#Maybe I'll add a picture later
tatsu-terrorfang · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!!
You can call me Bug, Cricket or Tatsu! (It/they/hex) I love all things TMNT, Dragon Quest 11, Undertale and Friday Night Funkin!
Feel free to ask me anything (within reason of course) you'd like! I'd love to interact with all of the other chaotic creatures and critters here on tumblr! I may be willing to do requested scribbles if they pique my interest.
Don't be shy to talk to me! I usually don't bite.
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kiastirling · 8 months
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franky-y · 6 months
welp, i've tried posting the drawing of todays OF post twice now, but it won't show up in the tag 🙃
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mythvoiced · 5 months
-. wait, I'm back, i need to post some thoughts on poppy playtime real quick because i'm running out of places to infodump this stupid thing i noticed about mommy & miss delight in, so forgive me dash, this is to satisfy my blorbo brain, i'll be out of your hair in a minute, spoilers for chapter 3
i am so obsessed with the way mommy & miss delight vocalize knowing who you are.
first off, miss delight vocalizes recognizing you, mommy includes knowing who you are in her villain speech. LIKE, i'm violently, vibratingly, neurotically overthinking this, but i love languages, i love the fine details of the way people communicate, i am obsessed with how a single change in wording and cadence can apply such a wholly drastic different meaning to any given information, how complex lying can be once you start toying with language etc etc.
miss delight recognizes you in the second voice line she speaks over the speakers, the first one is just some parody of a classic school announcement, but in the second one she literally recognizes you in the line, she sounds casual about it, maintaining her established speech patterns/tone, expressing surprise at you having survived, then something that sounds like disappointment and discovering the reason you're there, and then she extends a warning to you to leave the place before catnap finds out you're there. i mean, sure, she's completely lost it, she talks to her mace and hears it talk back to her, so how reliable can she possibly be, but still. she's got that deal with catnap that keeps her fed, but she still declares her willingness to fuck you up in absolute glee once you show no signs of leaving. once you show no signs of leaving. like, i am obsessed with the voice lines here. in relation to the thing with mommy, though, i love what her recognizing you after doing a double-take, essentially, implies about who player character could be:
someone miss delight had some marginal exposure to, but not enough to recognize upon first glance (sure, ten years, but you were an adult then and now you wouldn't change that drastically without some plot points that would have been too important to not mention, and the nightmare tape implies you weren't there at all on That Day so you have no disfigurements, PLUS the thing with mommy i'll get to in a minute)
someone she doesn't feel vengeful or even particularly hostile towards, if anything, she seems positively inclined if she takes the time to tell you to piss off before you prove yourself to 'not be a good listener' at which point she practically announces 'weLP! gonna hunt you down, then~' (which is also interesting because she actually only comes for you after you activate the generator and after first destroying the generator, as if she was waiting to see if you were trouble, kind of like some interpret to have been the case for huggy wuggy who only came for you when you started reactivating machinery, toy making machinery, the central piece watches you lmao)
someone she does absolutely enjoy killing if given the chance, so not someone she'd been fond of, though this point is wonky because she's lost it
MOMMY, whom i adore btw, goes about mentioning that she too knows who you are in a completely different way, which in on itself could imply a wide variety of things, one among them for example that poppy told her lmao, but honestly, the way mommy talks to you in general is so? i'm probably just overthinking things but i love overthinking about this lmao so bear with me
mommy has four voice lines before she off-handedly indirectly mentions knowing who you are:
when she nabs your red hand
before musical memory
after musical memory
before wack-a-wuggy
after wack-a-wuggy
she mentions knowing you in her 'villain speech' before the start of statues.
she says 'a new playmate' at the beginning, which doesn't necessarily need to imply you're new to her, just that you're new as opposed to the toys she usually 'plays with' or that you've never played with her; she gives you instructions without feeling the need to provide details, along the lines of 'you know what musical memory is, or at the very least where it's located'; she also says 'it'll be just like old times', which could be in reference to the situation in general or something that ties you two together (don't out me for thinking player character could be stella but i'd fuck with it, ask me about it i'll be wholly incoherent but we can get a laugh out of it).
she does provide you with a detail about the wack-a-wuggy game, but you can be familiar with information and the other party might still 'reveal' it to you as a way to introduce a concept, a conversation, a topic, you name it. the line is
'The toys in this game used to have strings attached to them, so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children. Hmm... Have fun.'
can be interpreted as 'here's information you're not familiar with that i'm giving you as sadistic warning' but if you're deranged like me also as 'this might be information you know, i'm just giving you a sadistic indirect warning that this is no longer the case', both would be evil because mommy is evil but i think she's fun
also, mommy never feels the need to explain anything to you, not really; she describes the rules of her game, but she doesn't stop to wonder if you know what the game station even is, that this used to be a place for kids to be at, mommy just straight up knows the entire time that you used to work there and weren't some rando curiously exploring the place, maybe poppy told her, maybe no rando would have made it as far into the factory to reach her, maybe she simply saw you and knew right away that you were a former employee, BUT doesn't that imply she recognized you instantly? and why doesn't she kill you right after she grabs poppy? (sure, "it's a videogame she can't do that there would be no game" we're doing this game theory style, hold them accountable for suspension of disbelief and 'il patto narrativo', design the game in a way that would make it illogical/impossible for her to kill you then and i'll buy it, but tbh she probs just wanted to fuck around with you, SHE'S FUN)
these are the pre-statues voice lines
It was always so sad to see the kids go... They called me "Mommy" because I was the closest thing they ever had to one. But they'd come for games, and never come back. They left Mommy to die alone. Mommy didn't deserve that! But you? You worked here. So if anyone deserves to die alone, it's you.
this is where Mommy officially states via implication that she recognizes you at the very least as former employee. i say 'via implication' because she doesn't actually ever stop to tell you 'i know who you are' or 'i recognize you' the way miss delight does; miss delight notices while watching you, to mommy on the other hand, this information was such a given that she did not feel the need to reveal it to you.
mommy loves to scare the shit out of you, and to play with you, she'd most likely gleefully gloat if she could use the information that she recognizes you to scare you, but she doesn't. the emphasis of that part is not on her knowing who you are, but on her declaring that your role as former employee makes you guilty and deserving of capital punishment lmao
she recognizes you, she recognizes you as an employee who had enough power to be an accomplice (which works for the nightmare tape, again, is this stella-); would mommy lump all employees into being worthy of blame for what happened? maybe, she is particularly hostile towards all employees, after all, but it is interesting nonetheless to interpret it as her recognizing that you are guilty in some aspect solely for working in the position you worked.
still, to recognize you as an employee - if you're most definitely not dressed in a uniform omg why would you-- - she'd have to... know you were one (unless she's hostile to all adults, but GOSH, always adding the antithesis as afterthought must be so exhausting to read lmao)
gosh, i'm losing my train of thought, damned neurodivergent brain, but basically: mommy states her recognizing you as an established fact that doesn't need to be re-established, not to her, and not to you. she shares it with you as a statement she doesn't assume you would find surprising to hear out of her.
sure, this is all according to my interpretation of tone of voice and whatnot compared to patterns in other auditive story telling, not to mention it's unclear how reliable deranged characters are BUT ISN'T IT INTRIGUING, ISN'T IT WORTH THE BRAINROT
i also love that it's mommy & miss delight so openly vocalizing recognizing you, two characters directly tied to stella in one way or another; i mean, that player character is most likely a high-ranking employee is pretty much a given at this point, but stella was head of playcare but also of game station. do you see my vision. it would tie in neatly with the nightmare tape and with the reversed radio tape in the nightmare sequence, 'you missed the meeting', and the guilt described, which goes beyond survivor's guilt and paints you/player character as someone who feels like an accomplice, like someone who, had they been there, could have made a difference. or who, via inaction/ignorance/passivity let the things that happened happen, which works for stella, who, as the hartmann incident tape confirms, did not know what was happening.
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and... i tired myself out and have to log off again, if you read any of this, remember matpat is retiring in march
on a separate note, could this bigger bodies mommy (our mommy ♥) be ms harper
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virtual-idoll · 10 months
I saw some like. concept art the other day of like potential designs they considered for juri in sf6 and like. one of them was literally a design I've already made for a character and its just so funny to me. juri is truly one of the characters of all time in my eyes
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tiny-tardis · 1 year
I finished my freshman year, finally got some free time, and made a thread: How Torchwood characters would eat a kitkat
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Lost the post but it was so good and I'd love to get your take on it!
Price getting videos of you playing from home while he's deployed, and you aren't exactly quiet. Well, the boys hear it and it leads to them watching it at some point (with your permission of course!). I thoroughly believe Price loves showing off what's his and is comfortable in your relationship to consider sharing you with his team, maybe even in more ways than 1?
Maybe Price and reader record themselves a separate time to show the boys? I don't know I'm frothing at the mouth thinking of Price showing you off!
I am slowly making my way through these asks!! Thank y'all so much for being patient. As soon as I clear out my list, I'll turn the ask button back on.
This premise is so hot! Hope this is sort of what you were looking for?
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Show and Tell
Price opened your video in the middle of Ghost’s briefing presentation. Luckily, only the task force was in attendance, but as he played the clip, your lust-filled moans echoed throughout the small conference room, unmistakable. All eyes turned to him, and Ghost halted mid-speech.
“Uh, sorry…” Price muttered, quickly swiping away. 
“Fuck, Cap. I know you showed us her photo, but she is damn fine,” Gaz chuckled, leaning over his commander’s shoulder to try and look at the screen.
“Eyes front, Sergeant.”
“Only seems fair to share, mate,” Johnny quipped, a gleam shining in his eye. 
Ghost put his hands on his hips, 
“If it was important enough to interrupt my presentation, maybe it’s important enough to share with the class… sir.”
Price sighed and sent off a quick text. He was asking you for permission to share. It wasn’t the first time that he’d asked you, but all the others had just been the odd picture here and there; a fancy neglige, or a holiday swimsuit… it was harmless. But, this was something else. To his surprise, you messaged back with an affirmative “Yes!” and a winking emoji. 
Ghost held his hand out and beckoned for the phone,
“C’mon. We’ll put her on the big screen.”
Reluctantly, and a little worried things had gotten fully out of hand, Price handed over the phone. Your enthusiastic response was the only thing propelling him forward at this point. He wasn’t possessive, but he wasn’t much of a sharing man. 
But, then, there you were… in all of your beautiful glory. You were using your vibrator and sitting on the tile floor of your bathroom, burying a thick silicone dildo in your pussy to the hilt. Your moans echoed through the room again in spectacular 4k. 
“Mmm! Oh! Fuck… John, fuck me. Please! Yeah! Mmm. Just like that. Ungh!”
And then the video replayed on its loop. Every time, your shining lips would buzz with the whir of the vibrating wand, and your pink pussy would stretch to accommodate the toy that you were fucking yourself with, slicking it with your fluids and making it gleam. Your tits were bouncing as you rode it up and down, and your head was thrown back in beautiful abandon. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Price decided. 
Ghost handed him back the phone with a sly smile, 
“Holy shit, Cap. She’s quite the little spitfire.”
Soap’s hand reached into his canvas pants and obviously adjusted himself, hardening like a stone. He let out a low, approving whistle. 
“She let you share that?” Gaz asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,” Price nodded, not sure what to say. 
“I want to see more,” Soap put a hand to his forehead in shock.
“Well, that’s all,” Price shrugged, and then added, “...for now.”
The whole room shifted a bit. Everyone was on edge. The rest of the briefing went by as quick as a flash, but before everyone left the room, Price suggested, 
“You know, it would only be polite to send one back.”
Later that night, he got three enthusiastic notifications. In each one, his men were jacking off to her, complimenting her, talking about what a pretty pussy she had, thanking her for sharing with them. Unzipping his pants, Price decided to add one of his own. 
As his hand worked him hard, he watched your video over and over again. He imagined how your tight little cunt felt around his cock, and how sweet you tasted. He imagined how you liked to whisper naughty things in his ear, talking to him about sucking him off in front of his task force, making them watch. Price knew you wanted to do more exhibitionism, and he encouraged you when he thought about how hot it would be to watch you discovering that pleasure. 
His cock throbbed in his hands, and he whispered into the phone as he videoed himself, 
“Such a naughty girl, you were, showing yourself to my men. We put you on the projector. You looked incredible, missus. You always look incredible. Had all of us achin’ for you. Thought Soap was gonna come right there. Ungh…”
Price tightened his grip and thrust into his palm, rubbing his foreskin up and over his swollen head, slicking himself with his precome over and over and over until it became almost too much. He told you,
“So, we decided to pay you back. For your gift. Hope you send us some more, baby. So fuckin’ hot. Mmm, fuck… my cock misses you, love. So bloody much. F– Fuck!”
Price’s orgasm erupted from his body, coating his belly in white, creamy liquid. He just kept coming and coming, thinking about how you would look with all your pretty holes filled twice. Stuffed so full with no escape. 
He sent off the files one by one, starting with his own, and he waited for your reply. 
The next morning, he woke up to two messages. One was a text, and the other was a video. The text just said: Wish you all were here with a heart emoji. When he played the video, he realized what you meant. 
You had lined up your toys, four of them, all in a row on the bed. Price pressed pause and went to go find the boys. He decided it might be better if they could all see your performance together. He set you up on the projector again, and his men filed in one by one, eager to see what you’d sent. 
“She said she wished we were all here, so I thought you lads might want to see what she sent.”
“Fuck yeah, we do,” Soap sat front and center, wiping a hand down his face, eyes glued to the screen. 
Ghost chuckled, 
“You’re a lucky man, sir.”
“That’s the fuckin’ truth, innit?” Gaz agreed. 
Once everyone was settled, Price pressed play. 
You were wearing a little black bodysuit made of silk and lace, and he could see your dark nipples through the fabric. He knew which one it was. It was crotchless, and just the memory of fucking you in it made him hard.
You sat on the bed, the four toys spread out in front of you, and you picked up the first one gently. You grabbed some lube from off-camera and squirted it all over the toy and leaned forward, squatting over it, working it into your asshole in tight little thrusts, moaning ever so sweetly as you let it fill you up. 
Then, once it was fully sheathed inside of you, you reached for the two toys in the middle, using the lube that was left on your hands to make them slip against each other. You used one to rub through your pink folds, teasing your hole with the head of it, and then — inch by inch — pushed it into your wet pussy. You took the second one and, with quite a bit of difficulty, tried to fit it in next to the first, stretching yourself out even more than you had in the first video, even with these much smaller toys. 
Price couldn’t believe his eyes. You were like some sort of sex goddess, showing off skills he didn’t even know you possessed, and your screams of pleasure were making him drunk with pride and lust. He heard a zipper go down and watched as Gaz started fucking his own hand, right in front of him. 
“Sargeant,” Price admonished him, but Gaz just shrugged and kept jerking off his long dick, 
“Sorry, Cap. Can’t help it.”
Another long moan from you drew Price’s attention back to the screen. You were reaching behind you, wrapping your arm around your body, and fucking yourself in the ass with the largest toy, calling out to him, 
“John… please. I need your cock… I need all of your cocks… ungh, fuck. Fill me with your come. Every hole. Please?”
Then, for your final performance, you used your free hand to feed the final toy into your throat, gagging on it and letting your drool run down your chin. Your legs were shivering, something that Price knew wasn’t easy to achieve. You must be so damn horny. He smiled, palming himself over his jeans, so proud of you for bringing yourself such pleasure like that. 
Ghost grunted, and Price looked over to see him hunched over, spilling his come onto the floor of the office. 
The video ended, and in the silence, the captain heard the wet milking noises of his men fisting their erections, trying to come to your incredible performance. 
Soap gasped breathlessly, 
“Hit play again, Cap’n. Please…” 
Price smiled, looking down at his team in all of their sex-addled joy, and pushed the replay button.
"Maybe we should all put in for some leave, hm?" Price suggested.
He was met with a very enthusiastic round of approving moans, and he felt the excitement rush across his skin like wildfire.
His pretty girl would have what she wanted, and he would make sure of it.
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If you liked this story, you may also like one of my other fics: He Shows You Off! But, please heed the tags.
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helloavocadooo · 8 months
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My Simblreen treat from last weekend!
You may be thinking that townies aren't very spooky. But what if I told you they are YA and Adult sims with (aaahhh!!!) jobs? To me nothing is scarier than paying bills, dealing with Susan in HR, and someone cooking fish in the work microwave.
There are 32 sims split into 4 families. Sims have 1 outfit in every category, pronouns, sexual preferences, likes and dislikes, body hair and all that. All sims have skills and jobs or are enrolled in university.
When dropped in your game your sims will run into them at work, school, or all over the worlds. Maybe they'll become friends, lovers, enemies, or die in a mysterious lab accident.
I have most of the packs and used a lot of them to make these sims. Hopefully it won't be difficult to replace items if you need to. If you want them to look like they do in the pictures, check out my defaults linked below. As always, simply plop and play! And look out for that fish in the work microwave!
DOWNLOAD VIA THE GALLERY ONE // TWO // THREE // FOUR The gallery is gallerying right now. You can find them all under my username bunnylita. I'll add direct links later. UPDATED WITH GALLERY LINKS.
OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS Vanilla Skin Dolce V2 Eyes Eyebrow Texture Overhaul V2 Base Game Lipstick Defaults
@alwaysfreecc @mmfinds @simblreenofficial (thanks!)
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chaos-bites · 3 months
💀 Subtle Hel Worship 🪦
Honor your ancestors or passed loved ones
Visit cemeteries; leave flowers at graves (with permission!!!)
Try veiling
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have imagery of birch trees, cemeteries, skulls, snakes, wolves, or dogs (dogs are huge) around
Have a stuffed animal dog, wolf, or snake
Practice mindfulness; try meditation
Explore abandoned places (urb-ex; be safe!!!)
Take time to yourself every day to decompress
Drink relaxing teas or beverages; black tea or coffee is especially good or dark hot chocolate
Eat a comforting meal
Engage in activities you find calming; drawing, painting, crocheting, reading, etc.
Feel your feelings; cry if you need to, scream if you need to, etc.; find a healthy outlet for these emotions (drawing, boxing, dancing, etc.
Support homeless or animal shelters, healthcare or humanitarian organizations
Volunteer at homeless or animal shelters
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
If you have dogs, play with and take care of them; play with/take care of any pets c:
Cook a meal for someone you love
Donate supplies to animal or homeless shelters
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so)
Recycle, make/use compost (great with gardens)
Spend time with loved ones; spend time with any elderly or older folks that you love
Take care of your basic needs; eat three meals a day, get some movement into your day, take a shower when needed, etc.
Revisit things from your childhood; keep any stuffed animals from childhood or buy ones you've always wanted
Practice patience, especially with yourself
Take a walk at night, especially on the new moon (only if it's safe in your area!!!)
Have a nighttime/bedtime routine
Learn more about death; get more comfortable with the concept itself; focus on figuring out what your beliefs on the afterlife are (if any)
Collect old items or antiques; try to restore them or give them a fresh coat of paint/polish; keep them or give them to someone who will love them
Have compassion towards those who are often looked down on by the wider society, such as addicts or the homeless; donate to causes that aid them /their recovery
Eat an apple; go apple-picking; visit an apple orchard
Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable; when at home, get comfy!
Learn to get comfortable with change, especially necessary change; try spontaneous things, go outside your comfort zone, find effective ways to manage stress during changes
Take note of the seasons changing; maybe capture the moment of an Official Season Change™ in a painting or picture
Take time to reflect on yourself objectively; if you find yourself being unkind, take a step back
Observe the life cycles of animals; learn more about the natural world around you
Practice compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others
Set healthy boundaries; learn what your personal boundaries are
Let go of what no longer serves you; release what you no longer need in your life
Go out in weather that reminds you of her if it's safe to do so (may sound weird, but I associate fog with her)
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Start a new hobby - something that is calm and enjoyable; crocheting, carving, painting, etc.
Live your life unapologetically
I'll likely add more to this later as I feel it's incomplete. For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hel. I hope this is helpful! Take care, everyone. 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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hellsslibrary · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚NSFW Alphabet with Azul Ashengrotto˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
DNI : minors.
!!Warnings : switch!top!male!reader, switch!bottom!Azul, size difference kink, oral, toys, cock warming, praise/humiliation kink, power dynamic, ink(I'm not sorry).
#a.n. : While everyone is writing kinktobers, I'm still trying to finish this. But wait after the alphabets, there will be kinktober... In November, to make it more convenient (and maybe earlier, if I try). Also, no pictures today because I want to redo the decor, and I'm writing this part of Azul for two beautiful ladies, so...(I'll add them later)
A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
He is embarrassed about this (just a little), but he will help put things in order in what he and his partner have done. Prefers to rest a bit before cleaning, but if his partner starts, he will certainly help too. Especially if he was in a dominant position.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part as well as their partners)
Well, in your body it would... Certain parts. He definitely has a kink for the size difference (you can't argue with me, I want to pin him against the wall). And he will love anything if it is bigger than his body parts? Palms, muscles, if any, tongue, di—. Yes.
Honestly, he really likes his chest, and not just the nipples specifically, he likes it when his partner touches him anywhere on the chest in general. I just have a headcanon that he has very petite chest, even for a guy and well... Sorry.
C = Cum (basically anything related to sperm)
So... His sperm has the most ordinary consistency. It is released quite a bit during orgasm, but it tastes quite salty. There is his ink in the sperm (fanfiction with the overblot form of Azul is always in my head, maybe I’ll write them too someday)
Mmm, I think he likes it when people cum in his mouth. Fish sperm, according to internet experts, is simply disgusting. So he likes this taste, definitely.
D = Dirty Secret (Self-explanatory, their dirty secret)
He is the power bottom almost always, simply because he is flattered by the idea of control. But damn, he has moments where he just wants you to take it all into your own hands and take it as you please, mostly without considering his opinion (but still having his consent to it, of course).
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
... No. Simply no. He's definitely a virgin. I doubt he even knows much about sex in theory. Well, dick, hole there, sperm, orgasm. That's all, okay?
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style~. Don't lie to me that you didn't want to bend him over his table in the VIP room, I won't believe you (it's not exactly doggy style, but who cares). He mostly refuses to look you in the face when you're dominant, so why not.
If he is dominant... Missionary position? I just like the idea of a dominant bottom underneath a service top and well... Azul would be a good fit. He likes to be snuggled anyway.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Extremely serious, but with a hint of playfulness, if that makes sense. For example, if he has sex with a partner, it means that they literally mean the world to him and he is exposing a part of himself that is really vulnerable, so he likes it if both parties take it very seriously, but he also likes to have an opportunity to tease you and pull your strings just to see how you react.
H = Hair (How well groomed is it? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I wouldn't say he's shaved, but his hair is definitely short, so there's no real need for that. The color is absolutely identical and they are also slightly curly, just like this hairstyle...
I = Intimacy (How are they feeling at the moment? Romantic aspect.)
He is very romantic in general. As I said earlier, he exposes a part of himself that is truly vulnerable, so when his partner takes it seriously, he feels very loved, generally respected and accepted, so he becomes much more romantic both sexually and in general .
J = Jack off (Main canon of masturbation)
He has a lot of stress in his life, you know? So, fuck... I think he would like to do this more often, but he doesn't do it often anyway. He still prefers your hands.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He probably likes to be humiliated and praised at the same time, and I can't explain it for the world, but I know it. Also likes power dynamics, likes to be bossed around and have less power than the other person, but still respected. But when it comes to dominating you—... For now. He also loves getting your cock warm (sorry). Well... I like to attribute this kink to all busy characters, except for Vil, what will you do to me.
L = Location (Favorite places to do things)
Very personal to him, so the only place he could really do this is either his room, his partners room, or some motel if he's really desperate. Specifically and for the most part, this is his room because he knows where everything is and he has certain toys that he can just pull out whenever he wants. Although... With a lot of persuasion or no choice (if one of you was EXTREMELY horny), he would agree to have sex in a less secluded place
M = Motivation (what turns them on, turns them on)
When he and his partner have a truly romantic relationship (that is, serious) or when you start whispering all sorts of dirty things in his ear and touching his thighs, for example.
N = No (Something they wouldn't do is disabled)
Hmm, I should at least list with someone no (with Vil there will be a direct list, lol), but Azula will also receive this honor. Rape, he also really doesn't like threesomes because he feels it's more about getting laid than actually caring about each other and wants to dedicate all his love to one person in particular. And also his real form until a very distant moment in the relationship.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving. You can't tell me otherwise because this man looks like he was made to be flexed, especially with his skinny waist like...(sorry, I got carried away) and he probably doesn't mind either sit on your face (if that’s what you’re into, of course). The ratio would be something like this: 60% for you, 40% for you.
He's not particularly good at giving blowjobs, but it's all made better by his enthusiasm to bring you to orgasm as quickly as possible... As long as he's not teasing or denying your orgasm, of course.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He is slow and sensual as he loves to enjoy every moment he can spend with his partner in this way. Also wants to make sure that the other person knows that he loves them for real, and not just for sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickie games, how often, etc.)
Doesn't like quick games, but if he's really busy and his partner wants to do it, he'll agree to one. Well... Actually, they happen quite often, if I may confess.
R = Risk (are they playing with experiments? Are they taking risks? etc.)
Willing to take risks, but very quickly draws a line under what he doesn't like to do (he absolutely doesn't want many things until he becomes comfortable with his boyfriend/he has more trust in him). He wants to spend time with his partner as fully as possible.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they last? How long will they last?)
He becomes very weak in this position, so can usually only last about 7-10 rounds at most (still a reminder that this is a magical world, kittens). He actually only tries three or so, but if his partner wants to try a few more, he's more than welcome. True, only a few.
T = Toys (Do they have toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He probably has a dildo that he pleasures himself with from time to time, but he only really uses one. He takes good care of it and always makes sure it's properly cleaned so he doesn't get an infection or get sick or anything like that. Not a big fan of toys in general, but if that's what you want, he's okay with it.
U = Unfair (How much they love to tease)
He really likes both sides of the coin. He enjoys both teasing his partner and receiving teasing from him. Loves it when he squirms under his partner and he starts making comments about it, although he always complains about it, he likes it. And I also like the completely mirrored version.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very loud because he often forgets to be quiet, the only thing he can really think about is his partner at that moment so nothing else matters. Although, if you persuade him to have sex outside of your rooms with him... He will hardly utter a sound, he is too ashamed.
W = Wild Card (random character headcanon)
He... Loves... Jerk... You... With...His... Tentacles. Okay, listen to me. When in the end, you gain his trust completely, he will agree to many things in his form. And damn... The tentacles are clearly faster and more skillful than his arms (even if they are quite chubby).
X = X-ray (Let's see what's going on under those clothes)
12 cm/just under 5 inches. He has a mole on his balls. His balls are surprisingly quite large and plump.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Like I said, his sex drive is quite high considering his stress level, but on average... He's fine with about 2-3 times a week. Although, what if you want more? He's all yours.
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep later)
Doesn't fall asleep right away, he likes to compliment his partner or talk a little before he falls asleep. If his partner is asleep, he can simply lie there for 10-20 minutes and come to the realization of what he just did before falling back to sleep.
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nicoleheichou · 4 months
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synopsis: when your acting careers start to pick up you and your boyfriend zoro both decide that it's better to go your separate ways. you didn't want to, but you knew he was right. fast forward to a couple years later, when you're finally starting to heal, your friends score a deal to shoot a movie together with your ex and you're starting to think maybe you haven't really moved on.
¤ warnings: tiny anime spoilers, fluff, not too much angst, alcohol use, i'll add more if i need to.
¤ disclaimer: i don't own any of the op characters, the pictures i use are just for reference so you can see what I'm imagining, yn looks how you want her to look. i try my best to use the opla cast as face claims.
¤ taglist is open. i'm only going to have 50 slots. if you don't tell me your name is changed and i'm unable to tag you i will take your name off and open up the spot for someone else.
¤ starting: february 28, 2024
¤ updates: wednesdays ~ 6pm MST
¤ 🖊 = writing portion
yn's group | zoro's group
i needed a break
that's classified
don't know how to feel
she won't leave
fingers crossed 🤞
a win is a win
girl dinner
stick to acting
hate to admit it
game night
friends? 🖊
aye aye captain 🫡
too late for us
summer of 2020
welcome to the family
happy birthday
can't be weird
for a little bit 🖊
so whipped
a sad day
that's my girlfriend!
what about him?
no bullshit 🖊
so worth it
fear for @prettygirlyn
can't sleep? 🖊
only one who knows
spell it out for you
for the plot
don't lie to me
ha. ha. ha.
only one i want
bless you nami!!!
he did what?!?!?
passenger princess
starts with l and ends in uffy
can't trust anyone
242 notes · View notes
captain-mj · 4 months
Okay- You asked for raunchy asks and I'm not sure how raunchy you wanna go but hear me out on this
Ghost fucking Soap until he's basically shaking and overstimulated and incoherent-
Got struck with a bit of inspiration with this one
Ghost knew Soap wanted him. It wasn't exactly a secret. He stared at him constantly and almost drooled over him.
Ghost knew he was no good. Yeah, he had made a ton of progress over the years, but he wasn't built for relationships.
None of that mattered right now. He had taken a few edibles and his hand wasn't doing it for him. His hard cock didn't care that he had used a ton of lube and had already stroked himself until his wrist hurt. All it did was make him more and more frustrated.
So he did something real stupid.
"You up?"
Johnny texted immediately. "Yeah. Mission?"
Ghost sent him a picture of his cock. "Yeah. In a way." Not his best pick up line. But Soap bit into it immediately.
"That an invitation?"
"I can see if someone else is interested if you're busy?"
"I'm on my way."
Ghost gave his tired cock a break as he waited for Soap. With every minute that ticked by, he got closer to calling Gaz instead.
Soap busted in, almost tripping over himself. Just as desperate as always. "Sir..."
"Johnny." Ghost purred at him, watching how hot and bothered Soap was clearly getting from it. "Here's how we're going to do this. I'm going to give you some lube, you're going to get yourself nice and slick, then you're going to ride me until I'm done. Any objections?"
Soap was already yanking his clothes off. "No sir. No objections." He was only half hard, but that wasn't going to last long by the looks of it. His cock was nice. A cute shade of pink. Maybe he'd taste it later. Johnny probably wouldn't tell him no. A quick flick of his tongue and Ghost would probably have him begging.
"Don't touch your cock either. If you're good, I'll blow you afterwards."
Soap almost whined. His cock drooled almost as much as his mouth did. "Yes, sir. I'll be good, I promise."
Ghost smiled and kept himself propped up. He watched Soap fumble with the lube, the normal confidence completely gone in favor of trying to rush through this part. Soap kept glancing at Ghost's cock, swallowing.
"This might take me a bit."
"Give me a show then."
Soap nodded feverishly and sat next to him. He started to finger himself, moaning and groaning. A show indeed. Ghost could tell it was exaggerated, but that was fine. Soap would have his brains fucked out in a minute anyway.
Johnny went to stop at two fingers and Ghost grunted. "Add another." He shivered but did as he was told, sliding a third one in. He groaned a bit, proving it was a good idea. "Fuck, you're hot."
"Thank you, Simon."
Ghost watched those fingers pump in and out, in and out, in and out. He lost track of time until Soap could easily take all three.
"Go ahead and get on top of me." Simon relaxed. Johnny straddled him and his cock rubbed at his thighs until Soap's skilled and still slick fingers grabbed him and lined him up. He watched his face as it twisted in pain. Despite all the prep, Ghost was big and Soap was oh so tight. It barely fit.
"Fuck..." Soap groaned, eyes shutting. He immediately started to bounce. Poor thing was trying real hard to get him off.
Simon smiled, slipping into the happy place he only reached when high. Where there was nothing but his body and what he felt right now.
Soap was warm. The lube made him feel wet. He also clenched every time he sank all the way down. Felt so good.
Ghost set his hands on his hips. "Good boy. Putting so much effort in. You're going to be here a while though. Hope you have good stamina. Real good stamina."
Soap grinned. "Come on, sir. You've seen me on the field. I can go as long as you need me to."
Ghost smirked. "If you think so." He enjoyed it. The pleasure sparking through him. That tight fucking hole. The hot body above him. Soap wasn't wearing his dog tags. Ghost wished he was so he'd have something to do with his hands.
Instead his hands stroked up his sides, up his back, down his thighs. Soap started speeding up, groaning as he got his sweet spot. "I'm getting close. Gonna finish with me?"
Ghost hummed. "No. You're going to keep going afterwards. When you finish, you're going to clench around me and it's going to feel reaaaaal nice."
Soap's hips stuttered and he looked confused. "Are you sober?"
"Probably should've asked before you got on top of me yeah? It was just an edible. I'm still perfectly able to consent." Ghost rolled his hips up into so Soap would shut up. "I should've had you blow me first." He thrust up again and Soap finally got the message to keep going.
Soap sped up and ended up coming all over Ghost's chest. His bounces didn't even stutter. He just kept going.
Johnny lasted longer than Ghost expected, but even he had his limits he supposed. His legs started to wobble as he tried to lift himself all the way up. His cock was leaking all over his chest.
Ghost grabbed him once he was barely even grinding on top of him. He flipped them over and started to fuck into him. He pulled his legs as wide open as they went and pounded into him.
Soap choked as he started to feel it. His precum ran down his chest as Ghost hit his prostate over and over.
"Fuck... Fuck... Simon..."
Soap writhed as he took it. Ghost leaned down and pressed his clothed mouth against Soap's. He sped up and let Johnny just take it. He ignored that he came again. Soap whined from pleasure, digging his nails deep into the flesh of his shoulders. "Feels so good. I can't take it. Can't..."
Ghost slammed into him, making Soap start to sob. "Don't care what you think you can take. You seem to be taking it just fine right now." He was finally getting close. Almost there.
Soap's eyes rolled back as he shook. He started to babble as Ghost finally came in him, burying himself deep inside him to pump him full.
Ghost swallowed as he tried to catch his breath. Soap twitched underneath him.
"Jesus, Simon. You a little pent up?"
Ghost looked down at him, disheveled and sweaty. He thrust into him again, feeling the way he clenched. "Another round?"
"Fuck. Can't you give me a minute?"
Ghost stared at him. "Please?"
Soap whimpered. "Fuck... Yeah." Ghost would worry that he wasn't willing if not for how his cock was desperately twitching.
Simon kissed him deeply and started to roll his hips. He closed his eyes and buried his face in Soap's neck.
Soap couldn't contain himself, crying and whimpering into him. Ghost fell into that blissful state again.
Pleasure. Pressure. Everything bubbling inside him into this warm fuzzy feeling.
All that was there was Johnny. Not Soap. Johnny.
For a moment, he thought he may be in love with him.
Soap tapped his shoulder desperately and Ghost faltered, realizing he came again. "Mhmmm ahhhh...."
Ghost pulled out of him. "Good boy. You did such a good job, you know that? Really. Truly."
Soap whimpered, legs shaking hard.
Ghost got him a drink and then sat next to him. Soap started cuddling him and Ghost ran his fingers through his hair. "Next time I plan to get high, I'm going to message you. We'll start with a blowjob this time. Maybe I won't be so hard on you next time."
Soap clenched around nothing as he nodded. "Yes, sir."
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sunshine-jesse · 5 months
In defense of Andrew Graves: Facing Yourself​
Alt title: Andrew Graves: The Will to Plow Her
I think my analysis of Andrew is one of the best essays I've written so far. But since then, I think I've expanded my understanding of his character in a way that urges me to add on to my prior essay. What I intend on doing is further fleshing out my reading of Burial, and going deeper in detail on why I think Decay ends up panning out the way it does. This essay will end up sharing a lot of text with my prior one, but will add enough scattered throughout that I think it merits a complete reread instead of just scrolling down and seeing what's new.
I've focused a lot on Ashley in my past writings. She's my favorite character in the story (and depending on how episode 3 pans out, maybe ever) and I'm pretty mortified by how some parts of the fandom have reacted towards her, so I pretty much made it my life's mission to push back against that. From highlighting the ways Andrew mistreats her, to coming up with justifications for her behavior that aren't just being a manipulative bitch, I really wanted to prove that a more favorable picture of her could be painted than most were willing to.
But in doing so, I've left Andrew in the dust.
In highlighting his flaws and the ways he mistreats Ashley, I think I've implied a level of intentionality to his actions that I don't believe he has. When I say that Ashley did nothing wrong, it's in direct response to the idea that she holds the most responsibility and agency in how their dynamic plays out, when in reality, I believe she has very little. Most of her actions in-story are in reaction to a variety of stimuli that come directly from Andrew, that he has control over and are aware of how Ashley feels about. His refusal to use clear and direct language to deny her most toxic tendencies causes her more and more stress as time goes on, and instead of giving her clear answers he opts to be catty, passive-aggressive, or, at his worst, threatening. Never direct and never clear, except when establishing boundaries over his name after the choking scene. Andrew fails to help Ashley be better in some frankly depressing ways throughout the whole story, especially in their childhoods, so we never get to see where she'd fall short if given a better influence.
Kind of. More on that later!
In mentioning his thing about preferring to be called Andrew instead of Andy, I also implicitly mention one of the places where Ashley falls short in their dynamic and could stand to do better: recognition.
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This scene says a lot. It's the most heartbreaking scene in the game, if you ask me, and probably the single most profound and well-written moment in the entire story. I could write a whole 2000 word essay on it alone, but I've already said most of what I have to say about it through what I've said in other essays, so I'll spare you all that. Instead, I'll use it to highlight something:
"I had fun."
Their dysfunction is fun to her. She's so used to abuse and alienation that even the most awful, stressful (as far as we know) route of the game is still fun to her. And that's not a sign of her being a secret evil sociopath or whatever; that's actually not abnormal behavior to develop for a lifelong victim of abuse. Those highs and lows, those strong emotional highs and lows are -addicting-. They're -fun.- Part of why abuse victims get into so many abusive relationships is because it's easy to pick up on those patterns of thought and take advantage of them, and the cycle of abuse is often furthered when a victim of abuse tries to draw out mutually abusive behaviors in someone with no interest in having that kind of dynamic.
This is where I'm willing to acknowledge Ashley's manipulative tendencies. Not just as a matter of controlling Andrew for its own sake, purely out of jealousy or possessiveness, but as a matter of trying to further the only dynamic she's ever known in her life. Better the devil you know, right?
That push and pull- that emotional rollercoaster- is all many of us know. And it's all Ashley knows. This dynamic is something she's so used to that she reacts incredibly harshly to any attempt to change it, because she doesn't know that things can be better. Because of this, she refuses to engage with who Andrew really is, and tells herself- and him- that she *hates* Andrew:
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This scene is almost as heartbreaking as the above one in a lot of ways.
Andrew putting his foot down about the Andy/Andrew name dichotomy wasn't arbitrary and it wasn't just about his comfort. It was about Andrew giving a clear indication about what needs to happen for their relationship to improve. He's recognizing the cycle between them and wants to put a stop to it, because he's confident that things between them CAN get better and evolve into something healthier. Ashley, not understanding that their dynamic can get better, because their "fun" little push and pull of abuse is all she knows, rejects that. She rejects the unknown, and says- in Andrew's mind at least- that she'll never accept that new dynamic, nor will she accept who he really is.
Ouch. No wonder he looks so sad in that screenshot.
They have a conflict of understanding here, and I think it's fair to pin most of the responsibility on Ashley. Andrew was clear in what he wanted, and Ashley just... Didn't. She didn't see the importance of it ("...whatever that means in practice") and didn't really ask. This gap in communication, perfectly displayed in this scene, is likely what causes the Decay ending. He wants things to be better, and wants to treat Ashley better, and whether or not he understands the ways in which she communicates with him is in part what determines what he sees her as.
But there's a lot of evidence that he always wanted things to be better, that he always wanted to treat her better. But external factors have made it very, very difficult, and I think there are two key points in which he started to shed the importance of those external factors and seek that better relationship, both of which happening in the apartment: The killing of the warden and the 302 lady. In the first case, he was forced to do it to protect Ashley in a way he hadn't done before, or depending on how you look at it, since the death of Nina. But the intentionality was the key point here. After this point, he calls Ashley Leyley, which may or may not seem important at this point, but it's something I'll draw attention to later, so keep that in mind.
Next is the killing of the 302 lady, which is the much, much bigger point. We don't learn much about it until later on- as at first he just gives an excuse about the nail gun that doesn't line up with what we see on the map- but during the dream, it's revealed it was a calculated, intentional killing that he did to make sure there was no evidence left behind, and because Ashley (supposedly) would've wanted him to do it anyway. I say supposedly because Ashley herself doesn't seem to ever want Andrew to kill for her past Nina's death, because he only ever kills for her to defend one or both of them. If you want more evidence that violence for violence's sake isn't something she wants, look at this part in the final dream:
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A knife isn't what opens the door, despite it being placed on the ground in that very map. While it seems obvious that the knife (violence) would be the key to solving the puzzle, it's put there explicitly to show you that it isn't. It's not what she wants; what she wants is a flower.
So, why is this important? Why am I centering Ashley- again- when this essay is supposed to be about Andrew?
It's because these two killings are when Andrew's self-delusion over who he really is starts to break down. It's still there, mind, as he still relies upon Ashley as an excuse to justify it, but, as well as what I've said before, the name ultimatum is an implicit confession that the normalcy he finds comfort in is starting to lose its grasp on him. There's a lot that's been said about Andy being something close to a "moral impulse" for Andrew, given his child self's reaction to Nina's death being the only thing he does that approximates a normal moral response to his and Ashley's actions, but if you do think that- which I think is a reasonable thing to think even if I don't necessarily agree- there's something you must also keep in mind:
-He- is the one who doesn't want to be called that anymore. -He- is the one who wants to let that moral impulse go, and Ashley is the one making it difficult.
That reading is assuming that Andy is a moral impulse, which I think is... either wrong or too simplistic. Every time I see that reading, it's from someone who's trying to paint him too sympathetically and absolve him of most moral responsibility. I also find it infantilizing to equate morality with childhood in such a way? But that's another tangent that I didn't sign up to talk about. What I do think, however, is that it's a useful framing device to display his own relationship with morality; the allegory to his child self doesn't have to be there for the general pattern to exist.
When Ashley starts to grill Andrew over the killing of the 302 lady, he gets mad. Very mad. Ashley sees it as pointless, as him covering his own ass, but he genuinely did it for her sake, because he thought that's what she wanted, and that it'd make her happy. But what makes her happy isn't violence- or any similarly extreme action for that matter- it's attention and validation. Something he's always reluctant to give her, despite the fact that he always chose her over the alternatives. But despite making that choice, it's always empty and meaningless, because in Ashley's mind, he never did it for her sake.
And hoo boy, does he not like it being framed like this.
He is perfectly willing to do whatever it takes to keep them happy and safe... but only for her sake. It has to be for her sake. He still needs that traditional role, and he still needs to have a narrative in which he's the good guy- a protector. Because it can't be for his sake. It can't be because that's what he wants. He has to uphold that romantic (in the literary tradition sense) ideal. His darkly romantic idealistic streak colors many of his actions and beliefs. This is most plainly visible in his quip about a double suicide being romantic, but it's also visible within the symbolism present within his dream, such as how he can only pave his own path in blood unless Ashley lights the way. It's visible within his appreciation for poetry, and it's visible with how the cultist within the dream speaks in Shakespearean English.
But the transient nature of this ideal is also revealed within this dream, because there's never a cohesive, guided path, even with Ashley there to light it up. Contrary to Ashley's dream, where you literally have maps showing you where to go, Andrew's dream has many more dead ends and no map to guide him. The symbolic role he acts out gives him no clarity, and there's no overarching narrative; merely a bunch of disconnected symbols.
This is contrasted with Ashley's dream, which has narratives so clear that the story literally gives the dream an episode title.
In a sense, he wants to view himself as an actor acting out a role in a story. He wants his life to be poetic, to represent something greater, and to have a cohesive narrative. This is why he's so disconnected from his true desires: He's more concerned with acting as a representative of an ideal than a person with agency. But every time the mask drops, every time he stops acting, his true self becomes visible. He naturally settles into being comfortable around Ashley, in treating her with warmth and kindness, and their banter becomes much less toxic. As intent as he is on acting out his role, it does nothing for him, and as his dream sequence shows, it doesn't even form a cohesive narrative, because he can't act one out. It's too contrary to who he really is, and what he really wants. But that idealization doesn't just apply to himself, it also applies to Ashley. Specifically, who Ashley is, vs who he wants her to be.
In his unique dream sequence, he sees two versions of Ashley; the child version of her- Leyley- and the adult version of her- Ashley. And the differences in the ways he interacts with the two of them are stunning. Leyley is an obstinate, annoying child. She's the one he NEEDS to take care of, and he hates that. He hates Leyley for what she did for his childhood. He hates that he needs to provide for her. He has the option of trying to kill her, even, over something as small as a candle!
But in the room with all the murders, the gilded cage, he sees Ashley as an adult. This version of Ashley is stuck in a closet that he himself has to open- and to choose to see. Their interactions are calm and friendly. She teases him a bit, sure, but she's still helpful, and they have fun together. He doesn't need her, and she doesn't need him. He needed Leyley- needed the candle- but here, there are other limbs strewn about for him to take. And, crucially, he doesn't even have the option to kill this Ashley for one of the limbs.
And during the choking scene, he lets her go the moment she acknowledges that he doesn't need her anymore. This is the first time we know of that he seems comfortable enough to set a clear boundary, which is acknowledging that their prior dynamic is dead and that they're now Andrew and Ashley, not Andy and Leyley. It's a bit late to express a clear boundary -after- literally acting like he was going to kill someone, but it's the first time we know of that he sets a clear standard for what, in his mind, would improve his relationship with Ashley.
After all, what he wants is to want her, not need her. He wants Ashley for Ashley's sake. Not for what she can provide him. He doesn't even need her for sleep, he just wants her. But Ashley has trouble acknowledging this, because he's never before shown that WANT. Only a NEED. She keeps trying to find ways to make him need her, because she's never seen what his desire for her is really like. She's only ever seen him desiring someone else, someone other than her.
She's only ever seen him as Andy, because she's never truly seen Andrew, only the violence he can inflict on others. But Andrew can see both:
He can see Leyley, the needy, bratty child who always needs his attention, that he needs to provide for. The one he hates and wants to get rid of. The one he kills for to protect.
And he can see Ashley, the one who engages in friendly and cute banter with him. Who comforts and shows him physical affection. The one he loves. The one he kills for to make happy.
He just can't choose which one he wants to see. Every outside influence- from his parents, to Julia, to Nina- makes him see her as Leyley. Ashley herself makes him see her as Leyley too, whenever she brings up all the things he did for her, and calls him Andy, his child self, instead of Andrew, his current self. And as long as he sees that child, he feels like one too, and can never give Ashley anything that comes from the heart.
But he really, really wants to see Ashley as an adult. He wants to take pride in her, how much she's grown, and how driven and competent she really is.
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But god damn, does that bitch ever make it hard, because there IS no real difference between Ashley and Leyley. She's grown and changed over time, taking more adult (and stereotypically feminine) responsibility upon herself, but the fact that her temperament and personality hasn't changed much obfuscates that growth. When you talk to Ashley in the closet during the dream after getting the limb, Andrew asks Ashley to come out of the closet, but she refuses to come out because he won't invite Leyley over to play, which is a pretty strong metaphor for how he interfaces with different aspects of Ashley's personality and refuses to accept others. But the reality is that he needs to accept both, or rather, see her whole self as Ashley, rather than just the parts he likes.
In the end, it's him who has to make the choice how to see her. Ashley can only see what she's been shown, but Andrew can choose.
And in the basement scene, he makes that choice.
If Ashley refuses to leave him alone with their parents, that's it. In one of the most critical and important moments of his life, she couldn't give him the space needed to make up his own mind. She couldn't treat him as an adult. She couldn't see him as Andrew. If she does give him that choice, she chooses to acknowledge that Andrew is an adult who can be trusted to make his own decisions, even though she (perhaps foolishly) believes that this choice lines up with her own interests. And frankly it does either way, but in accepting their mom's offer, her chooses to see her as Leyley once and for all. He chooses not to reciprocate what Ashley showed him. He does it because he needs to, not because he wants to. Because it's his duty, not his desire.
This is what results in the Decay ending. Through his inability to see Ashley as an adult, he surrenders his agency and views all of his actions as an extension of his responsibilities, his role, which he no longer wishes to uphold. He dissociates fully from who he really is, acting in accordance with that disconnected, barely-cohesive narrative that exists only within his mind. The game starts to resemble the heartwrenching tragedy that many seem to take for granted that it is, as their dynamic fully doubles down on its painful toxicity. And, in an example of a poetic book end, Ashley's dream shows a double suicide, closing the book on their tragic tale.
It's tragic. It's heartwrenching. It's poetic. It's beautiful.
...Except it's not. Not at all.
It's actually fucking stupid, pointless, and brutal, and Burial shows us that. When we view their spiral as beautiful, we project the same darkly romantic ideal that Andrew possesses onto the story.
But the actual reality is horrifying.
Ashley spends most of Decay terrified of Andrew, the one person she found comfort in. He acts cold, distant, and aggressive towards her, showing pointless cruelty instead of any warmth. All she wants is comfort; all she wants is to not die. She doesn't want to engage in this death spiral at all, and, in her dream sequence, shows none of the same willingness to die alongside Andrew that Andrew does with her. The moment we stop focusing on the end of the Decay dream sequence, which has very striking imagery, and if you choose not to shoot, one of the most beautiful scenes in the game, we can see it for what it really is:
A scared animal running away from a predator.
The moment you see Decay through Ashley's eyes, and not the perspective of some romantic ideal, Decay becomes terrifying, tense, and painful. There is no catharsis to be had in this tragedy. It's easily avoidable as long as Andrew chooses to engage with reality, and not the empty promises of his mother and incoherent narrative of his ideal.
Finding beauty and meaning in tragedy is how we cope with the harshness of reality. But there is no coherent narrative to the tragedies we experience, just like there's no coherent narrative to the ideal Andrew wishes to uphold. It's something we create- that he creates- but it's not something that actually exists.
And when Andrew casts aside his desire for that ideal, and the responsibilities it shackles him to, it grants him clarity that he never had before. He sees the world for how it really is, and acknowledges that nobody- the least of which their mother- is as different from Ashley as they pretend to be.
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They're no better than her, and he's tired of people pretending that they are. People are all the same, no matter what ideals they try to uphold and represent. They still sacrifice others in the name of advancing themselves, still punch down whenever they can, and still lay blame on those beneath them rather than try to take control of their lives. They just use those ideals to justify themselves, but Ashley, and now Andrew, reject even the need for that justification.
This is why I believe the story is nihilistic. Not in that it asserts the inherent meaninglessness of life, but in that it grapples with the ideals we uphold and how they obfuscate the reality of the world we live in. The story, intentionally or not, highlights how ideals are often but a pretense we use to justify what we were likely going to do regardless, and how holding to them too strongly can lead to our ruin- and how monstrous they make us look to those who do not share them.
Consequently, this is how I view the part of the fanbase who thinks Decay is a good ending.
(the characters themselves represent existentialism rather than nihilism but i couldn't really fit that analysis in here without it feeling forced so i might cover that another time)
From that point on, their relationship becomes a lot more friendly, lighthearted, and playful. They ironically start acting more like children, but to quote CS Lewis:
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."
He's not ashamed of being playful with Ashley, or showing affection towards her. He's grown up. He finally sees her, and himself, as an adult- although he still doesn't show that in full until much later on (more or that later). But in Decay, he still sees her as a child, and to an extent, probably himself. Let's compare the ways in which he reacts to being called Andy. In Decay, he lashes out at Ashley and gets angry, even threatening her. But in Questionable Burial, he calmly says that Andy is dead and doesn't need Ashley's comfort, but still tries to reassure her that she's still needed. He's not ashamed of or hostile towards their prior dynamic, because he's grown past it. He still acknowledges Ashley's need to feel needed, but here, he recognizes its importance to her, whereas he was hostile towards it before.
It's a display of respect towards her feelings.
This interaction doesn't happen in the Sane ending, however. He doesn't play games with her and is just a lot less fun to be around all together. Why is that? Because he still hasn't yet shaken viewing Ashley as Leyley there. He still views her as a burden, as someone who needs taking care of. He's calmly accepted that, too, mind you, but he lacks respect for her because she's still a child, in his mind. But in Questionable?
The vision did more than just make him extremely embarrassed and lay his deepest desires bare. It forced him to recognize Ashley as an adult. When choosing between "Never" and "Never say never," if Never is chosen, the burden of thought is lifted off of him. But if Ashley chooses "Never say never!", he has to reckon with the fact that Ashley is an adult, someone who can consent to those kinds of things. Someone who MIGHT. Someone who has agency, and can make her own decisions. And more importantly… someone who can trust him to make his own.
Whether he desires sex or not is secondary; he's always had those feelings and has always been ashamed of them. But now that the part of him where that shame came from is dead and buried, there's no childish impulse to grow up. There's no attachment to the hate and bitterness he had before. Look at what he worries about when he picks up that she's uncertain or confused about who he is now:
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It's her feelings.
He wants to be fun to be around. He wants to make Ashley happy. He loves her, and not as a romantic interest or even as a sibling. He loves her independent of all that baggage.
He loves her as a person.
Their relationship runs contrary to societal ideals in some pretty huge ways. So contrary, in fact, that it's hard for some to accept it as anything good, that it can ever be best for the people involved. It's incestuous. It involves them killing and eating their parents. It involves them distancing themselves so much from society that it's hard to believe they'll ever fit in it again. It's chaotic, it's messy, it's codependent, and maybe even toxic. And yet, here they are. They're coexisting. They're happy. They're healing. They're navigating the world in the only way they can: together.
Meanwhile, in Decay, Andrew refuses to allow himself to get closer to Ashley. He surrenders all agency to her, buys into his own narrative, drinks his own Kool-Aid, and may or may not condemn one or both of them to death in the process. Like it or not, the only path where Andrew takes ownership of his life is the one where he's closest to his sister. It's the one where he decides where they will go next, the one where he decides his own feelings matter, and acts in accordance with what he wants instead of how he thinks he should act.
His agency, his freedom, and his growth don't happen in spite of his codependency; they're happen because of it. They can't grow alone. They can't heal alone.
In reading the story, one must interrogate how important those societal ideals are in the face of the realities of what makes people happy. Are those ideals worth upholding in spite of this? Can we really allow people to fall through the cracks in the name of social norms? Can we blame people for taking rash actions when the social contract has failed them?
Or are we so blinded by those ideals that we can't see that people can be happy while blatantly disregarding them?
All I know is that in Burial, Andrew, having cast aside normalcy, now appears to be truly happy for the first time in his life.
Who are we to take that from him?
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ryanyflags · 1 month
A List of Gender Terms !
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So I disappeared for 2 months, but I finally completed this project! :D (Though I've been making some random posts talking about it, so it's not like I was really gone, or what I was working on wasn't obvious.)
It started off as me having trouble keeping track of a couple gender terms (and also not knowing they existed before, since I've never really seen people talk about them), then I thought I should make a list, and if I was going to do that I might as well post it to help other people too. Which I started out trying to make that list on Tumblr, but I found it too limiting so I moved to google docs, which I also found too limiting (I just couldn't achieve my vision, if you will), and now I know html and css.
As usual, I kinda overdid it, but I think I should be a little proud of myself. I had 0 knowledge of html and css, and 2 months later I've made my own website. (I could have made it much quicker, but I often had to take breaks, a bit overwhelmed by all that new stuff.)
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Anyways, it has a ton of terms on there.
I have sections for nonbinary, abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, androgyne, agender, neutrois, maverique, ilyagender, aporagender, outherine, kenochoric, and xenogender.
For 7 categories (sex terms, adult, general term, child, gender quality, gender-quality-in-nature genders, and spectrum / viagender spectrum).
And they all have sources on both Archive Today, Wayback Machine, and if still existing, the original post too. (At least to the best of my abilities, and there are a couple of exceptions that I couldn't figure out.)
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I did put effort into this, but it's possible I missed something. So if I made a mistake anywhere, or if anyone has any extra information to add on, or if you just have some comments, you can tell me. My ask box is open, but comments on this post would probably be fine too.
Also, I checked on a couple of different browsers, mobile too, and read up on web accessibility and checked and all that (I tried using a screen reader, I'm not a pro at it though, so it's possible I may have missed something obvious), so I hope the website itself is useable. But if there's any bugs there, just tell me (it'll be appreciated).
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I'm also thinking of making another compilation, but for flags (for all of the terms listed here), and maybe orientations too, but maybe later haha
I also don't know how to write a image id for the top picture, if anyone wants to write to one I'll add it.
Below the cut is a short little video scrolling through the site.
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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It's finally done cooking, my sims gameplay ideas list! After scouring all types of sites, generators, lists, and my brain for ingredients, I've come up with a list stew that hopefully will spark some inspiration for your sims gameplays!
This non exhaustive list consists of ideas that are applicable to sims gameplay/things to do in-game. AKA things that can be played out in the sims or half pretended. If you're looking for less-gameplay story ideas, I recommend my story/conflict idea list. Most of the conflict and love ideas are on that list. Please feel free to send asks to add to the gumbo! Just note in your ask that it's for the gumbo and keep it applicable/feasible for gameplay. (To keep the post from getting too long I'll make a contributor list into a compressed image later on for those who send off-anon.)
If you are looking for more complex, in-game story ideas check out the Story Soup list here!
🍲 Gumbo below the cut! ⬇
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Single Sim Gameplay:
Learn an instrument
Learn a new skill
Start a seashell collection (Island Living)
Have a sim get a bad haircut
Enroll an Adult/Elder sim in university
Use a skill you don’t usually play with
Become a mountain climber
Build a Servo
Take care of local strays
Use more likes/dislikes
Drop out of or fail university
Drop out or fail out of highschool
Talk badly about another sim in your house to other sims
Sim loses their job
Failed retail business
Foster a child
Parties for children
Have a baby shower
Have a slumber party
A grandparent/other family member moves in with your main household
Have a specific family holiday tradition besides the in-game ones
Family bike rides
Game night
Parent trains child in their sport
Family hikes at Granite Falls
Family volunteering
Bake sale (entrepreneur table)
Have a family photoshoot
Have teens study at the library
Have your teen go through a bad fashion phase
Host an exchange student
Make school picture day photos (Teen poses, children poses)
Have an arts & crafts day
Go fishing as a family
Have a specific weekly meal (spaghetti night, a fancy meal)
Make ice cream together (Cool Kitchen Stuff)
Wear matching pajamas for holidays
Have a bake off
Play with voidcritters (Kids Room Stuff)
Granola family (camping, hiking, low tech, simple living)
Play in a multi-generational household
Family reunion
Unexpected baby
Have siblings share a room
Sports party night (e.g. watching the superbowl, world cup, etc)
Start a book club (with clubs)
Have a themed kids birthday party (Here’s a helpful website for ideas)
Have a potluck (buffet tables)
Garden party
Neighborhood party
Neighborhood holiday decorating contest
Host a haunted house in your home
Barbeque party
Go to the arcade
Go regularly to restaurants (Dine Out Reloaded Mod to make restaurants tolerable)
Have an out of control party (maybe a teen party)
Go camping
Go to an Ice skating rink/roller skating rink
Spa day (at home or at a spa)
Make an army of snowpals
Movie night
Stargazing night/camp out in the backyard
Weekly bowling night
Museum trip
Karaoke night at home
Campfire night
Pool day
Weekly meetups with friends at a cafe
Try on wedding dresses with a bridal party
Have someone stay over (Growing Together)
Hook up with a service sim
Have a vacation romance
Have a “meet the parents” moment
Have an affair
Marital fight
Rejected proposal
Throuple/Open Relationship (Open Love Life Mod)
Left at the altar
Use fear of commitment, jealous, or unflirty trait
Create a rocky marriage
Spend too much money on a vacation
Play with lot challenges
Use simple living (only cook with ingredients and do grocery orders)
Don’t clean up after sims (don’t drag plates, laundry, trash)
Use the Reduce and Recyle lot challenge for realism
Use the Filthy lot challenge to make cleaning harder
Lose a large sum of money
Randomize your sims’ traits as they age up
Have puppies and kittens
A serious house fire (either with cheating or with fireworks. There is also a mod for more intense fires here
Spring cleaning
Garage sale
Visit houses before you move into them
Create a storage room/attic (Eco Living boxes, Discover University chest, toy chest, treasure chest etc) Use this for old heir’s items if you are playing a legacy
Start a garden (herb, vegetables)
Renovate the house
Watch what your pets are doing
Adopt a stray animal
Teach your pets tricks
Upgrade objects
Have a home bar/rec room
Go on a vacation
Play with roommates (additionally have them be odd, difficult, or a romance option)
Have an always messy home
Hire a live-in butler
Hire a regular maid
Play in a sustainable community on one of the islands/isolated areas. (community farm, community space, homes)
Play in a tiny home (Tiny Living)
Play in a haunted house residential (Paranormal Stuff)
Become an Archaeologist. Live in Sulani and regularly visit Selvadorado for work
Art gallery: sell your paintings or buy them off Plopsy/Buy Mode
Play a career you don’t usually play
Winter sports store in Mt. Komorebi
Own a farmstand for your produce (Eco Lifestyle entrepreneur table) You can even build a small building for it on your property!
Pet supplies store 
Plant store
Tourist gift shop
Mattress/Bed   store
Florist shop (Flower Arranging Skill)
Juicery (Juice Fizzing Skill)
Yoga studio (host classes at a retail business or at a home studio)
Start a Bed and Breakfast/AirBnB with the roommate system
Become a celebrity in a path besides Actor/Actress (Author, Chef, Video Creator, Skier, etc.)
Food truck (Restaurant)
Fish stall (Entrepreneur table)
Make a living on Plopsy
Wool store (Cottage Living)
Natural health store (Herbalism)
Resources Used
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tkwrites · 6 months
Private Lessons - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Private Lessons
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah (OFC) 
Warnings: None? If I should add any, please let me know. 
Summary: As requested by @eyesthatroll, Quinn teaches Sarah to skate.
Word Count: 3,300
Comments: After taking a bit of a breather, I’m back with a requested fic. 2 months after you requested it, your wish is my command, Mari. I hope you enjoy it!
This was an interesting exercise for me to write something requested by someone else that wasn’t necessarily my own idea. I wrestled with it and got in my head a lot about it, but ultimately, I like the result I finally came to. 
Thanks for your patience and support. Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in their universe! I can’t guarantee I’ll write it, but I love the inspiration and challenge these requests bring! 
eyesthatroll asked: tory!! i absolutely adore your writing 🥹 maybe if it’s in your wheelhouse, you could write quinn teaching sarah to skate (or them going skating together) for the first time. i think that would be very adorable 😭 it’s totally fine if that’s not in the cards for the series though, don’t feel pressured! love ya! 🫶🏽
Private Lessons
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
At the end of every season we have a family skate. It's on the 15th. I'd like to bring you if you can come. 
Sarah knew this was a bigger deal than his crafted to be casual text was letting on. If it really was casual, he would have mentioned it before he left for the three game road trip.
She also knew dating a hockey player meant she would have to face her fear and past failure eventually. Even if a team event wasn't involved, it was such a big part of Quinns life. She wouldn't be able to avoid it forever. 
Does everyone skate? 
Usually yeah. Not all of the partners do, but most. 
I've never skated before. 
Desert flower, remember? she sent with a picture of a blooming cactus. 
He laughed. There are lots of different skill levels there. People bring their kids and stuff.
Meaning what? That I'll be the only adult with training wheels? 
No wheels ;) 
She sent a gif of someone rolling their eyes. I'd love to go with you, but I really don't want to be the only one who doesn't know what they're doing. Could I persuade you to give me some private lessons? 
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to give me. ;) 
I mean, there’s not much I wouldn’t give you. What do you want? 
A long pause passed in their conversation. When she finally read his response on her way home, her cheeks pinked so much, she had to put her phone in her bag for fear of giving herself away on the train. 
That’s how they ended up at a mostly empty training rink the Wednesday night after he got home. 
She found him waiting for her in the lobby, surrounded by a swarm of kids all jockeying for his attention. It looked like a whole little league team was getting out of practice or a game right as he arrived. They were so excited, acting as if he came in just to see them. 
Sarah waited off to the side, watching him sign autographs and give advice, and talk to each of them. She was tired and hungry, but seeing Quinn in this element gave her a new side of him to admire. He was patient and kind, and invested. She remembered him telling her how he always liked to talk to kids because he remembered how much it meant to him when his favorite players were willing to stop and talk. Seeing that quite literally come full circle was a gift she hadn’t expected to see.  
When he finally looked up and met her gaze, he flashed her a grin and mouthed, thank you. 
Smiling in return, she nodded to an empty room off to the side before settling in with her laptop to work on her publication. 
A big sigh announced his presence a while later, as Quinn slid down the wall to sit next to her on the floor. “Sorry about that,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“It’s fine. I always have stuff to work on, and seeing you with the kids is sweet.” 
“Winning me some brownie points?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Like you even need them.”
Sarah closed her laptop and turned her head so they could finally say hello properly. 
He pulled her close to deepen the kiss. Even though he'd gotten back in town after midnight the night before, they hadn’t seen each other until now. He'd debated going to the aquarium after practice, but remembered they wouldn't let him back without a pass the last time he’d tried. Besides, he didn’t want to interrupt her work so close to finals. 
The urge to climb into his lap was so strong, Sarah had to pull back from the kiss before she made a public spectacle of herself. 
“I missed you,” he said, trailing a finger from her cheekbone to her jaw. It felt like the road trip was finally over now that she was back in his arms.
“I missed you, too.” 
“I have to confess something,” Sarah blurted, nerves eating her from the inside out as he showed her how to tie her skates.
Quinn looked up from pulling her laces tight.
“I’ve been skating before.” 
One of his eyebrows cocked up, “you have, have you?” 
“It was terrible. It was on a first date with this guy when I was a freshman, and I’m pretty certain the only reason he suggested it was so he could get his hands on me.” 
Quinn wrapped his hand around her calf and joked, “I guess it’s a good thing I’ve already had my hands on you, then.” 
“You’re not mad?” she said, surprised.
“About what? That I’m not popping your ice skating cherry?” 
Laughter barked out of her mouth before she explained, “no, that I lied. I mean, I didn’t really lie. We went on ice, on skates, but no real skating was involved.”
“Now I feel like you’re lying,” his voice was teasing. 
“After half a wobbly, too touchy lap, I fell and broke my wrist.” 
The bemused smile dropped off his lips, “oh my god, Sarah, why didn’t you tell me before?” 
Her bottom jaw moved as she worried the inside of her lower lip. “I didn't know when it would come up.” she said. “I mean, if anyone can teach me to skate, you can. But that's why I wanted it to be just us first.” 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve broken lots of bones skating,” he said, stroking her leg. 
She smiled tightly. “I bet none of those were from you falling down.” 
“I don’t know, maybe? You’d have to ask my mom, but I fell plenty when I was learning, that’s really normal.” 
“It just feels like one of those things that I'll never live down, you know?”
“Well, you and I are the only ones that know now.” 
“Yeah and Josh Jackson and all those people at the Reno rec rink.” 
“You keep in touch with everyone who was there that night?” he joked, hoping she would see how ridiculous her worry was. 
A hand flew up to cover her face as she blushed. “I guess it just lives in my head every time I think about ice skating.” 
“I know the feeling, but it was one time seven years ago, right? And you’ve got a better teacher, now.” 
She dropped her hands so she could meet his gaze, giving him a hopeful smile. 
He changed the subject. “Are these too tight? Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah. I mean, no they're not too tight.”
He smiled, stood and held out a hand, “come on. I can't promise you won't fall, but I'll do my best.” 
As they walked through the tunnel to the rink, she said, “This is the weirdest feeling.”
“It can't be worse than wearing heels.”
“Have you ever worn heels?”
“Well, no,” he admitted. 
“Then you can't say a damn thing about it. At least in heels, the ball of your foot is on the ground. With this, it's like my feet are suddenly half an inch wide.”
“You're thinking too much.”
“What am I supposed to do, not think?”
“Don't think so much,” he said, stopping at the boards and turning around. “Okay, I'm going to get on and help you on, okay?”
She nodded. 
He bit back his smile at the determination on her face. “It's slippery, so be prepared.”
“Gee, thanks, Hughes,” she said, flatly. “I had no idea ice is slippery.”
He laughed. She’d never called him by his last name. Of course it would come out when she was nervous. 
“I'll have you the whole time. I won't let you go until you tell me to,” he promised, reaching to help her through. 
She stepped on and immediately over corrected, jerking back. 
He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him to keep them upright. “Calm down,” he said, trying to sound soothing. “I know it's a weird feeling.” 
In all actuality, he didn't know. He'd been skating so long it sometimes felt easier than walking.
 “Just hold on and let me pull you.” 
Skating backwards, he took her on a lap. Her fingers were hooked around his elbows, so he was forced to awkwardly hold the backs of her arms.
“Can you relax? I’ve got you.” 
She glanced down and felt her legs wobble. Visions of the ice rushing up to kiss her on the temple made her dizzy. 
“Look at me,” he said in a voice that couldn’t be ignored. 
Sarah met his eyes. The dim lights over the rink made them a sort of muddy green she’d never seen before. 
“If you keep looking down, you’re going to fall,” he said. “You go toward what you look at.” 
“I just want to make sure my feet are right.”
“Do you have to watch your feet when you’re walking?” 
“Well, no, but this is new.” 
“Sure, but once you get over the fact that you’re on the ice and used to your skates, it’ll start to feel more natural.”
“Yeah, I’ll just get over that.” 
He shook his head, and moved on. “Okay, start picking your feet up like you’re walking.” 
“Like I’m walking?” she repeated. “That seems really counterintuitive.” 
“It’s not that different from walking, you're just gliding instead.”
She leveled him with a deadpan, sarcastic look.
She was about to ask him how she was supposed to walk when she couldn’t lift her heel or push off with the ball of her foot, when she realized arguing his syntax wasn't going to get her anywhere. This was a case where she had to swallow her pride and ask for what she needed. 
“Can you break it down, like the physics of it, for me?” she asked. “It helps me to see all the steps before I do something.”
As he talked her through the mechanics of skating forward, she held onto his arm. She had so many questions he’d never considered, like how he used his edges to push off. 
Skating was so automatic on his part, he didn’t even have to think about it. He’d never had to break down what he was doing like this. 
Seeing how his legs worked up close and in slower motion helped her envision doing the same things herself. 
“Okay, come back here.” 
He moved in front of her again. 
“You make that look so easy,” she said, a bit of a whine in her voice. 
“Sarah,” he said, swallowing the bite in his tone, “I've been doing this for twenty years. I do this for a living. I'd hope I make It look easy. I couldn't take over writing one of your papers, or come into the aquarium and start taking care of Walter.”
“Yeah,” she said, resigned. 
“I know it's frustrating that you can't pick this up right away, but no one can. You can’t read your way into skating well.”
That touched a nerve and she glared at him. 
He let go of one of her hands so he could hold his up in surrender. “All I mean is that you just have to physically get used to it. How long did it take you to perfect your golf swing?” 
“That’s different.” 
“How is that different?” 
“I started that as a kid.”
“So? You can learn things now. You learn new things all the time.” 
“Yeah. It just feels so daunting. I really don’t want to look like an idiot in front of all your teammates.”
“No one will care. They’re just excited to meet you. We can come back every night I’m in town if you want. Or you can just not skate.” 
That caused distress to fly over her face. “No. I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” He glanced behind him out of habit, even though there was no one else on the ice. It was a clean sheet too, freshly zambonied after the pee-wee hockey game that ended right before they arrived. Perfect learning conditions. 
Sarah recentered herself by pulling a breath down her spine, “this is such a big part of your life. I want to be able to participate.” 
“Yeah?” he asked, a half smile lifting the right side of his mouth. 
“Yeah, and like you said, I have a better teacher now.” 
“Tell me about your day,” he said.  
“Okay,” she answered, dubious of his intentions. 
“It’ll help you to stop thinking about what your body’s doing. I think you’ll find it will sort itself out if you let it.” 
He could tell she didn’t really believe him, but went ahead anyway, telling him about the little boy at the aquarium that afternoon who had insisted he’d caught an octopus as big as Walter and thrown it back the last time he and his mom had gone fishing. 
“I mean, maybe he did,” she said, shrugging. “But his teacher gave me this look like, ‘don’t believe a single word he says’. I felt bad, She just looked so tired of him.” 
Quinn laughed and decided not to point out that she was skating perfectly naturally now that she was out of her head about it. “What happened in class?” 
“Well, even if I get a C on my comparative physiology final, I’ll still pass the class.” 
“That’s huge, Sarah,” he said. 
“Yeah, it's such a relief, but then, Paul dropped that he's adding a test on top of our publication. Thankfully it’s not a huge part of my grade, but still, more on the pile. He’s calling it a review, but that just means it’ll cover everything we’ve studied this term.” 
“That doesn’t seem fair for him to add that at the last second.” 
“Well, he can do what he wants, so,” she shrugged. “He said he thinks we need it. I think he's just being a controlling jackass.” 
“Can't you report him or something?”
“For what?”
“For changing the syllabus so late.”
“Well, he's the head of the program, so I can't complain to him, plus if I went to the dean, I'm pretty certain she'd tell me ‘this is graduate school, and you should grow up.’” 
Quinn winced. 
“Yeah. He's just a dick because he can be. He’s the lord over this little kingdom and he wants us all to know it.” 
She shook her head, “I’m sorry, we can be done talking about him.”
“You can keep complaining if you want.”
“No, it's okay. It just makes me more mad, which makes me not want to study, which only shoots me in the foot.” 
“Okay,” Quinn said, “I think you’re ready for me to be next to you.”
“Yeah, you’ve been skating fine for the last five minutes.” 
She looked down as if to confirm, “I have?” 
“It’s not like you were standing still.” 
“But you’ve been pulling me.” 
“I was, but I’ve mostly just been holding your hand, keeping distance. You've been moving yourself forward.”
“Really?” Shaking her head, Sarah laughed a little to herself, “you really are a better teacher.”
He gave her a wink and spun to stand next to her. 
“Keep talking,” he encouraged. 
“About what?” 
She didn’t know what to look at now. There were empty stands, and scratched glass, and the whole smooth sheet of ice, lines etching a curving lacey pattern around the perimeter. 
“Whatever you want.”
“I don't -” glancing down, she remembered his advice and jerked up. The sudden movement caused her to promptly fall on her rear with a frustrated grunt.
Her hands fell to her sides in a gesture that said, why is this so hard for me? 
“You're doing great.”
“I just fell down.”
“So? I fall all the time. You just need to learn to get back up.”
He did fall, and she was always so impressed with his ability to just pop back up and continue playing as if nothing happened. 
He coached her back onto her feet, and they continued around the rink as he told her about the road trip he’d just come home from. Only five days away, but the comeback overtime loss and two wins made it a huge confidence builder. 
He admitted that though some of the strain was lessened for the next month with their guaranteed spot in the finals, he still felt so much pressure to perform. 
“There was this moment on Friday, though, where we were just gelling, you know, and it felt like ‘we deserve this now.’” 
“Of course you deserve it. You work your ass off for that team, Quinn.” 
Throwing her a thankful smile, he said, “I mean we all do it together.”
“And you’re a big reason everyone is buying in.” 
“Look at you, learning hockey talk.” 
“That is something I can read my way into.” she joked. “Plus your mom explained a bunch of the idioms to me.” 
He laughed. 
She fell twice more, but got up each time. The last time, she even managed to do it without his help. 
“You’re doing great,” he praised, moving in front of her again, “you’ll be a natural in no time.” 
Pulling herself to him with their clasped hands she winked, “it's because I have the best teacher.” 
She was close enough now that he would just have to lean in to kiss her. He did, because he could. They were apart so much, it only made sense to take advantage when they were together. 
Whenever people kissed on ice rinks in movies, Sarah was always struck with what a dumb idea it was. It seemed incredibly stupid to not pay attention to what you were doing on such a volatile surface. 
In reality, when Quinn kissed her, she melted. It felt so romantic. Cold, but cozy with his warm body pressed against hers, and the confidence in knowing he wouldn’t let her fall. The only sound was the pleasant scrape of their skates on the ice. 
Suddenly, everything she’d stopped herself from saying over the past few weeks came bubbling up into her mouth. 
Just the night before, she’d felt on the cusp of saying something other than “I miss you,” at the end of their goodnight phone call. She had bit it back, not wanting that first time to happen over the phone. She felt like the moment had to be perfect. 
Fuck that, she thought, now. She didn’t want to hold it in anymore. Plus, wasn’t this moment perfect enough? 
Pulling away, she waited for him to open his eyes.
After a moment or two, Quinn realized she wasn’t teasing, and met her gaze, “what’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong.” 
Suddenly, it felt too formal. They weren’t in the Elizabethan era where one declared their feelings in some kind of a grand speech, but she couldn’t not say it. It felt too disingenuous to keep holding it in. 
“I just…” she brushed her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as she ran over a few possibilities in her mind rapid fire, dismissing them all for being too much. Honesty, it seemed, was proving to be the best policy. “I just really love you.”
Quinn could feel his eyes crinkling closed as his face melted into a goofy smile, one reserved only for family and people close to him.  
It felt like something broke open in his chest, finally set free. “I love you too.”
Sarah giggled and it came out a little watery. She never expected to cry when she told him, but her body always did like to cry over big emotions. 
Quinn wiped her tears away with his thumbs before tilting her face up to his. 
This kiss was softer, not as hurried. Desire giving way to something deeper – less fickle, and more settled. 
As they walked back to the locker room, Quinn realized, suddenly, that he'd left something unsaid. He tugged on her hand, and she turned. 
“I’m really proud of you,” he said. “I know you were really nervous.”
She leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you for being a very patient teacher.”
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