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democracyunderground · 6 months ago
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davidaugust · 22 days ago
"The re-election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States provided Meta [owner of Facebook, Instagram, Threads and such] with a glorious opportunity to pivot from futile co-operation with the EU to confrontation and coercion. If Meta could get the US government onside in its battles with the EU and other jurisdictions, then it would maximise its chances of success."
"In his Facebook announcement this week of changes to various policies, Zuckerberg candidly said that he wanted to 'work with President Trump to push back on governments around the world. They’re going after American companies and pushing to censor more. The US has the strongest constitutional protections for free expression in the world…The only way that we can push back on this global trend is with the support of the US government.'"
"For a corporation in the predicament of Meta this makes perfect commercial sense, even if it does violence to previously expressed sentiments. This is not an example of a company suddenly acting irrationally, but of a company rationally responding to one political development so as to facilitate defeating a regulatory challenge."
"And as the business models of most social media platforms require engagement above all — for without engagement you cannot have data mining and monetising and advertising — it really does not matter that the engagement is generated and amplified by misinformation and disinformation."
"The recent appointments at board level at Meta look like it is preparing for battle, and one in which its current commercial model requires it to defeat the aims of foreign governments. The new appointments make a lot of strategic sense."
"Nonetheless there is a fight ahead: over who shall regulate the social media platforms that in turn are influential in shaping (and contaminating) public discourse."
(Unfortunately behind a paywall: https://www.ft.com/content/917c9535-1cdb-4f6a-9a15-1a0c83663bfd )
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usafphantom2 · 10 months ago
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5000th Phantom!
@CibChris via X
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scribblesoul-20 · 3 days ago
Head of HR – Dubai Multinational Company
Job title: Head of HR – Dubai Multinational Company Company: eMagine Solutions Job description: We are seeking an experienced and strategic Head of HR to join a leading multinational company in Dubai. This pivotal role requires a seasoned HR professional with a Talent Acquisition background and proven expertise in managing end-to-end HR operations across diverse business units.Key…
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nationallawreview · 2 months ago
Proposed Disregarded Payment Loss Rules Create Traps for the Unwary
Be wary: The US Department of the Treasury’s proposed disregarded payment loss (DPL) regulations lay surprising new traps for multinational taxpayers – and those ensnared are unlikely to see what’s coming. Under the proposed regulations, disregarded payments from a foreign disregarded entity to its domestic corporate parent can give rise to a US income inclusion without any offsetting…
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aurianneor · 3 months ago
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Ein Leben in Würde führen
Rechtsextreme Ideen gewinnen weltweit an Boden. Die Parteien der Mitte und der Rechten übernehmen ihre Ideen. Sie sind verführerisch, weil sie vorschlagen, die Würde durch die Bekräftigung der nationalen Identität wiederherzustellen.
Viele Gebiete wurden zugunsten der Städte aufgegeben (öffentliche Dienstleistungen, Gesundheit, Transport usw.). Die Menschen, die dort leben, werden vom allgegenwärtigen Neoliberalismus für schuldig befunden: Wenn sie scheitern, ist es ihre Schuld! Wenn sie arbeitslos sind und zu viele Kilos auf den Rippen haben, sind sie selbst schuld. Die extreme Rechte schlägt ihnen vor, sich über die Ausländer zu stellen. Ihr Erbe reicht aus, und ohne etwas zu tun, gewinnen sie an Wert.
Aber es gibt Wege, die eher im Einklang mit der Demokratie und dem Zusammenleben stehen, um die Würde wiederzuerlangen. Es ist nicht nötig, gegen Einwanderer vorzugehen. Man muss die Existenz dieser als „beklagenswert“ bezeichneten Menschen anerkennen und ihnen wieder einen Platz in der Gesellschaft einräumen.
Ein ausreichendes Einkommen, um sich im Einklang mit der Umwelt zu ernähren (Bio-Permakultur und Tierschutz), menschenwürdige Wohnungen und öffentliche Dienstleistungen sind unerlässlich. Es muss massiv in Infrastruktur investiert und ein universelles Grundeinkommen eingeführt werden.
Gute Arbeit unter guten Bedingungen ist Würde! Wettbewerb muss verboten werden, wenn er nicht die Qualität, die sozialen Kriterien und die Umweltkriterien respektiert.
Die Subvention ist eine Falle. Sie erhöhen nicht den Lebensstandard, sondern ermöglichen es nur, den Reichen öffentliche Gelder zukommen zu lassen. Ein Beispiel: Die Vergabe von Wohngeld ermöglicht es Hausbesitzern, die Mietpreise zu erhöhen, wodurch öffentliche Gelder in die Taschen der Hausbesitzer fließen. Ein anderes Beispiel ist die Subventionierung der Landwirtschaft nach der Menge der eingesetzten Pestizide, wodurch die Bauern gezwungen werden, ihre Einnahmen an die Lebensmittelindustrie abzugeben.
Die Kontrolle der Preise für die wesentlichen Dinge wie Nahrung, Wohnung und Gesundheit ist für ein menschenwürdiges Leben unerlässlich. Zunächst müssen die Erzeuger oder Viehzüchter von ihrer Arbeit leben können, anstatt von der Allgemeinheit durch Sozialleistungen unterstützt zu werden, die an Bedingungen geknüpft sind. Der Verkaufspreis muss würdig sein, damit die Erzeuger oder Landwirte in Übereinstimmung mit ihrem Willen arbeiten können, selbstständig und verantwortlich sind. Andernfalls kann z. B. Cargill für drei Franken und sechs Cent Produkte kaufen, die die Natur nicht respektieren. Zweitens: Das Wohnen in der Stadt schließt die Menschen vom Land aus. Es ist zu teuer geworden, eine Wohnung zu finden und damit auch eine Ausbildung zu absolvieren. Die Mieten müssen kontrolliert werden.
Was hier inakzeptabel ist, ist auch anderswo inakzeptabel. Es muss Bedingungen für den Import geben. Wir müssen die multinationalen Konzerne für ihre unsozialen und umweltfeindlichen Aktionen im In- und Ausland zur Rechenschaft ziehen.
Privateigentum kann nicht absolut sein. Umweltverschmutzung und die Zerstörung von Wäldern können nicht akzeptiert werden. Die Freiheit ist eingeschränkt, da man anderen nicht schaden darf.
Der Kapitalismus muss bekämpft werden, da in einem Unternehmen das Eigentum die gesamte Entscheidungsgewalt verleiht. Die Angestellten und die Gesellschaft müssen ein Mitspracherecht haben, da sie zum Erfolg des Unternehmens beigetragen haben: Straßen, Polizei, Schule, Ausbildung usw. Sie haben auch ein Mitspracherecht, wenn es um die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die Behandlung von Mitarbeitern und Tieren geht. Die Zukunft des Unternehmens muss in ihren Händen liegen, und sie müssen die Zukunft ihrer Arbeitsplätze beeinflussen können. Es stimmt, dass die Eigentümer ein Risiko eingehen. Aber auch die Angestellten gehen Risiken ein: Sie haben in ihre Ausbildung investiert, sie ziehen um, sie schulen ihre Kinder. Das Kapital bewegt sich ohne Zwang und wandert von einem Unternehmen zum anderen. Eigentum ist kein heiliges Recht. Es gibt keine leeren Häuser, wenn Menschen auf der Straße schlafen!
Wohltätigkeit befähigt nicht dazu, würdig zu sein. Man muss aufgrund seiner positiven Wirkung für die Gesellschaft selbstständig sein können. Wenn es den Menschen gut geht, werden sie weniger krank und das kostet die Gesellschaft weniger. Diejenigen, die besitzen und für die Burn-outs oder gar Selbstmorde ihrer Angestellten verantwortlich sind und die aus reinem Eigennutz die Umwelt zuhauf verschmutzen, werden aufgewertet, während eine arbeitslose Person, die ihren Gemüsegarten anlegt und sich um Jung und Alt kümmert, nicht aufgewertet wird.
Um die extreme Rechte zu bekämpfen, muss man aufhören, sie einfach nur zu dämonisieren, auch wenn es stimmt, dass sie eine echte Gefahr für die Demokratien und die Werte der Revolution darstellt. Man muss Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die allen Menschen ihre Würde zurückgeben, die ein Zusammenleben ermöglichen, ohne auszugrenzen.
Bernard Lavilliers – Les mains d’or: https://youtu.be/gsYogvPSFak?si=sCZBYzVNdL1f3Ly7
übersetzt mit Deepl
Living with dignity: https://www.aurianneor.org/living-with-dignity/
Vivre dignement: https://www.aurianneor.org/vivre-dignement/
Una vida digna: https://www.aurianneor.org/una-vida-digna/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
What I am worth depends neither on market nor on race: https://www.aurianneor.org/what-i-am-worth-depends-neither-on-market-nor-on-race/
Klassenrassismus: https://www.aurianneor.org/klassenrassismus/
Wählen ist kein Vergnügen: https://www.aurianneor.org/wahlen-ist-kein-vergnugen-verwenden-sie-deepl-zum/
The workers: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-workers/
Work, it’s an all-or-nothing option: https://www.aurianneor.org/work-its-an-all-or-nothing-option/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration-2/
Humiliated by the Republic: https://www.aurianneor.org/humiliated-by-the-republic/
Price ceilings and price floors: https://www.aurianneor.org/price-ceilings-and-price-floors/
Cut out the middleman: https://www.aurianneor.org/cut-out-the-middleman/
Fair trade and organic farming: https://www.aurianneor.org/fair-trade-and-organic-farming/
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-according-to-the-latest-international/
Restricting individual wealth: https://www.aurianneor.org/restricting-individual-wealth/
To give or not to give?: https://www.aurianneor.org/to-give-or-not-to-give-give-or-not-give-giving/
We’re all in it together: https://www.aurianneor.org/were-all-in-it-together/
How can we win back trust?: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-can-we-win-back-trust/
Retirement pensions: https://www.aurianneor.org/retirement-pensions/
2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left.: https://www.aurianneor.org/2024-uk-general-election-choosing-the-right-or-the-left/
Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite: https://www.aurianneor.org/legislatives-2024-choisir-la-gauche-ou-la-droite/
Travail, Famille, Consommation vs Liberté Egalité, Fraternité: https://www.aurianneor.org/travail-famille-consommation-vs-liberte-egalite/
Nos ancêtres les marrons: https://www.aurianneor.org/nos-ancetres-les-marrons-il-nexiste-quune-seule/
Freedom and coexistence: https://www.aurianneor.org/freedom-and-coexistence/
Representation of capitalism trying to take all the resources and trying to make workers live nothing but work: https://www.aurianneor.org/representation-of-capitalism-trying-to-take-all-the-resources-and-trying-to-make-workers-live-nothing-but-work/
“Capitalism will eat democracy; unless we speak up”: https://www.aurianneor.org/yanis-varoufakis-capitalism-will-eat-democracy/
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harshr · 4 months ago
Many nations, one underground.
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slide-into-the-void · 5 months ago
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I introduce you to a few chaps you’ve met before; The Chaos Quartet! Aka, my pals
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integscloud · 5 months ago
Unlocking Global Efficiency: The Power of Oracle NetSuite OneWorld
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Does it ever feel that you are managing a multinational enterprise like juggling a dozen balls at once while riding a unicycle? As each country has its own currencies, languages, tax regulations, and operational challenges.
Do you want to stop all your juggling and go on a smooth ride with your operations management? If yes, enter the world of NetSuite OneWorld, a cloud-based ERP solution designed to take the complexity out of global business management and streamline operations across borders.
Let’s dive into what makes Oracle NetSuite OneWorld a cutting-edge game-changer technology for multinational companies.
What is NetSuite OneWorld?
Oracle NetSuite OneWorld is a centralized command center for your entire global operation. That’s essentially what NetSuite OneWorld offers. It’s a robust cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that allows companies to manage multiple subsidiaries, business units, and legal entities in real-time. With support for over 190 currencies, 27 languages, and automated tax compliance in more than 100 countries, OneWorld is tailor-made for businesses with a global footprint.
Stellar Features of Oracle NetSuite OneWorld
1. Global Financial Consolidation
Think of OneWorld as your financial management best-friend. It provides real-time visibility into the financial health of all your subsidiaries, making consolidation a breeze. You can easily manage different currencies, adhere to various taxation rules, and ensure compliance with local reporting standards with just few clicks.
2. Multi-Currency Management
Conducting business across borders often means dealing with multiple currencies. NetSuite OneWorld handles transactions in over 190 currencies, offering real-time currency conversion and financial consolidation, so your financial team can focus on strategy rather than conversions.
3. Multi-Language Support
With support for 27 languages, OneWorld ensures that your team and customers can interact with the system in their preferred language, fostering better communication and operational efficiency.
4. Automated Tax Compliance
Tax compliance can be a nightmare, especially when dealing with multiple jurisdictions. NetSuite OneWorld automates this process, tracking local tax regulations and ensuring that every transaction complies with them, significantly reducing the risk of penalties.
5. Real-Time Reporting and Analytics
In the business world, knowledge is power. OneWorld provides powerful reporting and analytics tools that offer real-time insights into your business performance. Customizable dashboards and reports help you make informed decisions based on the latest data.
6. Centralized Order Management
Managing orders from multiple channels and subsidiaries can be chaotic. OneWorld centralizes this process, ensuring efficient order processing, reducing lead times, and boosting customer satisfaction.
7. Unified Billing and Revenue Recognition
With Oracle NetSuite OneWorld, billing and revenue recognition are streamlined into a single system, handling different billing models and complex revenue recognition rules with ease. This ensures compliance with accounting standards and enhances financial accuracy.
8. Comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Maintaining strong customer relationships is crucial for any business. OneWorld’s integrated CRM capabilities allow you to manage customer interactions, sales processes, and support services effectively, improving both customer satisfaction and sales performance.
The Benefits of Oracle NetSuite OneWorld
1. Improved Operational Efficiency
Automation is key to efficiency. NetSuite OneWorld automates and streamlines various business processes, reducing manual effort and errors, speeding up transaction processing, and boosting overall productivity.
2. Enhanced Global Visibility
With OneWorld, you get real-time visibility into operations across all subsidiaries. This consolidated view enables better decision-making and a clear understanding of your global business performance.
3. Scalability
As your business grows, NetSuite OneWorld grows with you. Whether you’re expanding into new markets or adding new subsidiaries, OneWorld adapts to ensure seamless operations, making it a future-proof solution.
4. Compliance and Risk Management  
Staying compliant with local regulations is crucial for avoiding penalties. OneWorld’s automated compliance and regulatory reporting features help businesses stay on the right side of the law, minimizing risk.
5. Cost Savings  
Consolidating multiple systems into OneWorld reduces the need for disparate software solutions, leading to significant cost savings. Plus, being cloud-based means lower infrastructure and maintenance costs.
Tackling Key Business Challenges with NetSuite OneWorld  
1. Complex Global Financial Management  
Managing finances across multiple subsidiaries and currencies can be daunting. NetSuite OneWorld simplifies this by providing a unified system for financial consolidation, currency conversion, and tax compliance.
2. Lack of Real-Time Data  
In today’s fast-paced environment, real-time data is crucial. OneWorld’s real-time reporting and analytics ensure decision-makers have access to accurate, up-to-date information, enhancing responsiveness and strategic planning.
3. Inefficient Order and Inventory Management  
Disparate systems for order and inventory management lead to inefficiencies. NetSuite OneWorld centralizes these processes, streamlining operations and improving accuracy.
4. Compliance Challenges  
Keeping up with local tax regulations and compliance requirements is complex. OneWorld’s automated compliance features ensure you stay compliant, reducing the risk of costly penalties.
5. Fragmented Customer Relationship Management  
Managing customer relationships requires a unified approach. NetSuite OneWorld’s integrated CRM capabilities provide a holistic view of customer interactions, improving service and sales performance.
Oracle NetSuite OneWorld isn’t just an ERP system; it’s a comprehensive solution for managing the complexities of a global business. Its features—from global financial consolidation to real-time reporting—are designed to enhance operational efficiency, improve visibility, ensure compliance, and reduce costs.
For any multinational company looking to streamline operations and drive growth, NetSuite OneWorld offers the robust capabilities needed to achieve business objectives. Whether you’re expanding into new markets or optimizing existing operations, OneWorld is your partner in global business success. Embrace the future of global business management with Oracle NetSuite OneWorld and unlock your company’s true potential.
Integs Cloud Your Trusted NetSuite Partner:
Integs Cloud is a proud Oracle NetSuite Solution provider with Over 11+ years of Industry Expertise. Discover how our experts excel in delivering efficient NetSuite implementations, optimizing value, seamlessly integrating with external systems, and providing cost-effective ongoing support—all while maintaining top-notch quality. Connect with us to see how we can enhance your NetSuite experience.
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tenth-sentence · 6 months ago
It created its own marketplace of about 470 large multinational names culled from the Fortune 800 that suggested opportunities to cross-market with the bank in Australia.
"Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank" - Edna Carew
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immensetruckingsolutionsltd · 9 months ago
10 Tips for Choosing the Right Trucking Solutions Ltd
Choosing the right trucking solutions provider is crucial for the success of your business. Whether you're a small local operation or a multinational corporation, finding a reliable and efficient partner can make all the difference in your supply chain management. To help you navigate the selection process, here are 10 essential tips to consider when choosing the right trucking solutions ltd:
Assess Your Needs: Before beginning to investigate trucking providers, take time to analyze your requirements for transportation. Consider the amount of items you need to transport, the frequency of shipments, and any particular requirements you may have. 
Experience and Reputation: Look for trucking companies with a proven track record of experience and reliability in the industry. Analyze the company's reputation, reviews, and case studies of previous clients.
Safety Record: When choosing a trucking solutions provider, safety should be the top priority. Inquire about their safety processes, driver training programs, and safety records, which include accident rates and compliance with industry standards. 
Fleet and Equipment: Evaluate the company's fleet and equipment to ensure they have the capacity and capabilities to handle your shipments efficiently. Look for modern, well-maintained vehicles equipped with the latest technology for tracking and monitoring.
Coverage Area: Consider the geographical areas covered by the trucking company's services. Ensure they can provide transportation solutions to your desired destinations and have prior experience navigating the routes you want. 
Customization Options: Seek out trucking companies that offer customizable solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require temperature-controlled shipping, expedited delivery, or specialized handling, choose a provider that can accommodate your unique requirements.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is paramount in the trucking industry. Select a firm that is attentive, communicative, and dedicated to giving excellent service throughout the shipping process. 
Technology and Tracking: Look for trucking solutions providers that leverage technology to enhance efficiency and transparency. Features such as real-time tracking, electronic documentation, and online portals for shipment management can streamline operations and provide greater visibility into your shipments.
Insurance Coverage: Ensure that the trucking company carries adequate insurance coverage to protect your cargo events from loss, damage, or theft during transit. Verify their insurance policies and ask about any additional coverage options available.
Cost and Value: While cost is important, it should not be the sole determinant in your decision-making process. Consider the overall value offered by the trucking company, including factors such as reliability, efficiency, and the quality of service provided.
By following these ten tips, you can make a well-informed decision when choosing the right Trucking Solutions Ltd for your business. Take the time to research and evaluate potential partners thoroughly to ensure a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.
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lostnlistening · 7 months ago
What is the land you call home?
is it in the summertime fields – burnt, bitten, but with a belly full of laughter
A cottage smelling of cinnamon and sugar
a nose pink and numb, heated by steam from cocoa
is it in the tropical storm of tan-lines and bare feet sinking into sand
pool parties, mermaid make-believe, adopted animals free to come and free to go
where the ocean hosted first kisses and teenage rebellion
is it the land that claims to best know the shape of your feet 
is it the land that claimed your curiosity, living in your dreams
is it the land in which lies your people and therefore your heart
it it the land full of newness and adventure, a choice, an opportunity
Is there a land to call home? A place? A house?
Is home a person or a memory?
I feel at home everywhere and nowhere, all at once
I haven’t yet found a home in myself
Would you mind making a poetry prompt list?
Something out of reach
Message from the dead
What you hear on the radio
The land you call home
Above the ground
People you don't know anymore
A collection of items
Waiting and waiting
A pair of old shoes
Behind a lock
Stained glass windows
The time of day
Going upstairs
Leftover dreams
Broken compass
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usafphantom2 · 10 months ago
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Eurofighter EF2000 Typhoon first flown 27 March 1994.
The EF2000 DA-1 used Rb199 engines for 123-flights until the Eurojet EJ200 were installed in 1997. Being the first of 7 Development Aircraft, it was used to test the aircrafts handling characteristics & engine performance.
@AirrecC via X
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abiodun-360degree · 1 year ago
Comments on organizational ideologies
Probably most of the things that liberals fear about large organization are not the profit they make, once you analyze them closely, but the kind of power they throw around in society such as the power to hire and fire, to pollute, to corrupts governments, to maintain a class system and prevent the redistribution of income and above all to shape men’s mind (including those of us, unfortunately,…
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ykeencomputereyes · 1 year ago
PayPal, money transfer multinational.
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digitalcreationsllc · 1 year ago
Multiple hackers claim responsibility for Sony data breach
Multinational technology company Sony has allegedly been the victim of a data breach, with various hacking gangs attempting to take credit for the hack. The company has said it is investigating the claims made by multiple malicious groups which saw 3.14GB of data allegedly belonging to Sony posted on dark web hacking sites. Extortion group RansomedVC initially claimed responsibility for the cyber…
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