#Mechanic Castle Hill
tassellautomat · 17 days
Mechanic Castle Hill
Tassell Automotive Services is likely an Mechanic Castle Hill company that provides services such as oil changes, brake repair, tire rotation, engine diagnostics, and other related services. They may service a variety of vehicles including cars, trucks, and SUVs.
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batteriescastlehill · 1 month
Tips And Tricks To Diagnose Common Car Engine Problems Easily
Discover essential tips and tricks for diagnosing common car engine problems with ease. From identifying unusual sounds to spotting warning signs, this guide helps you troubleshoot issues quickly, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly. Gain confidence in maintaining your car's performance with practical advice for both beginners and experienced drivers.
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katyahina · 4 months
The 'haired' helmets are strange..
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It IS odd how we get to wear the characters' hairstyles, as it is just really unlikely they're scalps! I suppose the explanation is the same as why we are able to completely change upon looking into a mirror at Roundtable's Hold; as long as the Tarnished is guided by Greater Will, they'll have its aid and be transformed into whatever they see fit to keep carrying on! So I think the implication here is that we do, physically, grow the hair of the demigods (or champions) upon trying to tap on their power! I think if GW abandons a Tarnished, or if they abandon it, they lose this 'ability', which our playable character never does, so..
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I am not sure whether it is Maliketh's own long mane or also a decoration! I'd like to think the former, in which case, same logic as with hair of Malenia, Godfrey and Radahn applies! Vargram's "hair" definitely is a decoration, and specifically for the purpose of imitating shadowbeasts:
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Ensha's armour goes even further and not only gives us a hairdo, but makes us a skeleton:
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We even get his power of slight regeneration, similar to Erdtree's normal powers:
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All implications considered, I really doubt that this is just how armour looks, especially considering no change in size. We are not 'wearing' the skull, we ARE the skull now fhhsfd And this time the NPC data inside simply exists because Ensha does use NPC code and mechanics. So, we turn into a corpse! Again, should not matter much since as long as we're carried by GW we don't need to eat or sleep or... anything, really. (I'll also die on the hill of the theory that Ensha was one of the deceased Marika's offspring whose Mausoleum crashed and what was left from him crawled out but that's another story fdhfhds)
Here are other instances of hair simply decorating a helm:
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Niall is that one guy we fight in Castle Sol, so similarity in this case ALSO checks out! Also cute idea: what if decoration for the helmets of Godrick's Knights IS his own hair? ;-;
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That could also be speculated about Redmane Knights, but I feel like it'd be more appropriate for Godrick's. Radahn would be stingy about his amazing lion mane whereas Godrick can not only take body parts but also give them XDDDD yeah yeah terrible whatever
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The black hair on Night Cavalry's helmet can be removed, also confirming that in this case it is a decoration. This hair does have interesting flowing animation though! Maybe it IS the hair of Night Cavalry themselves, still having their shadowy energy, but cut and attached again to their own helmets (kind of like Ciaran from DS1 decorated her helmet with her own braid!)
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Another case of hair not being actual hair but part of the mask; the way hair is placed, it'd had to grow from like, eyebrows level and face itself or something fdhfdsdfh Maybe this style with braids and grey hair was intended to refer at Godfrey's? Alternatively, what IF their faces are actually furry/animalistic despite otherwise human build, so the hair doubles as fur? We don't see them behind the mask, after all? A food for a thought lol
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^ More of 100% 'mask' types of these
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The water dancer in blue gave the sword to Malenia's teacher, the blind guy that once sealed the God of Rot himself, and these warriors in blue appear to be following the same philosophy of "ever running water preventing stagnation, so, rot itself" as him! Although this head piece imitates just a follower and not the man himself (as far as we are aware....), perhaps the sentiment is strong enough to give us the hairdo too x) Again, funny enough, it seems to resemble the Lady of the Lake fairy herself!
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I suspected the case of 'sharing hair' with Cleanrot Knights too, but upon closer look I can tell it is supposed to be some fabric/rags, rather than hair or hairlike accessory! Probably more efficient to imitate the look with rags rather than something hairlike tbh, considering the lenght of the thing! So I think the design is more meant to represent Malenia's own unhappy fate, with short tuft being the "hair" and the longer tails being the "wings" :
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In conclusion, it is kind of easy to deduce which hair become our actual hair for the time being because of golden grace 'reshaping' us and which hair is just decor! But it is really interesting stuff to think about all the way!
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spirintom · 4 months
Herobrine headcanons 💎
sorry I wasn't posting for a pretty long time... needed to get over my hyperfixation on this guy
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💎"He has changed"💎 Enjoy!
He has existed for a long time. Too long, to be honest. 
People were afraid of him even before legends and rumors were spread - every visit to the Overworld was accompanied by fear. When he appeared, the sky noticeably darkened, a strong wind blew, and it seemed as if even plants were hiding from his shining cold eyes. The world rejected him, everything living and non-living was afraid, and only Nether felt... like home? maybe... 
But that was a long time ago. Too long, to be honest... 
Now the world seems to be getting used to the man. Peaceful creatures curl up to his warm hands, ask him for food, play with him, look as if they understand him. 
And he developed a bad habit - to carry seeds, a couple bunches of wheat, and other treats for them... Perhaps that's why they follow him that much. But the mobs love him, and that pleases him. 
Herobrine himself seems somehow softer. 
Although villagers still fear even think of his name. And this is completely fair. Earlier he used to be excessively hot-headed. He ravaged cities, killed players who dared to look at him. 
So his name became a noun. Now all the world's troubles are attributed to him, not forgetting to recall the old ones. 
Not that he was mad about it. That's absolutely fair. 
But Herobrine has changed. 
Now combat achievements and strength hardly concern him. Of course, the man can still destroy a pretty large village with a slight move of his hand, but... is that really necessary? (And was it necessary at all?) 
Herobrine has changed. 
Now he prefers to enjoy the world: wandering at night or in the early morning, sipping coffee, watching some players, reading, studying redstone mechanisms, perfecting his enchanting or potion-making skills, spending more time with old friends. 
Sometimes in snowy biomes, near villages, he builds snowmen. (Of course, to puzzle and scare village children! Yes-yes. We believe him.) If he finds a spot with flowers, he picks some and leaves them outside random player's house. 
And sometimes (very rarely) he submits to curiosity and goes to some abandoned player’s base and explores it. Herobrine admires, looking at cities, castles, statues, and other structures that, according to him, used to destroy the nature of the world. 
He is especially pleased with one specific base. A small temple on a hill surrounded by cherry trees. There in the mountain, behind thick tangles of vines, lies the entrance to a cave with hot springs and a small pool of lava. The man loves to come there to relax. (how lucky that he’s immune to lava!) 
In these peaceful moments, he catches himself thinking that he understands Notch - understands that creating can also bring joy. The man, of course, grumbles something under his nose, but smiles. 
 Sincerely. Softly.
---------------------------------- 🩵Hope you liked it! Also sorry if there were some mistakes (i'm using a translator)
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crusherthedoctor · 5 months
My pick, of course, is Wave Ocean.
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Keith is good at compartmentalizing. Always has been. Sure, he’s not always great at emotional regulation, but when the serious shit pops up? Under lock and key it goes, to be brought out only late at night when he’s feeling sorry for himself and wants to make things worse.
(Okay. His coping mechanisms could be better.)
(He’s doing his best, alright? Life is hard.)
But sometimes, his compartments get too damn full. His brain just gets so cluttered with shit that he has no boxes left to shove the hard shit into, and he just has to handle it. It always sucks. It’s always a million times worse than his late night freak-outs.
This one in particular, though?
This one takes the cake.
If one were to steal a probably-dusty manila file from the desk one of the social workers for the State of Arizona, labelled ‘Keith Akira Kogane’, they would see, clearly labelled, a section called ‘ORPHAN’. Under that section would be a subheading — ‘Death of Father’. If this person were to read further, they would discover that officially, according to the Arizona State Reporting District, Texas Kogane died tragically trying to put out a house fire in the line of duty. His son waited three days for him to return home before walking to the fire station and demanding to see his father, and was then swiftly picked up and brought to the Grass Hills Region Arizona State Social Services Office, and assigned a group home after speaking to a child psychologist and social worker.
That story is, almost entirely, false.
Keith’s father did die tragically and heroically in the line of duty. It was a particularly brutal house fire, and Texas did manage to save the family that was trapped, at the cost of his own life.
What the story fails to mention is that the house was, specifically, home to Keith’s closest friend at the time. The file also fails to mention that Keith’s father often worked long hours, and so Keith frequently spent time at that friend’s house.
The article fails, perhaps most ardently, to mention that the day of the fateful fire, Keith was present at the house. The day of the fateful fire, Keith watched the house go up in flames faster than he could comprehend. The day of the fateful fire, Keith cried for his father, curled up in the corner of a room with a wet t-shit over his face, soot covering his hair and smoke lining his lungs. The day of the fateful fire, Texas Kogane kicked open the door behind which Keith was trapped in a blaze of glory, scooping up his small-for-his-age son in his arms and rushing him safely out of the house, hugging him tightly and pressing the briefest of kisses to his dirty hair before rushing back into the house to save the rest of the family that was trapped inside.
The file fails to mention that on the day of the fateful fire, Keith watched his infallible father sprint into the house, and never make it back out.
Keith doesn’t much like fire. The file doesn’t mention that, either. (Keith knows. He stole it, one day, and read it. It had to be locked away in a little box in his head, too.)
Space happens so goddamn quickly.
One day he’s chilling in his stupid shack with a couple cool lizards, dicking around on his hover bike and tracking some weird energy, and the next he’s flying through a real-life wormhole on a sentient lion piloted by a boy with startlingly striking brown eyes that he kind of vaguely remembers if he squints. And then that wormhole leads him to a real-life alien castle, and real-life aliens (he knew it, Keith knew it, he was right all along, his Pa was right all along, they both were —) and he’s informed by a real-life alien princess that he’s the Paladin of the Red Lion, the Universe’s Guardian of Fire.
And oh, does the bitter taste of irony flood his tongue.
He swallows quickly, desperately shoving the box closed, adding as many mental strips of duct tape that he can. He forces his face into a mask of stoicism (practiced to perfection from years of home after home after home) and prays that no one was looking closely enough to see the lick of terror flash through his eyes.
He’s lucky, that way. No one ever is.
He keeps that dangerous box closed as he frees a petulant mecha lion from a Galra ship that he navigates too easily (yet another box), keeps it closed as he argues and fights with the boy with pretty brown eyes (rival, his rival — his shadow?), keeps it closed as he fights a dictator and the dictator’s general and holds the hand of the same boy who smiles and says they make a great team. Keith holds that box shut with both hands as he nearly fights an alien who tries to take his knife at a space mall and trains with the man who’s like a brother to him, along with a brand-new team he’s supposed to trust with his deepest secrets.
Keith squeezes that box shut with every ounce of mental strain that he has, and then some. He grits his teeth and tells himself that fire is good and warm and powerful and life-ending and frightening and —
His bayard unlocks a blazing canon, flames sweeping out and brightly illuminating the stifling emptiness of space, burning everything in its path, and the box bursts open.
“Holy shit, Keith!”
“Yo! Is that a flamethrower?”
“Excellent work, kiddo.”
“‘About time you caught up, Mullet.”
The words are distorted, far away. His team’s transparent excitement fans the flames wreaking havoc on every carefully sealed box in his head, turning strict lines to ash and reducing his head to embers. His skin burns as bright as a sun, sweat dripping down his forehead, and smoke fills his lungs until he’s coughing, wheezing, choking to death —
He has no idea how the rest of the training goes. He has no idea how he manages to keep upright, with his vision swimming in and out and his hands slipping off the controls. He has no idea even how he manages to stay alive with flames licking him from the inside, burning him to a crisp from his bones out to his skin. He has no idea how he manages to land Red in her hangar, how he keeps from turning to ash in the pilot’s seat. How he manages to rip off his seatbelt with hands that have turned to burnt coal and rush down the ramp on legs that are simmering flames.
“Ay, Greñudo! What’s keeping you? You’ve been locked in here for half an hour, Shiro’s got a firecracker up his ass worrying — Jesus Christ, Keith, what’s wrong?”
What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Can’t he see? Can’t he feel the flames that lick up Keith’s skin and burn him up? Can’t he feel the heat of Keith’s destruction? Do his eyes not burn from the brightness of the fire?
How is Keith alive? How is he standing when his lungs have stopped working, cooked in his chest? Keith tries to inflate them, to force them open with clean air, but it doesn’t work, they don’t work, the smoke is choking him and killing him and there’s no Pa to save him —
A shock of freezing cold gently touches his neck, his cheek. A breath is startled into his lungs.
They work again.
“Smoke’s cleared,” Keith croaks, because it must be, now that he can feel the cool air trickling down his throat again. He takes large, gulping breaths, taking in as much air as he can before the smoke returns and he suffocates again.
“That’s it,” Lance soothes. “In and out, starboy. Your lungs are clear, yeah? There’s no fire, no smoke. Feel that air. In and out.” The coolness on Keith’s cheek spreads, following the shape of his cheekbone, back and forth, again and again.
Lance’s thumb.
His hands, on Keith’s cheek and on his neck.
“Y’r hands’re cold.”
Lance cracks a smile. “Iron deficiency.”
“Oh. You should —” Keith’s breath shudders as it regulates. He realises his hands are clenched on Lance’s wrist. “—you should eat more red meat.”
What is he even talking about?
Lance smile gets a little wider. It softens his eyes again, deep and brown and dark, like they looked after Sendak. Keith likes it when he smiles at him.
“I’m a vegetarian. That’s cute of you, by the way.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.” It takes Keith a moment to process Lance’s other sentence.
This time, his face gets hot for a whole different reason.
“I didn’t — I didn’t mean —”
“Hey. Cool it,” Lance orders, tapping Keith between the eyes. His lips are still curved into a smirk. “You’re coming down from a gnarly-ass panic attack. The last thing you need is to freak out again. Keep matching my breathing, okay? You’re doing great.”
“Never thought I’d hear you say that,” Keith manages between his still-heavy breaths. The redness has yet to recede from his face, but he’s pleased to hear Lance’s quiet laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, Greñudo. Treasure it, ‘cause I’m not saying it again.”
Keith swallows, tightening his grip on Lance’s wrist. Greñudo. That nickname again, but it’s not malicious. Teasing. It’s the softest he’s ever heard Lance say it.
“What’s that mean? Grendo?”
“‘Grendo’ means nothing,” Lance replies, amused. “But Greñudo means disheveled. Messy. Slang for —” he tugs gently on the hair at the back of Keith’s neck — “mullet, like this travesty.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’.”
Keith slowly moves his hand up Lance’s arm, from his wrist to his elbow. He stops when Lance’s breath hitches, simply resting on the smooth skin, but continues on when Lance doesn’t stop him, slowly tracing the lean muscles and bony joints down Lance’s bicep, his shoulder, his side, settling at his waist. Lance’s hands have stilled, but remain on his cheek and neck, cradling his face.
“You channeling your Gomez, huh, Mullet?” Lance asks, but his voice isn’t it’s usual barbed wire, but soft; quiet and stuttering.
“I liked Starboy better,” Keith says quietly. All the burning pain has quietly slipped away from his body, leaving only a soft, tender glow behind, like the amber embers from the campfires he and Pa used to have on late nights.
It’s not scary. It’s — warm, even. Comforting.
“I bet you do.”
Keith says nothing. He stays right where he is, pressed to Lance in three different places, the coolness of Lance’s skin pulling the burning heat from Keith’s bones.
“Are you always this cold?” Keith asks. It’s not what he wants to say — what does he want to say? — but it’s what he can manage, standing so closely to Lance, the quiet scent of his floral shampoo pushing out the smell of smoke caught in Keith’s nose.
Lance hums. “You always feel like you’re running a fever?”
“Yes. Worse since I started piloting Red.”
“Guess I’ll have to help you cool down, then.”
“Guess so.” Unbidden, a smirk fights its way on Keith’s face. “That would make us a pretty good team, huh?”
It takes Lance a moment to react, but then he does, pulling away with a groan and a smack to the back of Keith’s head.
“There you go,” he admonishes, “bringing up fake bonding moments are ruining the real one we were having. Can’t let things go, huh?”
Keith shrugs, but the smile stays out on his face. “Can’t let your lying ass keep getting away with it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Lance says, rolling his eyes. He hesitates a moment, then darts forward and grabs Keith’s hand, yanking him towards the door as he power walks out of Red’s hangar. Keith stumbles after him.
“Let’s go,” Lance says, once Keith’s got his balance. He glances back at Keith, small smile showing the barest hint of teeth. “Starboy.”
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
With the mere existence of your blog I already adore you, I loved all your writings and I wanted to make a small request, how about DK with an s/o who loves mechanics (the kars scene drove me crazy with emotion) and speed? (extra points if she is a little sister of mario and luigi)
forgive my bad english! <3
Donkey Kong x Reader who likes cars
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You were the younger sister of Mario and Luigi, but you weren’t in their little plumbing business.
Unlike your brothers you had taken a little more interest in cars.
Your parents also weren’t to happy about your choice, but they knew you wouldn’t change your mind so they just let you do your own thing.
But with the three of you being seen as the “disappointments” of the family, you were always together.
You even tagged along for their plumber appointments just in case their van had any issues.
On the day Brooklyn was flooding and your brothers took it upon themselves to fix it, you decided to come along since you had nothing better to do.
But you really wished you stayed home because getting sucked into a sketchy green pipe was not on the bucket list.
You and Mario had the fortune of staying together but sadly, Luigi did not.
You were pretty freaked out upon landing in the Mushroom kingdom, you were in an unfamiliar place with talking mushrooms.
It was hard not to freak out.
But the little mushroom you met by the name of Toad agreed to help you find your brother by taking you to the princess.
When you entered the actual kingdom part you realized they didn’t seem to use cars around here, instead they used the kind of pipes that got you here in the first place.
Pretty cool.
Toad crawled inside the clear pipe and you watched him flow through at high speeds.
You were curious on how the pipe worked, was some kind of machinery operating it? or was it magic?
Well there was only one way to find out.
You followed behind Toad in the pipe, flying through it smoothly with intense speed.
“Isn’t this fun Mario?!” You giggled having the time of your life with this new way of transportation.
Things weren’t going as well for Mario as every turn he would roughly smash against the side of the pipe.
Eventually the three of you made it to the top of the hill, approaching the castle.
Toad had to distract the guards for you and Mario since the guards were trying to play with your mind and redirect you somewhere else.
But even inside the castle the guards caught onto you guys pretty quickly and began chasing you through the maze of hallways.
Running into the princess was…interesting.
She threw Mario to the ground and turned her attention to you, but before she could get you the guards had tackled you to the ground as well.
“Wait wait! Let them speak” The princess demanded and the guards let you and Mario free.
“Princess we need your help. I need your help to find our brother.” Mario explained.
After a little bit of talking with the princess you guys sorted out a deal.
If you and Mario helped her take down Bowser, Then your brother would be found.
But first, you had to train.
You and Mario were taken to a course with lots or crazy jumps and obstacles, but you were pretty confident in your skills so you decided to go first.
You finished first try, But poor Mario worked himself until the sun went down.
Next morning The princess along with Toad traveled with you and Mario to the Jungle kingdom.
You enjoyed the travel part. This place was so much than Brooklyn, you wished you could stay here forever.
The arrival to the Jungle Kingdom came up fast.
And you were excited.
You wondered what they were like in this kingdom. Was it more mushroom people? Humans? And did they drive fast cars?!
The residents of the Jungle Kingdom turned out to be gorillas, but much to your happiness they did in fact drive fast cars.
You pestered the gorilla who let you guys inside the kingdom to let you drive his cool car but he grumbled every time you opened your mouth.
You sat in the middle seat, between Mario and Peach.
What’s the point of a younger sibling if you can’t third wheel the two love birds?
The ride was unlike anything you’d felt before, no rollercoaster could compare to all the fun you had riding on the twisty roads at high speeds.
You were sad when it was over, cause after that you had to have a serious talk with the king of the apes.
Peach talked about forming an alliance with the army but the king wasn’t gonna let her have it just that easily.
Instead we would have to do it by winning some stupid fight.
“I’ll do it.” Mario offered
Long story short Mario ended up kicking Dk’s ass.
And Dk was not happy about it.
You honestly felt a little bit sorry for him as he felt his whole reputation was destroyed by a plumber.
So you decided to take some personal time with the gorilla to assure him that it’s okay to loose every once and a while, you used the plenty of street races you had lost in the past as an example.
“Wait you race?” He asks, interrupting your story.
“Uh yeah? I love cars!” You gushed.
He smiled at you and pulled off the ground, now seeming very eager to show you something.
He brought you to the huge workshop where all the karts around the Jungle Kingdom were made.
You looked around as you saw all the other gorillas working on karts and vehicles of all kinds.
“This way.” Dk said placing his large hand on your back to guide you around the place since it was easy to get lost in.
He brought you over to a wheel with different options for a car, wheels, and a parachute of some sort.
“Go ahead, take your pick.”
You looked at him with wide eyes and looked back at all the options for your car.
“This doesn’t cost anything right?” You asked wanting to make sure before designing your dream car.
“You’re with the almighty Dk, of course it’s free.” He smirked.
You nodded and looked through all the options, making sure to pick all the fastest things on the wheel.
After about 10 minutes of looking you finally decided on your karts final design.
It was pretty sick, It was your favorite color and It was supposed to be the fastest kart combo here in the Jungle Kingdom
You squealed excitedly as you watched your kart being made from behind the glass
“Pretty cool huh?”
“Its amazing! We don’t have this stuff where I’m from.” You said, sounding slightly disappointed at the end of your sentence.
Dk thought you were pretty cute, never had he seen someone so interested in cars.
You and Dk didn’t notice but while you two were caught up in your own conversation you didn’t notice Mario and the others enter the workshop.
When Mario laid his eyes on you and Dk laughing together he was pretty mad about it.
“Are you kidding me?! You’ve been with him this whole time?!” Mario exclaimed angrily at you.
“Yeah and he helped me get my kart ready!” You smiled at your brother and pointed to the now finished kart in the window behind you.
Dk and your brother scowled at each other while you were off in your own world, staring longingly at your kart.
“Make any moves on her and I wont hesitate to beat you again.” Mario threatened.
“I’d like to see you try plumber boy.”
“Oh oh! It’s finished c’mon let’s go!” You interrupted their little banter by pulling Dk with you to come pick up your Kart.
When everyone was done with their karts, they made their way to line up in front of the door that would lead them to the path of rainbow road.
You and Dk were next to each other while you waited for the doors to open.
“Is Rainbow road an actual rainbow?” You asked.
Dk chuckled at your question but answered nonetheless.
“Yes its an actual rainbow.”
When the doors opened you sped off in your kart, the wind violently whipping through your hair.
You enjoyed the scenery around you, the beautiful floating islands off in the distance and the waterfalls that seemed to go on for miles.
Dk pulled up next to you and matched your speed so he could watch you experience driving with your new custom kart for the first time.
He saw how happy you were and couldn’t help but smile.
“You know…I know a lot of roads with cool views like this.” Dk said still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Really?! I would love to see it!”
“How about after all this is over, we’ll go drive through them together?” He asked you.
He was asking you on a date.
You smiled at him and accepted his offer.
“Yeah I would like that a lot.”
A/N: Sorry it came out kind of late I was busy today!!
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cyberbabyangell · 1 month
₊˚⊹☆ all my drs!!
have a list of all the drs i officially shift to (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ (in order of discovery) The ages are accurate to the moment i will shift in these drs if that makes sense..
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Better CR ⪼ Soren Minerva, 15 years old
this is where i'll permashift to 😼
Solar System ⪼ Soren Minerva, 8 years old
this dr is very similar to my bcr, but its the one with lore and history and gods etc also i shift at 8 just so i can bask in the 2010 years again because lets be honest they were the best ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
My Hero Academia ⪼ Aiden Konoike, 14 years old
i'm just a girl in this one. ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
Demon Slayer ⪼ Hoshi Tomioka, 16 years old
i'll have to figure this one out again, i just know i have cosmic breathing 🥳 zenitsu is probably my s/o •ᴗ•
Genshin Impact ⪼ Fleur, 18 years old(physically)
this one is lore heavy as well, but rn im just a court multitasker/protean at fontaine. i picked neuvillette as my found family, and kaeya & thoma as my lovers •ᴗ•
ParadoxLive ⪼ Nova Fall, 18 years old
aka one of my most hyped drs. im an idol there and a very cliche one at that. like that one barbie popstar movie where she transforms on stage, me core. i date nayuta because he's the only true one for me ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
What in HELL is bad? ⪼ Selene, 19 years old
i sort of follow the game plot, as in im the daughter of solomon. i didnt go too far in the game yet but i jst KNOW i either get close with satan or leviathan
Sonic the Hedgehog ⪼ Lune, do mobians have age..
this is the closest i currently am to being a princess, but im not royalty..sonic and shadow broke me out of my castle and brought me to green hill 😐 anyways i summon crystals with a wand weewoo! with the chaos emeralds i summon a crystal golem thing ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Land of the Lustrous ⪼ Opal, 400 years old
not much to say except that opal looks uncannily close to diamond in appearance. i date zircon! or idk but we're best friends! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Helodon ⪼ Atria, 20 years old
this is my partner's world - he writes a lot like me so of COURSE he has his own world like me and allowed me to shift there. i dont have much info on myself either i just know im cute and i love sothoth ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
Spiderverse ⪼ Blair Fall or Minerva idk, 16 years old
my alias is haxxor bunny, because its literally bronya's haxxor bunny skin in hi3..i attack like her too! and i got beef with aiden<3 im not sure but i think i'll date a spiderman version of sero there ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
90's dr ⪼ Kami Bateman, 26 years old
im a model hehe. and i date a perfectly sane and healthy patrick bateman really i just like his looks, i scripted he was really sweet ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
AFK Journey ⪼ Merlin, 300 years old
again i lost interest in the game but im still shifting there. my alias is jinx and im a vampire, also im a dude lol. my s/o is valen<3 but soren is so close to taking the cake and i'd be so mad cause dude got the same name as the host 😨 also im dura's son!
Wuthering Waves ⪼ Orion, 20 years old
okay bare with me i still love the game but im unable to play it so i cry every day. anyways..my original plan was to be part of the fractsidus under the alias Hikaru but i dont think i wanna do that anymore. so yeah i dont much abt myself here either! i really like (male) rover i hold him 🫴 maybe i'll be like jinhsi's brother or something ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
? ⪼ Viktor, 25 years old
bare with me (bis) when i say i love viktor but i became aware of him just because i love the steampunk aesthetic and because we dont have a mechanic in this list. i'm still hesitant of him being from belobog and possibly dating luocha or jing yuan, i need to play hsr more. "( – ⌓ – )=3
Undertale ⪼ Rune, 7-8 or however old Frisk is
this is actually my first ever dr. ive had a huge undertale hyperfixation (1-3 years) and i basically made an oc which was a self insert. it was also my first ever lore which was super complicated idk how 7 year old me thought of it. when i was 9 i accidentally manifested that what happened to frisk would happen to me, i didnt know what was shifting or manifestation i just wrote down the same thing about 100 times while believing in it a lot. guess it worked with a 7 years delay because now im shifting there! i dont know how it will go but i see a happy "ending" with the monsters living with me n frisk at the surface cause WHY TF NOT.
Kaiju no.8 ⪼ haha i dont have any info on them.
i recently started watching k8 and i love it and could see myself going there, but i don't know anything about myself there ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
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batrogers · 6 months
Linked Universe Time with PTSD
My friends have gotten the brunt of me going on these rambles at them directly, so I decided I’d make this everyone else’s problem as well. Especially after the recent update and the somewhat... questionable words exchanged between him and Twilight, I figured this could be a salve for people like me and a few friends going “What the fuck” about how out of the blue it feels.
A comment on my approach to canon: I am aware there are things shared in the Discord that are creator content, and on the Patreon to which not everyone has equal access or can even manage to relocate again with any ease. As such, like I do with most fandoms, I will be discounting those as “extra-canon” only referenced to augment the “core materials” which I am treating as the Tumblr account archive, because that is available to everyone, without an account and without paying.
I am, of course, including all base canon of the games in this analysis as well, which is to say all the canon directly included in the games and not including the Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess comics. Interviews and so on are considered "extra-canon" here as well.
(Also I am in the Patreon and at the moment none of the “bonus” content is relevant to this anyways, for the curious. I am not, and have never been, in the Discord.)
Approx 1500 words.
I’m going to start from the comment everyone is making about this update: that Malon must be pregnant. Obviously nothing can prove or disprove that in and of itself, but I would argue that’s both not a necessary read of this and the mere question is actually part of my analysis: Link and Malon are, by word of god and how they’re drawn, in their thirties. They’ve been a couple since they were late teens to early twenties, and they very clearly want to have children from how they react to Twilight!
So why don’t they?
Infertility is suspected after two years of a (presumably) reproductive capable couple having unprotected sex without a pregnancy. If Time and Malon have been trying for ten to twenty years to have children (assuming their relationship started between 15-20, and currently are 30-35), they are incredibly infertile. It’s not out of the question, and a wild stroke of luck could still occur (my own cousin conceived unexpectedly after ten years of trying) but it does serve to investigate other reasons: maybe they had some reason they weren’t trying, either on purpose or because something was keeping them apart.
Something, perhaps, like a war.
The base game of Ocarina of Time does not leave Hyrule in a good state. We are told, in-game, that Hyrule was in a civil war when Link was a baby. His mother died getting him into the Lost Woods, where he was raised as an orphan. The Shadow Temple explicitly states it was used to imprison (and, strongly implied, torture) the enemies of the Hylian royal family. Ocarina of Time is the only game to use its unique script for Hylian, which suggests it wasn’t the original language and did not last into Twilight Princess later on.
Lon Lon Ranch itself is both very protected by location (very close to the Castle, close enough it supplies it with food and other supplies) and by a twelve foot log palisade. The castle grounds themselves have two guarded gates between it and Castletown (do they not trust their own populace?) and a vast number of guards on the hills around it. Kakariko also has guarded, gated entrances.
(This all has a game mechanics explanation, of course. Closing off each section with “gates” and high walls permits loading screens to feel justified and more immersive, and saves game data and space. It creates clearly defined, restricted areas for the console capabilities at the time. But they can still be interpreted this way, because that is ultimately still the world they built in the end.)
In addition to that base of implied precarious stability at home, we have the question of how the matter of Ganondorf was resolved. Time very briefly references pointing the finger at him and causing something to happen, but ultimately there is no result that would not have made the situation politically volatile for some time after. Even if they executed Ganondorf immediately, the bad blood between Hyrule and the Gerudo would’ve festered under Koume and Kotake as potential leaders. If they didn’t, and simply threw him out or banished him, the same would apply this time with Ganondorf still alive... and, if we assume that the Twilight Princess Ganondorf and this one are the same, he looks much older in-model than he does in Ocarian of Time which suggests this interpretation holds more weight.
It’s not really a question of “if” things devolved again after these events, but when and how badly. Remember, again, my comment that the script of Ocarina of Time is gone by the time of Twilight Princess. In addition, I've done an analysis of Twilight Princess game implications that do not imply Child Timeline has been peaceful, either.
But, of course, the question of what the games themselves leave us with doesn’t answer if Jojo went with this position within the canon of the comics. There is of course the potential to disregard this if someone doesn’t want to go the route of war post-game for Ocarina of Time. Many people just don’t want to write it, and that’s valid! I honestly don’t think Jojo really considered it.
But, there is evidence that could support it if you wanted to go there.
First of all, we have Time’s platemail. This is based off of the Hero’s Shade platemail in Twilight Princess. Disregarding all other factors, platemail directly implies a few things about Time’s social position at the start of Linked Universe: he has enough money, influence, and reason to have suffered the cost and length of time required to make what is extremely high-level, personalized (in size and design) armour. This means several things:
Time has social status. That armour is meant to be seen and noticed; it’s something that either was made for show (a “jewel of the crown” level of regard), or because he wanted people to notice it personally. He has money, or political favour: that shit’s expensive. He either paid for it himself, or someone paid for it for him. And he has cause to want the level of defense offered by platemail over chainmail or hardened leather. Platemail is uncomfortable. It's heavy, and reduces agility. You wear plate because you expect to get hit, and hit hard by something that could surpass chainmail or hardened leather. Something like a moblin... or an iron knuckle.
Malon directly references this in their visit to see her: “You’re in danger if you took your best gear.”
Time chose to wear his platemail to go after Dink, but this is armour he already owns before Dink ever entered the picture. In that same chapter, Malon directly states “all the times you’ve come home beaten and bleeding.” While they also joke that Talon doesn’t believe him, remember that Lon Lon Ranch is in a very protected place within Hyrule. A war that takes out the castle and central city is a war that’s very nearly lost. (Hyrule Warriors losing Zelda AND the castle was a devastating, near-lose condition and his Hyrule is probably in severe condition.) Talon can afford to consider the affairs Time gets up to none of his business.
But that doesn’t make them perfectly safe. Malon can fight, she’s been drawn with bow and arrow before. Lon Lon Ranch, as noted, is behind a tall palisade and there’s the implications that Talon’s deceased wife might’ve been a Gerudo. He’s also old enough that he was a young adult at least during the Civil War that killed Link’s mother.
And, somewhere between that picture of Time at sixteen or seventeen, when Malon promised she wanted to know what had happened to him, and the start of Linked Universe (a gap that directly implies that this was not the result of Majora’s Mask!) Link lost an eye and gained the markings of the Fierce Deity mask. And, with it, he gained what we’re told by Jojo (in a VERY old ask) is a terror of using it again.
I’m not going to presume to say what exactly his trauma might or might not look like. PTSD and similar things manifest differently for a lot of people. But it could make Time react badly to the visceral reminder of going back into serious combat. A reminder like, say, a long wait for someone to recover from a nearly-fatal injury. Add in that on long campaigns, letters from Malon may have been his only piece of home, letters that likely carry her terror for his safety with them nevermind the specific news they contain and...
He might not be in a good state of mind when setting out once more with one of the young men he’s pulled into this fight with him. He might struggle to think clearly, when he feels so responsible for their safety and remembers how Malon reacted to Twilight, all because of what he told her.
He might say things in a poor way, with fear weighing more heavily on his mind than reason.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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aimeedaisies · 6 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in March 2024
01/03 In Dubai Princess Anne; 🇦🇪
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, visited Dubai Ports World in Port of Jebel Ali. 🚢
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, attended a Women in Shipping and Trading Conference Panel Discussion at Dubai Ports World Pavilion. 👩‍💼🛳️
Opened Donnelly Lines British Forces Headquarters at Al Minhad Airbase. 🛫
Called upon HH Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum (wife of the Vice President and PM of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai). 👑
Attended a Royal British Legion Reception on board the QUEEN ELIZABETH II floating hotel. 🍾
As President of the Royal Yachting Association, visited Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. 🛥️
As President of the Mission to Seafarers, this attended a Dinner at the One and Only Royal Mirage Hotel. 🍽️
02/03 Departed Dubai International Airport and returned to Heathrow Airport 🇦🇪✈️🇬🇧
04/03 As Guardian of the Chaffinch Trust, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. 🤝
As Guardian of Give Them A Sporting Chance, held a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park. ⚽️
unofficial Along with the Duke of Kent (President of the RNLI), Sir Tim (Vice President of the RNLI) attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI at Westminster Abbey. 🛟
05/03 As Patron of Livability, visited New Court Place, to mark its 180th Anniversary. 🦼
Opened First Garden Cities Homes' Sheltered Housing Scheme at John Coxall Court in Letchworth Garden City. 🏡
As Patron of the Butler Trust, visited HMP/Young Offenders Institute Aylesbury. 🔗👮
06/03 On behalf of the King, held two investiture ceremonies at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
07/03 As President, attended the 32nd National Equine Forum at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 🐴
As Grand Master of the Royal Victorian Order, attended Evensong and a Reception at The King’s Chapel of the Savoy. ⛪️🎖️
08/03 As Chancellor of the University of London, visited King’s College London’s Portable MRI Project at the Denmark Hill Campus. 🩻
As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Women’s Day Luncheon at Bluebird on Kings Road. 👭💪
10/03 Attended the Global Fraud Summit at the Guildhall in London. 💻👾
11/03 Attended the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey alongside The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and The Duke of Kent. 🌎🌍🌏
Attended a Commonwealth Day Reception at Westminster Abbey. 🌍🥂
With Sir Tim As Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended the Annual City Food and Drink Lecture at Guildhall. 🍽️🍾
12/03 With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon on board Hebridean Princess to mark its 60th Anniversary in Greenock. 🥪
With Sir Tim Visited Peel Ports Group Limited Greenock Ocean Terminal. 🛳️
13/03 unofficial Attended Style Wednesday at Cheltenham Festival. 👒
14/03 unofficial Attended St. Patrick’s Thursday at Cheltenham Festival. ☘️
15/03 With Sir Tim Attended Gold Cup Friday at Cheltenham Festival. 🏆
16/03 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union, attended the Six Nations Rugby Match between Scotland and Ireland at Aviva Stadium in Dublin. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🏉
18/03 As Patron of Save the Children UK, attended the International Financial Review Annual Awards Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.🏅
19/03 As Patron of Sense, opened Sense Hub Loughborough.🦻👨‍🦯
On behalf of The King, with the Duchess of Edinburgh, held a Reception for Korean War Veterans at Buckingham Palace. 🪖
As Patron of the Butler Trust, held the Annual Awards Ceremony at St James’s Palace. 🏆
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, attended a Presidential Dinner at Fishmongers’ Hall. 🐟🍽️
20/03 Held a morning and an afternoon investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
21/03 As President of the Benenden Society and Founders’ Patron of Benenden School, attended the Centenary Service in Canterbury Cathedral. ⛪️👩‍🦰
Attended the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and Choir Presentation Concert at Spencer House. 🎻🎼
22/03 Opened the new North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Headquarters Accommodation at the Officers’ Mess in Imjin Barracks. 🌊
Visited the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre and Ministry of Defence Medal Office at Innsworth House in Imjin Barracks. ⛑️🎖️
As Patron of Stroud Hospital League of Friends, visited Stroud Maternity Unit. 🏥👶
25/03 Visited MacRebur Limited. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛣️
Visited the Lockerbie Air Disaster Memorial at Lockerbie Garden of Remembrance. 🌹👼🏻
As President of the Scotch Chef’s Club, opened Browns Food Group’s new facilities at Kelloholm Industrial Estate. 🐄
As Royal Patron of Friends of TS Queen Mary, attended a Reception at the Hilton Glasgow. ⛴️🥂
26/03 Opened the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre at Scotland's Rural College in Inverness. 🩺🐑
As Chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, attended the Integrated Land Use Conference. 🚜🧑‍🌾
As Royal Patron of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, visited the Saving Wildcats Project at Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig. 🐯🦁
As Patron and Honorary Member of the Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow, attended a Dinner at the Trades Hall of Glasgow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿📜
Unofficial Sir Tim, as Chair of Trustees, attended the opening of the Adani Green Energy Gallery at the Science Museum 🌍🍃💚
31/03 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended the Easter Mattins service held at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle ⛪️🐣
Total official engagements for Anne in March: 49
2024 total so far: 134
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in March: 6
2024 total so far: 29
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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batteriescastlehill · 2 months
Guarantee Vehicle's Optimal Performance With Mechanics
You're mistaken if you assume that the car repair process is straightforward and can be done through DIY. It is essential to avail services from reputed car mechanics in Castle Hill from this agency. There are automotive service experts at this car repair workshop who have expertise in car servicing, repairing, diagnostics, and much more. You will get expert solutions for all your car-related issues, and the experts will service it to perfection for complete safety and optimal performance.
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aaamechanical · 2 years
Car Repair in Castle Hill
Car repair in Castle Hill is not limited to greasy knuckles and worn out brakes. In fact, a well-stocked auto repair shop can perform the full gamut of mechanical services from oil changes to timing belt replacements. For the truly adventurous, there are even some exotic enticements to be had, like a visit to the local airport. While you're in the area, be sure to check out other perks of living in the area, such as the many cafes and restaurants lining the highway.
While you're at it, make sure to take advantage of a well-stocked auto repair shop's most competitive perks. Whether you're looking for a simple oil change or a full service engine overhaul, you'll find the best rates in town. After all, you don't want to be stranded on the highway. And, if you're in need of some expert advice, don't be afraid to ask. Mechanics in Castle Hill are more than willing to lend a helping hand.
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AAA Mechanical & LPG Services Pty Ltd will take care of everything your needs in Castle Hill Car Service and Automotive needs.
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and here's the long awaited match-ups! for the sake of readability, here it is in text form:
Left Side:
1: The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Richard Papen (The Secret History)
2: Belgarath the Sorcerer (The Belgariad) VS Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
3: Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) VS Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
4: Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) VS Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
5: Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files – Nirvana Initiative) VS Ishmael (Moby Dick)
6: Amy Elliot-Dunne (Gone Girl) VS Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
7: Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle) VS Odysseus (The Odysseus)
8: Pi Patel (Life of Pi) VS Alice Liddel (Alice: Madness Returns)
9: Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) VS Jonny d'Ville (The Mechanisms)
10: Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
11: Wei Wuxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) VS The Batter (OFF)
12: Charlotte Wiltshire (Hello Charlotte) VS Yuki Takeya (School-Live!)
13: Eleanor Vance (The Haunting of Hill House) VS Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
14: Louis de Point du Lac (Interview With The Vampire) VS Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
15: Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) VS Will Navidson (House of Leaves)
16: Maebara Keiichi (Higurashi: When They Cry) VS Emperor Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove)
Right Side:
17: Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye) VS Ethan Frome (Ethan Frome)
18: Kayleigh (We Had To Remove This Post) VS Attolis Eugenides (Queen's Thief)
19: Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) VS Mapleshade (Warriors)
20: The Narrator (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) VS Offred (The Handmaid's Tale)
21: Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) VS Zampanò (House of Leaves)
22: Steven Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) vs David Wong (John Dies At The End)
23: Renata Ghali (Planetfall) VS Johnny Truant (House of Leaves)
24: Mfer From Telltale Heart (The Tell-Tale Heart) VS Meursault (The Stranger)
25: Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) VS The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
26: Genly Ai (The Left Hand of Darkness) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
27: Frankenstein's Monster (Frankenstein) VS Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2)
28: Cadi My Friend Cadi (Real Life) VS John The Apostle (The Bible)
29: Pelafina Heather Lièvre (House of Leaves) VS Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)
30: Rodion Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment) VS Marco (Animorphs)
31: Flannery Culp (The Basic Eight) VS Daniil Dankovsky (Pathologic)
32: Cecil Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) VS Mr. Stevens (The Remains of the Day)
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greenerteacups · 6 months
If you had to rank the core 7 canon books how would you order them?
Goblet of Fire my beloved <3 (tournament arc my beloved. yule ball my beloved dragons and mermaids and riddles my beloved viktor krum fleur delacour cedric diggory my beloveds QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP my beloved. real costs of war my beloved. the start of the actual story of harry potter and that's a hill I will dig my grave in.)
Prisoner of Azkaban (murder mystery + marauders lore + last real self-contained adventure novel in the series, also introduces the patronus mechanic, sirius black, remus lupin, etc. fun fact when i was growing up POA was the one book in the series I didn't own so I've read it the fewest times of any book and it STILL clears.)
Order of the Phoenix (what if your friend group were all members of a secret underground martial arts association with the goal of Sticking It To The Man? would that not be the coolest? and legions of us answered powerfully: Yea, it would be The Fucking Coolest. has the most convoluted plot of any of the books and it drags like hell at some points but it's also a really cool dive into character psychology and it's the first time it actually feels like our heroes can lose.)
Half-Blood Prince (by far the darkest book in the story, includes the much-awaited Tom Riddle backstory and finally sets up the lynchpin of the climax via the horcrux mechanic; Draco finally gets something approximating an arc, or like, basic three-dimensionality; the Slug Club is a delicious POV into what Slytherin could be/can be/actually is, culturally speaking; but I'm not a huge fan of Harry's plot with Dumbledore, and it means most of the D.A. from Book 5 are left with not a whole lot to do besides sit around and talk to Harry like videogame NPCs— including, most egregiously, Ron and Hermione, neither of whom seem all that enthused about the author's decision that they ought to kiss.)
Deathly Hallows: I just wouldn't make most of the decisions this book makes with respect to about how to end the series, and I've had a long time to come to peace with that. It's a fun, well-written Quest story, but it's not about the things I'd like it to be about.
Philosopher's Stone: this is a children's book. That's not the book's fault, it's perfectly clear about what it is, but I'm not going to enjoy it as much as books written with older readers in mind. It's also pretty woozy about the magic system, which bugs me, especially when the book breaks established rules from later in the series.
Chamber of Secrets: I don't not enjoy Chamber of Secrets, but in addition to being a children's book, the tone problem kind of drives me up the wall. It's a horror premise (serial killer on the loose in a Gothic castle, girl being possessed by a demon, self-abusing slave chasing Harry around trying to break his bones) and it's written like children's fantasy (i.e. the tone's very flippant and arch and British humor about everything). If the plot of this book and Half-Blood Prince switched places, both would rank much higher.
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murdercide626 · 2 months
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So I finally finished the novel "Sonic the Hedgehog in Castle Robotnik" and it was quite a trip! lol
I won't go into too much detail, but the basic plot is that Robotnik is filming a big monster movie, with Sonic and Tails as the unwitting "stars" of the flick. Of course the goal is to ultimately destroy Sonic during the making of it, because Robotnik is using real monsters he created in his lab. It's all very silly and tongue-in-cheek. Robotnik even has a robot movie director named Spielbot in charge of the production. lol
What I really want to focus on though are the monsters.
== _SPOILERS_ btw. lol ==
So, this "movie" Robotnik is making, shot guerilla style in the hopes of catching Sonic off guard and killing him in any given "scene", has multiple monsters, all based on the classic Hollywood types like vampires, werewolves, mummies, zombies, etc. These monsters though aren't what you'd expect from Robotnik, being robots or even lifelike animatronics. They're actually flesh and blood, all genetically engineered by the doctor in his lab. And to make things even weirder, all of the monsters look like Sonic's animal friends, including a werewolf that resembles Tails!
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Which brings me to this particular specimen, the predictably named "Frankensonic". This creature is what Robotnik has saved for the big climax scene of his "movie", made to be the ultimate weapon to destroy Sonic, his friends, and the entirety of the Green Hill Zone once and for all!
And though that image on the cover of the book does depict what is supposed to be Frankensonic, he's actually described looking significantly different in the book.
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For starters, he's actually described as being about 20 meters (or 65 feet) high, basically a kaiju! Also, he's described as being green rather than blue, having unsightly scars/stitching on his forehead, neck, and wrists, bolts jutting out of either side of his neck, and shoes that do not resemble Sonic's red sneakers (being described as "the sort of footwear that gives rise to rhymes about old women living in shoes").
What's really interesting about this creature though is that, despite apparently being flesh and blood like the other monsters, it actually has what is described as a "bizarre, home-made robotic brain". It's ultimately defeated when, with the help of Tails and Mickey the monkey, its forehead stitching is basically "unzipped", causing the top of its skull to flip open, after which Sonic hops inside its gigantic head and uses a wrench to dismantle several cogs, gears, and mechanisms in its robotic brain, which causes it to topple over and crush what remained of Castle Robotnik.
All of this happened very quickly at the tail end of the book, with Sonic even breaking the fourth wall by mentioning that there isn't much of the book left for them to wrap things up, adding a sort of time element, lol. All in all, Frankensonic barely gets to do anything before being defeated (though I guess if he actually did get to do more the resulting destruction would probably have been too devastating). And despite everything, I do feel a little bad for Frankensonic, and I kinda like to imagine Mickey could repair Frankensonic's broken brain and reprogram him to be a force for good instead of destruction, since the tech savvy monkey did openly admit he had been studying its brain after its defeat. But oh well.
Here's to you, Frankensonic! We hardly knew ye!
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