ask-honeyphos · 10 years
Attention Honeyphos fans!
hiiiiiii~! Woo, we sure do miss this blog! It's been a really nice trip answering your questions and making stories, even having some of our friends do artwork for us! Thank you to you all though, all of our lovely followers that keep us feeling awesome with all the notes and support! Though we haven't really been updating yet (due to Internet and personal issues) we still think about you all! Asks and any fan mail are wildly accepted! Thanks a bunch everyone! We'll be sure to work on some fics and art when we get the chance. Byeeeeee~! -Lots of love, sappy and midgey (the mods..hehe :3)
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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Honeydew had been looking about for Xephos for a while now, it being so late into the night. Though as he passes through his lover's office; he has to backtrack as he sees a discarded note on his desk...huh? One of those asks again? He chuckled slightly. It was cute how excited Xephy would get over these, but he usually kept them so organized. Reading over the small piece of paper, the dwarf finally does realize; and his small eyes even beat his reaction and flutter towards the window, framing the outside world. And there's none other than his spaceman there, gazing at the stars. He must be homesick..with that, the small ginger man slowly made his way over. Just waddling his short legs until he sat behind Xephos, holding his brunette close around the waist, just acting as an almost chair back to him as he nuzzled at his neck gently. No words were needed really..
The spaceman is almost startled out of his thoughts, but quickly calms down as he recognizes Honeydew. Just relaxing with a sigh as he leaned back against the dwarf. Closing his glimmering eyes, giving up the search for familiar patterns in the sky, nuzzling in to the other's warmth. This was good, just this, right here. This was perfect.
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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The silly dwarf had been grinning at this little note for ages. Like a fool, a big toothy grin that made him seem like an idiot. But..what would they truly look like, if they could? Would they be aliens like his Xephy? Or dwarves like himself? "Well, I know they'd be the cutest little things. Those chubby, cuddly babies. I think their eyes would glow that blue colour just like me'spaceman's, and maybe they'd have curly ginger hair like mine! They'd 'ave such spirit, adventure, they'd be Xeph and I's true treasures. We'd love them to bits, forever and ever...a real family. A real family...I'd love all of them so much.." as much he does Xephos, that means, with his life. It would be perfect..
Xephos had been wondering what the dwarf had been up to for a while now. There hadn't been anything happening that would tell him where he even was. But now, he hears talking, and he peeks in to the room from the doorway, just listening. He had wondered about that too. It was nearly certain that some of his traits would carry over, but he didn't want to think about it now. Not now when he could just get lost in the way that Honeydew's eyes nearly shined with love. Oh if only..
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
Sorryyyyy! (moderator post)
We're sorry to have been gone for so long again, but school caught up and there was plenty of stress for both of us. Some reasons personal and some just school projects from the nether.
Things should be calming down now though, so hopefully we'll get to work on this again..
I also might have misplaced one of the asks that has been sent to us.. sorry. I have the text copied down so we'll be answering it regardless, but yeah :'D sorry about the inconvenience of that.
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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“Well, yes.” The spaceman mutters, just seemingly lost in thought for a moment before sighing. “He has clearly stated that he wants no part in it, which we respect. And I have made it a personal mission to keep everything that has to do with more than cuddles off the shared bed. It's only polite after all”
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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(no nsfw in this one really, trust me. they got up to absolutely nothing o.o just got a bit of heart to heart going on at the end)
The tall man blinked, a blush working it's way over his cheeks at the words as he held the remote in his hand.. “what?” They had... what? He felt a bit light headed all of a sudden, just settling to sit at a table as he looked at the remote. They couldn't be serious, could they? Stuff like this just didn't happen, right? First of all. How would they get Honeydew's boxer-size right? Second of all, why would Honeydew wear something that someone else gave him? That thought did give him a small flare of jealousy that quickly made it's way through him, just making him glare at the remote with slightly smouldering eyes. Well... you only live once, and if the dwarf really had worn underwear that was given to him by someone else than him, then he deserved it. So with that thought, he pressed the button.
He just...he wasn't even sure why he had taken those boxers. That random person had told him it involved an adventure. And plus, Xephos was the one that was getting all those things all the time. So why couldn't he? The dwarf just sat on a step, looking down to the floor. Was this a mistake? It felt a bit thick, wearing these..but...aH! The dwarf can't help squealing, feeling that vibrating flaring through him. Against his behind, groin..eep! The ginger man quickly shucks down his trousers, his boxer's soon following, until he's stark naked. A..why...they...they vibrated!! "Xephy!" he screeched, quickly rushing through the compounds clutching at the briefs. Oh jeez, that was a sight..the short, stubby man waddling across the grass. Bottom half naked..he spots the man then, just yelling out in horror as he whimpers to the brunette "These..they...Xephhhyyy​!!"
The spaceman couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips, as he heard that yelp. Oh this was fun~ He just held the remote in his hand, clearly visible to the dwarf as that smirk was and stayed on his face, his eyes flickering over the shorter man, taking him in leisurely. “Yes Honey~?” He nearly purred. There was no point in playing innocent. That small spike of jealousy still lingering somewhere at the back of his mind. “Did something happen?”
Honeydew just blinked at Xephos. What was...? Did....he...know? He couldn't help that flush fluttering across his cheeks though.."My..my underwear vibrate.." the man swallowed, just getting redder by the second as he only tugged on his trousers..
Oh he was blushing now~ and Xephos couldn't help the chuckle as he placed the remote on to the table, just leaving it there as he looked over Honeydew. “Now who told you to accept underwear from strangers of all things? You never know what they might try~” Why did he still feel so possessive of the dwarf? Just shifting as he just felt the urge to drag the dwarf off and assert that yes, in fact they still were only for each other.
Wait..that remote? Had the man..? Oh fuck. He was so red right now! He plants his hands into his face, just attempting to conceal the blush with a ragged breath.."It..." just tell him. Avoid embarrassment even more.."Ye...yer' always getting all these things from different people, little messages...and I...I jus feel..." he huffs a bit, before plonking himself onto the floor and cuddling at his knees. "Unimportant..I just wanted to accept what I was given for once.." was that too much to ask? "But...now I assume it was a set up.." by the looks of that remote...
The man felt a bit terrible now, just watching the dwarf curled up like that. He wasn't supposed to be like that, no. Not his Honeydew, the proud, brave dwarf that he wouldn't know what to do without. So with the smirk melting away, replaced by concern on his features, he got up, making his way to the dwarf and kneeling on to the floor with him. “Honey.. You're always important, I wouldn't know what to do without you, you handsome dwarf.” He said quietly, shifting the others helmet a bit to lean in and press a small kiss on to the ginger's forehead. Whispering a few words in his strange language. “e 'qolisf oz'otsily”
He hears the other man kneeling besides him, just looking up slightly at him. Ah, Xephy was so sweet..and the kiss, those sweet words he knew...he was lovely...the dwarf cups the spaceman's face, just nuzzling him softly.."I love you too.." it was perfect. He was perfect..he just smirks, running his hand through those locks.."My perfect Xephy~"
The tall man just allows his eyes to flutter nearly closed, the soft glow still visible as he smiles at the nuzzle. A sigh of pleasure escaping past his lips at the hands in his hair. A small laugh escaping him at the cooed words. “Only for you Honey. Only for you~” He felt that sting of jealousy ease at the gentle touch, just helping him relax. He should know better than to let his own mind trick him like this.
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
Special saturdays 2
Hello, we got to writing this a little while ago.
NSFW: Honeyphos,
It would take a while to explain my headcanon for the spaceman's heat cycle, so ask if you want details. let's just see what the duo got up to when it caught them unaware.
so not much plot or context, just these two silly buggers
The tall man just rolled over in bed, getting distance between him and Honeydew for now. Good lord.. He just.. He felt weird. A good weird in a way. Feeling warmth almost crawling through his form, making him squirm slightly in the blankets.. mmh~ It was time to wake Honey up now. He turned on to his stomach, just peering at the dwarf, his blue eyes gently almost pulsing with the usual glow. Before he reached his hand to the other's exposed chest, a small playful smirk tugging at his lips as he trailed his fingertips over the dwarf's wide chest, just gently teasing him awake, trailing his hand lower, and lower, along the happy trail now and to the edge of his boxers. Mmh~ Oh lord he felt excited now~ just carefully trailing his fingertips over the shorter male's groin, teasing him through the fabric as he leaned in to whisper. “Wakey, wakey Honey~ It's time to get up~” But oh he would be up from the bed himself soon, couldn't let the man get him so easily after all~ Couldn't let him dominate him so simply without properly trying.
It was a nice sleep, curling up with his kitten before the pair drifted off into a deep snooze. He was having such a nice dream~ frolicking with pigs, cuddling his Xephos, dumping Sjin's dumb chilies into the ocean. It was perfect~ but in the haze, the short man lazily feels a warm, slim hand travelling down his torso, before carefully gliding those digits over his crotch. Oh Jesus~ was his lover feeling frisky then~? With sure hands, the miner reaches over slowly to grasp the brunette's waist, just pulling him close to nuzzle "Mmh~ morning Xephy~" a morning round? He could already feel his length stirring at the mere thought.."Is my little kitten feelin'frisky~" a smirk climbs its way onto his features as he manoeuvres his hand to the spaceman's ass, just roughly caressing and squeezing the mound of flesh
The spaceman just smirked, about to move off the bed when the arm curls around his waist, pulling him down. A surprised squeak escaping him at the dwarf's words. This wasn't going to plan, This wasn't supposed to happen at all. Honeydew was always slow to wake up! But he could still get away with it~ “perhaps~” He gently teased, just moving to quickly straddle the dwarf to the bed, rubbing their crotches slowly together with a moan. Before he smirked, leaning close to kiss the other, before slipping to the side, nimbly rolling off the ginger and the bed with a laugh before heading to the door while stretching his arms above his head. “Come on now, we have plenty to do~” Come and catch him~ show him he wasn't in charge~
Oh yes~ such a lovely little kitten. The dwarf already felt himself getting hard, just as the creature straddled him; before bucking and rutting against him.."F- fu..fuuu~" oh he couldn't even finish the word, that felt too good. And..meh~? What was that smirk? He just captured those lucious lips with his own, really getting into that lovely teasing affection, until his kitten is gone. Off of his lap, and walking to the door. Wait. just..No! He was practically already hard! His kitten was being evil then? He merely groaned, lying back on the bed.."I- I'll be with'ye in a minute.." he muttered, before just slowly, slowly palming the bulge in his briefs. That teasing kitten~
Oh the spaceman heard those words, just curving his body slightly as he glanced behind himself and at the dwarf, before letting out a sound that was almost a soft moan, leaning almost invitingly against the still closed door of the bedroom, just tilting his head as his eyes pulsed again with that soft glow. “mmh~ be sure to hurry, darling~” His eyes just carving over the other male as he gently licked at his lips, before slipping out of the room, almost skipping at the giddy feeling that flooded through him. Oh lord this felt so good~ The pleasure from the little game just beating through him, coaxing him to peel the shirt he wore over his head as he felt himself getting uncomfortably hot.
Oh good lord~ why was he teasing him so? He just allowed his small eyes to grace over the brunette's slim, curvy form. Almost licking his lips as he rapidly shrugged down his boxers; before curling his hand around that morning wood. Oh fuck~ his mind easily gifted him with sensual images of his Xephos, causing him to close his eyes as his palm began to roughly, and quickly jerk at his erection. Oh kitten~ he couldn't help the moan that escaped him, the next one sounding like a whined "Xephos~” as he moved to fondle his balls with the other hand. Fuck he wanted his kitten here~ just..just even to stand there and let him look over that beautiful brown hair, those glowing blue eyes..Mmh~
hmm..? The blue eyed alien just glanced at the bedroom door as he heard the moans. He wasn't playing right! The little cheater! This was his game, and Honeydew was supposed to play it by his rules! Fine! If Honeydew didn't want to play this version of it. He'd turn the tables then. With an almost cruel smirk, he opened the door just a crack, feeling his tentacles squirming against each other, causing that pleasurable itch of arousal again. “Honeyy~ I think you're cheating” There was a thin layer of disappointment in the call, “Save some for later too.” he knew he was the one that the dwarf wanted anyway~
He just swallows as he sees his spaceman in the door way, those sing song words just causing him to whimper as his hand moved on his length. F- fuck..he was teasing him so cruelly.."O- okay.." he gulped, before slowly removing his hand away from his cock. Shit..and his kitten was shirtless too..the tease! The damn tease! He heard that disappointment, and he just complied with quickly tugging up his boxers and pants, the dwarf just dressing in his normal state, helmet and body strap. But anyone could see that painful bulge in his pants~ "W..what today, kitten?" why did he have to...hell! His length was throbbing in need..
hmm.. now that was better~ Xephos gives the dwarf a smile of approval, just feeling that giddiness return as he slightly swayed where he stood, just shifting his weight as he seemed to be thinking. “Didn't you want those jet packs made? We could perhaps start with that, and we can get back to everything else after we can fly”. But oh that sight~ just looking at the dwarf like this, knowing he was in this state because of him. Mmh~ It nearly made him moan out loud as he gently bit at his bottom lip, feeling a shudder make it's way through him. “The recipe should be at the desk~” Oh dear, had his voice really been that wanting and deep?
Dear lord..he knew Xephos, and he knew he was teasing him..dammit, the other was more than aware of his state! But no, just, keep it together..the body language though, those sharp teeth clamping on that soft bottom lip...focus! "R..right, I'll..I'll get to it..." he swallowed once more, before shuffling over to his partner's desk. His shaking hand flicked through the various notes, until finding one labelled 'jetpacks (request of honey <3)' aw..that made him smile. But it didn't distract him enough from burning need between his legs.."So..should we make one for you and Lana? I've already got mine.." maybe two for Sips and Sjin as gifts? Eh..or maybe not...
The spaceman can hardly focus on anything else than the way the dwarf's hands shook, the way there was clear strain in his voice~ Just making him silently walk towards the other male. Holding back his answer before he was nearly leaning over the shorter man's shoulder as he looked at the note with the recipe on it. “If you wish so~” He whispered, running his hands over the dwarf's shoulders and caressing at his upper arms. Mmh~ game over. He was tired of playing now. So with a fast movement, he spins the dwarf around, just aiming a steady look at him as he pushed the shorter male against the desk. “I don't recall telling you to put your clothes on..” He needed them off! The need to feel the other close was suddenly taking over his rational thoughts and driving him insane as his hands quickly tugged at the belt, yanking it open none too gently as he dove in for a needy kiss. The tickle of the others beard on his skin welcome and oh so familiar by now, safe.
He waited for a while for his Xephos' answer. Huh, "Xeph- ah!" he suddenly yelped, feeling the quick movement on his form spun about, then pinned up against the desk. Dear god..where did this dominant kitten come from? He gulps softly, a whimper escaping him as he began to remove his own clothing. But the creature is quicker, pulling his belt open before those lips clashed against his own. He wasn't sure what his kitten wanted him to do. So he merely held tight on the table, returning that kiss with a slight mewl. He'd move when the kitten wanted him to..
Xephos only moaned in to the kiss, wrapping his arm momentarily around the dwarf's neck to pull him deeper in to that affection. Not enough. Quickly moving his hands to pull the dwarf's trousers and boxers down and out of the way before making use of his taller stature and easily lifting the shorter male on to the desk. Nearly ripping a seam on his own clothes at his hurry to get them off, before he was already pressing himself against the shorter male with a wanton moan. Just shuddering at the feel of the shorter tentacles wrapping around the dwarf's thick shaft. His hands nearly squeezing bruises on to the ginger's shoulders at the need to be close. The tentacles slipping on and trying to grip at the other's length as he moved his hips with a high pitched sound of pleasure.
He was just mewling softly, not at all used to being the submissive one in their sexual intercourses. But he allowed it, leaning up into that kiss as he felt those long arms around his neck. And the poor dwarf is hesitantly about to curl his arms around the other's waist, but the kitten is faster once again. Yanking down his boxers and trousers without care, before Xephos lifted him. He hardly ever did..he almost whines, settling onto the table with a heavy breath as his small greys took in the way his Xephos so hurriedly removed his garments. This was so different, so different from their usual flings. He rubbed softly against his Xephos with a groan as he felt those wet genitals curl against his own. Xephos was being even more dominant, seeking pleasure. Like a teenage grope rather than the loving intercourse they shared. It was new and exciting, but different..what was up with his kitten? "X..Xeph? W...what's going on with you?"
Oh heavens! It felt so good, so absolutely wonderful as he felt that warm length against his genitals, rubbed between them. Mmh~ But the shaky words snap him towards reality, making him loosen his hold on his dwarf as he searched for the words that failed him. A choked moan slipping from him as he felt the dwarf's length rub against the sensitive underside or his appendages, just sending waves of pleasure through him. Come on. Think! “It's a.. that's.. I think.. The summer, must be the summer. The warmth correlated with my.. my hormonal shift and..” He couldn't help the moan that broke the words, just pressing himself against he dwarf, completely lost in the sensation that the dwarf's coarse pubic hair provided for him as his length had stretched out, curling snugly around the base of the shorter man's erection, just.. “more~” He couldn't help the hazy moan. The pleasure the sensation ignited making the light in his eyes flicker. “sorry.. where was I?” What had he been saying again?
Honeydew felt the brunette's hands faltering then, causing his to clench his teeth tight in his mouth. Did he say something wrong? But oh that was nice, just the mere knowing that he made his lovely feel so good~ okay..summer, he got that much. Hormonal shift, right..but..shit! A long moan drew from the dwarf's lips, causing him to slide his length down in that firm hold, his hands now moving to grip at his brunette lover's waist, pulling him closer.."We were right here~" he purred, tugging the male even closer to peck at those lips as he began to softly rut against him. Right here indeed, and it was perfect~
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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(this gets nsfw quite fast, but there's no frick fraking.)
(and btw. we're out of questions :'D so send in your lovely queries~)
“what? WHAT?!?” He asks, before the person is already gone, leaving him with an armful of clothing. It.. okay... it was a set of trousers and a shirt.. nothing too bad. “right... I suppose.. I could try this?” He couldn't help the blush painting over his cheeks though as he tries on the shirt, just.. okay.. not too bad.. black was a nice colour. Then the trousers...
With that thought he removes his usual, loose trousers, before starting to fit himself in to the form fitting ones. This.. was just insane.
It felt strange, the cloth hugging his skin as he pulled the trousers on. Working the zipper up carefully as well as the button. Oh lord this felt strange. He glanced at the mirror in the bedroom, just posing a bit as he ran his eyes over himself quickly. Oh god this felt naughty. Not as much as the frills that Honeydew liked to see him in from time to time, but this still carried that same feeling of being exposed.
The spaceman bit at his lip slightly, just looking at the get up in the mirror. Just no. This wasn't really him, and the trousers felt really strange, tight, making his reproductive organ squirm, making his blush worse as he felt the starting arousal bother him. “oh for fuck's sake..” Really? Who would wear something like this willingly?
He had just watched the person, watched the person give his Xephos clothes, and he also watched as Xephos wandered off. Just...it made him a bit jealous. All of these different strangers giving his Xephos gifts and clothes, little cat things..it made him feel a bit left out. So, with his head held high, he marched over to the house; right into the room. "Xephos, I–" though, the dwarf stops, dead. He...Xephos was dressed in...he couldn't help it; his eyes gilding along the form-fitting cloth. How it hugged at his lover's pale form..slender and..oh boy~ "I...that's really nice clothing.." was all he could a mange to murmur, tone husky and low. Good lord he looked good..
Xephos just jumped a bit as Honeydew stepped in, just fidgeting where he stood as the blush heated up his features. “Is it?” Oh good god it felt exposing to be wearing this in front of Honeydew, and the man had seen him naked for fucks sake! “it.. it's a bit tight for my liking though” He fidgeted a bit, eyes darting over the clothing he was wearing, much too aware of the way his member rubbed against he texture of the cloth. “I'll just.. be rid of it if you don't mind” He couldn't help fidgeting with the hem of the shirt, just feeling suddenly very self conscious.
Honeydew bit his lip, just raking his eyes over his spaceman. He..damn~ he looked delicious. "I don't mind darling, whatever you want~" he'd like seeing that tight cloth being peeled off of his lover's slim form though. He could already feel the stirring of his member as he snuck up behind him. Just caressing his palm flatly over that firm mound of flesh, smacking his backside lightly "I'll have to admit..yer'ass looks very nice in this.."
Xephos turned to lift the shirt off his form. Hearing the lower note that the other's tone had taken. A gasp escaping him as he felt that firm hand move over his ass, before the smack made him shudder as he bit back a moan. “You could help me get out of them. I don't think I'll be able to work them off myself~” He almost purred the words, just wanting to feel those hands on him again. How could some cloth get him so worked up? It dug almost purposefully against him just so~
He grinned a bit at those sounds, just drawing his hands around the man's waist, before slowly drawing down those tight pants "Like this, darlin'~" he murmured, drawing his tongue across his hip. He tasted delicious~ he then moved his hands up his man's torso, taking the shirt with him as he kissed up his spine "Like this~?"
Oh The brunette couldn't help the mewl like moan as the dwarf's hands tugged at the trousers. “H-honey~” He stuttered, feeling the shirt lifted and those kisses pressed along his back. Oh he shuddered at that, feeling those hands and lips caress at his skin. “mmh touch me, please Honey~” Good lord he felt needy, just.. Who would wear something like that if it caused a reaction like this?
Oh good god~ those moans~ he could already feel the stirring in his trousers, the begging to be touched..oh he wanted to fuck him right now...he leads a hand down to those curling tentacles, massaging them firmly in his hand, teasing along the little squirming bits, before drawing his hand firmly along the expanse of the largest tentacle. Mmh~ but he wanted more "As you wish, darlin'~" and with that, he moved to push his man onto the bed, and approaching him like a predator. Ready to feast on his fine, brunette meat~ oh yes, this would be a pleasing night indeed~
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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The spaceman just sighed a bit, his thoughts troubling him as he laid on the grass, watching the clouds drift above him. This had bothered him for quite a while now, as he went through the math in his head and on paper time and time again. He had been 32 cycles old when he had crash landed.. and after that he had spent around 5 years on minecraftia soon.. it was so difficult to count that.. From the minutes and hours of the cycles he had figured that one sun cycle was around 22 months, perhaps some days over. So calculating that... “Honeydew.. how long do dwarves usually live?” a morbid thought, but it bothered him. He didn't want to end up dying before his time and leaving the dwarf alone.
The dwarf just blinked a bit, at his lover's question. Hm? Where did that come from? But with a hum, and curling his arm a bit further around the spaceman's shoulders; he just murmurs a simple "250 years..why do you ask, darling?" he was a bit afraid about that. He never liked contemplating it much, it was never fun. He himself was only 50, quite a young age for dwarves. They didn't usually go from home this early, but, this adventurous seeking manifested in this dwarf for sure.
“I was just wondering.. you see, I've been counting the time differences a bit, and while on my planet, I'd only ever reach 150 cycles. Translated to this world it would be around 280 if I'm lucky. There's not telling really, but I just wanted to know”. Just to know how long he still had with Honeydew. “At least it's close enough to yours. I was just worried one of us would be forced to watch the other grow old, but it seems we'll get to do that together too” He hummed, turning to his side to bury his face in to the other's ginger beard. It was a comforting thought. They'd be together until the end.
He blinked a bit at the man's words. Just. Why was he thinking of that now? He moved to wrap both of his arms around his slender form, cuddling him close "Don't think about that now, darlin', just think of the moment we share together now.." he kissed his lips gently, before stroking his hair. That's all that mattered, just him and him spaceman, right here. Forever..
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
(Alright, it's time to move back on the normal spaceman and dwarf asks again.  Keep them coming darlings, and I hope we'll manage to write the few extras we have planned during the summer)
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(this hints at Nsfw content towards the end, but only hints. Nothing smutty actually happens)
“Fan-fiction?” What.. and how had this person gotten in here? Before vanishing.. this begged to be investigated. So with that thought, he clicks open the computer, starting his search. A blush covering his cheeks almost immediately.
Honeydew had just been secretly feeding that dog again, and now, he found Xephy on the computer. Hm? What was he..? "Xephy? Are you alright?" he looked quite red, as he approached the brunette.
Xephos jolted a bit from his thoughts, hastily slapping the top of the laptop closed as he turned to look at Honeydew with a blush on his cheeks, eyes glowing softly. “It's fine, it's nothing, just, just nothing” He bit his lip slightly, just trying to forget some of the art he had seen in the search. Most of it cute and huggly, but then. There were those few ones that, Oh lord, he couldn't help fidgeting a bit in the chair, just wishing he could focus on something else than the mental images that stayed in his mind.
Honeydew just peered at his kitten, his eyebrow cocking a bit as he listened to the hasty words, and the way he squirmed a bit. Hm..what was he going on about? Once the brunette seemed distracted enough, he quickly grabbed the laptop, before waddling as fast as he can out of the house. Quick quick! He jumped down into his little mining hole; before opening up the screen. Okay! How was he supposed to..push the on button...? He clicks the 'on' switch, before he-...oh god...what on earth...oh gosh...he..."Xephy!!!"
The brunette hastily blinked back from his thoughts at the fast movement of his lover, letting out an indignant squeak at the sight of the computer being taken by him “Honey!” He scrambled after the other, just barely missing him as he slipped in to the mine on the yard. Oh boy, oh boy.. He felt his cheeks heat up with the worst blush yet. “H-honey, really, just give the computer back, it's nothi..” too late. He bit at his lip a bit, feeling butterflies of nervousness flutter through him at the yell. “y-yes.. honey?” He couldn't help burying his face in to his hands, just muffling a groan in to them.
He just squeaks a bit, his cheeks a furious red at the sight of..oh good lord what position- was he holding a..? Dear God! He left the laptop there, before running up, and practically jumping into the brunette's arms "That was..unique" he manages to say. Was that stirring arousal he felt in his lower zone? Oh gosh he was such a silly dwarf...who drew all those pictures?!
Xephos blinks a bit at the squeak he heard, before he got an armful of the lovely dwarf that had practically leapt at him. The blush was still covering his cheeks at the other's words, a nervous laugh just working it's way past his lips. “We got asked if we had read fan-fiction.. but as I was searching around, erm.. you can see what I found. Just.. who draws that stuff? It was.. interesting”. To say the least! Good heavens. He was sure that he'd be blushing for the rest of the week after seeing those. And it didn't help at all that it had gotten him a bit worked up as well, causing him to shift slightly as he held the dwarf.
"Someone who...who likes us together very much! The dwarf managed to squeak. It was so embarrassing! How did they manage to even draw it without passing out from a blush?! "Come on, we're going to the bedroom, now" the dwarf demands, holding tightly at the other's hand before practically pulling him towards the duvet. That had gotten him way too worked up, and the way he was palming himself should explain that to the spaceman too..
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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The man can't help but shift his tail closer to him, the mere reminder being enough to check that the limb was in no danger. “Nothing has been dropped on it, no..” He fidgets a bit, before his eyes flicker towards the bedroom.
“It does however get in the way of other things at times. Lying on top of it being very painful, not to mention if someone crawls over it. I can assure you, even Honeydew got a punch when he accidentally squished it under his hand. It hurt a good while afterwards, but luckily nothing was broken.” He had tried his best to keep the appendage out of the way ever since.
It would probably be a good time to bother Lalna about this again now..
(This has been the last kitty ask now :3 back to our usual shenanigans as well as hopefully more frequent posting as school draws closer and all the obligatory family visits are done for the year)
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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The man's ears perk up at the words, a hiss escaping him as the dog rushed to sniff and greet him. Only to cause him to scramble up on top of the nearest bookcase with another hiss. Before he realised what he had just done, just grabbing on to the edge of the shelf with a mewl as he closed his eyes. He didn't like heights “H-honey? Could you... remove the dog from the room? I don't know how it got in”.. this was embarrassing.
The dwarf had just been sitting (finally, it'd been a while since his little dwarf legs rested). Just gulping down a nice pint of mead, with a few jaffas nearby. This was heavenly~ and who wouldn't take the opportunity to appreciate such a pretty kitty in front of him~ just as he's running his eyes over those cute little ears, he sees the dog race in; and...Xephos is up on a shelf. Great. The ginger miner groans a bit, before hopping up and heading over. He chuckles a bit as he pets the friendly pup, looking up at his lover "Aw Xephy..he's so cute! Can we keep'im?" c'mon~
Xephos just carefully peered at the dog from the shelf, tail flickering uneasily. “Perhaps after I'm back to normal, but right now, no amount of catnip will get me down while it's here”. Even if he wanted to. How did the shelf look so tall from up here? He was fine on mountains these days, but this? “Just.. put it in the side room or something and help me down.”
Honey laughs a bit, petting over the dog's ears and scratching its side, before quickly leading it with a bone to one of the more comfy rooms. After closing the door, he places a few ladders up the side of the bookshelf, before looking up at his terrified brunette "Think'ye can get down now, little kitty~?" he teases. Aw..poor kitty, he'll have to give him an extra loving petting later on.
Xephos just felt his ears fold a bit at the teasing as he manoeuvred himself to the ladder, sighing as he felt the firm wood of the structure supporting his weight. “Just remind me to never climb on a bookshelf again.” The structure was unsteady enough without his added weight on top of it. “And don't laugh, I might find a way to get my revenge on you for it..” It was embarrassing enough.
the Dwarf watched his little kitten, just sighing as he moved to pull him into a hug. Squeezing tightly around his waist "I'm just playing, Xephy, don't worry. How'bout I give'ye a real, nice, long petting tonight?" he raised an eyebrow up at the brunette man, just smirking at the lowered octave of his tone. That should get to him a bit~
The cat eared man just sighed a bit as he felt the shorter man's arms tightly around himself, just prompting him to lean in to the affection. The tone of the man's words causing a small purr to escape him. “Fine.. I suppose that'd be enough of an apology.” mmh~ The dwarf's petting always felt so nice, knowing just the places to touch and caress.
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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(sorry this took so long. I blame the sudden loss in inernet)
The blue eyed man turns to look at the door of the house as he hears the chuckle, momentarily thinking that this person was Lalna, before remembering that the scientist had already once seen him like this, and usually didn't wear an expression quite like that in his eyes. Was this? “Lalnable?” How had he gotten out of his containment cell in Yoglabs? How was it possible? And how had he found out about this situation? But the flickering red light catches his attention none the less. And he can't help the reflex of trying to trap it under his hands. Ending up crouched on the floor before looking fearfully up. This was a bad place to be in..
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
We'll get back on track. I promise!
Sorry for being quiet again... Xephmod got abducted to go to summer cottage that had no internet for a while, but we'll get back on track. I swear!
We'll work through the asks we have and make sure to answer each and every one of them. (you guys are awesome ; - ; thanks for the great questions and interaction)
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
Last weekend to send in kitty asks. after this Xephy will be back to normal.
He's getting a bit tired of being distracted from his work with different toys and treats all the time. no matter how cute and cuddly catnip makes him, he complains that it takes him hours to clear his head from it, and Honeydew's using it to cheat snuggles from him.
(also going to be deprived of internet for a bit ; - ; we'll see if we can put something up for next week for you guys)
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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(if you get queasy easily, do not read under the readmore. we felt a bit ill ourselves.
There's no gore or stuff, but it does get a bit disgusting. He's a cat after all)
“hm?” The man looks up from the machine he was tinkering with, eyes widening as he saw the squirming little critters in the person's hands. A small frustrated yet excited sound escaping him as his ears perked up. “You really shouldn't...” But then the mice scatter as they're placed down, and the cat eared man can't help but leap after them. He had to catch them after all, before they did any damage. Or that's what he would tell you as he started hunting for them through the house.
But now he was sitting outside, slightly pale and shuddering of disgust as he covered the sensitive ears on his head. Not wanting to hear a single rustle or a squeak. He felt ill.. Why? Why had he done that? He wasn't a cat! He wasn't supposed to. Oh god.. he could feel his stomach roiling again and he couldn't help the whimper as he curled up. Never again, never!
Ah..maybe he should really stop leaving his Xephos alone, especially in this kitten form..because...well..."Oh darlin.." he sighs at the sight of the pale brunette, sitting down next to him and wrapping a stubby arm around his skinny waist. What had happened? These damn people giving his Xephos various cat teasings.."Shh, it's alright..it's alright...what happened?" he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to his pale cheek. Yeesh, something was definitely wrong..he looked so sick!
The man let out a soft mewl as he curled up against the dwarf, just burying his face in to his shoulder and shuddering at the question. “Mice in the house. I don't know why, I didn't want to.. It was disgusting..” Could he even say it? He felt so ill from the mere thought, tensing as he feared he'd throw up again. “I.. I ate one..”
...Oh. Yuck. Just..he had to balance himself, dimly hearing a few squeaks. Oh gosh he felt queezy.."I- it's alright, sweetie. It was just'ye catch nature catchin'up with ye...yer'll be fine..." he whispers, just hugging him gently. "We'll get'ye some water, and'ye can'ave a lie down. yer'll be fine, I'm 'ere.." and he'd stay. No matter how nasty this is..dear lord, that's put the other off of rodents, he'd guessed...
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ask-honeyphos · 10 years
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Wha- hey! Ugh. Why couldn't everyone just-?! Wait. Waitttt. The dwarf slowly draws the stick he'd been handed closer towards him, before gasping. Catnip? He gave it a bit of a waft, before an almost malicious smirk, that one would only really see on Ridgedog or Sips, curled his lips upwards. Oh~ Wasn't this the stuff that made his loveable brunette all loopy? With slow steps, he sighs a bit, almost torturously waving the stick out in front of him as he approached the cat-like man. "Oh Xephy~" he coos. "I've got a little...treat, for'ye~" a treat indeed~
The taller man just sighed as he heard the cooed words, his tail twitching a bit as he turned from the crafting bench to look at his lover. “What is it Honey?” His eyes drawing to the stick in his hand, causing him to blink. “erm... is that what I think it is?” There was that slightly minty smell in the air, but it wasn't as strong as last time.
"Hmm....I don't know what yer'talking bout', Xeph.." the ginger dwarf hummed, just carefully waddling over to him, before just carefully hovering the end of the stick close to his nose, allowing him to smell that intoxicating catnip. "Does that smell good, darling~?" he almost purred, just keeping his tone low, and husky. Plus, praying Lalna wouldn't come out at any point.....that would be mega awkward.
Oh it was that same lovely smell~ catnip? Mmh.. He had done a bit of reading on it after sorting his head from last time. It wasn't dangerous, so why not? He inhaled that lovely multi-layered scent, tail swishing a bit as a purr rumbled from his chest. “so good~” He only managed to breath out as he reached for the dwarf's wrist, just to keep his treat still as he gently bit at the stick, his tongue swiping over it to coax more scent out of it.
The man merely grinned as he watched Xephos grab at him, keeping that treat still, even licking at it! Now now, Honey, don't get excited...just...cuddles~ with a smile, he in turn grabbed Xephos, before leading him down to the ground, just curling up protectively next to him and lifting the treat a bit higher; out of his reach. What~? He just wanted to see what he'd do~
The spaceman was hardly aware of being settled on to the floor, later probably agreeing it to be a good idea but now being far too lost to care as that wonderful smell seemed to surround him like cotton. But that lovely treat is pulled away, allowing the reality to slip back around him and he can't help the small growl. Quickly moving to straddle the dwarf to the floor and pin that hand down so he could enjoy the treat it held fully. Another purr quickly trailing from his chest as he settled down.
Oh lord..he'll admit that he's a bit scared of the growl, fearing claws or fangs or worse but- oh~ that's exactly the reaction he was looking for. He just grins as his brunette lover sits on his lap, pinning him to the grass below as he lifted one hand to pet at those cute, flickering ears. He couldn't have asked for a better reaction. This, was perfect~
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