weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 1 Match 2
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Karna -
"Canonically comes across as unintentionally cold and blunt to others due to his straightforwardness and honesty, he is consistently drawn with a flat, unexpressive face, one of his canon dislikes is listed as being 'The word "communication skill" and multiple issues of his stem from his inability to properly communicate what he means to say to others without them misinterpreting it due how he talks and looks….despite this there's an incident in the mobile game where he has a multi-page spiel about how much he admires the fighting spirit of crabs. He's also projected his rival onto at least TWO people including a 3 week old guy because he's so obsessed with fighting the guy again and I'd argue that counts as a kind of hyperfixation, not to mention how he often tries to relate things back to his divine father and his general one track, hyperfocused mentality whenever he's convinced something needs to be done a certain way. This man is autistic as hell."
Takeo -
"He’s a very straight-forward, honest high schooler, who doesn’t understand social conventions but is also so oblivious that he rarely notices when he breaks one (though he is in fact aware of his own obliviousness, and spends a lot of time worrying that he fucked something up.) He’s very loud, enthusiastic, and earnest about things, and is also a physically massive and not conventionally attractive guy, so a lot of people initially dislike or are frightened by him, but if they spend more time around him, they often realize he’s actually an incredibly good person. Sometimes it’s because they just understand his personality better with time, sometimes it’s because they see him leap to help others no matter how dangerous the situation is (usually the danger is something physical, but he has put himself at risk for other types of dangers, like having his beloved girlfriend stolen by a cool pastry chef)."
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himawaari · 1 year
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violetearuby · 9 months
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mossiestpiglet · 9 months
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[ID: a panel of a manga with a character in profile. He has light, shaggy hair and dark bulky clothes. There are three text bubbles which read, in all caps, “But I’ve…” “…never been interested in anyone…” “…the way you have.” End ID]
Sunakawa you aro icon
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bubblegumrush · 1 year
S𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥⌇𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛⌇𝖬𝗒 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒!!
Chapter One
You might have been born in the same womb. But when it came to looks and personality, you two were nothing alike. Your brother, Takeo Gouda, was strong and manly, almost like a gorilla; he might even start to resemble one. He’s also sweet and caring. So, you often wondered how you were related. Since you looked nothing like him, and you were nothing like him. 
You might have been twins, but that doesn't prove anything. At least not to you. Your dad likes to tell you how sweet and kind you are and that you’re the sweetest girl in the world. And your mom always tells you how such beauty and grace was born out of her stomach. That, in the womb, you stole all of Takeo’s beauty, so that’s why your beauty shines brighter than anybody else’s. 
You and Takeo share the same golden heart, but you just won’t admit it. In your head, you're trying your best to be like Takeo—kind and selfless; otherwise, you would never feel part of this family. You’re so in your head that the thought of being kind out of your own volition was impossible to believe; you did it to be like Takeo, not because you’re nice. 
You and your brother were close, but as you grew older, you grew further and further apart. You used to be able to read him like a book, but now it seems like you guys are just not in sync anymore. Nevertheless, you knew something had changed in him these past few days. He’s been acting skittish, always daydreaming during dinner, laughing to himself, and telling you how happy and fulfilled in life he has become.
"How weird..." you said to yourself, looking at Takeo enthusiastically typing on his phone.
Suddenly, he got up and exclaimed, "I’m heading out!" He shuffled quickly to get up and head towards the front door to put on his shoes.
"Hey, wait up!" You blocked the door with your body, ready to interrogate him. "Where do you think you’re going?"
He took a minute to come up with an answer, starting to sweat from the tension, as lying was something he had trouble doing. "Umm... to meet up with some friends?" He questioned, not sure if that was the answer he wanted to go with.
"You don’t seem so sure for someone who was excited to go out a second ago." You pushed even more.
You could see the sweat drop from his face; he was clearly hiding something, something he clearly wanted to tell me but was not sure if he should.
His face was turning red from biting his lips so hard that he forgot to breathe. 
"You breathing?"
He shook his head, scared that if he spoke, he would spill out his secret.
"So, is it a girl?"
All of a sudden, he started coughing profusely, saying, "I-i got to go!" He let out while dying in his shoulder.
He lifted you up, plopped you away from the door, and quickly rushed to put on his shoes.
 You grabbed him by his shirt, making him stop what he was doing. "Takeo, wait."
He looked at you, his face still full of sweat, as he felt that you were going to interrogate him even more. "Y-yes" He managed to let out.
"Look, I get it. You have things you don’t want people to know, especially your family. But please, Takeo, remember that I’m your sister, your twin sister. I’m always here if you need me; I’ll never turn you away." You said it confidently, seeing if he'd fall for your words. You did mean what you said, of course, but this has been going on for too long for you to not pull out the ‘we are family’ card.
He gulped as he decided whether or not to tell you. "Y/N…"
"Yes!" You exclaimed, ears wide open.
"Yes, Takeo?"
"I-I’ve got to go!" He said, getting out of the house. "But I promise, I promise, I’ll tell you soon. Very soon, Y/N!"
He left you dumbfounded—dumbfounded by the fact that even after you pulled out the irresistible card, he didn’t tell you.
Something smelled fishy, and you had to know!
You run up to Sunakawa’s house, which is just next door, just like Takeo would usually do. You barge into his room without knocking, surprising him since he expected Takeo and not you."Sunakawa! You have to tell me what’s going on with Takeo!"
He put down the book he was reading and let out a sigh. He promised Takeo he wouldn’t spill the beans and would let him tell her at his own pace, but this has been going on for too long. He’s been tortured for too long by dealing with his shtick. From being dragged along to a mixer to getting used like a kissing doll, he had enough of Takeo’s buffoonery.
"I can’t; I promised-"
"C’mon, you can’t leave me out of this." You pleaded, kneeling down in front of him as he sat in his desk chair. "I’m your best friend’s sister; I’m your only friend’s sister. You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean anything?"
He seemed slightly annoyed that you had to mention that he only had one friend. "Fine, but you can’t tell Takeo I told you."
You sat, legs crossed, in front of him, listening carefully to what he had to say. You and Sunakawa had a very weird relationship. You obviously knew him from childhood, but that didn’t exactly make you friends. It was more like acquaintances who've known each other for more than a decade. Well, I guess you two were more than acquaintances…
"So…?" You waited as he thought about whether or not he would tell you. But finally, he decided to tell you, after a long sigh of disappointment in himself for letting him cave to you. "He has a girlfriend."
"…" You shot up from where you sat and gasped very loudly, "Really!?"
You gripped his arms and shook him. "Does he really!?" You pulled him closer to your face, awaiting his answer. Eyes staring deeply into his, patiently awaiting his answer.
He gave out a small chuckle, laughing at your antics, and said, "Yes, really," and gently pushed away.
"Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to..." You apologized, realizing how you might have made him uncomfortable with just how close you were.
"No, it’s okay. But don’t forget. You did not hear this from me."
"Of course, I would never betray you."
"Sunakawa told me." You let out a sigh as you felt a glare behind you for betraying a promise.
All three stood in the living room as you confronted Takeo about his so-called girlfriend’.
Takeo shot a glare towards Sunakawa, who stood behind you, and as he did, he looked away, pretending not to notice his look.
He still doesn’t know why he told you because you clearly can’t keep a secret to save your life, just like your brother.
"Sorry, I couldn’t keep it in." You looked back at Sunakawa. "But you! You can’t keep this kind of secret from me!" You stated this disappointedly, turning back towards your brother.
"B-but Y/N, I didn’t know how you would react…"
"What do you mean?" You shrugged your shoulders, looking away, feeling slightly guilty.
"Remember that time when you fought a girl because she liked Suna over me?"
That wasn’t the only reason you fought her…
"Meh, I was six. You can’t blame me for sticking up for you. You were saying that you were in love with her. And she rejected you and went for your best friend. In my opinion, she deserved everything that came to her." You said that, proudly remembering that fight.
"And that time when you cursed at a girl because she said I was weird."
"Well… That was five years ago, when I was eleven. How can you blame me for standing up for you? That girl had no right to call you that; only I can." You confidently stated this, slowly starting to see where he was coming from when he said he didn’t know how you’d react.
He had a huge smile on his face when, suddenly, you got tackled into a bear hug. "Oh, Y/N. I love you so much. You’ll definitely be the first to meet Yamato!" Lifting you off your feet and swaying you left and right.
"Can’t…breath…" You mumbled, your life flashing before your eyes.
He freed you from his arms, letting you breathe. "Tomorrow! You’re going to meet her tomorrow!" he said, holding your hands and jumping up and down like a little kid. "I’ll go see her right now and tell her! She’ll be so excited!" He squealed, running off to go see his girlfriend.
"Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?" You turned around towards Sunakawa, who still looked disappointed at you for calling him out. "I’m so sorry. I promise I couldn’t keep it in; I just couldn’t lie to my brother. Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"
You walked closer to him, giving him puppy eyes. He took a step back as he was stunned by how close you were. "Y-yeah, of course."
"Good, cause I don’t want to have bad blood between us." You said this, relieved from the thought you may have upset him.
"Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect it. You’re a bad liar; I can’t really blame you." He insulted you casually, probably because of the earlier comment about him having no friends. "But I’m not sharing with you any more secrets; you can’t be trusted with that big mouth of yours."
He looked at you with a slight smirk. "Wha-? I wouldn’t go that far. I mean, bad liar, maybe. But not sharing with me your secrets? I’m offended." You smirked back.
"Offended?" He questioned, moving closer to you. "Sure, I’ll share with you a secret, but you can’t tell anyone." He leaned down at you and looked you straight in the eyes.
You started to sweat, nervously laughing as you avoided his eyes. ‘So close…’ you thought, your cheeks slowly turning red.
He opened his mouth and slowly whispered, "I’m going home."
He stood back up straight, a smirk still plastered on his face.
"What? Wait, that wasn’t even a secret-"
He walked toward the door, ready to leave. "Hey! I’m not finished." You ran up to him.
He turned around for the last time and smiled at you before leaving home for the apartment next door.
"Jerk" You murmured under your breath as he left.
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romancemedia · 8 months
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High School Romance Anime (2)
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aretheyqueer · 1 month
Is he aromantic?
disclaimer: this is a hc, not speculating on what the writers intentions were.
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alloromantic = not on the aromantic spectrum
reason: (my input) I haven't watched this anime yet, but he's believed to be aroace because he doesn't show interest in romance.
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spoopysaz · 2 years
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Takeo!! Such an amazing character x3
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"Suna is already practically dating these two. They constantly invite him on their dates and plan things for him in just as detailed a way as they do each other. He's the Queer-Platonic member of their relationship. They can always go to him for advice, and he always finds joy in their antics. They're the happiest example of "You and me, and your friend Steve"." - Anonymous
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 2 Match 1
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Haru -
"I mean, obviously he's the autistic boy obsessed with water and everyone knows that, but his whole character arc pretty much stems from this quote he says at the start of the show: "There's an old saying my late grandma taught me. When you're ten, they call you a prodigy. When you're fifteen, they call you a genius. Once you hit twenty, you're just an ordinary person." And if that doesn't scream autistic kid being singled out at a young age and then panicking about not knowing how to deal with the expectations of being older, then I don't know what does.
… But also, yes, he's the water guy. They had to stop him from climbing into a fish tank in a shop one time."
Takeo -
"Takeo loves working out and helping other people and, most of all, his beautiful girlfriend and equally beautiful (boy)friend. He's not great at reading social cues, but he is great at literally everything else."
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choujinx · 1 year
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ORE MONOGATARI!! (2011-2016) by kawahara kazune & aruko
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violetearuby · 9 months
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mossiestpiglet · 6 months
chewing the walls about the way sunakawa reacts to the ogre story btw like. everyone else sees what the blue ogre did as this unbelievably selfless tragic sacrifice, to leave his home and only friend so that that friend could have the happiness he wanted. but not suna, OF COURSE not suna whose concept of friendship is entirely based around how he feels for takeo. to him, it’s only natural to make a choice like that. it’s the only choice that would make sense.
Who wouldn’t change the entire course of their own life to make their friend happy? That’s just how friendship works guys
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chaztalk · 2 months
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bubblegumrush · 3 months
T𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖 P𝕒𝕣𝕜 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)⌇𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛⌇𝖬𝗒 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒!!
Chapter Six
Everything was beautiful, maybe because your expectations were so low, or maybe because you've had such a shitty day that everything good was so much better, but it was truly a sight to see.
It might have been the highlight of your day; nothing could ruin this moment for you. Nothing you hoped would ruin this for you.
"Y/N." He called your name, looking at you with a face that described an uneasiness he had.
"Yeah?" You turned around, facing him face-to-face.
He and you went your own way and weren't with the group anymore after you decided you wanted your peace alone, and naturally, he followed along. Even though the crowd was loud, you enjoyed being next to him; it felt like even if you were alone all day, he was always with you. It was a weird feeling that you couldn't explain.
He stared at you with a distant gaze, as if he were contemplating whether or not he was going to tell you what was on his mind.
"I'm glad I found you. I would've felt bad if you missed the light show; it's truly a sight to see." He said this, looking away with a face that showed discontent.
You questioned his bizarre behaviour; what was he hiding? What was he hiding from you?
"Why'd you stop talking to me, Suna?"
You turned towards him, ignoring the loud sounds of the fireworks and the cheers that filled your ears. You could hear the silence. The one he had as he looked back at you with an uneasy look.
He opened his mouth to answer you back, but you cut him off before he could even mutter a single word.
"I thought we were friends, but these past few weeks felt like I was befriending a stranger, even though I've known you all my life." You sighed, shaking your head in discontent. "Do YOU know how hard it is to talk to you? It feels like talking to a fucking brick wall. Each time we'd make a connection, it was lost the next time I'd see you. It felt like I tried so hard for nothing. I don't even know why I try so hard to be friends again." You lashed out, having not finished all the pent-up anger you coped with inside for all those years. "I thought maybe I was being delusional, that my wish could actually happen, that we could be friends again. But every time I'd look at you, I could see the look in your eyes—the same one you had when you'd ignored me for all those years. It pained you to talk to me."
You paused for a moment, looking around, and then back at him. You felt trapped; this was not an ideal place to get mad.
Sunakawa looked at you. He was at a loss for words; he knew you all too well to say anything. He knew that if he spoke, it'd just make you angrier.
"I gotta go."
You left, disappearing into the crowd as he stood there, clueless of the sudden action.
"Oi Suna!" Takeo yelled. "Huh, where's Y/N? I thought she was with you."
"She left.."
"Oh, I thought she'd like the parade." Takeo scratched his head as he pondered why you left so suddenly.
"Well, I'll be leaving too; I don't really feel like watching the parade anymore. Have fun." Suna said, waving goodbye as he headed in the direction you left.
He arrived at the apartment complex, guessing you went home, as that was the only logical place to be at this time of night.
He knocked on the front door to receive your mother at the door.
"Makoto? What are you doing here?" Your mother asked, thinking you were all at the theme park.
"Is Y/N home? She left in a rush; I'm looking for her." Suna explained.
"No, not that I know of." Your mother left the doorway to go check your room, only to find it empty. "No, she's not home. Sorry, Makoto, I can't help you with that girl. She's always running off to who knows where." Your mother sighed.
"It's not a problem; sorry for the disturbance." He apologized
"Don't worry, Makoto. With Takeo always barging into your house, you're more than welcome to barge into ours. Now, I'm heading to bed. I hope you find Y/N. Now goodnight."
She closed the door, leaving Suna to wonder where you could be. He leaned against the railing, looking at the night sky, to help jog some ideas on where you could've left. It felt just like the night before, when it was just you and him. All of a sudden, he spots in the distance a small park that you were looking at the previous night.
You swung slowly on the swings, dragging your feet on the ground. It made two perfectly vertical lines in the dirt. You smiled to yourself before it was ruined by the footsteps of two very familiar feet.
You didn't even dare to lift your head; you knew who it was.
"When it came around to it, you were always Takeo's friend. Never mine. It's not like you're the first one to actually make me feel like that. You know, I've had quite a lot of friends do the same exact thing you did. They chose my brother over me." You scoffed, "I did everything they liked; I liked everything they liked; I shared myself with them in hopes for the connection to be just between me and them. But once they knew my brother, that friendship was over. We were kids; if Takeo asked to play with us, I'd never say no. I could never say no to him, even if I'd end up hurting myself more. I've never had a single friend; I can't have friends anymore. The only friend I ever had was you. But even you chose him over me. And for some reason, that hurt me more than any other friendship. In truth, I was angry at myself for losing you. But then I thought maybe we were never friends. I was just your 'best friend's sister'. And that.. And t-that.. I-i wa.."
You didn't want to cry because you knew that once you did, you couldn't stop, and that the ground you built to say all those would disappear once his pity for looking at your face would appear.
"Y/N, stop." He approached you, kneeling down to look at your cowering head. He grabbed your shoulders from both sides with a firm yet gentle grip. "It's all my fault; I know it's my fault, Y/N, so stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have known why I stopped talking to you. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I'm sorry, Y/N."
You look up at him, your eyes watery, yet there are still no tears. "Why. Why did you stop?"
He felt at a loss for words, not knowing if telling you everything would make it better for you or if not telling you would make it better for himself.
"I liked you; that's why I stopped talking to you."
He let go of you, sitting down on the ground. "I was afraid that my feelings for you would ruin the friendship I have with Takeo. He was my only friend back then. I couldn't..."
You steeped your anger in silence, processing everything he said.
"It was a horrible thing to do to you; you were my friend, Y/N. I just couldn't face seeing you in that lighting, but I know I should've just dealt with it instead of avoiding it. Takeo was my first friend, and I felt incapable of betraying him. And somehow it justified my actions for betraying you; well, I convinced myself that it was the right thing to do."
He sounded regretful; he looked regretful. But you just felt so boiled up from anger that you couldn't see it. "Y/N, I know it's hard to forgive me, and I don't expect it. I understand if you don't. But I just want you to stop blaming yourself, and please stop comparing yourself to Takeo. You two are nothing alike, yet you both are the same exact person. You both share the same empathetic and kind heart as each other."
His words struck a chord within you, one that was always a sensitive topic for you.
"You'd still choose Takeo if it came down to it." You said, stubbornly, still not letting go of his previous words.
"No, I wouldn't." He replied, understanding your need for confirmation. "I wouldn't choose anyone. If it came down to it, I'd rather lose you both than choose one over the other." He said, truthfully.
"But you did choose him."
"It was in the past, Y/N. I didn't understand what my actions could've done to you. I selfishly chose to coward away and ignore it. I shouldn't have done that... I'm sorry." He answered you with patience, as he knows you all too well to be brute and insensitive about it.
You felt justified, or your questions had been answered, yet you still felt unresolved. Years of this back and forth, of this wondering. You selfishly hoped he'd say that he'd choose you over Takeo, no matter what. But that would be out of character for him; he had too many good morals to be that irrational in saying those words. Even so, he'd never choose me over Takeo. He would never do that.
"Suna," you said, standing up from the swings. "I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling of being the 'second choice', but I'm thankful you told me everything. I understand where you come from, but I need you to understand that I'm still hurt. I can't just pretend none of this happened."
You left, feeling like part of you found peace and part of you just couldn't let go.
"Oh, you're back." Your mom said this after hearing you come in from the door.
"And you're still awake." You replied coldly, taking off your shoes and changing into your slippers.
"What's up with you? Did you know Makoto came looking for you? I told him I didn't know. Should I let him know you came home?"
"Hey, what's wrong?" Your mother inquired, getting worried about your weird attitude.
She looked at you with worried eyes; she knew something was bothering you and was willing to help if you told her. However, you stood there, by the doorway of your room, your hand on the doorknob, contemplating whether or not telling might help.
You felt conflicted, overwhelmed, and at an overall loss for what to feel and what to do. Whether to forgive and forget or to resent and remember.
It felt like all those pent-up emotions left your body as you silently wept, and those bottled-up tears dropped endlessly as you felt like there was no use anymore to keep them inside.
"Oh, my dear Y/N." Your mom exclaimed as she went to hug you in her arms. "It's okay. Mommy's here. I'm not leaving, so let it all out."
Your mom sat on the couch as you laid your head on her lap, feeling like a little girl all over again.
"So, what's been bothering you?" She asked as you started calming down from your crying.
You sat up, looking at her face-to-face. Your nose sniffled and your eyes swollen. "There's this friend," you began, not knowing where exactly you were going. "He-They betrayed me. And I'm conflicted. They hurt me so much, but I'm frustrated by the fact that their reason for doing so justifies their actions. But it also makes it painful to hear because... because they never thought about you or cared about you. They say they changed and that it won't happen ever again, but how am I supposed to know if he's telling the truth? I don't know how to go around and act like he never chose someone else over me. I don't know what to feel, what to do, or what to say. Mom, I don't know anything..."
You broke down, crying again, as you covered your face with your hands.
"Listen, Y/N. I've had my fair share of betrayal and whatnot during my prime. I understand what you're going through, and I understand that it's a hard decision. Now, some moms might tell you to listen to your heart and all that bullshit; that doesn't work if your heart is as conflicted as your head. However, I'm not 'some mom'; I'm telling you to give it some time. To know if someone is really regretful, you'll need time to see it through. If he wasn't sorry and truthful about his words, he wouldn't wait around for your forgiveness. On the other hand, if he is truly regretful and willing to keep his promise, he will wait. Even if it takes days or months, he will wait for your forgiveness by showing you how much he's changed. That's when you know he's sincere and really values you." She pulls you into her embrace. "It takes time, honey; you'll have to be patient. But it also means that you have to have a little faith in that person. To let him show you that he's regretful of his past actions."
You nodded your head in understanding; your mom was very wise when she wanted to be. "I understand. Thanks, mom."
"Even if I'm pregnant, you're still my baby. You and Takeo. And it hurts to see you in pain. I might not understand the full story of it all, but you can tell me anything. I'm your mother, after all. Other than feeding you, housing you, educating you, and basically everything else, I'm here to listen to you."
You hugged her tightly. "Yes, mom, I know that. I love you."
"Haha, that's quite enough. You're going to squeeze the baby out of me if you continue."
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