#Mastery Zen Way
system-of-a-feather · 5 months
Full Integration, Final Fusion, Functional Multiplicitly, and General "Spirituality"
(Disclaimer: this is a very long post)
Heyyo, this is a bit of a hodgepodge of connected topics that I was thinking on this morning. For those that don't know, after like three months of being a really solid fused whole, we really decided that we needed to redivide back into our core parts to recenter, rebalance, and reorganize ourselves since our fused whole was loosing sight / vision of the "plot". We don't consider this "splitting" because we are still in - what we like to call "full integration" - and we don't really engage in much dissociation when we do this as the means of how we do this largely stems from the way we perceive, engage with, and view the concept of "self" and "identity." Our system highly values the mastery and art of a very fluid and ever changing sense of identity and self. This morning - thank you Chunn brain for batting our collective brain from the usual urge to get out of bed and get started with our day to give us time to really sit with our inner selves - we spent about an hour and a half and a small half hour nap just laying there thinking among ourselves and I wanted to share a few.
I think at the moment I am still mostly a fused whole and I had considered trying to go to Ray or Lin for them to write this, but it didn't feel right to go to Ray brain and Lin brain directly told me "Dude, this thought line started with Riku-dominant fused brain, trying to have someone else write it would be a disservice to the reflection. Let Riku or Riku-dominant fused brain do it, it's their thought." and you know, fair point. I think I'll use this post as a temporary "bye few thoughts" and love letter to our parts as a fused whole before leaving it to the individual specialists to do their things.
So introduction to this post aside, hello and temporary soon to be farewell before I choose to temporarily redivide into my main parts. Today is May 15, 2024 and I'm gonna document this a bit for when I come back whenever that is and kind of see if my fused-whole perspective and nature changes - mostly for myself. Online I go by Feathers, irl I just go by our chosen name.
I'm a (mostly, technically non-denominational independent, but most of my views and perspectives come from and align closely with) Zen Buddhist. I'm nonbinary vaguely transmasc (not really though?) intersex individual with the pronouns of they/them. I am extremely pro-endo and if I honestly felt like sticking around longer, I was thinking about writing a much more nuanced essay on tulpa-terminology discourse with my current reflections as a fused whole and as a pretty avid Buddhist but, unforunately, unless one of my parts still shares the same insight AND interest, that essay will have to wait for me to potentially be back (hey, Riku or Chunn might still want to who knows). I dunno what else to say, I love bird, Bleach, walking, driving, listening to music, video games, writing, art? I dunno man, I'm just me.
Documentation aside anyways, I gotta figure out where I want to start. I think I will actually piss my high-school English teachers off and start with the LAST thing in the title card. I might loose a lot of close minded white anti-endos here, but hey, if you are that close minded, then its your loss cause I'm just talking about late-stage recovery as a person with diagnosed DID that is considered polyfragmented. It's a fun conversation to have with other people with DID aiming for recovery so, if you're hell bent on hating people talking about plurality form a non-DID lens enough to disregard cool information, that's your loss. (Thank you XIV brain, crediting that to you for part of our goal today)
Buddhism, Spirituality, Plurality and Our Perspective of Full Integration
According to Buddhism, and one of the largest concepts and principles of Buddhism that we believe the most in and actively work to practice and cultivate the mindset of - is that the concept of "I" and the concept of a singular, distinct, and separate self from the world and others simply does not exist - only the experience and illusion of experience exists. I was talking about it with @quoigenicfromhell in DMs since they were interested in talking shop about Buddhism.
To save myself a whole effort of rewriting a discussion on how one can hold together the clear sensation of existing and being an individual with the idea and Buddhist understanding that the "self" does not exist, I'm going to copy a little bit of what I wrote in response to them. If it doesn't make sense cause its in a bit of Buddhist jargon, then oh well, I'm lazy, it's written for an audience that has done some reading and looking into Buddhist thought so RIP yall srry not srry (Thank you Chunn brain lol)
Honestly the development and understanding of holding those two things together (the non-self and non-existence with the clear experience of self and existence) is largely a lot of exploration on the understanding and respect for the experience without applying too much value or regard to said experience. Its kind of a hard thing to understand just based off of words alone and like all things Buddhism, its one of those sorts of things you really gotta sit on and explore in your own mental space, but like
The experience of self and personhood and existence is a denied concept in Buddhist thought, but its not a bad or incorrect thing, the experience of self and existence is kind of considered an inherent expression of life and the world and while its important to be cognicent that it is an illusion that can cause suffering and muddy an individuals ability to see Things As They Are, the experience and illusion of self is additionally an entirely natural thing to experience and is an important part of being able to, well, be
I kinda of personally perceive it kind of similarly to say a part in a system. Innately the part is not (at least in my experiences of systemhood) a literal entire separate being and thats an important thing to acknowledge for a number of reasons (life organization and direction, system accountability, etc) but its would also be incredibly foolish to completely ignore that the part operates, experiences themselves, and lives in the world (both inner and outer) as if they were an individual of their own
In the same sense that a part in a system can be seen both as an individual and a part of a whole / collective depending on what perspective and demands the moment needs. An individual can be seen both as the individual expression of a self informed by the arguably incorrect illusion of isolation OR as a part of the whole worlds expression depending on what serves the moment the best. I largely kind of see myself as part of a system that is the world much like I see my parts as part of a system that is "me". While the self may be an illusion, its not an experience that can be denied and it is an innate expression that in its own right can prove to be a great teacher So you deny the concept of a self but respect and revere the experience and innate natural expression of self
With that context in mind, while we do not believe in the concept of self and find that trying to seek out a concrete idea of a singular person and singular self in society is a source of extreme suffering, stress, and displeasure, we DEEPLY revere and honor the expression of self. As we see it, in a complete ideal and impossible the world would be in perfect harmony if we let the world express itself as it naturally does. We find that the experiences of self - in whatever form they take - are inherent and natural expressions of the world as a whole and to try to shape oneself to fit a specific image - may that be societally imposed or internally / personally imposed or a sense of envy or any sort of clinging or desire to a specific version / image of self - is a disrespect to the innate beauty found in the natural expression and a means of adding disharmony into the world.
As a result, our system and whole aims deeply, above almost all else to exist simply as we naturally would in any moment time to time. If we find that something we are doing with our sense of self is drawn and influenced too much on a "I should" or "I want" or "I wish" or "I hope" then we tend to pause, self reflect, and ask if we are actually existing in our natural state, or are we trying to fight against our natural state of self to fit into a self-imposed idea of what we "should be".
As a result of that, our system deeply values our flexibility, fluidity, and ability to change any aspect of ourselves, any opinion we hold, any identity label we consider, and our overall presentation in all ways and forms to a very high level. The desire to be consistent and predictable serves us little in simply practicing on "being" and finding the true and simply-run life that we want. That then results in why our system so casually flips around in system size, fusions, redivisions, how we refer to ourselves, etc. We find very little value in committing to labels and concepts and do whatever is natural for us.
Additionally, another large aspect of Buddhism our system deeply reveres and appreciates is the acknowledgement that there are "Buddhas" - or in less Jargon terms, potential for everything both internal and external to be teachers and guides into finding a sense of peace and simplicity in the world - and that it is deeply important to cultivating peace, happiness, and insight to actively always be seeking out the "Buddha" in everything and everyone. It's important to reflect, engage with, and talk with those "Buddhas" as they are the best and number one way to gain the insight that brings happiness and peace into life and removes excessive suffering and stress.
As many Buddhists agree (at least of the Mahayanan branches), everyone is inherently a Buddha because the world and everything is a Buddha. The only issue people have is that they can not connect, hear, and see clearly enough to be in that state due to a large number of human conditions - one large one being the aforementioned illusion of self.
Having lived my life as someone with DID and having gone through a lot of trauma therapy, self reflection, communication and coordination with my parts, and all that to the point we have reached functional multiplicity over a year plus ago and been able to hold a fully fused state for over three months, I feel like its a given to say that of ALL things in the world, the "Buddha nature" of my parts have been the best and most insightful teachers I've ever had. We revere each other's strengths and specialties greatly as each of us have taught the other great strengths, great understandings, great insights, and great appreciations that have collectively brought us so much peace and happiness. It's not to say any part is "enlightened" because each part is also deeply flawed and struggling in their own realms, but it is largely by working and talking and supporting one another and ACTIVELY looking to one another for insight and lessons about the world and our existence that we are able to reach a uniquely peaceful space.
For us, its an incredibly important practice - both for self care and in the art / spirituality of Buddhism - to regularly talk and engage with these specialized and uniquely-wise (and uniquely stupid - thank you XIV) parts of ourselves to gain deeper insight and overall understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.
In the same sense, it is why - despite being completely capable of operating as a fully fused whole - we regularly choose to INTENTIONALLY redivide into our parts. And no, its not us "splitting again" or even really throwing up any real level of dissociation / dissociative barriers. If anything, we usually do this through meditation and mindfulness.
It's a Buddhist practice, its not a mental disorder and its not stemming from the same mechanism's DID stems from. It might operate *based* on the foundation our history with DID stems from, but at this point in our healing, the way our system operates at functional multiplicity that is intentionally chosen to be that way AFTER reaching "final fusion" has a number of differences from how it operated before we reached general full integration.
Again, for those more familiar with the tulpa-terminology discussion, you might be able to see where I would have a long post delving into a highly nuanced and more middle-ground perspective of that syscourse from the paragraph above this one, but I'm gonna leave that cause I already know this post is long and it would detract from the purpose.
At this point, my system is mostly an "intentionally created one" to Western label standards. We personally do not see any significance or binary in plural VS singular people beyond it being a label some people identify with and not. Plural VS Singular is a false binary perpetuated in white, western, and european society and while I respect that perspective and view in a space that is primarily filled with white, western, and/or european individuals, I am going to firmly state that and expect you to give me that same respect. (and if you refuse to give me that same respect, then you are close minded and being very white / western lmao <- thank you XIV, again)
And so the other related but slightly different topic away from the more philosophical, esoteric, mysticism sounding topic of Buddhism...
Full Integration, Final Fusion, and Functional Multiplicitly
At this point, what we used to call "Wishiwashi Recovery" we kind of have taken to just calling "full integration" generally as a means of really breaking apart the suggested categorical and boxed binary of "final fusion" and "functional multiplicity" as our own experience and discussion with other systems at and near full integration have made us realize that the difference between functional multiplicity and final fusion is FAR more a spectrum than it is two seperate categories. Some systems stick to one end, some to the others, but the largest difference is in external and internal expression of the parts and less any fundamental or biological / clinical difference; at least not in terms of integration. (Note: Integration =/= Fusion; Integration is the general connectivity and accessibility of parts with less / limited / no dissociation)
It's a false binary to say Final Fusion or Functional Multiplicity and its why a lot of the "ones bad and ones good" syscourse is dumb. They're two heads of the same Doduo and they should be kissing. (JOKING, thank you Riku-Aya brain)
With that said, our system, as we've made clear, regularly and freely practices sliding and flying all over that spectrum as just how we like to engage with ourselves. We change between the two as we see fit and having spent probably like 9~ months in functional multiplicity and 3~ months in final fusion I wanted to share some pros and cons of both sides.
I would also like to put a disclaimer that this isn't meant to be "positives and why this side sucks" as much as it is the differences in life style according to our opinion and our experience. Both final fusion and functional multiplicity are absolutely WONDERFUL things overall and we love both states. If we got "stuck" in either, we would still be immensely happy. The purpose of this part is just to share certain differences in how we experience the two different ends. The Cons in these case are only "cons" relative to the "alternative" and not "to not ever reaching either"
Functional Multiplicity Pros:
A lot more clear and direct communication between parts internally that allows for a SHIT ton of internal banter, productive conversation about complex topic and perspectives from unique and diverse perspectives; the communication is a lot more intentional and a lot more in focus so its easier to properly sit and attend to the complex differences and sometimes conflicting directions
It's honestly just a lot of fun, not gonna lie. A lot more dramatic and extravagant expression + brain friends in a more overt sense
Easier to let certain parts of the brain take "breaks" - it's not the same as it is with not-fully-integrated DID but compared to Full Fusion, certain parts of the brain can "tune out" easier than not
More palatable to DID / OSDD spaces online
Easier to focus and use a wide variety of skills, interests, hobbies, and thinking patterns by simply just having a specialist part take their look at it
Generally easier to target specific boxes to look into as you process all the newly accessible memories and information from being highly / fully integrated
Final Fusion Pros:
Quick and a lot more inherent understanding of all parts on a general gut level without necessarily needing to fully think about everything and listen to every opinion and perspective; there is a lot more of an inherent understanding, trust, and awareness of the collective whole which makes decision making and seeing whats good for the system as a whole a lot easier
It's honestly way more calming, relaxing, and solid feeling. There is a unique sense of confidence, understanding, and trust within yourself and you have a HUGE arsenal of skills and interests that come from the combined parts that you've lived as
You are a lot more present and aware of your life and you actually get to live YOUR life and have all parts of yourself be engaged in life; no part feels really left behind or is caught off guard from having their brain partially turned off. The awareness is really present and engagement is so much more complete.
More palatable in real life and non-DID/OSDD spaces
Easier to simultaneously use skills from multiple parts at once; very much a jack of all trades all at once situation
Generally easier to integrate multiple complex and otherwise seemingly detatched boxes of memory and the past as you process all the newly accessible memories and information from being highly / fully integrated
Functional Multiplicity Cons:
Takes more intention, focus, and often time to get the same level of full understanding of the whole system when making decisions. It can be slow and it requires a lot more internal engagement which can make it harder to be fully present in life
Sometimes you can get what I call "lite" amnesia where a part was not paying attention and doesn't fully process what was going on / what is going on and so sometimes you get poor attention-driven "amnesia". It's small and easily recovered by simply going "hold up wait" and thinking back or asking another part
Harder to use skills from different parts at the same time; albeit definitely still possible and only "harder" relative to final fusion
Generally harder / requires intentional discussion between parts to integrate multiple complex boxes as you process all the newly accessible memories and information from being highly / fully integrated
Final Fusion Cons:
Less direct and overt bantering and discussion between parts (still present by the way, just less frequent and less overt). It can be a little less fun (still is fun cause they are sill there) and it can be a bit harder to fully see the extent of a more extreme perspective
It can be tiring and overwhelming to be aware and present so much for so long if you were accustomed to the breaks DID / OSDD tends to give parts
Easier to forget to use a lot of the skills and hobbies that may have been more niche to less-dominant and less-prominent parts; you don't "loose" the skills, you just aren't accustomed to using them as much so you can just kinda forget to use them
Harder to focus on a targetted recovered memory / information that you want to process and can sometimes be a bit overwhelming trying to connect a number of things at once
And this is all just to say that both are absolutely astonishing and great places to mentally be. The main point is that - for us - sometimes one state works better for us in the moment and another state works better for us later and that's completely cool cause - as aforementioned - the difference between plural vs singular is not a binary one for us anyways.
Anyways, I don't know how to wrap this up so I'mma just post it
Ideally today we will focus on cultivating our independent parts and return to Functional Multiplicity end of the spectrum so I guess tata for now
EDIT and PS: Anyone is allowed to add their thoughts to this so long it is in good faith.
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ciphertology · 1 month
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" [...] So this is why being introduced to ICP finally makes him snap: it represents a collision between this satirical avatar, the fictional embodiment of this complete joke of an idea, and the fourth wall—breaking exposure to the very content he was designed to mock. On some level Gamzee understands that he's been forced to confront the fact that his entire existence is a joke. He was designed to ridicule that which he reveres. So he just fucking loses it and is never really the same guy again. It's almost a kind of dark, clowny enlightenment, an achievement of chaotic self-awareness. He quite effectively harnesses this grudge by getting revenge on the very story that created him for such humiliating satirical purposes. His method of revenge is linked to Caliborn's modus operandi (whom he comes to revere as the true godhead of his religious beliefs), which is to degrade and defile the story he inhabits. Gamzee's influence appears to be arbitrary, always occuring at the exact right (wrong) moment, to do the exact thing that will fuck things up in a totally incomprehensible way. He becomes an agent of plot chaos, of narrative entropy, and achieves a certain zen in the loathsome, capricious role he plays in the story. These tendencies are linked to his aspect, and could be seen as a certain mastery of it."
bold/italics added by me. anyway this is literally what i am always saying about Gamzee--he is playing a role! he is lashing out against the story itself! he is not a character on the same level as the others are, and, ironically, despite being aware of the falsity of their reality from much earlier on he is the one character doomed to be stuck in the narrative while all the others get to jump ship.
and then:
"Make no mistake: Gamzee sucks. He is, on a conventional layer, a "bad character." His personality is unpleasant, his actions are repellant, and his presence is always an affront to good taste and judgment. Yet, in my view, it's hard to avoid another conclusion that seems to contradict these awful truths about him: there are some potent themes and ideas governing his existence as a character, his actions, and the reasoning behind his dark turn."
hussie admits this is an interesting idea while still dismissing gamzee entirely as an idiotic one dimensional clown. ultimately get the feeling that they believe they wasted the concepts on gamzee but realized they had wrote themself into a wall re: keeping him around. if they thought encouraging fandom to hate him would make them not notice this then well they were mostly right because gamzee is still extremely misunderstood by the majority
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godeat · 1 month
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zen’in no eishin was a legendary sorcerer in the heian era,  cherished ancestor of the zen’in clan,  and first master of the ten shadows.  beginning in disgrace and followed by infamy,  he would die as one of the most formidable sorcerers of his era and would later be recognized as one of the strongest sorcerers in history among the likes of ryōmen sukuna.  in the modern day,  he has been deified as kuraijin,  a patron kami of the zen’in clan and jujutsu society.  although he is regarded as a controversial figure by historians,  eishin’s influence is felt to this day.
note:  eishin’s story contains themes of abuse,  suicide,  violence,  death,  and misogyny.  although eishin is a trans man,  he has experienced the brunt of the zen’in clan’s misogynistic ideals due to his assigned gender at birth.  i myself am transmasculine and have also faced misogyny;  it is a topic i don’t take lightly.  due to the way jujutsu kaisen’s worldbuilding is constructed and the limited information we receive regarding heian jujutsu society in the manga,  i take various liberties in interpreting the events of the heian era.  his inspirations include:  rurouni kenshin,  the filmography of kurosawa akira,  the folklore surrounding the gashadokuro,  fromsoftware’s sekiro: shadows die twice,  the discography of kaji meiko,  japanese folklore,  zen buddhism,  and several others.
¹  LINEAGE. before the ten shadows found itself within the zen’in,  it began as a technique called the dark sea,  which belonged to the itō clan.  the itō were a cadet branch of the taira,  a clan that historically dominated heian politics.  similar to the taira,  the itō were prevalent within military affairs and valued among heian jujutsu society for their martial prowess.  although the taira and it’s cadet branches were a mix of sorcerers and non-sorcerers,  the itō were primarily sorcerers,  and thus established a close relationship with the zen’in during the ninth century.  both clans’ militants and regiments collaborated as a means of empowering each other,  and although this was a means of asserting their individual superiority on the political stage,  their cooperation would turn into an alliance.  due to their cooperation,  the zen’in would be privy to the itō’s knowledge regarding shikigami mastery,  which was their specialty.  the relationship between both powers would peak when itō no satsuki married zen’in no katashi,  who had just ascended to the position of clan head.  a year following their marriage,  satsuki would give birth to her only child,  eishin.  he is five years the junior of his half-brothers,  kentarō and yūri.
two years following eishin’s birth,  the itō’s dissatisfaction with fujiwara superiority and the political arrangement of jujutsu society culminated into an attempted insurrection.  following the footsteps of taira no masakado,  they attempt to insurrect the fujiwara and fail.  for their betrayal,  members of the itō are beheaded,  imprisoned,  or exiled,  and in the matter of weeks,  the clan dissolves.  in the midst of this turmoil,  satsuki is questioned by the imperial court regarding her relatives.  intimidated by her husband and zen’in relatives,  she folds to pressure and claims no further connection to the itō   —   a decision she would ultimately regret.
after several months of grief and reeling from the loss of her family,  satsuki resigns to the most extreme option:  retaliation.  forsaking the zen’in clan,  she leaves the matter of eishin’s upbringing unto her servants.  although zen’in retainers try their damndest,  they cannot find her.  using her knowledge regarding shikigami,  she collects the bones of victims of starvation and conflict.  when enough was collected,  she performed a ritual to create a formidable shikigami and used a powerful intermediary to bind it to her technique.  what’s born from this ritual is a shikigami comparable to makora:  the starving skeleton,  otherwise known as the gashadokuro.  ( がしゃどくろ. )
following it’s creation,  satsuki goes to heian-kyō and unleashes the gashadokuro in the first recorded instance of chimera shadow garden.  the shikigami terrorizes the city until a group of sorcerers are sent to deal with satsuki.  weakened by her opponents and left on the verge of death,  satsuki takes her own life.  in her final moments,  she uses the last vestiges of control over her technique and disappears into the shadows.  she leaves no corpse to collect.
upon her death,  her cursed energy assimilated with her child,  who shared her technique.  at the age of six,  eishin’s cursed technique manifested as that of his mother’s.
² UPBRINGING. following satsuki’s rampage and the manifestation of his technique,  there was no hope for a kinder upbringing.  katashi,  ashamed and scornful of his child’s existence,  gives no attention to him.  likewise,  he neglects yūri the same love when it becomes apparent he had no cursed energy to speak of.  he instead turns his sights to kentarō,  who was heir apparent.  outcasts within their own family,  eishin and yūri developed a close relationship and leaned on one another when there was no one else.  despite knowing his father did not love him,  eishin tried his best to garner any fiber of pride or respect;  efforts that would prove futile.  whereas with kentarō,  there was only animosity.  besides his older male relatives,  kentarō was eishin’s biggest tormentor and would often use his strength and superiority to terrorize his brother.  eishin had no means to fight back lest he be punished.
due to documents regarding the dark sea being destroyed or hidden within zen’in archives,  eishin’s training was left to his own hands.  although yūri’s heavenly restriction negated cursed energy,  he would use the knowledge he gathered during his training with the hei to help eishin in any way he could.  by the time he was thirteen,  eishin would gain an intimate understanding of his technique.  at fourteen,  he asks to join the hei,  but this request is denied due to fear that he would reach the full prowess of his technique and his assigned gender at birth.
for the rest of his teenage years,  he lived his life with little purpose.  his existence is barely acknowledged,  yet he is tethered to his clan’s will,  who expect him to stay compliant and subservient.  without any consideration for the matter,  several marriages are arranged for him as a means of taking him off of zen’in hands,  but all fail via eishin’s own sabotage.  the only source of joy he finds is through yūri’s combat training and secret excursions in the city.  a few months before his eighteenth birthday,  he uncovers various documents written by the itō regarding shikigami mastery and the dark sea,  thus giving him an idea of what he could’ve been doing with his technique all along.
when eishin is eighteen,  yūri leaves the clan and urges him to do the same.  a few weeks later,  he did.  the decision was when he realized he would never live a fulfilling life with his kindred.  he would not be valued in a space where he was demeaned and yūri was the only connection that kept him there.  while yūri was overseas in china,  eishin would pursue vagrancy.  his clan would not find him.
³  VAGRANCY. eishin wanders aimlessly.  a year into his vagrancy,  he is saved by wandering mercenaries after nearly being slain by a powerful curse.  choosing to stay with them for a few months,  he becomes accustomed to mercenary work,  where he hones his skills against enemies other than his brother.  believing it to be a consistent line of work and an occupation that can easily garner notorriety,  he sticks with it.  even though his cursed energy and technique were phenomenal,  heian jujutsushi was to be contended with.  without the zen’in to hinder him,  there was an innate drive to become stronger than those who could subdue him.  more importantly,  he wanted to be a cause of scorn for the clan he despised.  he cared and lived for nothing else.  the means to achieve this would come to him by mere chance.
at twenty,  eishin kills a group of shikigami hunters per a bounty agreement and frees two wolf shikigami they were planning to sacrifice.  although he expects both shikigami to run away,  they stay by his side as a show of loyalty.  these shikigami would become known as the divine dogs.  after months of observing the shikigami and their strength,  eishin would put a theory to the test.  while shikigami were typically summoned using mediums,  it was theorized by the itō that shikigami could be bound to a technique like the dark sea if an intermediary device  —  such as a sacred relic   —  was dissolved within the technique’s shadows.  if this was possible,  shikigami could be summoned without the use of mediums.  to test this,  eishin would acquire fragments of the ten sacred treasures and perform a successful ritual,  thus making the divine dogs the first shikigami to join the ten shadows.  for the next six years,  he would seek out powerful shikigami to subjugate and bind to his cursed technique.
at twenty-six,  eishin is regarded as an infamous mercenary and assassin among the jujutsushi and jusoshi world.  he became known as the kage-akuma  (  影悪魔,  literally ‘shadow demon’  )  and amassed nine unique shikigami in his arsenal.  as his reputation grew,  rumors began to circulate around his past as a former member of the zen’in and brought considerable controversy to the clan,  much to eishin’s delight.  despite being branded as a jusoshi for his efficiency in bloodshed,  eishin would develop a strict set of principles.  his time wandering had exposed him to a great deal of issues:  youth being exploited for their techniques,  persecution of jujutsushi in the countryside,  unchecked corruption of nobility.  although hardened by circumstance,  eishin was, at his core, a compassionate individual and his exposure to such misery would serve as catalyst for his political decisions.
after another two years of freedom,  fujiwara pressure on the zen’in to subdue eishin for his crimes reaches a climax.  kentarō,  now clan head following the passing of his father,  comes up with a plan to imprison and execute his brother.  baited into killing a prominent jujutsu noble,  eishin is finally apprehended and imprisoned.  he would’ve escaped were it not for the inverted spear of heaven being used against him. 
while imprisoned,  kentarō gives eishin a chance at amnesty and a reversal of his death sentence as long as he returns to the zen’in and abides by the conditions of a binding vow,  but this discussion goes nowhere.  lucky for him,  eishin is freed just days before his execution when yūri,  who had returned from china months prior,  breaks him out.  reunited with his brother,  the pair go into hiding.
⁴  MAHĀLA. jujutsu society is thrown into turmoil when the eighth divine general,  makora,  deems jujutsushi as a fundamental threat to cosmic law and order and begins slaughtering jujutsushi.  unable to cut such a divine figure down,  jujutsu society scrambles for a solution.  the jujutsu authority and fujiwara,  desperate to resolve this nightmare,  seek out eishin and invite him to the courts due to the nature of his technique.  there,  they present an ultimatum:  if he manages to either slay or subjugate makora,  eishin will receive full amnesty for his crimes.  this agreement is upheld with a collective binding vow.
a few days later,  eishin,  under the supervision of the jujutsu authority and clans,  goes to a valley outside of heian-kyō and calls for makora’s audience.  makora answers the summoning and the two engage in battle.  with no allies to aid him per the conditions of the ten shadows’ subjugation rituals,  eishin is alone as he goes head to head with the divine.  at some point during the fight,  eishin realizes that makora is on the verge of adapting to his technique and thus uses his last resort.  he summons the gashadokuro to subdue a struggling makora all while performing rites that would bind him to the shadows,  a maneuver that ultimately works    —    albeit at the cost of merely trapping makora,  not subjugating it.  regardless,  eishin stands victorious.  per the conditions of the binding vow,  he is given complete amnesty from his crimes and is hailed by jujutsu society as an unlikely hero.
⁵  THE COURTS. displeased by the jujutsu authority’s failures in regards to makora’s rampage and elated by his victory over a literal deity,  eishin realizes he could use his technique for so much more.  his strength was something to be trifled with,  something that could dominate several jujutsushi and render an entire nation to their knees if he so wished.  he was a nightmare,  unstoppable,  no longer some weak child subject to someone else’s whims.  jujutsu society did not have to be subject to an authority more concerned with upholding power and tradition while their denizens suffered.
a few months following the incident with makora,  eishin challenges kentarō for the position of clan head.  kentarō agrees to settle the matter with a duel and even foolishly doubles down with a binding vow that guarantees eishin’s self-inflicted death if he were to lose.  the battle is overseen by the jujutsu authority and in the end,  eishin wins.  although kentarō demands he kill him,  eishin lets him live with the humiliation of defeat.  upon his ascension as clan head,  eishin expels several of his fellow clan members,  including kentarō,  and begins managing the zen’in clan per his own will alongside yūri.
now leader of one of jujutsu society’s most prominent clans,  eishin establishes himself as a force to be reckoned with.  the fujiwara confided in him more than they ever did kentarō and he quickly became a prominent member of the imperial court.  that being said,  his relationship to the jujutsu authority and its members were not as friendly.  furthermore,  his relationship to clans such as the kamo were far from cooperative.  much of his fellow noblemen were intimidated into fearful compliance.  additionally,  eishin was not shy about political assassination if it meant getting rid of people who aimed to sabotage him or his vision,  nor was he against blackmail.  although several jujutsu nobles had their suspicions,  they lacked the evidence to prove these transgressions.  throughout his reign,  he experiences various attempts at assassination and insurrection,  with one of these attempts at insurrection being done by kenjaku themself.
during his political career,  eishin would push for various reforms.  he would help revise jujutsu conduct,  encouraged protection for jujutsushi in the countryside,  and created a grading system for curses to prevent jujutsushi casualty,  among other things.  alongside yūri,  he also tried to cultivate a society that permitted heavenly restrictions,  an effort that garners outcry from his conservative colleagues.  too intimidated to cross the zen’in,  a begrudging sense of unification was felt among jujutsu society’s clans;  a sentiment that would have many referring to eishin as a ‘dictator.’  following the fall of the fujiwara’s sun,  stars,  and moon squad at the hands of ryōmen sukuna,  the hei and various zen’in jujutsu regiments became their militant successors.
at thirty-three,  his only child,  zen’in no masaki,  is born.  although his political and noble life was consistently marred by conflict,  he was undeniably among the strongest jujutsu society had to offer.
⁶  DEATH. at forty,  eishin is called to exorcise two special grade curses,  both of whom were regarded as deities.  although he utilized all of his shikigami and chimera shadow garden,  both special grades would persist despite their injuries.  already pushed to his limits,  eishin does what he knew would ensure his victory,  even if it cost him his life.  deprived of option,  he summons makora and ropes both spirits into the subjugation process.  upon the summoning,  makora slays both curses before turning it’s sights to eishin.  understanding that makora would only return to the shadows upon subjugation,  eishin begins to fight back.  although exhausted,  eishin gives it his all,  even when the output of his reverse cursed technique hinders and he begins to experience internal hemorrhaging from repeated usage of his domain.  
but for all his efforts,  they are for naught in the end.  tired,  faltering,  and far past his limit,  eishin denies his shikigami the satisfaction of his death and takes his fate into his own hands when makora adapts to his technique.  unsheathing his tantō,  he commits seppuku and dies of spontaneous exsanguination.  legend has it that the divine dogs carried his corpse to his allies before disappearing into the shadows.
⁷  POST-MORTEM. upon his death,  the zen’in clan is thrown into turmoil.  yūri loses the only family member he ever cared for and masaki loses his father at the tender age of seven.  per his written will,  yūri would inherit the title of clan head until masaki came of age,  the first and only time a heavenly restricted individual had held that position.  kentarō and his exiled relatives try to take advantage of the internal chaos,  but yūri does not permit them to curry prominence.  although he was a prominent public figure,  his funeral was relatively private.  his mausoleum can be found on the historical zen’in estate in osaka. 
revered as a god among men for his power,  eishin is then deified as kuraijin,  a patron kami of the zen’in clan and a protector of jujutsu society.  he became a popular deity to worship during the sengoku period,  with the majority of his worshippers being samurai and non-militant jujutsushi.
despite his infamy during the heian era,  kentarō’s descendents would come to view eishin as a symbol of zen’in strength and glory when they permitted back into the clan.  in the modern day,  the zen’in continue to view him as a legendary figure synonymous with a glory that has not been seen since the early edo period.  furthermore,  eishin’s legacy cemented the ten shadows’ god-like status alongside the likes of the gojō clan’s six eyes.  he was,  without a doubt,  the strongest ten shadows user to ever live.  tales of his shikigami and his strength are equal parts captivating and terrifying.
outside of his deification and influence among his clan,  much of his policies and conduct are still practiced among jujutsushi today.  the systems he helped cultivate in regards to exorcism and public safety became groundwork for modern jujutsu conduct.  the modern day grading system can also be credited to him,  although he only ever intended the grading system to be used for curses and not his fellow shamans.  in addition,  he was a scholar who frequently wrote about shikigami and his documents are still studied by shikigami masters.
eishin’s iteration of shikigami are possibly some of the most powerful and largest recorded,  even rivaling the likes of ryōmen sukuna’s shikigami while he possessed fushiguro megumi.
typical of most zen’in clan members,  eishin was a practitioner of shinbutsu-shūgō,  otherwise known as the syncretism of shintō and buddhism;  although some of his ideas in regards to enlightenment and morality could be considered unorthodox.
he was the first wielder of the soul-splitter katana.  that being said,  he much preferred tantō.
although he was brazenly strong,  eishin usually relied on agility and stealth to aid him in combat due to the umbrakinetic prowess of the ten shadows complimenting both attributes.
similar to the six eyes,  eishin’s birth was marked by the strengthening of all curses in the country.  the same can be true for every other ten shadows user after him.
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tfdtreasurer · 3 months
hi sooo i have very very VERYYY intense eridan x yn brainrot happening and its all i can post about and think about, can you please tell me how the actual fuck do i cope with the ampora brainrot TEACH ME UR SECRETS /hj (funnily enough i found ur blog through you liking one of my eridan posts, soo yk)
It is not a total exaggeration to say that Eridan brainrot has taken over the entirety of my creative thinking capabilities. Some would see this as a negative, but I believe I have achieved zen mastery over my brainrot, which I think is the best case scenario, very possibly enlightenment. So in short, embrace the Eridan and channel it creatively. This also applies to literally any character that you form brain rot over, so I hope the rest of this ask may be universal to other people too.
The long and universal answer is that you have to start by forming an in depth interpretation of the character that you can creatively work with. Research everything you possibly can about them and when you're done research more until you're so wrapped up in thoughts and ideas you want to spin into yarns you're not sure what are spurious connections or load bearing columns. Link your thoughts about the character to your own personal philosophy on nothing less grand than life itself. From there, anything you will want to say will steadily become clearer, and you'll be better equipped to express it in artistic and creative medium.
For me with Eridan I can spend hours in Wiki holes and esoteric and specialist websites for the strangest things. I know the symbolism of the water carrier and the shoulder yoke. I know the myth of Ganymede, cup bearing and drinking poison. I know the exact names and manufacturers of 1800s whaling equipment, their mechanisms and specifications. I know that Starbuck is the name of a significant whaling dynasty. I know the scents of lightning. I know the instruments of the apocalypse and armies. I know the complicated etymology of romance. I know emperors and conquerors. I know of biblically wicked kings. Think of nothing that you research or notice shallowly. Look for deeper meaning because even if you determine it's not intended in that case, you can create something with it where it is. Do that and your repertoire of symbols and devices will become infinite.
At every step and revelation about Eridan as a character I related it to my own worldview and practiced endless self inquiry like a fucked up fandom fueled Socratic dialogue. And as my worldview refined, without meaning to sound ridiculous, I came to view things through the lens of Eridan goddamn Ampora. Does that sound ridiculous? Yes, absolutely. Would I admit in person? Maybe on my deathbed or in a criminal confession. Is it the truth? Yeah. Sorry to get all hippie communist all of a sudden but I can seriously link Eridan to my thoughts on capitalism and class struggle, on anarchism and anti-authoritarianism, the status quo and revolution, on psychology and how to relate to our fellow human beings. Not because she's instrumental in getting to those beliefs, but because the art I want to create to express myself and consequently the beliefs that form myself will inexorably use my ultra brairot powers to do so. Even if you don't seek to create art, training yourself to look deeper and analyze at that level about anything will help you consuming art in a way that will give you so much satisfaction in the long run.
For me personally, I have written works of art that are just channels for all my complicated thoughts on Eridan. I've written my own version of orphaners, of kids that wanted different lives than the one they ended up with, allegories of the Aquarius zodiac, magicians and scientists, punks and soldiers, bespectacled and pinstripe-wearing villains. I've entered them into contests and to literary journals. On small scales, I've won money and gotten published.
Yes I realize that it's mostly plain ol brain rot but at the same time a part of me is always wondering if this is just the nature of how we're influenced by art. The way that Homestuck is written feels like it's somebody's own experience with an obsession with something in particular that spiraled outward into all these esoteric sources that were then synthesized into a singular creative work. Gnosticism and genetics and Internet culture and video games and music, but also little its and bits of things like lovecraftian horror, anime, chess, Peter Pan. To borrow the words of a recently relevant political figure,
"You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [...] You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”
It's the same thing with art. I came to understand at some point in my life that I am less merely effected by my influences, and more possessed by them. In writing, I find myself acting irrationally, random impulses to include depths of symbolic comparison that nobody but myself could possibly hope to understand. I try to tame these impulses when they arise, make them more accessible, but my subconscious psyche is a pair of invisible hands perpetually at the wheel. So, I really just wish that someone eventually reads into my writing and is just as possessed by my words as I was by something else writing them. Even if it's not what I intended or the ghosts possessing me even intended, because writing is strange like that, in how we leave so much in the hands of the audience to interpret their own way. Like, I don't know if the cup-bearer-zodiac-Eridan drinking something later linked to an allusion of poison was intentional, but it will be for my own art. I don't know if Eridan's scare-everyone-away personality was connected to the skunk stripe-like hair, but for the characters I write it will. And I hope my legacy is like a legion of weird eridan-like ghosts haunting others' writing everlasting into eternity.
So, yeah, how do you cope with Eridan Ampora brainrot? Learn to love it, and learn to use it. Most of all, learn to love using it.
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languagedaemon · 4 months
The Spanish Imperfect Tense
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The imperfect past tense of indicative is one of the verb tenses that can be most difficult for learners of Spanish when they are not native speakers of a Romance language such as French or Italian. In particular, the difficulty lies in differentiating it from the preterite (indefinido). Today we will look at some ways of understanding it.
1. The tree
This proposal comes from the teacher Clara Urbano Lira, and consists in considering the difference between the indefinido and the imperfect as if it were a tree. When telling a story, we will use both verb tenses, but the indefinido will represent the trunk and the branches, the fundamental part of the story, while the imperfect will be something like the leaves and the fruits or flowers, the details that make the anecdote richer and more complex, but which do not really advance the plot.
For example: En 2008 entré (ind) a la universidad. Era (imp) un lugar muy grande y podía (imp) perderme fácilmente. Tuve (ind) muy buenos profesores, compañeros muy interesantes, y crecí (ind) mucho como persona. Había (imp) muchos árboles en el campus, y la biblioteca era (imp) muy bonita, pasaba (imp) mucho tiempo leyendo allí. En mi segundo año conocí (ind) a Ernesto y caí (ind) completamente enamorada. Era (imp) un chico muy inteligente y simpático. Nos volvimos (ind) novios y tras terminar nuestros estudios decidimos (ind) casarnos.
If you notice, all the sentences with the imperfect add details, but we could take them out and we would still tell a story with the indefinido sentences: a very simple story, but one that moves forward in the end.
2. The imperfect is a present in the past.
In an article aimed at teachers, Ruiz Campillo explains that the preterite imperfect is a present in the past. This sounds like Zen wisdom, a kohan that seems illogical but which, if we let it dwell in our minds for a moment, will finally make sense. In fact, the indefinido is a kind of past-past, the action is finished, done, gone. The imperfect is a bit more complex, because it is obviously also a finished action, since it is happening in the past, but it is at the same time a kind of afterlife. In the imperfect, the action can live again, as if we were necromancers. It is as if it wasn’t finished yet, it is a finished action that is still happening, a present in the past. Crazy. Perhaps this will become clearer in the next point.
3. The projection on the wall.
I remember in my first classes as a Spanish teacher, when my students kept asking me about the meaning of the imperfect, I would resort to a metaphor that I came up with one day: that using the imperfect was like projecting a film on the wall. When we use the indefinido, it is as if we were transmitting information only, in a sense there is no narrative, it is just a chain of events, the script of the plot. In the imperfect, on the contrary, we make the film appear, the actions last, they are not finished yet, we see them live again. That is why the imperfect is a present in the past, it is a film that we can always play again.
4. Intuition
Now, and this goes for all grammar explanations: there is no problem with reading or reviewing a grammar text once in a while, for a few minutes, but don’t rely too much on them or ask them to do something they don’t have the power to do. True mastery of the imperfect, like any other element of the language, is going to come from experience, exposure. It is not as if after reading this article you will use the imperfect correctly on every occasion, that will come with practice. Little by little an intuition is generated in the student, a Sprachgefühl, which is the best tool in languages. However, a quick explanation, as this one was intended to be, can be a little push, a floatie to learn how to swim.
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Aura Idea
Aura users cannot naturally gauge how much Semblance or how powerful another Aura user is without some sort of mechanical gauge (As seen in Huntsman Scrolls, the Beacon Spars and the Vytal Tournament) or a Semblance intended for that purpose, (And maybe significant training in a dedicated technique)
No real battle Aura like we see with Conquerer's Haki in One Piece.
But what Aura users can read, is another Aura user's emotions. Semblances, as reflections of the soul, passively broadcast the wielder's emotions, which might be why grimm are attracted to Aura as well as negative emotions.
In terms of sensing emotions, it is once again a matter of focus, skill and training then any concept of Aura level or capacity. As emotions are often very tangled, a display of mastery is picking up the individual emotions, but in general allows someone to pickup someone's general demeanour, though this lead to a bit of a head game during a fight in trying to determine what those emotions mean (Is that cockiness because of how much better they are? Or are they overestimating themselves?)
In terms of hiding them, you have two options. Turning off the Aura itself, or simply having a greater handle on your emotions. Broadcasting no emotions either means you are capable of incredible emotional repression, or are in a state of zen.
Amongst Huntsman, Emotion sensing actually isn't practiced all that much, as trying to read a Grimm in this way only produces a morass of negative emotions, primarily bloodlust, which doesn't really help in a fight.
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iwitch-plus · 10 months
Online Grimoire/journal Page 2
Page 2 is yet another tarot reading. I feel like tarot is maybe the first step that is easy enough for me to do in my witchy practice and then post here. I find it beneficial to journal, but sometimes journaling is hard because without knowing what I'm feeling, how am I supposed to write about anything? I succumbed to that Zenful Note Tiktok shadow work book. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still not entirely helpful from a current self-care place. Obviously it's a shadow work book, so it's more past focused but right now I don't think I need to try to understand my past. Not quite yet. I will eventually, but to be able to understand my past self I need to understand my current self.
4 years ago, I thought Tarot wasn't super necessary to self care or witchery in general. It seemed hard, and it kind of is, but now that I've taken a couple days to actually consider it and try it, I think it's going to be extremely beneficial for me to be able to help myself, as someone just now coming back into things.
Tonight was my first tarot reading in very long time, aside from my Getting To Know Your Deck reading. (<-link if you're curious)
Let's get right into it! <3
I looked up some self care Tarot spreads but none of them seemed right for my personal needs currently, so I created my own little three card spread. I'm using the Antique Anatomy Tarot deck for this!
At what point did my life [get to where it is now] and less caring for myself?
The Moon - Pisces - 9 - Blue
Key words: Preparation, mastery, wisdom, introspection, dreams, calm, sadness, grief, boredom, illusion, unknown, deception.
My interpretation: By the looks of it, it seems like by pulling the Moon, the deck is trying to tell me that there are many things that have happened over the past couple years that could've contributed to the way I am today, but that I shouldn't place blame on one singular thing, especially if me asking this question means i'm trying to put majority blame on anyone who isn't me. But aside from that, in 2021 I had a friend commit suicide, and for a very long while I grieved that. Not too long after, I got into a relationship with, you guessed it, a Pisces. The relationship did cause me a lot of personal sadness, he wanted things I wasn't ready for, and I did things I regretted out of boredom in the relationship. Both of those are things I could pinpoint of where it sort of started, between grieving and friend, grieving a part of myself I lost because of a relationship I was in, and then grieving a part of myself I wasn't proud of/never knew of because of that same relationship.
Interestingly enough, the word "mastery" came up, which only stuck out to me because I agreed to join a team of people to "master" a hobby I enjoyed, which has inevitably added even more stress into my life and caused me to fall a little deeper than I would've if I hadn't agreed to do that.
2. If I continue the way I am, what can I expect from my future?
3 of Elixirs - Water - 3 - Purple
Key words: expansion, groups, growth, nurture, mystery, dreams, prophecy, high power, connection, social pleasure, gathering, good times
My interpretation: Ha Ha Ha. You know this isn't what I meant. Or, maybe you genuinely didn't know, maybe next time I'll have to be more specific. If I continue the way I am, of course I'll gain more "friends", be in a bunch of different groups of people, have more social pleasures, connections, and good times, but at what cost was the real question? Maybe by not giving me an answer directly, the deck is trying to tell me that I haven't put anything at risk quite yet. Maybe I am overthinking, or I have anxiety, or I believe I've hit a level that I haven't yet. Maybe I really will just have fun and a good time.
3. What, if anything, needs to change for me to better care for myself?
Knight of Blades - Air - 6 - Black
Key words: fairness, solution, values, witty, fair, inventive, fear, power, mystery, pain, assertive, arrogant, quick witted, severe, impatient, argumentative.
The Knight, as a person: Assertive, [manipulative?], typically friendly but if insulted, temper can be severe.
The Knight, as a situation: Rapid change, "seize the day", easy to get swept into the madness. You can do anything as long as you keep a clear mind. Be self-assured, but try not to cross into arrogance.
My Interpretation: Yeeeeeah. This is about me. It's gotta be, I can't think of anybody else in my daily consistent life who is like this except for me. Also, the element here is Air which I have a very air dominant chart. It only makes sense that this is me. Which, given the question I asked, makes sense. What needs to change for me to be able to take better care of myself? I need to be able to practice my assertiveness without being aggressive. The 2 go hand in hand for me. To be able to continue to do the things I'm doing that I'm scared are hurting me, I need to be able to keep a clear mind, keep my values in order, keep my power over these things or else I'll just continue to hold on to this fear and become worse than I already am. I don't exactly know how I need to do that, but it seems like when I figure it out, it needs to be rapid. No more being patient and slow with myself, rapid changes seem to be the way the deck is telling me to go...as long as I don't get swept away into the madness of what I already have going on, or swept away in the madness that rapid changes may trigger if I go that route...hm.
This reading was necessary for me to be able to confirm things I was already halfway considering. While I didn't get a lot of help on the roads I need to take, I have a clearer idea of why I may need to go certain ways than others. Granted, my questions were slightly open ended, less asking for direct guidance and more asking about why things are the way they are. Maybe the next time I come back to the topic of this reading, I'll ask better questions about more specific guidance. Also, the deck said it was going to be real and not sugar coat things to me and I see what it means now. Very nice, Antique Anatomy. Well played and thank you <3
Thank you to anyone who read this as well. See you next time! I promise not everything I do will be tarot related, but right now this is the easiest way to get back into my practice. <3
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What Love Says… Catalyst of Love
Informed choice and inner-standing resonates from a heart of love discovering inward guidance is an invitation to create. You are love and stardust with music playing notes of a unique song which draws to you a matching frequency.
Are you playing with the frequency of love that you are? Can we create a tsunami of love inward knowing the power of love energy radiating everywhere heals yourself, heals all?
Contrasts experienced in life become catalysts for loving inner evolution, through choice, through embracing experiences as opportunities to grow, and change, you become.
With loving intent place your focus where you want be utilizing any experience as a catalyst for inner change. Through focus you create an energy, through choosing love in all experiences you create new ways to be the best you while facing any challenge.
Self mastery is conscious awareness in all choices, becoming a loving co-creator. Through this you become conscious of when you are unconscious, and become a master of thoughts and words, infusing, creating and nourishing all with the truth of love.
Are you choosing to consciously create? Be the driver of your best life with focused conscious awareness and love create.
You are PURRiful love connected to everything, everywhere all at once, in all MEOWments singing, playing, being a zen master of life and love.
What Love Says… 2024 by Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts illustrations, content are the imagination, thoughts and feelings expressed here every day are from one heart to all.
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oddygaul · 2 months
I Watched Three Time Loop Movies in a Row
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Round and Round
I mean, it’s wild that Vic Michaelis is the star of a Hallmark movie, right? My partner and I had to watch it.
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yes, they really do just let her do Vic Michaelis stuff the whole movie, it’s quite good
Round and Round almost immediately breaks what I consider a rule of time loop movies: establish building block events ASAP. These are the bread and butter of your time loop - a strong visual series of repeating events that reinforce the existence of the loop, establish reference points so the viewer knows what part of the loop we’re in at any given moment, and provide opportunities for the time loopee to demonstrate their learned mastery of the world around them.
This… doesn’t really do that? We have Rachel dropping the donuts, yeah, but then… I dunno, the curtains catch fire at the very end, I guess? Outside of that, things happen differently enough each loop it may as well be a sequential narrative. They use that time pretty well - the movie feels like it has more fresh interactions with non-looped characters than average - but this trope is a trope because it’s innately satisfying to watch, and it feels weird to just skip it.
My favorite thing about Round and Round is that when the time loop concludes, the male lead’s memories of each loop are restored, meaning the couple, in the end, have fallen in love on more or less equal footing. Time loop media is often about falling in love, but the way it’s usually only happening to one half of the couple presents an inherently creepy power dynamic. It was nice to see deliberate steps taken to rectify that flaw of the genre.
Palm Springs
Palm Springs fuckin rules. I’m not someone that rewatches movies often - I don’t know why, my brain is weird about it - and yet, I’ve watched Palm Springs at least four times now. It’s just rock-solid start to finish. The premise of starting after the protagonist has already been stuck in the loop for ages is great, the way they examine what that would do to someone is great, the acting is great, it’s funny as hell… I love it.
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Unlike Round and Round, this movie goes for all the Time Loop Classics and knocks them out of the park. Repeating events? We got em: “that’s a good leg”, the jump into the pool, the wedding speech, etc. On top of that, though, Palm Springs introduces a unique twist - the time loop has multiple people stuck in it simultaneously. This immediately changes the tone of the movie - rather than the grinding, solipsistic loneliness that typically defines being stuck in a time loop, it’s about people coping differently, and the friction that creates. It also gives the ability to see how different people cope with the situation.
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And the different approaches are great - Nyles’ nihilism, Sarah’s drive to move forward, Roy’s wanton violence and eventual zen. Some special attention to Roy, by the way, because what a great subplot - it lampoons the way some time loop protagonists immediately lose all sense of morality* and commit depraved acts because they know there’s no consequences, never stops being funny, and still ends up being poignant when all’s said and done.
*see: fuckin Groundhog Day, apparently
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can we really do this, Sandy?
Meanwhile, Nyles and Sarah get to have their time loop fun in more wholesome ways - they really explore the space here and come up with a bunch of fun scenarios that usually are more centered on their joy, even if they are a bit at the expense of the non-looped folks.
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Palm Springs also nails home a really interesting theme I’m surprised I haven’t encountered more in this genre - that you can’t change the past. No matter how much you as a person change during the loop, no matter how differently you do things that day, you can’t change what you did even one day earlier, even if it feels like years ago subjectively. In other time loop movies, the protagonist often succeeds in changing their whole outlook on life - from everyone else’s point of view, they woke up as a changed person and lived happily ever after. Palm Springs acknowledges that even if you change inside, the perception of you that exists in the minds of others can’t be changed in a day - and yet, that's no reason to quit.
Groundhog Day
We decided to finish off our time loop binge with Groundhog Day, since neither of us had seen it and it’s pretty foundational.
Well, it’s foundational alright, but woof.
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I know this was the era for it, but BOY they do not stop with the sexual harassment in this movie. I mean, Phil being an asshole is the premise of the movie, sure, but there’s only so much aggressive verbal non-consent you can watch. Particularly after watching two modern time loop movies that took a lot of care in balancing their romantic relationships, it was jarring and creepy. A lot of the ‘comedy’ is based around it, too, so laughs were surprisingly hard to come by in Groundhog Day.
Also, it’s wild how quickly Phil goes off the deep end - my man is already committing wildly hazardous acts and putting innocent people’s lives at risk on loop THREE. Bro’s not even a week in, and he’s already ready to throw lives away? Clearly he was in a pretty bad place to begin with. It was a big contrast having just watched Palm Springs - some of the characters do some pretty debauched things there, sure, but that’s after the characters had been stuck for decades in the loop. Phil, meanwhile, wakes up on day 3 and chooses violence.
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I guess it’s good to know where the modern American time loop movie all came from, though. It seems to inform some of the thematic focus of the other two we watched, honestly - why focus so much on consent in a time loop romance, or the value of a life amidst a world clouded by nihilism, respectively? Probably because the writers grew up watching something so unbothered with either.
So after three of these, it feels like I should have some deep thematic conclusion on what time loop movies say about the human condition, right?
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etherealstudiocraft · 10 months
Reaching New Heights of Productivity: Leveling Up Through the 7 Stages
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Let's get real - who couldn't use way more productivity superpowers these days? We all have mad untapped potential when it comes to getting stuff done. But maximizing your effectiveness can feel impossible.
That's why you gotta shift your mindset! View your productivity skills as something you can always take to the next level. Build them continually through 7 advancing stages that I like to call:
Level 1 - Newbie
We all start as newbies! At this basic level, you finally create structures like daily to-do lists and calendar reminders to wrangle the chaos. But you still get derailed on the daily by distractions, while procrastination leaves you hustling down to the wire, leaving you pissed. Been there, my friend!
Level 2 - Put Together Beginner
Now you crush it by establishing routines to hold the line. But you overcommit to meaningless meetings and extras tasks that overload your schedule. Can't bring yourself to just say "NOPE"! And sticking firmly to your plans is quite hard when fires keep starting left and right! The struggle is real...
Level 3 - Grasshopper
Here is where major progress mounts defending against distractions. You finally block addicting social feeds and disable those pesky notifications to find your flow...
Level 4 - Efficient Expert
Now we're cookin'! You've gained mad skills knocking items off your daily to-do's quickly. Delegating tedious stuff, collaborating with your squad, and setting up automation like data collection has freed up mega time! But continuing adulting on those stretched out goals still needs some help...
Level 5 - Sharp Shooter
This is when you become stone cold eliminating distractions and hyper focused on big rocks priorities. You set goals with military precision following SMART models. Health regimens with smoothie cleanses, 7 minute workout apps, and vision board manifesting amp up your drive! Tons of progress, but more beast mode is possible!
Level 6 - Virtuoso
You produce at an unbelievable level through balancing workload and life fuel. Tracking mini-wins gives you little bursts of dopamine to stay hyped! Your toolkit is fine-tuned and failures bounced back from fast thanks to Jedi mindset mastery. Sky-high standard through next level prioritization makes you prime mentor material!
Level 7 - GOAT
You're undisputed GOAT status stems from insane discipline hardwired to ambition/purpose. Ruthless in culling tasks with highest magnitude impact daily. Your zen workflow allows handling vastly more output without compromise. Congrats - your productivity sorcery makes you a legendary icon! Time to pay it forward mentoring other up and comers.
While you're exploring the ins and outs of boosting productivity on the blog, consider taking your journey to the next level with my exclusive Productivity Planner. It's designed to enhance your daily routines and simplify your path to success.
This planner isn't your everyday organizer; it's a practical companion in your pursuit of productivity. Imagine your to-do list transforming into a well-coordinated symphony of accomplishments.
Ready to navigate your daily tasks with precision and finesse? The Productivity Planner is crafted to make your workload feel more manageable and, dare I say, enjoyable. It's not just a planner; it's a tool for turning aspirations into achievements.
Explore the possibilities of improved productivity. Check out the planner by clicking here.
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nayundaw · 1 year
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pic from google
My kind of book. It feels like i'm in my way back home when I read all of those beautiful words. The book is a story about Julian Mantle, a superstar lawyer who has a luxury life. The day he had a fatal heart attack in courtroom brings him into spiritual journey. The man came back and shared a lot of wisdom with his friend.
"To live life to the fullest, you must stand guard at the gate of your garden and let only the very best information enter."
"All lasting inner change requires time effort. presistence is the mother of personal change."
"Most of us live at such a frenetic pace that true stillness and silence is something foreign and uncomfortable."
"Self mastery is te DNA of life mastery."
"Never do anything because you have to. The only reason to do something is because you want to and because it is the right thing for you to do."
"Every experience offers lessons. so stop majoring in minor things. Enjoy your life."
"Always remember that what lies behind you and what lies in front of you is nothing when compared to what lies within you."
"Zen's tradition speaks of a beginner's mind: those who keep their minds open to a new concepts - those who cups are empty - will always move to higher level of achievement and fulfillment."
"Its not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching - it is what the books will get out of you that ultimately change your life. Books dont actually teach you anything new."
"Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future."
"No matter how big a house you have, or how slick your car you drive, the only thing you can take with you at the end of your life is your conscience. Listen to your conscience."
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Homestuck, page 2,822
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Author commentary: This is what does it. WHY THOUGH??? /Dusts off my lectern and assumes professorial demeanor./ Gamzee is the "Juggalo Troll." If you already knew about ICP and juggalos, then his first conversation made it so glaringly obvious, it was almost impossible not to groan in recognition of this fact. The process of creating twelve trolls, each of whom embody satirical themes spoofing subcultures and various controversial internet profiles, was kind of a tall order, and it involved a bit of grasping at straws to fill out the group. The "Juggalo Troll" probably was the most egregious example of me saying, "Fuck it, we're just running with a really dumb idea here, and that's fine, because it's funny." So Gamzee's entire identity, and all characterization and points of lore surrounding him, including his absurd religion, is grounded in an especially stupid joke, even by Homestuck standards. So this is why being introduced to ICP finally makes him snap: it represents a collision between this satirical avatar, the fictional embodiment of this complete joke of an idea, and the fourth wall—breaking exposure to the very content he was designed to mock. On some level Gamzee understands that he's been forced to confront the fact that his entire existence is a joke. He was designed to ridicule that which he reveres. So he just fucking loses it and is never really the same guy again. It's almost a kind of dark, clowny enlightenment, an achievement of chaotic self-awareness. He quite effectively harnesses this grudge by getting revenge on the very story that created him for such humiliating satirical purposes. His method of revenge is linked to Caliborn's modus operandi (whom he comes to revere as the true godhead of his religious beliefs), which is to degrade and defile the story he inhabits. Gamzee's influence appears to be arbitrary, always occuring at the exact right (wrong) moment, to do the exact thing that will fuck things up in a totally incomprehensible way. He becomes an agent of plot chaos, of narrative entropy, and achieves a certain zen in the loathsome, capricious role he plays in the story. These tendencies are linked to his aspect, and could be seen as a certain mastery of it. Make no mistake: Gamzee sucks. He is, on a conventional layer, a "bad character." His personality is unpleasant, his actions are repellant, and his presence is always an affront to good taste and judgment. Yet, in my view, it's hard to avoid another conclusion that seems to contradict these awful truths about him: there are some potent themes and ideas governing his existence as a character, his actions, and the reasoning behind his dark turn.
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vividvoidtiger · 2 years
CBT hate makes no sense
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy catches a lot of shit for the way it's abused by the system, and ok, fair enough. But no one who's doing it well is using it as a standalone modality - which it is not designed for - or forcing people into ill-fitting, cookie cutter treatment plans.
CBT, at its best, is a rigorous, comprehensive study of human ritual, performed at the closest possible level, undertaken by the subject themselves and guided by a scientist-artist. When it's done well, it unveils a beautiful, sui generis record of a life lived.
Combined with Zen Buddhism, it has become a lifesaving treatment for people who suffer from extreme suicidality and extensive trauma. Combined with psychodynamics, it's made extraordinary breakthroughs in treating obsession and addiction. The founder of CBT, Aaron Beck, was clear that it's not intended to be used alone - it's not as effective and could even be harmful. He certainly never intended for it to become about regimens, worksheets and AI therapy scripts. This is a monstrosity that HMOs have invented.
In a way, the troubles of CBT are the troubles of Western psych writ large: a tradition brimming with vitality & potential, constantly corrupted by the institutions who ostensibly administer it. This is religion's problem, too. It is an Achilles' heel of subjectivity.
The reflexive condemnation & dismissal of "checklist therapy" is a tragic missed opportunity. Perhaps the strictures of institutional self-concept can be effectively transcended via apprehension of institutional tools. Haven't you seen mastery obliterate your own cathexes?
As part of a holistic, multimodal approach, CBT has more than earned its place in the clinic and in support/healing relationships across disciplines. Instead of resisting it, why not take a position of "it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it?"
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yearofdevotion · 2 years
Zen practice is ostensibly organized around periods of sitting in meditation and chanting. Yet every Zen master will tell you that building a stone wall or washing dishes is essentially no different from formal meditation. The quality of a Zen student’s practice is defined just as much by how he or she sweeps the courtyard as by how he or she sits in meditation. Could we apply this way of thinking to less esoteric situations? Could all of us reclaim the lost hours of our lives by making everything—the commonplace along with the extraordinary—a part of our practice?
george leonard, mastery
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skeedog · 2 days
Roland Presents the New Lightweight, Portable JUNO D-Series
Roland JUNO-D Series Keyboard Synthesizers Review: Key Features, Pros & Cons, and Customer Feedback The Roland Corporation recently introduced their latest lineup in the world of synthesizers with the release of their new JUNO-D Series. This series includes three models - the JUNO-D6, D7, and D8 - each designed to cater to different preferences while maintaining a consistent quality core that defines Roland’s synth offerings. Key Features - Variety in Keys: The series provides options for all players; from lightweight synth-action keys (61-note on the D6 and 76-note on the D7) for swift movements across octaves to an authentic piano feel on the fully weighted 88-key hammer action keyboard found on thheD8. - ZEN-Core Sound Engine: A standout feature within these synths is Rolands's proprietary ZEN-Core engine. This powerful technology delivers a vast range of sounds from acoustic pianos and electric keyboards to robust orchestral instruments or ethereal synthetic tones catering both classic tastes also those seeking modern timbres. - Expandable Sound Library: Users can import WAV samples directly into any model within this series—enabling customization by adding personal sound effects or rare sampleSs thus broadening their sonic palette further than ever before possible Uder one unit -Sound Management Tools : Robust onboard controls allow quick access up16Andfulde simultaneous tone layering alongside split-hand functionalities contribute greatlySequoncaninPerfo ostageonsense/SitOne-The go performances OrSongwritingSessionEs alike Equipped FavoriteFeatMust-have When rapidly switching between setups during live playbacks without hitch -Vocal Effects Suite With built-in mic input Support Pro-level vocals are no longer out-of-reach thanks addition CompressiveEQReverVbacrNoiseSuppressionEffectBitsWeeIAutoPItMetvocoderUpFurtherEnhancePerformance Appeal Front audiences Influences lurking present-day pop sungarders -Roland Cloud Access Continuing commitment providing users cutting-edge tech inclusivity Roleady gives buyers free Rein Online Exclusive Content Presets Ensuring instrument remains future-proof against evolving music scenesadaptations over time Pros: - Wide Range Sounds Thanks Zen-coreSynthEngineloaded 2.Portability Across Models Despite Size Differences Light Designs Make Transportation Hassle-free Either Gig studio session meantime) 3.User-friendly Interface Short Learning Curve Intimidating Newcomer Additional enthusiastsAltelikeke)) 4.Extensive Customization Options Through Import Feature WavDefiningPersonalSoundSpace MoreDirect Way Compared Traditional FactoTesterbeonydsinnApparatuses Previously poses Syndonymousities as limiting factors Eraturn Voluminous surpassed expectations Herebiscreation HeOpPortuniSysbyasyopfounses liTorialCo eAppears Utilize Cons: 1.Price Point May high beginners entry-Level musicians budget constraints Consideration Especially higher-end Model(DwithinSerieswhichLogicallyXpectedNevertheless ItbothersomesomelyAudienceDespite WorthQuality Beaterlfetched Upon UseIndeedWarrantInvestment Cogeneration Precious Musical Endeavors advancementForfeit 2.Complexity Advanced features After Initial Phase Familiarity There steep Arrow upward mastery FullScopeWhat equipment offer Interrupt Flow Inexperienced UserTimeEffort Must Invest UnderstandManipulateFunctions effectively Counteracting initial ease use advertised lengthen adaptation periodCertain Demographic Customer Feedback Summary: Overwhelmingly positive reviews highlight how well-equipped user community felt diving musical projects using Juno seri Tesla particularly praised realism synthesis capabilities blending various genres seamlessly together contrast few noted learning curve associated deeper functions make most tool could perplex not accustomed rich functionality However consensus maintains satisfaction prices justified investment looking upgrade refresh current setup bringing refreshing touch authenticity compositionsWhether stage home studio environment enthusiast professional alike 종류feedback underscores value proposition representLimitless possibilities awaits unlock Timberreur https://www.roland.com/global/promos/juno-d_series/ Read the full article
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eternal3d2d · 4 months
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