#Maddy Loch
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Mannequin Pussy – Fine Line – Minneapolis, MN – May 7, 2024
Photos by Maddy Loch © 2024
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Briston Maroney & Phoebe Go – First Avenue – Minneapolis, MN – February 10, 2024
Tennessee singer and songwriter Briston Maroney brought the energy during his sold-out show at the legendary First Avenue. The Ultrapure World Tour kicked off October 31st, 2023, in Brighton, UK, and as the tour moved from city to city, it's been nothing but sold-out shows, venue upgrades, festivals, high energy, and excitement.

Starting off the show was Indie Alternative artist Phoebe Go. Phoebe is no stranger to the music world, as she was a part of indie dream-pop band Snakadaktal in the 2010s and has been well versed in the music community for the last 14 years. She released her first solo five-song EP “Player” in 2022 followed by her two singles "Something You Were Trying" in 2023 and "7-up" in 2024. When the Australian artist took the stage, she was illuminated by soft warm lighting as she filled the room with a beautiful and raw set consisting of honest and genuine emotion and soft yet strong vocals. As she wrapped up her set, I'd say she definitely set the bar high for the performance to follow.

Once Briston hit the stage, the room was electric. The room was packed with fans of all ages, excitedly awaiting Briston to take the stage. Once he did the room exploded, bright and colorful light filled the space and bounced off the iridescent stage set up. He kicked off his set with "Body," "Small Talk," and "Chaos Party." Two of those songs were featured on his Ultrapure album released in 2023. In his 18-song set, Briston covered hits from his albums Sunflower: Deluxe and Ultrapure. He even visited his EPs “Carnival” and “Indiana.”

You could tell from the energy and the volume of the crowd alone that this show was different from any show on his tour. To make it even more special, Briston welcomed Jake Luppen from Minnesota band Hippo Campus on stage to cover "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure. Before his encore, Briston sang his well-known and loved song "Freakin’ Out on the Interstate" before he ended his show with "Sink; Swim" and "Ultrapure" itself. To say I was excited for this show is an understatement. Briston Maroney truly knows how to bring an amazing show and feed off the energy of his crowds. Definitely a tour worth seeing."
Maddy Loch
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: February 13, 2024.
Photos by Maddy Loch © 2024. All rights reserved.
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𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 (…𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬)
part 2/2
🥡 steddie!body swap x freaky friday fanfic • RATED: NC-17 🥡

part one here.
SUMMARY: Dustin’s science experiment goes horribly wrong and his two ‘bickering besties’ have to suffer the consequences.
WORD COUNT: 6.9k words
Eddie makes himself dinner again tonight.
It's nothing new; it’s been this way since he was a kid. But the loneliness at Steve’s is almost suffocating, despite the vastness of the house, the extravagant amount of silverware in the drawers reserved for a grand party of three… and hell, even with Todd Harrington being in the same room…breathing the same air as him right now.
“Hello, Steven.”
“Hi, Dad,” Eddie replies.
It almost feels apocalyptic.
There wasn’t much in Harrington’s notes about his parents, other than they were hardly ever home and basically let Steve do whatever he wanted. And to an extent Eddie thought Steve was exaggerating, but given that this was the second time this week he’s seen Steve’s parents — after being in his body for nearly five days — he realizes Steve was telling nothing but the truth.
“How was work today?” Steve’s dad inquires.
Eddie does a double take, glancing at the fridge with Steve’s work schedule on it plastered in bright colors. It’s very hard to miss.
“…Today was my day off,” Eddie replies, baffled that Steve’s dad was too spatially unaware to look that way. “Did you uh…did you eat yet?”
“I did. Did you?”
“No, I was thinking about what to make actually,” Eddie mumbles. “I guess Spaghettios will do. Again.”
Eddie always thought Steve ate dinner with his parents, had conversations about his day, and shared laughs and stories. It’s jarring now to be in his shoes, where the silence is almost deafening.
“Yeah, we do need more groceries,” Steve’s dad agrees with an absent-minded yawn. “It’s a bummer you were off today. I was going to have you fetch your mom and I a tub of that Neapolitan. Didn’t realize we were out.”
Neapolitan? Eddie’s ears quirk at the mention. Isn’t that…?
“Ice cream? Why would I have ice cream at work, Dad?”
“Why wouldn’t you? Don’t you work at Scoops?”
“I work at Family Video.”
“Since when?”
“Since THREE YEARS AGO... You didn’t know that?”
“I’m not a psychic, Steven.”
Eddie’s eyes pan back to the fridge, again, the only thing on it being a sheet of paper that reads, FAMILY VIDEO SCHEDULE STEVE H. The stark reality of the situation hits him hard.
“Anyways, kinda odd you’re home tonight,” Todd continues. “You usually never are. Shouldn’t you be with Nancy?”
“Nancy?! Nancy and S–” Eddie pauses. “Nancy and I broke up FIVE years ago, Dad. …Don’t you remember?”
“I may have remembered you saying something about that…”
Oh he’s being absolutely insufferable! Steve and Nancy’s breakup was the talk of the town, and probably even the hot topic at the Loch Nora Moms Book Club meeting. How could Todd Harrington not even notice that Nancy wasn’t around for five years?!
At his wit’s end now, Eddie starts towards the hall. “I’m out.”
“Where are you going?” Steve’s dad demands, his tone sharp enough to slice through the thick tension in the air.
Eddie feels a surge of defiance bubble up. “I need some fresh air,” he replies, trying to keep his voice steady. “Not that you’d notice if I disappeared for a while.”
Eddie doesn’t know where he’s going yet. He just needs to get the hell away from here. Meanwhile, Steve’s dad is trying to figure out what he’s done to make his son so upset. He can’t think of anything he could’ve possibly said to elicit this reaction.
“Hey! Tone, you heard of it?” his eyes flicker over to Eddie. “What’s going on, son? You’re not acting like yourself.”
Eddie tuts. “Yeah, like you’ve been around to know what that’s like?”
Maybe he could go to the arcade. Or Starcourt. Hell, maybe he’ll loiter around Camp Knowhere, or a convenience store that sells Farrah Fawcett spray (The humidity was making his hair so hard to deal with! Eddie just wanted it UP and OUT OF HIS WAY).
Eddie just wanted to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but the hellscape that is Steve’s house.
“WHERE are you going?” Steve’s dad demands again.
“Knowhere, I guess.”
“Nowhere? Well you’ve gotta be heading somewhere.”
Annoyed – and too exhausted to explain – Eddie sighs.
“You know what, fine. Stay ominous about it,” Todd mutters. “You know what, Steve, you are never home.”
“Oh yeah? Well if I was home, would that have made a difference?!”
Taken aback, Todd Harrington’s eyes widen, shocked by his son’s sudden outburst. This isn’t the calm, polished Steve he knows. If this is how his son really is, what else has he been up to? Quite possibly no good.
“You know,” Todd clears his throat. “You are never home anymore.”
Eddie whips back around, enraged at the audacity.
“What’s the point of staying home if I’m going to be ignored?!” he yells. “If I’m going to eat dinner alone? If the only time I’m home you guys want something from me?! If I’m going to be stuck wondering when my parents are going to walk through that door?”
It’s like Eddie was talking to his own father while yelling at Steve’s. He’s had an eerily identical encounter with Al before. It just wasn’t expected or heard of. A guy with rich parents who weren’t…present in his life? His mind couldn’t wrap around it. Until it had to.
“I see you all the time, kid.”
“But do you know me…DAD?” Eddie cries. “Do you really know me?”
“I was at the hospital when you were born, of course I know you, son.”
Does this dude even know who Dustin is?
“Oh yeah? What’s my best friend’s name?”
“What sport did I do in high school?”
The third and final test.
“What am I allergic to?”
But Steve’s dad clicks his tongue in annoyance. “What do I look like, a doctor?”
Eddie swallows hard. Wayne would’ve answered all those questions—and correctly—in a heartbeat.
“I’m out,” Eddie says again.
Holding back the remainder of his tears, Eddie starts towards the door, any last bit of his appetite he had left completely down the drain now.
“It was a genuine question, Steven,” Todd Harrington calls after Eddie. “I said, do I look like a doctor to you?”
“You sure as hell don’t look like a father, I can tell you that much,” Eddie mutters.
Steve could argue that Nancy Wheeler was his biggest heartbreak, but as Eddie inhabits his life, he begs to differ.
The real heartbreak lies in being surrounded by everything a young man could ever want: parents, a big house, a large inheritance, hell, even a nice body—and still feeling profoundly lonely and unloved. In terms of a family and sense of belonging… Eddie’s richer than Steve. And had they not switched bodies, he would’ve never guessed.
Poor Harrington. Eddie had no idea.
“Master of puppets are pulling your strings… twisting your mind and smashing your dreams”
This is Steve’s last resort.
He figured if he listened to the same music Eddie did, acted like Eddie, and believed himself to be Eddie, the guitar solo for Take Me Away would just come to him naturally. After all, nothing is impossible. And delusion has gotten enough people pretty damn far.
Harrington reaches into his back pocket, acquiring the fortune that got them in this situation in the first place, hoping that maybe there were more messages in between the lines.
“A journey soon begins, its prize reflected in another’s eyes. When what you see is what you lack, then selfless love will change you back.”
“…in bed,” Steve jokes.
Look at him. This Eddie stuff’s easy.
Suddenly, an airy, delicate, seductive voice belonging to a young woman shifts Steve's attention.
Steve’s eyes nearly bulge out of his face.
Standing in front of him with her hair neatly kept in a high ponytail, body embraced by a nice blouse and an even nicer skirt, and frilly socks that poked out of her sneakers is a woman he didn’t expect to see.
The Queen of Hawkins herself. The woman of Steve’s dreams.
“NANCY!” he exclaims.
CRASH! Books fall out of the cart that rested besides Steve and onto the floor. He’s inherited Eddie’s clumsiness too it seems. Shocked, Nancy rushes to his aid, picking up books that fell more towards her side.
“Ugh, I’m so sorry,” Steve frowns. “Thanks…”
“I uh, like your haircut,” Nancy smiles. “Also, I didn't think you’d work at the library.”
“Well it’s the only place that would hire me,” Steve chuckles. “…literally. Uh, my haircut? Thanks. You really like it?”
“Yeah! It’s nice!" Nancy nods. "It’s new. I’m so used to your long hair.”
“Yeah back when I looked like an electrocuted ferret,” Steve grumbles.
“Nothing!” Steve says. “A-are you looking for anything?”
“Just browsing for some poetry that’s all.”
"I see," Steve nods. "W-well if you need anything, let me know."
Nancy watches as Steve, or Eddie in her eyes rather, walks back to the counter, acquiring the newly returned books to stamp for the next round of check-outs. He then loads them into the book cart, getting ready to return them to their respective aisles. All with a sulking demeanor that he’s too aloof to notice on himself.
“Are you okay?” Nancy inquires. “You look kinda down.”
Steve hesitates.
“I…” he says. “I really let someone down recently. Multiple people, actually. And I have no idea what to do.”
"I know how that feels,” she empathizes with him.
Nancy heads towards him.
“I was given a solution on how to make it right I just…” he shakes his head. “...don’t know how.”
“Well, the fact that you want to make it right is already the first step.”
Nancy motions for Steve to follow her, to which he does so immediately. She leads him to the poetry section of the library, specifically towards the authors with the last name starting with ‘D’. Shuffling through volumes of books, Nancy finally settles on one and takes it out.
“There’s a poem about selflessness that I really love,” she explains. “And if I’m correct, it’s in this lil book right here.”
Steve watches as Nancy flips through the pages in concentration.
She is still so pretty. Despite living in the same hometown, Steve hasn’t seen Nancy in a couple years. But she is still quite beautiful, and the same in her mannerisms and quirks, but just now older and wiser. Nancy clears her throat before reading the poem out loud.
“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.”
The two meet eyes.
“Emily Dickinson,” Nancy cites the poem. “Redemption is selfless. It's a sacrifice. But life becomes more worthwhile when you live to help others. If mending this brokenness is really what you seek, you have to see what matters most to the other person, and make sure there’s a way to meet in the middle. That’s the best way to help in any case.”
Nancy drifts off into a sorrowful, reflective trance.
“I should know.”
They were both wrong, Steve and Nancy. They broke up over dumb shit that teenagers broke up over, both too stubborn for their own good to see the other person’s perspective. Steve never got a chance to redeem himself. Jonathan stole Nancy’s heart back then before he could.
But Steve never stopped loving Nancy. And now that it’s being revisited when they’re much older, it’s discovered that Nancy never stopped loving Steve either.
“You’re beautiful, Nancy Wheeler,” Steve says, peering into her eyes.
Perplexed, Nancy looks at her friend with furrowed brows. Encouraging space between the two, she places her hands on Steve’s shoulders, before moving off to the side.
“Thanks, Eddie.”
“I made a promise to keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I’m doing!”
You’d think it’d stop at the raccoons. But to Eddie’s surprise, the shenanigans of Camp Nowhere are far from over.
Today’s activity is centered around “aerodynamics” – which quickly translates to “Rolling Down a Steep Hill in a Dismantled Tire Swing”.
“The chances of us getting concussions are unlikely,” someone protests.
“BUT. NEVER. ZERO!” Eddie points out. “Wear a damn helmet, for Christ’s sake!!!”
“Ugh!!!” another kid wails. “You’re being a buzzkill, AGAIN, Steve! We miss the Relaxed Steve who didn’t give a shit.”
“Well, that’s too bad!” Eddie’s quick to match the energy. “It’s when Steve STOPS giving a shit that you should be scared. STEVE has set rules for a reason. And the reason is that STEVE doesn’t want you guys getting hurt.”
An injured kid would likely mean a trip to the hospital. Which means calling home. Which then means mountains of bills and a potential lawsuit which could lead to the shutting down of Camp Knowhere forever. And if Eddie wanted to leave his mark on the world, he would want it to be because he shaped young minds. Not eviscerated them.
Eddie sighs before speaking again. He had no clue about what really goes into all of this.
“Why is Steve talking about himself in the third person?” a kid questions.
Eddie quickly realizes that he in fact was talking about ‘himself’ in third person, to which he quickly deflects by saying,
“Because you dingbats stress me out. Put a helmet on or it’s no tire swing.”
“You look absolutely ridiculous.”
“What do you mean? I’m just channeling my inner Eddie.”
It was like watching Eddie cosplay as himself. As a nervous Robin drives towards Discount Stereo in Eddie’s van, Family Video’s sister music shop, she can’t help but get annoyed with Harrington’s forced headbanging and unnecessary drumming-on-the-dash.
And making her drive without a license too? It was way too anarchic for Steve. It’s like she was actually with Eddie instead.
“What exactly are we looking for anyways?” Robin sighs.
“We need a voice changer of sorts,” Steve brainstorms. “Or at least something to isolate Eddie’s vocals from the original track so I can perform for him.”
The further and further they were away from camp, the more desperate Steve got.
But Steve isn’t giving up hope. And if he has to play What Would Eddie Do? to get Eddie the dream contract he had been wishing for, he’s going to do exactly that.
“Master of puppets are pulling your strings… twisting your mind and smashing your dreams…”
Just then an epiphany reaches him.
“Puppet…” Steve whispers to himself. “…strings.”
How could he have overlooked this? The answer was so clear, so evident, right there all along. And in that moment, Steve had reevaluated all his previous judgments of Mr. Clarke. The man is a modern-day genius.
Steve turns to Robin.
“Turn around,” he says.
“What? I literally just got on the highway and I thought we were going to—”
“Okay, turn around,” Gareth cautions. “But don’t make it obvious.”
Eddie’s neck immediately snaps towards the respective direction. Gareth gets a good eye-roll in before backhanding him across the chest.
“Way to be subtle,” he spews. “But that’s him. That’s the guy from Cardinal Records.”
The "dad" sunglasses. The Old Money Laugh. Initially unassuming, Eddie has no doubt that the man behind him is the off-duty talent scout. Because while he didn’t stand out at first, his confident demeanor and unbranded athleisure reeked of ‘subtle wealth’, his attentiveness to the stage screaming, ‘I’ll have my people call your people’.
“We should introduce ourselves before going up there,” Gareth suggests. “That way we start off on the right foot.”
“Noooo sir,” Eddie sings, shying away from the idea completely. “Not when I’m not myself.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll scavenge a wig and sunnies for you!” Jeff brainstorms. “He won’t even notice you took the form of some temperamental, big-haired frat diva!”
“It’s hopeless, guys,” Eddie refuses. “I say we just appoint the next band. Give someone else a shot while it’s in their reach.”
“But Eddie, THAT’S US!” Grant frowns. “We’ve dreamt of this, man. This is our only shot. You said it yourself, you practiced your solo for nearly two months!”
“So let this be a lesson learned,” Munson mutters. “That just because you work hard, it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed success. I’m sorry guys, but it’s not happening.”
But “Eddie!” he hears himself scream. “EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE!”
Steve dashes towards him, ignoring the people staring at him like he’s some lunatic yelling his own name. Harrington’s feet are thinking too fast for his brain, judging by the way Eddie has to extend his arms forward to protect the two from ramming right into each other… again.
“Eddie,” Steve pants one last time. “God…your cardio sucks. You haven’t… gone on yet…have you?”
“No, and I don’t intend to. Show’s off. We gotta find the next act.”
Steve stops him.
“I’ve been thinking,” Harrington begins. “Well, listening to music, more like. You know that one song by Metallica? The puppet show one?”
“Master of Puppets?” Eddie corrects him, baffled. “It’s not about a puppet show you ignorant f–”
“I know that,” Steve stops him. “...now. Point is, the word ‘puppet’ kinda had me thinking. What if you played your guitar solo backstage and I just pretend that it’s me doing it? I know the lyrics of the song, I just don’t know how to play guitar.”
“You know the lyrics to our song?” Jeff’s eyes twinkle with joy. Not that it was too big of a deal. But a ‘normie’ knowing the lyrics to one of Corroded Coffin’s songs is flattering in a sense.
“Yeah, after hearing it for a week straight,” Steve shrugs. “So, what do you say, Munson? Let’s get you guys that record deal, huh?”
Eddie lets the idea marinate for a while. Harrington’s onto something.
“So you suggest that I – quite literally – pull the strings behind the curtain…” Eddie nods along. “While you go out there and perform as me since you’re in my body? Pulling a Singing in the Rain essentially?”
“A what?”
But the theater kids sighs. “Nevermind. I’m uh, yeah! I’m up for it. If you are.”
Steve extends a hand to Eddie. With his stomach doing somersaults now, Eddie extends his hand to Steve, shaking it firmly, the mutual agreement eliciting a smile amongst the two former rivals.
“It’s now or never, baby. Let’s break some legs.”
Eddie shoots him a sour look. Steve’s trying. He’ll give him that much.
“Sure. I’ll take it!” Eddie chuckles. He quickly turns around. “Hey! Henderson!”
Dustin gives him a single nod.
“How long does it take for you to make a sign?” Eddie inquires. “Multiple, actually?”
“Depends,” Dustin shrugs. “What do you want them to say?”
Eddie smirks.
“Sorry I’m late, sweetheart. ...Again.”
Eddie takes a quick moment to admire his guitar, the red and black Rich NJ Warlock that he had spent two-and-a-half of his paychecks on, glistening atop the wall, held upright by a matte black holster. His eyes then trail over to the standard Reverend beside it, the one he’s going to be using while Steve goes out there with his precious baby.
“Okay, so when you guys get on stage, Gareth will start the count,” Eddie instructs, looking at Steve now. “When he counts to four, that’s when you start the song.”
“Wait, four?” Steve’s only been used to three. “Do I start right when he says four or after the fact?”
“At four. Starting after four would make it a five count.”
“ButifIstartatfour, howcanIbesurehedidn’tmeanthree and I’m off a couple counts?! Usually the count is three, I wanna make sure the count is actually four.”
“The count is four and you start AT FOUR!” Eddie hisses. “I was in band and theater and I’m in a band, I should know.”
The two quickly stop their argument to don their respective guitars. After another firm handshake, Steve sets off with the band, nervous but determined to give the performance his all.
“Don’t fuck up, Harrington,” Eddie shakily mutters as Steve walks away. “I’m countin’ on you.”
“Uh, Steve?” Nancy questions. Eddie spins around. “What are you doing with Eddie’s guitar?”
How’d Nancy get backstage? And why is she here? Eddie’s brain is riddled with a ton of questions, but nonetheless, all he does is smile.
“Don’t worry about it, Wheeler.”
Wheeler? Now Nancy really thinks Steve hit his head.
“I’m gonna worry!” she insists.
“‘Scuse me, ‘scuse me, pardon me,” Dustin utters as he squeezes his way to the front of the Show and Tell audience. “Tour manager here! I need access to the barricade!”
And he’s the best damn tour manager Hawkins has ever seen. Tucked underneath Dustin’s trusty armpit are a stack of poster-sized notecards with lyrics for Steve to read. Steve spots him in the crowd almost immediately and his eyes light up in relief. The two exchange confident thumbs up before the audience is lowered to a hush by the bright yellow stage lights and the fading stereo music.
“Uh… hi everyone!” Steve mumbles. “I’m Eddie Munson, and this is my band Corroded Coffin.”
Aggressive ringing shrouds people’s ears. Wincing himself, Steve gulps as he gathers what is left of his courage.
“A-are you ready to be blown away?” Steve questions the crowd. “Taken away, I should say. Haha.”
Crickets. There’s a hesitancy with the enthusiasm, but the crowd still remains supportive.
“C’mon…” Eddie whispers, impatiently and nervously tapping his feet.
Clearing his throat out of habit, Steve starts to speak again.
“Uh, this song is about never wanting to grow up. Refusing to conform to society’s expectations. The harsh realities of young adulthood.”
“Okay, we’re off to a good start…” Eddie comments.
“You know, I’ve done a lot of reflecting this summer,” Steve admits, the spotlight theatrically closing in on him. “Before this summer, I used to be uptight and a little bitter about everything and the way things were headed. But in the mess of it all, I learned to have a little bit of fun. To let my hair down, literally and metaphorically. And the fact that it all—“
“JUST START THE SONG!” Eddie interrupts from backstage.
Negative feedback rings through the stadium once more as Steve turns his head. I deserved that, he thinks. Without further adieu, Gareth starts them off, clashing his drumsticks together to set the tempo.
So it was after four.
“YEAAAAAH!” Steve croaks mightily into the microphone. “YEAAAAAAH!”
The band is already off to a good start. Even Eddie is stunned. The guitarist watches in joy – and almost with pride – as Steve pretends to know what he’s doing, ‘strumming’ along with Eddie’s band and banging his head around like an untamed maniac. It almost looks natural when he does it. Almost as if he had rehearsed this over and over.
When he senses the cue, Dustin holds his poster up.
“Get up, get out. Move on, move on there’s no doubt. I’m all wrong. You’re right. It’s all the same to you.”
“Get up, get out. Move on, move on there’s no doubt. I’M ALL WRONG. YOU’RE RIGHT. IT’S ALL THE SAME TO YOU!”
‘Eddie’s stage presence seemingly grabs the attention of the producer from Cardinal Records. Off to the side, Dustin’s friend’s friend’s dad remains leaned against a railing, his sharp eyes fixed on the band with a mix of fascination and calculation.
“I’m too thin. Too fat. You ask why. So why? So why? So why? So why?”
The scout's fingers drum against his thigh, fascinated by the song and the enthusiastic, young audience it catered to. He watches ‘Eddie’ and his provocative thrusts, the band and their one-ness with each other and their respective instruments, and the different groups of respectful mosh pits that have started since the band started performing. It’s a refreshing sight to see. Angst. Challenging the status quo. Young adults coming together to enjoy the music while being unapologetically themselves. Sex appeal.
The 90s have arrived; and Corroded Coffin is just what Cardinal Records needs.
“On and on and on and on. On and on and on and on! Don’t wanna grow up, I wanna get out. Hey! Take me away.”
Nodding his head to the song now, the man reaches into his pocket to acquire his business Motorola.
“Curtis,” the man says after a few rings. “Clear my schedule for the next week and a half. I’ve got some meetings to set up immediately.”
“I wanna shout out, take me away, away, away, away, away!”
“Round and round here we go again,” Steve sings, causing the crowd to roar and chant Eddie’s name. “Same old start, same old ends.”
“I don’t care if it was set in stone, I need you to clear them immediately,” the scout hisses. His eyes remain fixated on Corroded Coffin, “I just found our golden ticket.”
“Turn my head, I turn back again. Same old stuff, never ends.”
“Turn my head, I turn back again. Same old SHIT, never ends.”
And the audience ERUPTS once more. Shocked and ecstatic about the lyric change, Dustin bangs his head in excitement, throwing up two rock-and-roll signs while his notecards fall to the ground.
“He said the S word!” Suzie shrieks. “In front of a bunch of kids? He’s insane.”
He’s awesome, Eddie thinks, grateful at the fact that Steve had a change of heart when it came to the lyrics.
“Take me away, away, away, AWAY!”
And as planned, Eddie’s guitar solo that he had rehearsed for six weeks sounds through the amphitheater of excited, inspired teenagers.
Steve’s head bangs rhythmically with the beat, his eyes closed in a moment of pure bliss. His long hair whips around his face, drenched with sweat that sparkles underneath the stage lights.
I feel so fucking metal, he thinks to himself.
Eddie mirrors Steve from behind the curtain, ravaging his guitar, allowing his heart to pour from his fingers with a fiery, trance-inducing passion. And with a final, triumphant chord, Eddie thrusts his guitar skywards from behind the stage, his tongue poking out of his mouth from excitement, and the crowd erupts in an ear-splitting ovation, hands clapping, feet stomping, and voices roaring in a collective, euphoric frenzy.
Nancy stares in bewilderment at the sight in front of her. Robin takes notice and finds a cover explanation immediately.
“He’s been hanging around Eddie a LOT,” she says.
Steve, Eddie, Dustin, and the rest of Corroded Coffin congregate in a circle, over the moon by the fact that the plan had actually worked out. Like a colony of black rabbits in a carrot field, the group hops around in a state of impermeable bliss, soaking in all the emotions that came with the idea of the beginning of their dreams coming true.
“Most metal, indeed.”
An unfamiliar voice cuts through their celebration, causing them to pause. Steve feels a nudge at his ribcage, placed excitedly there by Eddie. A turn in that direction and everyone grows quiet, unsure whether or not to speak or bow to the mogul in front of them.
“So this is Corroded Coffin, huh? I’m Gary Feldman, a talent scout for Cardinal Records.”
Eddie shoves Steve forward.
“Th-that’s us!” Steve stammers. “It’s great to meet you, sir. I’m Eddie. Eddie Munson. These are my buddies… Gareth on drums, Jeff on bass, Grant on guitar and keyboard. And these are my other best friends, Dustin, and Steve.”
“Cardinal Records?” Eddie – as Steve – asks, feigning innocence with a hint of mischief. “What’s Cardinal Records?”
Steve catches on quickly, then channels his inner Eddie.
“Only the most METAL record label in the history of record labels! They’ve produced everyone who’s anyone—probably your favorite artist and your favorite artist’s favorite artist!”
Eddie smiles at Steve’s ability to be such an accurate historian, whether or not it was done on a whim. Meanwhile, Feldman chuckles, clearly flattered at the fact that Steve, or ‘Eddie’, was practically kissing his feet, saying all the right things to get him on his good side.
“The media training is strong with this one.”
Just then, Steve’s confidence wavers. Scared that he ruined their shot, he gulps.
“I wasn’t thinking that, I swear.”
But Feldman laughs heartily, easing the tension.
“I’m just messing with ya, kid,” the talent scout grins. “I like your band, I really do. You guys have a sound I haven’t heard before. And the energy you bring to the crowd is something I haven’t seen in a long time.”
“Y-you’re serious?!” Eddie can’t help but exclaim. “You… really think my friends are that talented?”
“I don’t just think, I know,” Feldman insists, looking back at ‘Steve’. “I believe you guys have the IT factor we’ve been looking for but have been unable to find. I would like to have Corroded Coffin on board, if you are willing.”
Eddie beams in awe as he watches the interaction take place. Never did he think he would get his foot through the door thanks to Steve Harrington’s rockstar skills. And it seems like all the other guys shared that very sentiment.
“Here is my card, perhaps we can set up a meeting.”
The card is sleek when Steve takes it in his hand. It’s a glossy jet black color, heavy, and feels very, VERY important. Struggling to find the correct words, the boys nod profusely, smiling ear to ear while taking turns shaking Gary Feldman’s star-and-jewelry-studded hand. And when the recruiter disappears from sight, Eddie is quick to snatch the card out of Steve’s grip.
“Holy shit, we got our foot in the door!” he cheers, high-fiving all of the boys in celebration.
Steve peers over at Eddie with a proud smile.
“Congratulations, man. I knew that this would be possible.”
Eddie offers him a grateful smile in return. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Harrington.”
Eddie and Steve share a hug. Dustin stares as they do so, palms clasped together like a relieved parent witnessing a rare bonding moment between her children. Although it was a messy process, the mission of his fortune cookie worked. Steve and Eddie finally get along.
Suddenly, Eddie feels the grasp of two gruff palms below his hips.
“Uh, Steve,” Eddie clears his throat. “Can you please get your hand off my butt?”
But Harrington only laughs. “You mean my butt?”
“This is so not cool, man,” Argyle grumbles. “SO NOT COOL!”
Wading through a sea of glass beakers and soggy clothes, the gang proceeds to help Dustin clean out his side of the cabin… one last time before saying goodbye to Knowhere forever.
“I agree, why did you have to pack so much?!” Will questions. “You were only gone for six weeks.”
“Hey, I didn’t know what I would need for my last year,” Dustin defends himself. “Also, with my mom gone on her spicy book retreat, I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back and get anything.”
“Spicy book retreat?” it piques Argyle’s interest. “Explain.”
“If it’s anything like my mom reads, then you don’t wanna know,” Mike makes a face.
“Says you, sore Paladin. We REAL MEN have a thirst for this type of knowledge. Gotta know how to cater to the ladies, you know what I mean?”
The room fills with disgusted groans. This may be a science camp, but no one had the stomachs to discuss human anatomy at the moment.
Just then, the ground beneath the party rumbles again.
“EARTHQUAKE!” Argyle shrieks, his tone reminiscent of that of a little girl. “FOR REAL THIS TIME!”
“Jesus Chr—” Steve yelps, taking cover underneath a table.
“Here we go again,” Eddie mutters through his gritted teeth.
Everyone takes a form of shelter while the cabin rocks around, Suzie’s influence heavily evident on Dustin as he prays repeatedly for this shit to be over.
“HOLY SHIT!” Max screams, holding onto some chair legs to stabilize her body.
The earthquake makes itself known for a little longer, before fading into complete nothingness. Everyone looks around to see if that was the last of the shaking. When the coast is finally clear, Argyle is the first to stand up.
“Now that,” he huffs. “Is what you call a California quake. That had to have been a five-point-something.”
When Eddie looks up from his bracing position, he pans his gaze over to Steve. And he’s absolutely elated when the face staring back at him is exactly who it is… Steve.
“Oh my god…” Eddie’s breath hitches. “Harrington.”
“Holy,” Harrington breathes. “Eddie?”
“Did they change back?” Robin mumbles, hands still atop her head as a form of self-regulation.
Everybody’s eyes trail over to Steve and Eddie as they reemerge, watching them palm at each other’s chests in confirmation, laughing delusionally in one another’s faces as they hop around in celebration.
“I don’t…” Steve stammers. “But you… how did we…”
“When what you see is what you lack, then selfless love will change you back,” Eddie recalls in his story-telling voice.
The notion really was the key to empathy, it seems: you never know what someone goes through until you live life in their shoes. A bit too literal for both of their likings, but Steve and Eddie evidently got the picture. It just felt great, being back in their own bodies again.
“I’m really sorry for everything I said about you,” Eddie fesses up immediately. “You really are a pretty amazing guy, Harrington. The kids are lucky to have you.”
“And I’m sorry for always refusing to see your side,” Steve says. “My jealousy, bias? and bitterness wouldn’t allow me to do so. Until I lived through it.”
“Hopefully it’s not too late for us to actually be friends.”
“For sure, man,” Eddie grins. I’ll call ya after that record deal meeting.”
The rocker reaches into his pocket to acquire a gift for Steve. His guitar pick that he used during Show and Tell. Upon it being delicately placed in his palms, Steve looks down at it in admiration, encapsulating it with his fingers to ensure its safety.
“Something to remember me for when Coffin makes it big,” Eddie explains.
The two share a smile once again, ecstatic that this fiasco is all over – but also excited to be burying the hatchet they have been harboring for years. It felt like an end of an era, a catalyst for a new beginning.
“Hey!” Argyle exclaims, his mouth just inches away from the fortune cookie in his hand. “Jonathan and I finally got the same fortune.”
Suddenly, concerned energy fills the room.
“NOOO!” everyone yelps running towards Argyle to knock the pastry out from his hand.
“Steeeeve Haaaarrington?”
The bright smile on the young woman’s face catches Steve off guard as he turns around. A flutter of nerves wash over him, but he remains fixed, determined to keep his composure as he feeds into the flirtiness.
“It’s Camp Counselor Steve Harrington, actually,” the former jock winks.
“Heard you’re the absolute best.”
“I’m alright, I suppose.”
“Hey, Steve.”
“Hey, Nance.”
It’s been years since Steve and Nancy had a decent conversation. Let alone one where tears weren’t involved. But despite the passage of time, taking in Nancy and all of her beauty still feels brand new to Steve, the mere idea of her making him giddy and bashful, just like the very first time.
“Did you have a good summer?”
“I did,” Steve nods. “And it just got a whole lot better.”
He catches himself immediately.
“Because now Dustin is free, of course,” he babbles.
“Right, right, of course,” Nancy nods along, trying not to blush.
“And we get to hang out again, and he gets to hang out with your brother again…”
“Fun! So fun!” Nancy insists.
“.. and he gets to hang out with Eddie and his band before they go on tour and make it big…”
The two take a moment to sit with the fact. A Hawkins local going to Indy with his band. A retired delinquent, mind you. Yet still the most badass.
“You know…” Nancy speaks again. “I am still kinda curious as to why you’ve been walking around with Eddie Munson’s guitar all night.”
Steve hands her the guitar pick. Confused but intrigued, Nancy takes it from his hand, grazing it with her delicate fingers as Steve closes up the space between them.
“If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson.”
Suddenly, Nancy appears to realize. Steve’s charm not only transcended time, but now also bodies, it seems. And Nancy knew she recognized those eyes from somewhere.
“Something’s telling me that it wasn’t Eddie that I was talking to in the library…” she speculates.
Steve can only chuckle. “Crazy, right?”
“It’s Hawkins,” Nancy giggles. “Nothing’s crazy to me anymore.”
“Not even me?”
“No, you’re not crazy,” she blushes, biting delicately on her bottom lip. “You’re just an idiot…Steve Harrington.”
“And you’re beautiful, Nancy Wheeler.”
“Uh, gross,” Eddie remarks from a distance.
Eddie nudges Dustin as they watch the two walk off into the sunset. They’ve been eavesdropping and spying this whole time, but Steve and Nancy were too smitten to notice.
“Is it too late to grab a coffee?”
“With you? No never. I heard Newby’s Coffee Roasters is pretty good.”
“Let’s go.”
The two spies proceed to watch as Nancy and Steve walk away, arm in arm, setting towards Steve’s car to enjoy the rest of their night.
“How come YOU never take me out for coffee and pastries?” Eddie jokes.
Dustin shrugs, reaching into his pocket to give Eddie an offering. “Here, you want a fortune cookie?”
Having learned his lesson now, Eddie is quick to shut it down.
“Absolutely not.”
“I, Sir Eddie Munson, dub THEE,” Eddie announces. “Dustin Randall Henderson, KING of Camp Knowhere.”
The boys chant adorn praises while Steve and Eddie wrap a linen mantle around Dustin’s shoulders. They then issue him a trash grabber to serve as his scepter, along with a dented paper crown from Crispy King to top off the look. Dustin bows at them gracefully.
“Thank you, thank you, my loyal subjects. First order as King — is D&D — with no curfew!”
“D&D, I thought we were watching Alvin and the Chipmunks,” Steve interrupts with a pout.
“Those fruity rodents can wait, Big Boy,” Eddie refuses. “Rise of Kas is tonight. I’ll teach you how to play if you’re game.”
Steve is about to say something before he stops himself. Hey, why not? After all this time pretending to be Eddie, he never mastered playing a fantasy game.
“I’m in,” Steve humbly shrugs. “Let’s go!”
Everyone cheers before descending towards Mike’s basement, a proud King Dustin watching at the top of the stairs. All his friends are friends. Thanks to his invention.
“Well don’t you look just ADORABLE?!” Karen Wheeler beams as she makes her way into the living room. “What are you supposed to be?”
“Dustin Henderson,” he grins proudly, bowing once again. He politely takes Karen’s hand in his and plants playful kisses upon her knuckle. “King of Knowhere, to you, Lady Wheeler.”
“Why am I not surprised?” a cacophonous voice interrupts the beautiful moment.
Off in the corner sits a salty Ted Wheeler, reclined in his stupid LayZ Boy while playing Sudoku like he was last time. And the last time. And the last time.
Dustin shakes his head. In Ted’s defense, Dustin would hate his life too if every day was the same as the one before. It was just sad. The complete killjoy should have been the last to speak about what Dustin does for fun.
“King of a place called Nowhere,” Ted remarks. “That’s exactly where you’re headed if you don’t start acting your age soon.”
“Oh, you wish you had my child-like whimsy,” Dustin hisses. “Someone’s just upset that they never had a childhood.”
But Mike’s dad fires back. “Someone’s just upset that they can no longer act like a child.”
Curly never understood what Ted Wheeler’s deal was. He’s got a nice house. A smoking hot wife. And three kids who Dustin is blessed enough to call his friends. What more could he possibly ask for?
“You know what — Theodore?” Dustin demands. “I was going to banish you to my dungeon to embark on a journey towards eternal misery, but it seems like you’re already there, so I shall not issue you better. A true king does not internalize the opinions of common court jesters anyways.”
He chucks Ted a cookie. Hopefully it’ll rid him of his attitude. And replace it with empathy.
“Lucky for you, I don’t discriminate either.” He turns back to Karen and blows her a kiss. “Same time tomorrow?”
Karen rolls her eyes as Dustin starts towards the basement. And just before he joins his loyal subjects for Dungeons and Dragons, the little king stops to read his fortune.
"You are about to embark on a curiosity voyage."
Dustin chuckles to himself.
"...in bed," he adds.
The little king hums happily to himself after popping the cookie into his mouth. There was no way in hell he’s letting Mike’s dad ruin his night. Not anymore.
“Man, I make one mean cookie.”
Meanwhile, ‘Common Court Jester’ Ted Wheeler gives in and goes to eat his fortune cookie as well. A sweet treat every now and then wouldn’t hurt anyways. Oh, the small joys of adult life.
“You know,” Karen speaks up, attempting to lighten the mood. “One of these days you’re going to miss them being this young. Or that you were 17 again, at least.”
“Well it sure isn’t today, I can tell you that much, honey.”
Karen scoffs, evidently accustomed to her husband’s dry humor by now. She then holds up some jell-o that she had made not too long ago.
“Care for some dessert?”
Ted shakes his head, holding up the fortune that came with Dustin’s cookie.
“No, thank you sweetheart, I think I’m set for tonight.”
Ted wipes his mouth as he chews. And, because curiosity got the best of him, he flips the strip of paper over to read his fortune.
“You are about to embark on a curiosity voyage.”
Ted Wheeler shakes his head and tosses it to the side.
“I’ll say… If there’s one thing I CAN praise Dustin Henderson for, it’s that he makes a great fortune cookie!”
The End 👀🕰️
author's note (again): thank you my loves for tuning in and for all your support. want a cookie? 😇🥠
divider credits: @saradika-graphics @silkholland @dreamlandcreations
#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fanfiction#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington fanfiction#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve harrington and eddie munson#eddie munson and steve harrington#steve harrington x eddie munson#eddie munson x steve harrington#steddie#steddie bodyswap#steddie fanfic#steddie fanfiction#stranger things fanfic#stranger things fanfiction#Spotify
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hi! not sure if this has been asked before but do you have any recs for blondes, 26-29, who give off an "ice queen"/"bitchy" vibes? i thought of renee rapp but she's a couple of years younger than I'd like. thank you!!!
Dina Shihabi (1989) Palestinian, Saudi Arabian / White - vibes in the show Painkiller.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, Brazilian of Portuguese and possibly other descent, Galician Jewish, Bukovina Jewish, White - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Billie Lourd (1992) part Ashkenazi Jewish - vibes in the show Scream Queens.
Taylor Momsen (1993)
Lily Mae Harrington (1993)
Saoirse-Monica Jackson (1993)
Charlotte Day Wilson (1993) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lucy Boynton (1994)
Georgia Hirst (1994)
Tiera Skovbye (1995)
Maddie Hasson (1995)
Sarah Dugdale (1995)
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Florence Pugh (1996) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Thea Sofie Loch Naess (1996) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Tavi Gevinson (1996) Ashkenazi Jewish - has spoken up for Palestine!
Emma Mackey (1996) - vibes in the show Sex Education.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean.
Annalisa Cochrane (1996)
Zara Larsson (1997) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ivanna Sakhno (1997)
Madelyn Cline (1997)
Olivia DeJonge (1998)
Hope this helps you out!
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Loch Maddy to Talbert, Harris
Wednesday 23rd August 2023
Another red letter day arriving at our northernmost destination! Quite a sea on our beam as we headed up to Harris and tied up in the lovely little marina in time for a late lunch. Couldn't wait to go ashore to the Harris tweed shop, which didn't disappoint! Sadly for the captain, the distillery will only start selling whisky on 22nd September...

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Wishful Thinking, A wish tree for Norwich
commissioned by Norwich and Norfolk Festival 2023 as part of The Norwich Art Path
Maddie will be installing a Coin Tree at UEA campus, marking the site of the pilgrimage. Interested in how folklore and mystery can appear in the everyday, she wants to invite a space for dreaming into our lives. Coin trees are noted for their wish-granting fame, and passer-by’s are invited to add their wishes to the sculpture.
Collaborating with sound healer Lola Bartlett, I created this site-specific experience based art work for the festival. Attendees were invited to sit in The Dell on UEA campus. After a guided sound healing session, participants were invited, via whisper, to add their wish to the coin tree by hammering a coin into the tree.
Found at over 40 sites across the UK, ‘coin trees’ are trees (often logs) which have coins embedded into their bark. The earliest known coin tree is an oak next to a holy well on Isle Maree, an island in Loch Maree in the Highlands of Scotland. Pilgrims who sought a cure for a array of ailments would visit the site and leave their tokens of thanks on the tree. These sites are now widely known for their wish-granting fame.
The practice of ‘wish trees’ spans beyond Christianity and into many cultures and religions-- most notably, Paganism, Hinduism and Thai Folklore. In these practices, though, rags and fabrics rather than coins are attached to trees.
My very first thoughts for this project centred around the phenomenon of people having such ownership and intimate relationships with the different secluded spots on UEA campus. There are so many ‘our spot’s and I hope there is now one more.
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Be Careful What You Wish For - Truth/ Self-Sabotage
Maddie, Cedar, and Cerise will defend Raven til the end.
Apple and Darling talk about the 'true loves kiss' during the Dragon Games.
The Evil Queen spies on the students of Ever After High.
Raven reflects on why she decided she didn't want to be the next evil queen.
Snow White plans to visit Ever After High for a special reason.
#ever after high#eah#raven queen#apple white#maddie hatter#madeline hatter#briar beauty#cedar wood#ashlynn ella#cerise hood#blondie loches#hunter huntsman#dexter charming#sparrow hood#daring charming#duchess swan#darling charming#kitty cheshire#lizzie hearts#melody piper#hopper croakington ii#alistair wonderland#bunny blanc#eah rebel#eah royal#my art
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And Michael! He's not making heart fingers on purpose he's snapping at someone to hurry tf up lol
. . .someday I should make more "typically masculine" ocs lol
Here's some more Picrew makers, geared more towards guys/gn. There were a few others but they didn't have skintone options, so I didnt bother to include them.
I'm only going to tag the ones who played the original picrew tag game and had male OCs, but if anyone else has a male MC you're more than welcome to join!
Sorry if I miss tagging anyone
@trashsenpai7 @a-decoy-soul @danieyells @cinnamammon @apassintohell @thelazystrawberryboi @austrianjello @deanobeanoqueero @softscummymammon @adrians-gay-blog
#danie yells at their ocs#obey me! ocs#danie yells at obey me!#irene and maddi didn't really work outnas well innthis one so i won't post them lol#also the realization that those three are all 'true hermaphrodites' though loch and yuki are intersex since they're humans#i hc all angel-borns to be hermaphrodites with anatomy in various places on the spectrum(but ultimately fully mixed) so.
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Week 4 (SPRING 4/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: For once, not Kiara! This time I was called upon by one of the Bacchae adventurers, Maddi Windwake the druid.
Ailment: Phodothropy [curse*] [hair*] (T6) Got bitten by a cursed hamster while she was trying to befriend it. She spent the last full moon as a giant hamster, gnawing on the wheels of her party’s loot cart.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to banish the hair, Glittersnow or Fairy Dust to break the curse
Field Notes:
I readily found the Skeleton Dust I needed in Hero’s Hollow, after all the exploring I’ve been doing. Said hello to Bap for a little while, as well. They seemed tired today. On my way out of the dungeon I stopped in an ancient library and took some time to read a few dusty but useful old books, which were able to instruct me as to how I might collect some Ghost Goo. They were accurate, to my excitement!
I next traveled up the mountain to gather Glittersnow, and was startled by the approach of a hot air balloon. It landed directly in front of me, and inside was a strikingly dashing individual who introduced themself as Nikola Skywode. Without any further detail they immediately invited me into their balloon and offered to take me wherever I wished. On the one hand, this could have easily been a kidnapping….but on the other hand, I’ve never flown in a balloon before, and they were very dashing (if eccentric).
I accepted. We had a thrilling time, the details of which will remain private.
I meant to direct us straight back to the Apothecary cottage, but I admit I got a little too distracted by the beautiful view(s), and we ended up landing in the Glimmerwood instead. I was too embarrassed to correct this, and said my goodbyes - I figured it was close enough to walk home anyway. I also realized that Fairy Dust might be a little more appropriate for Maddi’s particular ailment anyway, so I set to finding some before I left. Just as I finished, however, I got hit with sudden vertigo, my vision went blurry, and a strange voice I couldn’t understand whispered like echoes in my mind. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the middle of a fairy ring in a completely different part of the forest. It was disorienting, but I was unharmed, and apparently the fairies weren’t too offended because they allowed me to keep my dust. I had to book it back to the cottage to keep good time, though.
“Fuzz-Away Dust”
Crush the skeleton dust into a fine powder
Mix thoroughly with raw Fairy Dust
Apply the mixed dust gently with a powder puff to the face, and inhale
Paid: 20 silver Maddi left looking as sparkly as crushed mica, but free of fur and free of the urge to chew on furniture.
Additional Notes:
This week I went to the Loch to visit Calliope Trippin & had lunch with her family. Afterward I did a little foraging - Shadow easily snatched the wig off a wigfish showing off in the shadows, while I explored a sunken wreck a little deeper in the water. I found a skeleton clinging to a treasure chest, but this one was definitely dead. After prying its prize away and dragging it to shore, I found a number of absolutely beautiful paintings inside. I gave them to Calliope for safekeeping until I decide where I want to put them.
I also found the sock that possibly belongs to the giant who lost the shoe, mostly buried in the sand along a very long stretch of beach. There were Dentist Crabs all over the site, and it was easy to gather a good amount. I then found some odd footprints, which I tried to follow, but before I found where they led I was harried by a flock of gull-drakes and had to retreat. They made me lose all of my Dentist Crabs, which was frustrating, and I backtracked to the site of The Sock to gather some more. This time I noticed part of a seemingly endless rope also half buried, which I first took as one of those huge sailing ropes, but I now suspect it might have been a shoelace.
OOC: Rep – 9 [Novice] Silver – 92 Tools – basics Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s] — (freely available) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x3) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
#Apothecaria#Apothecaria logs#Phodothropy#Demon Bap#Nikola Skywode#fairy ring#Calliope Trippin#Fuzz-Away Dust#Maddi Windwake
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When A Scot Ties the Knot. By Tessa Dare. New York: Avon Books, 2015.
Rating: 3/5 stars
Genre: historical romance
Part of a Series? Yes, Castles Ever After #3
Summary: On the cusp of her first London season, Miss Madeline Gracechurch was shyly pretty and talented with a drawing pencil, but hopelessly awkward with gentlemen. She was certain to be a dismal failure on the London marriage mart. So Maddie did what generations of shy, awkward young ladies have done: she invented a sweetheart. A Scottish sweetheart. One who was handsome and honorable and devoted to her, but conveniently never around. Maddie poured her heart into writing the imaginary Captain MacKenzie letter after letter … and by pretending to be devastated when he was (not really) killed in battle, she managed to avoid the pressures of London society entirely. Until years later, when this kilted Highland lover of her imaginings shows up in the flesh. The real Captain Logan MacKenzie arrives on her doorstep—handsome as anything, but not entirely honorable. He’s wounded, jaded, in possession of her letters… and ready to make good on every promise Maddie never expected to keep.
***Full review under the cut.***
Content Warnings: graphic sexual content, blood, violence
Overview: I came across this book while doing research for a blog post on Scottish fetishization in romance. While writing the post, I encountered YouTuber Jean Bookishthoughts’s video “ An Actual Scot Reads Highlander Romances,” and she gave this novel a fairly positive review. So I decided “why not? I’ve got nothing better to do.” Overall, the premise of this book was really enticing - the idea of a woman writing letters to a fictional sweetheart only to have a flesh-and-blood man show up at her door is quite the setup. I also think Dare does a good job of writing humor and moving the narrative along. But I ultimately couldn’t give this book more than 3 stars for a number of reasons: for one, the main crux of the plot felt like it could have been a bit more robust. Two, I didn’t find Logan to be a very interesting character. And three, some of the random “Highlander” references felt cheesy.
Writing: Dare writes prose that is quick, witty, and humorous. I very much enjoyed the jokes and the banter between our protagonists, and I appreciated that Dare didn’t get bogged down in some of the details of day-to-day life. If I had any criticisms, it would be that I think Dare moves almost too quickly at times. Some of the more emotional moments could have used some room to breathe or some more description of how the characters’ emotions are faring. But it wasn’t so bad that I felt like I was being rushed through the novel. Another way of putting is may be that sometimes Dare told where she could have shown, but the balance of telling vs showing didn’t feel egregiously off.
Plot: This plot mainly follows our heroine, Maddie, and our hero, Logan, as they try to work out an agreement. Maddie, in the attempt to avoid going on the marriage mart, invented a sweetheart at age 16 and wrote letters to a “fictional” Scottish captain in the army for years. Unbeknownst to her, the letters were actually being received by Logan, and when he and his men come home from the war, Logan is determined to marry Maddie in order to get her land in Invernesshire.
Personally, I found this setup to be quite intriguing and whimsical. I liked the embarrassment that arose from Maddie’s letters actually being received and read. I liked that Logan secretly looked forward to the letters from a stranger. I even liked the dilemma of negotiating a marriage of convenience. But I think where this plot fell apart for me was the whole challenge of consummating the marriage. Logan and Maddie agree to marry and live separate lives (it’s early on, so this isn’t really a spoiler), but Logan is adamant about consummating the marriage so that there’s no possibility of an annulment. Maddie, for her part, wants to avoid consummating the marriage because she finds that marriage will threaten her career prospects; as an illustrator, she finds that men will not hire her for work if they think household or parenting duties will interrupt her work schedule. To be completely honest, this challenge was quite good; I thought there was a real opportunity here for Dare to explore the sexist challenges women face in the workplace. Where I thought the challenge was weak was in the whole obsession with consummation. Unless there was such hostility between the Scottish and the English that an Englishwoman’s word would always be taken over a Scotsman’s, I found the question of “did they actually have sex or not” to be quite trivial. From what I know, annulments were notoriously difficult to obtain, so it wouldn’t matter much if Maddie and Logan had consummated the marriage. It seems like Logan could just say they did and an annulment would be near impossible. Nor do I think the law would care much if they only had non-penetrative sex. It seems like the whole plot hinging on whether or not they had “real sex” was a non-issue for me.
Instead, I would have liked to see more conflict in Maddie between balancing her desires for romance and a family with her career aspirations. Once Logan enters the picture, it seems like her career takes a backseat (except for a couple of scenes), and I would have rather seen it be more front and center. Either that or I think Maddie’s story could have mirrored her aunt’s more closely. Maddie’s Aunt Thea was long ago caught up in a scandal that ruined her, but later, Thea reveals that she had enjoyed the freedom. I think having Maddie be independent and struggle with the idea of being “tied down” by marriage could have also been good, and while there’s a little of that, I think it could have been more apparent to the reader.
In terms of small-scale narrative points, I think a lot of the scenes Dare writes are very funny and entertaining. I liked, for instance, the scene where Maddie falls into a bog, or when Maddie shows kindness to Logan’s friend, Grant. The scenes that truly did bother me, however, were some of the more “fluffy” ones that were a bit too cheesy for my tastes. For example, there’s a scene in which Maddie finds Logan reading Pride and Prejudice and he’s wearing spectacles. She makes a big deal about him being a reader and I had to roll my eyes. There’s also a scene towards the end in which Maddie attempts to make haggis, and I hated it because it felt like it was inserted so Dare could check off a “Scottishism” in a list. Tartan? Check. Brogue? Check. Haggis? Check. The scene also erupted in random violence, too, which felt out-of-place and inserted for pointless drama towards the end of the novel.
But I will admit, I did like the scenes that were very self-aware about what Dare was doing. For example, there’s a scene in which Logan is debating about what to do to get Maddie into bed. His friends give him suggestions like “offer your heart to her on a platter” or “throw in a lot of oochs and bonny lasses when you speak” or “dive into the loch and have her go looking for you. Then, when she’s found you, pretend you don’t notice her and have her watch you bathe for a while. Then emerge from the lock all dripping wet.” This self-awareness was a nice stab at romance cliches, though I wish Dare had done a better job herself at avoiding them.
Characters: Maddie, our heroine, is fairly likeable in that she’s bookish, generous, and a bit clumsy at times. I liked that there was a juxtaposition between her confidence and her social anxiety: while she wasn’t afraid to assert herself in some situations, big crowds made her nervous, and I think navigating those two scenarios made for some interesting characterization. The main thing I didn’t like about Maddie was how quickly she seemed to give up her career ambitions for Logan. There’s a point where she has to make a choice between letting Logan go and following her dreams, and she claims that she’s choosing Logan even though the choice is really made for her based on sexist norms of the day. I would have liked to see her wrestle with her ambitions a little more.
Logan, our hero, has some admirable qualities, but in the end, I found him rather uninteresting. He’s your basic roguish Scotsman with a tragic past, and though I liked the loyalty he showed to his men, I ultimately though he was a little too jealous and a little too used to his orders being obeyed. I would have liked to see him be a little less dictatorial so that his romantic appeal would shine through a bit more brightly.
Side characters are charming but, in my opinion, underutilized. I liked all of Logan’s army buddies and appreciated that all of them had disabilities in some way (and those disabilities were important but didn’t define them). I really appreciated Maddie’s relationship with Grant, the soldier whose memory resets every hour or so. She was kind to him and he was sweet to her; I just didn’t think his random violent outburst towards the end was necessary or in-character. Maddie’s Aunt Thea could have also been used more effectively, but I did like that Thea had this quirk of making a lot of cosmetics and remedies that were, ultimately, rubbish. It was charming.
Romance: Logan and Maddie’s romance was... ok. The premise started out really interesting, but over time, I lost some enthusiasm because I felt like I was being told that they had feelings for each other (rather than being shown). Sure, Logan does some things that challenge Maddie’s assumptions and vice versa, but I wanted them to have a stronger basis for a romance than just “they’re hot and I’m horny oh wait they were nice to me and aren’t exactly what I expected.” Part of the reason I wasn’t super enthused might also be the focus on sex and sexual attraction as well as Maddie feeling pity for Logan on account of his past. I prefer romances where the focus is on each person lifting the other up emotionally, and while there was a little of that, I think I would have liked to see it be more of a centerpiece within the plot.
TL;DR: When a Scot Ties the Knot is a funny, light, historical romance, but ultimately doesn’t have a “meaty” enough plot for my personal tastes. Some readers might enjoy the banter and the heroine’s determination, while others might be turned off by the cheesiness and lack of a complex hero.
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Briston Maroney – First Avenue – Minneapolis, MN – February 10, 2024
Photos by Maddy Loch © 2024
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Grouplove – Palace Theatre – St. Paul, MN – March 15, 2024
Alternative indie band Grouplove hit the road again for their Rock and Roll You Won't Save Me Tour and made their 11th stop in St. Paul. The tour kicked off on February 28th, 2024, in Seattle, WA.

Grouplove is a band that has consistently been one of my favorite bands for the past 7-8 years, so to say I was excited to be covering this show would be an understatement. Their stage set-up was intricate and intentional, and it definitely set the scene for the amazing visuals and lights that were to follow. Finally, the lights dimmed, and the crowd knew it was time. From the minute the band hit the stage, everyone could tell that we were in for a special show. The energy was through the roof from the start of the show until the encore at the end.

When the time in the set came for them to perform their number one song, “Tongue Tied,” everyone from the GA floor to the tops of the balcony was on their feet with their hands up, singing every word. It made me smile to look around and feel the energy of everyone celebrating such a high-energy and genuine performance. Being able to see Grouplove live felt very full circle and will definitely go down as one of my favorite performances.
Maddy Loch
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 17, 2024.
Photos by Maddy Loch © 2024. All rights reserved.
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Suspenseful Fiction: Book Recs
The Art of Falling by Kathryn Craft
One wrong step could send her over the edge. All Penny has ever wanted to do is dance—and when that chance is taken from her, it pushes her to the brink of despair, from which she might never return. When she wakes up after a traumatic fall, bruised and battered but miraculously alive, Penny must confront the memories that have haunted her for years, using her love of movement to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. Kathryn Craft’s lyrical debut novel is a masterful portrayal of a young woman trying to come to terms with her body and the artistic world that has repeatedly rejected her. The Art of Falling expresses the beauty of movement, the stasis of despair, and the unlimited possibilities that come with a new beginning.
At the Edge of the Haight by Katherine Seligman
Maddy Donaldo, homeless at twenty, has made a family of sorts in the dangerous spaces of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. She knows whom to trust, where to eat, when to move locations, and how to take care of her dog. It’s the only home she has. When she unwittingly witnesses the murder of a young homeless boy and is seen by the perpetrator, her relatively stable life is upended. Suddenly, everyone from the police to the dead boys’ parents want to talk to Maddy about what she saw. As adults pressure her to give up her secrets and reunite with her own family before she meets a similar fate, Maddy must decide whether she wants to stay lost or be found. Against the backdrop of a radically changing San Francisco, a city which embraces a booming tech economy while struggling to maintain its culture of tolerance, At the Edge of the Haight follows the lives of those who depend on makeshift homes and communities. As judge Hillary Jordan says, “This book pulled me deep into a world I knew little about, bringing the struggles of its young, homeless inhabitants—the kind of people we avoid eye contact with on the street—to vivid, poignant life. The novel demands that you take a close look. If you knew, could you still ignore, fear, or condemn them? And knowing, how can you ever forget?”
The Committed by Viet Thanh Nguyen
The long-awaited new novel from one of America’s most highly regarded contemporary writers, The Committed follows the Sympathizer as he arrives in Paris as a refugee. There he and his blood brother Bon try to escape their pasts and prepare for their futures by turning their hands to capitalism in one of its purest forms: drug dealing. No longer in physical danger, but still inwardly tortured by his reeducation at the hands of his former best friend, and struggling to assimilate into a dominant culture, the Sympathizer is both charmed and disturbed by Paris. As he falls in with a group of left-wing intellectuals and politicians who frequent dinner parties given by his French Vietnamese “aunt,” he finds not just stimulation for his mind but also customers for his merchandise―but the new life he is making has dangers he has not foreseen, from the oppression of the state, to the self-torture of addiction, to the seemingly unresolvable paradox of how he can reunite his two closest friends, men whose worldviews put them in absolute opposition. Both literary thriller and brilliant novel of ideas, The Committed is a blistering portrayal of commitment and betrayal that will cement Viet Thanh Nguyen’s position in the firmament of American letters.
Summerwater by Sarah Moss
On the longest day of the summer, twelve people sit cooped up with their families in a faded Scottish cabin park. The endless rain leaves them with little to do but watch the other residents. A woman goes running up the Ben as if fleeing; a retired couple reminisce about neighbours long since moved on; a teenage boy braves the dark waters of the loch in his red kayak. Each person is wrapped in their own cares but increasingly alert to the makeshift community around them. One particular family, a mother and daughter without the right clothes or the right manners, starts to draw the attention of the others. Tensions rise and all watch on, unaware of the tragedy that lies ahead as night finally falls.
#fiction#adult fiction#mystery#suspense#SUSPENSEFUL#book recs#reading recommendations#recommended reading#tbr#to read#reading list#library#booklr#currently reading#diverse authors
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Hi Cat and Mouse! Could you please help with a face claim? I'm looking for a blonde girl, mid to late 20s, who has like, a good girl from a bad part of town/the wrong side of the tracks kind of vibe. Thank you!
Ella-June Henrard (1993)
AnnaSophia Robb (1993)
Erin Moriarty (1994)
Aimee Lou Wood (1994)
Saoirse Ronan (1994)
Georgia Hirst (1994)
Julia Garner (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish, Irish, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish.
Hannah Dodd (1995)
Maddie Hasson (1995)
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean.
Sasha Pieterse (1996)
Grace Van Dien (1996)
Annalisa Cochrane (1996)
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996)
Thea Sofie Loch Næss (1996)
Madison Iseman (1997)
Madelyn Cline (1997)
Florence Pugh (1996)
Here you go!
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Hi queen this is still maddy but I had to remake cause I deleted my old blog by accident anyways what's your favorite and least favorite weapon for each class? Other than stock
OH NO RIPP.. ok. Lemme think about this.
scout: winger!! Love it a lot ^^ and least fave would b backstatterer or whatever LOL
Soldier: conch/banner !! N least fav would b the air strike i think.
Pyro: EVIL SCORCH SHOT >:)) I love being annoying its so fun <3 and least fave would b I think the reserve shooter lol
Demo: THE IRON BOMBER!!!! ITS ONE OF MY FAV n I guess the loch n load lol
Heavy THE TOMISLAV. ALL THE WAY. all time favorite weapon in the game. And id say the bear claw fists for least fav
Engi: honestly tie between rescue ranger or the wrangler... and least fave is the eureka effect <3
Medic: crossbow! I love it so much ^^ OR the ubersaw. n least fsv would b the overdose? I think?
Sniper: my fave load out is stock so like. Rip <3 n least fave is that one really long melee name or something
Spy: the dead ringer or cloak n dagger! Very fun cloaks ^_^ and least fave would b that one french gun lol
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Lochboisdale to Loch Maddy
Tuesday 22nd August 2023
At last we were on the move again! Left our berth at 09.00 and headed up the coast to Loch Maddy on North Uist in amazingly quiet seas as we were sheltered from the westerly wind. The Harbourmaster was very pleased to see us as he doesn't get many punters - probably due to the noisy construction work on the ferry terminal... It didn't keep us awake though!

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