#personal life getting in the wayof things
findusonweb-blog · 6 years
About Helen I am very passionate about hypnotherapy and the work I do with my clients. It is such a wonderful therapy which helps people with their issues and problems relatively quickly, to achieve their true potential and to follow their dreams. The reason why I totally believe in hypnotherapy is that not only have I seen amazing results with my clients, hypnotherapy has also had a profound effect on my own life, by helping me deal with my issues and to positively progress with my life.
About Helen Helen Louvieris D.Hyp., GHR (Reg.), GQHP, NRH Helen is a skilled, fully qualified, registered and recommended hypnotherapist, who has helped many clients to overcome problems and achieve their goals.
Helen’s qualifications and activities: * Hypnotherapist at the charity, The Disability Foundation, which is based at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex. * Holds a current DBS (formerly known as CRB) check. * Trained in Medical Hypnotherapy with Dr John Butler, a renowned and respected hypnotherapist who performed hypno-anaesthesia live for Channel 4 Television on a patient who had a hernia operation. * Member of the Institute of Hypnotherapy for Medical and Dental Practice (IHMDP). * Registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register. * Registered with Embody. * Member of the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA). * Accredited by the National Regulatory Register for Hypnotherapy.
About Hypnotherapy Treatment How can you benefit from hypnotherapy treatment? When you have a problem or an issue, it resides in the subconscious part of your mind. This is what controls your behaviours, moods, habits, addictions and phobias.
With Helen Louvieris Hypnotherapy treatment, you can... * Free yourself from anxiety and panic attacks. * Reduce stress levels. Feel truly relaxed and in control. * Remove fears and phobias. * Improve your physical health and control pain. * Deal with dental issues quickly and effectively. * Relieve symptoms of depression such as poor sleep, take control of your moods and feel more positive and optimistic about life. * Build your self-confidence and self-esteem. Feel unstoppable.
How long does the hypnotherapy treatment take? It really varies from one person to another. Hypnotherapy treatment programmes, such as stopping smoking and addictions take the form of a multi-session programme. Issues such as anxiety, phobias, stress and confidence can be effectively dealt with in anywhere from 3 – 5 sessions, again depending on the case history.
Why I offer a 5 session programme Helen finds that clients enjoy greater and longer lasting success when they commit to a programme of sessions: “This is because although you may see rapid improvement, like many of my clients (see hypnotherapy testimonials), further sessions are important to build confidence and consolidate the positive change you will experience”.
Hypnosis Getting your unconscious mind 100% behind you and putting you in charge of your destiny...
Hypnosis FAQs Most people are unaware of the positive results and the benefit from hypnosis that can be achieved in a professionally controlled session. We would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions.
What are the uses of hypnosis? Hypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. Today, the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields including: medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports and education.
What's it like? Many people form their opinion of hypnosis from stage shows or the media and as a fully qualified and registered hypnotherapist, I want you to know the following very important facts: * During hypnosis you remain fully aware and in control at all times. * You cannot be made to reveal secrets or do anything that you wouldn’t normally do in your everyday life. * Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing and enjoyable. It’s actually one of the greatest things you will ever experience. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you.
How does it work? Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, I can communicate directly with the unconscious mind.
Will it work for me? Generally speaking, every normal person is “hypnotisable”. That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders. Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results using hypnosis.
How will I know if I am hypnotised? Most people cannot tell the difference between hypnotised and the waking states. some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that people do notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviours.
Is hypnosis safe? It is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. It is not sleep, nor can you get “stuck” in a state of hypnosis. You cannot be made to do something against your will! It's a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.
Why is hypnosis safe? It has the lowest cost insurance premium of all therapies because it is 100% medically safe (BMA/AMA 1950s).
NLP Therapy Awakening and harnessing your inner abilities and power...
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What is NLP Therapy? NLP is a very modern science based on optimising our thinking. It was developed as a wayof emulating excellence in others. It is widely used by leading figures in sport, business, education and politics to achieve amazing results. And I can show you how to use it to achieve many of your desired goals in life. NLP Therapy is unique that it can be used for rapid and dramatic breakthroughs in a more informal, less traditional way than other therapies.
How can NLP Therapy help? Everyone has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their life and NLP techniques are used as a tool to help you make these changes. You can literally become whoever you want to be by mastering this process. It’s something I can easily show you.
NLP Therapy can be content free – you can have anything you wish for NLP Therapy can also be content free. What does this mean? Put simply it means that I can help you work on set goals and outcomes without having to know what they are. It’s an approach to therapy that is similar to a “secret wish list”. It’s a very refreshing approach to therapeutic change.
NLP and emotional problems NLP techniques provide new ways of dealing with emotional problems such as low self esteem, anxiety, lack of confidence, destructive relationship patterns, coping with a break up and are successful in effective bereavement counselling.
NLP can help you overcome fears and phobias Phobias such as spiders, heights, dogs, escalators, water, lifts etc can be overcome as there are many NLP phobia cures available depending on the subject and your personal circumstances. The same phobia cures are successfully used on fears such as fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of examinations and fear of driving.
NLP for increased performance and results NLP can help you to dramatically improve your personal performance. Imagine making one of your good performances into a truly excellent one. Imagine if you could also improve the consistency of your performance in all areas.
NLP for stress reduction, weight control and a healthier lifestyle NLP has been successfully used with weight reduction and maintaining a healthy weight over the long-term. It can help you to build healthy lifestyle habits and overcome self limiting beliefs and habits.
How does NLP work? NLP uses physiology and the unconscious mind to adapt thought processes which means that negative habits and behaviour can be changed into positive ones, leading to greater freedom.
EFT Tapping away your issues & problems for good...
What does EFT mean and why is it so powerful in helping you take control of your life? EFT means Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
What is it? This very effective technique involves lightly tapping on various acupressure points, mainly on the hands, face and torso, while repeating phrases.This allows the unconscious to loosen up issues, thereby making change comfortable and easy for you to benefit. EFT is a wonderful and very simple technique and can be very effective on many different levels.
How does EFT work? How can you learn the techniques to easily use yourself? Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, thereby compromising our natural healing potential. Quite often, people are aware of the events or memories that trigger emotional discomfort in their lives, but they have not yet connected those memories to the symptoms of disease in their bodies. Using EFT, it is possible to balance the disturbed meridians. Both emotional anguish and the physical symptoms often subside.
Why EFT? The simple reason is that it works! I always work with EFT as part of a normal session because it is a remarkable therapy which gets results.
How can EFT & hypnotherapy help you? Call freephone 0800 298 0503 now to speak to Helen and to find out how EFT and hypnotherapy can help you with your problems and issues quickly and effectively.
0 notes
ask-honeyphos · 10 years
Sorryyyyy! (moderator post)
We're sorry to have been gone for so long again, but school caught up and there was plenty of stress for both of us. Some reasons personal and some just school projects from the nether.
Things should be calming down now though, so hopefully we'll get to work on this again..
I also might have misplaced one of the asks that has been sent to us.. sorry. I have the text copied down so we'll be answering it regardless, but yeah :'D sorry about the inconvenience of that.
0 notes
findusonweb-blog · 6 years
About Helen I am very passionate about hypnotherapy and the work I do with my clients. It is such a wonderful therapy which helps people with their issues and problems relatively quickly, to achieve their true potential and to follow their dreams. The reason why I totally believe in hypnotherapy is that not only have I seen amazing results with my clients, hypnotherapy has also had a profound effect on my own life, by helping me deal with my issues and to positively progress with my life.
About Helen Helen Louvieris D.Hyp., GHR (Reg.), GQHP, NRH Helen is a skilled, fully qualified, registered and recommended hypnotherapist, who has helped many clients to overcome problems and achieve their goals.
Helen’s qualifications and activities: * Hypnotherapist at the charity, The Disability Foundation, which is based at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex. * Holds a current DBS (formerly known as CRB) check. * Trained in Medical Hypnotherapy with Dr John Butler, a renowned and respected hypnotherapist who performed hypno-anaesthesia live for Channel 4 Television on a patient who had a hernia operation. * Member of the Institute of Hypnotherapy for Medical and Dental Practice (IHMDP). * Registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register. * Registered with Embody. * Member of the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA). * Accredited by the National Regulatory Register for Hypnotherapy.
About Hypnotherapy Treatment How can you benefit from hypnotherapy treatment? When you have a problem or an issue, it resides in the subconscious part of your mind. This is what controls your behaviours, moods, habits, addictions and phobias.
With Helen Louvieris Hypnotherapy treatment, you can... * Free yourself from anxiety and panic attacks. * Reduce stress levels. Feel truly relaxed and in control. * Remove fears and phobias. * Improve your physical health and control pain. * Deal with dental issues quickly and effectively. * Relieve symptoms of depression such as poor sleep, take control of your moods and feel more positive and optimistic about life. * Build your self-confidence and self-esteem. Feel unstoppable.
How long does the hypnotherapy treatment take? It really varies from one person to another. Hypnotherapy treatment programmes, such as stopping smoking and addictions take the form of a multi-session programme. Issues such as anxiety, phobias, stress and confidence can be effectively dealt with in anywhere from 3 – 5 sessions, again depending on the case history.
Why I offer a 5 session programme Helen finds that clients enjoy greater and longer lasting success when they commit to a programme of sessions: “This is because although you may see rapid improvement, like many of my clients (see hypnotherapy testimonials), further sessions are important to build confidence and consolidate the positive change you will experience”.
Hypnosis Getting your unconscious mind 100% behind you and putting you in charge of your destiny...
Hypnosis FAQs Most people are unaware of the positive results and the benefit from hypnosis that can be achieved in a professionally controlled session. We would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions.
What are the uses of hypnosis? Hypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. Today, the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields including: medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports and education.
What's it like? Many people form their opinion of hypnosis from stage shows or the media and as a fully qualified and registered hypnotherapist, I want you to know the following very important facts: * During hypnosis you remain fully aware and in control at all times. * You cannot be made to reveal secrets or do anything that you wouldn’t normally do in your everyday life. * Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing and enjoyable. It’s actually one of the greatest things you will ever experience. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you.
How does it work? Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, I can communicate directly with the unconscious mind.
Will it work for me? Generally speaking, every normal person is “hypnotisable”. That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders. Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results using hypnosis.
How will I know if I am hypnotised? Most people cannot tell the difference between hypnotised and the waking states. some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that people do notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviours.
Is hypnosis safe? It is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. It is not sleep, nor can you get “stuck” in a state of hypnosis. You cannot be made to do something against your will! It's a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.
Why is hypnosis safe? It has the lowest cost insurance premium of all therapies because it is 100% medically safe (BMA/AMA 1950s).
NLP Therapy Awakening and harnessing your inner abilities and power...
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What is NLP Therapy? NLP is a very modern science based on optimising our thinking. It was developed as a wayof emulating excellence in others. It is widely used by leading figures in sport, business, education and politics to achieve amazing results. And I can show you how to use it to achieve many of your desired goals in life. NLP Therapy is unique that it can be used for rapid and dramatic breakthroughs in a more informal, less traditional way than other therapies.
How can NLP Therapy help? Everyone has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their life and NLP techniques are used as a tool to help you make these changes. You can literally become whoever you want to be by mastering this process. It’s something I can easily show you.
NLP Therapy can be content free – you can have anything you wish for NLP Therapy can also be content free. What does this mean? Put simply it means that I can help you work on set goals and outcomes without having to know what they are. It’s an approach to therapy that is similar to a “secret wish list”. It’s a very refreshing approach to therapeutic change.
NLP and emotional problems NLP techniques provide new ways of dealing with emotional problems such as low self esteem, anxiety, lack of confidence, destructive relationship patterns, coping with a break up and are successful in effective bereavement counselling.
NLP can help you overcome fears and phobias Phobias such as spiders, heights, dogs, escalators, water, lifts etc can be overcome as there are many NLP phobia cures available depending on the subject and your personal circumstances. The same phobia cures are successfully used on fears such as fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of examinations and fear of driving.
NLP for increased performance and results NLP can help you to dramatically improve your personal performance. Imagine making one of your good performances into a truly excellent one. Imagine if you could also improve the consistency of your performance in all areas.
NLP for stress reduction, weight control and a healthier lifestyle NLP has been successfully used with weight reduction and maintaining a healthy weight over the long-term. It can help you to build healthy lifestyle habits and overcome self limiting beliefs and habits.
How does NLP work? NLP uses physiology and the unconscious mind to adapt thought processes which means that negative habits and behaviour can be changed into positive ones, leading to greater freedom.
EFT Tapping away your issues & problems for good...
What does EFT mean and why is it so powerful in helping you take control of your life? EFT means Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
What is it? This very effective technique involves lightly tapping on various acupressure points, mainly on the hands, face and torso, while repeating phrases.This allows the unconscious to loosen up issues, thereby making change comfortable and easy for you to benefit. EFT is a wonderful and very simple technique and can be very effective on many different levels.
How does EFT work? How can you learn the techniques to easily use yourself? Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, thereby compromising our natural healing potential. Quite often, people are aware of the events or memories that trigger emotional discomfort in their lives, but they have not yet connected those memories to the symptoms of disease in their bodies. Using EFT, it is possible to balance the disturbed meridians. Both emotional anguish and the physical symptoms often subside.
Why EFT? The simple reason is that it works! I always work with EFT as part of a normal session because it is a remarkable therapy which gets results.
How can EFT & hypnotherapy help you? Call freephone 0800 298 0503 now to speak to Helen and to find out how EFT and hypnotherapy can help you with your problems and issues quickly and effectively.
0 notes
findusonweb-blog · 6 years
About Helen I am very passionate about hypnotherapy and the work I do with my clients. It is such a wonderful therapy which helps people with their issues and problems relatively quickly, to achieve their true potential and to follow their dreams. The reason why I totally believe in hypnotherapy is that not only have I seen amazing results with my clients, hypnotherapy has also had a profound effect on my own life, by helping me deal with my issues and to positively progress with my life.
About Helen Helen Louvieris D.Hyp., GHR (Reg.), GQHP, NRH Helen is a skilled, fully qualified, registered and recommended hypnotherapist, who has helped many clients to overcome problems and achieve their goals.
Helen’s qualifications and activities: * Hypnotherapist at the charity, The Disability Foundation, which is based at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex. * Holds a current DBS (formerly known as CRB) check. * Trained in Medical Hypnotherapy with Dr John Butler, a renowned and respected hypnotherapist who performed hypno-anaesthesia live for Channel 4 Television on a patient who had a hernia operation. * Member of the Institute of Hypnotherapy for Medical and Dental Practice (IHMDP). * Registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register. * Registered with Embody. * Member of the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA). * Accredited by the National Regulatory Register for Hypnotherapy.
About Hypnotherapy Treatment How can you benefit from hypnotherapy treatment? When you have a problem or an issue, it resides in the subconscious part of your mind. This is what controls your behaviours, moods, habits, addictions and phobias.
With Helen Louvieris Hypnotherapy treatment, you can... * Free yourself from anxiety and panic attacks. * Reduce stress levels. Feel truly relaxed and in control. * Remove fears and phobias. * Improve your physical health and control pain. * Deal with dental issues quickly and effectively. * Relieve symptoms of depression such as poor sleep, take control of your moods and feel more positive and optimistic about life. * Build your self-confidence and self-esteem. Feel unstoppable.
How long does the hypnotherapy treatment take? It really varies from one person to another. Hypnotherapy treatment programmes, such as stopping smoking and addictions take the form of a multi-session programme. Issues such as anxiety, phobias, stress and confidence can be effectively dealt with in anywhere from 3 – 5 sessions, again depending on the case history.
Why I offer a 5 session programme Helen finds that clients enjoy greater and longer lasting success when they commit to a programme of sessions: “This is because although you may see rapid improvement, like many of my clients (see hypnotherapy testimonials), further sessions are important to build confidence and consolidate the positive change you will experience”.
Hypnosis Getting your unconscious mind 100% behind you and putting you in charge of your destiny...
Hypnosis FAQs Most people are unaware of the positive results and the benefit from hypnosis that can be achieved in a professionally controlled session. We would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions.
What are the uses of hypnosis? Hypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. Today, the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields including: medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports and education.
What's it like? Many people form their opinion of hypnosis from stage shows or the media and as a fully qualified and registered hypnotherapist, I want you to know the following very important facts: * During hypnosis you remain fully aware and in control at all times. * You cannot be made to reveal secrets or do anything that you wouldn’t normally do in your everyday life. * Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing and enjoyable. It’s actually one of the greatest things you will ever experience. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you.
How does it work? Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, I can communicate directly with the unconscious mind.
Will it work for me? Generally speaking, every normal person is “hypnotisable”. That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders. Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results using hypnosis.
How will I know if I am hypnotised? Most people cannot tell the difference between hypnotised and the waking states. some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that people do notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviours.
Is hypnosis safe? It is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. It is not sleep, nor can you get “stuck” in a state of hypnosis. You cannot be made to do something against your will! It's a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.
Why is hypnosis safe? It has the lowest cost insurance premium of all therapies because it is 100% medically safe (BMA/AMA 1950s).
NLP Therapy Awakening and harnessing your inner abilities and power...
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What does NLP mean? NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. In other words, it is the way we communicate with ourselves. Neuro means “of the mind”. Linguistic is the study of language. Therefore NLP simply means that you can programme the language of your mind. By doing so, you can get far better results in your life.
What is NLP Therapy? NLP is a very modern science based on optimising our thinking. It was developed as a wayof emulating excellence in others. It is widely used by leading figures in sport, business, education and politics to achieve amazing results. And I can show you how to use it to achieve many of your desired goals in life. NLP Therapy is unique that it can be used for rapid and dramatic breakthroughs in a more informal, less traditional way than other therapies.
How can NLP Therapy help? Everyone has all the resources they need to make positive changes in their life and NLP techniques are used as a tool to help you make these changes. You can literally become whoever you want to be by mastering this process. It’s something I can easily show you.
NLP Therapy can be content free – you can have anything you wish for NLP Therapy can also be content free. What does this mean? Put simply it means that I can help you work on set goals and outcomes without having to know what they are. It’s an approach to therapy that is similar to a “secret wish list”. It’s a very refreshing approach to therapeutic change.
NLP and emotional problems NLP techniques provide new ways of dealing with emotional problems such as low self esteem, anxiety, lack of confidence, destructive relationship patterns, coping with a break up and are successful in effective bereavement counselling.
NLP can help you overcome fears and phobias Phobias such as spiders, heights, dogs, escalators, water, lifts etc can be overcome as there are many NLP phobia cures available depending on the subject and your personal circumstances. The same phobia cures are successfully used on fears such as fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of examinations and fear of driving.
NLP for increased performance and results NLP can help you to dramatically improve your personal performance. Imagine making one of your good performances into a truly excellent one. Imagine if you could also improve the consistency of your performance in all areas.
NLP for stress reduction, weight control and a healthier lifestyle NLP has been successfully used with weight reduction and maintaining a healthy weight over the long-term. It can help you to build healthy lifestyle habits and overcome self limiting beliefs and habits.
How does NLP work? NLP uses physiology and the unconscious mind to adapt thought processes which means that negative habits and behaviour can be changed into positive ones, leading to greater freedom.
EFT Tapping away your issues & problems for good...
What does EFT mean and why is it so powerful in helping you take control of your life? EFT means Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
What is it? This very effective technique involves lightly tapping on various acupressure points, mainly on the hands, face and torso, while repeating phrases.This allows the unconscious to loosen up issues, thereby making change comfortable and easy for you to benefit. EFT is a wonderful and very simple technique and can be very effective on many different levels.
How does EFT work? How can you learn the techniques to easily use yourself? Energy meridians that run through our body can be blocked or disrupted by unresolved emotional issues, thereby compromising our natural healing potential. Quite often, people are aware of the events or memories that trigger emotional discomfort in their lives, but they have not yet connected those memories to the symptoms of disease in their bodies. Using EFT, it is possible to balance the disturbed meridians. Both emotional anguish and the physical symptoms often subside.
Why EFT? The simple reason is that it works! I always work with EFT as part of a normal session because it is a remarkable therapy which gets results.
How can EFT & hypnotherapy help you? Call freephone 0800 298 0503 now to speak to Helen and to find out how EFT and hypnotherapy can help you with your problems and issues quickly and effectively.
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