#Medieval Knights Trio
smoothie03 · 6 months
Medieval Knights Trio Animatic
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bricktoygrapher · 2 years
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Love triangle 💞
Looks like someone is jealous that the princess chose the brave knight over him. He stalks them all the time. 😅
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faintvibes · 2 years
Bakery AU: Electric Boogaloo
drops this
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Explanation under the cut!
Every now and then, as is the circle of life, I inevitably come back and redesign/generally remake my bakery au, so I humbly offer its latest reincarnation.
The general premise is that a bunch of dead nations (incl Prussia, because he doesn't live through the cold war this time round) try a risky experiment that's meant to bring them back to life- and it does! But they get reincarnated as humans, with no memory of their lives as nations. The remaining Nation Energy they have joins them together in their new lives through a telepathic link.
The story mostly centers around Beilschmidt Bakery- a business in Magdeburg that Almaric's (Germania's) parents decided to purchase above other candidates because of the coincidental (or so they thought) name match-up. In reality, this is a business Prussia established in the 1880s that he largely left up to locals to run, but would take Germany to as a young boy as an escape from politics. (Germany has not visited it since Prussia's death- but once he does, he's in for a surprise!)
Almaric and Gilbert work at the bakery full-time, with the plan being that Gilbert will one day inherit it. Kallisto, Navid, and Ixchel (Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, and Thule- an Inuit culture originating in Alaska that spread across Canada for 600 years). Jules and Hazael (Knights Templar and Hospitaller) are Gil's friends from high school, who work part-time at the bakery to help pay for their education to become a music therapist and paramedic respectfully.
**I'm aware, by the way, that Ixchel isn't an Inuit name, but rather a Mayan one! There is a reason for this, both in her nation life and human one!! It's difficult to explain without going into my whole perspective on Indigenous Nations in the Americas- so I'll just say that in her human life, she's named after someone her parents were friends with but lost contact, and this is similar but not the same as the story about her name in her prior life. Hopefully that makes sense :)
Of those not working at the bakery: Romulus (Ancient Rome) is a Roman archaeologist and as a result travels a lot, Lotte (Ancient Gaul) is the Director of the Royal Archives in the Netherlands, and so lives in the Hague, Ephraim (Ancient Judea) works as a history conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin, and Nermin (Ancient Egypt) travels the globe searching for answers on why they're Like That.
As for why Prussia dies: I'm running with the theory that Prussia becomes East Germany in canon- and that he does not in this au, but everyone assumes he does since he doesn't die/fade/whatever immediately upon becoming dissolved. In reality, his survival is due to being used to changing nature (another headcanon of mine, but I'm of the perspective- first of all, that Prussia was originally the Baltic Prussians- that the representative of the Baltic Prussians, rep of the Teutonic Knights, rep of the [independent] Prussia, and rep of the Prussia that's part of Germany all required reps of entirely different natures. Baltic Prussia/Old Prussia was a collection of tribes operating under one culture but never one organisation, meaning the representative would be more like the ancients typically were, residing over a culture but not one specific nation/tribe/organisation of people. Holy orders like the Teutonic Knights organised in small pockets within countries and territories, so being the representative of that is, again, different. And then, of course, being an independent, fully-fledged nation is another form of representative. And being a representative of territory within a nation is different again. So Prussia (the person) is clearly an adaptable little gremlin and hard to kill, even when he probably should have been- long aside over!) which means that even though he no longer represents a territory, people, or culture, he exists anyway because fuck you. Rather, he adapts to being your average everyday human, losing his immortality and boosted healing factor- but this isn't something immediately noticeable. It IS noticeable, however, when he dies and doesn't eventually get back up again. And starts decaying away.
Russia buried the body and never told a soul what happened. The rest of the world continued thinking Gilbert, as East Germany, was just trapped behind the iron curtain. This fell apart with the Berlin Wall, when Russia just would not cough him up. It became quite clear Russia did something- but no one knew what. Even the other Soviet states hadn't a clue, just that he'd disappeared years ago and no one ever saw him again. Most of them thought he probably escaped, though Russia didn't react as though he'd escaped, because it seemed like the most reasonable explanation. Now, it was clear that Russia had done something- and, they believed, still doing something, because it's not like nations die permanently when they still represent something. The reunification of Germany was partly out of the hope that it would put him out of his misery- though the thought that he might be alone and suffering, somehow managing to survive, continues to haunt Germany.
As a funky little bonus, here's the last time I made a reference for this au:
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Left most of the lads as heads this time because I knew that I don't have the energy to do all of them rn.
*Ixchel has the funky little aura thing going on because in this version they all had individual powers, and hers just happened to project outwardly. Mithridates (to memory) is Navid- except the name felt a bit too on the nose, and I didn't realise Ancient Persia had a rep until I came back to the project this time around, so a lot of changes on that front. (Same with Ancient Egypt!)
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I am juuuust sleepy enough to feel artistically ambitious and impulsive
I wanna revisit the Pokemon fan-region and fakemon dex I started in high school and never finished
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isolatedcorner · 6 months
“Knight Zoro x Prince Sanji” “King Zoro x Prince Sanji” Where are my bodyguard Zoro x manservant Sanji fics where they both serve prince/king Luffy 🥺 Them being Luffy’s protectors cum babysitters cum most trusted subordinates who are ride or die for him 🥺 So many medieval political plot opportunities here, just imagine monster trio growing up in the palace together 🥺
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caesarinsalata · 10 months
So, this is gonna be a bit of a read, but I thought of a little AU idea and I kind of wrote a mock Prologue for it???
(yes I drew little doodles for it. End me lol)
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Since it's set back in time when Xerxes was still a bustling empire, I figured Amestris would be in the 15th century of sorts. (Yes I know Amestris wasn't even made yet, but in this Medieval/Xerxes AU it is!)
Cause I looked into it and figured out Xerxes fell around 1480 or so?? So we're going with medieval Amestris.
It starts out with the trio being young (like 6 and 5 years of age) just so you have an idea.
So if y'all wouldn't mind taking a moment to read this little (3000?) Word excerpt I created out of my ass today, that would be awesome! Not promising it's in character or good 🤣👌🏽
TITLE: Achaemenid
Xerxes, a stand alone empire betwixt Xing and Amestris. No one dared challenge or overthrow this stretch of desert as a result of its King. He was ruthless and heartless at times. Yet Communicable and selfless at others. Alongside his majesty stilling the hearts of his enemies, no one particularly wanted such a vast wasteland. Nor could they grasp why an empire rose within the center of it.
The air surrounding Xerxes, upon approaching, was different somehow. No one could place it. All who came to the border of Xerxian territory felt as though something had passed through them or vice versa. The conspicuous distinction in the clearity of the desert sky on the other side of this “border” felt unnerving yet reassuring. At least the air looked sand free the closer the caravan trudged to their destination. The only effective means of travel in the desert was by camel back. Any other means was surely suicide.
“Are thee thirsty?”
The traveling company consisted of four camels, but five riders. Three were knights, bequeathed the honour of smuggling the remaining Rockbell family line from further extinction. They had been labeled traitors in their home country, Amestris. Despite being but a lowly old hag and orphaned child, the Queen wanted blood for crimes they had not committed. Someone on the inside, took action and fabricated the plan to get them to safety before the Queen decreed their sentence.
“Drink, before thy self run dry.”
The knight’s clothed arm held steady in front of Pinako Rockbell. She huffed a thank you, her aggravation more towards the scorching heat than him. After taking a drink herself, she gave the rest to Winry Rockbell, who sat in her lap.
“Drink child.”
Winry took the flask in her tiny hands, touching it to her lips and tilted it back. Finishing with a gasp of air, she felt much better. But a refreshing drink of water did nothing to wash away the fact that her parents were dead and are perceived to be traitors. She knew, without a doubt, that they were most certainly not. She wanted to cry again, but recalled granny telling her to conserve her fluids. This journey had been longer than she anticipated.
Finally coming across life of some kind, the caravan ventured across a bridge stretching over an irrigation system that seemed to go for miles in opposite directions. There were people actively digging the system down below. Hearing hooves shuffle across the stone, a handful of them turned to look up.
Winry ducked her head to escape their gaze, but soon was in awe of their odd features. Each and every one of them had gold hair that varied in shades. But what really caught her attention were the array of amber gold eyes staring her way. They varied in intensity as well, but each was piercing in their own right. She couldn't look away. After staring a moment, the people began to wave an arm in greeting in unison, smiles on their faces. They were oddly friendly to strangers. The people down below disappeared over the hump of the bridge once they crossed it and made it back to land, moreso sand.
The knight's accompanying them steered their herd towards a stable like building meant for housing the camels of travelers for their later departure. Except, they weren't leaving anytime soon, Winry thought. The knight's would leave them behind to burn under the hot sun. Although, now that they were in town, the sun didn't seem that bad anymore, but it still weighed on them.
Given Granny’s and Winry's size, the knights had to help them down off of the towering camels safely. Granny didn't like a grown man touching her, but she figured it would be best not to complain. They did all this for them. She took Winry's hand since she didn't feel safe in a foreign land whatsoever.
“Stay by my side, Winry.”
Winry noded and hid behind her as they walked down the center of the shopping district. A perfect place to attract travelers for money. Everyone they passed seemed to be happy to see them or at least friendly. Some would talk to each other and watch them pass. Granny didn't like being on display like this, she squeezed Winry's hand.
It felt like ages, but they finally walked to the center of the empire and scaled the thousands of stairs it took to get to the throne room. Winry wanted to slap this King or whatever. No one would want to come here and climb a mountain of stairs just for a King.
Once they basked in the vast throne room, the knights turned to Granny.
“Ma’am, the lass need not pay the King audience. Only thee must accompany us.” The knight speaking bowed, but Granny didn't like this idea.
“I'm not leaving her alone. She comes with me.”
“Ma’am…the King wouldn't-”
He was cut off by a tall young man, sporting a blonde beard and hair pulled back in a ponytail. “If I may?”
Pinako looked over and up to glare at whoever else wanted to take Winry from her. “Who are you? I'm not leaving her.”
The man put up his hands in surrender. He didn't take being yelled at very well. “I mean no harm, ma’am. Id like to suggest taking your…..granddaughter for the time being. I have two boys of my own she could distract herself with. I'm sure your conversation with the King will be short and sweet.”
“Like hell you think im-”
“Please please. I promise no harm will come to her. The King doesn't like children in his throne room. She would just upset him. Me on the other hand, I love them. She'll be safe with me.” He gave a pause and looked Pinako in the eyes, putting his hands together in a prayer form. “I promise.”
Pinako didn't care how many times he repeated himself, she didn't like this at all. Leaving her only granddaughter with a random stranger did not sit well with her.
The knight cut in this time. “Make haste, the King doesnt take nicely to waiting.”
“Alright alright. Fine. Get off my back will ya!” Pinako grumbled, turning to Winry. She grabbed both of Winry's hands this time and squeezed. “Winry. I don't want to do this, but you're going to be spending some time with that man there. I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?”
Winry nods. “Okay, Granny.” She looked to the blonde man smiling down at her. He wasn't unnerving or creepy. He looked really sweet and nice. He held his hand out and looked from Winry to Pinako.
“I will take good care of her for you. She'll have fun with my boys, I know it. Come come.”
Winry slowly took his hand and let go of Pinako’s. Neither looking like they wanted to go anywhere. Winry watched Granny go through the big double doors and disappear. She'd be lying if she wasn't worried now.
“Oh where are my manners,” the man smiled down at her while walking her down a corridor. “My name is Von Hohenhiem. What’s-”
Her sudden response gave him pause, but Hohenhiem smiled anyway. “I know this is stressful and scary, but I promise you'll be just fine. There's nothing to fear now. Through here.”
He guided her through an archway, pushing aside fabric in the way to reveal what looked to be a library with an open floor in the center.
“Boys! We have company.”
No response. He smiles nervously down at Winry. Clearing his throat he tried again.
“Edward! Alphonse!”
He was complimented by a grumble and shuffling of books falling over.
“I'm coming! I'm coming! I was just getting to a good part!”
A moment later, a boy appeared from around a bookshelf, not looking happy to be disturbed. He wore robes like his father with red trim. His hair short in the back, but long in the front, most of it covering the sides of his face. He blinked, seeming disturbed by Winry, obviously not expecting someone else. Turning to look back he sighed.
“Come on Al.”
Another boy poked his head out, hiding behind his brother. Much more shy than the first one. He also wore a robe like his brother, but with blue trim.
As they stepped closer to her, Winry got a closer look at their golden features. She could make out more detail compared to the people under the bridge. These two boys sported the most brilliant golden eyes out of all the eyes she's seen on the way in here. She couldn't help but stare.
“Winry. These are my boys. The one with the sour expression is Edward. The one hiding is Alphonse. Now, I have some work to do for the King. Play nice boys. Don't make her cry.” Hohenhiem looks from Al to Ed. “Edward.”
The boy named Edward had obviously taken offense to this.
“Wha- I haven't done anything yet!” Crossing his arms he looks at Winry, but it looks more like a glare.
“Be nice, I'll let you know when your granny is ready for you, Winry dear.”
Winry nods, watching him leave as the fabric falls back in the doorway, she turns back to Ed and Al.
Collectively, they all stare at each other. Winry couldn't help but notice Al still hiding behind his brother.
“Umm….” Winry started, but Ed cut her off.
“Sooo, Winry huh? What do you wanna do then? All we have are books and some toys. Not much though. We're just slaves after all…” Ed huffs, lowering his arms and resting them on his hips.
“Slaves?” Winry looked worried.
“Yeah, slaves.” He tilted it head at her, his golden hair falling in his face a bit. “Don't you have those where you're from?”
“But you all look the same…”
Edward cocked an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with it? Only the alchemists live well here.” He shrugged but put on a proud smile and pointed at himself with his thumb, puffing his chest out. “Soon we'll be skilled alchemists and surpass those losers!”
Al spoke up for the first time from behind Ed, pushing down on his left shoulder. “Brother-” He hissed at him. “Don't say that out loud, they might hear you….”
“Whatever, Al, it won't matter when we're out of here!” Ed absolutely beamed at his brother.
“Al…chemists?” Winry blinked, completely dumbfounded. “What in the world is that?”
Ed and Al turned their heads and looked at her in unison. Almost in sync. “You don't know what Alchemy is?” They even spoke in unison too.
Winry shook her head, her hair swishing in her face.
Ed looked at Al and Al looked at Ed. They smiled and looked back to Winry. They bursted with energy at her and grabbed both her hands, she almost ran out of the room.
“Come on!”
“We’ll show you!”
Yanking her into the room’s center, there was a carpet lain out for play. They let go of her and ran in random directions, searching through books and scrolls. Winry opted to stand on the very edge of the carpet, deciding to keep her distance. Both boys looked like they wanted to show her a new strange rock they found in the forest or something of the like.
Edward emerged first carrying a scroll and chalk sticks. Alphonse had bottles and jars of unknown substances. Winry was more curious now. If they were this interested in something like this, whatever it was, it must be cool.
Ed rolled up the carpet aggressively and chucked it aside. Holding open a scroll, he read off of it and began drawing lines on the stone floor. Winry was confused now. Was this Alchemy? Drawing on the floors in chalk?
As Ed finished, it was clear to Winry that it was a giant circle with triangles and writing she couldn't understand.
Edward tisked. “Not done yet.”
Winry shut her mouth.
Al gave him a few jars of….stuff and they both opened them and poured out the contents in the center.
“Now the material.”
They got down to their knees and smiled at each other at opposite sides of the circle.
A few moments went by, nothing. Winey was about to say something again when the chalk started to glow. She couldnt believe her eyes, her mouth fell open. What felt like wind was circling around the outer circle. Lights and sparks erupted from the center and triangles. The light was everywhere. The boys didn't seem bothered by this at all, they were smiling down at the pile of material they offered to the center and waited.
As the light show continued, the pile started moving. Winry's eyes grew wider. It started taking the shape of a….doll head.
That's when it got terrifying.
The doll head wiggled it's way out of the pile along with a body attached. As it formed the facial features, it looks like something out of a nightmare.
Winry started to whine. But the boys didn't stop until they heard her wail.
They whipped their heads around with worry plastered on their faces. Winry was slouched on the ground crying and rubbing her eyes. Trying to get rid of the sight that bore into her eyes. She heard their footsteps and felt their hands on her arms. Trying to get her to stop crying.
“Winry! Winry! It's okay!” Alphonse was pleading with her, holding her forearm and touching her shoulder. Edward didn't know what to do. He's only ever consoled a crying Al, but that's different than a girl crying. He just hovered and looked ashamed and lost.
When the boys got her to a hiccup, she finally took her head out of her hands and looked at them in front of her. The worry was very real on their faces. They bowed their heads and slumped.
“We're sorry…”
“We didn't know it would scare you…”
Winry hiccupped, but looked over Ed's shoulder to see a fully formed, not scary, doll sitting at the center of the circle. She looked back to sets of golden eyes looking at her. One of them looked like they were about to cry too. She smiled a little. They were only trying to show her something and make her happy.
She was about to ask if she could have the doll when Hohenhiem whipped the fabric at the doorway open.
“I heard crying! Edward, what did you do??”
The remorse on Ed's face was gone in a flash. He jumped up and huffed, stomping his feet.
“I didn't do nothing!”
Hohenhiem scanned the tosseled rug and the obvious circle drawn on the floor. He slouched and sighed, pinching his nose.
“Did you scare her with Alchemy?”
Ed crossed his arms and turned away, puffing out his cheek. “No….”
Al stood up and gripped his robes. “Yes…” Ed whipped around and opened his arms at Al in a ‘are you serious?’ manner. Sour for being ratted on.
Hohenhiem sighed again. “I'm sorry Winry. I didn't think these two were going to immediately give you nightmares as soon as I left them alone with you. I should've known…”
Ed huffed again. “What's that supposed to mean??”
Winry’s eyes whipped from one to another. Amazed by the life in the room. Silently getting up while the other two argued, she tentatively picked up the doll and inspected it. Al quietly tapped her shoulder and smiled when she looked over.
“You can have that if you want it. It won't fall apart. It's really a real doll.” He smiled soft and sweet. “We made it just for you.”
She didn't know what would come of her life here in Xerxes now that she was stuck here for the foreseeable future, but with these two around, she knows it'll be interesting at least.
“Thanks, Al.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
The Firsts are forced to attend a company Halloween party, costumes required. What are they dressing up as and why?
SOLDIERs + Halloween
★ Anon gets a gold star for a halloween ask. You have come to the right blog friend >:) *evil laughter*
• ShinRa is hosting an ultra opulent and fancy Halloween party. It's one of those invite-only events with a guest list consisting of celebrities and politicians.
• And the 1st class trio are absolutely required to attend. No exceptions and that means Sephiroth is forced to partake in the festivities too—kicking and screaming, of course.
• They're having lunch in Angeal's office one October (it's takeout from the overpriced Wutaian place in sector 8) and racking their brains over what their costumes are going to be.
• "I suppose I could go as a gladiator...?" Angeal sounds befittingly unsure of his own words. He rocks himself on his swivel chair, stabbing his chopsticks into a pork dumpling. Just the thought of sitting through some gaudy event nauseates him.
• Genesis, who has long abandoned his fried rice, lounges beck on the chair across from him. He has both boots propped on the desk, something Angeal is far too distracted to concern himself over.
• "What you could do, my friend, is help me choose." He holds up the open notebook he's been sketching in for the past fifteen minutes. Both pages have detailed depictions of Genesis dressed in two costumes.
• Angeal's face drains of color when he looks them.
• "So?" Genesis's grin is wicked as he arches a single eyebrow. "Bloody Little Red Riding Hood or Prince charming?"
• Angeal leans forth, squinting at the Little Red Riding Hood sketch in particular.
• Angeal: Gen, if you wear that you're going to be arrested.
• Genesis: I am going to be praised for my nerve and versatility.
• Angeal: It's lingerie.
• Genesis: It's camp.
• Angeal rolls his eyes, then stomachs the last of his dumplings. "Go with prince charming," he mutters through a mouthful of food.
• Meanwhile Sephiroth is quietly eating his noodles on the couch while doing some arts and crafts himself.
• Genesis swivels the chair around to face him, planting his feet on the ground. "Oh, goddess help me, Sephiroth," he scoffs.
• Sephiroth stops chewing as he stills. He's hovering over the piece of plywood with a paintbrush in hand. "Yes?"
• Genesis is fuming. He drums his finger on the notebook, lips dripping with venom. "This is why you sent that poor trooper on that wild goose chase? To get you art supplies so you can concoct that atrocity?"
• Angeal shrugs. "I like it. It's smart."
• Sephiroth proudly holds up a sign that reads "COSTUME"
• Genesis tosses his notebook on the table with a groan. "You know what? Why don't we just do a group costume?"
• Angeal and Sephiroth exchange weary looks, but ultimately decide to hear Genesis out. They gather around the excited redhead, dodging his flailing arms and animated gestures as he sketches out another two costumes.
• And this is how the 1st class trio end up attending the halloween party as....
• Three medieval Knights! It's ornate enough to placate Genesis, uniform enough to comfort Sephiroth, and Angeal's inner child is healed. Genesis has a red cloak, Angeal a green one, and Sephiroth's is blue.
• Everyone's happy.
• Unfortunately Sephiroth gets wind of the gluttonous amounts of candy offered at the event and Genesis is drunk within the first hour.
• Angeal spends the majority of the party keeping drunk Genesis and hyper Sephiroth from "dueling."
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gellavonhamster · 6 months
assigning each straw hat pirate a knight of the round table
because I am currently obsessed both with One Piece and Arthuriana; not any kind of serious AU material, just silliness; I Wrote This for Me but You Can Read If You Like
Luffy: Arthur, not due to any similarities in characterization but purely on the functional level - the boy king, the inspirational leader and, as Sun God Nika, a mythical figure believed to return when people need him the most
Zoro: Lancelot, the perfect warrior who embodies that post that's like "it's not my fault that my love language is acts of service and all I know how to do is kill". There is no Queen Guinevere here, so all the undying devotion is aimed at the king instead. Canonically has massive tits. Mihawk is thus implied to be the Lady of the Lake, and I think that's hilarious
Nami: hear me out: Kay. Sharp-tongued, rather cynical, but loyal to a fault to his king/adopted little brother. Nami as part of the Coward Trio vs. Kay being unlucky on quests and generally the butt of the joke. Isn't known to be a great warrior but occupies an important position (navigator vs. seneschal) that keeps the ship/court going. Besides, looking from the opposite direction, I just think Kay deserves to be the hot girl
Usopp: Usopp, sweetie, I'm so sorry, but I gotta say Tristan. Because Tristan is constantly lying about his identity in the most ridiculous manner possible and it somehow works. That part in Le Morte d'Arthur when he's asked what his name is and goes "Tramtrist" and no one suspects a thing even though "Tramtrist" is just "Tristram" with syllables switched around has big Sniper King energy. Also, can't forget the beautiful blonde healer girlfriend
Sanji: oh, that's the easiest one. Gawain. The Maidens' Knight, the ladies' man, a great warrior and one of the king's closest and most trusted men. If you put together Gawain's characterizations from different texts, from SGATGK to Le Morte to the Vulgate & Post-Vulgate to Chrétien de Troyes to everything, you end up with a contradictory character who is simultaneously the best and the worst guy you'll ever meet, which is how I often feel about Sanji, tbh. Would totally fight at a tournament on behalf of a little girl. Has some kind of an epic gay thing with Lancelot
Chopper: Yvain. Son of a sorceress - ah, pardon, a woman of science; associated with animals; known to be nice and kind (the Vulgate Cycle describes him as the one "whose heart will be filled with every kindness"). Occasionally goes insane in the woods (Monster Point), but, like, who doesn't
Robin: try as I might, I can't pull any direct parallels out of my ass, but I do think that narratively she can be seen as kind of a quasi-Mordred. Since her very childhood she was proclaimed to be bad news and expected to eventually cause a catastrophe, but where Mordred, whom no one tries to persuade the prophecy doesn't define him, ends up becoming exactly what he's expected to become, Robin has people who support her and trust her even after witnessing her be the bad guy in the past, so she never becomes the evil others expect her to turn into
Franky: Sagramore the Desirous (or the Unruly, depending on the text/translation) is a big, strong, good-natured knight who probably has low blood sugar needs to have a snack after fighting because otherwise he'll pass out, much like a certain cyborg needs his cola. In the Post-Vulgate, he and Mordred were raised together, which can be linked to Frobin's fates being intertwined since childhood, because I've Connected the Dots (you didn't connect shit)
Brook: I wanted to pick a character of the older generation who nevertheless isn't a mentor figure to Arthur, and I struggle to think of a better option than Pellinore - not the predatory piece of shit in the medieval texts, but the eccentric but loveable old man in Camelot (1967). Brook is also on a quest focused on an extraordinary beast! Only he's not hunting it, he's trying to get back to it because that beast is his friend 🥺
Jinbei: I honestly don't remember if he counts as the Knight of the Round Table, but I am hereby appointing him Ector - Arthur's adoptive father and one of the nicest parental figures in Arthuriana (and probably one of the nicest people in Arthuriana, period). I've also considered Galehaut for the "(partially) non-human ruler who allies himself with Arthur" angle, but that would imply Jinbei/Zoro and I'm not ready to deal with that.
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danwhobrowses · 4 days
One Piece Chapter 1127 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
Chapter came out a little later than usual but finally we're here Elbaf has started and Nami has been whisked away
I guess as the Danes would say Leg Godt!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Yamato's cover has Inuarashi being visited, the Daimyo of Kuri also is alarmed by the missing people
We seem to be in a land of giants
All the houses have a lego aesthetic it seems, including some trees
But they are alarmed by a fire in a forest
Yggdrasil, aka the Norse World Tree that is meant to hold all the realms, is worried about because of the fire, it seems the country is tied to the tree
What's interesting though is that they mention reporting to the Sun God
I wonder if the Sun God is a mantle or maybe someone poses as one
Giant bees have also been found KO'd, they're called Stingermols
The giants remain confused, even reporting tremors due to the 'Ear God's collapse
The Ear God is apparently a giant rabbit, we just throwing out the title of god for anyone in Elbaf?
We go to the also-lego Big Steinn Castle, where Nami is being kept
So she's been beating the Stingermol, thanks in part to Zeus
Nami panics though, calling for the monster trio
'I'll even take Usopp' girl the disrespect just because he's cuter
To be fair Nami should be alarmed about the fact that she changed clothes
I did criticize it last chapter to being too like her Onigashima attire but I gotta give credit that it's an actual skirt this time and not just plain underwear
Nami hears Usopp's voice and follows something that catches her eye, but she trips on the lego floor
AHHHH HEDGEHOG! It's Adorable!
But in Nami's panic she startles it and angers the poor thing
Usopp meanwhile is outside, in the mouth of a giant cat in a crown
Nami uses Zeus to shock the Hedgehog, but the momentum takes them off the ledge and it falls on the cat, which also electrocutes
Usopp's new outfit seems to be more Asterisk and Obelisk inspired, the beard I can live with but the tache is a bit much
The cat survived electrocution, so Nami and Usopp are forced to run
They wonder how they got there, and consider that it's the Absinthe causing hallucinations
Usopp tests the theory though, and gets the catspaw
They fall from the castle, Usopp KO'd, and at the mercy of the giant cat - now transformed into a lion
I wonder if the crown had something to do with that, its first crown broke during the hedgehog fall
Nami of course prioritizes herself, and uses Usopp as a meat shield
But Sanji calls out to Nami
The Monster Trio arrive to defeat the Lion; Ifrit Jambe, Gear Fourth and Santoryu
The Lion KOs and reverts to a cat
Uhhhhh not feeling that eyeguard Zoro
Luffy no, we don't eat cats, we also don't eat dogs, don't take Trump's comments seriously
Oh they ate the Ear God...oh this could be bad XD
Sanji of course comes to flirt with Nami, while Nami expresses relief having been saved after Usopp died (disclaimer Usopp did not die he's just slightly injured)
Sanji's attire is much more medieval knight, kinda suits him but also kinda doesn't, there is a bit of Germa energy in the silhouette
Luffy's outfit though is near perfect, just can't really see the straw hat over the horned helmet
Zoro though doesn't look good, it's just too much I think, removing the goggles would go a long way but the shoulder guards would kinds be restrictive, honestly the outfit probably would've suited Sanji better (minus the goggles) and Sanji's may've suited Zoro better imo
Luffy of course is thinking about food, Zoro wants to check the safety of the crew first, while Sanji is also thinking about food, mainly the stingermols and their nutrients
Nami ends the chapter taken aback about how unfettered the trio are, and we still have no clue where we are
Annnnd there's the break
Well that answered no questions XD
Elbaf is definitely giving off weird energy, lego seems to be a wider theme than just the Big Steinn castle. It's still throwing me how it was kinda proportional size, the Yggdrasil tree is so far the only natural formation.
As I mentioned the outfits are more miss than hit right now, maybe it takes getting use to but Zoro for the love of god take those goggles off, or at least pull them to your forehead. It does seem though that only the East Blue Saga lot were the only ones whispered away, no word on Chopper or the Sunny at the moment, and nothing that presents itself to explain how they got here.
There being an Yggdrasil implies they are in Elbaf, but at the same time we've seen no ocean, we've seen the coast of Elbaf but it was called 'War Land', so maybe this is a different section of Elbaf? A different 'land' if you will like a 'Toy land'. The fact that a giant rabbit is deemed a god gives off Skypeia vibes too, but if Luffy can beat it I don't see how any giant would struggle (maybe they needed the holy hand grenade?).
But yeah, colour me puzzled to say the least
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marrowwife · 11 months
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"Listen. I'm sure it was a good thing, in whatever backwoods village you crawled your way out of, to be kind, and helpful, and friendly. But you matter now, you're Sainted--- we're Sainted. We're the strongest players of the Court. And in the Court, being kind is a weakness. Being kind will get you eaten alive."
His retreat was cut short with a firm grip around his arm and a pair of eyes, brightened almost as gold as they had that terrible day in the great hall. Alaryk wondered if this was the first time Perryn had ever stopped smiling. He wondered, staring at the boy burning with an intensity as fierce as the High Summer sun, if a single smile had been real to begin with.
"Teach me." Perryn said, and he sounded like the roar of a wildfire, like the intimate crackling of a hearth. "You said it yourself, we're Sainted. The same. So teach me how to be like you."
Alaryk wrenched his arm free, and the thing inside him howled and writhed and whispered terrible promises. "You are nothing like me."
Title: Ravenous
Genre: NA Fantasy
Themes: Monstrosity, Queerness, Identity, Trauma, Legacy & Family, The Nature of Good and Evil (Constructed Morality), Nature vs Nurture
Tropes: The Chosen One, The Main Trio, Coming Of Age, Anti-Hero, Moral Greyness, The Boarding School Setting, Medieval Fantasy Setting, Knights vs Monsters, Rivals to Friends to Enemies to Lovers, The Orphaned Hero, Sun and Moon Coded Characters, Child Soldiers (kind of), More TBA
Idrismark is a kingdom fractured, the land sequestered between impenetrable mountains and the gnawing, ever creeping monstrosity of the Ravening Wood, the burial place of the Betrayer. What is left of the inhabitable is ruled by the whims of the Noble Houses, originally claiming lineage of the Six Saints, individuals with untold powers who defeated the Betrayer and held back the corrupt magic of the Wood. Now the Houses are the Upper Class of Indrismark's population, all trained in the arts of Knighthood but focused in the games of Court politics.
It is only the Sainted that truly provide safety from the Ravening Wood, those with the strongest blood ties to The Six and a fraction of their power, most often sacrificed in the war against the Wood. Therefore, when two Sainted appear in one generation, a peasant plucked from the masses and a Noble's son, all of Idrismark is watching. The common people in joyous relief, having been subject to the increasing ferocity of the Ravening Wood. And the Noble Houses in rapt, hungry calculation, ready to do anything they can in the mad scramble for power a Sainted is want to inact upon the Court.
Alaryk has known his place since the moment of his birth. Son of the House Lupei. Disappointment to his father. Neither a first son and heir, nor the daughter his father had hoped for in a third child, to be wed in alliance and used as a pawn in the games of the Court. Alaryk used to pray to be Sainted, to become proof of his Father's power, his House's power, to be useful. But the Sainted were rare, and House Lupei had not produced a Sainted in hundreds of years. He should have known that the truth had never been an obstacle for his Father.
The Academy, where all Noble children are sent to learn how to fight the Ravening Wood, was going to be hard enough. Now with the mantle of Sainted balanced precariously on his shoulders, Alaryk must navigate the politics of Nobility, the grueling regimen of squirehood, the baffling intricacies of making friends, all alongside desperately trying to control the power he has been given. Because Alaryk is not Sainted. His magic is not the magic of The Six, it is not pure and good and heroic. Alaryk is a liar and his magic is ravenous.
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-)
@houndmouthed @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @philocalizt @waestlandbaby @andromedatalksaboutstuff @writingmoth @serenanymph @moondust-bard @ashfordlabs @carnocus @real-fragments7
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smoothie03 · 6 months
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I saw a ship base and immediately thought about the Knights Trio
Joan (Knights Hospitallers) is their biggest shipper and hater at the same time.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
My fucked up Belmont family headcanon
Or: Let me talk about medieval religious persecution!
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Okay, my exam is done, weekend is near. And a couple of days ago @autumnmobile12 posted about the child skull in the Belmont family hold.
So let me use this chance to talk about my headcanon both about the Belmont family - and the role of dhampirs in the Castlevania anime universe.
Please note, this at times outright contradicts the game canon. But in quite a few ways the series already does that either way, so to quote one Trevor Belmont: "I don't care."
When the trio comes to the Belmont Hold, Alucard expresses his disgust saying it is like a museum to the eradication of his species. And it kinda seems even more than that, given there are also quite a few other skeletons and what not from other monsters littered throughout the hold.
And, well... That is kinda messed up, right?
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Now in the games the story somewhat goes "Leon is a knight and friends with Mathias, fiancé gets kidnapped, lays down his title, Mathias turns into Dracula, Leon swears to kill monsters, Belmonts become monster hunters." And while this gives a nice through line tying the family to Dracula... historically speaking it is also kinda boring.
So, I decided to tie the entire story back to something else.
And yes, this is mostly just another excuse for me to talk about history. Sorry about that.
Let's talk about Constantine and the late Roman empire.
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If you have read up on your history of Christianity, you might know that first Christians were in fact a persecuted minority, who would in fact often be killed and burned by the Romans. But then in the late Roman period, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and suddenly Rome was a Christian empire. Now, there are myths and legends around why he converted. Stuff like him receiving prophetic dreams and what not. But in the end it does not matter. What matters is, that Rome was Christian now and Rome did its damnest to spread Christianity. Moving the capital further East to be closer to the holy land and what not.
Now, with Christianity suddenly being the main religion the tables were turned. And suddenly Rome began to outlaw pegan religion, which included the old Roman religion. You know, the one with Jupiter, Juno, Venus and what not. First it was just small stuff. Like animal sacrifices became outlawed and temples were taxed. But it quickly escalated from there, with temples getting looted and burned. And then, not too many years later, Theodosius I was the new emperor and the violence against the pegans escalated. Temples were burned down and pegans were hunted down, forced to convert or killed.
You might ask now: What does this have to do with the Belmonts?
Well, I will tell you. See, when we look at history, we usually do our damnest to distinguish fact from fiction. But that is usually not history is written down. Especially not religious history. That always comes with a good helping of god-killing.
So, yes. According to myth in fact there were heroes, that came the high medieval period would turn into knights, who went out to kill monsters. And I mean, probably everyone can name at least a handful of dragon slayers at least.
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In real history of course we see these myths are embelishments and symbolism. As myths. But... If we look at the Castlevania world, we can obviously see that in this world monsters are real.
Sooooo... My headcanon for the Belmont family is, that they were in fact employed by the Vatican in the early medieval period to hunt down those monsters as the Vatican saw these monsters as an offense against God. That did not only include vampires, but all sort of other creatures that often were linked to old pegan believes of all sorts.
This means that in my headcanon the Belmonts did in fact hunt monsters before Mathias became Dracula. Even more so: Mathias was a monster hunter as well, which was what gave him the knowledge to become what he became in the first place.
In fact the church had them hunt down monsters of all sorts, making monsters all but extinct by the late medieval period. Which is in fact why the church turned on the Belmont family. They had lost their use and at that point the Belmont family were a constant reminder that those monsters at some point had been real.
To put it differently: The Belmonts have actively partaken in the genocide of several - at times intelligent - species. And have done their utmost to also eradicate vampires and their dhampiric offspring.
They didn't do that out of wickedness or anything like that, but out of religious fervor, because they did in fact believe that they were doing the right thing.
The entire Mathias-Leon-Thing mostly just lead to them having it especially out for the vampires.
Funnily enough though, this also meant, that within Europe where all the monster hunters were, the places that became safe for monsters and other supernatural creatures were either those areas ruled by vampires because vampires did not care too much if there was a griffon living up the mountain as long as it did not hunt down the humans. The other safe place? Granadia, aka the place that later on would become Spain. Because it was under majority Muslim rule and while Muslims were rather stern about not practicing sorcery they did not persecute religious minorities and did not have it out for the monsters so much.
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See, my issue is that the entire "Belmont good, Belmont hunt monsters" does not really gel with what we see in the series. While in the game canon we see that monsters and vampire are creatures of pure evil, this is not what the show is depicting. Vampires are as much complex persons, as the humans are. And as such they absolutely can decide to be good.
And yes, that very much means that I have Trevor later grapple with the fact that maybe his entire family history is not quite as heroic as he had believed it to be before. And that in fact his family also did not quite know as much about the monsters, as he had believed, given that after he has made friends with vampires he finds out that quite a few things he had believed about vampires are just plain wrong.
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
2, 30, 45!
2. Who are you favorite Hetalia artists?
I followed kyuhu on Instagram long before I got back into Hetalia, so it was a joy to discover they're also on Tumblr! I also adore rod1832's work. I am a big fan of art nouveau and decorative artwork, and seeing their fairy tale series reminded me just how much I adore being an illustrator and I wish my work had similar precision and cleanliness. It makes me want to work on my compositional skills, understanding of color, and linework skills. There's a lot of other artists I enjoy, but these two were the first to come to mind!
30. BroTP? Headcanons?
Hmhmhmmmmhm I wanna write a fic where the Bad Friends Trio go to Medieval Times. Like, the restaurant,,, tournament,,, situation,,, thing in America. I haven't been since I was like 13 or 14 but I think they'd have fun. Gilbert would be an ass & jeer at the knights, especially in nationverse. Francis wins the tiara they usually give out to teenage girls Because He's Pretty and I want him to get the tiara. They all buy swords. This has been on my fic ideas list for a little bit now.
45. Most iconic canon line?
Unfortunately the dub was my first exposure to the show and I need to go back through the webcomics and sub. I also haven't watched the dub in a moment (shivers in fear... Todd Haberkorn)
Two lines that are iconic to me personally are:
"Is this a painting of your boyfriend or girlfriend or gender neutral chibi thing?"
My two friends who used to co-admin a Hetalia instagram account with me circa 2014-2017 (Deleted 2021) have a new discord server and funnily enough we're one dude, one gal, and one enby, so our server nicknames are "boyfriend," "girlfriend," and "gender neutral chibi thing." I'm gender neutral chibi thing.
"Spoiler alert, I want to pet cats. Want to pet cats. I want to pet kitties." - Greece (Beautiful World)
I've literally been quoting this for years now every time I'm hunting down one of my cats with a desire to pet and annoy them
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also in leu of pirate couple!Gingerbin, here is the renaissance/medieval ideas we brainstormed while sharing a turkey leg
1)wolf king! Chan and forest ranger! Pretty. And like feral wolf king. OG Wolfgang performance vibes for his human form. Or bar wench/mercenary, she is THE town beauty but impossible to win over according to the other villagers
2)princess/bodyguard mitten. Or princess/chef mitten. she is princess vibes. Or flip it. We liked there being a “power” dynamic that also leads to pseudo forbidden love. Still the storyline that they have known each other for years. It’s pivotal mitten.
3) baker! Felix/ royal artist!hyunjin/ trapper! Moss. But also moss as a forest witch known for meadow “parties” that rebel the strict rules of the town. Basically just debauchery, pleasure, and lust.
i'm OBSESSED with all these, kiwi plssss 😩😩😩😩😩😩
thinking about that feral wolf king............. is doing things to me.
i have an idea written down in my spreadsheet for a prince!minho x knight!reader........ not sure if it'll ever become anything, but i felt like pointing it out after you sent this 👀
also our favourite trio.....
i'm going crazy over these AUs you guys came up with. 10000/10. would write something for them if i had the time and energy.... for now, hope you don't mind me adding them to the list 👀 because, who knows... maybe one day.....
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mask131 · 1 year
A fantasy read-list: B-1
Part B: The First Classical Fantasy
1) On one side, the British Isles... 
We looked at the most ancient roots of the fantasy genre, which are... well, literaly antique roots - the texts of the Antiquity, the myths and mythologies of the world, the legends of the so-called “pagans” and the tales of long-gone societies, cultures and civilizations. Plus the true, literal “medieval fantasy” and some Arthuriana sprinkled at the top. Now I want to explore the Renaissance fantasy - or rather the first wave and apparition in literature of true “proto-fantasy”. These classical works that are still heavy influences and inspirations on modern fantasy pieces, but are younger than all the mythological and medieval stuff. 
Given this huge read-list promises to be very big, very long and span over several years, I will try to restrain myself here to two nation-tied phenomenon. And in this specific post I will look at a given wave of “classical proto-fantasy” in the British Isles... Beginning with none other than...
# Shakespeare. William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avalon, the greatest playwright of England and a man whose work shaped our common imagination and popular culture today. Of course, since this list is focused about the wide genre of fantasy, I must start by listing his more openly supernatural and fantastical plays. On one side you have a lighter, more colorful and whimsical world of wonders and magic, in the shape of supernatural comedies, be it A Midsummer Night’s Dream, with its now world-known depiction of the fairy court as the Titania-Oberon-Puck triangle, or The Tempest, which implanted archetypal figures such as Prospero the wizard, Ariel the aerial spirit or the monstrous Caliban. On the darker side of fantasy, you have the grim and nightmarish tragedies that are Hamlet, one of the most famous cases of royal hauntings and madness in the history of theater, or Macbeth, which changed forever the way people view witches throught its iconic trio of Weird Sisters. 
But the beautiful thing with Shakespeare is that even in his more “mundane” and “realistic” works, the magic never truly goes away. Thanks to his poetic writing and his love of symbolism and mysticism, Shakespeare maintains throughout his work a fantastical ambiance, an ambiguous tone that opens the door for many oniric sequences or supernatural readings. The description of Mab, queen of fairies, in Romeo and Juliet was just as influential on fairy folklore as A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The abnormal storm and pagan madness of King Lear leaves one wondering about the true cosmic powers at work here. And even in historical works witchcraft is never far away - such as with Richard III, where devilish forces and hellish characters are at play in an well-recorded historical event... 
# But beyond Shakespeare, or rather all around him, there was a constellation of other poets and playwrights who helped conceive, flesh out and develop this “wonder-wave” that swept across Elizabethan England. Take Shakespeare’s most famous rival for example, Christopher Marlowe, who wrote The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, the first ever adaptation of the Faust legend for the stage. You have Edmund Spenser and his mystical fay epic, The Faerie Queene, which influenced not just Shakespeare but many more authors of knight adventures and fairy works. I can also mention Michael Drayton’s Nimphidia, The Court of Fairy (or Nymphidia depending on how you write it), a poem drawing from Shakespeare’s fairy characters to depict all the affairs, treacheries and secrets at the otherworld’s court ; or the various Elizabethan retellings of Ovid’s Metamorphosis written by John Lily (Endymion, Midas, Galathea...). 
# And of course, I have to point out here that beyond specific authors, Shakespeare’s fantastical works drew from a lot of various sources, all representing different fragments or aspects of the way people approached the supernatural, folklore and legends in their time. For example, the more Jacobean play The Witch by Thomas Middleton, which had elements reused for Macbeth ; or the Daemonologie of King James, which also influenced Shakespeare’s writing of demons and witches. I can also drop here names going from quite obscure today, such as The Spanish Tragedy of Thomas Kyd, to behemoths of culture, like Dante’s Divine Comedy. 
# Speaking of a man of the Isles who explored and influenced the fairy literature... I have to mention Robert Kirk, and his treatise on fairies and ghost known as The Secret Commonwealth. To this day, Kirk is still considered one of the greatest folklorists and collector of supernatural tale and fairy/ghost/witch beliefs of the 17th century, and The Secret Commonwealth stays one of the major “fairy books”. 
# Leaving a bit the topic of fairies, I will conclude this post with one name... Ossian. During the 18th century, James Macpherson discovered and translated ancient Gaelic texts of Scotland - a series of epic poems attributed to a legendary bard by the name of Ossian. He started by translating Fingal, An Epic Poem in Six Books, and then worked on Temora, An Ancient Epic Poem, before collecting it all as The Works of Ossian. This discovery and translated was a HUGE phenomenon, and a revolution in the world of culture. Up until that point, people had praised the Homeric epics and thought the “Homeric phenomenon” was a one-time thing that couldn’t have happened anywhere else but Ancient Greece... And yet here were these great, glorious, excellently done, epic poems of mythical heroes and ancient witchcraft and gods, attributed to a mythical god-inspired bard and poet, part of another form of Antiquity than the Greco-Roman one. People jubilated upon discovering the “Celtic Homer”, and praised these grea poems proving that the Greek epics could be challenged by Gaelic sagas... 
... But the thing is that James Macpherson probably never translated those works, and that maybe Ossian was a purely fictional invention. You see, James Macpherson was a poet himself with not much success before “discovering” the works of Ossian, and he was deeply passionate about ancient Scottish poetry and Celtic texts and the like, collecting them and imitating them. Despite their enormous importance and influence for literary movements, and painters across Europe, and poets for centuries to come, the poems of Ossian are clearly artificial in nature, written by Macpherson alone without any “translation” required. The poet purposefully created a “Celtic Homer”, as a way to sell his work - and selling it did! Mind you, the Ossian poems stay true to the texts and essence of ancient Celtic legends and myths. Macpherson knew his sources, as I said was passionate about ancient Gaelic poetry, and he took inspiration and influence from works such as the Ulster cycle, the Fenian cycle, the Book of the Dun Cow, the Book of Lismore or The Yellow Book of Lecan... The very fictional character of Ossian was actually shaped after the mythological character of Oisin. But Ossian and his poems stay an artificial creation of an 18th century poet, even though they fit perfectly alongside antique Celtic texts. It is similar to how nowadays Titania is an integral part of fairy folklore, and yet she was a literary inventon of Shakespeare for one of his plays. 
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muraenide · 1 year
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
QUESTIONS FOR MUNS. // @ramshacklestar
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
I have a group of muses who are my all-time favorites. 1st main blorbo: Mukuro Rokudo from KHR The first main antagonist of the first season of the series, but eventually joins the main character's team. Reasons why he did so is... a bit complicated, but he is possibly my first muse and the muse that resembles Jade the most. I still love him but the fandom fell out of popularity and there were hardly any rp blogs for the fandom. I've never actually left the fandom. The fandom itself died for a while, so I simply moved on to other fandoms.
2nd main blorbo: Narsus from Arslan Senki Arslan Senki is so far my favourite fandom in terms of rp experience and content quality. It's possibly the fandom where I met most of my current friends, especially @oftwilight, @madakoka, and @corruptiongifted, and a lot of us are in different fandoms now but we still talk from time to time. Narsus is a rebellious aristocrat in ancient Persia who joined the prince in his main quest to retake his kingdom. Sybil (@oftwilight) played a great Daryun and our muses often fought and squabbled like an old married couple bc that's also their canon dynamic. The fandom had a total of 10+/- people, and we were all friends due to how small it was so everyone knew everyone. I stopped writing Narsus because I fell out of the fandom when the last light novel dropped and it was... bad. We understand that the author got tired of the series and wanted to end it quickly, but it's still a lovely series regardless and I tend to revisit it from time to time.
3rd main blorbo: Sion Astal from Denyuuden Sion is a young puppet king with a split personality and shares his present body with a demon. The light novel is written by the same creator as Owari no Seraph, but the anime covers very little of the main storyline. The interesting parts are locked behind the light novel, but Sion is probably one of the more complex muses I've written. If the main trio were to be compared with Castlevania, Sion would be the Alucard among the group. The fandom had a total of 3 rpers including me, it was funny how dead it was. I left it when the other two rpers stopped being active, but I still enjoy the fandom regardless.
4th main blorbo: Diluc Ragnvindr from Gen//shin Impact I don't remember why I love Diluc but it started on discord when a friend (Cass) dragged me into Gen//shin and loved the grape man. I got very invested in his lore in Gen///pact to the point that I would read both the CN and EN versions, have a folder for all its screenshots since we can't replay events, and even dug out possibilities of the Ragnvindr Family Tree members all the way to the first Ragnvindr Knight. I stopped writing him due to how unbearable the fandom became once people started joining and it became big. I will refrain from going into detail about this though! But Gen//pact is still a great franchise. As someone who knows quite a bit about Middle-Eastern and East-Asian mythology, Gen//pact really portrayed some aspects of the old myths that I've never seen show up in any type of media before, which is really refreshing and honestly eye-opening.
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
I like mysteries and crimes, horror, cosmological science, fringe science, high fantasy, medieval fantasy, anything historical, supernatural, steampunk, and cyberpunk as a set up for my threads. As for themes, I'm mostly an angst and romance writer. I'm a bit picky with romance though, because I do enjoy romance as a subgenre in my fiction/rp, but never a main theme. In the sense that they start off normally and eventually develop a romantic interest in the other. If romance is the only thing my muse has in common with the other muse, I wouldn't find it as enjoyable, and eventually get bored of it.
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