#Me @ Me: stop reblogging memes
ilovedthestars · 3 months
for real tho guys can we stop using “he” as the default/generic pronoun for an unspecified Blorbo. can we stop doing that. we’ve moved on from he as default pronoun in every other context by now but we’ve apparently reinvented it in the specific context of fandom posts
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divorcedfiddleford · 1 year
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and you may say to yourself: "my god! what have i done?" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful wife!" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful house!" and you may ask yourself: "well, how did i get here?"
time isn't holding up, time isn't after us, time is a pony ride! (images described in alt text)
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
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can-of-slorgs · 6 months
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I'm personally blaming @starbiology and everyone who has reblogged or commented the other piece for this.
Bonus comic featuring my grundo:
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
it's me boy, the content creator creating content for free, reblog my posts boy
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loonathepoll · 4 months
vote against kosa. this would give all internet power to parents, censor fan content, and age restrict anything lgbtq+ related by labelling it as porn
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stormxpadme · 2 years
Are you a person of culture as well?
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
merlin to gwaine in the diamond of the day
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quietlyblooms · 7 days
someone explain to me why a crowded grocery store is one of the top ten most stressful places to be bc i was ready to have a meltdown fr 😔
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kingsparkles03 · 4 months
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When you doom yourself into childcare
(Traced some of this obv lol shinji chair Mimi for absolutely no reason other than brain thought of it)
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I do have ships I'm especially partial to, but I don't really see a purpose in stating them because I'm not intentionally looking for those ships — I'd rather see them develop naturally, and because they're something I'm partial to, I'm picky. Some people jump the gun on ships (and that is their preference! that's fine) and might think that because they have the other half of an "OTP" of mine that it'll be easier to ship with me, and that is just. not the case. I don't want to give that impression by listing OTPs.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Certainly none of the obvious big no's that end up in everyone's rules by default. I am willing to explore darker and generally unhealthy ships though, particularly with time, communication, and trust between muns. Aside from that, polyam is great, one sided romances are a heartwrenching delight, anything and everything that can spin a good (and reasonable) narrative is on the table. I love me doomed ships. I love me toxic codependency. I love me soulmates. I love me marriages. But if you're coming to ship with me with those latter two in mind, that's probably something to reconsider because that's not something I'm willing to engage in with people I'm not incredibly close to.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Listen man I rp a guy who is 800 years old, I've rp'ed older, at some point when it's between two adults it's not about age but about chemistry, emotional and mental maturity, and the context surrounding their initial relationship (ex. I will never ship my J.ing Y.uan with an adult Y.anqing or a J.ingliu because he RAISED that boy and that woman TAUGHT him since he was a boy!! absolutely not!). And obviously, aging up to be "legal" for shipping is a big fat no.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes. I don't want to write a ship only to regret it because I don't click with the mun or my muse doesn't click with theirs. Not all interpretations are equal, so just because I write a ship (R.atio with Ventium's A.venturine, for example) doesn't mean I'll write all or many of that same pairing. Another thing is that I'm not the biggest fan of instant/pre-established romantic pairings? I find that they do a disservice to the effort I've put into my muses, especially those with HEAVY baggage. If I don't know you as a person well, expect me to write slowburn. And if you do know me well, I will still probably write slowburn. A lot. Like, years worth. It has happened before. It will happen again.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Maybe it's because I don't write NSFW but this question confuses me. Am I just stupid- HSJSFNLSKFL. Anyway, uhhh I guess for me the line gets drawn at any explicit acts or explicit descriptions. The word explicit is key, because fade to blacks or whatever are fine? Like. I dunno man LMAO. AO3 rating standards are a good reference point I guess.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Gestures at my relationship tab. While I do have pairings I think look good together, that doesn't mean I ship them. Everything is interpretation dependent.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
...Is that not common courtesy? Yes, please ask to ship, because 1) you sorely underestimate both my and my muses' obliviousness and 2) I might say no.
How often do you like to ship?
This is also a weird question! I ship when I ship, if the chemistry strikes and both muns agree then I'm gonna ship. Some days I may feel a little more shippy than others but that doesn't hold any weight towards actively pairing muses together.
Are you multiship?
Ya. I see no reason to not ship multiple pairings or multiple iterations of a specific pairing. Because each interpretation is different, each can bring something new to the table or tell a different narrative; me being selective does not bear down on this. Exclusivity is something I only really keep for very special people and their interpretations (like Starry, who I've known for five years). If someone wants to exclusively ship their muse with one of mine, that's fine! I'm flattered! But if they expect me to be exclusive to them without any prior conversation, that's going to be a problem, especially if I'm not close to them.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
...Now with all of my griping out of the way, let it be known that I fucking love ships. I love shipping I do HAUDJWIFJS, I just need it done right. Give me a reason to ship and I will be so on board, but it has to be a good reason, not just "they look good together." I yearn to ship, I yearn to have easier ships, but my fucking dumb ass always picks up the difficult muses!! Always!!!!! And if they're not a pain in the ass to ship with I make them one!! I'm so sorry!! Augh!!!!
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
This is where I will list a few shoutouts instead:
- j.ingl.uo, y.ingy.uan, j.ingr.en and r.atior.ine with Starry. All of these are on discord more than not but Starry is always, always on the same wavelength as me. She's one of my best friends, and I couldn't ask for a better partner who not only matches my desire for tragedy (j.ingl.uo and j.ingr.en) but also the sweetest and most fun of pairings (y.ingy.uan and r.atior.ine). Her Y.ingxing/B.lade is the biggest reason why I cry so much over J.ing Y.uan's heartache, because she writes him in a way that I really and truly feel the loss of who he was, and it hurts J.ing Y.uan in such unbelievable but cathartic ways. And don't get me started on her L.uocha because how did we end up plotting literally an entire decades-long romantic arc between him and J.ing Y.uan only to reach the most tragic fucking conclusion because L.uocha is too far gone to put his ways to rest for good.
- j.ingf.eng with Luna! I don't know what happened here but with our very first thread the muses took the wheel and then we had a ship. It was embarrassing. This really does not happen often with me at all but we just clicked instantly, and now I am in permanent fluff and angst hell with Luna because J.ing Y.uan loves a little too much and Yinyue does too. Also a ship that happens more on discord than not!
- r.atior.ine with Ventium! Ven's A.venturine. My goodness. I am absolutely enamored with the push and pull between these two and their way of walking the very delicate line between them, almost as if afraid of shattering what they've built up, whatever it is — because even defining it could break the illusion. And yet they read each other so well and even though they don't say anything, they know something is there, regardless of whether it's spoken into existence or not.
- himetio with Koi. we spent hours thinking up backstories for H.imeko and R.atio together and I just... ahhhh 🥺🥹🥺🥹 childhood friends to lovers is such a special and beautiful thing to me and this is one of the rare preestablished ships I have but oh my god I love it. R.atio's hypocrisy and mortality come out in full force with H.imeko and it is so fun to navigate.
I am running out of space so I will stop here. Yes, most of this is with Starry. my bestie. my bro. my goat. my single celled organism. she exists on tumblr once every three months but gdi go follow her @celestial-narwhal she is the bane of my existence and the sole reason she, Luna and I have straight copium AUs and I love her so much
Finally, how does one ship with you?
I expect the muses in question to have at least one interaction (preferably far more) before shipping happens and for me to have some level of rapport with a mun, because how else am I supposed to read IC and OOC chemistry? (If I know you and your muse well enough and vice versa, we can obviously skip the first part.) So if you and your muse qualify and this post hasn't scared you off yet, hit me up! Just ask! I promise I'm not scary, the worst I can say is no.
Tagged by: @apocryphis ! tyyyy
Tagging: @etherealguard @deathsmaidens @heavnslayer @ofinflorescence @lunaetis and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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yessikg · 1 year
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Tumblr user: this opinion and this meme are actually wrong.
Me: I know
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poisonouspastels · 5 months
I'm always struggling so hard with Minecraft AU because it feels like even some of my closest friends don't WANT to care about it even when I know it has things they would like a lot if they just gave it a chance
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lunaetis · 11 months
me wanting to do a starter call & reblog memes but only one (1) raccoon is hogging the braincell rn : ...... FINE. HAVE IT YOUR WAY.
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spiderwebd · 7 months
i wanted to thank you for all ur nice words on my posts aaaa! i rly wish i could directly reply to ur tags but i don't wanna be annoying lol <:] ur seriously wonderful
Its 1 am right now thank you thank uou thank you slash gen
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