#Mercy Kilpatrick
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pier-carlo-universe · 1 month ago
Nel profondo del bosco – Il thriller avvincente di Kendra Elliot tra segreti, omicidi e misteri sepolti. Recensione di Alessandria today
Un'indagine tra bugie, avidità e un assassino nascosto nell'ombra
Un’indagine tra bugie, avidità e un assassino nascosto nell’ombra Kendra Elliot, autrice bestseller del thriller e del mystery, torna con Nel profondo del bosco, terzo capitolo della serie Columbia River, un romanzo ricco di suspense, colpi di scena e segreti di famiglia. Una cittadina tranquilla dell’Oregon viene scossa da un tesoro nascosto e una serie di omicidi, in un’indagine che spinge i…
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vague-humanoid · 2 years ago
@chrisdornerfanclub @commiemartyrshighschool @redstarovermoundcity @socialistexan
Bruce Willingham, who works for his family-owned newspaper, has turned the full audio over to the FBI and the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office, his lawyers said.
The Willinghams also did not respond to inquiries from NBC News. But Kilpatrick Townsend, the law firm representing the Willingham family, said they appreciated the expressions of support.
"For nearly a year, they have suffered intimidation, ridicule and harassment based solely on their efforts to report the news for McCurtain County," the statement said.
The latest furor erupted after Willingham, acting on a tip that the commissioners were illegally engaging in county business after the public meetings were over, left a recording device on March 6 in the commissioners' chamber, the newspaper reported.
When Willingham retrieved the device, he discovered that the conversation began with a grisly conversation about a fire victim being compared to "barbecue" before the group turned to talking about his son.
"My papaw would have whipped his ass, would have wiped him and used him for toilet paper," Manning said of the younger Willingham, according to the newspaper. "If my daddy hadn't been run over by a vehicle, he would have been down there."
Jennings then piped in, saying "I know where two big, deep holes are here if you ever need them."
"I've got an excavator," Clardy chimed in, according to the newspaper.
Jennings, according to the newspaper, then said he knew "two or three hit men" who belong to the Louisiana mafia.
"They're very quiet guys and would cut no f---ing mercy," he reportedly said.
Manning, according to the newspaper, discussed "who would get the blame if anything was done" to Christopher Lee Willingham's wife, Angie.
There was also "caustic" criticism of local District Attorney Mark Matloff, the newspaper reported in the first batch of recordings it released.
Matloff is not commenting on the report, a member of his staff said at the McCurtain County Courthouse.
"Some of the discussion included not only harsh criticism of judges, but also the possibility of assaults on judges here," the newspaper reported.
When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."
"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."
"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."
Two more batches of recordings made by Willingham are to be released soon, his lawyers said.
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bucky-boychik-barnes · 1 year ago
WIP Snippet - OC Pockets
A small Pocket in blue pajamas with a bright pattern rolled out of Calum's hands and onto the plate with a tiny, high-pitched squeak. It silenced the table. The newest addition to the Kilpatrick clan didn't seem to notice all the eyes now on him. He bounced up with a chirp and, seeing the little Pocket table set in front of Aisling and Ian's plates, ran toward it with his arms outstretched.
Lovely Trouble and Fadhb meet him halfway, nearly tackling him in a simultaneous hug. The three Pockets collapsed in a chattering heap, Aisling’s and Ian’s Pockets cooing over the newest Pocket as if he’s their own child. Aisling thought she might be able to hear the little Pocket purring in the shocked silence.
(Not so little. Aisling can see from the Pockets’ sizes that Calum’s Pocket is about Conor’s height. Conor, who was an entire four years older than Calum's five. Ian met her gaze and she knew he was thinking the same.)
Calum looked like a cat that got the canary, she saw when she glanced down the table, but he had also sat and began to serve himself. Small mercies - the chances of getting a call about Calum’s temper would drop drastically if he went to school with food in him, Aisling was sure.
Liam, their oldest, was the one to break the silence. “How does Calum get a Pocket? He’s only five!”
“IT’S A BOY POCKET,” Aidan piped up, with six-year-old surety of the fact that, if nobody had pointed it out already, they must have not noticed.
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bookedallnight · 8 months ago
REVIEW: Echo Road
When two cross-country cases collide, Bree Taggert and Mercy Kilpatrick join forces to catch a serial killer in an addictive novel of suspense by bestselling authors Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot. During a vicious heat wave, a county maintenance worker stumbles upon two suspicious suitcases abandoned by the side of the road. Sheriff Bree Taggert responds to find two bodies stuffed inside the…
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booksbydlwhite · 1 year ago
Bookcast Episode 64: Reading, Writing and Stuffing
Welcome to episode 64 of the Bookcast, my platform for sharing short fiction and updates on what I'm reading and writing. I'm DL White, author of 12 contemporary southern and romantic fiction novels featuring Black men and women. I'm also a fan fiction writer and a lover of books.   This podcast is sponsored by me... with your support and I thank you for it. If you would like to offer more support, head to buymeacoffee.com/booksbydlwhite. There, you can offer a one-time or recurring monthly gift and I would be most grateful. Booksbydlwhite.com/books has all of my titles in whatever format I have  available, but if you prefer to buy them retail, all of my titles are available wherever eBooks are sold as well as subscription sites like EVERAND (the new name for SCRIBD), kobo plus, and your local library through Libby or hoopla.  Buy them in print at Resist Booksellers or bookshop.org. 
I talked about a nice benefit for Spotify premium members who like audiobooks. Be sure to use your 15 free hours per month, courtesy of findaway by Spotify. I used mine up in about 1.5 books... don't mind it at all. I'll take a free audiobook. 
Leslie's Curl & Dye audio is still on sale. Hit booksbydlwhite.com/audiosale for links to that sale. 
I have read 160 books of my challenge to read 175 books this year.   I am  3 books ahead!  I talked about the following books in today's episode: 
 A Merciful Truth (Mercy Kilpatrick, #2) by Kendra Elliot
Coming Home by Kennedy Ryan
Drown Her Sorrows (Bree Taggert #3) by Melinda Leigh
Right Behind Her (Bree Taggert, #4) by Melinda Leigh
A Merciful Death (Mercy Kilpatrick, #1) by Kendra Elliot
Double Mocha Blues (Joss Miller Mysteries Book 1) by Tyora Moody
Stuff your kindle is back December 27th. Romancebookworms.com/forauthors has every bit of information you need. if you're an author and want to join and need an invite to the facebook group to sign up, HIT ME UP. I am author DL White pretty much everywhere. Tomorrow (Sunday 11.26) I will be doing a #samplesunday and a cover reveal of my holiday novella (SPOILER: it's super cute! I love it!) so be on the lookout on my blog at booksbydlwhite.com.  Thank you for joining me for another episode of the bookcast. I'll be back next week with a reading and a writing update.
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fieriframes · 3 years ago
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[The space is beautifully done. though order does not accord with Kilpatrick's merciful nature. There are a lot of Cuban families.]
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omnistpilgrim · 3 years ago
I've resolved to study and re-read more spiritual texts this year (starting 2022), and share quotes I like. (note that this isn't meant to be a list of recommendations, just a record. not all of these have been spiritually edifying to me.) List of what I've read so far:
Anglicanism/ Episcopalianism
The Book of Common Prayer
The Dhammapada- translation by Eknath Easwaran
Peace is Every Step- Thich Nhat Hanh
Radical Acceptance- Tara Brach
The Faith Explained- Leo J Trese
Theology For Beginners- Frank Sheed
True Devotion to Mary- Louis de Montfort
The Modern Saints- Gracie Morbitzer
The Secret of the Rosary- Louis de Montfort
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is My Body, This is My Blood- Bob & Penny Lord
Good News About Sex & Marriage- Christopher West
The Story of A Soul- St Therese of Lisieux
Christianity (general)
The New Testament
The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis
The Heart of Christianity- Marcus J Borg
God Can't- Thomas J Oord
Mere Christianity- CS Lewis
The Wisdom Jesus- Cynthia Bourgeault
The Universal Christ- Richard Rohr
The Case For Christ- Lee Strobel
The Great Divorce- CS Lewis
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul- John Philip Newell
Searching for Sunday- Rachel Held Evans
Unlearning God- Phillip Gulley
Saving Jesus From the Church- Robin R Meyers
Christianity (biblical analysis)
Inspired- Rachel Held Evans
What is the Bible? - Rob Bell
The Uncensored Bible- Kaltner, Kilpatrick, & McKenzie
The Gay Gospels- Keith Sharpe
The Bible Doesn't Say That- Joel M Hoffman
The Sins of Scripture- John Shelby Spong
Paul and Jesus- James D Tabor
Reclaiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World- John Shelby Spong
Forged- Bart D Ehrman
Jesus, Interrupted- Bart D Ehrman
Zealot- Reza Aslan
Jezebel- Lesley Hazleton
101 Myths of the Bible- Gary Greenberg
Divine Feminine
The Way of the Rose- Clark Strand & Perdita Finn
God is a Black Woman- Christena Cleveland, PHD
Missing Mary- Charlene Spretnak
Circle of Mysteries- Christine Lore Weber
The Goddess in the Gospels- Margaret Starbird
Now is the Hour of Her Return- Clark Strand
Waking Up to the Dark- Clark Strand
Wild Mercy- Mirabai Starr
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar- Margaret Starbird
Goddess: 50 Goddesses, Spirits, Saints and Other Female Figures Who Have Shaped Belief- Ramírez & Walsh
Druidry/ Celtic Paganism
The Book of Hedge Druidry- Joanna van der Hoeven
The Druidry Handbook- John Michael Greer
The Druid Path- John Michael Greer
The Book of Celtic Myths- Jennifer Emmick
Forest Magic- Nikki Van De Car
Sacred Nature- Karen Armstrong
Filianism/ Déanism
The Gospel of Our Mother God
Hellenistic Paganism
The Iliad- Homer
The Odyssey- Homer
Mythology- Edith Hamilton
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths- Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
The Bhagavad Gita- translation by Barbara Stoler Miller
The Upanishads- translation by Eknath Easwaran
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Hinduism- Rasamandala Das
Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction- Kim Knott
The Qur'an- translation by Abdullah Yusufali
The Tanakh
When Bad Things Happen to Good People- Harold S Kushner
The Book of Mormon
Norse Paganism/ Heathenry
Norse Mythology- Neil Gaiman
Hávamál- from the Poetic Edda
D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths- Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Paganism (general) / Wicca
The Spiral Dance- Starhawk
Paganism- Joyce & River Higgenbotham
Drawing Down the Moon- Margot Adler
The Path of a Christian Witch- Adelina St Clair
Tarot Fundamentals- Sasha Graham
Astrology- Carole Taylor
Tarot Magic- Donald Tyson
Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Book of Shadows- Scott Cunningham
The Witch's Book of Power- Devin Hunter
The Deep Heart of Witchcraft- David Salisbury
A Book of Pagan Prayer- Ceisiwr Serith
Faith and Practice- Baltimore Yearly Meeting
A Testament of Devotion- Thomas R Kelly
Living the Quaker Way- Philip Gulley
A Quaker Book of Wisdom- Robert Lawrence Smith
Letters to a Fellow Seeker- Steve Chase
Poems from the Sikh Sacred Tradition- Guru Nanak
The Tao Te Ching- translation by Stephen Mitchell
The Tao of Pooh- Benjamin Hoff
Other/ Interfaith/ General Theism
A World of Prayer- edited by Rosalind Bradley
The Interfaith Prayer Book- compiled by Ted Brownstein
God of Love- Mirabai Starr
A New Earth- Eckhart Tolle
How to Believe in God- Clark Strand
Holy Envy- Barbara Brown Taylor
The Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle
Atheism and the Case Against Christ- Matthew S McCormick
Letter to a Christian Nation- Sam Harris
Why I Became an Atheist- John W Loftus
God is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
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coupleofbeesread · 5 years ago
Mystery Monday: Kayla read A MERCIFUL DEATH
Mystery Monday: Kayla read A MERCIFUL DEATH
Rating: 4 out of 5. Book Summary
Mercy Kilpatrick is an FBI agent who has been estranged from her Oregon-based, “prepper” family since a secret tragedy tore them apart her senior year in high school. She tends to keep to herself, both in her professional and personal life, and she never talks about her past. That is, until she is…
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bestbooksnbadkitties · 6 years ago
I used to be a big mystery reader, but over the years I kind of lost interest in mysteries. There were a few series that I remained loyal to, but there were lots that fell by the wayside. Unfortunately many of my favourite series are no longer around as the authors have passed away. Good- bye’s had to be said to Amelia Peabody, Kinsey Milhone and Jim Qwilleran. I still read and can’t wait for the latest adventures of Kate Shugak , Anna Pigeon and Eve Dallas. However, lately I’ve been reading some new series…I’ll give you the first book in the series…hope you like them too.
THE UNQUIET DEAD By: Ausma Zehanat Khan
Ausma Zehanat Khan is a Canadian author and this was her debut novel. Christopher Drayton may have really been Lieutenant Colonel Drazen Krstic of the Bosnian Serb Army – a war criminal who was involved in the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica. Esa Khattak and Rachel Getty from Toronto Community Policing Section are asked to look into his apparent fall at the Scarborough Bluffs.
An extremely difficult novel to read, as there are many sections and descriptions devoted to what went on in former Yugoslavia during the war. As difficult as it was to read, it was even harder to put down. I’m definitely going to read more of Ms Khan’s novels…I believe they’re all mysteries surrounding real historical events.
A MERCIFUL DEATH By: Kendra Elliot
FBI Agent Mercy Kilpatrick was born and raised in Eagle’s Nest, Oregon, by preppers: those who plan for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). She left many years ago and hasn’t been back since or spoken to anyone in her family in many, many years. Now, however someone is killing preppers and stealing their weapons. Sent by the FBI to help the local law enforcement, she is now forced to confront her family and the secret that tore them apart all those years ago.
Interesting premise, and I really enjoyed this novel…..have already put in a request for book 2 at the library.
A MURDER IN TIME By: Julie McElwain
FBI Agent Kendra Donovan’s latest mission goes terribly wrong and most of her team are killed. After she recovers from her injuries she finds out that the government plans on letting the man responsible go free. This she can’t condone, so she travels to England to do what she feels is right. Undercover at Aldridge Castle her mission once again doesn’t work out the way she intends and she somehow finds herself transported back in time to 1812. Murder seems to follow her everywhere as a serial killer is at large at the castle and Kendra intends to stop him.
Forensic Archaeologist Ruth Galloway lives near Norfolk, England and teaches at the nearby university. When a set of children’s bones are found on a deserted beach Detective Chief Inspector Harry Nelson calls on her to see if she can determine how old they are. Detective Nelson is still looking for a girl who went missing a decade ago and is hoping that maybe these are her bones.
There are some interesting characters in this series. I picked up her novel The Stranger Diaries and LOVED IT…then found out she had written this series…had to give it a try….glad I did.
 Currently Reading: A Dying Fall by Elly Griffiths and The Zig Zag Girl by Elly Griffiths
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years ago
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The New Primitives
When a man ceases to believe in God, observed G. K. Chesterton, he becomes capable of believing in anything. It looks like we may now have reached the “anything” stage of human history.
As faith in Christianity recedes in the West, a strange thing is happening. Having shaken off belief in God, people are not becoming more rational, they’re becoming more gullible. They believe that babies in the womb aren’t really human beings, that same-sex “marriage” is the equivalent of real marriage, that there are roughly 52 varieties of gender, that boys can become girls, and vice versa. In general, they believe that wishing makes it so.
Rejection of God does not lead to a flowering of civilization, but rather to a primitivization. Many of the ideas that are now current are pre-scientific and even anti-scientific. Science is solidly on the side of those who say that babies are babies, and that boys cannot become girls, yet when science comes into conflict with today’s magical beliefs it is rejected out of hand. For many, the ultimate source of truth is not reason, or science, or God, but feelings.
It was belief in a rational God who created a rational and ordered universe that provided the main impetus for scientific study centuries ago. Christian and Jewish scholars thought it worthwhile to study the nature of things because the nature of things was considered to be rational and discoverable. Thus, the scientific revolution was a product of the Judeo-Christian world.
But suddenly all bets are off. For many, belief in the imperial self has supplanted belief in God and a rational world. The wants and desires of the individual self are paramount. If your 12-year-old daughter decides she’s a boy, you’d better go along with her desires because the reigning doctrine holds that her gender is a matter to be decided solely by her and her doctor.
Of course, the imperial self is not really imperial at all. Now that God is considered dispensable, the state has become the ultimate authority. As a result, the wishes of the individual are only considered legitimate if they coincide with the wishes of the state.
So what we really have is not simply a regression to magical thinking, but a merging of the primitive impulse with the modern totalitarian state. The mumbo jumbo ideology of transgenderism can only survive if it is backed by state power. But the new primitives don’t know enough history to realize that they live in an increasingly unfree society. Moreover, as long as they get their daily dose of sex and “soma” (marijuana, fentanyl, etc.), they don’t really care. However, there still remains a sizable number of Christians, Jews, and other believers in Natural Law who can see that the new normal is actually quite abnormal. Unless they spill the beans, the lies about the facts of life will be made mandatory. Everyone must be forced to believe. And liberal progressive primitives and their allies in the state will move to crush those who don’t comply.
Police in the UK are investigating individuals who challenge gender ideology on social media.
A Canadian judge allowed doctors to give hormone treatments to help a girl “transition” to become a boy against her father’s wishes. The same judge later forbade the father from referring to his daughter as a girl.
UK authorities threatened to take an autistic boy from his parents when they objected to sex-change treatments proposed by doctors.
The state not only reserves the right to decide your child’s sex, it now, apparently, thinks it has the authority to decide his religion. A regional court in Schleswig, Germany, imposed a fine on parents who refused to let their son go on a school trip to a mosque. Meanwhile, in neighboring Denmark, state authorities have threatened to take away the eight-year-old foster daughter of foster parents who had raised her from infancy. Their crime? The mother had expressed criticism of Islamic terrorism on her blog. The authorities said this showed poor judgment, and they called into question her ability to parent.
The rapid ascendancy of Islam in recent times is itself evidence of social regression. Though Muslims believe in God, he is not the same God that Christians believe in. Rather, Allah is a willful God who is not bound by the laws of reason. Like an absolute and capricious tyrant, his laws are arbitrary and subject to change. The remarkable lack of scientific progress in the Muslim world is simply the logical consequence of belief in this erratic God.
Because it borrows from Christianity and Judaism, Islam is an advance over most primitive religions, but in comparison to Christianity it is a decidedly primitive faith. It sanctions beheadings, amputations for theft, stoning for adultery, polygamy, subjugation of women, and even sex slavery. One might think that the new primitives would be appalled by Islam — especially because they consider the subjugation of women to be a great evil. But some taboos are more important than others, and one of the supreme taboos of our times is the injunction against judging other cultures. The sins of Islam can be wiped away simply by repeating the incantatory chant “They have a different culture.” The villager may now be a part of a global village, but he still thinks like a villager. The village chiefs and elders have decided that Christianity is a thing of the past, and that Islam is a vital part of the coming multicultural future. The villager nods his assent because he has no other points of reference. He is willing to believe anything the authorities say.
A society that elevates Islam over Christianity is a society that is taking a step back in time, yet that is the direction in which large parts of the West are headed. Churches in Europe are largely empty, but mosques are full. Many cultural observers predict that Islam will be the dominant religion in Europe well before mid-century. The ultimate irony of rejecting the Christian God is that you may end up with the God of Muhammad in his place.
In any event, our society seems to be taking the fork in the road that leads to a dark and superstitious past. For several decades now, educators have claimed to be teaching youngsters to think critically. Increasingly, however, the thought processes of Western citizens resemble the thought processes of their tribal ancestors in the bush and the savannah. More and more, you are encouraged to think of yourself as a member of an identity group — your tribe. You are not expected to think for yourself; you are expected to think as your group thinks.
This tribal thinking is not confined to college students and Democratic politicians. It has also infected the professions. Most professionals, after all, are graduates of group-think universities and doctrinaire graduate schools. So it should come as no surprise that they might have difficulty thinking for themselves, even when it comes to such basics as the differences between the sexes.
There is, for example, hardly any research evidence to support the use of hormones and surgery to help confused youngsters “transition” from one sex to another. And there is certainly no biological evidence. From the biological perspective — that is, from the perspective of factual knowledge — the whole transgender project is an impossible one. Moreover, most of the research that is available shows that the “treatments” used in transitioning carry great risks to the physical and psychological health of children and teenagers.
Yet doctors and therapists continue to plow ahead with the transgender project despite its grave risks. Transgender ideology is the newest and most fashionable ideology. It is what the “best” people in the tribe attest to, so it must not be challenged. If you dare to oppose their agenda, they may well come after you or your child — not with pitchforks and torches, but with a court-issued summons.
The “brave” new doctors who recommend pumping children full of hormone blockers or mutilating their bodies are like the witch doctors of old. They mutter incantations (such as “social construct” and “gender dysphoria”), they wave their hypodermics to ward off skeptical thoughts, and, since they are considered the experts on everything from emotions to ethics, parents feel they have no choice but to let them go ahead with the ritual.
The word “primitive” is not necessarily a pejorative term. When applied to people who lived long ago or to people living today in isolated tribes in remote regions, it is simply a descriptive anthropological term for those who have never developed a civilization. But it’s another matter when civilized people fall back into primitive modes of thought and morality. In that case, the pejorative meaning is well deserved. They are, as Saint Paul said of those whose minds are darkened by sin, “without excuse.”
William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, gives us a picture of a rather rapid descent from civilization to savagery. Marooned on an island, all but a few of a group of English schoolboys are soon painting their bodies, wielding spears, and making offerings to an imaginary beast.
In the conclusion of the 1963 film version of the story, Ralph, the sole holdout for civilized ways, is being pursued by the pack of savage boys. Exhausted, he falls face down in the sand awaiting his fate. But when he looks up, he sees, towering over him, a British naval officer dressed in a dazzling white uniform — the personification of civilization, order, sanity, and security. And because Britain had not yet entered its post-Christian stage at that time, the officer might also be seen as a representative of God — the Christian God of justice and mercy.
Ralph begins to cry — presumably, for what has been lost and found again. So might we all cry over how much has already been lost of our Christian heritage. After we dry our tears, we must set about to regain it. The alternative is a rapid descent into darkness.
From: www.pamphletstoinspire.com
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
"Nel profondo del bosco": un thriller avvincente tra segreti, misteri e aviditàKendra Elliot ci regala un romanzo intricato, dove l'avidità umana e i segreti di famiglia convergono in un'escalation di suspense. Recensione di Alessandria today
Nel profondo del bosco di Kendra Elliot, in uscita il 19 dicembre 2024, è un thriller avvincente ambientato nella cittadina di Eagle’s Nest, in Oregon.
Trama Nel profondo del bosco di Kendra Elliot, in uscita il 19 dicembre 2024, è un thriller avvincente ambientato nella cittadina di Eagle’s Nest, in Oregon. Una caccia al tesoro nazionale con un premio di due milioni di dollari trasforma il piccolo centro in un terreno fertile per l’avidità e il crimine. Il capo della polizia Truman Daly si trova a fronteggiare non solo la follia collettiva…
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caitlynlynch · 6 years ago
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How well do you really know someone? That’s a question posed more than once in this intriguing thriller by Kendra Elliot, fifth in the Mercy Kilpatrick series about an FBI agent in Bend, Oregon. Raised by a family of off-the-grid survivalists, Mercy’s instincts die hard, but when you’ve known someone for a decade or more as a pillar of the community, it’s unimaginable they could be involved in a major crime.
When an ancient skeleton is found in a crumbling shack, one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the FBI’s files suddenly comes to life again, and it lands right in Mercy’s lap. Chasing a trail 30 years cold leads down a lot of rabbit holes until a dead journalist makes her realize one of those threads she’s pulled must lead somewhere. Somewhere she could never have expected.
I make no bones that I love this series, and A Merciful Fate is a great addition. If you haven’t read the others, though, I would advise going back and starting at the beginning, because though the author does her best to give you an outline sketch of the major characters without infodumping, there’s been a lot of worldbuilding over the previous four books which will give you great insight into the mindset of all of them, particularly Mercy, Truman and Ollie (possibly my favourite character of all). Five stars for another great installment in the series!
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A Merciful Fate is available now.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.
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lovertariq · 3 years ago
The Last Sister (Columbia River Book 1)
The Last Sister (Columbia River Book 1)
Price: (as of – Details) An Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestseller. Three sisters’ secrets collide in a shocking novel of suspense by the bestselling author of the Mercy Kilpatrick series. Twenty years ago Emily Mills’s father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, claims she…
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xcdfvfdscdd · 4 years ago
Read (EPub/Books) The Last Sister (Columbia River, #1) BY Kendra Elliot
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Book Details :
Author : Kendra Elliot
Pages : 328 pages
Publisher :
Language : eng
ISBN-13 :
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download The Last Sister (Columbia River, #1) .An Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestseller.Three sisters? secrets collide in a shocking novel of suspense by the bestselling author of the Mercy Kilpatrick series.Twenty years ago Emily Mills?s father was murdered, and she found his body hanging in the backyard. Her younger sister, Madison, claims she was asleep in her room. Her older sister, Tara, claims she was out with friends. The tragedy drove their mother to suicide and Tara to leave town forever. The killer was caught. The case closed.Ever since, Emily and Madison have tried to forget what happened that night?until an eerily similar murder brings it all back. It also brings FBI special agent Zander Wells to the Oregon logging town. As eager as he is to solve the brutal double slaying, he is just as intrigued with the mystery of Emily?s and her sisters? past.When more blood is shed, Zander suspects there?s a secret buried in this town no one wants unearthed. Is it something Emily and Madison don?t know? Or aren?t .
Kendra Elliot book The Last Sister (Columbia River, #1).
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hayeldamlasi · 7 years ago
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_____________________________________✏✏✏✏✏✏ MERHAMETLİ ÖLÜM KENDRA ELLİOT SALON YAYINLARI ___________________________________________________✏✏✏ Polisiye, macera, aksiyon severler 📢 haydi sizi Mercy Kilpatrick serisini okumaya davet ediyorum 😉 3 kitaptan oluşan serinin birinci kitabını okuduk @masmavikitaplar benden önce bitirmiş olabilir 😊 ama bir sorun neden okuyamıyorsun diye 🤣 ya da ne siz sorun ne ben söyleyeyim dermişim. Efenim kitabı bitirdim. Sonuna dek merak, heyecan ve katil kim ola ki sorularıyla dolu bir şekilde okudum. Kitabın kurgusu , anlatımı sürükleyici , dili akıcı ve sade. İsimler çok olsa da bir süre sonra alışıyorsunuz ✏✏ Hafiften bir de romantizm rüzgarı esiyor sonlara doğru. Ve ikinci kitapta az çok neler bizi bekliyor kafamda şekillendirdim 🙋📖 . . . 15 yıl önce doğup büyüdüğü kasabayı terk eden , ailesiyle bu sürede hiç görüşmeyen FBI ajanı Mercy Kilpatrick yıllar sonra kasabasında meydana gelen seri cinayetleri çözmek üzere görevlendirilir. Ama yıllar önce yaşanılan ve sır olarak toprağa gömülen olaylar bu yeni cinayetlerle su yüzüne çıkmaya başlayınca işler sarpa sarar. Bölge polis şefi Truman'la ortak çalışmaya başlayan ajanın hayatı hangi yönde değişecektir.📖 . . Herkese keyifli okumalar dilerim. . . . . #mayıs2018 #hayeldamlası2018mayıs #okudumbitti #kitapyorumu #kitapbitti #okuryorum #kitapaşkı #kitapsever #tavsiyekitap #kitaptavsiyesi #salonyayınları #kendraelliot #gramkitap #kitaplık #kütüphanem #vscokitap #igkitaplık#merhametliölüm #okumakayrıcalıktır #okudumokuyun#polisiyeroman (Kilyos, Istanbul, Turkey)
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correctsuccess · 4 years ago
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Steve Bannon, Elliott Broidy, Kwame Kilpatrick WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly used his clemency authority as a political instrument moderately than an act of mercy, issued a remaining wave of pardons and commutations on his final night time in workplace, delivering reduction for a mixture of beneficiaries that included former strategist Stephen Bannon, Republican Occasion and Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy, and for...
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