#Marvel Speculation
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nnicknnelsonn · 2 days ago
number of times kathryn hahn tells journalists that joe is “going places”
i’m beginning to think this is a marvel easter egg
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 17 days ago
Regarding the possibility that Foggy Nelson isn’t dead, the reason why I can’t really wrap my head around it is that there would have to be some sort of complicated conspiracy to justify why Foggy survived. I know that people referenced the comic where Foggy got shanked and turned out to be alive, but consider where we’re at with the show.
If Foggy somehow survived, then that means Bullseye had to have been told by someone to make Daredevil think that his best friend is dead. Bullseye’s massacre at the bar would then be his way of covering up his actions. There’s no other way Foggy could’ve survived, Bullseye had to have done that intentionally since this is someone whose aim is around Hawkeye’s level. Foggy was literally standing still when he got hit, there’s no way Bullseye wouldn’t have been able to miss a killshot.
The question then is if Bullseye did intentionally “miss” to let Foggy live, who would order this, why would they order this, and how did they convince Dex to go through with it. Whoever this person is, they’re someone who is fine with letting several innocent people die as long as Foggy survived. That’s why I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this possibility, it just seems far-fetched, even for this show.
The one thing I can think of is that Wilson or Vanessa Fisk hired Bullseye to do it. They wanted to destroy Matt Murdock, but in a way that their actions can’t be traced back to them. So, Bullseye “kills” Foggy, but in reality, Foggy survived somehow. That’s why when Wilson Fisk says he honored his deal with Matt, he’s technically telling the truth, which is enough to fool Matt. The problem with that possibility is that it doesn’t explain where Foggy went. Like, are the Fisks just keeping the man in some dungeon somewhere? At that point, they might as well just actually kill him.
I don’t see the police being behind this since the police would be authorizing a massacre. Say what you will about corrupt cops, but even that’s a touch too far. Also, even if the cops were behind this, why specifically keep Foggy alive? In fact, why hire Bullseye to do this? The other remote possibility is that Foggy hired Bullseye to fake his death. But that also seems too much of a stretch, plus I’m sure there’s an easier way to fake your death that doesn’t involve killing innocent people.
Anyways, we’ll see what happens in the rest of the show. I know that Elden Henson is coming back for season 2, but at this point, I’m sure it’ll just be for flashback sequences. If he’s alive, there has to be a solid mystery behind it.
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theomenmedia · 5 months ago
Why Did Lilia Calderu Give Teen/William Kaplan/Billy Maximoff The Sigil In "Agatha All Along"?
Dive into the mystical reasons behind Lilia Calderu's sigil on Billy Maximoff! Was it protection, prophecy, or something darker? Explore the magic behind "Agatha All Along" in our latest speculative article!
Speculate with us right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/unraveling-the-mystery-why-did-lilia-calderu-give-billy-maximoff-the-sigil
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2worlds-colliding · 24 days ago
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prediction: someday in the not so distant future, kit will have a lot of hardware in his ears. just warning you now that nick is trying a new look. just let him get it out of his system. it’s only marvel, it won’t last forever.
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nnicknnelsonn · 2 months ago
literally never knew two of those muscle groups existed
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wandaswitchbitch · 4 months ago
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Smash? SMASH
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mcr-themed-brain · 8 months ago
Genuinely if Deadpool & Wolverine had the exact same plot and character dynamics but with Wade and a female superhero instead of Logan there would be absolutely NO QUESTION that they were into each other. The car sex would be a no-brainer. Them MOVING IN TOGETHER would be confirmation of a non-platonic relationship.
But because Wade and Logan are both dudes the straights call it guys being bros and the chronically online gays call it queerbait
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imdonnalynn · 3 months ago
Rio Vidal "Death"
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Agatha told Rio when she died, she did not want to see HER face. So, to keep from seeing her face she became a ghost. Rio knows she became a ghost so I don't know that Rio will ever wear her human face EVER again.
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woodelf68 · 1 year ago
If this is another Ragnarok, though, then the cycle will start anew and everyone will be born again into a fresh new world. Maybe one without the TVA trying to control chaos, where the timelines can branch and flourish, which seems to be the natural order of things. The TVA was trying to force structure onto chaos, erasing trillions of innocent lives in the process, and it would be better for everyone if they ceased to exist. Let life find its own way without interference.
Me on the outside: *Chill*
me in the inside: okay the loom made boom. that means the main time line made boom. Which means everyone is dead. It also means that everyone on the other timelines are dead. But their is a movie coming out next month. They seem very alive in the trailer. and uneffectiv by the boom. Maybe not everything got boom. This is why they should have included some scenes or dialoges about what is going on on the main timeline...
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ghoststillhaunting · 3 months ago
Bucky Has A Fuck Ass Name
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Bucky, but he has a truly unfortunate name (like seriously, who in their right mind would name their kid after one of the top 5 worst presidents in American history).
So I propose the headcannon that his parents were immigrants and, in an attempt to assimilate into American society better, they decided to give their child an American sounding name and what's more patriotic than naming your child after a US president! However, they didn't know anything about the US presidents (cause really, as a non-American, why would you?) so they just kind of picked the first one they saw that sounded good and just went with it. Unfortunately, that just so happened to be James Buchanan.
This is why he goes by Bucky cause he absolutely hates his name with a burning passion and hates the association with the real life fuck ass president. Steve, cause he's a little shit, teases him about it all the time, calling him "Mr. President" and comparing Bucky to the motherfucker. Steve thinks it's the funniest shit ever, Bucky does not.
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vurd-ed · 16 days ago
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I imagine that Mort bears subtle red markings on his neck in the spring during 'mating season'. He usually tries to hide these to avoid nosy questions from people.
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nnicknnelsonn · 26 days ago
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ok now I get it
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teddy altman / hulkling
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marvelsgirl616 · 5 months ago
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What if he shows up in the finale????
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theomenmedia · 5 months ago
Where Could Aubrey Plaza's Rio Vidal/Lady Death Appear In The MCU After Agatha All Along?
From 'Agatha All Along' to the stars, where will Lady Death tread next in the MCU? Dive into the speculative journey of Aubrey Plaza's Rio Vidal!
Speculate with us right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/lady-death-s-next-realm-predicting-rio-vidal-s-mcu-return
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travelingtwentysomething · 4 months ago
I need to know if literally anyone else has seen any of the interviews for Gladiator 2 press, and if you've noticed any tension between the cast? Especially between Paul Mescal and Joseph Quinn and possibly Pedro Pascal because I have a theory that Joseph Quinn "stole the show" you know, and this was supposed to be Paul's big moment as the star of the movie. And maybe he didn't like it and is being petty about it or something behind the scenes?
I watched an interview with Paul Mescal and Denzel Washington for Vogue and Denzel said he learned to be humble from Paul and Paul looked like he couldn't look Denzel in the eye when he said that. And I feel like Joseph has been taken off some of the press even though I know he's shooting for Marvel, but it seems like they're really not putting them together on purpose. Also saw some sort of promo with Paul and Pedro where Pedro said something like I hate that it has to be said but Paul is amazing in this or something to that effect, and there was some tension. And it was right after the premiere when everyone started talking about how Denzel and Joseph Quinn stole the show. I also saw an interview with Mescal and Fred Hechinger where Paul said they had good energy today but if it was yesterday it would have been thumbs down energy, and then I saw interviews with Joseph and Fred paired up that were from the day before, and the way Fred looked when Paul made that comment made me think that that was some sort of negative comment against Joe. Am I reading too much into this? Am I making this up? I just feel like I see some sort of tension and I'm reading it because my intuition lighting up like a klaxon.
Did you see that interview where they were all together and playing that friendship quiz game and Joseph said that Pedro said Joseph was his favorite actor and Pedro said that he "said that he was special and that can mean many things" and Joe looked kind of sad and then Pedro kind of got in his way and blocked him from the camera for the rest of the next portion of the interview, like maybe there's a issue with Pedro and Joe or something, or Paul and Joe and maybe Pedro's in the middle of it all? I'm just so confused about all of this but I just am sensing the tension.
This has been a random rant. If anyone is sensing what I'm sensing please comment on this I need to know that I'm not crazy or if I am whatever
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thelegendofalyssa · 17 days ago
Sometimes I forget that Tony was still keeping tabs on Peter during Homecoming, he just wasn’t making it really known that he was. I mean, he showed up to help Peter every time he needed it (when he wore the stark suit). He didn’t completely disregard Peter after CW even though it kinda felt like it from Peter’s POV.
Not that he didn’t make mistakes and didn’t NOT lead Peter to think so. I want to know what they were like between Infinity War and Homecoming. Did they have any contact or did they just go on their ways like nothing happened? Also I love that Peter is all, “I want to just lay low, I won’t be an Avenger,” and then follows Tony into fucking SPACE? Then partakes in the war of the universe ?
Anyway I need to know more about their relationship.
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