#Medium article
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letsberealgenz · 4 months
“you are much more than you think you are”
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‘What are you?’ ‘To define is to limit.’ — Oscar Wilde
To be honest, it terrifies me the way we are labelling one another with all sort of traits such as introvert, extrovert, ambivert and more to come soon! I mean it is okay to distinguish or even categorize in terms of sociology and et cetera but what’s not okay is when we tend to confine people’s ability based on their personality.
That’s exactly when “judgment” comes into play when someone else tends to have a say on what’s best for you and what’s not just based on your personality traits.
Whether that’s in a career setting, social, relationship or any sort of human interactions, it is evidently happening all over you right now! But I believe it’s time where we need to break this social segregation that’s happening worldwide based on personality types.
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What does this mean to you? Let’s be real! It’s like a clear and loud message being sent out to all kids out there that “Yes, you got to be in the spotlight all the time. You got to be putting yourself out there all the time to attract career opportunities, financial growth and et cetera.”
It’s sickening to think about how we are encouraging the younger generation to be out of their own skin to fit into this favoritism game. You tell me!
Isn’t it funny how the world advocates on “be yourself, just be you” but when it comes to real-life situations, the table turns so quickly? Honestly, as someone whom grew up in this gender equality era, I believe now it’s time to speak more on personality equality.
Despite what’s your personality type, everybody has to be given equal opportunities. Your personality type does not have to be a prime influence for someone else to make life-changing decisions for you.
You are you. You are unique. Even if you’re an introvert, you don’t have to necessarily force yourself to fit into an extrovert traits just to gain something and vice versa for an extrovert. It’s time to change the game and it all begins with you!
“You are much more than you think you are.” — ak
for more, follow my podcast.
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cjoat-boost · 5 months
This is a Medium Friend link, so everyone can read through without interference of a paywall.
I apologize for the multiple tags, but I thought yall would find this article interesting.
@adhd-alien @my-autism-adhd-blog @autisticadvocacy @autist-tips @adhd-asd @neurodivergent-nurse @neurodivergentaf
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GM! Happy Monday! A new Blog is HERE! Learn something about your value, and how you should stop following things that make people love you, and love things that you love yourself.
OTW is a new track. I sat down last night thinking if I should release this one I did a video on or a 2nd one I worked on. I slowly realized the mixing process for the 1st track was not amazing and it's hard to fix it. Nevertheless, I will have a song out This Wednesday! Or maybe 2 if you're lucky. Any new artist! Let's CONNECT!
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plantsngogh · 2 years
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— two souls in one body, cwrotes
[text ID: that way you could save yourself from the annoying vulnerability you go through when the sun fades on the sidewalks that separates the sky from the earth and no light illuminates you even above your head.]
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stevepotterwrites · 1 year
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vithepitdrunk · 2 years
I am not human anymore.
Nor a creature or a monster.
Just a shell of an organic being that
perhaps once existed.
or never existed at all.
Not quite crawled into my cocoon
to become something great.
I am the phase before.
Right between hatching and caterpillar.
People don’t really care for you, and
there isn’t a high chance you’ll make it.
Yet, I’ll consume and consume and
consume whatever I need.
I’ll consume the people I love,
I’ll consume every piece of art,
I’ll consume the entire world
if that’s what it takes to reach that place
That I know I’m desperate for.
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6ruhls · 2 months
❥ a short ramble about the surrender of passions to the pressures and demands of society and the economy — find it now on medium!
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lightofraye · 5 months
Excerpt from article:
I’m a victim of domestic violence myself. No, I’m not wealthy. I’m not famous. I’m not a celebrity. If anything, I think it was easier for me to leave — because I’m not in the public eye, my every movement scrutinized, my every social media post taken apart and dissected for clues.
What about those who are in the public eye? It’s actually harder, if you can believe it. It splits the fans, it might set those in the industry against one another — it might lead to lost jobs, lost income, perhaps permanently.
I mean, my goodness, see what happened with Bill Cosby. OJ Simpson. R. Kelly. Drake. Jared Leto. Ezra Miller. Some might be ‘canceled’ for a time, but then they’re back out. Even those who were canceled still had fierce defenders, claims of “Well, they never hurt me.” As though that made everything all right.
Here’s the thing: abusers are very, very careful to cultivate a public image. They do that to make it harder for their victims — whomever they choose — to be able to find help, to get out, to be believed. That when the charges are brought, the abuser’s good deeds, public image, the victim’s claims fall apart.
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nyxgoddessofcandles · 7 months
May Linden Labs Burn To The Ground
Major content warning for blurred but very visibly-explicit-anyway screenshots within the article. But christ this is damning.
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cjoat-boost · 5 months
This is a Medium Friend link, so everyone can read through without interference of a paywall.
@my-autism-adhd-blog, @autisticadvocacy, & more!
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zack-schuch · 9 months
A Guide to Improving Employee Relationships & Communications | Zack Schuch
Check out my latest post on Medium, where I give advice and guidance on improving relationships in the workplace!
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plantsngogh · 2 years
sobre el toque de las manos
siempre he tenido cierta afinidad por el tacto. a pesar de no recibirlo constantemente, ni siquiera aleatoriamente, me encuentro a mi misma deseando el toque de personas a las que estimo, el agarre de gente a la que puedo decir que quiero, el roce de desconocidos con los que mis ojos conectan por un segundo para no volverse a hallar nunca más, ni por casualidad.
mi anhelo por el tacto me ha llevado a preguntarme cada segundo de mis días qué sucedería si lo tuviera.
qué haría si lo recibiera.
supongo, la mayoría de veces, que terminaría aferrándome a ello insanamente, lamentablemente, deseando con fervor casi doloroso que me dure toda la vida o el tiempo que me tenga que durar, hasta que se me olvide lo afanada que alguna vez estuve por tenerlo todo para mí.
no sabría decir si querer todo el tacto solo para mi es un claro ejemplo de mis carencias, así como tampoco sería capaz de decidir cuántas formas de tacto ansío con el pasar de los días, las sombras de las horas.
a veces solo tengo antojo de una rozadura, en ocasiones codicio una caricia completa, y en la mayoría de momentos solo tengo el anhelo de la intimidad completa que conlleva sostener la mano de alguien, entrelazar sus dedos con los míos, aprenderme la tersura de sus yemas sobando el dorso de mi mano mientras el silencio se encarga de susurrarme que, aquello que siempre he querido, está ardiéndome sin misericordia y dejándome marcas de las que no querría deshacerme por más que me dolieran.
no podría olvidarme de mi mano siendo sostenida por otra, de lo hondo que me calaría el escalofrío provocado por el estremecimiento, del alivio que me traspasaría los huesos al saber qué hay alguien que guarda tanta ternura por mí dentro de sí, hasta el punto de necesitar sostenerme y apretarme para poder sobrellevar la dificultad de sentir. 
sentir así de tanto, así de mucho, insoportablemente, dulcemente, sinceramente.
me estremezco de solo imaginarlo, porque es lo único que puedo hacer: fantasear sobre la intimidad del tacto de las manos, ser consciente de mis carencias y permanecer en la incertidumbre de cuándo será el día en que esa ilusión simplemente deje de serlo.
¿cuándo dejará de serlo?
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my-youngworld88 · 10 months
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artfullyflawed · 11 months
Daniel Johnston is currently my favorite artist and musician, and in an attempt to soft-launch my communication’s career I wrote an article about him and how he “lived his broken dreams.” Everyone should know this man and his story.
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