#Medication Storage
The Intricate Dance of Hormones and Weight Loss: Understanding the Complexities
Weight loss is often painted as a simple equation: calories in versus calories out. However, beneath the surface lies a complex interplay of hormones, each playing a crucial role in regulating our metabolism, appetite, and body composition. Understanding these hormonal influences can provide valuable insights into why weight loss can be challenging for some and offer strategies to optimize our…
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zarapharmacy · 1 month
We all know the struggle of managing medications, especially if you take multiple prescriptions or care for someone who does. Blister packing, a method where each dose is individually sealed in a plastic compartment, might seem like a simple solution, but it offers surprising benefits beyond just organization. Here at Zara Pharmacy, a trusted pharmacy in South Richmond Hill, New York, we want to share some reasons why you might consider switching to blister packs:
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mukilteogreenhousellc · 7 months
The vulnerability of seniors to various health issues is something our assisted living in Mukilteo, Washington, has always prioritized. Due to increased vulnerability to acquiring health issues, seniors should adopt health practices to promote a healthy life, including taking medications regularly.
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amedcommunitypharmacy · 9 months
Proper medical supplies storage is crucial for safety, effectiveness, and preventing misuse. It ensures that medications remain potent, reducing the risk of accidental ingestion, and promotes responsible healthcare practices for the well-being of family members.
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The first place that comes to mind when it comes to comfort and safety is home. It has a lot to do with the sense of familiarity it radiates. It is the reason why a majority of people prefer to stay at home most of the time. That is evident among patients taking advantage of senior care services in New York. Choosing a place where they would recuperate is a life-changing decision for them.
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foxprints · 1 year
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Transport Crate
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creations-by-chaosfay · 8 months
Emergency Roof Repair and Storm Cleanup Commissions
As mentioned in previous posts and pinned @anotherdayforchaosfay , we have just been through a natural disaster. Please read the pinned post on that blog. Updates will be added once we get outside and photograph the damage for our insurance claim.
I have opened commissions three months earlier than planned because we need to raise money to cover our insurance deductible as well as hiring someone to remove the tree from our roof and yard. The tree is owned by a lazy landlordlord who owns the property next door. We have told him repeatedly it needs to be trimmed or there will be damage. His property got a quick install sunroof.
I have four slots available across the board and prices start at $150 USD.
I have made the option of commissioning me for a quilt available. Three finished quilt tops are listed as commissions because they're ready for handquilting. Several people have inquired about one of the tops, so now's your chance to have it done sooner than later.
If you can do only a partial payment right now, DM me. I'll write up a contract for payments, and will require 50% upfront and weekly/monthly installs after that. You will then receive an invoice.
Commissions will begin immediately because we now have power.
I will close commissions when all slots are filled or June 1st, 2024. Whichever happens first (hopefully the former). If slots are filled, I will reopen them again after I finish all the commissions. I work fast and may complete six quilts netween now and then.
Donations are accepted,and there are four listings available in my shop with the option to pay more than my asking price (if you add an extra zero, I may very well cry).
Samples of my work below as well as in my gallery.
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talentforlying · 6 months
thinking about john's multitude of short-lived, often quickly-abandoned apartments for some reason, so a couple details:
although you might expect to find a very wizard-y interior to any place he's currently living at — you know, grimoires, skulls, dust, clutter, etc. — his flats actually tend to be fairly spartan in terms of decor; they've even been accused of looking modern, here and there. he just moves too frequently to really settle in & accrue Things, and has so often had to simply up & leave everything he currently owned behind (with very little chance of getting any of it back) that he no longer attaches much meaning to household objects.
besides the consistent presence of at least one bookshelf with at least 12 books on it, and a sad sprig of garden sage that miraculously hasn't died yet, the one exception to his lack of personal touch is his extensive collection of records + tapes, all of which he has repeatedly & methodically tracked down and bought / bid / traded / stolen / threatened for / blackmailed for / simply taken back whenever an enterprising landlord or new tenant left him the opportunity to do so. his record player itself has never needed to be taken back, since it has always mysteriously vanished from whatever flat he's leaving and mysteriously appeared wherever he's staying; it's convenient like that. his 10th anniversary walkman, however, frequently goes missing, only to turn up again later in a place he KNOWS he checked when he's least expecting it.
lack of home decor isn't to say he doesn't own much, mind: the bulk of his personal possessions — assorted occult paraphernalia, blackmail documentation, miscellaneous crap from his mucous membrane days, and anything he is able to take with him from past flats — are usually stored off-site, in a secure location that can't easily be tied back to him. this guy's been accused of being a satanic killer on multiple occasions, he knows better than to keep all the real shit out where anyone can just swan in and see it.
currently, this storage location (which i lovingly call occult shit central) is an abandoned inner london storefront + adjoining flat that was formerly his old friend ray monde's shop and home, called brick-a-brac antiques. it's decidedly cozier than the last place, (in that there are chairs, plural,) and has fewer bear traps laid out in anticipation of unlucky thieves; in fact, if a person were to visit without already knowing where constantine actually lives, it'd be easy to mistake it as his expectedly-wizardy flat. it's not an ideal location for an occult shit central, too close to the heart of the city and too close to people to avoid drumming up suspicion should constantine attempt any sort of ritual inside, but until chas finally quits ducking the paperwork and signs over his storage lot (which he may or may not be dragging his feet on out of pure resentment for having to do it at all) ray's place is the best option there is.
constantine's previous (and future) storage location was a lock-up in streatham that chas had been letting him use (see: all but surrendered to him entirely) since he got out of ravenscar, but after constantine's sister died, john decided he was done with magic and, in a spontaneous fit of rage, burnt the place down with everything but a few necessities still inside. he regretted this later, when he inevitably returned to the occult scene after just over a year away, and spent a lot of time calling in favors / hypnotizing arson inspectors to try and put together an inventory of everything he'd lost.
in the nearly 20 years since the fire, he's managed to replace or find substitutes for about 2/3 of what he had (occult-wise), and gather enough fresh dirt / do enough favors / orchestrate enough compromising situations to accumulate a little over 1/4 of the political / interpersonal power he once maintained. ( the lack of success in the latter being, in part, because people now in power aren't as familiar with his name & reputation as they once were; in part because people just don't believe in magic as much as they used to, or were otherwise bought by hell / heaven / other parties a LONG time ago; and in part because he's come to absolutely fucking despise most politicians / people in power more than he is willing to work with them, or more than he is able to plausibly believe they won't try to drop him at the first opportunity. )
you would be hard-pressed to find a landlady/landlord that speaks kindly of this man. if he wasn't kicked out for suspicious smells / disturbing noises / sudden infestations / suspected satanic activity, then it's likely that he abruptly up and disappeared in the middle of the night, with no warning and no rent. (on a few occasions, this vanishing act also coincided conspicuously with a gruesome death on the premises, sometimes of the landlady/landlord themselves, although no one's ever been able to prove anything.) frankly it's . . . magic, that people still rent to him.
due to these aforementioned bad ends, he's incredibly lucky if he gets enough time or leeway to take any sort of furniture with him from one place to the next. however, there is one incredibly comfy, wing-backed, sapphire-blue armchair that's miraculously managed to survive every move in the last ten or so years without being reported stolen — even though it has survived every move because it has, in fact, been stolen in the dead of night nearly every single time, by john and at least one of his buddies.
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jrueships · 3 months
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Niagara falls is in Canada?!?!?!? I thought it was in like... .... ... idk... wherever the .. Denver nuggets were in or.. smthinf.. idk..
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No protection on the arms??
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wubbs ur sweatshirt tho :(
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da-riya · 5 months
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This doesn't look like it but it's the most broken update so far.
Trying to stick a needle of medicine into a slime (or use a defibrillator on them) now results in it making a *Splat* sound as your needle goes into storage
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tranquilsanatorium · 3 months
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Medical supplies cabinet
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cannabisnewstoday · 9 months
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
My gender identity and sense of style are in a fucking fistfight
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aropride · 1 year
might work as a dishwasher if the position is still open in a couple days . which is funny because dishwashing is my least favourite chore by far and it makes me want to fucking Well i shant say . but its better than nothing at least i wouldnt be bored in my room alone. and id get free lunch. BUt i would have to email and say hi is this position suitable for someone whos like, near-comically short but not in a way protected by the ADA and such
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xanderscollection · 3 months
Fantastic I finally feel like relaxing and writing, here I g—
Nevermind it's suddenly the busiest time of my life
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phoenix-flamed · 3 months
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Did I turn Miles into a KH character while giving him a nice outfit for late-game Cursebreaker stuff? Yes.
Just kidding. Er, about the KH character part, anyway.
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