#MUSING ⸻ the hellion.
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bothsidesofaquestion · 1 year ago
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dawnslight-aegis · 6 months ago
10. stable
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Yuriko Kazarishi had grown up hearing her grandfather despair of the wild streak that ran in the women of his family, but her eldest daughter would have put all her rebellious aunts and cousins to shame. And how could she not? Kaede was born malms from civilization, to a mother too young to know how poorly she had chosen in her choice of husband. Her entire pregnancy, and the first few moons of Kaede’s life had been spent in travel, fleeing the Garlean Empire by sea from Doma to Thanalan, and then overland towards the great beacon of peace and knowledge that supposedly lay beyond the highlands – Sharlayan.
Even when they’d lived in peace and temporary happiness, Kaede had been restless. Too sharp, too fierce, too perceptive for her father’s liking, especially once their second daughter, the gentle, sweet, biddable Ayame had been born. And then when their family had been torn apart, it had been Kaede’s willfulness and strength that had kept Yuriko from losing both her children, rather than just the one. Though she tried to love one daughter enough for two, to make up for what they both had lost, the damage had been done. Kaede’s faith in the constancy of love, and her worthiness of it, shaken perhaps beyond repair.
After they had come to La Noscea, she had only grown more tempestuous, like a summer storm. Too willing to draw blood, and shed it in kind. That someone would put a blade in her hand was inevitable, and she took to it like she was born to it. It was then that Yuriko became certain she would lose her someday, watch her cast herself into the Navigator’s winds and hope that one day she would return, calmer and gentler for it.
So it was that as her eldest grew, Yuriko found herself parroting the words she had heard so many times in her youth. Words that she had hated then, but now wished she had heeded.
“You need someone stable, my summer child. A home for that wild heart of yours, who will keep it safe, even when you cannot.”
For years she was met with an eyeroll and declaration of how boring that sounded, and of course her first choice had been a foolish boy who was as inconstant as the waves he had grown up on, but Kaede’s tune changed after the Calamity ravaged the land. So many lives lost, people they had known and loved gone forever. The guilt of surviving made them all smaller, clinging to one another like children. And when Kaede spoke of settling for the first person who had ever treated her gently, Yuriko could not stand to see her daughter’s spirit dimmed, as hers had been for so long in her first marriage. Irynbryda was a good partner and a good friend, kind and sweet, but a mother could see the panic and dread in her child’s eyes when she spoke of marriage, even when all others were blind to it.
For the first time, Yuriko had taken Kaede by the hands and told her to seek her own path, make her own choices – to stop trying to fill the hole her younger sister’s absence had left in her mother’s heart. That she would not tremble or weep as long as Kaede deigned to send a letter home, every now and then.
Perhaps she would not have chosen for her daughter to run off in the middle of the night with a handsome highlander, but neither could she judge her, considering her own choice of second husband.
Yuriko received few visits but years of letters, some long and some brief, and never did they mention that her wayward daughter had found love. Family, yes – names that appeared more and more often, with fondness and with exasperation. A xaela girl as close as her own shadow. Elezen twins with whom she seemed annoyed at first, but slowly grew fiercely protective, as if they were her own siblings. Friends she had lost, and missed bitterly. But it was the one she always spoke of with careful formality that slowly caught Yuriko’s attention. Ser Aymeric she wrote, or the lord commander, but never his name alone. And later, he disappeared from the letters altogether, replaced with vague references to a mysterious “friend” of hers.
And then there were no letters at all, but her homeland was free, and the alliance was moving to do the same for her husband’s. It was in a war council Ala Mhigo – hardly the first place she would have expected – where she finally set eyes on the man she suspected her daughter had fallen for, and she wasted no time taking his measure. Tall, broad-shouldered, with an easy, confident bearing but sharp, intelligent eyes that seemed to miss very little – her own resemblance to her daughter included. He turned white as new fallen snow when she revealed herself, and wasn’t that curious, if Kaede and he were merely friends?
Speaking to him privately revealed that her assumptions had been correct, but also other things. Ser Aymeric was more soft-spoken than the lord commander had been at the war council, considerate and sincere, and polite to a fault. He was, in a word, a gentleman. And though her husband groused and grumbled about the “trussed up Ishgardian dandy” that Kaede had chosen to bring home – in a sense, anyway – Yuriko thought that perhaps her daughter actually had been listening to her words of caution all those years ago.
It was only when she saw them together that she was sure – her daughter turned from storm gale to cool summer breeze, truly happy in a way that Yuriko had not seen since she was a child. Her spirit remained unbroken, tamed but not fettered. Everything that Yuriko had ever wanted for her, and despaired that she would ever allow herself to have. The dangers Kaede faced were innumerable and beyond understanding, but in this, at least, Yuriko could rest easy, knowing that her daughter was safe.
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grxmincvdescxnce · 2 years ago
ELECTRIC PULSE | event iii.
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tendrils of inky blackness and brilliant crimson hues.
these are the first images to shutter across her mind's eye, the former royal of varael recalling little else, initially, as she comes to in what she was certain was death's lair. yet, she would come to think better of her circumstances with the jolt of pain that shoots through her wrecked figure — the slightest shift apparently enough to signal a deed well done by her opponent thus far.
amber irises ease to life at a near snail's pace, gradual blinking beneath a flutter of lashes and bruised skin.
ah, she thinks.
and the blow she couldn't see coming dents her already swollen left cheek, cracking into back teeth. a smattering of blood sprinkles the darkness in specs of gold as her body is sent lurching outward, skidding along the barrier of their enclosed little domain once in contact.
the echo of her pained utterance, the lacking, unknowing expression pieced together in worn features seems to fill her enemy with an unrelenting glee. granted, the brilliance of their teeth was dulled in a prison of their own making, but it remained present all the same. they were sure now more than ever. the girl could stay down. they could practically taste their victory.
just one more go of it, just one more solid hit, and that'll be the match. they were quite enthusiastic, nearly skipping in their joyous mood.
yet, the sight of her blood escaping her desperate, decrepit little self doesn't bother the former royal of varael.
the tip tip tapping that signaled the coming steps of her now well-enthused enemy stir her in a vague sense of the word, but the alarms aren't blaring.
for once, daeneryn is seemingly entirely composed, still, emitting a calm in a manner that's outright terrifying as she lies there. rotting like a corpse.
daeneryn notes the bellowing of the crowd — once a formidable roar of thundering applause and marvelous delights — is now a dull whisper against the near impenetrable blanket of shadow.
a sliver of a grin situates itself well before she fully does.
her fragility appears to be on rare display for an unknowing audience as unsteady limbs attempt to push the figure attached upright again. the daggers that would glisten where human teeth should reside are as dull as her enemy’s own. yet, they slither forward to a point of prominence, seeming to slice through a bloodied, golden mouth ( and this was not just a symptom of her tongue ring ) and sever into already aching, tender flesh. it breeds a wild, maniacal impression of the former princess — and in a flash, it all practically vanishes. the blur of daena seems to launch itself from one side of the room to another, halting suddenly before the once confident figure of her enemy. appearing to relay the shock of her abrupt appearance into the depths of wavering bones, the next thing her opponent feels is a crack beneath their chin as an open hand thrusts upward against it, propelled by an unimaginable force.
she's free.
cast in a nearly endless veil — the pinpricks of light that dance along the shadow globe's ‘ceiling’ are not at all enough to be concerned over and barely allow for true visibility — an impenetrable shield. daena realizes she's struck the motherlode.
she’s free. for a moment. only just.
free to mangle, to choke, to tear into delicate flesh with all the obscurity the shadows allow.
no longer did she have to take in deafening blow after deafening blow, to dart around with intention to defend, to maintain a cover she barely cared about. trapped as they were in this pocket of darkness her enemy had so foolishly permitted, her risk for exposure was non-existent.
and she grasps her opportunity with clinging, gnashing, wanting teeth — devastatingly unhinged at every passing step.
and oh, the pain.
the divine, marvelous agony of aching.
she seems as if an insatiable thing, overall — how easily she bursts through shielded flesh, carving through skin and bone with such a marvel of motivation. in every instance of her blood flooding forth by her will — launching her forward at remarkable speed, elongating claws to ridiculous lengths, creating bullets out of her enemy’s guts, keeping the remnants of her work entirely within herself so that only she knew the truth — she’s further rendered a bloodthirsty wreck. adrenaline and rage are all she knows in time, suffering through every shudder of motion, barely coherent of her actions.
and desperate as she is to taste, to further give in to sweet ecstasy, she swallows nothing of her prey. demonstrating a fringe semblance of control even in her darkest, most glorious moments. a well-earned discipline and a notable feat in the face of such longing.
with the eventual collapse of its master, the veil melts away gradually. daena emerges victorious. drenched in red and no longer bearing signs of the maniacal fiend her opponent would know with horrifying clarity, the leader of vanitas seems rather small and child-like, even helpless. especially draped in her usual sigil jacket, the DGF cropped tee barely peeking through.
any semblance of conversation that could have occurred in their domain of darkness would remain almost entirely unheard by audience ears. at most, the cry of her enemy would pierce through, due to just how devastatingly shrill it became.
she leaves her opponent effectively swiss cheese, in the worst possible sense. the cause of such is never revealed to the crowd, the spirit warrior seemingly lingering with a thread of life, rendered wholly incapacitated.
the moment the time runs down, daena has collapsed to her knees. a mess of shattered bones and various fractures, ruptured skin.
medical is on their way to render care.
and the only breathless words on offer for her exit interview are, “rosalind alimjan. goddess be fucked. go out with me.”
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a-hell-of-a-time-archive · 10 months ago
1-5 with Caim for the crucial muse development questions
Crucial Development Questions meme: Accepting!
what would completely break your character?
((The loss of her loved ones, namely Yui and Andrealphus. Also the loss of her demonic and tengu abilities.))
what was the best thing in your character’s life?
((Meeting both Yui and Andrealphus and forming unique bonds with both. This is tied with the day her mother gave Caim her own sword
what was the worst thing in your character’s life?
((Her father trying to force her to take on his role and status among the Goetia when she wanted to live in the human world with her mother. She ended up getting what she wanted, but her father is still trying.))
what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
((Any childhood adventure where she and Andre got into a fair amount of trouble afterward, and it was usually her dragging him into it. Their tutors were less than pleased by the unbecoming antics of the children.))
does your character work so they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of filling up the time they aren’t working?
((Caim's hobbies tend to not require money, so she uses them as a means to pass the time. She also tries to have Yui join her and the two will spar together.
Every now and again Caim does like to go out for food, and likes sampling all the small, local shops she can find, so she makes sure to save as much money as she can in order to do this.))
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astrxthesiai · 1 year ago
Crimson's Tags
⇢✶results in crimson 《Crimson’s results》
[Questionnaire Results]
⇢✶about the monster 《Crimson’s headcanons》
⇢✶ writ in crimson ink《Crimson’s musings》
⇢✶ interview with the monster《Crimson’s answers》
[Ask Replies]
⇢✶the hellion beckons《Crimson’s rp replies》
[RP Replies]
⇢✶ bloodied fingers and guitars《Crimson’s soundtrack》
⇢✶ bandages and scars《Crimson’s aesthetics 》
⇢✶ the hellion and berserker《Charlotte Crimson》
[Main tag]
⇢✶ ravenqueen pirate first mate《Crimson’s main verse》
[Main Verse - One Piece]
⇢✶ the moon and water’s twin sibling《Crimson’s fandomless》
[Fandomless Verse - Amphiptere]
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bearfoottruck · 2 years ago
As any of you who have followed me long enough know, I LOVE rock and metal music. However, I found recently that I can only go to so many concerts per year because 1. Tickets are expensive even for the cheaper seats, and 2. The trip, the traffic and the crowds are pretty overwhelming. It's sad because many of the bands I like are broken up or are about to. Nevertheless, I intend to go to as many shows as I can, and I'm grateful for the bands I have seen.
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darkcacaocookieandfriends · 4 months ago
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"Now you're speaking MY LANGUAGE!"
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"Well, where's the fun in THAT!? Honestly, if there's not at least someone strung up by their neck or burning to a burnt crisp, it's not really a good time.. now is it!? HAH!"
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bunkoos-mole-enthusiast · 10 months ago
Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors:) Muse: You were someone that held Jungkook's interest. Clad in satin dresses with a hummingbird tattoo on your skin, you occupied his thoughts, consuming him with a curiosity that toed the line into desire. And so the story goes: a photographer and his muse. https://satnin-darling.tumblr.com/post/655726465013481472/muse-m-one-shot-jeon-jungkook-88k
Bicker: It’s after the Permission to Dance On Stage online concert and it seems that your boyfriend, Jungkook, had left out a few details regarding the performance under the guise of a surprise. Ordinarily, you were surprised, floored in fact, but this doesn’t stop you from bickering over the details https://satnin-darling.tumblr.com/post/666056010064166912/bicker-m-one-shot-jeon-jungkook-37k
Coquet: On your brother's wedding, you dread travelling to see your family whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex, who happens to be the best man, jealous. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/685450287470854144/coquet-series-jjk
Gradation: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/669257860034723840/gradation-series-masterlist
Permission: You get more than what you bargained for during your friend's bachelorette party weekend. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/710216388356227072/permission-jjk
Burning Bright: There are no secrets in the drift, if Jungkook were to see the mess inside your head and heart, laid utterly bare, he'd turn away from you. Pacific Rim au. https://snackhobi.tumblr.com/post/631929853435854848/pairing-jungkook-x-reader-word-count-74k
Just A Little: “What are you doing,” he asks, lips slightly pouty still, like they’re betraying him. “Just kissing you a little…” he can feel your minty breath on him when you say this. https://www.tumblr.com/soft4gguk/688764281930547200/just-a-little-jjk-drabble
Little Bean: Nothing has been normal for Jungkook since he moved to Seoul to become a trainee as a boy, and yet noticing a beautiful girl in a coffee shop is the most normal thing a young man can do. Asking her out, super normal. Falling in love, totally normal. Everything about Sasha makes him feel normal and important, and yet nothing can ever be truly normal when your relationship has to be secret. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27237484/chapters/66536458
Flux: Tour has ended but life only moves faster as Jungkook prepares for another album and Sasha gets exciting new career opportunities she just can’t say no to. What seems so pure and strong on summer vacation struggles under the onslaught of external pressures, internal demons, and missed connections. How can they ever find stability together when both their lives are so full of churn? And if the currents do tear them apart, how will they find their way back to each other? https://archiveofourown.org/works/33049219/chapters/82034974
Welcome To The Underworld: In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
**“Good evening, hellions and harpies, this is your host, JK. For those who are new here, do your best to hold on to the scraps of your sanity and Welcome to the Underworld” ** https://archiveofourown.org/works/21759436
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vampiriito · 28 days ago
Summer was my first muse.. (JJ Maybank X shy! kook! reader) Chapter 2
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A/N: Hey loves! this is the second installment of summer was my first love and i just wanna say i love ya'll. You're all so nice, even the people simply liking, means a lot that my work is getting read. And the people asking to be on the taglist- you make my day. Anyway, here's your chapter, we're getting another interaction which I'm quite frankly very proud about. I like to think the reader is so funny, without actually trying, love her for wandering around the beach in skating attire. This work is dedicated to my friend, gwen :) love you wifey.
Summary: JJ Maybank spots you on the beach and discovers that his so-called good conversation skills are basically useless when it comes to you :) (although he still tries.)
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You didn't know why you fell in love with JJ Maybank. He wasn't exactly the type of guy your parents would want you bringing home. Not with the reputation he liked to carry around just like you carried your camera or board. Well, until one day in 5th grade when your mom snooped through your diary and realized just how much you had been crushing on the blond hellion. Since then, your parents took a liking on the idea of you bringing home the guy who charmed his way into the heart of little 3rd grade you. But that was wishful thinking on theirs and Maisy's parts.
God, he was beautiful. His eyes were a shade of blue that you never quite managed to color match when looking for paint colors. The dimple on his cheek never failed to make your knees buckle and your tummy do a flip. You liked to think that if you actually had the courage to ever paint him, you'd paint JJ Maybank with gold specks deep in his baby blue irises and a boyish grin that managed to honor his dimple and the crow's feet by his eyes.
From this angle, the sun hit his hair just right, and despite being shrouded by the tree line you could still see the way the breeze brushed gently through the strands, messing them up and making them dance around his head like a halo. He's smiling, eyes crinkled at the corners like they do every time he's laughing or telling a story, and your finger hovers over the shutter-release button for a few moments simply just admiring him, before snapping a picture. It was like he was created to be photographed or painted, his smile and features so symmetrical that you envied him sometimes.
You watch as leans down and grabs a beer can, not paying too much attention at the hand offering it to him. He retrieves a small switch-blade from his board shorts' pocket and makes a small incision at the bottom of the of the can and bringing it to his lips. He successfully shot guns the can of Natty light and one-two-three.. click! another picture. You lower the camera and study the picture on the display, reaching up to adjust your glasses with a soft flick of your finger.
You liked photographing other things aside from JJ Maybank. Nature being second best on your 'favorites' list. The sky was so beautiful and the marsh and beach were your favorite places. The small creatures and the greenery or the ocean were your favorite attractions and no matter how many times you photographed them, they never looked the same. But as you wandered through the marsh that summer day, you ended at the edge of the tree-line, on the beach sitting none other than JJ, surrounded by his usual crowd of people, John B, Pope and Kiara, Sarah Cameron being an addition to their group a little later.
You didn't follow him out here. Much less with the intention of snapping secret snapshots from between the trees. Still, you felt like a creep... You raised the camera to your eyes again, capturing another shot. JJ was now gazing out at the water, pointing to the waves and laughing about something you couldn't hear. The scene was beautiful, his joy infectious. You lowered the camera and finally stepped out from the tree line onto the beach, frowning to yourself as you stepped on the sand, the texture of it already annoying you given you were wearing your beat up sneakers. There was a considerable distance between you, JJ and his crowd, so you weren't worried about being spotted or approached by him or his friends.
As you walked along the shoreline, your eyes were drawn to a starfish that had been washed up by the waves. Its delicate limbs sprawled out on the sand, glistening in the sun light. You decided to photograph it before releasing it back into the water. Crouching on the soft sand, you brought the camera's lens closer to the small creature, snapping a picture and then inspecting it happily.
The starfish, a fragile beauty against the damp sand, seemed to encapsulate a moment of pure serenity. A stark contrast from your everyday internal dialogue. How lucky was she, getting to live in complete silence and have people like you release her back into the ocean after being photographed?
JJ was still chatting and laughing with his friends, completely oblivious to your presence on the beach. He was in the midst of explaining the importance of timing waves while surfing when he suddenly caught a glimpse of something in his periphery view. He turned his head slightly and spotted you for the first time, kneeling on the sand a few yards away from him and his friends. He stopped mid-sentence, his attention momentarily shifting from his friends to you. He watched you kneel in the sand, taking pictures of a starfish that had been washed up by the waves.
He stared at you for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly as if trying to figure out why you always seemed to show up in the most random places, and why the hell were you wearing jeans and a hoodie to the beach? He had never really paid much attention to you before, but now he couldn’t help but be slightly curious about you.
He watched as you photographed the starfish, your face completely hidden behind the camera. He wondered what was so interesting about a simple starfish, but the longer he looked at you, the more intrigued he became.
You gently lifted the starfish after capturing its delicate beauty through your lens. With careful hands, you released it back into the water, watching as it gracefully disappeared beneath the waves. Your focus shifted to the rhythmic dance of the sea.
Raising the camera once again, you framed a shot of the sun's golden reflection on the waves. The light shimmered and danced on the water's surface, creating a breathtaking scene. This picture would need a bit of editing, but it was certainly worthy of posting on your Instagram. Aside from the pictures of JJ, of course. Those were just for you. You knew it might sound a bit strange and even creepy, but you weren't doing anything with the pictures. Besides, JJ wasn't the only one you photographed; he was just particularly captivating through your lens.
JJ continued watching you as you released the starfish back into the water, his curiosity growing with each passing second. He watched as you lifted your camera once more, snapping a picture of the sun reflecting off the waves. He couldn’t help but wonder what you found so interesting about the simple waves. He usually found himself taming the waves when he was out on the water, not admiring and taking pictures of them.
He found your interest in photography and natural beauty to be almost foreign to him. He’s always thought that everyone's interest laid in parties and surfing, not something so pure and quiet.
He sat there for a few minutes, continuing to watch you as you took more photographs of the ocean and the shoreline. He kept waiting for you to look over in his direction, to notice his eyes on you, but you seemed completely immersed in the viewfinder of your camera. He found himself watching with a mix of curiosity and fascination, trying to figure out what was going on in your head.
The Boneyard was a breathtaking place—a hidden gem where the ocean met the land in a dramatic embrace. Sun-bleached driftwood trees stood like skeletal guardians along the shoreline, giving the beach its haunting name. The sand was cool beneath your sneakers, a mixture of fine grains and crushed seashells that shimmered like tiny pearls. The air was crisp with the scent of salt and the faint aroma of wildflowers that clung stubbornly to the rocky outcrops.
You were still aware that JJ was further down the beach, his laughter occasionally carried to you by the gentle sea breeze. Unbeknownst to you, his gaze had settled on you, a curious look in his aquamarine eyes. Oblivious, you turned away, your back now facing him. Your attention shifted to a new angle where the waves caught the sunlight just so, each crest adorned with a glistening spray that made the ocean look like it was covered in a blanket of diamonds. The water reflected hues of gold and silver, harmonizing with the deep blues and greens of the sea.
The Boneyard's beauty was a photographer's dream. You lifted the camera once more, framing the shot where the sun's rays kissed the waves, creating a mesmerizing sparkle that danced across the surface. The images of JJ, however, were different. Those were just for you—a secret collection of candid moments that captured something genuine and unguarded. It might seem a bit peculiar, maybe even intrusive, but photography was your way of connecting with the world, and JJ looked like he was made to exist through your viewfinder..
As you moved along the shoreline, the sound of the waves provided a soothing soundtrack, each crash and whisper syncing with the rhythm of your heartbeat. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, golden light. Seabirds called out to one another as they swooped and dived, their silhouettes cutting gracefully through the sky.
The rugged beauty of the Boneyard captivated you. Clusters of sea grass swayed gently atop the dunes. You felt a profound sense of peace here, as if time itself had slowed down to let you absorb every detail. Raising your camera yet again, you captured the interplay of light and shadow, the textures of the driftwood, the endless horizon where the sea met the sky.
In that moment, everything else faded away—the concerns, the self-consciousness, even the awareness of JJ somewhere behind you. It was just you and the vast expanse of nature's artistry. You took a deep breath, the salty air filling your lungs, and smiled softly. This was why you loved photography—not just for the images it produced, but for the way it allowed you to see and appreciate the world in all its transient beauty.
JJ watched as you turned away from him, now facing the other direction. He took the opportunity to look at you without you noticing, his eyes scanning your form from behind. He noticed the way you moved around, trying to find new angles to photograph the waves. He was almost envious of how easy it seemed for you to just get lost in the moment, completely unbothered by anything or anyone around you.
He found himself wondering what it would be like to be so detached from the people and the world around you, just being completely focused on something as simple as the waves. He continued to watch you for a few moments, his eyes still fixed on your figure, before suddenly realizing that he had been staring for far too long. He quickly looked back to his friends, trying to play it off like he hadn’t just been blatantly staring at you.
He forced himself to keep his eyes off you, trying to tune back into the conversation that he was supposed to be a part of. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but keep sneaking glances in your direction, watching you as you moved and photographed the beach.
He found himself silently cursing the fact that he couldn’t just walk over to you and ask why you were so intriguing to him. He was JJ for crying out loud, he could talk to anyone he wanted.
As he continued to sit there with his friends, he couldn’t help but feel frustrated with himself. He was a confident guy, but for some reason he found it hard to approach you. Maybe it was because you were always so quiet and shy around him, or maybe it was because you seemed so engrossed in your photographs that it seemed like you didn’t want to be bothered. Whatever the reason, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wanted to get to know you, but he also couldn’t get up the courage to take the first step.
He tried to distract himself by joining in on his friends’ conversation, but his mind kept wandering back to you. He kept thinking about the way you knelt down in the sand, the way your face was hidden behind the camera, the way your hands moved effortlessly to adjust the settings of the camera.
Finally, his frustration got the best of him. He couldn’t sit there any longer, pretending that he wasn’t completely captivated by you. He decided it was time to act on his urges and finally talk to you, even if it meant facing your shy and awkward demeanor.
He stood up from his spot on the sand, the others in his crowd giving him quizzical glances, but he didn’t pay them any mind. He dusted off his shorts, his eyes still fixed on you, and began walking in your direction.
His heart was pounding in his chest as he got closer to you, his mind racing with thoughts of what he was going to say to you. 'What if you’re weird? What if you hate me? What if you start stuttering again?’ he worried while his legs carried him towards your form.
After capturing a series of shots of a seagull pecking at a stray French fry beside your feet—its feathers ruffling gently in the salty breeze—you felt a small surge of satisfaction. The gull was engrossed in its meal, oblivious to your presence, allowing you to document its simple pleasure, the sight of it quite funny to you. Just as you raised the camera, a shadow filled your viewfinder, causing you to flinch slightly. Startled, you realized that JJ's face had come into sudden, unexpected focus, his features accentuated by the golden hues of the setting sun.
Your heart skipped a beat as you lowered the camera shakily, fingers trembling ever so slightly. Adjusting your glasses, you looked up to find JJ standing startlingly close, his baby blue eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and something else you couldn't quite decipher. The world seemed to narrow to just the two of you, the distant crash of waves and the call of seagulls fading into the background. A flush of heat crawled up your neck. Anxiety twisted in your stomach like a coiled serpent. Had he noticed you taking pictures of him earlier? The mere thought sent a cold rush through your veins, making you almost queasy. The idea of him confronting you for your inadvertent creepiness was mortifying.
JJ came to a halt a few feet away from you, his eyes fixed on you. He stood there for a moment, studying your face, the way your eyes glanced at him nervously behind the frames of your glasses. He could see the anxiety written all over your face.
"Hey, mouse."
He said in his usual cocky and confident tone. He hoped he didn’t look as unsure as he actually was.
"Uh hey.." you said in an unsure tone, letting your camera dangle from your neck lazily, the strap snug around your neck. He was still calling you 'mouse', so he remembered the other night at the party, and the whole ordeal of getting shoved in a closet together. Of course he did, it's not everyday you get locked into a small space with a socially inept stranger.
JJ stuck his hands in his pockets, his eyes scanning you up and down. He watched as you lowered your camera, letting it dangle from your neck. He couldn’t help but notice the way you fidgeted with the strap, seemingly uncomfortable with him being so close.
He tilted his head slightly as he looked at you, his face wearing a slight smirk. "So, taking pictures of seagulls now, huh?"
"It was eating a french fry.." you laughed weakly, pointing vaguely to the spot where the seagull was just a few moments ago. The little fucker had flown away, leaving you pointing to an empty space on the sand beside your feet. Suddenly the notion of it eating a french fry wasn't as funny anymore.
JJ let out a soft scoff, a small smile forming on his face. He looked at the spot you pointed to, where the seagull had once been.
"A seagull eating a french fry is picture-worthy to you?"
He raised an eyebrow, teasing you.
You nodded mutely, fidgeting with the strap of the camera nervously.
JJ watched as you fidgeted with the camera strap, your nervousness apparent. He couldn’t help but find your shy and awkward behavior interesting, although he would never admit that out loud.
"So, why seagulls and starfish and all that?" he asked, genuinely curious about your interest in taking photographs of mundane things.
You shrugged, gnawing at your bottom lip. The mention of the starfish made your ears perk up, 'so he was watching me for a little longer and more intently, if he saw me take a picture of the starfish.' you observed internally. The thought almost made you excited. "They look interesting.." you stated simply, humming faintly.
JJ's eyes lingered on you as you gnawed at your bottom lip, the action making him feel something in the pit of his stomach. He watched as your brows seemed to perk up slightly when he mentioned the starfish, silently finding that quite adorable. He had been watching you more intently than he would like to admit, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to your behavior.
He raised an eyebrow at your simple response, still watching you. "Interesting, huh? Interesting how?"
You stepped closer hesitantly, flicking through the pictures until you landed on the starfish, tilting the camera screen so he could study the picture himself, your actions silent. You watched his face as he leaned in studying the picture curiously, taking the time to study him, while he studied your picture. He was breathtaking. He smelled like cheap beer and his usual smell of ocean water and weed.
JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned in closer to the camera screen, his eyes scanning the picture of the starfish that you had taken.
He had to admit, the picture was pretty damn good. The way you had captured the textures and colors of the starfish was fascinating, and he found himself looking at it intently.
He tilted his head to the side slightly, his eyes flicking up to your face as he continued to study the picture.
"Damn, you really know how to use a camera."
JJ continued to watch your face as he looked at the picture, noticing the way you observed him silently. He wondered what was going on in that shy brain of yours, and part of him felt almost nervous under your gaze.
Finally, he looked up from the camera and at your face again. He had to admit, there was something about your eyes that was oddly captivating.
"You take pictures like this often?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity.
A small smile made its way onto your face at his compliment. You hated taking compliments when it came to your photography or any of your other hobbies, but with JJ it seemed like it was almost welcome. Maybe your were just biased since he was the object of your pathetic pinning for almost 9 years.
You nodded, your mind wandering to how you took pictures of him secretly and you felt creepy again. It was a bad feeling, you hated it, you truly just liked how he looked through a camera and that's how you captured your love for him. Poets and painters used their paints and words and you... You used your camera.
JJ noticed the small smile that graced your lips as he complimented you, and he found himself feeling strangely satisfied with himself.
He knew that receiving compliments was probably not your thing, considering how shy and reserved you were, but he couldn’t help but want to keep drawing those smiles out of you. He found himself weirdly drawn to the way your face lit up when you were happy.
He watched as your eyes lost focus for a moment, a hint of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on flickering across your face. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, wondering what you were thinking about, seemingly an occurring thought the longer he spent around you. You seemed to go to your own world for a moment, a subtle shift in your expression, an almost sad look in your eyes.
He took the opportunity to study your face yet again, his eyes tracing every detail. The way your eyelashes flickered, the way you gnawed at your bottom lip, the way your fingers fidgeted with the strap of your camera.
He wanted to ask you what you were thinking about, but he hesitated. Would you even tell him? He knew that you weren’t exactly comfortable in his presence and you always seemed a bit shy around him, but for some reason he wanted to know what was going on in your head.
He decided to try his luck, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"What’s on your mind, mouse?"
Your eyes snapped to his again, blinking a couple of times. You shrugged slowly pressing your lips in a thin line, "nothing.."
JJ’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched you snap back to reality, your eyes meeting his again. He could tell that you weren’t being completely honest, he could see it in the way you pressed your lips together.
He took a step closer to you, his eyes narrowing slightly. He knew you were hiding something, but he wasn’t sure what. "I call bs, mouse. Spill it."
"Are you this forward and personal space invading with every stranger?" you found yourself asking softly, surprised at how easily the words just rolled out of your mouth. Maybe it was the fact that you were nervous and you felt cornered. And besides you still sounded like a weak and quiet whimp. Your response gave you deja-vu.
JJ raised an eyebrow at your response, surprised that you had actually said something to him that wasn’t a simple one-word answer. He was even more surprised that you had actually called him out.
He took another step closer, leaning in slightly, his eyes still on your face.
"No, I usually don’t care about what strangers are thinking. But you’re different, mouse." He paused, continuing to observe you. He was standing pretty close now, but he wasn’t backing away.
You hummed nodding, taking a small step back to put some distance between the 2 of you. Close proximity wasn't your thing, especially when the other person was none other than JJ.
You probably looked rude, your body language was probably giving off repulsion, but you were just so shy and flustered, and you didn't want to look like a dumbass in front of him by stuttering and blushing like a schoolgirl. That would be so embarrassing, god. If you and JJ kept interacting, you'd probably end up getting a nose-bleed.
JJ watched as you took a step back, creating some distance between you. He noticed the way you seemed on edge, your body language giving off a repellant vibe. He knew from experience that you were probably just feeling shy and flustered, which was understandable given how shy you usually were around him.
He couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for invading your personal space like that. But, he also was enjoying the fact that he was making you so flustered. The two feelings were crashing with each other in his brain and he wasn't sure if he liked that. "Sorry, mouse. Didn’t mean to crowd you."
Every time he was apologetic about something he did without meaning, which he thought made you uncomfortable, your heart fluttered for him. He seemed so much more different with you, in the 2 times you had interacted, like actually interacted. That made you like him more if it was possible. You were absolutely, mind bogglingly whipped for this dude, and what was even funnier- He had no idea. Absolutely comical.
You were silent as you stared up at him for a few seconds, before speaking up softly trying to reassure him as best as you could, "it's okay.. don't worry."
JJ listened carefully as you spoke, your soft voice sending a strange flutter through his chest. He noticed the look in your eyes as you looked up at him, and it made his stomach do a little flip.
He wasn’t sure what exactly he was doing. He didn’t usually care this much about a stranger, but something about you had him completely enthralled. "Okay, mouse. I’ll try not to get too up in your personal space again."
He said, his voice softer than usual.
JJ stared at you for a few more moments, taking in your features. The way your hair fell softly in around your face, braided into two loose braids, the way you continued to fidget with the strap of your camera, the way your lips parted just slightly as you breathed quietly.
He found himself feeling oddly drawn to you, and he didn’t quite understand why. He had always thought of you as just "that shy girl from the country club," but now he was starting to realize that there might be more to you than he first thought. Maybe he shouldn't judge the people at the country club so quickly. 'What a dumbass conclusion to come to, 'm not prejudiced..'
He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure.
You knew that JJ didn't care about personal space much, given you saw how he interacted with his friends or even girls he was trying to chat up at parties or around town. So his reassurance actually meant something to you. Although you kinda wanted him to invade your personal space now, despite knowing you'll probably die on the spot.
You studied him intently too, the way his blonde hair almost glowed in the sunlight and the way it was ruffled gently by the breeze. His eyelashes and those blue eyes which you loved to photograph so much when you had the chance. You suddenly wanted to make him laugh somehow, to also see the small dimple on his right cheek, but that was wishful thinking given you were just standing there mutely. Nothing was charmingly funny about being awkwardly quiet.
With the 2 of you standing there silently, just studying each other, JJ couldn’t help but notice the way your eyes scanned over his face. He wasn’t used to someone staring at him so intently, especially someone he didn’t know very well.
He wasn’t sure what you were thinking in that brain of yours, but the intensity of your gaze made his stomach do another weird flutter.
He cleared his throat once again, breaking the silence.
"So, uh... you like taking pictures, huh?" he almost face-palmed from how obvious that question was, especially with the camera dangling from your neck, basically rolling its eyes at him as soon as the words left his lips. What the hell was happening to him? Why couldn't he socialize properly?
You let out a huff of genuine amused laughter at his obvious question. You shook the camera gently as if it to say 'what gave it away,' studying his slightly awkward stance. Never in 8 years of liking him, have you ever seen JJ Maybank actually awkard. Of course he'd be awkward around you, that's what happened when people spoke to you.
"No i just carry the camera for bragging rights..." you spoke up suddenly, your tone sarcastic and amused but still soft and quiet.
JJ couldn’t help but smile slightly as you quietly laughed at his question. He felt another spark of satisfaction at himself upon hearing the surprisingly pleasant sound.
He raised an eyebrow at your sarcastic response, his smile turning into a smirk.
"Bragging rights? Damn, mouse. Didn’t peg you for the cocky type."
You shrugged, feigning smugness as you shifted awkwardly in your spot, looking up at him.
"Why?... i mean why are you asking me if i like taking pictures.." you spoke up again, blinking quickly, silently cursing yourself for stuttering a bit as you gathered the courage to ask the simple question.
He noticed the way you shifted awkwardly, and the slight stutter in your voice as you spoke. He could tell that you were uncomfortable, but he didn’t quite understand why. He just wanted to get to know you better.
JJ chuckled softly, his smirk widening a bit.
"Just making conversation, mouse. Plus, I figure something this expensive has got to mean something to you."
He gestured to the camera around your neck.
"It does... my mom got it for me." you spoke softly, looking down at your camera and adjusting your glasses.
You still remembered how happy you were when you got the camera, finally able to capture as many pictures of things you liked but couldn't quite put into your paintings. Although your relationship with your mom and parents in general was a little-.. Strained at the moment, you loved the camera as much as you loved your board, the two constantly battling for second best in your heart. Obviously JJ was first best.
He listened as you spoke softly, his gaze softening as he watched you look down at your camera.
He could sense there was more to the story than just "my mom got it for me," but he didn't push you. He knew that you were a private person, and he didn't want to push you too far out of your comfort zone.
He took a step closer to you, his hand darting out to gently touch the camera around your neck.
"Your mom has good taste."
JJ watched as you flinched slightly as he touched the camera, and he quickly pulled his hand back.
He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so he took a half step back again, giving you some space.
After a few moments of silence, he spoke up again, his voice softer than before. "Why do you take pictures of things like starfish and seagulls?"
You were surprised as he took a step closer, startled that he wanted to touch your old camera, but the feeling melted into disappointment when he stepped back.
"To paint them. It's much easier when the thing you're trying to paint doesn't move." you explained gently, you didn't have the courage to start painting him though. Across these years you took so many pictures but never actually had the courage to try and paint him.
JJ nodded slowly, understanding your reason for taking pictures of such mundane things. It made sense to him that you needed a still subject. He tilted his head slightly as he looked at you, his eyes locking with yours for a moment.
"You paint? What kind of stuff do you paint other than starfish and seagulls?"
"Scenery... my family... random things I like..." you listed awkwardly, your words trailing off as a faint blush warmed your cheeks. Humming in thought, you tilted your head back to gaze at the endless expanse of sky. Wisps of cotton candy clouds drifted lazily across the azure canvas, and the soft hues of twilight began to creep in. The vivid images of the paintings flooded back into your mind—rolling hills bathed in golden sunlight, candid snapshots of laughter-filled family gatherings, and close-ups of everyday objects that held secret significance.
JJ watched as you hummed in thought, your eyes cast up to the sky. He could tell you were thinking about your paintings, and he found himself wanting to see your paintings. He was curious about what your art looked like.
He cleared his throat, pulling your attention back to him.
"Have you ever painted a person?"
"Aside from my family? no..." you mumbled, your eyes setting into his once again. Maisy was an exception, sometimes she forced you to paint her. Your favorite painting of her was of her one morning, with a massive hangover, makeup ruined and strawberry blonde hair sticking out in every direction.
He nodded slowly, noticing the way your eyes set into his. There was something about your gaze that was both captivating and nerve wracking at the same time.
He took a small step closer to you, and for some reason, he couldn't stop the words from falling out of his mouth.
"What would you paint if I were a still subject?"
"What do you mean?" you asked a bit confused, swallowing a small lump that was threatening to form in your throat.
JJ smiled slightly at your confusion, amused by how innocent and naive you could be sometimes.
He took another step forward, closing the distance between the two of you even more.
"I mean, if I sat completely still and acted as your still subject, what would you paint? Like, would you paint a portrait of me or something different?"
"Oh.. probably your eyes." you spoke without realizing, your eyes snapping up from the sand under your sneakers to look up at him with a slight panicked look. The response was vague and what you meant to say was: 'you'd paint a portrait of him' but the words came out weirdly.
JJ's eyebrows raised in surprise at your words. He wasn't expecting your answer to be so direct, but it honestly made him feel weirdly giddy.
He leaned in a bit closer to you, his eyes narrowed slightly. "My eyes? Why my eyes?"
"Well they're blue." 'yeah dumbass.. he knows his eyes are blue.' you scolded your self internally for your simple and dumb answer.
You resisted the urge to face palm at the simple and quiet statement whipped out in a nervous rush, just staring at him blankly, fidgeting with your glasses.
JJ chuckled at your response. He didn't know why, but he found it amusing that you answered his question with such a simple and obvious answer. He couldn't help but tease you a bit. "Yeah, I'm aware they're blue."
He said, his voice sarcastic and amused. He took another step closer, now standing only a foot away from you. He could almost see the panic in your eyes.
You felt like a dumbass. Who has the conversation skills of a baked potato? you seriously needed to get it together this was absolutely pathetic. His teasing statement didn't help how you felt either, growing more embarrassed as he spoke, the tips of your ears burning from being so flustered.
JJ could see the way you were mentally kicking yourself for your simple response. He found it slightly endearing how flustered and anxious you were at the moment, just because he was close to you and you couldn't string together a coherent sentence to save your life. It made him want to tease you even more.
He leaned in slightly closer, his face now only inches away from yours, his breath lightly touching your cheek.
"You know, you're adorable when you're nervous, mouse."
Which is all the time-... what? did he just? Refer to you as adorable? You felt as if your heart stopped for a second and started beating way too fast at the same time, your face heating up visually probably. You were so PATHETIC, ugh. Why couldn't you just take conversations in stride, just like he did, or any other fucking normal human on this planet?
JJ could see the way your face flushed with color, and it only made his smile widen. He found it incredibly endearing how flustered and anxious you were, and he was enjoying every second of it.
He reached up, his hand gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You're blushing, mouse. Why are you so nervous around me all the time, hm?"
"I'm nervous around... everyone." you choked out, cursing yourself mentally once again for sounding so affected. It was seriously comical. You were wondering how he wasn't making fun of you by now. Also the tender gesture made your insides melt even more, despite hating when people touched your hair.
His smile softened at your admission, feeling a pang of sympathy for you. He didn't realize that you were nervous around everyone, he thought it was just him. He hummed softly, his hand still gently fiddling with the strand of hair he was holding.
"Everyone, huh? Why? Don't you have friends who make you feel less nervous?"
He continued to study your face, noticing the way your eyes darted around nervously and the way your cheeks were flushed a pretty pink color. He could see the anxiety in your expression, and he wasn't sure what to make of it. Part of him wanted to tease you even more, but another part of him wanted to reassure you that everything was okay.
"You know, mouse, you don't have to be so nervous all the time. I don't bite. Well, not hard anyway."
You sighed, your fingers nervously twisting a loose strand of hair around them. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help it—you always clammed up like this. Words seemed to get stuck in your throat, despite the whirlpool of thoughts swirling in your mind. It was worse now, with JJ standing right in front of you; his mere presence amplified your anxiety, turning your usually rowdy internal monologue into static.
Your gaze shifted to the side, drifting over his shoulder. You noticed his friends in the distance, trying to get his attention. They were waving in your direction, their gestures frantic and eyes wide with impatience. Gathering a bit of courage, you pointed shakily toward them, your eyes meeting his briefly as you did so. The unspoken words hung heavy in the air, your heartbeat echoing in your ears as you waited for his reaction. A flush crept up your neck, the tension between wanting to say something—anything—and the frustrating quiet that held your tongue.
JJ followed your gaze looking over his shoulder, his eyes landing on his friends in the distance. He could see them waving and gesturing for him to come back, and he knew they were probably wondering what the hell he was doing.
He hesitated for a moment, torn between staying with you and going back to his friends. He turned his attention back to you, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Looks like my friends are getting impatient."
He let out a small sigh, not wanting to leave you just yet. But he knew he had to go back to his friends eventually, otherwise they'd just come over and drag him away.
He gave you one last glance, taking in your nervous expression. He smiled softly, his hand still lingering beside your ear. "I'll see you around, mouse. Don't disappear on me, okay?"
You were feeling disappointed that he had to leave. But you let a relieved breath out as he took a small step back. The close proximity was making your breathing go crazy and stuttery and your face heat up. You glanced at his friends and then at him, your eyes lingering on his face in an almost awe expression before nodding and humming, your hands fidgeting with the strap of your camera.
JJ couldn't help but notice the way your eyes lingered on his face, and he felt a small flutter in his chest at the expression on your face. He wasn't used to someone looking at him like that, especially you. He gave you one last smile, his hand reaching out to gently pat your head before he reluctantly took a step away from you.
"Behave yourself, mouse."
He said with a smirk and a wink before turning and strolling back to his friends.
As soon as his back was turned to you and he was walking back to his friends you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. Your hands reached up to fan your face gently, walking along the beach in the opposite direction.
You could definitely get used to interacting with JJ alone, have him look at you and call you mouse like that in his soft tone despite his boyish voice. Although the nickname was meant to be teasing, you still felt your heart do somersaults every time he called you it casually.
As JJ walked back to his friends, he found himself unable to keep his mind off of the interaction he just had with you. He couldn't get the image of your blushing face and wide-eyed expression out of his head.
His friends quickly pounced on him the moment he returned to them, their voices loud and excited.
"Dude, what was that all about?"
JB asked, his eyes widening with curiosity.
Pope chimed in with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah man, since when do you talk to the girl who's terrified of you?"
JJ shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about the whole thing.
"I don't know, I was just making conversation." All four of his friends looked at him skeptically, not buying his casual response.
John B leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper so that no one else could hear their conversation.
"Do you like her or something?"
JJ's eyes widened in surprise at the question, and he quickly shook his head, trying to play it off.
"No way, man.. What, are we in 7th grade to be asking these types of questions?"
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A/N: Here's the second chapter! God, you guys don't understand how happy i am. What do you think about the second interaction? I appreciate when you comment, or leave asks telling me what you think, so don't be shy! these can be read as stand-alone one-shots too but this is gonna be an entire story. Also i don't plan on following the main story-line of the show :( This and all my works will be written freely because i wanna give JJ the life of a teenager instead of a treasure hunter.
Tag-list*:・゚✧ @cali-888, @bee-43, @jjscoquette, @melsbels-zip, @stanseventeen Have fun reading everyone and I'll be seeing you all in part 3!
Divider credits: @cafekitsune
Previous | Next*:・゚✧
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zwolfgames · 1 month ago
Helloo sweetie!:3 Can I request drabl with Halsin and reader, when they are cooking meal for others or time to bad for reader with Halsin or Gail or all team members
Hehehe ofcourse <3
(In the drabble au of teen!tav Halsin is mostly managing Y/N and Gale does the cooking with em. Also i dunno if you meant bed or bath so were doing both :3)
Warnings: Yandere implications, bear licks you
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(3rd person POV)
"Y/N, be a dear and hand me the carrots, will you?" Gale holds his hand out as he awaits his precious carrots.
You pick the root like vegetables up to hand them to him. Lazily staying beside Gale as he cooks so you'd get the first portion, and he's kinda teaching you how to cook as the weeks with this group go on.
It's not that you can complain, your mother would be impressed if you came back home after this adventure as a master chef.
"Alright, now watch as I add the secret ingredient." Gale muses proudly as he pulls out a lump of salt.
You feel your face fall into an unimpressed deadpan at the 'secret ingredient' you've been asking for for weeks. It's just been salt the whole time? With how great gale's meals are you expected it to be some magic stuff... fairy sparkles or something... mermaid scales?
No, just salt. And there's no way thats it, you know how salt tastes and there's no way that it's saving the horrendous ingredients he's throwing together.
"You're lying." You cross your arms and narrow your eyes into an accusatory glare.
"What? No, I'm not. I would never lie to you." Gale smiles in alusement. A mischievious twinkle sparkles in his eyes.
You roll your eyes in annoyance and stir a bit in one of the pots.
"Gale's lying right now, actually." Shadowheart notes as she appears next to you to steal a carrot.
"That's not true, stop trying to make me look bad in front of Y/N." Gale huffs in agitation. Shadowheart looks amused and observes the dinner you're helping make.
"Boar again? Did Astarion or Halsin bring it in?" Shadowheart asks.
"Wyll did." Gale notes, you nod along to confirm.
"Wyll can hunt?" Shadowheart asks with a lame look of disbelief.
"He can do anything, I'm pretty sure." You shrug.
The half elf shakes her head at your words.
"And as if Astarion would share his hunt." Game adds boredly.
"What was that? I heard my name." The vampire shows up behind everyone. Looking as smug and confident as ever.
"Speak of the devil and you'll see his tail." Shadowheart notes as she bites a piece off of the carrot she snatched.
"Excuse me? I am far from the devil, as far as I know i look better then all those hellions." Astarion huffs.
"What's got you so confident?" Gale asks with a raise of his eyebrow.
Astarion preens and sways his left wrist around a bit.
You're confused for a moment before you remember he begged you to make him a bracelet after he caught you making jewlery with a nice gem you found while you were supposed to be sleeping.
"Right, and why does this ugly artifact make you feel better?" Gale asks with a bit too much sass for somebody who doesn't have a super cool custom bracelet.
Astarion awkardly looks at you to see if you care for the insult to your masterpiece. But considering you made it without willingness, you really don't.
"How could you say that, Y/N made it for me." Astarion scoffs despite your unbothered look.
"They what? Really?" Gale looks genuinly surpised. Looking at you quickly after.
Astarion smirks as if that means he won the lottery. You really don't get why these fully grown adults act more like a band of children then you do.
"Y/N, it doesn't mean anything, right?" Gale asks in devestation.
You raise a brow in confusion at this strange question. Why ofcourse, it's a gift of marrige. What does he think you'll say?
"Uh, no, he just wanted a bracelet." You admit simply.
"Then I want one too." Gale decided enviously. Glaring at the pale vampire as if he's just seen the elder brain.
"That'll be 500 gold." You shrug. Resisting a smirk as he looks shocked you'd charge. Astarion subtly looks over at you with a proud smirk. You didnt charge him, but atleast you've learned from him to always charge when there's a market.
"Y/N, please, I'll tell you the actual secret ingredient." Gale bargains.
"Gale just doesn't wnat to admit he's broke." Shadowheart smirks in amusement.
"Is the water supposed to do that?" Wyll steps up to the group and points at the pot you were stirring as it bubbles over.
You yelp and pop the lid off and stir in hopes of it going away.
Gale pales and scoots you aside before you burn yourself as he takes over the stirring.
"Best cook here, they say." Shadowheart snickers lightly.
Gale throws the half elf a glare before peering into the pot wether or not dinner is ruined.
"It's fine. And if it wasn't you could all starve." Gale huffs.
Astarion gasps in mock offence, as if he even eats dinner.
"Ah, how is dinner preperation fairing?" Halsin walks up to the group, casting a shadow ove you as he stands behind you.
"Fine enough, hungry?" Gale hums, stirring the pot at a constant pace.
"Very." Halsin nods, placing a hand on your shoulder. You swear, the druid makes you feel like a dwarf anytime he comes close.
"Y/N, have you shrunken?" Halsin asks wit ha friendly smile.
Your eye twitches slightly before you shake your head.
"Maybe you grew, Halsin." Shadowheart notes.
"Must be beacuse of all my excellent cooking!" Gale smiles happily. The crowd momentairilly goes quiet.
"I hear cooking!" Karlach shuffles inbetween Wyll and Sahdowheart.
Gale drops his now frozen smile and nods with a more normal, little smile.
As Gale announves dinner officially, Lae'zel finally comes over aswell and you help serve everyone their bowl of broth.
The evening turns nice and cozy as the sun starts to set, casting a familiar warm glow over the party.
You le your bowl lay on your lap as you finish dinner, just letting the rays of fading sunshine kiss your face.
That is until your moment of peace is abrubtly interupted by two large hands scooping you up from inder your armpits. The image aching to that of a wet cat getting taken away bu it's dissapointed owner.
"Hey! Put me down!" You start kicking around in annoyance. You hear Halsin laugh, as you've quickly determined tha the is the one holding you.
"Don't think so, cub. I've noticed you're in dire need of a wash. And our camp has this crisp river right next to it." Halsin muses. Holding you up with not a single bit of trouble.
"I am not, I bathed last.. uhh.. week." You recall with a cringe. People in the very far future light find that a long time, but for people living in a medival like fantasy world that's probably a lot.
"Ah ah, no excuses." Halsin shakes his head.
"I can make excuses, I'm not a kid!" You protest. For some reason that stills the elf holding you for a moment.
"You may think so but to me you are, cub." Halsin speaks seriouslt before carrying you over to said river.
You are uncerimoniously thrown in with a large splash following your descent into the cold water.
You shiver as the liquid drenches into your also quite dirty clothes.
You don't have to wait for long until eqaually wet fur touches your arm. This bastard wild shaped to bathe. Smart in its own way, bears can handle the cold way better.
Halsin, as a bear, wraps his paws around you and starts licking your hair up into probably the worst hairstle you've ever had, and that includes the one you cut on yourself when you were four.
"Stop that! You'll make me smell worse!" You protest in annoyance, This whole day was keeping you on your toes and you didn't even have to fight anyone.
Halsin lets out a low growl of amusement as he washes you off as a real bear would a real cub. Wich is clearly not appreciated by you. Wich is totally fair, you don't think anyone would want this. Actually you'd rather that mysterious lady on the beach had actually stabbed you to death.
Due to your discomfort you don't pay much attention to the rest of camp practically glaring your strange caretaker down. Half are a bit disgusted, half are more so envious.
Who's who? You'll never know.
You're totally done with today, actually. It's like the longer you stay with these people the younger you get treated. It's ridiculous. Also how are you meant to sleep with a damm bear holding you? What is Halsins problem!
You grumble under your breath as you lay in the elfs tent. Wich is not yours! But Maybe it's a good thing that you're not in yours, considering someone's currently going through your stuff for 'safety reasons'. not that you'd ever know. They just need some enchantments put on your gear, nothing that would track you down, no they would never...
You eventually get used to the warmth of the beast behind you and doze off to sleep, onto annoyed and irritating dreams.
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Yo guys :')
I dunno how long it's been, and this ask may seem totally wack because I wrote it in like 3 sentences at a time.
I'll make the excuses quick. Architecture is a hell of a university course and I'm going crazy with the teeny amount of free time I have. I don't even get the time to squish my stressed up feelings into fanfiction anymore ToT
At this point I might actually go crazy.
Anyways hope that you enjoyed this drabble even if it's stinky and badly made. I'm working on all the other asks I have but it's currently exam period so I might just die.
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iwaasfairy · 10 months ago
I absolutely adore your work, like seriously you write so well and it’s really rare I find authors with such amazing stories so I wanted to know if you could recommend me some other authors with a similar writing style or any stories that you really enjoy?
Thank youUUU thank you I’m so glad to hear that!!
as for writers, I sadly don’t get to read much anymore but I’ll just recommend some tried and true friends of mine and faves for you to explore. also obvious tw dark content warning for some!!! but yea these people are so talented I love them with my whole ass
@seijorhi @shinsocest @chiwhorei @sawamooora @delirieum @melon-hellion @theygottheircages @undermattsun @strafepanzer @bakatenshii @ceo-of-daichi @inkykeiji @/jackrabbit (I can’t bother bunny she’s a muse look awayyy)
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a-hell-of-a-time-archive · 9 months ago
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Well this one certainly had attitude.
"Contrary to popular belief, I actually carve out my sculptures by hand after creating the ice needed to mould them."
Does he think that just anyone can make a fucking perfect sculpture right off the bat or something? "Sorry we don't all have the Elsa power set your highness." he rolls his eyes in annoyance, an ear twitching. Who does this prick think he is anyways? "Some of us actually have to learn and practice art."
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 months ago
“So. A wolf this time.” 
“You are insufferable!” 
Alexis hisses only to helplessly moan, her nails - beautiful black acrylic claws littered with tiny diamonds - dig deep into the silk pillow when William licks a wet stripe between her legs. That pillow and the bedsheet certainly won’t survive come morning. 
Speaking of come - 
“What number are we in right now? Four?” William muses, pleasant as if he’s talking about the weather and not how wet his mouth and chin are. He’s on a roll tonight. For once his hellion of a ‘daughter’ allowed him to whisk her away to her favourite restaurant the moment she returned to Dahlia with a trail of murder and one fledgling House reduced to rubbled. Porter was quite adamant that his report was to be on top of today’s mountain paperwork on William’s desk. Alexis adorned many unkind words like the jewelleries she so adore and William is well familiar with her brand of appetite for petty destruction, vindictiveness and sex. Each follow after one another. Hence, why she’s now in his bed in nothing but glittering nails and high heels. 
“Up yours, old man.” Even when she sneers, Alexis Getty (again and again, she rebuffs his surname but never the privileges and power that come with it. What a silly girl.) is devastatingly beautiful. The kind that brings ruin to any poor fools that stumbled into her bed. Samuel, unfortunately, learned it the hard way.
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wyrmarchives · 8 months ago
Awesome! With that in mind,
Could I request Karlach from Baldar’s Gate 3 x Chubby Reader romantic fanfic? Perhaps something to do with summer due to the warm weather and what not? Thank you so much for allowing me to request and have a great day/night !! :D
- 😈 Anon
Karlach x Plus Sized!Reader
Triggers: None! All Fluff!
© @wyrmarchives
Set in ACT 3 along the Rivington coast.
Summer heat and fresh sweets.
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“Bloody hell it’s hot... You think we might ask Gale to summon an ice storm?” Karlach whines as she stretches. The heat from her skin distorts the air around her with a haze. The infernal engine in her chest flickering with its steady thrum of orange.
“I think Gale would give us a lecture on the mechanics of magic, Karlach.” You snicker as you fan yourself with a book the party found on the way to Baldur’s Gate.
“You’re probably right, aren’t you, Soldier?” She muses. A playful smile pulls at her lips. “Do you think we could find something to help cool us down in the market?” Karlach gives a waved gesture down the road to the bustling streets.
“Probably. Anything particular in mind?” You ask as you walk with her, leaving the rest of the party to set camp as the evening progresses.
“I would kill to have some sweets! The Druid’s Cove and Goblin Camp were practically ransacked, and the Shadow Lands weren’t exactly welcoming, now were they?” She jests. “Oh! Look there!” She points to a merchant stall, pulling your smaller frame with her as she prances up to the stall.
Fruits and sweets. Candied pieces in paper wrap. “How much?” You ask the merchant.
“Seven gold for whole fruit, twelve for the candies.” The man grins with a crooked smile.
“Twelve whole coin for the candies?!” Karlach balks, but pays anyway. “When did Baldur’s Gate become so greedy?! I remember my time before Zariel when they were nine!” She whimpers to you before tossing a piece in her mouth. The sugary confection on her tongue melting her protests of a lighter coin purse. “You must try one!” She insists.
Taking your hand in hers with enthusiasm and placing one of the sweets in your palm. A wide smile on her face. More than happy to share her joy with you. The lovely hellion she is.
You chuckle as you pop it in your mouth. The sweetness dissolves on your tongue leaving behind the once covered fruit. A pleasant taste, with the addition of warmth throughout your chest at her loving gesture. “Thank you. It’s good.” You smile at her warmly.
The two of you spend your afternoon bouncing and bubbling between the stands. Spending coin or negotiating with merchants for the self earned spoils. “Let’s enjoy ourselves for today at least!” Karlach had persuaded you with ease. “Call it a date if you must!” The towering tiefling butters you up. Peppered chaste kisses and innocent laughter as she leaves feathered touches to your plush sides and round face. Boundless energy as she parades through the streets with the vigor of a child.
Ever the easy going and spontaneous woman. So captivating in her way; but the day grows dark, and the two of you make way back to camp. Evening slipping to dusk, bringing cooler air with it. The bright stars twinkling reflections on the sea. It’s impossible to do all but hesitate for the sight. Your abrupt stop gently tugging on your lover’s arm, halting her pace.
Her heart would melt- had it been in her chest.
Her lover, her companion, her newly found everything illuminated by moonlight on a warm summer’s night- enthralled by the scenery nonetheless. “Beautiful…” she breathes. A barely audible whisper that carries in the salty breeze.
“The sight… Yes.” You reply.
“No, soldier.” She chuckles gently before stepping up to your side, brushing strands of hair from your face. Her hand resting on your cheek, gently turning your face to her’s. “You.”
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Borders by: @cafekitsune | Border Link: here
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 2 months ago
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer part 24: The return of the Cursey Bites||
Hi!!! Time for another crazy funny chapter for the Misadventures of the phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerers! An idea that started with demon mun but we add chapters to it to see the crazy adventures of our muses. So I hope you enjoy.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 14-20||
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
((Your reading chapter 24 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
After the crazy training session involving both Ink and Jinx, it's time for a break. So, Gojo allowed both fractions to visit from time to time However, Kisho finds out that two friends of Taz's were cooks so maybe he can ask them for advice on his latest invention: Cursey bites. Can he bring the bites back to the light or will they still be targeted to shinigami? Read to find out.
~A lot of crazy things happen
~lots of yelling and cursing
~funny parts will be seen in this
~sickness will be seen in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Van Ink the dragon, The DBT, Taz Hellion, Kinie, Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Jinx violet and the cursed vixens are my OC's that belongs to me. While Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
After the crazy demon training thanks to Jinx and Ink, both of them were alright given the situation and everyone resting up. Gojo along with principle Yaga lets the DBT and Cursed Vixens stay for a while before heading back home to NYC later on this month. Though, the sorcerers learned a lot over the time which was cool.
Yuji was happy seeing his little panther again who was happily spending a lot of time with him at most. Everyone else was sharing stories, telling them what has been happening, even telling them of Taz's progress. The DBT were so proud of their Taz even knowing she's really gotten a lot more stronger.
Right now, both were just hanging out before Kisho finds out that two cooks; Jaron Jackal and Melinda brooks were visiting so..maybe..just maybe.
Right now in the home economics room, Miko and others were silent seeing the view in front of them. Seeing Daichi there bowing his head to the two cooks who sweatdrops.
"Please!! Please show me your wisdom of cooking! Their has to be a way to make this work!"
"Kisho...I know you are trying this but....it's not that simple to do such a thing.." Melinda said looking at him even if he's been asking on how to infused cursed energy into food for humans. However, it's hard to explain even Jaron was thinking about it himself.
"Kisho..I don't think even the cooks can explain it better-"
"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT MEGUMI! I know their is a way to do this. I know this can work! I just have to see how it works. That way, everyone can consume the food just like Yuji and Taz!" he sighed even with the two who was there blinking. He's still upset about this too?
"I do know! Remember what happened when you tried eating those cookies you made!? You got sick right away after two of them!" he said.
"I WAS FINE AFTER! DX!" Kisho argues.
"YOU WERE SICK FOR THREE DAYS! DX!!" Megumi argues back as everyone else looks to this. Even Jaron and Melinda sweatdrops to hear this.
"Wait, wait, wait, you consumed cursed infused food? Why though? I remember Taz said only out of the group she and Yuji can eat them.."
"They can. Though, when Kisho did, he got sick right away or got-"
"Cursed poisoning.." Melinda mutters to see Miko nod. "Well, that's not uncommon. Although, it's sotra true that humans can't really eat cursed infused food. You'll only end up as Miko said, get heavily poisoned from the cursed energy. Your body can't take that unless theirs a reason." she said but Ink and them were confused.
"Wait, so you have to have something to have your body get used to it?" Ink asked.
"Well, in a way. I read it in the books...true Taz and Yuji are the only ones that can handle the poison effect because of Sukuna and Kinie. Sukuna is immune to all poison and illness so Yuji can't get poisoned by it. Kinie Ger is also highly immune to them which explains she's able to eat cursed energy with no bad side effects on Taz. Their bodies are able to handle it." Ophelia explains to Kisho who was still upset.
"But their has to be a way to do it! I won't give up on my work! It has to work somehow!" Kisho wanted this to work so that way it can help everyone but remembering what happened the last time, Megumi banned him from making those dangerous cookies or snacks again. Well, unless Sukuna and Kinie demands for them.
"Kisho, dude, I don't think it will since like Ophelia said and Megumi; we just don't have the same strong immunity like Taz and Yuji do. I mean..wouldn't we just end up getting really really ill?" Rust said his thoughts on this with Breezy who was also curious.
As everyone was thinking about it, Jaron and Melinda was thinking themselves. However, Melinda sighed to close her eyes with arms crossed. Jaron noticed.
"Something on your mind, Melinda?"
"Hmmmm...maybe. Question, Kisho?" she sees him and Megumi stop arguing to look at her. "How much did you put into the food or these bites you made?" she had to think about it.
"Uhhhh..just a healthy amount. I mean, it was fine when I fed them to the shinigami. Eito liked them and the others too." he remembers hearing Eito chirp remembering the tasty treat.
"I see but how much? Like enough to cover the food? Just a few bits? One? How much?" she had to know getting a guess as Kisho was thinking.
"As I said, just a healthy amount.." Kisho sweatdrops.
"Hmm...well, even if you gave a amount for the cookies, I think you also gave enough where the shingami can get some boost from it. However, if your going to make something for humans or others to consume..I'm afraid it's not that easy." Melinda looks seeing the others confused.
"Care to explain?" Yuria asked seeing Melinda think.
"Well, theirs one way for another to be safely able to consume cursed energy which is having the ability of cursed spirit manipulation. They can eat a orb of a curse they beaten to gain their power...but also be immune to it." she said seeing everyone shocked.
"Hold up really!?" Kisho was shocked but Melinda sighed.
"Yes BUT! It's very risky. If the difference in grade is two levels or more, the curse manipulator can absorb a cursed spirit with practically no conditions attached. Also, the user can also extract the curse techniques of semi-grade 1 and above cursed spirits they absorb, providing them with an immense arsenal of potential different moves. It's something like a blessing but also a curse." Melinda looks to the side thinking about it while the others were shocked.
How did she know about that!?
"I knew about it..but it's thanks to my dad.." she said simply but the sorcerers were confused.
"Your....dad? He knows about the curses and other things?" Megumi asked.
"Yeah...though, he knows a lot...In his way." she said with arms crossed. "But lets focus here. True, that is one way to do it but..only one person had that technique but others tried to figure out ways to consume it safely." Melinda sighed with her eyes half way open.
"So...even if you could, you have to find the right amount for humans like you guys to consume it carefully. Even if your 'healthy amount' was safe, it just only made you sick. You also have to train your body to take in cursed energy in the gut and to absorb it. That takes a while to do." she also adds in.
"Woah so even if they did that, they'll end up getting sick still.." Jinx asked.
"..Yes.." Melinda said. "I recently knew about it Jaron did too. But we didn't know much about this till seeing the curses back home in NYC." she said. "That and...seeing that some people have...eaten some cursed foods...but resulted in them being sick." she mutters.
"In a way...theirs no way for this to work.." Nobara said.
"Well, in human ways yes....but their is a way....just a slow way." Melinda said that made everyone look at her. She sighed but looks to Jaron. "Wanna show them?"
"Sure... "He goes to get something but comes back with a hot plate of food. Some rib eye steak slices but they were cooked. However, some could smell how delicious it was.
'Okay, that does look good...' Kinie mutters seeing the cooked food.
'Hmmm...true..' Sukuna said after seeing Melinda looks to everyone.
"Would anyone wanna try one?" she asked.
"Uhhhh...can I?" Miko asked.
"OF course." Melinda smiled seeing Miko coming over but goes to pick up the fork and gets a piece. She looks at it before trying it as she chews. The others blinks watching this before Miko's eyes widen but smiled blushing.
"This is delicious.." she said getting another piece.
"I'm glad you like it." she said.
"Okay? So what is the reason for this though? She's just eating steak..." Megumi said.
"True she is......" Melinda said.
"But it's infused with cursed energy." Jaron said that Megumi and the other sorcerers were shocked looking at them.
"WHAT!?!?" they shouted but Miko kept chewing but felt Kisho hold her shoulders. "???"
"Miko don't swallow it. Please sit it out!" he said worried.
"Hmm?" she blinks not sure what was going on but she gulps to swallow it. "What do you mean???" she said seeing Kisho's eyes widen in horror.
"SHE SWALLOWED IT!!" the rest said even if the fractions sweatdrops to them panicking.
"NOOOOO MIKO!!!! YOU WERE POISONED!!" Kisho said crying as he held her that she blinks confused.
"Uhhh..guys..." Jaron tried to calm them down.
"HAVE YOU TWO LOST YOUR MINDS!! WHY WOULD YOU WANNA POISON MIKO FOR!?" Megumi said in shock but Jaron and Melinda sweatdrops that Jaron sighed.
"True, she has eaten something with cursed energy but she's not poisoned." he tries to explain.
"How are you sure!?" Yuria said worried with Melinda calming everyone down.
"As he said she's fine...see?" she points to Miko who was looking worried. Though, she didn't seem sick or anything. Kisho blinks then he looks seeing Miko was indeed...alright?
She wasn't looking sick or ill, she wasn't foaming at the mouth, or looked dazed. She was fine!?
"But...but you said the steak had cursed energy though.." Kisho said but Melinda looks to him.
"No it does..." she said seeing a jackal pup show up barking happily as he was smelling the steak. The others saw some cursed energy in it alright but then looks to MIko. She was fine.
"Okay I"m confused now..how?!" Navarro said.
"As we said, you just have to eat small bits and bits of cursed energy in order to train your body and stomach to consume it. Or, was cursed before in order to have your body already absorbed the energy. Like our friend Yuuka. When she was cursed before, her body absorbed cursed energy. Like Miko here, seems like she was as well right?" Melinda saw her nod.
"....S...so what your saying is...we can make food with cursed energy to help others!?" Kisho said with a squee of excitement.
"Yes..their is a possible chance that you can do just that. However, you have to train your stomach to do just that. It will take a while before you can eat something with that without getting sick." Melinda said.
"YES! So my idea can work! just think of all the wonderful things we can make to help boost stats, make someone stronger, it will be genius!" Kisho laughed with everyone else sighing.
"Though...I hope it still works even so-wait..." then he thought of something. "I was poisoned before! How come it didn't help me that one time when I made the chicken!?"
"....Maybe it's because you put too much at once? Even if you ate it before, you have to train your stomach to absorb it before you can eat food with cursed energy..." Melinda explains seeing everyone else curious.
"That is crazy but something...right Ink?....Ink?" Navarro looks seeing Ink happily eating the steak. "INK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
"Huh? Oh nothing, just having some steak! :3"
"YOUR STOMACH ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO....wait, your not getting sick either?" he said seeing Ink blink but looks at herself but shook her head.
"Nope! I'm good!" she grins happily with Navarro facepalming with the others not saying much. That or not knowing Ink was cursed by Sukuna in the past so...yeah that explains it.
"Okay nevermind...."
"Anyway, even with this, that works so even with some time you can-" That's when Kisho happily hugs both Jaron and Melinda who looks down.
"Uhhh your welcome?" Melinda said with eyes closed laughing a bit with Jaron not minding it before they were let go.
"Thanks to this! I can make Cursed Bites a reality!" he cheered but even takes a piece of steak to eat it. "I bet I'm immune even if I added a bit more I will train my stomach!!" he laughed to eat it.
"Wait, I don't think you-"
~~~~~~~~Moments later in the nurse office~~~~~~~~
Everyone winces hearing Kisho throwing up in the trash can but Melinda sweatdrops to sigh.
".....I should have warned you adding too much too soon can result in self poisoning too. -_-" she said seeing everyone worried. Miko was rubbing his back seeing him hurling in the trash can seeing the same cursed purple goo as he was pale.
"It's..ugh....still a break through. I will be victoriu-" He tenses to lower his head throwing up again seeing the fractions wince from the sound. However, they remained quiet to sigh.
"Oh god it tastes even worse! T_T" Kisho cries not knowing Sukuna and Kinie were laughing at this even with Yuji and Taz sweatdrop.
".......I think we can show you how to do it so..IF he decided to go through with this..he'll know how much but..maybe you should keep him from adding energy to food when training his stomach?" Jaron said.
"Trust me we will.." Megumi sighed as the group sees Kisho sick. Well, seems like theirs hope for the treats now! However, it's going to be a slow progress. For now, it's a step ahead. Miko rubs his back but she still was alright after eating the cursed infused steak piece.
But she knew Kisho could do it. But for now, he needed to rest for a bit.
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pclarcld · 1 day ago
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──   (  nick robinson. twenty4. cis man. he/him.  ) thank god you’re here, man - have you seen SEBASTIAN "BASH" STARR anywhere? i totally lost them after their rendition of come on eileen by dexys midnight runners last night. no? they’re like, aye - high and go to LANGSTON - i think they’re a GRADUATE level studying CHEMISTRY? but who knows, these days. all i know is that they’re ASTUTE & ABRASIVE and a SCORPIO . last night they kept going on and on about how they won MOST LIKELY TO END UP IN JAIL last year, which is cool and whatever, but i just wouldn’t expect it out of them, considering they’re so, like, DAUNTLESS & STOIC, you know? anyways - i’m going to check down by book stew, i think that’s where they like to hang. text me if you see them, okay? bye! / as penned by parker.  twenty7.  est. 
full name: sebastian "bash" samuel starr
birthdate: october 31st, 2001
parents: daniel starr (estranged) & elizabeth morrow (estranged)
siblings: cameron starr (deceased) & ______ _____
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him/his
sexuality: pansexual
languages: english, asl
height: 6'1
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
tattoos: multiple scattered stick n poke
+traits: astute, dauntless, inquisitive, creative, loyal
- traits: cataclysmic, abrasive, impulsive, stoic, overwrought
labels: the crimson, the hellion, the bibliophile
aesthetics: bruised knuckles, making a “fuck you” gesture at authorities, glossy & reddened eyes, cigarette smoke, the smell of old books, writing obscene messages in the bathroom stalls, doc martins, black coffee, picking locks
character inspo: john bender (breakfast club), jess mariano (gilmore girls), lip gallagher (shameless)
fears: claustrophobia, the unknown, dying alone
hobbies: writing, reading, photography, gaming
likes: cats, winter, solitude, sex, drinking, drugs
dislikes: hypocrites, loud eaters, mushrooms, the heat
myers-briggs: intp-t
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
temperment: choleric
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
bash is your local dirtbag asshole who thinks he's 2 cool to get close to people. catch him pushing everyone and anyone away !!
but he's kinda just an asshole as a defense mechanism. he has a heart sometimes :(
once he cares/loves u he probably won't ever stop even if he acts like it . like end of the day even if it was the worst falling out over he'd still probably drop everything. he's loyal as fRICK
def spends wayyy too much time partying. is he ever really sober ? idk. he def has some problems he doesn't wanna admit
he’s a scholarship kid baybeeee
catch him with a bpd diagnosis but never doing anything to healthily cope ever . very on/off on treatment plans
he hates authority and he hates being told what to do
he just wanna be cozied up reading a book and forgetting the world
hes estranged from both his parents and likes to pretend they don’t exist ! his mother walked out when he was fairly young and his dad liked to numb his feelings with alcohol which made him quite !!! unpleasant to be around
he's the smartest idiot you'd ever meet. iq says he has braincells but he's so stubborn on thinking he's always right it can get the best of him
his undergrad was in chemistry and minored in journalism and he kinda battled like does he wanna do a smart big kid job or like.. have a job he actually enjoys
he has a older brother that passed and due to all of that he kinda spiraled and thinks he needs to do something bigger than himself, so he thinks the way HE can make a difference is getting into forensic scientists and being able to collect allll the facts. he likes it but also ... there's kinda this creative gap and void
prolly always carries a lil pocket notebook to write ideas, poems, and doodle
SIBLING ; the only one who knows how and why they're both so fucked up. "siblings are like branches of a tree. we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one". open to backstory changes, or half sibling? maybe even step siblings could work. i love me some complicated family dynamics.
RIDE OR DIE ; no matter the hardships, they always have each others back. maybe they knew each other before college or grew close more recently. "even though we're goin' through it. and it makes you feel alone. just know that I would die for you"
FIRST LOVE ; someone that finally made him let his guard down and open up his heart. "but if the world was ending you'd come over, right?"
PARTNER IN CRIME ; perhaps they're a bad influence on each other, but they know how to have a good time. "they'll call our crimes a work of art. you'll never take us alive."
ENEMIES ; these two hate each other. always have and probably always will. whether it's just personalities clashing or a drama-filled falling out. "your words up on the wall as you're praying for my fall."
other ideas, but always up for some brainstorming: tutored, old bully/bullied, childhood friends, exes (good terms/bad terms, i only imagine him having a serious relationship or two tho), fwbs, one night stand, ex friends, frenemies, unlikely friends, unrequited love/crush, drug dealer, friends that typically only hang for partying/drinking/drugs, someone he's gotten into fights with, the "other" person.
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