#Mayfair witches inspired story with some vamps
hula-zombie · 22 days
Been reading a lot of Anne Rice and watching a lot of shows based on her novels and now I wanna do something spooky for spooky season.
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murfpersonalblog · 7 months
Cannibalism in The Vampire Chronicles
The goat that is @downstairsbar dropped this post about the culture shock Louis & Claudia face in Eastern Europee during their futile search for community, and mentioned something SO important about cannibalism.
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I almost responded to this bit in a reblog, but didn't wanna derail her post by going off on a long AF tangent, so I'm posting it here.
Cannibalism is a powerful theme that runs throughout TVC. It's the reason vampires even exist in AR's universe, technically. (And it's no coincidence that the tv show Hannibal was inspired by TVC (X X).)
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In QotD, AR (aka OG Louis) included a poem by her husband Stan Rice (aka OG Lestat), "Cannibal" Some Lamb in Part 3 of the book, where the vampire Maharet told her life's story, The Story of the Twins. This part's integral to vampiric cosmogony, cuz it also explains:
how the beef b/t Akasha & the Twins (Maharet & Mekare) started
how it led to Akasha being killed by the Twins in QotD
how Mekare became the new QotD
and ultimately how Lestat got the Sacred Core from Mekare
While cannibalism has a very spiritual/sacred quality to it at the start of TVC, by the end of the series, the vampires have turned cannibalism into a degenerate, bastardized act that horrifies & saddens Prince Lestat; and this largely affects how he chooses to rule the Vampire Court & change his Savage Garden for the better(?).
Here's what Maharet said about cannibalism (it's gonna get HELLA gory, so I'm putting all this info under the cut--you've been warned):
The Twins, Cannibalism, & Akasha (QotD)
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Basically, Maharet explained that in her village 6000 years ago (when she was still human), her people cooked & ate the corpses of their dead loved ones to absorb the residual essence/spirit/power/vitality, which was primarily rooted in the brain. The heart & eyes were also very sacred, but the brain was THE organ that needed to be eaten raw, above all the other organs & flesh.
I talked about this similarity before here, but if you've ever seen/read Attack on Titan, it's the exact same premise that created the 9 Titan Shifters from the spinal fluid/brain stem of the Founding Titan, Ymir.
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When Maharet's people were conquered by the Egyptians, Maharet & her twin sister Mekare were spotted about to eat their dead mother. Cuz Mekare was the oldest, she had their mom's brain, and Maharet got the heart & eyes. Queen Akasha was disgusted, knocked the mom's organs into the dirt (this is referenced like a dozen times in QotD), and imprisoned the Twins back in Egypt.
There's this whole pseudo-"history" hella racist Old Testament crap AR uses, claiming that Egyptian mummification started cuz while Pharaoh Enkil's people ate the brains of their enemies & they LIKED the taste of flesh; the Twins' people (Canaanites) were so much better cuz they were peaceful loving folk & only ate the dead for ritual not for pleasure; and Akasha didn't believe in cannibalism of any kind; and didn't believe power came from corpses, that should be buried, not eaten. (Basically saying that the Mesopotamians created Egyptian mummification/burials so that Africans could finally become civilized--AR's so frikkin racist istfg).
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The Twins & their mom had been powerful witches who summoned/controlled spirits (like the Mayfair Witches), and Akasha coveted their powers, but didn't wanna be a cannibal to get them.
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But through sheer karmic irony, the spirit Amel who loved the Twins followed them to Egypt, jumped Enkil & Akasha, drank their blood & entered/possessed(?) Akasha's body/brain, accidentally creating the first vampire & becoming the Sacred Core that empowered them all.
Akasha's Demise, Mekare, and Brains 🧠 (QotD)
I'm not gonna get into all the effed up stuff Akasha did to the Twins, and how they became vamps, but suffice to say they hated Akasha's guts. Mekare went on a manhunt for Akasha for 6000 years but couldn't find her (Marius was hiding Those Who Must Be Kept all the way up until Lestat accidentally woke Akasha up with his rock music in the 1980s). Once awakened, Akasha called a summit of all the most important vampires, and Mekare arrived & ripped her head clean off, it was epic--but also SUPER dangerous, cuz if Akasha died the Sacred Core (the spirit Amel) died--and ALL vampires with her.
So once again, Mekare & Maharet needed to decide how to divide the remains of the(ir) Mother--Akasha, mother of all vampires; the cycle coming back around.
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Mekare ate both Akasha's brains & heart (at the time the vamps weren't 100% sure which organ was really the one Amel was living in); and became the new QotD, holding the Sacred Core.
So while the movie QotD's version of Maharet was...alright, it didn't even scratch the surface of who Maharet REALLY was in the books (I'm not even gonna get into the eyeball motif with Maharet & Lestat). And it's a crime against nature that Mekare wasn't included, cuz she's the Twin who actually took Akasha TF out.
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It also made no sense for film!QotD to remove the cannibalism, when they had a whole effing scene of Akasha eating some dude's heart.
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Like--so long as it's the Evil Black Woman being a cannibal it's alright to show it cuz she's a vampire/monster; but god forbid we show the Good White Woman eating the brains of someone who's already dead. 🙄 It's HORROR ffs. Eating brains are integral to the CANONICAL lore of AR's vamps--it's all over the place.
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The vampiric taste for brains & the importance of drinking blood from the brain reoccurs when Akasha's Fledgling Khayman (Mekare's Maker) was later murdered by Rhoshamandes; and interestingly enough, also in a different scene with Akasha's biological son Seth, (Dr. Fareed's Maker).
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Dr. Fareed & the aliens/Replimoids are also the ones who perform brain surgery to safely extract the Sacred Core without killing all vampires, so hopefully Dr Fareed comes back on the show, cuz he's very important.
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Lestat, Mekare & The Sacred Core (Prince Lestat)
With Mekare as the new QotD, Amel started waking up, unsatisfied with his new host (Mekare had been suffering from unhealed brain damage for 6000+ years & was VERY mentally ill, so her atrophied brain wasn't a good home for Amel).
As the Sacred Core, Amel has the power to telepathically control all vamps; so he possessed one of the oldest vamps Rhoshamandes to kill the Twins. Maharet was murdered, but Mekare got away.
Heartbroken over losing her sister, Mekare ran to Lestat, begging him to kill her & take the Sacred Core, so she could be with Maharet again. Amel had been telepathically begging/annoying Les to do this anyway, cuz Les had fed on Akasha's superblood A LOT while they were lovers, so Les maybe(?) could've handled the Twins (NGL I doubt it, LOL, Mekare's about that action💀).
Lestat finally agreed to help, and sucked Mekare's brain right out of her eye socket, no joke.
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And that's how Lestat became the Prince of all Vampires, holding the Sacred Core (Amel). (I hope we get this whole scene on AMC, it's so sad--RIP Mekare.) 🧠👑🩸
Chateau-Era Cannibalism (Blood Communion)
I already talked a bit about this already in my post about the dark side of the Chateau Era, and the problems Lestat faced cuz of Rhoshamandes staying a menace for the whole Prince Lestat trilogy.
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Les had been PISSED during his final battle vs Rhosh, thinking Rhosh had murdered "those who mattered most" (Gabrielle, Louis & Marius). So just like the ancients practiced, Lestat ate the brain of his enemy (Pharaoh Enkil style) after brutalizing Rhosh's corpse. And Lestat brought the body back to the Court and encouraged them to chop up Rhosh's corpse with his axe & suck it dry of every bit of vitality left--drinking "dead blood," but powerful blood.
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After this, the Court started using cannibalism as corporeal punishment against vampires who broke their #1 Rule: Don't Kill Your Own Kind. But although they considered it the Lawful Good thing to do, the Court lacked proper leadership as Lestat struggled to really assert his authority (mostly relying on the Court's Prime Minister Marius & the Elders to make the tough decisions). So when Marius was kidnapped by Rhosh, rather than treating executions as a solemn lesson in a civil court/jury; the Vampiric Court had degenerated into mob mentality, ravenous & angry & vindictive as they pressured/forced Lestat to sentence Rhosh's Coven to death. Ballroom music played & they danced even as they chopped up vampires and ate them like a FEAST/BANQUET.
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Lestat hated it, but because Gabrielle & Louis & Marius were still missing, Les was too depressed & angry to tell the Court to stop.
But once Marius & the others were rescued, Lestat finally put an end to the public spectacle of feasting on vampires (and humans).
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Last bit(e), I promise
So yeah.
This is how the vampires quite literally cannibalized each other. Like, there IS deeper meaning behind the transfer of spiritual vitality residing in the brain--but it's all wrapped up in blood drinking directly from the brain for nourishment/sustenance/power; versus the gluttonous horror of feasting on people for feasting's sake & the sensory pleasure vampires get from killing & eating people.
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Louis & Claudia seeing the brutal way the superstitious poor in Eastern Europe hunted their own people for fear that they were vampires (for good reason, since the brainless revenants weren't "properly" made/taught vampires & were effing nuts)--on top of the sadistic way more cultured/civilized Theatre of Vampires mocked/bastardized high society in Paris--were radical extremes that were deliberately unsettling.
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It was FAR from how Lestat ran his "coven"/family as their Maker back in NOLA--the Old World was just as vicious as Les warned them it would be, if not worse, cuz Louis (& Claudia) had no freaking clue just how far it went back with Akasha & the Twins until Lestat published TVL, and then they all met face to face in QotD.
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breanne-says-boo · 7 years
The Vampire Chronicles Facebook Interview **Recap**(5/4/17)
The Television Show
As many know now, they will be working with Paramount Television and Anonymous Content
They want to stay fully engaged with fans in the production process
No set broadcaster, all options open (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) (Chris joked about it being on Facebook)
Next announcement will be when that network is decided
No timeline for production. They have no idea how long it will take. Script-writing is next. Chris is the one who will be script-writing, Anne will review
Chris: “She finished writing season 1 when she wrote the books!”
Pilot is done. Next are more episodes. They are starting the process and having several meetings with Paramount and Anonymous Content
Anne SWEARS the series will be 100% loyal to the books. (They named GoT as an example of doing this though soooooo)
Anne said compromises are inevitable but artistic control comes from good will and respect; you make it work by picking people you admire and trust. They worked with Paramount and Anonymous Content since they all agreed on a common vision and the end result of the series
No idea about locations of sets and whatnot
Don’t know if they will keep with the 80’s period of the books, however Anne wants to do Lestat’s pre-vampire period period-accurate
Neil Jordan may end up helping out on the project
Still taking suggestions from fans and looking fancasts up on imdb
Anne: “Lestat is always shaking his fists to those who would break him down…Scrappish impish…lovable hero” Chris: “--and he’s hot!! :D He’s gonna be hot. #LestatIsHot”
Chris and Anne might want to cameo in the series (joked about making a game out of it)
Some characters may change where “ethnicity is flexible”
Anne and Chris agree that POC being casted are important and will be considered in casting. The Millennial vamps (older gang) will most likely be largely POC.
Anne says she has taken notice of black fans showing their admiration of Aaliyah playing Akasha.
Anne gave a story about meeting an Akasha cosplayer who mentioned that she and her friends feel left out of high fantasy for being black and how Anne was moved by this.
Anne: “Akasha isn’t written as black or a person of color…she’s middle eastern” Me: ??? (Those aren’t...mutually exclusive???) Anne: “--but she could be a person of color.”
Marius was played by a black man in the musical and Anne thought he did a great job. Marius can be any ethnicity so long as he’s half Roman. She’d prefer to have Marius as blue eyes and blonde haired like Lestat but it’s “not imperative for him”.
Anne: “Louis at least has to be beautiful”
Armand has to look as described as well.
Anne wanted Cher to play Gabrielle.
Anne and Chris to be inclusive, but will always focus more on how fine the actor is. Talent is needed to get the role, not just looks.
Armand will be casted as someone who looks 17, but will be technically older. Not sure about age for Lestat and Louis (Anne is thinking early 30s)
Physical and emotional aging will be put into consideration (she gave Marius as an example as him looking like he’s in his 40s but being mentally older)
Plot and Episodes
They will tell the story chronologically in Lestat’s eyes so wolves-paris-so on. Basically, how knowledge unfolds for Lestat is how it will unfold for audience THIS MAY CHANGE depending on when they talk to producers, however this is not what they want in terms of how the events should happen.
Don’t want to cheat on Lestat’s life and skip out any details of it (go figure)
Stay faithful to the books and to Lestat’s story
Chris warns for us to be mindful of news that doesn’t come from official page
Lestat and Gabbi’s journey to be expanded
Origin stories of Marius and other older vampires will be shown and expanded on (done through the flashback stories Marius gives)
Blood and Gold will be involved but they won’t DO the story (so using that material for possible spin offs)
A lot about the Talamasca and especially David. Jesse too, but mostly David
(Anne: He’s close friends with Lestat in TOTBT Me: Is that what you call it? lmao)
TVL could be 2-3 seasons. IWTV may be one. Depends
Anne and Chris want to know what goes wrong in the translation from book to media in other series so they can avoid it
They’re keeping eroticism the same as in the books.
Lestat turning Gabrielle will be a big scene, as they feel this is when the series starts to truly bring the vampire world into view and Lestat really starts becoming a vampire. This scene is significant in asking the audience what they would do in that instance. Lestat turning will also be significant.
Characters and Character Relations
There will be a lot about Louis and Lestat’s relationship in the series (and Lestat and Nicki)
Anne says she understands how important queer relationships are and how they have driven the series
*On expanding on other characters* Chris: ...human characters like Jesse or Daniel Mollo- Anne: OR LESTAT WHEN HE’S HUMAN Me: :/
Anne doesn’t feel a need to make new characters.
More info on Théâtre des Vampires and the characters in that part will expanded as well
Chris and Anne openly acknowledge Lestat as bisexual and this will be depicted clearly within the show
On the topic of Armand, what that character means to Anne will shine, so he will gain a more sympathetic role outside of just the IWTV perspective. Both his dark side and his more childish, light-side will be shown
Jim Morrison of The Doors was Anne’s inspiration for Lestat’s singing voice and for the band (I forget but I think this was the song Anne named as being a good example. Though, I’m partial to their sexy song “5 to 1″). She describes Lestat’s voice as somewhere between a “barratone and tenor...Melodic”. (Something about Jon Bon Jovi also a little bit)
Mayfair Witches
Rights of Mayfair Witches not available to them (?) and thus, the crossover books are not a part of the VC TV series and, thus no show for them right now
Maybe Mayfair TV series in future. Anne doesn’t want them to play second fiddle to the vampires
Anne and Chris
They talked about the recent April Fool’s Joke. Anne apologized to Justin Beiber?? Why?? I don’t know (they weren’t behind the joke article)
Chris likes Riverdale (ew)
Chris worked with Anne on Ramses the Damned.
Someone in the VC Discord Server brought up the question of if Chris could/would carry out the VC books after Anne. Based off this interview, I think it’s very likely depending on how well the VC TV series goes. He seemed a little apprehensive about it, but he’s worked with his mother on writing and is familiar enough with her characters to care about them. I think it’s possible
Chris went to the VC balls in New Orleans as a kid
Chris’ A Density of Souls may get a chance to be a film. Chris is in discussion with someone about it (?? that’s what I got from the interview anyways)
*After Anne leaves to get Chris a Coke* Chris *to the camera*: She won’t let me out of the house. She won’t let me leave!! Me: Same
The Facebook Page and Other Information
Anne, yet again, made a little speech about how nerds mean a lot to Hollywood nowadays
“Readers know things about the novels that are valuable”
They have a record of fan comments that Anne reads every so often
They mentioned some of the fights going on in the FB thread
(Chris: There are some people with...strong casting choices. Anne: I got into fights with people lmao)
Anne prefers if you message her over the page rather than through emails
They cannot do much about given resumes and asking about jobs related to production. There will be a time for that later
Anne is in contract for two more VC novels. It sounded like her next novel is also included in the TV series’ contract, but I could have misinterpreted. 
Anne asks about any regrets or things she would change from the books as she goes into the series. More fleshing out but that’s about it
Disappointing the fans is their biggest concern and worry
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