#Malcolm Moon
thoughtkick · 3 months
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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perfectquote · 5 months
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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perfectfeelings · 7 months
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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quotefeeling · 8 months
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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perfeqt · 2 months
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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thehopefulquotes · 2 years
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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surqrised · 1 year
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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Legend of the Witches (Malcolm Leigh, 1970)
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tricoufamily · 1 year
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they all listened to max scream in the car for an hour straight
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king-of-the-road · 4 months
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31, Rob Zombie, 2016
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edyavtostopom · 1 year
Что могло пойти так.
Снега навалило ппц
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И мороз такой, что утки замерзли.
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Ох уж эти перепады настроения XDD
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Секунда - добрейшей души оборотень.
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В последнее время Ликан стал проводить больше времени с Фейт за разговорами о всяком важном. И после того раза, когда Ликан хотел обнять Муна, а тот его оттолкнул, они почти не играли вместе. Стоит вот, хочет позвать поиграть.
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А Мун морозится, делает вид что не видит Ликана, "иди с Фейт разговаривай", и болтает с Винсом, а у Винса лицо "не впутывайте меня в ваши разборки" XDD
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Сегодня вечером выпускной бал Винса. Лу заказал пиццу, пока ребенок будет на тусе, он успеет ее одну схомячить.
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На выпускном. Огляделись, пора б Винсу замутить с кем-то. Или хотя б подружится. Желательно своего возраста, а не звонить ночью взрослым мужиком про стояки рассказывать.
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Етить он привиреда. Малькольм - не, Дуэйну он не понравился, мне давно нравится Рахул, все хочу к кому-то пристроить, но Винсу не понравился. Более менее сошлись с Хьюго так забавно, шкала романтики лагнула и горела как будто она есть хоть и пустая.
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Похвалил наш пиджак.
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По приколу закинули голос за Хьюго как за королевскую персону.
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Бабка отжигает.
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Не ожидали, но он победил.
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Не обрадовался.
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Ну, логично, чувак, который весь вечер стоял в стороне от толпы вряд ли обрадуется дополнительному вниманию к своей персоне.
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Но вроде все норм.
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А потом у меня появился новый пейринг. Краем глаза заметила, что Малькольм флиртует с Рахулом. И стояли так рядом рядом, а потом Рахул ушел танцевать с девчонкой и они не пересекались. Хммм, скрывают свои отношения, по любому. Мальчик из богатой семьи и парень из села, мммм, романтик.
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Вместо продолжения вечеринки в парке аттракционов пришлось срочно ехать домой, пришла смс от Артура, Лу рождает.
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thoughtkick · 2 years
All I want to do is hold you into the night and wake up knowing you’re still there.
Malcolm Moon
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waywardwizzard · 1 year
"But Cap'n it's the Neon Moon festival!" Kaylee exclaimed, her eyes wide and pleading. "Can't we just stay a li'l while longer?"
Mal frowned, swallowing his tasteless bite of protein.
"The what festival?"
"The Neon Moon festival. One week ever year the planet's two suns and the only moon align, causing the moon to be extra bright. There's usually a big celebration at the beginning... of the... week..." Simon trailed off, aware that the whole dinner table was staring at him in varying degrees of fondness and hate. He flushed and looked down at his food, missing Kaylee's starry eyed look.
Mal closed his eyes and sighed.
"Aww, please Cap'n? Serenity ain't entirely fixed yet-"
"I thought-"
"- and it'll take at least another day or two for her to be right again. Please?"
"Come on, Captain," Book said, laying down his utensils, "let the kids have some fun."
Mal shook his head, denial clear on his face.
"The Alliance-"
"The nearest Alliance presence is the Reliant two planets over," Zoë off-handedly said, ignoring the Captain's wounded look.
"Mutiny. Y'all are-"
"I heard there's some good company near the town square iffin ye catch my drift." Jayne wiggled his eyebrows much to Mal's disgust.
"Jayne. Don't ya ever-"
"Do you want to go shopping with me River?" Inara asked, ignoring Mal's spluttering. The Captain was getting really annoyed at being ignored.
The girl nodded eagerly, her mouth full.
"Can I-"
"Maybe we can find you a slinky dress lamby-toes," Wash leaned in to whisper to his wife. She smiled and pecked his cheek.
The conversation rose and reached a crescendo and Mal had had enough.
"Bi zui!"
Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, the only sound the humming of Serenity's engine.
"Fine! Y'all can go to the festival! Just, just stop with the telling, I don't want to know."
Slowly the conversation trickled back and Mal turned to Zoë.
"Ya planned this, didn't you?"
She smiled and nodded at Book.
"I had some help."
"Relax, Captain," Book said, his eyes sparkling, "I'll be sure to keep an eye on them."
Mal nodded, satisfied, and turned back to his flavourless meal.
Maybe, it wasn't such a bad idea. They could find some fresh stuff to eat at least. Anything would be better than what was on his plate.
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memoriesofachicken · 4 months
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A happy blessed 81st birthday to one of my favorite actors of all time: Malcolm McDowell!
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Trick or Treat Studios has released Michael Myers masks from Rob Zombie's Halloween and Halloween II. Developed using master molds from the films' special effects artist Wayne Toth, they cost $60-70 and are expected to ship in September. Replica knives are also available for $12-25.
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mariocki · 6 months
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Pathfinders in Space (ABC, 1960)
"Now, the remainder of us have fifteen hours of oxygen left. That leaves fifteen hours in which to complete our research here."
"Well, what's the good of all that if you can't come back with it?"
"The moon never destroys her treasures, Henderson. We shall leave a record and it'll be preserved in the vacuum of the caves. And the future expeditions you mentioned, they will find it."
#pathfinders in space#1960#children's television#classic tv#abc#malcolm hulke#eric paice#guy verney#peter williams#gerald flood#harold goldblatt#richard dean#gillian ferguson#stewart guidotti#pamela barney#irene sutcliffe#hugh evans#astor sklair#michael guest#the first sequel to the seminal (and sadly entirely lost) serial Target Luna; for reasons best known to the production team‚ despite being#a direct sequel with the same characters‚ every major role was recast for Pathfinders (and so sadly we don't get to see a young Michael#Craze). often described as a precursor to DW‚ and honestly that's hard to deny: this might be the first uk kids sci fi serial to really#nail that family friendly vibe‚ with enough interest for both children and adult viewers alike. it's a rare gift that it exists complete#and finally getting to it i found it a genuinely compelling series. it can be a little cheesy and a little silly in places (adorably‚ our#astronauts take a full tea service to the moon and regularly stop for tea) but i actually ended up learning some stuff about the moon from#this 64 yr old series. Gerald Flood's everyman journalist is a nicely constructed audience avatar but it's missing cheese expert Peter#Williams who gives the orders (and regularly imperils his own children). a lot of fun! well worth seeking out for old tv fans#also needless to say the various miniatures and fx work is frankly adorable.#and shoutout to Prof Mary Meadows‚ it's nice to have a kickass lady scientist in a show this old (and who remains cooler and more capable#than her male counterparts on more than one occasion).
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