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kalevalakryze · 1 year ago
Baylan Skoll was never chosen to be a padawan, in this essay I will...
(this is only going to look familiar to a handful of you)
Warning, long post below with excerpts + notes about "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace
"Everybody thinks they know what a Jedi is-that we all serve in the Army of the Light and fight the Sith Lords, or that we're all lightsaber battlemasters and starfighter aces. It just isn't so. Jedi can serve the Republic in other ways too. The Jedi Service Corps is an honorable alternative for any graduating Initiate, and he or she should be proud to serve among its ranks. When most initiates hit early adolescence, they seek to pair up with Masters to begin their Padawanship apprenticeships. If you are not selected, then what? You can try again the following season, but eventually, the Temple Instructors may tell you that you've run out of chances-and then the Reassignment Council steps in. So I'm thinking there was just something Baylan couldn't get; Maybe even the connection to a Jedi Master, he just didn't seem like the kind of Jedi that should have been on the battlefront, he was more of a homebody Jedi, like Yoda, or even Jocasta Nu. Maybe, after failing so often, the Reassignment Council steps in, and I see him joining the Educational branch, staying at the temple to help teach and to help in the archives, one of these devouts of the pillar of knowledge. A Note in the Book From Palpatine: "I imprisoned the surviving Jedi Service Corps Members on Byss. Even the strongest were easy to turn to the dark side." Maybe Baylan was one of these survivors, and while it's clear he didn't go full dark, what did he have to do to survive? Knowing that the younglings he'd so caringly guided were lost to the Force, that the world he'd devoted himself to studying and understanding was gone, and that this new world was just dark, and it was an 'adapt or die' situation The Jedi Path section about the EduCorps: The Education Corps, or EduCorps, consists of Scholars, teachers, and archivists. All Jedi are expected to be teachers to some degree, but the EduCorps goes far beyond that. They work under the supervision of the Temple's Chief Librarian and spend most of their days cataloging and translating. So my thoughts here are, as an archivist who spends his days combing through Jedi Holocrons, he would hear about the Mother, or Abeloth, would read about these Mortis Gods and have an intimate understanding. And when the Jedi were killed, he could recall these stories, he was the last one alive who'd ever heard them from the holocrons, after all. He would be able to remember the powers these holocrons detailed the gods as having, would trust that if anyone could save their history, it would be them, but only the Mother sounds powerful enough to stop the Empire. Finding Shin was a mistake. He was no Master, after all. He'd been granted the rank of General in the republic like all the others, yet he didn't command an army, he worked in libraries and traveled to conquered/liberated worlds to read their texts and to enter their stories into the history of the republic. He goes to a planet in the expansion zone, and he meets a child, there are so few left in this world, no one for him to share his stories with, that when she displays force sensitivity, he takes her, just as the Jedi had done to younglings all those years ago. And he trains her, he gives her a Padawan's braid and he calls her Initiate, and when it's time for her Initiate Trials, he is happy to accept her as his Padawan, like no one had ever done for him. And Shin is so attentive and an amazing student, just like the younglings in the temple, but he cannot burden her with the knowledge of Abeloth. Does not want to ruin the perception he knew she was creating of the Jedi, but he also keeps her training limited, 'The old ways led them to ruin so we will create our own,' 'yes,master' etc etc
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dixieconley · 1 year ago
Order 66 goes out:
AgriCorps: Fuck this shit.  ::calls ExploraCorps:: Hey bro, can we get a lift?
EduCorps: We can take 'em!  Let us at 'em!
AgriCorps: Not if they bomb us from orbit.
EduCorps: Bro!  Need a lift!
MedCorps: We have a duty to the individual…
ExploraCorps: Yeah, yeah, we're on our way.  Edu, Agri, coordinate with my folks and find us a place to live.  Med, you're coming with us or you're dead.  You can't help anyone if you're dead.  Which will it be? MedCorps: ...with you.
And they disappear quietly in the night, stealing any loose Jedi, orphans and supplies as they go.  (They do leave their loose change, though.  Not much use for Republic credits after all.)
Quietly except for a parting message.
AgriCorps: So long, folks, and thanks for all the parting gifts of attempted genocide against our people. Cool flex, but we're outie. Best of luck feeding yourselves, teaching yourselves, healing yourselves or mapping your hyperlanes! May the Force be with you, because we sure as hell won't!
headcanon that any planet/area with a significant AgriCorps population was just carpet bombed from orbit when O66 hit
it's two birds with one stone
one, you *really* do not want to fight a ground assault against people who can and will use the very ground against you. (fighting a guerilla war against the AgriCorps must be the nightmare of every in-universe general)
and two, with the AgriCorps gone, a lot of worlds are heavily reliant on the goodwill of the Empire. can't run a rebellion on an empty stomach. also, with a higher poverty rate, big families would be more inclined to send their children to military academies, benefitting the Empire's war machine doubly
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vodika-vibes · 1 year ago
Rynn: can I explore now? 🥺
Delta squad: no. We gotta complete the mission first, babe.
Delta squad and their Jedi wife are my new roman empire and I love their adventures
Rynn and Delta squad are relationship goals, lol
She's also half Indiana Jones and half Lara Croft.
"Babe? What's the difference between Grave robbing and archeology?" Scorch asks. Rynn scowls at him, "Your question is making me uncomfortable." Sev looks up from his datapad, "Answer the question, grave robber."
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combatbootsanddreams · 9 months ago
I want the Jedi temple to have a radio station. Like we know radio stations exist in star wars, we've seen them (ie: In the Rishi station episode) and I think the Jedi should have a local radio station with different Jedi news programs. Whats going on in the senate, new research the medic corps or educorps just came out with. There's a creche hour where the younglings get to write up and present their own stories. Investigative journalism! Fluff pieces about Jedi theater or music or something. Quiz games. There's a shout out every time someone makes it to the rank of knight or master.
When the war starts Jedi flip to the station to hear a reminder of home. Their clone commanders put it on to remind their Jedi to keep up hope, that this is what they're fighting for. The Jedi give the clones a news segment to talk about whatever they want. New trends, armor paint, weapon tips, they have a call in portion and it gets wild---they have to make a rule that you can't call in from an active battlefield.
The rebellion uses the same station numbers for their pirate radio.
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shadowmaat · 7 months ago
Jedi Service Corps
The Legends-fueled propaganda of "bad students get sent to the Agricorp/Services" has always bothered me. First of all, forcing kids into a career not of their choosing isn't the best way to encourage them to perform well.
The Services in general seem to get a bad rap, and TBH it's kind of bizarre to assume that every kid who winds up being taken in by the Jedi wants to grow up to be a cop. LOL!
There is so much untapped potential being ignored, and even within the four pseudo-canon branches there's a lot to explore.
Agriculture. Farmers Without Borders. LOL! It isn't just about growing plants, it's about analyzing trends, understanding ecosystems, geology, climatology, politics, etc. There's mechanical engineering so you know how to fix the machines that do the hardest labor (often illegally, given corporate software locks and so forth). Probably a lot of fiddly stuff with plant genetics, too, given similar issues with seed corporations.
Being Jedi, I'm sure they're also aware of the need to include "ornamental" plants to help with the emotional welfare of hurting/devastated populations.
Education. This field must be fucking wild. Sure, you have your future creche masters and archivists, but I imagine there are those who do public outreach, too, and go to schools to teach kids about what the Jedi do beyond waving laser swords. There's probably also a need for teachers in isolated/rural areas to help with basic things like reading, writing, and maths. Ditto areas devastated by wars and natural disasters, where kids need a safe distraction from trauma. I bet Educorp and Agricorp team up more often than people might think.
There's also the sheer variety of topics. Even something basic like history will have a wide net. Galactic history, region-specific, planetary, etc. And then there's the arts. Music, singing, dance, physical media, holo media, theatre, and so much more. There will be differences between species, understanding what they need to know, how they learn best, and what their aging process is like. Teachers to cover the full range of mortal maturity, from teaching toddlers to old-timers. And don't get me started on teaching "forbidden" topics in repressive communities.
Medical. LOL. Every. Single. Species. And often subtypes between them. So many specialists needed. And again, you probably have a number that specialize in helping in disaster areas. Hello, Educorp, let's help teach these people how to best care for themselves. Maybe Agricorp can help with showing folks how to purify their air and water. There must be SO many diseases, some of which have inoculations and so that don't. And again, figuring ways to smuggle medicine and supplies to those who need it despite the extortionist rates corporations charge. Repairing faulty equipment, finding work-arounds when the parts aren't there. Triage. Using the Force to help heal is all well and good, but sometimes they still have to get hands-on.
Even with non-emergency stuff, I imagine they're still kept busy. The idea of a Jedi "country doctor" settled in some remote area sounds delightful. Communities that get "lost" in the shuffle or otherwise overlooked. Veterinary medicine as a sub-specialty.
Jedi having a special "knack" for determining what's wrong with someone, finding early warning signs before it's too late, etc. Comforting the dying. Comforting the survivors. ALL the mental health stuff and neurodivergence.
Exploration. Jedi Starfleet. LOL! It isn't all about discovering new worlds, though. Sometimes it's rediscovering planets and cultures that have been forgotten. Charting new hyperlane routes and hoping the end doesn't pop you out in the middle of a star.
I betcha you could fold so many things into this one. Botany. Archaeology. Xenoanthropology. Medicine, of course, since new worlds/people means new poisons, venoms, and diseases. New or ancient languages? It'd help to have someone around who could work on translating. Diplomats to help you talk to people. Geologists. Zoologists. A bit of everything.
Sure, there'd be room for solo missions, but I imagine there'd be bigger ships that they'd launch from. A place to come back to so the brains can pore over everything you brought back and see what they can determine from it. And big ships (or any ships really) means pilots, engineers, general crew, logistics, and all those fun things.
Anyway, I can see plenty of room for additional corps, too, but of the ones that get mentioned in Legends there's still a huge playing field.
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lightsaber-dorphin · 10 months ago
Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions
More of my worldbuilding for the inner structure of the Jedi Order. This time focusing on the Corps and the schools of thought/ roles within the Order.
Some of these are canon, others are my own creation. The Jedi consolidating to one temple on Coruscant during the Ruusan Reformation is canon, but I’ve taken my own liberties with it. Without further ado, lore!
Prior to the Ruusan Reformation, there were a number of independent denominations of the Jedi. Most of them merged into one order based in the Coruscant temple during what was called the Reunification.
Many denominations had different ideas of what a Jedi should be/ how they should use their powers. As a result, Jedi from certain traditions tended towards certain jobs within the reunified order. The corps and their branches formed as a result of certain traditions and teachings being passed down by Jedi who occupied certain roles.
The corps aren’t administrative divisions. Individual Jedi have their corps and branch affiliation listed on file as a marker of what they specialize in/ what they’re trained to do. Jedi are selected for missions based on their corps and the specifics of the mission, and answer to whichever body sent them on the mission. (see my Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure)
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Reunified Jedi Order:
One permanent location on Coruscant
Wandering Jedi who are technically members of the Order & follow its precepts but don't answer to the Council
Individual members can and do have corps/ division affiliations, but the group as a whole doesn't have a corps/ division affiliation
Usually part of the Sentinels or EduCorps
People aren’t selected to be trained for these jobs it’s all volunteer work
A lot of people do it part-time or for short periods, but a few folks make it their permanent gig
Maintenance workers:
Sometimes someone says “what if instead of going on missions I patched all the holes in our drywall” and why would they stop them
Lots of part-time volunteers
Most are Sentinels, because their philosophy encourages learning random useful skills
Distribute supplies
The Order buys stuff in bulk and then Jedi pick it up from the quartermasters office
Jedi way of saying chef
Transport mechanics:
Do you know a Car Person? Imagine if they were a monk.
The most dedicated to preserving the Jedi way of life of any group in the Order
Without these unthanked warriors the Jedi Order would’ve been destroyed by late-stage capitalism
Most are Lore Keepers
Usually hired from the outside
Inspired by "Jedi Counsel” on ao3
Sometimes a Jedi goes to law school
Temple Guards:
Protect the temple and are its first responders
Based on the lore from "Nameless"
Very connected to the living force within the temple
A little spooky!
Education Corps:
Advance in rank via academic achievement
Maven is the title equivalent to Knight
Can have multiple padawans at one time (but usually don’t)
Lore Keepers:
Strongly believe in the importance of academics
Believe knowledge is the path to connection with the Force
Based on "The Librarian's Lineage"
Teaching is hugely important to the Jedi, and all Jedi teach & learn how to teach to some degree, but for Preceptors it’s their main focus
Like the MedCorps it has a lot of transfers
Normal Preceptors:
Classroom teachers
Have formal education training
Either work for the Department of Classes or the Department of Primary Classes
DoC and DoPC are roughly the same thing, except the DoPC is for the general education classes all Jedi take as children and the DoC is for elective and continuing education classes
Teach lightsaber classes
Have formal education training
Inspired by "Careless to Let It Fall" on ao3
Main differences are that there’s more than one & they take education classes
One lead crèchemaster and two-ish assistant crèchemasters per every 6-ish younglings
Formal training in early childhood education
Must serve as an assistant crèchemaster before being a lead crèchemaster
Assistant crèchemasters are from "aphelion" on ao3
Exploration Corps:
One-on-one apprenticeships
Rarely in the temple (unless they have a padawan, when they’re required to be there more often)
Usually have a bed in a communal room at the temple instead of their own apartment
Use Knight title. Yes this is sometimes confusing
Wandering explorers/ patrol the galaxy
Instead of responding to specific requests they visit places & are available if anyone wants their help
Specific purpose is to make sure the Jedi don’t neglect/ are unaware of certain parts of the galaxy just because it hasn’t requested Jedi aid in a while
Find potential Jedi and offer them a place in the Order
Bond with new initiates and ease their transition into the Order
Expertise in Force-temple ruins
An undead Sith~ sleeping in your bed. Who you gonna call? Ghost! Busters!
Work closely with the Lore Keepers
Most likely to become Wayfinders or leave the Order (by percentage not numbers)
“Former Jedi who got really interested in a niche of archaeology without many Force-related ruins” is a thing in the archaeology community
They can work on normal digs but the Senate won’t approve sending them/ use of Jedi funds
Medical Corps:
MedCorps padawans are very rare. Most members transfer in from another corps
Student healers from other corps have a healing mentor in charge of their healer training, separate from their lineage-master
Healer is the equivalent title to Knight. Healers-in-training are called Student Healers, no matter what their rank is
Knight Corps:
Knights being a fifth corps
This is the corps we see most in canon
One-on-one apprenticeships, Knight title
Focus on fighting abilities & lightsaber combat
Negotiators, ambassadors, diplomats
Focus on Force abilities
Focus on non-Jedi skills such as hacking
Considered a midpoint between Guardians and Consulars
Jedi spies
Answer to the High Council
Permanent/ long-term posting within a system
Agriculture Corps:
Focus on nature-related abilities
Grow most of the food for the Order
Very involved in disaster relief work
Rarely in the temple & usually have a bed in a communal room instead of a personal room
Have long-term postings & typically get settled there
Padawans are assigned to a group rather than an individual
Maven is the Knight-equivalent title
The chapter that inspired this whole project
Large-scale Force usage
Can revitalize uninhabitable areas
Use the Force to rapidly speed up regrowth, kickstart life on planets where there is none, etc.
Don’t believe in using the Force on the scale that Terraformers do
Use the Force to help individual plants grow, stave off rot and parasites, connect with animals, etc.
Creature specialists
Force-sensitive animal control
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jedi-enthusiasm-blog · 2 months ago
The Many Names of Peace (pt.1/?): Mercy
Inspired by Why We Did Nothing by BairnSidhe
Part I | Part II
Cultural genocide (discussed in detail). The Ruusan Reformation is made much worse here, and the Dral'han/Excision is also commented upon.
Child murder (discussed). Padawan hunting, and how Mandalorians killed children and took braids and beads as trophies.
Corpse desecration (discussed in detail). Lightsabers and Padawan braids and beads are taken from their owners. I realize this doesn't seem important for many of us, but it's very important for the Jedi.
Systematic identity erasure of a mixed race character (discussed). Tarre Vizla's Jedi status is barely known by Mandalorians because House Vizla treated it like a dirty secret.
Please mind your headspaces.
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"If you hate genocide so much, where were your people at the Dral'han?" Terith asks with a scoff.
The Jetii stops muttering and goes still. Slowly, she turns, with a movement too fluid for a human. She's shorter than them, very slim and apparently frail, and her blond —almost white— hair is tied in a braided bun. Her eyes, which are a glowing emerald green, are burning.
"Where were we? You're asking me why we did nothing when your people were attacked?" The kage Jedi asks the Mandalorian with a soft tone of voice and a polite nod, looking almost like a respected jaieh accepting a padawan's question.
It is not.
Underneath their buy'ce, Terith's lips curl at her words, at her threat.
Zahara begins to move from one side of the room to another. It's too controlled to be called pacing, but the tension is visible in her movements.
"Not all Jedi are human. In fact, most aren't. There are species with very long lifespans and, considering Force-sensitives tend to live a few decades longer than others of their species, two hundred is far from an uncommon age among Jedi" The Jetii doesn't seem to be answering their furious question at first. "We were not there, Mandalorian, because every sitting member of the High Council during the genocide of your people remembered how Mandalore reacted when they came for us, first."
Drovan, her crechemate, her enishee, her brother of the soul, was a member of the EduCorps. He hadn't wanted to be a Knight, done the math, and decided to free up a space for somebody else. In particular, he was fascinated by the History of the Order. Zahara remembers quiet nights, when she was at the Temple resting after a taxing mission, when she Drovan used to sit down on comfortable cushions and her closest sibling rambled about what he was learning.
She's heard him ranting about the Ruusan Reformation, and the cruel limitations it places on her people even now. She's read it herself, once she began her Shadow training, learning every single restriction in search for loopholes that could be exploited to make the Order's job and life easier.
Her people's memories are long. Kages remember. The Jedi remember. Zahara remembers.
"They vividly remembered when the Republic we served brought down our Temples, when they took us from our homes, when they tried to destroy a whole branch of our Order" Zahara lists, voice cold and eyes blazing, "when they took our armor, our back-up and defenses, when they stole everything but our Lightsabers… and when your people laughed and called it easy hunting."
The Mandalorian pride in Terith's heart wants to protest, to deny the Jetii's words. But she speaks like a scholar in a subject she's clearly well versed in, like a grieving verd mourning the violence against her people they'd known nothing about.
History isn't always kind, Mandalorian history in particular rarely is, but it's always worth learning from. It's something Kyr'tsad and the extremists among the Nu'Mando'ade don't understand, and Terith refuses to make their same mistakes.
So, they swallow the growing lump in their throat, ignore the stone sinking in their stomach and try to listen.
Zahara's voice begins to break away from the calm, even tones of a teacher, and slowly fall into the ragged tones of soul-crushing grief. Her breath becomes shallow and rapid, and air gets stuck in her throat. Still, she continues.
"The Republic had been destroying us for two hundred years by the time of the orbital bombardment on Mandalore, and in that time, the number of Lightsabers and Padawan braids and beads seen on Mandalorian armor as trophies skyrocketed" The Jetii hisses, spitting the word trophies with the same venom he would use to say hut'tuunla or demagolka. "We were trapped, betrayed and dying… and your people murdered our young and desecrated our corpses, and had the nerve to carry the stolen lives of our kin as proof."
The air grows colder, a sharpness in it that's as familiar as her own reflection. The galaxy around her sings with promises of vengeance, of justice. Justice for her enishee, justice for Feemor and his charges, justice for Jaieh Ta'ra's murdered Padawan, for the all Jedi dead during the Mandalorian sack of the Anohrah, for the bastardization of Jaieh Tarre Vizla's story and the systematic erasure of his Jedi identity, for all the Jedi younglings dead at Mandalorian hands.
Not against the Mandalorian that did any of those things, but against a Mandalorian, anyhow.
"Your people sacked the Temple, stole the life and soul of a respected Jedi Master, got two of his Padawans murdered, erased every single hint of his Jedi upbringing, and perverted everything he stood for in life, all because he happened to be Mandalorian as well."
The song reaches a crescendo, the highest notes she's ever heard in a Force song, making her ears ring. The melody sounds off-key, and the final notes become loud and insufferable high-pitched screams. Zahara grits her teeth, and breathes in deeply. The xari in the air slowly dissapears.
She will not take revenge.
She's a Jedi, and revenge is not the Jedi way.
She will not Fall. She will not let her anger act upon her and betray everything she, Drovan, Feemor, Ta'ra and her Padawan, Tarre Vizla and his Padawans have ever stood for.
Zahara will not take revenge because it's not what Drovan would have wanted. It's not what any Jedi would want.
She will not take revenge because it's not as useful and satisfying as the thores of passion lead you to believe.
This Mandalorian is innocent. They haven't done anything wrong. They're angry about their people's genocide and rightfully so. They're ignorant, and ignorance can be fixed.
Words, the sharing of knowledge, bringing understanding when there was previously none. Those are her greatest weapons, and she can wield them freely and with as much efficiency as a Lightsaber.
Terith is frozen in place, mind racing with the desire to be anywhere else, away from this hurting, angry sorceress that sees them as an enemy. The manda in their chest screams, in offense or the pain of dishonor Terith isn't sure.
They wish their buy'ce was recording. That way they could investigate the Jetii's claims.
Everyone and their mother has heard the rumors about the Jetiise. Sorcerers from the Core that don't reproduce like other beings, but take children from their parents and train them to be as emotionless as droids, beings that beat all the love and concern for others out of themselves because they believe attachment is a weakness.
Terith believed them, once.
Now Terith doesn't know what to believe. The Jetii speaks with too much knowledge and pain to be lying, nobody can fake that well, and the air around them both is mournfully singing as the truth of her words sink into the depths of their runi.
Zahara breathes out slowly. Still hurt, but… determined not to Fall, not to take out her grief and anger on someone who's done nothing wrong.
"So" the kage Jedi flashes a polite but completely unfriendly smile, "why did we do nothing when they came for your world?"
Within their battered heart, stung with the pain of dishonor, with the stain on the manda itself, Terith knows the answer before the Jetii says a word.
"We did nothing because Jedi are merciful, Mandalorian."
(Notes under the cut)
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Dai Bendu
Jaieh — Jedi Master (rank and role).
Padawan — apprentice, learner, student. Lit "the one who learns". Please picture a Jedi hearing a politician saying "Padawan learner", and containing the urge to eye twich.
Enishee — crechemate.
Anohrah — Jedi Temple, home. Before the Ruusan Reformation used to refer to the Temple the speaker was from.
Xari — darkness, the Dark Side of the Force.
Jetii(se) — Jedi (add 'se' at the end to make the plural).
Buy'ce — helmet.
Verd — warrior.
Kyr'tsad — Death Watch, lit "death society".
Nu'Mando'ade — New Mandalorians.
Hut'tuunla — coward. Very harsh insult.
Demagolka — someone who commits atrocties, a real-life monster, a war criminal - from the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche
Manda — collective soul of the Mandalorians.
Runi — spirit, soul of the individual.
Zahara is a kage Jedi Knight, officially a Sentinel and a Finder, which is used to explain why she can be in places she isn't supposed to and bust slave rings without prior Senate authorization. Unofficially, however, she's a Shadow. It's common practice for the Jedi to register Shadows as Finders in order to give them more freedom of action.
Terith is a Mandalorian bounty hunter, but they're very picky about their jobs and have interest in medicine, particularly "mind-healing". They were born in a New Mandalorian family but found greater calling to Jaster and the True Mandalorians and switched allegiance once they were of age. They are mildly Force-sensitive, not enough to become a Jedi and only gives them good instincts.
The Dral'han is the orbital bombardment of Mandalore done by the Galactic Republic in roughly 800BBY. The Republic used Jedi ships, but there were no Jedi involved. Mandalorians believed the Jedi were guilty at first, but the truth was uncovered only a decade later.
Dai Bendu is not my creation. It's a colang, although the story of the language is something I made up. Dai Bendu is the language spoken by the Order of Dai Bendu and, later on, the Jed'aii Order. It fell out of use after the Jedi joined the Republic in 25,000BBY, but came back in full swing during the Jedi-Sith Wars when it was very useful to speak a language the enemy couldn't understand.
I don't know if it's canon, but in this story Force-sensitives live longer than the average of their species. Those who aren't trained only live a little longer (a decade in humans), but for those who, like the Jedi, have training that lifespan increases (three to four decades in humans).
"Free up a space". Taken from the Jedi Apprentice series, where Jedi age out at thirteen and there are limited Masters, and where those who aren't chosen are sent to the Corps. Drovan knew he didn't want to be a Knight, so he requested to be sent to the Corps as soon as possible to give the chance of becoming a Knight to someone who actually wanted to be one. Unlike Jedi Apprentice, however, this is an imposition from the Ruusan Reformation, and the Jedi try to bend this rule as much as possible.
Kages' memories begin forming almost at birth. Zahara remembers with vivid detail most of her life. She's doing an alliteration: she remembers because she's a kage and because she is a Jedi.
This is the "Ruusan Reformation but make it worse" AU:
"Brought down our Temples". The Ruusan Reformation demanded the centralization of the Jedi Order. Therefore, all Jedi were forced to move to Couruscant, and their other Temples were either destroyed or repurposed.
"Took us from our homes." Although Terith doesn't know it, Zahara is being redundant. The word for Jedi Temple in Dai Bendu also means home. She's putting enphasis on how painful it was for the Jedi to lose their homes.
"Tried to destroy a whole branch of our Order." The Shadows were supposed to be dissolved after the Ruusan Reformation was signed. However, the Jedi managed to keep training Shadows in secret.
The Jedi used to have weapons, armor and many defenses besides their Lightsabers, but the Ruusan Reformation ordered their demilitarization and "demilitarization". Among the things they lost were the right to carry their birth cultures' sacred armor and weapons. A Mandalorian Jedi wouldn't be allowed to have armor, for example.
Mandalorians tend to take trophies from their enemies after a battle. This is done both for, well, bragging rights and to respect the memory of a worthy opponent (similar to their remembrances for their fallen comrades). However, the bragging rights part can overshadow the respect for a worthy opponent part, and many Mandalorians hunt down defenseless "enemies" to steal important objects from them. The Jedi in particular were a favored target for these… individuals, seeing as they had no armor, only carried one weapon and were usually alone or in pairs because that's how the Senate decided to send them in missions. The victims were usually Padawans, hence the name Padawan Hunts.
Tarre Vizla's story shows the greatest difference between how Jedi and Mandalorians (at least in that era) treat different cultures and double cultured children. The Jedi don't hide that Tarre Vizla was Mandalorian, everyone knows that he left the Order to rule Mandalore, and know what happened to his armor and what he wanted to happen to his body and Lightsaber. However, Mandalorians either don't know or refuse to recognize Tarre Vizla's Jedi status.
"Sacked the Temple". Tarre Vizla left his armor to his Clan and his Lightsaber to the Jedi. When he died, he wanted to be burned in the Temple (both cultures burn their death, so little to no issue here) and his ashes to be spread on Mandalore. House Vizla, however, did the equivalent of spitting on Tarre's funeral pyre and sacked the Temple to steal the Darksaber.
"Stole the life and soul of a respected Jedi Master". Tarre Vizla was a Jedi, and the Darksaber is his life. House Vizla, however, had no respect for their relative's other culture and did the worst thing they could do to him: killing and hurting his Jedi family, and stealing a sacred item they knew was sacred.
I headcanon that Tarre Vizla had three Padawans. He finished the incomplete training of the first because their Master died, did the whole training of the second and got promoted to Master as a result, and only started the training of the third before he went to his home planet to unite Mandalorians against the Sith Empire. Two of them were killed during House Vizla's sack of the Temple.
"Erased every hint of his Jedi upbringing." House Vizla replaced the Jedi Order symbol on Tarre's armor with the symbol of House Vizla, refused to acknowledge Tarre's desire to be remembered as a Jedi and forbade anyone from speaking about his Jedi status, and never say that the Darksaber is actually a regular Lightsaber they stole.
"Perverted everything he stood for." Lightsabers are a Jedi's life, hold their souls in the same way beskar'gam holds a Mandalorian's. Tarre. Ever since it was stolen, the Darksaber has been used as a symbol of authoritarian and tyrannical leadership, warmonging, imperialism and military violence. It's so fucked up that the crystal is beginning to break (the white cracks, originally the Darksaber was pure black) and, had those who held it been trained Force-sensitives, the crystal would have bled.
Terith doesn't know they're Force-sensitive, but they know their instincts are rarely wrong, and they can feel the honesty and grief coming from Zahara in waves. They don't doubt her precisely because they know she's not lying, she's seeing things as she sees them and, even if she's wrong, it's something Terith believes to be worth looking into.
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wandering-wizardry · 9 months ago
Order 66 and the inquisitors afterward wiped out the Knight Corps of the Jedi Order very effectively, but I wonder how the other 4 branches made it.
AgraCorp: Literal sitting ducks. They would have presumably been gathered in certain places and would have been bombed from orbit while the planet was swept for stragglers. <1% survive.
EduCorp: You know how most Masters died for their padawans? This is that but they have even less of a chance. 1-2% Survive.
KnightCorp: We've seen this one. A year or two after the order the survival rate is at maybe 5%.
MediCorp: Scattered, good reason for the local to want to hide them. Most of the doctors on more remote worlds survive. Sorry to the core world guys. I'd say ~20% survival rate.
ExploreCorp: Some of these guys don't even know something is wrong until their supply drops don't show up. These are the field researchers and surveyor of the Jedi who spend all their time in wild space. Most of them peace out. >50% survival rate.
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captainmazzic · 7 months ago
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As Shalo Vakh keyed open the final heavy door, he was greeted by the chime of shifting chains as the Sith Lord raised his head.
Shalo swallowed hard and his grip on the medical kit he carried tightened enough to whiten his knuckles. The tips of his lekku flicked and twitched in anticipation of flight, the myriad of rings hooked through them jingling faintly through the tiny room, betraying his nervousness. But other than the steady stare he received from the Sith, there was no other indication of movement, hostile or not. He took one of the bravest steps forward of his life, and let the door slide shut behind him.
Meet Shalo Vakh, he's the other main character in the new (short) story Like a Fine Wine, which I've been actively working on pretty much any hour I'm not asleep or at work, lol.
Shalo is a Twi'lek, originally from Belsavis, born to prisoners there so therefore a prisoner himself and according to Republic law it is illegal for him to leave the prison planet. But the Jedi Order does have its privileges, so when Dr. Neeya discovered a Force-sensitive child among the Condemned, he dutifully notified the Order. Someone was sent to pick Shalo up (Despite the protests of Warden Playt and Senator Tudos, who would have loved to have used Shalo in Project Noble Focus, however skewed it would have made their results). Shalo was taken to Coruscant for initial training, but moved to Tython after the Sacking of Coruscant. His final trials were supposed to include the clearing out of Flesh Raider settlements in part, but Shalo failed quite spectacularly - partly because he is not very strong in the Force, and partly because of flat-out refusal. He made an attempt to leave the Order, but was informed that since it was illegal for him to exist off Belsavis without the Order's support, he would be shipped back to the prison planet. His only other choice was one of the Jedi Service Corps. He initially joined MedCorps, but after an incident involving the "unauthorized use of Republic supplies on an enemy combatant", he was kicked out of MedCorps and given a final chance in EduCorps instead. Now he spends most of his time copying and transferring archives from waystations and outposts back to Coruscant. Usually it's dull, tedious work, but his most recent mission has taken a very unexpected hard left with the sudden appearance of a certain Sith Lord, and now everything's been turned on its head. :3
I'm on track to finish the whole fic by or before the end of August. I've mentioned before that it's set in the same time frame as Opening Dialogue, but this one is definitely more slashy. I don't know if it'll be anyone else's cup of tea but I, for one, am having a blast XD
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dapurinthos · 4 months ago
now the objective is to move from this hallway in search of flash-fried food because the temple hath no fried crispics or flash-fried potatoes (chips/fries).
“While doing this you are, classes you have.”
Sifo-Dyas is instantly as suspicious as if a ruby-red pyramidal holocron with a ‘touch me’ label appeared in front of him. “Classes?”
Dooku gives him a serene smile, closed-mouthed, much like Master Yoda’s. I want to point between the two of them because it's the same smile! I vibrate with the need to do so.
“It's only a short session,” he says. “Twice a week for two and a half months. You get to have meetings with members of the EduCorps and Master Yaddle. There are assigned readings and quizzes. I had to take them before I could take Rael as my Padawan [...] You are going to get extra assignments.”
“What? Why?”
Once again, I am indicated by a hand gesture. “Eight.”
Sifo-Dyas half-shutters his eyes, glances from side to side, and then takes a step closer to Dooku. “You obviously did well.”
“Of course I did.”
Sifo-Dyas rises on his feet, one hand on Dooku’s shoulder to exert the leverage needed to pull their heads closer together. “How much for private tutoring?”
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aeschylia · 2 months ago
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AGE ᝰ 23
PRNS ᝰ he/him/his
SEX ᝰ male
LOVE INTEREST ᝰ jaime morgan
FACE CLAIM ᝰ mark mckenna
PREMISE ᝰ elias grey is a failure of a quantum physicist, living out of a decrepit garage and lying to everyone who has the misfortune of knowing him (it’s really just cisco). but after the particle accelerator explodes, he finds that there’s a grander fate set out for him, one wreathed in — you guessed it — even more deception. in other words: the patricidal son of a criminal joins up with a speedster from the future to save barry allen, kill the unkillable, and save the galaxy. sounds like a hero’s origin story, right? wrong. elias grey is no hero, no matter how badly he wants to be.
IN-WORLD OCS ᝰ marcus durand (damson idris), jaime morgan (mike faist), abigail grey (krysten ritter)
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AGE ᝰ 17
PRNS ᝰ she/her/hers
SEX ᝰ female
FACE CLAIM ᝰ whitney peak
PREMISE ᝰ the jedi order’s final archivist is well-known for her kindness and staunch pacifism. the council’s got nothing to give a girl who was two minutes away from being reassigned to the educorps. but a rising tide lifts all ships, and a war is on, which leaves krie ortis exposed to the darkness of the galaxy. she soon finds she’s well-suited to it, and perhaps she always has been. in truth, krie ortis is not what she says she is, and the visions yoda’s been having about her future are not so heroic after all.
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AGE ᝰ 20
PRNS ᝰ he/him/his
SEX ᝰ male
FACE CLAIM ᝰ louis hofmann
PREMISE ᝰ some things should just stay dead. the nomadic matukai order’s greatest secret comes in the form of one caz solus, with a cheerful disposition and a busted-up cleaning droid assigned to do it’s job, and clean up his messes. he’s got a sordid past that nobody can really remember, least of all him, and his crossing paths with the jedi order in the midst of the clone wars only spells trouble and absolute annihilation for everyone in sight. after all, the matukai order’s greatest secret is one that could tear the galaxy to shreds, and leave planets more barren than the dead edges of wild space.
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AGE ᝰ 16
PRNS ᝰ he/him/his
SEX ᝰ male
ORIENTATION ᝰ straight
FACE CLAIM ᝰ ryusei yokohama
PREMISE ᝰ you know the hero system is fucked when japan’s best vigilante is only 16 years old. tobi yamako’s been dabbling in the criminal underworld since he was nine, after a battle between a hero and a villain devastated his apartment and nearly killed his mother. with a uncommon quirk and a scathing view on hero society as a whole, he’s forcibly recruited to yuuei by hawks to save him from a lesser fate at the hands of the hpsc. what the world at large doesn’t know is that tobi’s roots run deeper thank anyone could possibly fathom.
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AGE ᝰ 25
PRNS ᝰ she/her/hers
SEX ᝰ female
ORIENTATION ᝰ bisexual
LOVE INTEREST ᝰ dean winchester
FACE CLAIM ᝰ emmy rossum
PREMISE ᝰ john winchester’s last call before disappearing wasn’t to his sons, but to his alienated brother-in-arms, louis callahan. but callahan didn’t receive it; his protege did. and after a gruesome, unspoken altercation that put callahan out of commission, fitz can only do what she thinks her mentor would want, and protect the winchester brothers. but it turns out that there’s a cesspool of bad blood between callahan and the winchester family, and dean has no love lost for the strange girl who strongarms her way into his brotherly reunion and refuses to leave for anything short of john winchester’s safe return.
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AGE ᝰ 30
PRNS ᝰ she/her/hers
SEX ᝰ female
ORIENTATION ᝰ straight
LOVE INTEREST ᝰ michael scofield
FACE CLAIM ᝰ adria arjona
PREMISE ᝰ fox river state penitentiary isn’t the hellhole everyone thinks it is, not since josephine fowler was hired as the newest inmate program coordinator. deadset on giving these criminals a chance at redemption and a new life on the outside, she’s gained a reputation in the prison that michael scofield scarcely predicted and can scarcely avoid in his escape plan, since his brother is apparently her number one defender. but there’s more to her than just the good samaritan act she puts on, and her interest in michael is far from romantic — in fact, it’s downright murderous.
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AGE ᝰ 27
PRNS ᝰ she/her/hers
SEX ᝰ female
ORIENTATION ᝰ bisexual
LOVE INTEREST ᝰ oliver queen
FACE CLAIM ᝰ grace van patten
PREMISE ᝰ gael griffins is a child of the glades, raised on the constant smell of smoke and swelling shrieks of police sirens. her hands are never free of blood, either by the clinic she runs or her nighttime activities as the vigilante asclepius, predating the arrow in her journey to clean up the streets of her city. but oliver queen’s unexpected return brings some equally unexpected problems, especially when her history with the merlyn family turns sour, and her relationship with oliver queen gets more complicated than it ever rightfully should be.
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AGE ᝰ 15
PRNS ᝰ she/her/hers
SEX ᝰ amab, mtf
ORIENTATION ᝰ straight
FACE CLAIM ᝰ tao tsushiya
PREMISE ᝰ kazue dojima helps run a comic store in musutafu prefecture. a childhood friend of katsuki and izuku, she drifted away after a mysterious incident five years ago that she refuses to talk about to anyone. she’s not interested in becoming a hero. in fact, her quirk is best used in the medical field, and she’s content to become a doctor and help her cop brother out on a few cases. but her brother suddenly goes missing, and a singular heroic act on her end draws the attention of yuuei academy. suddenly, everything is imploding around her, and the only way out is backwards — the only direction she doesn’t want to go.
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AGE ᝰ 15
PRNS ᝰ they/them/theirs
SEX ᝰ afab, gnc
ORIENTATION ᝰ unlabeled
FACE CLAIM ᝰ jeon jung-seo*
i’m aware that jung-seo is korean. jun is wasian. working on finding a better face-claim…
PREMISE ᝰ yuji itadori is dead, and with him died the one chance of destroying sukuna once and for all. in a last-ditch effort to kill the king of curses in the most morally abhorrent of ways, the higher-ups of jujutsu high contact one of their ex-sorcerers who fled to america. but he’s down for the count. his kid, however, isn’t. jun shows up on the doorstep less than a week later, thinking they’re in for the time of their life, getting to hone their cursed techniques ever since their dad forbid the topic years ago. but that’s not the case. jun has one directive: either find a way to clone yuji itadori, or pay for their father’s mistakes.
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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
So i am almost up to 8500 words on Caught somewhere in time. I'm about to tackle the Attack of the clones part of the fic. And with that comes a new set of headcanons I'll be incorperating.
On Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Cal:
Obi-Wan almost left the order on two occasions: his relationship with Satine Kryze, and his choice to have Cal.
Anakin sees Cal as his little brother, though he is also torn on how to handle him, as a part of him sees Cal as competition for Obi-Wan's attention.
Cal's psychometry has gotten him into trouble more than once. But mostly because he either sees things people don't want him to see, or because he sees things that upset him greatly and he has panic attacks.
Cal's gift for chaos and crawling through vents were inherited from Obi-Wan. As is his gift for reading people and their intentions.
Cal has inherited a rather unexpected ability from his sperm donor, namely the ability to sharpshoot with a blaster pistol.
Padmé and Cal team up against Anakin. And although Anakin complains and whines that he is not happy about this, he secretely relishes in the absolute chaos that Padmé and Cal cause.
On Stewjon:
The planet stewjon is like space Florida. It has mangroves, swamps, that eventually roll out into grasslands and even has some forest. There's a lot of water on the planet, though it is inhabited by all sorts of predatory fish and reptiles, and even beaches or lakes are not that safe to swim in.
There's also plenty of farmland on the planet, and some of the larger cities are packed with resorts, hotel chains, and tourist attractions. Though further inland there's a lot of poverty and people barely scraping by.
The mangrove trees are harvested for their valuable Oljohn wood. It is specifically useful for making jewelry and wooden figurines, or detailing work.
Stewjoni are a people that are intersex by nature. As such, their entire concept of gender and sexuality are very different from more traditional planets. (By our earth standards).
A person who carried a baby is referred to as mom, regardless of their gender. A person who sired the baby is referred to as dad.
Their phenotype is determined by chromosomes, XX gives someone a masculine phenotype, XY gives someone a feminine phenotype.
(I deliberately changed this, do not come for me in the comments.)
Stewjoni can breed with humans, like Twy'leks, and their biology is a dominant trait over our human biology.
Many stewjoni come out with their gender around the age of 16, some do this earlier. Until that time, many Stewjoni address their children in a neutral way, or choose to adhere to their phenotype presentation until the child determines otherwise.
Stewjoni sometimes choose to single parent, and like Naboo, there is no taboo on sperm donors or artificial insemination. It's seen as a perfectly acceptable road to take.
There's also no taboo on abortion or birth control. When the entire population is intersex, and resources can be scarce, you also need ways to control the population.
On Jedi:
There were many Jedi in the order that had some form of attachment to others, though those active in the order also made sure that a. the council didn't find out about those attachments, and b. that the attachments didn't interfere with their duty.
Some Jedi also chose to have children. If the Jedi stayed within the order and agreed to its terms, the children would be brought to the temple on Coruscant and were raised there. The Jedi parents would have visitation rights and could see their children at most once a month, preferably less. If a child was not force sensitive by age 3, they would finish their time in the clan and by age 13 be sent to one of the corps. (Agricorp, medcorp, educorp, exploration corp).
If a child was force sensitive they would stay for training among a clan and by age 9 go to Ilum for the crystal ceremony. By age 13 they would be chosen as a Padawan by a knight or master that was NOT their parent. If they're not chosen, they too would go to the corp.
This caused some form of tension within the order, as quite a few (parental) members found the rules unfair or downright cruel.
Any Jedi that did not agree to the terms of having children within the order would be excommunicated and stripped of their rank. They would however be given supplies and credits to get them on their feet. The Jedi are strict and stifled, but fair and supportive with old members.
Children of Jedi that were Padawan learners or corp members were given ways to contact their Jedi parent once a month to keep in touch. At the age of 18 these children were given a choice to continue service or to cut ties with the order.
And since it's now 2 am I'll leave it at this.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months ago
Here are some of my personal Corrie Headcanons.
The Coruscant Guard is about 600 men strong (give or take a couple of dozen vod who were "decommissioned" on Coruscant). Fox is the one in charge overall, but Thire, Thorn, and Stone each manage about 200 men each.
The Guard has the worst armor, weapons, and supplies of all the Battalions. The majority of injures to men of the Guard is due to weapon or armor failure in the field.
Technically, the ARF Troopers attached to the Guard are not members of the Guard themselves. At least on paper. The reality is that they put themselves under Fox's command as soon as they enter Coruscant Airspace.
Medical Supplies are often not enough to keep up with the number of men in the Guard (archivists and healers from the temple do what they can to help).
The Guard doesn't have a Jedi General. On paper. In reality there are about 10 Jedi attached to the EduCorps and the MediCorps who act as their General when they can.
Fox is the only one allowed to interact with the Chancellor, and has sent out a list of rules for all Vod if they should have to interact with a Senator.
The Guard is well aware that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, but they haven't been able to come up with a good plan to get rid of him. (Fox's plans become more and more manic the more he's exposed to him).
The Guard has more members than any other Battalion if you were to count them. Though, on paper, they always have 600. (Even Fives is still kicking around in the Guard, faking his his death in front of Rex, Skywalker, and Palpatine made Fox's hair even greyer)
The Kennels for the ARF Troopers are attached to the Corrie Barracks, it's not unusual to see Massiff puppies running around with the vod'e.
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soapver4 · 9 months ago
Pity, a Star Wars series
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Spinoff Bubble: A long time ago in a slightly more dissimilar galaxy far, far away… a clique of righteous, highly accomplished but long-orphaned Jedi Knights grow increasingly perturbed when they notice glints of doting sorrow in their ailing Jedi Master' eyes as her usually inscrutable facade breaks down. As twisty investigations on a mass murder mystery progress, they suspect that they were memory-wiped child assassins responsible for the killings. The Jedi Master, determined to safeguard the truth, now performs a memory wipe on herself, leaving them with no choice but to roam rough planets in search of their real families and what remains of kidnappers already known to mindwash, torture and train such child assassins.
The expeditions throw up three discoveries, some intriguing and some startling. First, though some of these Jedi bear strong physical resemblances to the assassins' families, the parents are strikingly different from those in the few stubborn remnants of their early memories. Are the Jedi Knights doppelgängers serving as red herrings for some purpose? Second, life at the bottom rungs of the galactic system proves far more violent and degrading than they had imagined. Third, certain kidnappers, wrongly presumed dead, have been resurrecting their operations.
Putting aside their parentage questions for the sake of the galaxy, the Jedi Knights rally enormous resources and forces — including the MedCorps, AgriCorps and EduCorps — to assist the suffering people, thwart the kidnappers' operations and rescue new child assassins and potential murder targets. In fact, the amelioration of ground-level suffering is crucial as it frees up attention and care for would-be kidnappees and tamps down socioeconomic ills that feed those spies-recruiting kidnappers' radical ideologies. Enthusiastic recruits from numerous species, such as humans, Wookiees, Mogwai and Ewoks, rush to join the massive project out of duty, a thirst for adventure or raw financial desperation.
Much unfortunately, in their endeavor to bring about political and economic stability in the various planetary societies, the Jedi Knights end up reproducing the overall socioeconomic order in the galaxy. Project respondents with the best means throughout life have the highest odds of possessing the talent for roles with the best remuneration and opportunities to explore and shape their galaxy. The ordinary ones net ordinary roles. Those who look like they can barely take care of themselves, like paraplegics without Darth Vader's bionics, are redirected to subminimum wage jobs in sheltered workshops, and if they insist that is not enough for the families they are actually breadwinners of, food in scuffles-prone soup kitchens as well.
Things take a bizarre turn when a human Jedi Knight among our orphaned leads bump into a wrinkled Wookiee woman he uncontrollably tears up at the sight of, while a bunch of human kids out of earshot poke fun at the gigantic species' extreme hairiness. To figure out the cause of his outburst, he follows her home, where he discovers the childhood bedroom in his dreams. On the bed lies the woman's only child, a Wookiee she later tells him was diagnosed with a severe intellectual disability prior to a harrowing bout of infection, a visit by a Jedi whose traits match the Jedi Master's, and his present coma. As he stares at the unconscious Wookie, waves of surreal numbness course through his human body.
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Over the coming months, the supposedly orphaned Jedi Knights follow the lead to track down more families whose children became comatose after covert visits from the Jedi Master. Since the comas did not occur immediately after the visits and the families did not know each other, barely anybody seriously suspected her. By and by, these Jedi Knights discover her hidden talent of suppressing a child's consciousness and remotely transferring it from one body to another. The comatose bodies are naturally the original bodies, the suppressed consciousness and host bodies are the child assassins', and the transferred consciousness are the comatose bodies'.
But who are the other comatose people, the rest of the Jedi Knights at the heart of this series? They are the very class of galaxy inhabitants they sort into the bottom of the economic pyramid: One has severe cerebral palsy; another suffers from the locked-in syndrome; yet another is an autistic person with difficulties in camouflaging. The last one has had childhood schizophrenia. Even the Jedi with locked-in syndrome had an inquisitive mind and could do some meaningful work in her own body when equipped with the necessary technology. Nevertheless, they know too well that too few foremen in their own operations would have confidence placing bets on grit and stereotype fallibility to yield staggering quotas of goods and services out of their original selves under the forever harsh circumstances of the galaxy.
The celebrated Jedi heroes stand over a dusty manual on consciousness manipulation, juxtaposed with shots of their comatose bodies. Three of them make the hard decision to transfer their consciousness to captured kidnappers' bodies, arrange for rehabilitation of the awakening child assassins and continue their Jedi missions. The remaining pair, finding the notion of breathing and traveling through these depraved masterminds' bodies too revolting, choose to return to their trapping old lives.
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morganwrites-starwars · 1 year ago
Time Waits for No One
A Sequal to Time is a social construct.
Summary: What do you do when you time travel 50 years in the past with your Jedi son, accidentally adopt 3 more kids, and become Mand’alor? Din figured stopping a Sith uprising was a good answer. He just has to unite the Mandalorian factions, repair relationships with the Jedi, and stop a galactic civil war. Easy.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when Din was alone in bed, he wondered what his parents thought of the man he’d become. Would they be proud of their son? A little boy from a backwater planet becoming the leader of an infamous warrior race (and that’s not even taking the time travel into account). Or would they be disappointed that Din had fallen so far from whatever future they’d envisioned for him? Din liked to imagine they would’ve loved their grandchildren, if not be a little concerned about how he acquired them. Din’s buir definitely would’ve been proud. No longer was he the beroya of a tribe that hid in the sewers. Din was the kriffing Mand’alor. What Mando’ade wouldn’t be proud of their child in that case?
These ruminations only caused Din to spiral as he grappled with his reality. Baby Din Djarin hadn’t even been born yet. Would Din try to convince his parents to come to Mandalore when he was born, or would this Din get to live a normal life with his parents? Din’s mind would run itself in circles with paradoxes until the sun crept past the spires of the stronghold. Din hadn’t been sleeping well lately. It made council meetings particularly tedious and painful. There was less useless back-and-forth arguing in Din’s council than Satine’s because Din didn’t have the patience for it. His followers (and it was still weird to think of them as such) appreciated that about him. Jango was impressed at his Mando wrangling skills. Din attributed it to the fact that half of his kids were Mandalorian and the other half were Jetii. 
Satine and Bo-Katan lived part-time in Sundari- it was still their home even if Din had relocated to the city of Keldabe. The city was still being rebuilt, having fallen into a state of disrepair after most of its occupants, who had been Haat Mando’ade, left the planet. Grogu stayed with Din. Jango babysat the kid when he got bored during meetings. Din was starting to suspect that half the time Jango whisked Grogu out of meetings was due to Jango’s own annoyance with politics. Jango was doing a great job at helping reconstruct the ori’ramikad, but he still got dragged into some meetings as a representative of the Haat Mando’ade.
Obi-wan was the only one of Din’s ade he didn’t see regularly. He and Qui-gon traveled the galaxy for their Jetii missions, often being out of contact for days at a time. The temple had been very helpful, sending updates about Obi-wan’s missions and grades. Din had been in touch with a Jetii from the EduCorps to ensure Grogu had the Force education he needed. Dealing with Jetii was the easiest part of Din’s days, an irony that was not lost on Din.
Take where he was now, for example. Trying not to slump down on his throne- because apparently he just had to have a throne for his image- as he listened to grown Mando’ade argue over land claims on different planets in the system. Din had wanted to tell them to fight it out like the toddlers they were acting like, but that wasn’t conducive to the cohesive society he was trying to make. A shame, really. 
“Kalevala has been the home of the House Kryze for centuries, and as such, all the land on it is under the jurisdiction of the Duchess!” argued the Kryze representative, a young man named Almec. “It is an oasis for the New Mandalorians, who are uncomfortable with the sudden reappearance of armor and weapons in the cities. No offense, of course, meant to you, Mand’alor.”
Din waved his hand in acknowledgment, knowing fully well that Almec definitely meant at least a little offense. 
“And our clans have been living on the planet for even longer!” exclaimed the other representative, Sainn. She was mostly human, with tan skin patched with light blue. Din thought she was part Twi’lek. She wore partial armor- her arms and legs were covered with purple and blue armor. She was from a group of clans that didn’t claim one of the bigger houses and had primarily been independently governing themselves since before the New Mandalorians’ rise to power. They finally decided they wanted to join Din’s Mandalore-which was flattering- and wanted the rights to the land they lived on.
They were asking for less than 10% of the planet's land, so Din was inclined to grant it. Satine had decided she was okay with it, but Almec and some other New Mandalorians were not fans. Din preferred to come to a settlement everyone was happy with instead of ordering the land to be given to the clans. Less chance of unhappy politicians.
Din stood up as Almec opened his mouth to argue back. “Why do you want to keep the land so bad, Almec? No one in your house has used it in a long time. There’s no money in it, and the people living there now aren’t going to leave regardless.”
Almec seemed shocked at Din’s question. “It- it is a matter of principle-“
“What principle?”
“Having two different governments on one planet is asking for conflict-“
“You both will be under the same overall government. Bring any conflicts here. Unless“- Din tilted his head in a fashion he knew was menacing-“you were planning on making your own rules.” The hall was filled with a tense silence. Almec didn’t seem to know what to say in response to Din’s statement. Din nodded and sat back down. “One week, come back with an agreement in one week, or I will make a decision for you.”
Sainn and Almec brought their fists to their chests and bowed their heads. Din made a note to talk to Satine about Almec. There was trouble brewing there, and Din had more important things to worry about. Mainly, at that moment, whatever Silas was approaching him about. 
“Message from the Jetii council,” Silas muttered so the rest of the hall couldn’t hear. “They want to send some Jetii that can see the past or something. They want to see what they can find about the Zabrack that attacked you and Obi’ika. With your permission, they can be in Sundari by the end of the week.”
Din grunted in understanding. The Jetii had exchanged worried looks when Obi-wan had recounted their fight with the Zabrack. Obi-wan had explained to him that a red lightsaber was a Sith’s weapon. It was concerning that Din was apparently already a Sith target, and he hadn’t even done anything to antagonize them yet. The Jetii said it was likely the apprentice that had attacked them. If they could glean any information about the apprentice, it may lead them to the master. Din thought it was an inefficient system, a master taking an apprentice whose main goal was to kill the master. 
The rest of the day went by slowly, but Grogu spent most of the afternoon with Din, which was nice. After latemeal, Din called Satine and Bo-Katan to inform them about the visiting Jetii.
“Are you coming too?” Bo-katan asked.
“I’ll try,” Din answered. Silas had already taken to rearranging Din’s schedule to fit in the visit. This was also something Din was still adjusting to, having a schedule full of people who wanted to meet with Din. “Have you been practicing the forms I showed you last time?”
That night, Din lay in bed listening to Grogu’s soft breaths. Even in a stronghold full of capable warriors who would protect the child with their lives, Din still felt a twinge of worry every time his ad was out of sight. And while this time was safer for Grogu, there were new and unknown dangers around every corner. Sith, greedy politicians, and the remnants of the Death Watch lurked around every corner. It was a complex game that Din was still learning to play, and each move was shadowed by doubt. Even with his new friends, Din couldn’t stop worrying that he would make a wrong choice that would inevitably hurt one of his ade. It was just like the first weeks with Grogu, suddenly alone with a magical child and having to care for and protect them. Except now, Din had four ade. But he wasn’t alone. 
A few days later found Din in the familiar palace of Sundari. The damage from the Death Watch attack had been repaired, and a memorial for the Mando’ade that had died had been erected in the central garden. More people wore armor and carried weapons, but the city was still home to a large number of Mandalorians who preferred not to fight. Something Din didn’t care about. As he’d said a number of times- nothing in the Mandalorian creeds specified having to fight. There were many ways to protect ade and serve the Mand’alor. 
Bo-Katan was currently talking Din’s ear off about her classes at the newly established school that catered towards Mandalorian values rather than Coruscant ones. Satine added her own tidbits as she carried Grogu. They were waiting by the landing pads for the Jetii to arrive. Grogu had been excited all day, babbling and cooing. Din wondered what he was saying. Was he talking about how excited he was to see Obi-wan? Or maybe he was just telling Satine about a particularly interesting bug he’d seen earlier. The joys of having a magic toddler. 
The Jetii ship landed, and Obi-wan bounded off the ship with a large smile. Obi-wan skidded to a halt in front of Din, giving a bow that Din was sure wasn’t regulation, not that he cared. Grogu screeched joyfully, jumping out of Satine’s arms into Obi-wan’s.
“Hello, Grogu,” Obi-wan greeted fondly. Grogu babbled to him, and Obi-wan nodded in understanding. “And I have missed you too.” Obi-wan looked at Din, Satine, and Bo-Katan. “And you guys as well.”
Satine smiled and hugged Obi-wan, careful of Grogu still in his arms. Bo-Katan followed her sister’s lead and latched onto Obi-wan’s side, briefly throwing the little group off balance. Din fondly shook his head at his ade before reaching out and ruffling Obi-wan’s hair. The boy sputtered, and the girls released him as they laughed. Din noticed that Obi-wan had grown some since the last time they’d all been together. 
Qui-gon approached their group, two other Jedi following behind him. The younger boy, another padawan if Din had to guess by the braid resting on his shoulder, had a large grin and wore a sleeveless shirt. It didn’t fit well with the regalness of the man Din assumed was his Master. 
“Mand’alor,” Qui-gon greeted with a formal bow. His lip was quirked slightly. It was funny to think that Din had been considering throwing the man off the highest spire of the Sundari palace only months ago. Now, they were co-parenting a teenage Jedi who somehow got into more trouble than the tiny green one Din had taken in. It's funny how these kind of things work out.
“Master Jinn,” Din greeted, tipping his head in greeting. “Any disasters recently?”
“Only of the usual variety,” Qui-gon said, looking at Obi-wan, who was giving his best innocent face. It was ruined by Grogu giggling manically, probably sensing the bullshit Obi-wan was pulling. “Anyways, may I introduce you to Master Tholme and Padawan Quinlan Vos.” The two Jedi bowed. The padawan, Quinlan, looked confused as he looked at Din and Grogu. Din figured it had something to do with their ‘air of weirdness’ in the Force that Obi-wan said they had. Evidently, time travel did weird things to one’s aura. Din didn’t feel like he had an odd aura, but he wasn’t the expert.
“Su’cuy,” Din greeted. “You’re here to…read the past?”
“Quin has the ability to see the past when he touches objects. Memories, emotions, and such,” Obi-wan explained. 
“The council thinks I might be able to find out more about your Sithly attacker,” Quinlan added, still impishly smiling. “Is this the baby Yoda?”
“Your cooperation is very appreciated, Mand’alor,” Master Tholme said, not so discreetly tugging on his padawan’s braid in admonishment. Quinlan didn’t look repentant. Grogu crooned at the acknowledgment. 
“His name is Grogu,” Din said. Grogu cooed again at his name, signaling to Obi-wan to set him down. Grogu waddled to stand on Din’s foot, holding onto Din’s greave for balance. “And your help is appreciated. Sith aren’t our area of expertise. Mandalorians tend to get jumpy when they have an unknown enemy.”
“And jumpy Mandalorians are good for no one,” Qui-gon added. 
Satine cleared her throat and gave Din a look that meant that Din had forgotten some etiquette. She gestured between herself and Bo-Katan. “Oh, right. These are Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze. My two other ade.” The girls pulled their best courtly smiles, Bo-Katan’s only slightly forced looking. 
“It’s a pleasure to you both,” Satine greeted, “And your help is greatly appreciated. The whole situation has been…”
“Traumatizing?” Bo-Katan offered. Satine slapped her arm. “What?”
“Making sure this Sith is taken care of will be good for everyone’s mirjahaal- peace of mind,” Din said. He went to continue, but noticed Jango slowly walking towards their group. He seemed wary of the new Jetii- while Jango had gotten better about his Jetii hatred with the help of a mir’baar’ur. He was still uncertain of new Jetii, especially older ones that could have been at Galidraan. “Um, why don’t you ade show the Jetii to their rooms. I’ll meet you in the dining halls.” 
His ade agreed, and Din picked up Grogu to hand him off to Bo-Katan. Din said his goodbyes and went towards Jango. 
“Mand’alor,” Jango greeted, quickly pressing his fist to his chest. Din just sighed loudly. Jango grinned for a brief moment before his expression sobered. 
“Jango, I thought you were going to stay in Keldabe?” Jango had offered to keep things running with Silas. Din suspected it was less out of a desire to help and more out of some misplaced sense of guilt he’d developed about getting Din into this whole Mand’alor mess in the first place (Din held that it was his own decision, and fleeting moment of righteousness, that got him there in the first place.) 
“I was, but we got sensitive information that we felt was better relayed in person than over comms,” Jango explained. “Can we go somewhere private?”
“I have an office here,” Din said, beginning to lead the way inside. 
“You might want to call one of those Jetii, too,” Jango said grimly. “This is about the dar’jetii.”
After an unexpectedly long break, I'm back! Turns out that between working, clinicals, and senior year I've been too busy to write much. So updates might be sporadic until next semester.
Mando'a translations:
beroya- bounty hunter
ori'ramikad- supercommandos (elite special forces)
Su'cuy- a greeting
mirjahaal- peace of mind, a general term for emotional well-being, especially after a trauma
mir'baar'ur- baar'ur for a healer, mir' as a prefix for mind/brain/mood, so a therapist
dar'jetti- sith
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cacodaemonia · 8 months ago
💭 - What do they think about the most? for the OC ask meme for my boy Wobble pls!
Aw another Wobble question! 🥰
Hmm, well, post-war, he takes his teaching position with the Educorps very seriously, so I'm sure he thinks a lot about the cultures in the places he and Teeko travel to with the corps. Also like, lesson plans and making sure the stuff they're teaching is appropriate and useful for their temporary students.
Of course, he has to think about his old injuries frequently, too, as well as how they affect his daily life, but a lot of that is probably somewhat subconscious at this point.
Thanks for the ask!
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