#Medical paternalism
almondemotion · 1 year
The art (Tao) of doctoring without doctoring
An art? You claim to be an artist?! Nay, you are science. Statistics and data is where you came from and where you will go. (Bruce Lee and the art of doing and non-doing).
There is a scene near the beginning of Enter the Dragon where Bruce Lee, when asked as to his style of fighting responds, ‘the style of fighting without fighting.’ (see here). He tricks that South African toughie into boarding a rowing boat tethered behind them as they travel to Han’s Island. The art of doing without doing. Non-doing. Very Zen. You might say. One of the forms of doctoring I…
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cateyedfox36 · 2 years
Why I will never not drink some water before a med procedure: fuckers always want a pee test.
And if I haven't had anything to drink I would have no pee, like when they took my gall bladder out.
Look. I'm not pregnant. I can't be. And the fact they don't believe us on default is bullshit paternalism. Oh women don't know their bodies! Uteruses are mysterious objects and pregnancy is super duper delicate and more important than whatever the uterus having human needs otherwise.
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evilkitten3 · 8 months
team minato modern middle school au where kakashi is the annoying genius who skipped like two grades, rin somehow lives in a hospital (no one's sure which nurse/doctor is her parent but. it's one of them. right? it's gotta be. no way did a bunch of worked-half-to-death medical staff accidentally adopt a baby someone forgot about. definitely one of them is her parent. her birth certificate is around here somewhere i'm sure look i'll get back to you once my shift ends in six hours), and obito is the class clown who lives with his awful anarchist stoner grandpa and calls his house "the cave"
minato is a former student of kakashi's dad's friend and he's their carpool driver bc no way in hell would that man be allowed to teach in real life
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chronicowboy · 2 years
calling it now: christopher's voice will be what makes buck realise he's in an alternate reality
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coffeeincluded · 1 year
I’m swamped at work and my patients always come first but later tonight I’ll try to explain why Van Helsing is doing what he’s doing. I don’t approve of it but I understand why he’s not really explaining. Narrative suspense aside, it’s a combination of paternalism in medicine with was MUCH stronger in those days and more than a bit of, “This is gonna sound absolutely batshit until you see it for yourself and I am not explaining myself a billion times so please just trust me.”
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makedamnsvre · 1 year
there are things abt me that i dont talk about not because im being secretive i either just forget to mention it or think no one wants to hear about it but i think it gives like important context to whats wrong with me 💖
#me when im a child of a messy divorce because my dad has crazy issues that he never got help for so he started self medicating#and dealt with addiction and got to the point of stealing money or trying to return items he never bought to walmart for a refund#and got arrested many times and eventually spent 5 years in prison which literally didnt help at all just gave him more trauma and#caused relationship issues between him and his family which left him without healthy connections and support and#then he got accused of a crime even my mom doesnt believe he did and she'd experienced horrible things from him while they were together#and so he disappeared to run from the police and hes been legally considered a missing person for many years now and it is unknown to#us or any of his family members if hes even still alive out there somewhere and ive had dreams that he comes back and#i wonder if theres something that could be done something that could help him maybe we could never truly be on good terms again but#maybe at least he could have a chance at a decent life even if its away from us#i used to sit on the couch with him and watch nascar and monster trucks when i was little#and i still have some of his nascar novelty items in my desk drawer and the pocket tool that used to be his.#the scars of his tantrums are still in our house the holes he punches in walls covered up with copy paper taped over the wall#and im sure i have the same anger issues or whatever disorders he never got properly diagnosed for because i seem to have inherited everyth#ng from him his eyes his face his hair his anger issues even his handwriting somehow#and he is why im scared of ever doing any drugs because i just know im probably genetically predisposed to addiction just like him#and i dont want that to happen to me#recently i cut my hair and i looked in the mirror and i looked just like him#when i visit my paternal grandparents and aunts and uncles i see the family photos with him hanging on the walls#and i see that large painting that used to be in our house#👍
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maironsbigboobs · 1 year
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helperhome · 1 year
Reconnecting the Mind, Body, and Soul
The next steps...
So, you've written out your baseline responses and have taken ample time to reflect... now what?
(you got dat journal handy, right?)
First, and most importantly, write yourself a note thanking yourself for finding the strength to begin this journey. Congratulate yourself for everything you've been through and express gratitude for every experience, both good and bad.
Right now, we are at the beginning of the assessment phase, with new questions to ponder. If you'd like, do that check-in questionnaire before we dive in.
The questions for today:
How does my mind treat my body?
In what ways am I being unnecessarily hard on myself? (This can be strictly mental, or perhaps even physical if you wanna get deep into it.)
What do I feel I am missing in my life? Go back as far as you can to see where the problems have started. Ask your child self what they need.
How can I be the person I need?
This step is all about your actions. First, we assessed the way we were feeling, now we will look at the way we are treated, both by ourselves and others.
How do you treat your body? Be brutally honest with this one. The more honest you are in any process like this, the more you will get out of it so always try to keep that in mind. When you wake up in the morning, do you take care of yourself? Or do you neglect yourself, rolling out of bed 15 minutes before you have to be out the door? When you look in the mirror, do you think kind thoughts? When you are in the shower/bath, how violently do you wash yourself? Are you washing yourself the way you'd bathe someone you love and cherish?
When you make a mistake, how do you respond when no one is watching? Do you hit yourself or cause other bodily harm? Do you restrict your food/water intake? When you feel like you need a break from your current task at hand, how do you respond to yourself? Are you forcing yourself to skip the break and keep on moving? Do you feel anger and frustration towards your lack of energy?
When you're out and you see a couple, how do you feel? What is your initial response internally? Is it positive? Or, when you see someone bonding with a parent or adult figure, how do you feel? Do you feel bitterness or a lack of some sort? When you are with friends or family, do you feel heard? Do you feel like they truly care about the words you speak? Are they supportive when you do something degrading to yourself?
Chances are, these questions may have invoked a negative response from within you and thats completely okay! I asked them intending on doing so. Now that you've experienced your reaction to them, go back to the bulleted list and write out the answers to those questions. Be as thorough as possible, releasing all of the emotions that bubble up to the surface.
Right now, in the assessment phase, the goal is to gather as much data as we can. If we are going to tackle the puzzle within you, we need to have a full understanding of what we're working with.
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revvnant · 1 year
were it not for the everything i need to get done right now i would drop the most nuclear meta about how william views parenting michael.
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DNA testing has become an essential tool in modern medicine, providing invaluable information for various health-related purposes. As a premier medical laboratory in Holiday, Florida, we ensure our clients receive precise and fast laboratory services. Understanding what to expect from a DNA test can help you make informed decisions about your health and wellness.
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trollbreak · 3 months
Oh the bakery polycule <3
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: For Working Mothers)
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bilaudad · 6 months
I have like two real hours of work left for the final project of the final term of this “leadership” program, that runs all four years alongside the actual medicine curriculum, and I just. I’ve hit a wall like never before. I have never given much of a shit about this bs class but I am having a hell of a time mustering some fucks for the home stretch here
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
Am caught in a death spiral my lieges. I don't feel entitled to anyone's time, effort or resources but I feel so beat down. I am disabled, I am working so much I genuinely developed a hunched back. I am alone responsible for my autistic sister, her parentified sibling, and my two parents who are disabled with extremely limited movement. I have three jobs. I can't ask for help on twitter because people I work for follow me there. My work requires me to draw every day, without a day off, ever. I have a "morality clause" which means if I or the author I work with are deemed to be acting in any way the company thinks inappropriate, we are immediately fired and would have to return every single cent we have made. I feel at my wits end. My employers are american- but I am not. I live in the global south- government assistance in the Philippines is *nonexistent*
Last week I asked for help to pay for electricity. The other week I asked for help with my sister who had to be rushed to the ER.
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I doxxed myself and posted medical info to this blog, so many strangers know my address, my legal name, everything just for me to be able to seek mutual aid- Wallah I do not want to be this person, but if anyone could please, pick up a print from my inprnt, or subscribe to my patreon, I already have 300+ drawings up there and I upload thrice to four times a month, or if you could send direct tips it would make a world's difference. I will try to open commissions next week but as the world is being plunged into wherever it is we are headed, it's getting harder and harder to get clients.
Currently myself dealing with housing insecurity- we only have a year or two to fix our traditional filipino house as it is falling apart due to the philippine storms and termites- *please* help me and my disabled family of three. I feel I am rambling now bc there's so much on my mind, on my plate, I've asked friends and my partner for help, my sister and my cousins and my friends are all I have. My mom's side of the family cannot help as they are all extremely poor themselves, and my paternal side of the family have emotionally abused me and have members that committed routine csa on me. I do not take any of the help I receive here for granted, and I'm sorry. Reblogs are off as I am asking for help from followers as I feel very ashamed / embarrassed/ humiliated to still be stuck in this dark place . Sorry and thank you again
Inprnt is having a sale rn, everything is like at 40% off!
And my tipping jars:
Sorry and thank you again. If you can't donate or purchase its OK, just please please please include me in your prayers, make mi shebeirach for my health so I csn continue to work, or any prayers at all for me. Thank you
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I get very sad when I hear somebody say something along the lines of, "I asked my doctor if I could do (x) and he said it was my decision - I hate it when doctors say that!"
Why do you hate being trusted to make choices about your own body and your own health?
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chloeworships · 2 years
OR DNA evidence is being tampered with.
Plus someone needs to have a paternity test done ASAP or once a child is born 🧪
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