#Merlin?? Merlin is busy with more important matters
imagine-to-be-a-pike · 2 months
Why did we make Merlin gay as a fandom? We know you guys are stupidly obsessed bi x gay but Merlin literally showed more interest in women than Arthur..Also "Arthur would be so inexperienced with men". Shut up, hes knight, they're all gay. Arthur was perfectly aware of himself, He stared at every guy , HE DEFENDED HIMSELF AGAINST EVERY WOMAN AROUND HIM
Like cmon, Merlin fandom, use your brain sometime
I wouldn't mind it if making Merlin gay didn't often end up feminizing him or make him UwU soft
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moonstruckme · 1 year
hi mae!! i was wondering if you’d write poly!marauders x reader with some angst? maybe they’ve had an argument (they say something really hurtful to her) and reader wants to be left alone and they assume that she wants to break up w them? maybe some begging/pleading on their side pls
totally okay if you don’t want to write this<3 have a lovely day ml 🫶🏽
Hi sweetheart! Thanks for requesting and hope you're having a lovely day too :)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
It had started laughably small. Tensions had to have been high for awhile, you must just not have been able to see it, because you were all so ready to go off. Sirius had remarked that you’d left the living room a mess. You’d shot back that if he’d offered to make dinner, you might’ve had time to tidy. It had devolved into an argument about why you were so busy in the first place, even though he knew you’d been absolutely mobbed at work lately. You’d been getting more and more piled onto your plate, and you weren’t sure whether the higher-ups were testing you to see about giving you a promotion (or, Merlin forbid, firing you) or whether it was just a busy time of the year, but it didn’t matter because you loved your job and you’d do whatever it took to keep it. It didn’t matter to Sirius, either, apparently; what mattered was that you’d been spending more time at work, and when you weren’t there, you took your work home, always bent over your laptop instead of spending time with your boyfriends. 
When Remus and James tried to smooth things over, they only ended up getting dragged in too, and soon you were fighting about whether you should tell your bosses you couldn’t handle your workload (you’d rather cut off your left foot) and how they didn’t understand how important this was to you (they claimed they did) and that you were prioritizing work over your relationship and that they were needy for making you choose like that, and on and on with voices rising and tensions heightening until Sirius all but yelled, “I don’t care what happens to you at work, you shouldn’t want that more than you want us!”
You’d gone quiet. Everyone had. Remus and James seemed to know that he’d crossed a line with you, but they didn’t correct him. Their silence was clear enough: they agreed. 
Your body couldn’t decide between anger and anguish, and you’d worried that if you kept going, you’d scream at them. So you’d just said, “I can’t do this,” and left. 
You’ve been walking around for over an hour now. Aimless circles around your neighborhood and the surrounding streets. Lamplights are flickering on as twilight turns to darkness, the nighttime breeze cooling the teartracks on your cheeks. You keep turning the whole thing over in your head, but you can’t stop fixating on the last thing Sirius said and the other boys’ wordless agreement. Selfishly, it’s the first part that troubles you most: I don’t care what happens to you at work. Your work is endlessly important to you. Before you met the boys, it was nearly the only thing you were living for. You’d put years into school and menial, boring jobs to get the one you have now. You love what you do. Do they not understand that about you? You don’t get how they can claim to care about you, and not care about this thing that is at the core of who you are. 
Then there’s the second part. You shouldn’t want that more than you want us. As a statement, it’s true. But the implication is dead wrong. Because you don’t care more for your job than you do them. If you had to lose one or the other, you’d give up your job in a heartbeat. But as far as you know, you’re only at risk of losing one right now, so why can’t your boyfriends just sit tight for a couple weeks while you fight to keep it?
You’re hurting for yourself and for them, because how could they think that you don’t care about them? You feel like your heart is being cleaved in two.
When you arrive back at your apartment, you still don’t know what to do, but you feel calmer. You don’t really expect anyone else to have cooled down—Sirius especially, whose anger ignites quickly and takes time to burn out—and you don’t particularly want to keep arguing, but you will, until you all see each other more clearly. You’re ready to explain yourself better, to soothe and smooth over whatever you can. 
But when you open the door, the silence startles you. It’s like someone has sucked the air from your apartment, the atmosphere stale and morose.
James turns from where he’s sitting on the couch, eyes widening. “You’re back.” 
Remus appears, sitting up from where he’d been lying next to James, and Sirius emerges from your bedroom. Each of their eyes look as red as yours probably do, and the sight makes your heart feel heavy in your chest. 
“Y/N,” Sirius says, and it’s not so much the croakiness of his voice as the fact that he’s not trying to hide it that raises alarms with you, “I’m sorry. I went too far, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.” 
“It’s okay,” you say without thinking, even though it hadn’t felt okay at the time. You’ll say anything to get him to snap out of whatever this is, the misery in his eyes unfamiliar and terrifying. 
“We shouldn’t have asked you to choose between us and your work,” Remus says, his features tight with something that looks like grief. “Do what you need to, just stay here with us, please.” 
You hesitate, feeling like there’s something you’ve missed. You hadn’t been gone too long, had you? Had they been worried you’d been hurt or something?
Before you can ask, James reaches out a hand to you over the top of the couch, and you step forward to take it, giving him a reassuring squeeze as his eyes well with tears. “We love you so much,” he says, uncharacteristically quiet, and you feel like someone has plunged a knife into your middle and twisted. “It’d feel so stupid to break up over the living room being messy. Let’s just talk this over, yeah?”
Your hand goes limp in his. “Break up?”
You get only blank looks in reply. 
“You’re breaking up with me?”
“Wh—dovey, no,” Remus sputters. “But aren’t…we thought you were breaking up with us. Weren’t you?”
“Of course not!” You press a hand to your chest, just to make sure your heart’s still going in there. “I was upset, but not…I was never going to leave you over it.”
“You said you couldn’t do this anymore,” Sirius says, almost disbelieving. 
“I meant the argument, not our relationship.” 
“Oh, fuck.” James throws his head back on the couch cushions with a relieved exhale. “So we’re all still together, just in a fight?”
“Just in a fight,” you agree, and you’ve never been happier to admit to conflict. You start towards Sirius, throwing your arms around his neck, and you can feel his shock as he stiffens, then brings his hands to your back. “I’m sorry too,” you say, letting go after a moment and turning so you can see all of your boys. “I didn’t mean to make you all feel like you weren’t important to me. I just wanted you to understand that my job is important to me, too. And I’m getting really scared that if I can’t keep up, I could lose it.” 
“Sweetheart.” James beckons, and you go into his arms, settling in. These are the kinds of arguments you like best; the ones where you all listen to each other, working towards a solution as people who love each other instead of opponents. “We don’t want you to lose your job either.”
“I don’t think this busy season will last much longer,” you say earnestly. “And if it does, I promise I’ll talk to someone and try to get a lighter workload. Do you guys think that you could give me a couple more weeks? I’ll try to be around more, but I just want…it’s important to me to be sure I’m going to be able to keep my job.”
Sirius huffs, going to sit in the chair across from you. “Well, it sounds so fucking rational when you put it like that.” He cracks a smile, and you return it hesitantly. “Yeah, I think I can manage a couple weeks. What about you guys?”
Remus hums his assent, and James nods eagerly, clearly ready to be done with the conflict portion of the evening. 
“Sorry I scared you,” you say, guilt still a dull ache in your chest. You kiss James’ cheek, and the skin there tastes faintly salty, but a dimple forms as he smiles at you. “I’m not going to break up with you guys, ever, but I swear that if I’m ever thinking about it, I’ll be more explicit.”
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dilf-lover99 · 2 years
Playing Pretend | J.P.
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Pairing: James Potter x Female Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: When Reader's best friend James requests her assistance capturing the attention of Lily Evans, the two decide to make some changes to their relationship. Sort of.
Warnings: fluff, best friends to lovers / fake dating (two superior tropes), not much of a slow burn (sorry guys), a healthy amount of pining, maybe a teeny bit of angst if you squint, a kiss, i think that's it this is like the softest thing i've ever written
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: i'm sorryyyyyy !!! i'm sorry i ghosted you, i promise it was an accident ! i've been working a TON lately, but i finally found a bit of time to write and i missed it so much. i hope this was worth the wait ! let me know what you think. p.s. love u lots<3
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There were three things in life of which you were certain.
The first is that, no matter how skeptical one may be, the sorting hat irrefutably knows best. Being sorted into Gryffindor on your first day at Hogwarts was the greatest thing that ever happened to you, it introduced you to the friends who became your family.
The second is that you will never, swear on Merlin’s beard, read a book you’ve borrowed from Remus in the bath; Some lessons are best learned after making mistakes.
The third, and most important, is as follows : James Fleamont Potter is, and always will be, your very best friend.
You’re confident that there’s nearly nothing in the world the two of you wouldn’t do for each other if asked.
James has always been there for you in times of need, with a comforting embrace or a ludicrously ill-advised joke. He always talks out your problems with you, agreeing with your side of the situation even when you think you’re in the wrong.
There’s not a single problem the two of you haven’t been able to overcome together.
You’ve also spent countless waking hours of your life pretending to hold a flicker of interest in the precise mixture of colours in Lily Evans’ eyes, the scent of her hair, or wether or not she laughed at James’ joke that day.
The price of friendship, you suppose.
“This is the year, (y/n), I can feel it!” Your bespectacled best friend announces from his position sprawled across your bed on his stomach.
You withhold the good-natured urge to roll your eyes, exhaling an small breath through your nose with a smile, “You say that every year, James.” Ceasing the previous circles you were spinning in your desk chair, you make eye contact with James and continue, “Though I admire your persistence, perhaps it’s time to give it a rest? Maybe take up another hobby? Clearly quidditch isn’t keeping you busy enough to leave Evans be.”
“Ha Ha.” James grumbles sarcastically. The two of you have conversations like this regularly, though your attempts to divert his interests have consistently proven futile. “It’s different this year. I’m different this year. I’m trying something new,” He slowly pulls himself up from his relaxed position, now sitting at the edge of the bed to face you directly, “If you agree to my plan, that is.”
“Well, that depends,” You hesitate, eyeing your best friend suspiciously. Over the course of your friendship you’ve always had a difficult time saying no to James, which has gotten you into more than your fair share of trouble.
“Is there any part of this plan that could result in our expulsion? Or worse- Will my hands be stained again? It took me weeks to get the dye off my fingers after your last so called plan.” 
Without recounting each and every detail, James’ last plan involved the two of you, a pint of florescent pink hair dye, and the head of an unsuspecting Severus Snape, and resulted in semi-permanent dye-stained hands and a rather stern talking-to from Dumbledore.
James laughs mirthfully at the memory, “Come on, people loved that! We loved that!”
“Yes, we did.” You agree with a grin despite yourself.
James throws a wink your way, shaking his head amusedly before speaking again, “No, this’ll be nothing like that. Entirely free of repercussions, I swear it.” His tone resembles that of when he’s asking you for a favour, and judging by the way he’s dancing around the words, you have a feeling you’re not going to welcome his idea with open arms.
“Alright, Potter. Out with it, will you?” You voice lightly, “It can’t be worse than any other plan you’ve had.”
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.” He rushes out, the shadow of a blush forming evenly across his pale cheeks at his own words.
“O-kay,” You draw out, eyes wide, “Perhaps I was wrong.”
“I know it sounds mad, but hear me out.” He starts quickly, “I was talking to Pads about it and he was all ‘Maybe if you weren’t so available all the time, she’d actually want you around’” He lowers his voice an octave, a dramatized attempt at impersonating your shared friend, “And I know what you’re going to say, ‘Why would you take relationship advice from Sirius of all people’” His voice raises higher now as he butchers an impression of your own, “But he had a point! And I thought, well, I wouldn’t be available if I had a girlfriend, would I?” 
You’re unsure if you should interrupt him or not, equal parts amusement and disapproval swirl around in your brain as he speaks.
“But I couldn’t do that to a real girl, y’know?” If he notices the icy glare you shoot his way at this, he does a bang-up job pretending he doesn’t, “Just string her about whilst I’m in love with Evans- But I could pretend! And who better to pretend with than my own best girl?” He finishes with a smile so sweet you almost forget the preposterous nonsense he’s just spouted.
“There are about ten things wrong with what you’ve just said- Eleven if you count that horrible impression of me! Merlin, James, do I really sound like that to you?” James chuckles at you, running his lithe fingers through the charming mess of his curls.
“Don’t answer that.” You speak before he has a chance to reply, abandoning your chair in favour of standing in front of him.
“You really have gone mad, haven’t you? What exactly do you think is going to happen? She’ll see us together and be overcome with jealousy? Leaving her no choice but to confess her undying love for you?” You highlight the absurdity of his proposition, poking fun with dramatic sighs and emphatic hand gestures.
“Well it sounds a bit nutty when you say it that way, with your sarcasm and the like, but yes. That’s what I’d like to happen.”
“It’s not going to happen, James.” You deadpan.
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not how it works!” You state, humour and disbelief mingling together, “If she doesn’t want you now, why’d she want you after you get a girlfriend? And if she did, would that really be the type of girl you’d fancy anyhow? A boyfriend-wanter?” 
James chuckles amusedly, completely missing the nuance of your words, “Boyfriend-wanter?” He echoes teasingly.
You sigh emphatically, taking a seat on the bed beside your best friend, “You’ve lost the plot, mate.”
James’ previous contentment is no longer at the forefront of his emotions, instead there’s a vulnerable sincerity that tugs at your heart strings with all its might. “Look, I know it’s a long shot, but if there’s even a chance of it working, I just- I have to try, (y/n),” His warm hazel eyes are boring directly into your own with a distinct sense of desperation as he mutters a final, “Please?”
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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, James.” Your voice wavers with nerves at the thought of walking hand-in-hand with James into the Great Hall where all your friends sit, blissfully unaware of the delusional plan James has concocted to win the affections of Lily Evans.
“Come on, (y/n), it won’t be so bad. You used to love holding my hand.” James jests with an irritatingly loveable grin, not-so-subtly referencing the ancient crush you harboured toward him in the beginning of your first year.
“Yes, very well, James. I had a crush on you when I was eleven. I also slept with a Beatles nightlight and cut the crusts off my toasts.” You’re starting to wonder how on earth you could’ve agreed to this when James grabs your hand, intertwining his slender fingers with your own and giving a gentle, reaffirming squeeze.
“Thank you for doing this. I know it’s barmy, truly, but it means everything that you’re willing to try.” His voice is softer than you’ve heard in a long time, and in the back of your mind you can’t help but think this is the boy you’d fancied all those years ago.
You squeeze his hand back assuringly, “I’d try anything for you.” You smile sincerely.
“Oh really? Should you have happened to change your mind about a certain prank involving-”
“Almost anything.” You interrupt with an amused roll of your eyes.
The two of you share another smile before turning toward the looming entryway to the Great Hall.
“Shall we, darling?” James emphasizes the final word teasingly.
“We’d best, before I change my mind, love.” You retort.
You’re familiar with the expression ‘so silent, you could hear a pin drop’ but you’ve never experienced anything of the sort. Until now, that is.
The moment you and James walk through the doors, all eyes are on the two of you. More specifically, all eyes are continuously moving from you, to James, to your intertwined hands, then back again.
In the two days since you agreed to James’ scheme, you’ve remained confident that it wouldn’t work, surely nobody would believe you went from best friends to being in a relationship overnight.
Your confidence was misplaced.
As the two of you walk closer to your usual spot at the Gryffindor table, your hand squeezes James’ tighter than you’d like to admit, painstakingly aware of just how many eyes are on you. You can hear the poorly concealed whisperings of each gossiping classmate you pass by, “Finally!” “See, I told you they were shagging.” “What does he see in her?” The latter may have stung just a bit.
“Alright?” James whispers close to your ear, fuelling another buzz of observations from your peers.
You nod your head perceptibly, a tad caught off guard from all the attention you’re receiving, “Yes, swell. You?”
“To be determined.” James tugs your hand gently, signalling you to stop walking as you’ve reached your destination at the Gryffindor table.
“Good morning.” You greet your friends with a smile in an effort to maintain normalcy. Taking your usual seat, Sirius is on your left and James sits to your right beside Remus. You promised James to keep the plan a secret from everyone, including your shared best friends, but with the way they’re looking at you now, you’re ready to spill your guts.
“Good morning? S’that it then?” Sirius starts incredulously, “The two of you leg it in here holding hands and we’re supposed to go about our day as normal?” 
“I think what he means to say,” Remus interjects, his tone soft, a welcome juxtaposition from Sirius’ brash one, “Is that this-” he gestures between you and James with a mild wave of his hand, “Is new. We hadn’t realized the two of you were… Romantically involved.” His statement ends as more of a question, a gentle probe to explain what’s going on.
You look to James, raising your brows questioningly as if to say you've created this plan, now you have to do the ground work.
He gets the message.
“It is a bit out of nowhere, isn’t it?” James smiles, not so subtly making eye contact with Lily, who’s sitting directly across the table, “We spent all these years as friends and never thought twice about it, um- But then…” He trails off, realizing he’s not half as good a liar as he’d hoped he was.
You close your eyes with a deep sigh, knowing it’s now your responsibility to make this believable.
James Potter and his bloody plans.
“It’s alright, James, love,” You speak up after he’s gone silent, “We can tell them.” He’s going to owe you for this, and you intend to cash in the favour for once, “I’ve fancied you as long as I’ve known you.”
Your friends are paying more attention to you now than they have to anything, ever, clinging onto your every word, “Bit embarrassing if I’m honest, cos’ you never really saw me that way.” 
You remember hearing once that the most believable lies stem from the truth, and though it was back in year one, and hardly went as deep as you’re leading on, this is a version of how you’d felt about James at one point in time.
You work hard to fight back a chuckle at the look of pity on Dorcas’s face as she takes in your words, “But, I guess after I finally stopped trying to get you to see me that way, that’s when you actually started to.” Now you’re just discussing the plan in plain sight, though your friends are drinking it up quicker than their pumpkin juice.
James squeezes your hand with a firm grip, as if to warn you not to say anything more and spoil his plan right in front of Lily.
But he’s also looking at you with a discernible note of gratitude in his eyes, never quite tiring of your knack for rescuing him in these situations.
“Yes, quite right, love, I’ve seen the light. Thank you all for tuning in, this concludes the interview portion of our breakfast. Now, over to Padfoot for the weather!” James voices deftly, eyes scanning Lily for any semblance of a negative reaction, and failing to hide his displeasure when all she offers in return is a bright smile and a soft “Congratulations, you two!”
That could’ve gone better.
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“Figures the first time I’ve a date to one of these things, he’s only going for another girl.” You voice to James in the other room as you struggle to reach the zip on the back of your dress. 
You’re joking, though it’s not lost on you that this is the only time someone’s asked you to be their date to a dance. But you aren’t inclined to waste the opportunity. You’ve picked out a lovely dress and your hair is behaving particularly graciously tonight.
“Come on, love, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of offers once our plan takes off. And tonight’s the night! I’ve a good feeling about it.” Ever the optimist, your best friend.
“Oh, bugger off!” You shout frustratedly after multiple unsuccessful attempts at zipping up.
“I wasn’t trying to upset you! I only meant-” James’ panicked tone brings an instant smile to your face, all previous traces of dissatisfaction long gone.
“Not you, James, my dress. I can’t get the bloody zip to go up!”
“Oh,” He chuckles minutely, “Well c’mere then, let me help.” 
It’s a proper cliche, you think to yourself. Like something you’d see in a cheesy romance film, when the girl walks down the staircase in a fancy dress, everything’s suddenly in slow motion, and the lad’s just standing there thinking how am I just now realizing how beautiful she is?
It’s a proper bloody cliche, yet it’s exactly how you feel as you walk into the room and see James standing there in his dance attire.
His crisp white dress shirt is clinging faultlessly to his chest and arms, the muscles he’s defined playing quidditch showcasing themselves quite proudly, the black fabric of his dress pants pulled taught against his thighs. His mop of dark curls sits charmingly atop his head, a perpetual vision of captivating chaos. His rounded glasses are resting perfectly on the bridge of his nose, shimmering hazel eyes blinking delicately from behind them.
How are you just now realizing how beautiful he is?
“(y/n)?” James’ voice pulls you out of your reverie, and you’re thankful beyond words that he can’t hear your thoughts.
“Yes?” You clear your throat, simultaneously attempting to clear your mind.
“Turn around, love, I’ll fix your zip.”
His nimble fingers make quick work, sliding the zip from the small of your back to the top of the dress, a subtle trail of gooseflesh makes itself at home along the skin that’s been gently grazed by his own.
“There we are. Go on then, give us a twirl.” James’ playful voice sounds, you oblige good-naturedly and give a quick spin.
“That’s a lovely dress. Is it new?” His eyes scan your frame appreciatively, not quite as lengthy as the tour your own eyes had taken upon him moments ago, but you feel your chest grow tighter at the thought that, just maybe, he could be having one of those cliche moments too.
“As a matter of fact it is,” Your smile grows as you think back to the day before, when Dorcas dragged you and a reluctant Marlene to Diagon Alley to buy your outfits for the dance, “It’s her first dance with a date! Not just a date, a boyfriend. We have to pick the perfect dress.” She was far more excited than you were, especially considering it isn’t a real date, but her enthusiasm had made it a day to remember. “If Dorcas were here, you’d have just made her entire week.”
“Do you know what Lily’s wearing?” 
Not an unexpected question in the slightest.
What is unexpected, however, is the pang in your chest at it.
That’s new.
“No, I don’t. Sorry. ” You say, not particularly sorry at all.
“Are you alright?” James’ voice is laced with confusion at your sudden shift in mood.
Curse your best friend for knowing you so well.
“Mhm. Shall we go?” You place a smile back on your lips, taking care not to let it fall this time.
“After you, your majesty.” James answers in his most posh voice, gesturing toward the door and lowering his head in a mock bow.
It’s not real.
When you first agreed to James’ plan, this thought brought you comfort, peace, even. It’s not real, thank heavens, and it will be over before you know it.
Why does the thought feel so violent now?
Why is it tearing at the seams of your mind with each of his gentle touches and crooked smiles?
Why are you so reluctant to let go of James’ arm when you arrive at the dance?
And why have you spent the last twenty minutes sitting here, watching James watch Lily, as an unwelcome sense of envy blooms in your chest?
Because you wish it was real.
“Oh, come on! That was proper funny!” Sirius’s voice sounds from beside you, pulling you away from your internal revelations.
When did he get here?
“Was it?” You question. Your words come across sarcastic, but that’s a farce, you’ve no idea what he said.
“Yes, it was actually. You were just too busy making eyes at Prongs to notice.” 
And when did he get so observant?
“I was not.” You lie.
“Right,” Sirius starts, not believing you for a moment, “This is my life now, is it? My best mates’ll be too busy snogging to laugh at my jokes? What a cruel fate. Worse than death, really. Just put me out of my misery now.” He throws himself back into his chair melodramatically, posture now resembling a sickly figure in an old victorian painting.
What a drama queen.
Still, you feel the need to reassure him. Cutting off his theatrics, you place your hand on his bicep, giving a tender squeeze of affirmation, “Leave it out! I could never be too busy for you,” He straightens at that, lips lifting into a grin as you continue, “You just have to tell funnier jokes.” His grin disappears faster than it formed.
You continue bantering back and forth, resulting in a fit of laughter that finally breaks James’ gaze from Lily. 
He focuses his attention on the two of you, unwilling to acknowledge the feeling blossoming in his chest when he sees your hand on Sirius, a brilliant smile having overtaken your face.
“Care to dance, love?” James questions, faster than you have time to process.
You remove your hand from Sirius’ arm, sparing a glance toward Lily. He’s trying to make her jealous, that’s why you’re here after all. But she’s not looking at you and James. In fact, she’s looking in another direction entirely.
“I’m alright mate, thanks. Take (y/n), though.” Sirius quips, ushering you onto your feet.
James guides you to the dance floor with a gentle hand on the small of your back, spinning you in a half circle to hold you properly once you’ve reached your destination.
Your heart is beating at an accelerated pace but you’re doing your damndest to hide it. “Is she looking?” You question softly, hiding any dejection from your voice.
“What’s that?” James asks.
You wonder how he didn’t hear you, his eyes having been glued to you since you started dancing. You were beginning to wonder if you had something on your face.
“Lily,” You start again, “Is she watching us?” You don’t know why you ask again, you’re not sure you want to know the answer.
“Oh. Yes-” James clears his throat, “Yeah, she’s looking.” 
His eyes never actually waver from your own. He doesn’t do much to pretend that he’s spotted her in the crowd or discerned wether she was looking or not. To be honest, he’d forgotten about the plan for a moment.
The song ends but before you can move from James’ hold he pulls you closer, “We should keep dancing.” He mumbles, then continues, almost as an afterthought, “Y’know, make it look more realistic.” 
But he couldn’t care less about that right now, he’s simply not ready for you to leave his arms.
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It’s been six weeks since the plan started, an entire month and a half of pretending.
And you don’t think you can pretend any more.
Pretending to be James’ girlfriend isn’t the hard part. In fact, it’s the best part. Countless days of holding his hand in the Great Hall and resting your head upon his shoulder in the Gryffindor common room. Those moments are purely blissful.
Pretending that your feelings for James aren’t real? That’s the hard part.
In the beginning, James had started calling you love or darling for show, a way for you to appear more like a real couple. He must have grown accustomed to it, because they’re all he seems to use anymore, even when nobody else is around.
And your heart still skips a beat each and every time you hear it.
Somehow, it’s become routine for you to do your homework while watching his quidditch practices, despite the fact that Lily has only ever seen you there once. You tried explaining this but all James had said was “That’s alright, having you here helps me play better.”
Now you attend every practice.
You don’t know how to respond when your friends tell you how happy they are that you and James have gotten together, that they can tell how deeply you care for him. They’re right, partially anyway, you do care for James deeply.
But you’re not together. Not for real, anyway.
And it’s driving you mad.
Which is why you’ve decided that it has to end.
You’ve been thinking about this for weeks, ever since the night of the dance, when you realized you wanted more. But you weren’t sure what to tell James.
If you tell him the truth, that you’ve fallen for him, it could end your friendship, which is a chance you’re not willing to take. But you’ve also never been good at lying to him, he knows you far too well.
You’ve finally decided on a good old-fashioned half-truth.
You’re going to tell him that the plan hasn’t been working, that if he wants to get Lily’s attention he’ll have to go about it another way. Spending another year watching him pine over Lily won’t be easy, but it can’t be any harder than this; Seeing what a wonderful boyfriend James would be, being so close to the boy you want but never truly being able to have him.
The soft click of your door notifies you of James’ arrival. Taking a final deep breath, you find your eyes meeting his own, willing yourself not to get lost in them and lose your resolve.
“Hello, love. How was your day?” James questions earnestly, taking a seat in your desk chair, his eyes hold an undetectable glimmer of adoration as they take in your figure.
“I think we should break up!” You rush out at once, afraid if you wait another second you’ll chicken out again.
James’ eyebrows pull together in a wistful display of despondence, “What? Why?” His voice is rather melancholy and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being broken up with for real. 
You sigh dispiritedly, taking a seat at the edge of your bed as you face James.
“Think about it. The plan isn’t exactly working, is it? I mean, when was the last time you even talked to Lily?” 
James is quick to defend, “We’ve just spoken yesterday! In the common room, remember? When you and Moony were talking about that smarty-pants book, she was all ‘your girlfriend’s too good for you, potter’, and I told her she was right. Surely you remember that?”
You fight back a smile at the memory, of course you remember that, you think of his words about as often as you breathe.
“James that was last week.”
He stops for a moment, counting the days on his fingers before deciding you're correct, “Okay… Alright, well, that doesn’t mean we should break up! We’ll just- We just have to try harder.”
You shake your head in opposition, but he speaks again before you have the chance.
“We can make it work, I know it.” James’ voice holds a perceptible air of desperation.
He knows you’re not really dating, right?
“Come on, James, it’s for the best. Surely you’re tired of me by now.” You joke, trying to appear unaffected by the nuance of your words.
“No.” James voices immediately, sounding as though he’s offended at the very idea of it, “I’m not tired of you. I could never be tired of you.”
“Have you any idea how much harder you’re making this?” You mumble under your breath, though it wasn’t quiet enough to go unheard by James.
He’s looking at you softly, almost tenderly and he lowers his voice a bit, no longer on edge, “What does that mean?”
“Try again.” James tilts his head, pushing his glasses up when they attempt to slide from the bridge of his nose.
“I just don’t think we should do it anymore, that’s all.”
“That’s all?” He knows very well that’s not all. He can tell by the way you’re avoiding eye contact that there’s more to it.
“Yep! So what do you say, friends?” You finally chance eye contact, holding your hand out to shake his own in an effort to regain control of the situation.
His hand grabs your own and holds it delicately.
“What aren’t you saying?”
“Nothing! I’m saying plenty of things. Loads of things. Things, things, things!”
“(y/n).” He states plainly, though he’s unable to hide the glimmer of amusement in his eyes, “If there’s something going on, you can tell me. We can tell each other anything.” He’s pleading with you now.
And you aren’t sure if it’s his words, or the way he speaks them, or the fact that his hand is still grasping your own, but you’re unable to keep the words from tumbling out of your mouth.
“I can’t keep pretending, alright? You’re driving me mad.” Both of your eyes widen at your confession, and James takes his hand back smoothly.
“Oh,” He clears his throat, a teasing undertone returning to his voice, though you can discern a hint of sadness in his eyes, “It’s you who’s tired of me then, innit?”
“What? No! That’s not-” You sigh frustratedly, standing from the bed and beginning to pace a small path back and forth on the floor, “James, if it were possible for me to be tired of you, it would’ve happened a long time ago.”
He breathes out a chuckle at this, visibly relaxing once he realizes he must’ve misunderstood.
You stop pacing, looking at James as he stands up in front of you.
“Can we start this whole thing over? It’s gotten a bit confusing if I’m honest.” You question.
“No, it’s okay. You were right, it’s best we call it off now.” James starts, adding quietly, “Before anyone gets hurt.”
Your gaze snaps up to his own, confusion etched upon your features, “Why- Why would anyone get hurt?” You swallow thickly, ignoring the sudden uptick of your pulse.
James sighs, bringing a hand up and running it through his curls, “Because it’s true. What you said before, about the plan not working. It’s not. And If I’m being honest, I couldn’t care less. I haven’t given a thought to the plan, or Lily, in weeks.” 
You know he can’t mean it the way it sounds, he can’t mean it the way you want him to mean it. But your heartbeat is racing rampant at the possibility that he does.
“And it’s why I don’t want to end things,” He continues, “Because, the way I see it, if something makes you sad when it’s ending, it must’ve been pretty wonderful while it was happening.” He’s rambling, but the contents of his words, and the fact that they’re directed at you, makes you want him to go on forever.
“You’re my best friend, and you always will be, I swear it! But, I just… I can’t help but want more.”
You’ve heard enough.
Well actually, you could never hear enough, but you’ve heard enough to propel yourself forward, urgently pressing your lips to James’ own.
He wasn’t expecting it, but he doesn’t waste a moment once he realizes what’s happening. 
James places his calloused hands on either of your cheeks, gently pulling you closer to himself. He smiles slightly into the kiss when you bring one of your own hands up to the nape of his neck and run your fingers softy through the curls there.
The kiss feels as though it’s lasted forever, and yet you never want it to end. But your lips part a fair distance as you rest your foreheads together in contentment, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“So that’s what you meant when you said I was driving you mad.” James teases, donning a grin so beautiful your heart could burst just from looking at it.
“Yes, I suppose it is.” You try to sound annoyed but you’re sure you’re missing the mark, wearing a blinding smile of your own.
“Well that settles it then,” James loops his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body, “No more pretending.” His delicate lips meet your own once more in another intoxicating embrace.
Note to self : James Fleamont Potter’s plans don’t always end in disaster.
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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❤️‍🩹Finding Love ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
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You want to see how a nation falls? First, make sure every family unit is fucked. The foundation of the beginning of a ruined society is a dysfunctional family unit. A household that is lacking warmth and affection is a breeding house for psychopaths…or sure-victims of them. How is this not obvious to everybody? Well, in our case, I guess the Boomerangs just didn’t care…enough?
An entire generation of selfish psychopaths preoccupied with order and rules, obsessed with the idea of a ‘perfect image’ even at the cost of the authenticity of their children’s Souls. Tell me if they ain’t breeding new generations of psychopaths? But…who fucked the Boomerangs in the first place? And who had fucked the generation that fucked the Boomerangs? 考えきれない。There’s no end to thinking about it. But!
Not all hope is lost. For we have us—OURSELVES! You, who are reading this, who are blessed with this peculiarly RARE thing in the world: self-awareness. That you’re curious about the roots of your sorrow; that you’re trying to be better; that you’re willing to face your own demons so you grow in character, all because you care enough not to perpetuate the cycle.
There is Hope is us. In people like you and I. For this spiritual work alone, you are going to be blessed with the utmost beautiful Love, first, by finding it inside of yourself~
☆♪°・. aenergetic companion PAC ☆♪°・.
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Finding Love for 🐞Fire Signs - Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
5 of Cups, Queen of Wands, XIX The Sun
You know, Fire Signs are passionate. So passionate they often get way too invested in whatever matters to them. That’s why when betrayal or any other kind of a fallout happens, they find it so difficult to calm down, let alone move on from. I want you to know this isn’t a failure of your character or anything like it, not necessarily, no. You care. And that’s a wonderful thing. And it genuinely, usually, takes A LOT to finally get a Fire Sign to stop caring.
That’s the one thing about you: PASSION. Within the context of this reading, could it be that you’ve been putting your passion on the wrong things, the wrong people? Because you’re not a quitter, right? Maybe you’ve had this tendency of wanting to make sure things work out; after all, you’ve invested so much into this thing, project, people, whatever. Not quitting on the wrong things will only drain you of high-vibrational, positive spiritual aenergy left in you, babe. Then…frustrations and sadness are just going to drain you of more physical energy.
Low energy also makes people irritable, unmotivated and non-optimistic, right? Let not the harshness of your connections with people dim your natural brightness. What’s really important to figure out now is how you can shift your focus on being passionate about things, places, work, and people that truly, truly, bring joy and sunshine into your Life~
'Daughter. Spend your life Loving. Not seeking Love. Ocean need not seek water.' – Dr Jaiya John
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Fortune
🦁Leo – Priestess of Integrity
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Opulence
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Finding Love for 🐍Earth Signs - Silver Magus (Merlin)
XV The Devil Rx, 7 of Cups Rx, VI The Lovers Rx
I tend to think that Earth and Water Signs are the TRUE psychopaths of the zodiac LMAO Underdeveloped Taurus, Virgo and Caps are so incredibly selfish and self-centred that they make human interactions such a misery business. And due to the nature of their Earthy-ness—meaning they can be quite hard to shake—Earth Signs can be quite bigoted about certain viewpoints they hold. Within the context of this reading, Earth Signs literally make a hell out of their very own existence through their inability to connect human-to-human with other…humans.
Or is it really an inability? Is it not simply a refusal? An Earth Sign must ponder this upon itself. Maybe you’ve been in refusal to be more empathetic because it is paramount to be empirical in any situation? Perhaps you’re the type of person that values objectivity above all forms of subjectivity? But the Human experience is subjective. Approaching all types of human connection with an eye of business or with the mind of an objective researcher will only hinder your capacity for real empathy.
The Human experience is an empathetic experience. People feel things and sometimes those feelings are heavy and burdensome and they get the better of us—that’s just the reality of being alive XD If you could give yourself the grace of a more subjective point of view when viewing yourself and the many experiences you go through, then maybe it will be that much easier to notice how other people also base their decisions for forming connections through a very subjective lens—and you will see that being this way creates a more true bond between people.
Does all this sound too subversive for logical Earth Signs? XD
The Problem With Being Too Logical in Love by The School of Life
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Luck
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Magick
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Clarity
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Finding Love for ⛲Air Signs - Red Alchemist (John Dee)
XVII The Star, Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups Rx
The Star is associated with Aquarius, right? Whoa, the epitome of Human intelligence :D Air Signs are intelligent and very interested in people—in human relations and understanding what makes people tick. That’s why Air Signs make the best friends and confidants…as long as they don’t run their mouths hahah Now that is a matter of character. What kind of person are you in your friend group(s)? Do you play different characters in different groups? Sounds like a lot of fun XD
Air Signs do tend to have (or belong to) different groups of people depending on function. It’s very interesting. Air Signs can be the glue that connects different groups of people who, without Air Sign, would never have come into contact with one another. Gemini is the fun-loving funny member of a group. Libra is a charming diplomat who’s considerate towards everybody. Aquarius is the pioneering CEO who gets everybody working towards a goal. Ideally, well-developed Air Signs would be these things :D
You should really value this unique intelligence of yours that has the power to eradicate all crazy unreasonable differences in the world, you know. You of all people, I’m very certain, have this keen ability to get to the roots of everybody’s mental problems. After all, you are mental. Air Signs usually don’t get a lot of credits for being empathetic or whatever and that’s true for the most part. But what you do have is this INTEREST in people, and that’s good enough for starters XD It makes you a good person, you know.
Literally, you’re the type that can make friends with just about anybody. You are polite and charming—and those with Venus here are often very beautiful, too!
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Healing
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Ritual
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Abundance
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Finding Love for 🐝Water Signs - Green Astronomer (Nicolaus Copernicus)
VII The Chariot, 3 of Swords, Queen of Cups Rx
Hey, what is your Truth? What experiences and emotions have shaped the being that you are today? Do you know for sure? Have you analysed all the feelings you’ve ever struggled with, as well as those that make you realise, Life truly is worthwhile? It’s those moments you’re reminded of what’s good about your Life that you feel gratitude, isn’t it so? Alongside nostalgia and the desire to return to a much simpler time. Time when feelings were a lot easier to process, perhaps. But Life, and this world, needs to keep going on as per Universal Mandate.
What’s left in the past can still be regenerated in the future and it can get even better, too—now that you’ve grown up. Now that you’ve healed a little, or a lot. Heartbreaks with Water Signs always heal when we return to the pool of our authenticity, located deep in the core of our being. Therein lies the tears and the beauty that make you such a deeply compelling character to converse with. If Humans aren’t ready to listen to your truths, write about them; turn emotions into songs or poetry or painting; what have you. Water needs to flow somewhere. Nourishing a lot of life from there.
Water Signs, are Love. Nurturer of Life and nourisher of Human emotions. You should really appreciate the poetry of your sheer existence. So, don’t let this world convince you that there’s something wrong with you because you’re sensitive enough to care about a lot. That’s your strength. It just needs to be directed and redirected to the right things/occasions/people and places. Be generous with your Love and compassion, but take no shit from those who can’t learn to be grateful for a Love as rare and precious as yours~ Know your worth, babe. You’re worth a gazillion dimes.
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Enchantment
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Patience
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Prosperity
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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major-toast · 4 months
@rosekillermicrofic // lies // words: 701 // cw: grief, mentions of death
The air feels stuffy, stale. No matter how run-down – how ancient – the courtroom looks, to Barty it will always feel too clean, too uptight.
He hates it here, hates the people in it. A flood of wizards with prim and proper robes, hard-nosed expressions, and an attitude too haughty for their lack of importance. Just looking at them makes him sick.
But he has to. For the sake of his mission, he has to. Born and raised in the wealthier social class of wizarding society, with connections reaching throughout the entire Ministry, it had been a simple decision to appoint him an undercover agent. All he had to do was pull a few strings, charm his way in, make false promises. Barty Crouch Jnr – the perfect fucking son.
Yeah, he doesn’t like it, despises it even. The room is too stuffy, too stale, and the people have no soul. The faster he’s out of here, the better.
“Next?” calls Crouch Snr from his bench, dressed in his most formal judge’s robes, looking the sternest in this place. Barty wishes he had set this stupid piece of clothing on fire. Preferably while the man is still wearing them.
“Karkaroff, Igor” comes the business-like response, followed by the ruffle of paper.
Barty frowns. Karkaroff had been one of their most important connections to the north. Shame they’ve caught him. But, then again, he’s an annoying piece of shit, so maybe not a shame they caught him. The Dark Lord needs people, who can be discreet, and trustworthy. Not an obnoxious loudmouth like the man currently wheeled in. Easily, the frown turns into a condescending huff.
Two weeks. Two weeks ago, the Dark Lord has been defeated. By a toddler no less.
He’ll be back, Barty is sure of it. No one can defeat someone as brilliant and considered as Riddle. All they need to do is to lay low for a while, wait in patience.
Growing bored, he leans back in his seat, staring at the ceiling, whistling a tune. Irritated glares are thrown his way, throats cleared in indignance, but Barty doesn’t care. He smiles and waves at them, treating it like another Potion’s lecture. It never interested him, to begin with.
The question is a sharp blade cutting through the air. Immediately, Barty perks up. He hasn’t heard from Evan in… well, since their fight a while back, honestly. 
I am a coward!? You should look in the fucking mirror, Crouch! You’re so fucking desperate for his attention, you’re fucking losing yourself! What do you think you’ll gain out of this? That he’ll love you like a fucking son?
Fuck off, Rosier. As if you have any idea what loyalty is! You couldn’t even be loyal enough to yourself to admit you wanted to fuck me! ‘I am scared, Barty. What if someone catches us?’ Grow a fucking pair, Evan, for Merlin’s sake. And don’t pretend you’re caring about me. You never really did.
It was stupid. A heated argument, nothing more. Barty will apologize to him eventually. They’ll always find their way back to one another. It is fate.
He wonders what Evan is up to right now. How his mission went.
He can’t wait to hear about it.
“Rosier’s dead.”
Barty laughs. That’s the stupidest thing, he’s ever heard. Evan can’t be dead. He cannot-
The room grows dark, the walls are closing in. Somewhere a whistle is going off, somewhere near his ears, growing louder and louder, but Barty cannot locate it. Frantically, he looks around. Eyes are watching him, too many eyes. God. He wants to scratch them out, poke them out with his wand. He wants to bite off the dumb fucking grins directed at him, spit it right back into their arrogant faces. Hands. There are hands everywhere. They are touching him, tugging at him. He screams, fights back, but to no avail. They are dragging him. Down. Down, down, down. The light vanishes, plunges him into an abyss. His hands disappear and so does his body. Where did it all go?
Rosier’s dead. The words repeat like a mocking sneer inside his ears.
Look where loyalty got you now, Crouch.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
congrats again! 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐫: basic but grumpy/sunshine with remus 👀
this is so genius remus is absolutely grumpy x sunshine i'm gonna have to write more of these
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“for the love of merlin, will you stop?” remus covered his ears with his hands. his eyes were shut in exasperation.
it was two days before the full moon, and remus was grumpy. more so than usual, because he’d just gotten roped into a week’s worth of detention for a prank he didn’t pull.
“i’m not even doing anything,” sirius protested. his words were muffled by a mouth full of half-chewed french toast. “i’m eating breakfast. it is the most important meal of the day, after all.”
remus groaned, slumping forward until his forehead was resting on the surface of the table.
“no offense, but you’ve been a bit of an arse all day,” james said, tossing a napkin at sirius and silently miming the action of wiping his mouth. despite james’ bluntness, he still cared about remus.
“i’ve literally been awake for three hours,” remus deadpanned, lifting his head just enough to look at james pointedly. “and i’m regretting getting out of bed at all.”
“who spat in your pumpkin juice?” sirius said, mouth now clean.
“the full moon is in two days,” peter mouthed.
“huh?” sirius leaned closer to peter. his face was contorted in confusion.
peter huffed and pursed his lips. “the full moon is in two days,” he hissed.
james hummed in understanding, nodding vigorously. with the recent (failed) prank and a load of assignments at the forefront of their minds, the marauders had forgotten all about the approaching moon.
sirius raised his eyebrows, impressed by the closeness of the date. sirius looked down at remus, who was still slouching in his seat with bleary eyes, and frowned. “mate, you’ve gotta eat something.”
“i’m not hungry.”
“they have muffins!” peter goaded. “you love muffins.”
“they’re the blueberry ones,” remus sighed with despondency. “i bloody hate blueberries.”
james furrowed his eyebrows thoughtfully. “okay, what about-”
“rem!” your robes trailed behind you as you rushed over to remus’ side. “good morning, love. are you alright?”
remus lifted his head and blinked as he adjusted to the light. instead of glaring like he’d done to james earlier, his face softened. “hey,” he smiled unconsciously. he always smiled when he saw you. “i’m all good. no, i’m great, now that you’re here.” remus tugged lightly at your hand, prompting you to sit next to him. he laid his head on your shoulder when you did.
“that was bad, rem,” you chastised. “sappier than sirius’ maple syrup.”
remus turned his head to peer up at you affectionately. “that was definitely worse.”
you busied yourself as you poured juice and filled your plate with various breakfast foods. “have you eaten?” you asked, glancing over at remus’ scarce plate. “you’re bound to be hungry; especially of late, i mean.” you were hinting toward his heightened metabolism around the full moon.
“i haven’t,” remus confessed. “nothing looks good.”
“what about the muffins? you love muffins.” you stretched your arm across the table, careful not to shift too much and push remus’ head off your shoulder. it didn’t matter, because remus unbound himself from you on his own and reached for the muffins. he handed you one and began peeling the wrapper off his own.
peter’s mouth parted.
“d’you want some fruit? they’ve got fresh blueberries today. it must be a berry day,” you commented, holding your hand over your mouth as you chewed your muffin.
sirius looked vaguely offended. “hey, you just snapped at me for-”
“i’d love some.” remus pecked your forehead. “thanks, love.”
james blinked in a rapid succession of increasingly flabbergasted expressions. “but you hate blueberries! you literally just said that!”
“no, i didn’t,” remus said, raising his eyebrows as if challenging his friends to question him. “i have nothing against blueberries.”
“what? we went berry picking with hagrid last weekend.” you laughed incredulously as you handed remus a bowl of bright blueberries. “he ate, like, three slices of my blueberry pie.”
james crossed his arms, looking remus up and down smugly.
sirius scoffed. “you’re a bloody liar, moony. a big, fat, liar.”
remus shrugged, unphased by his friends’ accusations. “didn’t i tell you to shut up, sirius? i can’t deal with your stupid voice right now. you know my ears get sensitive around this time.”
remus looked down at you, admiring the way the apples of your cheeks rose as you smiled at him with complete adoration. if it weren’t for the equally mushy smile on his face, he would’ve probably been drooling.
 “what’cha lookin’ at me like that for?” you grinned—no, beamed—you beamed, flashing remus rows of teeth that he swore gleamed brighter than all the floating candles in the great hall.
“oh, nothing,” remus deflected. “you’ve got some blue on your face… here, let me…”
you knew what this was. remus did this all too often. still, you let yourself indulge in his ploy, melting into his touch as his lips wiped away the remnants of your breakfast. when he began to pull away, you grabbed hold of his gryffindor tie and yanked, pressing your lips to his with finality.
james and sirius looked disgusted. peter, ever the romantic, bit his cheek to keep his smile at bay.
“i think i’m going to be sick,” sirius groaned, clutching his stomach. “james, will you hold my hair back?”
“anything for you, lovie dovie baby darling,” james cooed, twisting his voice into a poor imitation of remus’. “i’ll eat all the blueberries in the world for you, honey sugar pumpkin sweetie.”
remus lobbed a slice of unoasted bread at james’ face.
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kelly-thesecond · 7 months
Older!Merlin x Younger!Arthur Concept
Ok so here's Older!Merlin with Younger!Arthur like I mentioned in my last post suggesting more of this.
Why was it always a hunting trip? Arthur would never admit to Merlin that he was right, but even he was starting to see the pattern of bad luck that followed them everytime that he wanted to catch some game.
In his defence, it was usually bandits. Bandits were familiar and he could handle them.
This was no bandits.
Why couldn't it have been bandits?
"What is wrong with you?!" The king demands, hitting his manservant on the head, after Merlin scared off what was a perfectly good deer.
"It was a deer! We don't need that much food! Especially not your fat ass!"
"It's muscle! You wouldn't know it because you're  a twig!"
"Better a twig than a dollophead! And I'm not as scrawny as I used to be thank you very much."
"Still look like a boy though, goes with your mental age.".
Logically, Arthur knew Merlin was a man now, he was just two years younger than himself after all. But it was hard to see sometimes, with that boyish grin that warmed his chest in ways that he wouldn't dare examine further, and how he didn't act in a way that his father had taught him a man should act. Anyhow, his father was dead, and what was a deadmans business to tell him how a man should be.
Merlin was all that mattered: smart as a whip, wise, loyal, and the bravest and kindest man he has ever met.
Of course, he was also an idiot, disrespectful, the clumsiest person in the lands and the worst manservant to ever live.
Arthur prefered to express the ladder.
And he would come to regret not having expressed the former to his manservant.
"Says the man who has to be dragged off his bed like a whiny child!"
"Well, Merlin-". Then it happened. A pained noise, that Arthur would rather not ever hear again, came from his friend as he fell to his knees and held his chest.
"What is it!? What's wrong!?" He said as he dropped his crossbow and kneeled in front of him.
"A-Arthur.", and then, because they weren't lucky enough to have been just a muscle spasm, Merlins chest started to glow. And the glow started slowly spreading throughout his body.
Arthur froze, completely lost on what to do.
"Merlin! What's happening!?"
What Merlin cursed? Was there a sorcerer nearby that he hadn't noticed? How had he not noticed anyone?
He looked around for a moment but saw no one to kill or demand answers from, and his attention was back on the glowing.
"Something important.".
Do something!! Anything!!
It wasn't like Arthur to freeze with fear, but here he was. The glowing had spread to his neck now.
"Arthur.", his name had made him look up into his friends eyes.
"It's going to be ok.". Why was Merlin comforting him?
"Idiot," he said more fondly than he entended, "I'm supposed to say that to you!".
"Do you trust me?"
He didn't freeze or hesitate with that one.
The glowing was in his eyes now.
"Then trust him as well.".
FLASH. A explosion of light temporarily blinds him.
It took a moment to process that he had also been thrown a few paces back.
Was Merlin dead?
The thought made him sick to his stomach.
After recovering, the king looked in front him.
A man, with his back turned to Arthur was standing where Merlin had been, looking around.
"What the hell have the druids done to me now!?"
That voice.
"Why must they do this? Couldn't they have just listened to me??"
Arthur decided to slowly get up and took a better look at the man. He wore a brown cloak that certainly didn't seem comfortable, leather forearm braces and curly back hair.
Was this a trick?
Arthur almost had half a mind to pull out his sword and demand answers for what the hell had just happened. But he also didn't know if he could pull a sword on Merlin, or at least someone that sounded, and talked, and felt, and looked, and moved like Merlin.
"Nooo, let's completely ignore Merlin and teleport him to God knows where without even a warnin-"
The man froze for a minute and Arthur couldn't blame him.
He slowly turned around and the king was greated with a full black beard and wide deep blue eyes he would know anywhere.
The age in his face, the broader shoulders, the diferent clothes, the black beard and hair that was longer and curled along his forehead, eyes and nape.
Everything felt unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.
This was Merlin, definitely older, but Merlin all the same.
Everything was a shock but something stood out from all the rest.
The grief in his eyes.
He had seen his manservant grieve before but this was diferent. Merlin looked like he was seeing a ghost in front of him.
Even the way he said his name.
"I-Is that you?", he has slowly gotten closer and extended his hand to touch the king's chest with his fingertips.
Soon his full palm touched his heart, as if trying to make sure Arthur was really there. The hand seemed to warm him to his core.
"Merlin?...what?", another hand rose to his cheek, wiping away a tear. When had he started crying?
And suddenly Merlin was hugging him like he thought he would vanish right there and then, and Arthur's wasn't sure if that wasn't possible, due to what had just happened.
How had they come to this?
He was considering giving up hunting.
I tried my best, hope you enjoyed it.
Nothing will come out of it from me. I mean probably, I'm just not a great writer, I'm dyslexic and my english is not good enough to write full fanfics I think, but if anyone wants to pick it up they are welcome to.
Any advice or just smth about my writing is appreciated.
Also if you spot any mistakes, please tell me.
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purplerakath · 2 months
Descendants 4 - Improving the Ending
I had some SUDDEN INSPIRATION and decided to write it out as an answer to the pretty lackluster ending the film had. There are, all told, about three things I really think stand out to why the ending is bad.
...but of course this is all spoilers so let's just clip this now, shall we?
So the items are:
A lack of visible stakes.
A lack of impact from the protagonists.
A misuse of characters already present.
So the stakes overall are 'if Bridget goes evil Brandy gets beheaded' but that's not really an in-the-past stake to weigh on. We need to see events unfold and be there for what happens. And a lot of elements are already in the narrative, they just don't use any of them (and I would imagine they were used in a previous draft).
Step Zero: Set-up
So to start, either through flashback, storytelling, or using the Looking Glass, we need to see if not the prank, we need to see Bridget right after the prank. When she's gone from pink and bubbly to 'red with blood.'
Likely her rejecting Ella. But we need some baseline of what Bridget looks like when she's turning into the Queen of Hearts. if we see the actual prank or not doesn't really matter. But we need to let Ruby Rose Turner play the evil version for a little bit.
Step One: Castlecoming
So to start off, we need to move the 'prevent prank' from Merlin's office to the actual event in question. The actual ticking clock on events unfolding. We keep that Ella promised to go with Bridget, but can't due to being grounded.
Except she can thanks to Fay breaking her out and enchanting her a disguise. This is our first set-up/payoff we didn't get. Fay who shows up at the start failing at magic (who probably needs a second appearance still working at it, and maybe a scene being bolstered up on her abilities) succeeds where it counts.
The disguise fails to fool Uliana. Who uses it to taunt Bridget by suggesting her best friend ditched her for Prince Charming. This puts Bridget in a weaker mental state so that the fallout from the prank can truly hurt her. While Uliana is setting up for Bridget's downfall, her minions are running interference.
Step Two: Swordfights
Chloe and Red are trying to get to Bridget and protect her from Uliana's plan (which for the sake of it doesn't matter, I am keeping as 'potion to make monstrous'). However we've got these four pretty flunkies in Maly, Hades, Morgie, and Hook. Who know that Red and Chloe might be a problem and are there to keep them busy.
This pays off Hook's flirting with Chloe giving them a good swordfight. While Morgie is Red's opponent in a cat and mouse eventually getting him trapped somewhere. These two fights should be shorter, and mostly fun for Morgie being weird and Hook flirting shamlessly for no actual gain.
The real fight is with Maly and Hades. Which is where we get Chloe's moment of growth. See, the set-up for her is rules, honor, and fair play. I want her to win by cheating. She does the right thing, but using the wrong methods. Because the right thing is more important than her honor. Paying off her scene with Ella.
While this is happening Red's scampered off to go save her mom.
Step Three: Pranks and Fallout
When the plot was revealed, before watching, I figured it wasn't an act of cruelty that turned Bridget, but an act of betrayal. That someone close to her failed her so spectacularly she lost faith in others. I'm not working that in exactly, but using the other half of pranks and bullying to make it work.
A cruel person doing a cruel thing hurts. Everyone else laughing hurts worse. So the problem isn't the prank, it's that the rest of the students don't call Uliana out for it. In this case, with Ella MIA because of her Debatably Charming prince we're left with a Bridget facing the school that's against her.
(In this case I'm leaning on them blaming monstrous Bridget for ruining Castlecoming rather than laughing at her misfortune. It feels more in line with where Bridget goes without any help.)
So Red, who arrived too late to stop the prank (pranks being basically what she does to her mom every day with her vandalism) watches, sees the fallout... and stands up for her mother the way she wished her mother would stand up for her.
Because Bridget, unlike her Queen of Hearts, does not deserve this crap. And Red lays into the onlooking students and shames them for their callous disregard of others. Calling everyone out. Guilting the lot of them into shutting up and leaving Bridget alone.
And that's how Red earns her new timeline. Bridget giving Red a hug, thanking her for standing up when nobody else did.
Uliana and the other VKs get detention forever from Merlin. Chloe arrives after everything with her mom and dad. Ella checks on Bridget, Bridget is not okay. But things aren't playing the same way they did in Step Zero. Something has changed.
Step Four: Doubt
While our girls know they changed things. There must be some lingering concern it might not be enough. Even if we got to see them fight their hardest to change the past. It's important that we have the full surprise of how things go after.
The other thing, is both Queen of Hearts and Queen Cinderella need to show some sign of recognizing their girls in the present. Either directly thanking them, or causally mentioning they were named after themselves.
Anything to sell time travel happened.
Step Five: ???? & Step Six: Profit!
This wouldn't make it a perfect movie by any stretch, but it would significantly improve things from where they are. Make the ending feel real. Make it feel earned.
Let Anthony Pyatt own being Hades for more scenes. Cause that guy really did his homework mimicking Cheyenne Jackson.
You know. Just the important parts.
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
james potter x reader !
req - 🌙 dancing in the moonlight 🌙 james - always been you by jessie murph
warnings — none
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watching from afar was no longer new, it wasn't like you were incapable of speaking to him, or laughing and cracking jokes— james was your friend after all.
but sometimes, admiration was a breath of fresh air. watching him cheer after winning a bet against sirius, it didn't matter how stupid the bet was. it didn't matter if you had no clue what the appeal was.
because all you cared for was the idea that james was happy, and he looked like a polaroid doing so. if you could snap his smile everytime you saw it, you would, but for now memory had to suffice.
you had never been the type to sit behind and wait for anyone— never the type to let anyone get to your heart, especially if you weren't sure they reciprocated your feelings.
james was different though, he always had been. a year sat alone, waiting for him, would have always been better than a an eternity having never known him.
he was the sun in the sky, and you the earth who orbited him just the same as others. an earth without a moon, to keep it from letting the tides wash over.
you could've sworn he took the breath from your lungs with even a glance your way, but worst of all you weren't angry about it. it had always been him.
maybe 5 years ago when you'd met him, maybe 3 years ago when he'd asked you to a gryffindor party, maybe a year ago when he listened to your worries, or maybe it'd always been him. maybe must've lost it's meaning if so.
"y/n, earth to y/n !" mary called, her hand running infront of your eyes, attempting to get your attention back to them. "you're drooling again."
"merlin, i am not, i'm back in the atmosphere, what's up."
mary gave you a smile, a knowing look washing over all the girls faces, and peter's, who'd happened to be sitting with you all. he was just as confused by sirius and james, even wrangling remus over at some point.
"we were talking about this weekend, but you seemed to have something more important to talk about.." lily gave you a wide smile, obviously holding back a million excited screams.
all of the marauders had been aimlessly waiting for you to find someone, even james himself had tried to play cupid before.
"i am not talking about anything." you said sternly, glancing back at james and sirius— both now looking in the groups direction due to the sudden excitement.
"oh god, you alerted them." the group exchanged glances, before groaning at sirius and james' enterance back into the conversation, saving you from dishing out details.
by the time the week ended, and the parties sprouted up left and right, you had forgotten that weeks call out. not that the others hadn't, but you'd all been far to busy to congregate.
your last class had just let out, a simple essay being your homework for the weekend— something you could easily do between parties. your daydreams of the weekend were shortlived, when james jogged to catch up to you.
"hey." you hummed, looking in his direction, grasping your bags strap tighter. "someones in a rush, what's up."
"party plans." he said, giving you a grin, "changed to tomorrow,, i forgot why. they told me i swear—"
you laughed at his forgetfulness, giving him a grateful smile, "thanks for the information, potter, got anything else for me?"
"well,, i was going to ask if you wanted to do our essays together." he hummed, waving the parchment you'd both been instructed to fill. "i'm a great studier."
"oh, i'm sure." you grinned, shaking your head, "yeah, when?"
"uhh, are you good now?"
settling into a quite corner of the library, you sighed, prepared for a long couple of hours trying to focus on anything besides james.
however, today he seemed off, fidgetting around more than he usually would— staring more at his empty parchment than spitting bad jokes.
sitting up straighter in your chair, you pulled your pencil tip from the paper, eyes trained on the boy across from you.
"james?" he shot up at the sound of your voice, "is.. everything alright?"
"uhh,, yeah— uhm.. i was, i mean i have, had? do?"
"spit it out, james."
"can i ask you out."
"forget it, that was weird! pals, friends, mates, nothing different." he pushed his hands together, close to a silent clap, as if convincing himself.
"ask out? as in— dating? like.. not pals, friends, mates."
he didn't answer, almost as if he was ashamed of asking in the beginning. but, you could see the answer in his manneurisms.
"yes, you can. i'd actually like that a lot."
"really !" he exclaimed, eyes training on you instantly, "whew, i was really nervous, sirius and i had this bet that you had this thing for lily not me, but i totally wanted to ask you out—"
"james, it's always been you." you assured, placing your hands on his.
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req by @loving-and-dreaming
james potter tag list — @loser-fics , @innerloverpainter , @nyxxxxxxxx , @nutellani , @angry-little-frog
marauders tag list — @withastrangerheart
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missstratford · 11 months
chapter 2
A/n: I know I know it's been almost hundred years since I last updated and I KNOW this is not my best writing piece ...BUTTT I assure you that the next chaps will be worth it, So Enjoy loves!!!😊
”L/n!" You heard someone shout your name. You turned around and caught the eye of the vexatious blonde. You glared at him, swiftly turning ahead and continuing on your way. You felt a palm on your elbow and were dragged away towards the nearest broom closet. Malfoy shut the door behind him as he turned to you. "Open the door Right. Now" You whipped out your wand, pointing it at him. "Its important." He clenched his jaw. "I don't want anything to do with you anymore so open the door or move so I can do it myself." You seethed. You made to move around him but were shocked as Malfoy caged you in his arms, your back against the wall. "Why do you make it so hard for me?" He harshly whispered. The audacity he had to ask you this. "Are you that airheaded to forget that you dragged me here Malfoy?" You asked, voice coming out rather breathy. "I said it was important." He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. "Someone saw us the other night in the class" He sighed. "And?" You asked, folding your arms, "please Malfoy, we hardly did anything worth a controversy." "Well, I've been getting these anonymous notes" He fished pieces of parchments from his pocket and showed them to you. "Keep threatening to 'spill your secret about the ravenclaw girl'" He watched you intently as you read the notes. "I still don't see why you demand my involvement. We didn't do anything for Merlin's sake! " You sighed exasperatedly. "That's not the only the only thing they're threatening me with." He mumbled so quiet you almost didn't hear it. "What else are they referring to?” you noticed few more parchment pieces tucked inside his pocket. " That's none of your business" He said, rudely snatching the note away. "I-it's just" He sighed as he caught you glaring. "It's something personal so don't snoop" He said, eying you warily. "All you have to do is pretend that you're my girlfriend for a while so he has nothing more to blackmail me with and we can go back to our peaceful lives." He said with finality. Ba-thump, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. "I-i'm sorry I didn't quite get that." You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "Be my girlfriend for a while L/n, Merlin never realised Ravenclaws to be this stupid." He rolled his eyes. You stared at Malfoy thinking if you'd accidentally entered a parallel universe. "And why are you suggesting that?" You asked repulsively. "i explained that before." He spoke as if he were explaining a child. "What's in it for me?" You asked, coming back to your senses. "what do you mean?" Malfoy frowned. "Well putting up with you for more than a minute exhausts my patience so I do need compensation." You said matter-of-factly. "Oh please, I detest this as much as you." Malfoy played leaned against the wall "had Blaise not convinced me with this plan, I wouldn't even be here." He looked out the window. "How about 30 gallons?” he asked. "Do I look like a fucking slave to you?” You asked indecorously. You had had enough of him you decided. Shoving him aside, you made for the door. Malfoy immediately caught your wrist, pinning it next to your head. "Alright!" He said, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand. His breath falling your lips. "Whatever you ask, it will be provided." His eyes bore into yours. You were mightily aware of how close your faces were and had a slight idea that your face might have turned scarlet already. You didn't want Malfoy, of all people to realise what effect his position near yours had on you. You snatched your hand away from his and mumbled a 'ill think about it' and walked away. Alright, you could do this, the whole situation could definitely play to your advantage, right?
"Merlin, you look like you haven't slept for days." Vivian frowned at the sight of you as you filled your plate with breakfast. "Sleep? Define the word for me please." You asked, chewing on the eggs vigorously. You heard her chuckle and suddenly go silent. Looking up to see what had happened, you followed her line of sight. You noticed Malfoy walking your way with a rarity of a facial expression, a smile. "Good morning love." He grinned at you. What in Merlin's name ? "Uh? ” you asked as he sat down next to you, kissing your temple. " Just play along, you agreed remember? " He whispered into your ear as he pretended to kiss your cheek. "Y/n, a little explanation please?" You heard Vivian ask as you tried to process the events transpiring currently. "Um-w-well" You stuttered trying to put words together. "Me  and Y/n are dating of course. I thought you knew that already?" Malfoy smiled at Vivian but all you could focus on was the way your name sounded as it rolled out his mouth. "Oh It's time for potions" Malfoy said as he heard Blasie call him, "see you later love" He cupped your jaw, his fingers gently rubbing your cheek as he kisses your forehead. He certainly was a great actor.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 7 months
Mingyu x Reader: Bonds of Magic
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Summary: When Warlock Y/n's subordinate Hoshi the Hamster brought in a stray kid and he grew to be someone important to all of them.
Pairings: Warlock!Reader x Mingyu (kinda)
Genre: Supernatural au, Fluff, 13+
Warnings: Talk of death (no major characters), Eternal life, Magic.
W/c: 2.3-ish
“There she comes, make way”
“Ssshh… Don’t make eye contact with her, she might Jinx you”
“Don’t go near her, or she’ll turn you into a rabbit”
She looked up at the man standing on the edge of the road under the oak tree and he cowered away, in fear.
Yes, it has always been like that, for her, for 3 centuries, since she was born and her mother had abandoned her near this village’s borders. She doesn’t remember that woman, it was kind of the child-less woodcutter and his wife who took her in and raised her as their own. Even though they knew what she was, they never made her feel any different. They’re not around anymore to shut the mouths of these villagers, so she just lets them talk.
Y/n walked into her cottage and closed the door, setting the basket down and taking off her cloak. “Did you find the ingredients that you were looking for?” Chan asked and she nodded and said “Got some fresh mugswort”. He picked the basket and walked away to sort in on the herb cabinet. “Where is Hoshi? Has he not returned from the market?” she asked, feeling absence of the Hyper-Active Hamster, who surprisingly hasn’t come up to her yet. “Chan, it’s been hours” she said, looking at the sun dial in the garden through the window, “This is why I tell you to go with him” And shook her head. “I was busy making the order” he defended himself and the sound of the front gate echoed followed by a “Guys! Looks what I found” from a very excited Hoshi. “I swear to Merlin, if you brought home one more stray Dog, I’ll-“ Chan stopped midsentence and you looked up to see a child, A whole Human Off-spring walking down the porch behind Hoshi.
“Hoshi! Who is this child?” Y/n gasped. “I found him, in the borders of the village by the forest” Hoshi said grinning. “Why did you bring him here?” Y/N asked again. “He's so small, and he has nobody, none of those villagers want him, I asked around, they said his father killed himself the day he was born and his mother killed herself recently.” He said in a pout. “It is pitiful, but we can’t keep him, I can barely take care of you both. How will I take care of a child?” She panicked. “We’ll take care of him!” Chan suddenly piped out “We won’t disturb you” he added and Hoshi nodded. Y/n stared the child down, and knelt to his level, examining him, “It’s a Human boy, beware, don’t be heartbroken when he dies” she said, she’s seen too many deaths in her 312 years that it stopped mattering. “What’s your name child?” Y/n asked, “Mingyu” he muttered in a tiny voice.
“Nice, stay away” she said and walked away.
Time passed and Mingyu grew, Y/n aways maintaining a safe distance from the child. Hoshi and Chan never forced her, no matter how much the child tried to step towards her, Y/n would always push him away, literally, using her magic.
It was on the kid’s 16th year when one night Hoshi came running to Y/n. “What” she asked, “Don’t tell me you’re hungry again”
“It’s Mingyu, he was running a fever, now he says his skin is burning. Please, help him!” Hoshi said, the poor hamster turned boy was trembling. So, Y/n nodded her head and rushed to the kid’s room. He finds the kid crumbled in bed, holding his shoulder. “It burns” He was crying, Y/n felt sorry for it.
She rushed to him and exposed the area he said was burning, the area was turning blue, Y/n hadn't quite seen something like this in her life and she touched the area to examine it. Her cold fingers brushed against his skin, giving him a sort of relief.
“Chan, bring me water and a towel” she instructed. Chan ran to bring the things and Y/n wet the towel and held it against his skin. She moistened the area, Mingyu looked at her with his big eyes and seeing him up close Y/n thought that Hoshi and Chan were right, he does resemble a puppy. “Trust me” she said, surprising even herself. Why would this kid, whom she never even let near herself, trust her, but he gave her a small nod. With one stroke, Y/n pulled the towel over the area, completely peeling it off. “Y/n!” Both Hoshi and Chan screamed as Mingyu groaned. Y/n removed the towel to reveal the skin under to be greenish-blue.
“So this is why-” Y/n started but caught her word, this is why your parents killed themselves and the villagers found your name as a taboo. Yes, she had gone to that village a few days later in a disguise and asked around and people got volatile just at the mention of him.
But, this was something Y/n had never heard of, every warlock child is born with their devil’s mark, why is his so late. She walked away as she found MIngyu now calm and sleeping. “He’s a-” Chan broke the silence, “Warlock” Y/n completed.
“He’s now your responsibility, Chan” She said before walking away.
“I still can’t believe he’s one of us” Chan said, as he was sewing a new cloak.
“Hard to believe? That’s for him?” Y/n asked, and Chan nodded “Can’t let him parade around like that. Not until he learns masking. You know he has sensation on his scales area and it's so smooth, it's scary” he said.
Y/n laughed “of course he does, all these marks are functional, my eyes, your split tongue, all of them” she said. “Why was his so late though?” Chan asked the question he has been wondering for hours now. “It’s rare but it happens, I guess it’s his Sixteenth birthday” Y/n shrugged nonchalantly.
“What?” Chan said, “So it's today”
“Don’t worry he’s gonna have a lot of those” She said and shrugged. “But there’s only one sixteenth okay!” he protested.
It was a peaceful day. Y/n was minding her own business (literally) she was preparing for a batch of wolfsbane a nearby pack had requested. When she heard a knock on the door of her work room. Strange, she knew Hoshi and Chan weren’t home and the boy stayed away from her, since his childhood. Another round of knocks sounded and she finally decided to get up and check and there stood the boy, he seemed really nervous. She carefully looked at him, hes towering over her, his features so much more different, and she wondered why she never noticed all this before.
“I-um. I- I found someth-ing in the wo-wood. C-can you please come and see?” he said in a tiny voice almost unsure “please, or it may die” he added and that snatched Y/n’s interest.
So she followed the worried boy through the woods. Now that she noticed she realized how much he has grown, he’s much taller than her now, he’s a man now. His body was developed and toned, the boy she remembers is long gone. Y/n was completely distracted and before she could realize a branch hit her arm, scathing through her skin, “uh” she groaned. In a blink of an eye Mingyu was beside her “Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked and before she could react he grabbed her arm to examine it. “”It’s okay, I’ll jus-” she stopped. Flares appeared around his fingers and he grazed it over the wound, and just like that, the wound was gone, so was the pain and the scar.
He took her hand into his and started leading the way again. “This way” he said. Y/n felt a blush creep onto her cheek and she shook her head, ‘He’s a child’ she told herself.
They reached near the mountains and the entrance of a cave came into view. “It’s in her” he said and walked in leaving her behind. The inside was dark, Mingyu turned to ask her if he should conjure a fire, but he was stunned. There she walked proudly in the darkness, her eyes shining bright fluorescent. “Don’t worry, that's my mark” she said, walking confidently with her perfect vision. Mingyu awed inside his mind but didn’t let a word out, he silently led the way.
You heard a grunt, an animalistic one, it wasn't unfamiliar though, just that you haven't heard these in over a century. As soon as it came into view, you rushed to it. It was a dragon, not full grown though and it was extremely weak and hurt. “Conjure a fire” she instructed Mingyu as she herself conjured her Potions cabinet.
She examined the dragon’s injuries, thankfully they weren't infected. “Mingyu bring some water” Y/n said and Mingyu rushed out, thankfully the river was close by. On getting back they both made the dragon drink the water followed by a concoction that she had made. The dragon slowly opened its eyes and it seemed scared, “sshhh” Y/n calmed it down by stroking its head, “We're friends”.
“I didn't know dragon's were real” Mingyu finally said. “They actually are, but spotting one is a very difficult task in this century” Y/n said, Mingyu just looked at her confused, hesitant if he should ask further. She realized that and went on, “Two centuries ago, the humans got this wicked idea of killing fair creatures, for merry and bravery” she chuckled, but Mingyu knew it wasn't a bit funny “Species after species went extinct in their cruel hands. That was when a warlocks’ summit was called. We all came to the decision to go into hiding. We trained our fair creatures to stay out of sight. This baby seems like it wasn't lucky enough to learn that and got injured”
“Will it be okay?” Mingyu asked. “It's okay, they're tougher than you think” Y/n said, her eyes glowing.
It was the first time he interacted with her, he knew Y/n was kind and was cold to him for a reason, as Chan and Hoshi always told him, but he witnessed it himself today.
“Can I ask you a question?” He finally mustered the courage to speak up and Y/n nodded. “Why do you show that you hate me?” He asked. “What do you mean?” She asked, feering like a deer caught at a torch light. “I remember how you used to push me away whenever I stepped near you, but you have saved me from dangers multiple times since I was small. Once from that wild dog, then that time when I was falling off that branch, another time when I almost poured a boiling potion on myself. Many times, why? Why did you hide and save me. I know that if you hated me then you wouldn't have saved me, so you cared but you never showed” he concluded and Y/n stayed silent. He had a feeling that his question wouldn't be answered, but Y/n started speaking, shocking him.
“When you have a long life you'll have to see too many deaths, some of them leave you shattered. I just wanted to not get attached” a sad smile on her face “When we got to know that you're a warlock, that night I laid down and thought back to how wrongly I had treated you. You were always this ball of light and I felt like I dimmed it by treating you the way I did. So I told myself I didn't deserve to have you in my life.” She said, finally looking at him “I'm sorry, I know that won't be enough for ev-” she was interrupted by him.
“No, don't say that, I knew you had a reason, even Hoshi and Chan told me that. I know how kind and loving you are. Don't apologize, all I've ever wanted was to be someone you trusted, I've always looked up to you, when I realized I was a warlock, I felt like I finally had a chance so stand beside you” he said as he knelt down on the ground to her level, where she was sitting.
Y/n didn't know if it was the effect of the shadows or something else but right now, his honey skin seemed so alluring. Something about him felt so familiar, yet distant. Something about this warm feeling she's having gave her comfort yet stirred her soul.
“Y/n! Mingyu!” They heard distant calls, it sounded like Chan. “Y/n! Mingyu! Can you hear me?” Seemed like he was at the entrance of the cave and before they could call out a small ball of fur came rushing towards them and jumped into Y/n’s arms and a very relieved Chan was heard saying “there you are!”
“Oh my god! That's a baby dragon!” he exclaimed and walked close as the Hamster started moving it's hand and making random noises. “Yes yes” Y/n said, and flairs were seen around her fingers, she swerved them over the Hamster that she kept on the geound and there stood Hoshi, who now rushed and hugged Mingyu. “I was so worried! So I asked Chan to turn me so that I could smell you both and track you” he said. “You're such a fine tracking hamster” Y/n said with a smile. Mingyu extended his hand and she took it, pulling her up on her feet.
This kind of threw Chan and Hoshi in surprise, but only Chan noticed a different shine in both their eyes as they looked at each other.
Other Works
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wellpresseddaisy · 6 months
Use Any Means part 10
If he was asked, years later, what he’d eaten for dinner the night he met Mr. Du, Percy Weasley would be completely incapable of answering. He remembered it as one of the better meals he’d eaten in several weeks (mostly as it wasn’t hastily eaten cafeteria sandwiches), but the contents remained a mystery. Hermione shattered his concentration on his dinner companions by sending a note down to the dining room right before the cheese course. He unfolded it and tried to focus on the words:
Ron just told me that he forgot to mention one important point from last year. Umbridge forced Harry to write lines with a blood quill for much of the year. You can come up and see the scars if you feel the need to verify this.
Percy rose without even thinking about it.
“I’m terribly sorry, but I think I need to speak with Miss Granger immediately.”
“Of course, Mr. Weasley,” Mr. Du sounded amused for some reason as he rang for a footman. “Ah, Reynolds, could you take Mr. Weasley up to the day room, please?”
Percy followed the young footman uout of the room, his mother’s
“He isn’t usually so distracted, Mr. Du, although I know he hasn’t been eating or sleeping properly. I…oh yes, this would do it. I’ll show you, Mr. Du, but you’ll have to remain calm.”
trailing out the room behind them.
Did she know? Did everyone know? He’d worked so hard to protect his family over the last year, once he worked out what the Minister wanted. He knew before that awful argument, but who else could get information out? He got the position he did  because Fudge thought he was a useful naif and he could organize a schedule like nobody’s business. Did the Minister know what Dolores had been up to at Hogwarts? Or had he sent her there to be rid of her simpering for a year? Percy could never quite tell where things stood between them, honestly. Fudge seemed to lean on her in the strangest ways when she was at the Ministry. Without her, he seemed almost normal. Percy had just about got him to admit to You-Know-Who’s return privately when that mess at the Ministry happened.
The clean-up alone gave him the headache. Writing a statement for Fudge and handling his own feelings on the matter nearly had him down with migraine. He still couldn’t quite believe they’d lost Sirius Black. Sirius, who had been his only link, who wrote him the letter that started him collecting information for the Order. Percy didn’t know what he would have done without Sirius’ encouragement during some of those dark days. Sirius understood estrangement from one’s family and just how much it hurt, even when it was a necessary evil. As if he hadn’t see through the Minister’s ulterior motives in thirty seconds. He’d helped raise Fred and George, for Merlin’s sake. If he missed something that transparent then he deserved what he got.
He just wished he could have saved his mother some heartache. She worked so hard to keep hearth and home together and he’d…best not go down that road now. That road led to weeping into a teacup and far more mucus than one should have to handle in a day. Bill and Charlie each sent a howler that he still blushed to remember. As Sirius said, sometimes you simply had to do what needed doing and pay the price later. He could carry his family’s anger with him as long as he needed to if it kept them safe. That was all he wanted and what did it get him? His brother and sister rushing into peril (again) and Harry tortured for a year before losing his godfather.
Why the hell hadn’t Sirius flooded him? He’d told the man and told the man that if anything kicked off at the Ministry he was to know first. He could have…perhaps he could have stopped some of it. Perhaps he could have kept Sirius out of it or Ron or Hermione from being so horribly injured. They’d mocked him as a perfect, but he knew the value of a querulously official tone. People might think one weak, but that was how one claimed the element of surprise. If he’d known about Dolores…did Ron truly think he’d allow that sort of thing to go on? Did he believe Percy would allow a child his mother claimed as one of her own (a young man his brother claimed as brother) to be grievously injured? To be tortured?
Percy had worked himself into such an affronted lather by the time Reynolds coughed discreetly and said,
“The day room, Mr. Weasley.”
that he forgot all decorum and slammed the door open.
“How dare you keep something like this to yourself, Ronald Bilius?” he thundered.
Gone was Pompous Perfect Prefect Percy who couldn’t get anyone to mind him. This was pure enraged elder brother, like Charlie’s big hand landing on your shoulder as he growled ‘You’re knicked, sunshine’ or Bill’s incredibly weary ‘Right then, could you run me through your thoroughly asinine plan one more time, please’. Ron straightened up from his sideways slump on the sofa with a horrified squeak. Percy watched as he scrambled among Hermione’s books, trying to right the mess his sudden shift created.
“I can certainly promise you that the minute you turn seventeen I’m hunting up Great Grand Aunt Viola’s hairbrush. What would ever make you think to keep actual torture a secret?”
He heard Reynolds choke on a laugh as he closed the door. They’d certainly give the Servants’ Hall something to talk about tonight.
“What on earth…” Hermione finished rescuing her books and stacked them on the side table.
“And you, Miss Granger. I expected more sense from you.” He scolded.
“You’re the one who wrote that letter!” Ron protested, standing to square up with him.
When had his little brother shot up like that?
“Which I expected you to see straight through! I taught you about ulterior motives when you were four, Ronald. I thought you might remember.”
“Ulterior…” Ron’s voice trailed off as he thought. “You utter prat!”
“Do you really think I wouldn’t see straight through Fudge and Umbridge’s machinations? Fred and George had more guile in their little fingers when they were three than those two have ever managed between them. Of course I saw through it. The best I could do was make you angry enough to stop speaking to me, all of you. Although I had some hopes my brother wouldn’t be a complete idiot about it.”
Ron spluttered something, probably something foul which Percy decided he didn’t need to know, while Hermione looked thoughtful.
“You’ve been sending information to the Order, haven’t you?” she asked.
“Mr. Black,” Percy confirmed.
“I thought you were so wrapped up in the Minister that you’d never lift a finger to help.” Ron admitted.
“I could have tried. With Dolores at Hogwarts I was slowly bringing Fudge around. Next time you decide to form an extracurricular fighting force, could you possibly let me know? I could have had him laughing the whole thing off and not attempting to arrest Dumbledore.” Percy suddenly felt every single hour of overtime he’d worked.
“Then you shouldn’t have been such a berk at Harry’s trial.” Ron muttered.
Percy stifled the urge to remind Ron who taught him how to use a fork.
“I wasn’t at Harry’s trial. Dolores suggested that I would have trouble with impartiality so I spent that morning reorganizing the filing system.”
“But Harry saw you there as a clerk. You hardly even looked at him.”
Percy’s mind whirred. Could someone have…one wasn’t perhaps as careful in the Ministry, at work, as one might be elsewhere. He could have shed some hair and it could have been used in Polyjuice, he supposed.
“This has suddenly become a touch more complicated.”
“Do you believe us about the blood quill?” Hermione asked.
“Of course I believe you. You’re none of you liars and it’s exactly like Dolores.”
“Then sit down a minute and have a cup of tea or something. Mum’s right—you look peaky.” Ron slouched to a sideboard and poured a cup of tea.
Hermione stared until he moved to an easy chair across from the sofa and sank into it. A side table scuttled over to park itself by his arm rest. He patted it absently. Ron brought his tea over and then went back to the sofa. Merlin but he felt like a perfect again, dealing with miscreants.
“Now, from the beginning, please. What happened between Harry and Dolores?”
“And you’ll look at Harry’s hand?” Ron pressed.
‘I’ll look at Harry’s hand, I promise you.”
“We, er…” Hermione sighed, looking a bit chagrined. “The truth is I used my injury from the Ministry to guilt Harry into giving up the memories of his detentions. Madame Pomfrey took them for us and sealed them so you know they haven’t been tampered with. He’ll probably be put out with us, but we can give them to you, if you think you’ll need proof.”
“I’m going to the Minister directly after this,” Percy said. “It’s a bit delicate now, with the blood quill and Harry being the Black Duke, but I’ll talk Fudge around. The memories will help. Now, from the beginning.”
He fixed Ron and Hermione with a Look and they began talking.
Ron fiddled with the tea set at the sideboard for a moment before pouring himself a cup. He felt like a complete and utter juggins, not trusting Percy. He should have known, should have read that letter again instead of pitching it onto the fire in a rage. He throat hurt from all the talking. Percy took them over and over and over the year before he produced a dictaquill from his breast pocket and set it on parchment, making them say everything over again. Even feeling as he did, knowing Percy had everything under as much control as he could have him a sense of relief. He’d just wanted someone to do something about…about the whole terrible year they’d endured. All the decrees and the Quidditch ban and Harry bleeding everywhere all the time and Umbridge’s smug, today face every time she made one of them hurt. He should have tried to trust Percy.
Wasn’t Percy the one who was always there to help? Bill and Charlie were brilliant, but they weren’t interested in little brothers much. Percy had helped Mum and kept him entertained and taught him all sorts of things. And he repaid that by taking a leaf from Fred and George’s book as soon as he could.
“Ron, please stop fidgeting and come sit. They sent up a plate of sandwiches.”
Ron sighed and brought tea over to the sofa for both of them. He felt awash with it now, but he wanted to be awake just in case Harry woke earlier than expected. Sandwiches might help.
“What did Percy mean about finding your great grand aunt’s hairbrush when you turn seventeen?” Hermione asked suddenly.
Ron choked on his ham and cheddar.
“You can’t just go asking people things like that over sandwiches, Hermione!” he protested once he cleared his windpipe of crumbs.
“You aren’t people; you’re Ron.” Hermione bit into an egg and cress daintily.
“You could have waited until I swallowed,” he complained.
“It’s just…” Ron stopped and stared down at his plate. “You know magical society think my family is strange, yeah?”
“I didn’t think it was everyone.”
“I reckon it is, about, at least in the Hogwarts set. It isn’t just Dad or the Burrow being what it is. It’s…Mum and Dad have never hit us.”
“That’s strange?”
Her tone suggested it shouldn’t be strange, but Ron kept staring at his lap.
“You know how old fashioned people can be. I know loads of people at Hogwarts wouldn’t dare behave at home how they will at school. Bet they catch hell for it, though. Someone’s always going to tell, especially if it'll get them out of trouble.”
“And your parents don’t…Ron that isn’t strange at all. My parents have never laid hands on me, either.”
“It is in this world.” Ron gestured to the room. “Here your parents…they don’t own you, but there’s a lot more allowed. The magical world left the non-magical one when physical punishment was normal and…and considered the right thing to do for the good of one’s soul. Dad got injured early in his career and had to stay back at the office. They had all these non-magical journals that did research on raising kids and they all found that hitting didn’t work. Dad brought them home and Mum read them and they decided together. So, yeah, everyone thinks we’re weird and spoiled or something like that.”
“I’m still not sure where the hairbrush comes in.” Hermione reached over and grasped one of his hands.
“Oh, that’s to get people off Mum’s back. She’ll mutter something about it or tell us that we’re going to regret it when Dad gets home if we aren’t behaving. People still know, though. But the seventeen thing…” Ron felt his cheeks heat and struggled not to snigger.  
“What on earth could be so embarrassing?”
“It isn’t, not really. Mum…she…we’ve all of us asked why and I think I asked when Mum was distracted because she told me about their decision and how they never wanted any of us to be afraid of them or telling them anything and then…then she told me that it was perfectly acceptable for adults to decide they wanted…that in a relationship and some people liked to be in charge and enjoyed a more traditional set of roles and…er, that’s about when she realized what she was saying and almost ran out of the room because I was nine. So now when Bill or Charlie or Percy is annoyed with us they, er, well the birthday thing. Percy usually isn’t that open...must’ve really hacked him off.”
Hermione snorted, pressing her lips together. “Sorry…sorry, Ron it’s…”
“It was pretty funny at the time. Still is, now. Mum’s face, Hermione.”
“But it’s really…”
“Not sure how common, honestly, but accepted, yeah. I know there’s a few I wouldn’t want to be…Merlin, what if someone found someone like that for Snape?” Ron went off in a peal of laughter. “I’m imagining Lucius Malfoy interviewing people. Dad says he’s always talking Snape up at the Ministry. What if he’s trying to get him off his hands?”
“He’d eat them alive, honestly.” But she giggled anyway. “Really even OWL and NEWT students?”
“If you’re under their roof then you’re under their rules. Some families have different rules, too, like you might be of age for the government at seventeen but the family charter says it’s twenty-one or twenty-five. Mum has some corkers about people she knew. It’s one reason some get married so young.”
“How do you wrap your head around it? Especially considering how, oh, I don’t know, Malfoy behaves at school. Or Smith, who is a complete toe-rag.”
Ron shrugged. “I reckon it’s growing up knowing and knowing we were different.”
“And…was it Fred’s left buttock? They make it sound like a giant joke.”
“It is now because Dad apologized and promised it would never happen again. And it hasn’t. I think Dad was more upset over all of it than even the twins, but I was three.”
“Do you think there are any books…” Hermione began.
Ron fought bravely but lost his composure completely. “A how-to or maybe a stud book…” he managed around hiccups of mirth.
“Ronald! Don’t be crass or it will be a how-to manual!” she thwacked him with a cushion.
“Oooh-er, promises!”
Ron hauled a cushion over his face and howled as Hermione bashed him over the head.
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snapeaddict · 2 years
Snapetober day 15 - Defensive
@mmad-lover you made me nostalgic what have you done
Albus looked up. It was night; he had gotten rid of his glasses long ago and now the full moon, as if to tease him, was blinding him completely. That was quite impertinent. He had still a lot more to write, and such bright lighting would not do - the glimmer of candles in the dark had been giving him headaches, and he suddenly felt a strong, almost compulsive desire to shout at both candles and moon. The sleeping portaits around him surely would have been surprised, not because talking to inanimate objects was in the slightest out of character for the old headmaster, but because he never shouted.
Merlin. How long had he been sitting here? Three days? A week? He had slept, yes - but on the couch. He had occasionally been out - but that must have been days ago. He had eaten - again, on the couch. He chuckled. 'Working with the ministry is turning me into an adolescent boy' he thought.
Mentally thanking the moon for reminding him of the existence of the outside world, he checked the wall-clock, and, as it was only nine in the evening, headed out to the staffroom. As he expected, Severus and Minerva were there, sitting in their usual dark-green armchairs by the fireplace. Both had a glass in one hand - surely one of Minerva's Highlands whiskeys - and Albus noticed that Severus' fingers were stained with dark ink. It was not unusual, but he knew that the boy always carefully washed his hands on school days, and it was only at the weekend that he indulged in what Minerva called his 'mad scientist episodes' - basically, research over boiling cauldrons with notes taken in between 'small' commotions. So it was the weekend! He had barely seen them in a week.
Minerva raised an eyebrow.
'Well, look who is here. It seems that - wait, the bat metaphora is taken already. Ah, yes, I have got it: it looks like the mole is out of its hole.'
'You mean that the bear is out of its cave, Minerva', Severus said nonchalantly without looking at the headmaster.
She nodded thoughtfully at this witticism.
'Indeed. Moles are not known for their bad temper. Bears waking up, however...'
Looking half-apologetic, half-amused, Albus took a sit between the two of them, glancing at Severus in his usual paternal way. But the boy busied himself with the essay that was lying on his knees.
'I know, I know, I owe you both an apology. I have been terribly busy, this has made me quite... Irritable. And forgetful. I do not even know whether it is Saturday or Sunday. But surely you can forgive this old man? Come, I am fully ready to discuss anything you like tonight. Severus, you can complain to me about Harry - Minerva, you can complain to me about Severus.
Minerva tried hard not to laugh, and to this effect affected disdain again. Severus gave her an amused glance.
'Surely you have better things to do with your evening? Severus and I merely gossip - or we fight - we shout, sometimes - really, nothing of your calibre.'
Albus suddenly remembered an evening, perhaps four days ago, when he had rather coldly explained to his colleague that he was busy with matters of the upmost importance and had no time for a game of chess with her - game of chess which he himself had requested the week before. He might have been the most gifted wizard in his generation, he felt quite like a foolish schoolboy at this moment - and Minerva's piercing gaze, evidently, was not helping.
'I suppose I deserve that. Again, I beg for your forgiveness' he said humbly.
It was Minerva's turn to look at Severus, who had been awfully quiet since Albus had entered the room. Truth is, he had been much vexed by the headmaster's behaviour these last few days: he had not said a word on the subject, but she knew him well enough to know when he was irritated and tried to hide it. It was not hard to spot, as usually, when something annoyed Severus, he let you know, but he had not talked about the headmaster in a week. And it had been an important week: his latest paper had been accepted for publication, and he had been granted additional funds for his ongoing research. They had been celebrating when Albus had come in and, Minerva could tell, the Slytherin was definitly hurt that Albus had so easily forgotten about this week's important events. She was certain that if the headmaster did not remember to ask, he would not say a word on the subject.
At the very same moment Albus was thinking that Severus unquestionably looked as if he was mad at him, but he could not figure out why, and was very surprised that the boy should be the one giving him the silent treatment. Did Severus care about his own attitude towards him? Had his absence... Affected him? He looked at Minerva, silently begging for her help.
She smiled to him warmly and poured him a glass of whisky, a sign that all alleged hostility between the two of them was definitly over.
'I forgive you, Albus. I know Fudge is a irksome. I'd rather volunteer for a hundred detention hours with first years than have to send him back his dull reports. But you are not the only one who had an eventful week', she added, glancing suggestively at Severus. Would he...
Ah, there it was, the sudden enlightenment in his eyes.
'Severus!' Albus exclaimed. 'By Merlin's beard, your paper! And the funds! You needed my signature for something - I was so busy - I am so sorry. Do you have news? Is there anything I can do?'
It was Severus' turn to affect indifference, though to those who knew him best, it was clear that he was hesitating between giving the headmaster a look of satisfaction, or rolling his eyes.
'You need not apologise, headmaster', he said coolly. 'You have priorities, that is perfectly understandable.'
'No, you are mad, that is perfectly understandable my boy. I know you needed my signature for the funds, about your lab. I will write to the academy'.
This time, the Potions master looked defensive.
'I have told you, Albus, it is of no importance.'
'You are mad.'
'I most certainly am not'.
Albus opened his mouth to reply, glanced at Minerva who looked at him knowingly, and fell silent. Hidding a smile, he took a sip from his drink, settling comfortably in his chair.
So Severus was mad - Severus was mad he had not talked to him in a week, Severus was mad he had not wished to discuss the news with him last Monday, Severus was mad he had not come to ask him about his paper. The boy had missed him. Albus felt a sweet, pleasant warmth fill his chest, and the large smile on his face seemed to annoy Severus even more.
'Your paper was accepted, wasn't it?'
His smile grew even larger, if that were even humanly possible.
'My boy, I am so proud of you. Between us I had no doubt it would be. They have never refused any of your papers - this one certainly is daring, they can be quite conservative, but it was too brilliant even for their prejudices.'
'I will write to the academy tonight, I'll explain. I am sure I can do something about the funds' he added in a purposive tone.
Severus smirked and took a sip of his own glass. It was his turn to look amused.
'No need, headmaster. I already got the funds'.
Albus gave him a puzzled look. 'Really? But how? I thought you needed my signature'.
'Yes. Minerva helped me fake it.'
'You what?'
This time, both he and Minerva smirked.
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marimayscarlett · 1 year
To add to the last question - we can only speculate when and for how long Till and Richard lived together. We can assume it was in Schwerin, but we don't know when either of them moved to Berlin, pre - or post the fall of the wall.
During this years mothers day, Khira Li posted, crediting Mareike as "mostly single parent". It's none of our business why she was absent during Nele's early childhood (although Nele hinted, it could've been for mental reasons) but we all know why Richard was absent. Just like every musician ever, music was his priority. Then international travel started, New York.. Richard himself said that after Maximes birth, he wished to be a better father, and I think he achieved that with how close he is to his kids these days.
But let's not forget that Till wasn't as present for his second daughter. Both of them have pretty much blended families, and it would've happened with or without Mareike, especially when Richard lived in NY and Merlin entered the picture. Till was there to make him feel part of the family with his new found siblings.
Point is, whilst they've not actually been single fathers together, over the years, they did help each other with their kids - to this day. I wouldn't be surprised if Richard is honorary Opa to Till's grandkids because no matter the hardships, Richard and Till's bond is extremely strong.
Hello dear anon, thank you for your addition to this topic.
While Richard and Till are friends since 1987 (as mentioned in this article), I assume they lived together after the fall of the berlin wall. Richard mentioned several times how poor he and Till were around this time, how hard it was to come by, how they were almost starving and committed minor crimes together to keep them alive essentially (mentioned here and the infamous cow-stealing story is mentioned in-depth in this interview around 10.50min). Plus, if I'm not mistaken, Richard mentioned that Till would bring Nele to school and they would visit rave clubs in Berlin afterwards. Since Nele was born in 1985, she would've been of school-age around 1991, so that could've been the time they lived together.
As to how much which parent was present during the childhood of several children: You are right, this is none of our business. As with every rockstar, their children have to forgo time with their parents a lot more than children with parents in regular jobs. Richard once said that becoming a parent again in his 40s was so different than being 23 at the time with Khira, and gave him the opportunity to experience fatherhood much more mindful.
From what we can see today, everyone seems amicable with each other and the relationships between the children and the parents in question seem to be quite close - and that's the most important thing, no matter how much everyone was involved in any way. I don't know anything about how Merlin entered the family, I don't want to dig into such family matters since it's way too personal for me, but it's great that he now is part of the family.
And as you said, they helped each other with their kids, and not only that, they went through so much together and have formed a very close bond. And honestly, the possibility of being honorary Opas is such a heartwarming concept, would be amazing if they would handle it this way 🤍
[An addition to this ask.]
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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❣️Healthy Love ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
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I think, in order to know healthy Love, a lot of people need to be exposed to the complete opposite of it first. I dunno; it seems to be a psychopathic Game created by the Higher Beings…for the purpose of teaching us the true value of Love. How can you know fully what Love is if you never know its opposites?
So yeah, if you’re young and inexperienced, it’s perfectly OK not to be so hard on yourself when you make mistakes in matters of Love and infatuation. We’re all learning to overcome each and all of our crazies. Ultimately, what’s really important is that we develop a stronger psychology and make swift decisions to disengage from whatever relationship/situationship/even friendship that makes us unhealthy and miserable♡
You’ve got this!
☆♪°・. aenergetic companion PAC ☆♪°・.
[PAG Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Healthy Love for 🐞Fire Signs – Green Alchemist (Nicolas Flamel)
4 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups Rx
When it comes to Fire Signs, loving is a passionate business. There could often be a desire to pursue something until the end just to prove yourself the victor in a competition. In this sense, are we sure we’re actually in it for the Love for that other person? Or is it just about winning and feeling very special because we’re the Chosen One? XD Fire Signs often don’t even realise that they’re in it just for the thrill—just trying to fulfil some fantasy because daily life is often boring.
If your Love ain’t true, you can’t properly give to the other person. That’s not healthy or fair. Careful you’re not blind to the selfishness of desiring a partner only for that person to fulfil a role in a fantasy of your making. If you must love a person, I hope you love from the heart, with a passion for making that person happy. I hope you love sanely and feel free enough to give and receive.
And also remember that in a true love setting, you don’t act as someone’s saviour in a co-dependent manner. We all can be a healing presence for our dearly beloved who’s been hurt in the past, but we’re not responsible for the healing of someone who doesn’t want to live in the present moment or look towards a better future. Love, is a mutually healing connection, whether in romance, friendship, or familyship~
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Ambition
🦁Leo – Priestess of Prosperity
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Love
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Healthy Love for 🐍Earth Signs – Silver Magus (Merlin)
2 of Cups Rx, II The High Priestess Rx, Queen of Cups
Ahhh omaigaaa you’re quite intense when it comes to loving, aren’t you? Earth Signs are not worldwide-level recognised for their passion because you guys are such tsundere. But you care a lot when you’ve fallen in love, so much so, you’re willing to sacrifice even your health for those you prize. I hope you don’t go too far with this kind of tendency. Because if giving too much makes you bitter, in the end, you could flip 180 and turn very selfish instead. Extremes are not healthy, baby. You wanna go back to balance and love sanely <3
But you know what’s even more important when it comes to loving? Honest, real, raw communication. To actually put your feelings, thoughts, emotions, as well as intents into words, so that the other person can VIEW you clearly. That’s your problem, isn’t it? You’re so afraid of talking about emotions because vulnerability is cringe, but in reality, you always have so much to tell someone. Vulnerability with the right person is sweet, not cringe XD
After all, someone who’s truly grateful for all that you’ve done for them, for all that you ARE, will view everything about you as lovely. Why not be lovely back to them? Love is lovely LMAO Love isn’t addictions or obsessions. Real healthy love is sometimes silly, cheesy, but most of all, sweet and lovely XD
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Integrity
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Luxury
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Luck
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Healthy Love for ⛲Air Signs – Green Magus (John Dee)
King of Pentacles, 8 of Wands Rx, XIV Temperance Rx
I think it’s a lie when Air Signs say they don’t feel too much or don’t value feelings over logic. If you’re this type of an Air Sign, you’re probably just unaware of how much you feel for someone. I mean, the fact that you can’t stop thinking about the person you like…isn’t that fuelled by a desire to feel something? XD Air Signs are the cutest when you’re in love, but what’s unhealthy about your style is how much you fookin’ LIE. I dunno, do you lie because you want to impress? Do you lie because you’re embarrassed?
What’s tragic about Air Signs is how you struggle with delivering your real honest thoughts about someone when Air is literally the Element of Communication and Networking hahahah Maybe it’s because you often don’t even facilitate your own emotions and thoughts to exchange information. The head and the heart not agreeing with each other because they aren’t sure what’s going on? You know, the left brain and the right brain synchrony? It’s like you have completely separate departments for feelings and hard facts and they don’t even come into contact with each other.
This is actually kinda the reason why you often feel unbalanced when you have fallen in love with someone. You tend to feel pulled in just one direction which feels wrong and uncomfortable. Ultimately, for being an Air Sign, this is part of your character development to balance yourself in the way you perceive romance and relationships, even friendships. Hard facts and objectivity are crucial to maintain a just society, but remember as well that the Human Experience is a subjective experience. When you’ve grown up and spiritually glowed up, your perspectives on things will be super valuable to this often desperately-in-love society~
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Good Fortune
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Ritual
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Faith
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Healthy Love for 🐝Water Signs – Green Astronomer (Nicolaus Copernicus)
8 of Swords Rx, Knight of Wands, 4 of Swords Rx
Oh gosh, respect, freedom, just this feeling of actually being free and still safe in the arms of someone you love—isn’t this the ideal for Water Signs? Water Signs are all about feelings and empathy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own identity outside of the relationship you’ve devoted yourself to. And for the most part, and maybe you’re not always honest about this, you don’t like being restricted or suffocated in a relationship. Yup, not even the Scorpios. But you like doing this to the other person, which is a really unhealthy and unfair XD
You don’t own a person. You can’t expect that. You shouldn’t even expect to be owned by your significant other. That’s actually a really big soul lesson for all Water placements. Possessions, obsessions, you think only Earth Signs struggle with these? Water is the opposite of Earth, so~ When Water Signs attempt to own a person, you want to own their soul, heart and mind; whereas Earth Signs want to own and control the person. Passion isn’t possession, OK? If you must share a passion, let it be one of Love and Respect <3
And ultimately, I hope you take very seriously your own spiritual healing so that you know how to be a sane lover. Of all the Elements, Water is actually the most psycho of all lovers LMAO You tend to use your intuitive empathetic ability to trick and manipulate emotionally, that’s why. If you must be addicted to anything at all, well, I hope you become addicted to the feeling of being safe, respected, nurtured and nourished by a someone whose heart reflects back all that’s good in you~
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Innocence
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Healing
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Inspiration
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cynthia39100 · 1 year
@themerlinlibrary August Writing Challenge
Prompt 9: alone (Definitely too late to post...)
Arthur-centric, canon compliant.
Just letting him speak some of my frustration toward season 5.
Arthur’s reign had proceeded into the fourth year. The round table system ran smoothly and the number of knights climbed fast. Arthur had a beautiful wife whom the people adored. He had a loyal friend who always stood by him. He had trusted knights who were like brothers to him. Advisors who had despised him gradually came to respect his opinions. The people of Camelot always greeted him with friendly smiles. 
Arthur should feel proud and fulfilled, yet more often than not what he felt was loneliness. 
People respected him more and more as king, and in turn, talked to him less and less as a normal man. He still went to the tavern with his knights, but it didn’t feel the same anymore. They didn’t fear him, just acted with polite respect. Only Gwaine would talk to him normally, but that too became rarer. Maybe he was cautioned by other knights. 
He and Gwen seemed to grow distant ever since they were married. Both were too busy fulfilling their duty, especially Gwen who needed to try so much harder to act like a queen. She seldom confessed to him about her struggle, and Arthur didn’t want to burden her more with his problems either. 
Merlin…… He acted more like a proper servant recently, and Arthur never felt more alone. Merlin had always been secretive, which Arthur had long given up on changing. Recently though, he didn’t even talk to Arthur about anything anymore, whether it was a silly joke or a boring gossip. Except, well, when Arthur went on a rescue mission or so much as going on a patrol. Arthur once valued Merlin’s advice and counsel, but all he said to Arthur now is “ Don’t you think it’s too dangerous?” 
He missed his friends.
He missed the days when Merlin would silently pack their travel bag for an unofficial rescue quest. He missed the days when he could sneak out of the castle just to fight for an outlying village with his friends. 
Maybe it was naive and childish. He seemed to be the only person who refused to grow up. Other people learned that the life of a king was valued more than others. They learned that risking Camelot’s army for a conquered kingdom wasn’t a good idea. 
Before, at least Morgana would encourage him to stand up to his father. Gwen would praise him for being kind to his people. Merlin would assure him that being merciful was a strength. He would say that Arthur would become a good and just king. 
Now, Merlin told him to abandon his fellow knights at Morgana’s hand. Gwen somehow thought he would risk his life for a long due revenge rather than rescuing an important ally. It was like they didn’t know him anymore. Arthur wasn’t sure if he knew them that well himself. 
Though, when he sat outside the Disir’s cave and listened to Merlin’s description of the sacred place, Arthur seemed to grasp a little more of Merlin’s mysterious self. He could even see a faint smile on Merlin’s face. He was quite pleased, even though he couldn’t feel anything Merlin described. 
It didn’t last long, however, once the subject turned into magic. He kept dodging the questions, and when he finally looked into Arthur’s eyes and answered, it was a blatant lie. 
Arthur knew Merlin had many secrets. He was quite used to Merlin’s mystery at this point. At least when Arthur genuinely asked for advice, Merlin was never afraid to utter his true opinion. 
Arthur stared into the fire, wondering what decision should he make. He wondered if Uther had been right all along. A king could only rule alone. Even if he didn’t choose to, in the end, it wouldn’t matter.
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