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dixieconley · 1 year ago
Order 66 goes out:
AgriCorps: Fuck this shit.  ::calls ExploraCorps:: Hey bro, can we get a lift?
EduCorps: We can take 'em!  Let us at 'em!
AgriCorps: Not if they bomb us from orbit.
EduCorps: Bro!  Need a lift!
MedCorps: We have a duty to the individual…
ExploraCorps: Yeah, yeah, we're on our way.  Edu, Agri, coordinate with my folks and find us a place to live.  Med, you're coming with us or you're dead.  You can't help anyone if you're dead.  Which will it be? MedCorps: ...with you.
And they disappear quietly in the night, stealing any loose Jedi, orphans and supplies as they go.  (They do leave their loose change, though.  Not much use for Republic credits after all.)
Quietly except for a parting message.
AgriCorps: So long, folks, and thanks for all the parting gifts of attempted genocide against our people. Cool flex, but we're outie. Best of luck feeding yourselves, teaching yourselves, healing yourselves or mapping your hyperlanes! May the Force be with you, because we sure as hell won't!
headcanon that any planet/area with a significant AgriCorps population was just carpet bombed from orbit when O66 hit
it's two birds with one stone
one, you *really* do not want to fight a ground assault against people who can and will use the very ground against you. (fighting a guerilla war against the AgriCorps must be the nightmare of every in-universe general)
and two, with the AgriCorps gone, a lot of worlds are heavily reliant on the goodwill of the Empire. can't run a rebellion on an empty stomach. also, with a higher poverty rate, big families would be more inclined to send their children to military academies, benefitting the Empire's war machine doubly
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lightsaber-dorphin · 10 months ago
Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions
More of my worldbuilding for the inner structure of the Jedi Order. This time focusing on the Corps and the schools of thought/ roles within the Order.
Some of these are canon, others are my own creation. The Jedi consolidating to one temple on Coruscant during the Ruusan Reformation is canon, but I’ve taken my own liberties with it. Without further ado, lore!
Prior to the Ruusan Reformation, there were a number of independent denominations of the Jedi. Most of them merged into one order based in the Coruscant temple during what was called the Reunification.
Many denominations had different ideas of what a Jedi should be/ how they should use their powers. As a result, Jedi from certain traditions tended towards certain jobs within the reunified order. The corps and their branches formed as a result of certain traditions and teachings being passed down by Jedi who occupied certain roles.
The corps aren’t administrative divisions. Individual Jedi have their corps and branch affiliation listed on file as a marker of what they specialize in/ what they’re trained to do. Jedi are selected for missions based on their corps and the specifics of the mission, and answer to whichever body sent them on the mission. (see my Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure)
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Reunified Jedi Order:
One permanent location on Coruscant
Wandering Jedi who are technically members of the Order & follow its precepts but don't answer to the Council
Individual members can and do have corps/ division affiliations, but the group as a whole doesn't have a corps/ division affiliation
Usually part of the Sentinels or EduCorps
People aren’t selected to be trained for these jobs it’s all volunteer work
A lot of people do it part-time or for short periods, but a few folks make it their permanent gig
Maintenance workers:
Sometimes someone says “what if instead of going on missions I patched all the holes in our drywall” and why would they stop them
Lots of part-time volunteers
Most are Sentinels, because their philosophy encourages learning random useful skills
Distribute supplies
The Order buys stuff in bulk and then Jedi pick it up from the quartermasters office
Jedi way of saying chef
Transport mechanics:
Do you know a Car Person? Imagine if they were a monk.
The most dedicated to preserving the Jedi way of life of any group in the Order
Without these unthanked warriors the Jedi Order would’ve been destroyed by late-stage capitalism
Most are Lore Keepers
Usually hired from the outside
Inspired by "Jedi Counsel” on ao3
Sometimes a Jedi goes to law school
Temple Guards:
Protect the temple and are its first responders
Based on the lore from "Nameless"
Very connected to the living force within the temple
A little spooky!
Education Corps:
Advance in rank via academic achievement
Maven is the title equivalent to Knight
Can have multiple padawans at one time (but usually don’t)
Lore Keepers:
Strongly believe in the importance of academics
Believe knowledge is the path to connection with the Force
Based on "The Librarian's Lineage"
Teaching is hugely important to the Jedi, and all Jedi teach & learn how to teach to some degree, but for Preceptors it’s their main focus
Like the MedCorps it has a lot of transfers
Normal Preceptors:
Classroom teachers
Have formal education training
Either work for the Department of Classes or the Department of Primary Classes
DoC and DoPC are roughly the same thing, except the DoPC is for the general education classes all Jedi take as children and the DoC is for elective and continuing education classes
Teach lightsaber classes
Have formal education training
Inspired by "Careless to Let It Fall" on ao3
Main differences are that there’s more than one & they take education classes
One lead crèchemaster and two-ish assistant crèchemasters per every 6-ish younglings
Formal training in early childhood education
Must serve as an assistant crèchemaster before being a lead crèchemaster
Assistant crèchemasters are from "aphelion" on ao3
Exploration Corps:
One-on-one apprenticeships
Rarely in the temple (unless they have a padawan, when they’re required to be there more often)
Usually have a bed in a communal room at the temple instead of their own apartment
Use Knight title. Yes this is sometimes confusing
Wandering explorers/ patrol the galaxy
Instead of responding to specific requests they visit places & are available if anyone wants their help
Specific purpose is to make sure the Jedi don’t neglect/ are unaware of certain parts of the galaxy just because it hasn’t requested Jedi aid in a while
Find potential Jedi and offer them a place in the Order
Bond with new initiates and ease their transition into the Order
Expertise in Force-temple ruins
An undead Sith~ sleeping in your bed. Who you gonna call? Ghost! Busters!
Work closely with the Lore Keepers
Most likely to become Wayfinders or leave the Order (by percentage not numbers)
“Former Jedi who got really interested in a niche of archaeology without many Force-related ruins” is a thing in the archaeology community
They can work on normal digs but the Senate won’t approve sending them/ use of Jedi funds
Medical Corps:
MedCorps padawans are very rare. Most members transfer in from another corps
Student healers from other corps have a healing mentor in charge of their healer training, separate from their lineage-master
Healer is the equivalent title to Knight. Healers-in-training are called Student Healers, no matter what their rank is
Knight Corps:
Knights being a fifth corps
This is the corps we see most in canon
One-on-one apprenticeships, Knight title
Focus on fighting abilities & lightsaber combat
Negotiators, ambassadors, diplomats
Focus on Force abilities
Focus on non-Jedi skills such as hacking
Considered a midpoint between Guardians and Consulars
Jedi spies
Answer to the High Council
Permanent/ long-term posting within a system
Agriculture Corps:
Focus on nature-related abilities
Grow most of the food for the Order
Very involved in disaster relief work
Rarely in the temple & usually have a bed in a communal room instead of a personal room
Have long-term postings & typically get settled there
Padawans are assigned to a group rather than an individual
Maven is the Knight-equivalent title
The chapter that inspired this whole project
Large-scale Force usage
Can revitalize uninhabitable areas
Use the Force to rapidly speed up regrowth, kickstart life on planets where there is none, etc.
Don’t believe in using the Force on the scale that Terraformers do
Use the Force to help individual plants grow, stave off rot and parasites, connect with animals, etc.
Creature specialists
Force-sensitive animal control
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alizha · 3 months ago
𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖿𝗅𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 '𝗍𝗂𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 | 𝗈𝗇𝖾-𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍
—Poe Dameron x Reader | NSFW
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Word Count: 6,969 (nice)
Tags: fem reader, no use of gendered pronouns, 2nd person POV, friends to lovers
CW: explicit sexual content, sex pollen, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex
Summary: Your lives run concurrent to each other for nearly ten years. What's it going to take to break out of the push and pull of your attraction to Poe Dameron?
masterlist | cross posted to ao3
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You’re eighteen the first time you ever see Poe Dameron. The way people talk about him, you’d think he was some sort of mythical creature. A manticore or a phoenix, like the one in the stylized New Republic insignia on your sleeve.
Hosnian Prime is a hostile world that you’ve just entered. It’s not scorching and dry or filled with poisonous gas, but it is cold and sterile and filled with ruthless cutthroats. Except they’re really just young people your own age who would do anything to get ahead of the competition in the medical academy. Because you’re all already competing with the surgical droids, diagnostic scanners, and a whole host of medical AIs.
The flight academy is also on Hosnian Prime, and it seems every girl in your year is familiar with the name Poe Dameron.
He’s twenty-one. You can’t even remember the first time you heard his name. Though you get the peculiar feeling that he must have some character flaws that all the secondhand accounts fail to mention in between all that talk about his skills and his looks.
It happens on neither a notable day nor at a notable time. He’s at the river walk with his friends, you’re on a stroll with a group of your fellow medcorps privates.
“That’s him. Poe Dameron,” they whisper. “He’s one of Antilles’ best. Mother was a Rebel hero.”
Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you glance up as you pass him. For a brief moment, you’re looking at Poe Dameron, and he’s looking at you. Then, the moment is gone, and you don’t think about him again for as long as his reputation will let you.
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When you graduate from the academy and fully enter the New Republic service, there’s only a handful of your classmates left. The transfer from the academy to the naval base on Hosnian Prime is trying to say the least. Longer hours, smaller rooms, and more noise.
And Poe Dameron is there. He’s twenty-three and you’re twenty. The mess hall cheers when he walks through the doors.
“He’s so impressive, isn’t he?” a former classmate to your left titters. Her mouth forms into a frown when she sees your blank expression. “Come on. He’s just been promoted. Commander of his own squadron.”
“And he’s so young,” another girl adds.
There’s no way of expressing how insignificant any of this is to you without sounding bitter. So, you settle on saying, “Good for him,” in the most neutral tone you can conjure.
When you’re at blaster practice a few days later (because even though you joined the Navy to become a doctor, you’re still expected to learn how to defend yourself), Poe Dameron is at the shooting range. One gallery over with a couple of his pilot buddies. You don’t know who the officer on duty is, but they must be friends with Dameron because no one says anything about the ruckus they’re causing.
You hear their boisterous laughter, snippets of their conversation: “Blasted into oblivion… Flew circles around them… Told ‘em to punch it!” It dulls your concentration and makes you grit your teeth.
Shoulders back, feet apart. Hold the blaster like you’re not letting anyone take it from you. Breathe.
You squeeze the trigger, and in rapid succession, you hit all your targets. The sound of the blaster fire overtakes the hum of their laughter, and the conversation fizzles out. It isn’t until you lower your blaster that you realize the range has finally gone silent.
“Nice shot!” Dameron’s voice breaks the silence.
You turn to look at him, but he’s already scurrying out of the gallery, pulled along by his friends.
The rest of his time at the Hosnian Prime base, the two of you barely speak. There are only occasional nods and brief ‘good mornings’ as you pass each other in the halls. And then, in a month’s time, he’s gone. Deployed to some space station on some important mission. Inconsequentially, life goes on.
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Mirrin Prime is your first and only foreign duty station. The last of your classmates are gone—scattered across the galaxy at other New Republic bases or space stations. Luckily, being in the service creates a shared experience that is good for fostering a quick sense of camaraderie.
The medcorps seniors take you under their wing. They show you the ropes, teach you the best places on base to study, and take you to the local hotspots. There’s one bar most of the New Republic service members seem to prefer, tucked away on the basement floor of a building in the seaport district.
Poe Dameron’s squadron has been stationed at Mirrin Prime for over a year already, and you would have had to be living under a rock to not know it. He’s twenty-six, and you’re just about to turn twenty-three.
He’s always been this famed figure, fawned after by all, but now his reputation seems larger than life. The ace pilot, made commander in his early twenties, with somebody different on his arm every week. You scoff, despite yourself.
“What?” Miri asks. “It’s true. He could have practically anyone in this bar.”
“Then, he’s a bigger sleazeball than I thought,” you mutter under your breath. Getting into this with your friend isn’t really something you wanted to do. So, you try to laugh it off. You just don’t understand the fascination.
One night, he’s at the bar at the same time as you, and to your utter bewilderment, he slides into the stool beside you while Miri and Kryscha are getting more drinks. You’re about to tell him the seat is taken when he opens his mouth.
“Lemme guess, they don’t serve swill like this to rich girls like you on whatever Core World planet you’re from.”
His voice is smooth as Corellian whiskey. And paired with that playful look, you almost don’t hear him at all. It’s the first time your eyes and his meet so directly. But after a moment, your brain processes his words. You refuse to let him see you speechless.
“I’m from Taanab.”
One corner of his mouth quirks up. “Close enough. I’m Poe Dameron, by the way.”
“I know who you are.” Then, after a beat, you realize you should reciprocate. “I’m—”
“I know who you are,” he says, interrupting you cheekily. “I remember you from Hosnian Prime.”
When your friends return, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of Poe Dameron at their table, he invites the three of you to join him and his friends. You pass for tonight, but Miri and Kryscha are happy enough to go along with them. You can’t pass forever, though, and when your friends all start to invite you out for the chance to have a drink with Poe Dameron, commander of Rapier Squadron, you start to cave.
That’s how your acquaintance with Poe Dameron begins. More and more each time you meet, you’re convinced all the high praise he receives is just a bunch of hot air. He’s really just a cocky flyboy with a lot of reckless tendencies and dumb luck.
He proves your point a few months later when he’s brought into the medbay after a nasty crash, and you’re the medic on call. You can’t help the way you storm in, heart beating in your throat in anticipation of the chewing out you were planning on giving him.
And no, it’s not because you’re mad at him for inviting Kryscha out on that date last week. It’s not envy you feel swelling in the pit of your stomach. It’s frustration that Poe thinks he’s too good to best, too good to get himself killed.
“Hey, you,” he says weakly when he sees you walk in, and the scolding you prepared dies on your tongue.
You patch him up roughly, tie his bandages on a little too tight. He squirms beneath the undue strength of your hands, even stifles a few groans and covers them up with a chuckle.
“I can’t tell if you’re mad at me or if you’re getting some sort of weird pleasure out of this.”
“Please.” You fix him with your scowl. “Don’t joke about this. You’re lucky you look worse than you actually are.”
“Will my looks be spared, you think?” He hisses as you pat the scrape along his cheekbone with bacta.
“It’s a long shot, but I think they’ll survive.”
That’s the closest you’ve ever come to admitting Poe Dameron is an attractive man. Even now, you’re inches away from his face, his bloodied shirt is discarded somewhere on the floor, and your fingers hover over the musculature of his bared shoulder. All the evidence you need right in front of you, and you still won’t say it outright.
The months roll by, and all the while, the ever-expanding shadow of the First Order looms over the New Republic. Miri is deployed on a diplomatic mission alongside Rapier Squadron and comes back with stories about Poe that sound a little intimate. But you think you’re reading too much into it until Miri starts grabbing drinks after work with Poe alone.
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When Poe’s rotation at Mirrin Prime is nearly complete, he’s twenty-eight. You’re twenty-five.
He’s angrier than he used to be. Still flippant, but there’s an undercurrent of unrest in his voice when he speaks up about the New Republic’s leniency toward the First Order. He clenches his jaw and patrols trade lanes in the sector when what he wants is to be daring.
He gets his chance when one of those routine patrols goes sideways. Apparently, his droid picks up a distress call from a hijacked freighter he’s been tracking. Four Rapiers engage. Only three return.
You finally get the holocall you’ve been expecting. Poe Dameron is waiting for you in the medbay. His head got dinged sometime during the engagement over Suraz.
“I was being careful. I promise.”
He says it for your benefit, but it rings like a lie. You gently move aside his dark curls to apply bacta to his stitches.
“So you’re not going to do anything stupid?”
Poe cracks a grin at that, suppressing the wince that results from the coolness of the bacta against his warm scalp. “Now, why would I do that?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” You’re too tired to think of something witty right now, so you pass that off for him to do.
“Why don’t we make a wager? If I come back alive from whatever it is I’m about to do, you go out for a drink with me.”
Your fingers stiffen up, and you quickly withdraw your hands to your sides. Even when you’re expecting something crazy to come out of his mouth, Poe still manages to surprise you.
“No, thank you.”
You turn to wash your hands and gather your things, and he lets you leave without another word. When you mention the short encounter to your friends at supper, unnerved and quite frankly a little angry that your friend, Poe Dameron, would deign to ask you to have a drink with him, they burst out into uncontrollable laughter. As if nobody in their right mind would relate to how you feel about it.
“Seriously? So, you turned him down then,” Miri asks.
“Of course.”
She shakes her head like you’re being ridiculous. “You don’t have to spare my feelings. It’s not like we were ever anything serious.”
“It’s not that,” you insist.
“Then, what is it?”
You close your mouth with a snap. There’s an answer waiting on your lips, but you’re afraid that it’ll sound like you’re being judgy. You simply do not want to be another person to fall over themselves trying to spend a night with Poe Dameron. Your refusal would likely do little to temper his ego in the long run, but it was really just about the principle of the thing.
When Poe disappears, not long after your conversation in the medbay, you can’t even be surprised. Command is furious. His squadron mates are brought in for questioning.
In the midst of the confusion, you’re sent with a different squadron on a mission to a space station in the mid rim. A hologram message from Miri fills you in. Poe has returned and been detained.
By the time you return from your mission, he’s gone without so much as a note, along with what was left of his squadron. There are rumors he’s joined the splinter group of the New Republic led by General Leia Organa.
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It’s not long after your twenty-seventh birthday that you and a few of your fellow medics decide to defect to the Resistance too. You’d heard Poe landed his own command of an entire attack wing in the Resistance.
Sure enough, one of your first missions sees you working with a few pilots from one of his squadrons. He’s just gotten back from one of his own operations and is there to personally brief his men. His lips quirk up at the corners when he spots you approaching.
“This one’s trouble, so keep an eye on her,” he says teasingly. “Make sure everything’s in order before you head out.”
He dismisses the pilots to finish prepping and turns to look you over like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. You bite back the acid that threatens to spew out of your mouth at him for leaving without a word.
“Been a while. How you doing, sweetheart?”
No, he doesn’t get to do that. “I have to go, Dameron. They’re waiting for me.”
You go to shove past, but he stops you with a large hand on your shoulder. Looking at him this close reveals shallow lines of age at the corners of his eyes and the plane of his forehead, eyes sunken in, and a hollowness to his cheeks that you never noticed before. Nearly a decade has slipped by without you even realizing it.
“It’s good to have you on board.” He says it with an authenticity that he reserves for serious occasions, few and far between.
You answer with a nod, and he releases you. He waits and watches from the hangar until your ship makes the jump to hyperspace.
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The sound of blaster fire rings in your ears as you sprint through the unfamiliar hangar, an insistent hand on the small of your back pressing you on as you swerve to avoid stacks of cargo and startled droids. You want to turn around and snap at the man the hand is attached to, but the situation you find yourself in is a little too precarious for personal gripes.
“Shouldn’t we go back and help?!” you yell over the twangs of ricocheted shots on metal.
“No time!” Poe says as he ushers you into the cramped cockpit of the light freighter he’d flown you in on. “Besides, we’re the ones they’re after. I need to get you out of here.”
The words you were about to speak fade away under the roar of the ship’s engines. You barely have time to throw your bag onto the floor and slip on your headset before Poe launches the ship out of the hangar. He narrowly avoids scraping the ship against the edge of the entrance on the way out.
“Kriff! The only thing I need protecting from out here is you!” you shout, grappling for a hold of something to keep yourself steady as you struggle to strap into your seat. The high-pitched sound of two TIE fighters screeches behind, followed by more blaster fire.
“You sure about that?” he retorts, sending the ship into an evasive dive.
You’re pretty sure Poe stalls for as long as he can to show off a few of his flashy maneuvers to no one in particular, hooting victoriously in his usual self-satisfied manner after each one. Finally, he lines up a shot and takes out both enemy fighters in quick succession.
“Did you see that?!” Poe cries.
You fight the urge to let out a frustrated scream. “We didn’t have time to go back and help, but you somehow had time for that? Honestly, Dameron, just get us the hell out of here!”
“Okay, okay,” he says, finally punching in the proper coordinates to make the jump to hyperspace. Once you’re hurtling through the familiar blue tunnel, you breathe a small sigh of relief and relax the tense muscles of your shoulders.
“Aw, stop your pouting, Doc. We made it out in one piece, didn’t we?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “I wouldn’t call losing an entire shipment of medical supplies a win.”
That purchase had taken weeks to set up and cost the Resistance a not-insignificant sum. Kalonia was gonna kill you.
“It wasn’t worth the risk. You’re more valuable than a bunch of bacta and synthplast,” Poe says.
From anyone else, those words would have sounded like a compliment. But this is Poe Dameron, and taking harebrained risks is almost second nature to him. The unexpectedly charitable comment rolls off you like water off an airtight seal. It takes a lot of restraint to hold in a scoff, but you’ve had plenty of practice.
He’s always been impossible.
“Didn’t you manage to salvage a few things?” Poe jerks his head toward your discarded bag. You’d only had enough time to shove a few handfuls of supplies into it without checking what you were taking once the shooting started.
“A few bandages and some pain medicine? Regardless, we should have gone back and helped,” you mutter, folding your arms across your chest. “Not just for the supplies. We were meant to refuel before heading back.”
“Don’t sulk. It’ll be fine. And I’ll put in a good word with the major for you,” Poe says.
And with that, your self-control falters. You let out a short laugh. As if he were so important that his word would do anything to lessen the failure of your mission.
“No, thank you. I think I’m good,” you bite out at him.
He pauses to scrutinize you pensively. “I honestly thought you were just having a bad day, but you really don’t like me, do you? I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to realize it.”
A bad day, he says. That’s one way to describe it. But his accusation finally catches you off guard and you sputter a bit.
“A-are you sure you’re not just used to getting special treatment from everyone else?”
He shakes his head. “Look, it’s okay. I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea.” He lapses for a moment, thoughtful, then adds, “I mean, I’m most people’s. But not yours. There’s no accounting for taste, but I respect your opinion.”
You groan quietly and dig the heels of your palms into your eyes. He’s teasing you. Or he isn’t, and he’s disguising a genuine wound behind a glib attitude. Part of you doesn’t wish to know which is true, so you unstrap yourself from your seat and hoist yourself up onto your feet.
“I can never tell if you’re screwing with me,” you mutter as you duck out of the cockpit and shut the door behind you.
You’re not running away. You’re not. You’re just tired and overwrought from this mission. It’s going to be a few hours before the ship reaches D’Qar, so you might as well try to relax. Luckily, there’s a space in the main hull for you to put up your feet. And although you’re not looking for it, you fall expeditiously into an uneasy sleep.
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The feeling of the starship lurching out of hyperspace jerks you awake. Even though you’re groggy from your nap, you know it’s too soon for the ship to have reached the Ileenium system already. You stretch out your arms and get to your feet.
He doesn’t look up at you as you squeeze back into the cockpit. His focus is fixed on the nav computer, brows knitted and his lower lip drawn into a soft bite between his teeth. There’s an ever-growing sinking feeling in your stomach.
“Poe, what’s going on?” you ask carefully.
“We, uh…” He chuckles sheepishly. “We ran out of fuel.”
“Now, you don’t have to say ‘I told you so.’ I admit, we should have fueled up before we left.”
“You think?”
Poe finally turns to meet your furious gaze with those big brown eyes of his, exuding innocence. “In my defense, I was trying to save our lives.”
At this point, you’re trying your best not to smack yourself in the forehead in frustration. First, you fail to complete your mission. Now, you were going to need rescuing on top of that.
“Okay, what do we do now? Did you get in touch with the base?” You don’t even know why you’re making such an effort to keep your voice steady and calm.
“Great question,” Poe says in a chipper tone that puts you on edge. “We’re getting picked up by a New Republic patrol. They should be here in just a couple hours.”
Maker, you knew what that meant. It meant the Resistance couldn't spare a ship to pick them up, so they’re letting someone else who was already in the area do the rescuing. And it meant more time than expected spent in close quarters with Poe.
You’re still feeling awkward from earlier. Maybe you should head back to claim the hull for yourself to wait it out alone. You’re just about to do just that when Poe speaks up again suddenly.
“Hey, I don’t suppose I could have some of that medicine? I think I pulled something running away earlier.”
“Whatever.” You wave your hand dismissively and drop back into your chair, staring out into the starry void.
He gets up and shuffles around behind you. “What’s this?”
“What’s what?”
Poe doesn’t answer. It sounds like he’s fiddling with something now, like a stick lid. You let out a beleaguered sigh and turn just in time to see him jimmy the opening of a small canister.
It opens with a pop and releases a loud hiss. Although you can’t see anything, the noise is a clear indication that Poe has just released something into the air. Instinct takes over, and you spring up to smack the canister out of his hand. It clatters to the ground, and he gives you a strange look.
“What was that supposed to do?”
“I don’t know!”
“What was even in that thing?”
A thousand scenarios race through your head. It could have been anything. Poe likely inhaled most of whatever came out of that canister. “Do you feel anything?”
He contemplates for a moment, then shakes his head. “I feel normal.”
“Okay, that’s a good sign.”
You get up and walk over to where the canister has rolled against the wall. When you pick it up to inspect the label, you have to rub your eyes to make sure you’re reading it right.
“Uhm… you’ll be okay, Poe. Don’t panic, okay?”
He jumps to his feet. “I do not like the way you just said that. What is it, Doc? Poison? Just tell me.”
You fight against a furious blush. Before you can form an answer, Poe’s eyes widen slightly and his head snaps up to meet your gaze. He may not have felt anything before, but it’s clear the effects have started to take hold now.
“What’s happening to me?” he asks, his voice calm but shaky.
There’s a flush spreading over his face that you’re sure matches yours. Perspiration shines on his temple, and he swallows as his blackening pupils flicker around restlessly. They hone in on your mouth when your tongue darts out to wet your suddenly dry lips.
“Experimental drug. Mostly black market.” You pause to bite your lip anxiously. “Acute aphrodisiac. It was developed to artificially increase populations of an endangered species native to the Tapani sector.”
Poe moans into his hands and rubs his knuckles into his increasingly bloodshot eyes. “Okay, that explains… things.”
Embarrassment burns through you, hot and bright. Not for Poe, but for yourself. Because in spite of yourself, there's a lick of desire that shudders down your spine at the sight of him. You turn abruptly to hide your face. What kind of sick person would react this way to this?
You try to turn your frustration around on him. “Why would you mess around with something when you don’t know what’s inside it?”
Behind you, he lets out a groan that sounds as if it’s been muffled against his fist. If he hears your question, he doesn’t have the patience to respond. “How long is this going to last exactly?”
The answer is too mortifying for you to push out of your throat. You wrap your arms around yourself self-consciously. There’s only one way to make the effects of the drug go away. And if you don’t do it, he’ll be in excruciating pain for hours.
There’s not just the waiting for the New Republic patrol to consider. There’s also the matter of getting towed to the nearest system. And if there’s no one who can treat him there, he’ll have to endure refueling and getting the rest of the way to the Resistance base on D’Qar.
You steel your resolve and try to make your face as neutral as possible when you turn back to him. “You don’t have to be in pain. There is something we can do now to neutralize the drug.”
He laughs weakly through his discomfort, and that makes you raise your eyebrows at him. “You’re not seriously suggesting what I think, are you? That-that’s just crazy. Right? Doc?”
Indignantly, you anchor your hands to your hips and frown. “What is it that you think I’m suggesting?”
Poe is quiet for a moment as if he’s waiting for you to give up a jest. But when you only watch him expectantly, he drops his tight smile and says, “Oh, you are serious. No. No. It’s out of the question.”
“I’m suggesting I help out a friend,” you sigh. “Why is that so unthinkable?”
“By having sex with me?” He shakes his head with a scoff.
His tone grates at your nerves. “Well, thanks for that. I thought you were willing to fuck anything that moves, but I guess I’m the one exception to that rule.”
You storm out of the cockpit and mash the side of your fist against the release to close the door behind you. Poe throws himself through before the door can shut completely and grabs you by the shoulder.
“Wait! No, that’s not—,”
You’re about to send your elbow straight into his gut when he doubles over with a cry. He releases his grip on your shoulder and flails wildly until he gets a hold of the wall, letting out a long groan.
“Dank ferrik,” you mutter as you slide your arm under his. He leans against you as you lead him to the sofa where you’d taken a nap earlier. Even through the fabric of his shirt, his skin feels scorching to the touch.
“You have to believe me. It’s not that you’re not a beautiful woman. Because you are. Beautiful, I mean.”
His voice is thin like he’s not getting enough air. You push him to relax against the backrest with a shush.
“Would you just take it easy? I don’t care about that. You’re only putting yourself in more pain.”
“No.” He takes your arms in his hands to cease your ministrations. “You need to hear me. This isn’t how I want this. It’s all wrong. That’s why I can’t have sex with you.”
His gaze is too direct, too piercing. You have to force yourself not to look away. “W-what?”
“Ideally I’d like to have sex with you because you like me,” he says through a groan. The corners of his eyes crinkle as he bites back his pain. “Not because you feel obligated to sleep with me when I’m on the brink of passing out.”
You sigh and crouch down so you’re at eye-level with him. “Poe. I don’t feel obligated to. I want to help you.”
“Doc, no. Okay? And that’s final.”
He shuts his eyes and sucks in a breath through his teeth. And it’s in that moment that it all hits you.
He’s choosing now to be chivalrous. To absolve you of your guilt for causing the continuation of his pain. But you want no part of that. Carefully, you reach out one hand to cup his stubbled face, and the muscles of his jaw jump beneath your fingers.
“I’m not gonna let you suffer.”
His eyes flutter open in time to watch you lean forward, putting your face millimeters from his. They stare transfixed, first at your eyes, then at your lips.
“It’s always been hard to resist you. But I don’t think I can control myself right now.”
His words shoot straight to your core. You’re practically hovering over his lap now. He clenches his fists at his sides—one last desperate attempt to hold himself back.
“You don’t have to,” you breathe.
Then, everything snaps, and Poe is sitting up straight as a knife, mouth crashing onto yours. He kisses you like a man starved. Desperate, without thought for breath, his hands grabbing at your hair and the nape of your neck.
He swallows every gasp before they can even tumble from your lips, knees parting so he can wrench you flush against his chest. His stubble is merciless on the soft skin of your face, and the small moans he emits between nips compounds the growing ache between your legs.
It’s nice. It’s all way more than nice, but he needs more than this to quell the effects of the drug. You reach down between your bodies and feel around and—
Kriff. The bulge at his crotch is already as hard as durasteel. Poe lets out a whine as you squeeze him through the fabric of his pants.
“Not yet,” he whispers, shoving your hand away.
Before you can protest, he flips you onto your back on the sofa and dips down to capture your lips with his again. His tongue slips past your teeth, drags against the roof of your mouth. The pressure of his fingertips on your neck is bliss. When he moves to press a kiss to your throat, your heart starts to beat rabbit-fast in your chest, breaths coming in short bursts.
Poe claws at your arms, grabs at your chest and hips over your clothes, too far gone to bother removing the layers. Your own hands slide under his shirt and along the damp skin of his back, fascinated by the way his muscles ripple beneath your touch. Driven by need, you shove your face to the crook of his neck and mouth at the cords of his throat. His taste bursts across your tongue.
The moan he releases makes you clench your thighs together, and you realize the sheer amount of slick that’s managed to accumulate at your center. Shame heats your face—you’re getting hopelessly turned on by a drugged-up Poe. You’ve refused to be another notch in his belt for almost a decade.
“Hey, look at me.”
He takes you by the chin and tilts slightly so you’re looking into his eyes. They’re nearly black, but there’s still something warm in them that eases the tension in your shoulders. He’s still Poe. He’s still your friend.
“I’m sorry, okay?” He rocks his hardened length against your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I’m not.” The words are leaving your mouth before your brain has time to think. They shock him as much as you. For a long moment, all you do is stare at each other, chests heaving. Then, Poe rips the waistband of your pants and underwear down to your knees.
He growls your name into the juncture between your neck and shoulder and dips his index finger into your cunt without preamble. The sudden intrusion makes you lift your back off the sofa, gasping. Another finger joins in, then another, as Poe groans eagerly.
“I’m not sorry,” you pant, hips squirming. “I care about you, Poe.”
“I care about you too. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you.”
His head disappears and suddenly he’s positioning his face between your legs. Hot breath fans across your soaking folds as his fingers continue to fuck you unrelentingly. A shudder runs through you in anticipation.
“I’ve thought about tasting you for years,” he murmurs.
Even now, when he’s hovering over his goal, Poe can’t help but love hearing himself talk. You make a frustrated noise and glance down at him. His eyes make contact with yours just as he flattens his tongue against your clit.
All your thoughts dissipate at the molten hot feel of his mouth. There’s no build up, no softness. Just the firm swirl of his tongue and the slide of his fingers, desperate and frenzied like years of longing are pouring out of him at this very moment.
There’s nothing to hold on to, so you fist your hands above your head as you cant your hips. Poe doesn’t mind your writhing. Seems to savor the way your body reacts to his touch. Perhaps he’s dreamt of how you would look pinned beneath him like this.
Pleasure builds at the base of your spine as he moans into your cunt like your sweetness is everything he’s imagined and more. When he closes his lips around your clit and sucks, a cry finally rips from your throat.
“O-oh! That’s—,”
“You like that?” His voice is so low and husky it reverberates in his chest. Makes you shiver deliciously.
“I need to fuck you now.”
An eagerness forms on his face as you kick your pants off the rest of the way and press your foot into his chest. Obediently, he wraps his fingers around your ankle and straightens, lets you push him down until his back is against the armrest. He flashes you a dark smile as he languidly kisses his way from your ankle to your calf.
“If I’d known you were so keen, I would have done this ages ago.”
“Shut up.” His teasing rips a hole in your pride, but you can’t think of anything more clever to say.
“Yes, Doctor,” he says, winking.
You scoff and make quick work of the closures of his trousers as Poe grips the swell of your hips. He was being way too cocky—you want to smack that smug expression right off his face. The effects of the drug must have been quelled by what the two of you have done so far, but it’s going to take release for him to be cured completely.
With his free hand, Poe reaches past the waistband of his underwear. When he eases out his cock, it’s flushed an angry red and already weeping at the tip. He must be frustrated from the neglect, aching from need. Curiosity compels you to wrap your fingers around his searing thickness, and his mouth falls open with a moan.
A thrill runs through you. He’s beautiful like this. Dark brows drawn together, plush lips parted, and head tipped back to reveal his sharp jaw and exposed throat covered in unshaven shadow. No, he’s always been beautiful. You’ve just always been too stubborn to admit it.
“Please.” His voice comes out like a whine, but a part of you still clings to the idea that his plea is just him indulging you to get what he wants.
Every secret resentment you’ve held against him over the years bubbles to the surface. “I can’t stand you, you smooth-talking, arrogant, laserbrained ass.”
You roll your fist hard over his cock. Poe bites his lower lip to muffle a cry, dazed by the mixture of pleasure and pain.
“You’re gorgeous. I adore you,” he moans, splaying his fingers over your thighs. The strength of his grip makes your mouth water.
Swiftly, you raise your hips up and position the head of his throbbing member at your fluttering entrance. When you sink down, taking the length of him inside you, you both groan. Much to your surprise, it doesn’t feel like defeat.
“Stars. You feel so good.”
He urges you to move, shoving your hips forward in a grinding motion. You squirm above him as you struggle to adjust to his size. When he pushes you back, his cock hits something inside you that makes the edges of your vision go white. You keen his name, and he quickens his pace, guiding you back and forth atop him.
“Say it again. Say my name like you only want me.”
“Poe,” you sigh, driving your hips against his. You clench around him, desperately chasing the sweet release that was just out of reach.
He releases a soft grunt as he lifts up off the armrest and captures your bottom lip between his teeth. You wind your arms under his and dig shallow crescents into his back with your fingernails as he drags the bite out then flicks his tongue over the resulting sting soothingly.
“I’d be yours if you asked, Doc,” he murmurs as he tangles his fingers in your hair. “All you’d have to do is ask.”
You nip at his lip in retaliation, hard enough to draw a yelp from him. “Stop bullshitting me, flyboy.”
Poe’s fingers close around a handful of hair, and he gives it a short tug. You gasp as your head falls back and his lips latch onto the side of your throat. He brazenly sucks a mark into the delicate skin there and grins at his handiwork.
He bucks up into you, his cock reaching deeper inside you than his fingers ever could. In a few simple moves, he’s turned the tables and taken control again. The irritation rises in you in tandem with the heat of pleasure building in your belly.
“I’m being serious. It’s not the drug talking,” he says between pants.
You know that. At least while he’s fucking you, the drug has no effect on him. You roll your eyes at him and just focus on riding him. But Poe doesn’t give up easy. He whines your name.
“Leave me alone,” you mutter, grinding down and taking him in to the hilt.
He sucks in a breath and shakes his head. “I can't.”
Rough fingers find their way to your clit and draw tight circles over the bundle of nerves. His other hand slips beneath the fabric of your bra and toys with a hardened nipple. Poe handles your body with the same confidence he has when operating the dash in his X-wing. It’s the last straw that puts you over the edge, and suddenly you feel like you’re taking off into the stars.
He fucks you through your orgasm, plunging into your cunt over and over as he lets broken moans tumble from his mouth indiscriminately. “Beautiful. I’m close. So close.”
You surrender to the frantic rhythm of his thrusts, boneless and hanging on to his taut shoulders for dear life. When his hips begin to stutter, you clench down on him, earning you a strangled cry of your name. Poe drives up one last time and spills inside of you, and the sensation of his hot spurts makes you whimper and shudder over him.
When he collapses back onto the armrest, he takes you down with him so that you’re lying flush against his heaving chest. Everything sounds so distant, so far away compared to the roar of blood pumping in your ears. You stay like that for a while as the both of you try to recover.
“Did that… work?” you ask finally, breaking the silence filled with only the sounds of your combined breaths returning to normal.
“You could say that,” he says. He glances down at you. “Oh, right, the drug. The pain’s gone. Don’t think it’s coming back.”
You start to shift to pull yourself off his softening cock, but he presses a hand against the small of your back to hold you still. Inquisitively, you look back up to meet his gaze. Warm brown was starting to return to the edges of his eyes as his pupils receded.
“Listen, sweetheart. I know you think I’m a flirt. But the truth is it’s just my way of staying in control.”
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you let out a tired exhale through your nose.
“It’s true. C’mon, best pilot in the Resistance? I’m just a conquest for these people. Turning them into conquests puts the power back into my hands,” he says. “None of them want me because they actually know me.”
“What are you saying?” you ask, your heartbeat high in your throat.
Poe’s fingers dance lazily across your back as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’m saying you’re not a conquest. I wasn’t just chasing after you out of some sick, twisted need to bed the one girl I couldn’t have.”
You lift yourself up slightly to get a better look at him, and the softness of his expression threatens to break your heart. He brushes his knuckle against your cheekbone and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear. The gesture is so tender and intimate, it makes your stomach flutter.
“Let me prove it to you. Let me take you out properly when we get back. I promise you, you won’t regret—,”
“Poe,” you say, cutting him off and taking his chin between your thumb and index finger. “It’s a date, alright? So shut up.”
And with that, you lean down to kiss him again and feel him smiling against your lips.
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masterlist | cross posted to ao3
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captainmazzic · 7 months ago
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As Shalo Vakh keyed open the final heavy door, he was greeted by the chime of shifting chains as the Sith Lord raised his head.
Shalo swallowed hard and his grip on the medical kit he carried tightened enough to whiten his knuckles. The tips of his lekku flicked and twitched in anticipation of flight, the myriad of rings hooked through them jingling faintly through the tiny room, betraying his nervousness. But other than the steady stare he received from the Sith, there was no other indication of movement, hostile or not. He took one of the bravest steps forward of his life, and let the door slide shut behind him.
Meet Shalo Vakh, he's the other main character in the new (short) story Like a Fine Wine, which I've been actively working on pretty much any hour I'm not asleep or at work, lol.
Shalo is a Twi'lek, originally from Belsavis, born to prisoners there so therefore a prisoner himself and according to Republic law it is illegal for him to leave the prison planet. But the Jedi Order does have its privileges, so when Dr. Neeya discovered a Force-sensitive child among the Condemned, he dutifully notified the Order. Someone was sent to pick Shalo up (Despite the protests of Warden Playt and Senator Tudos, who would have loved to have used Shalo in Project Noble Focus, however skewed it would have made their results). Shalo was taken to Coruscant for initial training, but moved to Tython after the Sacking of Coruscant. His final trials were supposed to include the clearing out of Flesh Raider settlements in part, but Shalo failed quite spectacularly - partly because he is not very strong in the Force, and partly because of flat-out refusal. He made an attempt to leave the Order, but was informed that since it was illegal for him to exist off Belsavis without the Order's support, he would be shipped back to the prison planet. His only other choice was one of the Jedi Service Corps. He initially joined MedCorps, but after an incident involving the "unauthorized use of Republic supplies on an enemy combatant", he was kicked out of MedCorps and given a final chance in EduCorps instead. Now he spends most of his time copying and transferring archives from waystations and outposts back to Coruscant. Usually it's dull, tedious work, but his most recent mission has taken a very unexpected hard left with the sudden appearance of a certain Sith Lord, and now everything's been turned on its head. :3
I'm on track to finish the whole fic by or before the end of August. I've mentioned before that it's set in the same time frame as Opening Dialogue, but this one is definitely more slashy. I don't know if it'll be anyone else's cup of tea but I, for one, am having a blast XD
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ratcready · 2 years ago
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BREAKING: an ARF trooper and a medcorps jedi have been arrested in coco town on suspicion of Silly Goofy Activity. more at 10
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dapurinthos · 16 days ago
i found another corps member under the couch. i think they're recruiting.
Jace rolls his eyes and the end of his lekku, as if he’s using them to underline his opinion on the necessity of getting into specifics, which seems to be that it’s optional. The looping white tattoos crinkle up together. “A body on his doorstep. Then he went on to say that we’ve had more people killed in the last twelve years over the previous half-century.” Sifo-Dyas stops. I stop. Jace keeps walking until he realises he’s the only one doing so, and then swings back around, one lek curling around his neck while the other one tumbles behind his shoulder from the momentum. “Jace.” “Yes, Master Sifo-Dyas?” “Did he say ‘killed’ or just that there’s an increase in general Order deaths?” “There’s a difference?” “Jace, you're MedCorps.” “Yes.” An obvious ‘and?’ is absent. “There’s always a ‘cause of death' box to fill out. I can't just put ‘life’ in there, even though it is a terminal STI.” I try to hide my laughter in a cough but only end up trying to breathe consciously and mistime the inhale/exhale movement. It doesn't matter that the cough started off fake; it's real now, and painful. “Breathe it all out,” says MedCorps Jace, brisk and efficient. “Push the air out through your mouth and nose and ears until you don't have any left, and then cover your mouth. Swallow. Breathe in only through your mouth, slow and smooth for thirty seconds.” My throat convulses, but I do what he says. I clamp my hand over my mouth and nose to keep air from getting in while I swallow nothing. “Not so tight. You still need some air to get in.” I loosen my grip and breathe like I'm sucking oxygen in through a straw for the next thirty seconds, counting them off in my head. One hyperlane, two hyperlane, three hyperlane … After counting thirty hyperlanes, I switch my focus to a different number. Twelve years doesn’t feel like the right number. It’s not just that it’s a strange number to count to, with ten and fifteen right there on either side. It’s blurry, out-of-focus, one of those letters on an eye chart that’s going to turn out to be something completely different than what you thought it was when it’s magnified. Sifo-Dyas seems to agree with me. His tone is politely baffled. “Why twelve years ago?”
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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
So i am almost up to 8500 words on Caught somewhere in time. I'm about to tackle the Attack of the clones part of the fic. And with that comes a new set of headcanons I'll be incorperating.
On Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Cal:
Obi-Wan almost left the order on two occasions: his relationship with Satine Kryze, and his choice to have Cal.
Anakin sees Cal as his little brother, though he is also torn on how to handle him, as a part of him sees Cal as competition for Obi-Wan's attention.
Cal's psychometry has gotten him into trouble more than once. But mostly because he either sees things people don't want him to see, or because he sees things that upset him greatly and he has panic attacks.
Cal's gift for chaos and crawling through vents were inherited from Obi-Wan. As is his gift for reading people and their intentions.
Cal has inherited a rather unexpected ability from his sperm donor, namely the ability to sharpshoot with a blaster pistol.
Padmé and Cal team up against Anakin. And although Anakin complains and whines that he is not happy about this, he secretely relishes in the absolute chaos that Padmé and Cal cause.
On Stewjon:
The planet stewjon is like space Florida. It has mangroves, swamps, that eventually roll out into grasslands and even has some forest. There's a lot of water on the planet, though it is inhabited by all sorts of predatory fish and reptiles, and even beaches or lakes are not that safe to swim in.
There's also plenty of farmland on the planet, and some of the larger cities are packed with resorts, hotel chains, and tourist attractions. Though further inland there's a lot of poverty and people barely scraping by.
The mangrove trees are harvested for their valuable Oljohn wood. It is specifically useful for making jewelry and wooden figurines, or detailing work.
Stewjoni are a people that are intersex by nature. As such, their entire concept of gender and sexuality are very different from more traditional planets. (By our earth standards).
A person who carried a baby is referred to as mom, regardless of their gender. A person who sired the baby is referred to as dad.
Their phenotype is determined by chromosomes, XX gives someone a masculine phenotype, XY gives someone a feminine phenotype.
(I deliberately changed this, do not come for me in the comments.)
Stewjoni can breed with humans, like Twy'leks, and their biology is a dominant trait over our human biology.
Many stewjoni come out with their gender around the age of 16, some do this earlier. Until that time, many Stewjoni address their children in a neutral way, or choose to adhere to their phenotype presentation until the child determines otherwise.
Stewjoni sometimes choose to single parent, and like Naboo, there is no taboo on sperm donors or artificial insemination. It's seen as a perfectly acceptable road to take.
There's also no taboo on abortion or birth control. When the entire population is intersex, and resources can be scarce, you also need ways to control the population.
On Jedi:
There were many Jedi in the order that had some form of attachment to others, though those active in the order also made sure that a. the council didn't find out about those attachments, and b. that the attachments didn't interfere with their duty.
Some Jedi also chose to have children. If the Jedi stayed within the order and agreed to its terms, the children would be brought to the temple on Coruscant and were raised there. The Jedi parents would have visitation rights and could see their children at most once a month, preferably less. If a child was not force sensitive by age 3, they would finish their time in the clan and by age 13 be sent to one of the corps. (Agricorp, medcorp, educorp, exploration corp).
If a child was force sensitive they would stay for training among a clan and by age 9 go to Ilum for the crystal ceremony. By age 13 they would be chosen as a Padawan by a knight or master that was NOT their parent. If they're not chosen, they too would go to the corp.
This caused some form of tension within the order, as quite a few (parental) members found the rules unfair or downright cruel.
Any Jedi that did not agree to the terms of having children within the order would be excommunicated and stripped of their rank. They would however be given supplies and credits to get them on their feet. The Jedi are strict and stifled, but fair and supportive with old members.
Children of Jedi that were Padawan learners or corp members were given ways to contact their Jedi parent once a month to keep in touch. At the age of 18 these children were given a choice to continue service or to cut ties with the order.
And since it's now 2 am I'll leave it at this.
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soapver4 · 9 months ago
Pity, a Star Wars series
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Spinoff Bubble: A long time ago in a slightly more dissimilar galaxy far, far away… a clique of righteous, highly accomplished but long-orphaned Jedi Knights grow increasingly perturbed when they notice glints of doting sorrow in their ailing Jedi Master' eyes as her usually inscrutable facade breaks down. As twisty investigations on a mass murder mystery progress, they suspect that they were memory-wiped child assassins responsible for the killings. The Jedi Master, determined to safeguard the truth, now performs a memory wipe on herself, leaving them with no choice but to roam rough planets in search of their real families and what remains of kidnappers already known to mindwash, torture and train such child assassins.
The expeditions throw up three discoveries, some intriguing and some startling. First, though some of these Jedi bear strong physical resemblances to the assassins' families, the parents are strikingly different from those in the few stubborn remnants of their early memories. Are the Jedi Knights doppelgängers serving as red herrings for some purpose? Second, life at the bottom rungs of the galactic system proves far more violent and degrading than they had imagined. Third, certain kidnappers, wrongly presumed dead, have been resurrecting their operations.
Putting aside their parentage questions for the sake of the galaxy, the Jedi Knights rally enormous resources and forces — including the MedCorps, AgriCorps and EduCorps — to assist the suffering people, thwart the kidnappers' operations and rescue new child assassins and potential murder targets. In fact, the amelioration of ground-level suffering is crucial as it frees up attention and care for would-be kidnappees and tamps down socioeconomic ills that feed those spies-recruiting kidnappers' radical ideologies. Enthusiastic recruits from numerous species, such as humans, Wookiees, Mogwai and Ewoks, rush to join the massive project out of duty, a thirst for adventure or raw financial desperation.
Much unfortunately, in their endeavor to bring about political and economic stability in the various planetary societies, the Jedi Knights end up reproducing the overall socioeconomic order in the galaxy. Project respondents with the best means throughout life have the highest odds of possessing the talent for roles with the best remuneration and opportunities to explore and shape their galaxy. The ordinary ones net ordinary roles. Those who look like they can barely take care of themselves, like paraplegics without Darth Vader's bionics, are redirected to subminimum wage jobs in sheltered workshops, and if they insist that is not enough for the families they are actually breadwinners of, food in scuffles-prone soup kitchens as well.
Things take a bizarre turn when a human Jedi Knight among our orphaned leads bump into a wrinkled Wookiee woman he uncontrollably tears up at the sight of, while a bunch of human kids out of earshot poke fun at the gigantic species' extreme hairiness. To figure out the cause of his outburst, he follows her home, where he discovers the childhood bedroom in his dreams. On the bed lies the woman's only child, a Wookiee she later tells him was diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability prior to a harrowing bout of infection, a visit by a Jedi whose traits match the Jedi Master's, and his present coma. As he stares at the unconscious Wookie, waves of surreal numbness course through his human body.
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Over the coming months, the supposedly orphaned Jedi Knights follow the lead to track down more families whose children became comatose after covert visits from the Jedi Master. Since the comas did not occur immediately after the visits and the families did not know each other, barely anybody seriously suspected her. By and by, these Jedi Knights discover her hidden talent of suppressing a child's consciousness and remotely transferring it from one body to another. The comatose bodies are naturally the original bodies, the suppressed consciousness and host bodies are the child assassins', and the transferred consciousness are the comatose bodies'.
But who are the other comatose people, the rest of the Jedi Knights at the heart of this series? They are the very class of galaxy inhabitants they sort into the bottom of the economic pyramid: One has severe cerebral palsy; another suffers from the locked-in syndrome; yet another is an autistic person with difficulties in camouflaging. The last one has had childhood schizophrenia. Even the Jedi with locked-in syndrome had an inquisitive mind and could do some meaningful work in her own body when equipped with the necessary technology. Nevertheless, they know too well that too few foremen in their own operations would have confidence placing bets on grit and stereotype fallibility to yield staggering quotas of goods and services out of their original selves under the forever harsh circumstances of the galaxy.
The celebrated Jedi heroes stand over a dusty manual on consciousness manipulation, juxtaposed with shots of their comatose bodies. Three of them make the hard decision to transfer their consciousness to captured kidnappers' bodies, arrange for rehabilitation of the awakening child assassins and continue their Jedi missions. The remaining pair, finding the notion of breathing and traveling through these depraved masterminds' bodies too revolting, choose to return to their trapping old lives.
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fungalpieceofshit · 1 year ago
Okay. Please, get someone in mind should it be necessary. Remember the Lifeline, if Rose showed it to you. You may need a doctor on call.
Thankfully, blessedly, she did show me that. I've got four Medcorps folks making the trek with me and I'm going to use it to teleport us back once I've found her
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team-jedi · 2 years ago
At least with the Service Corps, the branches: Agricultural Corps (AgriCorps), Medical Corps (MedCorps), Educational Corps (EduCorps), Exploration Corps (ExplorCorps) make some sort of sense because we do shorten versions on earth doctors md. And my school email was [email protected] // but bang-corn? Jizz??
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star wars is so fucking stupid, I love it
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drsallyrothering · 5 months ago
What Who Knows - for @whosxafraid
"Oh!...Hello Pat. Is the Boss not about?"
Not for the first time in her life, Sal cursed a mental blue streak over Pat's Boss keeping free of chrome. Putting in a call to the Work Line was nowhere near as secure as would be a personal link. God only knew who'd pick up when something was urgent - the man she needed to talk to...or his major domo, which is who she'd got on the holo now.
"Ee's in meetin's all day, luv" Pat replied amiably, his voice rendered clear enough that he could have been in the room with her. "Take a message f'yah, c'n I? 'Ee'll buzz yah back, promise."
Sal trailed off, her eyes fixed forward as reams of data scrolled like rain down windows on her HUD. The data-shard Pat's Boss had handed to her personally - the one she'd half an hour back slotted into the port behind her right ear - had dumped what must've been a terabyte's worth of info on her in the ensuing; a heavy but manageable load for anyone with anything beyond first gen hardware. It wasn't the amount of it that had her on the holo though. It was the word sitting top left in her field of view.
"You alrigh', Sal?"
That was Pat's voice again, concern in it now.
Sal blinked herself out of the reverie she'd slipped into. "-Yes, I just-"
She cut herself off, weighing for what felt like a full minute the pros and cons of broaching what really needed to be given all she'd seen. It...wasn't a usual, above-board, buddy-buddy relationship she and Pat and Pat's Boss had. They treated her pleasantly, no question. They supplied her clinic and made sure the security was top notch. But she wasn't naïve enough to think for a second they did these things through legal channels and so, in matters where she might be seen as questioning their decisions, she knew she had to tread gently.
"...It's been three years we've known each other now, right Pat?"
Confusion vied with concern in his reply. "It 'as, yeah..."
Sal pressed on. "And you know I served - MedCorps for nearly twenty. Different to you, different place, different time, but we both served in our way."
"We did...Sal, wha's this-"
"What does Gemini mean to you?"
At that word's intonation, Pat's entire world felt like it narrowed to a pinprick. The voice on the other end of the line, Sal's voice, faded from him; laid over by a hollow buzzing nothingness that could've dragged Pat under had determined Sally not kept on; had she not invoked his Boss's name with such sincere worry.
"Is Ron in the habit of liberating military hardware?"
"-Sal" Pat tried, the absence of accusation in her voice all that was keeping him seated. She went on like she'd not heard him.
"Better question. Is Ron in the habit of taking in military hardware that liberated itself?"
The silence on the line was like a lead weight in her gut.
"...Did you know, Pat?"
It only got heavier the longer the quiet stretched.
"...Does Ron know?"
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lightsaber-dorphin · 10 months ago
Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure
I’ve been working for a while on worldbuilding the inner workings of the Jedi Order. Below is a flowchart of the administrative bodies, their duties, and any other admin bodies they oversee. More details on each below the cut.
These are different groups involved in running the Jedi Order. For different roles within the Jedi, see my Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions.
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High Council: (Finance, bylaws, PR, major trials)
Determines the budget(s)
Relations with the Senate
Only body that can expel members
Librarian's Assembly: (Ensures knowledge is available to Jedi)
Fund academic researchers (many Jedi researchers work directly for the assembly)
Archives: (Run the Archives & research)
Host academic conferences
Protect important artifacts
Run basically directly by the Librarian's Assembly
Department of Classes: (Adult education)
Organize all classes that aren't geneds
Set criteria for certifications/ degrees
Help members get degrees from external organizations
Council of Reassignment: (Oversees transfers & is Jedi CPS)
New Initiate paperwork
Transfers between corps and/or branches
Helps members leave the Order
Checks the CoFK when necessary
Padawanship paperwork filed here (crèchemasters sign off, padawan signs off, check master for red flags/ not allowed to take apprentice, sometimes mind healer signs off)
Council of Justice: (Attourneys & internal justice system)
Try & punish cases committed by Jedi & internal to the Jedi Order
Mediate interpersonal disputes
Lawyers for the Order
Cannot expel members
Council of Outreach: (Manages outposts & patrols)
Assigns Jedi to satellite locations or watchfolk posts
Hires other outpost staff
Ships supplies to & from outposts
Tracks the locations of missions & sends Vanguards to areas that haven't been visited recently
Council of Temple Maintenance: (Oversees internal services and temple upkeep)
In charge of the cleaning droids
Coordinates trash & recycling with Coruscant government
Has the occasional member who can do specialized maintenance (ex. plumber, electrician)
Volunteers sign up to fix things
Hires outside contractors when there isn't a Jedi with the necessary skills
Assigns Jedi to living quarters
Interior decor
Delegates chores such as taking out the trash, mopping, dusting, etc.
Padawans and initiates are often assigned these chores as punishments
Kitchenmasters: (Mess halls)
Make & serve food in the mess halls
Label the food with which species can eat it
Order food supplies
Supervise initiate clans helping in the kitchens
Quartermasters: (Distribute supplies & manage finances)
Bulk-order supplies for the Order
Provide mission allotments
Desk operators help members pick up supplies
Transport Office: (Run the hangar bay & speeder pool)
Responsible for the Order's vehicles
Vehicles are checked in & out like a library for cars & ships
Hire external staff when there aren't enough Jedi
Temple Guard: (Security & emergency response)
Guard against exterior threats to the temple
Security during criminal situations
Really good at sensing danger to temple inhabitants
First responders (fire & police-- MedCorp handles EMS)
Change lightbulbs and smoke detector batteries
Odd jobs on behalf of the CoTM
Uses the lore by Adsecula in "Nameless"
Council of Reconciliation: (Central hub of Jedi outreach & diplomacy)
All aid requests go through them
Sets mission objectives
Approve or deny aid/ mission requests
Reviews behavior of Jedi on missions when there are issues
Mission Consignment: (Assign Jedi to approved missions)
Desk jockeys
Not officially divided by type of mission/ Jedi role needed, but missions will be passed to people who are more familiar with the experts required
Organizes specifics for missions such as transportation and housing
Council of First Knowledge: (Runs Initiate & Padawan dorms, clans, & childhood education)
Initiate clans members live together with their crèchemasters rotating out night shifts
Padawans & Senior Initiates live in individual rooms in designated halls with some crèchemasters living in each hall
Department of Seekers: (Regulates conduct of Seekers)
Create regulates for what Seekers can & cannot do & how they should act
Investigate reported misconduct by Seekers
Crèche: (Organizes care for Initiates)
Sort Initiates into clans
Run events/ field trips/ etc.
Set educational standards
see my post about Living Quarters in the Jedi Temple
Department of Primary Classes: (Classroom education for younglings)
Standard elementary school operation stuff
Provides the general education classes all Jedi take as younglings
Circle of Healers: (Sets certification requirements)
Certified to train medical professionals for a variety of degrees
Determines when Jedi have fulfilled requirements for medical certifications
Sets the qualifications for Force-specific medical degrees
Halls of Healing: (Healthcare within the Order & internal outreach)
Like a local hospital but also has general practitioners
IRB: (Reviews research for ethical concerns)
Institutional Review Board
"Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects."
IRB for the entire Order, not just the MedCorps
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dapurinthos · 1 month ago
i just like??? snakes in medicine??? in the gffa. like gino'le from starlight beacon who got himself some cybernetic limbs. this is tzal. she likes when patients research their own conditions and ask discerning questions. she's part of the neurology section of the medcorps/halls of healing and will fight yoda for the tastiest frogs.
Sifo-Dyas shifts my weight so he can use a foot to push open a door that, up until that moment, had been perfectly concealed within the pale limestone of this cell of the chapel. A snake peers in through this new doorway. A very large snake. Their scales shimmer red-orange, at a size proportioned to their body that makes them look more like feathers with the way they project outward. The snake withdraws their head and sticks their tail in. Very swiftly, the tail smacks Sifo-Dyas’s foot with an agility that belies a degree of prehension that most serpents do not possess. The tail vanishes in favour of the head once more. The snake narrows their eyes. Sifo-Dyas brings his foot back in, adjusting his position once more. “And you do not move head injuriesss!” “There was no injury,” grumps Sifo-Dyas. “That you could sssee.” If a snake could ever be said to turn its nose up at a person, then that is exactly what this one does. “You also don't move disturbances in the Force,” comes a stern voice. Boot soles sound against the floor outside the cell and Master Mace Windu himself enters. I look at Sifo-Dyas. He grimaces. I point at myself. The grimace deepens and he moves his shoulders, shrugging one at a time like a scale seeking balance. Master Windu crouches so he doesn't loom. He rests his elbows on his knees, letting his hands dangle in front of him. “Wasn't a shatterpoint,” mutters Sifo-Dyas.
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fungalpieceofshit · 1 year ago
The fuck of it is I was just about to text and check in because she hasn't SAID ANYTHING all day--
Okay. Babies have eaten. Barry and Lucien refuse to let me leave without them so I brought their balls just in case, Sally had to be reassured but she'll be okay so long as Rose is okay
Cyllene is... not thrilled, to be without folks from the Medcorps for a day or two. but I am NOT returning without Rose and Todd.
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drsallyrothering · 5 months ago
The Year...Is 3494 - for @whosxafraid
A ragged gasp ripped through the apartment’s night-time silence as Sal, drenched in sweat and wild-eyed, lurched upright out a dead sleep. She was half out her thread bare single bed in a heartbeat, right hand going for the pistol she didn’t keep on her nightstand when her pa was home. By touch it was absent, so she whipped her head round to sight-find it; to give direction to her scrabbling hands, desperate for the welcome weight of the iron she’d kept loaded all the four years since she’d been tossed out the MedCorps after a ‘routine check-up’ turned real serious real fast. That same second though the blankets knotted round her legs snapped taut, her balance up and deserted and before she could catch herself—
She was flat on her back on the cold tile floor, the breath knocked from her and the world frozen dead still; caught in a mental beartrap of shrieking voices, the metallic clatter of pulsing rifle-fire, and the smell of acid-burned flesh.
Then though...
Then though. Slowly, bits and pieces started to filter through panic's haze and come into proper, wakeful focus. Sal pressed her palms to the ground either side of her, watched the ceiling fan up above slowly turn; saw how neon light and darkness filtered in through the mech-blinds covering her window.
It couldn’t have been long after 3am.
Forcing her shallow breaths to slow, she spoke quietly into the murk that lay atop her like a quilt. “—My name…is Sally…Rothering. The year is…3494, and I am inside my apartment. The door is locked…My father is home…and I have work in…”
Sal blew a breath out between her lips, blinked dry eyes up at the ceiling fan and then pressed the heel of her hand over one, then the other. She wanted to groan when she sat up, but swallowed the sound. Her alarm clock’s glowing blue digits twinkled at her from her bedside table. What they read displeased her so much she screwed her eyes up; turned her face away.
That wild guess had been right.
“—I have work in four hours.”
Sal dragged in and blew out a steadying breath before wiggling free of her traitor of a blanket and wobbling onto her feet. She'd quit cigs on discharge, but still wanted for nicotine when stress gnawed her bones; let alone when they'd been cracked clean open thanks to a night-time return to places long since abandoned. A hot pot of caff would have to do though. That and swearing she promised herself, wrapping up against the chill in something oversized and soft before pottering off to the apartment's small kitchen-space.
Sal welcomed that day with a muttered "Muthafucker."
It was hardly sleep replacement, but in its way it helped.
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anstarwar · 3 years ago
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It’s long after the war and my medic OCs Hoagie and Poke have joined the Jedi MedCorps
They’re out doing their “doctors without borders” thing
Shay and Twitch are visiting
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