, corrupt official 
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: You work at the bar at the edge of town, the Sheriff is going through a divorce and needs to rent a room.
A/N: I’m terrible at writing summaries and I’m so sorry about that! I don’t think I would consider this a dark!fic, but it does cover a lot of themes, and topics that are darker than I usually write about- but I think that comes with the territory of writing about Lee Bodecker. I’ll make sure to update the warnings for each chapter and do not read if you are underage. I also ignored canon for this one.
This is unedited, and I missed anything I should include as a warning let me know! This chapter introduces some new plots and conflicts, so it jumps around a little more than the previous ones. 
I hope you all enjoy!
I also am having some writer’s block with my Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries I was working on, so expect Part 3 sometime Sunday hopefully! So sorry for the delay on the final chapter. 
Tags and Requests are OPEN 
Part One // Part Two 
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Henry Curtis was one of the most infuriating people Lee had ever met. Curtis was a writer for the Columbus newspaper and constantly pestering the Sheriff. Curtis seemed to have a sixth sense for whenever the Sheriff did anything. He was desperately trying to catch the Sheriff doing anything but so far had remained unsuccessful. Curtis was the biggest obstacle Lee faced in winning re-election. The man would show up out of nowhere, pen and pad in hand ready to find anything that would be enough to keep the Sheriff out of office.
Maybe Curtis was just doing his job, but Lee always felt like it was much more personal. It was probably just his own resentment of the man who was just doing his job. But the man didn’t have to be so goddamn invasive. When the Sheriff had devised his plan on offering to rent a room from you, he was so tied up in his own mess of divorce and his somewhat confusing feelings towards you he had completely forgotten about the press. They would have a field day with the divorce alone, but now on top of everything else, Lee knew he should be more careful.
Lee always had to be careful, especially if he was meeting Leroy Brown. Lee would make sure he drove way out of town, and always insisted they met at a different location every time. This would infuriate Brown but Lee was the only lawman he had working for him. Sometimes Lee would drive several hours out of the way, always at some deserted ghost town or some sad excuse for a diner or a bar. Always somewhere no one would recognize him.
Lee lied to you and told you he and a few of the deputies would need to drive out of town for a stakeout when he needed to meet with Brown. It was one of those nights, sitting in the cruiser with the headlights off, as he parked in an abandoned parking lot almost two hours out of town.
He had been able to put this off for a couple weeks, lying about other legitimate jobs getting in the way. Honestly, it was because he wanted to one, avoid anything that would cause suspicion from Henry Curtis hearing he was back in town and two, he was selfishly allowing himself to just spend his nights at his new home, spending all the time he could manage with you. It was like being in that little white house was a place where he could let himself be delusional, and time spent with you was what his life actually was, not this mess he was currently dealing with. He wanted out.
Lee knew he wasn’t a good man. He knew that his laundry list of offenses had tarnished his badge a long time ago. He knew what he was doing, and before he never cared. Now, he’s thinking about how his actions could affect you. You were innocent, unaware of everything he was stuck in. He knew you weren’t stupid, and he was sure the town knows some about his corruption. But now, he couldn’t rationalize away his actions for any reason when it came to you. Janie? She didn’t care and would encourage it. She’d be in on it too. She’d have no problem lying to ladies at Church or starting other rumors to keep the town talking about anyone but Lee. She was as power hungry as he was sometimes, which could be a testament as to how their loveless marriage held together for so long.
“Hi, I’m looking for a Ms. (Y/L/N)?” the man asked when he approached you, talking a seat at one of the barstools.
“Who’s asking for her?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
“I’m Henry Curtis, I work for the Columbus Dispatch.”
“The newspaper?”
“That’s the one.”
“Why are you looking for her?”
“I’m doing a story on her mother’s marriage to Harvey Tucker.”
“She’s not here tonight. But I can let her know you were here. Do you got a card?”
The man pulled out a business card from his wallet and slide it across the bar. You picked it up and read all the information before putting it in the pocket of your apron.
“Seems weird for the Columbus paper to want to do a story on that a month and a half after it happened,” you said skeptically.
“We did cover the story when it happened,” Curtis informed you. “Doing a follow up since the story broke about his wife missing.”
“Missing?” you ask. “Do they know what happened?”
“Robbed the bastard blind and then ran apparently,” Curtis said casually looking past you at the chalkboard on the wall. “Scotch, neat.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply, grabbing the bottle from the shelf. “Has anything else been found out yet?”
“Not yet, that’s why I’m here. Checking in to see if she’d come back here because I heard Ms. (Y/L/N) still lives around these parts.” He then pulled a newspaper out of the inside pocket of his coat and started flipping through the pages.
“She has another kid too, right?” you asked, playing dumb. “A boy, I think. Do you know where he is?”
“Couldn’t say,” he sounded very indifferent, “Most likely went with her but who knows? I went to the Sheriff’s office to see if they knew anything but the Sheriff wasn’t there.”
“That’s too bad,” you say. “I’m sure Sheriff Bodecker would help you help if he can.”
Your statement made Mr. Curtis chuckle, but you didn’t follow up on it. You were just focusing on getting as much information about your mother and brother as you could.
“Speaking of Mr. Bodecker,” he began, “I recently saw his wife is getting remarried. Saw the announcement of the engagement in the paper.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” you respond, skeptically. You didn’t know why but you didn’t trust this man. It was something in the tone of his voice, or maybe it was just how he held himself. Very polished, a suit and a nice dress jacket. He looked very out of place in this town, and this little bar.
“You familiar with the Sheriff at all, miss?”
“Not too well,” you shrug, “Haven’t had any run-ins with the law myself.”
“Not even a speeding ticket?” He asks, only a little condescendingly.
“Can’t get a speeding ticket if you don’t have a car,” you point out.
“Touché,” he chuckles before taking a sip of his drink.
He doesn’t ask you anymore questions, and when he leaves, he gives you a five-dollar tip.
Lee receives his cut from Brown. There was nothing new to report on that front and his meeting went by smoothly. All Lee had to do was to turn a blind eye, and make sure the rest of the department stays unaware of the brothel’s existence. Brown always insisted on meeting with him, wanting to know what the Sheriff’s department was investigating and making sure his businesses stayed under the radar. He felt sick, and is preoccupied with the fact he has an envelope of dirty money in the cruiser’s glovebox.
It’s around midnight when he pulls up to the house. He expects that you’re already asleep, but he notices the lamp is on in the living room. He takes the money out of his glovebox and tucks it away into the inner pocket of his jacket. Coming inside, he finds you on the couch, knees pulled to your chest, staring at the business card Mr. Curtis had given you. You face is stained with dried up tears, and you still haven’t even changed out of your work clothes.
“What’s that?” he asks, the sight of you breaking his heart. He winces because he comes off a lot harsher than he meant.
“Some reporter came while I was at work wanting to talk to me,” you explain softly, you sound exhausted. “Wanted to talk to me cause he’s doing a story on my mother. Apparently, she’s on the run from the Columbus police.”
You extend your hand to give Lee the card. He feels his jaw clench when he reads the information. “What happened?” he asks, taking a deep breath and sitting down next to you.
“I pretended I wasn’t me,” you say, another tear rolling down your cheek. “He came in asking for me so I said I’d pass his card on. I didn’t want to tell him who I was because he didn’t explain why he was looking for me at first. I don’t know- just scared me. I’m more upset about the news itself than him.”
“You did the right thing,” Lee said softly, placing a hand on your shoulder comfortingly. He was angry, but he didn’t show it. It worried him, fucking Curtis snooping around this close to you. It made him feel protective, wanting to shield you from the whole ordeal. He had been on the receiving end of unsolicited attention from the press and he knew how ruthless they were. He knew this wouldn’t be the only time Curtis would try to get in touch with you. He’d find out where you lived, he’d continue to show up while you were working- the whole nine yards. He didn’t want you going through that.
Curtis talking to you also made him incredibly paranoid. It was his two worlds that he desperately wanted to keep apart were colliding. He knew it was impossible, but he so wanted to keep you separated from the other part of his life. It wasn’t who he wanted you to see. Hell, he hasn’t even been here for a month. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep you in the dark, at least that wasn’t entirely intentional. Actually, he wasn’t sure, maybe it was intentional. However, it wasn’t just you he wanted to hide aspects of his life from. He wanted his involvement with Brown and others hidden from every goddamn registered voter. You were no different, he tried to rationalize. But that wasn’t true. These feelings he harbored for you, were getting worse. He needed to unwrap himself from this situation, and for the sake of you finding out he was a shill, keep you away from that asshole. He didn’t want to let himself think about how the way you look at him would change.
And here he was, making the situation all about him. It was in his nature.
“He’s just going to show up again if I don’t call him,” you say, wiping your eyes. “Maybe I should just call him in the morning. Just be honest and say I don’t know anything. He can keep coming around but nothing is going to change.”
“I can take care of it,” he says. He couldn’t risk you talking to Curtis again. For all he knows, Curtis would tell you all about the story on the Sheriff he’d been trying to confirm for years. Lee knew he couldn’t let that happen. He fully intends on telling you, but how the hell do you bring that up? ‘Hey doll, I’m also on the payroll of every pimp and bootlegger in a ten-mile radius, just letting you know.’ It wasn’t going to come up, unless Curtis tells you about it. He’d be hoping to pull himself out if it, show you how you made him want to be better.
For now, he settles for comforting you, and just being there to take care of you. Make you feel better. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and lets you cry into his chest. He sighs, kissing the top of your head in a friendly way and you curl up against him. Under different circumstances, you probably wouldn’t have let yourself do this- show your vulnerability or allow anyone to comfort you like this. But it was all the events of the past month, your mother leaving, everything, just all hitting you at once, and you were happy you weren’t alone.
In the morning, you wake up on the couch with a blanket over you. You see Lee asleep in the chair, and you realize he stayed with you all night. It makes your heart flutter. You pull the blanket up over your chin and close your eyes again. You felt surprisingly well rested. The stress and worry were pushed to the back of your mind long enough to let you get some sleep. It still lingered in the back of your mind, but you reminded yourself that for now, there was nothing you could do. You had the day off, and you let yourself have a little longer time to sleep in.
You woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and the sound of sizzling on the stove. When you opened your eyes, Lee was no longer in the chair. You sat up and looked toward the kitchen, where you saw Lee with his back to you while he worked with the pans on top of the stove. The portable radio was positioned on the counter, and it was playing at a low volume, so it wouldn’t wake you up.
“Hey,” you say softly, still waking up as you walk into the kitchen.
“Morning, doll,” he says, glancing back at you for a moment. “How’re you feeling?”
“A little better,” you admit, grabbing a mug for yourself out of the cabinet. You pour yourself a cup of coffee, savoring the smell before making it how you usually take it. “Thank you for sitting with me,” you say honestly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” he says with a small grin. “I just wanted to help.”
“I really appreciate it, Lee,” you reiterate your thanks, hopping up to take a seat on the counter, watching him cook breakfast. “Didn’t know you knew how to cook,” you joke, making him chuckle.
“I’m full of surprises, sweetheart,” he smirks, making you feel flushed. You take another drawn out sip of your coffee to try to distract yourself. You watch his arms, and his hands as they maneuver and flex when he cooks. You imagine how they must feel, your eyes focused on the veins. You bit your lip and it reminds you of the dream you had a little while back when he first moved in. You imagine him stepping in between your legs as your propped up on the counter, his hands gently gripping your thighs and-
“I’ll get it,” you announce hurriedly as you hear someone knock on the front door. You hop off the counter careful to not spill your coffee, and head to answer the door. Lee watches you bounce out of the room, fixing your hair as you go and you don’t catch his smile.
“Arvin,” you say surprised, stepping out onto the porch. “What are you doing here?” you ask, with a small grin. You’re confused but nonetheless happy to see him.
“You look like you’ve been crying,” he observes, concern written all over his face.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you say dismissively, “Just last night I was thinking about my ma and everything. Just had trouble sleeping is all.”
“The Sheriff didn’t do anything?” Arvin asked in a hushed tone, looking over your shoulder to see if Lee could hear you two.
“No, nothing, he’s been perfectly fine,” you say coming to the Sheriff’s defense. “I know you and Ms. Russell are worried, I know how it must look- but Arvin I swear he’s just my tenant. He’s been nothing but a gentleman.”
“Just making sure,” he says, letting it go for now. “Lenora asked me to bring these by for you.” He hands you the glass baking dish that you can see is filled with homemade cinnamon rolls. “She’s been practicing making all kinds of baked goods for when the Church does that bake sale and has me running all over town giving it away cause me and Uncle Earskell can’t keep up with it all.”
“Tell her thank you for me,” you say with a smile, “And I’ll bring the dish with me to Church tomorrow- give it back to her.”
“She misses you I think,” Arvin says sheepishly, pushing his hands into his front pockets. “I mean- I do- I think my whole family does- we all do. I’m sorry my grandmother hasn’t asked you over in a while…”
“I understand,” you nod. “Reputation is an important thing.”
“I just didn’t want you to think it was because of us,” he says looking down at the porch, his eyes fixed on a loose board. “You know how she is- everything no matter the context is somehow a sin. Scared to death of her own shadow…”
“I know you’re not that resentful, Arvin Russell,” you chuckle and he relaxes. “And I don’t hold any hard feelings towards anyone in your family- you all have always been good to me.”
“Well, um,” he says awkwardly, looking like he was holding back from saying more. “I got to hit a couple more houses before I head to work, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at Church?”
“I’ll be there.”
“Oh- I wanted to let you know,” he says, turning around as he’s already heading down the front steps, “The principal down at the high school is looking for secretaries- Lenora heard and thought you might be interested. It pays like $35 a week, I think. You should call Linda Carson; I think Lenora said- that’s the woman who’s in charge of hiring people, I think.”
“I’ll call the school first thing Monday morning,” you say, grin stretching from ear to ear. Arvin nods and says goodbye again. You walk back into the house like you’re on top of the world. You couldn’t contain your excitement. That job if you could get it would be a dream. You’d be making so much more than you’re already making. You were so excited.
“You’re in a much better mood than when I last saw you,” Lee jokes. He’s sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper while he eats his breakfast. You notice that he made you a table setting- brought your coffee over and everything. You place the baking dish in the middle of the table and sit down.
“That was Arvin,” you say happily, and Lee feels his heart sink into his stomach.
“Oh yeah?” he asks, trying to not let on how his heart feels like it’s crushed. He knew it was only a matter of time before a boy would come around- whether it be Arvin or someone else your own age.
“Well, first he was just dropping off baked goods Lenora made,” you say gesturing to the dish on the table. “He’s going around to everybody, I guess. He mentioned the high school is looking for office secretaries- Lenora wanted me to know. Thirty-five dollars a week! I’m going to talk to Linda Carson about it Monday morning. Can you imagine? I could get a secretary job.”
Lee feels just a crash of relief wash over him. He’s so happy that you are looking at a new job. You deserve better than that bar. He knew you deserved the job just as much as any of the other candidates. You work harder than anyone he knows.
“That’s fantastic, sugar,” he replies. “You deserve it.”
“Do you think I have a chance?” you ask, feeling a little self-conscious- you knew you weren’t as experienced as other candidates would be for sure.
“Of course, I do,” he says, putting down the paper to give you his full attention. “I feel like you getting this job is a definite. There’s no doubt about it.”
“You’re just buttering me up,” you scoff, finishing up your food, making him chuckle. You may have also seen his cheeks redden, but you couldn’t say for sure. You finish off your coffee, and then bring you dishes back to the kitchen, leaving them in the sink. Lee turns his attention back to his newspaper and you head upstairs to get ready for your day.
When you head upstairs, Lee notices that you took the radio with you- and he could hear you were listening to music from upstairs. He decides before it’s too late to ring Mark Cunningham. The line rings a couple of times before Mark answers.
“Morning, Mark. It’s Sheriff Bodecker,” he smirks.
“What can I do for you Sheriff?” he asks, the sound of shuffling paper comes through as well. Most likely flipping through the paper.
“I wanna call in that favor you owe me,” he says, casually pacing the living room, holding the receiver up to his ear and the base of the rotary phone in the other.
“Of course, Sheriff,” he says. A while back, Bodecker busted the principal making moonshine in his old barn that was at the end of his property. Lee looked the other way and was waiting for the right thing to call in a favor for.
“I want you to hire (Y/N) (Y/L/N) for the secretary job,” he says, looking to the stairs, making sure you aren’t coming. The music is still playing loudly from upstairs so he determines he’s still got time.
“That’s all?” Mark asked surprised.
“That’s all I want from you,” Lee replies. “I expect you can make that happen?”
“Without a doubt. When can she start?”
“Still have her come in for an interview. I don’t anyone else knowing I called you about this- including her.”
With that, Lee hangs up the phone, feeling really good about this decision. He knew how much that job meant to you- he could see it in your eyes and how excitedly you talked about it. He can’t wait to see you when you find out you get the position. He knows it’s going to make you so happy. He knows you’d be a fantastic candidate, but this just eliminates any doubt. He reasons that there isn’t much difference, since you were very likely to get it anyways. He just had to make sure.
He can picture you know, coming home from the interview- excited to tell him that you got the job. You’d be so excited you’d jump up and hug him tightly, just so overjoyed that you let your feelings take over. You’d wrap your legs and around his waist and he’d hold you up by holding the back of your thighs. You’d wrap your arms tightly around him and bury your head in the crook of his neck. You’d lift your head up to look at him, embarrassed at your actions and then he’d press his lips to yours. You’d gasp softly, but your lips would melt against his own and your arms would wrap tightly around his neck. He’d walk forward, pressing you up against the wall and he’d kiss your neck mumbling praises of congratulations against your skin as his name falls from your lips at how good he’d make you feel. It’s almost unbearable how bad he wants you.
He heads to him room to get ready for his day, but his mind is still clouded with thoughts of you. He thinks about how much he wants nothing more that to just pin you on his mattress. He wonders if you know how crazy you make him. Sometimes there’s something in your eye that makes him think you want him too, but he’s not sure. His better judgement holds him back from everything he wants to do. He thinks about how it must feel to have his head right in-between your thighs. Back in the kitchen together, he wanted to just get on his knees and worship you. The feeling of them pressing against him as he sucks on your clit and runs his tongue across your folds.
Serval hours later, he can’t shake the thoughts, even sitting in his office at the sheriff’s station- working on a Saturday yet again. He’s cooped up in his office, unable to get through any of the paperwork that has piled up on his desk. He’s thinking about you, again, but in this daydream, you’re bent over his desk- because you came by to see him on your break from work at the school. His office door locked and his blinds pulled so he can bend you over and take you right there- rough and fast, sending you back to work with a feeling of him still there between your legs well after you’re back at your own desk, still sore from the encounter.
“You got a visitor, Lee,” the intercom on his desk lights up.
“Send ‘em in,” he responds back, shaking his head to snap out of it. He needed to get a grip.
“Sorry I didn’t call,” you say, walking into his office. His eyes widen and he wonders if he’s still day dreaming. He discreetly pinches himself. You’re actually here, standing in his office, while he looks at you dumbfounded. Part of him would think he manifested it if he was a man of any faith. “You forgot this,” you say, putting his wallet on the desk. “You must have taken it out of your back pocket before falling asleep in the chair last night. It was laying on the coffee table. I figured I’d stop by with it while I was coming up this way anyways.”  
“You’re a doll,” he grins, putting his wallet in his back pocket. “What are you doing?”
“I took the bus to the library to return some books, and now I’m going shopping for something to wear when I go in for an interview since I have the day off to go,” you explain. “I’m also probably going to get lunch after that before heading back home. I just didn’t want to be home in case that reporter stopped by. I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
“I can take care of it,” he says, “He’ll make his way over here soon enough. I can talk to him.”
“You would do that for me?” you ask, the relief evident across your whole face.
“Yeah, I can talk to him, let him know you gave a statement here,” he says. You nod. “You know as much as he does, so it doesn’t matter if I tell him you don’t know shit or if you tell him.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you sigh, so relieved thinking that you won’t have to hear from Henry Curtis again. “If he tells you anything about them… will you let me know?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” you say, hurriedly walking over behind him and quickly hugging his shoulders. You then are back by the door again before he can register the gesture. “Are you going to be home tonight?” you ask, your hand on the doorknob.
“Not until late,” he says reluctantly, and he can see the disappointment on your face- unless his mind was playing tricks on him.
“Okay,” you say finally, “Um, I’ll see you later then.”
“Bye, doll,” he says when you walk out of his office.
Are you going to be home tonight? Your voice lingers in his head. It was such a harmless phrase that could’ve just been one of curiosity. Maybe you were just asking because you were thinking about what you were doing for dinner. It most likely just meant nothing. But, the look on your face when he said no makes him think otherwise. Did it mean you cared? That you wanted to spend time with him? You wanted to see him and be with him as desperately as he needed you perhaps? Just the phrasing itself makes his brain feel like putty. It’s like you’re waiting up for him. It’s like you share the house in a way that’s much more than just him renting a room from you. It’s like you’re his and he’s yours. It’s like saying our house… our home. The question was so intimate and implied so much more about how you saw him and what he was to you. He knew seeing him as how he saw you was next to impossible, but you saw him as more than the Sheriff and more than just the jerk living in your house.
Part Four
@scar-is-bi @jiminlife2k18 @asylummaniac01​ @rosalynshields​ @charmed-asylum @jamesbuchananbuckybarnes1917 @alexandrathegreat3
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
The Things You Give Pt. 11
Happy spooky season, my dear loves! Thank you for being so patient with me as I publish each part. I really hope you enjoy this next part. I love hearing from you guys so feel free to message or leave a comment <3 
Steven Hyde x Reader
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“Eric!” Y/n said, completely frozen in shock. “W-what are you, uh, what are y-you doing h-here?”
           Eric’s face didn’t change as he stared at the couple in front him, wide eyes and jaw slack. So many questions ran through his mind as well as different emotions. Rage, confusion, hurt, shock, and most of all: betrayal. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream or strangle them both. His hands started to shake and he swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest.
           “Uh…it’s not what it looks like!” Hyde said, trying to save the situation. “She was helping me move some boxes and she found some of my nudie magazines.”
           “Yeah!” Y/n cut in, catching on. “And I started making fun of him for it and that’s why it sounded like we were talking dirty and that’s why we look like this because of all the moving…and it’s hard work. And we smell like this because we got all sweaty. But nothing else happened!”
           Eric couldn’t believe that his best friend and sister would think he was that stupid. He couldn’t even say anything to them. All he could do was calmly walk out through the basement door without saying a word.
           “Oh no,” Y/n said under her breath.
           “Crap,” Hyde sighed and looked at Y/n who looked like she was about to cry.
             Down at the Hub, the couple and everyone else, minus Eric, sat around their usual table as Y/n and Hyde relayed what had happened just a short hour prior.
           “He was like a deer caught in the headlights,” Hyde said. “A very angry looking deer.”
           “You know what this means?” Donna asked. “This means that he’s going to rant for the next six months and guess who is going to have hear about it?” She pointed a finger at herself. “That’s right, me. Over and over and over again.”
           “I know,” Y/n grumbled and hid her face in her hand. “This is so not the way I wanted him to find out. Any of you really.”
           “Yeah, I still think I found out the worst way still,” Donna commented and took a sip of her root beer, but not before she shuddered dramatically. “I still have nightmares about it.”
           “Yeah it wasn’t a thrill for us either,” Hyde said and took some fries from Y/n’s basket.
           “To be honest, I’m kinda scared to see him,” Y/n said after taking a sip of her coke. “He just…didn’t say anything and stormed out.”
           “Maybe he didn’t know what to say,” Jackie said. “I mean, he probably was disgusted.”
           “Jackie, what the hell, man?” Y/n asked her frustrated.
           “No, I mean it’s his sister and best friend. How would you feel if that happened to you?” she defended.
           “It did happen to me!” Y/n said. “When Mike McCan’t Keep It In His Pants over here and Easily Spread Butter started sleeping together.”
           “First of all, that’s a good burn,” Kelso laughed. “And second of all…I totally nailed your sister! Now if I can nail you, I’d done it with all the Forman girls!”
           Hyde didn’t even hesitate to connect his fist to Kelso’s shoulder. Kelso grunted and glared at him before scooting away from him.
           “So, how did it make you feel? How did you react?” Donna asked.
           “Well, I was beyond angry because I felt so betrayed and disgusted and lied to—ah crap,” Y/n said, realizing what the point was. “Dammit, Jackie, I hate it when you’re right!”
           “Which isn’t very common,” Jackie stated, holding up a finger. “But when I am, it’s a big deal.”
           “Have you guys seen Eric?” Y/n asked.
           “I haven’t,” Donna answered.
           “Me either,” Jackie mumbled.
           “Nada,” Kelso said.
           “Sorry,” Fez finally said, shaking his head.
           “Man, I’m kinda freaking out,” Hyde said. “Normally I don’t, especially when it comes to Forman, but you should’ve seen him. I’ve never seen him like this. Normally, he’s like, you know, all squeaky and twitchy, but this time, he was just quiet and walked out calmly.”
           “Yeah, I don’t what I’m going to do once I see him,” Y/n said, leaning back and crossing her arms.
           “Well, you might want to figure it out soon because he’s coming in,” Fez said, panicking a little.
            Y/n and Hyde whipped around to see Eric stomping in, but the second he came in and made eye contact with them, the air around them suddenly went still.
           “Hi, Eric,” Y/n said softly.
           “Hey man,” Hyde said, trying to sound as casual as he could.
           The dirty blonde twin looked at them before turning away back into the parking lot.
           “Damn,” Kelso mumbled and turned back around to face the group. “He’s really pissed.”
           “Trust me guys, I’ve known Eric our whole lives and I’ve never seen him like this,” Y/n said.
           “Well, duh, you shared the womb with the guy,” Fez piped up and everyone couldn’t help but roll their eyes. “I guess you can say, you were wombmates.”
            Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at that while everyone else groaned and rolled their eyes.
           The next day, things between the twins and Hyde were still eerily quiet. Eric couldn’t even be in the same room as them. Even at the breakfast table, Eric refused to look up from his plate. Kitty and Red shared a look, knowing something was wrong.
           “What’s wrong with you?” Red asked. “You’re usually annoying in the morning. Actually, I can get used to this.”
           “Red,” Kitty said sternly and turned to Eric. “Eric, honey, are you okay?”
           “M’ fine,” Eric mumbled shortly without looking up and shoveled some eggs into his mouth.
           “Did you get into a fight with Donna?” she asked.
           “Mom, I said I’m fine. Can we please drop it?” Eric asked, trying to not raise his voice at her.
           She held her hands up. “Fine, fine.”
           The table went back to ground breaking silence while everyone sat there tense and still, except for Red who was actually enjoying the silence for once.
             Outside later in the afternoon, everyone, minus Eric, sat in the driveway, shooting some hoops and talking on top of the Vista Cruiser.
           “Where’s Eric?” Jackie asked.
           “He’s…somewhere,” Y/n answered and looked towards the house. “I think he’s been hiding in his room all day. Or he just goes where we aren’t.”
           “Probably both,” Jackie said and shuddered. “I wouldn’t want to be in his room either.”
           Donna laughed. “That’s true. One time I just walked in and he was reading a nudey magazine and I swear I’ve never seen him jump up so fast. It would’ve been funnier if he wasn’t naked.”
            Y/n and Jackie shuddered in horror.
           “Gross!” Jackie exclaimed.
           “What she said,” Y/n said and gagged. “Thanks for that mental image.”
            Y/n  looked over to Steven, Michael, and Fez playing basketball and made eye contact with Steven. In that split second, Michael took advantage of it and swiped the ball from him. He made a slam dunk and stuck his tongue out at Hyde.
           Hyde quickly grabbed the ball and spun around, dodging Kelso’s attempted swipe and slammed it into the basket.
           “Hyde: two, Kelso: uno,” Hyde said, smirking and balanced the ball on his hip.
           “I love watching you play basketball,” Y/n said, her voice lowering.
           “Yeah?” Hyde responded, staring her down.
           “Yeah, it’s hot,” she responded before realizing they were in front of everyone and cleared her throat. “Or you know, whatever.”
           “Get a room!” Kelso shouted.
           “It’s my house!” Y/n argued.
           “Exactly! So, you should go find one and get that out of here,” he responded.
           “Shut up, man. We used to have to watch you and Jackie make out all the time,” Hyde said.
           “Yeah, but it wasn’t weird like this is,” Kelso responded.
            Y/n and Hyde rolled their eyes at him before turning back to each other.
           “So, have you seen him?” he asked her.
           “No, have you?” she asked.
           He shook his head. “We’re going to have face him sooner or later.”
           “Later,”  Y/n answered. “Gives me time to think of ways to calm him down. Or by the time we do face him we’ll be in Guadalajara.”
           Hyde shook his head smiling. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”
            Y/n  sighed and hopped off the car. “Fine. Let’s go find him.”
           “I think I saw him go into the basement earlier,” Fez said and everyone followed Y/n and Steven to go to the basement.
           “Can we get some privacy?” Y/n asked when they noticed everyone was following them.
           “No way!” Kelso answered. “We aren’t going to miss the show.”
            Y/n grunted, feeling annoyed. “Idiots.”
           Hyde turned around and slammed his fist into Kelso’s shoulder. “Will you get out of here? All of you!”
           “Ow!” Kelso yelled. “Fine!”
           Everyone dispersed leaving Hyde and Y/n alone.
           Begrudgingly, Hyde and Y/n made their way to the basement where they did, in fact, see Eric sitting on the couch watching TV. But judging his body language, he was tense and still really pissed off.
           “Eric?” Y/n called out gently, afraid to scare him off like a stray animal. “How are you doing?” She rounded to the couch to face him and saw his chin resting on his thumb while his index finger held up his cheek. He wasn’t paying attention to the tv and was just sitting there, seething.
           He looked at her from the corner of his eye to back to the screen. He stayed silent, refusing to speak to her.
           She looked at Hyde desperately, needing help.
           “Listen, Forman. We need to talk about this,” Hyde said stepping forward.
           “There’s nothing to talk about,” he said, struggling to keep his voice leveled.
           “Yes, there is and it’s need to happen,” Steven responded. “I get it, you’re pissed. But this needs to be hashed out so it doesn’t become another Kelso fiasco. So, come on. Let’s talk.”
           “Talk about what, exactly?” Eric snapped. “What’s there to talk about? Talk about you screwing my sister? Or that you guys went behind my back and have been lying to me this whole time? Or how ‘bout this, that you went after my twin sister? You know it was bad enough when Kelso did it with Laurie, but Y/N?” He shook his head.
           “Eric, please,” Y/n begged. “Trust me, this is not the way we wanted you to find out.”
           He jerked his head to look at her. “How did you want me to find out?”
           She shrugged her shoulders nervously. “I don’t know, but somewhere along the lines we wanted to tell you.”
           “And how did you think I would take that?!” he yelled. “You’re sleeping with my best friend! I can’t believe you guys would do this to me!”
           “Okay, first all, Forman, we’re not doing anything to you,” Hyde defended. “In fact, this isn’t about you at all. And second of all, it’s nothing like that. It’s more than that now.”
           Eric’s face darkened. “What do you mean by that?”
           Hyde cast his eyes down and looked to Y/n before turning his gaze back to Eric. “I love her, man.”
           “WHAT?!” Eric practically screamed. He dragged a hand down his face and started to pace behind the couch.
Y/n stayed seated as she watched her brother’s breathing becoming uneven and shaken. She knew that he was about to lose his cool.
“What the hell do you mean you love her?” he continued shouting. “Out of all the stupid crap you’ve pulled, this has got to be the dumbest one yet!”
“What do you mean by that?” Hyde asked offended.
“I think you know exactly what I mean,” he replied. “You stringing my sister along for fun, making her believe that you’re in love with her and then when you get tired of her, you’re going to dump her for the next girl that comes along.”
“That’s what you think I’m doing?” Hyde was getting visibly angry. “You think I would that to her? I’m not freaking Kelso!”
“I don’t see you denying it!”
“Hang on!” Y/n shouted, standing from her seat. “Do you really think I’m naïve to fall for something like that again?”
“Well, you did before,” Eric spat.
Y/n’s blood started to boil. “That’s nothing compared to what Steven and I have! What he is saying is true because I love him too!”
Eric’s face fell and flushed red, clenching his teeth. “How long?”
“How long what?” Y/n asked.
“How long has this been going on?”
“Well, uh, since June,” she answered.
“So, you’ve been dating secretly for four months and never thought of when to tell me?! When were you going to tell me? After you guys secretly got married? Or after the birth of your first secret child?”
“It’s not like we wanted to hurt you,” Y/n defended. “We didn’t plan for anyone else to find out either.”
“Everybody else knows?!” Eric shouted.
“Nice going,” Hyde grumbled, elbowing Y/n’s arm. Gently, of course.
“Uh—yeah. They kind of…found out on their own. Except for Fez. Kelso told him, but other than that, yeah. They caught on.”
“How do you think Mom and Dad are going to take it when they find out their daughter is screwing the town’s rebel?!”
“You mean the one they took in?” she asked angrily. “The one who they love like another son?”
“I’m warning you now when Dad finds out, you’re dead. Both of you. And I mean literally,” Eric warned and continued to pace.
“I know, but this a risk that we’re willing to take,” she said and walked over to where Hyde was standing and wrapped her arms around his waist. Steven wrapped a protective arm around her and held her close. “I love him and he loves me. I’m actually happy.”
“I know this hard for you to get through your thick skull, but I really do love her, man. For the first time ever, I’m happy,” Steven said, more calmly this time.
“Stop saying that!” Eric screeched.
“It’s true, man!” Hyde yelled back. “Will you quit acting like a two-year-old and actually have a decent conversation?”
“You don’t get to tell me how to act when you’ve been going behind my back like this,” Eric growled. “Don’t you dare tell me how to act!”
“This is why we didn’t want to tell you!” Y/n said. “We knew you’d act like this!”
“How am I supposed to act, Y/n? I mean, for four months, four damn months, you’ve been doing whatever you’ve been doing in secret. I can barley understand all of this. I don’t know how the hell you expect me to accept this!”
“Well, you’re gonna have to because this isn’t going to end anytime soon!” Hyde said.
Eric finally stopped pacing and looked Hyde straight in the eye. “You know what bothers me the most? That I gave you more than one chance to tell me the truth and you lied to me. I’m supposed to be your best friend, your brother, and you couldn’t even come to me to say, ‘Hey man, I like your sister and I’m thinking of asking her out. Just thought I’d give you a heads up,’” Eric said, doing an impression of Hyde.
Hyde unhooked his arm from Y/n’s shoulder. “Okay, first of all the impression, uncanny,” he said sarcastically. “And second, even if I did come to you first you still wouldn’t be okay with it.”
“Of course not!” he said. “But it still would’ve been better than being lied to!”
Hyde and Y/n grew quiet and looked at each other. As much as they hated to admit it, he was right. They should’ve at least said something to him before all this.
“You know what? I can’t even look at you two right now,” Eric finally said and walked over to the door, grabbing his coat from the rack.
“Where you going?” Y/n asked, tears beginning to surface.
“Anywhere but here!” Eric shouted and slammed the door on his way out.
“Damn it,” Y/n groaned, rubbing her hands down her face. “I knew this was going to blow up in our faces.”
“Let’s just give him some space,” Hyde said and brought her in for a hug. “It’ll be okay. He can’t stay mad forever.”
“What was all that yelling about?” Kitty asked, coming down the stairs.
Y/n pushed herself away from Hyde and stood close to him. “We got into a fight with Eric.”
“You two got into a fight with Eric?” she asked surprised. “Why? What happened?”
“Donna and Eric had a fight,” Hyde and Y/n answered quickly together.
“Nice!” Y/n laughed.
“Alright!” Hyde laughed with her.
Y/n turned back to her mother. “We sided with her and now he’s all pissed at us.”
“What about this time?” Kitty asked.
“I’m not too sure,” Y/n lied. “Something about Star Wars.”
“Oh, for the love of God,” she responded, rolling her eyes. “Those two fight over the dumbest things.”
“You can say that again,” Hyde said, chuckling to himself.
“Well, when Eric gets back, make you sure tell him dinner’s almost ready.” She trotted back up the stairs, leaving the couple along again.
They sighed together and collapsed on the couch next to each other.
“What are we going to do?” Y/n groaned and dropped her head on his shoulder.
Hyde kissed her head and sighed as he put his arm around her. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.”
“I love you.”
A small smile crept up on his face. “I love you too.”
The next day at the hub, the gang, again minus Eric, sat around a table eating burgers and fries. Y/n slurped on a milkshake while listening to Jackie’s incessant rant about God-knows-what.
“So, then as Brittany took the position of head cheerleader from me, now the whole squad has been completely ignoring me and talking behind my back. That skank wad,” said Jackie, crossing her arms.
“I thought you quit cheerleading?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah, but then I realized I needed to go back to my natural habitat. Snobby and bitchy.”
“At least you’re honest,” Y/n said..
“So, you talked to Eric, huh?” Donna asked.
“Yeah, and he didn’t take it well at all,” Hyde responded.
“Well what happened?” Fez asked.
Y/n and Hyde went into the details of what happened the night before with everyone’s eyes glued to their faces.
“Man, he’s taking this a lot harder than I thought,” Donna said, leaning back and taking a sip of her soda.
“I’m not surprised,” Kelso piped up. “I mean, he hated it when me and Laurie got together, but yours is way worse.”
Y/n squinted at him. “How is this worse, exactly?”
“Well, me and Laurie were just doing it,” he responded. “You guys actually feelings for each other.”
“No, you idiot,” said Fez. “If he was just doing her he would be angrier because then Hyde would look at her just like a hot piece of meat instead of actually having feelings for her.”
“Thanks, Fez,” Y/n said, happy that someone made that point.
“Or,” Kelso said. “He’s madder because this is a thing that’s going to stick and not just be a fling and get over with.”
“That’s also a good point,” Jackie said.
Y/n gave a look to Donna and shook her head before continuing. “Anyway, I don’t know what else to do.”
“There’s nothing you really can do,” Donna responded. “He knows now and there’s nothing you can say or do to make him any less pissed.”
“Except if you two broke up,” Jackie said.
“Oh, I got it!” Kelso said, snapping his fingers. “You two should break up!”
“Kelso!” Hyde and Y/n said in unison.
“No! I mean you two should fake break up and then Forman won’t be so mad at you anymore,” he responded.
“Well, that’s not too bad of an idea,” Jackie said.
“What’s the point of that?” Hyde said. “He’s already pissed off at us for lying to him. What makes you think this one is better?”
“Yeah, good point,” Fez said. “Well, then Donna is right. There’s nothing you can do.”
Y/n sighed and leaned back, rubbing her temples. “This sucks.”
“I know, but he’ll come to accept it,” Donna said. “Especially if this is going to last.”
“What Miss Kitty and Mr. Red?” Fez asked. “Red is a fireball. He’s going to lose his crap.”
Everybody gasped.
“Red!” Kelso shouted. “I didn’t even think about him!” Then he started laughing. “You’re so dead, man.”
Hyde glared at him. “You think we didn’t think of that?”
“Well, we’re eighteen now. He can’t tell us what to do and who to be with,” Y/n said, turning to Steven. “He’s going to have to get over it.”
“Yeah, after he sticks his foot in your ass,” Donna laughed.
“I’ll take it,” Hyde said and put his arm around her shoulders. “I’ll take anything for you.”
Y/n giggled as everyone awe’d at him.
“Shut up!” Hyde yelled, but a smile formed on his face anyway.
A ding at the door caused the group to turn around. Zack stood at the entrance and made his way over to Y/n once he made eye contact with her. Y/n internally groaned.
“So, you’re with the school burnout now huh?” Zack mocked. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to find someone better than me.”
Y/n blinked at him. “Great. You’re back. Don’t you have to be annoying somewhere else? Like in college? Or did you fail and disappoint them too?”
“BURN!” Kelso shouted, laughing along with the rest of the group.
“I didn’t fail out,” he defended. “They kicked me out.”
Y/n laughed. “For what? For spiking the sorority girls’ punch?”
“No,” he said, growing frustrated at everyone’s laughter. “I broke into the girl’s locker room and drilled a hole through the wall.”
Y/n through her head back and laughed. “Yeah, you know what, I upgraded. And my guy maybe a ‘burnout’ but at least he doesn’t cheat on me with some skank.”
“I only cheated because you wouldn’t put out,” he said, his cheeks puffing out.
“Yeah, get lost, Loser,” Y/n said, throwing the word back in his face.
He pfft’d and smacked Hyde in the arm. “Good luck with this bitch, man.”
Hyde glared at Zack before slowly standing and winding his fist back and connecting it to his nose. Zack cried out and held his nose in his hand.
“What the hell, you prick?!” he shouted.
“Call my girlfriend a bitch again and I’ll make sure you’ll be the first person to touch his chin to his ass!” Steven shouted. “Get the hell out of here!”
Zack didn’t respond as he scrambled out of the building.
“That was awesome!” Donna cried out, laughing.
“Yeah, that was,” Kelso said, smiling. “I’ve never heard a guy scream like a bitch before.”
“Me neither,” Y/n chuckled and looked to Hyde. “By the way, that was so hot.”
“I gotta protect my girl,” he said and leaned in for a kiss. Y/n smiled into the kiss as she placed her hand on his face, scratching his sideburns.
“Oh, God,” Eric called out from the door, feeling disgusted seeing them being affectionate.
Hyde and Y/n pulled apart and looked at Eric.
“Hi,” Y/n said. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d come down and see my dear sister with our dear friends, to try and maybe to hang out and get some normalcy, but seeing you two makes me want to vomit.”
“Oh, come on, Eric,” Donna said. “It’s not like this Kelso and Laurie.”
“That’s what I said!” Hyde said, trying to deflate the situation.
“Besides, they’re kind of cute together,” Donna said with a smile on her face. She looked to Y/n who mouthed a ‘thank you’ and winked at her. “You can’t stay mad at them forever.”
“Maybe not, but I can for a really, really long time,” he answered and was about to walk out the door when Y/n stopped him.
“Eric, wait no,” she said and got up, grabbing his hand. “Please don’t go. Sit with us.”
“Look, Y/n. I can’t. You have no idea how angry I am that you lied to me. We’re twins and we’re not supposed to have any secrets between us. We share everything, but you know the thing that really hurts the most? It’s that you felt like you couldn’t come to me at all. I can understand Mom and Dad, especially Dad because he’s well, scary, but me? I thought we were best friends and you trusted me enough to come to me.”
Tears filled Y/n’s eyes. “Eric, I do.”
“Clearly not enough,” he said, hurt laced in his face and drew his hand back from hers. He looked to Hyde who looked like he felt deep guilt. “We’re supposed to be best friends and you couldn’t even tell me the truth the first time. You clearly don’t care about anyone else but yourselves.”
“Eric, that’s not fair!” Y/n cried.
“You want to talk to me about fairness?!” he raised his voice again. “This isn’t fair. None of this is fair! It wasn’t fair that you went behind my back and started doing it! Or, that you couldn’t even come tell me that you have fallen in love with each other! That’s not fair.”
He walked out the Hub, leaving Y/n in tears. She sat back down and rested her head in the crook of Hyde’s neck, face turned away from the group so they couldn’t see her tears.
Hyde wrapped his around her waist and held her close, trying his best to comfort her.
“I’m sorry Y/n,” Donna said. “I’ll talk to him later.”
“But he’s right,” Y/n croaked out and turned her face back to them. “This isn’t fair to him and we did him wrong.”
“But you can’t help how you feel,” Jackie said sweetly. “It’s not like you did this to get back at Eric for something. You two truly do love each other and if he cared about you, he wouldn’t be so angry.”
“No, he has every right to be,” Y/n said, wiping her eyes. “Yes, we have strong feelings for each other, but we still went behind his back and betrayed him. He has every right to feel the way he does.”
No one else knew what to say, but to look at each other.
“I gotta go,” Y/n said and ran out before anyone else could see more tears.
“I should go too,” Hyde said. “This is my fault too.”
He got up and walked out after her, feeling the same guilt as she did.
@lieswithoutfairytales​ @mdittyz123​ 
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Bake-off - Holiday Special - pt. 1
Request: Yes but I can’t find the original request for a part 2. 
A/N: I’m posting the 2nd part of this holiday special of bake-off on Thanksgiving. I know there was no actual baking in this one but there will be in the 2nd, promise. 
Bake-off pt. 1 | Outer Banks Masterlist
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“Pumpkin pie.” JJ asked, holding the phone out to you, a video of someone making pumpkin pie playing across the screen. You scrunched your nose at the thought of a weed infused pumpkin pie and shook your head, the flavor was already hard to get right, you didn’t want to fuck with it further. “Well what do you propose?”
“Thanksgiving themed cake-pops?” You suggested, pulling your legs up to sit cross legged on the bench in the breakroom. You had a few minutes before the after-school kids got to the club and you were sitting in the breakroom with JJ while he changed for work. He had proposed the idea of making Thanksgiving themed baked goods. A decent idea but maybe not necessarily the easiest to execute.  
“Making an orange cake pop is not a Thanksgiving dessert.” He replied, scrolling down his feed to see if there were any other suggestions for acceptable desserts that he thought the two of you could make into edibles, “you need to be more creative.”
“I’m totally creative,” you replied. “I’m also realistic. No dreams of grandeur for me.” In the few months that you and JJ had properly come to know each other and had started whatever version of dating the two of you were currently doing, money from edibles had been rolling in pretty steadily. So much, in fact, that you bought a new laptop and your phone outright. No rent to own, second hand pawn shop, crap.  
“I don’t know what that means.” JJ admitted, looking up at you.
“Dude,” Andrew cut into your conversation, popping his head into the breakroom, “get dressed, your shift starts in three minutes.”  
JJ huffed, “yeah, yeah, I’m going.” He replied, finally putting his phone down. You waved to Andrew as he left and turned to face JJ as he slipped the button-down white shirt on. He had been standing there in the club issued slacks, unbuttoned and unzipped, no shirt, distracted by his phone and you had been shameless enjoying the view while you waited for the bus to start your own shift. “I hate wearing this thing. It’s not fair you get to wear leggings.”
“I run around with little kids. You can wear leggings too if you wanna run around with little kids all afternoon.” You smiled when he glared at you.
“That’s not what I meant, I just meant I wanna wear comfortable clothes. Not this dumb shit.” He muttered.  
You got off the bench, coming over and grabbing his bowtie, slipping it around his neck and clipping it into place, “I know but you look so hot in your busboy outfit.” You reasoned, kissing him.  
“Oh yeah?” He grinned.  
You kissed him one more time before stepping away, “think of something for Thanksgiving.” You said before leaving the breakroom and heading out front to meet the school bus of kids there for the aftercare program.  
You hadn’t broached the subject yet with JJ, considering all you had spent the afternoon talking about was edibles, but your mom had asked you to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner. Off the island, at your grandparent's farm, it was a four-hour trip and you usually stayed the weekend and your mom had never invited another person to join in the family thanksgiving before.  
He had inducted you into his group of friends, albeit reluctantly at first but finally giving in to the pressure they were putting on him and introducing you one afternoon. So, it shouldn’t feel too difficult to ask him to go to Thanksgiving with you. Of course, you weren’t sure you could really qualify what went on between you and JJ a relationship. You made edibles together and then became friends and then became something a little more than friends but it all kind of circled back to the selling and you wondered sometimes if you stopped selling with him would he stop wanting to hang around.  
“I saw an old land cruiser down near the docks that’s for sale.” JJ mentioned as he tossed his backpack into your back seat and climbed in the car. He usually drove when the two of you got off, the old two door death trap that you bought off your cousin for $500. It wasn’t much but it got you around the island most of the time and most of the time JJ was with you so you had forgone learning anything about cars, deflecting to him whenever it broke down.  
“Are you gonna buy it?” You asked, listening to the car sputter to life as JJ hooked his phone up to listen to music. You slipped your feet out of your shoes and propped them up on the dash. It was insignificant really, if he bought the car or not. He would probably still drive you home from work. Probably to work too. And the car he was looking at was probably in better condition than the one you had but the idea of him buying a new car, a different car, meant that he didn’t need your car. Which somehow felt like him not needing you.  
“Maybe. Pope said I should.”  
“You should.” You replied. “I don’t think I wanna make edibles for Thanksgiving.”
JJ shrugged, missing the point of your comment, “I guess we can just do regular cookies and stuff, it’s not a big deal.”  
“I just...have a lot of like, school work and stuff. I don’t know if I have time to do edibles.” You lied. You were doing fine in school, there was no reason for you to be worried about it and you had nothing else going on outside of school, work, and spending time with JJ.  
As he pulled to a stop at a red-light JJ turned toward you, pouting in the dim glow from the dash, doing his best and most pathetic puppy dog look. “Who am I gonna make edibles with?”
“I don’t know...I can give you the recipes or something?” You offered.
“Fine.” He succumbed to your refusal easier than you thought he would and that made you a little disappointed too but you didn’t say anything else about it. The rest of the car ride was just listening to music until he pulled off into John B’s front yard, parking the car by the tree. The first few times he had driven you home from work he had actually driven you first and then walked the rest of the way in the dark to John B’s. Now he usually drove to John B’s and you drove the rest of the way to your house.  
JJ leaned over in the dark, kissing you when you turned your head to look at him. You smiled against his lips before kissing him back, hand going up to his neck. “I should go,” you mentioned when he finally pulled away.  
“I’ll text you about tomorrow...I took Andrew’s shift to close but I can come over before work.” He replied.  
“Okay.” You nodded. He still wanted to come over, even though you told him you didn’t want to make edibles. You climbed out of the car, shutting the passenger door and going around the other side as he got out, leaving the car idling. “I was wondering...do you wanna do Thanksgiving with my family this year? I mean, if you’re not busy.”
JJ smiled, he’d tagged along to Pope’s or Kiara’s on Thanksgiving before but that wasn’t really anything special and mostly they just invited him because they knew he wasn’t having Thanksgiving at home. Which felt a lot different than being invited by you. “Taking me home to meet the family?”  
“It’s off the island at my grandma’s...you’d have to travel with us and we’d stay over for the weekend.” You replied, laying out all the details.
“Okay, I’m in.”
“Yeah?” You asked, feeling like you needed the extra verification.  
“Thanksgiving with my girlfriend’s family? Yeah.” JJ replied.
“Okay...awesome.” You nodded, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
JJ said goodbye again, stealing another quick kiss before he headed toward the Chateau. You turned to watch him, leaning against your car, mind racing a little bit from what he’d said. His girlfriend. It wasn’t a word he’d used to describe you before and maybe he hadn’t even been thinking when he said it. Or maybe he was more perceptive than you gave him credit for.
“Pecan pie!” You suddenly shouted, a little too loud for that time of night.  
JJ turned on the steps, right under the porch light and smiled, seemingly knowing exactly what you were shouting about. “Knew you were holding out on me!”  
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puckyess · 4 years
4 Times His Teammates Said “I Love You” + 1 Time He Did | Ryder Donovan
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S/o to @penaltbox for being my favorite brainstorm partner and encouraging the hell out of me. Inspo: @that-fandom-stuck-in-your-head 
I found the one TikTok that was deleted, so now all TikToks are linked!!
Words: 7.5k
Shay Donovan 
You weren’t allowed to have favorites on the team outside of Ryder, but if you did it would be Shay hands down. The relationship you had with him was like that of a brother. He watched out for you and you for him. You’d play the part of his best wingwoman and he supported your relationship with his brother. You’d fight like siblings too. He knew exactly which buttons to press and you knew how to get under his skin. You knew each other well and this is what made you two Ryder’s worst nightmare. You constantly ganged up on him with his brother. You were able to get Ryder to do/fall for just about anything and that made you Shay’s favorite secret weapon.
The boys had some free time this weekend and wanted to make the 5 hour drive to Duluth to spend it on their boat since it would probably be one of the last times they would get to do so with the season ramping up. Ryder’s annoyance for you and Shay began promptly at 6 a.m. He was not a morning person and you definitely weren’t either, but Shay insisted you both get up early so that you get to the boat at a decent time in the day. He did not however, set his alarm for 6 a.m., rather 6 p.m. and was awoken by his brother’s shouts to get out of bed. You, on the other hand, were just running late because you thought you could get ready in a shorter amount of time than was realistic. By the time you and Shay make it down to Ryder, who already has the car packed and ready to go, he’s huffy. “You guys know I hate when you tell me a specific time and then you show up late”.  “Well this should be a fun trip, right Rizzer?”, Shay speaks up with fake enthusiasm. You shoot Shay a look from the front seat as a signal to shut the hell up, to which Ryder appreciates.
The first hour is pretty smooth, not a whole lot of talking going on in the car. Everyone just appreciating the sunrise, or at least that’s what you thought until you glanced in the backseat and saw Shay sound asleep. At your “awh” Ryder moved his eyes from the road to the rear view mirror. “So that’s why it’s been so peaceful”. Even though you laughed you gave Ryder’s hand that was on your thigh a light squeeze. “Don’t be so grumpy Rydes. This is going to be a fun weekend, I just know it”. He can hear the smile in your voice without even looking over and he knows you’re right, flashing you his signature bright smile of his own.
As if he knew he was being talked about, Shay begins to stir. The quietness is disturbed immediately upon his awakening. He takes over the AUX and the road tripping can finally begin. Him and Ryder argue over music, whether to play alternative or country and which has more of a summer vibe, until finally a summer playlist, containing both is chosen. You pick up your phone, scrolling through some Tiktoks when you find one you just have to send to Shay. You watch as he gets the notification and opens it immediately. The music is broken up, replaced with the voice of a guy saying, “Send this to someone you don't like. You look like a rat, and you are so fat. I would be so sad, if i looked like that”. You’re dying laughing in the front seat at the offended look on Shay’s face and the death glare he’s receiving from Ryder. “I hate you” is all Ryder spits out, as this is a regular occurrence in any car ride. You love how you can get Shay in trouble without even really trying and how Ryder only yells at his brother when you’re the one who sent it to him.
The rest of the ride is spent on the highway and though you love the singing of the boys in the car with you, you’re getting pretty bored just watching the trees pass by so you say, “Let’s play a game!”. They both look at you like you’re 12.
“What? It’ll be fun I promise”. They shoot you skeptical looks, but ask what the game is anyway.
“It’s like license plate bingo kind of. You see the type of car first, you call it out and then you get to punch whoever you want”, you say with a shrug.
“Ooo, I like this game”, Shay says rubbing his palms together as he studies the list of “rules” you sent him: Slug bug, no punchbacks. PT Cruiser, get a bruiser. Tacoma, put you in a coma. Kia, wouldn’t wanna be ya, could be substituted with kia kick. Big truck, no luck. Subaru slap. Jeep jab. Honda hit. Train, feel the pain. You read them out loud to Ryder so that he can play too while he drives. Ryder shakes his head as you continue down the list, clearly not as impressed as Shay was.
“Where do you come up with this stuff, Y/N?”, but he agrees to participate nonetheless.
The rest of the ride is now much more exciting, everyone on high alert for a vehicle that would allow them to inflict pain on a passenger. You and Shay are admittedly better and much more active in the game since Ryder has to also pay attention to the road. As a result, he also ends up taking most of the hits, both from you and his brother. Everytime you would excitedly jab him, he’d give you puppy dog eyes. He was easy pickings, as he was right next to you, but the sad eyes did make you choose Shay as your target a little more often.
After Shay slugs Ryder in the arm for about the fifth “Kia, wouldn't wanna be ya”, his personal favorite, Ryder expresses his annoyance for the game. “This is abuse. I can’t even play right since I’m driving. The only person I can hit is Y/N, and unlike some people”, he says, shooting you a look, “I don’t enjoy hitting my significant other”.
You just roll your eyes at him, but Shay is quick to jump in, unhappy that Ryder is squashing his fun. “Awh can widdle brudder not take a few punches? You’re going soft, Ryder” Shay says with his fake baby voice.
You know it grates on Ryder’s nerves like no other so you call the game quits before they engage in an argument in the small space. Luckily, you were just pulling into the drive leading to where the Donovan’s call home. Getting out of the car Shay throws an arm around you, “I liked our game, Y/N. Very fun. We should play it more often”.
You all enter the house long enough to drop off the bags and pack some snacks for the boat. Shay leans over to you. “Want to see something funny?”, he asks with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. You raise your eyebrow at him in response. “I’m going to get Ryder in trouble with only four words”, he promises. You use your hand to gesture him on to whatever it is he has planned.
“OW, Ryder! Ryder, stoppp!” He suddenly yells. Ryder, who was digging through the fridge, turns around, giving Shay a confused look as if to say “Wtf”.
“Ryder, seriously! Stop!”, he continues yelling.
“Knock it off!”, their mom calls down from upstairs. Ryder’s clued into what’s happening now, giving his brother a little shoulder check as he passes him to drop the strawberries on the island, just in time for his mom to come around the corner.
“Ryder stop!”, Shay yells at his brother one last time for good measure.
“Seriously, Ryder? You two are home for not even two minutes and you’re already trying to test my patience? And with a guest in the house. Did I teach you boys nothing?”, she reprimands her sons and you have to hide your smile as Shay’s plan plays out accordingly.
She’s bringing you in for a hug then and eventually her two sons the same. She catches up with the boys for a few minutes, but knows they’re impatient to get to the boat so she doesn’t chat for long.
Once she leaves the room you turn to Shay, “I have to say, I’m impressed. I didn’t think it would be that easy.” Shay has a very pleased smirk on his lips.
“I used to do it when we were kids, all the time. Good to know it still works now too, isn’t that right, Rydes?” he says nudging his brother.
Ryder looks back and forth between you and his brother, shaking his head. “You were in on this? You two are the worst. I’m about to drive back to Wisconsin and leave you both here”, he says with a huff.
Unfortunately for Ryder, your antics with Shay weren’t finished yet. While he was driving the boat, Shay had found a Tiktok that he wanted to make, but he needed your help to do it. You were lounging at the front of the boat when Shay brought it to you, explaining his plan.
“Okay, so I’m going to sit over there and just act like I’m on my phone, but I’m actually going to be filming. You’re going to put your fingers like this”, he says showing you  his thumb and pointer finger touching like in the ok sign, “and then tell him to do that on his chin, but put it on your cheek. “I want to see how many times it’s going to take him to get it right. My bet is 5. You in?”.
You felt bad goading your boyfriend like that, but you knew he was the perfect victim for it. You loved Ryder, but he was a little slow to catch onto things sometimes. The punchline of jokes? Not his thing, he’d get it a few seconds after everyone else and even then, sometimes you weren’t really sure if he even got it then. It was a wonder how he played such a fast paced game and came up with chirps on the fly. Mulling it over once more, you finally nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m in, but $10 says it’s going to take him 8”, you say with a wink.
Shaking on it, he says, “I like the way you think. You have a deal”.
Getting up you go over to your boyfriend, trying not to feel guilty. “Babe, I have a test for you”, you say as innocently as possible.
“And what is that?”, he asks, giving you his full attention.
“Put this,” Showing him the same sign Shay showed you, “on your chin”, demonstrating for him, placing the ok sign on your cheek.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Is this a tiktok or something?” he asked, looking around for your phone. Your eyes widened with fake offence as you pointed to your phone over on your towel. “Babe, do you see me filming? My phone is way over there. It’s fine. Just put this on your chin”, you said, once again demonstrating for him.
He looked around, still suspicious. “You’re not going to hit me right? This isn’t another one of your ‘beat up on Ryder games’?” You shook your head, promising him you wouldn’t even touch him. Satisfied with that, he gave in to your request, like he always did and copied your actions. Meanwhile, Shay was trying his hardest to remain camouflage but his brother’s predictable actions were making it very difficult to not start laughing behind his phone.
You repeated your phrase again, “Put this on your chin” and he again mirrored your movements, putting his ok sign on his cheek and looking at you expectantly. You tried again, enunciating the “this” as you watched him. He again put his fingers on his face.
You tried not to laugh, repeating the phrase, trying to clue him in as you said the words slowly this time. “Put this on your chin.” He studied you real hard this time, but copied your placement exactly with his ok sign on his cheek.
You tried again, “Put this,” showing him your ok sign in front of his face and speaking slowly, “on your chin”. This time the poor boy grabbed your wrist, bringing your ok sign to HIS cheek and waiting for your approval. This time you had to let out a little chuckle and as you glanced over at Shay he was ready to bust a gut trying to hold back his laugh. You tried to compose yourself, as you tried to get your boyfriend to do the simple task.
“Put this on your chin” you practically yelled at him. Even though he was frustrated with what you were saying, he had a big smile on his face because you did. “I’m not fucking stupid” he said through laughs and grabbed your hand with two hands this time and put it on his cheek.
You were really laughing now, pulling your hand away and trying one last time. “Ryder. Put this. On your chin”, you said hoping this time would stick. But nope. The boy really put that okay sign on his damn cheek and really had the audacity to look at you to say he did it right.
You took a deep breath, trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard. “On your chin”, and he just looked at you, processing what you just said and then finally his hand shot to his chin and he started laughing again. “Oh shit”. You started cheering for him and Shay practically exploded from his spot as he fell to the floor laughing.
“Oh my god. That was too good. I’m so posting this”, he said between laughs.
“I believe you owe me 10 bucks, Shay. Pay up”, you responded with your hand out.
Ryder once again was stuck looking between you and Shay. “You set me up!” he accurately accused. “And you BET on it? You bet against me?” he said, turning to you. Seeing the hurt look on his face you felt bad.
“Rydes I didn’t bet against you per say, I just guessed how many times it might take you to catch on to what I was saying. I love you though”, you say as you run your fingers up and down his arms at an attempt to get him to forget your tricks. He’s not pleased with your answer though.
Now you’re pouting and sticking your lip out at him, throwing Shay under the bus. “It was Shay’s idea!”.
“Dude!” Shay exclaims.
You roll your eyes at him, “Oh like he didn’t already know”.
The slight frown on Ryder's face had turned into a small smile as he spoke to Shay. “I can’t believe you turned my own girlfriend on me. You guys are being extra annoying today”.
“It’s all for the tiktok, bahd” Shay answers with a shrug, unbothered by his brother’s annoyance.
You, however, spent the rest of the afternoon trying to suck up to Ryder.
“I hate you,” you said as you passed Shay to get to the cooler to fetch Ryder a drink for the fifth time as part of your penance. Shay just grins up at you, shooting you a wink. “I love you too, my little partner in crime”.
The following weekend you’re out with the guys, walking down State Street and a car passes your group. Shay glances at you and then Ryder and an ear splitting grin takes over his features. Lightning fast he hits Ryder, yelling “Lamborghini, hit you in your weenie!”.
You stop in your tracks as your boyfriend doubles over in pain and you double over in hysterics. The guys, as well as the few passerbyers who had heard Shay’s outburst look on in confusion.
As you finally catch your breath you move to help your still struggling boyfriend. You crouch down so you can see his face as you ask if he’s okay, but his grimace tells all. There’s nothing you can really do for him but let him breathe it out so you stand back up, high-5ing Shay. “That was pretty good,” you say shaking your head at the memory of what just happened and your road trip from last weekend.
“How long did it take ya to come up with that one?”.
He proudly announces that he’s been thinking of new ones to add to the list all week.
“Whoever introduced you two was a real idiot and is 100% regretting that decision” Ryder says from his still bent over position. You only offer your hand to help him stand straight in response.
Shay’s animatedly trying to explain the game to the boys, who all seem very excited to play. They spend the rest of the walk to KK punching each other and calling out the phrases as they search the cars lining the sides of the road. You walk a few steps behind them with Ryder leaning on you for a little support and maybe some protection.
“You’ve really created a monster now” he sighs, watching the boys.
All of a sudden he strikes your arm. “PT Cruiser, get a bruiser!”, he hollers and takes off down the street, suddenly fine. He looks back at you with a big grin.
You shake your head, “Smooth, Ryder Donovan, smooth” and you chase after him.
Mike Vorlicky
Being in a group chat with a bunch of hockey players meant that you were no stranger to your phone blowing up with nonsense, but you knew the boys were at practice, as Ryder had left for it 15 minutes ago, so when you heard more pings from your MacBook- 4 in a row to be exact -  all from Mike, you knew something was up. Quickly checking your phone, your brows knit as you read the succession of messages, confirming your suspicion that something was definitely up.
“Y/N! SOS.”
“I know you have your phone, I NEED YOU”
“Come on my ass is about to be shipped back to Edina”
“Y/N! I hate to do this, but Ryder got hurt on the way to practice. I mean like really hurt”.
The messages didn’t make sense, but the last one had you calling Mike immediately.
“Oh, thank God-'' he answered, but you cut him off, wanting to know about the status of your boyfriend.
“What happened? How is Ryder? Where are you?”. The pause on the other end of the line had your heart beating in your ears, filled with anxiety and worry for your boyfriend, at least for a moment.
When you heard “Dude she’s gonna kill you” from Cole in the background, a different emotion filled you.
“Mike Vorlicky, what the HELL is going on?”
Despite the anger and annoyance in your voice, Mike still let out a smug chuckle. “I knew that last one would get you to answer your damn phone. But listen-“
“So he’s fine? Nothing happened?”, you asked just to be sure.
When Mike lets out a nervous chuckle you release the breath that you had been holding. “I should hang up on your ass right now, Vorlicky. You can’t just-“
“No seriously, Y/N this is important. You can yell at me later, but will you pleaseeee, pretty please with a cherry on top please bring me my practice jersey? I was serious about coach shipping me out. This is like the third time. He’s gonna bench me next game and my parents are coming to this one...”.
Even though you were extremely pissed off at him for even speaking into existence your boyfriend getting hurt, you also couldn’t deny him or any of the boys when they needed your help and he knew that. After letting out a groan you asked him where the jersey was and made your way over to his dorm. Getting into his building was scarily easy and the jersey was surprisingly right where he said it would be, laid out on his bed. It’s a wonder how he forgot it.
Minutes later you were pulling up to the practice facility and walking through the glass doors that led to the rink. You were met with cool air and smiling faces. As the boys noticed you began to head your way, but not before Mike rushed over. He was coming so fast he barely had time to stop before he hit the boards and wrapped you in a hug, “I love you so much right now I could kiss you” he said, taking the jersey from your hands.
“Don’t even think about it, Vorlicky” Ryder called to him as he made his way through the boys to give you a quick kiss before the whistle blew signifying practice starting, just in time for Mike to slip the jersey over his gear.
Owen Lindmark
Cooking had never been your thing, still having never really gained that skill even after living on your own. But as much as it was not your best quality, it was even less so for the boys that were about to come crashing through your door any minute. Dating Ryder was amazing and equally as amazing were the 20 other boys who’ve you’ve come to call close friends that came along with him.
You had just gotten an air fryer and were excited to test it out. You’d been promising the boys you’d cook for them for weeks and figured what better time to do so than now. They had a big rematch coming up that weekend against PSU anyway so you had told Ryder to invite some of his teammates over for a mini team dinner.
You were pretty impressed with yourself you had to admit. Not only had you planned a full meal and dessert, you had timed it perfectly so that everything was just about finished as you heard the door unlock.
“Honey, I’m hooommee”, Shay called out as he dropped his bag in the pathway of the others behind him.
You shook your head as you stirred the marinara sauce one last time, knowing that the pet name bugged Ryder even though it was a movie line and he was so obviously joking.
“Dude it smells amazing in here”
“What’re we having?”
“I’m starving”, and curses could all be heard as the crew continued to pour into the apartment, the noise and chaos level instantly rising.
You cleared your throat and very dramatically tapped your spoon on your wine glass to gather the boys’ attention.
”First of all, everyone is to wash their hands before eating, please and thank you. Salad is already on the table. You guys can grab yourselves a plate, the pasta is over by the sink, the sauce is right next to it and then the chicken’s already been cooked in the air fryer so it follows your guys’ diets (kind of) and parmesan melted on it so you can just put that on top of the pasta. I have bread in the oven that I’ll bring out when it’s done. Oh and dessert for when everyone’s ready”. You barely finished your spiel before the boys were shoving each other to get in line.
Shay of course had battled his way to the front of the line, claiming seniority, Mike unsurprisingly behind him, followed by Lex, Owen, Cole and Dylan. For being as large as Dylan was, he had been easily bullied to the end of the line. Ryder stuck around, wrapping you in a hug and placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“You’re amazing for doing this. The boys haven’t shut up about it all week. You really went all out didn’t you, babe?” He asked with a proud smile on his face. His little acknowledgment coupled with how proud he looked made you blush. You knew he wasn’t lying about the boys obsessing over this meal either, as you had been receiving daily texts from each of them about it.
“Don’t get too excited, you haven’t even tasted anything yet. What if it’s the worst Chicken parm, you’ve ever tasted in your life?” You asked pouring on the dramatics. It was your first time using the air fryer after all, you had no idea how it would turn out and you were a bit nervous, but had warned the boys ahead of time that they may be ordering pizza instead.
Your disclaimer was countered by moans coming from the living room, a chorus of them actually. You and Ryder share a look before busting out laughing. “I guess there’s your answer for ya.” He replies, followed by a “No one better be having sex out there”.
You shoo him along so that he can eat with his friends and you can grab the bread out of the oven. After slicing it and putting it on a plate you deliver it to the vultures in your living room and prop yourself on the armrest of Ryder’s chair, rubbing his back as he eats.
The boys don’t stop gushing about your cooking as they continue to shovel food in their mouths. “This is seriously- the best meal- no, scratch that- food- I’ve had in months”, Cole says between bites.
“Hey, I just made you that really good burger and Mac cheese thing last week and you gave it 5 stars!” Dylan protests.
You and Owen lock eyes and instantly start laughing. “Dyl, did it come in a red box with a glove on the front?” You ask, still giggling. His eyes light up, happy that you recognize it and he nods.
“Dude, that’s Hamburger Helper!” Owen howls.
“And an insult to Y/N’s cooking”, Alex chimes in.
”Even this salad is more gourmet than Hamburger Helper, sorry bro”, Cole adds.
At this point everyone’s laughing at Dylan’s expense, yourself included. He’s immediately apologetic, hoping he didn’t truly insult your cooking, which just eggs the boys on assuring him that he did in fact insult you.
“Yeah, that’s like comparing Wayne Gretzky and Shay in hockey, but for cooking”, Mike chirps, feeling the need to get involved.
”Nice one Mikey. Dylan fucks up, but let’s roast Shay”, Shay retorts.
You grin, loving being a part of the relaxed banter that’s going on but wave them off. Dylan attempts to grumble out his weak defense, claiming that he’s from Canada and didn’t know about Hamburger Helper, just making you giggle harder.
“Okay, okay okay,” you say in an attempt to calm yourself and the room down. You were wiping tears from your eyes. “I’m going to go get the dessert so you clowns can get out of my apartment”.
Once in the kitchen you opened the cabinet by the fridge and felt around for the plate of brownies you knew you’d hidden up there so that the boys, specifically your boyfriend, wouldn’t pick at them before dinner. You felt a pair of hands on your hips. You had expected it to be your boyfriend, but with his body slightly pressed against yours you knew it wasn’t him.
“Need some help?”, the voice confirmed your thoughts. It was Owen.
“Please”, you said, accepting his offer.
He grinned once he pulled the plate down and saw the perfectly proportioned brownies. You had used one of those baking pans that had individual brownie shapes so that every piece had four edges, the best part and Ryder’s favorite.
“I love these, my mom makes ‘em like that. Smart to keep these hidden from Ryder”, he says with a wink. Though his tone is light toward the end with the little chirp at Ryder, you don’t miss the hint of sadness that laced his voice in the beginning. And he doesn’t miss the look of concern on your face either.
He puts the plate down and leans against the counter. “I love you for doing this tonight. I really can’t thank you enough. I needed this, the laughs, the home cooked meal”, he confesses, running a hand through his hair.
“Missing home a little extra?” You ask, knowing exactly how he feels.
”You could say that. I know the guys and I don’t say it enough, but we love you and appreciate how much you take care of us and keep us sane. What you do for Ryder is obvious, but stuff like this that you do extra for us, making a really good dinner and dessert, always letting us hang out here, and come to you with our problems. It means a lot”.
Not really having words for all that he’d just told you, but wanting to show him you really did care for him too, you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a good squeeze.
“Awh, O. I don’t know what to say. You and the boys are like family to me. You always have a second home here.” The sentimental moment is broken up by Mike shouting about dessert and someone telling him to shut up and stop being rude.
“I guess we better get this dessert to the boys so they can get out of your hair”, he says grinning.
Before letting him go you pull back and say, “Tell your mom I said hi when you call her later”. He picks the plate of brownies back up and you make your way toward the rowdy group occupying your living room.
“You know me too well. But I surely will let her know. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you keeping me alive”, he says with a chuckle.
Dylan Holloway
Everyone was huddled close together in the dimly lit booth as it came down to just Roman and Dylan, each with two fingers on the full pitcher in the middle of the table. The two boys were half out of their seats staring each other down. Roman had a smug smirk on his face as he watched Dylan sweat it out across from him, his mind clearly going a mile a minute.
The guys had just swept PSU and were definitely feeling themselves tonight. They decided to opt for the usual celebratory tradition of KK and Fingers, a game that Dylan was historically terrible at.
It was Dylan’s turn and he was still shaking his head, both at himself for overthinking a simple drinking game and at Roman who was continuously chirping him, which was not helping him decide. He only hoped the winning luck of the night would continue as he began counting down, “Three, two, one - two!”, Roman yanked one finger off the pitcher as Dylan left his two on, for a total of three fingers.
The team erupted as Dylan threw his hands in the air, “Fuck! I always lose this stupid, fucking game”.
“Drink up, bud!”, Roman chided him, pushing the pitcher closer to him on the table.
Dylan just groaned and stared at the full pitcher of unknown alcohol with a grimace.
“Come on, Dyl, you know the rules. Or at least you should, you’ve lost enough times by now”, Shay chirped from behind him. You felt bad for the guy because Shay wasn’t wrong. Of the handful of times you had watched and played the game, Dylan had lost all but maybe twice.
“You’re right Shay, maybe we should spice it up this time, eh? What do we think boys?” Mike suggests with a devilish smile and a rub of his palms. You don’t miss the look that he shares with Roman and your eyes narrow in on the boy who suddenly has a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Dylan, I dare you to go ask that girl for her number”, he challenges, nodding toward a blonde who had been looking over at the group.
Following his gaze you notice who exactly it is that he pointed out and you choke on your drink. You want to stop Dylan before he makes a fool out of himself, but he easily gulps down the pitcher and quickly makes his way over to the girl waiting for him. You can’t get your words out as you’re sputtering and coughing from your drink.
When you finally catch your breath you give Roman a shove and hiss “Fuck you Ro. What’re you doing? Aren’t you talking to that girl?”. He doesn’t answer, just shrugs as he watches on with a smirk plastered on his face, as if he knows exactly what is going to happen. Ryder nudges you in confusion at your little interaction with his teammate. Moving closer to him you filled him in on the unknown drama that was going on. “I played wingwoman for Roman a couple weeks ago so that he could pick up this same girl. Of course with my 90% success rate, he got her and I guess kept her. He’s been texting me about her all week”.
Suddenly understanding, he said “You have to go save D. The guys will never let him live this down” and you knew he was right. A freshman hitting on an older guy’s girl? Even if it was on a dare and even if her and Roman were just talking, it would still be embarrassing on Dylan’s part and chirp content for the team for the weeks to come.
So with a flip of your hair and a pat to Roman’s head you strode over to where Dylan was flirting with the blonde. He was really pulling out all the stops trying to earn this girl’s number, you had to give him that. You would even say that it actually appeared to be going well, but judging by the look that was on Roman’s face, you knew it wouldn’t end well.
“Excuse me, mind if I borrow him real quick? No? Ok great, thanks! I’ll give him back in just a second!”. You gripped his wrist with both hands and all but yanked him off the barstool until he was stumbling toward you, very confused. Once you were a few feet away, you steadied him with your hands. He was clearly annoyed with you.
“What the hell, Y/N? what’re you doing? I need to get back there. Things were actually going well”.
“And you will, D just listen to me for a second. I’m trying to help you here”.
“Help me? What’re you talking about?”.
“Dylan, Roman’s been talking to that girl for weeks now. He’s just trying to set you up because he knows she won’t actually give you her number because she’s with him so you end up coming back to the table empty handed and the guys can chirp you for weeks about trying to get with Roman’s girl”.
Realization washed over his face as he took in the situation. He glanced over at Roman’s now displeased but confused face and back at the girl who was seemingly waiting for him to return to the empty seat next to her.
“Whatever you have to do to get that number Dylan Holloway, do it. You can’t come back to that table empty handed, got it?”. He nodded furiously. “Good boy. Now go charm her pants off!” And with that you sent him on his way and returned to the group, all of whom were looking at you with quizzical faces.
You just shrugged it off saying, “He just wanted me to check if he smelled like beer. I guess she hates that stuff, only drinks Claws.” With that, Roman shoots you a look, knowing that was a load of shit and a jab at him. Her hatred of beer and love for white claws had been one of the many “fun facts” he had shared with you over the week. His attention turns as the guys erupt once again in cheers as the girl plants a kiss on Dylan’s cheek and sends him back to your table. He smiles victoriously as he stops in front of Roman. “I hope you don’t mind sharing your girl, she seems pretty into me”, he says and drops the napkin with her phone number on it on the table in front of Roman. The “ooos” and hollers from the boys are golden, but pale in comparison to the look on Roman’s face. Ryder fist bumps him and Dylan leans in to give your hand a squeeze, “I love you so much for that. The look on his face? Totally worth it. Really saved my ass. I owe you”.
Ryder wasn’t one to overuse the phrase “I love you”. He held great value in those three words and reserved them for times when it was just the two of you or for when the moment deemed necessary. Today was one of those moments.
He had gotten home from practice early to find you out on his balcony wrapped in a blanket and your computer on your lap. He hadn’t thought much of it as he shed his bag and went to wash his hands and make a snack, but the door was cracked and he could hear a familiar laugh that wasn’t yours. He stopped what he was doing and listened for it again. As if right on cue, his baby sister’s laugh found his ears. He debated with himself whether or not he should make his presence known. Curiosity eventually winning out, he decided to wait it out and see what his two favorite girls were talking about. He’d be lying if he said his heart wasn’t ready to burst at seeing you voluntarily FaceTiming his baby sister.  
His snack forgotten, he sat himself on the couch out of view and just listened and watched. He watched the way your hair fluttered with the breeze, how you focused your attention on the girl on the screen, and nodded your head in agreement with whatever she was saying. He watched the way you interacted with his sister and couldn’t deny the feeling that was consuming him.
Even more so he watched the way Clara’s face lit up as you spoke to her, a look he’d seen before, one she reserved for her big sister. It was one of idolization, respect, and love. He watched her smile and her head tip back as she laughed with you like you were her best friend. Mostly he watched as the two of you had become part of each other’s lives in a way he hadn’t even known.
He listened to the beautiful sound of your laugh mix with hers and to the way both of your voices were so animated with each other. He listened as you spoke naturally with her, your kindness genuine instead of just treating her as some little kid. He knew she hated that but had unfortunately had her share of heartbreak by girls who only used her to get to him. He hated that he had caused her any kind of pain, but loved that you had somehow found a way to right his mistakes. He knew right then and there that he’d never take you away from her and she wouldn’t let him.
His thoughts were broken up by you reentering the apartment.
“Having a stalker moment there, Rydes?”, you ask him with eyebrows raised.
Deflecting the question, he clears his throats and instead asks what you guys were talking about. “Didn’t you hear the whole conversation already?”, you tease him. He just rolls his eyes, so you divulge as you pull stuff out to make dinner.
“We were just checking in. She was making sure you were still alive, taking your vitamins, treating me right, our usual. She had some drama stuff, but V is busy getting stuff ready for the baby so she didn’t want to bother her. Oh, and we’re planning your sister’s baby shower! Well, Clara’s in charge but she wanted my opinion on some details”.
The feeling he had before as he watched you two only intensified as he discovered what you had actually been talking about.
“What do you mean your usual?”
You’d stopped adding ingredients to the pot as you looked up at him, realizing you had just let Ryder in on something you hadn’t planned on. “Um. You know how you FaceTime Clara every week? Well uh, I do too...that’s ok right? That’s not like weird?”
He processed the information you had just told him. You actually took the time out of your busy life to get in touch with his sister every single week and were asking him if that was ok? He hadn’t even imagined you doing that, but you continued to amaze him. The smile he gave you was so warm and full of love. “Of course that’s okay. I love that you do that and I’m sure she does too. I saw the way she looks at you, you know. The same way she looks at V.” Your heart swells at his comment and you almost start crying on the spot.
“So she’s coming to you with drama huh? Anything I should know about?”. You laugh and default to “girl code” aka Ryder doesn’t get any deets. Despite his best efforts, including puppy dog eyes, he doesn’t get anything out of you.
“You’re MY girlfriend, you can’t let my sisters convert you to their side already” he whines.
You laugh and respond with “Well would you rather I convert to your brother’s side? I’m sure Shay could pitch a good argument.” He looks offended that you’d even say such a thing and grumbles out a “no”.
After he’s decided he’s done pouting he comes around the counter and wraps his arms around you from behind, nuzzling his face into your hair. “You told Clara I treat you well, right?” He questions, still thinking about your conversation with her. You’re surprised to detect nervousness in his question and that he’d even ask that. Turning in his arms you answer him, wanting him to see the conviction in your face when you say “Of course, Ryder. You don’t ever need to doubt that, baby”. He looks relieved and surprises you again with a confession.
“Good. I want Clara to see how she should be treated. What good love looks like, a healthy relationship, ya know?”.
Tears start form in your eyes and it takes you a second to find your voice. Eventually you do and you gently pull his face down to yours, running  your thumb over his cheek. You melt over the way he leans into your touch. Even though your voice is barely above a whisper, it’s strong as you tell him, “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been. You show me what love is everyday and inspire me to be better for you and for me. You are such a role model to her Ryder. When she looks at us, I promise you all she will see is genuine, pure love.”
His heart is beating so hard as he absorbs your words. He takes your wrist and pulls your hand to his lips. He kisses your palm then cups your face in his hands, bringing your foreheads together. His own eyes are glassy and throat thick as he tries to put what he’s feeling into words that will convey the same amount of strength and emotion. “Every time I think ‘she can't get any better’ you surprise me. Well not surprise me because I’m not surprised you get better, but- fuck! I can’t get my words out right now.” He can feel you smiling and takes it as a sign to keep going.
“What I’m trying to say is you keep loving me and showing me that you love me in new ways that I didn't even know existed. You’re always taking care of me before games, after games and practices. Even just asking about practice and my day and coming to my games, waiting up for me after road trips. The highs of winning and you right there with me are amazing, but what I love most and what are even better are when you sit there and watch us lose, me lose and you just know how to deal with me afterwards. I can’t tell you how much it helps me to have you hold me after a game or offer dessert or just let me bitch about it. The lows are better because you still want me after. Like even if I couldn’t play hockey anymore, you’d still want me. You still believe in me to do better next game. You inspire me to be better. Off the ice especially”, he takes a deep breath then and as badly as you want to say something, you don’t interrupt him knowing he still has more to say. 
“You’ve shown me what it feels like to be loved. Really, truly loved. You take care of my friends, regardless of what they need and you do so out of the goodness of your heart. Watching you with my family, I can’t ever imagine you being anywhere else but a part of my family, Y/N. The fact that my favorite people in the entire world love you makes me so happy I can’t even describe it. You’re FaceTiming my baby sister of your own free will, planning a baby shower with her for my other sister? You keep up with Shay and get Boden out of his shell. I couldn’t dream it up better if I tried. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but somehow I was blessed with you and I swear to you, promise you I will never stop loving you, ok? I love you with my whole heart and then some, Y/N”.  
The tears are absolutely streaming down your face and into his hands and his into yours. The moment had gotten so intense and so fast. These were rare between you two, preferring to keep the relationship light and fun, but occasional moments like this where you attempted to pour your whole heart and soul into each other would occur and you were left breathless every time. But of course, you couldn’t resist a good chirp.
“You’re gonna have a hard time topping that for a proposal, Donovan”.
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pkg4mumtown · 4 years
Welcome to Hawkins PD (Ch. 3)
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Chapter Title: Men’s Rooms ‘n’ Muffins
Chapter 3 of 9?
Read Chapter 2 / Masterlist
AN: I never really gave you guys a timeline for this fic, so I’m imagining it about a month or so after Season 2. So, it’s roughly two weeks into December. This one is a bit longer, so enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of homophobia, police stuff, strong language 
Summary: Your first day as one of Hawkin’s finest could have been worse, really.
Taglist: @kingphillipblake​
Lmk if you want to be removed or added from my taglist
I wouldn’t have minded sleeping on the bare mattress, the first day, if it wasn’t thirty degrees that night. In hindsight, I should have prepared to be on my own in December, but we hadn’t really needed heavy coats in the academy the past four months. A sweatshirt and layers in October and November had been enough with how much we were moving. I had bundled up my sweatshirt to use as a pillow, threw on sweats, thick socks, and my sweater but was still cold due to the thin walls of the trailer. I had glanced at the closet, remembering that Hopper said he had clothes in there. I bit the bullet and pulled one of his large, heavy flannels off its hanger and used it as a blanket. If he ever found out I’d slept with it, I’d be mortified.
As promised, Hopper took me to the dealership and supervised the salesman. It didn’t take much for Hopper to intimidate him, just flashes of glares as the salesman spoke to me about the cars. He would nervously glance at the Chief every now and then, which was amusing in itself. At the end of the day, Hopper’s presence even got the guy to shave off a few bucks. After that, we had bid each other goodbye while I set about buying out all the blankets at the nearest store.
Monday morning, I was up by six and out the door before seven. I prayed that the long sleeve I wore under my uniform would be enough when paired with thick socks and gloves for the temperature high of forty today. I turned my nose up at the thought of putting my academy sweatshirt over my uniform, but did it anyway. I’d rather get in trouble with Hopper and not be freezing, than the alternative.
I arrived at the station at seven sharp, seeing an older lady opening the front door as I pulled up. I got out of my car, slinging a small bag with a towel, running shoes, and a change of clothes over my shoulder in case I had time for a run before the others arrived.
“Can I help you with that, ma’am?” I asked, hoping she couldn’t hear my teeth chatter.
“Ah, Officer Y/L/N, I assume?” she questioned and shoved her purse in my arms while fiddling with the keys in her gloved hands.
“Yes, ma’am,” I nodded, shaking ever so slightly.
“Call me Flo, dear,” she smiled, finally getting the door open. She took her purse back from me, feeling my hand lightly shake as she did. “Oh, you poor thing, come here. The Chief put some essentials on order for you when you got assigned to us.”
Flo led me to a back room, my body rejoicing when I saw a heavy blue jacket with the Hawkins patch on it, among other items like extra uniforms and PT clothes. She handed them all over to me and showed me to my desk.
“We’re a pretty lax station here, but definitely change out of that thing before Hopper comes in,” she patted my shoulder, referring to the grass-stained academy sweatshirt.
“Of course,” I nodded. “I was actually hoping you could show me to the lockers, Flo. I’m itching for a run.”
“In this weather?”
“Nothin’ like a run to warm up,” I raised my eyebrows but she looked unamused.
She scrunched up her face, “Well, we technically only have lockers and showers in the men’s bathroom, but no one uses them.” She thought for a second before leading me over to said bathroom, “I’ll make sure to tell the boys, so they’re not surprised. The other officers won’t be in for at least another hour, and Hop…well…maybe he’ll be on time for once for your first day. You have some time to kill.”
Flo patted my shoulder and left me to my own devices. Near the entry of the bathroom were the urinals, while deeper into the bathroom had four lockers on either side of a long bench and ended with two open showers.
I chose a locker and changed quickly into my sweats, sweatshirt, and running shoes. I elected to keep my gloves on because I’m not that crazy. I walked back out to the bullpen and stretched lightly near the door, preparing myself to brave the cold again.
“I’ll be back by,” I paused to look at my watch, “eight at the latest.”
“Good luck,” Flo murmured as she wrote.
The first few minutes absolutely sucked as my body fought to warm up but I was able to push through it eventually. I didn’t go down too many streets to avoid getting lost on my first day, but that didn’t mean I was stared at any less. As business owners opened up shop, I felt eyes on me from all directions assessing who I was. I smiled as nicely as I could but between running and the cold air, there was only so much friendliness I could accomplish.
I arrived back at the station a few minutes before I said I would, seeing a couple more cars parked alongside the cruisers. The Chief’s truck was still absent, so it was safe to assume Flo was right and he’d be late.
Two officers were inside chatting with their feet propped up on their desks when I walked in. They glanced up at the sound of my entrance, obviously intrigued at the unfamiliar face.
“Can I hel—” one officer with glasses started as he stood up from his desk.
“Officer Y/L/N,” I stuck my hand out.
“Ah, the newbie,” the other officer chimed in while leaning further back in his chair.
“Callahan,” the first officer replied and shook my hand.
“Powell,” the other waved.
“If you don’t mind, I’m gonna shower,” I nodded toward the bathrooms.
“Flo already warned us, you’ve got it to yourself for the next fifteen,” Powell gestured behind him.
The shower was surprisingly not terrible and the water was warmer than the air outside, so I could hardly complain. I kept nervously glancing to the front of the bathrooms, hoping everyone had gotten the memo. I showered as quickly as possible, so I could get back to my desk before Hopper showed up.
As it would happen, the Chief was in at a decent time, for once. He was still late, but definitely not as late as usual. He stormed into the bullpen, making a beeline for the coffee and donuts, and grumbling when he saw a lack of donuts.
“Flo!? Where are my donuts?” he complained loudly, even though she was right behind him.
She rolled her eyes and pushed an apple into his hand, having had it waiting especially for him.
Hopper turned up his nose at the fruit and grumbled to himself. He spun around while taking a bite of the fruit, eyeing my desk and pointing with the same hand that held the apple, “She here?”
“Yes, but—”
“Good,” he said around a mouthful of apple. “I gotta take a leak,” he took another huge bite and chucked the rest into a nearby trash can.
“Chief!” Flo called out.
“It can wait until after I pee, Flo, jeez,” Hopper mumbled while chewing and walked away.
“Chief, wait!” Powell called after him.
“Am I speaking English?” Hopper called over his shoulder as he took long strides toward the bathroom.
“Chief—” Callahan caught up to him and tried to cut him off but was pushed aside by a single, strong shoulder.
Hopper grabbed him by the shoulders and put himself between Callahan and the bathroom door, “Are you gonna watch me take a piss, Cal?”
“No, sir, but—”
“Good,” Hopper smiled sarcastically. He pushed the bathroom door open and slammed it in Callahan’s face.
“Fuck's sake,” Hopper grumbled as he stood in front of a urinal.
The seemingly quiet bathroom echoed the sound of Hopper's zipper. I panicked as I stared at his back with only socks and underwear on under my towel. I tried to dress quietly as the sound of his bodily function echoed in the otherwise empty room. I managed to get my uniform pants on, but mistakenly left the belt in when I changed earlier. The clank was noticeable enough for Hopper to look over his shoulder.
“Someone in here?” he called out.
I squeaked, shoved feet into my boots, and grabbed my long-sleeved undershirt, barely having it over my head and around my neck when Hopper zipped up and turned around.
“God dammit!” he shouted, “What are you doing!?”
“Sh—shower, Chief,” I stumbled over my words, fumbling with the sleeves as I hurriedly stuck my arms in so I could cover my bra.
Annoyed, Hopper sighed heavily and stalked over to the sink and washed his hands, “Does the one in the trailer not work?”
“No, it does. I just…it's just I got here early and went for a run…”
Hopper came back into view after drying his hands, my undershirt finally in place while I unhooked my uniform shirt from the hanger.
“This is the men’s room,” Hopper stressed, his hands on his hips and his mouth a tight-lipped line.
I held my shirt in front of me, “If we had women’s showers, this wouldn’t be a problem...” I murmured softly, not sure how he’d respond to me effectively talking back.
Hopper sighed once more, running a thumb and forefinger along his brow and gripping tightly. He made no move to leave, however.
I pursed my lips and couldn’t stop the next words from tumbling out of my mouth, “Are you paying for a show? Or…?” I trailed off while sliding my uniform shirt over one arm, then the other.
Hopper dropped his hand in exasperation, staring me down with a, what can only be described as murderous, glare, “You remember I’m your boss, right?”
I let out giggle as I buttoned up my shirt and tucked it in, “I’m joking, Chief.” I fastened my belt, then pulled out a small brush to fix my hair. I walked briskly over to the only mirror in that bathroom, right above the sink, having to pass an agitated, yet amused Hopper. “You should come with me next time,” I offered, while tying up my hair into a bun.
“What are you trying to say?” he pretended to be offended while gesturing to his stomach, throwing his weight onto one leg and tweaking his hip out. His thumbs hooked into his belt loops, framing his crotch without actually meaning to.
I looked at his form in the mirror, laughing and shaking my head. “That you should join me next time. Y’know, lead by example,” I teased. I walked past him again, lifting my foot up to rest on the bench so I could tie my boots.
“Oooh, ouch, yea,” Hopper squinted at me and bit his bottom lip. “I think I like spending my mornings with a coffee and donut, thanks.
I stood up straight, finally done getting dressed given the distraction Hopper provided. I slammed the locker shut and locked the padlock before walking towards Hopper. I used that stretch of space to fasten my duty belt and clip my radio onto my shoulder.
“Plus,” he gestured to the wide-open view of the showers from any angle due to a lack of curtains, “What are we gonna do? Shower at the same time? You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna waste precious coffee and contemplation time waiting for you to finish in the shower.”
“Yea, the invitation did not extend past running, Chief,” I scrunched up my nose. Except, I really wouldn’t mind if it did. I took a step towards the bathroom door and spun back around, nearly getting run over by Hopper as he tried to bulldoze me out. “But, if we hung curtains in here…” I raised my eyebrows, “…it could work.”
Hopper closed his eyes and let out a heavy groan, “Just do me a favor and get to work, please.”
“Yes, sir,” I gave him a two fingered salute and made my way to my desk.
I sat at my desk, inserting myself into a conversation with Callahan and Powell quite easily. Hopper poured himself a coffee and was about to round the corner to hide in his office when Flo called him yet again.
“For the love of…” He sighed heavily, “Are my mornings not sacred anymore, Flo?”
“Vandalism at Vicki’s Bakery!”
Hopper let out a dramatic groan and spun on his heel to enter the bullpen again.
“Urgent, Hopper!”
Grumbling, he downed his coffee and slammed it next to the coffee maker, “Y/L/N, let’s go!”
I scrambled to my feet, barely catching my new jacket as Hopper chucked it at me from the coat hanger. He grabbed his hat and jacket as I caught up, and put them on before reaching the door.
“If we’re lucky, we’ll get free muffins,” Hopper raised his eyebrows and hummed at the thought.
I scrunched my brows at him in disbelief and pushed the station doors open. The ride to the bakery took all of two minutes, then we were pulling up to an empty spot directly in front of the shop.
“Jesus,” Hopper murmured, seeing the front and side glass windows all broken with multiple gaping holes in each.
“What in the world…” I got out of the Blazer quickly, seeing a lady in an apron through the broken glass. She had a broom leaned up against the glass display case, but seemingly had yet to use it. I glanced up, seeing a camera mounted and facing the door.
We stepped as delicately as possible, into the bakery, to avoid making a bigger mess than there already was.
“Hey, Vick,” Hopper greeted.
“Been a while since you’ve been in here, Hopper,” the older lady greeted him.
“Yea, Flo's been on my case,” he rolled his eyes and pulled his notepad out of his pocket. “This is Officer Y/L/N,” he tilted his head in my direction.
“Mornin, ma’am,” I nodded.
“Hi, dear,” she greeted warmly, contrasting the image of the broken glass around her.
Hopper started taking her statement while I examined the broken glass. There were numerous bricks that were assumed to be what had been thrown through the windows, but one of them caught my eye. I noticed paint on one side and tipped the brick over with my foot, before crouching down.
“Shit,” I murmured, reading the homosexual slur deliberately written on it.
I curiously revisited the rest of the bricks and found more slurs. I glanced at Hopper to get his attention but he was still talking to Vicki. I looked around the bakery, seeing clusters of pictures throughout. I examined each one carefully, finally walking over to a wall near the front counter, seeing pictures of Vicki at Pride marches. I was interrupted by Hopper’s heavy footsteps coming up behind me.
“Thoughts?” He questioned me while sliding his pen back into his shirt pocket.
“Hate crime,” I answered, turning to face him.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, just go look at the bricks, Chief,” I pointed with my thumb.
He stood over one of the bricks and squinted at the lettering, “Yea, sounds about right,” he sighed. “Too bad we don’t have hate crime laws, we’ll only get them on criminal mischief.”
“The damage is pretty significant though,” I glanced around the shop, “Easily a ‘Class A’ misdemeanor.”
“This much glass isn’t cheap,” Hopper agreed.
“Do you have the tapes for that camera outside, ma’am?” I turned and asked her.
“Of course, come on back.”
She led us to a back room and played through the footage from last night. I watched in amusement as Hopper had to bend over to get a better view of the screen.
“Pause it there,” Hopper pointed to the screen.
The screen paused on a figure approaching the bakery with an armful of bricks at two in the morning. Hopper squinted and told her to keep playing the video, trying to see if he recognized the man. At some point the man looked down the street, in the direction of the camera.
“Stop, stop, stop,” Hopper said quickly. “Got him.”
“You recognize him?” I squinted.
“The town asshole,” Vicki muttered.
“Mason Thomas,” Hopper finished. “You’ll get to know his face. He’s in and out of prison all the damn time. He was in middle school right before I graduated high school, always had a rep for bad behavior. Teachers caught him smoking all the time, even pulled a knife on a kid once or twice in the schoolyard.”
“What the hell?” I wondered out loud.
“Yea,” Hopper grunted as he stood up straight, “and apparently homophobic.”
“Let’s go get this jerk,” I tapped the desk and started walking out of the room.
We walked back out to the main area as we wrapped up with Vicki. I was already making my way to the front door when I didn’t hear Hopper following me.
“Can you ring me up a muffin, Vick?” he asked her as I turned around, looking at him like he was insane. “Muffin?” he asked me, pointing at the assortment.
“Criminal,” I pointed at the Blazer with my thumb over my shoulder, really wanting to just leave so we could get this guy.
“Throw another one in there, I’ll convince her,” he said matter-of-factly to Vicki and gave her an exaggerated wink.
Hopper pulled out his wallet as he waited, caught off guard when Vicki slid a box of four muffins and two coffees in front of him.
“On the house,” she pushed Hopper’s hand away.
“Nah, Vick, come on. The damages are gonna cost you,” he pointed to the windows.
“That’s what insurance is for, Hop,” she waved him off. “Just go get the guy, that’s payment enough.”
“You got it,” Hopper smirked, flipping up the lid of the box, and shoving a muffin between his teeth.
“Thank you,” I smiled at Vicki, taking one of the coffee cups.
Hopper shoved the box of muffins in my arms and turned me around with two fingers in my back, “Let’s go,” he said incoherently around the bread.
When we got inside the Blazer, I watched him eat the entire second half of the muffin in one bite. I stared at him in horrified amusement as he chewed on the dense bread. I pulled the tab back on my coffee lid and sipped it delicately to judge the temperature. Hopper grabbed his, roughly ripping the tab off and bringing the coffee to his lips without any sense of caution. He closed his eyes and let the coffee wash the muffin down, finally noticing me staring at him.
“What? Three bites of an apple was not breakfast,” he defended himself. He brought the cup back to his mouth, licking the coffee near the opening and stopping, “Eat one, seriously.”
I almost didn’t hear him as I focused on his tongue lapping the coffee on the lid before finally taking a gulp. I nearly choked on my own coffee at the sight. He raised his eyebrows at me as he grabbed a second muffin, so I humored him and grabbed one as we drove off. I finished it by the time Hopper pulled over on a residential street and took a swig of coffee to clear my mouth.
The Chief jumped out of his truck with a grunt, hiding a soft burp behind his palm. We strode up to an unkempt house with our hands braced on our belts out of habit.
“Police!” Hopper pounded on the front door with a closed fist and upon no answer, he repeated the action again while trying to listen intently to what was happening inside.
“Mason! Open up!” Hopper beat against the door harder.
I heard a scraping sound from the side of the house, making me lean over the side of the porch to take a glimpse. I watched Mason fall to the ground from his window and scramble quickly to his feet in a full sprint.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake…” Hopper sighed as he watched Mason take off.
I vaulted over the railing, nearly tripping from the momentum forward as I landed.
“Y/L/N! Wait!” Hopper called after me as he took the easier route down the stairs of the porch.
“I got it, Chief!” I yelled over my shoulder.
I chased after Mason, considerably easier for me in actual treaded shoes while he attempted to run in flip-flops. Before I could gain too much on him, he tripped over a crack in the pavement and rolled. The forward momentum helped him to spring back on his feet quickly but by then I was right behind him.
Mason threw a wobbly punch as he turned around to face me, thankfully still recovering his balance from the fall. I used his own energy to guide the punch and turn him around while grabbing his wrist. I pulled his hand behind his back, twisting his arm when he resisted and tried to pull out of my grip. I couldn’t hear Hopper yet and Mason had yet to stop fighting me, so I jabbed the back of his knees with the toe of my boot and yanked down so he’d fall on his ass. I maneuvered him onto his stomach and was finally able to get my cuffs out as Hopper approached in a jog, slightly out of breath. I had just finished spouting off the Miranda rights as Hopper stood over us, hands on his hips and chest heaving while catching his breath.
“Good thing one of us runs, huh, Chief?” I grinned while slapping one of the cuffs on.
“Shut up and cuff him,” Hopper rolled his eyes.
“This mean you’ll run with me in the mornings?” I asked while fastening the last cuff.
“Not a chance,” he chuckled, holding out a hand to help me up. He pulled me until I was standing, hurriedly grabbing my upper arms as I swayed forward from the force. I grabbed his forearms as an immediate response, trying not to imagine how they’d feel without his heavy jacket and long sleeve. I cleared my throat and stepped back, narrowly avoiding stepping on Mason.
Mason mumbled angrily, under his breath, as Hopper yanked him to his feet and shoved him forward as an indication to walk. We took a leisurely walk back to the Blazer with Mason being dragged along. Hopper tried to burp discreetly but underestimated the force and glanced sheepishly my way.
“Shouldn’t have had that second muffin, Chief,” I laughed behind my hand as I verbally jabbed at him, feeling his glare instantly.
“Oh, this’ll be the last time I share anything with you, ya brat,” he scoffed and bumped me with his large arm.
We loaded Mason into the back seat of the Blazer through the passenger side, shoving him not so gently all the way in. I flipped the seat back to its normal position and climbed into the truck, landing in the seat with a heavy sigh. Hopper was already in the driver’s seat with his hat sitting on the dashboard as he waited for me. He started the truck and took off while I pondered over a silly idea that popped into my head.
I stuck my tongue out slightly, glancing at the side of his face. I snagged his hat off the dashboard and plopped it on my head, grinning as he scowled at me.
“I think I earned this now, don’t you, Chief?” I bit my bottom lip, trying to hide my giddy smile.
Hopper’s eyes dropped down to my mouth and back up to my eyes quickly. He squinted at me but couldn’t hold his demeanor together and chuckled while looking back at the road, “I’ll think about it.”
Chapter 4
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saltandburnsis · 4 years
pilot, pt. 3
Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader, Joseph and Constance Welch
Age: 20
Warnings: Gun Use, Car Crash
Word Count: 2,730
Summary: You’ve stumbled upon a major break with John’s motel room, or so you’d thought. When he’s found to be long gone, you, Sam, and Dean must pick up where he’s left off. An unforeseen run-in with the local law enforcement leaves you and Sam stuck working without Dean. Will it lead to more disaster or push you both in the direction you need to go to fix your relationship?
A/N: All dialogue taken from the show will be in italics. Part 4 will be the final part!
~ ~ ~ ~
You were frozen in the doorway, staring at the covered walls of the motel room before you. Sam and Dean stepped into the room, Dean turning on the lamp placed the end table while Sam went to get a closer look at some of the papers. Dean grabbed the half-eaten burger on the end table and sniffed it, recoiling at the smell.
“I don’t think he’s been here for a couple days at least,” he sighed, dropping the food back in its spot. Finally, you were able to walk into the space, looking down at the floor as you stepped through.
“Salt, cat’s-eyes shells. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in,” you mused, making your way over to Dean, who was now reading over some of the papers on the wall by the lamp. Sam looked over at the two of you then quickly crossed the space.
“What do you got here?” he asked.
“Centennial Highway victims,” Dean replied. Sam began walking around the space again, this time really looking over each and every paper and surface he passed. Dean spoke again: “I don’t get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There’s always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?”
It was silent for a few minutes as the three of you continued reading over everything John had compiled. You heard a light behind you click as Sam turned the second lamp on but continued reading from the paper before you, only turning when you heard Sam scoff.
“Dad figured it out.” The words fell from his lips, sounding more like he was annoyed rather than relieved at the idea.
“What do you mean?” Dean questioned. The two of you turned around to look at Sam but remained where you were.
“He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She’s a Woman in White,” Sam revealed. Dean looked back at the victims on the wall.
“You sly dogs. Alright, so, if we’re dealing with a Woman in White, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it.”
“She might have another weakness,” you spoke up. Dean shook his head.
“No, Dad would want to make sure. He’d dig her up,” Dean countered. He walked over to Sam, looking at the papers. “Does it say where she’s buried?”
“No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I’d go ask her husband…if he’s still alive.” Sam pointed to a picture of the grieving man from the article.
“Alright, why don’t you see if you can find an address. Y/N and I’ll go clean up.” Dean dug your room key out of his pocket and tossed it to you before heading towards the bathroom. Thankfully, the owner’d made you pay for a room before giving you any more information about your father’s room. No fighting over who’d get to shower first and a space all to yourself—even for ten minutes—sounded like heaven. As you turned toward the door, Sam cleared his throat.
“Hey. What I said earlier about Mom and Dad— I’m sorry.”
“No chick-flick moments,” Dean quickly replied, putting his hand up to stop Sam from continuing further.
“Alright, jerk.”
“Bitch,” Dean shot back. You shook your head, offering up one word before walking out of the room: “Freaks.”
Three hard raps on the front door shook you out of your thoughts as you finished drying your hair with the scratchy motel towel. You remained silent. That wasn’t Dean’s knock, and you were certain it wouldn’t be Sam. You slowly dropped the towel and went to the toilet, quickly climbing onto the seat to get a full view out of the window. The coast was clear, but you could see the back end of the police cruiser parked in front of the building. Shit.
Another three raps on the front door. You stepped off the toilet and grabbed all of your belongings before climbing back up and sliding out the window. The fall was short and easy, nothing compared to your swan dive off the bridge. You slipped into the sparse woods behind the building and pulled your cell phone out of your pocket. Sam’s number flashed across your screen the moment you were about to call Dean. You ducked behind a tree and answered the call.
“Five-o, dude. You guys gotta get out of there,” you spoke before Sam could.
“I know, I know. They grabbed Dean—“
“Son of a bitch.”
“Where are you?” Sam asked.
“There’s a bit of woods behind the rooms. I’m about ten feet in. I should be out of sight, but I still have a view of the lot.” You glanced back at the cruiser, ducking back behind the tree when you saw two officers throw Dean in the back. “They’re going to be coming after us, you know.”
“The two of ‘em at least are gonna take Dean back first.” Sam emerged in the woods and you hung up your phone.
“Yeah, well, finding him in a room covered in information on all those missing person cases isn’t going to bode well.” Sure, Dean had gotten himself out of stickier situations before, but it only took things going wrong once to get him hauled away for god knows how long.
“Let’s just focus on finding Dad. Dean can take care of himself,” Sam reminded. You nodded and looked back at the parking lot. The cruiser had driven off shortly after Sam had reached you, and so the two of you snuck your way back to the parking lot and over to the Impala in record time. Sam slid in the driver’s seat and you the passenger’s seat, and the two of you were off on the road before anyone could catch sight of you.
“Yeah, he was older, but that’s him,” Joseph Welch spoke, walking back to the Impala with you and Sam. He handed the picture of a younger John, Sam, Dean, and you back to Sam. “He came by three or four days ago, said he was a reporter.”
“That’s right. We’re working on a story together,” Sam replied, sliding the picture back into his pocket.
“Well, I don’t know the hell kind of story you’re working on—the questions he asked me.”
“About your late wife, Constance,” you mused, fiddling with the strap on the camera around your neck. Honestly, the places you got into with a fake press badge and the old, broken camera were baffling to you.
“He asked me where she was buried.”
“And where is that again?” Sam pressed.
“What, I got to go through these twice?” Joseph questioned.
“It’s fact-checking,” you reassured him. “If you don’t mind.”
“In a plot behind my old place over on Breckenridge,” Joseph answered after taking a deep breath.
“Why did you move?” Sam asked. Joseph looked up at him incredulously before replying, his voice shaking.
“I’m not gonna live in the house where my children died.” The three of you stopped once you’d reached the Impala, and Sam turned to face Joseph.
“Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?”
“No way. Constance—she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known.”
“So you had a happy marriage.” Sam pretended to summarize. Of course, the two of you knew that was false, or else you wouldn’t have the Woman in White on your hands. Joseph was quiet, staring up at Sam. A quick shake of his head, however, pulled him out of his thoughts.
“Definitely,” he answered. Sam nodded.
“Well, that should do it. Thanks for your time.” He walked over to the car with you and unlocked it. But, neither of you reached for the door handles. Instead, you looked at each other, having a silent conversation with your eyes. The two of you used to be so good at reading each other, which worked in your favor in moments like these. Joseph turned to go back to the house, but you called after him.
“Mr. Welch, have you ever heard of a Woman in White?” you asked. Joseph looked back at you, eyes narrowed in confusion.
“A what?”
“A Woman in White, or sometimes a Weeping Woman. It’s a ghost story. Well, it’s more of a phenomenon, really.” You started walking towards him, Sam following close behind. “They’re spirits. They’ve been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places in Hawaii and Mexico. Lately in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women, you understand, but all share the same story.”
“Girl, I don’t care much for nonsense,” Joseph spat. He spun on his heel and began walking back towards his house. You and Sam followed him
“You see, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them, and these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children,” Sam continued your thought. At this, Joseph stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at you two.
“Then, once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking backroads, waterways,” you picked up where Sam had left off.
“And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again,” Sam finished. Joseph looked between the two of you
“You think…you think that has something to do with Constance, you smartasses?” He took a few steps towards Sam.
“You tell me,” Sam spoke calmly.
“I mean, maybe—maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance never would have killed her own children,” Joseph’s voice was shaking again, this time seemingly from a mixture of his anger and sadness. “Now, you two get the hell out of here, and you don’t come back.” He looked between the two of you, jaw clenched and lip quivering, before turning his back on you. You looked up at Sam for a moment before walking to the car.
Sam grabbed his phone as you sped down the road and, after a quick glance at the caller ID, flipped it open and put it on speaker. Dean’s voice immediately came through.
“Nice call on the fake 911 call.”
“Get this. It was all Sam’s idea,” you informed Dean, smiling over at Sam before turning your attention back to the road.
“I don’t know, Sammy. That’s pretty illegal,” Dean said. Sam chuckled.
“You’re welcome.”
“Listen, we gotta talk,” Dean started.
“Tell me about it,” you held your hand out for the phone, taking it when Sam handed it over. “So, the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a Woman in White. She’s buried behind her old house, so that should be Dad’s next stop—“
“Y/N, would you shut up for a second?” Dean interjected, but you were talking a mile a minute, trying to relay all in information to your brother, think and keep a steady hand on the wheel at the same time.
“We just can’t figure out why he hasn’t destroyed the corpse yet,” you mused.
“Well, that’s what I’m trying to tell you,” Dean interrupted again. “He’s gone. Dad left Jericho.”
“What? How do you know?” Sam asked.
“I’ve got his journal.”
“He doesn’t go anywhere without that thing.”
“Yeah, well, he did this time.”
“What’s it say?” you asked, grip tightening on the wheel.
“Same old ex-marine crap when he wants to let us know where he’s going.”
“Coordinates,” you breathed out, shaking your head.
“Where to?” Sam asked.
“I’m not sure yet,” Dean replied.
“Dean, what the hell is going on?” Sam was exasperated. You sighed, then jumped half out of your seat when a woman appeared on the road in front of you. Constance.
“Whoa!” You jumped, slamming on the brakes. Your grip on the wheel tightened even more, your knuckles turning a ghostly white. The car went right through her. Once you were fully stopped, you slowly sat back, letting out a long, shaky breath. You shot a quick look at Sam to make sure he was alright, then turned your attention to the rear-view. As soon as your eyes met Constance’s ghostly figure, she spoke.
“Take me home.” Her eyes were locked on Sam’s figure. You looked over to him, pursing your lips. Constance spoke again, her voice angrier. “Take me home.”
“No,” Sam stated firmly. Immediately, all the locks went down into the doors. You reached for your lock while Sam reached for his. While you were turned away from the wheel, the car began driving down the road. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop it, and neither of you could leave.
Shortly, you arrived at the old, dilapidated house. The car rolled to a stop then shut off. You stared out the windshield, trying to devise a plan.
“Don’t do this,” Sam spoke up.
“I can never go home,” Constance spoke.
“You’re scared to go home,” Sam corrected. He turned to look at her, but she’d vanished. You both looked around the space, and she quickly appeared on top of Sam, pinning him down on the seat.
“Hold me. I’m so cold.”
“You can’t kill me,” Sam struggled against her. “I’m not unfaithful. I’ve never been.” Constance leaned in close to him.
“You will be.” With that, she pressed her lips to his.
“Oh, that’s sick,” you couldn’t help but comment. Reflexively, you searched your pockets for your gun, but it must have gone flying when you’d slammed on the brakes. Your hands found it under the seat just as you heard Sam begin groaning in pain.
“Y/N!” He was able to get out. You looked over to see her hand in his chest, face morphed into something truly evil. Without another thought, you began shooting at her form. She disappeared just long enough for you to finally get a grip on the situation—now that she wasn’t holding your brother’s life in her hand. Finally, it clicked. You dropped your gun and started the car.
“I’m taking you home, bitch.” You slammed your foot onto the gas pedal and launched the car forward, crashing through the front of the house.
“Sam! Y/N!” Dean called, running inside. He ran to the passenger side and looked in. “You okay?”
“Fine,” you replied, crawling out of the car through the window after you were unable to get the door open through all the debris.
“Yeah, help me,” Sam answered. Dean helped him out through his door.
“There you go,” he stated as he got Sam up in his feet. You eyed Constance carefully, unsure of her next move, as you walked over to them. Constance threw the picture she had been holding down on the ground before looking to the three of you. She stepped out of the way and sent a large dresser across the room, pinning the three of you against the car. You groaned and tried to push it away, unsuccessfully.
Suddenly, the electricity began to crackle, lights flickering all around the space. Even Constance looked around, unsure of the cause. Water began to trickle down the stairs, and Constance looked to the top.
“You’ve come home to us, Mommy,” two young voices called out. You watched on as the two children appeared at the bottom of the stairs. They hugged Constance, and the three of them disappeared into the ground beneath them, Constance screaming and changing shape the whole way down. Finally, the three of you could push the dresser away and move away from the car. Dean led you and Sam over to the spot where the ghosts had vanished.
“So, this is where she drowned her kids,” Dean said, staring down at the wet spot.
“That’s why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them,” Sam added.
“You found her weak spot.”
“Nice work, Y/N.” Sam smiled weakly down at you.
“Thanks, Sammy. Couldn’t have done it without you, though.” You hit his chest, smiling, before following Dean over to the Impala.
“Ah!” Sam laughed through the pain then looked over at you. “But, what were you thinking, shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”
“Hey, saved your ass,” you shot back, still grinning. Dean looked up from inspecting the car.
“I’ll tell you another thing, Y/N. If you screwed up my car, I’ll kill you,” he threatened. You rolled your eyes, laughing softly.
“Oh, come on. I crash a car through a house one time…”
SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306 @marvelous-glims
forever taglist: @griff1ndor @gothsatanicrapunzel @choosemyname @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @not-astounding @sassy-specter @vicmc624 @idksupernatural
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transcrowing · 5 years
Oh No, Here It Is
aka the Roadtrip Fic.
Tw?? swearing, mentions of something sex related, and overwhelming stupidity
Word count: 655
Smalls wanted to spontaneously combust. It was three am, and they’d been driving for seven hours already. Somehow, Sniper had convinced her to go raid Area 51 with them, promising that Katherine would be there. Obviously, the raid was the brainchild of Race and Albert. Jack and Crutchie had gone of their own accord, and everyone had tagged along. Spot drove another group of newsies, so the unlucky group cramped into Mrs Jacobs’ van was Davey, Jack, Kath, Sniper, Race, Crutchie, Albert, and Smalls. Well, she thought, at least I’m not stuck in the back with all our crap. That was Sniper, who was reading some classic with earbuds in.
Smalls’ phone had died an hour ago and Jack was hogging the car charger, so she was stuck in a sing-a-long to shitty pop on the radio with Race and Albert. Finally, Davey pulled over to a Seven-Eleven.
“Ten minutes, I’m not waiting for anyone.” he warned, unlocking the doors. Jack pulled Davey out of the van as well, saying something about “Albert’s gonna do dumb shit” as Race helped Crutchie out of the van, holding his hand daintily like a prince or something. Smalls dug out some cash from her wallet, as Albert made a beeline for the snacks and Sniper stocked up on Mountain Dew and tictacs.
Since everyone was done shopping relatively quickly and it was three am, they just hung out in the seven eleven for a bit. Smalls heard a weird honking noise from around the corner, and heard Race laughing. Well, that’s never a good combo of sounds, Smalls thought. She rounded the corner to paper towels laid across the floor and Albert hunched over a pile of something. Upon further inspection, it was...
A fucking pile of hot cheetos. Of course it was. Race sounded like the goose in the corner, laughing his ass off. Eventually, this caught Davey’s attention, who went onto a tangent of “I told you so,” but even after that it got a few chuckles out of him.
“3 AM Davey is scary.” Crutchie pointed out on the way back to Davey’s van, as Smalls helped carry the five bottles of Mountain Dew that Sniper had bought “for science.” Smalls piled into the van with her cheerios, trying not to giggle at Race and Crutchie being super oblivious as they climbed into the van together.
Five AM
“Aand there are approximately 725 species of venomous snakes worldwide...” Davey droned on. Jack had taken over driving about a half hour ago, which meant the car was subject to “interesting” snake facts with Davey. Smalls sighed. Sniper and Kath were asleep, and Smalls totally wasn’t dramatically sighing at Katherine what do you mean?
Finally, Race said what everyone was thinking. “Tell us something interesting, Brains!” he exclaimed, burying his head in his hands for dramatic effect. The van went silent, and it was almost eerie.
Albert snorted. “Sorry, Davey, but seriously.” he said. The car was still quiet, and it was nearly uneasy.
“Look, Dave, we didn’t mean it-“ Smalls began, but Davey cut her off.
“Anacondas mate by having orgies with twelve males and one female.”
The entire van went apeshit. Race and Albert had a stroke collectively, wheezing to death while Davey grinned smugly. “W-why do you know that huh?” Race managed to choke out, which only made everyone laugh harder. Kath had woken up and was also laughing. Jack was probably literally dying behind the wheel.
“Jack, we’re gonna*wheeze* hit the fence!” Crutchie managed to say, leaning against a now flustered Race. Smalls instantly jumped over the seat, channeling her inner Mario Kart champ title.
“Smalls what the fUcK?!” Jack yelled, still choking on air from laughing. Smalls pulled into a gas station, nearly hitting a PT Cruiser(who still drove those?) with the van.
Everyone took a deep breath. Davey spoke first.
“I vote we find a hotel for the night.”
Sorry it’s long I’m on mobile so I can’t do the break thing lmao
Also;; am I supposed to have a taglist? Idk if you wanna be one of the first to know when another monstrosity worms its way out of the mass of hamburger meat I call my brain dm me. Imma just tag peeps who I think might be interested
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Time travel rescue pt.4; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is it, the last part that I’ve got for you all till I get around to writing pt.5. Now I’ve got my one and only final tomorrow so this will be my last update till this Friday and you’ll know then why exactly that is. Now for anyone out there that’s in my shoes with final exams, I wish you all the best of luck and I know you’ll KILL ‘EM. Kill ‘em Kill ‘em. Okay I hope you all enjoy this last part I’ve got for you all, enjoy my lovelies :)
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He smiled at me and knelt right down beside me still cradling Robert in his arms.
“Is he—okay?” I asked worriedly.
“Yeah he’s okay. Just a little frightened from that terrible fall, but he’s brave. Just like another human I know.” I sighed with relief and held my arms out for him.  The Doctor immediately complied and handed me Robert and as he cooed and began to calm down, I rested my head gently on top of his.
“Oh thank god Robert. Thank god you’re safe.” I then looked up to the Doctor and said. “How did you find me?”
“Well—” but before he could answer, the front door opened and Veronica’s voice was heard.
“(Y/n) I’m ba—what the….(Y/n)!?” she then came running right up to the bedroom and when she saw us, she gasped as soon as she saw the crib overturned. “What the hell happened in here!?” she raced over to me and took Robert in her arms. “Are you okay? Oh god you’re covered in blood.”
“Veronica I’m fine and so is Robert.” She took her son out of my arms kissing his head repeatedly before turning to me.  Just before she could blow her top, she must’ve seen the blood on me because she then cupped the side of my face as she looked me up and down.
“But you’re covered in blood!” she said worriedly.
“It’s alright Veronica, it’s not her own. She actually—” the Doctor began to speak but he was shut up by Veronica hitting him with her large purse, while she still held Robert in her arm.
“You creep! Back! Get back! Go on get back!” she exclaimed as she kept hitting the Doctor over his head forcing him towards the open closet.  
With a final hit, the second he got inside she closed the door and not only locked it but placed a chair against the door handle.
“Police, police that’s it. I’ll call the police.”
“Wait no Veronica you don’t know the whole story!”
“Come with me.”
“No come with me!” she gripped my wrist but I tried to get free as she dragged me out of the room. “Come on, come on! They better get here as soon as possible, I won’t risk staying in that room with that creep there.”
“Veronica hold on that’s my—”
“(Y/n) not now!” she snapped as we finally arrived at the main lobby.  She handed me Robert and the front desk man said.
“Ma’am are you alright, there’s been some calls of noise complaints.”
“An intruder broke into my room and nearly killed my husband’s friend and my baby. Call the police!” Veronica said as she slammed her hands on the front desk, her eyes frantic with worry.
“Veronica no! Please he’s not dangerous!”
“I don’t care what he is. Any man whose willing to attack someone with a baby is a psychopath! Now ring up the police right now!” the man behind the desk picked up the phone and dialed 999 for police assistance.
Oh god what have I done?
*3rd Person POV*
As the night went on by around 11:45pm, Brian, Deacy, Roger and Freddie arrived just a block away from Veronica’s hotel but they were shocked when they saw a police car parked out front.
“What the hell is this?” asked Roger.  Exiting the main doors two officers had the Doctor handcuffed and dragged him towards their cruiser while the Manager of the hotel huddling himself in his coat to block out the winter chill said.
“And if you want my advice you see to it that creep never gets out.”
“No worries Mr. Anderson. We’ve had several reports fitting this guy’s description of property trespassing. We’ll take good care of him.” Said the older male officer as he and his partner put the Doctor in the back of the cruiser.  Confused and starting to worry for his family’s safety Deacy was the first to run towards the officer.
“Deacy wait!” Freddie called out to him as he and the other two band members followed him.  As the older officer started his car, John came up to him and said.
“Officer what’s going on here?”
“Sir please step back.”
“Please my wife is checked into that hotel what happened!” Deacy’s tone was urgent and stern as his eyes were widened with fear.
“Just stopped an invasion from escalating. Caught this guy trying to attack a young teenage girl and a baby.”
“What!?!” Roger asked urgently.
“No Robert!” Deacy exclaimed worriedly.  Soon all four band members started calling off either Veronica’s, (y/n)’s and Robert’s names as they raced inside the hotel and towards the room Veronica said she was staying in.
The second they barged into the room, they saw Veronica sitting on the kitchen floor holding Robert in her arms.
“John!” Deacy immediately fell to his knees in front of her and hugged both his wife and son close.
“Are you both okay? What happened?” Deacy asked frantically.
“I—I went out for about five minutes to pick up some more diapers for Robert, and when I came back I saw (y/n) on the floor covered in blood holding Robert and that-that-that creep was standing over them. I didn’t know what else to do!” Veronica ranted hysterically.  Deacy shushed her and held her close as he comfortingly stroked her back.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You both are safe now. I’m here, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
“Wait but—where’s (y/n)?” asked Roger.
“She was hysterical. Even ran after the police begging them to not arrest the creep. They—over powered her and shoved her into the closet where I had the creep locked up.”
“They what!?” exclaimed Roger. “Why did you just let that happen!?”
“Roger dear calm down.” Freddie tried to calm the hotheaded drummer down.
“You damn well know why I won’t bloody calm down Fred! Why did you let them do that to her!?”
“Don’t shout at my wife Roger! She’s been through enough already!” Deacy snarled protectively.
“What else was I supposed to do? She was actually defending her own attacker.” Veronica said.
“Not let the police assault her then lock her up. Which closet is she is?” Veronica pointed to the one just across from the kitchen.  Roger unlocked the door only to be tackled by (y/n).
*My POV*
God all of this shit shouldn’t have happened. No wonder why the Doctor tends to stay away from human past when police get heavily involved. If they find out he’s not really human, who knows what they’ll do to him?
Of course I tried to stop them but two male policemen just jumped me as I tried to get the Doctor out of the room, one of them even tasered me forcing me down and they just shut me in here deeming that I was too hysterical to handle.  I think I even heard the one who tazed me to call the nuthouse.
But the second I heard the voices of the guys coming in, I wobbled myself up to the door.  Just before I could open it the door suddenly swung open and I fell into Roger’s arms.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) love can you hear me?” I groaned barely even able to speak due to having more than the required 1000 milliamps charge through me in order to stun me.  God I hated getting tazed, it was not fun at all.  At this point I pushed myself off of Rog and looked like a drunk person as I babbled nonsense and tried to enter the bedroom.
“God she’s hysterical and completely out of it. John set her down before she hurts herself.” Veronica said.  I felt John’s hands take my arms but I mumbled.
“No! No….” I fell to the ground with a groan and crawled towards the corner.
“(Y/n) please you need rest. You just went through something traumatic.” Brian said calmly.
“Not to mention assaulted by the police.” Roger sneered.
“No lo—look!” I finally reached the corner and as best as I could, dragged out the siren’s body but I collapsed right on the floor groaning.
“Wait what the—Fred help me with this.” Soon Roger and Freddie dragged the siren out by the feet and finally everyone got to see the body of the siren.
“Who—who is that?” Brian said.  Roger then turned it over and was shocked to see a slight version of himself.  Fred was just baffled.
“You don’t have a long lost twin we don’t know about do you Roger?” he asked.
“No I only have one sibling and that’s Clare.”
“Well whoever this is sure looks a hell like you, but these nails yeesh!”
“So if this was the real intruder, then the one the police have is an innocent man.” Said Freddie.
“But how do we know that? He could’ve been an accomplice?” Deacy stated firmly.
“Then why would (y/n) have put up such a fight to ensure they didn’t take him away? God never have a seen a girl act like an—a protective animal. She was clawing, screaming and kicking them as they tried to take him away. Oh God what have I done?” Veronica said.
“None of this was your fault Veronica darling, you were just doing what any mother would do. Your first concern was your child’s safety as well as (y/n)’s.” Freddie told her.
I slowly tried to pick myself up off the floor but I kept wobbling just like Bambi after he got shot when he saved Faline from the hunter’s dogs.  It was then I saw Roger come towards me and he slowly helped me up.
“There we go lovie. Easy now, easy, easy, easy.”
“Doctor.” I mumbled out.
“She’s right, we need to get her a doctor.” Said Roger.  I wanted to talk back but at this point my brain is still fuzzy from nearly being barbecued to death.
“Alright, Fred, Brian, you two go with Rog and take (y/n) back to our hotel. Veronica and I will head over to the police station to get all this cleared up.”
“What will you tell them?” asked Brian as he began to pack some of (y/n)’s things.
“We’ll come up with something. C’mon love we better hurry.” Then John and Veronica left the room and took her car over to the police station.
“I’ll ring us a cab to the hotel, you two keep packing.” Said Roger as he guided me out of the room.  My footing was wobbly and that’s when Roger finally decided to pick me up bridal style and I just kept whispering.
“I know love, I know. We’ll get you a doctor soon enough.” And it was at that moment I passed out again.
*3rd Person POV*
At the police station the Doctor was currently being hold in containment.
“You’re making a mistake. I wouldn’t dare hurt (y/n) she’s my friend I was trying to help her!” The chief of police looked at the Doctor through the two way mirror and the Lt. said to the chief.
“Can you believe this crap?”
“I’ve seen weird but this guy deserves to be put in a straitjacket and sent to the looney bin.”
“Chief, excuse me chief.” A police sergeant came up to them and he said to them. “Sorry to interrupt but Mr. And Mrs. Deacon are here to talk to you.”
“Ahh great. Probably to confirm that they want to press charges against him for attacking that girl and baby.” The chief then walked to his office and there he saw John and Veronica sitting on the two chairs. “Glad you both came down, now are we here to discuss the matter of pressing charges against your attacker?”
“Actually sir. We talked it over and—we’re willing to drop the charges against the fellow.” Answered Deacy.  The chief looked at him like the bassist had grown three heads.
“Mr. Deacon. What this man did according to your wife is a serious matter? Are you sure you wish to consider dropping the charges?”
“Yes. Chief Evans, I—it turned out there was another man who was found knocked unconscious in our room. He was the real intruder.” Said Veronica as she held Robert closer to her and he softly cooed.
“Where is this man now?”
“He’s dead. The head injury to him just—killed him on impact. We couldn’t find a heartbeat.” Said Veronica.  Chief Evans sighed heavily and he said.
“Alright but—the guy’s been set on bail of 5,000 pounds.”
“I’ll pay it.” Said Deacy.  “Just make sure he’s released tonight.”
“Very well, there’s just a few papers you both need to sign and then you’ll write up the check.” They both nodded and proceeded to do the work.
Once the check was made and the bond was made, the chief called in the holding section to release the Doctor from his cell. When the Doctor saw his cell being unlocked he said.
“Am I going to the real slammer?”
“No. You’ve been bailed out. Now come on before we change our minds.” Said one of the sergeants as another one came toward him and unlocked his cuffs that held him down to the table.
“Well thank you gentlemen. Now you officer Blake, kindly explain to me why you physically assaulted my friend back at the hotel room?”
“That’s Sergeant Blake to you. And she’s lucky she didn’t end up getting herself arrested for assault on an officer.”
“Well it wouldn’t be the first time.” The Doctor muttered.
“Now follow me. And no more questions.” Sergeant Blake sneered as he and the other officer escorted the Doctor out of the holding cell and towards the front lobby of the police station.
“Okay Mr. and Mrs. Deacon. Your bond has gone through, we’ll be in touch with further questions.” Said the chief as he and the Deacons came out of his office and stood before the lobby.
“Thank you Chief.” Said John as he shook hands with him and Veronica adjusted Robert against her shoulder and shook the chief’s hand as well before he went back toward his office.
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“Ahh the Deacons. John and Veronica. And baby Robert, oh glad to see he’s doing alright from that little scare earlier. Couldn’t you both hear that he was trying to tell you that I wasn’t the guy?”
“How would you know what he was saying? He’s only five months old.” Said Veronica.
“I speak baby.” The Doctor stated nonchalantly.
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“You—you speak baby?” baffled Veronica.
“Yeah. Is that so surprising that babies actually have a voice even with them being so young?” At this point, Deacy grabbed hold of the Doctor’s arm and escorted him out of the police station.
“John. John hold on wait a second!” Veronica protested as she followed the two men outside.  As soon as they reached the curb, he released the Doctor and the Doctor said.
“Wow, wow that was a strong grip. People should think twice about messing with you John Deacon.”
“Enough of this. First of all who the hell are you, how do you know our names and why the bloody hell did that—that….person look like Roger?!” At this point the Doctor’s facial expression grew solemn and stoic.
“Look. I know you both have been through something traumatic tonight that no parent should have to go through.”
“You think?” hissed John.
“But trust me when I say that I am on your side.”
“What do you mean ‘our side’? And you never answered my first question, who are you?”
“I’m the Doctor.”
“Doctor? Doctor Who?” asked Veronica.  At that moment, Robert cooed and babbled and that’s when the Doctor said.
“Well thank you for the compliment Bobby but (y/n) is the real hero who saved you from that monster. Oh (y/n)! Where is she? Is she alright?”
“She’s fine. Brian, Rog and Freddie took her to our hotel for her to rest and get looked at.”
“That Blake fellow didn’t hurt her too bad did he?”
“He tazzed her if that’s what you mean?”
“Ohh bloody—that girl I swear is always looking for trouble. I’ve told her to never attack an officer of the law especially around these timelines.” He muttered to himself.
“Wait! Are—are you the friend she’s been telling us about?” asked Deacy.
“What has she told you exactly?” asked the Doctor.
“Roger said he met up with her last night after she was jumped by some thugs. Assaulted her pretty badly, scratches along her arms, I’d never even see Freddie’s cats make marks like that.” At hearing this, the Doctor exhaled in relief.
“Then yes. I was that friend. I’ve been looking for her for hours ever since then. But when I went back, she was gone.”
“Well we can take you to our hotel. But promise me you’ll have more answers to the remaining questions I just asked you.”
“As I said John, I’ll tell you everything I know. Right now I just need to make sure my friend (y/n) is okay.”
“I’ll go hail us a cabbie then.” Veronica said as she walked out to the side of the road and held her hand out to signal the next cabbie that drove by.  Shortly after a couple minutes, they all piled in the cabbie’s car and Deacy gave them the directions to the hotel he and the boys were staying at.
*My POV*
When I finally woke up, I found myself in a familiar room once again, I felt something wet and cold being dabbed across my face and that’s when a voice said.
“And sleeping beauty awakes. How you feeling darling?” I looked to my left to see Freddie sitting by my bedside.  He softly smiled showing off that famed overbite of his.
“A little funny. But—I’ll live. Hadn’t been the first time this happened to me anyways.”
“What kind of life have you been living my dear?”
“Trust me, it’s better you don’t know.”
“Well you’ll be happy to know that Roger can finally stop fussing about you. Blondie was about to have himself a heart attack with all the pacing and frantic worrying he was doing. That is if he didn’t run a rut in the middle of the living room.”
“I didn’t mean to cause him such worry.”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling. Never have I seen Roger behave this way around another girl except his sister. You seem to have him wrapped around your little finger darling.” He playfully and gently bopped my nose which made me grin and softly chuckle.  “Here darling, drink this.” He held up a cup of water and I took a sip of it and allowed it to hydrate me up.
“Fred, you know what she really needs is some juice for vitamins.” Said Brian as he now came into the room along with Roger. Brian held in his hand a bottle of orange juice and he as well as Roger came over to me and Brian handed me the bottle.
“Thanks Bri.” I said as I took the bottle.
“You sure you’re okay (y/n)? You were pretty out of it back there.” Said Roger as he stroked down my hair. I turned to look at him and I assured him.
“I’m okay Roger, I promise.” He looked at me with that soft, affectionate look in his eyes as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to mine while cupping the back of my head.
But it was then our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Well about bloody time. We called for a doctor an hour and a half ago.” Freddie proclaimed as he headed for the door and that’s when he said. “Deacy, Veronica.”
“Hey Freddie, is (y/n) awake?” I could hear Deacy ask.
“Yeah she’s in the room with Brian and Roger.” Next thing I knew I saw the Doctor coming into the bedroom and he said.
“Oh thank god (y/n)!”
“Doctor!” I quickly but very wobbled out of bed and hugged him and he hugged and kissed me back.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“Why are you asking me that? The real question is if you’re okay? They didn’t fully process you did they? Oh god if they did—”
“Relax (y/n) everything’s fine. I was just being hold in a detaining cell, but Deacy and Veronica bailed me out just in time.” As Deacy and Veronica walked in the room with Freddie I turned to them and said.
“Did you guys really bail him out?” Deacy and Veronica nodded.
“After we had discovered that horrible body, we began to figure out that maybe your friend was really innocent. Why else would you have gone to such lengths such as assaulting an officer to protect him and not have him be sent to jail?” said Veronica.
“Wait so (y/n)—this is the friend you were telling us about?” asked Roger.
“Yes. Roger, Brian, Freddie this is the Doctor.”
“Doctor who?” asked Brian.
“Well not quite the same doctor as you are—or well trying to be my dear Brian.”
“How did you—”
“I think it’s time we got that explanation you promised us Doctor.” Said Deacy.  I looked up to the Doctor in fear and I mouthed.
‘What’ll we tell them? I—what if they don’t accept the truth?’
“It’ll be okay love. Besides they were bound to know eventually.” He whispered to me. “Right, gentlemen, madam, Sir Robert of Bucksley.” They all looked at him confused. “Oh yes that’s what he wants to be called from now on. Anyways, I did say I owed an explanation but it’s best if you all follow me around the corner of the hotel.”
“Why exactly?” asked Roger.
“Roger please it’ll—it’ll make more sense if we show you.” I told him. Soon everyone stood up and we all got bundled up, well except the Doctor and as we walked outside, I felt Roger take my arm and he whispered.
“(Y/n) what exactly is going on?”
“I’m sorry Rog but I—I didn’t exactly tell you the whole truth of how I came here.”
“What do you mean?” it was then we finally arrived at the TARDIS.
“Ahh here we are, and thankfully no one used it yet. Then again I always keep her locked up tight.” The Doctor said.
“Minus the time you let the angels take it.” I sassed at him.
“That was not my fault and you know it missy!” he sassed back at me.
“A police box? What exactly are we looking at here?” asked Freddie.
“This my dear rockstars is the Time and Relative Dimensions In Space box, or TARDIS since it’s much easier to remember. My time machine.”
At that statement, the guys and Veronica were just dumbfounded.
“You’re joking right?” asked Deacy.
“Afraid not Deacy.” I said.
“You can’t be serious. Time travel is—it’s nothing but fiction. Something out of Star Trek or something.” Stated Brian.
“If you don’t believe me,” then with a snap of his fingers, the doors of the TARDIS opened and all that could be seen within was the bright light. “Why not have a step inside? See for yourselves.” I was the first to walk into the TARDIS.  I turned towards the guys and nodded before entering inside.
I sat down on the staircase that led up to the mini library bookcase he had on the upper catwalk and that’s when I saw the first Queen band member Freddie enter inside, followed by Deacy and Veronica, Roger and then Brian.
And as always like many before, even me when you first step into the TARDIS, it’s unbelievable at the hugeness that’s on the inside of what looks like a police box inside.
Brian even had to do a double check as he raced outside before coming back in.  The Doctor walked towards the controls and he said.
“Well…..go on say it. Everyone else does.”
“It’s……it’s……” started Freddie in awe.
“Bigger on….” Said Deacy then Roger finished.
“The inside.”
“But—how I mean it’s…..it’s impossible.”
“Not for a time lord, or Gallifrey technology, which is what you’re looking at.” Explained the Doctor.
“Gallifrey? What is that some type of Italian district?” asked Roger.
“No it’s actually—well was a planet. Far beyond your solar system. It’s a long story that I’d—rather not talk about right now.”
“And what was it that you said you were?” asked Veronica as she adjusted Robert in her arms.
“I’m a Time Lord. We basically have the ability to manipulate and travel throughout all of time and space.”
“So—you mean to tell me that this….is a legit time machine. You both travel throughout time and space?” asked Brian as he turned towards the Doctor.
“Exactly. Well I do mostly, I came across (y/n) two years ago. Which brings up another thing you all should know about her.” They all turned towards me and I looked down shamefully.
“As I said before Rog, and I’ll let the rest of you know now. I—I’m not exactly from here. I mean I do live in London but just not this time of London. I—I’m from the future.”
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twisted-broth · 5 years
Y/n in the Bathroom- Michael x reader
Reader gender: not specified
Warnings- suggestive material, drinking, swearing
A/n: this took forever and I hate myself I’m sorry. I promise I will get the requests done! Eventually...
Requested by anon: Hiya! So I️ was just noticing you’ve expanded your horizons a bit! I️ was hoping you could do a fluffy Michael x reader where they find him in the bathroom at the Halloween party because the reader was trying to hide from some drunk guy who was hitting on them. It’s cool if you don’t have time but I️ saw requests were open sooo ya.😊Bonus points if the Michael fic ends in a cheesy dance scene.
Dedicated to my favorite person (you know who you are) who always inspires me to keep writing! Love you.
‘Could this party be any worse?’ You thought to yourself as you leaned against the wall and took a small sip from your cup of beer.
You are definitely not the party type. You only came because your friend begged you, and she had already left to flirt with some girls. You were from a different school than her, so you didn’t recognize any of the people here.
“Hey hot stuff,” you heard a drunken voice slur behind you.
You sighed as you turned to face the man behind you.
“Can I help you?” You spat.
“I was just thinking, you and I might want to find an empty room somewhere,” he said suggestively.
You scoffed and turned around, continuing to nurse your drink.
“Hey, don’t ignore me you bitch!” He yelled, grabbing your shoulder and turning you to look at him.
“Don’t touch me, asshole!” You exclaimed back as you yanked your shoulder away from him.
“C’mon, babe, it’ll be fun,” he cooed.
“Leave. Me. Alone,” you growled, your voice laced with venom.
His face quickly hardened as he grabbed your arm with a steel grip. “Listen here bitch,” he demanded, “you might want to rethink the way you’re talking to me right now.”
A jolt of adrenaline ran through you, fear and panic coursing through your body. Thinking as fast as your could in your moment of panic, you threw what remained of your drink in his face, broke out of his grip and sprinted through the ocean of people.
You reached a slightly empty hallway and frantically looked around for a room you could hide in. Spotting a door to your right, you darted into the unlocked room and locked the door behind you.
You let out a sigh of relief, glad to have escaped that situation. You closed your eyes and slid down the door, out of breath from your run.
“Hello?” A small voice asked from in the room.
Your eyes shot open and you quickly the scanned the room that you now realized was a bathroom. You spotted a boy around your age leaning against the edge of the bathtub, his eyes red and puffy with tear streaks running down his face.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to barge in on you, I was just trying to get away from someone, but I can leave you be if you’d like.” You spouted quickly, raising yourself with the intention of leaving the boy alone.
“It’s okay. You seemed pretty upset, I don’t want to send you back out into that,” he told you, shaking his head.
“Thanks,” You breathed, sinking back onto the floor.
“I’m Michael,” he introduced himself after drying his face.
“Y/n,” you told him, a small smile making its way onto your face. You shakily walked over to him and sat down beside him. “So, what’s got you in here, Michael? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“My best friend ditched me. He- um… do you know what a squip is?”
You solemnly nodded. “My cousin had one. She’s in a mental institute now. Is that what your friend has?”
“Yeah. I guess he’s too cool for me now.” Michael sighed.
“For what it’s worth, you seem like a pretty cool dude to me. I mean, your creeps shirt is awesome. Where did you even get that?”
“Oh I… made it. I have a jacket I made too. I had to paint the design on the back. It took forever.” He looked down, clearly embarrassed.
“That’s so cool. I wish I could do that kind of stuff.” You gave him a bright smile as he carefully looked up at you.
“So, why are you here? You seem really sweet and confident. You should be out having fun.”
“Well, my friend decided to head off on her own and then some creep wouldn’t leave me alone… it’s been a night.” Seeing the sadness in his features suddenly gave you an idea. “Hey man, fuck this party. Let’s go do something.”
He raised an eyebrow, but you could see a smile start to grace his lips. “Like what?” He asked.
“Have you ever played Apocalypse of the Damned?”
This time, you could see his whole face light up. “I love that game!”
You quickly rose to your feet. “Great. Then you and I are gonna go back to my place and you’ll help me finally get past level nine-“
“The cafetorium,” he groaned.
“You’re familiar,” you laughed. You offered him a hand and helped raise him from the ground.
Still hand in hand, you weaved through the maze of drunk teenagers and managed to escape through the door. Flanking the sides of the doorway were pairs of people attached by the mouth. You ignored them and quickly rushed past them, Michael in tow.
“Do you have a car?” You asked him.
“Yeah it’s over here.” He led you over to a PT Cruiser parked by the curb.
“Niiiice,” you said, admiring the car.
He smiled as he opened the passenger side door for you and made his way around to the drivers side.
Okay so you may be in a strangers car and you may be giving him your address but you were a little tipsy, okay? (Don’t try this at home kids)
The ride to your house was pretty short, only a few minutes. You chatted to each other the whole ride there, always managing to find a common interest to go off about. Your conversation managed to bounce from video games to reality tv to discontinued sodas. It was shocking how much you two had in common.
He pulled into your driveway, allowing you to open the door and lead him to your house. Your parents were already asleep at this point so you wouldn’t be bombarded with questions about your night or Michael. Taking his hand in yours, you lead him to your basement where an Xbox was connected to a large TV with a couch in front of it. You allowed Michaels hand to fall from yours as you crouched down to turn on the game console and grab the remotes.
With the game finally up and ready to play, you and Michael seemed to play for ages, watching each other’s backs and fighting off zombies as best as you could. Every so often you would glance over at Michael, admiring the focus on his face and the way his tongue pokes out of his mouth just a little bit… and, yep, you died. Way to go. Michael glances over at you, wondering why you had stopped playing. Heat rises to your face as you realize he had caught you staring. He smiles, but you can see a bit of red glazing his cheeks.
He turns away and uses the controller to pause the game. You watched in confusion as he pulled out his phone and began playing a slow song on it.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
He stood up and extended his hand to you. “Dance with me,” he suggested.
You couldn’t help but laugh as you took his outstretched hand. He pulled you up with a surprising amount of force, causing you to stumble and fall into his chest. He pulls you into an awkward little dancing position. You would’ve been thrilled by how close you were if you weren’t so focused on not stepping on his feet.
Too soon for your liking, the song and your dance ended. You were left standing chest- to- chest and staring into each other’s eyes, lost in the moment.
“See?” Your SQUIP appeared next to Michael, interrupting the moment. “I told you the party was a good idea.”
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I Haven’t posted on here in decades(like four months)
So here’s a little update that I wouldn’t write anywhere else because 1. Who cares 2. This is basically an online journal of sorts.
Somethings I’ve done since graduating highschool.
Fell in and out of love numerous times but two were really something nice
Went to college
Had my own radio show on the college radio station
Dumped the ole pt cruiser for a Chevy cobolt. Dumped that for a Nissan Frontier truck. Switched that for a Mercury Mariner. Sister totaled that got the Frontier back. Storm came knocked a tree over tree totaled the Frontier. Got Ford Explorer which I know tenderly love as its on it’s last days
Realized I loved smoking weed
Realized I hated smoking weed because it created panic disorder in me
Dealt with severe daily panic attacks for four months thinking my heart was consitantly on the verge of stopping.
Recorded an album
Did some more theatre and started a career as a musician playing for local theatre shows and cover bands
Watched my family fall apart
Watched my family come back together
Lost my grandma, godmother/aunt/ stepdad(my best friend)
Dropped into severe depression
Numerous plans and attempted suicide attempts
Realized I enjoyed being numb better then feeling
Realized that alcohol kept me number and stopped my panic attacks and anxiety
Went to numerous IOP clinics for mental health
Became a better songwriter and musician
Discover a love for reading
Became an alcoholic
No like legit became an alcoholic. Spent three years consuming 1.75 liters of Vodka a day with brief periods of sobriety now and then.
Destroyed everything in my life and lost everyone.
Ruined relationships, friendships, jobs and dropped out of college.
Became homeless
With the help of my homies from hs found a rehab in quincy mass.
Went to quincy mass for treatment.
Explored spirituality
Made numerous friends and independently traveled across the state of mass meeting people, experiencing experiences that are to long to write now.
Still relapsed in treatment 4 times
Drank hand sanitizer in treatment out of desperation(you read that right)
Went to detox 10 times over the year pre and during treatment
Woke up on November 30, 2018 after a week long bender. Walked three miles to a liquor store at 7 am to buy a pint a vodka with dimes and nickels. Walked home. Took a sip. Got sick. Texted my sister happy birthday. Called my clinican in the program, asked for help, got kicked out of previously mentioned treatment center and back to detox again.
Said a prayer met a guy.
Moved to cape cod for another treatment center.
Graduated into a sober house.
Lived in a sober house for 8 months
Made the best and closest friends I ever will have
Worked as a dishwasher, worked at Dunkin’ doughnuts, worked as a cook. And accidentally became co owner of a painting company last summer(that was a trip)
Watched numerous friends relapse and or pass away from addiction
MOST IMPORTANT: after a long search for spirituality and or God realized I’ve always known him/ he’s always been with me.
Became a born again Christian baptized in March 2019
Started writing worship music(if I knew how this happened I would explain it but I don’t and I enjoy it so who cares)
Joined a worship band at a church and run sound now at my church
Completed the treatment program.
Was broke numerous times
Had money numerous times
Met a girl who taught me more about myself and the need to heel from past trauma.(and we don’t even talk anymore lol)
Found out the love of my life was taken in a car accident in nov 2019
Recreated and have now the best relationship with my family and visit them in RI once or twice a month
Got a house with my frands
Have almost two years sober(the longest time of sobriety I’ve ever had since my age of first usage at 18.
Now have a full time career job at the treatment center I went to on the cape. Helping other people get bsck their life.
Still live on the cape. Aka go to the beach daily.
Didn’t travel much of the country. But did get to meet the country through the eyes of hundreds of people I’ve met in treatment and on my travels
If you made it this far I’m suprised but this wasn’t a brag or pitty post. My point was if you struggle or ever are struggling you have more power and potential then you realize and you don’t till you take a moment to look back on what you’ve done and where you’ve come from. It won’t all be great but it won’t all be bad. You’ll meet people go places and do things that you need to look back on as if you were the main character in a movie. Romanticize you’re life. It will be a whole lot more enjoyable then continuing in the muck that is this world. Just because I’m living in this world dosent mean I have to be of it. I now work a job I love(seriously I actually look forward to going to work) not wealthy by any means but don’t have to worry. And can help people in more ways then I ever thought I had value of. Your life can be whatever you want and you just gotta let go of control. “Anything is possible with God” the good days I have now are faaaaar greater then any one single bad I’ve had in the past. Even the “ok” days are. And when bad days come that’s all they are. Bad days not a bad life.
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chaoticdisater · 5 years
Do you wanna ride // Boyf riends
(I did not make this video I can doodle a hole one thing so there's no way I could actually animate something but like I wrote a fic around it this was made by Mushie r. and that's a link to his youtube if you were interested) 
“Do you want a ride” Micheal smerked brushing his messy brown hair back, Jeremy had never seen Micheal look at him like that. 
“Micheal” Jeremy stuttered out “what's gotten into you,” 
“What” the corner of Micheals' lips turned up as he bit his tongue in between his front teeth then shook his head “is it weird for a guy to wanna go to Pinkberry with his best friend” he reached up resting his hair tilting his head to the side looking at Jeremy over his glasses
“well No,” Jeremy stumbled out, as Micheal licked his top lip into bitting his lower lip before stepping closer to Jeremy. 
“So I'll ask you again” Micheal placed his hand on his hip “Do you wanna ride,” Micheal kept stepping closer to Jeremy it wasn't long before he was in Jeremy's face “Do you wanna ride do you wanna go far” Micheal repeated himself tugging at the collar of Jeremy over shirt, letting go, Jeremy felt the absence of Micheals' hand as he pulled it back before stepping back 
“Jeremy, it is imperative that you decline,” his squib called from behind him, but Jeremy's ears felt hot, as Micheal stepped away from Jeremy, he stood hopeless as Micheal pulled his big red hoodie over his head to show his black tank top and arms 
god when had Micheals' arms looked so nice, the pigment of his skin helped it was a soft brown over his slightly muscled arms, he looked so good in his tank top. 
Jeremy wanted to know why Micheal wore his sweater if he could pull off something like that, 
“do you wanna get inside my mother's car,” Micheal bit the side of his lower lip looking Jeremy up and down throwing his head back slightly as he walked around Jeremy, 
Jeremy thought his heart was going to explode, every time Micheal looked at him like that. every time his eyes trailed up and down Jeremy's form. 
“tell him no” his squib chorused out but Jeremy was already helpless to Micheals charms as Micheal stood right in front of him, and he reached out touching Jeremy forehead brushing back a strand of hair. 
that touch alone sent shivers down Jeremy's spine, as the hot blush that had made his ears red covered his cheeks, 
“drive it on home, don't you say no jerry can you be coursed, home in a snatch only one catch we gotta stop for froze yogurt first,” Micheal placed his hands on his hips looking over his shoulder then back at Jeremy, 
his eyes had something in them, Jeremy had never seen it, what was it? this was his best friend how did he make him feel this way
“do you wanna ride do you wanna ride, do you wanna go far, do you wanna get do you wanna get do you wanna get inside my mother's car” Micheal stepped closer whispering his words into Jeremy's ear, his breath was hot on Jeremy's neck as he let the words out  
“Jeremy” his squib called, the only thing keeping Jeremy from taking the smug look off of Micheals' face by Kissing him senseless, 
“Drive it on home Don't you say no Jerry, can you be coerced?” Micheal gave a small pout then meeting Jeremy's eyes and giving him a smirk as he had bitten his tongue again, 
Micheal was hot, and Jeremy was questioning everything he thought to be true, sure he had liked other boys before but this made him feel so alive as heartbeat was so loud Jeremy was sure Micheal could hear it,  
“Jeremy no” the squib at what part Jeremy wasn't sure of anymore, that he shouldn't leave with Micheal or that he was thinking Micheal was really hot,
“Home in a snatch Only one catch We gotta stop for frozen yogurt first,” Micheal said as his hand rested on the back of his own neck and his arm up near his ear, his other hand had grabbed Jeremy's at one point, then he leaned into Jeremy's ear “Pinkberry” he whispered stepping back as Jeremy almost had to catch his breath 
“okay” Jeremy nodded and Micheal took his arm, Jeremy intertwined his hand with Micheals 
“Yay,” he grinned as they walked side by side, Micheals voice no longer had that seductive tone he was using before it was just Micheal but that seemed to wind Jeremy even more “come to I'm parked over here,” Micheal pulled Jeremy towards were his mothers old PT cruiser had been parked, 
and once they where in the safety of Micheals car Jeremy took a deep breath and leaned over kissing Micheals check 
“You missed,” Micheals' voice dropped as he turned to Jeremy taking the collar of his shirt and kissing him, 
in a feeling that Jeremy could only describe as complete euphoria, he let out a sound that came from his throat right before Micheal pulled back. 
“Alright, let's go” Micheal put the keys into the emission starting the old car. 
that's all folks, I kinda just did this in an hour late at night so, don't judge too hard 
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.18
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Storybrooke. Present. (Greg Mendell returns to his room at Granny's Bed and Breakfast, only to discover Regina waiting for him.) Greg: “You know, I'm all set for towels... if that's why you're here. I air dry.” Regina: “I'm here because I realized why you look so familiar to me. It's because we have met before, haven't we? Owen. (Holds up Owen’s gift:) I kept this all these years as a reminder of our time together. You were just a boy when you gave this to me. (Approaches:) Now look at you, all grown up. No wonder I didn't recognize you.” Greg: “Yeah, but I-I recognized you, because you look exactly the same, Regina. It's as if no time has passed for you.” Regina: “Monthly juice cleanse. Does wonders for the skin. You could've come to me, Owen. You could've told me who you were and why you're here.” Greg: “Well, I-I think you know why I'm here.” Regina: “I honestly don't.” Greg: “I'm looking for my father.” Regina: “Your father? He left shortly after you did. I never saw him again.” Greg: “I don't believe you.” Regina: “Be that as it may, it's the truth.” Greg: “People don't just disappear, Regina.” Regina: “Scared little boys tend to have overactive imaginations.” Greg: “Well, I'm not a scared little boy anymore, Madam Mayor. It's taken me a long time to get back here. I'm not leaving without my father.” Regina: “I'm afraid you are, because he's not here. (Walks to the door:) I'll let Granny know that you'll be checking out tomorrow.” Greg: “Or what?” Regina: “Contrary to what you might think, people can just disappear.” Greg: (As Regina goes to leave:) "Congratulations, by the way. (She turns back:) On the pregnancy. I just hope for the sake of the baby, you and your wife can remain a family. Especially after she learns what you did to rip mine apart."
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Hook is standing outside Brennan’s house, holding a piece of paper, which will be Brennan's ticket for travelling safely. Hook pushes open the door to the small house and sees Brennan tucking his son in.) Son: “I'm scared, Father. I don't want to leave here in the morning.” Brennan: “I know. But we'll be okay. You and I will find another home. What matters most is that we're together. We can face anything that way. Now, it's late. Close your eyes. And remember... whenever you're scared, all you have to do is look... inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning, Liam.” (Kisses Liam's forehead.) (Upon hearing the boy’s name, Hook retreats out of the house, but is clearly angry. Brennan exits the house a couple of moments after Hook does, and walks towards him.) Brennan: “Thank you, Killian.” Hook: “You named your boy Liam. After my brother, after the son... you abandoned. Was he really that easy to replace?” Brennan: “I wasn't trying to replace him. I was trying to honour him, to honour you both. So I'd remember never to make the same mistake. I promise, I’ve changed.” Hook: “No, people don't change. (Angrily points at Brennan in a threatening manner:) I saw what you said to him in there! It's the same thing you said to me! It was a lie then, and it's a lie now!” Brennan: “Killian, please, it's not true. I have changed. I would never leave him.” Hook: “But you would leave me.” (He puts the pieces of parchment that hold Brennan's ticket to freedom in the fire.) Brennan: “Killian, please, what are you doing?!” Hook: “Deciding what kind of man I want to be. You see, if the queen discovers that I've deceived her, I might not get what I need, and I can't have that. You're just not worth it.” (He pulls out a dagger from inside his coat, and stabs Brennan.) Brennan: (Grunts in pain, before falling to the ground. He tries to grab Hook, but is pushed away:) “Killian... it's never too late. You can change. Be a different man.” (Brennan gasps his last few breaths, then dies.)
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Storybrooke. Past. (Regina enters the Marine Garage.) Billy: “So, what can I do to help, Madam Mayor?” Regina: “Kurt Flynn's car.” Billy: “The one you asked me to fix ASAP.” Regina: “Yes. Plans have changed. I now need Mr. Flynn and his son to stay a while longer. Perhaps you can take a couple extra days with the repairs?” Billy: “I'm afraid that Mr. Flynn already picked the car up.” Regina: “What? When?” Billy: “Ten minutes ago.” Mayor’s Office. (Regina is in her office. She pulls out Sheriff Graham's heart from a locked drawer in her desk and speaks into it.) Regina: “Sheriff. Our visitors are driving out of Storybrooke. Find them before they cross the town line, pull the car over, and arrest the father for drunk driving. Then bring the boy to me. (She turns around and sees Kurt standing in the doorway. She puts the heart back in its box:) Kurt.” Kurt: “Mayor.” Regina: “That wasn't what it sounded like.” Kurt: “I don't want any trouble. (Backing away:) Just came by to say thank you.” Regina: “Wait. It was just a misunderstanding.” Kurt: “No. I understood. We're leaving.” Regina: “I'm not going to hurt him. Please don't leave.” (Kurt starts to leave when Sheriff Graham enters and pushes him against the desk.) Kurt: “What are you doing?” Sheriff Graham: “I'm afraid you're under arrest for driving under the influence.” Kurt: “What? Drunk? I'm not drunk and I sure as hell haven't been driving.” Sheriff Graham: “Don't make this harder on yourself.” Kurt: (To Regina:) “What did you do to him? (To Sheriff Graham:) She's controlling you. I don't know how but she had this glowing thing. It was shaped like a heart. Don't listen to her.” Sheriff Graham: “And you say you haven't been drinking. (Kurt lunges forward and knocks the box with Sheriff Graham's heart inside it off the desk. Sheriff Graham falls back, and Kurt runs away:) What was that?” Owen: (Outside, Kurt gets in the car:) “Dad, what's wrong?” Kurt: “We got to get out of here.” (He speeds away.) Storybrooke. Sheriff's Station. Present. Emma's Office. (Sitting across from each other with the door closed, Emma waits for Regina to continue.) Emma: "What happened next?" Regina: "We, uh... Graham and I stopped them from crossing the town line." Emma: "Okay, so, what happened to Kurt? (Regina stares at Emma for a long moment, clearly not knowing how bring herself to say the words. Reading between the lines:) All right. Does this Greg... Owen -  whoever he is, know this?"
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Regina: "I don't think so. He said he was here to find his father. (There is a long, terrible silence between them, filled only by the sounds of Lily filing paperwork outside the office:) There's really no excuse for what I did. (When Emma doesn't meet her gaze, Regina nods to herself and stands. Turning, she reaches for her scarf and awkwardly pulls on her long coat:) I guess that nagging little thought of yours was right. Only, it wasn't our future that came between us, it was my past." (Before Regina can even reach for the door handle, she feels Emma's hand upon her shoulder.) Emma: "Do you really believe that I'm unaware of your past, Regina? (Regina closes her eyes:) Do you think I wasn't filled in on all of your evil deeds a long time ago? Everyone in this town has a story about you, about how you ruined their lives and ripped apart their families." Regina: "Then how could you-" Emma: "Because I love you. You, Regina Mills. The only person who really understands all of me. Maybe if I had known you in the Enchanted Forest, known you as the Evil Queen, things would have been different, but it doesn't matter. (Finally turning Regina to face her:) Do you know what I see when I look at you?" Regina: (Tears falling:) "What?" Emma: "You're Regina. My wife. The mother of my children, the love of my life. My life began when Henry came and found me and brought me home... to you. Maybe it’s just me being selfish, but hell, I think we’ve both earned that right. I will always be here and I will always love you, no matter what." Regina: (Shakily:) "I don't deserve you." Emma: "No, don't say that. Do you remember our vows? I'll forgive your past, if you forgive mine? There are things I'm not proud of in my past either, but being with you? Fighting beside you, loving you and our family, is the best thing I ever did. So it's going to take a lot more than Greg Mendell to tear us apart." Regina: "But, Emma, he's out there. Determined to find the truth and I-" Emma: "Don't worry about that. He made a mistake coming back here, but he made an even greater one when he tried to come between us." Regina: (As Emma grabs her jacket:) "What are you going to do?" Emma: "I think it's time to do something about the town visitor, and to make sure he never comes back." Granny's Diner. Exterior. (Greg Mendell walks out of the diner and down the steps. Constantly checking his phone, he glances around before heading down a side street towards his car.) Emma: (Following him around the corner:) "Mr. Mendell!" Greg: (Spins around immediately:) "Why the hell are you following me?" Emma: "I think we need to talk." Greg: (Seeing the gun in Emma's hand:) "Or what, you'll shoot me? No, I don't think so." Emma: (Raises her gun as Greg runs toward his car:) "Hey! Stop! (Greg jumps into his car and starts the engine:) Son of a-"
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(As Greg speeds away, Emma runs back to her car to give chase.) Storybrooke. Past. (Kurt and Owen are driving through Storybrooke. Regina and Sheriff Graham are following them in a police cruiser.) Owen: “What's going on, Dad? What do they want?” Kurt: “We gotta get out of here. Come on!” Owen: “Dad!” Kurt: “Look out!” (Sheriff Graham swerves to avoid hitting an oncoming car.) Owen: “Dad! Faster, Dad!” Storybrooke. Present. (Emma is in hot pursuit of Greg, gaining on him quickly, knocking over a mailbox as she does so.) Storybrooke. Past. Kurt: (Approaching the town line:) “I think we lost them.” Owen: (Sheriff Graham pulls in front of them, blocking the road:) “Dad!” Kurt: (To Owen:) “Alright. Listen to me. Run away into the woods. Get away as far as you can. You call your uncle. Go.” Owen: “No. Not without you.” (He grips the lanyard key chain his father gave him.) Kurt: “There's a reason I gave you that. Because as long as you have it, I'll always be with you. You can do this. So do it. Run! Go! Go! Run! (Sheriff Graham opens the car door. Owen leaves the car and starts running towards the town line. Sheriff Graham tries to arrest Kurt, but Kurt fights back. Regina gets out of the police cruiser:) You may have this whole town wrapped around your finger. But not my son. You can't force him to stay with you!” Owen: (Stops:) “Dad!” Kurt: “Don't stop! Run! Run!” Regina: “Owen. (Approaching Owen:) It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.” Owen: “Why are you doing this?” Regina: “I just want you to stay with me. You said you liked it here. You want to stay here, don't you?” Owen: “Not like this.” Regina: “I'm sorry. I just wanted us to be happy.” (She releases Owen and the boy runs off.) Kurt: (From inside the police cruiser:) “Run, Owen.”
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Storybrooke. Present. (Emma is closing the gap between her car and Greg's. She almost pulls level with him until she sees the town line. Slamming on her brakes, Emma lets Greg go, watching as he speeds over the town line and out of their lives. Stepping out of the car, Emma walks right up to the line, breathing a sigh of relief as Mendell's car disappears into the distance. Turning at the sound of an approaching vehicle, Emma sees Lily arrive in a squad car.) Storybrooke. Past. (Owen is on the other side of the town line with two police officers.) Owen: “Here! This is where they took my Dad!” Captain: “There's nothing here, kid.” Owen: “No. No. This is where Storybrooke was. By this rock.” Captain: “Son, there isn't a town called Storybrooke anywhere in Maine.” Owen: “So you don't believe me?” Captain: “Look, you've been through a lot. (Owen runs closer to the town line:) Son!” Owen: “I'll find you, Dad. I promise! I'll never stop looking!” (On the Storybrooke side of the town line, Regina, hidden to Owen, touches to magical barrier keeping her from crossing.) Captain: “Come on son. Come on, let's go. It's okay.” (The officers lead Owen away as a tear falls down Regina’s face.) Storybrooke. Present. Town Line. (Emma sits in the police cruiser beside Lily.) Lily: "Emma, what were you thinking? You wrecked half the town!" Emma: "Trust me, it's better for everyone that Greg Mendell is gone." Lily: "Yeah, and what if he comes back? Only this time with a whole fleet of cops?" Emma: "He won't be back." Lily: "No? According to you, the guy was looking for his father. I haven't forgotten how it felt spending every spare moment I had looking for my birth parents, how about you? (Emma has nothing to say to this:) Look, I'll cover for you, but I think you need to step away for awhile. I know you were due to take some time off after the baby was born, so why not take it now?" Emma: "Are you gonna take my gun and shield too, officer?" Lily: "Hey. Friend to friend, you know I'm right."
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