#Sigil Magic
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thelittleredwitch · 1 year ago
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psalmicwitch · 14 days ago
"I'm starting witchcraft, what do I need-"
I'm going to stop you right there, homie. You don't need anything. In fact, you'll probably regret getting everything now. You'll end up with so much you don't want.
Don't even get me started on those witchcraft "starter packs"
I began my practice with a single candle—just one. A white, three-wick Bath & Body Works candle I already owned. I learned the phases of the moon, traced sigils with quiet devotion, and stirred intention into my morning coffee. I printed my first tarot deck on plain paper.
Even now, I don’t have much. Another tarot deck, a handful of colored candles, but my magic still lives in my spice rack. I steep my water in the light of the moon and sun, letting nature do the work.
A cauldron is wonderful, but so is a simple pot. A tiny, ornate bottle of sage is lovely, but so is the sage tucked in your kitchen cabinet.
You already have everything you need for the craft. Even if all you have is yourself.
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elvenfoe · 2 months ago
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i am deserving of all the wealth life has to offer
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astra-ravana · 2 months ago
Using Demonic Sigils
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Demonic sigils are specific types of symbols or seals that are used in various magickal traditions to represent, summon, or communicate with demonic entities. These symbols are believed to hold the essence or the power of thr demon they represent, acting as a focal point for rituals involving these entities. The use of demonic sigils dates back to ancient times and has been incorporated into numerous magickal practices and grimoires throughout history.
Historical Origins
The practice of using symbols or seals to represent demons is ancient, with roots in cultures around the world. However, the formal use of demonic sigils is most notably documented in medieval and Renaissance grimoires. These texts, such as 'The Lesser Key Of Solomon' (also known as Ars Goetia or Lemegeton), provide a catalog of demons, each accompanied by a unique sigil.
A sigil can have immense power because it's a gateway to a certain energy. It's like having a direct line to a powerful person, except that the person is a spiritual force, not constrained by the time/space continuum. The ancients knew all too well that our world is not only physical, that there are entities among us that we can't perceive with our ordinary senses, yet they can be communicated with through symbols which activate our higher intuitive faculties and open a door for their arrival.
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Purpose And Use
Demonic sigils serve several purposes in magickal practices, including:
• Summoning- Sigils are used in rituals to summon demons, providing a method for the practitioner to focus their intention and call forth the entity.
• Communication- Sigils facilitate communication with demonic entities, acting as a bridge between the practitioner and the spirit realm.
• Command- In some traditions, possessing a demon's sigil gives the practitioner a degree of control, over the entity, compelling it to perform or grant requests of the summoner. Most entities will resist this type of magick and some may turn hostile. Use sigils with respect and consideration.
A sigil of a summoned demon can be utilized in various ways after the ritual. For example, by carrying it with you, placing it in a prominent place in your home, an altar dedicated to the demon, or in some cases of baneful magick, placing it near the target, burying it, burning it, etc.
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Creation And Activation
Demonic sigils found in grimoires are traditionally received through mystical revelation or compiled from older texts. Modern practitioners may use these historical sigils or create new ones through various methods of sigilization, such as the rearrangement of letters from the demon's name into a symbolic design.
Activating or charging a demonic sigil typically involves ritualistic practices. These can include specific invocations, the use of ceremonial magick tools, and the creation of a ritual space. The goal is to energize the sigil and open a channel of communication with the entity it represents.
There are also techniques that can be used to create a unique sigil that connects a person with a specific demon for the purpose of attunement. Such a sigil being charged and activated to serve a single connection rather than everyone who chances upon it, can be a more powerful conduit. It is comparable to a dedicated VS a shared network.
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Authoritative Texts With Demonic Sigils
Some grimoires contain extensive lists of demonic entities, their attributes, and corresponding sigils. Here are some notable texts that include information and drawings of demonic sigils:
• The Lesser Key Of Solomon (Ars Goetia, Lemegeton, Clavicula Solomonis)- Particularly the first section, known as the Ars Goetia, which details 72 demons along with their sigils and methods of summoning them.
• The Grimoire of Honorius- Attributed to Pope Honorius III, this grimoire includes sigils and instructions for summoning spirits, including demons, and is known for blending Christian and pagan elements.
• The Book Of Abramelin- Written by Abraham von Worms, this book describes an elaborate ritual known as the Abramelin Operation, designed to obtain the knowledge and conversation of one's guardian angel but also includes information on the summoning of demons as part of its broader magickal practice.
• The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum- An appendix of Johann Weyer's 'De Praestigiis Daemonum', this text lists 69 demons along with brief descriptions and is notable for its critical perspective on the practice of demonology.
• Grimorium Verum- (Latin for True Grimoire) is an 18th century grimoire attributed to one 'Alibeck the Egyptian' of Memphis, who purportedly wrote itnin 1517. Like many grimoires, it claims a tradition originating with King Solomon.
• The Munich Manuel of Demonic Magic (Codex Latinus Monacensis 849)- A 15th century grimoire, this manuscript focuses on necromancy and demonology, including sigils for summoning demons.
• The Grand Grimoire (The Red Dragon)- Known for its powerful rituals and the summoning of demonic forces, this book also contains sigils and instructions for making pacts with demonic entities.
• The Black Pullet (La poule noire)- While primarily known gor its talismans, this grimoire also includes methods for creating sigils and rings that are used to grant the user various powers, including influence over demons.
• The Sixth And Seventh Books Of Moses- These books are a collection of magickal texts that purport to describe the magick practiced by Moses, including the use of seals and sigils associated with both angels and demons.
The sigils found in these texts are often used in their original form even today. There have also been modifications and new sigils are constantly being created, especially by chaos magicians.
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bowldrips · 4 months ago
I made a bindrune for Deny, Defend, Depose that's easy to draw quickly on things like insurance paperwork. 🫀
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For more info: Deny, Defend, Depose runic charm reference
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theoccultmoon · 4 months ago
Understanding the 3 Types of Sigils
Sigils are one of the most versatile tools in witchcraft, acting as symbols infused with your intention and energy. What makes sigils so effective is their adaptability, you can choose how to work with them based on your goals and needs. When deciding how to use a sigil, it’s helpful to understand the three main types: destructible, temporary, and permanent. Each type serves a unique purpose and adds a layer of magickal flexibility to your practice. 
Destructible Sigils 🕯 
Definition: These sigils are created with the intention of being destroyed, often as part of the activation process. 
Purpose: Used for immediate, transformative, or highly specific goals. The act of destruction releases the energy. 
Examples of Use:  
⟡ Burn a sigil for quick manifestation. 
⟡ Bury a sigil to symbolize letting go of something. 
How-To: Draw the sigil on paper, charge it with your intent, and destroy it by burning, tearing, or submerging it in water. 
Tip: This method is great for goals where you want to release energy into the universe quickly. 
Temporary Sigils ✿ 
Definition: These sigils exist for a short time and are erased, washed away, or allowed to fade naturally. 
Purpose: Ideal for ongoing but temporary needs, like a daily boost of confidence or protection during a specific event. 
Examples of Use:  
⟡ Draw a sigil on your skin with makeup or henna. 
⟡ Sketch a sigil in sand or dirt before a ritual. 
⟡ Write a sigil in chalk on your door for short-term protection. 
How-To: Use materials that naturally wear off (chalk, marker, or skin-safe paint). Focus on charging the sigil when you draw it. 
Tip: These sigils are perfect for quick and discreet magick, as they’re easy to create and remove. 
Permanent Sigils 𓃠 
Definition: These sigils are created with the intention of lasting indefinitely. They are charged to continuously radiate energy over time. 
Purpose: Used for long-term goals or intentions, such as protection, abundance, or anchoring a space with positive energy. 
Examples of Use:  
⟡ Draw a sigil onto a piece of jewelry or altar tool. 
⟡ Paint or carve a sigil on a doorframe for home protection. 
How-To: Choose a durable medium (wood, stone, metal) Ensure the sigil is charged and activated with care. 
Tip: Permanent sigils require deep thought and a strong intention, as their energy is meant to be constant and enduring. 
 ⛥ No matter which type of sigil you choose, remember that their power comes from the energy and intention you infuse into them. Whether you’re releasing energy through destruction, working with short-term goals, or embedding your magick into something permanent, sigils can adapt to your needs and bring your intentions to life. ⛥ 
If you’re looking for more in-depth content check out my Patreon 🌙🖤 
Have you worked with sigils before? I’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have. Feel free to share your thoughts or favorite sigil practices in the comments! ฅᨐฅ
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yourlocalchaoswitch · 1 year ago
Glamour Witch Tips♡
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• use your face wash to cleanse away the negative energy from your day
• say or think healing affirmations while applying your moisturizer
• primer can be used to make good things "stick" to you
• use the application of your foundation to set the intentions for your day and what you hope to accomplish
• use concealer to draw sigils or mask anything you wish to hide
• incorporate color magick with your eyeshadow and lipstick
• enchant your lipstick and lipglosses to make your words have impact
• apply your mascara or eyeliner with the intention of seeing through the bullshit
• braid your hair with whatever intention you see fit (knot magic!)
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thewitchywitch · 1 year ago
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
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maryhale1 · 1 year ago
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In witchcraft, sigils are symbols or designs often created with a specific intention or purpose.
Practitioners may design them to represent their desires, goals, or magical intentions.
The process of creating a sigil usually involves condensing a written statement of intent into a unique symbol, which is then charged with energy to manifest the desired outcome.
Sigil magic is a common practice in various magical traditions.
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thejournallo · 2 months ago
Explain the basic: sigils.
I genuinely can’t remember if I’ve already talked about sigils, but I couldn’t find any post where I did. So, here we go again (maybe it’s time-shifted—who knows?).
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What Are Sigils?
Sigils are symbols created to represent a specific intention or desire in witchcraft. They are often unique, crafted by combining letters, shapes, or personal designs that resonate with the practitioner’s goal. Once charged with energy and intent, they act as a focus for manifesting that goal.
How Are Sigils Used?
Creation: A sigil is designed through a process that typically involves writing down the intent, simplifying it into symbols, and arranging the symbols into a unique design.
Activation: The sigil is "charged" with energy by methods like meditation, visualization, or burning. This sets the intent into motion.
Placement: Sigils are placed in meaningful locations where they can align with their purpose, such as on personal items, in living spaces, or even drawn invisibly.
How to do a sigil?
Define Your Intention
Clearly state what you want to achieve.
Use positive and specific language (e.g., “I attract abundance,” not “I don’t want to be poor”).
Simplify the Phrase
Write down your intention as a short phrase.
Remove vowels and duplicate letters.
Intention: “I attract abundance.”
Letters remaining: "IATRCBND"
Create the Sigil Design
Use the remaining letters to form a unique symbol.
Combine, stylize, and overlap the shapes until the letters become unrecognizable.
Focus on making the design feel meaningful and visually appealing to you.
You can even use a simple chart with letters to create your personal sigil.
Charge the Sigil
Infuse the sigil with your energy and intention using one or more methods:
Meditation: Visualize your goal while focusing on the sigil.
Physical Action: Trace or redraw it with intent.
Elemental Release: Burn, bury, or submerge the sigil to activate it.
Place or Use the Sigil
Decide where to put the sigil for it to fulfill its purpose:
On objects you use daily (e.g., a water bottle, wallet, or phone).
Hidden in meaningful places (e.g., under your pillow, in a journal).
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Where can you place a sigil?
On Your Body
Draw it on your skin with makeup, henna, or washable markers.
Wear jewelry or clothing with the sigil inscribed or sewn in.
Personal Belongings
Inside your wallet or purse (e.g., for abundance or protection).
On your phone case or inside the phone cover.
On your keys, keychain, or a charm.
At Home
On mirrors or windows for protection or clarity.
Under your bed, mattress, or pillow for restful sleep.
Near your front door for protection and inviting positive energy.
On Daily Items
On water bottles, food containers, or your coffee mug (e.g., for self-love, health, or energy).
On your planner, notebook, or laptop for focus and creativity.
On cosmetics or perfume bottles to enhance beauty or self-esteem.
Workspace or Study Area
Under your desk or chair for focus and productivity.
On your computer or work tools for success in tasks.
Outdoors or Public Spaces
Etched in dirt or sand for temporary, natural effects.
Drawn on stones, leaves, or other natural items and left in meaningful places.
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ravensmoonlitmagick · 2 years ago
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apiswitchcraft · 7 months ago
protecting your space
hi all! i just moved and was cleansing my new home; prepping it to be lived in and all that. i got to thinking about what other people do for themselves and, well, that's where this came from! the order of step one and two is unimportant, plus keep in mind that everyone does things differently. every culture has their own idea about how to cleanse a space/person, and none of them are wrong.
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Immediate Disclaimer: Anyone/anyplace that uses the term "smudging" (using it out of it's cultural context) is a source you should be wary of. Smudging is a set of very specific rituals that were created and are used by indigenous americans. The use of sage, palo santo, sweet grass, hawk feathers, evil eyes/hamsa are all practices specific to certain cultures. If you're just someone not of those cultures trying to cleanse your space, I recommend the following techniques.
-Burning lavender, rosemary, or cedar bundles
-Burning incense
-Burning frankincense/myrrh
-Putting salt at the boundaries of your home, inside or out
-Putting ground eggshells at the boundaries of your home, probably best to do this outside for the smell
-Actually cleaning your home
-Sprinkle essential oils on the corners of a room or in doorways
-Selenite is also a great cleansing stone, although I usually use it for individual items instead of a whole space
-Moon water can also be a good replacement for essential oils
-Ring sacred (to you) or enchanted bells throughout the home
This is a step that varies a lot more from person to person. There are certainly plenty of spells out there available to you, but some people have created their own spells, others will use certain iconography, herbs, etc. Either way, know that it is not necessary for you to do every one of these things--I honestly doubt a space will get any more or less safe depending on how many of these you do. Also, for your own safety, make sure you're doing the appropriate non-witchy things to keep yourself safe. Just because you have a nice sigil above your unlocked door doesn't mean that someone will be automatically unable to rob you. Anways, here are just some of my ideas.
-Put a bundle of rosemary above a doorway
-Create a spell jar/bag with any of these materials or these, I also recommend including some of yourself in a jar like this
-Sprinkle black salt around entryways
-Use a spell like this or this
-Draw a rune (i use algiz) on entryways (i use essential oils and blood for this, but to each their own)
-Draw a sigil like this or these on entryways
-Pray to a certain deity for protection, or put their iconography up (for example, an ansuz rune for odin)
-Burning incense and using essential oils will ward away negativity, but they don't last for long periods of time in my experience
-Make use of a crystal grid to manifest your intentions
-Salt and eggshells also help to ward off negativity entering your space!
Now, how do we keep the wards and cleansing sustained? Well, there are a variety of methods. A lot of these can be done as your intuition tells you they need to be renewed, or done at a regular interval that works for you. Still, upkeep is important!
-Redo the spell you did every full moon or at another important time for you
-Refresh herbs and salt/eggshells when they get old or fall apart
-Break open your spell jar/sachet and recleanse the ingredients or just add new ones
-Clean up any salt/black salt/eggshells and put down new lines
-Add more essential oil/moon water to the locations you put them in before
-Redraw sigils/runes when they fade or get scratched off
-Pray to the deity who is looking out for you often/do devotional activities
-Burn more incense, herbs, or frankincense/myrrh, or cleanse with bells again
-Clean your room/house/depression hovel
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starsofdarknebula · 1 year ago
Speaking to me is a privilege And you do not have privileges
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elvenfoe · 1 year ago
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every good thing i lose comes back to me tenfold
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astra-ravana · 4 months ago
Sigil Magick: Illustrating Your Intent
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Sigils are a cornerstone of contemporary and chaos magick and function as keys to unlock the doors of reality and bend it to one’s will. These potent symbols serve as physical embodiments of one’s intentions, cast into existence through the fusion of art and willpower.
The crafting of a sigil begins with a clear and focused intention, which is then worked into a unique symbol through a creative magickal process. The magick practitioner inscribes deep personal meaning and style into their designs, making each unique to its artist. Sigils are ideal tools for manifesting your desires, imbuing objects with specific purpose and energy, protecting spaces, and communicating with the spirit world and should be used responsibly.
The practice of crafting sigils traces its roots to the ancient world but was modernized in the early 20th century by the works of Austin Osman Spare, an occultist and artist. He introduced the method of creating magical symbols by condensing letters of a desire into an abstract design. Aleister Crowley, too, influenced the practice by intertwining sigils with ceremonial magick, embedding them with a rich esoteric significance.
Some occult grimoires employ sigils as a means of contacting spirits, for example; Ars Goetia, The Book of Oberon, and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
Basics of Sigil Magick
Sigil magick emerges from the belief in one’s ability to manifest their focus into reality. Through a process of creation, a sigil becomes much more than mere ink on paper—it is the illustrated essence of desire. Individuals can use sigils as focal points for their will, empowering these symbols through meditation or ritual to enact change. The universe of sigils is vast and varied, types of sigils include:
• Pictorial Sigils: Intuitive symbols drawn from the subconscious
• Runic Sigils: Combinations of runic alphabets that resonate with specific energies
• Word Sigils: Derived from statements of intention, where letters are crafted into a unique symbol
Correspondences also serve a purpose in this class of magick, in order to help align one's intent to universal energies. As an artist crafts their sigil, they intertwine traditional symbols with personal significance, creating a bridge to the metaphysical world. Some relevant correspondences are:
• Numerology: Numbers carry vibrations that can enhance a sigil’s purpose.
• Zodiac Signs: Celestial influences infused to fine-tune the focus.
• Elements: The classic forces of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water lend their power to sigils, grounding them in natural harmony.
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Sigil Creation
Before you take pen to paper, first envision your intent with clarity and purpose This may involve some deep introspection into the true nature of your desires. A precise intention lays the foundation for the sigil's power. Once ready, write out your intention and cross out any duplicate letters. From here a couple different methods can be utilized. Naturally you could always draw your sigils from pure instinct, creating spontaneous shapes to represent your intentions, but there are other techniques available.
The Wheel
This method employs a wheel to be used as a map for drawing your sigil. Simply start at the first letter of your intent and draw lines to each subsequent letter. Example:
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My Method
I make my sigils by breaking up the letters to create shapes. I will often decorate with extra shapes, symbols, and pictures as well. Here is a simplified example of my sigil creation process:
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Next you must charge your sigil. Charging is the act of infusing the sigil with energy. The creator might enter a meditative state, focusing intently on the sigil while envisioning their intentions intertwining with the design. This act of focused concentration serves to embed the intention within the sigil, making it a beacon for the desired change.
Passive and Active Sigils
Intentioned sigils fall into either the passive or active sigil category based on how that sigil's energy is best utilized. Passive sigils are usually drawn on the body, item, or surface and then left alone to release their power over time. Active sigils involve some action to trigger the release of the sigil's energy, such as burning, burying, soaking with water/oil, and more. Some sigils can be used both passively and actively, but most will fall into one category.
Spirit Sigils
Many spirits and deities have sigils that represent them and these can be powerful catalysts for interacting with these beings. If the spirit you're working with doesn't have a sigil made for them (or even if they do) you can design your own symbol to connect with that spirit. Follow the same process, but instead of focusing on your intent, focus on the spirit/deity and connecting with it. You can even perform a ritual and provide an offering to invite the spirit into your space. This will allow you to draw divine inspiration straight from the source. Here are some examples of spirit/deity sigils, as well as some I created:
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practice-is-praxis · 1 year ago
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It's magical. Well, well Old Friend... it looks like everyone is your teacher, no one is your master.
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