#Maxwell x Hana
karahalloway · 6 months
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 18 - Diplomatica
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Harper, Olivia and the Beaumonts arrive in Rome... but not everyone is happy to see them
Word Count: 5,300
Rating/Warnings: None (for once 🤣)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: Lots of Italian and random cultural/historical tidbits in this... but, then again, we are in Italy, so the foreign language aspect will be a bit of a running theme through the next few chapters (sorry...not sorry - I actually learnt some Italian in the process!)
A/N2: @aussiegurl1234, before you ask, yes, I HC that Vito bears a striking resemblance to Michele Morrone 😆
Chapter 18 - Diplomatica
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"How is it hotter here than in Cordonia?" I gasp as I step out onto the jet's airstairs.
"Italy is a peninsula," Olivia says from behind me, slotting on a pair of Versace cat-eye shades. "It is more exposed to the anti-cyclones that blow up from the Sahara."
My mouth drops as I make my way down onto the steaming tarmac. "This heatwave... is coming from Africa?"
No wonder it feels like the inside of a furnace!
"It certainly isn't coming from the Arctic!" bemoans Bertrand as he shields his face from the intensity of the rays with an upraised hand. "Though what a welcome change that would be!"
"Brr...!" objects Maxwell with a shiver. "No thank you! I've had my yearly fill of sub-zero temps at Olivia's!"
"You're welcome," comes the snippy response as the Duchess of Lythikos strides past us.
"That said, turning the mercury down a few notches wouldn't hurt..." I remark, squinting accusatorily up at the beating sun.
"The summer heatwaves have been growing longer and more intense over recent years," Olivia advises from up front, "leading to consequent effects on food and water security, power generation, infrastructure, not to mention the added burden on the healthcare system across Europe. It is one of the items on the agenda for Christian's roundtable with the Italian Prime Minister tomorrow."
I frown as I arrive at the passenger-side door of the first in a trio of waiting Porsche Macan GTS's. "I thought this was supposed to be an engagement tour..."
"It is," she confirms as a black-suited Italian sporting close-cropped hair and aviators opens the door for her. "But any foreign visit involving a high-ranking head of state is — by its nature — a diplomatic event as well."
"I guess that makes sense," I concede, sliding into the relative reprieve offered by the SUV's A/C system. "Though you said Christian is meeting with the Prime Minister tomorrow... I thought that was supposed to be today. Did something change?"
"No," derides Bertrand as he settles in next to me. "Today, the King is partaking in a meet-and-greet with the Italian President, followed by a private audience with the Pope while the future Queen is fitted for her wedding trousseau, capped off by dinner and a performance of Tosca at the Teatro dell'Opera in the evening. While tomorrow we have been invited to brunch at the Cordonian Consulate, after which the King has a round-table discussion with the Prime Minister, and day will be closed out by a state gala."
"Oh," I mutter sheepishly. "So, the Prime Minister isn't the same as the President...?"
"The Prime Minister is the head of government, while the President is the head of state," the elder Beaumont instructs as Maxwell squishes himself into the backseat on the other side of me. "The roles are quite distinct."
"Of course they are..." I huff under my breath.
Seems like in addition to Olivia's list of influential Cordonian nobles, I will also need to memorise a textbook on European constitutional history...
Though, now I am doubly glad of the business-like, but nevertheless stylish pale pink, high-necked pencil dress that Bertrand foisted on me this morning — it definitely would not have been great to show up underdressed to such a high-level meeting!
"But we must hurry!" the elder Beaumont proclaims. "We are due at the Presidential Palace in just under an hour, and we still need to fight our way through the notoriously infernal Roman traffic!"
"Not to worry," Olivia assures us with a sly smirk from the front passenger seat. "Vito here knows all the shortcuts."
"That sounds ominous..." I mutter, reaching for the seatbelt on instinct.
"I prefer 'expeditious'," she counters, turning to Vito, who has now taken up position behind the wheel. "Andiamo."
"Certamente, Duchessa," he nods, throwing the car forward with a violent depression of the gas pedal.
The sudden acceleration yanks an inadvertent gasp from my lips as I'm thrown back in my seat... just like on that afternoon in Ramsford when Drake pulled the same stunt on the Beaumonts' driveway.
I feel my throat tighten as I glance inadvertently out the window. God, I hope he's okay...
I know in the back of my mind that I'm probably making myself anxious for no reason. Drake is an adult, perfectly capable of taking care of himself... including in close-quarters situations. He's demonstrated that to me plenty of times.
Yet, I still can't help but worry about him. Especially when he's off in a foreign country (all by himself for all I know...), having left with basically no good-bye, and with definitely no assurance of when he expects to get back.
And while I know that he is doing this for me — so we can collar Tariq and extract whatever information he has in relation to the plot to influence the outcome of the social season... and to answer for what he did to me in Applewood — the wait is killing me. I have no idea where he is, what he is doing, and whether he even has his phone turned on, given the high-stakes nature of his self-appointed task.
Which is why I have held off trying to reach out to him (...even though the baser, needier part of me is itching to do exactly that), as I don't want to be the one to interrupt a crucial moment by setting his phone off with an ill-timed call or text, especially considering the three-hour time difference...
I heave a breath.
I just have to trust him. Like he asked me to at every turn of this increasingly bumpy road that we've been travelling since I left New York. And hope that we are finally on our way out of the woods.
Exiting the boundaries of the airport, Vito navigates the Porsche onto a highway where we are able to pick up some speed. Olivia uses the opportunity to open up her phone, throwing some questions in Italian to her associate every so often as we cruise along. Bertrand is similarly occupied, while Maxwell has slipped on some Bose headphones and is bobbing away to the beat.
Which leaves me to stare somewhat aimlessly out the window, watching the scenery roll by in a bid to keep myself distracted.
But the reprieve ends up being somewhat of a welcome one. The various warehouses and road-side auto lots surrounding the airport quickly give way to a tree-lined thoroughfare, and I find myself basking in the calming effects of the greenery, not having expected to encounter such a bucolic sight on the road to a major urban centre.
Eventually, though, the vegetation gives way to the crumbling walls of some kind of expansive estate that we end up following for a good few miles until the asphalt road changes over to cobblestones and we pass in front the gates of a red-bricked stone fortress that looks like it's been plucked straight from the set of Game of Thrones.
"Wow..." I can't help but breathe as I take in the sight of the towering structure simmering under the light of the mid-morning sun.
"Le mura aureliane," advises Vito from up front, catching my awed expression through the rear-view mirror. "Costruita dall'imperatore Aureliano per difendere Roma dai barbari."
I nod distractedly, craning my neck as we turn a corner to follow the path of the ancient structure that is somehow still standing despite the clear ravages of time and weather.
Nothing lasts like this anymore...
Making another turn, we pass beneath an arched portion of the wall, and the road before us opens up into a leafy boulevard that takes us into the city proper. And from there, it's one jaw-dropping piece of architecture after another jostling for space between more modern buildings and seemingly never-ending rows of trees.
"I didn't expect Rome to be so green..." I admit to no one in particular as I eye up the unusual-looking shrubs.
"You can thank the Ancient Romans," supplies Bertrand without glancing up from his phone. "They planted the now-iconic stone pines in scores along the major roadways in part to serve as ornamentation, and in part to provide a steady supply of pine nuts, which are an essential ingredient in many dishes, including pesto and various pies and tarts."
"It certainly was worth the effort," I agree, watching the evergreens drift past on either side of us.
Though, as Bertrand predicted, the closer we get to the centre of the ancient capital, the increasingly chaotic the traffic becomes, with cars, buses and mopeds all vying for space on the roads, requiring Vito to make recourse to his own horn as well as various offensive gestures in order to narrowly avoid a slew of accidents... and I suddenly have a slightly better appreciation for why Drake drives the way he does. Because based on my experiences first in France and now in Italy, it appears that on the Mediterranean, might equals right when it comes to priority on the road, and unless you're forceful, you ain't getting nowhere.
Managing to finally extricate ourselves from the constraints of a complicated intersection, we end up on a quieter road running parallel to a long patch of bunkered-looking grass on our left.
"What's that?" I ask, tapping Vito on his shoulder.
"Il Circo Massimo," he advises.
My eyes widen. "That's the Circus Maximus?"
"Sì," he nods. "L'antico stadio romano costruito per le corse dei carri."
"Unbelievable..." I murmur, slumping back into my seat in awe.
There is nothing comparable back home — even the oldest still-extant pre-Columbian structures date to only the first millennia A.D. Whereas here we are, casually cruising past a seminal piece of history that is still embedded into the fabric of the city nearly three thousand years after its construction. And we haven't even seen the Colosseum, or the Forum yet!
Rome really is the Eternal City...
Leaving the green fields of the Circus behind us, we enter a more urban-looking environment as we start to climb a hill. The white- and sand-coloured buildings cluster closer together, and the general architecture becomes more uniformly Baroque, until we arrive in a large plaza dominated by a massive, Neo-Classical structure that towers over everything else.
"Il Vittoriano," Vito offers without prompting.
"Is that where we're having brunch with the President?" I ask, slack-mouthed as I stare up at the imposing building.
It certainly looks impressive enough to house the head of a country!
"Of course not!" admonishes Bertrand. "The Vittoriano is a symbolic collection of monuments built to commemorate the rule of King Victor Emmanuel II and the unification of Italy. The President resides at the Quirinal Palace, which is located on a wholly different Roman hill!"
"Oh," I mutter sheepishly.
"Like she is going to know the difference," scoffs Oliva from the front. "They don't even teach The Art of War in her schools... How can you expect her to know anything about Italian history?"
"Italian history is foundational history!" insists Bertrand. "The Romans were instrumental in shaping not just the course of European, but Northern African and Middle Eastern events for millennia! How can they neglect to teach American children about this?"
"Because the focus is on US history," I tell them wearily as Vito navigates us to the other side of the square.
"Surely that is an afternoon's worth of lessons at most?" the elder Beaumont queries sceptically. "Your country was only founded in the conventional sense of the word in the mid-1600s..."
"Most Americans haven't been to Europe," I remind him, watching the rows of buildings flick past on either side of us as we begin the ascent up another hill. "They don't necessarily have a basis of comparison."
"Sounds like your curriculum is somewhat lacking in scope, then..." he surmises with pursed lips.
"Yeah, well..." I retort dryly, "I don't write the textbooks. Though, speaking of education, is there any chance for some sightseeing? It would be a shame to spend two days here and not actually see anything..."
"While I wholeheartedly approve of the sentiment," Bertrand replies, "I am afraid that you will have to make do with the cultural experiences offered by the various host venues on the official itinerary. Which — I admit — are no Pantheon, or Sistine Chapel, but are impressive and important cultural artefacts, nevertheless. The Quirinal Palace, for instance, so named for the Quirinal Hill on which it sits, is actually the sixth largest palace in the world and has served as the primary residence of such notable figures as—"
I let out a low exhale as Bertrand launches into a full-blown historical recital. And while the details are definitely interesting, I didn't come all this way to listen to a one-man rendition of a Roman guidebook.
Which makes me all the more determined to find some kind of opportunity to slip away from the official tour — even if it's just for an hour to toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain — so that I can experience something of the magic that this breathtaking city has to offer.
When, I have no idea, given the busyness of our schedule, but I managed to orchestrate an escape plan to see the capital back in Cordonia, so I'm confident I'll be able to pull something similar... albeit without Drake's help this time. But despite the set-backs, I'm not about to miss out on this kind of once-in-a-lifetime experience...
With my intention firmly set, the car rounds an uphill corner, and we are suddenly on the edge of yet another expansive plaza secured by a rim of strategically placed concrete planters and a pair of police cars.
Vito pulls to a stop and slides the window down to exchange a few quick words with the officer who has come to greet us.
"Passports," instructs Olivia, reaching into her purse.
Opening up the white, Medusa emblazoned Versace clutch sitting on my lap — which I am sure cost more than what I would've ever made in a month working as a waitress back home, but which Bertrand had insisted on as a 'necessary' Italian-themed accessory — I pull out my shiny, new Cordonian passport and pass it to the front.
Maxwell and Bertrand do the same, and there is a couple of minutes of tense silence while the stern-looking officer inspects each document to verify our identities, while another policeman does a circuit 'round the car with a convex safety mirror.
Finally, the policeman hands the passports back with a curt nod, and waves us through.
"Were they not expecting us?" I query as I slot my credentials away again.
"They were," Olivia advises. "But we are arriving separately from the royal delegation, so the State Police are obligated to run a security check."
The Duchess of Lythikos scoffs back at me. "To ensure that we are not terrorists trying to kill the President with a car bomb... Or did that part go over your head?"
"No..." I hit back sarcastically. "I meant why are we arriving separately?"
She looks back at me with an arched brow. "Would you have preferred to deal with the press?"
"I... No," I admit.
She turns back to the front with a smirk. "Didn't think so."
Vito pulls the car to a stop in front of a small courtyard decked out with a red carpet and intertwined streamers made out in the colours of Cordonia's and Italy's flags. Allard and Schweitzer — who had been travelling in the car behind us — appear to open the doors for us.
Bertrand scoots out of the backseat first, before turning back to offer me his hand.
"Thanks," I say with a sincere smile, grasping his fingers to help pull myself up.
"Always my pleasure," he replies with a genuine smile.
Smoothing my skirt, I gaze up at the somewhat understated-looking entranceway, suddenly nervous about the prospect of acting as a newly-minted ambassador of Cordonia. I mean... three months ago, I was bussing tables at a dive bar for less than minimum wage, and now here I am, decked out in clothes that cost more than the rent I was paying for a fifth-storey walk-up, about to have an official meeting with a foreign country's head of state.
To say that I feel like a fraud is a massive understatement.
"What are you waiting for?" asks Olivia, breezing past me with all the confidence of a woman who's done this a hundred times before... probably because she has. "For the grass to grow?"
"I heard the President loves chocolate bomboloni," offers Maxwell enthusiastically, linking his arm through mine to tug me down the length of the red carpet.
"What's...that?" I ask, forcing myself to swallow down the sudden dryness in my throat.
Maxwell's face collapses into an aghast look of shock. "Only the best pastry-based dessert! Second only to cronuts, of course!"
"That's definitely a high bar to hit," I admit.
"Think mini doughnuts with gooey chocolate filling, dusted with powdered sugar," he explains. "They literally melt in your mouth!"
"Except we are not here to indulge infantile cravings for sugary treats," reprimands Bertrand as we pass through the arched doorway. "We are here to partake in important discussions relating to matters of state, and t—"
"Pfft," scoffs Olivia. "Speak for yourself, Beaumont. These meetings are dull as shite. I'm here for the sweets."
I can't help but snort at the unexpected riposte... as well as the resultant sight of Bertrand's jaw hitting the parquet flooring. And I unexpectedly find myself feeling better about the whole experience. Because despite whatever nerves I may be feeling, the fact that Olivia and the Beaumonts are with me means that I am not alone in this.
Passing into the coolness of the building, we are greeted by a middle-aged woman who proceeds to lead us through a veritable rabbit warren of ante-rooms and corridors before we finally arrive in an expansive room dominated by a pair of jaw-dropping crystal chandeliers suspended from a vaulted, hand-painted ceiling.
"La Salle Bronzino," informs our guide, indicating that we should step through.
"Wow..." I breathe, trying to take in the opulence with as much composure as I can.
A slew of camera shutters click to life upon our arrival.
Jerking my gaze down from the delicate, celestial fresco above me, I spot the handful of photographers aiming their lenses at me.
I stifle a groan as I plaster a demure smile onto my face. "I thought you said there wouldn't be any reporters."
"This is an official state visit," Bertrand hisses out of the corner of his mouth. "Of course, there will be reporters!
"Just not as many as there would have been outside earlier," Olivia assures me.
My shoulders slump in acquiescence. "Take the wins you can get, I guess..."
"Ah, you made it!" exclaims Christian, striding up to us with a jovial grin. "Traffic wasn't too terrible, I hope?"
"Nothing Vito couldn't handle," Olivia assures him, dipping into a chaste curtesy as the photographers snap eagerly away.
Christian turns to me with a good-natured chuckle. "And Lady Harper... First impressions haven't put you off, have they?"
"No," I assure him, bobbing down politely as well, knowing that everyone in the room now has their eyes on us. "The exact opposite, actually."
"Excellent," he beams, holding my gaze for a second longer than he did with Olivia. "I have to admit that I have a bit of a soft spot for Rome, myself."
"It really is a—"
"Darling," interjects Madeleine with a steely smile, appearing at her fiancé's shoulder. "You really should focus your attentions on the President. He has been gracious enough to open up his home for us, after all..."
Christian's nostrils flare with the briefest flash of irritation as he pulls back slightly. "Quite. Let us go make the necessary introductions."
Madeleine bristles. "That is not what I—"
Deftly ignoring her, Christian extends his arm decisively towards an elderly man wearing a sombre suit and gold-rimmed glasses. "Shall we?"
"I guess so?" I concede, already feeling myself being steered past the silently fuming countess.
"Now remember," Bertrand mutters next to me as Christian leads us down the length of the room. "In the context of a formal conversation, it is always lei — never tu — when addressing your counterpart, so for the love of all that is holy, please do not—"
"Singor Presidente," proclaims Christian as he pulls to a stop. "Permettetemi di presentarvi altri membri della nostra delegazione."
The President raises his head dutifully. "Certamente."
"Questo è Singor Bertrand Beaumont, duca di Ramsford, e suo fratello, Maxwell."
The Beaumonts bow their heads dutifully.
"Beaumont..." the President frowns. "Sai, mi suona familiare. Sei parente di Signor Bartholemy, per caso?"
"Sì," Bertrand confirms. "Egli è nostro padre."
The President is nodding in recollection. "Sì... sì... Ha accompagnato il re precedente in molte occasioni. Sei molto simile a lui."
"Sì, la somiglianza di famiglia è forte," Bertrand acknowledges.
"E questa è Singorina Olivia Nevrakis, duchessa di Lythikos, un mio carissimo amico, e fedele sostenitrice del famiglia Rys."
Olivia holds out her hand. "E' un piacere conoscerla, Signore Presidente."
The President drops a chaste kiss on the back of her hand. "Il piacere è tutto mio."
"E finalmente," concludes Christian, "questa è Singorina Harper, la nuova duchessa di Valtoria."
The President's brows arc inquisitively. "Singorina Harper... You are... American? No?"
"Sì," I affirm as I offer my hand out. "Ma ho praticato mio Italiano..."
The President's mouth cracks into a genuine smile. "And you are doing very well, Singorina! Tell me, have you visited la città eterna before?"
"No, this is my first time," I admit, also switching to English, now that the formalities are over and done with. "But even the ride from the airport was utterly magical! It's like stepping into history!"
"Sì," the President affirms with a grin. "Us Romans are unspeakably lucky to be able to call such a beautiful city our home. It is a place of many treasures."
"What is your favourite part of the city?" I ask.
The President blinks in surprise at the unexpected intimacy of the request. "That is a difficult question... But if I am forced to choose... it would have to be this little forno next to la Fontana di Trevi which makes a very unique — and very delicious — pistachio croissant. It is not for every person, but if you have a spirit of adventure, then I suggest you try it."
"Thank you," I say with a sincere smile, filing the suggestion away. "I definitely will!"
"I cannot say that I have had the pleasure of sampling this treat, either," Christian admits, with a knowing glance down at me. "But Lady Harper has excellent taste in pastries — she was actually kind enough to introduce us to an American delicacy called a cronut. It was a big hit all around."
"A cronut?" queries the President. "I cannot say I am familiar..."
"Don't worry," Maxwell assures him with a conspiratorial grin. "We'll bring you one. If you'll trade us some bomboloni in exchange?"
Bertrand's already sunburnt face reddens further. "Maxwell! You cannot entreat the President t—"
"You like bomboloni, also?" interjects the President with keen interest.
"Of course!" Maxwell affirms enthusiastically. "Anyone who doesn't like them clearly has something wrong with them!"
"Sounds like you have excellent taste in pastries as well, Signore Maxwell!" chuckles the President.
The conversation continues to revolve around our shared food interests for a few more minutes, until an aide clears his throat from behind the President.
"Accettare le mie scuse," he apologises. "But I am being advised that it is time for the photographs and the speeches."
"Of course," nods Christian graciously, indicating that the President should lead the way to the front of the room where a small podium has been set up.
As the two men peel away from the group, I cast my eyes 'round the space and spot Hana standing by one of the large windows. Giving her a wave, I use the brief break in the proceedings to make my way over to her.
"So, what's the view like from this side of the room?" I ask by way of greeting.
"Quieter than your side," she admits wryly. "You certainly seemed to be having an engaging conversation with the President!"
"We discovered a shared love for sugary treats," I admit. "You should've joined us — you could've bragged about that baking championship that you won."
"It's alright," she demurs with a blush. "It's actually been nice to take a moment to step away from the crowd."
"Oh?" I ask, laying a concerned hand on her arm. "Is something wrong?"
She heaves a breath, as if debating whether to tell me. Finally, she says, "I have been fending off suitors."
My brow shoots skywards. "How many proposals have you had?"
"Since I arrived...? Probably twelve..."
My eyes bulge. "Twelve! That's like two a day!"
"Yes," she concedes with a weary exhale. "Lady Madeleine has been extremely gracious in personally introducing me to numerous eligible bachelors—"
"—but none of them are Maxwell," I surmise.
Her eyes flick up to mine before dropping back down sorrowfully. "No. But for the sake of my parents, I must entertain every available option in an honest manner."
"That definitely sounds exhausting..." I concede. "But hopefully now that we're out of the country, you can catch a bit of a break."
"I am not so sure..." she admits. "I have been advised that a number of well-connected Italians will be in attendance at the opera tonight..."
"Pfft...!" I scoff. "Just take the night off... Pretend to be sick... Run off with Maxwell to get some gelato... Actually enjoy being in Italy!"
Hana blushes. "I—"
The chime of a bell rings out across the room, interrupting our conversation.
Looking up, I see that all heads have turned dutifully towards the twin forms standing on the dais as they prepare to address the congregation.
"Vostra Altezza Reale, colleghi delegati, Signore e Signori," greets the President, "È un onore, per me, ospitare la delegazione reale di Cordonia, nostro vicino e stretto alleato per centinaia di anni. È passato troppo tempo da—"
As the speech winds on, I find myself tuning out, given that I am only able to understand every third or fourth word. But, not wanting to come across as rude by continuing my catch-up with Hana, I instead try to occupy myself by examining the two large tapestries suspended on the walls.
A round of applause draws me out of my reverie, and I join in on auto-pilot as the President hands off to Christian. Several more minutes of lilting Italian fills the room, during which time I move my attentions to the Roman-looking busts, wondering which emperors they depict.
Finally, the speeches come to a close, and I heave a sigh of relief.
"Did you understand any of that?" I ask Hana as the President presents Christian with some kind of medal, and the two men pose for photos.
"Of course," she nods. "My parents—"
"—have been giving you Italian lessons since before you could talk?" I finish dryly.
Hana's cheeks dimple. "Not quite that young, but yes. I am what they consider 'proficient'."
"Meaning, you speak it better than I speak English," I joke.
She snorts in response. "I wouldn't say that..."
"But it's true," I say with a smirk, happy to see that Hana's time back at court has not completely crushed her sense of humour.
"Ah, I've missed talking to you, Harper," she says with genuine feeling. "The last few days have felt so busy that I feel like we haven't spoken in months!"
"Yeah, tell me about it..." I agree with a huff. "In the space of a week, I've become a Cordonian citizen, been granted a duchy, gone from number five to number one on Madeleine's shit list, and—"
Hana's eyes widen. "It's not that bad, surely...!"
"It's probably worse," I admit. "And being on the front page of the Cordonian Sun — again — is probably not helping matters either..."
"Yes, I saw that article..." she commiserates with feeling. "I'm sorry that the press are treating you in that manner again."
"Hey, it's not your fault," I assure her. "But the press aren't all bad — I managed to convince Ana de Luca to help us track down the photographer who took those pictures of me and Tariq, and she actually came through yesterday."
"That's great!" she enthuses. "I have to admit that I have not had much success on my side... Madeleine does not permit her ladies-in-waiting to handle any of her private correspondence, including her mobile phones and laptop. And she has only talked to us about the upcoming events on the tour..."
"Well, it was a bit of a long-shot, anyway," I concede with a shrug. "But who knows? We might get—"
"Pardon," interrupts Kiara with a pointed cough. "But the Queen requests your presence."
I roll my eyes with a scoff. "She's not married to Christian yet..."
"But she will be soon," she reminds me pointedly. "So, it is actuellement in your interest to remain on her good side, given that you are now a duchess."
I feel the corner of my mouth scrunch into a mou of dissent, but I force myself not to pick apart the many things that are wrong with her statement. "Fine. Where is Her Majesty?"
"Bidding adieu to the President," she advises. "She has asked that in the meantime I gather the ladies who are to accompany her to the wedding boutique."
"Does she really need an entourage to go shopping?" I ask as we start making our way back to the double doors at the far end of the room.
"It is tradition for the suitors who were not picked at the end of the social season to assist the queen-to-be in the preparations for the wedding, including selecting her bridal gown and trousseau."
"Wonder how many times that's gone wrong before..." I mutter under my breath.
"It is a ritual de beaucoup d'importance," Kiara insists seriously. "The former suitors — and their families — demonstrate their public support for the union via the personal assistance they provide the bride and groom in the lead-up to the big day, as well as in the act of taking on key roles during the ceremony itself."
"Let me guess..." I grumble. "We're all going to be maids of honour, too..."
"In Cordonia, the correct term is 'witness'," she corrects. "They are the ones chosen by the couple to countersign the marriage certificate. Mais oui — it is likely that one or two of us will be called upon in such a manner."
"Great..." I sigh, arriving at the entranceway where Penelope and Olivia are already waiting. "All the things we get to look forward to..."
"Oh, Lady Harper!" squeals Penelope in excitement. "I love your dress! How do you always manage to find such super chic pieces?"
"Uhh..." I say, genuinely taken aback by her enthusiasm. "Bertrand picked this, actually..."
Olivia snorts derisively. "You mean Lord Tweedle-Dee? Please... That man has worse fashion sense than Jared Leto."
"Actually, he—"
"If you lot are quite finished with your asinine chit-chit," snaps Madeline as she strides imperiously past us, "you can pick up your feet. We are already running late for my appointment... Which took months to schedule, so don't you dare make me miss it!"
I meet Hana's gaze with a fish-eyed look. "Ever heard the term 'bridezilla' before?"
"No," she admits with a frown. "But it sounds scary..."
"Oh, trust me!" I assure her as we bring up the rear. "It is! Especially since it sounds like Madeleine is planning to take the concept to a whole 'nother level..."
The story continues in Chapter 19: Field Day
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A/N: Translations for the Italian below:
At the airport: Andiamo - Let's go
Certamente, Duchessa - Certainly, Duchess
En route Lemura aureliane. Costruitadall'imperatore Aureliano per difendere Roma dai barbari. - The Aurelian Wall. It was constructed by the Emperor Aurelian to defend Rome against barbarians.
Il Circo Massimo - The Circus Maximus
Sì. L'antico stadio romano costruito per le corsedei carri. - Yes. The ancient Roman stadium constructed for chariot racing.
Il Vittoriano - This is a colloquial nickname for the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II
At the Presidential Palace Singor Presidente. Permettetemi di presentarvi altri membri della nostra delegazione. - Mr President. Allow me to introduce some additional members of our delegation.
Certamente - Certainly
Questo è Singor Bertrand Beaumont, duca di Ramsford, e suo fratello, Maxwell. - This is Lord Bertrand Beaumont, Duke of Ramsford, and his brother, Maxwell.
Beaumont... Sai, mi suona familiare. Sei parente di Signor Bartholemy, per caso? - Beaumont... You know, that sounds familiar. Are you related to Lord Bartholemy, by chance?
Sì. Egli è nostro padre. - Yes. He is our father.
Sì...sì... Ha accompagnato il re precedente in molte occasioni. Sei molto simile a lui. - Yes... Yes... He accompanied the former king on many occasions. You look a lot like him.
Sì, la somiglianza di famiglia è forte. - Yes, there is a notable family resemblance.
E questaè Singorina Olivia Nevrakis, duchessa di Lythikos,un mio carissimo amico, e fedele sostenitrice del famiglia Rys. - And this is Lady Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, a dear friend of mine, and loyal supporter of the Rys family.
E' un piacere conoscerla, Signore Presidente. - My sincere pleasure, Mr President.
Il piacere è tutto mio. - The pleasure is all mine.
E finalmente, questa è Singorina Harper, la nuova duchessa di Valtoria. - And finally, this is Lady Harper, the new Duchess of Valtoria.
Sì. Ma hopraticato mio Italiano.* - Yes. But I am practising my Italian. *Italian speakers will note that there is a grammatical mistake here (the correct phrasing is 'Ho praticato il mio italiano'). However, the mistake is deliberate because Harper learnt Italian literally an hour ago, so she's not going to be perfect at it!
La città eterna - the Eternal City (nickname for Rome)
Accettare le mie scuse - [Please] Accept my apologies.
Vostra Altezza Reale, colleghi delegati, Signore e Signori. È un onore, per me, ospitare la delegazionereale di Cordonia, nostro vicino e stretto alleato per centinaia di anni. Èpassato troppo tempo da— Your Royal Highness, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is my honour to host the royal delegation of Cordonia, our neighbour and ally for many centuries. It has been far too long since—
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @mywildheartremains
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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fadingreveries · 7 months
The Royal Romance Retelling Masterlist
Series Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
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The Royal Romance, Book 1 🏰 - Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5/part 6/part 7) - Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5) - Bk1 Ch3: Reunited
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justcallmefox89 · 4 months
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Three
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Return to Cordonia
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Liam restlessly drums his fingers against the armrest of his seat, occasionally darting irritated glances towards Callum and Drake.  Pangs of anger and jealously shoot through him as he watches the two interact; his chest tightening as his observes the tender way Callum treats Drake, as if he is something fragile and precious.
Callum tucks a soft blanket around Drake then slouches lower in his seat, allowing Drake to comfortably pillow his head on Callum’s shoulder.  Callum presses a soft kiss to the top of Drake’s head before picking up a battered paperback and starting to quietly read out loud.  Drake’s eyelids begin to flutter, and his breathing becomes deep and even as he quickly drops off to sleep.  Callum tenderly smiles down at him and resumes his reading silently, remaining as still as possible to avoid disturbing Drake’s sleep. 
If they weren’t currently 40,000 feet above the Atlantic ocean Liam would have thrown himself out of the plane without a second thought, anything to escape the painfully sick feeling he gets seeing Drake and Callum together.
Someone slides gracefully into the seat next to him, temporarily drawing his attention away from the two men. 
“I took the liberty of making you some tea,” Hana murmurs, passing him a steaming mug.
Liam inhales the fragrant steam and takes a sip, the scalding tea burning his tongue and temporarily distracting him from his misery.  “Thank you, Hana,” he says, smiling at her gratefully.
“How are you?” she asks, concern shining in her brown eyes.
Liam takes another sip of tea, trying to collect his thoughts.  “This is a situation I never expected to find myself in,” he finally admits.
“I doubt many people do,” Hana replies, stifling a smile.  “I don’t envy you, Your Majesty.  Madeline is furious.”
Liam stretches in his seat, picking out a familiar head of blonde hair sitting several seats ahead of him.  He shrugs, unable to muster enough energy to care about his fiancée’s anger.  “It’s no secret that our marriage isn’t a love match,” he sighs.  “I’m not sure what she expects from me.”
“Probably for you to not openly stare at Drake and Callum as if you’re a jealous lover.”
The king turns his head to stare at Hana, shocked at her uncharacteristic boldness. 
She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears and clears her throat.  “Her pride is hurt, Your Majesty.  No matter the truth of your arrangement it is important to her that the two of you appear to be a loving and committed couple to the public.”
“It’s getting harder and harder to pretend,” he admits, slumping back into his seat.  “I see those two together and I remember every wonderful moment I’ve had with them, and I can’t help but imagine what kind of future we could have together.”
He speaks without thinking, unwittingly admitting to his previous relationship with Drake.  Hana smiles to herself, happy to have her long-standing suspicions finally confirmed, but allows the moment to pass without comment.
“But then I remember how easy it was for Callum to give up, to walk away from me without a fight,” Liam continues.  “And I see how easy it was for Drake to just fall into his arms and I feel… betrayed.  I’m furious, Hana.  With both of them.  And I don’t want to be, but I can’t help it.”
Hana levels him with a disappointed look and he squirms under her gaze.  “I would hope you know both of them well enough by now, especially Drake, to know that none of this is easy for them.  It wasn’t easy for Callum to leave Cordonia, but at some point he had to prioritize his well-being over the chance you might choose him.  For you their relationship came out of nowhere, but Drake was Callum’s rock during the social season, sometimes even more than myself or Maxwell.  They understand each other in a way we never will, because in many ways they will always be outsiders in court.  They bring out the best in each other.  Drake grounds Callum.  And Callum makes Drake free.”
Liam frowns, silently ruminating over her words.
Hana sighs, softening her tone.  “I understand that you’re angry, and that’s fair.  But you need to understand that you played a part in all of this too.  You decided to prioritize your duty to Cordonia, and you have to accept all the consequences that follow.”
“You know better than anyone that I didn’t have a choice.”
“There is always a choice, Liam.”  Hana tentatively lays her hand over his and gazes at him earnestly.  “Drake and Callum chose happiness, it’s not too late for you to do the same.”
“I…” Liam hesitates, the very thought seems overwhelmingly daunting.
Hana squeezes his hand reassuringly.  “I will remain your friend whatever you decide, Liam.  But bear in mind that if you do marry Madeline you run the chance of losing them both forever.”
“I know,” he whispers sadly, glancing over towards the pair.  Callum has joined Drake in slumber; his cheek rests on the top of Drake’s head and he smiles faintly in his sleep.  “I know.” 
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Return To Sender
Next Chapter
Chapter one - With a little help
Drake Walker x Rose Thorne ( MC)
WC: 4,1K
Summery: When Rose Thorne gets a second chance to be back in Cordonia and be back with Drake- Will he be able to be with her or will the risk of hurting his best friend be too much for him to bare?
(Rewrite of the royal romance book two with a focus on the romance between Drake and Mc plus friendships)
While sitting at the Cordonian airport you looked out through the windows with your head in your hands and tears streaming down on your face. In the last eight months you had come to fall in love with Cordonia both it's people and the people you had met through your journey.
You were going to miss Hana – the beautiful and talented Hana who had truly become your bestest friend. You were going to miss sneaking down in the kitchen at 3 am with her to make hot chocolate filled with whipped cream and soo many delicious marshmallows.
You were going to miss Maxwell's high energy and jumping on the massive beds with him and Bertrand scolding you both. You were going to miss how gentle of a person Liam was, he was always good company and he had a lot of trust in him which was something you admired.
You remembered your mother's final words before she and you left your family home after her and your father had gone through a messy divorce.
Trust is not something you can ever give away freely Rosaline, It must be earned
But the person you were going to miss the very most out of everyone was Drake. Funny, sarcastic but underneath that harsh layer was a much softer side of Drake that he only showed to the people who really mattered. In the very beginning he had fascinated you and drew you in but you had really started to fall for him after he had let down his guard around you and you had spend more time together just the two of you.
You wish you had gotten a chance to explore the magnetism you both obviously felt for each other however you knew he was hesitant to fully be with you because of Liam.
Now boarding economy class for passengers of flight PB205 to New York City...
'Well I guess that's me... Goodbye Cordonia' you said and wishfully looked out the window one last time to say goodbye.
The palace guards who had escorted you to the airport were watching closely.
You look through your bag for your boarding pass when you hear a familiar voice
'Rose! Wait!'
you turn around to see Maxwell and Bertrand running towards you before they are stopped by the palace guards
'you will keep your hands to yourselves. I am the Duke of Ramsford!' Bertrand says clearly agitated
After hearing that Bertrand and Maxwell are noble the guards back off and they both rush over to you
'Rose!' Maxwell exclaims before pulling you into a strong embrace, you hug him back tenderly
'I hope you came here to help me?' you asks anxiously, but you are hopeful that there's still hope for you to go back to Cordonia, to your friends.
' Kind off? We don't have any concreate answers for you but we are both here for you and of course we both believe that you had nothing to do with the scandal' Maxwell says trying to reassure you.
'Really? Both of you believe me? Even Bertrand' you ask sceptically as you look over at Bertrand who doesn't look fully convinced of your innocence.
' Lady Rose ... Did you have a romantic relationship with Tariq behind close doors?'
'Bertrand of course she didn't! It was a set up' Maxwell says shocked at how his brother is behaving
Bertrand looks over at Maxwell then back at you
'Maxwell let her answer for herself. I need to hear the truth from her'
' Bertrand... I never had a romantic relationship with Tariq. But I think I'm falling in love with someone else..' You say and look down at the ground, you take a deep breath before you look back up and Maxwell mouths 'Drake?' you look at him with a different ray of emotions shock, fear then disbelief before you mouth back ' how did you know?' and Maxwell shrugs smugly.
'Now now children we have important things we must discuss' Bertrand scolds both of you.
' What do you suggest we do' you ask in a serious tone of voice
'We want to take you back to Cordonia'
' Well you were clearly set up. We will not take this laying down. No one smears the name of House Beaumont' Bertrand says with determination
'But Liam chose someone else'
'There's a constitutional provision that states the king can change his mind under certain circumstances. It it hard to change but it isn't impossible. Whoever is plotting against you wish you unwell and we must stop them immediately' .
'Really? You would do all of this for me?' you ask feeling both gratitude and a bit overwhelmed
' You aren't to blame Lady Rose. The Court shouldn't have reacted so harshly and those culprits who set you up need to pay for this. House Beaumont supports you unequivocally and we are on your side until the bitter end'
You pull Bertrand into a hug and Maxwell joins you before yelling 'GROUP HUG'
Maxwell and Bertrand inform you that clearing your name isn't going to be a piece of cake but that they will do anything they can to help you prove your innocence. They fill you in on the fact that for you to have the best chances to clear your name you must join Madeleine's engagement tour.
'What do you say Rose? You want to go back and clear your name and find the love of your life
that would otherwise be lost forever' Maxwell says overly dramatic for show and normally you would giggle but you need to think about this
You want to go back to court and clear your name more than anything, to see your friends again and see Drake more than anything, but you are scared.
What if it doesn't work? What if they are better off without you? Your fingers tremble as you put a bit of your hair behind your ear and you take a deep breath.
You got this. You can do it.
Final call for economy class passengers of flight PB205 to New York City... final call...
'Bertrand, take my bag!! let's get this show on the road'
Bertrand looks at you clearly flabbergasted.
'your b- your bag!!'
you give him your best puppy dog eyes.
'just this once? Pretty please? It is a very important occasion'
Bertrand rolls his eyes and reluctantly agrees before reminding you that it won't be a reoccurring thing.
'After what happened earlier I didn't think I would see any of you again let alone hear from you. I thought you had given up on me' you express sadly as you, Maxwell and Bertrand make your way towards the limo.
'We would never leave you behind!We came as soon as we could but security had split us up into separate holding rooms until Bertrand gave them a mouthful and demanded we were let go' Maxwell says and you crack a smile for the first time all night since arriving at the airport.
'No one treats the Duke of Ramsford or house Beaumont with anything less than respect.. Get in the limo. We have a lot of work to do before the welcome party at Madeleine's estate.
' Sr yes sir' you say playfully before you get into the limo.
The next six weeks is spent rebuilding your image and going over etiquette so you know how to describe food, learning to perfect your quickstep and what forks to use for which meals, you're missing everyone dearly but you have been told minimal contact with your friends is for the best at
the moment and no one has reached out to you and it hurts.
You miss Hana dearly but she must be home with her parents now and that must have taken a toll on her. Liam must be busy with his engagement and his princely duties. Drakes withdrawal hurts the most, there was something real between you and you cannot believe he hasn't sent as much as a text message. Do you not matter to him as much as he matters to you?
You also spend the next six weeks physically changing your image, new gowns are bought for the upcoming tour, Maxwell and Bertrand got a family friend who happened to be a stylist into the Beaumont estate and she gives your hair a transformation from red hair to black hair with blue ombre tips, you absolutely adore your new look, it feels like such a needed change, like a rebirth. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
The day of Madeleine's welcome party arrives and you are beyond nervous, why do you care so much what the people at court will think of you re-entering society?
You suppose the only opinions you actually care about is your friends, you didn't have the best up brining with a lot of friends and you absolute hated being in big crowds as it always triggered your social anxiety.
You look outside at Madeleine's estate from the windows you take in the beautiful fountain, the rose bushes and the lush green grass and sigh.
Maxwell knocks on your door later in the afternoon.
'Rose?' He asks gently when you look towards the door.
'come in' you say silently and look back out the window.
Maxwell senses your distress and goes over and sits down next to you.
'what's on your mind?' Maxwell asks you softly as he puts his hand lightly on top of yours.
'I really am that transparent aren't I?' you asks and sigh
' Only because I know my bestest friend'
' It's been almost two months since I've heard from anyone besides you and Bertrand.. I thought at least.. '
'Drake would have reached out?' Maxwell finishes the sentence for you and gives you a knowing look.
you nod and lean your head on his shoulder and avoid his gaze that you can feel lingering on you.
' To be fair, Drake usually keeps to himself.. sometimes months go by before we talk. You know how much nobles drain him'
' oh' is the best response you can muster at the moment as it feels like a knife has been twisted into your stomach.
What if you won't hear from Drake for months or ever again? Just thinking about it hurts so much. Before Maxwell has any time to reassure you Bertrand enters your room
' Lady Rose, you need to get ready for the welcome party. Remember this is your grand re-entrance to courtly society. You must look impeccable'
Bertrand hands you an elegant blue dress and you go to the bathroom and change into it. You take in yourself in the dress in the mirror, the dress accentuates your chest without being too lowcut and it hugs your curves in all the right places. The dress isn't something you would have ever chosen for yourself but it's very pretty, it's knee length, silk and it has beautiful sequins on the bottom of the dress.
As you walk out both Bertrand and Maxwell reassure you that you look absolutely gorgeous and you smile at them before thanking them for them dress before walking out of your room and towards the party.
Once the doors open to the grand hall of Madeleine's manor you can hear people gasping and whispering and they are staring at you. You notice the press looking at you as well. It's showtime.
You plaster a fake smile on your face as you enter the grand hall and you squeeze Maxwell's arm for support and he grins at you.
'You're doing well Rose'
'Thank you Max' you say thankfully and try to relax at least a little
you manage to curtsy and introduce yourself to Madeleine's mother, catch up with Penelope and Kiara and you find out they are part of Madeleine's bachelorette party. You congratulate Madeleine on her engagement with Liam and somehow you manage not to get frustrated too much by Madeleine's rude behaviour. You definitely don't care enough about her to care what she thinks of you.
As you turn around you see Liam for the first time in two months and while you don't harbour any romantic feelings for him, you still care about him and want to free him from Madeleine.
'Lady Rose I was not expecting to see you...' Liam says shocked
'Liam! I missed you'
'I've.. I've missed you too' he says and looks at you with a sad expression on his face.
'we need to --'
Liam is interrupted by Madeleine as she puts her hand on his arm and leans in to kiss his cheek before she guides him away.
You and Maxwell walk around the room and you lean in and say ' if Drake comes back at court then
I need to tell Liam the truth. He deserves to know that while I do care for him that I do not love him. He deserves that much. He doesn't deserve to be lead on'.
'I know you want to let him know and you should Rose but I think you should wait until you have spoken with Drake until you make up your mind'
'I don't want to hurt Liam or get his hopes up, but I do need to talk to Drake first'
Maxwell guides you over to the table Bertrand is sitting at and you all share your information that you have learned tonight, you learn that Tariq has left court and the best way to clear your name is to make him make a statement of what really happened the night he was tricked into your room under false pretences. Both of you were played and clearly whoever is behind this wanted him out of court so he couldn't tell everyone the truth.
As you lie in bed at night and stare at the ceiling you sigh, you just want this whole scandal thing to be over, you want to start over in Cordonia not as a queen but as one of the people. You wish Hana and Drake were here right now as you miss them dearly.
If things are real between you and Drake you want to find out in whatever shape it can take, all you know right now is that you long for more time with him.
You wonder when he will return to court and if at he will be back soon at all. As much as your heart yearns for him most of all you miss the group hangouts with him and his friendship.
You wake up the next morning to a soft knock on the door, you yawn and stretch before you go over to the door to open it
'Max.. isn't this kind of ear-'
You gawk at the person standing in the doorway, it isn't Maxwell it's Hana. You didn't think you would see her again. You thought she would be back home with her dreadful and controlling parents.
You have spent many nights worried for your best friend and her well being, now that she's standing in front of you it feels like an illusion or a dream.
You grab her waist gently and pull her into a bone crushing hug and she hugs you back just as fiercely.
'oh Hana! I missed you so much' you exclaim happily as you still hang onto her for dear life.
' I missed you too'
as you slowly let go of her you go to sit down on your bed and she follows you and sit down across from you.
' I was so worried that you weren't coming back'
' To be honest I didn't think I was either. '
'Does your parents know you're here?
'I'm here with their blessing actually. Countess Madeleine called my father and invited me to stay in Cordonia as part of the wedding party and she promised my parents she would help me find a match worthy of the family name'
'Oh Hana that's great! It is great right??...Wait.. Is this what you really want?'
You were so happy she was back but the pressure of her finding someone and her parents expectations for her were too much pressure. Plus it was highly unlikely they approved of the two of you being friends after the scandal and because you encouraged her to be free instead of caged in like some sort of bird.
Hana seems to think about her response for a minute.
' When I heard you were coming back I couldn't get back to Cordonia fast enough. You are the real reason I want to be here'
You put your hand on top of hers and smiled. It truly was good to see her.
'What made you decide to come back?'
' Well my decision to come back was threefold really, I want to clear my name and save Liam from Madeleine because he deserves better and I really want to spend more time with -'
'Drake?' Hana adds and nudges her shoulder into yours
' That obvious huh?'
' I mean it's the way you look at each other when you think no one is looking'
'Oh' you feel your cheeks get warm and you smile widely
'I want to help you clear your name Rose, I hate the idea of anyone scheming against you... anyway.. Have you seen Drake yet? He wouldn't stop talking about how we need to stop the people who are scheming against you'
Ohhh. So he did want to talk to you? You wondered why he hadn't reached out yet. Wondered if he was okay. You missed his grumpy face.
Before you can answer Hana there's a knock on the door and you open it to reveal Maxwell and he lights up when he sees Hana, he rushes over to her and pull her into a hug, you join them.
' I feared we wouldn't see you ever again! Bertrand was convinced you were gone for good'
' It's really good to see you as well Max' Hana says earnestly
Hana, you and Maxwell head to the estate's boutique together so both you and Hana can get ready for Madeleine's engagement party. Changing is for sure more fun when you are around your bestest friend. Maxwell leaves to prep things for later with Bertrand.
You look through the different dresses for something nice to wear.
' So... you've been here for the last day.. how has everything been?'
' Oh so much better now that you are here' you admit you have missed her so so very much
'I came just in time then' Hana smiles at you before squeezing your shoulder softly
' Promise me we will always keep in touch.. Hana, I can't do any of this without you near me' you admit shyly as Hana finds you a gorgeous pink dress for you to try on.
' I will do my very best to make sure that won't happen' she reassures you as you turn around and go into the changing room.
Once you have tried the dress on you show it to Hana, it's a white silk dress with pastel pink lace over it, it's knee length with short sleeves. Hana helps you sip up the dress
' Soo.. what do we think of the dress?' you say and twirl
' You look like you're ready to knock them all out with your beauty'
' Thank you Hana, you are far too kind.. I never got the chance to ask you but.. how does your parents feel about us being friends after everything that has happened recently?' you ask nervously, you hope Hana hasn't been upset because your friendship.
' they haven't been too happy I'm afraid'
' Should I keep my distance until the scandal dies down?' you ask in a wounded tone of voice
You don't want to stay away from your best friend but you also don't want to to cause her any more harm than your kindship has probably already caused her. You will stay away from her if you must but the thought saddens you deeply.
' my parents are dear to me.. But they cannot stop us from being close'
'I'm proud of you for standing your ground. I know how hard that can be'
Hana goes into the dressing room and comes out in a beautiful pink dress that's made out of silk, you lock elbows with each other and head out of the boutique.
Once you and Hana reach the lawn outside Madeleine's grounds Madeleine spots the two of you and she looks furious for a minute before her expression becomes stoic. Madeleine makes a toast thanking her mother, the king and queen and Liam. Madeleine is obviously trying to make you jealous as she kisses Liam's cheek but you just resist the urge to roll your eyes, if she only knew where your heart belonged...
Madeleine approaches you to remind you that because of her Hana is back and that you should both be grateful to her, you thank her in a sarcastic voice, if she ever hurts Hana you will pounce. No one gets to hurt her and you do not trust Madeleine, not around Liam and certainly not around Hana.
Liam comes over and join your conversation, he's happy to see Hana again, he mentions that it's good to see you as well and says that you're beautiful and you smile at him. Once he leaves Madeleine reminds you that he belongs to her especially when they are out in public.
You resist to roll your eyes at her and once she leaves you and Hana burst out laughing.
' If she only knew the truth' Hana comments and you giggle again.
Bertrand and Maxwell comes to escort you and Hana away from the crowd and into the ball room to talk to you. It seems very urgent so you agree and follow them, once you reach the ballroom you give them a serious look.
'what's the matter? You ask cautiously
' Tariq's not just out of court, it appears that he is out of the country so finding him will not be easy' Bertrand confirms what you had already feared. Clearing your name will be so much harder now.
'Madeleine doesn't seem to know were he is either.. If what she says is the truth.. what do we do now?'
' At the moment there isn't much for us to investigate... however our next stop is Applewood Manor where the photos were taken.. I believe there must be clues there. In fact we are going to head up there before the tour does. Once the festivities end we will go there'.
You and Hana head up to your bedroom with cinnamon, cups, chocolate powder, marshmallows, whipped cream and milk to make hot chocolate. While Hana makes you both a cup of hot chocolate you two catch up on lost time. It's good to be in her presence again.
Hana lets you know that her parents where disappointed with her performance during the courting season and that they limited her access to the outside world after, you feel angry on her behalf and upset that it might have been because of your influence. You let Hana know that if she ever needs anything that you have her back and you apologize if your actions hurt her but she reassures you that it was not your fault. The two of you decide to talk about happier things but the guilt you feel for how she was treated hurts your heart deeply.
'What qualities do you look for in a future partner.. And what drew you in particular to Drake?' Hana asks you shyly
you look at her for a moment taking in her expression. You wonder if she has ever had many boyfriends or even girlfriends before her previous engagement.
You have dated a few men and women and you have been attacked to different looks and different personalities. But there has always been one common personality trait that's drawn you in the most.
' I take it you haven't dated much?' you ask softly
'Only my ex finance really and that didn't end very successfully' Hana says earnestly.
' I've been attracted to different things in the past but the one common trait they all had was that they were kind. Drake is -despite being very grumpy at times – very kind, he's funny, fiercely loyal and overall he's just a total softy' you say and look at her warmly
' When it comes to dating Hana go for the person who makes you happy, who values you and treasures your connection'
' I shall think of that next time someone catches my eye'
'And Hana?' you ask as you put your hand on hers and squeezes it gently
'Yes Rose?'
'Don't settle for less than you deserve, you are funny, sweet, extremely talented and you deserve the world... Don't ever forget that'
Hana seems speechless so she nods and puts her head on your shoulder.
In the evening you decide to go for an evening walk around the grounds, you spot someone in the darkness, he's dark haired, tall and in a jean jacket -
'Dr- Drake!' you exclaim and as the person turns around you see that is Drake.
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
TRR Squad crossover High School Series
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Even though Hana would prefer to be in the band rather than a cheerleader, her parents signed her up for cheerleading. To be a cheerleader at Oliver M. Berry High School is to be in the elite squad. Cheerleaders date athletes not the nerds in the band. And yet Hana and Raelyn find themselves drawn to each other. Can they face all the cattiness and high school cliques? Or will the cheerleading squad and the band get in between the two star-crossed lovers?
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Riley is busy trying to pass her classes and going head to head with her rival and Hearst's softball star Olivia Nevrakis. She doesn't have time for a love triangle between Liam, Berry's basketball star, and his best friend Drake, the star linebacker for Berry's football team. But this is high school and with young love, hearts are bound to be broken.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 10 months
The Fairytale Ball
Book: The Royal Heir Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Jade) Characters: Liam Rys, MC (Jade), royal heir (Elise), Maxwell Beaumont, Hana Lee Rating: T Word count: 3415 Reading time: ~13min Summary: The Queen's Ball is the event of the year for the young generations. But Princess Elise isn't as happy everyone hoped she would be on her debut. Based on the prompt: @choicesnovchallenge: National Princess Day
Author’s notes:
Jade Bourbon-Rys, Elise Bourbon-Rys, Charlotte Amaranth, Zain and Gael Maldonado are creations of this author. The other characters belong to Pixelberry Studios;
This oneshot is part of Liam and Jade's universe, but I'm sure you'll have no problem reading it if you never read anything from my TRR series.
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"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three," Hana counted as she passed by, watching every young couple dancing in the ballroom. 
"Relax your shoulders, Toshio." Maxwell instructed, gently tapping a young boy's shoulder.
"That's beautiful, Marnie!" Hana praised another girl.
In the corner of the ballroom, Elise counted the steps as she tried to follow her partner's steps. Her mother and godmother always said Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard. She just had to let her partner lead. Unfortunately, the dance partner Queen Mother Regina chose for her wasn't as good advertised. At least, not in her opinion.
"Ow!" The boy complained, wincing in pain.
"Sorry, Zain..." She said with a weak and apologetic smile.
"Is everything okay?" Hana asked, placing a hand on Elise's shoulder.
Elise grimaced. She knew her godmother wouldn't scold her as her grandmother probably would. But she still didn't wish to disappoint.
"It's alright, ma'am," Zain forced a smile as he continued to dance. 
How could he go on, given how hard she stepped on his foot? It was a mystery to her. 
The Queen's Ball was an annual ball/cotillion hosted by Queen Jade of Cordonia during Elise’s month of birthday to raise funds for the orphanages and community centers of the kingdom. It was a tradition in which all noble women she knew were involved and her mother was adamant about the princess joining the young couples dance this year. However, she couldn't say she was as excited to join as she hoped to be.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two—"
"OW!" Zain whined. 
This time, however, it got a few other couple’s attention. The music stopped.
"Crap... I'm so sorry, Zain..."
"It's okay, Your Highness. I'm fine," the boy murmured.
"Watch out for Princess Klutzy, Zain!" A female voice in the middle of the room mocked. A voice Elise was unfortunately quite familiar with.
Suppressed giggles echoed in the ballroom.
Elise glared at Lady Charlotte, who replied with a smirk.
"That's enough." Maxwell called out, a rare scowl adorning her godfather's face. "Back to your places, everyone!" 
"Pay close attention to your partner, ladies. And don't forget your posture," Hana said, roughly straightening Charlotte's head.
Elise pressed her lips together to hide a smile when Zain winced again. 
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah... I'm kinda beat from football practice."
The princess frowned watching the boy kept dancing, trying to disguise he was limping slightly. 
"It's okay if you admit I hurt your foot. We can take a break."
"I'm fine, Your Highness."
"You don't have to play nice with me. And you don't have to call me Your Highness all the time. I don’t call Lord Zain of Bellmere."
"All right... If you let me lead, we'll do a lot better, you know," Zain suggested.
Elise smiled shyly. "Okay..."
Maybe she was overthinking again and just needed to chill. She had tons of dance classes over the years. Cordonian Waltz wasn't that hard after all.
For the next couple of minutes, things went smoothly between them. The princess even started to enjoy the dance and the company of the young Earl of Bellmere.
"One, two, three. One, two, three. Excellent! Now spin!" Hana instructed.
"Ready?" Zain asked.
"Yeah," Elise nodded.
But as Zain lifted her arm for the princess to spin, a couple bumped into them, pushing them both on the floor. 
Laughter rose in the ballroom as Hana and Maxwell rushed to help Elise and Zain.
"Damnit!" Zain complained, massaging his left foot.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Are you two alright?" Hana asked in worry.
"My foot hurts..." Zain winced.
Elise frowned.
"I told you Princess two left feet would hurt you." Charlotte snickered.
Something snapped on Elise as she heard Charlotte's voice again. Standing up, the princess stomped her way to the other girl and jumped over her. 
"Elise, no!" Maxwell yelled and darted to the princess, followed by the royal guards.
"You stuck-up bitch!" The princess bellowed as she mounted on the girl, grabbing her hair with both hands. 
Before Elise could do any real damage, four guards split the girls while the others sent everybody out. 
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A few hours later
Steps and murmurs reverberated through the walls as Elise sobbed in her room. The Royal guard may be discreet, but the servants loved to gossip. By the time she locked herself in her room, the entire kingdom already knew she got into another fight with Charlotte Amaranth again. But having her name on the tabloids and strangers judging her was nothing compared to Queen Jade’s reaction. And the princess certainly didn’t want to face her mother now.
Just then, a gentle knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.
“Go away!” She whined.
Much to her disappointment, the door opened. 
“Hey, you can’t tell the King to go away.”
Elise sat up as she recognized the voice. The moment her father sat on the bed, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Dad!” She croaked.
“It’s okay, my Lil Bunny…” Liam murmured.
“Is it though?”
“I just talked to Lord Zain and his parents. He had already injured his toe during football practice. He just didn’t tell anyone because he didn’t want to be cut out of the team before Junior League started.”
Elise pulled away from the embrace. “But I stepped on his foot over three times!”
“Zain mentioned it, but he still doesn’t blame you. His doctor also said that landing on his feet when he fell most likely was the real cause of the injury.”
“Fine. Now what?"
“As we speak Maxwell and Hana are searching for a new dance partner for you. So now we have another matter to talk about..."
“Ugh…” The princess laid down again, pressing her face on a pillow. 
“What happened during the rehearsal?”
“You know exactly what happened," she grumbled.
"I do. But I still want to hear your version of the incident."
Her father had a point. As always. 
She then sat up again and began to speak. "I hate Charlotte!"
"Hate is one very strong word."
"It's how I feel about her!"
"Very well. Does it justify you mounting on top of Lady Charlotte to pull her hair and beat her up?" Liam arched an eyebrow.
"She said what happened to Zain was my fault!"
"Elise, you've had spats with her before, but it never came to physical fight. What happened this afternoon that made you cross that line?"
The princess looked down at her hands.
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"She is a bully, dad."
"I see..." Liam said, not surprised to hear that Madeleine's only child took after her mother.
"I don't care when she says something about me..." Elise fiddled with the hem of her sweater. 
"Did she say anything about something else?" 
"Charlotte said Aunt Hana needs to grow a backbone. She put a melted candy bar on Sophie's seat to make it look like crap and mocked her in front of the entire school."
Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "That's why Sophie was upset today."
"The only reason I didn't beat that girl up at school was because Ava and Louis stopped me so I wouldn't get suspended."
"I assume what happened this afternoon was the last straw."
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. I don't approve of what you did. This is absolutely not how we raised you and your siblings, but I understand your reasons."
"How bad is the press talking about it?"
"They're loving it. The rivalry between you two is being strongly associated with the one your mother had with Madeleine during my social season and engagements."
"Do they think Charlotte and I dislike each other because of a guy?!" Elise made a face. "Tabloids are so stupid."
Liam chuckled. "They usually are. Little did they know only Jade was fighting about a guy."
"That's a story for later."
"Okay... What do we do now?"
"You go back to being my sweet daughter and future heir of the throne while your mother and I talk to the Royal Communications department to handle the press."
"But Charlotte's mom is the head of Royal Communications! Lady Madeleine will make it worse!"
"How so?"
"She doesn't like me."
"Madeleine doesn't like anyone in our family except Regina and Leo. But she's still loyal to the Crown."
"Whoa..." Elise mumbled in astonishment. "Okay. If you say so..."
"You still have to apologize to her."
"I'm not asking you to be friends with Lady Charlotte. Just be polite."
"But she—"
"Do it for Regina's sake. Your mother and I will be present to ensure you'll keep it civil."
Elise folded her arms. "How do you know Charlotte won't be the one to start a fight?"
"I was watching the rehearsal from the security cameras when the fight started. She can't win a fight against Sophie's turtle Pabblo."
Father and daughter exchanged looks and chuckled. 
“I don’t wanna dance anymore.”
"I'm not going to dance."
"Sweetheart, you've been talking about partaking in the Young Couples Dance for years," Liam tried to reason.
"I lost my dance partner, I'm the talk of the kingdom today... Maybe it's for the best." She gave her shoulders. 
"You know your mother won't like this, don't you?"
"Can you talk to her?"
"Are you sure?"
She nodded.
"I can try..."
"Thanks," Elise murmured, resting her head on her father's shoulder.
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About an hour later
"She's not quitting!"
"My love..."
"She's not quitting, Liam!" Jade demanded, glaring at her husband from her vanity dresser mirror. "Our daughter is not a quitter!" 
"Elise doesn't want to cause a commotion with the press and the guests being in the same room as Charlotte."
"That's it?! Fine! I'll cut mini Madeleine out of the dance." Jade put down her face cream on the nightstand with full force. "There! Problem solved."
"Jade..." Liam called, staring deadpan at his wife.
"What? No one is gonna miss her anyway."
Liam suppressed a chuckle as he sat on the opposite side of the bed. "Regina won't be happy with this..."
"I don't care!"
"Don't you?"
The couple exchanged knowing looks.
Jade rolled her eyes. "Why do you always have to be reasonable?" 
"Somebody has to be. Plus, I know you don't want to have animosity with Regina."
"I created this ball for Elise! I'll be damned if I allow Madeleine's daughter or anyone to get in my daughter's way of having her dance!" Jade fumed.
"Did you truly create this ball for her or for yourself?" 
"You know precisely why this ball exists." Jade scowled.
Liam looked back at his wife and arched an eyebrow.
"Sure... Maybe I've been daydreaming about Elise's first dance with her high school crush for years. But I created the ball because she wanted to dress and dance like a princess."
"Jade, she is a princess. It's her birthright."
"This is not about monarchy and titles, Liam. Do you remember when we attended Calenvia's Baile de Debutantes? And the Queen's Debutants Ball in the UK? How mesmerized she was by cousin Manuela dancing with her girlfriend?"
"Well, that's the only thing she hasn't experienced yet!"
"A fairytale moment."
"She was a five year old fascinated by fairytales. And I doubt her fairytale moment would come given how she barely seemed comfortable around Rashad's son."
"You don't get it, do you?" The queen pursed her lips in annoyance. "She has a Pinterest board with inspirations since she was seven. She booked herself an appointment with Galia Lahav to get an exclusive design for her gown. She may not have a crush on Zain, but they looked good together. We all saw the day she explicitly told Zain what type of flowers he should get for her corsage and his lapel!" Jade then stood up and sat next to her husband. "I'm telling you: Elise wants this. She cannot let go of her childhood dream just because that little project of Regina George pissed off my daughters."
"Hmm..." Liam pondered for a moment. "Fair point. But I guess we both know there's only one person who can convince her to attend," he said, giving his wife a knowing look.
"What if she thinks I'm forcing her to do it?" 
"You're fully capable of persuading anyone, my love," he said, kissing the back of her hand.
"Okay..." She heaved a sigh, resting her head on his shoulder.
Liam smiled as he once again realized how much his daughter took after his wife.
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The next day
As the young princess finished her homework, Elise left the library and walked down the hallway, looking out the window. The Queen's
Ball night was near, so the servants began decorating the gardens, adding snowflake-shaped string lights on the walls and on the maze. The Winter Wonderland theme was her idea and she was completely sure it'd look amazing. Too bad it felt like a dream she would have to postpone for a while.
The princess stopped in her tracks as she heard her mother's voice. They haven't talked since her mother left the palace to take Zain to the hospital. The queen looked furious then. Was she still mad at her?
The princess turned around to look at her. "Yes, ma'am."
"I heard you have a free schedule now. Follow me to the entertainment room."
"The entertainment room?"
"You'll understand why soon."
Oh, man... Was she going to use one of those educational videos just like the ones her parents showed Louis about STIs? Educational videos were part of her father's style of educating. Her mother's approach was a bit more straightforward.
Once they stepped into the room, Elise took a seat in one of the chairs on the back and Jade followed. On the cinema screen, small clips of Elise as a toddler dancing in the ballroom with the queen, watching her parents dance then joining them, clapping as she watched the first young couples and her dance lessons while growing up. 
As her eyes welled up, Jade changed seats to be closer to her daughter. "I know why you don't want to join the Young Couples Dance after what happened yesterday. Facing the press after a scandal isn't easy. But I want you to know why I created and have been hosting The Queen's Ball all these years."
"What?" Tears streamed down Elise's face. "But you always said it's an event to celebrate Grandma Eleanor and Grandma Elaine and help kids in need."
"I know. I'll keep mentioning them and their charity work they did because The Royal Communications said it'd be a good excuse to turn a ball into a charity event and attract more donations. But its first name was Fairytale Ball." 
"Fairytale ball?"
"Yes." Jade reached for her daughter's hand. "All I wanted was to give you a fairytale moment."
"Mom..." Elise threw her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her tightly. "Aren't you mad?"
"I should be." Jade replied, stroking Elise's hair. "I should scold you and ground you for weeks. But honestly? I wish I had slapped some people's faces during your father's social season and engagement to Madeleine."
"People?" Elise pulled away and stared wide-eyed at her mother. "Who?"
"Literally everyone in this palace except Hana and Max."
"Even uncle Drake?"
"Oh, sweetie... Drake was the worst sometimes..."
"We can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know what you want to do."
"I want the fairytale."
"But I don't have a dance partner!"
"Actually, Maxwell found three candidates for you. Next?
"Mom, there's the press…"
"Your father and I can handle them. What else?"
"I don't want to be anywhere near Charlotte."
"I can throw her in the dungeon." 
"We don't have a dungeon..."
"Well, not in this palace... But my guards can certainly escort Charlotte to Valtoria lower ground floor..." Jade commented with a sly grin.
"I'm joking."
"You're so not!"
"You say it as if anyone is going to miss her..." 
Mom and daughter shared a glance and laughed.
"I want to dance. But I don't want to harm anyone in the process."
"I know..." Jade smiled, glad to realize how much her daughter had in common with her husband. "We'll figure it out. Now, onto more important things." Jade fished her phone out of her pocket and showed it to Elise. "These are your possible dance partners."
"A girl?!"
"And this lovely gender-fluid person who just won a scholarship at The Royal Dance Academy."
"What? We're keeping our options open just in case."
Elise looked at each picture, and though one person caught her eye, she prompted. "Mom, I don't know... Is there a way I can talk to them?"
The queen smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."
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A few days later
Purple, blue and white lights tinted the Royal Palace walls as the guests arrived for the Queen's Ball, one of the most opulent events of Cornodia's social calendar. Among the many attractions of the night, young members of nobility and wealthy families across the world traveled to the Cordonian capitol to partake in the Young Couples Dance. Their hopes were to be introduced to the crème de la crème of world society, sharing their accomplishments and plans for the future. 
This year, however, the press was far more interested in news about the Royal Heir, Princess Elise Bourbon-Rys. After the incident between the future queen and Lady Madeleine's daughter, rumors about more spats, feuds between the princess's friends and her rival's at school and possible absence of both of them from the ball spread fast. Yet no one from the palace confirmed nor denied any information. Would the princess miss her own mother's ball? Or was it Lady Charlotte who took the fall?
"Your Majesties! A word, please!" A reporter chanted.
The king and queen smiled to the press, signaling for them to step closer.
"Good evening, everyone!" Liam replied.
"We hope you're enjoying the ball," Jade continued.
"Lady Charlotte just arrived with her family. Does it mean Princess Elise is still grounded?"
"Elise wasn't grounded. Queen Jade and I believe that encouraging our children to do volunteer work is a much more effective way to teach them about compassion and non-aggressive methods to deal with their feelings." 
"Can we expect the Princess to attend the ball then?" A paparazzi asked.
"Yes. Elise is preparing herself to join the festivities, just like all the other teenagers partaking in the Young Couples Dance," the queen affirmed.
"Aren't you concerned about another disagreement between the young ladies, sir?"
"There's no reason for concern. They've made amends that same day and they've been working together at the senior's shelter."
"Are they friends now?"
"What about the situation with Lord Zain?"
The reporters continued to ask more questions when the Queen's assistant approached her and whispered something in her ear.
"We would be glad to talk to you some more, but the first attraction is about to start. Please join us in the celebration of this magical evening honoring the children of our country," the queen stated before walking away with the king.
After outstanding performances of Cordonian Royal Ballet academy and a play presented by Queen Eleanor's children home, it was time for the Young Couples Dance. All couples were introduced by the herald and as soon as they took their places in the ballroom, musicians played a traditional Cordonian Waltz. The crowd eagerly waited for any kind of mishap or incident. Contrary to all expectations, the young couples gracefully danced to the song, making it another successful performance. 
"Maxwell and Hana did an excellent job with the kids this year," Liam commented.
"I know. Aren't they lovely?" Jade beamed as the couples spinned in perfect synchrony.
"They are. But there's one couple stealing all the attention though." The king nodded towards Princess Elise, who was all smiles to her dance partner. "Who is he?"
"Gael Maldonado, heir to the Ducado de Rivas."
"A Calenvian lord."
"Maxwell was betting on Amalas's child, but I saw how our Lil Bunny was like when she facetimed Gael."
"I see... Did Drake run a background check on him?" Liam asked, scrutinizing the boy.
"What would he—" the Queen then arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you jealous, Your Majesty?" Jade teased.
"It's just a precaution."
"You don't say..." she grinned.
"Our children won't have a social season. We need to find out more about their possible..." Liam made a face as the boy whispered something in Elise's ear, making her giggle. "...suitors."
Jade chuckled, hugging the king's arm. "Honey, they just met. Let them enjoy the night with no pressure."
"Are you really not worried?"
"Why would I be? Look at them!"
Elise beamed as Gael spun her around and held her with back pressed against his chest.
The king then gave his wife a knowing look. "You already did a background check on him, didn’t you?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jade reached for her champagne flute to avoid his gaze.
“Uh huh…” 
The king and queen smiled proudly, watching their eldest daughter dance.
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choiceswithmika · 5 months
The Freshman x The Royal Romance CrossOver Series
Rated: Mature
Word count: 1159
Summary: Will and his friends in Cordonia are being prepared to meet Mikaylyn and her friends.
Chapter 2: The Royal Romance Crew's Point of View
 In Cordonia, having King Will Williams with King Liam Rys along with Hana Lee, Drake Walker, Maxwell Beaumont and everyone else are doing their usual duties and routine. It was a usual day in the kingdom. It was around in the evening time now as things were calming down after a busy day. Will was about to get ready for bed when he got a call from his friend Mikaylyn, Mikaylyn who lives in the states close to New York, not so far from Will's city. Will go ahead answers his call on his phone. 
"Hey Mikaylyn! Is it like 8 pm right now?" Will greeted on call. 
"Yeah! But hey I was wondering.. Is it okay if I could come visit to Cordonia with my husband and friends..? Sumi is there too." Mikaylyn says on the call.
Will was a bit quiet for a second and as hearing the certain news, it took Will a long minute before responding, "Wait wait when did you get married?!" Will says in a shock tone.
On the line, Mikaylyn was a bit surprised before she spoke in a response, "Wait.. You didn't know? Hell.. I even invited you to the wedding.." Mikaylyn says in her soft tone.
There was a pause for a minute as Will checked his emails on his phone then Will spoke, "Uh... I never seem that email.. But I didn't think you would have a wedding without no invitation.." Will says.
"That's funny because I didn't know you were getting married to the king of Cordonia!!" Mikaylyn says dramatically in her voice.
Will was taken a back by Mikaylyn's words and spoke, "Well... I was too busy to tell you!" 
Mikaylyn sounded a bit down but shakes it off, then spoke to change the topic from the wedding instead of clapping back like how she would when she feel disrespected on the line. 
"Will.. I literally texted you 2 hours ago about asking to visit you.." Mikaylyn says softly. 
"Ugh.. whatever I'll check it out, just.. I'll let my husband and friends know that you and your own crew want to come." Will says before ending the call. 
Will shrugs his head as he goes into the bathroom to get ready to call it a night. Will was overthinking about Mikaylyn's words towards him. He is starting to think that maybe this royal thing has taken over his mind that sometimes he forgets that he is still human. Everything was so fast and challenging when he first came into Cordonia. Some nights he even missed being able to enjoy being a normal person like going out with friends, having deep conversations and all the normal human activities. Though Will does not regret being with the love of his life, he's starting to see how it could of affected his friendships with his old friends, Mikaylyn and Sumi has been his friends since high school. They used to be close and talk to them about everything until when getting into the adulthood that it changes. 
A little while later, after Will cools down from the luxery bathroom, Will goes look for Liam around in the castle. It took a short while but he finds Liam writing down papers in the dining room. Will walks towards him and immediately starts speaking from behind. 
"My king.. Can I ask you something?" Will greeted. 
Liam immediately turns his head to focus on Will so he can hear what Will has to ask.
"Of course my love what it is?" Liam ask.
"I was wondering if my.. dear friend Mikaylyn and her friends can come visit us?.." Will ask a bit nervously. 
Liam showed a small smile on his face and answers, "Ah I think that is a lovely idea but uhm my love any reason though?" Liam says.
Will shrugs his shoulders, "She told me that her and her friends want to come.. But.. don't you think this is a good idea that they want to come over and let them get around Cordonia and maybe even.. meet our friends?.." Will suggested. 
"Sounds good to me, can you tell the others while I finish this up?" Liam says.
Will nods his head in response, then as walking back to the bedroom he immediately pull out his phone back from his pocket then immediately started texting the group chat. 
The Group Chat
W: Guys I have some news to share, you all might want to sit down.
H: What Maxwell meant was- what's this news that you want to share <3
D: I was about to have to my 3rd round of whiskey what do you want. 
M: Three?? oof Man is having a high life crisis
D: You squid fool am not!
O: Anyways. Make the quick Will. I have to finish this training. 
W: ... Anyways.. My friend Mikaylyn just contacted me and she said her and her friends want to come visit us.
D: Finally!! Normal citizens!
H: How excited! I heard about Mikaylyn before but.. who is she?..
M: She sounds great!!!
O: ... You had other friends besides us? And is Liam even aware of this!?
W: Yes Olivia, he's on it. I told him before you guys. And to answer Hana's question Mikaylyn is my old friend from high school and my other friend Sumi too. They don't live that far from New York. 
H: Sounds great ^^ We can even make new friends too. 
D: Maxwell shut upp!!
O: Okay. I am cool with that. just let me train now
W: How long do we need to prepare for the visit?
D: Just give us like a week and we should be fine. 
W: Okay, I'll meet up with you guys tomorrow for our set up plan for the visit welcome. 
After a while longer of the text group chat messages, Will turned off his phone and continued to focus on his night routine before heading to bed. 
A week later on a Wednesday Morning, it was a hectic moment where everyone was being prepared for Mikaylyn and her friends go visit. Will is a bit nervous since he has not seen Mikaylyn and Sumi in a long time. Will also did not believe that Mikaylyn was married now, he knew about Zig but didn't think this was happening to see Mikaylyn as a Ortega. Hana was decorating the ball room as Maxwell was gathering the food and drinks. Drake and Liam were talking to each other as preparing doing the greet welcome as Olivia then was organizing her weapons before deciding to help the crew with the area. All morning the whole crew was busy with the preparation, it was a lot of work but in the ballroom, it was filled with fancy streamers, fun balloons and bunch of American's food with usual drinks that happens in the states. Everyone decided for Will and Liam to meet Mikaylyn and her friends by the front. Will takes a deep breath holding Liam's hand as watching the plane landed.
"Here we go.." Will mumbled. 
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alj4890 · 2 years
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***shortcuts to my masterlists posted on @alj4890masterlist ***
Mixed Signals (Ethan Ramsey x MC) (Tobias Carrick x MC) (Bryce Lahela x MC) Open Heart AU
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) TRR Crackship AU
Worth the Wait (Thomas Hunt x OC) in a what if to A Second Chance AU
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days (various)
Choices Drabbles and Requests (various)
All Through the Night (Dark TRR AU)
While We're Young (TRR Future AU)
And Then I Met You (Thomas Hunt x OC) (TRR/RCD/PM crossover AU)
And Then I Left You (Thomas Hunt x OC) in a what if to And Then I Met You AU)
A Second Chance (Thomas Hunt x OC) (TRR/RCD/PM crossover AU)
None But You (RCD Regency Era AU)
Misfortune's Intentions (TRH AU) (Liam x OC) (Drake x Riley)
Delicate (TRR/OH crossover AU) (Olivia Nevrakis x Ethan Ramsey)
Another Night/Another Dream (TRR/PM/RCD crossover AU)
The Courtship (TRR Regency Era AU)
Winner at a Losing Game (TRR/RCD crossover AU)
A Million Dreams (TRR/The Greatest Showman AU)
Just a Glimpse (TRR AU)
The Other Friend (TRR AU)
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queenmiarys · 2 years
Summary:Maxwell spends quality time with his boys and friends.
Warning : None 
Rated: Teen
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The best Ramsford has to offer.
One shot
It had only been a day since Juliana had left her husband with their two children under 3
Julian was getting used to sleeping on his own,so his parents thought Maxwell turned over feeling something wet. "What the." Stopping himself from saying the rest when he saw Julian.
Maxwell woke his son and he immediately started crying. "It's okay buddy daddy got you, come on, he ran his bath water and picked out a new set of pajamas he, once he was done his son had no problem with falling asleep, he placed him in his bed then went down to the Landry room.
Juliana had taught him how to do laundry and some simple homework, besides it was after 1am and everyone was sleeping, he started a load of laundry and watched a movie. He was not sleepy at all, he heard the baby monitor come to life it was near 3 am at this time
"Hey little guy, are you looking for this?" Yes you are." He said as he waved the bottle in front of his son. He sat in the rocker feeding Cam and thanking God for his family.
After his feeding, he changed his diaper and  burped him before placing him back in his crib.
Cam was a quiet baby. He only cried when hungry or he needed to be changed,  completely opposite of his brother Julian, who wanted to be held a lot and cried just because.
Maxwell made it back to his room and went to the hall closet and replaced the Mattress pad and the sheets and duvet cover. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.
"Maxwell get up it's after 7, this  little guy is hungry and Julian is up also;  Bartie at a sleepover. So I'm afraid you're on your own with the boys today." Bertrand said 
" It's okay, I can handle them. " Did Juliana ask you to help me?"
"Maxwell we are family,  it's been plenty of times that you and Juliana has helped with Bartie."
"Thank you brother, go enjoy your day."
"So little ones, what are we to do today? 
He took the boys to kitchen placing both in their high chair. Both boys laughed as he danced around the kitchen while cooking Julian scrambled eggs, you could definitely tell that his son got his eating habits from his mother, Max, couldn't stand eggs not eating them.
After they all ate he let Julian play with his cars , he heard a vehicle pulling up. Max wanted to surprise his son so he didn't tell him that Drake was coming.
Julian got up and ran over and peeped out the window  "Uncle Drake Yay Uncle Drake! Max watched his son jump up and down in total excitement.
He opened the door. "Drake my friend you do love me."  he said as a joķe.
"Pipe down Beaumont,  I'm here to see my Godson and see his cute brother too, besides Hana went on the trip too."
Patience, his  1 year old, was hiding behind his leg, Julian went around Drake leg "Pactance he giggled. " I got you," do you want to play with me?" She shook her head "yes,daddy can we play?"
They all went towards the playroom.
" Man I can't believe you have two children, me and Hana can't wait to meet our son soon."
A few hours had passed when Liam and his four year old twin boys Wyatt and Leo
Rashad with his two year old son pulled in around the same time
"Hope you don’t mind, Liam said."
"Not at all buddy, I consider all of us as brothers,  that includes you Rashad."
"Daddy, I think Cam needs changing." They all laughed
After changing him, they went to fix  the children's launch. Everyone was surprised at the meal Maxwell made for children.
After the kids ate, they all took a nap,  except Zane, who no doubt was a lot like his mother Olivia.
After the kids woke up, Liam scheduled for a nearby  Theme park to be closed down for them.
The kids loved Fun World Theme park,  they rode several kiddie rides, visited the haunted house, they were now playing in the bouncy house, when all the kids started saying they were hungry,  even little Patience. 
Maxwell took everyone to Dilights in downtown Ramsford,  it was one of Juliana's favorite restaurants, they ordered spaghetti and meatballs for the kids. Maxwell asked for 4 extra plats. For Patience and Julian, Zane, he put a spoonful of spaghetti, a small piece of garlic bread and a small amount of salad,
They all were amazed that all the smaller children ate all their food, especially Drake because Patience was very picky and oftentimes didn't eat.
Zane and Julian had very similar eating patterns. Maxwell phone rings 
"Hello beautiful,  I hope your trip is going well, oh glad to hear it, the guys and I took the kids out; can't wait until you get home love you."
Cameron started to cry, Maxwell went to the bathroom to check Cam's dipper and ask one of the staff members  if they could  his bottle.
"Thank you so much for this fun day with the kids, you have changed a lot since you meeting Juliana and had children." Liam said.
"Thank you buddy,   Jewel changed my whole life when she blessed me with Julian,  then Cameron I knew I had to change my ways to be a better man."
"Beaumont don't make me regret this, but you are a wonderful father and I'm learning a lot from you." Maxwell rushed over to Drake, thawing his arm around his shoulder. 
"I love you guys; best friends in the world, we should get them home, they're all worn out.
"Hey if you all want you all can stay over, it's after nearly 9, I'm sure the kids are pretty tired "
Once they got back to Max house, all the kids were sleeping, they put them to bed, then the guys met in the media room, they had a few drinks, watched a movie and talked.
The next morning,  it was time to go to the airport to meet their wives, he was grateful for the friends he had but even more for his beautiful queen and his boys, he was pretty sure the guys felt the same.
He watched as Olivia came into sight first picking up Zane and hugging him, then she remembered her husband and pulled him in for a hug Rashad smiled because he knew how tough she acted, but she was so gentle with their son.
As soon as Hana emerged Drake wrapped his arm around her, and Patience hugged her leg until she picked her up .
Mia was attacked as soon as Liam and her boys saw her, they gave her a group hug.
Finally my beautiful wife stepped out, of course Julian was the first to hug her and then she grabbed Cam, and hugged me,right now everything feels right again.
@honey358luv @angelasscribbles @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation @choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @dcbbw @bebepac @bertrandbeaumontfan @tessa-liam @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @yolandawalker @yaniradolton @queenjilian @queenrileyrose @queenmiaandkingliam @ao719 @alj4890 @luvquit @twinkleallnight @
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alj4890masterlist · 2 years
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1st set of Choices drabbles and request
2nd set of Choices drabbles and requests
Everything's Sweeter with Three (Liam x Riley)
One Night (Thomas Hunt x OC)*NSFW*
Premiere Date (Thomas Hunt x OC)
The Getaway (Ryan Summers x Holly Chang)
Trapped in Awe (Thomas Hunt x OC)
Baking Woes (Matt Rodriguez x Addison Sinclaire)
Hollywood Magic (Seth Levine x MC*Jessica Clarke)
An Ugly Time of Year (Victoria Fontaine x Jessica Clarke x Chadley Fortnum) *platonically*
Change of Plans (Thomas Hunt x OC) *NSFW*
It's Unavoidable (Thomas Hunt x OC)
Tis the Season (Thomas Hunt x OC)
The Christmas Card (Liam x Madeleine) (Liam x Riley)
Another Chance (Thomas Hunt x OC)
Christmas Journal (Liam x Riley)
The Christmas Card (prologue to L-O-V-E) (Liam x Riley)
L-O-V-E (Liam x Riley) part 1
L-O-V-E (Liam x Riley) Part 2
L-O-V-E (Liam x Riley) Part 3
Time Together (Thomas Hunt x OC)
Right by Your Side (Maxwell Beaumont x MC)
Something Sweet (Jax Matsuo x MC)/On a Rainy Afternoon (Thomas Hunt x OC)/Addiction (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Don't Let the Light Go Out (Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Interrupted Plans (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
A Couple of Drinks (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
The Date (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
The Reason (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Mine (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) *NSFW*
The Offer (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
The Wake (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
On the Run (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
A Glimpse (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Meeting the Family (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Tobias x Chris artwork (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Holding On (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Tea Time (Naveen Banerji, Ethan x F!MC)
Something Sweet (Ethan Ramsey x OC)
Something Sweet Part 2 (Ethan Ramsey x OC)
The Morning After (Thomas Hunt x OC) *NSFW*
A New Kind of Intimacy (Trystan Thorne x F!MC
The Babysitter (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
No Time Like the Present (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
What Might Have Been (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Nope (Trystan Thorne x F!MC)
Whose Is It? (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Processing and Developing (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Processing and Developing Interrupted (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
The Getaway (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Asked and Received (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Always Winning (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
TBI (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Can't Help It (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Anticipation (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
You Know, What! (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Game On (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
The Dinner Party (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Oops (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Heart's Choice Part 1 (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Heart's Choice Part 2 (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Heart's Choice Part 3 (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
First Night Out (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Comfort (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Perceive (Thomas Hunt x OC)
Repeat Performance (Thomas Hunt x OC
Rough Start (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Tobias Carrick x F!MC artbyainna
Admittance (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Say It (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Searching (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
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astera-rising · 2 years
jdbfbe I'm not crying, you are
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karahalloway · 1 year
(Un)Common Attraction: Artwork - Snow Ball
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Fandom: TRR - Book 1
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Masterlists: Main - Artwork
A/N1: Since discovering the AI art generator app, Wonder, I have been on a whirlwind bringing the iconic moments of this story to life. Below you will find some of the key moments - in chronological order - from Chapter 13 - Table of Exiles and Chapter 14 - A Watz to Remember.
A/N2: There is always some trial and error with this AI app, as even though you put in prompts, it oftentimes does its own thing. So while I have tried to keep everyone's clothing consistent, this is not always possible, so I have opted for the overall 'feel' of the pic, rather than the miniscule details.
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Snow Ball - Artwork
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
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fadingreveries · 1 month
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (Pt. 4)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Riley travels to Cordonia, but what will await her there?
Word Count:
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
~ ~ ~
After quickly unpacking a few of her belongings, Riley made her way out of her assigned room on a mission to explore the palace boutique’s options. Luckily for her, Maxwell had told her that the store was located on the ground floor near the front entrance.
A few minutes later, Riley pushed past the doors into the boutique. The soft pink walls contrasted nicely with the brown mahogany floors and the light gray floor rug covering the entire ground. A silver chandelier with bell-shaped glass shades hung directly in the middle of the room. Several mannequins dressed in various formal attire for men and women were scattered across the rooms.
Absentmindedly, Riley brushed her hand against the silk and satin dresses placed on one of many racks on display. The closest she had ever gotten to seeing such beautiful formal dresses was outside display windows of luxury stores on her way to school and work.
“Oh!” A girl yelped out, stepping out of a changing room and holding a dress.
Startled with the sudden voice, Riley looked over her shoulder to see who it was. However, when she noticed that the girl was only dressed in her underwear, Riley quickly turned back around. While she felt a hint of excitement to meet new people up close and personal, this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Riley apologized, feeling embarrassed at seeing a stranger looking so vulnerable. “I didn’t realize someone was already here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have just barged in.”
With Riley’s back turned, the girl quickly draped the curtain of the changing room over her body to cover herself. Only her head poked out, a sign she was eager to invite Riley into a conversation.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. To be honest, I didn’t have an appointment. I forgot to book one before my flight landed a few hours ago but thought I would peruse down here before it became too crowded,” the girl sheepishly replied, making Riley turn around to see her friendly smile. “I’m Hana. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Pleasantly surprised with the girl’s bright kindness to a stranger like her, Riley gave a smile in return. “You too. My name’s Riley.”
“I suppose you’re also here to prepare for the Masquerade tonight,” Hana replied, before disappearing behind the curtain to pull on the dress she was holding. “Since you’re here and not already dressed, I must assume that you’re just like me… searching desperately for something to wear.”
“More or less,” Riley replied, with a relaxed laugh. Her neck craned around to catch short glimpses of the dresses in the boutique, wondering how on earth she would be able to narrow it down with the surprising variety.
“The seamstress seems to be running late, but I can show you around! The boutique has the most exquisite gowns. Quite a few of them were shipped just this morning,” Hana answered, pulling the curtain to the side. “Let me just zip this dress up and we can look for one for you!”
Walking to a floor-length mirror, Hana faced her reflection to note her appearance. There was an immense amount of pressure on her from her parents to make a good first impression on the nobility during the court’s social season. She took a deep breath, examining the rose gold laced bodice with rhinestones and a matching floor-length satin skirt.
Her hands arched around her back, trying to get a firm grasp on the tiny zipper. Replaying her parents’ never-ending lectures in her mind about securing the hand of the prince, she felt a slight tremble in her grip and found herself unable to zip herself in the dress. What was she going to do if she failed to secure his attention?
“Need a hand?” Riley offered, admiring how confident and poised Hana looked in front of the mirror with her masquerade outfit.
With a relieved laugh, Hana answered, “That would be amazing.”
Making her way behind Hana, Riley grasped hold of the zipper and slid it all the way up. On a nearby side table, Hana picked up a salmon pink mask with gold accents that matched her dress perfectly. She carefully settled it on her face, making her happily sigh with a satisfied smile.
Turning to face Riley with a grin, Hana complimented, “Thank you. It’s a pity that not many girls here are like you.”
“Helpful?” Riley asked, a smile on her face at Hana’s comment.
“Genuinely nice,” Hana explained, with a simple knowing nod. “It would make the social season much less intimidating if we were here to converse as ladies instead of constantly viewing each other as competition.”
If Drake was right about the ruthlessness of noble ladies, it seemed Riley had found a rare ally in her. Unbeknownst to her, Hana held the same sentiments. Most ladies would secretly turn their noses up at her out of jealousy, let alone help her—something Hana was used to growing up as a noble.
Hana spun for Riley, her full skirts twirling as she giggled. “Ah, this dress is perfect! Now, what about you? One must have a mask for the Masquerade!”The two girls perused through racks of dresses, holding up possible options to the other for a second opinion. Ten minutes later, Hana’s eyes widened in excitement as she pulled two garment bags from a rack. “Have you seen the angel costume? You’d look amazing in white,” Hana suggested, eagerly holding up the white dress in her right hand and the other dress in her left hand. “Or there’s also a red one, if you’re feeling more devilish.”
“I’ll take a look.” Riley giggled, as Hana handed her both garment bags.
Inside a dressing room, Riley eyed the first costume meant to resemble a sultry devil. The crimson red colour of the strapless dress was striking along with sections made of mesh lace fabric highlighting embroidered patterns. Along with the dress were two devil horn accessories and a bold black mask with sparkling rhinestones.
Ultimately, Riley decided on the angel costume that Hana first suggested. It was much simpler with its draped off shoulder straps, a sweetheart neckline, and a shimmery sparkle that brightened the pure white colour. After stepping out of the changing room, Riley fixed the matching halo accessory on top of her head and plucked a detailed silver mask off of the table.
“How do I look?” Riley asked with a smile, giving a little twirl similar to the one Hana had done moments ago.
Hana’s face brightened up, as she grinned and the two made their way out of the boutique. “Heavenly! A costume as angelic as the girl wearing it.”
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973
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justcallmefox89 · 4 months
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Two
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Callum and Liam battle it out and Drake chooses a side.
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“Drake, I want you to consider moving to New York after Liam’s wedding.  To moving in with me.  To being with me.  Only me,” Callum says calmly, speaking to Drake but staring directly at Liam.
A crimson flush creeps up Liam’s neck and he scowls at me.  “You cannot possibly be -”
Liam whips around to face Drake.  “What?”
I can’t help the smirk that creeps across my face at Liam’s outrage.
“I think that maybe Callum is right,” Drake says, taking a deep, calming breath.  “You’re going to be starting a new life with Madeline, and you’ll eventually be having kids… so maybe it’s time for me to start putting myself first.  Doing what’s best for me.”
“And you think Callum is what’s best for you?” Liam demands.
Drake meets his gaze head-on.  “Callum puts me first.  I would have a future with him, a real one, with a family and kids and little league and not having to hide.  With Callum I would finally be enough.  So yeah… maybe he is what’s best for me.”
Liam’s outrage is palpable, so thick in that air that I can practically taste it.  And it is fucking delicious.
He clocks my grin and scowls at me.  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?  Driving a wedge between me and Drake?  Forcing him to choose between us?”
I rock back on my heels and snicker.  “I’m harder than astrophysics right now darlin’, can’t lie.”
“You are such a bastard,” Liam hisses, slamming his palms onto the countertop.
“Ooh… let it all out Your Majesty; tell the class how you really feel.”  I can feel my grin turn a little sharper and my eyes narrow.  This fight has been a long time coming and I’m more than ready.
“You have always been selfish,” Liam spits out.  “Never willing to compromise, never willing to give an inch because you were always convinced you knew best.  All you had to do was swallow a little bit of your pride, but you clearly didn’t care about me enough to make even the most basic sacrifices - ”
I bark out an incredulous laugh.  “You, you of all people, are going to try and lecture me about sacrifices?  About compromise and caring enough?  You spoiled little shit; when have you ever sacrificed anything in your entire life?  Tell me two things you have ever sacrificed for me and Drake?  Go on, I’ll wait while you think.”
Drake gaze flicks worriedly between us.  “Maybe we should take a time out and get some rest before we get into all this,” he says soothingly.
“I have greater worries than mere feelings; a literal country depends on the choice of my future spouse,” Liam says, talking over him.
“Don’t try to make this about Cordonia,” I scoff.  “This is about Constantine and what he wants.  You would be a perfectly capable king no matter who you married.”
“Given your gene pool I understand that you probably don’t know what it feels like to have an accomplished father with high expectations - ”
“Keep talking and I’m gonna punch you in the fucking mouth,” I warn him.
Liam rolls his eyes.  “Charming.  I don’t know what I thought it would be like to finally be back with you again, but the more time we spend together make me think that whatever relationship we had before was a mistake.”
The barb stings, working it’s way into my heart like an insidious shard of glass.  “Get out of my house,” I say quietly.
“Callum,” Liam says, taking a hesitant step towards me.
“I said get the fuck out of my house!” I scream, my eyes burning with the tears I refuse to let fall.
Not in front of him.  Never again.
“Fine.”  Liam stalks towards the door, stuttering to a stop when he realizes Drake isn’t behind him.  “Drake?”
Drake moves next to me, taking my shaking hand in a show of solidarity and support.  “I’m staying with Callum,” he says quietly.
Liam clenches his jaw, his fury evident.  He turns his back on us and storms out, slamming the door behind him. 
Drake winds his arms around my waist and rests his forehead against my shoulder.  “I got you,” he whispers.  “I got you.”
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Return To Sender
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Previous Chapter
Chapter 3: Falling for each other
Drake Walker x Rose Thorne (my MC)
WC: 4,2k
Hana and Max were hanging out in your bedroom while you were packing up so you could go to Applewood manor, you were packing things neatly into your massive suitcase.
'Soo Roseeeee' Maxwell said giddy as he dragged out your name.
You knew he was dying to ask you what exactly you and Drake talked about and while you appreciated the support but to be honest there wasn't much to tell, you and Drake were just getting to know each other.
You supposed at least now the conversation had been had that you could relax a bit more and not get so anxious.
You couldn't believe you had told Drake about your anxiety, it wasn't something you shared with a lot of people, not because you were ashamed of it but you hated how people made you feel about having it, they judged you often unfairly. Once people found out about it they treated you like you were fragile or broken which you deeply despised.
Or people would demand to know everything you were feeling all the time and they made you feel like you owed them something.
You looked over at your best friends.
'Yeees Maxie moo?'
'How was your chat with Drake? You looked awfully close at the firepit when i found you'
You felt heat in your face and your ears felt hot too.
I can't believe he had seen that. If he had walked out any earlier then he would have seen more, of course you didn't mind him knowing or Hana but unfortunetly you had to be careful to not be seen by others which was frustrating because all you wanted to do was to go on dates with Drake, hold his hand and kiss him and do all the normal stuff people did when they were dating which you and Drake technically weren't but it felt like it.
It did feel like it... Right?
You shook your head at yourself
Do better Rose, you can trust Drake, you know that. You can trust his feelings for you and yours for him.
God once your anxiety got triggered it would linger on for a while.
You kept thinking about Liam, you didn't want to hurt him, if he found out you and Drake were falling for each other he would be hurt but if you told him first he would still get hurt.
Poison or cyanide
your brain supplied ever so helpfully.
' We talked and we aren't persuimng a relationship. For now we are just getting to know each other' you shrugged and gathered more of your stuff to pack into your suitcase.
Maxwell and Hana wiggled their eyebrows suggestively at you and you threw a pillow in their directiom that hit Maxwell's face
' Ow Ro!'
' Are you guys not dating because of Liam?' Hana asked softly and gave you a knowing look
' It's definetly one of the reasons, I don't want to hurt him but i don't want to lead him on. If things go further with Drake then I will talk to him. I just want to make sure it's in the least painful way, you know?'
' Of course Rose, we understand' Hana said and got up and pulled you into a hug and got teary and sniffled a bit and Hana stroked your hair and Maxwell went over and hugged boh of you.
Once you had taken some deep breaths just like you had done with Drake last night and you had calmed down you went back over and finished packing.
Arriving at Applewood Manor felt like Deja vu, It was weird being back here after has time, you decided to compliment and treat a staff member nicely to gain information, you managed to gain her trust and she admitted that someone wanted to play a prank on you but she didn't know who, afterwards you confided in Maxwell and Bertrand. You all collectively decide to keep investigating the scandal as there's not enough evidence to do much to be honest. At least your main suspect is a noble lady which is better than nothing you suppose.
In the morning you get dressed in a withe vest top, a red plaid shirt and some short distressed jean shorts, you pull your hair away from your face in a half up half down hairstyle before you go to Maxwell and Bertrand and you head towards the Limo.
Reporters are outside the manor trying to get a statement out of you and the questions get under your skin especially when the reporter asks 'why did you betray king Liam?'
You keep your head down and keep moving but your hand trambles around Maxwell's elbow and he looks at you with an apprehensive look.
You feel bad
you feel so guilty about you and Drake but when you're with him you are pulled towards him and nothing else makes sense to you.
It's not like you're sleeping with Drake or in a secret relationship or that you and Liam ever were a 'thing' but you did once upon a time come here for Liam but the more you get to know Drake the more you fall for him.
The one thing that pulls you towards him is how fiercely he takes care of you, hell no one has ever looked out for you like that before.
After your parents divorce your mum left with you and she started turning to alcohol to self soothe and she started blaming you for the divorce as your parents had you as an attempt to save their marriage.
What they really wanted was a boy. You treated your whole life like one but of course your parents were upset that you didn't act like a man
Because you weren't one your subconscious provides ever so helpfully.
You spent your whole childhood looking after yourself, you had to be the grown up and you let no one get too close to you so you wouldn't get hurt again.
Drake managed to see right through you, get you to open up and still take care of you when the less pretty parts came out.
But you couldn't help but fear that you were breaking Liam's heart and the last thing you wanted to do was hurt him.
The limo ride was preparing you for todays activity which was building farms to show support of Liam and Madeleine's upcoming nuptials, you didn't get why it would be to support them but you understood that Cordonia and it's traditions were important to Liam and important to Cordonia.
Once Bertrand left the Limo Maxwell stayed back with you.
'Is everything okay Ro? You were shaking when we were out there with the press'
You took a deep breath, you considered telling Maxwell the truth but decided against it as you weren't quite ready.
'Yeah just a bit overwhelmed because of the press and with the whole scandal hanging over my head' your eyes were downcast
Maxwell squeezed your hand gently
'Hey, we will get to the bottom of this okay? None of us will stop until you are a free woman'
' thank you Max. It truly means a lot.. shall we go out there?'
'Let's build some barns wooo!'
You plastered on your best smile but it felt disingenuous and fake as you and Maxwell got out of the limo.
As soon as you were outside the limo you were once again met with reporters and you took a deep breath, you had to at the very least make a statement on the scandal or things would spiral and you did not want that.
'I would like to make a statement' you anounced as you looked at the reporter who held a microphone out for you to speak into, there was also cameras everywhere that you avoided looking at.
'I have and always will love Cordonia, the kingdom and it's people are dear to me. When I thought i had to leave it I felt a great sadness as I think of Cordonia as my home. I am grateful that the Beaumont's for bringing me here and making me a part of their family. That is all I would like to share for now'
Reporters were raising their hands to ask you questions but you excused yourself. Drake and Hana were by the barn in the middle of operating a pulling system. They were struggling to lift the beam off the ground.
'Pull' Drake instructed with a look of concentration on his face
Hana and Drake's muscles strain against the weight of the beam.
'Pull! Pull! PULL!' Maxwell instructs enthusiastically
'Hi guys' you say to let them know you are here to help them.
'Maxwell? Rose?'
Hana is so distracted by Maxwell and your arrival that she loses her focus and drops the rope and the beam crashes to the ground.
'Ooops! Sorry, Drake! I was just excited to see our friends. And it seems like Rose came dressed and ready to work' Hana winks at you.
'you know iiittt'
'I didn't think we were going to get it all the way up there by ourselves anyway' Drake reassures Hana which you find really sweet.
You take in Drakes features for the first time since you arrived, he's shirtless. You find yourself speechless for the first time in a long time, you are drinking in Drake's beautiful features from the way his hair falls- which it has grown out a bit and it goes beyond his ears and almost goes down to his shoulders now and it suits him so much. His stomach is defined and there are veins going up his hands to his wrist, his dark eyes are golden in the sunlight and god he is beyond gorgeous. You catch your breath and realize that you are falling just a bit more in love with him. You feel your cheeks warm up ever so slightly.
'Drake! You're.. you're shirtless!'
'Oh. Right' Drake seems to realize that he is indeed shirtless and he blushes prettily from his cheeks and to his ears.
'He started off with a shirt' Hana comments shyly
'Hey, it's hot! A guy's got to pull off somehow' Drake deadpans and you snort
'Maxwell you are going to be sweating buckets in that black shirt' Drake comments as he looks over at Maxwell.
'There's a spot over there were many nobles are hanging their dress shirts or alternatively I think Drake chose a spot on the ground for his'
'Yeah Max, you could lose the shirt' you shrugged and grinned at him
'Nah, i'll leave my shirt on. This cotton down is made of moisture -wicking fabric. Very breathable'
'Drake, you sure you're not trying to show off for the press?'
Or maybe he is shirtless just for my benefit?
' I'm happiest out of frame'
Ahhh interesting. So it was for you. That thought alone made your cheeks flush. You could look at him like this all day, any day.
This man was your weakness and you didn't mind one bit.
You, Hana, Maxwell and Drake work together to get the beam up to the second floor of the barn as the press takes pictures of you and your group of friends. Your group devides and you decide to stay and help Drake with the beam both Hana and Maxwell give you a suggestive look before they walk off in different directions to different work stations.
'Well it looks like you have chosen to stick with me, Thorne'
'I stand by my decision'
'Heh okay' Drake smiles at you shyly
'Sooo big strong man like you Drake, what could you possibly need my help with?'
You lean towards him and squeeze his bicep and Drake leans into the touch, you hand touches his hair and you put it behind his ear.
'Thorne..' he warns you weakly.
'Your hair looks good at this length..'
Drake's cheeks heat up for the second time since you have arrived.
'Thorne.. you're killing me..' Drake whines weakly. Your eyes goes to his lips and back up to his eyes searching and you bite your lip.
' This is harder than I thought it would be' you admit.
You look around quickly to make sure the cost is clear, the press have moved further away to take pictures of Madeleine and Liam, everyone else is busy so you lean over and kiss Drakes cheek.
'I'm sorry this is hard on you. I don't want to keep letting you down'
Drake rubs his neck and looks away from you.
'Look at me Drake'
Drake looks at you, he looks crushed like he knows he'll always disappoint you and your heart hurts just looking at him.
You intertwine your fingers and caress his hand with your thumb.
' You do not disappoint me. I want you. I want this. I know it can't be right now and I'm okay with that.. what I'm not okay with is you doubting yourself'
'I just think you could do so much better than me, I-'
'I disagree. At the end of this scandal I'm still going to want you. I will tell you a million times until you get it into your thick skull. Drake Walker i want you'
Drake looks around, no one is paying the two of you any mind so he puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close. Your hands go into his hair and your lips crash with his into a deeply passionate and hungry kiss, once you break apart you.
'How so you always know what to say Rose?'
You lean your forehead against his. The moments in between when he lets go and lets his walls down enough to say your name is so precious to you.
'It's a gift i suppose, I am your weakness Afterall'
As you move out of his space and let go of his hand you miss his touch already.
' I was meaning to ask you this actually... how are you after last night?'
His tone is so soft. So gentle and filled with so much warmth and care that it melts your heart and you feel your eyes get teary.
'I'm much better when I'm around you'
'Aww shucks Thorne.. you are melting my tin can heart'
You look at him and hold his gaze.
'I mean it. Whenever I'm around you I feel like that voice inside my head that tells me I'm not good enough quiets down'
Drake pulls you into a short hug and strokes your hair. You always feel so safe with him.
'I'm always here for you okay? If you ever need anything let me know'
'You. I need you. I know though and I can't thank you enough'
As you pull apart the romantic tension is thick. You clear your throat.
'So how can I help you build this barn?'
Drake brings over Mirabelle's dream to help out, you lead the horse forward and use the pulling system to get beam after beam to the second floor. Drake lets you know he got Mirabelle's dream to help ypu with the press. God he's such a marshmallow.
At the end of the afternoon Liam somehow manages to escape Madeleine, he's smiling but you can see the strain in that smile. It's good to see him though. You can't wait to break off the engagement so Liam can find someone who deserves him, while you don't harbour any romantic feelings for him you still care for him deeply and wish him well.
Liam, Maxwell, Hana, you and Drake head towards the spa nearby for some much needed relaxation. Once you reach the spa Maxwell, Liam and Drake goes to one changing room to get ready while you and Hana go to another changing room, once everyone is in their swimwear and covered up with towels you all head out to the different pool areas the boys go to their own room and you and Hana go to another.
You sit down with Hana and Hana hand you a sparkling fruit -infused water before getting herself one, you thank her and take a sip.
'Ahhh just what we needed after a long day'
'Sooo how did building a barn go with Drake?'
You bump your shoulder into Hana's and smile at her and sigh.
'Every time I'm alone with him and I think i couldn't possibly like him more than I do I always end up being wrong... he just makes me so happy Hana'
Hana looks at you sweetly and squeeze your hand.
' I'm so happy for you Rose. I hope i find someone someday that makes me feel that way'
You look at her and can tell she's struggling with something and your chest hurts just looking at her face.
'Are you okay Hana?'
Hana shakes her head and looks down before looking back at you.
'I need to tell you something.. I'm just a little scared... That's all'
'Oh Hana.. you know you can tell me anything right?'
Hana takes a deep breath and squeeze your hand before looking determined.
' I've done a lot of self reflection this past year and I've come to realise why I never care for my ex fiancé. There was never this spark because- because-'
Ohhhh that actually make a lot of sense when you think about it.
She's never shown interest in the prince beyond friendship or seemed interested in anyone here so far but you thought she was just shy.
You squeeze her hand reasuringly to encourage her to keep going.
'Because I'm not into men. Like at all. Rose... I'm.. Gay' Hana admits and you pull her into a bone crushing hug and she gently hugs you back
'I'm so so proud of you Hana. This is so amazing!! I'm so happy for you'
You can tell she's still terrified. As if you are going to tell her you're joking or that you are upset with her. You silently curse her parents for this as you are sure they have probably made her feel like being herself in any way wasn't okay.
You pull her closer to you. You promise yourself to always be there for her and reassure her that you're proud of her.
'Yes. Thank you for telling me. For trusting me with this'
Once she's ready to look for love you are going to be her wing woman and help her out in any way that you can.
'You're my best friend Rose of course I trust you. But can you keep it between the two of us for now?' Hana asks as you pull away from her.
'Of course Hana'
'You know... The rooms are technically co-ed. I assume you might want to stay separate for privacy's sake, but we could crash the boy's side... If you're feeling daring'
You take her hand in hers and head toward the boy's room, once you enter it both you and Hana are giggling.
'Surpriseee' you and Hana exclaim synchronised.
'Oh! Rose, Hana! Should we... Er... Cover up more?' Liam asked clearly surprised to see you and Hana.
'I think the ladies will be fine' Drake deadpans
'Yes I've seen a man in a towel before'
You look around the room and wonder were Maxwell is.
'Wait a second... Where's Maxwell?'
'Hiding. And that was before you all burst in. Come on out, Maxwell'
'Yes. You can't hide forever' Liam agrees and laughs
Maxwell steps out from the doorway and the steam clears and you notice he has a baby hippo tattooed on his chest. Aww that's so cute.
'Go ahead and laugh if you want. Just don't tell Bertrand you saw it'
'Is that a baby hippo' Hana asks in a soft voice
'Oh Maxie, that tattoo is so adorable'
Maxwell grins, clearly relieved.
'I know! Isn't this little guy the cutest?'
'Would I be correct in guessing that there's a sort of story behind this?'
Maxwell blushes and smiles.
'Kind of... When I was a kid, my mom would call me a her little hippo'
That's actually the sweetest thing you have ever heard Maxwell say ever. Also probably the only personal thing you really know about him as he rarely shares anything especially not about his past.
'I didn't think it was possible for this moment to get any better, but here we are'
'I was kind of chubby when I was younger, before I got into dancing. My dad was really hard on me about it, but my mom never made me feel bad. She was really smart and funny. She said i was just like a hippo... Fun-loving but tough, and always able to make her smile and she made hippos sound really cool and amazing. Anyway, when she passed away, I wanted to do something to commemorate her. I told Bertrand I was going to get something done... He thought i meant have some artwork commissioned.. So he was pretty surprised when he saw the tattoo'
Yikes. You could almost imagine Bertrand losing his mind over this.
'I suppose it doesn't fit particularly fit with the image of house Beaumont that Bertrand's striving to maintain...'
'Yeah, this was more or less his second to worst nightmare.. Or so he keeps telling me anyway.. So he said that if we're ever around nobility or servants that I had to keep it covered up. But I can trust you right?'
'Of course! On my honour'
'I will only tease you when Bertrand isn't around Maxie poo'
Maxwell let go of a breath you didn't realise he had been holding and smiled
' That's all I ask Ro Ro'
The nicknames were a new thing but you were enjoying that they seemed to get more and more silly as time went on and you were more than okay with that.
'As fun as discussing Maxwell's hippo tattoo has been, I'm going to take a plunge in the cold plunge.. Anyone want to join?' Drake looked over at you briefly and smirked
'No thanks. After today, I'm relaxing in the tub..'
Drake walks to the furthest pool across the room, while Liam, Hana and Maxwell heads towards the steaming hot water, you go over to the pool where Drake is standing poised to jump into the cold plunge.
'Trying to summon your courage?' you ask cheekily and looks at Drake expectantly
'This is supposed to be good for you, you know?' Drake says and looks at you like he is challenging you to jump in
'Is that so?' You raise your eyebrows at him.
'Yeah, like most things in life, the best thing is sometimes the most painful.. Want to do it with me?'
There's a depth to that answer that you hope Drake will expand on one day once he is ready but for now you focus on just being around him without stirring up past trauma.
'Sure, why not' You shrug but deep down you're not a fan of cold water, however you are a fan of more time alone with Drake, all day any day.
Drake seems pleasantly surprised by your answer almost if he expected you to back down now.
Oh it's on...
'I can't possibly let you do this on your own'
'That's the spirit'
You intertwine your hand with his and stand at the end of the cold plunge. You and Drake look at each other and count down from three to one and jump in together. The water is so freaking cold you try your best not to shiver. The cold water washes over you both and once you resurface you both look at each other and gasp.
'That was..'
'That's definitely one word for it'
'Having trouble keeping up with me, Throne?' Drake asks there's definitely some mirth underneath his deadpan expression
'Me? Never'
Drake hefts himself out of the cold plunge and he reaches back a hand to help you out, you take his hand and smirk up at him deviously before pulling his hand, Drake stumbles and loses his balance and fall back into the pool, once he resurfaces from the water he gasps.
'Thorne!' Drake exclaims before splashing you with water and you splash him back in the face and the two of you start a water fight and splash each other until you are both out of breath.
Drake seems swept up in the moment as he puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, you are inches apart. You bite your lip and search his expression to make sure there's no doubt or regret , when all you can see on his features is pure want you crash your lips against his in a heated kiss that doesn't last nearly long enough before you pull away.
'You are full of surprises'
You fingers trace Drakes face and you push a strand of his hair behind his ear.
'Good ones, I hope?'
Drake leans his forehead against yours briefly and he smiles at you
'You can surprise me like that any day... But right now we should probably...'
'Be sensible and discreet?' you sigh
'Unfortunately. And believe me when I say that it's very unfortunate'
'I guess we should check out the rest of the spa'
Drake agrees and you both leave the cold plunge and go find your friends and join them in the hot pool.
Tag list: @karahalloway @tinkie1973 @nestledonthaveone @alyshak92 @flutteringdreamydays @kingliam2019
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
TRR x HSS Crossover on Prom Night
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Happy Prom!
Riley finally chose Liam as her date and ran against Madeleine for prom queen and won! Liam won prom king easily.
Raelyn and Hana went to prom together but sadly Maxwell had to step up in Raelyn's shoes to take Hana to prom since Hana's parents don't approve of Raelyn. Maxwell is the perfect wingman though and they all have fun on this special night.
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