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aroundtheworldinstamps · 9 months ago
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I know this might not look too flashy, but this might be my favourite stamp sheet. These Estonian stamps are a language tree of the Uralic languages.
Going anti-clockwise from the bottom middle stamp, we have:
The Samoyedic Languages: Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, Selkup, and Kamasin
The Ugric Languages: Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi
The Permic Languages: Komi and Udmurt
The Mari and Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) Languages
The Sami Languages (Nortern, Southern, Skolt, Inari, Lule, Ume, Pite, Ter and Kildin Sami)
The Baltic-Finnic Languages: Veps, Karelian, Izhorian, Livonian, Finnish, Estonian and Votic
Languages in brackets weren't mentioned in the stamp, but I thought I'd elaborate anyway
Edit: put Ingrian instead of Izhorian. Should've known better, sorry
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vintage-russia · 5 months ago
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Mansi woman,Russia (19th-20th century)
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tfemzilant · 2 months ago
"anyone who loves [flag] is my friend without introduction" meme but with indigenous peoples of russia!
"anyone who loves [flag] is my friend without introduction" meme but with indigenous peoples of russia! part 2 - uralic indigenous 2
part 1 (link)
memes under the cut:
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hill mari:
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izhma komi:
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perm komi / komi-permyak:
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forest nenets:
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tundra nenets:
khanty and mansi:
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all free to use without credit! like and reblog is you like it!
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heavensheal · 5 months ago
my art boy ++ filler carlbot
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bones-n-bookles · 2 years ago
Torch is out of Flint and Ember, both owned by @losech 💕 these pedigree sheets were both made by her as well!
Each dog up to Flint and Ember's grandparents will have their own tags, and all will be tagged "Torch fam" :) Dogs not directly behind but still related (aunts, siblings, cousins, further back in the pedigree like Great x5 grandparents, etc) will also be under that tag going forward.
Ancestors further back than Flint or Ember's grandparents will be tagged with what grandparent they're behind as well. For example, Berkut's father, grandfather, and further behind him, will be tagged "Berkut fam" "Torch fam"! Some dogs are popular studs or dams so are behind multiple dogs but such is purebred dogs lol, i may or may not bother putting them as "Berkut fam" "Dungar fam" "Shnyrka fam" depending on how i feel lol
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dracofeb · 10 months ago
This was uploaded to YouTube yesterday (July 1st) and just, I really like. Something about the rhythm and tune working with the language. I always enjoy finding neat songs like this in languages like Mansi. Kind of feels like I found a neat bit of hidden linguistic treasure.
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svetlonadyatlovpass · 2 years ago
Sampal-Čachl (hora)
rusky v dokumentech případu zapsán jako Сампаль-Чахль. pravděpodobně je to tato hora:Mapy.cz GPS: 61°41’35.802″N, 59°21’8.213″E
View On WordPress
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kutyozh · 7 months ago
languages they've covered so far:
Scots, Akkadian, Old Saxon, Sanskrit, Ossetian, Old English, Estonian, Medieval Latin, Mexican Spanish, Farsi, Lithuanian, Czech, Welsh, Tigrinya, Old Irish, Mari, Bulgarian, Biblical Hebrew, Kashmiri, P'urhépecha, Catalan, Romansh, Marathi, Mansi, Proto Germanic and Burgenland Croatian!
I've shared this podcast before but every time I listen to it I get so delighted by linguists hyping each other up and getting excited talking about their area of interest I feel compelled to share it again skdjfhghj
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tohru-oikawa · 2 years ago
10 years since hannibal watched will kill a man and instantly fell in love with him
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vanillaverses · 4 months ago
mansie! (short for brugmansia cookie)
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she LOVES multiple thousand year old genocidal clowns. happens to be related to a certain vanilla flavoured malewife manlet loving datura mage oc of mine. this causes absolutely zero conflict! (lie)
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doginprogress · 6 months ago
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zero thoughts detected
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erodingsinner · 9 months ago
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aroaceleovaldez · 23 days ago
COTD cover shows something swirling around that's probably just smoke or the Mist but it reminded me that Will with a lasso/whip made out of light for a weapon would perfectly suit him- he definitely has training with a bow and arrow but. He's a medic constantly in the thick of things. He needs to be quick and maneuver easily and not get weighed down, especially while carrying medical equipment or patients. A bow is for distance anyway, he'd never be able to properly utilize it with how close he always is to the fighting; Apollo's signature weapon just wouldn't be practical here.
But something weightless that's equally fast and versatile, that he can summon and dismiss as needed, would be ideal for Will. And Apollo may not use whips, but Helios does (did?)- those and solar rays are both common symbols of his. There's an established precedent.
Actually, Will using a whip/lasso made of light is an old fanon thing! It was coined by Cherryandsisters, alongside their old photokinesis!Will headcanons that became popular fanon (and were eventually incorporated into canon).
You can find some of it on their old askblog, Askwill-solace. (They also popularized trans!Will back in the day.) Their light bending!Will tag on their main blog also has a lot of the old photokinesis hc stuff and some light lasso stuff. A couple of highlights though that feature his whip specifically: [x] [x]
For a lot of folks the appeal of Will using a whip/lasso weapon was a.) Most people did not remember that he canonically uses a bow, since at the time back in like 2014 people were kind of in a scramble to remember anything about Will at all as he very suddenly shot from a background character to being part of a canon protagonist ship. People still don't really remember that fact (including canon, but I digress), since most people don't remember or pay much attention to Will pre-BoO - in large part due to that fanon boom following BoO where people were just kind of throwing everything at the wall for him and seeing what stuck (especially since we didn't originally know TOA was going to happen, so we didn't expect solangelo to actually be canonized and folks were just doing whatever with fanon and hcs for him/solangelo in general - so keeping it based in canon was not any kind of priority). But in general it was some attempt to give him a unique weapon, and b.) people did, and still do, LOOOOOVE cowboy!Will. People LOVE exaggerating the fact that he's from Texas and the old fanon was that he was a little country boy who had a little lasso/whip weapon, because cowboy. Ever since his mom was canonized to be a country singer in TOA that got emphasized even more enthusiastically. That is also part of why he gets depicted with a flannel very frequently.
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granstromjulius · 4 months ago
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Master of the Mansi Magdalen
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mankadavi · 11 months ago
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Sa'din Concept Art + Height Chart
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exotic-indians · 1 month ago
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