#Magnum Overlord
Round 1e, Match 14: Magnum Overlord vs. Spellbook vs. Nekroz!
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Cranked to Ten!! // Spellbook of Fate // Nekroz of Areadbhair
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violetganache42 · 1 year
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Yuga's Maximum monster has been stored inside Kaizo the whole time? Come to think of it, I wonder if this had anything to do with MIK creating Maximum monsters of their own.
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thewittyphantom · 3 months
The final Asana event happened today in Duel Links!
Asana: Due to the previous Duel, your Magnum Overlord is gone. that leaves two Maximum Monsters in existence - my Wyrm Excavator, and Nail's Yggdrago. That's why you sent your drone to Nail so you could borrow his Yggdrago! Yuga: I'm not gonna use Yggdrago. Asana: What!? You know what'll happen if you don't play them. The last Duel was so easy that it felt unfair. But if you don't want to Maximum Summon, so be it. Yuga: I never said I didn't want to Maximum Summon. I said I wasn't going to play Yggdrago because I'd rather do my own thing - even if it's a long shot! Asana: ...No way! You found three of the old Duel Disks in a matter of minutes? It took us weeks to find even one! Yuga: Time to find out where this road takes me! This is for everything! Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord! Asana: I take back what I said. You really know how to make a Duel exciting! Luke: Their monsters have the same strength, so if they battle, they're both goners! Asana: Yuga, it comes down to this. It's maximum versus maximum! The Maximum Monster that overpowers the other will clear the path to winning this Duel! And prove which of our Maximum Monsters is truly maximum! Yuga: Can't wait to find out, Asana! Here goes! Asana: Work harder, Wyrm Excavator! I know you can win this! Yuga: Don't hold back, Magnum Overlord! Give it everything you've got! Asana: Ahh...! Yuga: Aaaaaahhhhh! Kaizo: Your Maximum Cards have disintegrated, Yuga. But Asana's have as well. Asana: But while they're both gone, we're still here. Yuga: You got that right! So let's keep Duelin'! R6: (BOOM!!!) Asana: R6! Romin: Oh no! Luke: All that smoke! Asana: Don't break down! Not when we're so close, R6! Yuga: Asana! Take a timeout so that you can repair him. Asana: ...I wish I could, Yuga. We've been building and demolishing and Dueling for so long that his parts have become worn out. Yuga: If his parts are worn down, then just replace 'em. Asana: It's not that easy. My company no longer exists, so no one is building replacement parts for R6 anymore. Gavin: Without replacement parts, he can't be repaired. Romin: He's just gonna keep breaking down until he's completely broken. Yuga: Is that why you're trying to get rid of Rush Duels? Because if you defeat me... Asana: Yes. I made a deal. If I destroy Rush Duels, then they'll make the parts that I need. Luke: Who's this "they"? Romin: Who'll make the parts for you? Yuga: Goha Enterprises! Asana: ............ Everyone: Whaaaaaat!? Asana: Now you know why I must defeat your Rush Duels! It's the only way to save my family of machines! For my honor and the honor of my family, I won't let my machines shut down permanently! ...And it doesn't matter that I truly love to Rush Duel. I didn't want it to be this way. But what I want and what I need are two different things. What I need is for the Heavy Cavalry to ride forever! Even if it means crushing your road, Yuga!
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gambling-bartender · 7 months
closed starter for @tangledfate
It had been 3 years since Husk had sat down and sketched out his idea for the Afterlife Casino. 3 years of work and managing and dealing with the ever-present warfare of pentagram city but finally all that work had come to fruition. Finally, Husk's magnum opus would be opened and revealed for all the world to see.
His plan was to throw quite a little get together, drawing in Hell's overlords and the most famous traditional sinners the ring had to offer. He had managed to get some imps to extend invitations to a number of the sins themselves as well but those bigger names had all declined, not that he expected them to show themselves. It was about the principal of it, and a number of them had sent in their apologies for being unable attend so Husk wasn't too upset about it. Mammon had offered to attend but only in the event that Husk signed over 50 percent of the casino's profits and he had thanked Mammon for the offer but had turned it down.
The get together in question was to be one of the best parties Pride had ever seen, and not just that, but a masquerade. Husk had even gotten into contact with some of the best glamour crafters in envy and directed the various attendees to commission them if they wanted a truly disguising costume.
Husk's disguise had been one he had worked very directly with the designer to create. Rather than the winged cat he was naturally, a form he did not mind all that much but certainly wasn't his favorite, he would take on a far more fox-like appearance along with losing the wings. He had kept the black and red coloring but introduced some gold into the clothing. His outfit was to be a black and gold ornate eye mask with a matching vest layered over a cream shirt and matched with a pair of black slacks.
He had very specific plans for the party that evening. The on stage where the various performances would be held normally he had hired a number of live musicians to perform intending to cover a number of musical genres over the course of the night. What would normally be the main gambling hall had been left absent of the usual tables and roulette wheels, instead he had left it empty to act as a dance floor for the evening. The dances were to change over the the course of the night, matching the changes in music and the goal was to provide music and dance from times of the the lives of the various attending overlords. Along the sides of the dance floor was to be playing tables for various games, creating space for guests to gamble to their hearts content and as a favor to those attending Husk had included in his invitation an announcement that all attending would receive 5 thousand dollars in chips to start with, and they could buy or play for more once there.
Husk himself would play little part in the actual running of the event, however. He had left the operations of the event in good hands and had every intent to enjoy himself as a simple guest.
The night was going to be a night to remember, he was sure of it.
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carbone14 · 6 months
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Après son entrée dans Paris avec les troupes de la 2e Division blindée, Simone Segouin, résistante française dans les Francs-tireurs et partisans (FTP), et deux de ses camarades participent à l'élimination des dernières poches de résistance – Libération de Paris – Opération Overlord – Août 1944
Photos Robert Capa
©Magnum photos
Simone Segouin rejoint les Francs-Tireurs et Partisans en 1944 à l'âge de 18 ans sous le pseudonyme de Nicole Minet. Après de nombreuses missions en tant qu'agent de liaison entre Dreux, Chartres et Châteaudun, les FTP lui propose de prendre les armes et devient l'une des rares femmes à prendre part aux combats. Attaques de convois, de trains, de détachements ennemis et opérations de sabotage lui valent le respect au sein de la résistance.
Elle participe activement à la libération de Chartres et s'illustre le 20 août 1944 en prenant part à la capture de 25 allemands à Thivars, à 7 km au sud de Chartres. A cette occasion elle récupère un pistolet mitrailleur MP40 avec lequel elle pose fièrement lors de la venue du Général de Gaulle à Chartres le 23 août pendant sa tournée d'inspection des régions libérées.
A la suite de cette cérémonie, les différents groupes de résistants du département prennent la direction de Paris pour participer aux combats insurrectionnels. La plupart regagnent Paris et font la jonction avec la 2e Division blindée de Leclerc le 25 août à six heures du matin.
C'est la raison pour laquelle, un cliché de Robert Capa présente Simone Segouin aux côtés de deux de ses camarades face aux dernières poches de résistance allemande.
Sa conduite valeureuse dans la clandestinité et son action dans les combats de la Libération lui valurent le grade de sous-lieutenant.
Elle fût décorée de la croix de guerre par Charles Tillon, ministre de l'Armement et ancien chef des FTP le 24 mars 1946 à Chartres.
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tobytost · 11 months
In the grand expanse of the cosmos, where stars flicker with ancient wisdom and galaxies pulse with the heartbeat of creation, there exists a realm where imagination reigns supreme. Within this boundless expanse, there emerged a craftsman named Dave Filoni, a bard whose tales once resonated with the harmonious chords of the Force. In the beginning, his hands sculpted worlds, his words breathed life into characters, and his vision illuminated the darkest corners of a galaxy far, far away.
Oh, how we marveled at his ingenuity! The Clone Wars, his magnum opus, unfolded like an epic poem, each episode a verse in a cosmic ballad. Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and the clones—they danced through his narrative with grace, their stories etched into the very stars. It was Filoni’s storytelling that rekindled the spirit of Star Wars, bringing forth a resurgence of hope among the faithful.
But as the wheel of time turned, a shadow crept over Filoni’s creations. The nefarious specter of greed began to weave its tendrils around the heart of his storytelling. The allure of profit beckoned, whispering promises of wealth and power. And thus, the purity of Filoni’s artistry began to wane, eclipsed by the insatiable hunger of corporate coffers.
We, the ardent admirers of Filoni’s craft, find ourselves in a state of profound lamentation. Where once there was depth, there now lies a barren landscape of shallow plots and hollow characters. The live-action series under Filoni’s stewardship, once hailed as the heralds of a new era, now stand as monuments to avarice. These productions, bereft of the soul that defined his animated triumphs, reek of profit-driven decisions. Substance has been forsaken for spectacle, and intricate storytelling sacrificed upon the altar of easy fan service.
Yet, in the depths of our sorrow, we extend a hesitant hand towards Filoni, seeking to understand the nature of his fall from grace. Is he a captive bard, his creativity held hostage against his will? We theorize, not out of malice, but out of a desperate desire to preserve the belief in his intrinsic brilliance. Could it be that his hands are tied, his creativity stifled under breakneck deadlines and profit-hungry overlords? The very thought chills the heart, for it suggests that the shackles of capitalism have ensnared even the most luminous minds.
And so, until the truth unveils itself, we stand resolute in our condemnation of the avaricious grip of the Disney corporation. The gloved hands of a mouse have become instruments of oppression, throttling the imagination and desecrating the sacred lore we hold dear. The weight of this corporate yoke stifles not only Filoni’s genius but also the collective dreams of fans worldwide.
In the echoes of our discontent, there lingers a glimmer of hope—a hope that one day, Filoni will break free from these chains, that he will once again wield his storytelling prowess with unbridled passion and unwavering dedication. Until then, we raise our voices in defiance, calling for the restoration of creativity, integrity, and the boundless spirit of storytelling that the Star Wars universe deserves.
manifesto anon you genuinely brought my mood up, it's been such a crazy fucking day, sorry I've been delaying answering this but it's always so funny to read your little manifestos they make me giggle
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lucius-morningstar · 5 months
Lucius Morningstar: Son of Pride
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Everyone, I have been dying to share this boy, mostly because he has become my newest obsession. Everyone, Meet Lucius Morningstar. Twin brother to Charlie, why. Because she needs more support and I love the twin trope.
It kinda sucks that for a good chunk of Charlie's life she basically had to deal with a lot of the hard stuff on her own. Up until meeting Vaggie that is, so I figured why not give her someone who can be with her during it all even when going through his own trauma.
I did sadly delete his bio which annoys me because I put a lot of work into it and have no idea how to get it back.
Name: Lucius Morningstar
Gender: Male
Parents: Lucifer & Lilith
Sibling/s: Charlie Morningstar
Friends: Rogue (Deceased), Magnum & Glock (Both be deceased), Jewel (Deceased) Clara and Odette
Personality: All in Lucius is one with a bit of a temper, he's bullheaded but has a great amount of love and dedication for his sister. In his eyes, she's the only person that matters. Hurting her means going toe to toe with him. He has a dark sense of humor, and perhaps very little filter. Which can sadly be a horrible mix if he crosses the wrong demon/overlord and he has a few times. Due to some issues in his past, he kinda keeps to himself and his sister. He has a great sense of loyalty and will defend you to hell and back. (Pun intended)
Sexuality: Demisexual
I will give a small summary of his history and say this. For most of his life he genuinely takes the big brother role as a whole life style. He took a while to make friends and form his own bonds because he wanted to constantly make sure his sister was safe and happy, the friends he did make he sadly does lose through the exterminations. One hitting him the hardest is his first love interest, a young female demon by the name of Jewel. It hits him fairly hard and he does close himself off and like their folks, nearly leaves in the process.
He does manage to snap out of it enough to stick around but he made a rule to only keep himself close to Charlie basically closing any connection with the last two friends he had which he did feel bad for but told himself it was for the best. He can't risk the pain of losing anyone else and so he becomes far more protective then usual and as Charlie's dream slowly starts to build and she slowly forms her own friends amongst the staff and of course a girlfriend, he slowly loses his place in where he thinks he's meant to be. All in all he's still trying to find his purpose in but whose to say when and if he'll find it.
NOTE: I did have three love interests in mind for him and while I was stuck on one I am now unsure. If people would like to help throw in their opinions I'd be more then willing to hear them out.
My original idea was Clara as the two have a lot of history and know each other pretty well.
Second idea was Emily because I feel like she could balance out his more.. frustrating tendencies.
And last to my shock is Lute. Why, because I kinda find the whole enemies to lovers trope both while sickeningly cliche, also very very entertaining.
Been dying to share this boy for a while. Only had to wait to get art from an artist who was okay with me reposting on other sites. The person who made Lucius did not want their art reposted, which I completely understand. So I got this done instead, the ref was done by WolfaSketch on DeviantART.
Lucius's design was done by the creator korosusadopts on DeviantART.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
As we’ve all been waiting for Hazbin to release, I think I’m honestly done with saying “I hope Hazbin will this— I hope Hazbin will that”- because not only is it tiring to say over and over again, but at this point, I realize that most of what I expect from the show are WAAAY too high, especially for Viv’s writing chops. There’s also the visual animation aspect part, like I had hoped the characters would actually pop out from the backgrounds instead of melting right in, but knowing that the main six characters all have fucking red in them, all I can say now is that I hope the composition and backgrounds can help set the scene of where we’re supposed to look and whatnot ect, since that was another area the pilot struggled from. Other than that however, when it comes to begging about what I think the writing and storytelling SHOULD be, I’m going to just stop saying “I hope” because I know it ain’t ganna happen.
There were so many things I wanted the show to improve on when you actually look at the pilot without nostalgia goggles or rose tinted glasses of being a Viv fan years before. You can tell the problems with her when you watch it. She’s too ambitious, she wants to introduce SO many characters and so many ideas to the point where it’s overwhelming, she moves WAY too fast, the pacing in the pilot is some of the worst pacing I’ve ever seen, you can barley take anything in or let anything linger, hence why the second act is clearly better paced while the first act is just pure agony with too many sound effects and fast moving animation. Then there’s my biggest problem, the fact that Viv lacks subtly, she has a shitload of “This is HELL” signs waving in our faces to show the audience that this is in fact Hell despite not looking like it, she has a gay drug addict character who’s named after the fucking drug that he’s addicted to, a “scary” powerful overlord demon that needed an exposition dumb about how powerful and not trustworthy he is despite the fact that you could have just let the audience pick that up by theirselves, like…Viv really likes bonking us on the head with facts and making EVERYTHING so damn obvious without letting us think for ourselves and it’s aggravating, especially since we now know that Heaven is so obliviously evilly corrupt and strict. I get that Hazbin is a cartoon but that doesn’t mean you should treat your audience as if this is a kids show. Hell, KIDS shows have done better at these things.
But with all that said I’m not expecting Hazbin to be good. I know now what to expect out of Viv at this point and the show is definitely ganna be a trainwreck with PAINFULLY unfunny writing, biased viewpoints, too many characters ect. I’ve already seen the dialogue leaks that were clearly written by Viv and my standards for the show are low. I don’t really have hope anymore unless Viv got help with other writers OTHER than Adam, but I know even if she did the show is ganna have her finger prints all over it. What I’m expecting is for it to be bad but POSSIBLY better compared to Helluva, that isn’t a high bar though. Still, I know it’s going to get praise, like…we’re ALL expecting fans to treat it like a groundbreaking magnum opus yada yada, and it’s definitely going to get good reviews from critics. Even though I know Hazbin won’t be great, I’m still of course going to watch, so I can’t wait.
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magnumdays · 11 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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ghostinthegallery · 1 year
Phew, made it under the wire! Here with my writing bestie @sixteen-juniper posting bits of our fanfics. Here is a sneak peek of Chapter 16 of my magnum opus The Silence and The Storm.
Executioner Phillias was in a good mood. She had not been in a good mood for some time with all the games and scheming, but today the sun shone a little brighter on the gardens of Gidrim. She could almost see how one might find this collection of sticks and thorns appealing.
The immortals standing guard at Nepherka's door did not stop her. Why would they? She was expected in the reception chamber. They didn't even disarm her. Goodness they were confident. She almost felt guilty. When she had taken this part of their plan, she had expected at least a little bit of a challenge.
A small ersatz court greeted her when she entered the reception hall with it's trophies on the walls and smooth stone beneath her feet. The psychomancer, a few lychguard, two lesser lords and the usurper himself upon his tiny throne. 
"We bid you welcome, Executioner," the usurper said. "I am curious what business the triachy has upon Gidrim."
Phillias walked forward, each step clearing the exact same distance as the last. It made it easy to calculate exactly how many steps it would take before her warscythe was in range.
"As you can see, we are having a slight crisis of leadership at the moment."
"But Overlord Zahndrekh has abandoned this world."
One of the lychguard reacted to her approach, but Lord Nepherka ordered him back. He said something about rudeness towards his guest.
Phillias could have spoken now. It would have been dramatic to reveal that there would be no negotiating between them. That Gidrim's crisis would soon be over. That Nemesor Zahndrekh had not abandoned Gidrim, but entrusted it to her. Most others in her position would have taken the opportunity to revel in a bit of drama.
She was better than all that. Her warscythe was the only speech she needed.
With one smooth swing, her blade bit the usurper's neck.
He began to scream, and indeed a sound escaped his vocal actuators before gravity finished the work Phillias' glaive had begun and separated the lord's head from his neck.
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bestatsavingface · 3 months
call me when you want, call me when you need
Summary: What if Overlord Husk won a night with Angel Dust instead of his soul? What if it turns into so much more?
Notes: Huskerdust, Overlord Husk, smut, 52k, happy ending
A night with Angel Dust. There are plenty of sinners down in the belly of the casino who would give up all their winnings for what Husk has right now. He’d give it away for free if he could find a way to keep the spider’s mouth shut about it. There’s no way around it now though, and he’ll be damned if he sends the little twink back to Valentino to blab all about what a coward he is, how he was too scared to dick down the most wanted being in all of Pentagram City.
“Want a drink?”
His voice is even rougher than usual, he coughs to try and clear it as he heads for his personal bar, not waiting for an answer. He needs one, Angel be damned. Husk gets behind the bar and pulls out a rocks glass, pouring himself a double of the strongest liquor he’s got. It’s not tasty, but that’s not what he’s aiming for right now. The glass has just reached his lips when something white floods his peripheral vision and he glances over as Angel Dust leans over the bartop, his chest heaving out of his silky pink gown.
Husk splutters on his sip, coughing loudly and turning away as he hides his face, groaning as he wipes it dry on his sleeve before turning back to the spider. Angel is smirking at him, amusement clear on his face as he reaches a hand out and traces the rim of Husk’s abandoned glass.
“Make me somethin’ sweet?”
My Huskerdust magnum opus is officially complete, go check it out!
Read more on AO3!
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Galaxy vs. White vs. Skysavior Thorn Prisoner vs. SPYRAL vs. Supreme King Burning Abyss vs. U.A. vs. Melffy Phantom Knights vs. Simorgh vs. Red-Eyes Mokey Mokey vs. Destiny HERO vs. Evilswarm Fusion Dragon vs. Zubaba vs. Frog Adamancipator vs. Clear vs. Fire King Dogmatika vs. Jersey vs. Duston Floowandereeze vs. Valkyrie vs. Abyss Actor Prediction Princess vs. Magikey vs. Six Samurai Wind-Up vs. Danger! vs. Lightsworn Gishki vs. Xyz Dragon vs. Vanquish Soul Altergeist vs. Machina vs. Springans Magnum Overlord vs. Spellbook vs. Nekroz Herald vs. Arts Angel vs. Rikka Darkness vs. Evolsaur vs. Cynet
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destona32 · 3 months
desu!'s Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 QUALIFIERS - RUSH DUEL division Day 1 Write-Up
Decided to spend some time today to attempt and get a decent ranking on the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 QUALIFIERS event for the RUSH DUEL format. Yu-Gi-Oh Rush Duels is probably my favorite card game so I figured trying to level up my gameplay by writing this out would be fun.
The current ladder is littered with three decks from what I can tell. Machines (strongest deck in the format), Harpies (strongest f2p deck i assume), and Magnum Overlord (funny one turn kill deck).
Aggro is also floating around as it's basically the same deck as it was on launch day just with the staples that trickled out from set to set added. I've only seen them a few times but enough for me to call it out. Also shout out to Cyberse. Already a really strong deck, but Chaos Femtron really powered it up it seems.
Current Stats:
Global Rank: 681 / Regional Rank: 63 (this stat barely gets updated so idk) Times Dueled: 61 Victories: 30 Winning Percentage: 49.18%
Deck Profile:
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Card explanation & other thoughts underneath if you're interested in hearing me yap.
I decided to run pure Spellcasters because I want to walk the road to victory just like Yuga, the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh SEVENS. Also because I got tired playing my main deck, Noodle Ninjas. This list isn't really anything too special, Spellcasters has been solved for a while now, it's just personal preference when it comes to ratios at this point.
Skill: Sevens Accel Road When activated, this raises the ATK of a Normal Summoned monster whose current ATK is 1600 by 800 ATK until the end of the turn. After turn 4, it can search Seven's Road Magician for the cost of returning a card from hand to the deck. The searching effect can only be done once per duel.
Easily the best skill for pure Spellcasters as it grants access to our deck's boss monster when we need him. The turn 4 requirement comes up quite a lot however as it makes going first feel awful. Not only are most Rush Duel Turn 1 boards just a bunch of monsters in Face-Down Defense Position and some Set Spells/Traps, but we still aren't able to search for our boss monster on our next turn as it's only Turn 3. If we go second, we can search our boss monster the second turn we get to play. This wouldn't be an issue if Duel Links let us decide if we wanna go first or second but whatever.
3x Seven's Road Magician - Yuga's ace monster. It's able to send a card from the top of the Deck to the Graveyard to gain ATK equal to [the number of different Monster Attributes in the owner's Graveyard] x 300. If all 6 Attributes are in the Graveyard, then Magician can reach 3900 ATK easily and beat over all other boss monsters who aren't Maximum Summoned. Of course, that doesn't happen every game so as long as there are 2 monsters with different Attributes, Seven's Road Magician becomes 2700 ATK and that's more than enough to clear the 2500 ATK threshold of most boss monters.
3x Seven's Road Witch, 2x Torna the Windweaver, 1x Magician's Valkyria - These are the 1600 ATK monsters that are allow us to activate our skill. Both Witch and Torna are Level 6, so they require us to Tribute one monster for us to summon them, however Magician's Valkyria is a Level 4 so she's just normal summonable. With the skill, they all become 2400 ATK monsters, underneath the typical boss monster ATK value but it's better than 1600 ATK.
Witch is the main card we want to find as she lets us send a card from our hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon out Seven's Road Magician from our hand and then give herself 400 ATK, making her 2800 ATK. In regular Rush Duels, she'd be pretty situational as you need to have drawn Magician alongside her, but with the skill we can literally just cheat and get him, allowing us to just have 2 high ATK point monsters on field for the cost of getting rid of 1.5 cards in hand from Witch and the Seven's Accel Road. Of course, sometimes we just have Magician in hand already, so we only need to toss 1 card out!
Torna allows us to change the battle position of a monster on the opponent's field. One hurdle Rush Duel decks need to overcome is the "Set 3, pass" As you're able to summon however many times you want in a Rush Duel, if your board of 3 monsters can't overcome 3 Defense Position monsters, you just aren't doing any damage. Torna allows us to turn one of our opponent's set monsters to Attack Position and get in some damage. It can also help with many boss monsters as most have very little DEF, so we can attack over them after putting them into Defense Position with Torna. WIth the skill, he basically becomes a boss monster for 1 turn, but if we're able to summon out Seven's Road Magician, then we can push for even more damage. Torna is also our WIND Attribute monster.
Magician's Valkyria is our monster Legend card, which are cards we're only allowed to pick 1 from our available set for each card type. 1 Monster, 1 Spell, and 1 Trap. As mentioned earlier, she's here to activate the skill on normal summon but she does have interesting edge cases. The obvious one is her effect where she forces the opponent to attack only her on the field, but her 1800 DEF is another appealing quality. Level 4 monsters in Rush Duels only rarely be over 1500 ATK, so they won't be able to destroy her and it'll possibly waste an incoming attack from the opponent. This quality is surprisingly useful that I find myself setting her more than summoning her to activate the skill.
3x Mystic Dealer - Our WATER Attribute monster. Mystic Dealer allows us to send a Spellcaster from hand to the Graveyard to draw a card. Not only does he allow us to dig a little bit deeper into our deck, but he lets us send monsters to the Graveyard to boost up Seven's Road Magician's effect. Also in horrible situations where we draw 3 Seven's Road Magician, 1 Spell/Trap, and 1 Mystic Dealer, we're actually able to play and not just be sad.
1x Thunder Gazelle, 1x Sparksheart Girl - Our FIRE Attribute monsters. Thunder Gazelle barely comes up, but he allows us to make one of our monsters inflict piercing damage, allowing us to deal damage through Defense Position monsters. While good, our opponent must have no card in their hand for it to activate and we can't exactly control that (but it is likely to happen as Rush Duels rules encouraging emptying your hand to draw more cards). We also need one of our boss monsters on our field for it to be effective as piercing damage from a 1300 ATK body is pitiful.
Sparksheart Girl is here because I don't have a second Gazelle and she's probably the best FIRE Spellcaster, which only matters just in case I need to use Mystic Dealer. Her effect allows us to lower a face-up monster by 500 ATK at the cost of discarding a Level 4 monster from our hand, which is not very good as we preferably would like to play the cards in our hand.
2x Seven's Road Mage - Mage allows us to send a card from the top of the Deck to the Graveyard and allows us to lower a Level 7 or higher monster's ATK by 400. Not only that, but if Magician's on the field, it also lowers the opponent's monster's by [number of Spellcaster Type monsters in the owner's Graveyard] x 100 which is useful to push for game. The second effect is appealing enough that it makes me want to run him over cards like Speedy Performer.
2x Light Sorcerer of Sanctity, 2x Light Sorcerer - Our LIGHT Attribute monsters. Sanctity allows us to pay 300 LP to lower a face-up monster's ATK by [the number of face-up LIGHT Attribute Spellcaster Type monsters on the owner's field]. Light Sorcerer is a 1500 ATK normal monster who is also a LIGHT Spellcaster. I'm sure you can see the synergy there. Also I guess Magician's Valkyria is a LIGHT Spellcaster too by the way.
2x Doraido - There are 2 EARTH Spellcaster monsters in the format. Straynge Cat who has 0 ATK and 1400 DEF and Doraido who has 1200 ATK and 1400 DEF. Normally, I'd play Straynge Cat out of spite but I do wanna take this event a little seriously, even if it's against my morals.
I run 6 Spells and 2 Traps in this deck, which I find to be a decent ratio to encounter them throughout the game. This format is defined by strong battle traps, so Spell/Trap removal is pretty high. Of course, I want my traps to not be destroyed, so having a decent amount of spells that I can set throughout the game will hopefully let my opponent waste a few of the removals on that instead of the traps.
1x Tribute to the Doomed - The Legend spell card of my choice. This card lets us just destroy a monster on the field by discard a card. This card easily deletes any Maximum Summoned monster, any large ATK monster we can't clear, or even just a set card so we can push for damage. Monster Reincarnation isn't particularly useful in our deck as our deck requires a good amount of Tributing and we don't have any engines to make it easier like Seahorse Carrier or Crawling Torso. Shield & Sword is genuinely a decent pick as it swaps the ATK and Def of all face-up monsters, typically making their values smaller... But it encounters many problems. Maximum Summoned monsters straight up ignore the effect, the Machine deck's boss monsters have 1600 DEF, which means we can't get over it without our Tribute Monsters, and Blue-Eyes decks are running around since it's a structure deck and those monsters have 2500 DEF. It just makes Blue-Eyes White Dragon lose 500 ATK, great. There's also Negate Attack which stops us from our attack and lets the monster turn back to their normal stat values. I find just deleting a card is more consistently better.
2x Magical Stream - This card lets us destroy a Spell/Trap card if we control a Spellcaster, basically any monster in out deck. Battle traps are very strong in Rush Duels as it doesn't have a Main Phase 2 which allows a player to fix up their board if something bad happens in Battle Phase. Negate Attack was mentioned earlier, but there's also Buffered Slime and Widespread Ruin. It's a well-known secret that these three cards are pretty game-winning, so... hopefully we can destroy them.
1x 7 Shift - This card lets us Special Summon a Level 7 or lower Effect monster on the field by discarding a card. It's not good here because we already shit out Magician every other turn. It can technically help us with a bricked hand of Tribute monsters, but we still need to draw it. This would be the 3rd Magical Stream if I had it. Duel Links wants me to waste my time leveling up Yuga to Level 35 before I can get it.
2x Talismanic Seal Array - This card lets us shuffle 4 monsters from our Graveyard to lower an opponent's monster's ATK by the [the selected monster's level] x 200. This card easily lets us hit over boss monsters with ease while also letting us refuel our deck. We can reuse our Magician and our Witch pretty easily when our deck is running lwo on numbers. This is also our main way to defeat Maximum Monsters as the ones typically ran have 4000 ATK, which our Magician cannot clear even with all Attributes in grave.
1x Negate Attack - Our Legend trap card. When an opponent declares an attack, we flip it up and they suddenly can't attack with any monsters this turn. It's better than Widespread Ruin as that card destroys the opponent's highest ATK monster, which is nice but it doesn't fully stop an entire battle phase from happening now does it.
1x Buffered Slime - When an opponent's Level 8 or lower monster attacks, this card lets us take no battle damage. However if our Lifepoints are higher than 3000, then we take 2000. Of course, if the opponent was going to go for game that turn, then that's a more than acceptable condition. The only issue with this card is that Maximum monsters are Level 10, so this card doesn't do anything for them. Everything else though... This card fucks.
General Thoughts
So far, I think this deck is more than capable at fighting toe to toe with the common decks in the format right now, but I do find that we can easily explode and die if the draws are just not in our favor. It happens. I'm probably gonna keep rolling with this deck as I find it to be pretty versatile and it's honestly just fun
The main problem being the amount of Tribute Monsters being ran at 8. Drawing too many Tribute Monsters is a death sentence as it depends on drawing at least one other monster that is Level 4 or lower. Luckily if we draw one of the Level 6 monsters, we only need one, but drawing Seven's Road Magician with other high tributes is pretty much game over.
I am thinking of giving Magnum Overlord a try as I have the cards for it or even running Noodle Ninjas again. Overall, the format has felt pretty varied and fun compared to the last Goha Festival or whatever, which was dominated by Royal Rebels, so I actually do feel inclined to try and get a high rank.
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thewittyphantom · 7 months
Got a new Nail event in Duel Links!
Nail: I'm impressed you were able to survive this far. But surviving is different than winning. Yuga: I can't win unless I overcome Nail's Maximum Cards. The way to do that is to fight fire with fire. Nail: Huh? What is that? That's...Real Time Rush Duel Programming! Yuga: Luke! Romin! Gavin! Let's fight him together! Everyone: Yeah! Nail: Those three cards...I don't believe it! Yuga: We evened the odds. Check it! Everyone: It's our new Maximum Monster! Nail: Yuga has a Maximum Monster? Seatbastian: How can this be? Maximum Cards are unique cards. You cannot just create them from scratch. [flashback] Gavin: After all the times you've helped us, it's our turn to help you. Yuga: Your turn...? Gavin: You know how the IDs in our Duel Disks are made under the same specs as the cards we Duel with? Yuga: I don't like where your story is headed, Gavin. You want me to overwrite your ID cards with Maximum Monster data. But if I did that... Luke: We'll no longer have our accounts, so we can never duel again...But here ya go! Yuga: I can't let you do that! I know how much Dueling means to you, so you can't give it up! Luke: It's fine, bro! Cuz if you don't defeat Nail, no one will get to Rush Duel again anyway! Gavin: This is bigger than you or us, Yuga. Romin: And we want to help out any way we can. Luke: So that you can become the King of Duels! And when you do become the King of Duels, don't forget that you promised to give the crown to me. [end flashback] Nail: You sacrificed your friends' accounts just for the chance to defeat me? Gavin: He still doesn't get it. Romin: It wasn't a sacrifice. It was an honor! Luke: Take 'em down, Yuga! Yuga: Right! ...Huh? The program isn't working. Nail: It seems your Duel Disk was unable to handle the load of Real Time Rush Duel Programming. Yuga: Argh... Kaizo: Buzz! Bleep buzzzz! Yuga: Kaizo? Are you trying to tell me something? Gavin: Of course! Kaizo can use his memory and add it to Yuga's Duel Disk to make up the difference! Luke: But if he gives up his memory... Yuga: Then Kaizo will be no more. Kaizo: Buzz! Buzzzzzzzzz! Yuga: Oh, I get it! If I win this Duel, I can restore you to your old self! I'll get back the data that they stole from you! I won't let you down! Here we go! Kaizo: Blerp... ..................... Yuga: Nothing will block my way! Not confusion, pain, or sadness! Romin: With dreams... Gavin: And courage... Luke: And friendship... Everyone: We'll load our road to victory! Yuga: Maximum Summon! Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord! Nail: Remarkable...Now this Duel truly begins. I must admit you shocked me when you demonstrated the ability to summon a Maximum Monster. But now, I'm thrilled because I can learn how powerful a Maximum Monster can be!
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lowqualitygarbage · 5 months
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Vault 666 quick sketches from this weekend combined, featuring:
“Oops I made them a ghoul so now they’re my favorite character”
I may try coloring in the two bigger sketches later.
Husk trivia:
He did have a family before he got ghoulified and kicked out of New Vegas; he probably has grandkids kicking around that are Charlie’s age, but he’s never met them
(the alcoholic jackassery far predated the ghoulification, going ghoul just meant it was more expensive to get drunk and he couldn’t live in a “normal” city any more; he was disowned/estranged before he turned)
He’s prone to growling/hissing/rumbling and other more “feral” vocalizations when distracted or startled
He gets really embarrassed and self-conscious if he notices he’s doing it or someone points it out  
Alastor sometimes refers to him as his pet cat mockingly because of the vocalizations and his prickly/independent attitude (the others picked up on the cute nicknames, but don’t realize how insulting it really is to Husk when they use them) 
Charlie is so fucking lucky that Al loaned her probably the only guy in their corner of the Wasteland that has actual experience working a hotel
In this AU he not only bartends, but helps manage their books, advise the girls on supplies and repair priorities, and is basically the on-site facilities manager since Alastor spends more time at the radio station
He’s done a bit of everything back in New Vegas, from pickpocketing as a kid, to performing, to bartending, to management
He basically cornered the market on organized gambling in the Wasteland during his stint as Overlord - everything from running numbers to full-on casinos had to go through him
His SPECIAL stats and skills would probably be the most balanced of the cast, a good jack-of-all-trades type of character
His weapons of choice are throwing knives, a .357 magnum revolver, and Molotov Cocktails - he prefers mid-range fighting
He genuinely thought Alastor was a friend for a little while when they were both Overlords, until Al completely fucked him over to get the upper hand, which makes his servitude that much more humiliating
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Soldier Advancing through Surf – Omaha Beach – secteur Easy Red – Débarquement de Normandie – Opération Overlord – Calvados – Normandie – France – 6 juin 1944
Photographe : Robert Capa
©International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos
Robert Capa est le seul correspondant de guerre à couvrir la première vague d'assaut sur Omaha Beach. Il débarque avec le 16e Régiment d'infanterie à 6 h 30 du matin dans le secteur Easy Red. 5 clichés parmi les 11 iconiques (The Magnificent Eleven) témoignant du débarquement sur Omaha la sanglante seront publiés le 19 juin 1944 dans le magazine LIFE.
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