#MK respondes
roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko ran to the Lin Kuei temple desperately, she knocked at Selviya’s door waiting for her. Mitsuko was huffing and she was with a… scared face.
Selviya hastly opens the door for her. To see Mitsuko. She was scared and panting heavily.
Selviya kneels down to her level and asked her
“Whats wrong Mistuko?” Selviya asks with concern in her tone
“I need your help!” Mitsuko answered
“Of course just tell me what happend?” Selviya replied. Worried for her
Mitsuko Still at shock. So she didn’t reply to her. Selviya tells Mitsuko to come inside her room and tell her everything. As she prepares for her Hot cocoa and cookies
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mintaikcorpse · 8 months
The monkeys on ffm watching the most dramatic breakup in history
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crazysaru99 · 11 months
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"Didn't you know how to read?"
Monkey King can read... but Doesn't understand modern chinese.
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yarmiko-art · 1 year
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Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. She finally has her own reference sheet now I feel like it's often gets glossed over how much trainwreck of a person Susie actually is. Let alone losing her dad in more than one way, but also having a huge part of her life, her adolescence, being ripped away and spending it in a very hostile AD Girl has zero social skills outside of work practise. You'll be kind to her and she will hardwire because she has no idea how to respond to it
Close ups under the cut
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emelinstriker · 8 months
Wild question. If mink is in charge of the scroll of memory, does that mean he can look into the Readers past too? (Asked by someone who hasnt gotten to season 4 yet but has been spoiled a lot)
From what I'm imagining how it works- Mink can't look into someone's memory unless they've been sucked into the scroll, or someone who witnessed the Reader's past was sucked into the scroll. Kind of seems to be the case with how Mink doesn't bring up any of MK's memories until he was already within the scroll with the others.
Before that, the curse only displayed ink forms of celestial warriors and other celestial memories with Wukong around. Because the scroll doesn't have any memories of MK saved at that point.
So Mink most likely can't see the Reader's memories since he wouldn't suck them into the scroll unless really necessary for safety reasons.
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
Hi. I'm wondering about one thing.🤔
Are you remember I asked you if there was a possibility that the Lady bone demon was a pawn of our mysterious guest? And you said it might be a possibility. So...
So I think Mayor was created by this mystery guy. To keep an eye on the Lady bone demon. Bah! I think he even made sure she would dance to the rhythm of our mystery person's plan.
Because how is it that there were glaring differences between Mayor and Wukong when it came to body possession? Because look. Sun wukong kept fighting with lady bone demon because of course he wanted freedom. And the mayor what? Didn't he want to either? It may also be that the mayor fought at first, but eventually gave up. It might be like this. I'm not saying there's no such option.
ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
Oooor it is that he was specifically created to be easily possessed. You never know when your supposedly loyal companion will suddenly stab you in the back because he was ordered to kill you because you would thwart his plan.
And those white eyes! Did no one notice that suddenly their general had eyes like that? Or maybe… maybe he had it like that from the very beginning? 😏
If it weren't like that. I don't know. (ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳
Why didn't he free his lady? Damn. He literally had the key to freeing her and instead he gave it to MK.
Why doesn't anyone mention him in season 4? Or why they didn't show what happened to him in season 3?
So, I think the Mayor was 100%, completely loyal to LBD!
I think he was someone who shared LBD's ideals, and that they grew close during LBD's time as an Ivory Lady. He came to see the flaws with the emperor he served, and chose to follow someone he thought had the world's best interest in mind, selecting her as "his lady". He wanted to help LBD and destiny create a world "no longer plagued by pain".
The difference between Wukong and the Mayor is that the Mayor was possessed willingly:
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Emperor: "You! Sieze this traitor, now!" Lady Bone Demon: "You'll find your Chief of War takes his directive from me now." Emperor: "You- you've been planing this from the beginning haven't you! To work your way to the top, to overthrow me! And you *turning to the mayor*, you helped her! Traitors! Deceivers!" Lady Bone Demon: "I did not deceive you. When I came into your service, my intent was to aid in perfecting this world."
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
My interpretation has always been that like LBD, the Mayor worked as the Chief of War to help make the world "more perfect", or "a better place". When that wasn't the case, he had the same revelation that Azure did working under the Jade Emperor, then deciding to follow a different person of high status, aka the Lady Bone Demon (like Azure then chose to follow the Monkey King).
So quite simply, the Mayor didn't need to be controlled because he was already willing to do whatever his Lady asked of him.
When it comes to "why didn't he free his Lady if he had the key", I think part of it was that he was helping to set plans into motion. LBD was a believer in patience, and that destiny would fulfill itself "soon enough" (though she becomes distinctly impatient by the end). He didn't need to take action immediately—the pieces had to come together first.
LBD needed to collect very powerful items to create her mech, one of which was from the celestial realm itself. LBD never worked directly, always using some pawn to do it for her. She used Spider Queen and her henchmen, she used DBK, she used MK, she used Macaque, she used SWK—it's a long list. So, it's not surprising that she didn't just have the Mayor come and free her (assuming the Mayor even knew where she was before DBK found her), and it's not surprising that she didn't just bust out of her prison guns a-blazing. She worked in far subtler ways.
I've also totally wondered what happened to the Mayor post EYD! The answer to that is either it's not important, or it's not important yet—who knows, maybe he's in prison with Yellowtusk!
But other than that, I think the Mayor was just a guy who was loyal to the end.
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diverging-tides · 10 months
Part 23- Final!
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The spicynoodles is no longer implied everyone- this is not a drill!
Anyway, MK finds Jack to be EXTREMELY infuriating, having tried to talk him out of villainy before, only to get shot at, and constantly have his schedule interrupted for his efforts. He really didn’t think Hunter would have any luck trying to befriend him, so being informed that Hunter was both successful in befriending Jack (somewhat) and talking shit about him behind his back set him off
Red Son just finds MK’s indignant rage hilarious
Meanwhile, Hunter and Macaque fixed Jacks hair back up, gave him a little cut so it looks neat again, and Hunter took him out for boba.
Jack… doesn’t know what to do in regards to Hunters unconditioned kindness, so he just played nice all day
Anyway, that’s the end of Ruby! I’ll see everyone in Tigers Eye!
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janetcage · 4 months
I drew Syzoth today and the girl beside me said he looked like Ticci-Toby
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the-friendly-entity · 4 months
I enjoyed my request I love it!!! Can you also do headcanon male mk1 characters of: Kenshi, Raiden, Lui Kang, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vbrada, Bi Han, Reiko, Syzoth, Havik, Shang Tsung, and Baraka romancing with sweet loving yet the silent dangerous fem s/o who has the same powers of Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch please?
[ ~"Silent but Deathly"~ ] - Mortal Kombat 1
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Interesting! sadly i not very familiar with Marvel (or any other super hero) universe, so i hope this is good!
What contains? Scarlet Witch Powers Reader, Female Reader, Silent Reader, Sweet/Lovely Reader, Dangerous Reader
How is visualized as? Cople Relation Ship
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-Actions speak more from words and is something he understands from you, you do not need to talk to make yourself understand what you feel or what you want, that is the stronger communication and understanding
-You two are just lovely doves, please...is almost like you two are made for each other and how you two spend time being together, enjoy each other presence, Kung Lao is freaking jealous
-You never need the necessary to show your powers, or really be important to really tell, only one time Raiden was doing something in the house and almost a pot fell on his head, thankfully you acted fast and used your telekinesis to avoid him getting injured, making him surprised knowing you have powers
-He more relief to know you are not defenseless and you have the power to defend yourself, since that day, you two started to training, you two even lovely doves in the training <3, only could see that deadly side of you one time when the template was attacked, seeing Raiden hurt to make you trigger and really use your powers to kill without mercy
-He was surprised nonetheless, but he knew this could be a problem, he was not afraid of you, not at all, but he is very aware if you dont control/use your correctly your powers this can affect you badly, and he is your lover, he will help you with it
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Smoke - Tomas
-Ditto but I think even 'worse', you two take any chance to be with each other, anything! anytime!, and you guys could just spend an entire day in silence, without saying a word, and yet understanding each other, you dont have an idea how Smoke his happy to be with you
-I not joking when I say he is very happy and thankful you exist in his life, your kindness and you are always there when he dont have a good day/bus day, is an escape from reality, almost a dream, he has no idea how thankful he is from you
-The time you showed your powers was when you were training with Smoke, Smoke worried about your safety so he asked you to train with him sometime to time so you can protect yourself if he can't be with you to protect you, something you accept, after all, is fun! in one of does time you use your powers to create a shield due you dint saw Smoke attacks, caught Smoke surprised to see you have powers
-He was happier and relief knowing you had powers to defend yourself, it made him calmer to know you were not defenseless being alone, yet he was worried when one-time Bi-Hand and his ninja came to attack, you were angry, how dare he show his face? and even hurt Smoke more, he was not in his right to say him he was a failure, if was not for Smoke himself, you would already killed Bi-Hand
-Even if Bi-Hand deserves to be punished, Smoke dont like you to take this responsibility because of him, and more he dont want you to kill someone, justice will be made but please...he dont want to see your hands full of blood
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-He was not a very talked person either, he speaks when is necessary, so he does not mind if you are silent, he can understand what you want or what you feel, and that is all that he needs
-Even though he has a strong personality, he is sweet with the ones who are trustworthy, and you? even more, he sometimes thinks you dont need to be this kind to him, knowing he is always busy and you most alone...but that does not matter, you care about him and he cares about you as well, even when time is limited
-I feel your powers are shown off when once again, being attacked, use a variety of your powers, Telekinesis, Energy power, teletransportecion, he relief knowing you can defend yourself but there is no time for think from that
-Again, you will be not allowed to kill Bi-Hand, and you two have your first serious talk, is nothing that bad, but Scorpion is concerned about this power, is too much, and can be this a problem in the future if you can't use correctly, or be influenced by it, but dont worry, he will help you, he will there to help you to control your powers
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-Ditto but worse, he is not a very talked person at all, only talks rarely and mostly not good, you being quiet he dont mind, but sometimes you two dont understand each other silence :( so can this result in some problems
-Even the coldest heart has a warm spot, after all, he loves you, and even he dont like to show this side because he dont want to look "weak", you are the only one who can warm his heart, does nice moment almost feel forever, and you can see in Bi-Hand eyes he dont want this to stop anytime sooner...
-Knowing he put you into the Lin-kuey army, surely will know very soon about your powers, and not hesitate to train you to be more powerful more stronger, to try to reach your limit and full potential
-He allowed you to kill, to spread blood all around, no one deserves to limit such power like yours have, and surely in no time your hand be full of blood for once was an obstacle from Bi-Hand's wishes
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Kenshi Takahashi
-again, a quiet guy, who only talks when is necessary, or when he really feels very motivated he will talk more often, he dont mind your silence, but sadly his blind condition is the need of some words, physical communication can help too, but words are need it
-talking about physical touch, is very often your sweetness and love are shown that way, because he cant see, he can feel, holding hands, cuddling, gently touching his face or near his eyes, he loves it, is like you make him forgot about everything in the world for a moment, and you can feel his body feel less tense
-Multiple times Sento has seen you as not a good influence, normally Kenshi is awarded the ones who say it are the bad influence spirit who are in Sento, but they're a part of right in they hard words, having that a lot of powers is dangerous, and you show it one time when the yakuza or Shang Tsung tries to attack Kenshi
-After all, he will help you, the temptation of your power could be the same as hearing the voices of Sento, influence you to do bad stuff, he will teach you to have self-control and not let influenced by your own powers
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-Same, he just talks when he needs to, but when feels very motivated he will talk, A LOT, even if you do not talk much he is more than happy you are there to hear him, and even sometimes struggles to understand you he dont give up!
-He normally gets used to kindness and sweetness, so it takes him time to get used to it your behavior, is not like he dont appreciate your sweet behavior, he does, but from a man who grew up in a hard world is hard to get use to that kind of actions
-knowing you will be working for General Shao, it will be no time before your powers will show up, Reiko even fall hard for you more (lol), and even find the approval of General Shao! you could become someone important in General Shao's army
-he likes it when you do not hold yourself in battle, surely you two have a competition of how much kill/blood you two can cause, you guys are like lovely doves in the most bloody way possible
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-Again not a talker person becuse he does not have much to say, but he can understand your silence, and tbh, just being with him already thanks a lot, even though sometimes he thinks you deserve someone better and not him, he afraid you get infected from the Tarkat in this forbidden love
-but show him nothing but sweetness, even if you guys can't touch or there is not much communication, your actions always show him that sweet behavior of yours, and no let me state how annoying you are to Mileena to get ANY update about a tarkat cure
-Surely you show one of your powers when you defend yourself from one of the Tarkatans getting out of control and trying to eat you, Baraka will be surprised but the relief you can protect yourself, pretty well
-but one thing for sure, only defends, he dont want your hand to be full of blood, let him be the one to have his hands dirty, he dont want you to become a monster because of your powers
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Shang Tsung
-You know him, he surely will try to force you to talk, but most of the time he just enjoys talking alone while you hear him, if he tries to get the best of you, you surely will show him off when dealing with
-knowing now you have powers he will even try to get on your nerves more, want to see how much you can do, and surely...try to see if he can get it, surely learning a horrible lesson for trying to get over your limits (TESTICULAR TORSION)
-You being so sweet but dangerous inside? That his type, you full of blood and seeing how you kill your enemies in a different way as possible, ah, you have no idea how he enjoys it
-there are times yall have sweet moments when he gets is ego aside and treats you as the love of his life, sometimes he blind to the power and the need to rule everything, but his heart has a place, and that place you belong in
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-Not very talker, but sometimes he can talk a lot, the silence dont bother him and if he can enjoy time just being with you, is what all he needs, he can't understand you much but he tries his best to understand you as much he can to not force you to talk
-There have been moments you can see Syzoth is worried, maybe thinking about his past, a lot of what if 'I could save them?' 'if never take these decisions?' and much more, that is where you your sweet behavior and powers take action, talking in his mind and comforting him, that may catch him off guard, but it dont matter, does insecurities and possible scenarios he 'could' do something are gone now, thanks of your intervention
-Syzoth is happy to know you have powers, so you are not defenseless, and surprised the a lot of powers you have, sometimes wondering how you manage to control each one of them, it does something be too much for you?
-He will be surprised to see that dangerous side of you, surely when Shang Tsung appears planning something and you taking action on what he did with Syzoth in the past, even if Shang Tsung deserves to be punished or die, Syzoth dont want to be that your responsibility
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-He dont mind, he is not very talked, plus, is your choice, he can't change that and he respects if the way you feel comfortable with, and to be honest, he understands you pretty well
-You two just like to cuddle each other, being with each other, forgetting how cruel it is for just a few minutes, is very common him 'kisses' you on your cheeks and front head, and you always giggle due to the feeling, something makes him happy
-Surely he will know about your powers very soon, and he always told you whatever people tell you about them, it does not matter, are YOUR POWERS, and you are the one in your right to decide what to do with them
-knowing how powerful they are, a lot of death, and a lot of chaos is will be made, for the freedom Havik seeks for the world, a freedom is get from chaos
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Liu Kang
-He half and half, he can talk when is needed or talk normally, so is very unpredicted, but he respects your silence and he understands to communicate with you without saying a word
-If the few others are just lovely doves, you two are just lovely peacocks, you guys just do everything to show their kindness, is almost a competition becuse you two are just so sweet!!
-Possibly Geras is the one who warns Liu Kang about your powers, of what can result in different timeless if they are not controlled, Liu Kang is very aware of the consequences of having such power, of how Kronika falls to insanity and being irrational due how much power she have
-He will help you nonetheless, he feels taking it away will not be the right answer, and after all, he can see does power can serve a great future for the safety of everyone and anyone you love
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brawlmetaknight · 2 years
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko- Selviya… Something happened, after Raiden saved me and Arien from the revenants, he and Fujin expelled Arien, and Fujin tried to…
Fujin: what are you doing here?
Mitsuko: father, don’t blame him. It wasn’t his fault! It was mines. It was my idea.
Raiden: don’t defend him! You don’t even care about your status. Maybe you don’t even deserve this power
Mitsuko: *gasp*
Arien: don’t talk to her like that! You are only controlling her, you don’t even let her talk to people anymore!
Fujin: silence!
Raiden used his powers to hit Arien, the little boy dodged them and tried to use his powers too, but Raiden was too fast and pushed Arien for too far away.
Mitsuko: Arien!
Fujin stopped Mitsuko and grabbed lightly her shoulders like nothing has happened.
Fujin: c’mon Mitsuko, we have to train you—
Fujin was interrupted by Mitsuko, who aggressively took his hands off of her shoulders. Shocking both of the gods.
Fujin- Mitsuko?!
Mitsuko with a shocked face which turned into a mad face used her light powers to beat the gods. She ran away, trying to find Arien, but she couldn’t find him. So she ran to her friend’s house, Selviya.
End of Flashback
Mitsuko- and that’s what happened. I’ve never saw their faces turning into mad… and shocked.
Selviya is beyond shocked now. She’s so shocked that she couldn’t find the words. She only opens her mouth to talk but still she couldn’t talk. Her mouth was only open. She is scared now. That the two mad Earthrealm defenders will come to hurt them. Even Kuai Liang could be hurt because of them. So she decided to take Mitsuko to her world. And she did! She opens a portal to her world.
“Come lets go! We have no time!” Selviya ordered, Mitsuko Obeyed her
Selviya was so scared that she even forgets her car. But she didn’t care anyway
Mitsuko and Selviya entered Moirvdonne city. She couldn’t go to her parents house. She didn’t want them to get involved or even hurt. She remembers that she has an apartment. That she and Mitsuko can stay in. She headed to the place where her apartment is. She took the keys and opens the door. Selviya turns on the light and Mitsuko quickly got inside and hid under the bed.
Selviya was scared but she couldn’t show it to Mitsuko. She was holding her Crystal Silvernium. In case they found them. But they didn’t.
“Are you hungry dear?” Selviya asked, Mitsuko nodded
Selviya quickly head to her Kitchen and made scrambled eggs for both of them. After they eat. Selviya prepares herself a cup of coffee. In case there is attack or invasion by the two earthrealm defenders.
Selviya pet weasel “casper”. He jumped on her lap, snuggling her to comfort her. She smiles as she pets him on the head. But she’s still shaken inside. She knows that she couldn’t take them both down. She isn’t that powerful she doubts that her magical girl Persona can defeat them. She wish that she can use her Empress starlight form. She can takes them down no doubt. She prays for Arien that he isn’t dead. She hopes that he isn’t gone for Mitsuko Sake. She calmly drink the coffee. Mitsuko is dozing off. Selviya carefully puts her on the bed to sleep. She thought about her Sugarboo. She regretted leaving without leaving any message. But she didn’t want to get him involved. She can’t bare to see him hurt or dead. It’s enough that he was killed and turned into a cyborg then Quan Chi came and turned him into his servant. She didn’t want any of this to happen again to him. So she will find a solution to this problem all by herself. She didn’t want to get anyone involved even her friend Selena. She loves her and she didn’t want to see her hurt.. she is still clutching her Crystal Silvernium in case if they came or find about their whereabouts.
The magical girl Blanche will face them!
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mitsuko-saito · 10 months
Should I make a mk oc intros?
of course!! I think this is a pretty idea 😄
It's so fun to see people mk ocs meeting each other.
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itafushin · 2 years
I’d really love to see how Mac and Wukong would respond to mk being spooked by something. Like he’s not necessarily in danger but maybe there’s something he’s really afraid of, and Mac and wukong help him through it. I think that would be a really cute scenario.
that would be cute !! i like to think not much really scares mk growing up (aside from spiders ofc) but he's definitely sensitive to noise so he responds to thunder and other sudden noises with fear and anxiety, so i wrote a little drabble !!
The hut was still and silent, the only sound Xiaotian could hear from his room was the occasional snore from his dad. He was sure there was rain outside the cave, but it was so faint he couldn’t hear it clearly. He didn’t mind the rain, finding it helpful in lulling him to sleep. So he lay in his bed, closing his eyes as he tried focusing on only the sound of the rain to calm him. It worked, for the most part, bringing him into a state of half sleepiness before a loud rumble shook him awake.
He blinked, looking around to see if anything fell around his bed before looking towards his door to see if his parents were awake. They weren’t, if the loud snoring was anything to go by, and there hadn’t been anything in his room that fell. Ready to just write it off as his imagination, Xiaotian closed his eyes to try again, only to hear another loud rumble from outside.
This time he knew that couldn’t have been his imagination, that one sounding louder than the first. He sat up on his elbows to look around slightly before grabbing the dolls of his parents he slept with to hold them close. He turned to lay on his side, hoping if he covered his ears it would muffle the sound of the thunder outside. It did, for the most part, and he could slowly fall back to sleep.
It was quiet again as he let go of his ears, settling into light sleep again. He assumed the thunder must have stopped outside and let out a small exhale of relief before there was another clap of thunder popping in his ears. Xiaotian yelped, frowning as he sat up and looked over to his door.
If the storm was going to continue the way it was now Xiaotian won’t be able to sleep alone. But the thought of bothering his dads made him frown, he wanted to be a big boy and sleep in his own room!
Another clap of noise made him whimper and he slowly climbed out of bed, both his dolls clenched tightly in his arms as he walked out of his room. He peeked his head out into the hallway, blinking rapidly to get used to the darkness before he crept down it quietly to his dads’ room. He stood in front of their door for a bit, working up the nerve to actually try and open it. It took a lot of mental gymnastics before he eventually wrestled his way into the room.
It took a few hops and a lot of leaning on his tippy toes to get the door open, Xiaotian standing at the doorway as light poured into the room. He stared at the two in the bed before slowly creeping in, closing the door behind him. He tiptoes over to the bed and peeks over Wukong’s sleeping body, jumping slightly when a very much awake Macaque meets his eyes.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Mac whispers, rubbing the sleep out of his good eye as he peered at the boy.
“I got scared…” Xiaotian says quietly, shifting his weight between his feet, “The storm was too loud…”
“Do you want to sleep here then?” The shadow asks and Xiaotian nods, getting closer to climb over Wukong.
Mac stops him and shakes his head, moving to shake Wukong awake. The ginger jumps, looking over at Mac with sleepy confusion who just motions to Xiaotian standing there staring at them. Wukong looks over and leans slightly to grab Xiaotian and lift him onto their bed without a word. The kid scoots in the middle of the two, wiggling under the covers as he lays on his back.
With the kid settled in, Wukong turns to snuggle against Xiaotian and falls asleep wordlessly again. Mac holds the boy close, nuzzling the top of his head as he purrs to soothe him.
“Better?” The shadow asks quietly, and Xiaotian nods, returning the nuzzles as he starts to relax.
“Better,” Xiaotian mumbles, closing his eyes as he starts to doze off, forgetting there was even a storm happening in the first place.
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crossbackpoke-check · 8 months
Hope you’re doing alright, it’s been a while 🫶
i’m doing okay!! i had a crazy hectic couple of weeks and hopefully my schedule settles down a little bit so that i’ll be here more, tysm for asking 💕💕
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War form is something that Sun Wukong did in JttW, growing giant with three heads. The closest thing I could compare it to is Macaque's giant smoke monster and, fun fact, he accidentally terrified his monkeys when he used it to battle Erlang Shen.
OH SHIT. I was wondering if that's what that anon was talking about, I think it would work SO well. We've already seen Elrang Shen in the 4x08 flashback, the gang is commonly referred to as the "monkie kids", and that story fits with MK's current "I don't want to hurt the people I care about" arc. If I remember correctly Monkey King promised to never use that form again because of his monkeys' reactions right? And in 4x08 Azure pointed out that Wukong made his land a paradise for his people—those monkeys. Like
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zehecatl · 1 year
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i am literally so tired <3
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