#Man they're both so stressed xD
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muppenthings · 23 days ago
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Friendly reminder that Cetus doesn't understand what Arion is saying at all. But he is picking up the screaming and fear. He's stressing in response. ;)
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months ago
What would the poly gang (baron Maddox Alasdair) and dea do if reader had a particularly painful period? (← totally not self-indulgent)
Doesn't know a thing about periods, but mate is in pain = I must drop everything to do what I can to eradicate their suffering.
With a quick crash course, Baron is in even more awe of you. "Every single month?!? Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?!"
His arms are your throne- If the moment doesn't unsettle you further, Baron will carry you wherever you need to go if you absolutely have to get out of bed.
Dude's practically a living heating pad already so snuggles are a must if you're up for it. Compliments and horn rubs make his skin nice and toasty.
Offers you their hoodie first and foremost. It's big on them and comfy, like a good comfort blanket should be.
Tries to distract you from your pain- They'll raid the medicine cabinet for whatever pain relief is available and would work best for you, and while they're kicking in Mad would create a little pillow palace for you in bed or on the couch. Whichever works best.
Plays videos games with you or if those aren't up your alley/sitting up right makes things worse for you - sets up a mini theater wherever you're located with snacks, blankets and of course shows/movies for you both to binge.
Angel mom. Knows you're suffering even before you tell anyone. Really pushes the mommy status by monitoring your diet since certain foods can make cramps worse. Will get off your case if you press him, but if you're fine with the arrangements he'll prepare you meals that are both safe and foods you enjoy.
Did his research before coming to earth and likely has products tucked away for occasions such as this. Heating pads, pain medicine-
Will happily lend his wings if you need a softer place to rest your head. May also take the advantage to read you some of the books he's gotten into lately.
Funnily enough, they're like a perfect combination of all three.
Wraps you up in their robes which feels like the safest material known to man. Stresses themselves to the point of feeling faint if you choose to walk around on your own, but respects your decision if you decide to.
Dea's tears actually cure most ailments mortals may face. Understands drinking their tears might not be the most pleasant experience for you so they'll cook/bake them into something you enjoy.
"Here you are, my grace. I hope you enjoy-"
Still dotes on you for days after you're feeling better because they love you and want you to be 100% at all times (except for moments when you can't)
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antiendovents · 4 days ago
*Drives a car through the wall of this askbox* DID SOMEBODY SAY DANDY'S WORLD?? Nah but fr game is addictive. Might not be much in the fandom but I got nearly all the toons and trinkets- lol Wonder if I'll see you around and we just won't know XD But on a more related-to-acc-note. Man I just wanna leave this one server. It's not even an endogenic problem; but this one system a long time ago accused me of using my autism and trauma as an excuse for some of my behavior when I was trying (and failing, yes.) to elaborate on it being partly the reason of my behavior. Not an excuse! Like- dude! Instead of scaring me half to death, help me help you???! Explain to me what I did wrong and how to fix it?!! Or find ways we can communicate around the symptoms I can't change?!!!?! I was so dissociated out of my mind when you said that what the fuck- Calm yourself!! And that was after me being a bit of a dick, (context, didn't give them space. I have had problems with accidentally crossing boundaries before; not a surprise. Hard to work on but when I finally noticed I immediately gave them it; and yet I wanna talk with them now that it's been ages since) but still. It's stuck with me and now even though I like the other people of the discord server, and like the premise of the server, it's made me distance myself and doubt if they ever all liked me. ;W; AITA? (/hj) Might wanna ramble about this... would give you more context. 🧩👁
((ooh I'm seeing a lot of asks I missed ��))
But yeah!! We're still addicted to Dandy's world rn lol. And yeah, that could be a possibility XD
And I see. I mean I can see both sides but they definitely should've tried communicating with you in a way you might better understand. I hate people who say that you're using something as an excuse when you're not though, because surprise surprise, yes disorders can cause "unsavoury" symptoms which sometimes lead to problematic behaviours. Is it an excuse? No, but it's an explanation. The fact you gave them space as soon as you know clearly shows you didn't mean to cross their boundaries and while they're not obligated to forgive you for said thing I still don't think it's fair to blow up at you or to refuse to communicate with you properly ((assuming that's what happened because that's what it sounds like))
I know this is late but feel free to elaborate more if you wish. And I don't think you're the asshole, though you did make a mistake I don't think it's too bad. It does suck that you don't feel like you can talk in that server anymore, I would recommend leaving if it causes you a lot of stress, or maybe trying to communicate with that person again (or just ignoring them if you really need to?)
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taciturntraveller · 3 months ago
Me again- hai!
I absolutely loved the dynamic of water/fire you mentioned, I can really see that!
Another question I have - you mentioned no fix-it-fic, which I also love, angst is great and I have something similar so it’s nice to see a like-minded person. How does Maria deal with his death? Is she around when it happens? How does she find out?
I also love that Ghost was a nonenthusiastic wingman 😂 then proceeded to deal with their shit for years. Was he pulling his hair out wishing they’d just get on with it? What are his thoughts on them you reckon?
Sorry- so many questions. Feel free to pick and choose what you want to answer!!
Oof, jumping straight to the death, let's go.
So Maria is in the tunnel for the mission, however she's distracted by looking after the SFOs that are down there with them (I'm pretty sure canonically most of them die? Which is pretty stressful in itself so she's already having a tough time), so she's not there for the actual death itself. She hears it over the radio, and Price isn't upfront with who it is so she gets to spiral the whole time she's running over there!
And then Soap's death is devastating - as a Medic, she recognises that it was quick, but the fact that it was essentially an execution... he was stolen from her, and there was nothing she could do about it. It shatters her whole world, and she never really recovers. She actually distances herself from the 141 afterwards, which will also lead to stuff in the AU I'm planning.
And oh Ghost. He basically becomes the confidant to both of them without either of them realising so he gets to hear all the uncertainties and tiptoeing from both of them. Man's out here seriously considering ditching them somewhere during a mission and just letting them figure it out :P
As for his thoughts... hmm, I always hesitate when it comes to figuring out how canon characters work because I always feel like I'll be wrong somehow, but I think he thinks they're good for each other. I imagine Maria's able to banter with him quite well, and they probably team up against Soap a couple of times (she'd be a nightmare during the Alone mission xD But canonically she's not there for that), so I feel like the three of them would make a great mini-team within the 141 :D
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autistic-crypt1d · 3 months ago
X-Files Live Blogging:
Season 3
Wow ok this is getting intense!!
S1, S2
- The Blessing Way
- aw man :(
- where is Mulder???
- this is so sad 😭
- Mulder???
- the chip has gotta be from her abduction right?
- the people helping Mulder are so sweet 😭
- ok so he's super selfish but if his warning keeps Dana safe I do not care
- NO!!!
- Paper Clip
- please be Mulder at the door, it would be so funny if he came home and found Scully and Skinner holding each other at gun point as they both find out he's alive
- the baby Buffalo is so cute omfg
- oh shit she's alive!
- Mulder in Tims is peak
- "with a crowbar and a small nuclear device I think I could get into one of these" XD
- the files in the mine thing is so cool and spooky oml
- ah yes ditch your partner in a dark creepy mine Mulder
- WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!
- oh hell
- ok but what the actual fuck was skittering around down in the mines?!?!?!
- way to go Skinner, coming in clutch
- I love Albert
- oh no, please don't kill him
- he's ok right?? He's just knocked out right??
- ok good he's ok
- aw man :(
- the hug 😭
- D.P.O.
- Jack Black?!?!?!
- huh??
- HUH?!?!?!
- Colonel Makepeace!
- yeesh, r-slur used
- man fuck this sheriff
- bro really just killed his only friend
- Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
- omfg this dude is so hard to watch
- "Mulder I can't take you anywhere" XD
- "mister, you really need to work on your closing technique" BRUH
- so this guy is a real psycic then
- this poor guy, he's so funny though
- this guy is so fucking funny help XD
- "alright, so how do I die?" "You don't" HUH?!?!?
- gross!!
- :(
- The List
- oh no, oh this is horrifying
- spooky
- poor Scully :(
- why did she swear unprompted that she would never be with anyone else ever if she was already with someone?
- they placed an AD to find an executioner?!?!?!? HUH?!?!?!
- weirdly open ended ending there
- 2Shy
- why does this show have to be so gross 😭
- wow, what a misogynistic idiot
- "I'm not beingsexist, I'm just being honest", YOU ARE QUITE LITERALLY BEING THE DEFINITION OF SEXIST MY GUY
- Oh! Gross!
- uh this roommate or sister or whoever is being super sketchy rn
- y'all these women aren't even big!! Being overweight is morally neutral, but these women are like midsized, MAYBE slightly over. I couldn't even tell the first woman was even supposed to be overweight
- "Okay it's not yet the finely detailed insanity that you've come to expect from me. It's just a theory," PFFFFFT
- these poor women :(
- girl you are not seriously breaking into his apartment to leave your damn poems
- she's alive!!!
- The Walk
- ghost?
- ah hell I hate scary pool scenes
- get out of the pool pleaseeeeee
- :(
- Oubliette
- Jennifer Keller?!?!?!
- ah hell is he a pedo
- yes, yes he is a pedo
- fuck
- they're gonna be able to save Amy but not Lucy aren't they
- SHE DIES?!?!
- oh thank god 😭
- :(
- Nisei
- what is thaaaaaat
- oh alien!
- UH, WHAT?!
- "I'll wait" runs off immediately
- PFFFT Mulder leaping into the water with that big ass coat is so funny
- Oh?!
- Skinner, why are you always creeping in the dark
- I'm sorry but Mulder has the silliest run I've ever seen
- oh what the fuuuuuuck
- I don't trust the conductor guy
- awww does he have a crush on Scully?
- so was it the alien people that were down in the archive mines?
- this is so sad, the way these people have been treated :(
- is she not gonna comment on the fact the people in the pit look like aliens???
- oh shit I was super wrong the conductor rules
- ok well he tried
- Mulder is always almost dying istg
- Revelations
- what the fuuuuuck
- Mulder, eew
- why is this teacher bullying a child
- why do I recognize him
- Mulder is being really unfair rn. He asks her to believe in the fantastical every day but is dismissing her constantly here
- way to go Scully!!!
- Scully doubting herself because Mulder, the most important person to her is doubting her hurts my heart
- War of the Coprophages
- Syzygy
- trying to type that title took more times than I care to admit
- Ryan Reynolds?!
- are they seriously trying to get laid right now?!?!
- oh!
- where exactly are they getting all these babies they're taking about
- man these two are SASSY today!
- bro that's literally an animal skull what the fuck are they on about
- what the fuck is he putting in the vodka
- hello?!?!?! What is that?!?!
- Scully smokes?!?!
- dude what is up with them this episode!!
- she's gonna walk in on them isn't she
- oh nvm
- oh?
- oh my god 😂
- "shut up Mulder" "sure. Fine. Whatever." Bruh
- Grotesque
- bro is giving me the creeps majorly rn
- Peter why did you park in an alleyyyyyyy
- is that dude gonna turn into one now that he's been bit? Like a werewolf thing?
- I feel like I recognize the dude in the glasses
- kitty!
- oh creepy!
- oooooh he's that dude from that 70's show and that one dude from Psych!
- uuuuuuuuuuh wtf
- Mulder? Buddy? You ok?
- it's totally the detective that got bit
- oh I guess not
- is Mulder really the murderer?!?!
- ooooh ok no it's Peterson
- Piper Maru
- freakyyy
- oh ow
- oh man the way her shoulders and expression drops when Mulder says he found something interesting, OUCHIE
- this episode is gonna be just full of pain isn't it
- soooo the friend of Scully's father knows more than he's saying right?
- is she following Mulder or the woman?
- I love Skinner
- Krycek?!?!
- uh oh
- Apocrypha
- there's no way that shit in the coffee shop wasn't a set up
- Mulder?!?!
- wow they really just slapped cancer guys voice over that younger actors
- so that's gotta be Mulder's father then yeah?
- oh crap
- oh shit they got the tape!! Nice work boys
- crap
- pfffft the conspiracy guys taking high tech while Mulder accomplishes the task with a pencil
- that lab guy is so smitten with Scully it's so cute
- thank gooood
- something bad is about to happen isn't it
- don't believe a word he says!
- what the fuuuuuuuuck
- yay Skinner!!!
- wait, those guys are from Stargate aren't they??
- yeah Pusher is Major Samuels and the other guy plays Connors! That's the second time Connors guy has been in this show
- "he put the wammy on him!" "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the wammy" PFFFFT
- "I'm just looking for an explanation a little more mundane than the wammy!" BRUH I CAN'T
- Teso Dos Bichos
- Maybourne?!?! AGAIN?!?!?
- honestly deserved, that's what ya get for stealing from other cultures
- yuck
- yuck pt 2
- yeesh that's a lot of blood
- kitty!
- oh many kitties
- Scully's face :(
- Hell Money
- the Chinese detective is pretty
- wow Scully, I really expected better from you
- no please don't hurt him :(
- oh hey it's the lady who plays the engineer on the Deadalus who works with Hermiad in Stagate!!
- I'm actually really sad he died
- Jose Chung from Outer Space
- why is bro professing his love on the first dateeeee
- EEW I really do not like its face
- claymation?! What tf is happening
- the artist guy's voice sounds familiar
- "I'm a republican" PFFFFT
- y'all this episode is hilarious
- Avatar
- SAM?!?!??!
- SHE'S DEAD?!?!??!
- interesting
- Quagmire
- the dog XD
- oh hey it's that one dude from the first episode of SG-1 that Leneya is in!
- ew worm closeup
- ah yes, trapes through the swampy ass woods at night alone, that can only end well
- what the fuck kind of name is Queequeg
- bro I'm loosing it at Scully yelling this dogs name
- oh fuuuuck
- "I'm still tempted to fire" XD
- cuddle for warmth scene? 👀
- "Scully are you coming onto me?" PFFFFT
- damn no cuddling for warmth scene
- I recognize the doctor and the sheriff from some other stuff
- Wetwired
- she's hallucinating isn't she
- oh shit Scully's off the deep end this time!
- my heart 😭
- oooooooo so the doctor was working with cancer man and that's who she saw meeting with him in the parking lot!!
- Talitha Cumi
- wtf
- isn't that Mulder's mom?
- uhhhh boy you better get your nasty cigarette smoking ass away from her
- wtf did they do to him?
- poor Mulder :(
- isn't that the brain stabby thing that one alien assassin had?
- so he's still captured? Who went to the office then?
- wtf are they talking about rn
- wait so that tool is the only way to kill him? I thought all you had to do it pierce the brain through a certain spot
- oh boy the alien assassin is back
- not his mom too 😭
- ooooh ok I guess you really do have to use that specific thing then
- wait is it? I don't know anymore my brain hurts
- A TWO PARTER??!?!?
Season 4
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ell-arts · 1 year ago
A other ask from the possum,holy shit
You said you had a list of headcanons for cyil x pac...
I'm curious...
What hc do thee have...
Oh buckle up, hun :-)
It is a bit long, so click below at your own risk xD
Sometimes the Pac-team do patrols around the city to keep citizens at ease, and these patrols are often done in pairs. Whenever Pac and Cyli are out on patrol, they always keep a vigilant eye out. But they've started a thing where, at the end of their patrol, they wrap things up with an ice cream date.
Cyli is usually calm and collected, but whenever she's stressed or really nervous, then she tends to hold onto her arm or even absentmindedly fiddles and fidgets with her fingers to the point of rubbing them raw if she doesn't snap out of it. These subtle movements usually go unnoticed, until Pac started picking up on them. Cue him stepping in to hold her hands and divert her attention away from whatever is stressing her out.
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To return the favour, Cyli will often pull Pac out of a stressful or anxious haze by taking him out to dance with her in the rain. She's a nature baby, of course she's going to rope him into one of her favourite methods to kill stress :)
Pac often brings Cyli a new type of invention or puzzle because she likes to solve things, whereas Cyli often brings him little exotic snacks or foods that he's never tasted before. It's their way of saying, "Hey, I know you like this thing, and it made me think of you, so I brought it along to see you go feral over it :>"
It wasn't as evident in the show, but I'd like to think that Pac and Cyli are academic rivals. They both seem to do well in school, and Pac even says he's gonna try and beat her A+ grades with his own in "That Smarts." So I hc that two of them often study together...while teasing and trash-talking each other in between.
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Following up on that, the two will also often engage in friendly banter on other matters...
"Don't say it. Don't you DARE-" "So what'cha say, Cat-Man, are those ears only good for hearing long distances?" "They're not ears, Cyli, for puck's sake they're my eyebrows!"
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Pac is a nerd when it comes to History. Cyli is a nerd when it comes to, well, a lot of things. Give these two a book or something of a shared interest, and you've got them talking and nerding out over the given subject for hours.
One time, Cyli lost her glasses and had to wait a week for a new pair to arrive, and during that time she had to deal with the frustrations that came with vision impairment (squinting, tripping over things, mistaking people's faces, etc.) But one thing that's helped her out is to keep her eyes on Pac...since he's the only Yellow Orb in a sea of blurry colours, he's her beacon to go to whenever she has a hard time looking for her friends.
Cyli knew that Pac had developed feelings for her long before he actually confessed. He didn't hide it very well... XD But the feeling was mutual for her. She just wanted to hear him say it first, in a similar fashion to the way she wanted to hear his apology outright at the end of the "All You Can Eat" episode. The memory of this goofy yellow boy turning into a blushing and stuttering mess while trying to confess his feelings is one that she'll always cherish :3
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I've got a few more hc's other than these, but some of them I'm keeping a secret for now ;)
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seb-reads31 · 2 years ago
I have an idea that I would love to request but I want to request all of the Obey Me characters except for Lucifer and Belphegor. Only if you don't mind of course. My idea is that the Obey Me characters had a bad day so GN Reader wants to cheer them up. They're not so good with words as they're socially awkward but they decided to write a letter to read when he's alone (they're too embarrassed to be there when he reads it XD) about their good points & they would be there for him if he needs them. They also offered to do anything he wants to their ability or to leave if he wants space. Is this ok? Please tell me if you're not interested! Thanks!
Tw's - Kinda angsty, mentions of mammon being bullied, general sad boi hour for all of them, me bullying the brothers in Luke’s head canons because I will fight God himself to keep him safe and happy, self depreciating thoughts in Levi’s, Satan being called a copy, general bullying in all of the head canons to make it work ;-;, mentions of being stressed and burnt out in Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon’s head canons, mentions of a one night stand in Asmo’s head canons, special bullying towards Lucifer in Luke’s head canons hehehe,
Genre - hurt/comfort
Type - Head canons
Comments - This is such a cute idea!! 🥹 This is absolutely okay anon, so cuteeee, I already have ideas flowing. The rest are under the cut! <3 I need to make a hurt/comfort label now
Comforting words
💸 He was more than likely upset after his brothers started bullying him like usual for something he didn't do
💸 Normally it wouldn't affect him but today was just one of those days where it really got to him
💸 Now, he would probably be held up in his room to get away from his brothers and their ridiculing
💸 I would imagine that MC, being the shy thing they are, would spend like, and hour or 2 writing a note, out it in an envelope, then slides it under Mammon's door with a little knock, and runs away quickly so they wouldn't be seen
💸 Mammon, on a normal occasion would've told the person at the door to go away, assuming it was one of his brothers, but they normally just bust in
💸 You were the only one that knocked in this house (other than Lucifer... mostly) so he got up from wherever he was and opened the door to find no one there
💸 He would go to look up and down the hallway but as he did so, his foot bumped into the letter, and he gave it a curious look
💸 It was a plain envelope with the words "Read me" on it. He picked it up then shut his bedroom door returning to his original spot to read the letter
💸 And once he did, he. Balled.
💸 This man was sobbing, didn’t even finish the letter with how overwhelmed with comfort and happiness just from this note you sent to him.
💸 He fell in love all over again, you managed to make this poor demon fall in love with you twice, The Great Mammon is wrapped around your finger
💸 He immediately decides to buy you a ton of gifts and cute stuff you would like, fight me
🎮 Today was a bit of a rough day for the poor otaku
🎮 He missed a limited edition merch drop he had been waiting for for about 4 months, lost a tournament by a couple of points, and his self-loathing thoughts had started to mess with him and affect his gaming abilities
🎮 You were supposed to come to his room for an anime marathon you both were really excited for, but when you got there, you heard.. crying..?
🎮 You slowly and quietly opened the door to see Levi rubbing his eyes harshly with shaking hands. He didn’t hear you open his door over his cries, and luckily he didn’t
🎮 Just like before with Mammon, you spent about an hour writing a note for him to read, and some of his favorite snacks along with the note, you placed them outside the door this time and knocked, running away yet again (this may get repetitive)
🎮 He quickly rubbed the tears running down his face and cleared his voice, starting to ask for the password, only to be met with silence
🎮 He sniffed and walked to his bedroom door, looking up and down the hallway when something on the floor caught his attention
🎮 He noticed that his favorite snacks and a letter. Like before, he grabbed the note (and snacks) and retreated back into his room
🎮 This poor otaku also starts crying while reading the letter poor babies-
🎮 He also decided to get you something you really wanted, whether it be an autograph from the voice actor of your favorite character, some merch of your favorite character, or a game you’ve been wanting for a while now
🎮 I can already see him writing you a note back as well as a thank you because he’s also on the shy and anti-social side as well, but he would actually give you it in person with a giant blush on his face.
🧶 Satan got caught smuggling a cat into HoL again, and got his spell book privileges taken away.
🧶 Obviously very salty, but that wasn’t the worst of it. Someone in RAD had called him a copy of Lucifer, and that he was just the embodiment of his anger. It really got to him, and he held himself up in his bedroom to read his frustrations away to the best of his ability, knowing that if he did Lucifer would scold him again.
🧶 You noticed his mood and asked his brothers what had happened, and luckily Beel was in the same class as Satan when that demon said that.
🧶 You immediately felt bad, and came up with a small plan to make him feel better, but this plan included asking Lucifer permission to at least allow him (and you) to take cats in and foster them until you both can find their forever homes
🧶 It took a lot of convincing (and courage, but you were determined to help Satan feel better) on your part, but he eventually caved and gave you permission!
🧶 You very quickly walked around the Devildom (with one of the brothers that wasn’t Satan) to find a cat. It took a bit but you eventually found one, a small kitten who looked absolutely adorable! You went to a nearby pet store to get some supplies for the precious baby and future cats. You also bought the kitten a collar (You’ll see why here in a second)
🧶 You quickly brought the kitten home, and wrote a small letter for Satan like normal, and put it on the kittens collar. You carried them to Satan’s bedroom door and got them to sit. You quickly knocked on the door then ran away.
🧶 Satan grumbled as he walked up to the door, ready to tell whoever it was to go away, but was met with a mostly empty hallway. He hadn’t even noticed the kitten until he heard a small meow below him, and finally saw the small kitten and the envelope attached to their collar.
🧶 He looked at the kitten curiously as he picked them up, grabbing the note from their collar, taking them back inside his room
🧶 He sat down with the kitten in his armchair, placing them in his lap (they got comfortable very quickly) and opened the note
�� He was very happy to read your letter, and was ecstatic when he learned the news of Lucifer allowing you two to foster cats until they get a new home, he was a tad bit sad that he couldn’t keep them but this was a good compromise for him
🧶 He knew immediately that he needed to take you to somewhere as thanks for what you did for him today <33
😘 Asmo wasn’t feeling the best today. Normally he feels absolutely amazing and on top of the world, but today was just an off day for him, and he didn’t feel as beautiful as he normally does
😘 On these days, he would normally go to the spa, shopping, or to a club. But today he just didn’t want to get out of bed, not event to do his morning skin care routine
😘 Everyone noticed that he wasn’t at breakfast, but didn’t think too much of it, mostly assuming that he had a one night stand with some random demon after he went to The Fall
😘 The rest of the brothers just chalked it up to that, but you knew better. You were actually with him a majority of the night watching romcoms in his room, so you would've known if he went to The Fall
😘 After breakfast, you went to his bedroom and knocked on the door, asking if he was alright, but the only response that you were given was Asmo telling you that he wasn't feeling well, and didn't want to be bothered
😘 His tone of voice was sad.. and scratchy, as if he had been crying..
😘 You didn’t know what had happened, if anything, but you had a feeling that Asmo wasn’t quite feeling like himself, and so you decided to write him a note who would’ve thought-
😘 While you write the note, you decided to grab one of his other brothers so you could go to one of his favorite spa and set up an appointment for him later on when he was feeling up to leaving his room again
😘 You mentioned that in the note, then put it in the envelope, sliding it under Asmo’s door, knocking on it softly before running away as quietly as possible
😘 He sniffed, wiping away any lingering tears as he went to open the door, but stopped when he saw the note on the ground, and just like the rest of his brothers, he opened the envelope and read the letter
😘 Also a crier but he’s Asmo, he cries the pretties out of all of his brothers <33
😘 He almost immediately gets ready, doing his morning routine, makeup, and getting dressed in slightly comfier clothes for the spa, then went to find you and invite you to the spa with him as a thank you for doing all of this for him
🍔 Beel was more than likely yelled at my Lucifer for eating everything in the fridge again, or lost a couple of his Fangol games in a row, or got in a fight with Belphie (if that's even possible 💀) and now he's sad
🍔 You noticed that he was pouting in his classes throughout the day, and asked one of the brothers what happened
🍔 They told you and you wanted to find a way to cheer him up, but because of your shy nature you did the only thing you could think of take a guess
🍔 So, you wrote the note full of comfort, and even went out to Hell's Kitchen Gordon Ramsay, that you? to get him some of his favorite foods off of the menu
🍔 Beel was too busy being sad that he couldn't smell the delicious food outside of his door until you knocked on it just go with it for my sake
🍔 He immediately followed the heavenly smell and saw a big bag of food with a note on top of it
🍔 He more than likely read the note while eating some of the food, and felt comforted by how much you cared about him to get him his favorite foods and to write him a note
🍔 He definitely went to your room to share the food you got, but didn't mention the note so he didn't embarrass you cause he knew about your shyness <3333
👑 More than likely super stressed with all of his duties piling on top of him repeatedly
👑 And the stress caused him to be a little burnt out and sad because he didn't have any free time to relax and unwind
👑 You two would normally would have some small tea parties which mostly consisted of you, Diavolo, Barbatos, and on occasion one of the other exchange students
👑 You two mostly spoke about the program, your classes, and how it was living with the brothers
👑 But recently, Dia hasn't been available enough to have your small tea parties
👑 You messaged Barbatos asking about Dia, and he told you about his situation
👑 You immediately felt bad for him and decided to make him a small note to encourage him to work hard but to take care of himself most of all
👑 You walked up to his castle with the note in hand, knocking on the large door and waited for Barbatos to answer patiently
👑 When he did, he was slightly surprised, although he didn't show it, he asked what you needed, but you just handed him the letter and asked him if he could deliver it to Dia for you
👑 This was one of the bravest things you did, and Barbatos couldn't help but give you a small pat on the head, reassuring you that Diavolo would be very happy to receive the letter
👑 Once you went back to the HoL, Barbatos went to deliver your letter with a small smile, which confused Dia, especially when Barbatos told him to take a break for the next hour
👑 He opened the letter and recognized your handwriting immediately, and began to read
👑 He was very motivated, and finished his work not too long after an hour long break just so he could do something for you as thanks for the much needed motivation and comfort
🍵 This poor man is also burnt out ;-;
🍵 Diavolo's birthday was soon and that was a very important event in the Devildom
🍵 So he's been planning, contacting catering companies for different things, planning decorations, etc etc
🍵 He had barely gotten any sleep because he needed this to be perfect for the young prince
🍵 You two would often bake together with the addition of Luke (because you couldn’t handle being alone with him but shhh)
🍵 You (and Luke) had tried to see if Barbatos was free earlier in the month (yes a month was needed to prepare Diavolo’s birthday, everything has to go perfectly smooth after all) but he said that he wouldn’t be available until after the celebration
🍵 On occasion, you would message Diavolo asking how Barbatos was doing, and normally he would say that Barbatos was doing fine and was doing great with the preparations, however, one day he said something different..
🍵 Diavolo had said that he was worried about Barbatos, there were bags under his eyes, he was yawning constantly, and sometimes he would even fall asleep while standing. Whenever he brought it up and mentioned that he should take a break, Barbatos would say no and that he was just fine and didn’t need a break
🍵 You immediately felt bad for Barbatos, but knew that if you tried to help him at all he wouldn’t let you saying that “You’re a guest here in our realm, I wouldn’t want to burden you with such trivial things.”
🍵 You wanted to help, but the only thing you could think of to help him, even the slightest was, you guessed it, a letter!
🍵 It took you a bit longer than the rest, to really drive the point home because he’s more stubborn than a mule 😃 I love Barbs so much but I can see him being incredibly stubborn
🍵 The next time Lucifer had a meeting with Diavolo, you kindly asked him if he could give Barbatos this letter from you, and luckily he didn’t question it but you feel like he knew what was in the letter from the small smirk he gave you as he agreed..
🍵 Barbatos had received the letter after the meeting, giving Lucifer a tired yet confused look but accepted the letter
🍵 Later on, almost 4 in the morning he finally decided to read the letter before he got about 2 hours of sleep
🍵 However, as he read the letter, he felt comforted, and the sudden need to sleep more than he was originally planning to, and possibly longer with the permission of Diavolo it was immediately given
🍵 That day he spent sleeping and taking better care of himself, and was more conscientious about his mental and physical health as he worked on the rest of the preparations for Diavolo’s birthday, he even found enough time so you and him could bake something together alone and away from Luke for once
✒️ Simeon had been having writers block for the past few weeks, and he was starting to get a little burnt out while trying to come up with something for the next chapter in his book
✒️ Simeon was one of the calmer people(?) in the Devildom so you were more comfortable around him, and less fidgety and nervous. He just has that vibe, fight me
✒️ You two would often sit in Purgatory Hall whether it would be in his room or the living room talking about your favorite books together. You would occasionally give him some ideas for his books and inspire him, but even with your random thoughts, nothing would truly inspire him enough to write something that he would really like
✒️ You had noticed his slight frustrations when it came to not being able to write anything thanks to his writers block, and wanted to give him some slight encouragement by writing out a couple of new ideas and where they could lead along with comforting words and reminding him to take care of himself and to take breaks when needed
✒️ You asked Luke if he could give Simeon the letter with the promise of making some human world desserts as a small payment not that he really needed that because he also noticed how upset Simeon was about not being able to write
✒️ He was feeling both inspired and encouraged by your words, enough so to write about 3 chapters, along with an outline for about 5 more manz really was inspired, good job hooman 👍
✒️ It took a little bit less than a week for him to finish the first draft of the book, and because you encouraged him so much, he decided to let you read it first and give your thoughts on it. He even bought you some of your favorite snacks in the Devildom, and some other snacks from the Celestial Realm he thought you might like as well as a small thank you
🐶 My personal opinion, you wouldn’t be super nervous or shy around Luke because he’s just too sweet to be shy around him, he’s like a little brother to me personally, so I don’t see you writing a note to him to comfort him but back to the reason why he was upset 😭
🐶 Luke had been teased a lot more by the brothers than usual, and was starting to genuinely feel upset about it, he is technically a child after all
🐶 He was constantly on the verge of tears whenever the brothers went too far, but he was too proud to actually speak up about it not that any of the brothers would actually stop I feel like
🐶 It finally took you asking him one day when Solomon and Simeon were out and about and asking you to watch over him for a bit, and he started crying
🐶 You immediately wrap him up in a hug and rub his back comfortingly until he calms down with a small apology for crying like that but you immediately shush him and say that he has nothing to apologize for and that the brothers should be apologizing for teasing him to the point that he’s crying
🐶 Children can be sensitive about things, and this is what bothers him the most and it didn’t help that they didn’t stop when he asked them to
🐶 When he finally calmed down, you offered to get some cookies from a nearby bakery with either Barbatos or Diavolo because the last thing you wanted to do was ask one of the brothers to go out into the Devildom with you after they caused Luke to cry 😤
🐶 Both Diavolo and Barbatos were confused, but you told them that you would explain later because you didn’t want to upset him after he finally calmed down and was happy and excited about going to the bakery
🐶 While at the bakery, you silently explained to Diavolo what had happened because Barbatos was entertaining Luke and grabbing him a couple of pastries and sweets to help him feel better
🐶 Diavolo had a small glare in his eyes as you told him, and once you finished he gave you a small nod, telling you that he would solve this issue later on today once Simeon and Solomon were back
🐶 Let’s just say, Lucifer wasn’t the one doing the scolding today. It was Simeon and Diavolo combo, for 7 HOURS. Why? Simeon was incredibly upset and Diavolo didn’t appreciate the fact that they were teasing a child despite that he was very visibly upset. HA, TAKE THAT LUCIBIT-
🐶 Anyways~ Luke was never called a chihuahua or anything dog related after that. And if he was their father forbid if you, Simeon, or Diavolo caught wind of it
🪄 It took a lot to really upset Solomon, and even then he wouldn't show it because of how good he is at covering up
��� I think one of the things that would truly get to him is not being able to find the right ingredients for a potion or spell he's been working on for about a century or so
🪄 However he would figure something out, he does have pacts with 72 demons after all, one of them knows something or another or has a connection
🪄 So I don't personally think he would be so upset to the point where he'd need a note to comfort him
🪄 And yes, I believe immortality can get lonely for him sometimes, but he has made friends in the Devildom and Celestial Realm who will be there with him because they're also immortal, to an extent at least from my knowledge
Notes - I really wish that I could've come up with something for Solomon but he seems really chill and a good problem solver. Beel was the most difficult one to come up with though, took me a solid hour alone ;-; but it was worth it 💪 and yes, there was necessary brother bashing in Luke's. This was a lot of fun though! Thank you anon, and I hope you like it!
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vasyandii · 1 year ago
Hi :P
(Fun storytime: I was actually drafting this when I received your ask hahahahah)
I like Nak (and her relationship wih Krueger) a lot <3 and your drawings always make me smile, you have a great sense of humour, the way you colour is very warm and inviting, and how you portray those two sillies always crack me up
Had some questions!
1- Is Nak superstitious?
2 - Does Nak every cook for Krueger? Do they cook together? Do they cook each other food from their respective cultures? Do they enjoy it? (is Krueger useful or useless in the kitchen? :P)
3- Does Nak have a favourite insult/swear word?
I'll come back for more for sure :P keep it up, love!
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Hiiiii Thank you so much for the Ask and the kind words!! I'm really glad that you like how I portray the two! I'll try my best to answer the questions!
It makes me really excited to get asks about Nak or KruegerNak, keep them coming >:33!!
1.) Is Nak superstitious?
Yes! She doesn't believe in like western superstitions (knocking on wood, etc.) Because she isn't raised on it. Nak is, however, more superstitious in terms of her culture; she doesn't like people's feet being near pillows, covers Krueger's mouth when he's whistling at night. She's not scared of many things but she's TERRIFIED of ghosts and spirits so she feels that doing these things will attract them to her. (Literally clinging onto Krueger while watching Thai scary movies)
2a.) Does Nak ever cook for Krueger? (I'll split these into multiple sections so it's an easier read :3)
Nak is usually the one who cooks for the both of them! She enjoys cooking and domestic work as a stress reliever, plus she likes taking care of him by making him food, it makes her feel cute to be taking care of someone :D
2b.) Do they cook together?
Nak cooks in a way that doesnt need much help; clean and quick. She prefers that Krueger isn't in the kitchen (maybe watching her over the counter) while she cooks because she doesnt want to get distracted with feeding him little bits and pieces of the meal as it's getting made; doesnt want him to get full quickly. Krueger helps with taste testing occasionally (he sneaks bites) so they're both involved with the cooking process in a way
2c.) Do they cook each other food from their respective cultures? Do they enjoy it? (Is Krueger Useless in the kitchen?)
Nak has tried Krueger's cooking before and honestly? She doesn't know how he's not dead from sodium overdose. He's not...bad at preparing and chopping, however he tends to over season or under season things. He makes a killer Apple strudel, though; Nak likes it, not too sweet.
-Calling over the kitchen counter, "You good over there or do I need to bring out the fire extinguisher?"
-"All good."
-"Make sure too not put the heat too high."
- "Relax, I got this. I'm finishing up anywa-" The smoke detector started blaring, followed by a series of curses as Krueger ran over to shut it off.
As for Krueger.. This man eats so much Lao food living with Nak he might as well be Lao himself. Nak tries to cook seperate meals for Krueger of stuff he's used to but ultimately stops when he kept stealing food off her plate even if it's too spicy for him.
3.)Does Nak have a favorite insult/ swear word?
Nak goes through phases of favourite swear words, but she likes Russian or Arabic swear words alot since alot of people in Allegiance speak Russian or Arabic xD
☆If you made it this far you've made it to the end of the post! Thank you so much for reading my brainrot :D
<3 Asks and reblogs are always appreciated!
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 1 month ago
Watched episode 3 of The Rookie!! It was great, I really enjoyed it :D
Wesley continues to go through it 😭😭 I'm glad we're not pretending Angela doesn't notice or is stupid (though let me tell you that unplugging of the earbuds STRESSED ME OUT!! xD) but thank goodness she didn't totally figure it out xd. On the other hand, someone stop Wesley from suffering so much lol
Also that dinner between Wopez and Jayla 💀 I would assume it's more to highlight Nyla and James's conflict with all that this season than anything else, but poor Angela and Nyla just trying to have dinner xD like the chicken comment was great lol
Girl Celina was right the whole time 😭 Nolan WAS spinning out and bro needed help xd. See because if you'd just BROUGHT SOMEONE, NOLAN!! You could've gotten both things done, but whatever xD. Celina really should've done that spell lol. Anything helps xD. Good on her for looking out for him, and for everyone finding him so quick :). Nice to see Bailey again 🥰🥰🥳 :D! And her not even being able to get in was great xD. I'm glad Nolan realized it was overkill but it was kinda quick lol. Still, glad he's gonna try and get rid of it xD. Also maybe area 51 wants an upgrade was wild 💀 fair though xD
Also Tim making it in and wanting more tickets to tell how was amazing xD icon lol. Speaking of Tim, the bet was found out o.o and continued anyway xD. I do think he was trying to take the blame but also, yeah Lucy it was his suggestion lol. He didn't say you weren't participating. But she does have a point, but their faults still. And AAHHHH Rachel's back :OO :D!! Hey girl!! It sucks that she's been going through it :((, but it's nice that her and Lucy can reconnect <3. And I'm glad she and Tim are on good terms!! All good :).
Bro these Rookies 💀 they were really funny together though, I've gotta admit xD. With both wanting to look good for Rachel and in the house. And they did catch the guy! Great job, guys :D. I love how shocked everybody was lol xD. Buuuut, still, huge mistakes were made 😬 at least they're not fired yet xdd the PR stuff is a good excuse for a lot of stuff this season ngl :) fun layer!
Smitty was low-key an icon today by the way lol. And everybody did great at their jobs! Gray was going through it in that regard but you know, with these fools xD
I'm super interested in the next episode!! It looks super fun and intense :O. Looks like we'll see some great Nyla Angela action, Bailey's back of course :)!! (and it looks like she's at Lucy's lol), and we'll see everybody dealing with a serial killer :o. Also it wasn't shown in the promo but the thumbnail for the promo was a wopez kiss so, holding out hope for them xD. It could be the end/resolution of this whats-his-face Graham or whatever storyline, which would be sad because the end but good because thank goodness 😭 set his man (Wesley) free xD
And there'd still probably be repercussions from that lol, like dealing with the detective, and Wesley dealing with the emotions
Anyway!! It was a great episode, I loved it, and I'm excited for the next one :D!
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tireddovahkiin · 8 months ago
For the ask game:
Weekly routine and pets!
- Espresso ☕️💟
Weekly routine - do y'all have a day of the week where you do something special [movie night, date, etc.]?
Hmmm... Well, we're usually very busy being evil gods, me and Seph XD we almost always return home kinda exhausted. But we have this simple routine for winding down when home, like me helping Sephiroth with his hair care routine (EXCUSE ME have you seen that mans GLORIOUS silver hair, you CANNOT tell me he doesn't have at least an hour long routine for his hair ONLY-) while we listen to the music in the background, or preparing favorite dish for either Sephiroth or me (we both switch in cooking), or reading book(s) together. When we have time, though, movie nights, roof dates, video game playing and watching, walking, and bathing together are definitely our favorite things to do <3
Pets - if you have any pets, do they have a 'favorite' out of the two [three,] of you? Who washes them and who takes them out on a walk to let them dry or dries them with the dryer? Who do they cuddle more?
Indeed, we have pets! A shifting immortal snake, Beryl, and a three-eyed demon black cat, Nocturna🥺(Beryl was found by Tsizilia, and Nocturna was adopted by both her and Sephiroth.)
Ohhh, Sephiroth LOVES to tease me with his undeniable love for Nocturna. Since I get easily jealous when they're given love and attention, he likes to do it on purpose just to see me pout. (Sephiroth actually wants me to CLING AND PLEAD FOR HIM BUT NAH, I WON'T SUCCUMB.) I fire back by literally showering Beryl with kisses and cuddles, as he hangs out with me around my neck. That teasing lasts until someone of the two of us gives up and traps the other into a possessive bear hug😚
Sephiroth clearly loves Nocturna more than Beryl a tiny bit (which is obvious even under all that denying😭), but when he's feeling overly stressed and cannot step up with Nocturnas nightly energy, he likes to carry around Beryl around his neck as well, as he reads, or just let him gently crawl around his (beefy, sexy - Tsizilia) arms. He has this immense, calm energy, that we like to call Beryls 'Zen mode' (we even gave him a nickname, Zen-ryl XD)
It is usually me who washes the pets, and Sephiroth trims them/helps them through shading time. (He just finds snake/serpent shading very fascinating to watch🥺) I dry Nocturna, while Beryl is left to dry on his own.
Link to the ask game!
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matan4il · 2 years ago
Why I will never give up on Canon Buddie..... Listen I am just a little straight girl who grew up on romance novels. You want Eddie with a women. Well, I mean Vanessa was perfect if you were a writer.
One dare I say she was a better version of Anna and 2 with a little manipulation she could be the girl version of Buck. I mean no one ever could, so don't come for me with pitchforks I just meant in general. She was beautiful, fun, a little heartbroken and didn't add stress to Eddie. Telling the story?? So easy it's a tale as old as time. She shares his culture so let's fake date to throw our tias off. Become friends. Maybe meet Chris. Maybe hesitate to do more because she's jaded and worried it won't work out and how will that effect Chris. Like I have seriously read this story a million times yet the writers never pull the trigger.
My second thing. Again I am a moderately attractive straight single girl. It is not that hard for me to find a relationship. I can throw a rock and find companionship you know?? No disservice to us straights it's just facts. So the fact that the writers intentionally get this wrong while being so loud about the couch screams volumes to me. Especially when you couple it with the fact these 2 do not wing man for each other, talk about sex lives and only refer to the significant other to tell them to dump them. That is the loudest part about their living in each other's back pocket BFF forever relationship. I mean Eddie couldn't even process Buck taking care of himself.
In conclusion 911 if you want me to stop shipping them this all on you. I mean I will never stop. But you could at least try!!
Awww, Nonnie! :D Welcome to the hopeless romantics club! We got comfy cushions for you, as well as cookies. ;)
Regarding Vanessa, yeah. I have seen plenty of rom coms that start off with the exactly interaction she and Eddie had. He's not ready, she's not ready, they come to the date with the intent to let each other down easy, and when they realize they were never an option for the other person, it intrigues them. It could have easily developed in the direction of "instead of going through this repeatedly, how about we fake date to get our Tias off our cases?" and slowly falling for each other. TBH, I wouldn't have been surprised if that's what 911 would go with, since so many shows would. I'm glad it didn't, that the point really was to help Eddie progress on his romantic journey rather than set him up with yet another LI.
I agree with you! I already thought it was eyebrow raising when 911 let Buddie be single throughout the entirety of s3 and a respectable chunk of 4a. Now in s6, they're both once again very single. And we're talking young, good looking, heroic firefighters. It should not be hard for them to find romance, yet out of almost 5 seasons of them being on the show together, roughly 2.5 they spend with both of them being single men. When they're the only single members of the main cast! That is VERY unusual, it's not the route most TV shows would take with their only single characters, you know? That Buck and Eddie are directly responsible for this state of double singleness a part of the time just makes it all more hilarious. XD
I've said it before, I will always ship Buddie. Which means as long as the show is on air and both of their characters are alive, I will hope for canon Buddie. But even if that doesn't happen, Buddie is canon to me. The show has written and filmed their epic love story, and I can't unsee that no matter what. In my head, it will always be just a matter of time before these two morons figure it out.
Thank you so much for this ask, lovely! Have a wonderful day. As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: "An Inside Man"
The beginning of my endless stressed paranoia about Thrawn, also obvious reveal is obvious.
I expect this recap to be pretty breezy, I've already liveblogged this episode once.
Hoo boy I cannot tell you the amount of tension there was before this episode. The TV adverts were packaging the footage from both this and "Visions And Voices" together in order to hype up the midseason closer, before the show went on break for the winter.
So you know, the hype was real.
Let's get into it.
[EDIT: Oh screw you, Tumblr, that was a whole forty minutes of work that you just ate, this is ridiculous.]
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Right, so that's not subtle at all.
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In addition to leaning heavily into the "Axis-occupied territory in WWII" aesthetic, the smog around Capital City is so much thicker, practically a new ozone layer, ammonia yellow in color. That is not sunset that is the city lights bouncing off the cloud of pollution wafting through their streets.
I haven't mentioned it before but Taylor Gray sometimes has this way of pronouncing the word "my" that gives Ezra just a little bit more of a "folksy" drawl, fitting for an Outer Rim farming planet. I do love how you can kind of "geolocate" where different characters come from by how they talk. High British or Imperial British accent? Core World. Southern American drawl? Outer Rim.
Now imagine Pryce with an accent like Ezra's and remember that every time she speaks she's totally faking her Core World accent. XD
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Looks a bit like downtown LA, frankly. Minus the skyscrapers.
Yeah no, still love this shot Ezra pulls off while balancing precariously on the speeder engine. Such skill. Much badass.
The Kanan-Ezra tag team against the walker is great too.
Oh! Just noticed the non-fanfare titlecard has a bit of the dark male chorus from Thrawn's theme. Nice.
Something nice to note, the show does multiple chase sequences on this highway and none of them feel identical to each other. They're all uniquely staged.
I rewatched a couple times and the second speeder was actually taken out by debris from the first, bouncing forward and ricocheting off something.
Fitting right in with the WWII theme, internal saboteurs at the Imperial factories is very French Resistance. I honestly didn't expect to see the Sumars again so this was a pleasant surprise. Also a bit sad now, considering what happens.
*whispers* They paralleled Mr. Sumar's first conversation with Ezra.
This attack on Lothal's factories has been in the planning for a while now, since Season Two at least I think. Even though we were driven off Lothal, it's never been far from mind, and we've been constantly trying to get back there to liberate it. To Phoenix Cell and the Alliance it's a matter of strategy, of crippling or slowing down the Empire's war machine, but for the Spectres, for Ezra, it's personal, and it's been their focus from the very beginning. (Mostly. Ezra does get sidetracked with his obsession of personally destroying the Sith. More to meta ramble about that later when we get to "Twin Suns".)
Ha ha I remember when we all thought that the "new type of weapon" being referenced here was the Death Star. And personally, as I've said before, I still think Lothal was heavily involved in the Death Star's construction, that process was spread out across multiple Outer Rim worlds, resources and materials gathered from all over the place to keep it secret.
But once they introduced Thrawn they kind of had to give him a personal connection to Lothal, too. His rivalry with Hera wouldn't have cut it, that can play out anywhere, in any theater. (Hera's own stake in Lothal is also tenuous, generic, halfway between Ezra's personal drive and the Alliance's practical strategic considerations.) His being there at Pryce's bequest to help quell the Rebellion there offers no personal incentive outside of serving the Empire. But putting him in charge of the TIE Defender's development is perfect, in-character and easy to fit into what had already been established about Lothal, that it was a primary location where new TIEs were being produced.
Recall that Thrawn is not opposed to the Empire's tyrannical authoritarianism but he does think it's often ineffective. Advocating for the development of superior starfighters is right up his alley. If Thrawn had had his way or Palpatine had listened to him more, the resources, materials, and labor pooled into the showy but money-guzzling Death Star would have gone instead to bolstering the Empire's naval superiority, into better faster starfighters, more Inderdictors, and more capital ships like the Super Star Destroyers. Things to counteract the Alliance's flashbang hit and run tactics.
And the Rebellion probably would have lost.
So yeah, giving Thrawn a pet project specialized TIE fighter to be developed and constructed on Lothal was the perfect narrative decision.
...I went way off into the weeds there didn't l? Lol. Where was I?
Right, infiltrating the factory.
Love when Mr. Sumar asks Ezra if has any manufacturing experience and when he admits no, Ryder laughs and says he'll fit right in. Commie-style forced labor gang-pressing yaaaaaay!
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Once again, the imagery is very deliberate and not at all subtle.
Ezra grew up on Lothal and he doesn't know who Pryce is on sight. This bitch been shirking her planetary governing duties for literal years, busy trying to be "hip and in with the cool kids" as it were, the perfect Imperial suck-up and sycophant.
A large part of Thrawn's effectiveness as a villain in Rebels is that you never quite know just how much he knows at any given time. Was his coming to the factories to inspect them just an unlucky coincidence or did he know Kanan and Ezra were going to be there? Is he just Dangerously Genre Savvy? How does he keep turning up in places right when the Rebels have made their move? It stressed me the crap out when I was originally watching, gave me hella Paranoia Fuel, and made his presence in every scene just that much more uncomfortable.
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Like right here, with this scene where they linger just long enough on Thrawn observing the disguised Ezra to make you nervous, and the feeling lingers even though he steps away, because you almost think he picks Sumar out of the line-up because Ezra's there, targeting him for execution (basically) in order to flush Ezra out.
Also, btw, love the menacing cellos that accompany Thrawn's footsteps into frame.
The absolute slow dread and dramatic irony of this whole scene. D: It just builds and builds and then explodes (literally and figuratively), Thrawn's theme coming in full strength to emphasize the horror of the moment.
See, Thrawn's not above Make An Example Of Them when he thinks it's effective. (See also having Rukh behead that one officer in Legends canon.)
Lyste, you really should start questioning when Imperial astromech droids act crazy randomly around you lol.
It's a smidge distractingly fortuitous that there's always a convenient Scout Trooper around for Ezra to steal the armor off of.
This scene between Pryce, Kallus, and Thrawn is like some kind soothing British ASMR, everyone's voices are just so calm and smooth.
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Ooof, Thrawn's rare displays of emotion are always a big deal, I flinched just from this tiny flash of anger.
Something else effective about Thrawn's presence is just how much more competent other Imperials start acting when he's around. Not officers like Lyste or Konstantine but the low-level grunts always seem more keen to cop on to things, just a bit smarter and more ruthless, when Thrawn's in an episode, like he brings them up to more rigorous standards of performance just by being there.
Probably why Pryce immediately falls apart and makes stupid impulsive decisions as soon as he's more than thirty feet away from her lol.
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So there's Sabine's wall graffiti, already pulled off the building, I think that painting is from TCW, there's Ezra cadet picture, the mosaic from the Syndulla house, and a bunch of ancient Loth-cave scribblings.
I suspect Thrawn grabbed the retaining wall for the starbird (incidentally getting the Loth-cat drawing he'd later use to identify Sabine's work on Ezra's helmet in "Through Imperial Eyes"), and the cave paintings, obviously, because ancient Lothal culture.
Once again, Thrawn's deductions are razor sharp, but not OP. He's noticed the Phoenix cell has a particular attachment to Lothal, thus they will inevitably try to return to it.
Slowed down and replayed Kallus revealing himself a couple times just to look at this fight, Kanan starts by elbowing Kallus straight in the collar. Kallus reflexively throws a punch which gets pushed aside by Ezra. Kallus almost kitten bats the two of them before Kanan pins him to the wall.
Still LOVE how utterly flabbergasted Kanan and Ezra are at the reveal and how much grief they continue to give him after it lol.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Kallus gives his very slight double-take at Kanan when Kanan pulls off his helmet, like he's surprised to see the scarring across his eyes.
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Living for how much Ezra just casually bullies Kallus here. <3
"Or perhaps... an expected one." Lol nope, I can safely assure you, Thrawn, they did NOT expect Kallus to be Fulcrum.
Case in point about Thrawn's mere presence making everyone else more competent, the AT-AT pilots immediately question the AT-DP's presence.
This was really clever, having Ezra drive the chicken walker behind the AT-AT and use it for cover. I may have mentioned but it bears repeating.
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Back when the show was airing and people were speculating about eventual defeats for Thrawn I think I was one of the very small number of people rooting for Marida Sumar to get to shoot him in the face.
Still want that AU.
TIE Defenders be no joke, people. They are fast, agile, shielded, and they have hyperdrives. They would have shredded the best the Alliance had.
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Still love Zeb's chagrined grimace in the background there.
Ngl, once again, the ambiguity of "Just how much does Thrawn know?" is scarily effective. Thrawn's addressing Kallus seems deliberately calculated, like he's making some kind of subtle threat.
And whew!
After the shaky quality of the last episode this return to form is quite a relief. The tension is tightly wound and palpable throughout, and there's a genuine sense of danger. Thrawn is placidly competent. We suffer an actual loss. Everything is pretty much excellent this episode, even without the benefit of seeing Kallus's turn we believe it.
Love rewatching this one. <3
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quinloki · 5 months ago
Ohhhhh hi Quin :3 checking in from my lunch break <33333
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic?
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Hm three good things going on in my life....
Man, legit there is so much stress for me right now, that's a pretty tall order.... ^^;
I'm not homeless - and I'm not going to BE homeless. I got an Rx mixup sorted and got my meds in time \o/ I have an incredible network of friends who have kept me sane and happy despite the plethora of utter hell this year has been, and I am immensely grateful for every last one of them.
Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them.
I do XD - I'm on my desktop though and I don't have many pictures on this comparatively. These are more from when we first got Gaspar and Harley (Harley's the void, she's named after Dr. Quinzel), so they're a few years old, but still cute =3
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Gaspar still lays with his belly out for the whole world.
Dream theme/plot for a fic?
Arranged Marriage to Marco, enemies to lovers where they almost end up successfully getting away from one another like they've wanted from the start of the story, but something happens that makes them both realize what a mistake that is and they're doing that like, run toward each other in the ran all mucked up and wounded and desperate until they just collide and kiss desperately in the rain and afterward they're so terribly smitten Izou asks if they're certain they haven't been cursed or something.
Writer's Truth & Dare Ask Game
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 years ago
DS9 4x03 Hippocratic Oath thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
So excited for this episode, love me some Miles&Julian
"I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something with him." Oh Worf, you are new here, aren't you?
"Odo keeps him in check." "Yes, but not in prison." Maybe - just maybe - there's a reason for that? Given Odo's been Chief of Security for three years, and Sisko's a very competent commander?
"We're on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the station two days ahead of schedule." Hah, no you won't!
Julian just completely bullshitting "by spending your free time in the bedroom, a place you intimately associate with Keiko, you are actually expressing a desire to be closer to her during her absence." like he's a student with a word count to reach
"Why can't she be more like...[you]" "More like... [me?]" "Well, a man. More like a man." I cannot with this conversation, ever.
The two of them bouncing around in their seats is so ridiculous to watch XD
I was so confused about how Miles is a non-com until recently - in LARP it means non-combatant, and I kept thinking that no-one ever respected that Miles should not be fighting!
Miles' non-reaction to "We will kill you first."
"Human, rank of lieutenant with a specialty in the sciences." "Doctor, actually." If he's going to die, he's going to go down with the right title, thank you very much!
Loving this conflict between Odo and Worf. You go, Odo! (Is it bad I'm looking forward to Worf losing this battle?)
"They need a doctor. Someone's injured, or sick." "If that's true, Julian, don't help them." But he's gotta, it's what he dies, Miles!
" And you need to understand that I'm a Starfleet officer, and I won't do any work for you that might potentially be used against the Federation or any other race for that matter. Now, if that's what you want, you'll have to kill me." Julian you are incredible, you know that?
"Now give those men what they need, please." ohhhh, the tight desperation in his voice 💔
Odo is being much calmer about Starfleet poking their nose in his security matters than usual - maybe because Worf doesn't actually have any security jurisdiction, unlike Primmin and Eddington did?
Miles' "Sir" and "Lieutenant" playacting (foreshadowinggggg)
Julian's suddenly gone even posher??! Somehow stress brings out RP in extremis?
I love Miles and O'Brien both having perfectly valid different opinions. This argument is fantastic and I love Julian's impassioned "They're not animals. They're people being used as slaves. And this is their one chance at freedom."
"I am the senior officer here and I have decided what we're going to do. Now, I need the bio-spectral phase discriminator from the runabout's sensor array. I haven't got the technical skills to remove it, so I'm ordering you to do it. Is that clear?" Oof, I don;t think he likes taking this role, and having to give orders, but he's clearly very frustrated with Miles' opposite beliefs
Julian's demonstrating his determined belief in Goran'Agar's goodness by trusting him to find O'Brien for him <3
"You are a soldier?" "I have been." "Then you explain." Finally, something that might resonate with Miles. Just too late.
"Let's just say DS Nine has more shades of grey. And Quark definitely is a shade of grey." Yessss exposition the premise of DS9 to the newbie :P
"You had a choice and you chose to disobey orders, override my judgment, and condemn those men to death." Ohhh, this gave me some genetic engineering feels... (so many in fact, that there is more on that here!)
"Maybe in a few days." I don't know what that smile's doing, Julian, but I'm glad you're hopeful.
This is such a great episode, I really do like it - and Miles and Julian acting as foils to each other and both having incredibly convincing points of view is phenomenal, more please! :P
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angelicdonuts · 9 months ago
can you yap some more about carmen and jennifer!!
This is Carmen and Jennifer !! (IN THE REAL WITH COLOR TOO WOWIE!!)
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They're both cisgender afab and both use she/her!! They're also both 17 (Juniors :3) AND they're lesbians!! Jennifer also happens to be asexual :33 !! They love each other sosososooo much <3<3<3
In terms of more their individual stuff.. :
Carmen is 5' 1 1/2" :3 ! She's Latina (puerto rican :3) !!
She's kind of... crazy! Kind of unhinged! Just a little kooky! A few screws loose in that one >_< !! She's a total girlfailure, and nothing in her life goes right, or it just ends bad somehow <//3 she has like absolutely ABYSMAL luck and is hanging on by a thread almost 24/7... and she kinda wants to watch the world burn ^_^ !! She's a straight C student with a single B :3 ! She loves Jennifer sosososoo much, and she's quite literally the only thing in her life that's ever gone right :3 <3 !!
Jennifer is 6' 0" !! She's Filipina :3 !!
She's really sweet and calm literally 24/7 and thinks her girlfriend is really silly and she loves her sooosososo much :3 !! She's a perfect student with straight As and a perfect attendance, and just overall future valedictorian ^_^ !! Since she manages herself and her time really well, she's hardly ever stressed out by her workload, but when she is, Carmen is undeniably her remedy for it ^_^ <3 ! She also happens to be the younger sister of another oc of mine I haven't shown yet >_< !! She can also sing really well :3
And as for some extra background details!!
Carmen and Jennifer were actually some of my first ps ocs! They go WAAAYY back... and while they haven't changed much in looks, they've changed DRASTICALLY in character... because ooooh man.. not sure if I'll talk about it.. but they were ROUGH back then
I genuinely don't know what I was thinking back then Ť□Ť !! But I can gladly say they're a LOOOT better now ^o^ !! There was even a point where I was going to scrap them because I couldn't find a way to make them not so.. terrible, so I shoved them into the back of my mind and tried not to think about it ^_^"... but of course, I eventually ended up revamping them, and here they are now!! I love them so much, and I think they're just sooo sweet !
Not sure if I have anything else to say about them because they're definitely not the most complex characters I've ever made so that's it for now! :3 ! And again!! Thanks so much for asking!!
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piracytheorist · 2 years ago
What's this? More clueless reacting?
Continuation of this as @yumeka-sxf outdid themselves and sent me more out-of-context spoiler-free manga screenshots.
Reminder to not spoil me about those. Let me have my fun.
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This four five "six"-year-old is going through. A Lot. I kinda love how that ranges from difficult math problems to protecting her loved ones from bombs, which should be terrifying but I am not immune to Endo's writing and humor. All Forgers deserve their peace and what Anya deserves in particular is to get more rascal gremlin time than stressed gremlin time.
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That's more like it! Badass Anya!
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Since That scene of "there's a trace of true emotion in his smile" I am growing weak on the knees every time Loid smiles because. How do I know for sure it's all fake? What is there to dispute my view that his expressions are starting to betray his true emotions?
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*grasps chest* *gently touches screen* *screams*
SOMFT 😭😭 Is he looking at Anya here I am going to SCREAM if he's looking at Anya here. Or even just thinking about them I'd take anything. MY SOUL FOR SOMFT LOID 😭😭😭😭😭
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I've been so used to such expressions that I immediately assume something funny is happening here. I cannot for the life of me make out the environment around him, or if he could be shocked by looking at something/someone or is just leaning back and having a CrisisTM and staring at the void. Could be just Anya being 0.1 seconds away from accidentally revealing she knows he's a spy, though. Or maybe Yor made another exhibit of her super strength and he's left with the most confusing boner of his life.
Speaking of Yor...
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Oh boy I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me :) Is she killing someone or trying to cook? I love not knowing.
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1. More adorable Yor that deserves the best and 2. WHO HURT HER. SHE LOOKS SAD. WHOM DO I HAVE TO BEAT UP. IS IT LOID IMMA BEAT HIS SHIT UP I DON'T CARE. Or maybe she's just shy about something. I love not knowing!
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Again that's probably like, something funny happening here. Those two don't have normal reactions to normally frightening stuff. That's why they're made for each other :D
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Like sister, like brother am I right. What is he so shocked about. Did Loi-Loi kiss Yor's hand I wish lol and that shan't happen? I love how when ShockTM happens, Endo takes the "square mouth" route.
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A fancy man! I genuinely love not knowing what's happening you have no idea.
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This could be Becky's reaction to thinking about or seeing Loid but it's gonna make my heart grow three times its size if it's Anya she's so loving with ;_;
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LMAO those were sent in random order but putting them together makes it look like it's progress from one to the other. What is Bond all shoujo-filtered about. Is it a good steak? Anya being adorable? And then he's sweating about stuff again. I love (painful) how being a part of the Forger family means dealing with unimaginable stress. Is he thinking about Yor's poisonous cooking? That might make his blushed reaction the opposite then... thinking about Loid's cooking XD
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I smell character development. He's sweating in both cases so in the first one he's not just being a little shit. It means Stuff is happening. Do you see what a few drops of manga sweat can do.
For some reason it's in this one that I see his O_O expression and I'm like "oh serious stuff is happening is his father being horrible to him again" instead of thinking that it could be a funny moment. I love not knowing and I love not knowing when those stuff will happen, I genuinely mean it.
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