#Materia prima
frasinontroppocelebri · 2 months
Scusa, ma non ci riesco. La schiena mi pesa troppo.
-Marco Mengoni
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vipereaspic · 2 years
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The three phases of the Magnum Opus: Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo 
(from Pretiosissimum Donum Dei, published by Georges Aurach in 1475)
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Book of the Day - Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul
Book of the Day – Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul
Today’s Book of the Day is Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul written by Titus Burckhardt and published in 1997 by Fons Vitae (the book was originally published in 1960, in German, under the title Alchemie, Sinn- und Weltbild). Eminent Swiss metaphysician and scholar Dr. Titus Burckhardt (1908 – 1984) was an expert and a leading member of the Perennialist or Traditionalist…
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thenighteternal · 1 year
Häxanu - Materia Prima
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Ledesma finalizó su zafra 2022
#Jujuy #Agroindustria #Economía | #Ledesma finalizó su #zafra 2022
Ledesma terminó su cosecha anual de caña de azúcar, materia prima a partir de la que fabrica azúcar, papel, alcohol, bioetanol, cuadernos y repuestos y productos electrolíticos. Con el final de la zafra, el ciclo productivo continúa en las fábricas, donde se dan los procesos de refinación y envasado de azúcar, destilado de alcohol y producción de papel. Con el residuo vegetal de la cosecha de…
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sergiooricci · 5 months
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"Materia Prima" è un'opera che attraverso la complessa psicologia del protagonista offre un tentativo di esplorazione dell'umano e del post-umano. La storia di Sergio, quarantenne logorroico e in cerca di un'esperienza spirituale, si sviluppa tra l'impossibilità di trovare un senso nella vita borghese e la fuga verso una dimensione altra che porterà l'uomo in alcune comunità spirituali. Diviso in tre parti, che mescolano narrazione in prima e terza persona con inserti metateatrali e pseudo-saggistici, questo romanzo offre uno sguardo sulla ricerca di identità e significato. Il viaggio di Sergio verso la terza comunità, dove si troverà circondato dai "sassi", diviene un'esperienza di espansione, rappresentata in un epilogo narrato in prima persona plurale. Con una struttura narrativa unica e una prosa ipnotica, l'autore offre una visione sulla natura umana e il suo costante dialogo con l'esistenza.
Tutte le informazioni qui: https://sergiooricci.wordpress.com/
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heimspiele-info · 8 months
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canalmenorca · 9 months
¿Los PELLETS no son tóxicos?
(© Julia)  El problema de los PLÁSTICOS es bien sabido, no desaparecen, se convierten en microplásticos que los humanos vamos ingiriendo a través de lo que comemos. En octubre de 2023 la Unión Europea anunció que se prohibiría el uso y venta de purpurina por ser un microplástico, sumamente perjudicial para nuestros mares y por ende para los seres vivos… Entonces ¿Cómo es posible que ahora,…
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craft2eu · 2 years
Weißes Gold?! Schmuck aus Porzellan und Fayence von heute: Fürstenberg bis 26.02.2023
Weißes Gold?! Schmuck aus Porzellan und Fayence von heute: Fürstenberg bis 26.02.2023
Porzellan als Schmuckmaterial blickt einerseits auf eine lange Tradition zurück, ist andererseits aber trotzdem nach wie vor ungewöhnlich. Seitdem Porzellan in Europa produziert wurde, fand es Verwendung zur Herstellung von preziösen Accessoires. Das waren exquisite Galanterien oder tatsächliche Schmuckstücke, die am Körper getragen wurden. Allerdings spielte das Material im Vergleich zu…
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skeletap · 7 months
the concepts for 80s live action skeletor are too much for me. they. oh dear lord. i cannot dare lay my eyes on them without feeling a bit faint.
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nestorleont · 2 years
Tablas de Costeo
Para iniciar una tabla de costeo, es imprescindible que previamente hayamos realizado un despiece de los materiales y componentes necesarios para la realización de un determinado producto. Adicionalmente, es conveniente que conozcamos el precio de venta de cada uno de estos materiales y de sus formatos de presentación comercial, sean estos: unidades, láminas, metros lineales, metros cuadrados,…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
No debería impactar en las góndolas la suba del precio de la hoja de yerba mate
#Nacionales #Comercio | No debería impactar en las #góndolas la suba del precio de la hoja de #yerbamate
Lo aseguró el presidente del Instituto de la Yerba Mate, Juan Szychowski, luego de que el Gobierno garantizara un incremento del 49% respecto a los valores previos.En declaraciones por Radio Provincia aseguró que el valor de la yerba mate no debería sufrir alteraciones en las góndolas luego de que la secretaria de Agricultura de la Nación fijara el precio de la materia prima en $70,08 el kilo de…
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donutboxers · 5 months
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🖲 AT-AD 2883 🖲
I just realized I never posted this but I guess I was waiting for my friends ttrpg to be officially public (it's still in the works but she is posting about the development)
this is one of my OCs for the ttrpg, a melekah (or rather half of a melekah), AT-AD 2338 (he/it)
I don't have a full story for him yet, but I do know that it's missing his legs and has been found in a dump and he'll soon have an exosuit it can use to walk once he learns how to be an artificer
Currently my friend @girlcodedcreature is working on the main book for @prima-materia-ttrpg which doesn't include the melekah since they're a moon species so I'm waiting for some more lore to be written about them before I finish his background :>
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 1 month
The "why" behind Game Design
I've been doing a lot of thinking and talking with my friends about Prima Materia, as I often do these days. For the past few weeks there's been something itching at the back of my mind, I'm making mechanics that are starting to work well but for whatever reason they don't "feel" like Prima Materia to me. They technically fit in with the design pillars I've assigned myself; grounded, cinematic, dynamic, and fantasy, but I've felt like things are missing. Going beyond that, I don't think someone would properly grok the game if they were to read my past blog posts. If I read my past blog posts without knowing what Prima Materia is, I would think it's a game mostly focused on combat with some interesting worldbuilding.
I decided to talk with one of my friends about this, and the conversation led to me trying to properly articulate the kinds of things I want to happen in Prima Materia and compare that with the direction the design is going. In particular, how do I imagine a campaign going? What do people actually do in the game? While these are questions that can be applied to most ttrpgs, I hadn't realized how important it was to answer them concretely to make correct design decisions for my game rather than the design being driven by vague subconscious conceptions of a game that does not yet exist filtered through some core design pillars and my own limited experience in playing ttrpgs.
What do people actually do in the game?
This is a wide question, and has a wide answer.
When I think of what it would be like to actually play or GM a game of Prima Materia my mind tends towards uncovering secrets, diplomatically dealing with situations, and overcoming obstacles that require lots of preparation to pull off without getting seriously hurt. Secrets should be important to the party and world, and depending on the tier of play can be anything from uncovering new alchemical magics to metaphysical secrets of the universe that can act as MacGuffins for a longstanding party.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that uncovering secrets is one half of the beating heart of Prima Materia, and the other half is preparation for overcoming obstacles to achieve the uncovering of those secrets. Characters in the game aren't meant to be incredibly powerful but rather incredibly skilled at their area of expertise, whether that be being good with a sword, knowledgeable in certain subjects, good at diplomacy, or making useful items. That's the concept of the game that's in my head that needs to be concretely written down (and how convenient for me that I've just done that).
Going Forward
A lot of the ideas and drafts I've written or verbalized to friends make a lot more sense in this light of uncovering secrets and preparation, as lot of those ideas hinge on uncovering secrets or being prepared. There are lost manuscripts I've been itching to put in that grant skill bonuses as well as character features due to the knowledge contained within. The Alchemist profession alone is a class that takes the ideas of preparedness and uncovering secrets to 11, where you create new spells and tinctures and unlock more and more useful things to make as well as ways to make them.
There are several design decisions I've been making recently that do not spark joy for me. They will be dealt with, and going forward I will have this to keep in mind as what I want the heart of the game to be.
If you read this far, thank you very much! It means a lot. The astute among you who read my last post will notice that this is suspiciously not a post about the Sepia as I promised, and that's because I thought this post was important. I will of course try to get the Sepia post out next week, but if that fails I will bring you an update on my most recent mechanics experiment which will surely have transpired by then.
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girlcodedcreature · 4 months
Finally got the Prima Materia ttrpg website up and running, go playtest my silly fantasy game heehoo (if you want :3)
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In alchemy and philosophy, prima materia, materia prima or first matter (for a philosophical exposition refer to: Prime Matter), is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus and the creation of the philosopher's stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether. Esoteric alchemists describe the prima materia using simile, and compare it to concepts like the anima mundi.
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