#Ma Generation Six
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winterpower98 · 11 months ago
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Anyway, attempted to replicate the show style with the Stalwart Generals ignore that Liu is purple in one of them
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fansids · 10 months ago
Shadow of the King Au Art Dump
Since I very rarely get past the sketching phase any presentable art is rare, but I managed to find some for ya'll
Warning for some old ass art:
1. The Stalwart Generals
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I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring out the designs, dynamics, and personalities of all of these monkies so I'll be damned if I don't show them first.
The Generals take care of anything SWK is unable to. They are in charge of FFM when he's not present.
Marshal Ma - While technically all the generals are the same rank, Marshal Ma is considered SWK's unofficial second in command. She's calm in every crisis with a very low bs tolerance and is 75% of the reason why the island doesn't fall to chaos every time SWK leaves. She's highly respected by all the inhabitants and can and will break your spine Bane style if the situation calls for it.
Marshal Liu - Mean bisexual. Marshal Ma's sister and the bane of her existence. On duty she takes her role very seriously. Off duty she likes to keep Ma on her toes with her dumbassery. She's easy going, hates clothes, and loves to fight. She has a slightly concerning amount of knives on her person at all times. She is big gay for General Beng.
General Beng - Meaner lesbian. A siamang and the largest and tallest of the generals. She enjoys dressing up, tea (both kinds), and a good party. She has a very short fuse. While her size and strength alone would generally deter anyone from testing her temper, there are always idiots. She can fight, but she knows her Liu would enjoy it more.
General Ba - The youngest of the generals. While she's not shy, she is very quiet. She does not waste her words. But, when she speaks, the others will stop whatever they're doing to listen. She likes to spend her free time in the libraries. Get her in the right mood and she'll argue with you for hours about the most random subjects.
2. Macaque face evolution
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Was trying to get a feel for Macaque's face and how it changes throughout the au. Top right is the youngest, bottom right is the oldest. Bro gets all sorts of messed up from the whole died and resurrection thing and very much looks wrong afterwards.
3. New fit
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Macaque and SWK have the whole cape thing going on, I figured SWK gave Mac one of his own when he was still training under him. I like to think it holds a lot of sentimental value to him since he still wears it in present day but he would rather get his head smashed in again than admit it.
4. I'm sure this won't come back to bite anyone later
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Eeesh. Imagine spending your whole life training to receive and keep the Sun Wukong's attention only for him to casually give it to some random human boy thousands of years later. I mean, Macaque did betray him and everything, but it's the principle.
5. The Tongbi Gibbon Concepts
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One of the four world-wrecking/celestial monkies. My brain was very focused on the whole pulling celestial bodies out of the sky part of her abilities that I made her based around that line.
Don't know if this fit is still canon as she and the Horse Monkey had a large role to play in Shadow of the King, and I'm considering if I should take them out
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I consider the Tongbi gibbon and the Horse Monkey to be older than both Sun Wukong and Macaque in Shadow of the King. The Horse Monkey is the eldest, but the Tongbi's age is nothing to sniff at.
That being said, that does not mean she can't be bought.
Takes place after all the traumatizing shit in SotK
Panel 1
Tongbi: Child, I am an ancient being. I hold the power of gods within me. I was witness to the birth of the Great Sage himself. I have seen nations and empires rise and fall. I have gathered and spent innumerable wealth. Yet you think you can bribe me with 20 yuan?
Panel 2
The host: ...how 'bout 30?
Panel 3
Off-panel (Horse Monkey): TONGBI!!
MK: I thought the nimbus made you airsick
Red Son: Not helping, Noodle Boy
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wolfsonic · 1 year ago
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Just a picture of the young monkeys hanging out!
This was also an excuse to practice backgrounds as well, so I hope it came out well!!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year ago
Little Star chapter 4
Summary: Wukong and Liu'er introduce Chao-Xing to their people
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: nothing much, you're safe this chapter
A/N. Wukong got to hold the baby in the last chapter so now it's Liu'er's turn! Also Ma gets a kid here too, a cute lil albino fluff ball. I drew them!
Xuěhuā, Ma's kid.
Shadowpeach Family AU Masterpost
Three days after Chao-Xing hatched, they finally introduced her to their excited troop.
Liu'er heard their people's excited chatter about the bright light that appeared on top of the mountain, a light so bright that for a moment, it had appeared to be midday in the dead of night. Suffice it to say, the troop was extremely excited to meet her, and Chao-Xing was already far less problematic than Wukong.
The Elders and those they were closest to would get to visit first, and with how large their troop was it would likely take all day to greet everyone.
The Generals and Marshals, who had been in charge for the past three years while he and Wukong protected their egg, got to meet her first.
"Beng, Ba, Liu, Ma, this is our daughter, Sun Chao-Xing." Wukong said proudly.
Liu'er held out their daughter for their closest friends to see.
"She's so cute~" Ba gushed.
Beng nodded in agreement with his mate. He was very reserved, but had a huge soft spot for cubs. Liu'er couldn't blame him there, monkey cubs were cute enough that their mischief was almost tolerable.
"She looks just like the two of you." Liu cooed, waving at her.
Chao-Xing giggled and copied her.
Ma squinted at her and shrugged.
"I'll have to take your word for it, it looks like brown blur to me." She said with a chuckle.
"Then use your glasses, Ma." Wukong said, rolling his eyes at the albino monkey's frequently used joke.
Ma grabbed her glasses from her pocket and actually got a look at their daughter.
"She does look like both of you." Ma mused.
"Do you think they would like to see her?" Liu'er asked knowingly.
"Oh Xuěhuā would love to." Ma said.
Right on cue, a white fluff ball peeked over Ma's shoulder at the sound of their name. The toddler demon monkey had been clinging to their adopted mother's back this whole time.
Xuěhuā wasn't from their troop or the many troops and tribes who followed them for leadership. The little albino came from an unknown troop outside of their domain, they had no face marking to indicate their origins.
They had been abandoned to die as a newborn, most likely due to their albinism. By random chance and a lot of luck, Ma had come across them while running an errand and brought the monkey cub home with her. Ma was albino too, if anyone could raise and teach Xuěhuā, it would be her.
Ma had named the little albino and integrated them with the troop. The Marshal had readily accepted her role as Xuěhuā's mother and was more than happy to raise the cub as her own.
"Hi Xuě, wanna see our baby?" Wukong asked the toddler excitedly.
"Baby?" Xuěhuā echoed curiously.
They started eagerly looking around for what was most assuredly a baby shaped blur to their poor eyesight. 
"Yes, uncle Wukong and Mihou's baby hatched. Uncle Mihou is holding her." Ma directed her child's gaze to him.
He was always easy for both albino monkeys to spot, his glowing ears were easier to see.
Liu'er held Chao-Xing up so Xuěhuā could see her better. The toddler's pale eyes lit up once they were able to see her.
"Baby!" Xuěhuā cooed, tail swishing excitedly.
Chao-Xing giggled happily and copied their tail swishing.
"Aww. They're best friends already." Wukong cooed, leaning into him.
"Chao-Xing didn't inherit your ability to instantly make enemies." Liu said with a sly grin.
"How dare you!" Wukong gasped in mock offense.
Liu'er tuned out the back and forth between Wukong and Liu, turning his attention back to his daughter when she let out a confused squeak.
Xuěhuā was offering her a pear, with how close they were and Xuěhuā's poor sight, the fruit was in Chao-Xing's face.
"Foods for baby." Xuěhuā said, wiggling the pear a little.
Chao-Xing stared blankly at the fruit and chirped. Xuěhuā glanced at him.
"Not know what food is?" They asked, blinking their wide, pale purple eyes.
"She doesn't understand you yet." Liu'er told them.
"Oh." Xuěhuā cooed in understanding.
They started eating the pear themself. Ma didn't seem to mind the juices dripping onto her shoulder, part of parenting, at least in her experience with Xuěhuā, was being a napkin.
"What that?" Xuěhuā asked, pointing to Chao-Xing's tail wrapped around his arm.
"That's her tail." Liu'er said.
"No, that her tail." Xuěhuā pointed to Chao-Xing's other still wagging tail while staring at him.
Right… he shifted uncomfortably, children had a uniquely unsettling way of staring.
"She's got two." He mumbled.
"Baby got two tails!" They exclaimed very loudly.
His ears pinned back at the unrestrained volume so close to him.
"What's she got?"  Ba asked.
The four generals, and one toddler, all stared at him and Wukong. Liu'er was used to having an audience, but for the first time in centuries he felt nervous with all these eyes on him.
A quick glance at his mate revealed that Wukong was as terrified of being in the spotlight as he always had been. Looks like he had to answer this question.
"Chao-Xing has two tails." He explained, pointing out her second tail.
"We don't think that the incident had anything to do with it, it's just an abnormality." He added.
Ma leaned in closer. Chao-Xing zeroed in on the albino monkey with eyes full of curiosity. She certainly seemed to like being the center of attention, hopefully she didn't learn Wukong's stage fright.
Both her tails swished excitedly as she reached out and tapped Ma's nose. She giggled, it was apparently hilarious to her curious little mind.
"They both seem to work just fine. Haven't heard much about this sort of birth defect." Ma mused.
She leaned back with a nod.
"As long as it doesn't cause her any problems, she should be fine." Ma said.
"What if it imbalances her? Two tails could confuse her as she grows." Beng said seriously.
Liu'er glanced down at the little monkey in his arms, she was chewing on a tuft of his fur while observing everyone in the room. The idea of her suffering or even struggling was already intensely painful, with what had happened to her before she was even born, surely that struggle was enough? She shouldn't have to suffer anymore… but they still didn't know the full extent of the incident's effects on her… she could be suffering for the rest of eternity! That was a frightening prospect.
Wukong patted his arm comfortingly, bringing him off the path of possibilities. He cast a grateful glance at his mate.
"Whatever happens, we'll handle it and work on it together." Wukong declared.
Liu'er looped his tail around the golden furred monkey's.
"Yeah, we will." He agreed.
By the end of the day, Chao-Xing had been introduced to all their subjects and the little cub was thoroughly done with it.
She was extremely vocal about how much she disapproved near the end of it, chirping and whimpering and still shivering every few minutes. Another thing to add to the problems list.
Liu'er set her down on the blanket covered couch and let her get comfortable while he and Wukong got her food ready. She definitely had Wukong's appetite.
She had managed to burrow herself under the blankets when they came back with a plate of fruit for her. She gave them an adorably grumpy baby scowl, that is, until she smelled the food they had brought her.
Liu'er lifted her out of the blankets before she could get herself stuck in them.
"I think someone is hungry." He cooed, tapping her tiny nose lightly.
She tried to bite it.
He set her down on the table next to the plate, letting her gently flop onto her stomach.
For the last three days, they had been feeding her a variety of different foods, mostly plants, and then Wukong had the idea of letting her pick what she wanted to eat today. So that's what they were doing.
And they were betting on which she'd go for first.
They started with just five so they didn't overwhelm her new, hypersensitive senses too much.
Peaches, plums, mangoes, lychees and star fruit were all cut up to manageable pieces.
Chao-Xing curiously sniffed around the assorted fruits, she poked a few chunks of peaches before turning her head and going for the lychees. She shoved a handful into her mouth and squealed happily, tails wagging as she smashed her whole face into the pile of white fruits.
"Huh, that's an interesting choice." Wukong commented.
Liu'er (gently) elbowed his mate.
"Not everyone is as obsessed with peaches as you." He chuckled.
Wukong stuck his tongue out. Chao-Xing giggled at him and copied the action, sticking her pink tongue out and flicking it around proudly.
She turned her head to show her tongue to him, her eyes went wide and she let out an excited squeal. Her ears wiggled eagerly, then she stared at him expectantly.
"Does she want me to do something?" He whispered to Wukong.
"She finally noticed your ears!" Wukong gasped.
It was still a bit of a habit to tuck his ears underneath his hair when they weren't covered by a glamor.
Experimentally, he wiggled his top set of ears. Chao-Xing squealed and copied him gleefully. He was pretty sure he heard Wukong fall to the ground gushing about how cute it was. Liu'er rolled his eyes and lightly tapped Chao-Xing's nose.
"I'm sorry Chao-Xing, your father is an idiot." He apologized sincerely.
"Hey!" Wukong shouted from his place on the floor.
Chao-Xing giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.
She can do a blep now :3
Xuěhuā (雪花) means snowflake, which I think is really cute cause it's Xuě = snow and huā = flower, so its like snowflakes are tiny snow flowers.
Ma is older than Wukong btw, she's only eight years older(he came out of the rock as a 5 yo) but it still counts and she torments him as his big sister. The other generals are a little bit younger than Wukong and Liu'er(they are the same age), Liu is only five years younger and Ba and Beng are ten years younger. Ma is the group's big sis. Liu is sometimes mom, more times lil sis. Ba and Beng are just gay.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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homunculus-argument · 6 months ago
Random linguistic worldbuilding: A language with six sets of pronouns, which are set by one's current state of existence. There's a separate pronoun for people who are alive, people who are dead, and potential future people who are yet to be born, and the ambiguous ones of "may or may not be alive or aleady dead", "may or may not have even been born yet", and the ultimate general/ambiguous all-covering one that covers all ambiguous states.
The culture has a specific defined term for that tragic span of time when a widow keeps accidentally referring to their spouse with living pronouns. New parents-to-be dropping the happy surprise news of a pregnancy by referring to their future child with the "is yet to be born" pronoun instead of a more ambiguous one and waiting for the "wait what did you just say?" reactions.
Someone jokingly referring to themselves with the dead person pronouns just to highlight how horrible their current hangover is. A notorious aspiring ladies' man who keeps trying to pursue women in their 20s despite of approaching middle age fails to notice the insult when someone asks him when he's planning to get married, and uses the pronoun that implies that his ideal future bride may not even be born yet.
A mother whose young adult child just moved away from home for the first time, who continues to dramatically refer to their child with "may or may not be already dead" until the aforementioned child replies to her on facebook like "ma stop telling people I'm dead" and having her respond with "well how could I possibly know that when you don't even write to us? >:,C"
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months ago
alex hirsch playing all four of the stalwarts would be hilarious
if monkey king 2009 was dubbed into english, what actors do you think fit the main cast?
I'm going ot be honest I'm not really familiar with voice actors or probably people WAY better for the roles or with great talent I kinda just made this up thinking "yeah that kinda close enough"
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I refuse to explain myself but this is the vibes, again I'm sorry is this answer kinda disappointing I just familiar with actors in general.
If anyone wants to suggest their crew then please let me know cause my variety is very small.
(Also I have the @the-monkey-servant blog if you wanna ask anymore question, would be better to ask there)
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nahimjustfeelingit-writes · 8 months ago
Lost drafts…
Erik Killmonger HARDCORE SMUT.
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Within the year they were married, Erik attempted to get his wife to deep throat him. She did on occasion give very wonderful slurping sessions, but she’d always been afraid to take him all the way in. Erik’s ten inch dick was a lot to handle. She’d just gotten used to it in her pussy, now she needed to get her throat and ass acquainted. During their play sessions, she would let him gag her with his fingers. But, Erik had a big fetish for keeping his women gaged and having her deep throat his dick. He kept a hidden file on his laptop in his home office of vids of women deepthroating and wearing gags.
After a long day in the office, Erik entered his home to find it ignited by candlelight. Inching in further, loosening his tie and cuffing his sleeves, he found his way into their dining room to find Tyra, his wife, dressed in deep-purple lingerie. A plate of what looked like brown stewed chicken with rice and peas awaited him. She stood from her seat with those generous curves to greet him. They French kissed and she broke the kiss to take off his jacket.
“Baby, what’s all this about?” Erik questioned with excitement laced in his voice.
“I want to cater to you…here, daddy, have a seat.”
Erik waited for her to pull his chair out and when he sat down, Tyra got down on her knees and started removing his loafers. He watched her with a penetrating stare and his thick lips turned up into a smile. The stress on his face when he’d initially walked in was replaced with admiration.
“Damn, it’s like that?” Erik said.
“I want you to relax. You work so hard, daddy. You spoil me…love me…respect me…how can I not return the favor?”
Erik arched a brow at her, “Hmm…I do…but you must want something. Whatchu want, wifey?”
She giggled. Erik could see right through her. He ain’t mad at it, he just knows his woman. That’s why he works so hard. He thoroughly enjoys spoiling his wife and giving her the life she deserves.
"…I found your hidden vids. I’m not mad, but I will bet you the new car I want that I can learn to deep throat you in a week and you can gag me with a six-inch penis gag whenever you want," Tyra said giving Erik a devilish smile.
His eyes became saucers as he stared down at her. She’d went snooping in his office and found his XXX files on his laptop. Hardcore throat-fucking vids. That’s what Erik wanted to do to her. Fuck her throat with his fingers tangled in her hair. Watch the way her tears streamed from her eyes. Cover her with spit. Pound her throat out with nowhere to run.
She pushed his chair back and started to unbuckle his belt. Erik didn’t hesitate to raised up so she could slip his slacks down to free his suddenly rock-hard dick. Erik watched her pretty face while she took in the sight of his big daddy dick. Looking up into his eyes, Tyra wrapped her hand around his rigid girth and popped that fat tip between her glossy lips. Erik hissed, his low, wanton eyes watching Tyra bob her head up and down, bumping the head of his dick against the entrance to her throat. She gagged each time slightly.
“Tyra, you sure you can get all this dick down your throat in just a week? You had a whole year to master this shit.” Erik teased.
She popped her lips off of his dick to speak, “I want that car.”
“Hm, I can see that,” Erik replied with a lick of his lips.
He tilted his head while sipping his wine, watching her do her thing. His mocha eyes would trail up and down, tracking the movement of her snug lips wrapped around his veiny girth. She twisted her lips and tightened them even more, causing Erik’s nut sack to pulse.
“Fuck, Tyra…come on,” Erik palmed the back of her head, “Still got some more dick to go, ma. Open that fuckin’ throat up.”
She gagged and Erik held her there, testing her to see how long she could take it. He would chuckle to himself whenever she came up gasping for air. Each time that fat dick returned to her mouth, Erik would anchor his hips upward to reach her throat. She pushed at his thighs as a jerk reaction. Erik tapped her cheek with a glint in his eyes.
“Don’t piss me off or ima spank that ass real good…Tyra, don’t pop your lips off my dick, I’m not gon’ say it again…”
Erik’s upper teeth dragged across his bottom lip from the sensation of Tyra constantly gagging on his dick. Her warm, wet mouth tugging over and over made his balls pulsate and his dick throb. He couldn’t control it now. Erik sat up and tightened his grip on the back of her head, using her throat for his own pleasure now. He anchored his hips and thrust into her mouth, balls to chin.
Guck guck guck guck guck guck
“I’m cumming…”
Erik came all too soon, flooding her mouth with cum. Trya swallowed him down and then kissed his tip.
"So, do we have a deal?” She asked after making a show of swallowing his cum, sticking her tongue far out.
"Maybe. What car are we talking about?” Erik inquired with a little smile on his face.
"A pretty pink Bentley Continental of course."
"…So, the deal is if you can learn to deep throat this dick in less a week, then I buy you the Bentley and I get deep throat sessions as often as I want and you will let me gag you as often as I want also?"
"Yes, no limits." Tyra replied.
"That's a lot of car for deep throating and you wearing a gag. I could hire a high priced escort for twenty years for less than that," Erik teased.
Tyra pouted. She was still jacking Erik’s dick with her small hand. He couldn’t believe how hard he was.
"Daddy, please? I can start tonight. I ordered the gag already. I can start wearing it tonight with a soft dildo to practice with. Next Saturday you tie me up and face fuck me as often as you can get it up."
She was begging him. Erik loved to watch her beg.
"Ok, deal," He told her.
His dick was at full attention again, and Tyra took it back in her mouth following her hand with her mouth. Using her tongue on the head, she managed to get Erik to cum again and harder this time. Erik felt her swallow each shot of cum as it erupted from his fat dick. Tyra made a production of cleaning his softened dick before letting it pop out of her mouth.
Over the next few days, Tyra sucked Erik off twice every night. They had a routine where she waited on the floor outside of the shower for his clean dick to enter her mouth, and then a final time before bed with her head hanging over the edge. During the day while Erik was at the office, Tyra sent him short vids of her practicing deep throating the silicone dildo. She was doing so well. Erik couldn’t believe her progress.
For the next few days, Tyra wore the short dildo gag the rest of the time. Each night when Erik arrived home from work, she would slowly remove the gag she was wearing and give him slow, sensual head, taking his dick deep for a few seconds at a time. Soon, it was Friday morning and Tyra had breakfast ready since Erik got home from the gym. He showered and she knew to be right there to service him like a good slut.
“You know it’s time to go up a size, Princess…”
Erik revealed a larger dildo gag for Tyra. It was two inches smaller than Erik.
“You had enough practice with that little shit. Time to really open that throat up.”
Erik didn't give her a chance to speak before he forced the silicone dildo down her throat just far enough that she could still breathe through her nose. She didn't turn away and let Erik push the dildo into her throat as far as it could go.
"Don't push it out. Follow me into the kitchen and kneel on the floor while I eat." Erik said.
Damn, what a kinky sight. The silicone dildo dangled out of her mouth with her body mostly naked and arms trapped in the armbinder. Erik ate his breakfast while his dick bounced and twitched between his toned thighs. While eating, Erik multitasked, taking the silicone dildo and fucking her mouth and throat with it. He watched her throat bulge around it as he forced it in and out. Tyra fought her gag reflex, coughing and drooling.
"Take a deep breath, I’m timing how long you can keep it down your throat." Erik said.
Tyra sucked a breath in, and Erik pushed the dildo in watching her throat bulge. Just moving it in and out a small amount. She started to gag after about 20 seconds, saliva coming out her nose. Erik pulled it out, grabbing a towel to clean her up. He soothed her and kissed her while giving her sips of water.
"You have to stay calm and not panic if you want that Bentley, baby,” Erik spoke softly.
Erik gave Tyra a break for the remainder of the day until nightfall. Erik’s lust eventually overcame his reason and he fucked her face fast and hard, long dick style until he pumped his whole load deep into her spasming throat. Cum and saliva shot out her mouth, her gagging music to his ears. He didn’t want to but he knew he needed to pull out and tend to her. Tyra sucked in a deep breath, leaning against the wall panting and trying to catch her breath. Erik wiped her face and the bathroom floor with a towel.
Suck, suck, suck. Tyra was determined. She showed Erik her mouth full of cum before swallowing it each time, making sure to lick him clean. Erik felt she was more than ready now, but he would wait. Even if it meant that he would be tossing and turning in bed to the thought of using her throat however he pleased. They went to sleep and soon, it was Saturday. Throughout the day they did things around the house but the sight of her walking around in just a thong and titties bouncing was driving Erik crazy.
“Tyra! Come up here! You know what I want!”
Erik shouted for her from the top steps, naked with his third leg pointed straight out. Tyra was in the middle of cleaning the living room. She walked over to the steps and peered up at Erik.
“Let’s go, time to fit that ring gag around your mouth.”
She climbed the stairs, Erik turning to walk away. They entered the room and Erik faced her fully now.
“Suck this dick like a nasty bitch, Tyra. Down. On your knees…”
Tyra hit the floor eagerly, waiting for Erik to gag her. In the closet, Erik returned with the ring gag and an arm-binder. Tyra’s eyes lit up like Christmas. She placed her arms behind her back and allowed Erik to secure her arms since she had no use for them at the moment. Deep throating with no hands was the only way.
"You still game with this?"
“Yes, daddy. I want that pretty pink Bentley. Punish my throat with that big, daddy dick,” Tyra croaked out in between gasps.
She opened her mouth to accept it. Erik worked the gag in and out of her gaping mouth a few times, getting it coated in saliva. He slowly forced it down her throat. It was a bit bigger in diameter than her silicone dildo, so Eirk had to push a bit before it slipped into her throat. It had a hole through it so she could breathe and plug if Erik wanted to cut off her breathing. He could see her throat contracting as she fought her gag reflex. Tyra squeezed her eyes shut, her face registering her discomfort as he worked each inch into her throat. Finally, the base rested against her chin.
"You ok do I need to take it out?"
She shook her head NO. Erik could see her gagging, drool dripping from her chin. Tears are streaming from her eyes, her nose running drool dripping off her chin. Erik pulled it out part way and fucked her throat with it a few times, watching it move in her throat.
She gave him her doe eyes and fought down the panic of not being able to breathe, controlling her gag reflex. She would not have a gag reflex after today. Tyra’s eyes started to water at 25 seconds. Erik let her have a breath at 30 seconds. He waved his finger over the hole. Tyra sucked in a breath and nodded her head, and Erik blocked the hole. He pushed her head back and traced the bulge the gag was making in her throat with his fingers. She had a small mouth, her lips stretched tight around the gag. The bulge it was making in her throat felt larger than it looked.
"Such a beautiful sight that bulge in your throat. Is it uncomfortable?"
She nodded that is was.
"And your still game," Erik asked, a brow arched in amazement at her determination.
Sam nodded ‘yes’.
Erik had enough. She was ready. More than ready. He popped that ring gag out of her mouth slowly. He allowed Tyra to catch her breath for a while, giving her water and throat massages.
“You deserve that car, mama. You’ve been such a good girl for daddy. Now, it’s my turn to have my way with you…”
Erik helped Tyra onto her feet and he picked her up, carrying her to the bed. He placed her on her back and then dangled her head over the edge of the bed. Erik straddled her head and his fat dick hung over her face, his tip leaking pre cum onto her lips. She opened wide and Erik crouched down, a hand on her chest for leverage. His dick disappeared down her throat inch by agonizingly slow inch. Erik set a leisurely pace, watching his dick move in her throat.
“Mmmm, such a good girl. You’re doing so well. I’m finally all the way in your throat now…”
Tyra could only close her eyes and take it.
Erik circled his hips to feed her throat more hefty dick. His balls smushed against her forehead when he leaned over her to face fuck her. Slowly, he increased the tempo of his movements. Erik stared down at her barely covered, fat puss while ramming her throat with big ass dick. He couldn’t help but to slip her panties to the side and give her pussy some attention. He slipped two thick fingers inside of her while sucking her clit. He withdrew his hips from her mouth to allow her to breath. She gasped, and then a series of moans followed.
“Erik, yes, just like that! Mm!”
Erik lifted her hips from the bed and sucked on her pussy. Tyra went back to eating his dick up. Erik’s thick lips would pop off her clit and his fingers worked her hole up to a creamy mess.
“Daddy, make your pussy cum! Make your pussy cum!” Tyra cried out with a hoarse voice.
Erik frantically flipped over, brought Tyra’s knees to her ears, and slurped away. She forced his face further between her plump lower lips, rubbing his nose in it. Erik loved it when she did that. He gave her clit some serious tongue action that had her toes curling and eyes twitching. With her release, she threw that pussy in his face and Erik watched her with a smirk.
“Fuck! I’m cumming!” She shouted.
Fist full of his locs, Tyra trapped his face with her thighs. Erik came up for air and his wet dick still long and thick bounced with excitement. Erik pushed her legs back again with her ankles in his firm grip. His dick pushed past her opening and he tilted her body upwards so she had no where to run while he dug that pussy out.
“Deep in your shit, baby? Hm?” Erik spoke with a hushed tone.
Tyra’s mouth is agape.
“Daddy all the way in there? Huh?”
She could only nod her head.
He picked up the pace and his hips snapped into hers harder. Her mouth unhinged and her eyes crossed.
“There you go…gimme that pussy…gimme that pussy…”
Tyra closed her eyes and her entire body convulsed beneath Erik. He didn’t stop. She could do all that moving around, Erik simply threw her legs over his shoulders and pounded her into the mattress. The sound of wet pussy and ball-slapping filled the room. Tyra sat up on her elbows to kiss Erik and their tongues thrashed while he drove his dick deeper. They stared each other down, occasionally looking between them at the sight of Erik’s dick filling her wet, slutty hole.
“You’re such a nasty bitch, Princess,” Erik sucked her lower lip into his mouth before nibbling on it, “I’m about to put you on your stomach.”
“Unh,” Tyra pouted her lip, “Right there…”
She came again. Erik kissed her neck before slowly slipping out. He didn’t wait for her to get into position because he was doing it himself. Tyra arched her back and Erik popped her on the ass before he was sinking inside of her sweet walls again. 
“Stay on that dick, Tyra…”
Erik bounced Tyra’s pussy off his dick repeatedly. sharp, gut-stimulating, strokes. Tyra looked back at Erik with those sultry eyes. He locked eyes with her and grabbed her by her hair.
“Fuck my slutty, pussy…it’s your hole to fuck…I’m your nasty bitch!”
“Yeah? This my wet, fuckin’ hole?”
“Yes! Oh, yes!”
“Nasty, fuckin’ bitch…”
“Keep putting that dick right there…I’m cumming again…oooh!”
Tyra’s body seized up. Erik pushed all the way in so he could feel the way her walls gripped with her release. They both sigh in unison. He wasn’t through with her. He fixed her arch and picked up like he never stopped. With no hands, Erik tilted his hips and fed her pussy some more dick. Tyra gripped the sheets and moaned.
“Fuck me with that big dick! Unh! Cum in my pussy!”
Back and forth Erik popped her ass with his hand. He could feel himself getting ready to explode. He’s definitely cumming in that pussy. Giving her a baby in her womb and that Bentley. Two gifts for being such a good girl.
“You want a baby in you?! Huh?!”
“Fuck a baby in me, daddy!”
Erik went harder.
“Mhm…mhm…keep that puss right there! Ima bust this shit wide open and nut deep in this pussy, Princess!”
With two wild thrusts, Erik shot off into her pussy, hips pistoning. All Tyra could do is moan. His dick slowly slipped out to the tip. Tyra looked back at him with furrowed brows and a bit of her lip. Erik stared down at his dick pulsating with his release. The tip of his dick was still inside of her.
“‘Mmm, get all that thick nut in me, Hubby…”
Erik looked down at her with a sexy, dimpled smirk.
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ragetears · 2 months ago
What do you need to hear right now? - pick a card!
~ this is a generalized reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! ~
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Pile 1 - Phantomwise Tarot with pyrite
Pile 2 - Deviant Moon Tarot with rose quartz
Pile 3 - Crow Tarot with labradorite
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Pile 1 - The High Priestess, Four of Wands, and the Queen of Wands reversed.
Key themes: anxiety, fear, self love, creativity, trusting yourself.
My friend - Spirit is telling you that you need to trust yourself! You find yourself hiding away from the unknown, and even the unknown within you. Tap into those darker, deeper parts that you've been shying away from. It's only by integrating those parts that you can become whole. You don't need to be afraid of your own darkness, you need to embrace it, celebrate it. Very much a commitment to yourself kind of vibe.
You need to learn to care for and love yourself, truly and deeply. You aren't nearly confident enough in your abilities - but you should be! Shed that self-consciousness, that fear, all that nasty stuff that doesn't serve you and step into the creative power that's inside of you.
For some of you this might look like practicing self love through ritual or other spiritual methods, diving deep into shadow work and/or therapy, or restarting creative projects you stopped because you weren't confident enough to finish them. (Also I feel a strong need to say this for my pagans out there - some of you should think about connecting with Aphrodite because she really would like to work through this with you.)
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Pile 2 - Queen of Wands, Queen of Cups, and the Page of Wands reversed.
Key themes: Feminine and/or intuitive power and energy, manifesting, confidence.
You are one powerful person! You are in control of yourself, capable of handling many things at once. You have all the skills and abilities you need to manifest your desires - and it's time to take that step. Two queens next to each other tells me that it's time for you to step into a more "feminine" energy. Feminine, but not necessarily in the "receptive" sense. More in an "intuitive power" sense, and for some of you this might be a transition into being your true self. For others, it's a sign to take that step into what you desire. You are in control of this journey, you can trust that you know who you are, and by doing this you are healing parts of yourself.
They key word that keeps popping up for you is "manifesting". You have such an insane ability to create your own reality and bring your desires to fruition. Now is not the time to second guess yourself. You are not taking wobbly steps forward, you're far too skilled for that. There's no room for self doubt here - you know what you desire. You're past the point of walking away from your calling. The reversed Page says you might fall down but the two Queens say to get right back up because you will succeed. You can do this.
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Pile 3 - Death, Eight of Wands, Six of Pentacles.
Key themes: freedom, excitement, relationships, rebirth, caution.
Your life is about to change, you are on the cusp of (or perhaps you've already started!) shedding all that doesn't serve you. This has been an active process that you've been heading or even working towards, not something passive that's happening to you. This won't be easy, but you already know that and you're prepared, no matter how bad it might hurt. Something new lies just beyond the horizon of this change, something better. For some of you this might be a breakup, breaking bad habits, or cutting off toxic friends or family. You know it won't be easy, but you also know that a happier, healthier you is waiting.
It's time to move on from your old life - and swiftly. Your previous situation stifled you, held you back from your true potential. Others may not understand why you needed to leave it all behind, but that's okay, you need to put yourself first. It's time for full steam ahead on your dreams, and this movement will aid you even more in shedding all that held you back. This might be a metaphorical or literal move (for some of you I'm getting cross-country or even an international move), and don't be afraid of either.
You are reborn and you have never felt lighter or more free, but don't act rashly. Humans are social creatures after all, and we are made to rely on each other. Don't be afraid of the generosity and care of others, and freely give to those around you in return with open arms and an open heart. You will need people who love and support you, and they'll need you just as much.
It may be a good idea to take a close look at your old self, your old life, and evaluate what led you here because without active work you are at risk of falling back into old patterns and into your old ways. Also I'm getting for some of you that you really need to learn how to better manage your finances specifically or you're at high risk of ending up back in your old situation, or at least a very similar one.
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estrellami-1 · 5 months ago
Trigger warning: discussions of death. Not a main character, but it does happen. Lots of angst. Lots of hurt/comfort. I’ll post it in the tags as well.
Steve has a problem.
It’s not a big problem, not really, but his brain won’t let it go and is making it a bigger deal than it really is.
Eddie won’t ride in his car alone.
With the kids, sure; he’ll practically dive into the backseat, noogie Dustin, generally make a nuisance of himself.
But if it’s just the two of them? If Steve insists on driving, Eddie will take his van. There’s no problem if Steve wants to ride with Eddie. But the other way around? Eddie riding with Steve? That doesn’t happen. And Steve has no idea why.
“Talk to him, Dingus,” is Robin’s advice. He’d flip her off, but unfortunately he thinks she’s right: this is something they’re gonna have to talk through.
So Steve pulls on his big-boy pants and marches himself to the Munsons’ trailer, knocking on the door and waiting expectantly.
He doesn’t expect Wayne, but maybe he should’ve, because that’s who answers the door. “Hi, Steve. You’re here for Eddie, I bet, he’ll be in his room.” He moves aside to let Steve in, and Steve thanks him after a second before moving down the hall to Eddie’s room.
He hears him before he sees him; or, more accurately, he hears his guitar. He’s playing the acoustic tonight, instead of his usual sweetheart, so Steve knocks instead of walking in like he’d usually do.
The guitar stops, and Steve hears it being put down, hears a heavy sigh. “Wayne, I’m not really in the- oh.” He opens the door as he speaks and blinks at Steve. After a second, he smiles. “Hey, man, c’mon in.”
Steve blinks. “Uh. Are you okay?” 
Eddie purses his lips. “Define okay. I’m not currently being eaten by bats, y’know? But playing the acoustic always reminds me of my Ma.”
“Ah.” Steve shifts. “Sorry, man. Maybe I should come back later.”
Eddie shrugs. “You’re here now, aren’t you? I can’t be that terrible company.”
Steve snorts. “No, I just… I had a question, but it can wait.”
Eddie tilts his head. “You do that a lot, y’know?” He turns, sits on his bed. Motions Steve into his room.
Steve sits next to him, more comfortable here than in his own room. “Do what?”
“Put yourself last.” He shrugs. “You can ask me. If I don’t wanna answer, I won’t.”
Steve scrunches his nose. “Okay, fine. Why won’t you ride in my car?”
Eddie frowns. “I do, though? Hell, I did what, two days ago? You, me and Dustin went to that comic store in Indy.”
“Okay, let me rephrase. Why won’t you ride passenger in my car, alone? Without any of the kids? And even two days ago you were in the backseat with Dustin.” He shrugs. “It’s not a big deal, I’m just curious.”
Eddie takes a breath. “No, it’s- yeah. You should know.” He clears his throat, grabs the acoustic again. Plays a riff of some sort, fingers dancing over the frets. “I think I feel like I have to save everyone. Or at least be in a position where I can save them, if the need arises.” He swallows, takes another breath. His fingers still. They tremble over the strings. “Did I ever tell you how my ma died?”
Now it’s Steve’s turn to inhale sharply. He shakes his head. “We can stop,” he says. “You don’t have to tell me.”
Eddie smiles ruefully. “I do, though.” He shakes his head. “I was… I was six. It was three days before my seventh birthday. We were driving home from the city. Ma was drivin’, an’ she let me sit in the front seat, since it was almost my birthday. Or- that’s what she said. I think it was so we couldn’t stop her. Couldn’t save her.” He swallows. His eyes are glassy. His accent is thick, the way it gets when he’s thinking about her, or when he’s emotional. His left hand grips the neck of the guitar tightly. Steve worries for his fingers. “We weren’t goin’ that fast, even, but forty’s enough when-” he shakes his head, looks away. Coughs out something that wanted to be a sob. Steve takes the guitar, takes Eddie’s hand. Puts the guitar down. Doesn’t let go of Eddie. “She unbuckled her belt. Dad didn’t see it. I did. Didn’t say anythin’. Maybe I should’ve, I dunno.” He squeezes Steve’s hand. “Then it all happened so fast… she smiled at me, an’ opened her door, an’ next thing I knew-” he wipes at tears on his cheeks. “D’you know what happens to a human head under the wheel of a car at forty miles an hour?”
Steve gasps, grips Eddie’s hand just as tightly. Pulls Eddie in when he begins to shake. “An’ I know why, now,” he whispers. “Dad weren’t good to her. I’unno what he done t’her. I know she did what she could. But I was there. I was right there.” He sniffles, trembles with the effort of keeping his sobs in. Somehow succeeds. “So that’s why. Figure if a kid were to try… I could stop ‘em. Figure if you were to try…”
“You could stop me.” Steve holds him tight. “I won’t,” he whispers. “I swear to you, I won’t.”
“I know,” Eddie whispers back. “But I gotta be able to try.”
“Christ, Eds,” Steve whispers. “I was gonna ask if you’re okay but that’s a stupid question.”
Eddie giggles, still teary-eyed. “Just a little bit.”
Steve pulls away to look him in the eye. “I’m staying tonight, okay? Nightmares are always worse after something like this.”
“Then you should go home,” Eddie argues. “Sleep while you can.”
“Nightmares are always easier with someone else.”
“Damn you, that’s true.” They both laugh a little.
Just then, Wayne comes in with two steaming mugs. “Listen to your boy, son,” he says to Eddie, handing over one of the mugs. He gives Steve the other with a wink. “Lavender tea with a shit ton of honey. Learned it from my ma.”
“Not my boy, Wayne,” Eddie grumbles, but thanks him for the tea anyways.
Steve thanks him too, and he winks again before leaving. Eddie rolls his eyes. “I’d apologize for him, but you’d just defend him.”
“Hey, I like Wayne.”
“I know. Sometimes I think you like him more than you like me.”
Steve chuckles. “Never. You’re my favorite.” He moves so they’re sitting shoulder to shoulder, drinking their tea, leaning against each other. It’s peaceful, and soon enough Eddie’s yawning and dropping his head onto Steve’s shoulder. “Imma pass out soon.”
“Then let’s get you up to brush your teeth before you do.”
Eddie groans like the toddler he secretly is. “I don’t wanna.”
“Yeah, and you don’t wanna go to the dentist to get teeth pulled, either, now do you?”
“Wow. Real master of words here. Really feeling that Dungeon Master power.”
Eddie thumps his arm, but snickers, and really that’s what Steve was going for in the first place, so he just smiles and leads Eddie to the bathroom.
Soon enough they’re in bed, tucked in next to each other, not quite packed like sardines and it’s only because of the heat outside that Steve isn’t more upset not to have more of a reason to touch Eddie. “Night, Eds,” he murmurs, smiling when Eddie rolls over to face him and is temporarily blinded by his own hair. Steve helps move his hair, grabs at Eddie’s hand when he’s done. “Wake me up if the nightmare doesn’t, okay?”
“C’mon, Steve, I can deal with them-”
“I know you can,” Steve answers. “But I want to be up if you are. I want to help if I can. Please, Eddie?”
Eddie sighs after a second. “Damn you,” he says, “I can’t say no to you.” He’s smiling, despite his words, so Steve smiles back.
“Thank you.”
“G’night, Stevie.”
“Night, Eds.”
Steve wakes up to Eddie crying out in his sleep. Even with his eyes closed, he’s got tears streaming down his cheeks. Steve sits up, turns on the lamp, and puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie?”
He rolls over, away from Steve, and continues sobbing. “Eds? Are you awake?” No answer, so Steve puts his hand back on Eddie’s shoulder and shakes a little. “Eddie, wake up!”
He’s up with an aborted yell and a flail of limbs, sitting up and staring into the darkness of his room, trembling. He sniffs and turns to face Steve, finally realizing he’s there, and Steve opens his arms for a hug.
He collapses into Steve’s arms, face mashed into the side of Steve’s neck, arms snaking around Steve’s torso to give an ineffectual tug. Steve takes the hint and inches closer until they’re practically hip-to-hip. “Y’wanna talk about it?” He asks. Eddie sniffs and shakes his head. “Y’want me to talk? To distract you?” Eddie nods. “Okay. Uh… I may have bitten myself in the butt with this one, ‘cause I’m not a great storyteller, not like you are, but did you know we actually met in middle school?”
No answer. “We did. Hawkins Middle was putting on its annual talent show. Now, back then, I was nobody. No one knew me, my name, my parents… nothing. I had one friend named Tommy, who I’d grown up with. Of course, you know him, and you know what happened between us, but he was my only friend back then. I didn’t tell anyone, but I signed up for the talent show. I didn’t even know what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to do something. I’ve always had a pretty decent voice, so I figured I could just sing, if I couldn’t figure out anything else to do. Knew I’d at least beat out Tammy Thompson.” He shifts so Eddie’s hair is no longer a choking hazard and pets his hand over Eddie’s head, doing his best to tame the wild curls. “So it’s the night of the talent show, right? And it feels like the whole school is there. I’m sitting backstage, peeking through the curtains, and am about to have my very first panic attack. Someone bumps into me and knocks me over. They tell me to watch where I’m going, even though I wasn’t moving. So now I’m on the ground, thinking about the crowd, and the noise is getting to be too much, and someone grabs my hand and it all… stops. Just like that. It’s silent, other than, like, a ringing sound in my ears. And this boy, the one who grabbed my hand, kneels in front of me, puts my hand on his chest-” Steve demonstrates, moving so he can grab Eddie’s hand and put it on his chest, just over his heart. “-and tells me to breathe with him. In, out. In, out. He raised his hand when we breathed in, and lowered it when we breathed out. In, out. In, out. And when my breathing’s calmed down, he tells me to name five things I can see. And you know what I said first?”
Eddie furrows his brows. “My… my hair?”
“Yup,” Steve nods. “But you’d just had it shaved off, so d’you know what I really saw first?”
Steve giggles. “Your ears.”
Eddie groans and ducks his head, pressing his forehead into Steve’s chest. “Hated my ears.”
“I’m gonna say something that’s gonna sound mean, but is actually a compliment,” Steve warns him. “Your ears reminded me of Dumbo. I always loved that movie, the reminder that we don’t have to change who we are in order to be loved. That sometimes the things we hate most about ourselves, the things people tease us about the most, are actually the things that help us most, in the end.” He guides Eddie to lay down. “And I’m not saying your ears are what saved you. But I am saying they reminded me that everything, maybe, isn’t entirely hopeless.” He smiles, tucks Eddie’s hair behind his ear. Says, “I like your ears.”
Said ear burns red. “You’d be one of the few.”
“That’s okay.”
“What’s your thing? Your… ears?”
Steve hums. “Did you know I cried a lot as a kid? I was very emotional, very easily moved. My dad always hated it, so I learned to cover it up. But I think it’s what got me here in the end. I could’ve told Dustin I didn’t have time to help him, but I didn’t. I got roped into this whole mess, but it’s how I got to know him and the kids. It’s how I got to know Robin and you.”
Eddie smiles. “I’m glad you cried as a kid.”
Steve laughs. “Yeah. Me too.” He shifts, a little closer, a little more down the bed so their eyes are level. “D’you wanna talk about it?”
“There’s nothing I want less.”
“D’you think you can sleep?”
Eddie takes a breath. Steve feels the exhale over his cheek. “Maybe.”
“M’kay. Lemme know if you can’t.”
“Okay. I won’t.”
He giggles. “I’m kidding. I’ll let you know. I just… won’t stop talking at you until you answer.”
Steve hums, lets his eyes slip shut. “I’ll always answer.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, so soft. It makes something warm unfurl in Steve’s chest. “I know you will.”
Steve reaches out, squeezes Eddie’s hand in answer. Lets sleep drag him down the way it’s wanted to since he lay back down.
He doesn’t think about the fact that their hands are still clasped.
He’s the first one up in the morning, and he’s a little annoyed by it because they’d shifted during the night, so Steve is no longer facing Eddie.
His annoyance lasts for all of two seconds before he realizes there’s a warm weight behind him and over his hip, and he figures out it’s because Eddie is behind him, arm over Steve’s hip, fingers curled against the little bit of skin visible from Steve’s shirt riding up during the night.
Steve smiles, sighs, and lets his eyes sink shut again.
He doesn’t sleep, just kind of drifts, so he feels it when Eddie wakes up. He feels him tense in a stretch, feels his forehead press against Steve’s spine, feels his fingers curl farther into Steve’s stomach.
He feels Eddie wake up fully and realize the position he’s in. Feels him hum, then stiffen, slowly pulling away. Steve aches about it, but doesn’t move until he’s out of bed completely, taking the time then to roll over as if he’d just woken up. “M’rn’n,” he mumbles, not exaggerating the sleep-rough in his voice at all.
“Mornin’,” Eddie yawns. “How’d you sleep?”
Steve hums, stretches, sits up. “Think I should be asking you that.”
Eddie smiles. “I slept fine. Now how about you?”
“No more nightmares?”
“Not at all. Think you chased ‘em all away.”
“How did you sleep?”
“Oh. Fine. Great.”
Eddie hums, but takes his word for it, offers his hand to help Steve up, which he accepts.
“Can I ask you something that I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna want to answer?”
Eddie grins crookedly. “You can ask me anything, Stevie. If I don’t wanna answer, I won’t.” He sits back on the bed, next to Steve. “What is it?”
“What was your dad like?”
Eddie blows out a breath, looks away. “Jesus, first thing in the morning, too. Uh… y’know how you said your dad is a grade-A asshole?”
“Yeah. Last I heard, he’s in the state prison for the next… five? Ten? Years. I dunno, don’t really keep track. Was just little things at first, petty theft, then he got an ego and started stealing cars, met a guy who could clean ‘em, and he just…” he shakes his head. “Wayne says he got too big for his britches. I say he got what was coming to him. He tried to rob someone and it… didn’t go well. He got caught, the owner tried to scare him off, swung first, but it doesn’t matter who swung first when he’s dead and my dad was trespassing, right? Tried to say it was self-defense, but…”
“But he was trespassing,” Steve nods.
“Exactly. He got twenty-five for that, and it’s been… twelve years? So I guess he’s got… thirteen left. Not five or ten. Guess it feels like he’s been gone that long.” He sighs. “I went to live with Wayne before that, though… I had a friend, he was my best friend, and my dad… really didn’t like how close we were. Spit out a couple’a slurs, said something about sending me to a camp.” Steve’s breath catches. “I called Wayne that night. Poor guy drove that night, was there by… one in the morning? Picked me up and I’ve never looked back.” He shrugs, picks at his comforter. “Turns out Dad was right about me, but Wayne’s never had an issue, so.” He shrugs. His fingers belie his nerves.
“I think, if I were to ever tell my dad,” Steve says quietly, “a camp would be the least of my issues.”
Eddie’s fingers still for a second before continuing, not fidgeting quite as quickly as before. “Yeah?”
“Then it’s a good thing you don’t have to tell him.”
“I think I do, though.”
“How so?”
“He’s got this… way. Of just proving himself right, every time. It’s why I haven’t left yet. He always finds a way to twist it around and show me I can’t make it on my own. Not on my Family Video salary.”
Eddie hums. “Maybe not on your own,” he admits. “But with a person or two? There’s Family Videos in other cities. Ask to transfer. Robin’s been making noise about heading to Indy, right?”
“I think she just wants out of Hawkins, and Indy is the only feasible place to her.”
“Very understandable. Where would you go, Steve? If you could go anywhere?”
Steve sighs. ��That’s the problem, though. I can’t leave the kids.”
Eddie chuckles. “I should’ve known. Then why not find a place in between? Maybe on the edge of town?”
“We’re still both on a Family Video salary. I don’t think even combined we could afford anything.” Steve tilts his head. “You said a person or two. Who’s the other person?”
“Ah,” Eddie says. “Well, not to come between the platonic soulmates, but I’m sure Wayne would love to have his life back.”
Steve snorts. “Robin loves you almost as much as I do, Eds, of course you’re welcome.”
Eddie ignores that, for the sake of his own sanity. “Well,” he says instead. “Maybe it’s time to take a crack at those newspapers Wayne’s been hoarding.”
“Maybe it is,” Steve says, a strange sort of smile playing across his lips. “And I can ask people. You’d be surprised at the amount of gossip I hear at work.”
“Oh, I believe it, trust me. Or are you forgetting I use to hang around Sam Goody?”
“Oh, god,” Steve laughs, “I had forgotten that, yeah.” He sighs. “D’you think we would’ve been friends back then? If we’d known each other?”
“I don’t think so.” Eddie chews at his bottom lip. “Not because of you, but because of me. I was still stuck in that high school hierarchal shit, y’know? I would’ve seen you as an asshole jock even though you weren’t anymore.”
“I think I’m still working on it.”
“I think we’re all working on being who we want to be.” He stands and offers Steve a hand up with a grin. “And y’know what helps with that?”
Steve chuckles, places his hand in Eddie’s. “What’s that?”
“Pancakes,” he says decisively. “C’mon, let’s go bully Wayne into making us some.”
“And by bully, you mean ask once.”
Eddie hums. “Same difference.”
He waltzes into the living room, arms spread wide. “Sir Wayne! Our visiting prince has requested pancakes this fine morn.”
Wayne squints at him. “I’m your king, dipshit,” he says, lip quirked up in a smile as he winks at Steve. “Make your own damn pancakes.”
“Wayne!” Eddie cries. “Betrayal! Betrayal of the highest order!”
“You’ll live,” Wayne deadpans. Steve giggles.
Eddie narrows his eyes at Wayne. “Fine,” he says. “We will make our own. But there shall be no extra for you, sir!”
Following him to the kitchen, Steve says, “We’ll make extra.”
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Wayne returns, “but I’d ‘preciate it.”
In the kitchen, Eddie sighs with his head halfway in a cabinet. “Okay, so we don’t have mix.”
“That’s okay,” Steve says. “I can make them from scratch.”
“Or,” Eddie says, turning to Steve with a grin. “We can go out.”
“We could,” Steve allows. “But then Wayne wouldn’t get any.”
Eddie hops backwards onto the counter and leans forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “Y’know how I said we wouldn’t have been friends if we’d met earlier?”
“It really would’ve been entirely my fault.” He sighs. “You’re just… so nice. And it would’ve been unbelievable, for me, because the Munson Doctrine dictates that all jocks are assholes and stay jockish assholes. I think what happened… had to happen, if we were gonna be friends.”
Steve worries his lip. “Then… is it bad if I say I’m glad it happened? If only for that reason?”
“Only if I’m also glad it happened, for that reason,” Eddie responds quietly. “Y’know the only other person I’ve told about my ma is Jeff?”
“I’m…” he pauses, scrunching his nose. “I wanna say I’m honored, but that sounds weird.”
Eddie chuckles. “I know what you mean, Stevie.”
Steve nods, and they stay there for a minute, looking at each other, until Steve looks away with a sigh. “Alright,” he says, pancakes?”
Eddie gusts out a sigh. “Please.”
Steve chuckles and shoves the flour towards Eddie. “Here. Two cups.”
Eddie frowns. “Only?”
“For now. We can always make more later if we need to.”
Eddie shrugs, but nods at Steve, as if deferring to his expertise. “D’you have eggs?”
“Uh.” Eddie checks the fridge, then the cabinet. “No, but we’ve got Spam?”
Steve snorts. “That works. Wanna cut up a can and fry it?”
“Works for me.”
And so they work, side by side, until breakfast is ready and they’re all three eating side by side.
After, Wayne stretches in his seat, glances at the clock, and mutters something underneath his breath as he gets up. “Thanks for breakfast, boys. Steve, you gonna be here for dinner?”
“Uh,” Steve says, glancing at Eddie. “Unless Ed kicks me out.”
“Never,” Eddie swears. 
“I’ll pick up burgers on my way back,” Wayne decides. “That work for you two?”
“Definitely,” Eddie nods.
“Sure. Thank you, Wayne.”
“Son,” Wayne starts, then shakes his head. 
Steve gets the message: he belongs here. His cheeks burn. “Thanks, Wayne,” he murmurs.
Wayne ruffles his hair as he passes.
“So,” Eddie asks, once it’s just the two of them. “Any plans for the day?”
Steve makes a face. “I gotta work at two, but I’m free till then.”
Eddie snorts. “Lemme guess, you’re working alone?”
“Well not today!” Eddie says brightly. “Why don’t I come with?”
Steve blinks. “Because… why would you?”
“Cause you’re my friend, Stevie. I wanna hang out with you but I can’t do that if you’re at work and I’m here.”
Steve snickers. “I guess we can talk about moving in together. Tuesdays are always the slowest day of the week.”
“Yeah! Wayne’s got the papers around here somewhere.” He trails off, looking around, then bounds over to the TV with a triumphant, “Ha!” He reaches into the crate the TV’s sitting on and pulls out a stack of newspapers. “Okay, we don’t want anything from last year… beginning of this year might be too old…” he hesitates, looking at Steve. “Maybe since Spring Break? A lot of people moved out.”
Steve hums, moves closer. “Good point. There’s bound to be something on the edge of town.” He sighs as he sits next to Eddie. “The only problem is Robin doesn’t have a car, or even her license. And if I’m working here, and she’s trying to work in Indy, how’s she gonna get there?”
“Well,” Eddie begins, “who says you have to stay at Family Video? Why not stretch your wings out? Try something else? Indy’s a big city with lots of opportunity. How about this.” He shifts so he’s facing Steve. “If you could do anything in the world, work anywhere, what would you do? Where would you work?”
Steve fidgets with his pant leg as he thinks. “A bakery,” he decides softly.
Eddie stills for a moment. “I feel like I should’ve seen that coming. You’d be a great baker, Steve. Or if you want to just sell the baked goods, you’d be great at that, too. Hawkins is small enough we don’t have need for a bakery. Not when you can get everything you need at Melvald’s. But Indy’s big. I pass by two bakeries every time I head into the city.” He puts a hand on Steve’s knee. “Stay at Family Video for now. But when we move, you can apply to those places. Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve nods. He can feel his cheeks heating up, feel the excitement coursing through his body. “You really think I could?”
“Steve.” Eddie sighs. “I think you are so much better than you see. I think you can do anything.”
“I dunno about anything.” Steve ducks his head as he blushes. “But, uh. Thank you.”
Eddie smiles. “For?”
Steve looks up at him. His breath catches, for a second, at the look in Eddie’s eyes. He looks away with a shrug even as his cheeks heat up. “Believing in me, I guess.”
“Anything,” Eddie promises again.
Steve looks at him again. Really looks, even as his cheeks heat uncomfortably warm. “…Anything?”
Without looking away, Eddie grabs his hand. Rubs his thumb over Steve’s knuckles. Whispers it again.
Steve leans in and kisses him.
Eddie kisses back.
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winterpower98 · 1 year ago
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Haven’t drawn my favorite monkey troop in a while!
So have a few doodles of random moments
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lixiesfreckless · 1 year ago
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Into It | b. c.
➸ synopsis: the california sunset looks pretty damn good when you're on the hood of Chan's car.
➸ starring: bang chan x female reader
➸ word count: 3k
➸ general content: best friend!chan, car sex, drunk sex, chan is lowkey obsessed with you, mutual pining, dirty talk
➸ warnings: lots of swearing, sexual content, alcohol consumption, mentions of california(LMAO east coast on top)
➸ rating: 18+ MA
➸ author’s note: another oldie but goodie! also I don't even bias chan but I literally went insane writing this so what does that mean-
♫ into it- chase atlantic
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Far away.
You feel like your mind is so far away.
The engine roars in your ears as you and Chan zip around the outskirts of downtown Los Angeles, convertible top down to let the wind whip through the vehicle. 
Your hand dangles outside the car door, lazily twirling a half empty bottle of beer in your fingertips as you fully sink into the car seat. Your thoughts are fuzzy, his music is loud, and the breeze is enough to keep you from getting too hot. 
This is as close as you can get to bliss.
Palm trees lining the road, orange and magenta in the sky, hell— if heaven didn’t look like this, did you even want to go?
The car slows down enough for Chan to make a right turn, angling the two of you to a desert close to where they host raves and concerts every summer. By the time the current song stops playing, Chan is pulling the convertible off the road, driving over hardened clay and rocks until he’s about 50 yards away from the asphalt.
“Pass me one of those,” he says, putting the car in park and slumping into the seat. You reach down to the six pack of beer near your feet and pass one to him, bringing your own bottle up to your lips as he takes it.
The guy sticks the cap between his teeth, cracking it open with a sharp twist of his arm, and flicks the cap into the cup holder.
“That’s one way to crack open a cold one,” you chuckle, taking another swig.
“Too bad I’m not with the boys…” he sighs, narrowly dodging a swat from your hand as he laughs.
“Hush, I’m better than the boys.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, letting the troubles of the week dissolve under the tangy taste of the alcohol and the bass from the speakers.
You can’t remember exactly when you started spending your Friday nights like this, driving to random places in the passenger seat of Chan’s car. Usually you’d prefer to spend your nights indoors, but with him, it was never overwhelming. He was your weekly dose of adventure, and you became addicted easily.
But how could you not when he was so…Chan?
He always knew what songs to play, what you felt like talking about, what kind of view would cheer you up— he became someone that knew you better than your best friend, even.
And there was something so disarming about his vintage band tees, beat up converse, blond curls and dimples— especially his dimples. They were a weapon and he used them.
And they reappear right as you notice you’re staring at him. Serves you right for zoning out in his general direction.
“Something on your mind?” He chuckles, and you pop the passenger door open, shaking your head.
“Nope. Just need to stretch.”
You walk around to the front of the car, and the shell dips slightly once you perch on the hood.
This beer is defective, you decide. Alcohol is supposed to blur your thoughts, not sharpen them.
And yet all you can think about is the man moving to lean against the front of the car, standing just a foot away from you.
Your mind pretends not to notice the way Chan’s gaze lingers on your lips, almost glazing over every time you take a swig from the bottle in your hand. Your body however, burns. Reacts like water on hot oil. It feels like every cell is dancing in the remnants of the sunset when he looks at you. 
It might just be the alcohol though.
You lean back and lie on the hood of the car, using your hands as a makeshift pillow behind your head as you watch the sky turn an even deeper shade of pink. Chan takes one glance at you and takes a long sip of beer as he quickly looks away, pushing the sight of your shirt riding up your torso far back into his mind. The…things he could do there-
“Shit, how many of those have we gone through,” you mumble, lazily shifting your eyes up to the sky.
“Uh, four?” Chan glances back at you, mentally cursing at the way your face matches the sky above, dusted with pink. He doesn’t know it’s from you staring at his arm veins. “We have water in the back if you want some-”
“No, no I’m good.” Your voice sounds like honey to him; maybe he should pass the bottle back to you, just so you’ll stay quiet. “Just feeling more than a little buzzed.” 
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles, and the huskiness in his voice practically pokes you in the side. “Now would be the best time to do something crazy then.”
“Something crazy?” You laugh out loud, then sit up slightly on the hood, leaning back on your elbows. “There’s nothing but desert for miles. What are we supposed to do-”
Your sentence stops dead in its tracks as your eyes meet with Chan’s, the heat rushing to your gut all at once as the wind blows his blond curls into his eyes. He doesn’t even hesitate this time; his eyes wander lower and lower on your face until they land on your bottom lip, trapped between your teeth. 
“God, why do you always do that…” he whispers, shifting his gaze back to the road.
The wind whistles in your ears as you feel them growing hotter, unsure what to make of his sudden statement.
“Do…do what?” He looks back at you with tortured eyes, as if you’re the only water in the California desert.
“Bite your lip like that; it makes me think-” he stops and drains the rest of the bottle in his hand, then leaves it on the hood and shakes his head. “Never mind. I’m gonna turn the music up.”
Your eyes follow him as he trails along the side of the car, and you feel a certain window of opportunity beginning to close. Summoning most of your courage, you jump off the hood and walk up behind Chan, waiting for him to finish messing with the stereo before tapping him on the back.
“Yeah?” He turns around and barely has any time to think before you’re pressing on his shoulders, pulling him down slightly as you crash your lips onto his. He immediately catches your waist, letting out a surprised muffle that dissolves into a sigh as he pulls you against him.
You break apart after a moment, lips still tingly and buzzing with excitement, but you wonder if you’ve made the right decision as you look up at Chan, who still has his eyes closed.
“You’re drunk,” he whispers, finally looking down at you with a flushed face.
“Not drunk enough.” You twist the shoulder seams of his shirt between your fingers in consideration. “I’m sober enough to know that look. And if you don’t do something about it, then I-”
“You want me to do something about it?” He pulls your hips tight against his, and now that you’re leaning on him, you can feel the bass from the car reverberating through both of you. That combined with the buzz of the alcohol and his hands on your bare midriff nearly sends you over the edge, but you keep your composure.
And by that you mean you pounce on him— you love his voice, but you’re tired of talking about something you could be doing.
If you both were a little less tipsy, the kisses would probably be less frantic. But neither of you seem to care, hands grabbing at each other desperately as you search for better ways to pull each other closer.
“You have no idea,” he pants between kisses, “you have no fucking idea how badly I’ve wanted this.” You shudder into his lips, raking through his blond locks and tugging at the ends as Chan’s grip tightens on your hips. He takes a sharp inhale before picking you up, waiting for you to latch your legs around his torso before he slides his arms under your legs. As he walks around the car, you both never separate; you’re actually surprised when you feel the cool metal of the hood come into contact with the backs of your thighs.
He nestles himself between your legs, resting his hands on your thighs and tracing the distressed hem of your denim skirt as the bass of the song picks up. You’re lucky you’re on the hood and not the trunk; the subwoofers vibrating against you would have been too much for sure. 
He pulls away from your lips, dipping his head to catch his breath as he pants into the crook of your neck. To him, this is insane. He has you on the hood of his car. He has you on the hood of his car.
How is a man supposed to think straight in this situation? 
Meanwhile, his hot breath on your neck is driving you to the brink of insanity. Just a raise of your shoulder and he’d be kissing it. Shoot, he could make you crazy with his fingers just an inch higher too.
“Chan,” you whisper, not realizing how close your breathy voice was to his ear, and the last of his resolve practically evaporates off of him.
“Y/n…” his nose follows the curve of your neck as he makes his way up to your face, “tell me if I need to stop, I just…”
He hooks his hands around your knees and pulls, effectively pinning your hips together in a casual display of strength, and you gasp before he seizes your bottom lip between his, sucking and biting until a soft moan slips from your lips.
“Fuck, make that sound again,” he groans, hands sliding back up your thighs to the hem of your shirt. You relent, no longer keeping your sighs and sounds of pleasure to yourself as his hands slide under your crop top, around to your back.
He makes quick work of your bra, releasing the tension around your ribcage before sliding his thumbs along the underside of your breasts. Just thinking about all of the things he could do to you has both of you buzzing with anticipation, panting against each other’s mouths.
His thumb just barely grazes your nipple and you swear you see the world begin to tilt.
You don’t know what it is; normally a gesture that small wouldn’t elicit such a reaction out of you, but the alcohol in your veins and the bass under your thighs seem to bring every motion of his straight to your core. And usually you’d be embarrassed at how loud you are, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when he continues just like that, both thumbs barely putting any pressure on the peaks under your shirt.
Your head lolls back slightly, and Chan wastes no time in licking a thin stripe up the column of your neck, stopping right at the shell of your ear.
“Ideally, I’d want to take my time with you, but right now…” his voice is thick with lust as he flicks both of your nipples, and you jolt forward. “I don’t think you’d want me to.”
“Chan, please,” you gasp out, wanting to press your thighs together, “get on with it already.”
He obliges you, hands sliding down to your skirt and then back up under it, looking for the edge of your panties. Once he has them, he pulls them down and over your Nike blazers, tossing them into the convertible onto the passenger seat.
He then reaches behind you, pushing two empty bottles off the car as he presses you flat against the hood. The sound of the bottles breaking against the rocky terrain is barely registered by you though, you’re more focused on Chan’s free hand snaking back up your skirt.
Curses slip out of his mouth once his thumb brushes across your clit; he’s more than shocked to feel just how soaked you are, but you shake your head vigorously, catching his attention.
“Skip it,” you say breathlessly, looking directly into his eyes. He understands instantly, coffee colored eyes practically turning coal black seeing your desperation.
The sky seems to swirl different shades of purple and pink as the wind feathers over your body, and just past the contrails in the sky, you can see the stars beginning to poke their faces into the rosy backdrop.
There is a very real possibility that you are dreaming all of this.
But the sound of his zipper being pulled down snaps your senses into focus, and the possibility of Chan fucking you under a sky like this seems more urgent.
The next minute flies by, and before you know it Chan is lining himself up at your entrance, checking that the condom is on properly before lifting your skirt to your hips.
His eyes flicker to yours momentarily, and you nod before relaxing fully, letting your head rest against the hood as he holds onto your hips tightly.
And then you instantly tense up once he starts pushing into you.
It’s almost embarrassing how easy it is for him to slide in without really touching you, but the hiss he draws between his teeth tells you he’s not really focusing on that.
You’re focusing on how you didn’t catch a glimpse of him before he put it in, and now your entire lower abdomen is tingling in excitement over just how much of him there is. Silly how you were trying to sober up for this moment, only for you to feel high all over again with him fully inside you.
“I- shit, okay wow,” he hisses, dragging himself out and back in slowly. “You’re so warm, god-”
You can’t even respond, you’re so occupied by the feeling of his ridges along your walls that your fingers are already looking for something to grab onto.
Somehow in the haze of it all, you still want to urge him deeper, so you wrap your legs around his waist and watch as he tilts his head back, eyes fluttering closed mid-thrust.
“Oh fuck,” he moans, picking up the pace and holding your hips tighter as you whine, feeling him finally start to brush one of your sensitive spots.
Chan cannot process the scene playing out in front of him. You’re draped over the hood of his car, taking what he’s giving you so easily, face flushed and hair falling over your face from the wind. Your shirt is halfway up your torso, but your skirt is up six inches too high, high enough to see where he's sheathing himself inside of you. He couldn’t make this up if he tried.
The pressure building inside of you jumps to the next level once his hand slides up your shirt again, gently rubbing circles over your nipple as opposed to the faster thrusts down below. Your back arches into his hand as you gasp, squeezing your thighs around him tighter as you do so.
“Chan,” you whine, scratching your nails against the car, and a few more curses tumble out of his mouth as he stares down at you. 
“You’re so good y/n,” he pants, snapping his hips against you now, “better than I- ah, I imagined.”
“You’ve thought about this before?” You’re cut off by another moan; it’s a miracle how you can even speak.
Chan doesn’t reply; instead, he hooks his hands under your knees and drops them on his shoulders, then scoops his hands back under your hips and pulls them to his with a quick snap.
“I’ve thought about this before,” he says with a wicked grin, hitting you at just the right angle to pull a sharp gasp out from your lips.
“Oh my god, there-” you moan breathlessly, pressing your hands flat onto the hood of the car as he pounds into you relentlessly.
The sky is spinning. Your heart is pounding. You wish you could focus on something, anything other than the spongy part of you that Chan is hitting to the beat of the song under you, just so you could last a little bit longer. 
But the sight of him with your legs around his neck, eyes closed with strands of gold wisping across his face, the look of pure ecstasy painted across his cheeks, ensures that you have close to three seconds before the knot in your stomach unravels.
“Shit, don’t stop,” you say as you feel yourself coming undone, back arching into your release which only makes Chan pound deeper, heightening the intensity tenfold.
He cries out once you clamp down around him, spitting out random strings of curses until he’s emptying his restraint into the condom, slowing down his thrusts as he finally opens his eyes again, locking gazes with you.
He looks nothing short of ethereal with the now purple backdrop of the sky, framing his blond locks with lilac clouds as he slowly pulls out of you, doing his best not to overstimulate you. You almost tell him not to; being that full was nice, something you’d probably never admit unless you were actually drunk.
“Wow,” you breathe out, watching him lower your legs down to the hood. “That was…”
“Crazy, I know,” he laughs, still trying to calm his breathing as he looks at you. “But you were amazing, holy shit-”
“…better than the boys?” You tease, smirking up at him. 
He gives you a knowing look, picking up on the funny way you worded the question. But instead of getting flustered, he leans over the hood, caging you against it with his arms.
“Hmm…I don’t know. I think I’d have to try this a couple of times before I can give you a definite answer.”
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wolfsonic · 1 year ago
Hey, everyone!
So I've been influenced by the amazing @journey-to-the-au to make my own monkey versions. Their stories are absolutely amazing and inspired me to make my own. I hope its ok if I use some of your concepts, and if not, please let me know, and I can change them.
I'm still learning about the Monkey King book. The more I learn from the books, the more I'll implement it or change some things in charcater stories. My Hyperfixation on Lego Monkie kid has evolved into a Monkey King hyperfixation in general. So I'm going to combine the two because I love them both.
Designs for lmk charcater will relatively stay the same as well as the story, but with other Monkey King elements thrown in. First thing first, here is the height chart I made for original residents on flower fruit mountain/Mount Huaguo
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I will be making more height charts for more characters this is just one of a few more
Now I hope everyone buckles in because this girl also wrote small snippets for each character, and it is long! The snippets follow left from right!
Dai Lu: known as the Mother of the Mountain, before Dai Lu found WuKong, she watched over the mountain and the beings that lived there for centuries. Everyone on the mountain held her in high regard and came to her for disputes and settling matters. Even the troop of isolated Macaques gave her the respect she deserved, which they didn't give much respect to anyone outside their troop. She and he family resided by the large water fall with the biggest troop of monkies on the island.
She had a small daughter at the time of them finding WuKong after he hatched from his stone (her other half lost to a hunter attack not long after their daughter was born). Dai Lu took the small monkey under her wing, and with the help of the troop, they raised WuKong. When the brotherhood was formed, she was the voice of reason and tried to keep their plans from angering the celestials.
It came to a close when Dai Lu was trapped in a sword by a minor celestial hoping to use her to "tame" WuKong, and it is where she stayed for many years. Her sword was passed down from generation to generation, before finally a young swordsman kind enough to even listen to her, set her free. A kindness she repays frequently back to his family.
But it was then she realized how long she was gone for. Her daughter was off the mountian raising her son, and WuKong was already on his journey, the weight of Macaque's death on his shoulders as well as fighting and trapping three his sworn brothers. Dai Lu, with little connections she had in the celestial realm, was able to at least visit him a few times on said journey.
Dai Lu set off the mountain once, staying with WuKong after a few years of him returning from his journey. It is then, she made the Skulk, a group of Huli-Jin that helped each other. All Huli-Jin were welcome to come and go as they please.
Sun WuKong: we all know about WuKong. So I don't think there is much to explain. He was raised by Dai Lu and proudly called her his Mama. He has an older sister (I don't have a name for her yet). After his Journey and the removal of the fillet, left fillet like scars on his forehead. It may have helped him but, it left behind scars. His daughter's rock came to him a few months later after his return to the mountain.
WuKong had tried to get Macaque's soul back to only be told it was missing. He fell into a bit of a depressive stated after that. His mother and his troop, especially the babies of the moutain and his own daughter helped him. Over time he was able to apologize to the macaque troop, the only reason they even tolerate his presence was because of Chao-Xing, Rumble and Savage the last remaining peices of Macaque they had left. He accepted their decision and tried to stay a much out of their way as possible.
The only one who doesn't dare be in his presence is Mo, Macaque's younger sister. She despises him even after she learns of her brother resurrection, but her problem is with WuKong and only him. She wouldn't dare have the wrath of her family come down on her for getting her Nieces and Nephew caught in her hate for their other father.
Six Eared Macaque: Macaque was born to the isolated Macaque group of Flower Fruit Mountain. He didn't have a father, his mother saying he was a gift from the wind. His grandfather, the king of the troop, taught him everything he needed to know about his magic and how to take care of his family. He also became a big brother, to a sister named Mò.
When he was little, he got swept away by the river to land in Dai Lu and her troop's part of the mountain. He was taken care of by them until his Grandpa and Mom was able to pick him up. It was then he met WuKong and they became fast friends. As years passed they met up and played frequently.
When they were older, they started to court and became mates. Macaque was the main catalyst for WuKong searching for a way of immortality. There was a massive fight as hunters found the isolated macaque troop, and Macaque while defending his family got badly hurt in the process.
When it came to the book of the dead, Macaque and the macaque troop was included in with the other names being crossed out. Around when Macaque set out to find WuKong on his journey his mother and sister pleaded for him to stay. He wished he had listened. After his death the macaque troop closed themselves off fully from WuKong's troop and Dai Lu. Mò especially.
Macaque still is hesitant to return to his old troop when he's resurrected and espesally after being on good terms with WuKong and the others again.
Chao-Xing: the daughter of the Monkey King and the Six Eared Macaque. She was made by the combination of their magic and was born from stone just like WuKong. She is well loved by the troop and she was fawned over by her Aunts, Uncles, GUncle's, and Great Grandpa. She learned a lot from all of them.
How to fight hand to hand by Aunt Ma, how to take care of a flower field by her Aunt Rin Rin, how to control her shadow magic from her Great Grandpa, and more.
After hearing her father's journey she wanted to have her own, to fully see the world and to learn more about it was well. She made a compromise with her Bama (WuKong) that if she waited until she was old enough and everyone in her family deemed her ready, then she was able to leave the mountain. She accepted and let's say it took the macaque troop hundreds of years to finally agree he fit enough to let her go.
Chao-Xing is the one who helps ease her Baba (Macaque) back into WuKong's troop, though it doesn't take to much for them to welcome him back. She is also the one trying to talk him into see the macaque troop again
Rin Rin: the head teacher of the mountain. Rin Rin 50% of the time is seen leading groups of children around teaching them about the world around them. She is highly protective of children and even though she doesn't have much combat training, she can still be a lot to handle for a foe when it comes to a child under her care being in danger.
She has a major green thumb, can take a dying plant to be florishing stong plant. Rin Rin is also the sole reason 90% of the flower beds on the mountian are where they are. She takes great pride in them.
Rin Rin and Marshal Liu are mates. They started courting before the great fire on the mountain. They decided to put off having children of their own with everything that happened to the mountain while their king was away. When they do finally have kids, they have an older daughter the same age as Chao-Xing and twin boys a few years younger.
Marshal Liu: Liu is very protective of the troop and the monkeys he cares about most. He also the most level headed out of his fellow Marshal and generals, but he's got his own mean streak that he's not afraid to show off. His father was apart of a small band if wandering simians on the mountain, his little half sister Biyu's father was also apart of that group as well.
Liu knew who his father was and actually got to do things with him. He wasnt actually too bad of a father, teaching him some things when ever he was around, but Liu mainly wanted stuck with his mother and her troop. Liu and much like the other Generals and Marshal grew up with WuKong, they trained together and when WuKong became King he named him Marshal. His prefered weapon is a yan yue dao.
Liu knew the moment he saw Rin Rin teaching the little ones for the first time, he wanted to court her. But, it was the first time he watched her fight off a tiger demon who decided it was a good idea to attack her and the little ones one day, that he decided to FINALLY ask her. After the fact of course.
Biyu: Biyu is the little sister of Liu and is a soldier (prefered weapon and a poleaxe) under the command of her brother and her friends. Dispite being his little sister, she is taller than Liu in their older years, and he's a little annoyed by that fact. A fact she LOVES to tease him about. Even though she was a few years younger then them all, they still looked her to tag along with them.
Biyu has a major love for phoenixs, she even likes to sit and watch them fly around, the phoenixs has grown used to her being around, she leaves them be so they don't see her as a threat. Even a few have grown curious of her and one was even brave enough to perch on her shoulder, she practically gushed about it for days to who ever would listen. Who most of the time would be Ba.
Ba and her are mates, Ba would do anything for her. For his first courting gift to her when they did finally start courting he presented her with a Phoenix feather. The same one she wears proudly in her fur til this day.
The scars on her face and down her neck she received from the fire on the mountain, the scar travels around over her shoulder and down her back. She got it from catching a falling branch from hurting a mother and her two children. She doesn't regret how she got the scars, but it still took her years for her to feel confident in her looks again, with how ugly she deemed the scars. Ba was also a major help in getting her confidence back.
General Ba: the youngest of the terror twins of Flower Fruit mountian and a general of WuKong (prefered weapon is the chicken sickels). When he was little, he'd screech at anyone in the troop that referred to him as a girl. The troop learned pretty quickly the pronouns he prefered. Yes, he is ftm, but he will terrorize anyone who has the audacity to tell him otherwise, and he has. Being an annoyance to someone is a very effective way to get someone to correct pronoun usage.
Ma and Ba were actually born to another troop not too far from WuKong's. The troops met frequently and were on good terms with one another. Meeting to share stories and trade. They even were able to stay over with the troop under Rin Rin's family care who was their father's sister, making them cousin's to Rin Rin.
There was one point something happened (a something i will figure out eventually XD) that kept the two troops separated for a few years. Cutting Ba and Ma off from their friends. When the way was finally opened to traverse again, the two decided to make the decision of staying with WuKong's troop. One their mother or father did not try to stop them.
Ba and Biyu are mates. When Ba met Biyu and the others after their years apart, she gave him one hug and he was gone for her. And when he went to get the Phoenix feather for a courting gift, he practically negotiated with them for an entire day and that consisted of him doing errands for them. They gave him one of their molted flight feathers in exchange.
Marshal Ma: is the oldest of the terror twins and a Marshal that serves WuKong (Her prefered weapon is an emeici). The duo love pranks but, they definitely toned it down when they have gotten older. They even terrorizes a pack of wolf demons that were going to attack their troop so badly the pack who had lived their for generations had to escape off the moutain to get away from them.
Ma's fighting style is a bit different from her fellow Marshal and Generals. She prefers a get in and get out approch while the others prefer head on fighting. She loves sneaking around to get the job done and is always to go to when stealth is involved.
Ma and Beng are mates, Ma always tried to help Beng as much as she could, whith his dad and him being the only two medicine monkies on the island. She does help him when he gets too much into his herbs to rememeber to eat, drink, sleep and get put and do things once in awhile.
General Beng: a General under WuKong and a medicine monkey. Beng takes great pride with his work with medicine and herbs. He learned everything from his father, who was over joyed to teach everything he knew to his son. Beng when he was young developed Aphonia from an attack on the troop, his voice never going much above a whisper. He also has an aversion to physical touch. He knows accidental touchs are common, especially if he has to take care of a fellow monkey. What he hates is prolonged touches like hugs or even a simple hand on his shoulder, it makes it feel like he got ants in his skin. The only prolonged touch othe then Ma, he could stand is his parents grooming his fur.
Beng had a hard time connecting to the other monkeys, though he does have Ma to thank for actually making friends out of WuKong and his friends. She practically dragged him along on the outings with the others and if there wasn't something too important in his work, made sure he got breaks.
The years that Ba and Ma and their troop were cut off from them, Beng was near constantly sucked in his work. It took the others and his parents hours to get him to do anything to take care of himself. Beng didn't realize how muched he missed the other monkey until the path way to get to the others again was clear and she and her brother came to the troop requesting to Dai Lu if they could stay. No one told them no and Beng just wrapped up Ma in a hug, she is the only one he allows and seeks out physical affection from.
It wasn't long that they started courting after that.
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jackiepackiee · 10 months ago
Hey hope I don't bump you at the wrong time ma dude.
Could you write general poly dating headcanons for the flags with a gender neutral reader? I have seen the stormbringer so dry like the Roman Empire at night🙏.
I hope it isn't uncomfortable, and you don't need to write it if you don't want to.
Have a splendid day sweetheart 💋
Okay, let’s pretend reader is 18 so everything actually makes sense. No adults with our Chuuya
𝐹𝓁𝒶𝑔𝓈 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝑜𝓁𝓎
Ft. Pianoman, Lippmann, Albatross, Iceman, Doc, and Chuuya
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For this to work you have to be in the port mafia
How else would you be so lucky to have met all these men?
And, they would never put a civilian in that much danger
Speaking of danger, good luck ever actually being in it
With these six, you may as well have your own arsenal of body guards willing to kill every enemy for your safety
That being said, they all go about your safety a bit differently
Pianoman likes to have you by his side at all times, since he doesn’t see much action. Expect to have him, a leader, tell others to beat up any threats while he spends his precious time with you. He doesn’t want you to see that violence
Albatross is an idiot. He likes to fight, and even more than that he likes to show off. And nothing is better than the holy trinity of showing off you to, keeping you safe, and earning your praise after a fight. He keeps you far away, duh. But he likes to know you’re watching him be the best boyfriend/bodyguard he can be.
Iceman is a secretive man. You will never see one of his jobs, ever. You won’t know a single name of a victim, a location, a time. He would hate for you to have to deal with any of the dark realities of his work. Expect to be sat all pretty in his office while he “takes care” of a man who’s been threatening to kill you.
Doc is your safety net. He isn’t a fighter, and is usually the one around helping the others heal after they defended you. But his job is gory, probably the most. He sees patients with all sorts of nasty injuries. So he keeps you in the part of the infirmary where the window shows to the ocean and the nice nurses talk with you. Away from the scary side he resigns in.
Lippmann is proud to have you around, and will be more bark and less bite. Not to say he won’t attack others, but he would much rather threaten them. Keeping you safe, while sitting getting to hold your waist instead of the hassle of beating up some guys. And his threats work, always. It scares you sometimes, but only a little.
Chuuya is the most protective. Despite being the youngest, he has the most fierce loyalty and would actively burn down an entire enemy base just to see you safe. He doesn’t care if you see him fight, since he knows you know he’s strong. (But he wouldn’t mind looking over to you during a battle just to see your adoring eyes at his skill)
Pianoman, who had just held you in his lap, plopped you down onto the wooden chair before shooting up. Walking to Albatross, who was wincing at the alcohol swap cleaning his wounds.
“What were you thinking?”
Pianoman snapped, and Doc gave him an annoyed glare.
“Yelling at Albatross isn’t going to help him heal.”
“Maybe he shouldn’t thought about that before bringing them into an active battle field!”
Albatross pushed Doc’s hand away from his bleeding wound, and stood up. Face to face with Pianoman.
“I knew they were safe! I’m not stupid, I would’ve known if-“
Before you could hear more of their argument, Lippmann, spun your chair to face him. Tilting your head up by your chin.
“Hey, how about a walk? Chuuya has been dying to go to that new arcade with you, now is a good time.”
Luckily, with such a large group you always had at least one knight in shining armor. Hating to see the boys fight, you left. Trusting them enough to know everything would be okay.
They are all a little different with affection, so every love language you may have is compatible!
Pianoman is a spoiler, always giving you everything you want. He is the most paid in the group, as the leader and the eldest. You want a new outfit? It’s yours. A inanimate dinner? He’s cleared his schedule. He’s a tease too, so expect this romance to be accompanied by a joke about your shy gratitude.
Albatross is a ray of sunshine. The one thing he likes to show to show in love is make your smile. He’s not always joking around, and knows when to be serious. Hard day at work? He’s taking you to the beach on his motorcycle. Fight with another flag? He’s buying you flowers. It’s not only his jokes and silly nature that make you laugh, but his loyalty to his love that warms your heart. Even if he tries to keep that side of him a secret.
Iceman is a classic man, and his love is no different. He wishes to make every moment special, since he knows time is never on anyone’s side. His idea of a perfect moment is the two of you in his apartment. Jazz music playing on some one-of-a-kind record, eating a meal he made, and you smiling and babbling about your day. He’s a domestic kind of guy, with a secret taste for peaceful romance.
Doc is a little clueless. From his time in America studying medicine, he’s seen a lot about romance. But he doesn’t know what is right. So, he does what he feels is best. Looks up ways in his textbooks to boost your serotonin! It’s nerdy, obviously, but it works. Little zoo dates, dinners that are surprisingly healthy yet delicious. He cares for your health, and subconsciously shows his love by taking care of you.
Lippmann is a romantic tease. He knows all about love, having played it in many movies. And enjoys physical contact the most. He enjoys showing you off, not as a prize but more as “I’m so lucky because my lover is the best and they chose to be with me.” He goes a little overboard sometimes… roses every other day can get a bit annoying. Trust me, he’s had a scolding from Doc about taking off the thorns after you pricked your finger.
Chuuya does whatever feels right. He’s shy, and his love is “puppy love.” But that doesn’t stop him, not at all. He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, and will follow you around like a puppy. He enjoys sharing his interests with you. Arcades dates are a must. Whenever he finds out something new about the world, even if it’s general knowledge, he tells you in excitement. Always expect him to deny his blush after giving you a hug or kiss. Speaking of, thank goodness he’s a natural at affection.
Overall? Your life will be pretty chaotic, with a million different dates each week. But know everyday with be filled with love.
And they all work together to make you the happiest.
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481mclarg · 1 month ago
Scared to love you | AL65
★ I've never been good at telling people how to feel, but you make me want to try.
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STLY        •       FANFIC + SMAU.
          • Arthur Leclerc m Male!Oc driver
Warnings: Drunk sex, sexual - suggestive content. (tbh, It was more explicit, but I cut it out. I ended up feeling a little uncomfortable with that part).
★          introduction. | one. | two. | three. | four. | five. | six. | seven. | eight. | nine. | ten. | eleven. | twelve. | thirteen. | fourteen. | fifteen. | sixteen. |
          Matteo had moments of consciousness and unconsciousness, taking another drink when he felt sobriety returning to him. The sensations of the dare with Dennis were already forgotten. He didn’t care. What did bother him was noticing that something was wrong with Arthur and not knowing what it was bothered him even more.
          Well, he knew that the Monegasque was acting strange since the kiss, or perhaps since he lied about being attracted to other men. Why did he even care? Would he be upset? He didn’t stop seeing him, no matter what he did.
          He was uncomfortable, nervous. Would he ask to change rooms? Wouldn’t he want him to spend the rest of the weekend with them? What was he going to do now that he walked away with his phone in hand?
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          His plan was to wait for him outside, but seeing how close the Italian was to Dennis, he couldn’t. He frowned. Were they always like this?
          Everything bothered him. See how they had to get closer to each other, how Dennis placed his hand on the boy’s lower back and he surrounded his shoulders, how they laugh while he was supposed to just let him know that they were going back to the hotel. Why? Why did they become so close now? Another good question would be: Why did he care?
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          They waited there for a couple of minutes, sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, both feeling the typical dizziness of alcohol, mixed with confusion and discomfort generated by the pending conversation. Matteo didn’t know what to expect and Arthur what to say.
          —Just a moment, per favore... —he muttered, searching on Google Maps for the address of the hotel where they were staying, since the driver said he didn't know the area well or which building to take them to.
          —Italianos? —
          — Parli italiano? —he asked the man while showing him from his cell phone, both a photo of the hotel and the exact address on the map. The car's GPS was off by a few meters, but it wouldn't be a problem, so they left. — Sono italiano. È monegasco, ma parla anche italiano. — (Do you speak Italian? I'm Italian. He’s Monegasque, but also speaks Italian).
          —"Parla" nada, cero, pero lo entiendo de oído. —he explained. —Ustedes? De español nada? —They began to chat among themselves. Arthur sank into his seat, wishing to get there soon and stop hearing that stupid Italian accent that was spinning around in his head. ("Speak" nothing, zero, but I understand by ear. You? No Spanish?)
          Literally, every day of his life, he heard more Italian than any other language; sometimes, he caught himself speaking it to Charles. Why did it suddenly sound so good? So different from the Italian everyone at the academy speaks.
          —¡Grazie mille, signore! ¡Buona notte! —Matteo seemed really happy after sharing his whole life with the driver, talking about his Nonna, surnames, and towns that he couldn't identify on a map. He was still upset. He wanted to get to the room quickly and finally understand what was wrong with him. —Stai bene? —He noticed how strange Arthur was, thinking that it could be the alcohol's fault. (Thank you so much, sir! Good night! Are you okay?)
          —I’m fine. —he nodded, but letting Matteo help him walk up the hotel stairs, and then to the elevator.
          —Maybe it’s better to go to sleep. —He suggested, and though Leclerc didn’t refuse, he wasn’t willing to go to sleep with all that on his mind. He knew he couldn't do it.
          He looked at the empty hallway, while Matteo opened the door, deciding to push him inside as soon as it was unlocked, surprising the Italian, but trying not to hurt him by cornering him against the wall next to the entrance of the room.
          —Arth-? —
          —If you are going to stop me, Lo, please, do it now. —he begged, having to put one hand on the wall to keep his balance, while the other went up to the Italian's arm, which held him by the side.
          Matteo's other hand moved up to the brunette's neck, eliminating the distance between them, without thinking about the situation or its consequences.
          Their lips collided, moving against each other. It was different from the kiss between Matteo and Dennis. Neither of them was counting the seconds to break the kiss. On the contrary, they were trying to hold their breath as long as possible so they wouldn't have to.
          They had never felt like this, so drowned in the need for something, for someone. They could have stood there for hours, they didn't know. They didn't care either. Only when Lombardi began to find it annoying to constantly bang his head against the wall did they stop.
          Their gazes fixed on each other, panting, trying to catch some air. They looked for some sign of regret in each other's eyes, but they felt anything but regret. It was impossible for them to keep their gaze, struggling to raise it again, but it ended up falling on each other's lips anyway.
          Now, with both hands on his waist, Leclerc pushed him away from the wall in one last kiss before heading him towards his bed. Lombardi followed him, understanding that this was what the Monegasque wanted.
          On the way, he reached for a bottle of whiskey from the fridge in the room and opened it, taking a sip. —Truth or dare? —he asked the boy sitting next to him, expectantly.
          —... Truth. —
          —Do you regret kissing me? —he began, straight to the point.
          —No. Not at all. —he denied quickly. —I-? —before he could ask anything, Leclerc repeated:
          —Truth or dare? —
          —Truth. —he chose, believing that this would be the only way to start a conversation with the Monegasque.
          —Did you like kissing Dennis? —
          —I- Well. Uh... —he stammered. —I don't know, I mean- It wasn't bad... —that didn't seem to please him too much.
          He had taken another drink, waiting for Lombardi to choose between "truth or dare" again.
          It took him a couple of seconds to think about it, —Dare. —Gave him a chance to get revenge. He could ask him to do anything he wanted. That was how Matteo felt when he gave Arthur the chance, who also understood that it was his way of apologizing, although they didn’t even know what he was apologizing for.
          —Come here. —he ordered, bringing Matteo on top of him. He sat on his lap, waiting. Leclerc had nothing planned other than to bring him back close to him, but facing those big eyes that practically begged him to do something, he couldn’t refuse.
          A new kiss began, just as messy as the previous ones. It was rough, but all they needed now. Later, they could worry about the emotional background that had them reacting that way.
          —Truth or dare. —Matteo said quickly, before taking the bottle of whiskey from Arthur’s hand to take a generous swig of the alcohol. He felt his throat burn. He wasn’t used at all to the sensation, but he no longer cared about anything other than the boy beneath him.
          —Truth. —he gasped.
          —Were you jealous of the kiss with Dennis or what is this all about? —maybe it wasn't the best way or the best time to ask, but he wasn't in the mood to think about times and places.
          —I- Honestly, I don't know. —Matteo nodded, believing the anguish in his gaze, and deciding to leave it there. He was tempted to lower the kisses down Leclerc's marked jaw, even reaching his neck, but he continued talking, distracting him. —Truth or dare? —
          —Dare. —He didn't wait for the younger to decide the dare. He simply pushed him towards the bed, kissing him again, sitting now on his abdomen.
          —It doesn't seem like you have a hard time fulfilling this type of dare. —Arthur smiled when they separated for lack of air.
          Matteo laughed, knowing deep down that it was only due to the alcohol consumed throughout the night. That vacation, although it had only just begun, had already significantly changed the young Italian's life.
          —Don't waste the confidence I have now because I can't guarantee that other things will end up just as well. —Arthur thought about it. How far would they go? The question had been torturing Matteo since the first kiss.
          He didn't know what to believe. He wasn't sure he was ready for that kind of closeness. When he agreed to travel, he never imagined it would end like this; he had not mentally prepared himself for any of it.
          He couldn't even be sure that the kisses were really good. They were just the product of the desperation and need of two excited drunk young men.
          —My only experience in all this is from a couple of hours ago, with Dennis. —Despite the joking tone, it was the truth.
          —Dennis was your first kiss? —There it was again that something in his gaze. Annoyance, jealousy.
          He barely let the Italian nod before pulling him back by the neck, kissing him again. He wanted more; he needed to be more than Dennis was. Needed to be a new experience in Matteo's life.
          He couldn't say he had much knowledge either, but with women he had been able to manage it in a simpler way. With another man, how would things work? What should they do? He didn't have condoms. It would never have crossed his mind to end up like this, with his friend and teammate on top of him, rubbing their bodies between kisses.
          —Can I... touch? —he asked. His hands unconsciously pressed the dark-haired boy's waist.
          —Please. —he nodded in a needy gasp. Arthur saw again those eyes that begged for some touch, as lost as he was, but willing to finish whatever they were starting.
          Touching someone else's body was completely new to him. Strange. He knew what to do, where or how it was best to touch, and what he had to avoid. The clothes had hardly moved out of place, but they didn't seem to   care. They were more focused on catching the other's gasps and moans against their lips.
          Matteo felt a different kind of dizziness. It wasn't the alcohol. He didn't even feel drunk anymore, or not from whiskey, at least. He felt in a kind of trance brought on by Arthur's touch. He hadn't left his hands still either.
          He caressed the body beneath his, opening the shirt, exploring. He was completely lost about what to do and what not. He had never been in a similar situation with anyone. His only reference were the few porn videos he watched in the past, and he knew they weren't the best help either.
          At least Arthur seemed to like it, so he continued, daring to lower his kisses when their mouths separated. He started with the jaw, going down to the neck, guided by the Monegasque's panting. He would have liked to know how to give a hickey; he thought a mark there would look good.
          Arthur felt Matteo's breath against his collarbones, driving him crazy. The air collided unevenly against the recent kisses, cold, but at the same time the hottest thing he had ever experienced.
          That night, everything was a mixture of new and strange but pleasant sensations from which no one wanted to get away.
          The Monegasque doubted that one of his friends had ever seemed as beautiful to him as Matteo did now. Apparently, it was true that there was a special after-sex glow.
          —Was it okay? —he asked, as if he didn’t have living proof of how wonderful it was right in front of him.
          —Amazing. —he nodded, leaning in to kiss him one last time. —Are we going to sleep? —
          —Together? —he looked at the Monegasque, surprised to see him willing to simply lay back and sleep. —Are we going to… sleep together? —
          —You don’t want to? —Maybe had Arthur been too hasty in believing that they could do things like sleep together after make out?
          —No- I mean, yes! I do. Yes. —he nodded quickly. Arthur laughed, pulling the Italian by the arm, bringing him close, gently, and lovingly brushing his bare skin. —Maybe- we need to clean up a bit first. — suggested. —I’ll go get a towel. —Arthur nodded, letting Matteo take care of cleaning him after having done the same to himself.
          —Good night, Lo. —he murmured, feeling his eyelids weighing down.
          —Good night. —he gave her one last kiss, before they both gave in to exhaustion.
[ 📱 ] Arthur's phone.
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481MCLARG | 17 . 01 . 2025 | CORREGIDO
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
Thousands have hit the streets in NYC, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and dozens of other cities. A DC protest organized by Jewish activist groups drew thousands, and hundreds were later arrested, including two dozen Rabbis. An estimated 25,000 people showed up to a rally in Chicago. These events show no signs of stopping, with many more planned across the coming days. These actions have gone beyond marches, with protesters showing up at the offices and homes of politicians demanding a ceasefire. Six activists were arrested at a pro-Palestine rally outside the Boston office of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). A large crowd demonstrated outside the Brooklyn home of Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Jewish protesters showed up outside the Brentwood house of VP Kamala Harris. IfNotNow members have held sit-ins at the DC offices of Schumer, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA). Former staffers for Warren, Sanders, and Senator John Fetterman have publicly urged the lawmakers to back a ceasefire. On October 25, tens of thousands of students across more than 100 North American campuses united in a walkout to demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to unconditional support for Israel, and university divestment from the corporations funding the occupation of Palestine. On the night of October 27 Jewish activists shut down Grand Central Station, leading to the arrest of over 300 people. “This is bigger than we’ve ever seen,” US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) Executive Director Ahmad Abuznaid told Mondoweiss. “This is the result of decades of work that we’ve put into this movement, and I think some of it is connected to the [George Floyd protests of 2020]. There was so much racial, social justice, anti-war building in that moment.
“The man broke my heart,” Palestinian-American comedian Maysoon Zayid told Politico on October 23, “I never in my life thought the empathizer-in-chief would sound the way he did. The Palestinians were given no humanity. Joe Biden should spend every breath he has condemning Israel’s genocide with the same zeal he condemned Hamas’ massacre of civilians, that same zeal. And we get nothing. 1,000 children are dead, and we get nothing.” “It’s really crazy to me that the Democratic party destroyed 20-years of worth of good will with Muslims and Arabs in just 2 weeks, losing an entire generation that was raised in the progressive coalition, possibly forever,” tweeted author and activist Eman Abdelhadi. “The rapidity of it, the finality–it’s astonishing.” “While Republican disregard for Muslim and Arab lives is clearly on display, some Muslim and Arab Americans also feel like the Democratic Party largely takes their vote for granted, though Democrats’ policies never reflect as much,” writes Dana El Kurd in The Nation. “One Arab American friend expressed to me that, at least under Republican administrations, ‘Arabs could find allies’ in their opposition.”
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ducky-dawn47 · 2 days ago
It's one thing to be famous. It's another thing altogether to be legendary, or like a legend. The Butterfly Lovers were a famous story. The Pilgrims are legendary — for most people, they are entirely mythical in their greatness.
There are a couple of ways to become legendary, but, however you get there, you have to become a legend. The first way is to be better at something than anyone else ever was. Sun Wukong, The Monkey King, for example, is a legendary Fighter and Hero. The other way is to be known — and yet remain mysterious — for a very long time. The legendary Six Eared Macaque, for example, is very well known for a creature that (almost?) no one has ever actually seen.
But, For when Legendary Heroes, such as The Monkey King, return home from their mythos-making 'Journey to The West' a God, The Monkey King, The Great Sage Equal to heaven, The Victorious Fighting Buddha-
he finds his home, Mount Huaguo- or the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit- desecrated, burned, destroyed.. with 4 remaining actual Monkey Demons - Generals Beng and Ba, Marshals Ma and Liu, hiding his more primitive and helpless subjects in the cave protected by his almighty Waterfall Seal, the populations of both kinds of subjects- HIS Subjects. his PEOPLE. his KIND. reduced to the tens- the SINGULAR DIGITS. All in the name of "Proving their Worth" of these- pathetic and cruel demons, that dare call themselves the Suitors of the Monkey King..?
well, Its easy to imagine the rage.. the pain.. the desperation.. the confusion- suitors..?
He had a Mate- Liu'Er Mihou. The Six Eared Macaque, who was meant to be protecting their home, for the past Five Hundred and Fifteen years.. What happened? Where did he go? Why was everyone he came into contact with on the mountain saying he was-
how could he be dead? Wukong didn't believe it at first- he couldn't.
He Refused.
until he was taken to the gravesite of his beloved, shown, the body of one Liu'Er Mihou. who had died of blunt force trauma to the right side of his skull, of an unknown attacker, right after the mountain was burned by Heaven and Wukong himself was imprisoned under the mountain, about 150 years into his punishment. His mate- His Husband, had been long dead for roughly 364 YEARS. And he had no one to blame but himself.
His new set of Sworn Brothers- The Pilgrims and DBK- did their best to offer support and comfort, Sha Wujing and Tang Sanzang regularly visiting and talking with him through his grief, while Zhu Baje and Niu Mowang (dbk) Taking to the task of forcibly removing the offending demons off the immediate mountain and further back into the surrounding territory, and Ao Lie assisting Wukong (more like his clones) in the relief and repopulation efforts on the mountain's people.
But the Suitors weren't done, they wanted Monkey King's attention, They wanted his territory, riches, fame- they wanted him to choose a new Mate. And so came the gifts, the Invitations, the Banquets, the Courtnappings-
oh that's a problem. No one was ever able to succeed of course, most not even making it to the base of the mountain, but there were 3 real attempts, Real SCARES. Made by Azure Lion, The Lady of Bones, and the Immortal Ruyi. Azure Lion being the only one able to "catch" Wukong- but thankfully it was just a Clone. and the Lion was swiftly and literally punted off the mountain by Ao Lie, But regardless. this was bad, they were getting bold. and Wukong needed to put a stop to it.
Which led to the pilgrims coming up with a solution that would gain massive popularity amongst Demon Royalty, and even be used a few times to settle some of Heaven's suitor-related disputes; The Courting Tournaments. A Series of Trials made by the Bachelor/ette to weed out the weakest of suitors, and leave behind the best options.
At Least, that's Wukong told the public. When in actuality, it was a Fighting Pit for him to get rid of his "suitors". while they went about murdering eachother, he was able to actually work on rebuilding his home. and it worked! For a while.. But eventually the weakest were removed, and the Strongest got locked in a stalemate, And were demanding a solution, So, Wukong gave them one.
In his desperation to get these guys to just LEAVE, and with his brothers insisting on backing him up, a new concept was added to the Courting Tournament; The Bachelor could impose a Champion into the mix, someone close to them or a family member, to act in the demon's place of sorts. And since Ao Lie had just swiftly dispatched one of the strongest of the bunch, the dragon volunteered to be Wukong's Champion. an easy smile aimed at his simian brother that all would be well- He'd win the tournament, and secure Wukong's marital freedom! it would be fun! he hadn't been allowed to REALLY let loose in so long! just think of the laughs they'd have about this all when it was over-
Ao Lie was brutally killed in the Tournament.
Wukong's fury was Biblical. To say the Least, forcing Heaven's hand (more so the Buddha's, really) to capture Wukong's raging war form and allow him a moment to calm down and grieve. Tang Sanzang acting as his Lawyer of sorts, and such a friendship with the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada allowed Wukong to be removed from heaven's consideration of punishment. Seeing as he punished himself enough by practically resetting all the work he and his sworn brothers had done for Mount Huaguo. thankfully, the citizens were able to get behind Water Curtain Cave fast enough. And it was through such negotiations that a proper format for the Courting Tournaments (how the hell were these bastards still ALIVE-!?) was formed;
Should a Demon or Person of High Status find that they have too many suitors to handle individually, they may hold a Courting Tournament, in which Trial by Strength, Wit, Power, and Knowledge of said Demon be held. They could format the tournament however they wished, but there were 3 laws enforced by heaven themselves and insisted upon by The Golden Cicada;
Murder was Forbidden.
Should Said Demon be holding a Courting Tournament, Courtnapping is to be considered inappropriate and automatically disqualifies said offending Suitor.
And Lastly, The Demon may impart a Champion to play in the Tournament in their stead, should they actually choose none of the suitors, however, Said Champion must actually win in order to ensure the Demon's martial freedom for the span of 350 years. (an arbitrary number that 1 Karen in the celestial court insisted upon- rumors stating that they wanted the chance to see this kinda drama repeatedly) and after said amount of time, The Demon would legally be considered eligible again, and may hold another tournament or participate in other Courting Traditions.
And this Worked, For 2,000 years, Wukong was able to legally and safely remain Single in the eyes of Demon Society and Heaven. Until all of his Brothers had died, living out their natural lifespans, or were Sealed away, their own ambitions blinding them to their original values and morals. But not now.. Wukong was alone, with his People and Mountain to protect, as well as his newly announced and introduced Successor, MK.
Will he be able to figure out a way to keep his small army of suitors at bay? Will he be able to protect MK from their pettiness and ire? Or will the shadows finally find themselves ready enough to reclaim their legendary status?
after all, ever true to his own Legend's mythos.
Liu'Er Mihou was alive, and hiding in plain sight.
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