#Maybe one day I’ll make a post better explaining it
childhell · 25 days
Could you please please explain your au? I’m curious about what’s happened in it
I’m gonna spare u and give the quickest summary I can , anon !! A lot is going on here + the story is VERY different from the source material D:
The Efeblum AU is basically UDG but much more magical ! ( Mainly Efeblums , fairy like creatures who hold bells that grant happiness onto humans. )
The story takes place in America , specifically a small little town called Ivory Haven^^
The obviously most important characters in the story are the two protags:
Oat Kemuri - A pretty dumb human/Efeblum child, born out of half of Jataro’s ripped out remains ! His mission is to stop all evil nightmarish creatures in the world , especially that no good teddy bear who is basically Satan . Basically a last resort job after his original purpose , making his dad happy and helping him find peace in his past childhood , quickly failed :P
Jataro Kemuri: An owner of an animation studio that’s basically the equivalent of Disney here ! ( Much more scummier too ) He’s a deadbeat dad , usually neglecting or straight up beating his son lmao . Him and Oat are polar opposites . ( You know , with him being a greedy and cranky man with quite the past ! ) Eventually he befriends literal teddy bear Satan ( Or simply known as ‘ Teddy ‘ ) and makes a deal with him !
A lot more goes on in this story , with lots of characters either from the game or just ocs ! EX: Bellholders , ( Basically the Warriors of Hope in this universe ! ) The Fagateers , ( Jataro’s friends - Consisting of a fatass named Nauchtbell - Jataro’s ‘ right hand man ‘ , who is actually the worst man alive but sadly his list of crimes will take us ALL DAY . And also Evseviy - A cult leader living in a flower commune in the middle of the woods , he’s also a white supremacist but thirsts for the only brown employee at Kemuri Studios so … )
This is the easiest rundown I can give so far ! I’m better at showing than saying^^; If you have any questions just ask ! I’m not the best at explaining lol .
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artist-issues · 7 months
“At least it's not ferociously attacking God quite as directly as Steven Universe did…”
Not that I’m surprised by this statement, but can you elaborate on this? Kinda intrigued by your thoughts on Steven Universe.
Okie dokie, you’re not the only one who has asked me about this, so I suppose I’ll poke the hornet’s nest. 😅 I haven’t talked about this before because I assumed that everyone who wanted to hear my kinds of opinions on stories wasn’t watching or interested in Steven Universe.
It’s like asking vegetarian if they enjoyed a turkey dinner. The turkey dinner was so obviously not made for vegetarians to enjoy, so why would the vegetarian even bother analyzing the turkey?
But I think if some people are asking me why I think Steven Universe is anti-God (of the Bible) its because maybe they don’t know what the turkey is. Not completely. (Maybe not you, because like you said, you’re not surprised by my comment.) So I’ll explain my thoughts on Steven Universe.
If you’re just following me because you liked some stuff I posted, but didn’t realize that I’m a Bible-believing Christian and don’t want to hear about it, unfollow me now. Because I’m going to talk about some hot button issues here and the trolls will come out.
Steven Universe is really well-done. The jokes are funny, the writing is believable, the characters have great chemistry, great design, the concept is fascinating, the slow build-up and reveal of the plot elements is great. But when you watch the throne room scene in the last episode of Season 5 “Change Your Mind,” it’s alarmingly clear how much the whole show is not just settling for defending and championing the LGBTQ+ worldview—it goes all the way to attacking what Christians believe, on the other side.
Anything that’s pro-LGBTQ+ is doing that by default, but this show goes out of its way to do that.
You have to understand: God created and designed us. Deeper than that; He created and designed romantic relationships, and invented marriage. He didn’t just create love—He is love. So when humans come along and do what we’ve always done since the fall, and say, “I’d rather define what Your thing is and how it works for myself, God,” it’s not only an incredible slap in the face, it’s an attack on God’s actual identity—and it’s destructive for us and the people around us. Like a fish insisting it can breathe oxygen.
But Steven Universe goes beyond that. It knows that the Christian worldview is it’s biggest opposition. It digs right down to the heart of the worldview-battle. LGBTQ+ worldview says, “I should get to love what I want and be who I am, because I’m me. Love is love. (By which I mean, any action or relationship I choose to call love is love, because I’m the one calling it that.)”
Biblical worldview says “No, wait, you shouldn’t base your decisions on you alone; what you want changes day to day, and you’re broken, so you can’t ever be satisfied based on what you want—the Bible says God made you for something, and you rejected that, and it broke you. You’re not how you’re meant to be: even what you want and what you think love is is twisted up and can hurt you and others. But if you submit to God He’ll help you, He’ll fix what’s broken and give you new life by making you how you were supposed to be: He’ll live in you and through you.”
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Are we beginning to get the picture?
See, the whole thing with the opposing views between LGBTQ+ and Christian people is as old as time. It’s not a new debate. It’s Satan and Eve in the garden. She says, “This is not how God said things should be,” and Satan says, “Are you sure that’s what He said? He knows if you do this thing, you’ll be like Him. You’ll be god: you’ll get to decide ‘how things should be’ for yourself.”
He lied and said that disobedience would satisfy her. That she knew what her own heart needed better than the God that made it did. That the very act of being imperfect would make her godlike.
And then Steven Universe comes along and says “if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs.”
And has a cast of created being characters who’s imperfections (Garnet’s forbidden “love,” Pearl’s obsession, Amethyst’s insecurity) are supposedly “the best thing about them; what makes them who they are.”
And has a main character who used to be a part of the god-like creator relationship, but used her power to come down to earth and completely change who she is into a fully different person.
And has a godlike Creator character who claims she “doesn’t need” her created beings (just like the God of the Bible) but they all have a little part of their creator in them so she has to repress their imperfections; she holds them all to a standard that’s impossible to reach called “perfection” and punishes them when they don’t meet it even though it hurts them to try; she expects them all to do what they were created by her for; she fixes them when they can’t meet her standard by shining her light through them and making them extensions of their Creator.
And has a main character who argues, fights back, tries to stop her, and is answered with lines that sound surprisingly like what LGBTQ+ people hear when Christians argue with them: “you’re only making things worse; you’re just deceiving yourself; even while you resist it your actual light can’t help shining through,” etc.
White Diamond just wants everything to be perfect. Like her. She just wants her created beings to “be themselves.” But what she means is, be how she created them to be.
And she’s the bad guy. She’s playing God in this show, and Rebecca Sugar is saying, “If God is telling us that can only be happy by being perfect, as He is perfect, and doing what He created us to do, then He’s wrong. Our imperfections are what make us special—unique—individuals—free—and there is nobody who has the right to take that freedom away from us, not even out creator!”
And you know what?
If God were like White Diamond, like Rebecca Sugar believes Him to be, Steven Universe would be right.
But He is NOT.
God is not a dictator who forces us to conform to a standard of perfection and then smashes us when we don’t meet it. He is a King who made us perfect to begin with, and we rejected him, because He allowed us to do that. He knew that true love was love that had to be chosen, and He wanted us to love Him by choice, so he gave us the option. But Rebecca Sugar doesn’t understand—there was never “Choose God or Choose Yourself.” There was only, “Choose God or Choose Nothing.” There was nothing except God. Then He created everything. There is no version of reality where you have something better than God, or even slightly less good but different, to pick. You’re not jumping from one ship into a smaller one, but at least it’s yours—you’re jumping from one ship into a void, and then complaining that there’s no other ship. That’s humans. That’s not God. / White Diamond didn’t make her creations perfect (Amethyst) and she didn’t make them for love. She made them for power. That’s not the God of the Bible.
Even when we did choose to try and love ourselves instead of God, and therefore warped our ability to perfectly love at all, He didn’t smash us. True, everything fell and was cursed, which is exactly what He warned us would happen if we chose it, but it was a natural consequence of breaking ourselves. And then He didn’t leave us that way. He didn’t give up on us. And He certainly didn’t just zap us, snap His fingers, quick-fix it and turn us all into robots who are extensions of Him, who say they love Him but only because it’s His voice puppeting us to say it.
No. He came to us, chose to give up His life at the exact point on the timeline when Romans, masters in the art of slow, humiliating, torturous death, would be the ones to carry out His crucifixion, and saved us Himself. Through the sacrifice of His own life. And even then, we still have a choice. We get to choose to accept that incredible self-sacrifice when we don’t deserve it, and be given new life and a relationship with the Creator who knows us and loves us better than we can love ourselves or receive love from others—OR we can just keep stubbornly insisting that our slavery to the opposite of what God wants is somehow freedom, and our twisted versions of love are genuine, and we’re not broken, and die like that. Die broken creatures who lived their whole lives stomping their feet and screaming “I’m not a creature, I’m a god!”
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White Diamond sacrifices nothing, because Rebecca Sugar doesn’t know the God of the Bible. She just knows her idea of Him. She’s never actually gotten to know Him. If she had, she’d learn how silly and twisted her idea is.
Because you know what, yeah, if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hot dogs. But people aren’t pork chops. And hot dogs have flavor (not better than pork chops) but they are awful for you.
Christians aren’t perfect cuts of meat with no individuality or flavor. Just because we all know and love the same God doesn’t mean we have no personalities. It just means we don’t think so freaking much about what we are, or who we get to be, or what we like and want. Jeez, what a self-centered, narcissistic, self-obsessed way to live. She plays Steven like he’s this wonder-child, innocent and full of heart, who encourages his friends to love and keep trying. But honestly?
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This is very pretty animation but it’s not real. Steven looks happy hugging Steven but self-love doesn’t ultimately get you that.
That’s all based on the premise that what he’s encouraging them to do is actually good, and will make them happy, and will help them love better. And it just won’t. Not in real life. That’s not how any of this works. Self-love is just self-obsession. And that is a sure-fire way to hurt you, and everyone around you.
You’ll never be free by choosing to run to a worse master. You’ll never be satisfied with your crappy attempts at loving yourself, because you were made to be loved flawlessly and forever by someone who is Love Himself.
And choosing to identify with your imperfections doesn’t make you uniquely you. It just makes you exactly like every other human being marching in the same line since the Fall.
White Diamond’s not relational. She’s up high and distant. That’s not God. He made you to be in relationship with Him. He loves you, totally and perfectly, and He proved it by sacrificing for You.
So yeah. That’s the problem with Steven Universe. Come get me, SU fans.
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steviesummer · 1 year
inspired by and as a direct follow up to this post by @strangersteddierthings:
Eddie is horrified. He remembers the day Steve is referring to, though clearly not as well as Steve does. He calls out as Steve raced up the stairs and hears his door slam.
“Fuck.” He stares blankly at the wall in front of him. He can’t believe things went so bad so quickly. He’s been trying to get to know Steve better, get closer and damn if he didn’t just blow the hole thing. He’d shown up early, told Steve he needed to prepare as an excuse to spend some time with him. Despite everything that happened over spring break, Steve had remained guarded, standoffish no matter what Eddie tried. At least now he knew why. He’d fucked things up before he’d known there was something to fuck up.
He feels even worse about calling him a bully. Sure, Steve had looked the other way and even laughed at some of the mean jokes others had made, but he was far from the worst. That dubious award went to Billy Hargrove, but even without him, there was plenty of people who did far worse than Steve did. Especially because Steve is right. He did hit first, metaphorically at least. He can justify it all he wants as trying to protect himself, but that doesn’t make it right. Steve all but admitted that as he said the same thing. He feels nauseous at the realization that maybe he was just as bad as those he decried. That for all his talk about accepting outcasts and defying convention, he was just as prejudiced. Swallowing hard, he heads back to the dining room and looks at the clock. There is no way he is going to be able to run the campaign today. He’s not going to be able to focus or even play without thinking about how things might have been if he hadn’t driven Steve off all those years ago. He grabs the phone and dials Gareth’s number. “Emerson house, Sheryl speaking.” “Hi Mrs. Emerson, it’s Eddie.” Eddie is proud that he manages to keep his voice even. “Is Gareth there?” “Oh, yes! Let me go get him for you.” “Thanks Mrs. Emerson.” Eddie focuses on breathing while he waits. “Eddie? Hey man, what’s up?” Eddie breathes out. “Hey Gareth. Look, I know its last minute, but we’re gonna have to postpone Hellfire. Something came up.” He could hear Gareth’s frown through the phone. “Postpone? What happened, did Harrington do something?” As if he couldn’t feel worse. “Nah. I’ll explain later, but can you call Jeff and Frank, let them know? I gotta call the freshman, too.” “Alright, but I’m going to hold you to that.” “Fair enough. Talk to you tomorrow.” Eddie promises before hanging up. He weighs his options for how to tell the Party. Eventually, he decides on calling Mike, know that the younger teen won’t push too much. He’s dialing the Wheeler home before he can second guess his decision. “This is Mike.” Eddie feels a rush of gratitude that Mike is the one who answered, rather than Nancy or one of their parents. “Hey Mike, it’s Eddie. Listen, Steve’s not feeling great and having Hellfire here isn’t going to help. Can you call the rest of the Party, let them know we’re gonna move it to another day? I’ll keep an eye on Steve.” Eddie knows Mike is a confused, given how adamant he’s been in the past about not canceling or moving Hellfire, but as he expected, Mike accepts what he says at face value. “Sure. Need us to bring anything?” “Nah, I’ve got it. Pretty sure he just needs some peace and quiet so he can rest. But thanks.” They say their goodbyes and Eddie puts the phone back on the hook.  With that done, he checks that the door is locked and faces the stairs. Now for the hard part. He’s not sure what he’s going to say, if there is anything he can say that will fix this, but he has to try. Even if doesn’t change things between him and Steve, Steve deserves at least that much. Every step feels like it takes effort, chest heavy with guilt, but it only takes him a few moments to get to Steve’s door. It’s closed, which doesn’t surprise him. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before knocking. Nothing. “Steve?” If it wasn’t for the quiet sound of Steve’s breathing he could hear through the door, Eddie would think he had left. He glad that he at least didn’t drive Steve out of his own home. He rests his forehead on the door. “I’m sorry.” Eddie hopes Steve can hear how much he means it. “You’re right, I fucked up. I made an assumption and took out my anger at other people on you. And that wasn’t fair and it’s not okay. But I want you to know that I’m sorry. Even if it wasn’t you, I shouldn’t have done that.” He lets out a hysterical laugh as he realizes - “And despite that, you still humor the kids when they talk about D&D and agreed to let us play here and didn’t punch me in the face, which makes you a better man than I.” He falls silent, listens as Steve’s breathing slows. He isn’t sure how long he stands there. He wonders how many other people he hurt this way, without even realizing. Knows he wants to do better, be better. He sighs, feeling his shoulders slump. “Anyway, I canceled Hellfire for today. I told everyone something came up, don’t worry about that. I’ll make up some story, make sure they know its not your fault. And uh,  let me know if you want to hang out again or something. I know I’ve been around a lot; didn’t realize that I was making you so uncomfortable, which is probably another thing I should apologize for. Anyway. Yeah. I’ll see you around, okay?” He waits a moment for an answer, but when none comes, he backs away from the door and walks downstairs to gather his stuff. It hurts, but he knows Steve deserves space and to be the one to initiate contact. He has some thinking to do, anyway.
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rosemoncherie · 4 months
birthday kisses: t.wolff
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pairing/au: toto wolff x black socialite!reader smau
summary: toto spoils you on your special day.
warning: nsfw 18+, mdni, age gap (reader is late 20s), fluff, pet names, toto is giving sd vibes but he’s your bf, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, unprotected sex, praise kink, minor size kink, breeding kink, soft!dom toto tendencies.
note: this is extremely self-indulgent and the sexual content is extremely explicit and long so please read those warning before continuing. yesterday was my birthday and I couldn’t stop thinking about him lol. enjoy my loves!
tags: @queenshikongo3 @bluesole16 @christinabae @aisharmi @hoziersfairy @queenzee27 @omgsuperstarg @lewisroscoelove @itsyagirlmeee @joviallljas @serpenttines-library @hrlzy @sugardontbesweet @tallrock35 @tian-monique @f1-hoff @peyiswriting @thewolffswife @mochiminimoni @bekindbecoolbeyou @xoscar03 @kenbechillin @rehenys @hellomadamebutterfly
w.c: 3.6K
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liked by uchjn, wolfiecindy and 340 k others
thelovelyyn Despite his busy schedule, loulou was able to make time for me and fly us out to our special place for my birthday 💋.
view limited comments
uchjn happy birthday wifey! tell loulou that he better give you the world or else I’m on him!
⤷thelovelyyn uchjn 😂 he read your comment and he said he won’t let you down!
⤷uchjn thelovelyyn that’s what I love to hear 🤣
userfan21 happiest of birthdays beautiful!
userfan35 please! are you finally going to tell us who loulou is? 😭
⤷thelovelyyn userfan35 maybe … 👀
⤷ userfan11 thelovelyyn i will be totally normal about this
lewishamilton happy birthday little one 💜
⤷thelovelyyn lewishamilton thank you Lewis 😊
userfan44 is Lewis loulou???? Like the nickname would make so much sense!
⤷userfan66 userfan44 I highly doubt it’s him. Lewis has been hanging out with Jamilah Riley a lot, like a suspicious amount.
⤷ userfan44 usefan66 oh purr! I still want to know who it is because she’s been soft launching loulou for ages now. I’ve had enough 😭
You giggled as you read through the comments on your post as laid beside him. After Toto had woken you up with flowers and an early breakfast, he dragged you back to bed and played with your body until you had climaxed as least twice.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked as he turned his face into your neck and placed soft kisses on your flushed skin.
“My followers are trying to guess who you are.” You replied as you placed your phone onto the side table and shifted your body so that your legs were entangled. Toto’s disheveled hair was softly brushing against his forehead as he looked down at you with a lazy smile on his face.
Your body was in his arms as you laid beneath him, skin to skin.
“I thought that we had agreed to become public today?”
“I know but I want to keep the suspense going on a little bit. I’ll post something later, in the evening.” You explained as both of your hands were on the nape of his neck, playing with the strands of his hair.
“Whatever you want sweetheart.” Toto mumbled before leaning down closer and brushing his lips against yours. Your body melted as you opened your legs further as he slotted his body in between your thighs. Your mouth fell open as you gasped, feeling his hardening cock on the flesh of your thigh.
His kisses were like molasses, his tongue pouring into your mouth like sweet honey. Your cunt was weeping for more of his attention as if he hadn’t been inside of you an hour ago. Your manicured nails scratched at his scalp which caused him to groan into your mouth.
Toto broke away from the kiss and trailed tender kisses along your jawline and then down the column of your neck. “If I don’t stop now, we wont be able to leave this bed and every thing that I had planned for us for the day would go to waste.” He whispered into your skin before he took a deep breath and pulled his body away from you with great reluctance.
You smiled at him as your eyes drank him in, letting your gaze explore every part of him. Years of experience showed on him and he wore them with great confidence. Hard in the right places and soft in others and you loved every inch of him. His thickness stood erect in between his legs. Thinking about the way that he had brought you pleasure over the year and had your thighs clenching.
A part of you wanted to tell him to forget about the plans and spend the day with him in the suite with your body on his. However, the fact that Toto would need to fly out to Saudi Arabia for coming race weekend put your lazy thoughts to rest.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Toto mumbled, a smiled blossoming across his face as he swatted your rising leg that had been coming towards his chest.
“I can’t help it. You’re too handsome.” You complimented him which caused him to roll his eyes as he got off the bed and picked you up into his arms and began walking towards the bathroom.
“You flutter me sweet girl but today it’s all about you. I should be the one showering you with praises.”
“You do that everyday.” You giggled as you placed a peck on his chest.
“And you deserve it even more today.”
thelovelyyn • 30 minutes ago
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“I think our fans have caught on before the main post has been uploaded. We’re the talk of the twitter streets all thanks to your back.” You told Toto as you walked to the main area of the suite where he was he packed your presents and gifts away.
“I was wearing a cap and a jacket, how did people even pick up that it was me.” He chuckled as he turned around to you at his full height.
“You have a pretty distinctive figure. I’ve spent so much time looking at you that I could probably point out who you were even if my vision was blurred.” Your last comment caused Toto to laugh.
He took your hand into yours and pulled you into his embrace until he was able to cup your head into his hands. “Did you enjoy your day baby?”
“I loved it. Thank you for everything.” You whispered as you looked into his eyes. Toto had spent the day spoiling you. A trip to the local market to get some sentimental souvenirs and then a personal boat ride along the coast line. You spent most of the day out in the water swimming and enjoying each other’s company.
Once back on land in the evening, he took you to dinner at your favourite Italian bistro and surprised you with a live performance from a local artist that you come to love since the last time you had visited the area.
Despite all of the materialistic things that he had been able to provide, Toto had poured his love, time and care into you and you overwhelmed with how much you loved him. You were happy.
His eyes danced around your features, drinking them in like he was looking at you for the first time. He held you in his arms as your bodies seemed to dance to a silent tune.
“I love the way you look at me.” You softly say as your eyes lock with his.
“I love looking at you.” His head tipped against your forehead causing his nose to bump against yours. The touch aroused a shameless giggle to leave you before your lips touched his. Your arms shot up and wrapped around his neck as you relaxed into his hold.
His hands moved along the sides of your body and across your back as he pulled you in closer as he enjoyed the feel of your soft skin underneath his fingertips. A soft sigh left you as Toto had began to press kisses on your neck until he got to the sweet spot where your jaw met your neck.
You could feel his smile against his skin as you jerked in his arms as he used his teeth to tease the sensitive spot. Toto let his skim over your drumming pulse, leaving a kiss on the vein as he made his way back up your jawline before stopping in front of your lips.
“Toto.” you mumbled against his lips as your eyes peered up at his.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Don’t take it easy on me. I want it all.”
“Are you sure you want that tonight?” He smirked, raising one eyebrow at you as he leaned back to look at you to check for any uncertainty.
He found none.
“I’m sure.”
He took you to the bedroom and did not waste any time in undressing you. Laying kisses on your skin as he did so and by the time he was drawing your thongs down the length of your legs, you were drowning in your own arousal.
Toto laid you on the bed and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Something dark and filled with lust rested in his eyes as he sank to his knees before you. Without breaking eye contact, Toto leaned in and let his lips touch the skin on the inner most part of your right thigh – it made goosebumps prickle across your skin and a hitch of breath to get stuck in your throat.
He softly chuckled at the reaction. It was the same one every time and he would never get tired of hearing it. His eyes locked in your soaked cunt and he groaned.
“Look at this pretty pussy.” He said. “All messy for me isn’t it schatz?”
“Y-yes,” you managed to stutter out – your whole body alight under his dark gaze. Toto hooked his hand under your thighs and then placed them over his shoulders giving him the most perfect view of your wet cunt.
“You told me not to take it easy on you yeah?” He whispered as you looked down at him. This time you didn’t give him a verbal answer, you just nodded your head. Toto closed the distance and buried his face between your legs. He started with a kiss directly on your clit before he dipped lower to taste you properly. Small and breathy sighs escaped your lips as your hand ran through his hair to keep it from falling over his face but also to anchor yourself as the flat of his tongue lapped at the seam of your cunt, not letting any of your arousal miss his mouth.
His mouth felt so good.
His mouth always felt so good but today there was something electric in the way his tongue teased your hole before going back to pay attention to your clit.
You couldn’t hold back your moans. Your legs dug into the groves of his back as you moved your body bucked to the patterns of Toto’s tongue.
“Oh fuck!” You exclaimed when he found your clit again, an intensity building in your core as you continued to buck your hips into his face. Spurred on by your noises and movements, Toto sucked on your sensitive bud, laving his tongue over it in lazy strokes and repeating the actions over and over until your legs were trapping in his head.
You squeezed your eyes shut as your back arched off the bed. Your orgasm was approaching quickly and all it took was one more sweep of his tongue on your clit before your floodgates opened and you came into Toto’s mouth. Your body had locked up and kept him in between your thighs as you tried to calm down.
Your first orgasm had rocked you. For how much Toto loved to speak, he also knew how to use his mouth very well for other things. When your legs began to relax, he pressed soft kisses in the creases of your thighs.
His kisses trailed back up your body as his big hands held you steady while your chest heaved for breath as you tried to calm down. He hummed as a lazy smile spread across his face as he hovered above you. He was still dressed but his skin was tinting red with the bottom half of his face, wet from your cunt.
“Sit up and lean against the pillows.” He instructed you. You didn’t hesitate to follow what he had told you. “Spread your legs … yeah, that’s it.” Toto kept his eyes on you as he stripped his body of his clothing. He stood in front of her at the edge of the bed with his cock in his hand as he jerked himself.
Your hands were itching to travel down body and shove your fingers inside of your pussy but he hadn’t told you to do any of that. You bit your lip as you watched him continue stroking himself. He was clearly affected too.
He was panting as he used his thumb to spread his pre-cum across his tip. The move caused you to lick your lips with a slight hunger.
“You want my dick in your mouth baby?” He smirked as he caught you.
“Yeah.” You whispered as a blush creeps up your cheeks. The bed dips with the weight of Toto shifting on top of it until he was hovering above you.
“Maybe tomorrow but tonight is all about me giving you exactly what you wanted.” He shocked you by shifting your positions until you were above him. You gasped as you placed your hands on either side of his head to steady yourself.
“Sit on this dick. Take it.” You settle your legs comfortably on either side of his waist as he leaned back on the headrest as you hovered your hips above his impressive cock. You placed one hand on his shoulder as you guided his dick into your cunt.
His hands steadied your hips as you slowly sank down onto him. Your mouth fell open as the size of him stretched your walls open. Your cunt was still softly aching from this morning but you felt whole with him back inside of you. He tried to ease you all the way down and once you were filled to the brim.
“Uuuuhhh.” You whimpered feeling him so deeply. Toto reached forward and placed a soft kiss on your chest as he moved one of his hands to the bottom of your back and began to guide your movement.
“That’s it schatz, takin’ all that cock for me like the good girl you are.” He praised you as you rocked forward in his lap to the set tempo.
“You always feel so deep like this.” You breathed out as you dug your nails into the muscles of his shoulders. The expression on your face right now is why Toto loved starting out with you on top. He smiled as soft mewls left your lips.
“Because it feels good doesn’t it liebling.” He cooed and you frantically nodded your head. You couldn’t answer because all you feel was his cock hitting your spot and you could see stars behind your eyes.
“Bounce on this cock baby. I need you to come on my cock.”
You had tried to start off slow but you were already tethering on the edge of your second orgasm. Your bounces were fast and eager - the drag of his cock inside you felt so different tonight. You opened your eyes and took him in. His eyes were glazed over as he parted his lips to let out unrestricted sounds. The noises that he made were deep and rugged, moving his hips to meet the momentum of your pleasure.
“Liebling you’re squeezing me so tight.” He groaned. “You’re about to come aren’t you? You’re about to come on my cock.”
“Uh-uh,” you moaned as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your thighs were burning from how fast you were working them but it didn’t matter until his thumb hit your clit.
“Oh shit! Oh shit!” You gasped as you fell forward until your head hit his shoulders as your entire being shook as your climax rocked your body. Both of his hands wrapped around your waist as he stilled you and fucked up into you as you fell apart in his arms.
Breathy, whiny moans left you in quick succession as you drenched his length. Feeling your cum soak him causes Toto to loudly groan. “I love the way you soak me.”
He held you until your tremors had subsided.
Then his soft touch turned hard. Toto folded your body, pliant under his touch - he put you underneath him on your stomach with your ass in the air, supported by pillows as your still quaking legs.
Toto pushes back in and your eyes cross at the stretch of his cock. Your fingers pull at the sheets underneath your fingertips as you mewl when he bottoms out, hips flush against the back of your thighs. “My perfect girl. Tight like a vice around me. You have no idea how good you feel.”
“Baby.” You whimpered as he moved to pull out until only his head remained inside. His hands parted your ass cheeks as he watched himself sink back into you.
“I wish how beautiful your pussy looks when it’s stuffed full of me.” His words were dripping with unadulterated filth. His words, his hips powering his thrusts, his scent, you were completely drunk with lust.
When you had told him to not take it easy on you, you had assumed that Toto would take you hard and fast but no, he took the other route of overstimulation. You were only able to handle two orgasms before your body became sensitive.
Your third orgasm was on the rise.
He lowered himself until his strong chest was pressing into your back - his teeth nipping the tip of your ear. "From the moment I saw you that day, I knew I had to have you. You were so beautiful schatz.” Your walls clamped down on him involuntarily, wrenching a pained noise from him.
"Fucking hell, this pussy is magical. And it’s all mine.”
“It’s y-yours baby.” You gassed through rugged breaths of air.
“That’s right baby. I’m never letting you go.” Toto grinded into your ass, going in so deep it felt like he was trying to touch your womb. He placed his hands flat on either side of your head as he rolled his hips in a rhythmic languid motion until loud, squelching noises coming from where the two of you were connected.
Your hands wrapped around his wrists as you took his pounds in stride. “Oh please!” You cried, begging as your stomach tightened in knots. Toto growled as he shook your hand away and wrapped his palm around your neck and turned your head in a way that forced him to look up at you.
He placed a chaste kiss on your lips. “The look on your face right now makes me want to fuck you more.”
You were at a loss for the words. In the time that you’d been with the older man, he’d never fucked you like this - this was the fucking of a man unhinged and you loved it.
His whole body was covering you with his full weight behind every spine-curling thrust. His hand was restricting your air as his dick punched the breath out of your lungs, wails clawing out of your throat but failing to come out.
Toto had finally broken you. You mind had gone blank and your body seemed to have gone momentarily numb as you finally snapped —
Your mouth fell open as a loud scream left you, your eyelids squeezed shut as you broke underneath him, heat gushing from where Toto continued to sink into you with a steady, slow rhythm that never ended
“That was the hottest fucking thing you’ve ever done for me sweetheart. Squirting all over me but still taking my dick because you’re such a good girl huh.” His praise made you swoon and clench tightly on his cock.
Your bodies were drenched in sweat and the musk of your love-making.
Toto dragged your bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it hard as you took his sloppy thrusts. His harsh panting was music to your ears until he moaned “I’m so close baby, so fucking close.”
With all of the strength that you had left, you mastered the words that would break any man.
“Come in me, please.”
And they definitely broke him. His body collapsed, dropping the both of you onto the bed. His hands gripped your hips as he slammed his hips into yours. One … two … three … Toto roared out his release - his cock twitching inside of your used cunt and filling you with his spend.
His damp forehead touched your back as he took in deep breaths of air as tremors of his climax send waves through his body.
Your eyes were closed as you silently took in how thoroughly fucked you had been. Then he began to leave kisses along the column of your spine.
“Happy birthday, princess.”
Happy birthday to you indeed.
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liked by lewishamilton, jamilah.riley and 523 k others
thelovelyyn Thank you to my loulou for making this birthday one for the books. i love you
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mercedesamgf1 Happy Birthday YN! The factory misses you.
⤷thelovelyyn mercedesamgf1 thank you! will be visiting again soon!
lewishamilton thank god. now people can stop thinking that we’re together.
⤷ thelovelyyn lewishamilton like anyone wants you anyway 😆
⤷lewishamilton thelovelyyn my girl would beg to differ
teamlh6 lewishamilton your girl????? EXCUSE ME!!!
mercfan01 A true fashion girlie is about to grace the paddock. I’m living!
ynfanpage05 the fact that you’ve been together for a year now 😭 we need the pictures sister
⤷thelovelyyn ynfanpage05 Toto hates selfies but I’ll post all my fave pictures over time 😂
userfan829 Seeing Toto with you has charmed me.
ynfan178 I would have never expected that you guys would be a couple but seeing the two of you together is like a breath of fresh air.
ru’s letter: please let me know what you think! 💋
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rottenaero · 1 year
Part 1
Part 4
Part 6
Part 5 of the roommates idea
Okay okay, so before this starts, a lot of people have mentioned me posting this on ao3, and my question is if you guys mean it as it is, or if I should make two or three new parts to make up for the first part.
Because in the first part, we miss a lot of possible moments between Steve and Eddie since it skips to the basic idea.
This whole thing was meant to be a messy and quick way to get my ideas out, but then people ended up actually liking it, and well, I just want you guys to like the outcome.
Basically, I wanna know if I should;
A.Post it on ao3 as is
B. Post it on ao3 with two to maybe four parts instead of the original post, and have me do part six after I make those. (I'm a decently quick writer when I'm motivated, all these parts so far have been within a day or two)
C. Make the parts instead of the original post, and have this be a big one-shot on ao3(meaning it wouldn't be posted on there until this is finished)
I am really leaning towards B, just cause I wanna do those interactions (one of which would be Eddie coming out to Steve), but I wanna see what you guys think first.
This whole thing is kinda a wreck cause I don't usually post fics on Tumblr but hopefully it will get better with time.
After Dustin explains the upside down, and Eddie talks about what really happened, they come to a sort of agreement.
Eddie was to stay at the boathouse, and someone would occasionally come over with a supply of drinks and food.
Steve, of course, despised this, because Eddie is his best friend-(And who was he kidding? Goddamn crush, too)-dammit, but he let the plan go on anyway.
Before they left, Steve turned to Eddie, brows pinched together.
“Stay safe, alright? If you get hurt because you do something stupid, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Eddie laughed, loud and full, “Kinda counterproductive, aye sweetheart?”
He stopped when Steve didn’t laugh or make a joke back. “I’ll be fine, and I’ll walkie if things go to shit.”
“Good.” Steve gave him a little peck on the corner of his lips, “Don’t die, man. Can’t take care of these little shits by myself.”
He turned to face Max, and a gaping Dustin and Robin.
“Lets go, nerds”
Steve stared at the ground, unblinking.
One of his kids were gonna die.
Eddie had had apparently left the boathouse
Eddie was being hunted.
Two more students have been murdered.
He licked his lips, and his eyes flicked up to watch Powell talk about the town hall meeting.
They were royally fucked.
“Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler? Stevie?”
Steve’s eyes widened and he turned around in time to see Dustin snatch the walkie.
“Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?”
The walkie took a second to crackle back to life.
“Nah man, pretty uh, pretty goddamn far from okay.”
“Where is he?”Nancy asked, already halfway back into the car.
“Where are you?”
“Skull Rock, Steve knows it.”
Steve smiled, grabbing the walkie and clicking down on the button, “Hold on tight, Ed-stefer, we’re on our way.” He tossed it back to Dustin before turning to Nancy.
“I’m driving.”
She scrunched her nose, but didn’t question it and swapped to the passenger's side.
“Dude, I’m telling you, you’re leading us the wrong way.”
“It’s North, I’m positive! I checked the map.”
Steve sighed and pinched his nose, “This is literally Eddie and I’s spot, we come here all the time.”
“That doesn’t have to do with it being a make-out spot, does it?” Lucas asked hesitantly from his spot in the back.
“Jesus, no Sinclair, this does not have to do with- Eddie and I are just friends.”
Robin scoffed, “Didn’t you kiss him earlier?” She asked.
“As friends. He doesn’t like me like that.”
“Right, but you like him like that, though?”
“Oh wow, suddenly we’re here, y’know, at the place you said we weren’t gonna end up at?” Steve yelped, gesturing broadly at the rocks around him.
Lucas has to physically bite his lip to keep from mentioning that he had absolutely picked that up from Eddie, or that Eddie had picked it up from him.
“See? You little butthead, I was right.”
Theres a rustle of leaves and then,
“I concur, you, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
Steve turned to face the man and almost collapsed in relief, hes not hurt.
“Jesus Eddie, we thought you were a goner.” Dustin sighed, as he made his way past Steve to hug Eddie.
“Yeah, me too man. Me too.”
The hug goes on for maybe ten seconds before Eddie’s pulling back and bringing Steve into a side one, you know, like some kind of dad. “I tried calling you guys, but uh…”
His face turned sheepish and he stepped back a bit to grab some water from a canister. “My walkie was busted, man.”
“Drenched.” He adds in after a second, laughing a bit.
He took another sip from the bottle before wiping and extra drops away from his mouth. “So, uh, I did the thing that I do now apparently. I ran.” He let out another laugh, this one was a little bit more self-deprecating.
“Do you know what time this was? The attack.”
Eddie perked up, and grabbed at his wrist, “ Yeah, no, I um, know exactly what time it was.”
He held up a watch, the dials on it weren’t moving. “My walkie wasn’t the only thing that got soaked.”
“Same times our flashlights went kablooey.” Robin says, and her eyes light up like she connected the dots.
Steve hadn’t, “Which means what exactly?”
“That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.”
Steve half-zoned out, silently going through the events in his head, while maintaining conversation.
“Skull Rock was North.”
“An electromagnetic field.”
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?”
Steve tuned back in, a hundred percent now. He turned to look at Eddie, who was still crouching, and damn how did his back not hurt?
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor,” Steve perked up, he kind of knew this one, “-which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think it’s a really bad idea.”
And Steve nodded along, because yeah, this was a terrible idea.
“But uh, the Shire, the Shire is burning, so Mordor it is.”
He whistled at Eddie when everyone got up, and he was by Steve’s side in seconds.
“You’re not hurt or anything, are you? Cause you don’t look it but…”He trailed off, and Eddie grinned.
“I am all-good Steve-O.” Steve nodded, “Good, good.”
Suddenly, there was a sharp gasp from right next to him, “Were you, perhaps, worried?!” Steve kicked a rock instead of answering.
It just made Eddie’s grin widen further.
“You totally were! Stevie Harrington, The-Former-King-Of-Hawkins turned sweetheart, worrying over lil-ol-Eddie-The-Freak-Munson!”
Steve scoffed, “ First off, I’d like to think I’ve always been a sweetheart, second off, keep it in your pants, dude.”
Eddie cackled, leaning into his side, “Yeah, yeah! You’re right. You’ve kinda been like that for the past two years, Mr.Eddie-Cant-Carry-A-Fucking-Hot-Pan-Anymore.” He laughed, ignoring the second part of Steve’s statement.
He huffed, “Just don’t want you getting hurt.”
Eddie booped his nose, “Yeah yeah, you’re just you like that.”
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
(dash)ing through the snow • e. jaeger
synopsis: not even the holidays can give you peace from your favorite headache of a DoorDash driver but honestly, you wouldn’t want it any other way!
content + themes: fem!reader (black coded), food play, lots of fluff and humor, bits of angst, heavy kissing, thigh riding, nipple play, alcohol mentions, handjob, riding, drunk sex, sub eren (he moans a lot), calls reader mama and baby, creampie
word count: 5.7K
📝: hope everybody enjoyed their holidays, whether you’re celebrated alone, with family, friends or fur babies. Or maybe not even at all..either way, I hope y’all are taking care of yourselves for the rest of the year. 🫶🏾🤍 this IS coming a day late cause mama’s got chronic pain + illness and when it hits, it’s like a truck so I was been out since 10PM yesterday on pain meds with a fever too so I’m posting now. Hopefully the Christmas spirit hasn’t left yet. I’m sorry I got y’all hopes up for it yesterday! 😭
The holidays..a time that by all accounts should invoke cheer and joy into the hearts of everyone. An occasion for celebration, love and laughter. Being surrounded by those you cherished dearly, enjoying the food, gifts and just the warmth that Christmas brought forth. However, that wasn’t the case for everyone, including (y/n) (l/n), who would be spending their day alone for the second year in a row. All but deduced to living on your own, you had only spoken to your roommate via FaceTime, where she explained that she’d be staying behind to help out the family business over the busy holiday rush and your own relatives, two states away despite not being particularly close to any of them. It still would’ve been nice to have someone around to share the day with. Growing up, Christmas was a staple in your household and it was by far, your favorite time of the year. Decorating the tree and wrapping gifts, making delicious food and even baking cookies for Santa. Now it seemed that the whimsical, childhood spark had all but dwindled..a sham of a holiday that you didn’t care for anymore..however, if your favorite nuisance had anything at all to do with it and if you knew him, you wouldn’t be left by your lonesome for too long!
“I’m so sorry, (y/n)! I thought I’d be back in time but they still need me. I swear I’ll make it up to you..”
“It’s fine, boo! Don’t worry about me..be with your folks and enjoy yourself, okay? I’m fine, trust me.” Which helped quell your best friend and roommate’s unease a little. As of late, you seemed to be in much better spirits. Genuinely smiling as opposed to the fake one you were obviously forcing. You hadn’t exactly divulged the secret to her about you and your little rendezvous with the delivery driver. Out of fear of embarrassment or the sheer fact that the two of them didn't exactly get along. Not only did they go to high school together but she used to straight kick his ass in any sport he even dared to try. Although beautiful and girly at times, she had quite the tomboy side to her. She’d first learned of his identity, the annoying DoorDasher who kept magically ending up with your orders, when she came back around Halloween. He was in for a rude awakening when the five foot eight girl with tattoos and short hair answered the door. Knowing damn well she was the last one to try with his bullshit antics!
“If you want to keep your job and your legs, you’ll hand me that bag and get your ass out of here.” A threat that was certain to come to fruition messing with her. It was the only time you’d gotten peace. Of course, the second she boarded that flight, he was talking cold hard shit! “Man, ain’t nobody scared of her. She ain’t gone’ do nothing to me..” still, it didn’t deter him from keeping away from his favorite customer and new boo. Especially because he knew that although you had told your friend that you were just fine..you were probably sulking on the couch. The feeling of loneliness setting in..and the realization that you were about to spend another holiday by yourself. That was unless he came and saved the day..it wasn’t a full five minutes after the conclusion of your call before you’d be greeted by a faint knock at the door. Followed by that of a text..
“I should’ve known..”
you’d peer down at your phone screen, illuminated with the notification and the time; ten thirty pm. Considered late by any other standards but the perfect hour for the antics you were certain was about to ensue. Having brought some liquor and eggnog earlier in the day when you finally had some free time for the holidays. Having some much needed time off. It felt good to not have to depend on someone else to deliver your items. But alas, you wouldn’t be scot free of the man who had all but flipped your mundane life upside down in these past eight months. Making these humdrum days far more exciting, whether you wanted to admit so or not. The ever so lively Eren Jaeger..your doordasher and as of late, newest fling. After what was set to be a wonderful outing with a Tinder date, you were unfortunately stood up and left with only regret and disappointment. However, rather than annoying you with his usual nonsense, he showed a much different side. One that was far more mature and nurturing than what had been previously displayed. As fate would have it, you’d find yourselves trapped inside due to a nasty rainstorm. And before the night’s end..not only were you over the betrayal by the potential date but thanks to Eren, you were also left feeling highly satisfied; courtesy of the several orgasms he invoked out of you that night! From the kitchen counter where he jolted you around on his fingers, slowly kissing and reminding you just how beautiful you were to making love underneath the sounds of pouring rain in your bedroom..a space delegated solely for yourself. Nibbling at your ear and giving you slow backshots as he pressed you flat to the mattress. You couldn’t get enough of one another and needless to say, it caused quite the shift in your once rocky dynamic. A shift that elicited more late night visits and constant texting afterwards. It made you realize that you truly hadn’t seen all of the layers of this once irritating guy who seemed to have been showing up on your step more frequently as of late. Shuffling over to the door, you’d stand to your tiptoes, peering from the small opening meant to screen guests before allowing them in.
“You gon’ let me in or I gotta stand out in the cold all night?”
“That depends. Do you have what I need?”
and of course, he would never be so foolish as to show up empty handed. Not when he was determined to woo the lady who had all but encompassed his psyche. Since the inception of your illustrious little, makeshift love affair, Eren had all but become infatuated. He was already smitten to begin with…loving the fact that you were so quick witted and matched his antics with a no nonsense attitude. Snapping at him when truthfully, you just needed someone to get rid of that stress. Regardless, you wouldn’t be worn down so easily!..if he truly wanted to pursue something with you outside of a customer-driver relationship, then he’d have to work hard to persuade you that he was worth the trouble. It was going to take more than some dick and sweet nothings to knock you off your game. For a moment, he fell silent. You figured he was back to his old antics.
“Baby, I always got what you need. All you have to do is ask. Besides, I’m not risking you whooping my ass because I forgot something.”
with that rather typical response, you’d unbolt the locks and allow him entry. “You are so aggravating.” But before he stepped over the threshold, you’d find his arm snaked around the small of your exposed back, due to the cropped tank top you were sporting and quickly tugged into an entrancing kiss. One that almost swept you from your feet. Even grasping a healthy portion of your asscheck amid the moment. You could tell that he was the type to not only capture a girl’s body but her mind and spirit as well. Despite not trusting him fully, you couldn’t pull away nor did you want to stop seeing him. Once again using the guise of needing a late night meal, you’d summon your faithful driver forth and he’d come bearing gifts. A bag filled with all sorts of delectable treats..ranging from strawberries, chocolate dip, whipped cream, ice cream and of course more of that spiced rum you both loved so much. On his shoulder, he brandished a black duffle; affectionately coined his ‘spinnanight bag’! Needless to say, he had no plans to leave for the time being and all of his devotion was on you.
“Like you’d actually be able to live without me.”
“Mmm..well I guess things would get boring without you around to get on my nerves, huh?”
flashing him a toothy beam, he’d scale your hips with gentle hands for a moment with a similar expression on his handsome face. That was the thing about Eren..despite his crass personality, he handled you with the utmost care. Something you weren’t used to…
“C’mon now, that’s my job..what I do best..” invoking chuckles from the both of you. By this time he had closed the door, securing it behind you both. Followed by the offering of a seat as you formally invited him inside of your home. “Yeah, well I paid you to bring my stuff so hopefully you got it right.” It was rather plain to see that he no longer considered himself a stranger in your life, accepting the warm invitation with open arms and acclimating himself into your space. He’d carefully observed it during the last two visits, but he truly couldn’t fathom how beautiful your apartment was. Clean, organized and so well coordinated despite the bright aesthetic with a mix of lavenders and pinks. Plants swaying and a humidifier steaming gently in the corner to help them keep warmth in the winter. The whole vibe seemed to suit you..
“Give me some credit now. I’m a professional, I don’t make mistakes..”
it was then that Eren would become interrupted in his tracks when he’d peer down at your coffee table..spotting the preset shot glasses before him. Faintly smirking to himself because it was fairly easy to see the type of time you were on!..things truly would never be the same between the two of you now..whilst you shuffled around in the kitchen, preparing some snacks, he’d begin making himself quite comfortable. Kicking off his shoes, pulling off his hoodie and and propping his feet up as if he belonged here. Your roommate would have a conniption if she saw that. He carefully observed the rest of the surroundings, including the adorable tree that you had so meticulously decorated. Lined with garland, glistening with ornaments and illuminated with bright lights..it was beautiful! He’d never seen one so carefully decorated since his own mom.
“What’s up with this tree?”
causing you to glance up, meeting his snarky expression as you chopped up some fruit. “Not too much on my tree, she’s cute. I worked hard on it.” Which only further brought him to hysterics because the thought of someone like you..someone as angry and uptight loving Christmas this much, so much so that between your already beautiful interior were gaudy decorations of snowmen and Santa. Little reindeer figurines strewn throughout the apartment..it was rather adorable, this side of you. He hoped to see it far more often. Chuckling to himself, Eren couldn’t help but to snicker at your reaction but it was purely from a wholesome perspective, not to make fun of you.
“Nah, you did a good job on it. On all of it actually.. aye, I’m even a lil’ jealous. I can’t get those dumbasses I live with to clean up sometimes, less known get a tree set up. At least somebody’s in the holiday spirit.”
he wasn’t lying either. Truth was, he too loved the holidays growing up and as he got older, Eren came to realize that many of his peers didn’t share the same sentiment. Many saw it as childish or just downright unnecessary at this age. Rather, they spent their holidays getting high and drinking, partying the nights away. It was fine to an extent but he missed the whimsical joy that this time of year brought forth. It was nice to see..
“Well I’m glad you think so. Not too bad to say I did it myself..my roommate’s been a lil’ salty with me because I put it up without her. But a Christmas tree being in my living room while trick or treaters were knocking would be insane.” To which he was inclined to agree. Although the uttering of your aforementioned roommate caused him to visibly shudder. “So, where is the she-devil? Still riding her broomstick through hell?” You had to catch yourself from laughing, not because he was poking fun at your best friend but because she put him in a headlock in the middle of the parking lot and Eren couldn’t escape. You were so hysterical, your sides hurt from laughter after she was finished. And at the time, you were so frustrated with him and his bullshit, it felt like some sort of penance for all the aggravation you had to endure. “Unt uh..I know you’re not still mad. Not when you ate half my burrito and then tried to play me in a game of rock, paper, scissors for my drink.” Reminding him of why the altercation started in the first place. “As hungry as I was that night too, yeah, you lucky a headlock was all you caught.” Swinging your knife with animated expressions as you chuckled. Naturally, he had no response whatsoever and truth be told, he couldn’t be mad that two pretty girls had bested him!
“I think you set me up, that’s what I think. But it’s all good..you wanna know why?” picking through the assortment of snacks that you had already set out with a smug grin on his face. Knowing that he was about to have you all to himself and there was nothing she could say. In truth, he felt as if he had the last laugh! Finishing up your assortment of delectables, you’d shuffle over; setting them down and then taking a seat next to him shortly thereafter. “Why’s that? Tell me..” “Because..” not even a full second before you acclimated on to the couch, you’d find your head tilted upright with his fingers underneath your chin. “I got what I wanted. I get to be with you. So I’d say I won.” Just barely grazing your lips together before you’d halt him with a gentle hand to the chest. It wasn’t for a lack of you feeling the same way about him and it certainly didn’t help matters any for you two to be sexually involved now but you were also apprehensive. What if this entire pursuit was some sick conquest for him? Proof that he could wear down the harrowing Ice Queen of Apartment Two Eighty Four. Maybe it was all a part of a bet he had made with friends that he could bag you..perhaps it was something he did all the time.
“That’s how you feel, huh?”
“I don’t think I can make it any clearer, mama. I mean, I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else right now..”
even so, you couldn’t let your fears hold you back from happiness! You can’t recall the last time you’d smile so much. Being around him brought forth a sense of peace that seemed unattainable. And now, here you were spending Christmas Eve with a man, who by all accounts was your sworn enemy almost a year ago. Now things were starkly different and you’d never look back. Either way it went..
“Well in that case, why don’t we get us some drinks?” “Now you talking. Besides, I know you don’t play about your food, so I brought plenty.” Earning him a snarky side eye in the process. He was still that same asshole he always was, it just now seemed far more charming! “Oh, so you got jokes? I’ll remember that.” “I crack myself up from time to time. Hey, what’s that?” And the instant you turned your head, searching for the imaginary object, shifting when you realized nothing was there..you’d find yourself entrapped in a kiss as he had craftily snuck something from his pocket. A tiny mistletoe he had been saving for the perfect moment. Dangling above your heads as he shoved his tongue into your mouth. His touch warmed you to your core..it felt so nice..
“Y’know, I’ve always wanted to do that. Definitely worth the wait..” immediately, you’d find yourself flustered and unable to gather your thoughts for a moment. You’d never been kissed like that, not once in your life. “You’re so corny.” Faltering into a snicker but immediately feigning with a light touch to his cheek. “But it’s cute. So I’ll let you slide.” With that declaration, the small scale festivities would commence and you two began what would become a night forever ingrained in your memories.
an hour or so passed by, with you both indulging in all of the delicious treats he had brought over, including chocolate dipped strawberries that he’d swirl around before sticking between your lips and watching you on. Eventually taking a bite. Allowing him to lick the drinks from your collarbone with a trail of kisses that obviously turned you on. Sucking whipped cream from his fingers and vice versa..there was something rather sensual about all of it. Along with the whipped shots you took in conjunction with the several glasses of liquor..which hadn’t left either of you inebriated yet but you were slowly beginning to feel a bit of a buzz. Which in turn, had you both fawning over one another..lofi holiday tunes faintly hummed from the mounted television as the faux fireplace underneath from your mantle. You guys didn’t just engage in lecherous activity, you chatted it up quite a bit. Reminiscing on prior Christmases. Talking about life and your daily routines..it was really nice to have someone listen to you rant about the mundane. Brandishing your wine glass whilst your feet remained propped in his lap, you’d propose a rather invasive but necessary question.
“So, lemme ask you something..why did you want to spend Christmas Even with me? Of all people? And no, to fuck is not an acceptable answer.” “Well excuse me, but I think a little piece of pussy isn’t a bad gift at all. It’s quite thoughtful.” Prompting you to roll your eyes. He couldn’t be serious for once in his life and that much was certain.
“Can you not turn everything into a joke?..I was actually hoping I’d get to know you a little..what about your family?”
heeding that strict fervor in your voice that wouldn’t disappear anytime soon. With those tanned cheeks flush with red, a bit intoxicated from the Barcardi coursing his veins, as always..Eren flashed that coy smile, leaning his head back on the couch as he began to respond to your question.
“Truth is..my folks are in Germany right now. It’s where my dad’s from originally. He’s a first generation immigrant actually. He got offered a job working for their medical association and because both of his kids are grown as hell, he and my mom packed when I was nineteen. Been doing my own thing ever since. Honestly..I was before that. Skipping school, acting out..I was an asshole to them. Maybe it’s why they decided to leave me behind in the first place. They finally can get some peace. I don’t blame them though. It does make me miss them, especially this time of year. Makes you appreciate what you have when it’s not there. My mom’s cooking, seeing them open up gifts—“
just then, he’d find himself halted in his tracks and Eren would glance over, seeing that the expression on your face had shifted significantly. “My bad, guess I got carried away.” But in fact, you were happy that he had disclosed this to you. He was opening up and you were gaining a newfound respect. “Not at all..that’s really sweet, Eren. Sounds like they really mean a lot to you..” tracing a finger along the rim of your glass, peering down with a tinge of sadness. A hard lump forming in your throat that despite his ever vivacious smile, you could sense that it was a sensitive topic. Not only that, it made you think about your own family dynamic. Of course, he’d have to ask and get your dirt as well. That’s when you’d confide in him that you were twice as bad. Rather than delinquency, you threw yourself into studying..attending classes and eventually working full time. Desperate to make it out of your small town and into higher living. It was that same determination that drove you away from your family. Missing birthdays, holidays and important events, all for a job that didn’t give a damn about you and school work that could wait. After a while, they just sort of disowned you and didn’t bother inviting you at all.
“Damn, sounds like we’re both awful kids, huh?” Which could only be met with laughter because it was the truth. The hardest truth you’ve had to swallow in a long time. As quiet as it was kept, you were both one in the same. Two lonely people, lost souls yearning for comfort in someone else. His ‘friends’ were always doing their own things so he was by himself by the time he made it home. And even when they were around, he felt out of place. The girls he met were superficial and he had no interest in meaningless hookups anymore. Only difference was you coped with anger and he coped by being silly. Unfortunately, you’d end up in similar fates.
“Well, you’re not wrong..listen, Eren. I’m sorry I judged you. You just always seemed so….” “Arrogant? Carefree? Like I didn’t give a fuck about life?” All sentiments you’d be inclined to agree with. But there was a reason for it. “I wouldn’t say it was wrong. I always did have a way of getting under people’s skin and for a while, I didn’t care. But honestly, I just have fun. Doing something to keep a smile on mine and other people’s faces. Even if it does come off as irritating. Otherwise, I’d be walking around mad at the world..” “..like me, huh?” Something he hated to admit out of fear of offending you. But alas, he was right. “But it suits you. The whole ‘mean on the outside, soft on the inside’ thing is kinda cute. Deep down, I can tell you’re really a sweet girl. I guess what I’m tryna’ say is…I.really like being around you. And not just for your body. You make me happy, (y/n).”
with that declaration, you’d find yourself flush with a plethora of emotions. Tears brimming in your eyes; only mere seconds from falling. Crying because no one had ever spoken to you in such a way. So delicately and kindly. He had a way of seeing through what was nothing more than a surface level facade to protect yourself from getting hurt. Eren knew that all too well. But it was when he smiled at you..when he flashed that pearly white beam at you and leaned closer, cradling the back of your neck with such security and dominance, you wanted to melt right in his grasp. But you were also guarded. Steadfast in not wanting to let another person in only to be let down in the end. Even so, you’d take that leap and let the cards fall where they may.
“You make me really happy too, Eren..” moments later, without a single other phrase uttered, your lips would meet with a gentle crash. Both of your kids shut as you reveled in the long awaited moment. It felt like this every time with him. This invigorating, fiery spark that refused to die. Your tongues twirled around one another in a haze of sloppy pecks..lips lapping over the other and minute strings of saliva being exchanged in the midst. He couldn’t get enough..of your flavor, your essence..any of it. Shortly thereafter, your limbs would become tangled and you’d find yourself shifting onto his lap whilst he pulled you up. It was there that your hands absentmindedly roamed each other’s bodies. Scouring your frames to peel and quite frankly, tear off the binding articles of clothing. Only leaving your tank top on because he loved the way your breasts spilled from it. For the entire duration that you were being stripped down, your lips barely retracted and the heavy make out session only intensified with faint groans. Heavy whimpers even arising sporadically. Finally free of those confines, he’d plant heavy smacks and firm grasps on your ass whilst you straddled his still clothed crotch. As for his top half, you’d be met with chiseled muscles and a few tattoos sprinkled across his chest and torso. In addition to the plethora riddling his toned arms. Chewing at your lower lip, you’d break into a faint smile, admiring his body. Taking the time to delicately trace your fingertips along the outline of his pieces before running your hands to the back of his head. You’d feel his hand snaking around to grope your breasts but shortly after, he was halted when you gently clutched his wrist.
“Can I take care of you tonight?...you’ve already been so good to me..”
mouthing the phrase with a delicate and slightly higher pitched tone. Almost as to appear seductive but not in an obnoxious way..naturally, it worked and Eren would soon be left stumbling all over himself. “Would you like that?” Quivering when you’d trace your tongue around his earlobe, placing kisses on his neck right after. “Y-yeah, I would..do whatever you want to me, baby..” with his explicit consent, you were free to please him in anyway you saw fit. Rolling your hips around, lifting them by an inch to shuffle his pants down his legs. You would maneuver your own lower half so that you were now seated on his thigh. Left with only your thin panties, you’d massage that clothed slit and mound against his skin. Causing gentle friction and heavy arousal. There was something so sexy about using his thigh to get off..the sensation of your wet folds rubbing against his bare skin. Tossing his head back once more, you’d hear a breathy yet quick ‘fuck’ out of earshot. A sign that he was enjoying this just as much as you were. “That feel good?” Earning you more whimpers, which only further drove you to tease him more. You’d peer down and notice that his cock was twitching, jumping on its lonesome..twirling those nimble fingers around his shaft, (y/n) pumped it gently within your palm; slicking him up with strings of precum and saliva. It was blatantly obvious that he was becoming aroused, seeping all over your knuckles. You could even feel his leg underneath you thumping as that swollen bud continued to graze it. Your juices trailing down his flesh and between that and the subtle thrusting through your hand, he was about to lose his mind!
“Get on t—-ahhh..shit!”
that swollen mushroom tip emitting a bright red and oozing with the creamy substance as your movements sped up. Eren rested his hands against your hips, subtly guiding you along but you needed no assistance. You’d rotate your hips in a slow circular motion; grinding to bring yourself closer to a climatic peak as well. Neither one of you would be able to withstand this mounting pressure for much longer so amid toying with him, you’d question once more what it was he wanted. You wanted to hear explicitly what he wanted from you. Just the same as he did when you were feeling down. Not just pleasing him physically but healing his heart as well. Neither of you were lonely anymore..
“What was that? Tell me what you want, baby? Want me to fuck you?” Nearly babying him with that gentle voice, palm brushing against his face and that slow pace. He’d never been taken care of like this and needless to say, he couldn’t get enough! But you too were enjoying being in control; having that subtle dominance over him and being responsible for his orgasm..it was so hot. “(Y/N)…oh my God..” however, that just wouldn’t do..you wanted to hear his words, his explicit permission of how to proceed. Clutching his chin, you’d snatch it downward so that your faces could meet. “Look at me..say it. Tell me you want me to fuck you.” Although he was in by far the most vulnerable state he had ever been in, Eren was enjoying this so much more than you could ever imagine! That chiseled rising and falling with labored breaths. He couldn’t hold out, he had to have you!…
“Fuck me..please, ride this dick, baby.” Giving you the proverbial green light to take him as you saw fit. Shifting in a matter of moments, you’d propel yourself up and glide over to his lap; aligning yourself with his cock with a grasp on his shaft before slowly lowering yourself down on it. The initial sensation and slight ‘pop’ of entering your tightness caused both of you to release loud cries. Especially when you begin to bounce up and down..grazing his pecs and admiring that incredible body as you rode him with a moderate pace. The collision on that heavy ass against his pelvis, in combination with the open palm slaps to those round cheeks; the sounds of smacking resounding throughout the apartment along with his pathetic moans, that only further fueled your desire. At this point, you weren’t sure who was enjoying it more. A smile plastered on both of your lips and each set of your hands scouring the others frames. He’d even burst into a quivering chuckle. “Ohhh, my fucking gosh. This is the best fucking In the midst of that cunt clutching him, he’d make the haste decision to tug down your shirt..groping your breasts and alternating between each one to flick his tongue around those stiffened nipples. He was determined to ravage you, enjoy his fill while he was here.
“Just like that, mama..that pussy feels so fucking good. Keep going..”
soon, you’d plant your feet firmly into the mattress and amp up your movements. Showing him that a lot more lies in your repertoire. With your hands planted to his shoulder blades, you’d reacclimate and toss your head back in the midst of propelling yourself on that thick member. Stretching out that tight core and kissing the inner core of your cervix. “This dick is so fucking good..” Each thrusts touching your sensitive spot..meanwhile, Eren would enjoy the showcase that was your perky breasts bouncing with each movement. “Give it to me!..shit!” “Take it. Take this fucking dick..ohhh fuck!” His vocal pleas increase your stamina yet again and just when he thought you’d be fairly close, you’d surprise him. You’d even look back with your tongue gliding over your lips as it dangled from your mouth from being worked over. Eren was no different and with that pearlescent substance leaking down his shaft and wetness coating him, he was forced to clutch the couch’s arm as an attempt to quell his urge to release. “You gonna give me that nut, baby? You told me you’d always give me what I need..” with one more gentle graze underneath that chin, you’d bring him back to reality; only pausing momentarily to glare into his eyes. “You promise?” It truly shocked him how captivating you were and how well you commanded him. “Ye-yeah! I promise. I’ll do whatever you want..please! Just let me c-ahh!” Loud wails arising from his throat as he trembled in pre ecstasy bliss; something that felt so close yet foreign at the moment. But fortunately, you wouldn’t make him wait much longer.
“Then come for me..I’ll let you nut in it, baby..”
those words seemed to have invoked a feral energy in him and in turn, caused him to tighten his grasp on you whilst he fucked up into that dripping cunt until he emptied the sought after load into you. Letting out loud cries with tears streaming down his face because no woman had ever made him experience euphoria in such a way..it was no wonder you had him twirled around your finger. “FUCK! So good…you made me feel so good..” Filling you up with every drop from those round balls that had been slapping against your backside. Simultaneously, your own climax would come trickling down his rather sensitive member. “Good boy..I’m so glad I did. C’mere.” Rewarding him with a barrage of sloppy and passionate kisses. Kisses, touches and sensations he wouldn’t forget for a long time, if ever!
“I’m so happy I’m here with you. Merry Christmas..” his faint smile and tired glare were the only thing you could see and right there on that sofa, you’d cradle one another close. Topping his forehead with a smooch before nestling your face into his neck..obvious that neither of you wanted to let go..
“Merry Christmas, Eren. My love.”
@buddhas-bunny @violetxxvenom @miyaluvvsyou @nieceeee @mochiviewz @momobaby227 @hoesluvshanti @spaceforher @lammys-thinking @thickbihhwitdagapp @jamaicanqueenaa @simplycmr @caramelswirlwithacherryontop @themidknightguardian @invisible-888 @hyunip @prettypixigrl
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
NOTE: this is an nsfw imagine with Dom!reader, sub!logan and sub!oscar. If you are under 18 or uninterested in this, scroll past. If you think you might like it, then click read more and maybe come check out the rest of my blog :))
Every day of October I’ll be posting a different kinky concept with one or more motorsports people as well as discussing that concept more on my blog. So if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
It’s no secret that Logan’s season hasn’t been going the best, and you’ve tried your best to make him feel better but there’s not much more you could do.
As far as the public was concerned, you were in a relationship with Oscar and only Oscar. Which meant you could only sit in Oscar’s garage, could only give Oscar a kiss before he gets in the car, could only hug Oscar when he gets back.
You wish you could sit in the Williams garage and give Logan a hug when he gets out the car, wait for him in his driver room to praise him and make sure he isn’t being too hard on himself. But unfortunately you have to wait until you reach Oscar’s hotel room and meet him there.
This continues for a few weeks and you can see how sad Logan is getting, isolating himself from you and Oscar, no longer asking for attention as much as he used to. He clings to you when you do hug him, whines when he thinks you might turn him away but he doesn’t seek it out anymore.
Oscar has noticed the same, and he’s worried. Logan even chose to sit out on a planned scene, so you knew it was getting too bad. And you needed to get creative to make him feel better.
And the solution? A free use day.
When you suggest it to Logan, he’s confused, asking what you mean, how that would work. He immediately thinks it would be Oscar that’s free use.
And you explain to him that no, you’d like a day when you can touch him however you want, where Oscar can kiss him and ride him whenever, a day at home where he’s just a play thing for his Dom and his boyfriend.
And well…. That certainly sounds like someone he would like.
He almost doesn’t believe it at first? Because why would you and Oscar want that? Why would you want him to touch him so much that you want an entire day for it?
It ends up being exactly what he needs.
And Oscar is so so excited for it. Oscar gets to be as possessive as he wants, refusing to let Logan out of his arms, whining until Logan kisses him and pushing him down to ride him because he’s Oscar’s to play with.
Logan is so overwhelmed with how much love he gets? He wakes up to you stroking his hair and Oscar sucking his cock, ends up crying out and spilling into Oscar’s mouth. You hold him close after, letting Oscar clean him up before joining you two in bed.
Logan gets about ten minutes to recover because you decide he should return the favour for Oscar, and he’s more than happy with that.
He spends the entire day between you and Oscar, getting touched and fucked and held close and he just lets it happen. He’s so so happy, feeling like a real part of the relationship not just an additive.
You do a scene with the two of them that night, and task oscar with kissing every inch of Logan before gently working a plug in him. You stroke Logan’s cock and push the plug in out, having your fun with him while his mouth is full of Oscar’s cock.
By the end they’re both so tired, especially Logan who has cum so many times by this point. You have to half carry them both to the bath, washing them down and putting them to bed early.
Logan wakes up the next day happier than he’s been in a long long time.
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rs-hawk · 4 months
Love this post by @microsff
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You went to a garage sale to see what you could find. You had been working on so many projects that you were hoping to get parts for cheap, when you saw an Andrew the Android. He was sitting on a table, swinging his feel that barely scraped the ground. He was an early version. It was easy to tell by his stocky build, and the way he barely looked humanoid. Newer ones looked more human.
“How much is he?” you asked the man sitting by a lock box, pointing to Andrew.
“You don’t want that one,” the man grinned, showing off all his teeth in a way that made you frown. “It’s a weird one. Sent it up to clean my gutters in a storm, you know, testing out that ‘waterproof’ feature.”
“Uh-huh,” you said unsurely, shifting on your feet slightly.
“And it got struck by lightening. Been odd ever since. Telling me to call it ‘Andy’ and asking me questions. Didn’t think these ones of them were meant to be so annoyingly human.”
“I still want him. How much?” you insisted.
You and the man go back and forth for a bit before you finally handed him a small wad of cash. A giddy feeling fluttered in your chest as you approached him. He looked up at you, a blank look on his expressionless face.
“Hi there. I’m Y/N. I just bought you,” you explained as you offered him your hand. “I’m so excited that I found an early Andrew. You’re one of my favorite androids of all time.”
“Andy, please,” was his response. He held up his hands, no, claws, as if to apologize for not shaking yours. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You brought him home, and he settled in quickly. One day, he greeted you at the door.
“Can you make me hands?” he asked.
“Why? Your claws work better, and you can swap them out with other attachments,” you asked back as you started gathering things for the project you were working on.
“I want to pet your cat.”
“You can’t even feel her fur though.”
“But she can. And I want her to like me petting her.”
You paused, thinking for a moment. “Alright. I can build you hands.”
“I also want to learn guitar. Can you make sure I have good fingers?”
That made a grin crack your face. “Yes, I’ll make you good fingers.”
You two lived in good harmony for awhile, until one day, he showed you a book. “Why is one character being called ‘they’?”
“Oh, because they’re non-binary.”
He nodded as he went back to the book. “I think that fits me better than he.”
You nodded back at them, scrolling through your phone. “Okay.”
Another day, they come to you, holding a book with a picture of a flute. “Can you build me a mouth? And move my port?”
“You want to learn to play the flute?” you asked curiously, looking at the book, their fingers curling around the pages.
They took to the flute much better than the guitar, but you don’t say anything. Even when they wake you up in the middle of the night. They’re still not very good, but you enjoy hearing their progress.
Yet again, they come to you, showing you a magazine with synthetic skin and hair on an android. They don’t say anything as they hand it to you, looking down.
“Okay. I’ll take you in and let you pick everything out,” you say as you hand them back the magazine.
“Do you think I’ll really be able to feel?” they asked nervously, rolling the magazine up into a tube.
“Maybe. Why?”
They looked away, and you thought if they were human, they would have blushed. “I want to pet your cat.”
“You pet her all the time.”
“I want to be able to feel it too.”
As always, you nodded. “It’s worth a shot at least then, right?”
Andy went in many times for many more modifications on top of the ones they asked you to make for them. Over the span of months, but in a way that hit you all at once, you fell in love with them. The way they laughed. How excited they were to learn. How excited they were to just be.
“Hey, Y/N! Andy! Welcome in yous guys. I got the room set up. Andy’s got a surprise for you, Y/N. You’re gonna let Andy pick out everything as always, yeah?” the mechanic greeted the two of you as you stepped inside.
You thought it was a little odd she just kept saying “Andy” instead of “they” but you brushed it off. “Yeah Sal. It’s Andy’s body. They can do what they want.”
Andy and Sal shared a grin before you were ushered into the waiting room. A couple hours later, a dark haired woman came out, her hair styled into a neat bun on the top of her head. Her eyes were green, your favorite color. There was a softness to her face and features, as well as a stockiness to her build. She reminded you of Andy, in a way, so you returned her smile.
Sal came up behind you, gesturing to the woman. “What do you think?”
“Oh she’s lovely, perfectly stunning, but you know I’m just waiting on Andy,” you said with a frown and furrow of your brows.
“Hi Y/N,” the woman said shyly, looking down at her feet.
“I mean, I guess, but I want a new name.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know yet.”
You tilted your head, looking at her curiously. “But you already know every name that there is to know.”
A sweet smile touched her lips as she walked over to you, taking your hands in hers. “I don’t know how they sound when you say them yet.”
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this-tastes-lemony · 8 days
Falsettos Food Theory
Okay so someone asked what this is and I really wanna explain! So the falsettos food theory is that food represents love throughout the Marvin trilogy.
In the show, In Trousers, Marvin is very strict about what kind of food he wants, and he gets very upset when he doesn’t get it imminently or the way he wants. For example, in the song ‘How Marvin Eats his Breakfast” there is the lyric,
“No one looks busy in this kitchen
And my breakfast isn't ready
And my stomach aches.”
This is in reference to that no one at that moment is giving him the love that he wants, and that he aches for it. Later in the song he also says ,
“I don't want miracles from heaven
Just some eggies over spinach over toast
No, I will not apologize!
She should win a prize:
Very best emoting
That girl can't cook”
When he says the first line he doesn’t literally mean he just wants a basic breakfast, he means that he doesn’t want much, he just wants to feel loved. By saving “that girl can’t cook” he doesn’t mean she’s lousy at making food, he means that she doesn’t give him the kind of love that he wants. One of the other ladies says
“maybe she can’t cook, but have you seen her milk a cow?” Implying that sexually she “provides” to Marvin, even if he doesn’t romantically like her (obviously this means nothing, just because they can be sexually active does not mean that it is love).
Another one is in Whizzer Going Down he says,
“he hates my wife
I hate his food”.
He’s saying he hates when Whizzer shows him love because he is not ready to accept the fact that he can be loved and he can love another man.
There are many more references of this in the show In Trousers and if anyone wants to hear them I’ll gladly go into it in another post!!
The ones in Falsettos are even more obvious references to love. In the song Tight Knit Family, Marvin sings,
“We all eat as one
Wife, friend, and son
And I sing out as they cook
I love my tight-knit family
I love the way they cook linguine”
They all eat as one meaning they are all receiving love from one another, even if it isn’t good. The next line being “I sing out as they cook” (singing out meaning to say or shout something loudly, most likely implying the unhealthy relationship he’s in with his family) this line is saying that while they provide him love and what ever he asks, he continues to complain about it.
However, in the next line he says “I love the way they cook linguine” which is a considered normal traditional meal for a lot people. This is showing that he enjoys when they provide him with basic normal love, instead of arguing or disagreeing with him.
Another reference later on in the musical is in the ENTIRETY of the song “This Had Better Come To A Stop”. The first set of unique lyrics though is what I’ll cover.
“Whizzer's supposed to always be here
Making dinner, set to screw
That's what pretty boys should do
Check their hairlines, make the dinner
And love me”
This is saying that Whizzer is supposed to always be at Marvin’s command, loving him and giving himself to Marvin sexually at all times. He mentions making dinner twice in these lyrics, again implying that he doesn’t want Whizzers love unless it’s later in the day once he’s gotten his love from his other family ( breakfast specifically).
Another general reference to food equaling love is Cordelia’s entire character. All she does throughout the show is provide food and such to the characters, this being her giving them constant love. Since Cordelia was giving Marvin so much food (presumably) during the two year gap during intermission, we can assume that her unique and (sometimes) not so great food taught him that he doesn’t always get to choose what to eat, but that he should be greatful someone is cooking for him anyway. I think Cordelia is one of the most amazing characters in the story.
For all of the song “Days Like This” she’s trying to get Whizzer to eat something, meaning she’s trying to share her love with him.
In the song “Jason’s Bar Mitzvah”, Dr. Charlotte says
“She's cooked for some 200 guests
We number not that many
Actually... we're seven”
This shows that she has provided so much love for all of these people, even though there’s only seven. Only a couple lines later, she tries the food Cordelia made, and says that the food “tastes really yummy.” (in the pro shot Trina nods her head to agree).
This is important to me because it shows that Cordelia finally found a way to show/express her love with the rest of the characters, and have them reciprocate it for the first time on stage, showing that they are all at peace and finally love each other.
Just like in trousers there are hundreds of more references in Falsettos so if any of you would like me to go more into it I’d be happy to!
This is all speculation of course, we don’t know if any of this was intentional, buts it’s by far my favorite thing to talk about that’s falsettos related. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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meiiie · 8 months
dave lizewski, i’m so into you. (pt. 1)
summary: you say something unexpected about Kick-Ass while discussing with your friends which hero you prefer the most.. Kick-Ass? Or Red Mist? little did Dave know or so you thought, you knew it was him all along..
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a/n: uhh this is just a silly little imagine.. no one is probably going to see this post anyway but i’m new to this so this isn’t really the best thing i wrote, i hope u still enjoy reading this LOL i’ve also added my OC named Melilah who will be your best friend in this, um slight nsfw mention near the end but no actual action, thats it i think! yeah that’s it, happy reading :)
(pairing: dave lizewski x fem!reader) link to pt. 2
word count: 1.5k
It was a normal day, going to school, attending your classes, eating lunch, procrastinating your school works, submitting homework… attending more classes… rinse and repeat. But today was not what you expected, like.. at all.
ring ring… ring ring… you pick up your ringing phone while walking down the street, on your way to the convenience store.
“hello.?” your voice turns out more tired and groggier than you expected “hey when are you getting home sweetie? the food is getting cold and its already almost 6:30 pm, where are you?” your mom says with a worried voice, you could already imagine her face by just hearing her voice
this week has probably been one of the most stressful weeks of your entire life, class has been giving more school works, more due dates, you probably see your life flashing before your eyes right now “um yeah i’m on the way home already, don’t worry mom!” you say attempting to make your voice sound enthusiastic “well you better not be hanging out with that pretty boy.. actually maybe you should invite him for dinne-”
“mom— i—“ you cut her off but then you sigh giving up to even explain. “…he’s just a friend i swear..”
this supposedly ‘pretty boy’ your mom is referring to is Dave Lizewski, this guy in your class who you were paired up to work on a major project so he’s been at your house a few times already. surprisingly you get along with him really well? you’ve even become a part of his friend group including your best friend Melilah. She always points out the fact he always stares at you whenever you all hang out in Atomic Comics and during classes, but you’ve never really thought about him that way, or maybe you were considering it?
while walking down the road the street lights flicker a bit and you see someone trying to hanging onto the ledge of a billboard of some sort. you hear the figure shout at the cat sitting, waiting for him to fall “FUCK YOU MR BITEY!” his voice echoes, but wait.. why does his voice sound so familiar…? “okay okay okay, but call me and update me on where you are okay? be here quick, i love you!” your mom says- *THUD* you quickly look at the direction where the person, you assume, fell “UH yeah i’ll call you! i love you mom, BYE!” you say hastily, almost whispering.
beeeep.. beeeep.. you hang up the phone call, quickly putting your phone back in your messenger bag and hide behind a car. you spot a green figure, uh, “what in the world is that…” you think to yourself. the figure is wearing a weird.. cosplay suit.. it’s almost as if he looks like a green condo-
your thoughts are interrupted as he storms off looking frustrated, most probably because of the cat he couldn’t save.. he walks hurriedly into the dark alley. for some what reason you felt a little curious, just a little bit. so you go and follow the ‘super hero’, “this is so stupid.. someone remind me why I’m doing this to myself?” you whisper to yourself as you hide behind a pole, (you think this helps you stay hidden but you should’ve seen dave’s face when he saw you) trying to get a peek at the stranger. he takes off his mask angrily, you watch his curls fall into place, there are some scratches on his face from the fall, “damn why does he look so fine” you say in your thoughts and then you realize.
those are the blue eyes you see everyday in school, THAT’S DAVE LIZEWSKI. you silently gasp covering your face. his eyes dart at your direction, he shudders at the sound of your noise then next thing you know you start running away like a cockroach flew at your direction “WAIT!” he shouts, good thing you ran quick enough so he probably didn’t see your face, key word: probably.. actually there was no reason to be running from him at all- but you just felt like it..? considering you’re still in your denial stage about your feelings for him, who wouldn’t? you open the door to your house and get in as fast as you could just in case he followed you. the tv is bright and the news displays the text in bold ‘SUPERHERO KICKASS SAVES THE DAY’ you stare at the tv in shock because that’s… how… he’s Dave..?
your mom pops out of the kitchen “hey your back home! i thought you were going to call me to update me where you were..- oh yeah that superhero… what’s his name? Kickass? apparently he stopped a bunch of guys yesterday who were trying to beat up another guy that was in front of a convenience store and a bunch of people saw it then recorded blah blah blah you get it” you just stare at the tv in shock. “hello…? earth to y/n?”
it’s been almost 2 days, you’ve been avoiding Dave, trying not to make eye contact with him, passing by him in the halls, not even acknowledging his presence, even avoiding the hangouts to Atomic Comics, despite the fact you still have to do a major project with him. you open your locker getting books out of your locker, “hey have you heard about those two new superheros? Kickass? and Red Mist?” Melilah questions and your eyes widen at the question, only being reminded of Dave “yeah- well- i think its kinda dangerous doing that you know? being a um.. a superhero? why are people even so into them nowadays?” you say hesitatingly “ugh you are such a buzz kill, anyways Todd and Marty invited us to hangout… in Atomic Comics…” she looks like she’s about to ask a question, but she hesitates “go on.. continue” you gesture her to reply “why are you like.. i don’t know avoiding Dave? we’ve all kind of noticed that you know and the tension is killing all of us..”
you close the locker door and bring her to an empty classroom, you say “okay i know this sounds a bit crazy but DAVE IS KICKASS.” she “pffts” at your statement then turns to look at your face again, “oh.. your being serious” she says “YES I’M BEING SERIOUS?? i was on my way to the convenience store right and Kickass or Dave- i don’t know anymore was trying to save this cat then falls from this thing- anyways he walked in the alleyway so i was like ok i’ll just follow him! what could possibly happen!? then he took off his MASK SO THEN I RAN AWAY AND HE WAS LIKE ‘wait!🤪’ BUT I KEPT ON-” Melilah tries to comprehend everything, slowly nodding… slowly.. she whispers loudly “OKAY KEEP IT DOWN SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR YOU, okay so are you SURE this was Dave?” still whispering
“a HUNDRED percent.” you say trying to defend that you weren’t just seeing things
she sighs “well what are we going to do? I already told them we were going to be there..”
“you said WHAT?”
“okay okay chill they didn’t say Dave was coming, they obviously noticed how awkward it was with you guys so why would they invite him right haha.. haha…..” she laughs nervously
after both of you gather your thoughts you find yourself already settling down in a booth, in Atomic Comics, contemplating your life decisions. fidgeting nervously already imagining what’s going to happen. hoping not to see him. Melilah comes back after gathering a bunch of comic books to read while waiting for them to arrive. “hey stop fidgeting your going to be fine, plus he doesn’t know you know. right…?” you both just stare at each other. you both start praying in unison—“lord give us the strength to-“
“give you guys the strength for what?” Todd interrupts, you look behind him frantically to check whether Dave was there or not. to your surprise, he wasn’t. does he know? did he see my face when i ran? what if he doesn’t like me anymore? wait. why did that even matter? Todd and Marty took a seat beside Melilah leaving you alone sitting at the other side of the booth, obviously planning something.. “guys what do you think of Kickass?” Melilah asks, you kick her leg from under the table making a face screaming WHYAREYOUBRINGINGHIMUP. in fairness the both of you didn’t know whether Todd and Marty knew about it too, you shoot a glance at her giving a ohhhhiunderstandnow look to what she’s doing (spoiler alert: you've got the wrong idea, she was in fact not helping you) “i think he’s fine i guess, to be honest Red Mist is way cooler though because of his cape and all..” Marty says with Todd nodding his head to show that he agrees
“well- for one i think Kickass is wayy cuter, i’d fuck his brains out if i got the chance.” you say out of your thoughts completely regretting saying the said statement- “Really?” Dave says out of nowhere observing the conversation from behind your booth, making you jolt “y/n that just came out of nowhere what in the world.” Melilah says right after staring at you for a few seconds while Dave is making eye contact with you, smirking like he knows something. the conversation falls quiet.. real quiet… “okay wrap it up you two.” Todd interrupts, i wonder what happens next?
a/n: and the rest is history, I hope this was good enough lolol hope you enjoyed reading! (pt. 2 coming soon)
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 6 months
🕷️🕸️The Chaotic Adventures of Spider-Mage✨🌟
[TWST AU]: The MC/Yuu may not be only one who encountered an unexpected turn of events.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, an unknown stranger gets bitten by a spider that actually gave them spider-based magic to become Twisted Wonderland’s Spider-Hero.
[Gender Neutral!Spider!Reader]
[(A/N)]: Happy New Year! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much on my TWST blog. Been busy IRL and stuff like that. I hope this makes up for missing out and enjoy reading.
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So…about the Arachnohumanoid Polymultiverse- This is a stupid name. I don’t know why O’Hara chose this over the Spiderverse. That name makes more sense and easier for people who can’t decipher scientific names right away…
There are many variants and other dimensions who have their own spider like protectors.
There’s one particular Spider who has an interesting upbringing with their situation.
Maybe it’s better to let them introduce themselves to the people reading this…
[Y/N]: “My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. I’m a Second Year of Night Raven College and part of the Ignihyde Dorm. One day during last year, I get bit by an experimental and magical arachnid which granted me spider-based magic. I became to the public as “Spider-Mage”.
“I climb up on flat surfaces, having a Spider sense to alarm me for potential danger, the usual things.”
“I created an algorithm to alert me for crimes occurring and use my newfound powers by casting web-like portals to reach to that specific location.”
“Following my backstory: I was raised by my aunt and uncle, Aunt Mei and Uncle Benji. However, Uncle Benji passed away due to saving someone from an Overblot attack. He asked me if I were to become somebody having great magic, listen to his advice. With great power, comes with great responsibility.”
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[Chapter 1]
OB!Riddle: *On a rampage* YOU ALL WILL BE OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!!!! *Throws a rose bush towards MC/Yuu and Grim*
MC/Yuu & Grim: *Gasps and embrace for impact*
[Then a mysterious figure jumps into action. They cast a magical web barrier to protect MC/Yuu and Grim from the thrown plant.]
Spider-Mage: *Looks back at the two Ramshackle students* It’s okay. I got you two.
Spider-Mage: Hi! I’m Spider-Mage. The friendly arachnid type magic user you hear people talk about. Y’know, you have some serious issues and hopefully seek anger management after this.
OB!Riddle: *Throws another bush at them*
Spider-Mage: *Shoots web at the bush and triggers a fire spell to burn the plant to ashes* Bad idea, buddy.
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MC/Yuu & Grim: *Running late for class*
MC/Yuu: *Carrying Grim in their arms* You just have to try sleeping in.
Grim: It’s not my fault I was studying late!
MC/Yuu: You were cramming for an exam today!
Spider-Mage: *Just saved some people from a robbery* Huh? The Prefect and their familiar?
MC/Yuu: Spider-Mage? Hey! We’re late for our morning class and it’s at the other side of the building.
Spider-Mage: Need a lift?
MC/Yuu: Of course! Thank you.
[Cut to a scene where MC/Yuu and Grim were dropped off to their class and have messed up hairdos from all the swinging around.]
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[Ignihyde Dormitory]
[Y/N]: *Crawling back into their dorm without disturbing anyone* *Lands on their feet from the ceiling and stalks over through the hallways*
Idia: Ortho, did you get my- *Stops mid-track and eyes widened at them* …
[Y/N]: …It’s not what it looks like. *Deactivates their suit*
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[Y/N]: *Looks down at their body* Shit.
Idia: Y-Y-You’re Spider-Ma-
[Y/N]: *Shushing him* Don’t say another word. I’ll explain everything somewhere private.
[Back in Idia’s room]
Idia: You’re Spider-Mage.
[Y/N]: Yes, I am. I got these abilities last year and then bam! I’m a magic superhero.
Idia: You kept all of this from me?
[Y/N]: Well, I tried to explain everything to you since you’re my Dorm Leader but duty calls and assignments.
Idia: …I still can’t believe one of my dorm members is Spider-Mage.
[Y/N]: It’s alright. It’s a lot to take in.
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[Rose Queendom]
Spider-Mage: *Shooting webs and swinging around the city* *Lands onto of an apartment complex’s rooftop*
Fan 1: Oh my Seven, It’s Spider-Mage! *Pulls out their phone* Hey Spider-Mage, can you do a flip?
Spider-Mage: *Does a flip*
Fan 1: *Recorded the whole* Thank you, Spider-Mage! I’m showing this to my friends.
Spider-Mage: No problem! Tell your friends I said hello!
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[In the hallways]
Kalim: Hi [Y/N]!
[Y/N]: Oh, hey, Kalim! Uh…What’s up? How was your break?
Kalim: You wouldn’t believe who came by. Spider-Mage came to rescue Jamil and everyone. They were amazing! They shot their magical webs and swung around kicking off the ‘Blot!
[Y/N]: Really? That’s crazy. “Great Seven. I’m jealous of myself…(T . T) Fuck me…”
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[Monstro Lounge]
[Y/N]: *Working there to fill in a deal*
Floyd: [Y/N]-chan/kun~ *About to squeeze them*
[Y/N]: *Spider sense triggered and kicks back at Floyd in the stomach*
Floyd: OOF- *Crashes into Jade*
[Y/N]: Crap! I’m sorry, you two. I’m just on edge today.
Azul: What is going on here? *Sees Floyd and Jade on the ground*
[Y/N]: I’m so sorry, Azul. I’m just super anxious today and Floyd was about to squeeze the shit out of me.
Azul: …Why don’t you take a half day off? You claimed you’re anxious enough to beat the two most valuable people in my dorm.
[Y/N]: Yes! That’s true and I’m going now. *Sprints out of the restaurant* “Fuck me and my Spider sense! I need to lie better.”
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[Afterglow Savannah]
Spider-Mage: *Battling against a weird-looking guy with lightning bolt accessories*
The Shocker: Well well well, love the new look Spider-Man.
Spider-Mage: Uh…Who? I’m not Spider-Man.
The Shocker: Oh, I see. Playing dumb to distract me.
Spider-Mage: Great Seven. Dude, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let’s just get this over with. I have clubs to attend.
[The Shocker charges at Spider-Mage throwing rays of electricity at the magic user.]
Spider-Mage: *Shoots their web casting a Water spell to absorb the attack* Think fast! *Shoots the water spell at The Shocker*
[The water spell webbing was effective to short circuit the electrified villain.]
Spider-Mage: Now I can leave.
[Then a portal opens in front of Spider-Mage.]
Spider-Mage: What the…
[Three people appear out of the portal and they’re picking the unconscious Shocker anomaly.]
Spider-Mage: Uh… *Spider sense triggered*
???: Wow. Another Spider variant in this dimension.
???: Yeah, and explain what we’re doing here.
???: While also grabbing the anomaly who’s waking up. *Knocks The Shocker out*
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[After [Y/N] was taken to the Spider Society on Earth-928, everything was explained to them and how their Canon Events will happen.]
[Y/N]: Y-You can’t be serious. I couldn’t let it happen. There has to be another way.
Miguel O’Hara: There are no other ways-
[Y/N]: You’re wrong! The multiverse is wrong! I’m doing everything I can to prevent any more disasters back in my already chaotic world. I can’t lose him…
Peter B. Parker: Kid, everything’s gonna be alright.
[Y/N]: Tell that to “Leader of the Spider Society”. I’m going and won’t stop until everyone’s safe.
[[Y/N] casts a spell to disappear from everyone’s sight.]
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Arachnis: No no no Miguel. *Blocks his path* Do not chase the teen like last time with Miles.
Miguel: They can’t interfere with the Canon Events. Their world would already start falling apart.
Arachnis: Miguel, you don’t know that. Remember when I saved you from your supposed event? My Canon Event overlapped with yours which should interfere but didn’t, preventing your untimely death. What if [Y/N] can save their friends and loved ones like us? We almost lost everyone when we were against The Spot.
Miguel: *Glare softens and sighs* I don’t want this kid to make the same mistakes.
Arachnis: I know. It’s tough to accept the possibility, but we been through this before. Doing everything we can to help others. Hey, look at me.
[As the Spider-Man of 2099 and Arachnis share an intimate moment, [Y/N] ran back because they dropped their Magic Pen.]
[Y/N]: Uhh…Is this a bad time?
Arachnis: Kid, I’m gonna shoot your ass if you don’t rush back to save your world.
[Y/N]: Right! Sorry! *Sprints out of their sight*
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✨[Reblogs helps creators and creates for more content]💫
[Tagged]: @windblume-wishes @hhurric4ne @theladyheroine
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justmeinadaze · 1 month
Hi! I have this really REALLY angsty request that if you don’t want to do it okay, but since you’ve posted things with a similar theme I thought maybe you could write it.
So it’s similar to the pop star!reader x bodyguard!steddie, but this is just regular them Ig? So reader overdoses with some of Eddie’s stuff, and when the boys arrive, Eddie kinda gets flashbacks from when his mom overdosed. I’m just really a craver for angst, hurt, comfort fics
Thank you so much! I love your stuff!!🤍🤍
Steddie Asks/ Ko-Fi <3
Warning: Dark themes of drugs and overdosing, all three discuss an incident where the reader overdoses
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The table is silent as you and your boyfriends pick at the food they had purchased after bringing you home from the hospital. Having grown accustomed to the balanced meal they provided, you were struggling to fully get through the heavy pasta in front of you. 
You hated this; the weighted energy that hung in the air. 
You would give anything to go back to how things used to be when you, Steve, and Eddie could just laugh and have fun but a line had been forever crossed. Trust broken in that one moment when you snuck into the metalhead’s things and found drugs that weren’t meant for you especially after you promised things were going to be different. 
“I know! I’m sorry! I don’t mean to go overboard. Everything is just so overwhelming and it helps me…breathe. I promise, I’ll slow down. I’ll get clean, I swear.”
You meant it at the time and every time after when you talked yourself out of buying a new supply. But when you were fired from your job for seemingly no reason, you needed to numb your brain. 
“Just one more.”, you had told yourself.
One more turned into another hit and then another…and another…until a couple of days later you woke up in an emergency room with your boyfriends clinging to your hands. 
“Do you want me to make you something?”
“You’ve barely touched your food. If you don’t want it I can make you something else.”, Steve explains as his eyes scan you over. 
“Oh, um, no. I’m ok. I’m just not very hungry, I guess.” He nodded without saying another and you felt like you were going to explode. “How long are we going to do this?”
“Do what, honey?”
“Avoid the topic of what happened.”
“We don’t need to talk about that now.”, Eddie mumbled without even looking your way.
“I’d like to. I’d prefer it over this.” Neither man said anything as they continued to stare in front of them at their food. “Come on, guys. Yell, scream, throw things; I don’t fucking care just…talk to me.”
“Not right now.”, the metalhead repeated in a firmer tone. 
“When then, Ed?”
“Whenever Eddie chooses it seems.”, the other boy sassed throwing you off guard slightly. You half expected any hostility to be directed towards you but the way Steve said that…he was angry at his friend as well.
“Well go on. Out with it, Harrington. You’ve been fucking passive aggressive since we got to the hospital. Just fucking get it out, man.”
“Oh, it’s ok now? Now you’ll fucking listen to me. You didn’t listen to me when I asked you not to keep any drugs in this fucking apartment!”
“I didn’t expect her to dig through my things!”
“She’s an addict, you fucking idiot!”
“HEY!”, you shouted as Eddie rose from his chair, knocking it down behind him. “I said talk, not be mean. This isn’t his fault.”
“No, you’re right. It’s both your faults. I asked him not to bring drugs here because you were trying to get better, Y/N, but you were still struggling. I saw it every day you came home! You were always one step away from fucking breaking but you never said anything! Why!? Why didn’t you talk to us or hell even a doctor?! I don’t fucking care!”
“I didn’t know how…”
“Oh, fucking bullshit!”
“Because I didn’t want to burden you two! That’s all I fucking am! You both have enough going on than to deal with me.”
“So, this was better? Us finding you on the fucking bedroom floor?!” At Steve’s words, Eddie crossed his arms as he hugged himself tightly; the memory of that day hitting them both. “Did you think when we found you barely breathing, we thought ‘Oh thank God. One less problem.’? Or when we watched EMS poke and prod your pale, sweaty skin that we were thankful you did this instead of coming to us? That we would be proud that you feel better numbing yourself with that shit than being open with the men you supposedly love?!”
In anger, he flipped the dining room table making you jump and stand as everything crashed to the ground. The former jock had been holding this in for weeks and now that the flood gates had been opened, he couldn’t stop them. 
“I thought you were gonna die. You didn’t see what we saw, Y/N. All the color was gone from your face and you were so sticky with sweat…I’ll never forget that smell… You didn’t move or answer us. When EMS arrived, they were shouting a lot but the thing that stood out was ‘She’s not breathing.’”
Eddie’s own breathing stuttered and when you glanced his way you realized he was trying to control the tears that had begun to fall. 
“They asked what you took but when we told them we didn’t know but we know your history and they suggested what it could have been, I knew from his face it was something Munson brought in. I almost fucking killed him, Y/N.”
“No. I’m not exaggerating or anything like that. It took all of my energy to not beat the shit out of him right then and there.”
“You think I don’t do that already?”, the metalhead growled. “You think I don’t fucking beat myself for what happened?! I stopped dealing the moment we found out about her vices. I gave Rick back everything I had because I knew that temptation would be hard for her. He needed someone to hold onto his stuff for a couple of days because Rick expected his PO to make a surprise visit. Steve, I swear to God, I didn’t think she would… I trusted her…”
After drying his eyes, Eddie squared his shoulders towards you both. 
“Maybe that was naive but she was getting better. That’s our problem, Harrington. I trust her too much and you don’t trust her at all!”
“I don’t and this is exactly the reason why!”
“I understand.” Your tiny voice cuts through their fury giving them pause. “When I get low like I did and the craving hits… it’s like being in a black hole I can’t crawl out of. I didn’t think about how my choice would affect either of you but especially Eddie. All I could think about was how I just needed the pain to stop. I am so fucking sorry. I-I-I understand if you want to take a break or some time away from me while I deal with this. I just—”
Steve cuts you off by stepping over the contents on the floor and yanking you to his chest. 
“You’re doing it again, honey. You don’t have to face this alone. We’re here to help you every step of the way.”
“Just because we’re upset with you doesn’t mean we stopped loving you.”, Eddie added before wrapping his arm around you both. “I’m sorry, Steve. I really am.”
“I forgive you. It’s going to take some time but we can get this and become better together.”
“I love you both so much and I’m so sorry for scaring you. Even if it takes my whole life I’ll make it up to you.”, you pledge as your voice is slightly muffled by the chest in front of you.
“Baby, all we want is for you to be happy. That’s all we’ve ever wanted.” Nodding, you push your face into the metalhead’s warm embrace as Steve released the two of you to pick up the table and the mess he had made. “Y/N, you remind me a lot of my mother. You are beautiful, funny, and sweet almost to a fault but when we found you… you were unresponsive like her… My dad abandoned her long before she passed but I promise, sweetheart, we’ll be right here with you every step of the way. You’re not alone.”
After kissing your forehead, Eddie knelt down to help his friend and both boys exchange a small smile before you follow his decent to help to. 
“Oh, Y/N, we got this—”
“Together, Steve. Any kind of chaos or situation life throws our way we handle it together.”
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
ahhhh i just spent the last three days reading every post on the emtts tag and im in love with your whole little universe. i kept meaning to make a list of all of the little things but i kept getting distracted and forgetting so i only started at april 18th bc i NEED (subject to your willingness to expand/care act this particular part of your universe) to hear more about all of the little stories of steve getting arrested (particularly hopper arresting steve?? and them breaking into steves parents house?)
thanks for this amazing space!! you’ve made a universe that ive been thinking about constantly and that expands on the characters in such a beautiful mundane way, its very cool!!
ps i just read one of the follow ups in the death threat part where steve admits he doesn’t want to stop teaching bc dustin asks eddie about it and i think im about to cry holy shit
pps on the death threat part with diane oh god. like just steve having to figure it out in front of her and her explaining to him and him admitting to just not being ok i just
First, thank you so much! This is all so very nice of you to say and props for getting through everything in three days. It is quite a bit! It’s honestly amazing how much has been written in such a short amount of time. I’m only going to cover Steve getting ‘arrested’ and I’ll touch on Steve and Eddie’s breaking and entering at a later date.
Steve started having seizures a little after they closed the gate on the Upside Down for good or, well. They started noticing that he was having seizures after they closed the gate. It was heavily implied in the undertone of his doctor’s voice that these seizures were likely going on for a while and that they likely not going to stop anytime soon.
Steve took this news as well as anybody could.
Everybody was kinda waiting for him to have a breakdown over it, but it never happened because Steve was – well, he wasn’t fine. Obviously. But it is what it is, right? If the worst thing to come out of all this Upside Down stuff is that he’s a little dumber than he was before than how could he complain?
Max was learning how to walk again.
What Steve didn’t take well was his doctor telling him that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore. In fact, he did not take that news at all. He completely ignored it, and he ignored the looks that Robin when give him when he drove himself to work, and he would say, “It’s not like I’m driving the kids around or anything. It’s just me.”
“And that’s supposed to make me worry less?”
“I pull over if I feel weird.”
He wasn’t actually driving all that much anyways. Robin got her permit and Eddie got the all-clear to drive again, so no one needed to rope Nancy into lecturing him about ‘the dangers.’ He didn’t need Dustin’s complaining or Eddie’s ‘hey, maybe you should listen to them’ or Joyce stopping him on his way out the door. And he didn’t need Hopper.
Steve was learning to accept that sometimes he needed help. He was doing better, but Steve practically lived alone despite the jokes people were making about him being at Eddie’s all the time, and he wasn’t going to bother someone just because he needed toilet paper.
Steve was sitting in his car outside of the Fair Mart, trying to remember why he needed to go there in the first place, when there was a knock on his window. He startled and blinked hard twice before looking over at the drivers’ side window. He frowned.
Hopper was standing there and he looked annoyed. He gestured for him to get out of the car and Steve frowned more, fumbling with his seatbelt before pushing the door open. For lack of anything else to do once he was out of the car, Steve said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Hopper frowned more like he was annoyed with Steve which was, in itself, was really annoying because Steve didn’t do anything. He was just here to buy… He was here to get… Wait. “Huh?”
Hopper sighed loudly and repeated himself. Slowly. “Give me. Your keys.”
Maybe it was Hopper’s tone or maybe there was some stock in what his doctor said mood swings, or maybe Steve was just tired of everybody treating him like a baby that needed taken care of and watched. Just when Hopper reached to take the keys out of his hand, Steve shoved him away.
Everything kinda blurred at the edges and the headache that’s been wedged in the corner of Steve’s jaw pulsed. He didn’t really take a breath until Hopper shoved him against the hood of his car.
Hopper cuffed metal around his wrists and said, “Good going, Harrington.”
Steve yanked on his arm and snapped back, “You’re not even a cop anymore. You can’t arrest me.”
“Call it a citizen’s arrest.”
Eddie laughed for four minutes of Steve’s five minute phone call at the police station. He laughed so hard that Steve knew that he was holding his side where the bites were the deepest because they were still tender, and Steve just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. Are you gonna get me?”
“Hm, yeah,” Eddie grinned through the phone. “Yeah. It’s a little ironic that the Prom K-“
Steve hung up the phone.
The ‘charges’ that Hopper (not a cop) threatened to ‘throw the book at him’ for were driving without a valid driver’s license. There was a part of Steve that knew that this was all just for show to teach him a lesson, but still argued that he had a valid license because no one took it away from him, and actually, “This is false imprisonment, right? Maybe I should call my family lawyer.”
It was even more annoying that Eddie – rolling into the building smelling like weed an hour later – agreed with Hopper. 
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little-worm-grant · 6 months
Moonboys: Top Notch Banter
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Marc Spector & Steven Grant
404 words / Masterlist.
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Steven's all fired up and trying to explain British things to Marc. All of this is complete nonsense and none of it should be taken seriously.
Notes: Inspired by this post. Was funny to me it ended up being 404 words.
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Marc was ready to pull his hair out. Staring forlornly back towards the reflection where his counterpart had been driving him crazy for the better part of a day.
They’d argued earlier and Steven decided there was no peace to be had. He chose violence, though nothing like Marc or Jake’s. Talking to himself mostly. Rambling, rambling, rambling. All in the constant vicinity of Marc. Making it near impossible to concentrate. If he couldn’t beat it. He tried joining it.
“But what does cheeky Nando's mean?? It has to have a meaning.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked. He was verging on losing his own sanity.
“Mate it’s hard to explain.” Steven started with a disappointed sigh. “It’s just like one day you’ll just be with your mates having a look in JD.”
“… right.” Marc answered. Finding none of it right. He really was trying to follow along. Steven continued on with little breath between his strung-together words of gibberish.
“And you might fancy curry club at the ‘Spoons but your lad Calum, who’s an absolute ledge and the Archbishop of Banterbury will be like, ‘Brevs, let’s have a cheeky Nando's instead.’ And you’ll think ‘Top. Let’s smash it.’”
Hand rubbing over his face to comprehend this level of fuckery. Marc stared for the longest time.
“What are you saying?? You’re not even British? Have you picked this up off the internet?”
“Oi! You wot. Don’t say that. I’ll have you.” Steven pointed his finger up threateningly. “I’ll clap your ears together, I swear on me mum.”
Marc inhaled longingly for a moment of peace. Head tilting back to stare at the ceiling. It was either he put up with this for another hour or say what he’d been meaning to say.
“Alright. Fine. I really can’t listen to you anymore. I’m sorry I ate the last Oreo.”
“Too right! I knew it was you! Knobhead. What’re you like?”
“Did you even know half the shit you were talking about?”
“Course! JD’s a shop you have a gander in. And everyone knows ‘Spoons. Solid place if you fancy a pint in the beer garden. Even if it tastes like piss.”
And still, somehow, none of it was okay for Marc.
“Gotta love a cheeky Nando’s when the occasion calls for it. Just don’t invite any ledges or Archbishops of Banterbury unless you wanna get wankered.”
“Steven. I’m begging you, please. Forget I ever asked.”
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nyanashima · 1 year
Breakfast in bed a brothers and datables ls? (Plus Luke but it's MC making lunch for him)
aa this was so fun to think about!! the boys are so sweet, they deserve it ❤️
went for a more "established relationship" vibe in this one for more fluff opportunities. i only did the brothers in this post, but the undateables and luke will be next :) thanks again to @avatarofcuriousity for their help and for being the best beta reader in existence mwah
Breakfast in Bed (Brothers Edition)
Content warnings: none!
He’s caught off-guard, to say the least.
Lucifer has to wake up really early, so the mere fact that someone was up and at ‘em before him is surprising enough.
But the fact that you were, just to do something nice for him?
Oh, so this is that “domesticity” thing everyone’s been talking about.
He blinks in surprise, then looks up at you with the most tender expression imaginable. Maybe being cared for isn’t so bad after all.
He thanks you sincerely, and actually takes the time to enjoy his meal instead of scarfing it down before work.
“You must have been up early in order to make this… My compliments to the chef.”
Mammon considers this the best wake-up of his life.
Starting the day with you tenderly brushing his hair out of his face, and making him breakfast? Somebody pinch him.
Half asleep, he tries to tug you down into bed with him.
He’s confused when you resist, but the tray in your lap explains everything. His voice is unbelievably soft when he speaks.
“...Ya did this for me?”
After hearing confirmation that yes, you made him breakfast in bed, Mammon grins and sits up. He murmurs a soft “c’mere” and pats the space beside him. 
Snaking an arm around you, he pulls you closer and presses a kiss to your temple.
“Ya better not have any plans today… ‘M gonna take ya out somewhere real nice, alright?”
Levi stares up at you, cheeks slightly flushed and eyes as wide as dinner plates.
He’s 90% sure he knows what’s going on, but he waits for you to speak. He doesn’t wanna embarrass himself by being wrong.
When you tell him, he lights up and gets the stupidest, most adorable grin.
This is just like ‘It’s Never Wrong to Make a Dragon Girl a Hot Meal!’ This is so sweet, and you did it for him!
There’s a swarm of butterflies in his stomach. He never thought anyone would love him like this. He never thought he’d come to enjoy normie couple stuff. But here we are.
“I-I love you, MC! Please marry me! W-wait, that’s not— aughhh! Thank you!”
Any sleepy rage Satan has instantly melts away the moment you sit on his bed. 
His half-closed eyes soften as he gives you an uncharacteristically lazy grin. You watch him mouth a drowsy “good morning” before he sits up. 
He reaches out and cups the back of your neck with his hand. Rubbing soft circles with his thumb, he brings your head closer to plant a kiss on your crown.
Satan’s voice, deeper and rumbly with sleep, speaks against your forehead.
“Thank you, MC. I’ll have to return the favour sometime.”
Asmodeus, unfortunately, is difficult to surprise with this. He wakes up as soon as you leave his embrace, and can’t fall back asleep. You’ve gotta tell him to hang tight and wait for a bit.
When you come back, he’s sat up in bed and about halfway through his skincare routine.
He squeals upon seeing what you’ve done and excitedly calls you over. Patting next to him on the bed, he tells you to come sit with him.
Before you know it, your face is sticky from Asmo’s lip balm. He presses one, final kiss on the tip of your nose and takes your hand.
“Oh, MC, you’re such a romantic! Won’t you stay and share this with me~? ❤️”
The smell wakes him up before anything else.
Beel sits up in bed, watching in awe as you bring in an ungodly amount of food. Plates are stacked high and dangling precariously over the edge of your cart. It’s enough to make him salivate.
His lips part in surprise, and he’s quick to return your eager smile. Now he understands why you spent all night in the kitchen.
He pulls you in for a tight, bone-crushing hug, and only lets go when you’re gasping for air.
Sweet boy lets you have the first bite of everything. He wants to make sure you’re fed and that you get to try everything before it’s inhaled.
“Thank you, MC. Will you sit with me?”
It’s probably best to make something that’s good lukewarm, because of how long Belphie takes to wake up.
He gives you his signature cheeky grin and pulls you down to sit with him.
“You must reaaally like me, huh?”
Makes you feed it to him like the brat he is. Hey, you’re the one who woke him up– time to pay the price.
It’s easy to tell he’s fighting sleep, but he really wants to enjoy the meal you lovingly prepared for him.
He asks if you’ve eaten. If not, you get half. If yes, half goes to Beel.
Belphie won’t admit it, but he’s appreciative— getting up for food is a hassle, and he likes being able to tug you down for a nap right after breakfast.
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snorky · 8 months
Hey y’all! I’m posting another story today as well because I wrote the last story at the same time I wrote this one. I saw a particular image of Swayman with his November mustache, and I must say it suits him well (maybe I just like mustaches). The confidence he exuded at the 11/11 Bruins v. Canadiens game was *chefs kiss* and I loved it. Title inspired by the song "Verbatim" by Mother Mother, mostly the intro guitar part. I hope you all enjoy this fic, and take care of yourself!
Pairing: Jeremy Swayman x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None
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The chilly, familiar, cold Boston air came rolling in, making the apartment seem much more frigid than it had to be. Although it was her favorite time of the year, when alluring holiday lights were hung on street lamp posts, and the scent of baked goods seemed to linger around, the cold air was rather uninviting compared to the other joys of winter.
It reminded her of sweet childhood, full of color and happiness and innocence in a swirl of hot cocoa, dashes of marshmallows and with whipped cream on the top. As she grew into adulthood, that childhood never seemed to go away since she met Jeremy.
She shared an apartment with Jeremy, her friend since university, and it helped cut some costs off of the heart-issue-inducing price of rent in the area, although to compromise, she wanted to help with groceries and chores as much as she could.
“Hey, Jeremy—” She closed the door behind her with her foot, her hands occupied with the task of carrying paper grocery bags. “Let me know if we need any winter supplies.”
He was always a friend, first. He was someone she cared about much more than just someone she lived with and split rent. They both inspired each other to grow better, never putting one or the other down, but always uplifting each other.
Turning around the corner, he stood in the kitchen with his back turned to her, cooking up a simple lunch for the both of them. “I’ll let you know, but I don’t think Boston winter is going to be too rough this year.”
“They say that every year, until one day in the middle of winter, we suddenly get a foot of snow,” she sighed.
He turned around, placing the sandwiches down on the counter, and helped her with some of the groceries. She looked up at him and became startled, “Jeez, Swayman—” Her arms quickly grabbed the groceries that she had almost dropped. “What did you do?”
“Oh, yeah,” he chuckled. A dopey smile was plastered on his face. “Forgot to tell you that I was keeping the ‘stache for ‘Movember’ and I’m surprised that you just noticed it now.”
She felt slight embarrassment in not noticing, but it wasn’t every day that she stared at his face constantly, at least, she thought. “Well,” she paused before speaking again. “You know what, yeah.”
Grabbing the bags of produce and vegetables, she put them in a colander and began to rinse them in the sink as he put the other foods into the refrigerator. The thought of him having a mustache was new to her, especially since he was either clean-shaven or had a slight scruff. Taking a peek at him, she observed it, settling down on the idea that it wasn’t too bad.
“Do I have something on my face?” He laughed. Noticing her flustered expression, he gave her a slight smirk. “Ohh.” Closing the fridge behind him, he walked slightly closer to her. “It’s the mustache isn’t it?”
She didn’t have any romantic feelings for him on the surface, but it was evident that there was a live wire spitting sparks into the air between them.
The late weeknights when it was Jeremy’s rest days, spent on the couch with her, watching their favorite TV show with a bowl of Chipotle. Or the times when she made post-game dinners for him, seeing the genuine smile in his eyes when he looked at her.
It made her do a double-take when thinking about him, and she tried so hard to not let it get to her. For Pete’s sake, he was her friend and roommate for years. And it’d be so, wrong, in many more ways she could explain, yet it was beyond easy to fall for him.
Looking her up and down, he noticed the heat that seemed to drift to her face and neck. “Definitely the ‘stache,” he laughed as he took a step back from her, grabbing his sandwich from the counter and walking to the stools on the island counter. 
Oh, damn him. He knew the effect he had on her and she noticed it, but it felt like a jumble of mixed signals. Did he like her? Was he just teasing her? It was a whirlwind of mixed feelings and unsteady ground.
She brushed her feelings aside and grabbed one of the two sandwiches that he had made for the both of them and started to eat it, enjoying how pleasant it tasted. “This tastes pretty good,” she hummed.
“Thanks,” he responded, continuing to eat. “Tried out a new recipe.”
They both continued to eat in silence together, across the kitchen island from each other, the distance separating them. Awkward tension hung in the air as her feelings about him were slightly revealed, but not enough so that he knew something was definite. He moved his gaze from his sandwich to her, observing her like a hawk.
“I’ll do dishes, go relax after you finish your food.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Why?” she asked. It confused her as to why he wanted her to relax, especially out of the blue. “What’d you do?”
“You got the groceries and I think that you should just rest.” He smiled.
She hummed in response, content with the idea of relaxing on the couch after running some errands. “Thanks,”
Finishing up their sandwiches, Jeremy grabbed both of their plates and placed them in the dishwasher as she went out to the living room. Laying face-down on the couch, she let out a long exhale, relaxing her muscles and body.
“Long day?”
“Your mustache is unbearable,” she groaned.
He laughed at her, “I think you like it.” Crouching down to be at eye-level with her, he paused before he spoke softly, “Tell me what’s wrong,”
She turned her head to look at him, his face drawn with light concern. “What?”
“I can see it, you have something you want to say. And it’s not about my facial hair,”
Time seemed to slow as they remained in silence looking at each other. He searched her eyes for an answer to her silence. Was it in fear? Discomfort? Annoyance?
She held her pinky up to him, a symbol of keeping a promise. “Promise to continue helping me pay the rent?”
Jeremy let out a small laugh, considering how silly the request seemed, but at the same time, an odd feeling sunk within him when she said that. “Promise.” He wrapped his pinky finger around hers tightly.
Releasing a breath she didn’t know that she was holding, she buried her face into the couch, hiding from his gaze that he kept on her. “I think I like you,” she mumbled. Her face was hot with embarrassment, a mixture of fear and shame bubbling inside of her.
“Well I mean,” he paused briefly, “I hope you do, we split rent and live with each other twenty-four-seven if I’m not on road trips.”
“Okay, I know what you mean, I was just messing with you.” He smiled. “Please look at me,”
She picked her head up off of the couch slowly, turning to look at him, he remained smiling, and it looked sweeter than before. He had the softest, precious-happy look in his eyes, the one that she’d see after a game win, but better.
His cheeks were dusted with a gentle pink tint, his face soft. “I like you as well. In the way of me wanting us to be more than friends,”
Smiling at him, she gently cupped his face, her thumb running over his cheek. It was the answer that she had preferred to hear from him, but it seemed better than she had initially thought, and it was relieving. Her own cheeks were a rosy shade, flustered and feeling all sorts of fuzziness.
“Let’s go out and grab dinner later this evening, my treat,”
“I’m sleepy though,” she sighed.
“You need a midday nap?” He asked as he stood up. “Cause if so, I’m grabbing some blankets and joining.” He let out an obnoxiously loud yawn, which she laughed at, as he walked away to grab the blankets from the closet.
This was routine for them from time to time since they were close, but it was slightly different now, knowing that they both felt like they were more than friends. When he came back, he gave her a few blankets and then laid on the couch beside her, head in her lap.
“We’re going on a date tonight, so let’s get some rest.” He let out another yawn, which in turn, caused her to yawn.
“What? A date?”
“The best for the best,”
She smiled softly at him, adoring his genuineness. Her hand drifted to his hair, playing with it gently as he drifted off to sleep, and shortly after, she started to fall asleep as well, peacefully in his presence, together.
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