#Mai's guide helped me a lot to understand how to draw them:)
mewharley · 2 months
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Jade as a Mobian:)
Jade the dog 🤔 i guess
can she be a wolf? I want her to be a wolf haha
Also I just realized Sonic characters usually don't have long hair! (fur?)
or when they do, it's really specific how it's drawn 👀 I'm fixing it on the digital version ❤️
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slashercult · 11 months
pick a seal for the kind of beauty you have
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reminder that not all of the messages in this reading may apply to everyone. so with that i urge you to take what resonates and leave the rest. don't force anything if it does not fit. this reading is mainly just for fun. don't forget to follow or reblog if you want to see me do more readings like this.
pile one
your beauty comes from within your strength and ability to care for those you love most. you are protective over the people whom you love and this makes others admire you a lot. im getting that a lot of you have very beautiful hands and even nails, or you do beautiful art with these hands like gardening, painting, etc. your energy comes off as calm and soft to others which attracts them to you. im also getting that some of you have very nice beautiful shoulders that are strong. people get inspired by you and everything that you do, whether you realize that or not. there's something about you that is very firm, almost as if you are a flower that is stuck in the ground, not bowing to the wind. your physical and inner beauty draws a lot of people in to you and i can see that you may have a lot of admirers.
pile two
your beauty comes from your ability to be able to guide others when they are in times of need. others view you as the light at the end of the tunnel, someone they can look up to when they are in a crisis. much like the wax seal stamp you chose, you stick out to people because of how unique and loving your personality is. i also see that some of you may have glowing skin and beautiful noses. people admire those physical attributes that you have. your skin is softer than most peoples and your nose stands out from your face, but in a way that it's very lovely and compliments your appearance. your beauty comes from within your ability to be patient with others and listen to them carefully. im getting that you are someone who gives people a lot of good and helpful advice!
pile three
your beauty comes from the way you are able to see things as they are without any biases getting in the way. i see that you are someone who views things from a very unique point of view, where you try to understand best of both sides. people are attracted to you because of the way you are able to lift their spirits up when you talk to them. i see that you just talking to people brings them a lot of joy. your beauty comes from your smile, which reminds people of the sun. there is something about the warmth in you that people just can't help to admire when they're speaking to you. your voice reminds people of the song that birds sing, especially those who love you a lot.
thanks for reading! if you enjoyed or resonated please heart and reblog so i can do more of these readings.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 4 months
hi! sorry to bother you, but i would like to get into pop culture paganism and am intimidated by all the.. everything people are talking about that i dont understand. do you have the most basic, "explain it like im four" crash course for learning PCP? [i feel the need to specify, i dont think im interested in being a witch at this time, i just have a pop culture deity id like to venerate] [i think thats the right word? worship? work with? idk]
thank you very much!
I'll happily help, anon.
WARNING! This post is a very, very basic introduction to Pop Culture Paganism, and I'm writing from my own perspective. There's no way I can cover everything. Please let me rest.
Let's start with some abbreviations:
PCM = Pop Culture Magic, the usage of elements of pop culture in one's magical or spiritual practice
PCP = Pop Culture Paganism, the usage of elements of pop culture (including but not limited to pop culture deities or characters-as-deities) in or as one's religious practice
PCD = Pop Culture Deity, an entity who is worshiped as or is a deity in their source material
PCE = Pop Culture Entity, any entity from a pop culture source (any PCD is a PCE, but not all PCEs are PCDs)
And some of my own definitions (yours may not be the same!):
Veneration/worship = including a figure in your religious practice
Work = creating an agreement with a figure in a magical or spiritual practice, which may or may not be religious in nature
Devotion = worshiping one deity above all others, that deity becoming your patron
All of these have been greatly simplified for ease of use in this guide.
PCP can be done in addition to or in place of other religions. Due to the nature of the phrase "paganism", a polytheist approach is implied but ultimately isn't necessary - there are plenty of pop culture pagans who only worship one PCD/PCE. I practice both PCP and """mainstream""" polytheism.
PCP can be done in addition to PCM, but the two can also be mutually exclusive. I, personally, practice both PCP and PCM.
The primary appeal of PCP is that it is deeply personal. Many people who engage in PCP find that starting their religious practice from the ground up, or in using familiar religious practices from their culture that they're used to, is a lot of fun. Others love the source material(s) that they're drawing from so much that practicing PCP is just a natural way to continue expressing their love for it. There are a thousand reasons to practice PCP.
Some of the """mainstream""" polytheism issues appear in PCP, too. Gatekeeping, cliques, the insistence that deities have to "choose" you...a lot of toxic ideas tend to show up, just because of how online spaces work nowadays.
"That's great, Jasper, but how do we actually do this?" I'm getting there, dear readers, I promise.
Decide your approach. What pop culture source are you drawing from? A video game? Music? A book series, or even a standalone book?
Outreach. Do you build an altar or shrine? Make an offering? Write a poem or invitation? Pray? Wait for the PCD/PCE to reach out first? Do you create them yourself?
Set expectations. What are you going to do? What do you expect? Do you want to communicate back and forth, or just pray and not expect a direct answer? Figure out what you want.
Continue developing. Your PCP practice will likely not remain the same as time goes on. Let it grow, and let yourself grow with it.
Hopefully this is a very beginner-friendly 101 style post! For further resources, please check out my Pop Culture Magic/Paganism Resources Masterpost.
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artmunstudios · 1 year
Lies of P Character Analysis: P and Carlo
Spoilers for the ending of the game lie ahead under the cut!
I have been seeing a lot of people refer to P as Carlo, specifically in the Rise of P ending, and I think it is very important to think about this fact, because it kind of goes hand in hand with the themes of the game overall. And on top of that, it's important for when making theories too!
P isn’t Carlo—he never was, and won’t ever be no matter what ending you get. Not even the Nameless Puppet is really Carlo. (His corpse maybe which is,,,,, so fucked)
I'm kinda driving this home, because I think it is really important to understand the difference between P and Carlo, because despite Geppetto claiming that P inherited his personality instead of the memories, they clearly are very different people, and that is solely because of their environments.
He’s much more like a reflection of Carlo, if he was raised in a more loving/nurturing environment. P is a Carlo that isn’t solely filled with nothing but spite and anger towards his father that literally abandoned and clearly even resented him. Compare this to the people around P at the home he knew, Hotel Krat.
Sofia— Never once really says a bad word to P. Not even in the bad ending. She is that gentle guide that, despite claiming to have awakened P for selfish reasons, acts entirely selfless and is willing for her freedom to be put on hold to help P in aiding in lessening the damage in Krat. She compliments him, gives encouraging words, and I would even dare to say she teaches P the value of life.
Antonia— Grandma. Of. The Year. Can we please give this classy lady of all sass and glory more than a peaceful death? Like???? I dunno, sneak her a bottle of that good wine, Tipple Lady seemed to really dig it. If she wasn't so sick I am more than certain that she would have been doting on P more than just verbally. I'm talking that kind of grandma, and you know exactly what I mean. This lady would somehow find a way for there to be ingredients for cookies because goddammit, she may be classy but I bet you any money she makes the best goddamn peanut butter cookies and YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE. Every time P would come back all dirty, he would get the scolding of a lifetime because how many times does she have to tell him to leave that dirty coat and boots at the entry and let Polendina get them for a wash— And finally, if she were well enough you know damn well P would have been even more classy than he already was with those outfits. She would spend an entire day going through wardrobes and having P try each outfit on to see what looks good, because no grandson of hers is going out in drabs she will not have it— Ahem. Er. ANywayyy...that grandma. she would be that grandma. And still kind of is, she just couldn't do much being so ill. And, kind of on the flipside, I think Antonia in a way taught P the importance of death, and how it can be drawing near, but you can still be full of hope like she was.
Polendina and Pulcinella — These two taught P a very important lesson, and even taught it to him fairly early on! Puppets are not inherently evil; in fact, they can be just as alive as any human. They both love the ones they take care of, and provide that sense of kinship that P really needed. In a way, P is biracial (racial....or...????bispecies???? I????? I don't know what to call it?????) so seeing both sides of each half in him is such a great influence, and helps him realize that he may be different to both, he can belong in both worlds.
Eugenie— Sweetie. Babygirl. Bestie. She was thrown into the position of big sister so fast she didn't even realize it until like. The end of the game, I think. That conversation about her big brother seemed to make her realize that she was a big sister to P in a way, I think. Which is why the realization about her own older sibling made things much harder, I think.
Lorenzini— An eccentric, but genuinely kind hearted man. A human, that despite everything, still treats the puppets as family. Hell, he doesn't even convinced that they are the villains, and he is the one to actually initiate the whole path to when the group discovers that Geppetto is the one behind the frenzy. 1000/10, coolest uncle; he probably will buy P so many ridiculous things the moment things have calmed down in Krat. What's that? Oh, yes you need a place to stay--HAVE A HOUSE. DO YOU WANT THE BLOCK I CAN BUY YOU A BLOCK-- (Pulcinella has to withhold finances because Lorenzini will NOT stop buying P shit, and the poor lad doesn't really have a concept of money so of course he's gonna accept it all and just say yes!) .... (The realization of P not really having a concept of currency suddenly startles me. WHAT IS HE GONNA DO WHEN KRAT IS RESTORED??? POLENDINA WHY DID YOU RESET HE NEEDS FUCKIN HELP— )
Geppetto— Ah. Yes. Rat bastard (derogatory). Deadbeat dad. Control freak. YOU. I will. Give him this, and I do genuinely mean this; despite everything he has done, and how manipulative he is, he, ironically, gave P exactly what he needed from a father in some ways. Specifically, Geppetto always reminded P that he was precious and important to him, and that he genuinely did not like sending him out into dangerous situations. Even though, it was for different reasons, and the majority of us were suspicious from the start, we have to think about it from P's perspective. Think about all the things he said to him, until the end at least. P had legitimately no reason to suspect Geppetto. In many ways, as far as P could tell, he was perfect. Encouraging, gentle, he made sure P was always in tip-top shape, and he told him that he was proud to see him fight the King of Puppets (yes it's fucked up knowing it was Romeo, Carlo's possible only friend, but again, P doesn't know that until the very end). In a way, he taught P his own worth, to the point that he valued his own individuality, and refused to give up his sense of self. And in the very end, I think Geppetto realized that P was not Carlo, but he loved him like a father, despite everything.
Gemini (I FORGOT GEMINI AND HAD TO EDIT TO ADD HIM IN CAST ME INTO THE FUCKIN FIRE I AM A FAKE PINOCCHIO LORE FANATIC) - Gemini, in my opinion, in this iteration is less of a conscious and more of a??? He's kinda like Romeo's replacement, in a way; he's P's best friend. He kinda also teaches P humor as well, which is honestly a take on the talking Cricket that is so unique. He's like that awkward teacher that is young but still a little out of touch with the generation he's teaching that it's like the equivalent of hearing your 30 something professor tell a fucking dad pun. Speaking of teaching, he teaches P a lot! Especially history, and cultural stuff for Krat; and I think that's also really important for development! And it is really sweet how he still, despite Krat being in disarray, tries to kinda give the city that sense of wonder and joy for P that maybe other tourists would have.
Now, contrast that with Carlo's life:
His father drops him off randomly at a place he doesn't know (a fucking orphanage dude, you couldn't even be fucked to ship him to a proper private school at least Geppetto?) at we can assume age 10-12, without even bothering to tell him when or if he would come back, based on that first memory we see. How many more sleeps until daddy comes back? Geppetto couldn't even be bothered to see his graduation, and he claims that he would not care if he just dropped over dead. And, I'm gonna be real, just based on the line delivery, as well as some personal experiences (get into that a little later with some dissection) I fully believe he means it. I'm gonna be real, the people who say stuff like that, specifically older kids edging adulthood, most of the time they really mean that shit. And, to make matters worse, it's not even just Geppetto that brushes him off, even people that you could argue are supposed to be mentor figures, brush him off. But we don't know enough yet about the Stalker Woman, so I won't go too deep into that. Right to his death (which we have to assume was homicide) it seemed like the entire world, but Romeo, rejected him.
In a way, it makes sense that the Nameless Puppet is just a rage-filled, calculating, killing machine when it gets P's heart. It doesn't inherit the personality, just the memories. And that, with the kind of life Carlo lived, makes for a very dangerous being.
Let's also think about what Giangio said, too. He calls P a new kind of human. P doesn't just magically get human guts and whatnot. He's not human, he's a cyborg, I suppose, but even that doesn't seem entirely right. It's just kinda as Giangio calls him; a new kind of human. I guess, if we want to get cheeky, P is a Legion Human. Carlo was human, and that's just how it was. Carlo never comes back, but the memory of him does seem to live on in P. He's like??? He starts off as a reflection, and ends up becoming a legacy to Carlo, in a way.
But there is one huge indicator yet that shows that P and Carlo are separate people.
I'm gonna be honest, and say potentially a bold take, but I genuinely don't think Carlo would have cried if he were there when Geppetto dies, I really don't. Just speaking from personal experience (yet again), I have an absentee parent that, the older I get, I kind of realized was never really in my life. Similar to Geppetto in a way, too, in the concept of wanting more of a concept rather than actually being a parent. So, just speaking from that perspective, if my absentee father who never bothered to get to know me or even cared about who I was as a person died in such a way (lowkey from his own hubris) I can't say it's realistic to think that someone with that kind of relationship would cry for that parent. Feel sad? Absolutely, it's not like you are heartless and just lose all sense of apathy for that person. But it's hard to really mourn for a stranger at worst, and a associate at best.
However, P does cry. More than that, when you see him curl over Geppetto's body in the true end, that right there, is fucking despair. Again, just kind of speaking from experience, your body does some weird shit to cope when you are upset over a death. You kinda revert back to that state of being a kid, wanting to coddle your precious thing because when you were at that age, you believed that things could be fixed with stuff like a hug, or cradling, etc. It's not a conscious thought, but that is part of the reflex. P holds Geppetto, the man that he genuinely sees as his father, close; because it's the only thing he knows what to do in that moment. If we think about Carlo and Geppetto's relationship, can we really see Carlo holding his father close like that?
TLDR: P and Carlo are two entirely different people; and it is almost solely because of the environments they were in.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Save a horse
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Gender neutral reader
Doc Holliday x Reader
Holliday likes what he sees, and he will let it be known.
Dedicated to @callsignscupcake​
They of course wouldn’t actually say this back then, but how can I resist?​
Tombstone was a unique place. Therefore, it brought along some unique characters. One such person was a favourite of yours.
John Holliday, or Doc to literally everyone.
Doc didn’t know you at all. You had never dared approach the man, but you have seen him around a lot. Gambling, drinking, walking and talking with the Earp brothers. He always seemed to be around somewhere.
The man in question was up ahead talking to Wyatt Earp. You were doing some chores in town when you spotted him. You couldn’t help but admire him. The pair seemed to be in deep conversation, so you could admire them without concern of them catching you.
Doc was a dying man with a strange sense of humour, but you liked that about him. He was kind to those who gave kindness and stood up to those who tried to start a fight. Doc was also quick on the draw. You had been lucky enough to even witness his gunslinging skills.
A voice called out to the pair from behind you. The two men turned to see who was there. You had a split second to move and make it look like you hadn’t been standing there staring. You kept your head down as you walk, hoping they hadn’t noticed at all.
A pair of eyes follow you as you walk across the street and then disappear out of sight.
You don’t see Doc for a couple days after that. You’ve been busy getting on with things. Keeping to yourself. Business as usual. 
It wasn’t until one evening, while making your way home, that things changed. You were lost in your own mind as you made the walk through town. A walk you knew like the back of your hand. You hadn’t even noticed him step out of the shadows until his arm was around you, and you were then facing the other way. Your snapped back to find yourself tangled up with Doc Holliday himself.
Hs hand was settled on your hip as his arm crossed over your stomach, blocking you from moving. He was flush against your side, or more so, you were flush against his. His crystal eyes shone with mischief as his lips quirked upward into a cheeky grin.
The fox had the rabbit.
“A fine evening for two fine people to meet, wouldn’t you agree?” He says, coughing a little at the end.
“Not yet. I feel your eyes on me, but our gazes never quite meet. Always fleeing the scene before we ever get a chance to speak.”
You look around you, but only find that everyone else is just passing by and getting on with their day. You’re not quite sure what’s happening and find yourself at a slight loss.
“I don’t understand,” you say.
He chuckles slightly and lowers his arm from you. You find yourself turning rather chilly without his touch upon you.
“I see you often, but you always disappear before I can even make a move. Are we destined to be in this town together but never meet? Does a dying man not get a chance with pleasant company? Perhaps my reputation chases you away.”
You frown.
“Not at all. You’re one of the best gunslingers in this town.”
He perks up at that. Plush lips quirked into a cheeky grin.
“Is that so?”
“You know so,” you say. “If you don’t mind, I was on my way home.”
Holliday does not move. Instead, he offers you his arm. You stare at it with confusion. He couldn’t possibly be offering to walk you home. Surely, he has a game to win, a drink to have, Earps to keep company.
“May I?” He asks, seeing you not make a move to accept.
Well, you do after that.
Doc feels rather smug as you take his arm and allow him the honour of your company. You both walk casually through town, with you guiding him the way. 
Not once does he take his eyes off of you. You can feel his steely gaze on you as you walk.
“What is it that captured your gaze, darling?”
You avoid meeting his eyes as you look ahead.
“What are you talking about?”
“Do you think I don’t know? That I haven’t seen you? Always looking from afar, never stepping any closer. The beauty that’s forever out of reach. Never have I wanted something more,” he says, voice dropping low, lips drawing ever closer to your ear.
You swallow softly.
How can one man hold all the cards and show them to you before the game is over? Unless he’s bluffing, but what does he benefit from that? He doesn’t know you.
“Your pursuit signals are confusing me. Is this genuine?” You ask him.
“I have never been more honest in my life.”
“How could John Holliday possibly want to waste his time with me?” You ask.
“Waste? Not at all. People like you are rare in a town like this. I am lucky to even be given a moment of your time now.”
“You came up to me,” you remind him.
“Exactly. You were never going to come to me willingly. I had to take matters into my own hands and snare you into my trap.”
“These arms, dear. A cage you may never wish to be freed from.”
He was smooth. Smoother than you thought possible. It was clear why people were either fond of him or despised him. He knew how to work the opinions of others.
You come to a stop, and he stops with you.
“This is me,” you say.
Doc turns to the house. It’s small and out of the way of the main city streets. Yes, it’s quite you, he thinks.
Reluctantly, he lets go of you. Yet, you don’t move from his side. You meet his eyes at last and he smiles.
“I feared you were repulsed at the sight of me.”
You’re shocked to hear that.
“How could anyone be repulsed at the sight of you? I’m sure handsome men like you get many gazes from others,” you say.
“Quite. Not all friendly.” 
You laugh softly. That seems to please him.
Holliday reaches for your hand and holds it within his. He keeps his eyes on yours as he stares at you. You have to turn away after a moment as his gaze becomes too much to hold.
“May our paths cross again.”
“Should you be so lucky,” you say, finding your boldness.
“Oh, I do not need luck.”
You find yourself smiling at him.
“Then I look forward to our next meeting, Doc.”
He grins.
“As do I, darling. As do I.”
He releases your hand from his and lets you move to your house. He stands there and watches you go. Before you are able to disappear into the house, he calls out to you.
“Perhaps next time you would like to ride with me, as opposed to away from me. Save the horse, ride the cowboy, dearest.”
He tips his hat before taking his leave.
You’re left staring at his back as he goes.
Something tells you you’re in for quite the adventure wherever he is concerned. It’s one adventure you find yourself eager to take part in. Doc Holliday was right. His arms are a cage you would willingly fly into.
Perhaps sooner than you think.
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waterdeepp · 4 months
In regards to Gale being manipulative…
I do not believe Gale is perfect, for starters. I believe he’s human. It absoutely grinds my gears to see people pull every excuse in the book as to why he’s somehow evil or toxic. So, join me in this comically long post on why i disagree.
On Gale’s Relationship Manipulation In Act I
I’ve seen so many posts saying his first romance scene (where he is teaching the player magic) the start of his manipulation and i Just Have To Laugh. Are you for real? Guys. Come on
For those unaware, Gale begins to teach the player magic, hoping to share a special or intimate moment with them. You can begin his romance or keep it platonic at this point. Make the call. I’ll be using direct quotes from a game article to draw debunk points from.
NOTE: I AM NOT PUTTING THIS WRITER ON BLAST!! I am simply using points from their article that i see others use!
[Gale’s Manipulative Tendencies Are Stronger Towards Someone He Is Romantically Involved With]
I don’t believe Gale is being manipulative in his romance introduction. I believe he’s wanting to share a moment with the Player. If the Player is a magic user Warlock/Wizard/Sorcerer, it remains the same. Gale is a Wizard, he would understand the technicalities of magic better than a Sorcerer or Warlock. Sorcerers are born magic users, but it doesn’t inherently mean they’re as skilled as a Wizard. Wizards understand the finer points simply because they STUDY. He asked if you are studied in magic - namely a wizard on the beach. He doesn’t dismiss you for being a non wizard, he’s just SEEKING a wizard. I’m getting off topic. Back to the romance scene
[One of the earlier scenes in which the player can form a relationship with the wizard involves him “teaching” them a bit of magic (even if they are also a spellcaster and ostensibly don’t need any teaching), which entails him guiding their hands as they perform a rudimentary spell.]
It was a romance scene. Gale is a teacher, of course he’s going to help guide the player. He doesn’t dismiss your ability if you’re a natural magic user, the scene remains the same.
[it can come off as creepy or opportunistic, like he’s trying to use magic to subtly seduce you.]
You don’t have to agree to it. You can very easily tell him no or stop at any point! He used something he’s good at to get closer to you, this is not manipulation! If the player imagines kissing him, he doesn’t make a move or push the issue. He drops it. He’s not seducing you, you are seducing him.
Is showing romantic interest in someone manipulation these days?
Act II
The Orb
The thing that can kill him and everyone around him. Yes, he talks about it a lot
[brings up the doom he faces due to the volatile magic in his chest as an excuse to become intimate, insinuating that he might die soon and it might be the last chance. While other characters in the player’s camp may straightforwardly ask to have a romantic or sexual relationship with the player, Gale seems almost like he is trying to coax them into it.]
That is simply not what happened. He is sharing his emotions and the severity of the situation. He expresses his fear. He does the same if you are platonic with him, just no sex scene of course.
He uses this time to tell you he’s in love with you. He’s been tasked to kill himself, OF COURSE he wants to confess his love before he fucking dies!! You can very easily turn him down before you get to this point. Even if you are romantic with him. He never pressured you into sex. Period. He did not manipulate you into having sex with him. He confessed his emotions during a time of hardship and fear. This is not manipulation. It’s honesty.
Gale is faced with a great choice. This could be his last chance to experience the human emotion of love. He loves the player and won’t let it go to waste. Coaxing you, yes. He’s trying to court you but he doesn’t have enough time. He’s afraid. He respects your choice of saying no early on .
Confessing how you feel is not manipulation. He did not use sex to manipulate the player. He had sex with the player because he’s in love with them. If you want to be very technical, Astarion used sex to manipulate the player. His own words.
I’ll end this here.
TLDR: Gale is not the male manipulator people say
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astrojulia · 2 years
To All my Air Placements People
-Or for those who have already read "just feel"
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One thing that really bothers me about the astrological community is their relationship with emotions and those who identify as "air people." As an Aquarius dominant, I try to absorb the best of every word, situation, and perspective, as it is my nature to see reason and to consider things from multiple points of view. I don't see a problem with using words like "manipulative," and I'm not particularly concerned with being politically correct.
However, one issue I can't ignore is the way that air moons and people are often described as having difficulty feeling emotions. The common refrain is, "You don't feel, you just think." This creates a lot of subtext, such as "You should just feel and not think," "How will you survive when you realize you can only feel and not think," and "You overthink and don't feel."
I know that this kind of post may not be popular, as people tend to prefer direct solutions rather than philosophical discussions. Additionally, many people become overly attached to astrology, which I don't quite understand, as someone who practices greco roman paganism and views the stars as simply giant balls in space guided by the Gods. However, my goal is to help air people who may be feeling bad due to these descriptions and depreciating themselves unnecessarily. I want to provide them with the tools to live their lives in their own way, without relying too heavily on astrology. If possible, I also hope to change the mentality of the astrological community regarding air people. Or maybe I just want to help myself, who knows?
In this post, I will use my knowledge and concepts to explain why the concept of feeling can be misunderstood, how air people experience emotions, and, most importantly, how to work with your feelings.
Have you ever questioned how emotions work and why we experience them differently in different situations? Fortunately, neuroscientist Lisa Feldman has been working for 25 years to explore these questions, and her book "How Emotions Are Made" provides a scientific way to understand how our bodies process emotions. I will explain the main ideas in a summarized way.
While the amygdala is often regarded as the brain's emotional center, it is not the only part of the brain responsible for emotions. In fact, emotions are not solely processed in the brain, but throughout our whole body via neurons. Studies on monkeys who had their amygdalas removed showed that they temporarily lost the ability to feel fear, but eventually regained it. This suggests that our emotions are not simply regulated by a specific part of the brain.
Instead, emotions are processed when neurons in our body are activated and send signals to our brain. Our brain then processes these signals to determine what the emotion is and how we should respond. For example, the smell of a bakery may cause our mouth to water and make us feel hungry, while waiting in a surgery waiting room may cause us to feel anxious and lose our appetite. Physiologically, both situations trigger the same neurons, but the emotional response is different because our brain takes into account the context.
In other words, our emotions are not simply a reaction to stimuli but are influenced by our environment and our own interpretation of the situation. By understanding how emotions are made, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and how we respond to different situations.
Drawing upon my esoteric knowledge and delving deeper into the data, have you ever wondered how neurons "communicate" and signal to the body that something is happening? The answer lies in the air. Yes, the gas we breathe in is linked to our emotions. It travels to our brains and is processed in a way that best suits the situation. Interestingly, people with different elemental signs have their own unique ways of dealing with air, which means that the gas they expel is processed differently. However, some may argue that water is the element that deals with emotions. While this may seem like an esoteric concept, I have my own explanation for it.
Neurons are present throughout our body, and the part that is referred to as our second brain is our viscera, especially our stomach, which is ruled by Cancer. Our hormones also play a crucial role in our emotions. It is a well-known fact that we don't think clearly when we are aroused, and our reproductive system, which is ruled by Scorpio, produces a significant portion of our hormones. Our feet also have a plethora of neurons connected to our emotional world, and they are ruled by Pisces. Therefore, water signs are adept at managing their emotions as they work well with this part of the body and process their feelings more quickly. Furthermore, in astrology water rules the emotions, in others studies it can be the air, or even the water rules the material.
Let's delve deeper into the subject and discuss our emotions in more detail. We need to think about them, even if it's just for a second, before we can truly feel them. While this may come naturally to us, it is something we learn as we grow older. When information is transmitted to the brain, the first thing it does is to search for a similar sensation or situation from the past to determine the appropriate response. To demonstrate this, take a look at the picture and try to see something. Then, check out the next one…
Pulling for my esoteric part and exploring more data, you know how the neurons “move” and say to the body that something is happening? By gas. Yes, air. Our emotion is linked with air, that gas goes to our brains and it will be processed in the best way for the situation, and air people have their unique way to deal with air, so that gas that is expelled will be worked in a completely different way for the air people than all the others. But is it not water who deals with emotion? Esoteric saying, yes, but I have my own explanation for that…
Neurons are on our whole body, and the part that is called our second brain are our viscera, principally our stomach, ruled by Cancer. Our hormones work a lot with our brain, and everyone knows how we don’t think too well when we are aroused. The part that produces a great part of our hormones is our reproductive system, ruled by Scorpio. Have you ever seen the amount of techniques focused on stress and negative emotions on our feet? From massages and acupuncture, our foot has a ton of neurons connected to our emotional world, and it is ruled by Pisces. So why are water people good with their emotions? Because they work well with that part of the body, they sign rules and process their feelings quicker, but do that better with their specific part.
Now we can go a little deeper in the subject and talk in more detail with our feelings. We need to think about them, even for a second, before really feeling, but that should be easy for everyone because it is natural and born with that… Yes, it is natural but we aren't born with that… We learn how to feel as we age. When the information goes to the brain the first thing it does is to search for the same sensation and the same situation in the past to know what to do. I can give you an example of how we actually just work with things, with our memory and prediction of what is going on. Look at the pic and try to see something, after that click in the link and I will heal your little problem:
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Now that you've seen it, you can't unsee it. The black and white one will make sense now. This is how emotions work: we need to experience a situation to truly understand it. Emotions are complex and we often need to go through a situation more than once to really comprehend what's going on. However, if you put an air person in an environment they already know, they won't have a problem with their emotions.
Now that I've explained how we misunderstand emotions and how they actually work, I'm going to share my knowledge to help my fellow air signs in the best way possible. This is what I've learned to become the best version of myself.
When we feel something, our system works like this: we feel a sensation in our chest, and that information goes to our brain, which tries to put a word to that sensation. Once we find the best word to describe the sensation, it goes back to the area to check if it's accurate. If it's not, the process repeats until we find the best description. So, how do I work with this? I have a lot of emotion names in my memory, so I don't waste time explaining how I feel. Yes, I feel a lot (Pisces Jupiter, Scorpio Mars..), but no, I don't feel the same way as you. Allow me to introduce you:
The Wheel of Emotions
Yes, that is how I do my s***, I take some time in my life to see that wheel and verify what I was feeling in that moment, how I can improve myself, and knowing that I’m not such a bad person, I’m giving you more than 80 feelings explanation here, hope you like. You can see that the main feeling connect with each other.
Fear: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight); an anxious feeling; a feeling of profound respect for someone or something.
Horror: intense and profound fear; something that inspires dislike; something horrible; intense aversion
Dread: fearful expectation or anticipation; be afraid or scared of; be frightened of; causing fear or dread or terror
Mortified: suffering from tissue death; made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride
Nervous: of or relating to the nervous system; easily agitated; causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
Anxious: eagerly desirous; causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
Worried: afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
Insecure: not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way; lacking in security or safety; lacking self-confidence or assurance
Inadequate: lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; not sufficient to meet a need, not welcome
Inferior: one of lesser rank or station or quality; a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character; of or characteristic of low rank or importance
Terror: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety; a person who inspires fear or dread; a very troublesome child
Hysterical: characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria; marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion
Panic: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety; sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events; be overcome by a sudden fear
Scared: made afraid
Helpless: lacking in or deprived of strength or power; unable to function; without help; unable to manage independently
Frightened: made afraid; thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation
Love: a strong positive emotion of regard and affection any object of warm affection or devotion a beloved person used as terms of endearment.
Tenderness: a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling; a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched); warm compassionate feelings
Compassionate: share the suffering of; showing or having compassion
Caring: a loving feeling; feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others
Peaceful: not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war; peacefully resistant in response to injustice
Satisfied: filled with satisfaction; allayed
Relieved: (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear; extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
Desire: the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state; an inclination to want things; something that is desired
Infatuation: a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration; temporary love of an adolescent; an object of extravagant short-lived passion
Passion: a strong feeling or emotion; the trait of being intensely emotional; something that is desired intensely
Longing: prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
Attracted: direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; be attractive to; exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away
Sentimental: given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality; effusively or insincerely emotional
Affectionate: having or displaying warmth or affection
Fondness: affection or liking for someone or something
Romantic: conducive to or characterized by the expression of love; of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality; person with romantic beliefs or attitudes.
Joy: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness rejoice
Enthralled: capture the fascinated attention of
Rapture: a feeling of intense pleasure or joy; a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; a state of elated bliss
Enchanted: influenced as by charms or incantations
Elation: an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression; a feeling of joy and pride
Jubilation: a feeling of extreme joy; a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event; the utterance of sounds expressing great joy
Euphoric: exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
Enthusiastic: having or showing great excitement and interest
Zeal: a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause); excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end; prompt willingness
Excited: in an aroused state; (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
Optimist: a person disposed to take a favorable view of things
Hopeful: an ambitious and aspiring young person; having or manifesting hope; full or promise
Eager: a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary); having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy
Proud: feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride; having or displaying great dignity or nobility
Illustrious: widely known and esteemed; having or conferring glory
Triumphant: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; experiencing triumph
Cheerful: being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic
Jovial: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Blissful: completely happy and contented
Happy: enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure; marked by good fortune; eagerly disposed to act or to be of service
Amused: pleasantly occupied
Delighted: greatly pleased; filled with wonder and delight
Content: being pleased and satisfied (feeling content) or making someone else feel happy and at peace with things (contenting them)
Pleased: experiencing or manifesting pleasure; feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth
Satisfied: filled with satisfaction; allayed
Surprise: the astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you a sudden unexpected event the act of surprising someone
Moved: being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
Stimulated: emotionally aroused
Touched: having come into contact; being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; slightly insane
Overcome: To feel something very strongly. It is usually used in a positive way
Speechless: temporarily incapable of speaking
Astounded: filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock
Amazed: feeling or showing great surprise or wonder
Astonished: surprised, amazed, astonished or bewildered
Awe-Struck: filled with feelings of fear and wonder: filled with awe
Confused: mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; lacking orderly continuity
Disillusioned: freed from illusion
Perplexed: full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment
Stunned: filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock; knocked unconscious by a heavy blow; in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
Shocked: struck with fear, dread, or consternation
Dismayed: cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress; to cause to lose courage or resolution (as because of alarm or fear) must not let ourselves be dismayed by the task before us; upset, perturb were dismayed by the condition of the building
Sadness: emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being the state of being sad the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness
Despair: a state in which all hope is lost or absent; the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well; abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart
Grief: intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death); something that causes great unhappiness
Powerless: lacking power; impotent
Neglected: disregarded; lacking a caretaker
Isolated: not close together in time; being or feeling set or kept apart from others
Lonely: lacking companions or companionship; marked by dejection from being alone; characterized by or preferring solitude
Shameful: (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame; giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation
Regretful: feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
Guilty: responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; showing a sense of guilt
Disappointed: disappointingly unsuccessful; sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hopes or expectations
Dismayed: struck with fear, dread, or consternation
Displeased: not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
Sadness: emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being; the state of being sad; the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness
Depressed: filled with melancholy and despondency; in a state of general unhappiness or despondency
Sorrow: an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement; sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; something that causes great unhappiness
Suffering: a state of acute pain; misery resulting from affliction; psychological suffering
Agony: intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; a state of acute pain
Hurt: any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc; psychological suffering; feelings of mental or physical pain
Anger: a strong emotion a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance the state of being angry belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins.)
Disgust: strong feelings of dislike; fill with distaste; cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
Contempt: lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous; open disrespect for a person or thing
Revolted: to turn away with disgust. transitive verb.: to cause to turn away or shrink with disgust or abhorrence; to experience disgust or shock
Envy: a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another; spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins); feel envious towards; admire enviously
Resentful: full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will
Jealous: showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages; suspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival
Irritable: easily irritated or annoyed; abnormally sensitive to a stimulus; capable of responding to stimuli
Aggravated: made more severe or intense especially in law; incited, especially deliberately, to anger
Annoyed: aroused to impatience or anger; troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances
Exasperated: greatly annoyed; out of patience
Frustrated: disappointingly unsuccessful
Agitated: troubled emotionally and usually deeply; physically disturbed or set in motion
Rage: a feeling of intense anger; a state of extreme anger; something that is desired intensely
Hostile: don’t want to talk to people, be around them, or even have them near us
Hate: the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action; dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards
And now we’re done, my biggest goal in this post as I already wrote, is to chance that point of view of the air people, but the most important part is to take off that bad sensation from you chest, my air fellow, that I feel and know that existent every time you read that you’re emotionless and don’t now how to feel the things in the right way. Thank you for your and kisses from the sea.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 8 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №1
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next 2
This is the translation of the first post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Originally, this drawing was supposed to contain an alarming image to pair with another drawing of Dream with an alarming image. I couldn't make it work, so I decided to draw Nightmare on skates. Behind him, Dast appeared, and I remembered a fanfic that interested me, and gradually, all the others were drawn too.
This is actually art for the translation of the Wayward fanfic, which I sent to the translator to try to give him the strength to continue the translation. I just read the first chapter on ficbook, and I was struck by how Nightmare and Error were not alone, but with the Night's children, wandering around Backrooms.
I know that there is a lot of horror in the text itself, but I am a supporter of cuteness, and my Backrooms with a group of Sanses will be quite toothless and cute. I don't know if my inspiration will last long, but let it be as it is. Plus, Roskomnadzor has again gone through my VPN, and before I can finish reading other chapters of the original, I will need to look for other services (not cool).
The concept is as follows:
🔪 Killer. He doesn't see anything terrifying about his current situation. Probably the calmest of all these newcomers. It's really something new in his life. It is unknown how long his enthusiasm will last.
🪓 Horror. He is currently in a wild panic. He can't stop thinking about the lack of food around him. It's pretty critical for him because of how he was changed by his own dungeon - he needs physical food. But Kill's stupid jokes distract him a little.
🦴 Dast. This guy is extremely tense. He's not all right even in normal times. He found a way to cope by sticking closer to Papa Nightmare, who is quite noticeably sucking out his emotions. He doesn't feel strong hunger yet. It's unclear whether it's due to stress or other reasons.
⛔ Error. Oh, this guy is harder for me, but let's say that together with the soft and cute Backrooms, we have a less unstable and cute Err. He's scared to wander these corridors alone because "these anomalies" can find a way out, but he can't. Fortunately, he doesn't need food. Out of a sense of contradiction, he wanders nearby. They are especially useful to him. At least Nightmare and Cross. At the insistence of the latter, he keeps the group together with threads. He already wants to strangle Killer with them.
⚔️ Cross. An anxious child. In the same degree of panic as Horror, but copes by turning on his instincts as a former guard and watching their backs. He was the first to experience the fear of wandering alone, suddenly getting lost.
🌙 Nightmare. It seems that he is the only one who has fewer and at the same time more problems in the current situation. When they first lost Cross around the corner, they were able to find him by his panic. He feeds on the negativity of those around him, even Error feels it. Feeds Cross and Killer with magic (not ship things). He considers options for what to give Horror as food (remember all those survival guides in Backrooms on a cellulose diet). It is in his interest to take care of the survival of the others in order to feed himself. He uses all his diplomacy to prevent Error from leaving the group - this glitchy devil, due to his proximity to the code, feels all these "portals" that have already separated the group more than once. He understands that the group will soon get used to the environment, and the stress of novelty will be less.
Links to the materials that inspired me:
Original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46523554/chapters/117149551
Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/018cc86e-a416-7f80-8511-6d42d3136ac4
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork"
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blackteatarot · 1 month
Connecting With Your Deck
This is a quick guide on choosing and getting acquainted with your cartomancy deck. I can’t confirm that this is a recommended or widely used method, but it’s what I did and I’ve been getting accurate and insightful readings for years now.
Your first step is choosing a deck. My goal when choosing mine was to find a well loved deck of playing cards, one that had seen many hands and hopefully learned many things. I happened to find an old, clearly worn one in my basement that’s worked great. I can’t promise your finds will happen as perfectly as mine did, but if you’d like to search some thrift stores by all means give it a go!! Whether you luck out finding a unique one or pick one up from a drugstore make sure you cleanse it first in your way of choosing.
After cleansing, get to shuffling!! Turn the cards over in your hands, get comfortable with them. As you do this, begin to ask the deck if it wants to work with you. I find it important with any tools I use to make sure that they understand their intended purpose and are able or happy to oblige. I recommend very literally introducing yourself, explaining your intentions, explaining the ways in which you wish to work together, and then asking if the deck wants to work with you. It’s important to have tools you can trust!! Then, draw your cards and see what the deck has to say, expect it to start simple!!
After your initial introductions and agreements are reached, begin to ask the deck about itself. What does it want to help you with? What role does it wish to play in your practice? Playing cards are quite a bit different from tarot, I’ve found they have more personality and tend to have an affinity for certain topics. For example, as I’ve gotten more comfortable with reading I’ve begun to ask my deck what it wants to talk about at times, giving it room to offer any advice it may have. As a result of this, I’ve learned it’s very interested in relationships and is quick to ask about people and offer its knowledge on their intentions. Up to this point, it’s been pretty spot on about those it can answer for and honest when people I’ve asked about are hard to read. When I go too long without asking these questions I tend to have “stalker” cards (recurring cards no matter how well I shuffle) in my readings that often turn into conversations about relationships when I address them. Nothing wrong with this, just one of the quirks of my deck.
If it hasn’t become clear from the way that I talk about cartomancy, I approach a lot of my readings like a conversation. I tend to do lots of different drawings in one sitting the same way you would sit and talk with someone; we go back and forth asking and telling. I’ve tried having more strict readings where I only have set questions I want to ask, and still do on occasion, but my readings tend to be more productive if I let the session evolve and get as much information as possible about the entirety of a situation. If you feel working this way makes sense for you, I recommend starting with low-stakes questions or things you may already know the answers to just to get used to how responses may be phrased or shown.
A few examples of questions you can ask/start with:
What card do you feel represents me?
What do I tend to focus on in my practice?
What should I focus on in my practice?
You know more about what it is you want from card reading so take some time to think about it!! Start with questions that make sense for your style of divination!!
I want to make clear that this method is entirely made up by me. It’s the best thing I devised from the very generic, recycled information I found about cartomancy when doing my research. Therefore, this means there are likely lots of holes in it and places for improvement. If you find ways that work better for you, then reblog or comment with your findings!! I’d love to know!! That’s all from me, do your own research, stay safe, and happy reading ♧
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mitcheechee · 2 months
Hey, new follower here! (I'm actually in the wrong account so please don't mind me being anonymous!) I really love your art and I mainly wanted to say that your art and style is amazing and beautiful! Secondarily, do you have any tutorials or tips on drawing bodies, hands and I noticed you do blood? I understand if you'd rather not answer that; if so just only the first half! Love your art! Thanks for existing (if that makes sense)❤️
wah... first i just wanna say tysm!!! youre so sweet 😭
i unfortunately dont have any tutorials or anything made already and i dont really want to make any as of right now because i feel like i have a long way to go in terms of learning how to properly draw a lot of things. since i don't know what im doing id feel really lousy putting out a tutorial when i dont even have a lot of the basics down yet...
im gonna blab under the cut about tips (not really tips on drawing bodies themselves as a guideline, but what has helped me practice and thus allowed me to get better at drawing bodies in my own art), so u dont have to read all that if it doesnt interest u! but regardless thank u again for being so sweet!!! sorry i couldnt give u what u wanted.. maybe one day... 😭
again this is just how i practice, but its GENUINELY helped me get so much better.
all i can say as far as tips is to definitely practice with references as much as u can, it really will help u improve. i know people often dont like that advice too much but its really true... every time i use references to practice for a bit i can tell it helps me, and looking back at older art i know its true. i dont often use guidelines (i really need to...), or at least not in the sense that i do in most of the guides i see so i feel like i cant give much else in terms of advice tho, other than that.
anyway, its one thing to just use a reference, but really trying to get it down and learn it (learn the body, anatomy, how to draw it all) so u carry that knowledge on is sorta different, for me
what has helped me to really learn is this method of practice where i
draw a reference photo based off what i see
trace the photo
overlay both my trace and the first drawing i made
go back and choose key points on the photo/trace where i was very off and mark them as a little dot/line and then try to fix the original sketch with those dots/lines to match the photo (look below to understand what i mean LOL sorry)
try and draw it again from scratch based on what i see visually
and for number 4, what i mean is this:
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lets say the 2nd is my visual (rough) drawing based off of the original
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overlaying my original sketch on the reference i can see where a lot of points are off!
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ill make note of a few of the areas that were very off and mark them, then get rid of the reference underneath. ill still look at it as a guide on the side, but overall try to just change the original sketch to match it instead of directly tracing!
i feel like this may not have been exactly what u mean as far as tips for drawing bodies, but ive found that in order to grasp them better in a way that helps u draw them on ur own, doing studies like this really helps! for me, at least, it allows me to better store things in my memory--because looking at the image and practicing doesnt feel like it really CEMENTS any knowledge, but seeing where i went wrong and then working backwards to try and alter it shows me where im lacking in skill, and helps me use that information later!
doing this allows me to understand how bodies take up space. it has helped me to see the body as more of a tangible thing while i draw freehand, and do it more accurately as well, instead of it feeling like its. a limp noodle i cant grasp LOL
i will say, tho, that for hands especially i almost always use my hands as a reference for what i want. like i dont even have a guide for that in terms of what i do to draw them out or guidelines i follow, i just straight up draw them based off what i see or imagine, i dont really do those step by step guidelines...
im sorry again i couldnt rly give u what u wanted, i just dont think im at that level where i can truly give any advice since im not good enough (yet ! we hope) for a genuine tutorial. if u mean something as far as like... body shapes and stuff im still not rly there yet either. i hope this helps even a tiny bit tho, if u read this far!!!
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
I am all about constructive criticism. I mean, how am I supposed to get better at writing/drawing if people won't be honest with me and give me tips to get better. I personally think that people who can't take constructive criticism aren't very bright. How are they supposed to get better at things if they don't listen to others who are just trying to guide them?
Also, I would love some more tips on how to make the shell better. If you are willing, of course. :)
I am horrible at drawing. I usually have to trace things to get a decent drawing. (For instance, I traced like five different things to make Mikey a pony.)
I'm so much better at coloring than I am at drawing. My writing needs work, too, but I'm getting better.
First of all, can I just say that you shouldnt worry about tracing art to improve your own (as long as u aren't posting it as soley your own but thats a whole other rabbit hole) I did too! It helps build ground work for a good understanding of anatomy and poses.
However there are a few holes in tracing. Forst of all it is quite limiting in the outcome of your work, as your art is stuck static in one pose. this can alkost hinder your ability to see things in '3D' and visualise objects for multiple angles. it can also lead to 'skin wrapping' , which i think is the hole you fell into here (and also a term i just made up now)
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with the shell, you only coloured it within Mikey's trace lines - this caused the shell to loose a lot of its mass - making it look, quite frankly, not like a shell.
a way to improve on this is to look at more references of Mikey's shell in the show and its shape from different angles. this can help you get a good idea of how it should look, and it is a good idea to practice drawing it from these angles. this will improve your ability to think in a 3D space, (which is so darn hard, but seriously useful)
however, and you may have noticed this yourself, when you add new additions to the figure, the line art just doesnt line up! the line quality is different!
This is because the line you have done for the addition is Your Line. And we love your line.
so lets make the rest of the traced lineart fit into your style, instead of you fitting yours into theirs okay?
You may notice that when you trace art, the line work is just not the same, the lines are shakier than the original and it just doesn't look as good. this is not a reflection of your skill.
It is because, usually, (at least when I did it) you follow the original line so closely that it turns out shaky, probably taking your pen off the page a few times to take a break from the oen stroke. while the original artist did that line in one sweeping stroke.
a way to fix this, and make the line arr cleaner and more you, is to instead use the drawing as a very close reference. for example:
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instead of tracing the exact lines of the art, merely trace the general shapes of the art. not only then do you add your own flair and gesture to the drawing, you are then more free to add more shapes to this sketch.
You can still use the reference drawing as closly as you want, but try to focus less on getting the exact lines copied, and more on the general shape. you linework wont be perfect the first time, it might be really messy compared to your usual tracing, and thats fine! you should see some of my sketches before i refine them!
But these will be your lines, theyll be smoother and more gestural, and overtime you will get better control over your penstrokes doing this.
Okay I cant really think of anymore to add here, I hope this helps! i think this was just one big word vomit lol. Keep drawing!! cause no matter what you do, as long as you are actively drawing you are always improving! dont be afraid to push yourself out of you comfort zone! who cares if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to? Its your art, You Created That with your Own Hands, and I think that is amazing.
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solofanatic64 · 7 months
Well well well
It looks like the Foot Clan (and my oc Comet) have been teleported by a known yet unknown entity to another universe. One with pretty cure magical girls! That are unfortunately dead and need replacements. And would you look at that, it turns out that, unexpectedly, the Foot Clan are the perfect candidates!
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Welcome to Tmnt: Unlock! Precure Rainbow, a tmnt 2012 au where the Foot Clan have to the power of the Pandora Hearts and the Virtuous Boxes to become Pretty Cures in order to save recollect the Pandora’s Gifts and save Earth and the magical planet of Li-Divie from the evil Leviathan, their henchmen, and the 7 Masters of Malice. The themes for this Precure season include Pandora’s box, rainbows, magic, light vs dark, and finding the goodness in your heart.
There were Pretty Cures before them with the same task, however due to unfortunate events, they died (except for one of them, but they’ve been missing for so long that they’re assumed to be dead). Fortunately, the Foot Clan are able to take their place!
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And you can’t forget about the pretty cure’s mascot and the new Pretty Cures guide through all of this madness, Prismi! Prismi Cosette rainbow teddy bear with angel wings and good healing magic who was sent to find and help out the original pretty cures! He may have just met the new Pretty Cures, but he cares about them and is willing to do whatever it takes to help them through their endeavors!
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There will be plenty of obstacles along the way, and the path to victory sure as hell won’t be an easy one. But hey, they’re all basically stuck in this universe until they bring back peace and order to Li-Divie, so they’ll fight their way through even if it kills them!
Be prepared for slice of life, gay romance, fun dynamics, a whole lot of action, and a whole lot of angst. Will these unexpected heroes come out victorious? Or will they fall at the hands of darkness and despair?
You don’t understand how LONG I’ve wanted to talk about this au, I am so passionate about it and I hope a lot of you become passionate about it too!!! I promise that I’ll start a separate blog for this au soon so that you guys can ask questions about the characters, the story, the world building, the lore, and everything!!! I hope you’ll join me for the ride!
(Ps: I’ve got a bunch of quotes that I saved from when I was drawing Xever, Chris, Ivan, and Anton in case you want me to post them)
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tigreblvnc · 3 months
Your match is...
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— Ryomen Sukuna
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There is something very promising about matching you two together, starting with the contrast in your temperaments, which is apparent to everyone, and one might think it would never work… But I believe, on the contrary, that fire and water can create the most interesting supernatural phenomena.
I get the impression that you might be looking for someone on your level who understands who you are in your deepest aspects and can bring them to light. Not necessarily because Sukuna would encourage you, but because something about him drives you to reveal your hidden strengths. Perhaps in a desire to assert yourself, prove your worth, and stand up to the demon. Not that you have anything to prove to him, but there is something satisfying about resisting the most powerful of sorcerers. You are not easy to overthrow behind your wise appearances, and I am convinced he would appreciate that calm challenge that I am sure you are capable of throwing, even against a great adversary.
Despite his airs of grandeur and megalomania, something tells me that Sukuna would rather be attracted to someone humble, who knows how to measure both their words and their strength. Someone who can bring balance to his overwhelming power, like a marker to follow. It may seem contradictory for someone who loves to sow chaos, but I believe that in the midst of the battlefield, there is always a bud ready to bloom. Yes, his tendency to only respect the powerful applies to those whose minds can rival his own.
You could even find very interesting common ground in your conversations. Discussing the state of humanity, what it has been, and what it will be. He would tell you about the wars he has lived through, and perhaps you would listen attentively without ever agreeing with his violence, but seeking to understand where it comes from. Where does he draw the source of his destructive power from? Finding the answer, and why not tame the demon in what he believes to be his favorite terrain. Transmit your inner peace to his, sow the seed of another way of doing things. Conquer war without ever waging it.
There is something terribly appealing about the idea of winning without having to draw the sword from its scabbard. Perhaps because your words are sharp, you know perfectly how to hit the mark and point out the inconsistencies in the other to transform them into something better. Kings are often said to be very lonely, ruling on their throne of solitude. Something about you could make a queen by his side, establishing a nuanced kingdom. Destruction is not necessary if nothing better can be rebuilt behind it.
I have the feeling that your relationship would play out a lot on intellectual challenge and translate into occasional physical closeness. I can't help but think that the physical is a very important notion for Sukuna, probably one of his main languages. Destruction is his guise, but I have a hunch that he can and would perfectly give to someone who teaches him how. Human warmth is certainly a concept he is very unfamiliar with, but I believe you would know perfectly well how to guide the man to admit it in his most intimate corners. Gestures both gentle and firm. A voice that insinuates itself with calm and precision. You lead this dance he has never led, a war he may agree to lose.
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I definitely ship you both lol. I'm truly convinced that it could work.
A word about your match: It was between Nanami and Sukuna. I chose Sukuna because of the very powerful potential I think you would share together.
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talltale-lore · 9 months
Talltale Lore (info taken directly from my lore doc)
(Just showcasing 3 in this post) (also I’m not the best at drawing humanoids so bare with me lol)
More info about these characters will also be shared in the future btw, these descriptions don’t contain everything they have to offer in this AU, I will have many more tidbits in my “Lore Stuff” segments!
Chara in this AU was experimented on by Gaster behind the Dreemurrs' back. Gaster injects a new (and very dangerous) substance into their soul (which I will reveal what it is later) and resulted in a slow painful death for them. However, after their death, the substance also starts to rapidly spread around the underground; destroying everything, killing everyone, and leaving Gaster as the only survivor (still coming up with how though).
This event causes Chara to not only become horribly corrupted till they are almost unrecognizable, but leaves them fuelled with anger and vengeance for all the pain Gaster caused them… All while the substance injected into them slowly starts to take over their mind and soul until it can use them as a host.
Also, whatever you believe in Undertale, whether you think Chara is evil, good, or neutral; This Chara is very different personality wise! In this AU, they are a very anxious person and could get scared very easily (before their corruption I mean). They have a lot of problems they are dealing with like self doubt, low self worth, anxiety, and trauma regarding their treatment on the surface. They also fear going to anyone about it, keeping their problems to themselves… Not helping that Asriel, although completely unintentional on his part, keeps dismissing how they feel… Not out of malice but simply because he just doesn’t understand their experiences and what they went and are going through.
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Frisk is about 14 to 15 years old in this AU!
For their entire life so far, they grew up in foster care, resulting in them being very untrusting of others. One day, they get adopted by a family who is really kind and loving to them! But Frisk rejects their love and runs away in the middle of the night and wanders towards the mountain where they fall, and so the story begins. When Frisk falls, they are quite a jerk… but throughout the story or in the pacifist route (and especially after the pacifist ending) they slowly start to miss their adoptive family and they realize how wrong they were… Depending on the route, the player is who unknowingly guides them to where their character will end up. Frisk is also importantly supposed to have a parallel character-wise with Corrupted Chara… One I promise to explain far more in-depth Later!
When they run away, they fall into the underground only to find it completely destroyed... They run into Gaster to discover he's the only monster left. Everyone has died but most still roam the underground as vengeful and/or normal spirits. Gaster then puts them to the quest to free all the monster's restless souls wandering the underground just like he did with the 6 humans that fell before them, whether Frisk wants to or not.
And so, They begin their journey… Left with someone who constantly stalks and attacks them… Someone who just may be the most vengeful of all of those in the underground combined…
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All he knows is that Chara went "missing" and desperately wants to find them! He's one of the first monsters Frisk encounters. In fact, he willingly goes along with you throughout Frisk's journey in the underground. In the canon/pacifist route, when Frisk discovers all the horrific things Gaster did to Chara… He starts freaking out and tearfully runs off and not soon after becomes a vengeful spirit. You fight all three of the Dreemurrs at once in this AU, having to free them one by one. With Toriel being the easiest and Asriel being the hardest and longest.
Before everything, Asriel was sadly never able to give Chara the pendent to signify them being best friends due to Chara suddenly going missing after a big fight the two had… (that comes in importance later, as well as the pendant for Chara's boss battle… So remember those two things!).
He feels horrible and guilty every time he sees it, but he still wears it regardless (he wears it in his spirit form btw) and as a personal reminder… a reminder that he won’t give up and abandon Chara despite everything and what they eventually became… As Asriel, although not his fault in the slightest, blames himself for everything that happened to them…
Asriel also plays a BIG role in the Genocide Route (In which I'll explain later).
(I haven’t remastered his spirit and Vengeful forms yet btw, the art is outdated but the designs are unchanged… however it would look jarring showing the outdated art next to these quick colored sketches hhh)
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ametrictonofaudacity · 7 months
Yay matchups! So hello I hope you’re doing alright and feel free to take your time on this one :)
So my name is Lune, and please make sure it’s platonic. I’m aroace and agender, I’m 17 turning 18 (in a few weeks actually I’m pretty excited), I enjoy skating gaming drawing and playing piano (I’m trying to learn guitar). I should definitely mention that I’m autistic and have adhd, although you aren’t expected to do too much research for me, just keep in mind when going out or when I’m with too many people I end up being difficult, this also means I’m a little picky with the clothes I buy as the food I eat. As for my personality it really depends on the atmosphere and how long I’ve known someone but naturally when we just meet I’m extremely awkward, I don’t go out of my way to greet or talk to people, I usually hide or talk to anyone else in the room, plus I might find an excuse to leave early because of how low my social battery is. When I’m a little closer I’ll start being physically affectionate, of course if the friend allows it, not too much though, but it’ll still be noticeable. Speaking about physical affection that’s one of my main love languages, I am the type of friend to hug or kiss my friends on the forehead, if they’re comfortable of course! Additionally I tend to stim too much, I have a hard time controlling my vocal chords so I might appear like I’m yelling, and sometimes, if I’m in an extremely good mood, I’ll feel like I’m high off of happiness. I know I’m not high but it’s the best way to put it,y cheeks turn red I get all giddy and giggly, I run around the room, I like touching stuff with textures rub my face on it and spin around, it’s just pure hyperactivity. I already mentioned this but since I have a small social battery I might need a lot of space? Like me time. Otherwise things get too overwhelming and I shut down, I might cry even. Me time can vary depending on how long I’ve spent outside the house, like if I spent a few days with someone 3-4. I probably wouldn’t make any plans for another week and a few days. The last thing I feel like I should mention is im a little sensitive, I might not exactly cry but I’ll get hurt by a lot of things.
If this is important at all, which I doubt, but I’m raised in the Middle East, I speak Arabic and I did immigrate to North America.
Anyway that’s it thank you for your time
Hi!! Sorry this took me so long, I may or may not have gone into a depressive episode lmfao. Also I really like your name! Without further ado, here ya go! I am also autistic and ADHD, so we're twinning lmao
I match you with Clark Kent!
When the two of you meet, admittedly, it's a little awkward. Clark was used to being quiet, unassuming Clark Kent, and as you mentioned, you don't go out of your way to engage with new people. And Clark wouldn't want to pressure you, he can see how uncomfortable you are, and he understands that some people just didn't like strangers, simply because they were strangers.
But then the two of you keep meeting, and gradually, you start growing more comfortable around him. Part of this is due to Bruce, who he had gotten used to stealing away when the other hero got too uncomfortable in a situation, and had unintentionally taught him how to spot when someone's social battery was getting low, even if they were forcing themselves not to show it in any obvious ways. So he would guide you away with a comforting hand on your shoulder, and make quiet excuses for you, saying how he needed you to help him with this or that thing, how he was very sorry but it just couldn't wait. If you needed to be alone, in order to recharge your social battery before the next bit of interaction, he would run interference, making sure you had time to recuperate. Half the time he just sicced Jon on them, because his son would also be very fond of you and look up to you as an older sibling, even if he realizes he's your sibling before Clark realizes he's your Dad.
As for sensory issues and being a picky eater or being picky in regards to clothes, Clark has so much experience in this you have no idea. Even if his own children didn't struggle with textures, which they do with both Conner and Jon being ADHD which they inherited from him, he struggled a lot with textures as a kid himself. Granted, part of it was due to super senses overwhelming him before he had gotten his invulnerability, but still. Sensory overload is hell, and he is aware of it. He goes out of his way to try and memorize what textures you enjoy, and which ones you don't like.
I think the first time he realizes how fond he is of you, and that you are absolutely his kid, is the first time you openly show excitement and enthusiasm in front of him. I could see Conner teaching you guitar, or maybe the two of you playing together with you playing the piano while Conner plays the guitar and this man is just- big feelings. Big feelings he has no idea what to do with because those are his kids and he loves them so much he thinks he might die from how strong it is.
He absolutely gets you blankets with texture you like too, and various stim toys. He may accidentally steal one, though, be warned.
I honestly see him as being the sort of person to try and learn more about where you were raised. Does this mean he will be trying to learn Arabic? Yes. Is he very good at it at first? No. Does he have a best friend who's son is more than willing to insult him if it meant he got better at speaking Arabic? Yes, even if Damian could afford to be a little less mean about it.
Another good thing is that Clark is pretty much the ideal for if you feel you cry or get upset easy. He's able to actually communicate his emotions, unlike some (*cough* Batman *cough*) and he knows how to make himself seem less intimidating.
All in all, cool dad. Even as a platonic yandere, he would be pretty chill, although there's more kidnapping involved
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koscheys-skull · 4 months
your blog has singlehandedly inspired me to get back into developing my practice again after lots of mental hardship, thank you :,-) it’s so reassuring to see someone with a very similar belief system to my own and your writing is so charming, so I hope it’s okay to ask, but do you have any recommendations for some little things you would consider helpful for getting back into the swing of things? if not, thank you for the inspiration regardless. may your morning coffee/tea be the perfect temperature always and the new day sunlight fall gently upon your face.
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Hello! And Welcome! It's so good to have you and to see you! This is a wonderful question, actually! I am so happy I could facilitate a revitalisation in your Practise and Faith. What an incredible experience for me to be able to inspire someone else! I am so happy you have come my way. This is an incredible important question. And it covers a subject / concern that I feel isn't spoken about enough. It's understandable for fallow times to occur. It is even important at times to go on a hiatus. Below the cut is a somewhat long bit of advice and suggestion for you. I hope it helps you on your path!
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It's daunting, sometimes, innit? Jumping back into something. Well, you know, I like to compare a lot of Spiritual practises a bit like farming or gardening. It's cyclical. Whether or not you incorporate cycles into your working isn't necessarily a necessity. But I am a Necromancer, so naturally cycles and those similar themes play large roles in my work. Death. Birth. Life. Death. Rebirth. So when someone is starting to come back into their traditions and practise, I always like to encourage that person to begin with weeding. I like simple "pound stores / dollar stores" because they often sell cheap little journal / notebooks. If you have one already? Incredible! Give it a task! Take time to go over everything you once knew. Everything you thought you knew. Everything you studied. Everything you understood. Go through it. Is that information still accurate? Is it up to date? Have you learned anything different? What previous attracted your attention? Why? Is that information also up to date? What is drawing you now? Why? All of these are good thought exercises. If you'd like, you can throw some bones or draw cards for some divination to help guide the subjects and how these thought exercises help you move forwards. I would not give any of these subjects or focuses any more merit. Just that. Acknowledge what your field looks like. What it has in it. What your skills and practise might have looked like previously. Just take stock. Then, collect all of that up, and set it aside. Set all of that information and previous experiences aside. And then begin from the ground up. Begin with your core basics: Banishment, Cleansing, Grounding, Discernment, Energy Perception, Shielding, Mental Skills (focus, meditation, study skills), Warding, Opening and Closing circles, Centering, Invocation (calling forth spirits and entities), Evocation (calling up your own inner power and energy), and familiarise yourself with commonplace ritual and magical tools. Things like: Prayer Cords, Beads, Chimes, Bells, Bowls, Athames, Besoms, Bolines, Offering Bowls, Censers, Cloths, Divination Tools - you know the list, I'm sure. Treat yourself like you are a neophyte just starting out. Let yourself be eased gently back into the waters. Don't rush it. Allow yourself to grow your work back from the ground up. As you become more comfortable and more at ease with the beginning materials, let yourself explore and expand into avenues that previously had been a facet of your work. But do not feel pressured to force them into your practise either. Sometimes things change. That is okay. Maybe your new path has different focuses and studies now. Perhaps you are better suited for something new in this new stage of your life. As an individual, you are dynamic. You grow and you explore. Facets of your individual are not going to be the same as they once were. Allow that which has died to be lain to rest with comfort and dignity and move forwards with grace with your new and fertile field. The world and your heart is your oyster. Let yourself be lead by the thrill of exploration or revitalise old energies if that is your joy! There is no wrong answer so long as your practise both fits, suits, and makes you happy. Make adjustments if you feel something isn't fitting right. It's okay. Just take it slow. And enjoy the process above all else. I hope this has provided you with not only ideas but further inspiration. May every corner of your mind blossom with eager energy and whimsical delight in your future to come, my friend!
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