#Mafiafell wingding
darkpetal16 · 2 months
Question for all Mafia fell love interests
How would they feel/ react to a mc who's slow to affection, showing how they feel, and main love language is acts of service but things that wouldn't be obvious if not paying attention (like making sure favorite snacks are always there, pens will never run out, just small things that make life easier but like I said don't jump out at you)
Mafiafell Wingding (Don) Marry him. He would be the most appreciative of this. From his experiences, he’s learned to appreciate the simple, small things in life far more than any grand gesture or item. The thoughtfulness shows how you’ve not only been paying attention to him, but you’re thinking about him often enough to consider these gestures. He’s genuinely touched by this and would want to reciprocate.
Mafiafell!Sans (Hit) would be the first to notice when you do something like this. He’d pick up on it faster than Wings, he’s intuitive and has keen observational skills. It would. . . Fluster him. He’s not used to being noticed that way. It would feel. . . Unnatural. Intimate. The first few times you do this, he’d reflexively brush it off as a coincidence. But when he realizes it’s not. . . He’ll be flustered every time and it will take a long time for him to get used to it. Be warned, he can get aggressive to hide his flushed cheeks. You may get picked up and thrown over the shoulder so you can’t see his face more than once.
Mafiafell!Papyrus (Boss) wouldn’t notice the first couple weeks of you doing this. It’s not that he’s not observant, so much as it feels natural to him. You feel natural to him. When you start to do these things, it’s like the cogs have finally been put in the right place in his life. His days go by much easier with your support. When he does notice, he takes the time to actively thank you. The more you do it, the more often he expresses his gratitude.
Mafiafell!Asriel (Heir) is already doing the same thing to you. He loves taking care of the small, domestic things for you. It makes him giddy that you do the same. It’s like a shared experience—almost an inside joke between you two. Who can refill whose cup faster? Who can put away the dishes first? Who has breakfast made? Neither of you keep score, but it’s a fun game to play on the side. If you try to literally race him to certain, the competitive side of him (flowey) will use his vines to capture you. Don’t worry he’ll give you lots of nuzzles afterwards!
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buttercupcd · 3 months
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the-faceless-bride · 9 months
Does anyone love undertale anymore? Or underfell? Because im thinking of doing a Mafiafell story. I just need to know if anyone w9upd actually read it.
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voidchillz · 2 years
SoLYGBM Dating Headcanons
- You think you’ve seen a workaholic before? This man hasn’t slept in 16 years. (Baggs/Nostra and him have a shared megalomania over work)
- Okay that was a lie. But he works a LOT, so unfortunately, it’ll take a large amount of effort for you to drag him away from his desk
- Despite his intimidation, he is quite the sweetheart for his s/o (when he tries to be)
- He’s so goddamn tired, please make sure he actually eats and drinks
- You’re the only one allowed to enter his office at anytime without permission (his brothers are a little jealous)
- He flaunts you. Kind of in a dickish affectionate way though. So make sure you prod him when he starts showing off too much
- He likes making silly faces to make you laugh (a silly version of his jack-o-lantern grin is among these faces)
- Not quite into commitment unfortunately, he is very married to his work. But consider your relationship with him a fond close friendship that he considers intimate/romantic but feels uncomfortable when you mention anything more than dates
- It may take a long time, but he is willing to pry himself away from his unhealthy habits for you. Unless it’s smoking. You’re gonna have to live with that honey.
- But if those unhealthy habits relate to his commitment issues, if he wants to get serious, he will try. But please be patient with him. He finds romance difficult
- Him and Sans have partner competitions. You got dragged into it after they notice you and Sans’ s/o became friends
- For clarification, the competitions are effectively “Who’s the better boyfriend”. It may stem from romantic gestures, effectiveness/grandness of date nights, how expensive gifts are. Whatever a boyfriend does, they want to be the better example of the other.
- They may not compete for who can propose first… but they’ve considered it.
- For the record, Sans started this competition out of sheer spite for Wings’ constant gloating over how much more game he has than his younger brother
- Wings finds you to be so much more than a partner, you are his close companion. He confides in you when he feels like he went too far with disciplining his brothers and trusts you with his personal secret life. He may not admit it, but he would very much like to spend the rest of it with you
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Screenshot Redraw #2 - "What I want from you is..."
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Full drawing and the screenshot it was based on.
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foulperfectionsworld · 11 months
Looking for rp partner desperately
Helloooo here’s a 21 year old non binary person who is in need of rp. Only eighteen people please ^^ my style is semi lit and novella. Totally down for headcanon, ocs and stuff. Totally into dark plots as well. Mainly looking for double, open for mxm, mxf and fxf. Platonic and romantic scenarios welcome !
My fav fandom and person I’m looking to play against :
-Batman universe (mainly the rogues and villains) : Joker, Scarecrown, Two face or Black Mask
-Mafiafell or Sooner or later you’re gonna be mine : Papyrus or Wingdings
- Ghost BC : Copia (as papa or cardinal), or Secondo.
-Elementary : Sherlock Holmes or Morland Holmes
-Slashers : Michael Myers, Leatherface or Freddy Krueger. (I found someone already for this one ^^)
-Transformers prime : decepticons
-helluva boss : Striker, Asmodeous or Fizz
Feel free to like the post or directly contact me ! I use mainly discord and tumblr for the rp.
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sovlstr · 1 month
Sneak peak of a fanfic for my selfship! It’s a Maria x Mafiafell Sans wip
I consider myself a novice writer but hopefully I could deliver some quality reading PSPSPSSPS
Sans watched in silence as Wingdings unclasped one of his many gaudy gold rings, the ruby top shining as a small white pill dropped into the glass from the undone latch- making a plop as it dissolved inside the crystal clear sparkling water. Wingdings did everything accordingly, every action done to be taken with a purpose. And so, Sans wondered, with his eyebrows raised and mouth opening to speak- what was Wingdings planning? The quiet brother shot Sans a soulless stare, making quick work of silently telling sans to shut the fuck up. Sans simply grifted his teeth, before lowering his eyes back down to his plate as he considered Wingdings actions. Surely he wasn’t trying not poison Maria, at least, not in front of Sans. He’d never seen Wingdings do that though- poison an obvious ally. Unless he knew something he didn’t know. About Maria.
He cleared his throat, forcing down the potential thought with a visible grimace. Wingdings continued to smoke his cigar, reasserting the comforting smile on his grim features as Maria click clacked her way back to the dinner table, gesturing at the brothers with a respective smile.
Sans tried to keep his soul from thumping, that stupid agonizing scent of his minty cigar wafting around the sitting trio. Even if he knew she wouldn’t notice, and even though both papyrus and Wingdings knew he was romanticly involved….. If he had to see that smug chastising grin on Wingdings face once he realized just how blind he was for this woman….
He’d never hear the end of it.
Maria wrapped some spaghetti around the silver fork, keeping her eyes low as she ate the dinner in silence. It was awkward, but not for the reasons she was aware of. Sans felt himself gulp, trying his damn best not to make eye contact with any of the dinner tables audience, Papyrus simply enjoying his meal and blatantly ignoring the grating fact that Wingdings had just potentially poisoned sans little lady.
Maria turned her sight onto the oldest brother, speaking in a low tone as she finished chewing.
“If you don’t mind me asking…. What career did you hold before your families migrated here?
Maria felt the tension stiffen between Papyrus and Sans, both skeletons irking at her somewhat privying question as Sans gave a cough into his napkin. He had to hold back a snort once he noticed Papyrus eye sockets wide, unabashedly staring at Maria like she had gone mental.
Maybe she had.
Wingdings kept a faint smile on his face though, never once visibly taking her question any deeper than he cared for as he responded.
“You could say… I was a scientist.”
He gave nothing else for her to work with, before once again going silent.
The dinner was silent from then on, all 3 parties waiting for Maria to touch the sparkling water. Sans stared at her, eye lights flicking to each person as his fork dug itself into a meatball- merely toying with the food on his plate. He felt Maria siding him with her gaze, though he willed himself not to meet her eyes, he noticed the slight tug of a smile on her lips.
She reached for the glass of water, a tension once again resurfacing as Sans tensed. He felt his hand tighten around the fork, willing himself to stay as calm as possible, though finding himself sweating quite profusely against his will.
Maria brought the glass to her lips, before feeling that familiar tug in her inner being. Goosebumps rose their way up her arm, feeling her body stiffen up as she stopped just before the water could reach her lips.
Wingdings was staring at her. The light in his eyes, solely focused on her entirely with no other presence subjected to his attention.
She knew something was wrong, even before she had touched her glass. Sans had gone from all smiles to entirely worried, Maria noting the familiar way he curled his fists tightly around whatever object he had his meaty hands closest to.
Maria let her eyes slip towards Papyrus, eyeing his relaxed manner of eating as he simply chewed. Hyperfocused on himself. He was completely silent. That was not the normal Papyrus.
Emerald eyes glazed over, succumbing to the fact that there was a fault in the air amidst the 3 men she sat with. She slowly lowered her gaze… and set down the glass of water. She turned her eyes to latch onto Wingdings observant orbs, before letting a simple sentence escape her breath towards him.
“So what kind of science did you do?”
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
Can't Look Away from You {Mafiafell Papyrus x Reader}
He looked at you like you were the sun, in that he tried to avoid looking at you as much as possible. When you were there, frustration laced any action of his. Although, he complained when you weren't. On days you secluded from others, he looked for you. On days when you were vocal, he avoided you. He never took a good look until you left, wondering why he never noticed your beauty before.
Yes, you were beautiful. But you were beautiful in the way a forest fire is beautiful. Enticing in the sense to lure unfortunate people to certain pain if they got too close. Pain was dangerous. It caused weakness.
Weakness gets you killed.
Papyrus sat in the kitchen. The paper was spread out in front of him. He paid no mind to it, his matters were more concerning than the dramatizations written by people hopeful for fame. Papyrus couldn't say he blamed them, he too had his heart set on his own glories. He took to not paying mind to human affairs for the most part. His mind was preoccupied with other things to pay mind to them anyways. Wingding's had been cooped up in his office, absorbed in his plans. It wasn't unusual, though he had recently taken it to the extreme. Sans and Papyrus had a silent agreement not to pester him. Papyrus was generally louder and Wingdings was used to it. Even still, fights with their older brother were unwelcome between the two younger ones. Sans had been out as well. Wingdings regularly told the him to deal with meetings with clientele. This kept Sans out of the house for hours. It had never been this long, so Papyrus would be found in the kitchen awaiting his older brother's arrival. Hours gone by and there was no sign of him. Papyrus wondered if the humans had been harsher negotiators. It wouldn't have been the first time the three brothers had to deal with unpleasant people to say the least. Sans did have a longer temper than his brothers. As much as Papyrus hated to admit it, this reason was why he had been forbidden from dealing with those unpleasant humans. Papyrus began to think his patient brother had snapped, the previous annoyances of the past few weeks has been building up for some time...
Before he could finish his thought, Sans had bustled into the kitchen. The two brothers made eye contact. Papyrus motioned to the empty chair across from him. Sans sat down but refused to say anything.
"YOU'RE HOME LATE." Sans looked up to meet his brother's gaze.
"yeah, well, not all humans are eager t'ah make business with monsters," he replied, shrugging.
"BUT IT WENT WELL?" Papyrus leaned forward, hoping to get some answers out of his brother.
"yeah." Sans turned away before mumbling, "in more ways than one."
"ehhh nothing?" Papyrus shook his head. This was not nothing.
"YOU'RE LYING," he said flatly, "TELL ME." Sans fidgeted with his hat for a minute.
"aright, fine, as long as you don't tell wingdings. this secret could put my credibility on the line."
"WELL IT WOULD IF YOU HAD CREDIBILITY TO BEGIN WITH," Papyrus taunted. He had to cough to cover up a laugh. Sans crossed his arms and glared at his brother.
"real funny bro," Sans replied, a sardonic edge to his voice.
"WHETHER YOUR CREDIT EXISTS OR NOT IS IRRELEVANT BUT YES, I'LL KEEP YOUR SECRET." Papyrus waited for his brother to start, intrigued on what this dastardly secret could be.
"soo you remember that lady we met awhile a go? the bar singer?" Papyrus smacked his forehead. This couldn't be good.
"you wanted to know so let me finish," his brother interjected, "so i know it sounds bad—"
"shuddup. anyways i know it sounds bad, but it's not."
"NO. IT IS," Papyrus responded matter-of-factly. Sans rolled his eyelights. "WHY EXACTLY DO YOU NOT WANT WINGDINGS TO KNOW."
"because i don't need him nagging me about what is and is not business." Sans threw up his hands in exasperation while also adding, "i got you for that." Papyrus ignored the snide remark. The next one caught his attention.
"plus i'm not the the only one who's had someone catch their eye." Papyrus immediately stiffened.
"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Sans's permanent grin widened. He gave Papyrus a look that seemed to mean they both knew who they were talking about. It all fell into place. He turned away quickly from disbelief.
Now it was Sans's turn to tease.
"aye don't feel bad bro. the truth was gonna come out eventually."
"THERE IS NO TRUTH BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG," Papyrus retorted. He refused to look at his brother.
Sans had not been wrong but Papyrus would not admit it no matter what was said or done to him.
"ANYWAYS, IT'S LATE. IF WE TRY ARGUE ABOUT THIS NOW, WINGDINGS WILL HAVE US BOTH IN JARS." Sans shrugged at trudged off to his room. Papyrus was about to do the same.
Then, something stopped him.
Was it possible Sans was right? The thought made him feel sick even with the lack of a stomach. It ate at him. If it was like his brother said, that the truth was bound to come out, should he tell them? No. He couldn't. He couldn't keep his temper with clientele, how did he expect to do that with a partner? Brushing it off, he went to his room.
The night dragged on. The morning continued that as well. Papyrus went about the city as he would. Nothing had changed overnight. Bruised and broken people struggling to get by, sometimes to the point of violence showed that it was still going to be a mess. It wasn't changing anytime soon. Clouds darkened from overhead. Gusts of wind breathed chills throughout the barren city. Though crowded, it was a lifeless city. Silence was only broken by screams and gunshots. The world had plumaged to an eternal eclipse.
At least Papyrus had one light.
He had only seen you twice. Once in front of a market. Another time passing by on the street. He never saw you after that, only in quick glances when he is certain you weren't watching.
Even still, the small times he did see you brought large feelings. Feelings that would get him killed if he acted upon them.
That didn't stop him from trying.
There was no need to deny it, Sans would not say anything as much as he hated keeping promises. There was a change in Papyrus's demeanor if he was around you. You took notice very quickly.
You couldn't label as a friend or enemy, mostly a reoccurring passerby. There was something different about him though. Although he kept his loud tone, he attempted to mellow himself out, especially if you started looking uncomfortable. You wondered if it was because he was trying to be considerate but there were doubts. Not because he was a monster. The world was a not a trusting place, it didn't matter the species of the deceiver. You brushed it off, thinking it was an attempt of courtesy and went about your day.
He didn't leave your head.
There wasn't much you could think of when if came to Papyrus. He was loud and enthusiastic. Pasta was something he had strong opinions on. Other than that, not much could be said. His brother was around the city more often. You did take into account the strange change in tone around you. He quieted down slightly. His eyes would shift over to you occasionally. You had met his gaze before, to which he would promptly turn his head to act as if he was doing something else. Not much changed for the past few weeks. You tried to turn for his brother for answers but nothing came of it. He simply shrugged and went back to his cigar. Papyrus fanned away the crimson smoke emitting from his brother's cigar with words of exasperation.
You had met the brothers in strange places, but this party took the cake. The room was lit up golden. People were crowded in tables around the dancefloor. Couples twirled around you. People shared drinks. You hadn't expected them to be there but you didn't expect yourself to go anyways. There was no reason for you to judge. The routine had prevailed. Papyrus continued to glance your way. You wondered what exactly he wanted. He never directly said nor did anything towards you. You met his gaze once more. Papyrus opened his mouth, about to say something, then thought again and turned away from you. You tilted your head, confused. A singer stepped onto the stage. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Sans's face lighting up. She said some words to the crowd and began her songs while a man played piano next to her. You sat to the side with your drink of choice in hand. You kept your eye on Papyrus. It was strange how he acted around you. You wondered if he wanted something but didn't want to say it. It struck you as odd because Papyrus did not seem the type to get nervous easily. Still, you did not think it was your place to ask. He hadn't done anything to you so there was no way to predict his motives were harmful. You sat alone in your thoughts when someone had tapped on the chair next to you. Looking up you were met with Papyrus's face.
"MAY I?" Papyrus looked at you, awaiting your response. You shrugged. Taking it as a yes, he slid the chair back and sat down. You sat in silence for a while. The party continued, but you were in your separate world. You didn't mind. Though better than a fight, it had been a dull event. You gazed back at Papyrus. His face seemed to match your thoughts. He was present but his mind was elsewhere. His eyesockets fixated on you.
"Is something wrong?" You turned around to face him directly. He snapped back to reality and looked at you.
"It's fine. This wouldn't be the first time you got into your own head when I'm around you." It was meant to be playful. You didn't expect him to turn away in shame.
"HOW MUCH OF THAT DID YOU SEE," he inquired. You shrugged. He sank in his chair with a groan.
"WELL I MIGHT AS WELL BE UPFRONT." Resisting the urge to leave, he leaned forward. You tilted your head.
"About what?" Papyrus reached for your hand.
"So you fell in love?"
"NO!" Coughing, he corrected himself. "MAYBE I DID, BUT I CAN'T."
"Why not?"
"I'M A MONSTER, YOU KNOW. I'M ONE OF THE DANGEROUS ONES." He slipped his hand away. You took it back. Papyrus sat rigid.
"You're not always dangerous." He rolled his eyelights.
"I'M DANGEROUS ENOUGH," he countered. You shook your head. "DON'T LOOK AT ME SO! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE DONE!"
"I don't need to know what you've done. I need to know what you are going to do," you replied. His skull seemed to flush. Shaking his head, he changed back to his typical confident demeanor.
"I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DANCE. WITH ME." Papyrus looked at you, slipping between confidence and hopeful uncertainty. You let him take your hand.
"YOU'RE SURE?" Rolling your eyes you turned around to face him.
"Yes. Trust me."
There was no going back. You danced as if the world did not exist. Papyrus couldn't look away from you. He couldn't when you stopped either. No matter what happened, his attention would be to you, always.
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myrequestblog · 1 year
Request Rules and My Favorite Characters
I can do other characters, but if you don’t specify which characters you want I will choose from these
Undertale AUs:
Mafiafell (Sooner or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine)
Grillby AUs
Gaster AUs
Flowey AUs
City of Blank:
Claude (I will only write gay headcannons for him. Sorry notsorry)
Black Butler:
(I refuse to do Ciel or Alois, unless the reader is of similar age)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Mahito (He’s an jack@$$ and I hate what he did but he’s hot)
That one white and blue curse that almost killed Yuji, and that I’ve decided to call ‘Akuma’ (Mostly platonic and/or pet-owner type relationships (Keyword ‘mostly’))
Hunter X Hunter:
I refuse to do Gon or Killua, unless the reader is of similar age
Demon Slayer:
(I refuse to do any minors x reader, unless the reader is of similar age)
Kagaya (Platonic/parental only)
Mitsuri and Obanai (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Muchiro (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
Rui (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
All upper ranks aside from 4 and 5
Dummy’s Dummy:
The Lalah twins
Polakov (We’ve been conditioned to hate him and have no major reason to actually dislike him)
The Toy Soldier
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack (Mainly gay headcannons for him)
Ticci Toby
Masky and Hoodie (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Jason the Toymaker
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
John Doe:
John Doe
House Hunted:
Yandere Simulator:
Gaster Gang:
The void anomalies (Pet-owner relationships only)
Welcome Home Wally AUs:
Wally Darling
Reboot Wally
Lovesick Wally
Watcher Wally
Rainbow Factory Wally
Opposite Wally
Other Wally AUs
Sally Face:
Sal/Sally Face
Fran Bow:
Only platonic relationships
Fran Bow
Mr Midknight
Suzie and Noelle (Only lesbian poly for them, sorry)
The Amulet Series:
(Too many to say, but to start with-)
The indestructible lizard
The plague doctor
SCP-914 "The Bettering Machine"
The shy guy
Deal with the devil
A LOT more
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie (Only romantic options for them is lesbian poly)
Alastor (Platonic, parental, friendship only. I’m sticking with the cannon that he is AroAce. Sorry 😅)
Angel and Husk (Gay poly is the only romantic options here. If u don’t like it, just keep it to yourself.)
Valentinto (He’s the worst person in existence but he’s damn sexy (unfortunately). We can all agree on that. I won’t make my bias against him known in the requests, I promise.)
Adam (Because some people like him🤷 )
Lilith (Or my rendition of her)
Zestial (Or my rendition of him)
If you have headcanons to ask for but don’t have anything specific in mind, use some emojis:
🥰 Fluff
🥀 Angst
🔞 Smut (Smut will be kept private unless the asker wishes to share)
😎 Chaos
🤩 Reader has powers/magic
🥳 Birthday Ask
🤕 Injured Reader
🤒 Sick Reader
🙅 Platonic
🫀 Yandere
🪢 Soulmate AU
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ
🐣 Reader is a Child
😺 animal or animal-related reader
👾 IRL reader
⚙ Using SCP-914
❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/💜/🖤/🤍 Reader Has a Specific Soul Color
💀 Undertale
👤 City of Blank
🤵‍♂️ Black Butler
💀 Jujutsu Kaisen
🍀 Hunter X Hunter
🗡️ Demon Slayer
🪡 Dummy’s Dummy
🔪 Creepypasta
👁️ John Doe
🏚️ House Hunted
💘 Yandere Simulator
🕳��� Gaster Gang
🎨 Welcome Home Wally AUs
🎭 Sally Face
👧 Fran Bow
⚜️ Deltarune
📿 Amulet
😈 Hazbin Hotel
(Example: 🐣+😎+👤 would be ‘Young reader causing chaos in the City of Blank’)
Suggestive ideas or themes
Platonic Child X Parental figure
OC X Character
Fandom Crossovers
Character X Pregnant!Reader
Mental Illnesses
Black Lives Matter
Any and all religious beliefs are welcome, however I know very little about most religions, so please be gentle with me
Dealing with death
Pain (physical or emotional)
Traumatic accidents or happenings
Bad parenting
Commented ideas
Having characters avoid their cannon death
Nicknames for characters
Furry-related content
Trans reader
Gay reader
Lesbian reader
Bi reader
Pan reader
LGBTQ readers welcome
Readers and characters with different nationalities
Readers and characters with different skin tones
Readers and characters who speak other languages
Readers and characters who are different species
Readers and characters with disabilities
Readers and characters with autism
Readers and characters with mental abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical ailments
Readers and characters with varying levels of intelligence
Readers and characters with trauma
Readers and characters with conditions like vitiligo
Readers and characters who need things like a cane, a wheelchair, or limb braces
Young reader
Pyrotechnics ❤️‍🔥
Fandom crossovers (Highly encouraged for SCP ideas)
Age regression
Settings in different countries and continents
Truth or dare
Necrophillia (Unless the person who is ‘dead’ becomes ‘the walking dead and can give permission’)
Power plays (unless sexual and with permission from the partner)
Sexual assault or r@p3
(What’s another phobia- we don’t like spiders either. Spiders are ugly)
Abuse of any kind, unless part of and/or needed for a backstory or something
Hate crimes
Human trafficking
Child abuse
Underage drinking
Death of major characters
Death of comfort characters
Smut (Suggestive stuff is a yes but a no on smut. Sorry peeps)
This account is SPECIFICALLY for requests.
Most of these will be in headcannon form or incorrect quotes but feel free to ask for something different!
I often update this post so remember to check every once and awhile.
If you have questions or concerns, let me know!
Main blog:
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capricioussun · 1 year
Hi. I am re-opening in-character asks again for a bit if anyone is curious and would like to talk to/question some guys :*)
List of Them below vvv
Undertale - Rus & Sans
Underswap - Stretch & Blue
Underfell - Edge & Red
Swapfell Metal - Copper & Gold
Fellswap Glass - Ghost & Haze
Vesselfell - Void & Perp
Horrortale - Dove & Patch
Horrorswap - Rust & Coal
Horrorfell - Dusk & Eclipse
Mafiatale - Hawk & Sparrow/AR
Mafiaswap - Luck & Cue
Mafiafell - Boss & Snare
Outertale - Pictoris & Ara
Outerfell - Antares & Boötes
Outerswap - Aurigae
Lovefell - Lace & Cire
Sweetswap - Clover & Berry
Invertedfell - Ice & Pin
Demonfell - Elester & Raviel
Glitchedswap - Uno & Sky
Glitchfell Papyrus - Dos
Tale Gaster variant - Wingdings
Comic Papyrus - Comet
(Orangefell, Undersell, Heartfell, LoveSwap, MafiaLoveFell brothers, and Outerswap Sans will not be available for questions since they are still so heavily under construction and/or don’t have proper nicknames yet)
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darkpetal16 · 2 months
Another question for Mafiafell love interest + sirentale sans
How would they help their mc if they were going through a depresive spiral
Depression spirals can be treated differently for everyone. Any long term, good partner would be able to learn how to best handle the spiral for you. So after they’ve been with you long enough, they would do whatever you specifically need to handle your episode.
However in the early stages of a relationship / before you both know what to do, here’s what they would first try. . .
Mafiafell!Wingding (Don)’s reaction would depend on how severe your episode was. If he thought your life was in danger, he’d throw you into the void sedate you. He’d keep you sedated until he was convinced he knew how to handle the situation. He’s not risking your life on his lack of knowledge. If he doesn’t think your life is at risk, then he’d talk things through with you. He’s a persuasive man and is excellent at picking up on subtext. He might be able to find an underlying issue that you hadn’t noticed before.
Mafiafell!Sans (Hit) would buy you things. Whatever you wanted, he’d find a way to get it. He’d take you out on shopping sprees back to back until you were too tired to do anything else. In the back of his head he knows that won’t be a permanent fix, but hopefully it’ll give you both time to find a good solution / fix the underlying problem.
Mafiafell!Papyrus (Boss) would create puzzle dates. He would hand craft and concoct a variety of activities / mysteries for you to solve. They would be made tailored to your strengths and interests. Every time you complete a puzzle he’d praise you, and remind you how much he cares about you. He wants to bolster your self esteem. While going through them, he’d ask you questions, both shallow and insightful as a way to help you process your thoughts. He thinks better when he’s also doing something else, so maybe you’re the same way?
Mafiafell!Asriel (Heir) would switch into pamper mode. He’ll schedule a spa day for the two of you: complete with all your favorite foods, a full body massage, facial, hair, and of course a new set of pajamas to lounge in. As you’re being treated, Chara will be scheduling you an appointment with the family psychiatrist that you’ll be visiting end of day / the next day. Asriel doesn’t know how to treat depression, but he does know professionals who do. If you want him in the appointment with you, he’ll join you. If not, that’s okay he can wait for you. And when you’re finished, the two of you can snuggle in PJs for a job well done.
Siren!Sans (Siren) felt the same way for a long time so he understands. He doesn’t think what he did for himself (murdering the people who hurt him) would make you feel better but he’ll offer it nonetheless. When you say no, he’ll say he was joking but you both know he wasn’t. He’ll tell you jokes to brighten your mood and coo at you. If you’re really upset he’ll sing happy songs for you. Once you’re asleep, he’ll stay up just a little bit later to browse the web on what to do. If it’s a repeat / prolonged issue for you, he’ll take courses in psychology & cognitive therapy so he can figure out how to best help you.
But seriously if you think him eating the people who hurt you would make you feel better. . .
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i have, over my 513 years of life, made 2 straight ocs.
one, my mafiafell oc, helper, and my oc oc, satan
Helper is just a wingdings simp and satan is a heteroromantic asexual
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voidchillz · 2 years
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This is the dynamic I want✨
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Screenshot Redraw #1 - "But, you'll have your man..."
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Full drawing, lineless, and then the og screenshot it was based on.
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fallenbars · 3 years
Could we have some information on who the new guys are?(Gent,Mist,smoke,Merc,bullet and whiplash) Saw mafia and mafiafell and had to know- dgisbskaka--
*I'm actually very happy you asked! Here's a small rundown I guess?
Bullet is Mafiatale Sans. He's the most laid back with the habit of taking something jokingly when it's actually his way of defusing situations. It's also to keep a part of himself alive.. Business is business, but he knows how not to be a stick in the mud about it.
But he isn't apart of the Mafia for nothing. This guy knows how to get things done. Very much prefers if you cooperate to avoid violence/Preferably likes things to remain non-violent as much as possible. He's not heartless.
When shots count, he doesn't miss.
Whiplash is Mafiatale Papyrus. He's a clever fella and isn't naive. He comes off as such with his chipper attitude for someone in the Mafia but he's pretty skilled in combat. He knows how to use words right and to his advantage when needed- Highly prefers non-violence. Wouldn't be in the business if it wasn't for his brothers..
Sans can take care of himself. But with Sans' joking sense of humor during tense things, Papyrus can't help but be on edge and want to make sure everything's alright and his brother doesn't take a beating by going too far with it someday.
The fact that someone so sweet can be considered weak but really he's higher than you think.
Merc is Mafiatale Wingdings. The eldest of the skeleton brothers if you will. This is the guy you'll want to be on the good side of when things go down. Papyrus didn't get his smarts from nowhere- This is the dude he got it all from. He hides mostly and is a big-time night owl because he's working on and off the clock. Very inconspicuous when it comes to gathering information and only seen at night(mostly). No one working in the Mafia has seen this guy in the daylight, but weirdly enough normal civilians have caught him in the light of day instead. Definitely regarded as Odd or Weird.
Not much is known of him. Guess we'll have to wait for more information.
He knows how to find those who try to outrun him. Information is key, wouldn't you say?..
Mist is Mafiafell Sans. He's known for being persistent to say the least when it comes to certain things. Gets called lazy and has a habit of disappearing. But really he's out getting things done- He doesn't have a big mouth and doesn't want the world to know everything he's been up to, before or after. Really just a guy looking for opportunities to get a break- More friendly then you'd expect but it comes with a cost.
If given the chance, he wouldn't be in this line of work. Neither of his brothers would be but the gist of keeping on the dark side is that you already know what's coming before it hits.
When a crimes reported, it's said that when the unfortunate person who's found the scene always notices faint red mist in the area.
Definitely the more "Stern" looking of the brothers. Nags a lot but usually for a good reason, other times not so much.. Manners. If you don't have basic manners down around him there's going to be an issue. Loud, bossy and seemingly always in a hurry. Best not get in his way on a bad day... Putting loud, bossy and in a hurry aside- He does know how to keep himself composed. He just hates this line of work so he's often irritated by it and has an unfortunate habit of showing it.
Doesn't like violence but deals with it nonetheless.
Pushing his anger to the side, he's quite a gentleman.
Smoke is Mafiafell Wingdings. The scariest of them all. This man is a little too good at what he does- Pulls a lot of strings whether he's on stage or behind the scene. It can be hard to know whether he's genuine or not unless your family, so he can be considered a man of many faces. He can be your dearest friend or your worst enemy. Doesn't play nice and will get that through to you- Smoke also hides quite often as well but isn't afraid to show his face when needed. And if he's really feeling up to it, he'll go out during the day or night to get things. Workaholic because he likes staying on top of things.
When he does give himself a break it's a known rule not to bother this man.
Unfortunate habit of smoking..
A/N: Sorry it ain't much. But maybe this gave you a gist of who they are and who's names belong to who.
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nekochan4eva · 3 years
Idea 💡:
Hey does anyone else think MF Gaster and (a version of) Underlust Grillby might be a good couple?
Think about it: Don Gaster needs someone strong that can take care of themselves. He appreciates intelligence and ambition. Someone like UL Grillby who made his own ragingly successful business, is powerful & doesn’t put up with bullshit, is loyal to family & friends, and is his own sunshine would be a fantastic pair.
Give UL Grillby tall, dark, mysterious man who sees more than a dumb slut but someone with a Soul & Dreams… pants drop. Add on intellectual family man, and he might just propose himself.
Can’t you just imagine those two having an intellectual discussion (business practices, science of monster bio or alcohol, philosophy) after a GOOD night?
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