#Megatron mention
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artforalytidae · 2 months ago
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Introducing your local Leader of the New Cybertronian Highguard: Talos!
(check the tags for lore!)
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doubledudeski · 2 months ago
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dumb sequel to this post bc their ear thingies are my fav
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textsfromcybertron · 20 days ago
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(618): Why is it that the asexual in our group is the one that gets laid the most often??
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cybertron-after-dark · 4 months ago
Average transformers g1 episode:
Megatron is attempting to black out the entire sky across a hundred mile radius and funnel all the sunlight into one, concentrated solar death ray to target a heavy duty solar panel he's having soundwave and the cassetticons build in order to convert it to energon. Then he plans to hit the autobot base with the death ray just for funsies. Starscream plans to push Megatron directly into the death ray, also just for funsies.
Optimus sends Wheeljack and Spike to deal with it, along with two bots you're pretty sure have not been in this show before this point, but you're kind of past asking how many of these fuckers were on the ark offscreen when it crashed. One of them has the worst fake Canadian accent you have ever heard, and the other's name sounds inexplicably dirty.
Starscream tries to get Megatron to stand in the spot he told Skywarp and Ramjet to direct the death ray, but is interrupted when Rumble asks why Starscream stuck him with extra work (a task Megatron assigned specifically to Starscream). This vexes Megatron. The autobots show up and try to figure out what the point of the blacked out sky is while Starscream attempts to talk his way out of it. Then the death ray goes off two feet away from Megatron, which only pisses him off further.
The Canadian bot yells "AH BINARY-BEAVERS!!" because the death ray caught him off guard and completely gives away the bots' position. Soundwave immediately fires on them. Gratuitous robot violence ensues. Spike is generally useless and tries chucking rocks at Rumble. Megatron is too busy trying to almost-murder Starscream to bother with the autobots and just lets Soundwave handle it.
Probably-an-innuendo-name-bot is luckily a flier and takes the chance to see what's blocking the sun now that their cover's blown anyway. He gets up there and the seekers are sticking tinfoil on the clouds to make the tops reflective. The writers are really just hoping you don't think too hard about it.
Skywarp starts firing on dirty-name and calls him a nerd. Dirty-name takes evasive action. Skywarp runs out of ammo and starts just chucking tin foil at him. Dirty-name calls him dumb and says his processor is made of spare toaster parts. Then he crash lands and canada-bot asks if dirty-name's wings are spare toaster parts as well. Wheeljack yells that they'll all be spare toaster parts if they don't focus on the decepticons. The death ray goes off again and barely misses the autobots. Wheeljack corrects himself to Melted spare toaster parts.
Dirty-name gives Wheeljack the rundown on the tinfoil clouds so he can figure out a way to get rid of them while Canada-bot fights Soundwave and the cassettes in the background. Spike is kind of helping too sort of almost. Those rocks hes chucking sure are damaging. Ravage gets straight up drop kicked. It cuts back to Wheeljack whipping up a good old fashioned Device™️.
Starscream flies up past the tinfoil barrier while Megatron shoots at him. All the holes he's shooting in the blackout barrier are just making more, slightly shittier death rays and the main one is losing concentration. One of them hits Megatron right in the optic and he keels over with an over the top screech. Starscream descends, breaking another hole in the tinfoil to see a golden opportunity.
Wheeljack finishes his Device™️: A grenade that makes tinfoil entirely invisible, thus rendering the whole weapon unusable. The writers are hungover, please do not think about it too hard. Pretty please. Dirty-name doesn't know if he can throw it into one of the holes in the barrier on his own since he can't fly in robot mode and he cant throw in altmode. Spike offers to get on his back and throw it in for him if he can get close enough. And he's just SO good at throwing things. The other two agree he's their best shot, they're so happy spike is around, couldn't do it without him.
Starscream is hovering in the air as he gives his Decepticon Leader Acceptance Speech he's prepared for this very occasion, golden light streaming in from the him-shaped hole in the barrier. Dirty-name and spike zip past him and spike makes the best goddamn throw of his life. Before starscream can properly question the Fucking Audacity of these autobots interrupting him while he's trying to have a moment, the invisible explosion goes off that the animators are just happy they don't have to put that much effort into drawing. Starscream gets knocked out of the air and crashes directly onto Megatron. This vexes Megatron.
Sky's normal again. Don't worry that there's still tinfoil there, don't even fuckin worry about it dude. Spike and Dirty-name touch back down. Round of applause for spike for throwing super good. Wheeljack comments that he's just happy it blew up the way it was supposed to. Cue uncomfortably long laughing. Megatron manages to roll starscream off him and calls for a retreat.
Back at the decepticon base, Megatron has an eyepatch and is skulking. Starscream yaps about how it makes him look like a proper tyrant, brooding and battle scarred, and, dare he say, darkly handsome? This vexes Megatron.
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asinine-nerd · 6 months ago
Chat… WHAT
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starscream-is-my-wife · 1 month ago
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When the Decepticon literacy rate is like, 20 bots, there’s only 2 members in the creative writing club
I wanted Megatron to experience Thundercrackers megastar fanfics lol
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(That isn’t Starscream btw that’s Acid Storm acting)
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ut-girl666 · 4 months ago
Funny/tragic idea for Starscream:
Starscream, has no fucking standards for a partner. And I mean that. His standards are literally:
- 75% chance they won’t drug him
- mildly respect a ‘no’
- don’t physically/consistently verbally abuse him
His standards are so low it’s sad. And that’s not even getting into his fucked up idea of consent.
Megatron is horrified. Someone get this baby a proper consent 101 class, and please pick up some standards when you’re passing by the store.
Because Star’s bar of standards is so low, it’s a tripping hazard in hell, and yet he somehow manages to find the mechs who use it to limbo dance with the devil.
Honestly the other few ‘con’s he’s close to who do have standards are just grateful that he ended up with Soundwave, or around them in general, because he is so vulnerable to just about anyone taking advantage and abusing him.
It takes Starscream an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that his standards are in fact garbage, and that he’s hit the jackpot in partners, being with Soundwave, and in coworkers with Megs, because they have a serious moral code about consent, and will be the first people to throw the book at anyone who dares to violate consent.
It’s funny, but in a dark, tragic way. Because you’d actually think that as a prince, he would have completely unattainable standards, but they’re actually nonexistent.
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mossyscavern · 1 month ago
Transformers G1 skits… except megs is bumblebee’s A+ parent
Choose your parent name: (mom/dad)
Megatron: and we’ll destroy every auto bot in sight!
Decepticons: yeah!!
Megatron: all except the minibots, especially one in particular: bumblebee.
Megatron: any objection and I’ll tear out your spark.
Megatron: and this is when bumblebee took his first steps.
Soundwave: adorable: here’s one where rumble hugged frenzy.
Megatron: aww, they’re so little.
Megatron: prime. We meet yet again.
Optimus: indeed megatron…
Megatron: … so how’s my little warrior? What’s his alt mode?
Optimus: he’s good, he’s a Volkswagen Beetle.
Megatron, proud: excellent.
Bumblebee: so my mom’s/dad’s coming.
Spike: oh! That’s fun. Must made the effort to visit from your planet-.
Bumblebee: actually he’s here on earth.
Spike: … what??
Prowl: who’s gonna tell him?
Ironhide: those decepti-creeps will get what’s coming!
Bumblebee: yeah… sure.
Ironhide: why so hesitant? They’re the bad guys! Especially megatron! Evil tyrant-.
Bumblebee: that’s my mom/dad.
Ironhide: oh-.
Bumblebee: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Gears: ah go dig your diodes and get defunct megatron, I’m not helping you do zilch-.
Megatron: watch your language young man!
Megatron: sorry, force of habit, *cough* starscream-.
Gears, internally before disaster: … what just happened.
Bumblebee: *successfully took down a decepticon*
Megatron shouting: that’s my boy!!
Megatron: You do the same for your sparklings if they’re autobots.
Soundwave: … touché: as the humans say
Bumblebee, taking some intel: hi mom/dad, just stealing this.
Megatron, not looking up: be sure to tell prime I said curse you for throwing you.
Bumblebee: that’s thanks to you turning the auto bots evil, but sure.. love ya mom/dad.
Megatron: love ya too bee. *drinks the energon* … wait whats a mom/dad-?
… I wanted to write silly g1 parental megatron skits.
Just so Y’know, it’s not a big secret that bumblebee is the son of the warlord.
The autobots just keep forgetting the most hardworking and sweetest bot they’ve known and love, is related to a literal tyrant of a warlord.
… I also see Soundwave and megatron just bonding as parents, just saying…
I uh… hope it’s not too much… or too little-
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xarology · 4 months ago
Poetry - Megatron x Reader 18+ MDNI
is there a fic somewhere where reader is a writer and makes megatron poems… maybe they show it to him sometimes and he’s an avid fan of their work? don’t even get me started on erotic poems!!
Megatron sitting at his throne doing whatever the hell he does on there and then suddenly a message on his datapad! from you! It’s not often you send him messages so this change pulls him out of his boredom real quick
Curiosity peaked, he opens up the large file sent to him. The message contains a variety of poems you wrote throughout the last couple months, dated from the oldest to newest.
He has time to read so why not indulge! The poems are varied in subject and length. Some are often short and sweet, usually inspired by your life on the ship and the cultural differences that come with it.
Some are more lengthier. Your thoughts, ideas, and feelings explored, pieced together more eloquently than you’re able to speak them in person. He cherishes these the most, your feelings reserved for only him to see and that idea makes his spark swell
A subject popping up more frequently in dates, he notices. furious poems about certain bots (starscream) that seem to have it out for you! (he’s storing this information in his processor to bring up the next time he sees starscream)
The last and most recent poem almost makes him slam down his datapad as he begins reading. The first couple words consisting of the filthiest thing he’s ever read—directed at him. Entirely for him.
It’s a lengthy poem too, but never does it have a word without a meaning. It’s an artistic masterpiece and if he wasn’t so inclined to keep you all for himself he would’ve posted of it for all to see (no matter how debaucherous).
The area for his interface paneling hurts, his spike pressurized and pressed against the heating metal. His cooling fans working overtime as he ignores the pop up to open his panel. He wants so badly to pump into his servo and relieve the ache now, but he’d much rather rut you instead.
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scribe-of-hael · 5 months ago
The complicated life of Starscream
Tw: mentioned of Abuse/abusive Realtionships
I think whats interesting is the dynamic that Starscream has with Megatron in some ways. Because seems like no matter WHAT Starscream does. Being helpful ,loyal, or being backstabbing and sneaky.
Megatron finds a way to abuse him. That comes back around to the idea of , "No matter what you do, your abuser will never be happy and find new ways to be upset at you."
This is shown pretty well in TFP. Where Starscream trys to break free, be on his own. He struggles, even looses his Tcog in the process but he is a problem to everyone. The switch between his loyalty form s2 to s3 is a bit drastic. He is, very clearly, trying to do what Megatron asks of him and never once trys to go behind his back again.
Yet, even for a simple mistake, he is beaten. Megatron is completely incapable of trusting Starscream fully (reasonable) but Starscream is never going to be able to please Megatron fully either. Megatron doesn't know how eles to communicate with Starscream that isn't violent because that's how he responses, to violence and fear.
Starscream isn't perfect in TFP, he's killed Bots (as he told us repeatedly about Cliff jumper) , but everyone was someone before the war. I always wondered what he was like?
That and the fact Starscream mimics Megatron's abusive behavior in order to try and get respect. He HITS people , somtimes with little reason. He shoves and even belittled those who have actively tried to help him and show him concern (Knockout). Somtimes it works, most times it doesn't. He knows fear and violence works on him, why wouldn't it work in others ?
It's kinda a real thing, a friend who has these problems , basically puffing out their chest and bullying people close to them in order to get a sense of power and control that they normally don't have.
It comes down to Control and Safety.
Alot of times, in IDW Starscream does become a leader of Cybertron but almost always finds a way to sabotage himself. Why? He's traumatized. Conditioned to think he can not be anymore than what he was, what Megatron thought he was and what ppl think he is.
Bumblebee even calls this out, and in a fit of emotion, Starscream says its because he is Alone. No one is there to protect or vouche for him. (Which isn't fully true but that's his reality, how he sees it)
In order to keep himself safe, Starscream has defense mechanisms and coping strategies that are built to protect himself. He lies, he backstabs, he starts shit, he is combative even verbally when he doesn't even need to be. These strategies that were once used to help him, now make life difficult when ppl are trying to be there for him. Pushing people away, trying to give the illusion of control and dominance.
Rounding back to TFP, there was a theory i saw, (I think so, but in pretty sure I'm not the only one who thought of this anyway) that in RID, Starscream puts back in his old armor or parts of his frame from before.
My theory was that Starscream in TFP looks alot like Megatron in terms of color. Why go from a blue, white and red color to grey ? And was the armor even off him in the first place ?
My theory is Megatron purposely stripped him of parts of his own body, to make him both smaller and physically more vulnerable. Being a good representation of an Abuser stripping away who a person is, will all is left is the then vulnerable and under their control.
To add intop of it, in s3, its clear Starscream is loyal. The bot trys to go get Megatron or attack the autobots for killing him. Shockwave has to DRAG him away. In the movie, he STILL flinches at Megatron's movement towards him depsite him saying he "now knows what oppression is". FLYS AWAY & LEAVES HIM BEHIND.
This Starscream still has Decpeticon values, has only ever served Megatron for Millions of years, is still clearly afraid of his abuser and atm purpose to keep going. And he just LEAVES. Leaving Starscream to pick himself of being confused, scared and no idea what to do i'm sure.
Not to mention Megatron never once got anything done to him for all the pain and suffering he ever cause ld. He basically got off scotch free. Which to me, reflects the injustice some ppl feel and get when an abuser just leaves you in the mess THEY made and you get NOTHING from it. No justice, no recompense, no apology. You have to figure out how to BE without them.
Point is that Starscream is a complicated character in media. Different versions to show case this behavior. What i hope to see in the future, what I pray for, is seeing Starscream not only be able to break free of this cycle. But become more than what he thinks he is, what anyone thinks he is.
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textsfromcybertron · 26 days ago
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(732): I didn’t think this needed to be said, but our sexts are an emoji free zone
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finefett · 2 years ago
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murtacalafate · 2 days ago
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Megs and her heat map glowing annoying co-captain
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starscream-is-my-wife · 1 month ago
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A bit ago I was looking through the g1 timeline wiki and I saw that Skyfire and Starscream now had a 5 million year old age gap and I was like oh? That makes their dynamic so much more interesting especially how innocent he was portrayed in fire in the sky, I also wanted to share my hc on why Skyfire never brought up Starscream again
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devestatedutterlydevestated · 3 months ago
hot take that no one asked for but I think starscream should've been allowed to beat d-16's ass. I know why he had to get beat and I think that explaining why he has his iconic voice was pretty cool and it also showcases how willing dee is to resort to violence, but starscream has experience. he's been in the high guard for who knows how long, d-16 just got his t-cog and barely knows how to use it, yeah he figured out how to transform a few scenes earlier, but still. star is a trained fighter. I think it would've been cool if screamer won their battle, forcing dee to kneel to him(probably taunting him or smth), and then they get captured by airachnad. the whole movie plays out as it did in canon, but now, at the end, when dee becomes megatron and takes control of the high guard, screamer follows him and does as he says because there's no possible way he could fight back against megs now. he literally watched this kid that he just beat up tear sentinel, the guy he's been hiding from for fifty cycles, in half like it was nothing and then proceeded to dethrone him in one fell swoop.
and that pisses him off.
he used to be in control of the high guard, he was the top dog, and now he's been replaced by a bot who was a miner not even a few hours ago. idk I just think this would add more layers to his treachery, show why he's scared of meg's but also explain why he's so ready to betray him and seize control of the decepticons.
he's just taking back what was once his.
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legs-like-jelly · 1 month ago
im sorry you mentioned tfa optimus being really embarrassed of his laugh and trying to stifle it and my monkey brain's neurons activated im just.
imagine megatron realizing that optimus is self-conscious of his laughter and he just. pins the other down and gently and lovingly absolutely wrecks him. he's kissing and nibbling at those finials and scribbling little circles over his stomach and sides and ribs and hips and he keeps optimus' hands away from his face so he can't block his laughter. the entire time he's telling optimus that come on, ticklish little Prime, give me your laughter... when optimus keeps trying to shy away and uses his battlemask to hide his face, megatron just hums that this is only stopping when optimus lets himself laugh without any fear. and, even when they reach that point, he smiles and murmurs against one of optimus' audials that he truly loves his Prime's laughter. he's changed his mind, this won't stop until optimus says that he likes his laugh... - 🥝
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and prime is all flustered about it and trying even harder to hide his face bcs now he's not only smiling BUT HIS CHEEKS ARE FLUSHED TOO I THINK IM GONNA DIE.... IM GONNA ADD THIS TO MY PINNED POST,,,...
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