#Maybe YOU can't do this
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ineffablelara · 2 months ago
I'm aware I'm being extremely annoying and bitchy right now but I'm so bothered by the way some people treat Loki as a delicate little baby instead of the badass, powerful and ancient God he is
Like, I get it, his ending in the show was sad but no, I don't think Loki spends his days crying about his situation, I don't think he's scared and desperate, I don't think he'll be traumatized when he leaves the tree, I don't think he's having the time of his life there either, it's a hard and lonely job but he knows someone's gotta do it, just like he knows he's the best person to do it
He spends s2 trying to explain to Sylvie that she can't just give people free will and walk away because that's not how it works, he knows that if you want to give people freedom you also have to make sure they'll be safe to fully enjoy their freedom, you can't just leave them to fend for themselves when you know full well they're powerless to stop the horrors that may come with their newfound freedom
When he explains to her that they can reform the TVA so they can protect the people living on the timelines she says they would be playing God if they did that but Loki says that they are indeed Gods and walks away frustrated by her lack of understanding of the situation
The more mature Loki we see in the show doesn't view his Godhood as something that puts him above other people, he views it as something that gives him the responsability to take care of those who can't defend themselves, there's no arrogance in his voice when he says that they can protect the new multiverse with a reformed TVA, he doesn't say "I can protect them" he says "we", he's not separating and positioning himself above the TVA workers, he wants to work with them, he genuinely just wants the best for everyone: for the people on the timelines to be safe and for the agents who feel at home in the TVA to keep doing their job
All this to say that Loki doesn't view his fate as a punishment, he's doing what he wanted to do from the beginning, OF COURSE he didn't want it to be like that, he thought he could just stay in the TVA and help them fight the HWR variants by going on misisons and stuff, OF COURSE he wishes he could have a more "ordinary" life (I mean, is it really ordinary when you're living inside an organization where time doesn't pass and constantly traveling through time?)
We have to keep in mind that Loki isn't a stupid little human like the rest of us, his perception of things is not like ours, we are limited and weak, he  wields infinite power and wisdom now, for all we know he can project his mind and consciousness into any timeline he wants and interact with people if he wants, I kinda HATE when I see people writing Loki in fics as if he's this helpless pathetic thing after he leaves Yggdrasil, like, the man can create portals to ANY place he wants to go (let's not forget that he conjured the portal to the citadel while holding the branches and also materialized the stairs that lead to his throne), he can sustain entire countless universes with the touch of his fingers, I promise you he's not the helpless babygirl we all love to call him
I just...
It's so frustrating to see people acting as if Loki is just a random scared human who was tossed in the center of the multiverse tree instead of being the God who fucking created it, I think that's bc some people relate to him and they kinda start forgetting who he actually is, maybe it's just another way to woobify him but idk, it realy annoys me
Anyway, I’m sorry if I’m being annoying, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I’m not saying that Loki doesn’t feel sad at times or that he doesn’t miss his friends—because I absolutely believe he does. I just think that, deep down, he’s proud of himself for being able to take care of everyone. He understands that it’s his responsibility as a God, and he accepts it without trying to make things easier for himself, unlike HWR. After all, that’s the difference between a human playing god and an actual God fulfilling his role as a protector of people in need.
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beyourghost · 21 days ago
and obviously you find yourself thinking oh i do wish i could get severed to do this one thing. would you actually maybe not. but you do wish you didn't have to undergo medical procedures you do wish you didn't have to do the things that give you anxiety you do wish you didn't have to do tedious tasks that barely even require you to be present for them. it's tempting. that's why the premise works. but the premise is also that somebody has to do it. somebody has to go to the dentist and somebody has to get on that plane and somebody has to write those thank you notes. just like somebody has to clean the house and somebody has to harvest the food you eat and somebody has to make the clothes you wear. you can't eliminate inconvenience you can only delegate it. you can't eliminate suffering you can only delegate it. and always the easiest way to live with this is to see that somebody as less than. less than you less than people. and if that somebody has to wear your body to do it well maybe it's not all that different. they're not a person. you are. it's capitalism all the way down baby
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swan2swan · 9 months ago
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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technically-human · 19 days ago
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He did eventually sign it
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salamander-crimes · 5 months ago
what is it about the least canon-compliant aromantic headcanons that makes them the best. like when a character shows no romantic attraction okay that is pretty awesome. but when romance is a big part of a character/plot? oh now we're fucking cooking
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 2 months ago
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[insert poetic title here]
fun fact: this did not start out as isat fanart
(rambling in tags)
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night-orchids · 4 months ago
the fact that you can see the exact moment tears appear in his eyes
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inkskinned · 5 months ago
we were sitting on the floor and i was cutting out tiny pictures to make a collage for a friend's birthday. you were on your phone and you laughed about something, and i was still in love with you then, so i asked what had you giggling.
"sorry. i was just..." you took a moment and went back to texting. "i was telling someone about how you're afraid of the dark."
i'm afraid of the dark because something bad happened. "oh." i felt a little slinky of shame crawl down my throat.
you glanced up, and maybe it showed on my face, because you rolled your eyes and held the phone to the side casually so i could see the group chat. "what? was it a secret?"
i looked down to the scissors in my hand. "i just..." no, it's not a secret. it just felt like something private, something serious. saying why would you tell someone that just feels like an accusation. it's unfair. i honestly am not even ashamed of it, it's just a fact about my person that i don't usually share.
what a strange experience. is this a human thing or a generational thing? for our grandparents: did they need to worry about how quickly someone can just... share your personal information? again, i didn't even really have a true objection. what could i say? i want any person in my life to feel they can be honest with their friends. it's not like i said don't tell anyone this.
i cut out another letter to complete the rainbow happy birthday, started hunting for the exclamation mark. i heard you sigh dramatically.
"don't make a big deal about this," you said.
this entire conversation was a pattern for us, and this was when we got to my least favorite part of the pattern. i would get my feelings hurt in some oblique not-technically-terrible way, and then it would be making a big deal about something. you'd get frustrated for me for being soft, but i was born soft. you knew i was soft when you pierced me. it's one of the things that made controlling me so easy.
"i'm not," i felt my voice crack. the question came without my wanting. "why are you guys talking about me?" and why are you saying that thing? why not like - i'm telling them how you're generous and kind and pretty.
you let out this low, tragic groan. "oh my god." you tossed the phone away from your body. "there, see? i just won't talk to them if you don't like it."
the rest of the hour went the way it always went, between us: i said i don't actually mind if you talk to your friends but -, you found a way to call my minor expression of discomfort "being dramatic." you got upset that i had been offended. i ended up apologizing, even though i hadn't actually done anything.
afterwards, you picked up the phone again. after texting for a little bit, you snorted. "okay," you said, "but it is kind of funny you're afraid of the dark. i mean, when you think about it."
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sexhaver · 2 years ago
a good experience more people on this website should have is confidently bringing up some leftist talking point you picked up from tumblr around family members, only for them to ask extremely basic and predictable followup questions/rebuttals that you have no response to because you just internalized the three-paragraph post with 3k notes. this only needs to happen a few times for the lesson to stick and the sooner the better
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fairvstairs · 2 months ago
Aaron Minyard as a dad. Aaron Minyard as a husband. Aaron Minyard as a doctor.
Aaron Minyard learning new hairstyles for his twin girls. Aaron Minyard leaving sticky notes around the house with romantic quotes for Katelyn to find. Aaron Minyard counting sheep with a child to make anesthesia a little less scary.
Aaron Minyard as a brother.
Aaron Minyard calling his brother every fourth of the month. Aaron Minyard watching every single one of his games. Aaron Minyard making phone calls to make sure his brother has the best doctors. Aaron Minyard asking Andrew to be the girls' godfather because "who better than you could keep them safe?".
Aaron Minyard as his own person, finally being able to show how much he cares, finally being able to release all of the love he has been keeping inside.
Aaron Minyard, who deserves to be happy.
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ineffablelara · 2 months ago
I'm aware I'm being extremely annoying and bitchy right now but I'm so bothered by the way some people treat Loki as a delicate little baby instead of the badass, powerful and ancient God he is
Like, I get it, his ending in the show was sad but no, I don't think Loki spends his days crying about his situation, I don't think he's scared and desperate, I don't think he'll be traumatized when he leaves the tree, I don't think he's having the time of his life there either, it's a hard and lonely job but he knows someone's gotta do it, just like he knows he's the best person to do it
He spends s2 trying to explain to Sylvie that she can't just give people free will and walk away because that's not how it works, he knows that if you want to give people freedom you also have to make sure they'll be safe to fully enjoy their freedom, you can't just leave them to fend for themselves when you know full well they're powerless to stop the horrors that may come with their newfound freedom
When he explains to her that they can reform the TVA so they can protect the people living on the timelines she says they would be playing God if they did that but Loki says that they are indeed Gods and walks away frustrated by her lack of understanding of the situation
The more mature Loki we see in the show doesn't view his Godhood as something that puts him above other people, he views it as something that gives him the responsability to take care of those who can't defend themselves, there's no arrogance in his voice when he says that they can protect the new multiverse with a reformed TVA, he doesn't say "I can protect them" he says "we", he's not separating and positioning himself above the TVA workers, he wants to work with them, he genuinely just wants the best for everyone: for the people on the timelines to be safe and for the agents who feel at home in the TVA to keep doing their job
All this to say that Loki doesn't view his fate as a punishment, he's doing what he wanted to do from the beginning, OF COURSE he didn't want it to be like that, he thought he could just stay in the TVA and help them fight the HWR variants by going on misisons and stuff, OF COURSE he wishes he could have a more "ordinary" life (I mean, is it really ordinary when you're living inside an organization where time doesn't pass and constantly traveling through time?)
We have to keep in mind that Loki isn't a stupid little human like the rest of us, his perception of things is not like ours, we are limited and weak, he  wields infinite power and wisdom now, for all we know he can project his mind and consciousness into any timeline he wants and interact with people if he wants, I kinda HATE when I see people writing Loki in fics as if he's this helpless pathetic thing after he leaves Yggdrasil, like, the man can create portals to ANY place he wants to go (let's not forget that he conjured the portal to the citadel while holding the branches and also materialized the stairs that lead to his throne), he can sustain entire countless universes with the touch of his fingers, I promise you he's not the helpless babygirl we all love to call him
I just...
It's so frustrating to see people acting as if Loki is just a random scared human who was tossed in the center of the multiverse tree instead of being the God who fucking created it, I think that's bc some people relate to him and they kinda start forgetting who he actually is, maybe it's just another way to woobify him but idk, it realy annoys me
Anyway, I’m sorry if I’m being annoying, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I’m not saying that Loki doesn’t feel sad at times or that he doesn’t miss his friends—because I absolutely believe he does. I just think that, deep down, he’s proud of himself for being able to take care of everyone. He understands that it’s his responsibility as a God, and he accepts it without trying to make things easier for himself, unlike HWR. After all, that’s the difference between a human playing god and an actual God fulfilling his role as a protector of people in need.
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
I don't know how confessionals work but i know theres like a wall with a screen thing. can they slide the little screen out of the way or have a little secret slot they can hold hands/maybe kiss through?
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year ago
yk when you see someone share a finished handmade item that they clearly spent a lot of time and money on and it's just. The absolute tackiest thing you have seen in your life. And then you ask yourself why someone would waste all those resources on such an eyesore.
(no, of course you can't relate to that because you're a much nicer person than me)
In any case.
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A wool coat!
The top fabric is handwoven and handspun, the whole thing is sewn by hand, too.
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Leftovers. Barely anything, all things considered, which is very satisfying.
This thing took me well over 3 years to make, on and off. And now I'm done.
Thank you for your attention.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months ago
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Lan Wangji goes to Lotus Pier (No relation to the AU of the same name)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#wei wuxian#Another split type comic because I decided to be ambitious.#This flashback is currently beating my ass. There are so many timeskips within the flashback! My flow and pacing are wheezing!#I loved how this scene starts with the crowd's point of view. The observations and gossip add a lot.#And it helps reposition us to what the external perspective is on these two. Namely that 'they don't get along.'#Tensions are known! Even here in Nouveau Lotus Pier.#Ah...Lan Wangji never got a chance to see the Lotus Pier of Wei Wuxian's childhood and adolescence...did he?#It's not the same. He's not the same. Call them by the same name and people will know what you mean...#...but the first version - the one with the fond memories - is gone for good.#It's sort of interesting isn't it? How names can hold so much power and still be hollow?#We often get stuck over past versions of things. Be it ourselves or other people or places.#Change is scary but the truth is nothing ever stays the same. It's always moving. You're always moving.#It's okay to mourn the past. Maybe it's people you lost or the person you hoped to be. Let yourself feel the grief.#And then? Then you grow around that pain and keep on going. If you feel like you can't - remember you don't have to do it alone.#A side note: Listening to the tossing flowers extra is so essential for this scene. It's cute and gives us more of [redacted]#What's [redacted]? You'll see in the next comic!
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coffeebanana · 3 months ago
okay but what if. video game designer marinette...
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flowersforthemachines · 2 months ago
Rook Participates in Banter at the Lighthouse - Mod
You know how there are banters where Rook can talk, but for some reason Rook can only react to those banters in the field, and not at the Lighthouse despite standing in the companions' near proximity?
Well, with this mod, your Rook will always say their piece regardless of where they are!
Here is a small showcase:
Grab it from download link above (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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