#Mercedes Celeste
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There's always that couple you can't take anywhere😮💨. But for these to be side sims for my legacy save, I will admit they look good together.
#CosmiclegacyScreenshots#Gen 2#Mercedes Celeste#Mercury Generation#Sims 3 Legacy#Generation 2: Mercury#Celeste Family#Sims 3 gameplay#Simblr#GeminiPixels
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES︰ abner. abram. adam. adrian. alex. alistair. andreas. ariel. arlen. arley. arlo. ash. atlas. auden. august. austin. avery. bailey. baron. barrett. baylor. beauden. bee. bellamy. bennett. blair. blaise. bowen. brayden. brendan. bronson. bryce. byron. caius. caleb. callahan. callan. calloway. callum. camden. cameron. carlin. carson. casey. cassian. chandler. chase. cody. cole. connolly. corban. corwin. cyrus. dallas. damion. damon. daniel. darius. davis. dawson. daylon. denver. desmond. devin. doran. dorian. drew. elian. elias. ellery. ellison. emery. ethan. evan. ezra. fallen. farren. finley. ford. foster. gabriel. gannon. garner. gavin. gentry. graham. greer. griffin. guthrie. harley. harlow. hartley. hayden. henley. henry. heron. hollis. hunter. ian. irving. isaiah. jace. james. jameson. jared. jeremiah. joel. jonah. joran. jordan. jory. josiah. jovian. jude. julian. juno. justus. kalen. kamden. kay. kayden. keaton. kellan. keller. kelly. kendon. kieran. kit. kylan. landry. lane. lennon. leslie. levi. leyton. liam. linden. lowell. luca. madden. marley. marlow. marshall. martin. mason. mathias. mercer. merritt. micah. miles. miller. milo. morgan. morrie. morrison. nate. nevin. nick. nicky. nico. nicolas. noah. noel. nolan. oren. orion. owen. parker. percy. perrin. peyton. pierce. porter. preston. quincy. quinn. reece. reid. reign. rein. remi. remington. renley. riley. river. robin. rollins. ronan. rory. rowan. russell. ryan. rylan. sam. samuel. sawyer. saylor. seth. shiloh. soren. spencer. stellan. sterling. talon. taylor. thaddeus. thane. theo. toni. tracy. tristan. tyrus. valor. warner. wells. wesley. whitten. william. willis. wylie.
NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES︰ abigaël. abilene. addison. adrian. ainsley. alexis. and. andrea. arden. aria. ashley. aspen. aubrey. autumn. avery. avian. ayla. bailey. beryl. blair. blaire. blake. briar. brooklyn. brooks. bryce. cameron. camille. casey. celeste. channing. charlie. chase. collins. cordelia. courtney. daisy. dakota. dana. darby. darcy. delaney. delilah. devin. dylan. eden. eisley. elia. ellerie. ellery. ellie. elliot. elliott. ellis. ellory. ember. emelin. emerson. emery. evelyn. ezra. fallon. finley. fiore. florence. floris. frances. greer. gwenaël. hadley. harley. harper. haven. hayden. heike. hollis. hunter. ivy. jade. jamie. jocelyn. jordan. jude. juno. kelly. kelsey. kendall. kennedy. koda. kyrie. lacey. lane. leighton. lennon. lennox. lesley. leslie. lilian. lindsay. loden. logan. lou. lyric. madison. mallory. marinell. marley. mckenzie. melody. mercede. meredith. mio. misha. monroe. montana. morgan. nico. nova. oakley. olympia. owen. page. palmer. parker. pat. paulie. perri. petyon. peyton. phoenix. piper. priscilla. quinn. raven. ray. reagan. reece. reese. remi. remy. riley. rio. river. robin. rory. rosario. rowan. ryan. rylie. sacha. sage. sam. sammy. santana. sasha. sawyer. saylor. severin. shannon. shelby. shiloh. skye. skylar. sloane. sol. soleil. sterling. stevie. sutton. swan. swann. sydney. tatum. taylo. taylor. tracey. valentine. vanya. vivendel. vivian. vivien. wren. wynn. yael.
#pupsmail︰names#name pack#name suggestions#name ideas#name list#fem names#feminine names#masc names#masculine names#neutral names#gender neutral names
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Plant names that are used as names or might be nice as names
Abelia (Abby, Bibi, Bel, Bee, Lia)
Achillea (feminine of Achilles; Lea)
Aletris (like Alexis or Beatris; Al, Allie, Tris, Trissy)
Alisma (Al, Allie, Lee, Alis, Lissy)
Alliaria (Al, Allie, Lia, Lee, Ria)
Amaranthus (actual name already; Amy, Mara, Anne, Annie)
Ambrosia (actual name already; Amy, Rosie)
Ammophila (Amy, Phil)
Andromeda (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Andy, Mimi)
Angelica (actual name already; Angie)
Anise (Anne, Annie)
Anthea (actual name already; Anne, Annie, Thea)
Apple (actual name already)
Aquilegia (Gigi)
Aralia (Lee, Lia)
Argemone (Gem, Gemmy, Monnie)
Argentina (Gen, Genny, Tina)
Arisaema (Aris)
Aronia (Ro, Nia)
Artemisia (actual name already; Art, Arty, Mimi, Missy)
Ash/Ashley (actual name already)
Aster (like Esther)
Barley (like Bartley)
Betula (Bett, Bettie, Tula)
Bluet (Blue, Bett, Bettie)
Blossom (actual name already)
Calla (Cal, Al, Allie)
Callirhoe (Cal, Al, Allie, Ro)
Caltha (Cal, Al, Allie)
Calystegia (Cal, Al, Aly, Gia)
Carya (actual name already)
Celastrus (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Celosia (like Celeste; Cece, Cela)
Chelone (Lonnie)
Cherry (actual name already)
Clarkia (Clark, Kia, Kiki)
Claytonia (Clay, Toni)
Clematis (Clem)
Cleome (Cleo, Clem, Mimi)
Clintonia (Clint, Lin, Toni)
Clover (Clo)
Comandra (like Cassandra; Anne, Annie, Andy, Maddie, Mandy)
Commelina (Mel, Lina, Melly, Lin, Lee)
Dahlia (like Delia or Thalia)
Daisy (actual name already)
Dale (actual name already)
Dalea (like Delia or Thalia)
Daphne (actual name already)
Datura (Dottie, Tura)
Della (actual name already)
Dianthus (Dia, Dianne, Anne, Annie)
Drosera (Dro, Ro, Sera)
Erigenia (Eri, Gigi, Gen, Genny, Genie, Genia, Nia)
Evadne (actual name already; Eve, Evie, Eva)
Fern (actual name already)
Filipendula (Fil, Filly, Flippa, Penn, Penny)
Flower/Fleure/Flora/etc. (actual names already)
Forest (actual name already)
Gale (actual name already)
Ginger (actual name already)
Grindelia (Dede, Delia, Lia)
Halesia (Hal, Hally, Al, Allie)
Hazel (actual name already)
Heather (actual name already)
Holly (actual name already)
Hydrangea (Hydie, Angie, Gigi)
Iris (actual name already)
Isotria (Izzy, Tria)
Juniper (actual name already; June, Junie)
Laurel (actual name already)
Lavender (actual name already; Lav, Vendy)
Leafie (actual name already)
Liatris (like Beatris; Li, Lia, Tris, Trissy)
Lilac (like Lilah)
Lily (actual name already)
Linaria (Lin, Linny)
Lindera (Lin, Linny, Lindy)
Linnaea (Lin, Linny)
Lobelia (Lo, Lola, Bel, Lia)
Lonicera (Lon, Lonnie, Cera)
Lotus (actual name already; Lottie)
Lunaria (Lulu, Luna)
Magnolia (Maggie, Nola, Lia)
Malia (actual name already)
Maple (like Maybel; May)
Meadow (actual name already)
Melia (actual name already; Mel, Melly)
Melothria (Mel, Melly)
Mentha (actual name already)
Mertensia (like Mercedes)
Mitchella (feminine of Mitchel; Mimi, Mitch, Chella)
Monarda (Monnie, Mona)
Montia (like Monty; Monnie, Monty, Tia)
Myrtle (actual name already)
Myrica (like Erica)
Oakley (actual name already)
Olive/Olivia/etc. (actual name already)
Pansy (actual name already)
Peach (actual name already)
Peltandra (Pel, Tandy, Andy)
Persicaria (Persi, Kari, Carrie, Caria)
Petunia (actual name already)
Phyllis (actual name already)
Pontederia (Ted, Teddie)
Poppy (actual name already)
Praline (Lina)
Primula (Prima)
Prunella (Nel, Nelly, Nella)
Robinia (Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Robin, Nia)
Rose/Rosa/Rosaria/Rhode/etc. (actual names already)
Rosemary (actual name already)
Salvia (like Silvia; Sally, Vivi)
Silvia/Sylvie/Sylvaine/etc. (actual name already; Vivi)
Tansy (actual name already)
Valley (Val, Al, Alley)
Vallisneria (Val, Valli, Al, Alli, Allis, Lissy, Neri)
Veronica (actual name already)
Violet/Viola/etc. (actual name already; Vi, Vivi)
Willow (actual name already; Will, Willie)
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For the OC Thing.
Elodie; ✨, 🍀, 💚
Nori & Iris; 🍎, ✏️, 💀
Raphael & Celeste; 🌺, 💼, 🍕
I just typed random French names on Google and all of the options l liked the most one was Elodie.
Various characters from different fandoms, such as Christine Daae from the Phantom of the Opera, Mercedes from Death and the Maiden and Morticia Addams from the Addams Family. l really came to love Bolok, so l wanted give him some love, hence how Elodie was created.
Gender Identity: Female (She/Her)
Gender Sexuality: Straight Ally (Heterosexual)
Nori and Iris
Both girls have good relationships with their parents, with Nori being Daddy's Girl and Iris being Mommy's Girl.
As of now, l am working on ideas about them.
Nori -- Coulrophobia
Iris -- Acrophobia
Raphael and Celeste
Celeste has a crush on certain boy OC, while Raphael starts to crush on certain girl OC that l am going to show soon. 👀
They open their own gothic themed shop in which they sell gothic stuff called "At Celeste and Raphael".
Celeste -- Spaghetti and Meatballs
Raphael -- Chocolate Chip Cookies
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Hey! We have some alters that are on the search for new names, and some pronouns would be neat too…
One currently goes by Deference and likes neutral leaning names. It identifies as a ball jointed doll that wears lolita, is divine, and has no feelings. It also likes purple.
The other’s source name is Verity, and she prefers feminine leaning names. She really likes anime girls, especially the ones who are bullies. She’s sort of rude and has a bit of a god complex. She also likes silver and pastel blue.
Sorry if this is too vague/wordy!
- 🫧🪸 (I can’t remember our system bloggg I’ll send another ask in a sec)
hellooo! i was very sleep deprived when i wrote most of this, but i think it’s good to post now! sorry for the wait, and i hope this can help them :)
first alter
names: regal(ity), august, valor(ia), leon(a), soleil, devyn(e) (could be read as divine), dayanna, kiani, nadiya, esben, avleyn, siyon/scion, aquila, caelum, cae, callisto, polaris, comet, aether, celeste, eclipse, vega, vesper, zenith, ceres, cygnus, otava, altair, evren, amethyst/amethystos (the greek word!), kovidar, tyrian, indigo, lavender/evander/vander, dolly, ender, dionysus, crocus, vervain, enigma
pronouns: doll/dolls/dollself, div/ine/divineself (alt: div/divs/divineself), vi/violet/violetself, por/porcelain/porcelainself, stitch/stitches/stitchself, dolly/dollys/dollyself, ethe/ethereal/etherealself, ae/aer/aerself, cher/chers/cherself, lo/li/lolitaself, ro/roy/royalself, hea/ven/heavenself
second alter
names: alethea, aleta, vera, verina, dinah, astraea (astra for a nickname), lumina, xena, mana, ema, sterling, skye, skylar, mercedes, angelica, melanie, sasha, laila(h), seraphim, celine, celeste, eliana, celia, silke, vyomini, ambrosia, asteria, alice, azure/azurine, mazarine, lapis, marilee, viridian, lobelia, oceania
pronouns: sil/ver/silverself, ae/aer/aerself, cher/chers/cherself, xe/xir/xirself, shi/hir/hirself, blu/blue/blueself, ser/sera/seraphself, halo/halos/haloself, ae/aen/aenself, aen/gel/aenself (or gelself/aengelself), hea/ven/heavenself, fae/faer/fae(r)self, mir/mirs/mirself, sae/saer/saerself, ce/cer/cerself, ve/ver/verself
#blurry.crow#endos do not interact#actually a system#actually systempunk#survivorsunited#syspunk#did osdd#system stuff#systempunk#system community#did system
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Full Name: Celeste Margaret Morris
Birthdate: October 9th, 1993
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Human
Family: Miriam Morris, née Lawson (Mother), Steven Morris (Father, deceased), Margaret Lawson (Maternal Grandmother, deceased)
Love Interest: Rachel Berry
Friends: Mike Chang, Artie Abrams, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel, Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans, Unique Adams
Likes: Astronomy, acting, everything soft, snack cakes, the color blue, her mother and grandmother, 90s movies, nail polish, energy drinks, vibrant colors
Dislikes: Bullies, action movies, gossip, pretty much any music after 2010, the ocean, heat
Phobias: Spiders
Style: Kinda school girl chic but she mixes it up as well, skirts and blouses with stockings and dress shoes, but will also just dress like an 80s final girl some days, knows how to dress up for fancy functions, always wears rings and necklaces, has a special necklace with her birth stone
Speech: American accent, kind of sultry voice, very sweet speech, 50/50 on cursing
Physical Quirks/Scars: Has a scar on her left shoulder which she acquired when she fell off the roof while stargazing
Personality: Sweet, demure, socially akward, shy, protective, loyal, easily falls in love, bit of a pushover, harmony-seeking
Background: Celeste was born and raised in Lima, Ohio, under the watchful eye of her parents. At seven years old, she loses her father to an accident, which throws her mother into a spiral so bad her grandmother moves into town to look after both of them. Margaret Lawson doted on her granddaughter, teaching her what it is like to be a proper lady and always having her tag along at events. Celeste grows to tolerate it, but she has never liked being the center of attention, often opting to stick to the refreshment table at parties instead of socializing. Celeste has always had her head in the stars, just not in a daydreaming way (mostly, anyways). Then comes the summer before Sophomore year of high school, when her grandmother takes her mom and herself to a fancy resort where she, unfortunately at first, runs into one Rachel Berry. Though quickly, Rachel becomes her only solace in a resort filled mostly with people over the age of thirty. On their last night there, things get hot and heavy, but both of them decide to leave it at that and focus on their respective high school career paths. Celeste immerses herself into the astronomers club once more while also taking on little roles in plays put on by the local youth center and funded by her grandmother. It is there that she ends up being thrust into the role of Frenchy in Grease and falls in love with being on stage. Then Margaret dies. Miriam is sent into another tailspin, which throws Celeste’s entire life off track. There is nothing she can do to help, and school isn’t getting any better with Rachel breathing down her neck about joining the New Directions to buff their numbers. Celeste can’t join them, not when she still has a raging crush on Rachel, who would rather pine after the quarterback who accidentally impregnated his head cheerleader girlfriend. Oh, but it wasn’t actually him, but rather his best friend, which she now knows as well. Now more than anything, Celeste Morris wishes she could fly to the moon and never come back to Earth.
Faceclaim: Maude Apatow
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange
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Thursday edits for angels surrounded by angels Shan'ann Cathryn Rzucek and Bella&Nico and CeCe, Candela Sol Rodriguez, Alyssa Jane West, Emma Nicole Speer, Avielle Richman, Ava Jordan Wood, Leiliana Wright, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Lucy Morgan, Mercedes Losoya, Norah Lee Howard, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Judith Barsi and Heather O'Rourke, Makenna Lee Elrod Seiler, Eliahna Torres, Jackie Cazares, Mary E. Sullivan, Olivia Grace Thompson, Lester Stillwell, Alexis Brianne “Lexi” Stempien, Blake Lee Stafford, Emma Grace Stacks, Kelly Doyle Sparks, Christy Lea Sparks, Kelsey Shelton Smith-Briggs, Michael Daniel Smith, Alexander Tyler “Alex” Smith, Laura Ashley Skinner, James Asa Rudder, Ashley Nicole Romer, Jennifer Jailene Rodriguez, Angel Divine Randall, Miakailah Renee Ramsey-Franklin, JonBenét Ramsey, Kelli Shay Powell, Allyceea Mabel Brynne Ennis, Janet Carol Pierick, Patricia Sue Phillips, Pete Peterson I, Kaitlyn Nikol Pukatsch Parsons, Cheyenne Rose “Chey Chey” Newton, Emanuel Wesley Murray Jr., Maud H. Munn, Doris Denise Milner, Bruce Edward Miller, Ruby Miller, Lucille Miller, Gwenyth Marie McWethy, Natallie Elizabeth McNelly, Minnie E. McKendrick, Bradley Gene McGee, Joanne Ena Lynn, Jessica Marie Lunsford, Brittani Lynn LaFollette, Eva Gladys “Gladys” Kincaid, Elisa Izquierdo, James Alan Ray Hubbard, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Janessa Micheala “Nessie” Horner, Nina Viktoria “Tori” Bashenova Hilt, Angela Dawn Harter, Michelle Heather Guse, Lori Lee Farmer, Anna Katherine Grudziecke, Edith Clare “Edie” Grierson, Aiyana Emily Gauvin, Thomas Edwards Gallagher, Gerald Alfred Gaddy, Annie L Foster, Leah Foster Whitacre, Julie Alliot, Rowan Damia Ford, Kathy Fiscus, Mary Ruth Davis, Ettie E. Davis, Joan Angela D'Alessandro, Tessara Kate “Tessa” Crespi, Samantha Joy “Sammie” Crespi, Nina Craigmiles, Lacy Cheyenne Cook, Eleanor Emily Cook, Edward Parsons Cook, Dakoda James Clapper, Nevaeh Amyah Buchanan, Hayley Renae Reasor Briggs, Noelle Elizabeth Braun, Skylar Mark Brady, Edna Louise Blank, Celeste Elizabeth Berg, Teri Earlene Bender, Katherine Marie “Kathy” Beets, Barbara Ann Barnes, Bessie Barker, Baylee Almon, Marivel Mercedez Alvarez, Jessica Anders, Elli Grace Perez-Speer, Adilynn Holmes Speer, Anniston Noel Speer, Ciara Nicole Floyd, Nelani Ciara Koefer, Jade Nicole Simmons, Elizabeth Ann Byrd, Story Wren Worth, Abigail Elizabeth “Abby” Fedosoff, Kezia Mason, Isabella Sara “Bella” Tennant, Avery Lana Linda Brown, Sadako Sasaki, Sarah McKayla Brooks, Jessica Scatterson,Jessica Marie Bock, Layla Salazar, Emma Catherine Grace Thompson,
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Chapter IX: Playing Pretend could be your End
Characters: Sulane “Sullie” Celeste, Jasner "Jas" Verbane, James Diamond, Kendall Knight, Carlos Garcia, Hortense "Logan" Mitchell, Katie Knight, Mama Knight, Kelly Wainwright, Gustavo Rocque, Merceds, Griffin, Lo-Lo the chimp
Warnings: Cringe, classic btr things, Kelly being unhelpful, Gustavo being Gustavo, Sulane being an icon, Sulane saving the day, more Kelly and Sulane mom and daughter content, Sulane close to fighting Mercedes
Word Count: 5,402
Sulane lays in bed, staring at the ceiling, not in the mood to get up. Someone knocks on the door; she groans. “I don’t want to talk, Janser!” She throws the blanket over her head and closes her eyes.
“It’s not him… It’s someone better.”
The teen throws the sheets off her head and glances over her shoulder. “Kelly?”
The woman smiles before she has to keep her balance as her daughter latches onto her. “Hey,” she rubs her hand against the back of her head. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” she mumbles.
“Sulane,” Kelly lightly pushes her off her. “Clearly something happened, what is it?”
“I,” she rolls her eyes, wiping away her tears. “It’s nothing. I’m not even sure why I’m crying.”
“So, you’re telling me this has nothing to do with what Jasner told me.”
She groans. “I’m going to kill him.”
“No, you’re not.” She grabs her arm before Sulane could walk out of the room.
“I don’t want to talk about my not important teen “drama”. I want to hear about your trip with Gustavo.” The teen sits down on her bed and pats the empty spot beside her.
“I want to hear about what happened.”
“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”
“No. You haven’t cried this hard since your mom and you found out your dad-”
“I don’t want to talk about that.”
“You have to talk about something at some point.”
“I have.”
“No, I- I have. I mean- I do. If I show you this, will you promise not to tell anyone?”
“Of course.”
The blonde raises a brow. “Really?”
“I take offense to that look because I know what you’re referring to but if it’s this important to you, you know I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the relationship we have.”
“Fine.” She walks towards her dresser and reaches behind it, pulling out the box.
“What’s in it?”
She sets the box down in Kelly’s lap. “Open it.”
She carefully lifts the lid open and finds a stack of envelopes. “Are these-”
“She hid every letter sent and the ones I wrote.”
“Where were they?”
“With me because she likes to torture me.”
“Have you been writing them back?”
She shrugs. “Maybe.”
“Are you going to give them back to the guys?”
“I don’t want to think that far ahead.”
“These ones are addressed to your mom.” Kelly sets the letter back inside and closes the box. “How long have you been writing to her?”
“I- it didn’t really start until recently. I just, I wrote the one a few months after… everything but since I started this, I needed to write to her to. It’s weird, I’m actually starting to feel a little better.”
Kelly’s lips tug upwards. “That’s called healing.”
“I don’t buy it.”
The woman sighs. “Do you think you’d be able to come into the studio today?”
“Do I have to?”
“What’s that look for?”
“I think I have feelings for James but then he basically shot me down and I’ve felt... sad since.”
“Oh.” She takes a minute to process this new information. “Do you also like Jasner?”
“He’s really nice.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I like both of them,” she flops backwards and groans.
“You really do have a lot of teen drama in your life now.”
She smacks mom’s arm. “Kelly!”
“I’m sorry. I’m just- I’m shocked this is not what I was expecting when I came back.”
“How do you think I feel?”
“All I can say is, it’s your life and whatever choices you make,” she reaches over to hold Sulane’s hand. “I’ll be here right beside you.”
“Thank you,” the teen whispers.
S01 EP09
“I can't believe we've been here for three months,” Kendall starts.
“Three glorious, fun-filled months,” Carlos adds.
“Three glorious, fun-filled, sun-filled months,” James chimes in.
“Let's all look up and think about them now,” Logan says.
All four stare up and think about a few of their minor adventures.
“Good times,” they say.
“And that was just today,” Carlos happily says.
“Hey, guys. I just stopped by to drop off your tickets,” Kelly informs them, doing her best to keep her composure and not expose anyone.
“Oh, hockey tickets?” Logan asks.
“Concert tickets, hm?” James adds, thinking about who he’d take, wanting to talk to her and make up for the things he said last night.
“Plane tickets. You guys do know that if your demos don't get picked by the record company tomorrow, you're going back to Minnesota.”
- Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh -
The boys run down to the studio so they can beg Gustavo to do something… more so after chasing him to his office.
“Griffin loves all the bands with demos, and there are six of them, but only one gets picked. And the one that everybody is talking about is Vampirah,” Gustavo tells them.
“Ah! Vampire dudes with guitars,” the brainiac whines. “We're toast.”
“Hey, hey, hey, we are not toast. What's the one thing we've learned since we've been in L.A.?”
James points to his shirt. “That black is the new black.”
“If you drink cold milk on a hot day, you die,” Logan adds.
“That every time you leave your house, your toys come alive,” Carlos says with fear evident in his voice.
“That you don't wait for your dreams to happen. You make them happen,” Kendall informs them.
“Now, how does the winning demo get picked?”
“That is a highly classified corporate secret that no one will tell me, and it's killing me!” The producer whines.
“Guys, we want this as badly as you do, but all we know is that the winning band is picked by a top-secret adviser very close to Griffin,” Kelly tells them.
Laughter comes from behind the boys. “Yeah, eww, I just entered this totally ugly office. Hold on, I'm mini barfing.” Mercedes coughs. “I'm here to pick up a CD from Big TimeWhatever.”
“I'm sorry, who are you?” Gustavo shouts at her.
She sets her phone down to answer him. “Mercedes Griffin, as in your boss' daughter.” She lifts the phone again. “I'll call you back, Jess. Livin' large here is about to start groveling.”
“Hey, ha-ha, I am so, so sorry,” Gustavo loses all his cool. “Um, here Hey, um, here is the demo. Um, can I- can I get you a latte or a yacht?”
She stops, staring at the band. “Is this the band? You guys are hot.”
“Oh, and you're the secret someone who's close to Griffin who decides the winning demos,” the helmet lover states.
She has no idea what he’s talking about but she’s not about to disagree because… that sounds like a good idea. She silently hopes that someone doesn’t come around and expose her. “That's right, I make the decisions, and I just decided that,” she points between all four of them and chooses Kendall. “You're my new boyfriend. Let's go.”
“What?” Kendall stares at her confused before she yanks him by the collar of his shirt. “I don't even- I don't even know her. I don't even know her.” He grips the sides of the doorway but that does him no good. “Help, help, help, help.”
“This is not right. How could she pick Kendall over me? I don't want to go back home,” James complains.
“Call her. Call her now,” the producer tells Kelly.
“Already on it.”
“Hurry up, new boyfriend. I heard the Palmwoods' pool scene is fabtastic.”
Kendall walks in behind her, carrying everything Mercedes could have ever wanted to bring with her as he breathes heavily. “Do we really need all this stuff just for you to sit by the pool… Pumpkin?”
“Froopy can only sit on imported dog bedding, and I always bring my own lounge, so I never have to touch other people's butt sweat. No more questions.”
The leader wants to complain but knows he can’t win. He takes two steps before he loses his balance and falls. “Ugh, ugh Ohh-ohh-ohhh.”
The three walk out from behind the big plants in the lobby.
“Hey, big guy, you're doing a great job,” Logan says, trying to boost his buddy’s confidence.
“She's horrible.”
The guys are not helping him in the slightest and then Gustavo and Kelly join in on the fun.
They put a hat on his head saying, “pick Big Time Rush” while adding a boombox playing one of their songs.
They watch as he struggles to walk out to the pool area.
“This is relaxing. Now fan me and make dolphin noises so I feel like I'm in Cabo,” Mercedes orders him.
Sulane stares at herself in the mirror. “You got this. It’s easy. You won’t talk to any of them.” She sighs, “this is going to be harder than I thought.”
She walks out the door because she knows if she doesn’t help them, they won’t stop blowing up her phone and things won’t end well… especially since she knows who really choses the demo winners.
She pulls out her phone when she hears a familiar ringtone. “Stop calling me, Kelly. I’m coming.”
“Hurry up. Logan is making dolphin noises while Kendall has to pretend, he’s in love with her. Oh no.”
“What now?”
“He hesitated in telling her he loves her. Now, she’s upset.”
She walks out to the pool area and finds Mercedes easily moving on as she hops into Carlos’ arms.
The two pass her.
She walks towards the others.
“Why didn’t you stop her?” Gustavo asks.
“Don’t give me that attitude.”
“I’m going to give you more than attitude,” he shouts.
“Yeah, no. I’m not helping you guys. Later.”
Kendall and Logan rush towards her, blocking her way out.
“Wait, wait. Let’s not say things we don’t really mean,” the brainiac says.
“Why do you need my help so bad?”
“You know why.”
“I think you guys are going to do fine without me.”
“You know we won’t be,” Kendall adds. “We don’t ask for your help-”
“One day a week you do… plus the other six.”
“If you would have let me finish, I was going to say a lot. We don’t ask for your help a lot.”
She rolls her eyes, “move. I’ll go and see what’s going on now. Maybe I can talk to her or something.”
They high five one another before moving out of her way.
“Don’t follow me.”
“You got it.”
“We’re following, right?” Gustavo asks.
“Yep,” Kendall adds.
They follow behind her, leaving some distance between them.
“Where’s Jasner?” Kelly asks.
The leader and brainiac glance at one another, silently asking if they’ve seen him.
“I don’t know,” the blond tells her.
“He and Sulane are kind of in a fight, so he’s giving her space and hanging out with Camille,” James chimes in.
The four (yes, even Gustavo, he’s invested) raise a brow at him.
“What? I talk to people.”
“We just didn’t think he was one of the people you talk to,” Logan says.
“Well, I do. Are we going to keep following or not?”
Sulane walks in to see Mercedes take a bite of a cookie and spit it back in Carlos’ face. “These are the worst cookies ever.”
“Ohh, well, I'm not my grandma. I'm a hockey player.”
“Well, maybe that's why these taste like hockey pucks.”
“I wonder if Vampirah makes great cookies,” she holds the demo up. “I guess I'll find out when I pick them and not big-time crud!” She starts throwing cookies at the poor boy.
“Ahh! Stop it. Please, stop. Ow! Ow! Stop!”
The girl pauses, slowly looking over at Sulane. “When did you get here?”
“Why are you treating these guys like absolute-”
The door slams shut and Sulane notices Carlos is gone.
“Seriously, Mercedes. What happened? You never come to town unless your dad makes you.”
“No, I don’t,” she says defensively. “I need to find out why my new boyfriend is taking so long.”
“No,” Sulane grabs her arm, holding her in place. “You need to stop being so rude and stop lying. How do you think they’re going to feel when they find out you’ve been lying to them about being the one who chooses whether they have a career or not? I know I wouldn’t be happy.”
“Yeah, well. It’s a good thing they’re not you,” she says and yanks her arm out of her grasp.
“I’m not going to repeat myself.”
“Neither am I.” She bangs on the bathroom door. “Are you talking behind my back with shower people?”
“No, Apple blossom,” Carlos weakly replies.
She manages to push the boy away from the door so she can open it. “You lied to me.”
The blonde furrows her brows and peaks in, finding everyone there. She shakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“We're finished. My new boyfriend is… Him.” She points to Logan which irks James.
“Him? Do you not see this, huh?”
“Let's go, new boyfriend. We're gonna dye your hair to match my bag.”
The brainiac whines and holds his head, “No.”
“So, you gonna do the right thing?” The producer asks the smart one.
“No,” Kendall steps up. “I am. Hold my loofah.” He stops in front of the teen. “I will need backup.”
“I am so fine with that because if you don’t do something, we’re all losing our jobs with how badly I want to-”
He grabs her clenched fists and lowers them. “No need to get physical but keep the energy up. We’re going to need it.”
“She used to be such a nice girl.”
“From the two times I talked to her, yeah.”
“Hey, you're my old boyfriend. Where's my new boyfriend?”
“He's dumping you.”
“What?” She puts her hand on her hip.
“What?” The bathroom people scream.
“What?” Gustavo adds.
Now’s her time to shine. “I got this, K-Doll.”
Everyone gives her a weird look.
“Now’s not the time to judge me. Okay, Mercedes, don’t play dumb. You know exactly why he’s breaking up with you.”
“Oh, really?”
“Would it kill you to quit this act. It’s not cute, not even a little bit. Carlos, not “new boyfriend” is breaking up with you because you're spoiled, pushy, mean-”
“And he and me and we would all rather go back to Minnesota than spend one more second pretending to be your boyfriend. And, man, it felt good to say that.”
“Well, let me tell you something. There is no way I'm picking your demos now. Big time rush is big-time done.”
Sulane rolls her eyes, “nope. Nope, I can’t do this anymore. I’m telling the-”
Mercedes grabs her and pulls her out of the room. “This is kidnapping.”
“I’m not kidnapping you.”
“Well, I didn’t consent to us having a girl’s day.”
“I don’t want them to see me as the bad guy.”
She sighs, knowing the moody teen is giving her side eye.
“Okay, I get it. I wasn’t the easiest person to deal with, but we can both admit that it would be better if they found out from me.”
The teen shrugs, “I guess.”
“Good, so now we’re going to drop off my dog and then we’ll go back so I can tell them.”
“I knew you were still that good person.”
“Shut up.”
“Never, because once again I was right.”
“What’s going on between you and the pretty one?”
“You know who. You used to carry around a picture with all of you in your bag.”
“There’s- nothing. Why are you even asking?”
“There’s some awkward tension surrounding the two of you but I don’t think anyone else has caught on yet.”
She doesn’t say anything after that.
The band screams when they see who enters their apartment.
“Look, I know we haven't all dated that long, but I just wanted to come back to say.” Mercedes sighs and smacks Sulane’s elbow away when she nudges Griffin’s daughter.
“I'm sorry.”
“Yeah, you should be sorry.” The pretty boy steps forward. “How could you pick them over me?”
“Because I never,” she glances to Sulane, who doesn’t meet James’ eye, “I never date anyone prettier than me.”
He turns around, facing the others, “I'm better now.”
“And the two were right. I'm a rich, spoiled bully who dresses hot and thinks your songs are great.”
“So, you're gonna pick Big Time Rush,” Carlos says.
Gustavo wakes up from his “I’m about to lose all my money” coma and shouts, “We're halfway there!”
“Yeah! Yeah, I don't choose the winning band.”
“What?” They shout.
“You're not the top-secret music adviser?” Kendall asks.
“See, my dad asked me to pick up the demos because it was on my way, but I let you believe I choose the winning band because you're cute, and,” she begins sobbing, “I love manipulating people.”
Sulane glances at her from the corner of her eye and takes a step to the left. Now she remembers why she and Mercedes aren’t as close. The girl is crazy.
“Oh, there, there, Mercedes,” the producer takes a step forward to console the girl. “The boys forgive you. Now… How do the demos get picked?”
“Well, first daddy looks at the demos to make sure that the covers are shiny. From there, the guy with white gloves takes them to an unmarked door at the end of a corridor. White gloves confirmed. Finally, he places them on the desk of daddy's top-secret music expert Lo-Lo, the million-dollar hit-predicting super chimp.”
No one was expecting that to be the answer.
“A monkey picks the demos?”
“No, a chimp, and if he claps, you're in, but if he makes a fart noise, you're out. And sometimes I think daddy loves Lo-Lo more than me.” She stands there sobbing again, this time Kendall takes a step forward to console her.
“There, there, Mercedes. It's okay. Don't cry.”
“Have you ever thought about going to therapy?” Sulane chimes in. “I think it might be beneficial for you.”
“That’s a good idea,” the leader adds. “Now, do you have a security card to your dad's building?”
“Oh, please. What are you guys gonna do? Chimpnap Lo-Lo and train him to love Big Time Rush?” Kelly asks.
The boys glance at one another, unsure if they should ask for some… assistance or not.
“No.” Logan and Carlos grab her before they to the nearest corner to convince her.
“If we don’t do this we’ll be out of here,” Kendall starts.
“Yeah, and I won’t get to be famous.”
Logan sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You’re not helping us right now,” Carlos tells him.
“What are we doing here then?”
The leader steps in front of the two, “ignore them because we really need, your help. There’s no one else who could get us into the building and get us past any kind of security guards like you can.”
“Yeah,” the brainiac chimes in. “We really don’t want to ask Mercedes for help.”
Sulane doesn’t respond for two minutes, scaring the guys to no end. She sighs, “Fine. God, you guys need to stop teaming up and doing this to me.”
Kendall and Logan fist bump.
“No,” she walks past the two, stepping in between them, breaking them apart.
Kelly raises a brow.
They stare at the chimp humping around on top of a table in the studio.
“I was kidding.”
“But the plan worked perfectly,” Logan tells her.
Everyone’s voices overlap with one another as Kelly glances at her daughter.
“I only got them in and out.” Sulane raises her arms. “I didn’t actually do any of the kidnapping.”
The leader lowers the binoculars (he’s way to happy to have) as he looks over at the teen. “Way to band together.”
She narrows her eyes at him. “I did not agree to those terms and conditions.”
The older woman grabs her and pulls her into the recording area.
“Why am I in here?”
“You done more than enough to help them. I think they can manage without you for five minutes.”
The teen raises a brow at her words.
“Okay, fine. I heard what I said out loud and now I’m realizing it. Two minutes and if something comes close to catching on fire, I’m sending you in.”
She gets a thumbs up in return. “Can we at least listen?”
Kelly doesn’t have time to respond before Gustavo pushes the mic button.
“Now, according to Pavlov, animals can be trained to associate positive feelings with certain stimuli,” Logan explains. “Such as sight, smells, and-”
“Big time rush demos.” Kendall gestures to their demo.
“Exactly. We're gonna train Lo-Lo to pick the Big Time Rush demos through the positive reinforcement of…” Carlos hands the brainiac a handful of- “Bananas.”
Gustavo snaps at Kelly and points to the door.
She nods and grabs the blonde to move her in front of the door. “You need to go in now.”
“I don’t smell smoke,” she tries to stop her feet from moving but is unsuccessful. “There’s no fire. You can’t make me.”
“Too late.”
The door clicks shut.
She stares at her mom with thinned lips and brows pinched together.
“Lo-Lo Tasty bananas.”
She leans back against the door, listening to the song playing. “Kelly, I’m scared.”
“You’re doing great. Stay close to the door in case anything happens.”
“This is not in those parenting 101 books.”
Big time rush Make it count, play it straight don't look back, don't hesitate-
“More bananas,” Logan tells them.
when you go big time More Big Time Rush. Any kind of guy you want, girl that's the kind I'll be-
“He's clapping. It's working,” Kelly says, shocked to see their plan actually working.
“Halfway there, and here we come,” Gustavo adds.
The boys hold a bundle of bananas in each of their arms.
“Where did they even get those?” Sulane asks herself.
“Even more bananas,” Logan shouts over the music.
“Even more Big Time Rush,” Kendall gestures to the producer.
Studded supermodel magazine You can do it.
“He's picked up the bananas. Is that a good sign?” Gustavo turns to Mercedes.
Lolo throws a banana, the boys barely moved away in time before they could be maimed by the fruit.
“Let me in, let me in,” the teen rattles the door handle, trying to get back in. “Kelly, please!”
Those safe in the booth scream.
The boys notice that the chimp is aiming at them once again and put their hands out in front of them. “No. No. No.”
They back closer and closer to the window before sliding down. “Ow! No! No! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!”
Lolo jumps down from the chair and runs towards Sulane, who screams.
The chimp stops in front of her and stares at the teen for a few seconds before running out of the room.
“Well, he either really loved that song or really hated it,” Mercedes points out.
The producer screams.
The boys pull the banana peels off them, grimacing as they do so while Kelly eats a banana.
“I know this is a bad time, but I honestly think I just made friends with a chimp.”
Mercedes squints her eyes, not understanding why she’d bring it up.
“Don’t give me that look, you honestly expect me to believe the few seconds of eye contact we made didn’t make a bond?”
“Okay, it was pretty cool how she didn’t attack you,” Carlos adds.
“Thank you.” Sulane sticks her tongue out at the blonde.
The producer goes on about, talking senselessly about unimportant items. “You know, the scooter is the sensible solution for today's high gas prices, pollution, and offers seniors increased mobility, and Ahhhhh!”
She covers her ears and glares at the man, “I get we all have different ways of processing things but really?”
“You know, we are not giving up.” Kendall pushes himself off the couch. “We're almost halfway there, and another thing I've learned since coming to L.A. is that together, we can do anything.” He turns to Sulane.
She nods.
Griffin walks in. “Look who I found hitchhiking on the Hollywood freeway.”
The chimp lets go of the man, running towards the blonde.
She chuckles and holds onto her. “I told you guys.”
Kendall’s shoulders sag. “Yeah, we're done.”
“I am deeply disappointed in all of you, but I'm also curious. What happened? Help me out.”
Everyone glances at one another.
“I made a friend,” Sulane tells him.
“I see that.”
“It's my fault, daddy. I lied to them, and I made them be my boyfriends, and then I ate terrible cookies, and then I cried, and then I helped them chimpnap Lo-Lo, and I love you,” Mercedes confesses.
“Is that true? Because she lies A lot,” Griffin asks.
The teen girl snorts, covering her face when realizes she made the noise too loud. “Not surprising.”
Mercedes gives her a look, placing one hand on her hips.
Everyone is quick to intervene before anything bad could happen.
Gustavo stands up. “It's all of our faults.”
The teen and chimp nod.
The leader pushes himself up. “We really want to stay here in L.A. and make an album.”
The corn dog stands up. “And a tour.”
Followed by the pretty boy. “- And be famous.”
Then the brainiac. “But we may have gone a little too far.”
“Sorry?” Kelly mumbles with a mouthful.
“Those are a lot of sentences containing words, containing letters, and I admire your passion and dedication, but it doesn't change the fact that Lo-Lo picks which demos win.” Griffin snaps his fingers so his assistant can grab Lo-Lo.
“What? No, we were bonding.”
“And we need him to make an important decision.”
Sulane groans, “fine.”
“So, what do you say, Lo-Lo? Do you like Big Time Rush?”
“Oooh, the fart noise. Sorry, boys, Vampirah wins.”
“What? Lo-Lo, come on.”
“Lo-Lo's wrong, daddy. The vampire fad has one, two years left, max. These guys' songs have infectious melodies, classic pop hooks, And Big Time Rush will crush the which is your core music-buying base.”
“Yeah, and,” Sulane adds. “If they ever decide to take a break, disband, and/ or reunite in let’s say in less than ten years. You know they’re going to be big. I mean, they’re going to have fans who have been listening for years coming out of the woodworks. Young girls who will be grown adults at the time, coming back for, yeah you guessed it. Big time rush. They’re your best investment.”
“Wow. Lo-Lo, I'm transferring you to missile defense. Mercedes, you're my new hit-predicting adviser, and this way, we'll get to spend more time together. Big time rush wins!”
Everyone starts screaming in celebration.
“Anything else for my princess?” He daughter glances over at the teen girl, glancing over at the brainiac.
She shakes her head. “Well, I never really got a chance to date Logan.”
“Logan, you're Mercedes' new boyfriend.” She pats his shoulder. “I wish you the best.”
“Ah-ah! No, please,” he pleads, hiding behind James and Sulane.
“Oh, Mercedes! Wait!” She briskly walks toward the father and daughter duo, “I have another guy you can go out with! If you don’t want Wally, that is. His name is a little odd, but you would get along. He knows the best cupcakes place! I mean, they’re gonna be better than the cookies you had earlier, you know.”
Carlos whines.
She waves her hand behind her, needing him to shut up.
Griffin smiles, “now get to work. We need some new songs for the Big Time Rush album.”
“I've already got one. Move out.”
The boys run behind the producer, “Whoo!”
When the chips are down, back against the wall
got no more to give, 'cause we gave it all
seems like going the distance is unrealistic, but we're too far from the start
so we take what comes and we keep on going leaning on each other's shoulders
then we turn around and see we've come so far somehow
The teens jaw drops. “Oh my god.”
Mercedes shakes the girls shoulders. “Oh my god.”
“This is- Gustavo?”
“That’s right.”
“Oh my god.” She starts jumping in excitement.
Mercedes and Kelly jump with her, hugging her.
“Does anyone have a camera?”
“What?” Her mom asks.
“I can get some good shots for a future video, does anyone have a camera or not?” She runs into the studio.
Jasner pops out from the vents. “What’d I miss?”
“Jasner, I found you a girlfriend.”
“Really? Who?”
“The blonde who’s trying to eat your face.”
Logan glances at the other three.
Carlos gives him a thumbs up.
We're halfway there, we're looking good now, and nothing's gonna get in the way
we're halfway there and looking back now, I never thought that I'd ever say
we're halfway there
If we never flew we would never fall
if the world was ours, we would have it all
but the life we live isn't so simplistic, you just don't get what you want
So we take what comes and we keep on going leaning on each other's shoulders, then we turn around
and see we've come so far somehow
We're halfway there, we're looking good now, and nothing's gonna get in the way
we're halfway there and looking back now, I never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there
Logan and Kendall grab her and pull her into their video while James sets up the camera.
Oh, we're halfway there. Halfway there. We're halfway there. Oh, we're halfway there. Yeah, we're halfway there.
“I like it,” Griffin says.
“Of course, you do.” The teen tosses her hair over her shoulder, “I did it.”
“I don’t think so.”
“It was a team effort Gustavo, grow up.”
Kelly interrupts Mama Knights and Katie’s conversation with Bitters.
“I need to renew the lease for 2-j.”
“We're gonna make a full album,” Carlos tells her.
“And probably a concert tour,” Logan adds.
“And be famous,” James says.
The Knight mother smiles and slams the plunger onto the desk. “I quit, and I gave boater Bob the rest of the day off.”
“What room?”
“3-b, and it's bad.”
“Well, I guess we're not going home.”
“Actually, mom, I think we are home,” Kendall says, placing a hand on Logan’s shoulder.
“Race you to the pool,” Katie interrupts the sentimental moment.
“Oh, yeah, right.” The boys ran out.
Carlos calls out for her. “C’mon, you’re gonna miss out on the fun.”
“I’ll be out there in a second.” She turns to the adults. “I miss Lo-Lo.”
“You barely knew her.”
“What we had was real,” she tells her mom.
Kelly shakes her head to Mama Knight, “don’t ask.”
“Oh, Jasner’s having fun on his date.”
The two lean over her shoulders, reading his texts.
“He sent nine one one,” the other mom points out.
She shrugs, “he’s fine. I’ll tell him to get a cupcake.”
She walks out where the boys and Katie are hanging out and take the empty chair beside Logan. “How’s our guy?”
“I’m pretty sure he regrets coming into the room when he did.”
He nods. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For helping me out. I mean- I know I haven’t been nice-”
She raises a hand to stop him. “You haven’t been nice?”
“Poor phrase, hang on.” He thinks for a second before having an “ah-ha” moment. “We’ve butt heads more often than I’d care to admit and I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, just- let me do this please.”
“But I am happy to say that life has been more fun with you in it.”
She smiles. “I’m happy to be hanging out with you guys again. But I am going to miss that little chimp.”
“You two really made a connection, didn’t you?”
She nods. “Yeah.” She stands up, setting her stuff down reaching into her bag to grab her wallet when she’s pulled backwards and shoved into the pool.
She comes up only to find a semi-upset Jasner. “Hey, J. How was your date?”
“Terrible. So bad. We’re meeting up again tomorrow.”
“Run lines?”
Carlos let’s out an excited shout before cannonballing into the pool.
The others join in on the fun.
The raspberry lover feels bad and offers his hand to pull her out only to be tricked and pulled in. “I deserve that.”
Previously: Chapter VIII // Continue: Chapter X
Tag list
#big time rush#big time rush boys#big time rush fanfic#big time rush fanfiction#big time rush imagines#big time rush imagine#james diamond#james diamond fanfiction#james diamond fanfic#james diamond x sulane celeste#james diamond x ofc#james diamond x oc
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🔁 gimme the list hand it over
putting it below the cut bc it's a lot! (this also isn't an exclusive list just the ideas that I've had so far!)
Ace Hearts
Gloria Gothel
Hannah Westergaard
Princess Isabelle
Lovetta Garou
Lucette LeFou
Rosabelle Legume
Doctor Who
Malcolm McAllister
Charles Pond
Lottie Tyler
Gilmore Girls
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Dani Gilmore (Danes)
Lili Gilmore
Thomas Mayfair
Allie St James
Brady Mariano
Charlotte Howard-Danes
Eleanor Doose
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Jane Forester
Willow Dell (& the squad)
Ashton Daniels
Abbie Hudson
Betty Fabray
Cece & Colton Cartwright
Demi July
Dolly & Barbie Corcoran
Hillary Holliday
Jeremy St James
Jo Berry
Joy Schuester
Roxie Flores
Zeke Beiste
Claude Emerson just bc JATP
Lili Anderson
(tbh I feel like there’s more he’d vibe with but the majority of mine are s3 grads or s4 seniors so I’m not sure what the vibes would be)
Gossip Girl
Andrea Fitzpatrick
Carmela De Leon
Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Kyla Keller
Victoire DeHaan
Catalina Cabrera
Alessandra Vanderbilt
Alia Kelly
Erin Humphrey
Gavin Cohen
Autumn Ambrosia
Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Coco Bates
Haz Torres
Kyla Keller
Valentina Wolfe
Lorenzo Waters
Autumn Ambrosia
Carmela De Leon
Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Coco Bates
Haz Torres
Kyla Keller
McKenzie Menzies
Mercedes Delgado
Paris Rothschild
Valentina Wolfe
Matthew Porter
Autumn Ambrosia
Cecily Vanderbilt
Colette Garrel-Waldorf
Coco Bates
Haz Torres
Kyla Keller (kyla keller kyla keller)
Mercedes Delgado
Valentina Wolfe
Victoire DeHaan
Anastasia Donahue
Jemma Danforth-Evans
Leo Beckett
Nevaeh Wilson
Conrad Brooks
Cullen Strode
Leo Beckett
Megara Monroe
Nevaeh Wilson
Luka Barbero
Cullen Strode
Leo Beckett
Megara Monroe
Nevaeh Wilson
Chloe Brown
Liz Castellan
Summer Sol
Blake Castellan
Elaine & Felicity Castellan
Jem Skeates
Cressida Brantley
Esmerelda Wilde
Elyana Chase
Atticus Bardot
Doria Mary Wallis
Maisie Maiden
Derek Wallis
Ariel Blossom
Doria Mary Wallis
Presley Palmer
Rose Blossom
Rosebud Reynolds
Ricky Skinner
Birdie McDonough
Dottie McDonough
Dottie McDonough
Ricky Skinner
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𝔀𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽... — pov 001

na fatídica reunião de ex-alunos, sabine sentia um misto de emoções. parte dela havia ficado nos anos idos e seria bom recuperar, ter um novo fôlego e frescor para a sua vida.
por outro lado, como sabine justificaria tantas mudanças em tão pouco tempo. o mistério da juventude sempre foi construir a própria personalidade e, sem muita explicação, viu a si própria destruindo tudo o que sempre defendeu por motivos familiares. a família deveria vir em primeiro lugar, não?
não apenas o choque de confrontar a sua essência, rever os colegas foi como se recobrar da realidade. todos estavam diferentes, com problemas e ninguém seria capaz de comprar tantos sorrisos falsos e conversas desconexas como algo bom. se cada um fingisse que não sabia que os outros estavam fingindo, o placar continuava o mesmo.
a volta para o estacionamento não foi tardia, afinal, quem conseguiria permanecer por ali depois do discurso horripilante do reitor? e como o homem seguia à frente da universidade, era um mistério bom de ser investigado; uma pena que suas preocupações eram outras.
os pais haviam alertado, o irmão já tinha sugerido, mas a rogers-sinclair usou o pouco da rebeldia que a restava para recusar o motorista particular da empresa naquela noite. em muitas outras ele havia sido seu fiel escudeiro, fosse para assuntos triviais ou de negócios.
em seu âmago, sabine sabia que aquele momento era apenas seu. encarar os próprios medos sozinha a levariam a outro patamar, confirmariam, inclusive, o seu sucesso constante na área mais importante da sua vida: a carreira.
os saltos já tilintavam do jeito errado no asfalto, deveria ter escolhido outro modelo para passar tanto tempo ali. um pouco afastado dos outros carros, a mercedes esperava por ela como um troféu.
sem se preocupar com os arredores ou se estava segura ali dentro, largou o corpo no banco do motorista sem perder tempo para tirar os sapatos, que foram jogados no único banco que tinha ao seu lado. o arranque do motor logo foi ouvido, sair dali era a sua primeira opção.
ainda tinha muito a absorver, muito a ponderar pelo tanto de conversas que teve, por tantas lembranças de uma sabine que não reconhecia de jeito algum.
o silêncio a seguiu até a garagem da sua cobertura, deixando que o carro falasse com ela e seus pensamentos flutuassem no pequeno espaço do conversível. silêncio este que cessou por um estranho bug no sistema elétrico, que fez o rádio disparar com uma música que certamente não fazia parte do seu repertório.
desligou o celular e pegou os próprios pertences, se deparando com algo que não era dela ali: um livro.
o primeiro instinto foi pegar o próprio smartphone e discar para a primeira pessoa que lhe veio a mente. celeste. ela entenderia o medo de sabine de ter seu espaço invadido em plena UCLA, talvez soubesse algo sobre pegadinhas dentro do reencontro?
folhear o item também não havia sido uma boa ideia, quem era gilbert kingsley e por qual motivo idiota a faria voltar para o hendrick hall? nem mesmo o olympic, seu dormitório, ela queria visitar.
desistiu de contatar a ex-namorada, não precisava que aquilo parecesse um precedente para se reconectarem depois de anos separadas. mas não deixou o celular de lado, logo procurando pelos detalhes da segurança do edifício e deixando um aviso de que queria rondas mais recorrentes por ali.
como se algo os repelisse, largou o livro no banco do carona e preferiu lidar com as consequências do reencontro no dia seguinte. a sabine de um futuro próximo poderia se esforçar para se reconectar com os colegas e descobrir de onde o livro veio. a sabine do presente, no entanto, só queria um banho quente e duas doses de melatonina para recobrar os sentidos.
o dia seguinte lhe aguardava, afinal, escolher viver naquela data de 2024 já tinha a desgastado demais.
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Was tagged by @toadifylackoffantasy to do this cute meet my couple weeks ago but life happened. So decided to do it with my favorite legacy couple☺️
This is my take on their relationship and headcanons from my head. My sims ages are rough estimates due to my semi-unrealistic life span, but oh well. Besides that everything aligns with their actions, personality and screenshots I shared on tumblr and discord ocassionally (I keep it semi-PG on tumblr👀).
Also realized I have no solo pictures of Omar, oops. But he's a family man so in most my screenshots he's with one of the boys or his wife.
Also if the quality sucks, I tried my best with Canva pro😭. But opening it in a different tab may help with reading.
#Still waiting for my Omar#CosmiclegacyScreenshots#Gen 2#Mercedes Celeste#Mercury Generation#Generation 2: Mercury#Celeste Family#Sims 3 Legacy#Sims 3 gameplay#Simblr#GeminiPixels
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Ships Updated!!!!
Here are the ships for my fanfic Mami's Breakthrough. You'll meet the main character in the ship list so be prepared. I'll use the wrestler's real name. You'll see repeated names so don't get spooked. Let's get into it.
Demi (Rhea) & Gretchen (Eliora)
Stephanie (Stephanie) & Paul (Hunter)
Jonathan (Jimmy) & Trinity ( Naomi)
Fergal (Finn) & Masami (Iyo)
Dominik (Dominik) & Gionna (Liv)
Luis (Damian) & Elizabeth (Beth)
Bianca (Bianca) & Carlisle (Luigi)
Joseph (Erick) & Victoria (Lilou)
Rebecca (Becky) & Ulysses (Ron)
Natalya (Natalya) & Jeremy (Elijah)
Maryse (Maryse) & Richard (Jules/m)
Cheree (Dakota) & James (Jackson)
Theresa (Zoey) & Leon (Brett)
Brianna (Cora) & Dexter (Mustafa)
Logan (Logan) & Donna (Stephanie)
Randall (Randy) & Conner (Brian)
Keith (Keith) & Lucas “Luke” (Mick)
Sydney (Maxxine) & Jessica (Gilda)
Brittany (Britt) & Carmen (Lola)
Milena (Rosa) & Taylor (Lilou)
Ashley (Shotzi) & Gisele (Rhonda)
Allyssa (Kayden) & Spencer (Gabriel)
Aoife (Lyra) & Dominic “Dom” (Roddy)
William (Christian) & Emilio (Kevin)
Trevor (Ricochet) & Rosalie (Anastasia)
Macey (Lacey) & Sebastian (Grayson)
Sarah (Valhalla) & Jasper (Riley/ m)
Elizabeth (Scarlett) & Luke (Vince)
Stephanie (Mia) & Enrique (Dash)
Ron (R-Truth) & Angela (Asahi)
Shayna (Shayna) & Kate (Mia)
Simone (Ava/Ava Raine) & Sammy (Itsuki)
Layla (Layla) & Dion (Gabriel)
Catherine (Cathy) & Titus (Aiden)
Michael (Shawn) & Mick (Nathan)
Kira (Taya) & Suki (Hawk)
Victoria (Raquel) & Velvet (Asahi)
Mark (The Undertaker) & Clarissa (Paige)
Taylor (Jacy) & Theodora (Lilou)
Windham (Bray) & Austin (Tyler)
Priscilla (Gigi) & Elizabeth (Kanna)
Patricia (Trish) & Eric (Terry)
Eduardo (Eddie) & Renesmée (Riley/ f)
Jeffrey (Jeff) & Edward (Ted)
Kiera (Kiera) & D.J. (Mustafa)
Mercedes (Sasha) & Quil (Jackson)
Steffanie (Tegan) & June (Gayle)
Serena (Serena) & Embry (Luigi)
Ettore (Big E) & Ashley (Emma)
Adam (Edge) & Royal (Roddy)
Amy (Lita) & Charles (Lucas)
Samantha (Samantha) & Becca (Nastya)
Živilė (Aksana) & Jonathan (Logan)
Kristen (Kris) & Gisell (Becky)
Dwayne (The Rock) & Jasmyne (Olivia)
Daria (Sonya) & Lauren (Olga)
Brodie (Luke) & Rob (Rio)
Kevin (Kevin Nash) & Samuel (Wally)
Bryan (Daniel) & Flynn (Mickie)
Catherine (Lana) & Tara (Gilda)
Jake (Jake) & Vixen (Mario)
Amanda (Mandy) & Beth (Christy)
Joseph (Solo) & Eleazar (Chris)
Kenneth (Montez) & Sam (Mantaro)
Celeste (Kaitlyn) & Matthew “Matt) (Jimbo)
Sarona (Tamina) & Luna (Kanna)
JoJo (JoJo) & Arianne (Falcon)
Kacy (Katana) & Paul (Brett)
Nicola (Nikki Cross) & Bronson (Kaito)
Adam (Braun) & Garrett (Gabriel)
Phillip (CM) & Sean (Mickie)
Rena (Sable) & Roman (Grayson)
Anriel (Lash) & Colleen (Dahlia)
Allen (AJ Styles) & Leah (Lilou)
Renee (Renee) & Jason (Ron)
Angela (Zayda) & Tanya (Olivia)
Kia (Kharma) & Lee (Mick)
Kaori (Kairi) & Theo (Brett)
Todd (Ivar) & Riley (Jules/ m)
Danielle (Willow) & Jane (Riley/ f)
Stephen (Sheamus) & Tara (Ember)
Ashley (Dana) & Sue (Emma)
Jazmin (Mercedes) & Bridget (Alexa)
Melina (Melina) & Han (Mustafa)
Franklin (Bobby) & Bree (Lola)
Faith (Nikkita) & Archie (Haruto)
Ronda (Ronda) & Makenna (Kanna)
Pamela (Bayley) & Samantha (Emma)
Gail (Gail) & Vyolette (Kanna)
Colby (Seth) & Leann (Donna)
Skye (Skye) & Alice (Katya)
Karen (Wendy) & Mariana (Nastya)
Steve (‘Stone Cold’ Steve) & David (Alexander)
KiLynn (KiLynn) & Kirk (Logan)
Austin (Xavier) & Elle (Gilda)
Alexis (Alexa) & Jakob (Lucas)
Adrienne (Athena/Ember) & Esme (Riley/ f)
Matthew (Matt Hardy) & Earnest (Mario)
Stephanie (Nikki Bella) & Bella (Anastasia)
Thea (Zelina Vega) & Deckard “Deck” (Terry)
Glenn (Kane) & Priya (Olga)
Mary (Maria) & Mae (Anastasia)
Jillian (Jillian) & Aro (Shane)
Michelle (Michelle) & Nicole (Katya)
Lisa (Victoria) & McKayla (Nia)
Mickie (Mickie) & Kate (Stephanie)
Lilián (Lilian) & Esmeralda (Candice)
Leva (Leva) & Clara (Itsuki)
Toni (Toni) & Nicholas (Jimbo)
Gary (Angelo) & Murray (Mario)
Shinsuke (Shinsuke) & Jennifer (Olivia)
Saraya (Paige) & Lauren (Ember)
Karlee (Maxine) & Ashely (Jules/ f)
Cody (Cody) & Jacob (Jack)
Shelly (Ariel) & Aaron “Hotch” (Louis)
Tom (Aleister) & Emily (Sasha)
Carla (Roxanne) & Alec (Ron)
April (AJ Lee) & Sam (Roddy)
Victoria (Alicia) & Marissa (Chyna)
Danielle (Summer) & Kendall (Jack)
Matthew (Matt Riddle) & Tarrence (Nathan)
Jessica (Billie) & Whitney (Beth)
Stacy (Stacy) & Allen (Alexander)
Joan (Chyna) & Sasha (Hawk)
Jonathan (Dean) & Ophelia (Amelia)
Natalie (Eva) & Tatum (Reo)
Jade (Jade) & Jennifer “JJ” (Riley/ f)
Joe (Roman) & Marcel (Roddy)
Oscar (Rey) & Xavier (Shane)
Kimberly (Piper) & Annelise (Mia)
Leah (Carmella) & Rebecca (Gilda)
Torrie (Torrie) & Irina (Emma)
Tenille (Emma) & Noel (Nathan)
Dori (Ruby) & Rachel (Gayle)
Eve (Eve) & Ettore (Logan)
John (John Morrison) & Brian (Riley/ m)
Andrew (Drew) & Mary (Candice)
Rami (Sami) & Edythe (Chyna)
Katarina (Katie) & Lance (Luigi)
Cassie (Peyton) & Vera (Lilou)
Kofi (Kofi) & Vallie (Becky)
Laura (Allie) & Annissa (Sasha)
Chelsea (Chelsea) & Jess (Zoe)
Joshua (Jey) & Elyssa (Ruby)
Raymond (Erik) & Russ (Kid)
Ashley (Charlotte) & Leticia “Letty” (Lilou)
Deonna (Deonna) & Logan (Wally)
Kanako (Asuka) & Vince (Mario)
Barbara (Kelly Kelly) & Julyanna (Rhonda)
Lina (Nia) & Eleanor (Stephanie)
Brianna (Brie) & Jared (Ted)
John (John Cena) & Jack (Haruto)
Mike (The Miz) & Henry (Jackson)
Debrah (Alundra/Madusa) & Douglas (Ron)
Claudio (Cesaro) & Laurent (Vince)
Ariane (Cameron) & Stephen (Tyler)
Brandi (Eden) & Erica (Stacie)
Kevin (Kevin Owens/KO) & Derek (Luigi)
Jessika (Jessika) & Jesse (Logan)
Candice (Candice) & Anne (Olga)
John (Johnny Gargano) & Ben (Jimmy)
Debra (Debra) & Jessamine (Jules/ f)
Seth (Riley/ m) & Tyler (Aiden)
Rowena (Donna) & Victor (Kid)
Tej (Elijah) & Sullivan (Mustafa)
Penelope (Becky) & Emily (Stacie)
Evangeline (Olga) & Beth (Stephanie)
Carine (Layla) & Emmett (Wayne)
Alex (Emma) & Jedidiah (Shane)
Gina (Anastasia) & Mia (Nastya)
Presley (Louis) & Edward (Kaito)
Gabriel (Brett) & Cain (Alexa)
Ramsey (Katya) & Katie (Nia)
Rubie (Emma) & Eloise (Katya)
Mike (Louis) & Cherylyn (Becky)
That's the full ship list. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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oc playlist challenge - jj
ty @olya-occult-lover for the tag!! this is supposed to be for a couple, but i am breaking the rules and doing it for jj and jj alone <3 these are a mix of songs that remind me of her, and songs i think she would listen to <33
1. Float On - Modest Mouse
2. Marion - Bon Iver
3. Bad Man - Katy Kirby
4. Ever Again - Robyn
5. Mercedes Benz - Janis Joplin
6. Runaway - Sylvan Esso
7. Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John
8. Off the Rails - Wallice
9. Lately - Celeste
10. You Learn - Alanis Morissette
anyone who sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me!! <33
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Mercury roster (positions)
Kah (2/3)
AT (1/4)
Satou (3/4)
Kalani Brown (5)
Sami Whitcomb (2)
Mack (4/5) (Training camp)
Celeste (1/2) (Training camp)
Sevgi Uzun (1) (Training camp)
Amy Atwell (2) (Training camp)
Cap space left: 310.9k
Roster spots left (with all training camp players signed) 2-3
Imo needs are: a shooter’s shooter, and a good big
Free Agents available
Name Position Last Team
Chennedy Carter G Sky
Brianna Turner F Sky
Aerial Powers Dream
Ezzine Kalu G Dream
Kaela Davis Sky
Isabelle Harrison F Sky
Tiffany MItchell G Sun
Astou Ndour-Fall Sun
Erica Wheeler G Fever
Zia Cooke G Sparks
Crystal Dangerfield G
Grace Berger G Fever
Breanna Stewart F Liberty (core offer made, not yet accepted)
Diana Taurasi G Mercury
Mercedes Russell F Storm
Victoria Vivians Storm
Stehpanie Soares C Wings
Olivia Epoupa Lynx
Charisma Osborne G Mercury
Li Meng
Shey Peddy G
Emma M F
Elena delle donne G/F
Han Xu
#ill tell u who this roster needs#but i’ve given up hope#so i think you sign the first 2 ppl on the fa list#and hope there’s no bad blood#and ffs give dt a job so she can get a fo ring#the other option of course is another trade but with basically zero assets idk how that’s going to happen
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The following characters have reached 7 or more days of inactivity and have until Sunday at 7:30pm EST to resume activity or your role(s) will be re-opened.
no one!
The following players are excused from activity check due to being on hiatus:
J (Rachel Berry, Aaron Michaels); semi - until 6/30
Liz (Sam Evans, Chris Schuester, Ethan Montgomery); semi - until 7/1
A (Anastasia Beiste, Jackson Rose, Mercedes Jones, Gabriel Cohen-Chang, Charlie Rhodes, River Jackson, Brody Weston, Dove Sylvester); full - until 7/5
Laura (Julia Rose, Hadley Berry, Teddy Rhodes, Daria Rutherford, Carter Hudson, Seth Beiste, Tina Cohen-Chang); full - until 7/5
Elle (Lottie Evans, Kurt Hummel, Olivia Weston, Jasmine Baudelaire, Celeste Chang); full - until 7/5
Reminder that photos, music, memes, & muse posts do not count as activity. If you need a hiatus, please fill out the form on the hiatus page and send it in to the main!
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