#Mental Disabilities
yellowyarn · 1 year
i always see sensory avoidant autistic people talking about how their favourite foods are all plain carbs but where are the sensory seeking autistics who live on garlic and spicy foods? the ones who will eat a straight lemon and hate buttered noodles.
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majaurukalo · 22 days
Everytime I hear about a school shooting my mind goes to the disabled students, teachers, and personnel who can’t hide as smoothly as others, whose disability doesn’t allow them to be quiet and still, who can’t run…
I mean, obviously it’s a situation no one should be in but I hope there is something in place to help disabled people during a school shooting.
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Shame on the monarchy.
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
Okay, so one of the reasons you can’t seperate TERF ideology from ableism is because one of the basis’ of their ideology is that bodily autonomy should be restricted from people based on their mental status.
And obviously, we know enough about transness to state it isn’t a mental disorder but I need more people to realize that even if it was a mental disorder, that wouldn’t be a reason to deny trans people community, dignity or resources that have been proven repeatedly and decisively to improve their quality of life. 
Transphobia and ableism, especially when we’re talking about TERF ideology, are so closely bound together you can’t fully separate the two. You want to counter transphobia, you’re going to have to deal with ableism as well and far too many of you are shying away, either because you simply don’t know how to fight ableism or because ableism isn’t actually an issue you care about. Either way, you lose. 
TERFs don’t care about our mental health and never have but we have to fight the ableism in their attacks as well, not just because it’s one of the roots of their ideology but also because ableism is running rampant and needs to be addressed as well. Even ignoring the heavy overlaps between the trans community and disabled community, they’re our comrades and we have to stick up for each other. 
So either stop dodging the issue and speak the hell up or boost the people who are. 
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Posted this "funny meme" 3 years ago today on Facebook.. I'm mad at myself for still thinking of my many slowly progressing illnesses and injuries as jokes back then.
Wish I didn't still consider my physical state back then something I could push through instead of listening to my doctors, my body, and everyone else in my life who could tell my body wasn't going to hold out forever.
My reality today (or even worse) could be yours as well if you're suffering from an ED, exercise addiction, etc. and you don't recover- you will live on in misery like me, or you die will in horrifying pain.
I just spent a hour on the toilet trying to pee and gave up because my back pain was too severe to stay there- but the compression between my spinal discs makes it so I am unable to empty my bladder in under an hour due to nerve damage. Makes it impossible to fall back asleep if I have to pee at night because I become wide awake, and the pain from whatever position I ended up in during the couple hours of sleep I do get doesn't help. Then I have to switch out ice packs, get my 6 pillows rearranged to prop my body *just so* to maybe get enough of a break from the pain so sleep sets in, and get a drink because the 25+ pills I take a day all give me dry mouth- makes the peeing situation even better!
You don't want this, and if you think you're "not sick enough," "don't deserve recovery," etc., you're wrong.
I know pretty much everyone who follows this blog suffers from an eating disorder, exercise addiction, or some other form of self harm- get help, now. Before it's too late.
My inbox is open to all of you- i am not a doctor, therapist, etc., but I will listen to you and tell you what I know from my own experience to see if I can help you choose to seek the proper care you deserve before you end up like me-or worse.
A reminder though: anyone with EDs suffers, so don't make your blog a place that encourages others to suffer, even if you think it's "just for you." Most of my personal thoughts lately have been "trigger warning" city, so I write them out in drafts to feel like I've spilled into the void, then I save it, and never publish it- saves my readers from seeing the unhealthy things that my mind is full of these days when I start to write out a personal post and notice it going real dark.
Private blogs exist too.
We're all suffering, but letting your suffering hurt others is never ok. Do not promote eating disordered or self harm behavior- your actions affect more than just you.
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gray-lilly · 10 months
If you have a disability and feel like you're doing fuck all just remember that there are people out there that don't have a disability and are actually doing fuck all You are so much better then those people !
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Give me more (or any??) disabled couples in media. Now. I need it. Give me couples who have different support needs, couples who are both disabled in completely different ways. Someone who’s nonverbal with an adhder. A blind person with a wheelchair user. An autistic person with someone who’s Deaf. I want disabled characters who lift each other up and trade advice and aides. I want characters who’s disabilities clash SO fucking hard but they love eachother and make it work.
Why is it when physically disabled or neurodivergent characters exist in a relationship, people assume an abled/ neurotypical person has to be apart of that equation??
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themogaidragon · 4 months
I have to ask can people who have GAD use this flag?
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Yes! This flag represents anxiety disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder.
The other anxiety disorders are: social anxiety disorder (SAD), panic disorder (PD), specific phobia (SP), agoraphobia (AG), separation anxiety disorder (SAD), health anxiety/hypochondria (HA) and selective/situational mutism (SM). They often overlap. :) /infodump
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mx-werebat · 5 months
You rag on people who can't properly cook (or can't even cook at all) and I'm going to fucking gouge your eyes out.
Yes, I may be able to grab snacks for myself and simple microwaveable shit but even then I need assistance some of the time and I can barely make shit that actually properly counts as a meal. My disabilities fuck with my ability to properly feed myself and if I run out of food I don't have the ability to hop in a car and get more, or even get something like Instacart because I'm rural as shit and we don't have things like that out here. To put it simply if I don't get help making and obtaining food I will starve. I consider being able to cook a privilege. I don't care if it's considered a basic life skill to most, not everyone can fucking cook.
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floofysmallbob · 3 months
why is it that everyone always frames mental health medication as either this evil thing or as something to “fix” you?
no. absolutely not. mental health medication is a tool, just like wearing glasses, but it can save lives. you can say what you want, say it’s because of other factors, but without medication and therapy, I don’t think I would be alive, and even if I was, I think I would be brain dead from the depression. I’ve gone through periods where I couldn’t even get out of bed because of how bad it was. I at one point had to take a month off of school because my grades were declining because my mental health was going to shit.
a huge part of that was because I was taken off of prozac.
and no, I’m not ‘sick’. I hate the term ‘mentally ill’ so much, because it’s so much different than a sickness. especially when people refer to anyone who takes meds as ‘sick’. it’s one thing if it’s for depression, but for OCD, ADHD, anxiety, that’s not a sickness. that’s not ‘curable’.
medication helps, so so much. it may not work for some people, and you might not find the right prescription first try, and it might not even make you happy, it didn’t for me.
but it takes away some of that hopelessness, of what I call ‘feeling grey’. and if you try to frame medication as this evil, terrible thing, or some way to ‘cure’ people, you’ll only end up hurting more people in the process.
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yellowyarn · 1 year
i love you autistics who don't have special interests
I love you autistics without sensory issues
i love you autistics who are hyposenstive
i love you autistics who are both hypo- and hypersensitive
I love you autistics who hate routine
i love you low empathy autistics
i love you high empathy autistics
I love you autistics with lots of freinds
I love you autistics who are hyper verbal
i love you autistics who make lots of eye contact
i love you autistics who can't mask
i love you autistics who dont know who they aren't behind their mask
i love autistics who are "childish"
i love autistics that have never had a meltdown
i love autistics with catatonia
i love autistics with intellectual disabilities
i love autistics with Anxiety and/or Depression
i love autistics with Psychotic Disorders
i love autistics with Bipolar Disorders
i love autistics with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
i love autistics with truma Disorders
i love autistics with Dissociative Disorders
i love autistics with Eating Disorders
i love autistics with Somatic symptoms Disorders
i love autistics with Sleep Disorders
i love autistics with addictions
i love autistics with Personality Disorders
i loved autistic systems
i love autistics with multiple disabilities
i love autistics that can't work
i love autistics that cant leave their house
I love autistics who can't live alone
i love autistics who use AAC
i love poc autistics
i love people with autism who prefer person first language
i love autistics who use function labels
i love autistics with outdated diagnoses
i love autistics who were/are misdignosied
i love self diagnosed autistics
i love all autistic people
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majaurukalo · 5 months
It’s really fucked up having ableds getting aggressively mad or annoyed when they see a disabled person doing something they think we shouldn’t be doing, like having children or going to places of entertainment that aren’t normally made to be inclusive (i.e. discos, pubs, parties, rave parties, clubs, concerts, stadiums, etc.).
Can you imagine telling any other group of individuals that they shouldn’t have children? Can you imagine another historical period in which it was normal forbidding entire groups of people from having children (or even getting married)?
Also, if your reasoning for not allowing a disabled person in a crowded place because it could be dangerous you are just putting the blame on the disabled person instead of on the discriminative situation and your own bias. Besides, it’s like implying that disabled people can’t take care of themselves and decide where they can and want to go. Do you realise how paternalistic that sounds?
Also, if you’re of the opinion that disabled people shouldn’t belong to runways to represent their community in the modelling industry because you think that only perfect bodies can do that then, grow the fuck up, Jeremy!, the World is changing and so the needs of what we want to see and represent. Perfect bodies don’t exist. Same goes with movies, tv, music, media and all kinds of entertainment. And jobs.
Deal with it, people, I don’t know what else to tell ya.
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hellishboots · 2 years
so when i have uncommon rules for eating food its "weird" and "autistic" and "disordered", but when allistics do it, its "polite" and "good manners"? yeah okay i see how it is
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
This is a reminder for disabled people: you don’t have to love your body. You don’t have to love your mind, you don’t have to love your mobility aids or sensory aids. You don’t have to take pride in being disabled, you don’t even have to be okay with being disabled. 
Just because your disabilities aren’t moral failings doesn’t mean you have to consider them gifts from the universe. You’re allowed to have complicated feelings about them, even if those feelings don’t make sense. It’s okay. 
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froggywritessometims · 9 months
[pt: Pills]
tw, coercion, mental hospital
i had to take two pills every day in the hospital.
one was meant to stop my period, it made it go in forever. i couldn't get to see a doctor for help, i was stuck with cramps and blood the whole 14 days i was there.
the second was an antidepressant. an SSRI, they never told me what it was called. i didn't have depression, they just gave it to me. it made me sick. i haven't felt well since they made me take them.
in the "hold" they got tired of me acting up they told me i had to take a little white pill or they would take all my things. i was so angry with the stupid nurse i threw a juice box at her. she yelled at me for being immature i think, but isn't that a normal response to being coerced into taking a little white pill?
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