#OR. There was a reason MK had to be given the key (why did it respond to him like that) and the key will be relevant later
Hi. I'm wondering about one thing.🤔
Are you remember I asked you if there was a possibility that the Lady bone demon was a pawn of our mysterious guest? And you said it might be a possibility. So...
So I think Mayor was created by this mystery guy. To keep an eye on the Lady bone demon. Bah! I think he even made sure she would dance to the rhythm of our mystery person's plan.
Because how is it that there were glaring differences between Mayor and Wukong when it came to body possession? Because look. Sun wukong kept fighting with lady bone demon because of course he wanted freedom. And the mayor what? Didn't he want to either? It may also be that the mayor fought at first, but eventually gave up. It might be like this. I'm not saying there's no such option.
ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
Oooor it is that he was specifically created to be easily possessed. You never know when your supposedly loyal companion will suddenly stab you in the back because he was ordered to kill you because you would thwart his plan.
And those white eyes! Did no one notice that suddenly their general had eyes like that? Or maybe… maybe he had it like that from the very beginning? 😏
If it weren't like that. I don't know. (ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳
Why didn't he free his lady? Damn. He literally had the key to freeing her and instead he gave it to MK.
Why doesn't anyone mention him in season 4? Or why they didn't show what happened to him in season 3?
So, I think the Mayor was 100%, completely loyal to LBD!
I think he was someone who shared LBD's ideals, and that they grew close during LBD's time as an Ivory Lady. He came to see the flaws with the emperor he served, and chose to follow someone he thought had the world's best interest in mind, selecting her as "his lady". He wanted to help LBD and destiny create a world "no longer plagued by pain".
The difference between Wukong and the Mayor is that the Mayor was possessed willingly:
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Emperor: "You! Sieze this traitor, now!" Lady Bone Demon: "You'll find your Chief of War takes his directive from me now." Emperor: "You- you've been planing this from the beginning haven't you! To work your way to the top, to overthrow me! And you *turning to the mayor*, you helped her! Traitors! Deceivers!" Lady Bone Demon: "I did not deceive you. When I came into your service, my intent was to aid in perfecting this world."
(3x13 Time to Be Warriors)
My interpretation has always been that like LBD, the Mayor worked as the Chief of War to help make the world "more perfect", or "a better place". When that wasn't the case, he had the same revelation that Azure did working under the Jade Emperor, then deciding to follow a different person of high status, aka the Lady Bone Demon (like Azure then chose to follow the Monkey King).
So quite simply, the Mayor didn't need to be controlled because he was already willing to do whatever his Lady asked of him.
When it comes to "why didn't he free his Lady if he had the key", I think part of it was that he was helping to set plans into motion. LBD was a believer in patience, and that destiny would fulfill itself "soon enough" (though she becomes distinctly impatient by the end). He didn't need to take action immediately—the pieces had to come together first.
LBD needed to collect very powerful items to create her mech, one of which was from the celestial realm itself. LBD never worked directly, always using some pawn to do it for her. She used Spider Queen and her henchmen, she used DBK, she used MK, she used Macaque, she used SWK—it's a long list. So, it's not surprising that she didn't just have the Mayor come and free her (assuming the Mayor even knew where she was before DBK found her), and it's not surprising that she didn't just bust out of her prison guns a-blazing. She worked in far subtler ways.
I've also totally wondered what happened to the Mayor post EYD! The answer to that is either it's not important, or it's not important yet—who knows, maybe he's in prison with Yellowtusk!
But other than that, I think the Mayor was just a guy who was loyal to the end.
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celestialwu · 2 months
Equal redemption?
But first I want to mention that this is not an analysis about season 5, but about Sun Wukong and Macaque, and that maybe I can express my point of view as to why they are practically almost the same, ok?
Okay, look, I didn't really like Macaque's "redemption", it was very quick and I can say that I didn't get very attached to the character, but he was very important in this season, but I still see him just as a character that is there but that I don't care much about, but anyway. Did you notice how Sun Wukong and Macaque literally had almost the same redemption?
I know it sounds really weird but I think I might be right.
First, Sun Wukong: What we know about Wukong is that he became the Monkey King on pure impulse, but we know that he is a celestial prodigy and that he wanted to live a life of peace and meet the sun with Macaque and his monkeys.
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And as Azura said, Wukong could become the next emperor, becoming immortal again.
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But with the plan failing, and them losing, Sun Wukong is trapped in a mountain for 500 years by the Bhuda, which resulted in the fight that Macaque and Sun Wukong had, which was out of pure hatred for Wukong, and Macaque's anger for him not listening to him about this war.
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And that's when things start to make sense with what I want to say.
As we know, Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy, was responsible for protecting the Pilgrims traveling to the West, and for that she chose Sun Wukong as one of these Pilgrims, and guess who was also chosen to help in the plan of another "Goddess"?
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Then starting with Macaque; we know the same thing happened with Sun Wukong. He wanted to live a quiet life with Wukong on the mountain.
And well, it didn't work out. Wukong was taken and they fight.
But apparently, they fought again at the end of the journey, and this could trigger him and he "dies" at the hands of Wukong.
So we already have two things in common: Both were overthrown by gods and were hired for a "plan" of a super powerful goddess.
And well they would be punished if they did not fulfill their part of the agreement they made to be free.
And meanwhile, when they were released, they met someone who was willing to give them a second chance and live in peace and without regrets in their lives.
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I know there are people who say that Tribaka is abusive and stuff. But I can say that he was the key to Wukong having his redemption.
And may I remind you, Wukong was a serious killer. Yes, he had his reasons for attacking those who tried to kill his master, and that most demons were horrible to be around.
But well, with Tribaka helping Wukong improve as a person, using the diagram when necessary, and teaching Wukong the path of peace and love. Macaque had Mk who wouldn't give up on him, and doing his best to invite him to his gang so that they would all be free from LBD.
In this Macaque probably had an off-screen "redemption", which I believe was not a good idea, since it seems that he changed his personality out of nowhere, well for me it was like that. But, continuing, Mk did everything to help Macaque, Mk cared about Macaque, even with all the horrible things Macaque did, Mk knew that he was not exactly the bad guy. And that they had to join forces with the one who was really their enemy at the moment.
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And Mk kind of proved himself right.
Macaque isn't a bad guy given how he's evolved over the seasons, but he still causes discomfort, but not much.
Mk was the key to Macaque evolving, and becoming at least someone he can talk to without having to get three rocks in the face.
As Tribaka was also the key to Sun Wukong not being someone feared but rather someone loved by many people who appreciate his work as a hero.
But now I think if the thing is they are also the same, they are also different.
And I tell them that they are probably their moral values.
Sun Wukong is afraid that things will get out of control, he wants everything to work out for everyone, he knows that if he is not the hero they call him he will fail, he wanted the plan against LBD to work out so that he could go back to paying for his mountain and rest assured that everything is over.
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And one of the reasons he (probably) improvises.
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But that's the thing, when things get out of control, he takes responsibility for everything himself. Sometimes I think he might even become a perfectionist when that happens. This makes him vulnerable, and he doesn't like that.
Macaque on the other hand, knows that things are going to get out of control, but doesn't do much about it.
I'm not saying he couldn't do it, but I believe he already knew beforehand that LBD was going to win, and he'd rather use that to his advantage than make the same mistake he made in the past.
And that's why he manipulates, for him all that matters is getting rid of LBD's guards, even if it's one of his agreements, he wanted to stay as far away from her as possible. And in this case he's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Whether bringing prizes
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or saying that your friends will leave you.
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And he wanted freedom, but he did it in the worst possible way, and he was really willing to do it until the end. But the moment he sees that his actions are turning against him. He runs away, because it was better to deal with this headache once the dust settles than to stop him for now.
Well, these two in my opinion have similar pain, and they need help. They suffer from abandonment, punishments, trouble trusting people, one of them who is almost perfect is not the one who destroyed everything again, and the other one has a calm life and freedom.
They have different personalities, but it's that "Different personalities, same pain" thing and I hope there will be more of them in the next seasons.
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
B19/47 with Red trying to seduce MK
This sparked a hilarious image
B19. “What are you doing?” “Showing you how much I love you.” B47. “I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax.”
When Xiaotian unlocked the door after a hard day of work, he expected a nice evening where he would be frantically mashing buttons and yelling at his tv screen, well that was what he considered nice. What he did not expect was Red standing in the middle of his apartment with flowers in hand and candles littered everywhere, some lit, some not. Wasn’t that a safety hazard?
He stepped forward, navigating his room with caution as to not bump up against any candles and have his room set on fire for a second time.
“Hello, Noodle Boy,” Red finally greeted when they were inches away from each other.
“Hey, Red. What are you doing here? And how did you get into my room?”
“The Dragon Girl gave me a key,” he replied.
“Oh, that makes sense, I guess but why are you here exactly? You didn’t call.” It wasn’t unusual for Red to be there since they had become friends but they had only been friends for three months so unlike Mei, Red didn’t feel comfortable barging in just yet.
Usually he would leave a text message or something to announce he would be coming over, this was the first time in the history of their newfound friendship that the demon did not send him a single thing, maybe he was finally getting comfortable.
“Certain reasons” was his answer. “How was work?”
“Uh. It was alright I guess. Just the same old, same old.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax.”
“Okay? Thank you?”
“Sit down, Noodle Boy.”
“Alright?” Red pulled out a chair and the other sat down on it, completely puzzled.
“Here you are, Noodle Boy.” He settled the flowers in his lap.
“Thank you, Red. What are the flowers for?”
“Well I know flowers are supposed to be given to the people you like.”
“As in romantically interested in.”
MK’s eyes widened, a blush painting his cheeks. Had he heard that right? He had developed feelings for the demon after getting to know him but he didn’t think they were exactly returned. 
The other ignored his question in favor of focusing his attention on something else. The human lifted a brow when the demon didn’t respond, their back was turned to the demon so they couldn’t observe their expression.
Red pulled out a list, giving it a look over before placing it back into their pocket and turning on some music with their phone. A mystical romantic song rang in the air that the demon hummed along to.
Red brought his hands to the human’s shoulders which made their shoulders lift in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“Showing you how much I love you.”
“Red, are you okay?” He wasn’t usually so touchy-feely so this was a shock. Showing up to his room, giving him affection like this, it all felt weird and he would be lying if he said he didn’t like the affection, he did. It just didn’t seem like Red.
“I’m fine, Noodle Boy. Why do you keep asking?”
“You’re acting weird.”
“I’m perfect.”
Perfect? “Say that again?”
“Hm? Say what again? Oh by the way, I got you that new video game you were looking at.”
“Thanks… but what was that last part?”
“That’s I’m perfect?”
A chill ran down his spine at the statement. “Perfect?”
“Yes, perfect. Do you not know what that means?”
“Of course I know what it means!” He was trapped in the calabash again, wasn’t he?
“Good. Now relax, I want to show you how much I love you,” he said.
The human flinched and backed out of the chair.
“Noodle Boy,” Red cried. “Why did you jump?” He frowned in disappointment. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
And at that, MK screeched. “Yin and Jin, you better let me out! I’m not falling for your tricks this time,” he screamed and pulled out the staff.
“Noodle Boy! What’s wrong with you?”
“Stay back!”
And somewhere Mei was wheezing.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks: Chapter 11
AO3 Link!
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Summary: Things are coming to a head. Poor Red.
Warnings: descriptions of blood and injury, self depreciation, mentions of past abuse, mention of one character dismissing their own abuse in the past in passing
Chapter 11: Escalation and Benefaction
Jin was not expecting a celebratory parade when he managed to sneak his way out of his confinement, but he wasn’t expecting the dead silence that greeting him either.
“Hmn... maybe she can’t keep her attention divided up between the four of us as easily as I thought,” he muttered to himself. “Or maybe my extra tricks back there actually worked.”
There was only so much one person could pay attention to at any given moment, and Jin was looking to take advantage of that fact. That, and the fact Jade face didn’t know how easy it would be for him to set up a continuous loop of some of his past actions (pacing, laying down, pacing again, kicking the bed, etc) to distract her into thinking he had given up in frustration. Should she ask him something and he not answer, he hoped that she would be able to believe that he was giving her the silent treatment.
As for being on the outside... he needed to be careful. He had an extra cloak on him now, something that he knew would only fool the system for a short while and something that he couldn’t share with the others. If he had been able to, they all probably would have been out of here by now.
He needed to be quick, he needed to be silent, and he needed to use everything about the Calabash he and Yin had built from scratch deep in his own memory to his advantage.
... now if only he could remember the stupid shortcut key code so he wouldn’t have to wander around like a headless chicken...
Mei held back a wince as the blood on Pigsy’s back ceased flowing. It was much more than he should be able to survive losing, transparency to it allowing her to look at it without much more reaction. It worried her how the rest of it had started not to bother her, the sight of exposed bone quickly vanishing after that. Now, once she was able to properly ignore it, it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
She tried to think back to what MK and Jin had told her about the Calabash. Jin knew the inner workings of the machine (for some reason he called it more of a  Lotus Eater than the original type of artifact the Calabash of old was, but she had no idea what that actually meant), but he had never actually been inside of one that was trying to work on him actively. Only test runs, and they weren’t a match for the real deal like MK had gone through.
The Monkie Kid had made one thing clear, smell in particular was dulled. And as long as the biting coppery smell of blood wasn’t there fully Mei knew she could handle this. None of it was real.
There were other things to look out for, little glitches that would showcase weaknesses in where the machine was trying to make things work but failed.
She’d seen a few of these so far, watching the monkey dancers she’d seen two of them buffer like on a live stream and then jump forward back into position. She watched as a cat seemed to teleport instead of jump from one food stand to another. The more she paid attention to them instead of her friends the more of them she began to notice.
The Calabash didn’t seem to be doing as good a job trying to keep four different people contained at once as Princess Jade Face seemed to think it was. Or maybe the fox spirit just didn’t care as long as the job was done.
“What’cha thinking about over there?” Tang voice called out from behind her. The parade was long since passed, faster than she thought it would have come to think of it, and the four of them were making their way back to Pigsy’s food stall. The festivities weren’t over with yet, they still had customers to feed and then they had to pack everything up, and-
When Mei turned to look at Tang they were all on the ground, a crowd surrounding all of them and half staring at the bodies while the rest stared at her sword. Brilliant and green and shining with freshly spilled blood.
“Bud?” The fake Wukong asked softly, stepping forward with a look of concern on his face. “Are you ok?”
“No,” MK answered honestly without even thinking, fighting the urge to take an immediate step back away from the sight of his mentor. Every time he looked his face seemed to flicker back to the one from not even a few minutes ago. Cold. Angry. Disappointed.
“No?” Fake Wukong repeated, looking at him for a second before scowling. MK did not fight the flinched step back this time as he shook his head, looking at his student with disdain. “Why did I ever pick someone like you to be my successor anyway? Damn, my brother was right, you are the worst possible choice for anything.”
“Wh-what?” MK asked, eyes widening in shock. “B-brother?”
Fake Wukong scoffed, looking more like Macaque in his motions than Wukong. MK didn’t know if this was making what was before his eyes better or worse.
“I knew you were dumb, Kid, but damn,” Wukong shook his head, and despite the fakeness of his words that still hurt. That hurt deeper down than he would ever admit to anyone out loud. “I didn’t know you were this much of an idiot. Your own boss is Zhu Bajie and you can’t even put the pieces together to realize that’s the brother I am talking about? Pathetic. I should have picked Mei, she would have been so much better at this than you. Or Red Son, even-”
MK didn’t pay attention to the rest of the Monkey King’s tirade. He couldn’t. He did what he was second best at. Not paying attention. He let his mind unfocus and wander and think about the only thing in this conversation that he latched on to.
Pigsy was Zhu Bajie's reincarnation. He knew that, he’d known that since he and Wukong had reunited and Pigsy got so angry at his mentor for not recognizing him even in his newest life. But he had forgotten just how important that was over time. He knew the stories, he knew who Sun Wukong’s enemies wore... and he knew who Zhu Bajie’s were. Pigsy was his father figure, the man next to Tang who had cared for him the longest and next to Wukong also cared about him the most. Pigsy was as close to Mei and Red Son as he was now. He’d called them both his kids before.
MK wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, he would readily admit that both Mei and Red Son were smarter than him in multiple ways, but the fake Wukong was wrong. He wasn’t an idiot. And now he knew exactly what Princess Jade Face actually wanted, what she was trying to do. He’d had it happen before, long ago with other people. Unfortunately for him, he was also smart enough to know that whatever happened to the three of them now... she probably didn’t care. They weren’t the ones she was truly after at all.
“Are you even listening to me?” Fake Wukong snapped, glowering down at him with even more anger than before. But then he softened, sighing as his form glitched and his concerned visage took back over. “Bud? I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me... can you forgive me?”
“Yeah,” MK said softly, nodding his head down. Now he focused, taking in everything around him and deciding on what to pay attention to. The monkeys that were with them during training glitched. He couldn’t hear the wind the way it should have been. The incense that should have been burning at the memorial shrine was not there. “I’m sorry Monkey King, I promise I can do better.”
He gave his widest and most fake smile, the one he had used on so many time and time again.
“OK,” Fake Wukong smiled, and the world glitched around them.
Red Son knew that to a lot of people this wouldn’t have been as bad as it seemed to him. Red Son knew that to a lot of people this would seem like something he should have been able to move past and forget. Red Son was like most people at first. Berating himself for not being over it, for being hurt, for running what his father said to him over and over in his head as he told himself “it wasn’t that bad, he barely even did anything why are you upset?”
“What I said back then,” DBK growled out, placing Red Son down once they were far away from their food stall. He didn’t hurt him, but the tight feeling of being held that way lingered. “When the spirit possessed me? I didn’t like the idea of thinking I had thought those things myself.”
MK and Mei were not "a lot of people”. They were the only two that knew what had happened between himself and his father on the day of the Lunar New Year festival. Not even Sun Wukong knew why he had fled to Flower Fruit Mountain to seek him out that day.
“But now I know you truly are a disappointment,” he continued, just as he had that day. His voice was low, both in volume and in tone, but the words his Red’s ears like they were screamed at him. “To throw everything away for something as petty as... what? Fear? Pain? You are a demon! Our whole lives are fear and pain! You have grown soft, under that teaching or over time I do not know which, but I have no place for a weakness like you.”
Red Son said nothing. There were no glitches. He had said nothing before. He clenched his fists, bit his lip, remembered what Mei and MK had told him.
His father scoffed, reaching forward with a claw to rip the necklace hidden under his shirt off his neck. The phantom pain of his neck burning from the pull as the chain snapped lingered longer than anything else here had.
“You are a disgrace,” DBK bit out, sounding for all the world like he had just been insulted in the highest degree. “You’re barely even my son. No... No, if you’re going to fall down to this? After your mother and I fought so hard to get you back? After I was trapped for so long because of you? Then I don’t have one.”
The world glitched forward a bit. He remembered, he had tried to argue with his father. But he hadn’t listened. The glitch ended and he was backed into a corner, his father’s huge face in his own as he scowled. He was intimidating him. Never touching, never laying a hand on him.
“Then prove it, calf. If you are my son, if you aren’t the disappointment you have proven yourself to be time and time again, then show me,” he stood back to his full height, scowling and eyes glowing in energy. “Go to the Little Thief. Join him. And either defeat me in battle, prove to me by besting me that we should no longer fight... or bring me his head.”
And that was it. His father jumped, leaving him behind feet from the food stall.
Disowned. Abandoned. With two impossible tasks.
Red Son slipped to the ground, shaking as he remembered what Mei and MK had told him when he told them the truth. Of why he flew to Flower Fruit Mountain, the one place where his father could never follow. Why he had let Wukong take him to Pigsy’s Noodles when he found him on the beach, sad and alone and soaking in the ocean water he had crashed landed in. Why he had been so hesitant to get close to anyone but was so willing to offer then any information or tech they needed.
Mei and MK told him that he was hurt. That it was ok that he felt hurt. That what his father had done wasn’t something to just get over. What his mother had done was much the same. That he was hurting because they had hurt him.
The steam that was his tears that billowed out from the corners of his eyes told him that he thought they were right.
“Oh... my poor little cub,” a soft voice rang out from behind his ear, and Red Son didn’t even have the chance to jump before arms that only felt half there wrapped around his shoulders. “Had I known that my husband would treat you this way I would have come back sooner. You don’t have to go back to him, you know.” The soft chuckling in his ear was warped, glitched, but sounded too close to not be from her. Princess Jade Face was smiling in the corner of his eye, soft and warm and terrifying.
“I don’t plan on hurting you, Red Boy. I promise.”
Red Son did not believe her.
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galacticnova3 · 4 years
MK 8 14 16? 👉🏽👈🏽
8. Bad memories/experiences
Meta Knight has a lot of those! Since I somewhat mix anime and game canon, but mostly just take historical stuff from the anime (some of MK’s backstory, Nightmare Enterprises, how Galaxia came to be), the worst would probably be those he has from fighting in the GSA in the war against NME. Particularly, times he’d had to fight his own friends to the death, times he couldn’t save his own friends and had to leave them behind, times he watched his fellow soldiers die… you can probably see a pattern here. Those memories are a big part of why he’s so hesitant to form close relationships with people while simultaneously being extremely focused on protecting everyone. He’s, internally, terrified of the possibility of losing more people he cares about, to the point of being somewhat obsessed with making sure that can’t happen… Sometimes to the point that he ends up being the one hurting them.
In modern times, his worst memories are probably just those involving being possessed(Epic Yarn, early Star Allies), or being trapped in the Mirror World after losing his duel with DMK.
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
I’ve made a post about this a while back, but I’ll say it again: taking the high ground in any situation where that’s possible. Standing on tree branches, countertops, tables, perches built specifically for him, walls, chairs, on top of the Halberd, Lor’s emblem even when she tells him to get off… It’s mildly entertaining from an outside perspective, seeing him stand in odd places like that, but the truth is he’s constantly stuck in the mindset of higher = safer. In battle, it was key to try and be above your opponent; having the lower ground could, and often did, mean death.
Fun fact, that also ties into a good number of his fights; starting up in a high place and then jumping down and fighting on level ground is, paired with always offering a sword, his way of saying “I am making sure this is a fair fight; neither of us have any advantages or disadvantages, outside of our own strengths and weaknesses.”
Another seemingly innocent habit with less innocent origins is his tendency to practically hoard and hide anything sweet. In his days in the GSA, stuff like candy was an extremely rare treat; if someone had candy, it wasn’t all that rare for people to fight them for it, given that rations were often limited in the first place, and even more often less than appetizing once NME started interrupting supply chains and food was arriving less than fresh. If you had something sweet and wanted to save it, you had to hide it. Alternatively, you could trade it for stuff due to its high demand, though younger Meta didn’t focus on that kind of value.
It’s also why chocolate is such a comfort food to him; it was a reward in the war, whether by higher ups or from himself when he’d let himself get into his own stash for whatever reason, so it has more pleasant associations in his mind. It also serves as an extremely useful indicator for how he’s doing, because if he’s eating enough of it to be caught, chances are he’s trying to distract himself from a problem.
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Hmm… this is a tough one, since he doesn’t really have too many secrets (that aren’t trauma-related) that aren’t also somewhat well-known at this point? I guess you could consider his knowledge of torture methods a dark secret? Since he knows a lot more about those than most would assume. He initially learned about the subject during his GSA days while staying with someone who was in charge of doing that sort of thing, took an interest in it and did some research himself, then held on to what he found out because money threats of torture can be exchanged for goods and services truths and information. It’s also a very effective way to really communicate his hatred of and contempt towards someone.
You could consider his wild streak(s) one as well, but that isn’t really a secret that he keeps so much as it just isn’t something a lot of people looked into. It can be split into two things, though: there was a time when he’d threaten and/or attack anyone he considered suspicious or who he just didn’t vibe with, which had been shortly after arriving to Popstar, and then there was his, uh… Somewhat Excessive Violence on his way to summon Nova. Galaxia can be powered up with souls, in turn also granting him a bit more strength and buffing his own abilities, and he had to prepare for his fight with the strongest warrior somehow... Just, uh, Don’t Worry About It!
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gorogorogorochansan · 3 years
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CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮 [x]
1. what is their full name? do they have any nicknames? what are they and why did they get them? His full name is Maximilian Noirceuil Roquentin Vandermeer. Vandermeer to others, Max to his family. His mother just loves French literature and culture.
2. how old are they? how long have they been living on their own? 33 as of 2077. He’s been living on his own for 15 years since he joined Arasaka.
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising. He was born on May 2nd 2044, which makes him a sun Taurus, moon Cancer and ascendant Leo.
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them? The Devil.
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way? Not at all. Max is rather materialistic and self-indulgent at times.
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them? Air for intellect and mental intention.
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc) Lawful neutral.
10. which of the myers-briggs personality types are they? ESTJ, the Executive.
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor? He’s not into combat much, he prefers doing his job quietly if he can. Better yet - a silver tongue coupled with unsettling look can achieve a lot more than a weapon. Hands: Smart Link; Ocular system: Kiroshi Optics; Nervous system: Kerenzikov; Cyberdeck: Stephenson Tech Mk.2; Integumentary system: Optical Camo;  Skeleton: Endoskeleton, Bionic Lungs; Legs: Lynx Paws.
12. what is their occupation? He likes to call himself a free artist but technically he’s a solo. Murder, sabotage, thievery, recovery, delivery - you name it and he’ll do it, quick & clean. A man of high standards he prefers to be silent, precise and effective about his work. Even during his Arasaka days he never shied away from hard or morally repulsive (to some) tasks. A job is a job and needs to be done.
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be? The closest would probably be a Stealth Solo.
14. what is their weapon of choice? HJKE-11 Yukimura pistols & Electric Baton.
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice? Black Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech.
16. how would you describe their style? Neomilitarism. Corpo chic through and through.
17. are they a early riser or a night owl? Normally he’s an early riser but not averse to adapt if work demands it.
18. share three songs you associate with them. Eisbrecher - Verrückt [translation] Dorothy - Wicked Ones Oomph! - Augen auf! [translation]
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them to night city? if yes, what area of the city did they grow up? He is from Charter Hill, Night City. His maternal family is from North Oak but his parents moved to something more affordable before he was born. He worked his ass off to stay in Charter Hill on his own but after his boss Jenkins lost the power struggle in Arasaka, Vandermeer had to survive and look for a cheaper place.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. Watson, Little China, near Sutter Street. He rents a small apartment that satisfies his needs, which turned out to be rather simple - a quiet (as much as possible), clean and efficient space that is suitable for living and working in.
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC? Lele Park in the evening and night. And Dark Matter club.
22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food? He can cook a few things thanks to his mom but generally prefers street food and restaurants. He finds vending machines repulsive.
23. do they prefer the city or the badlands? The city. He loves comfort, hygiene and availability of things only megalopolis can offer. 
24. what gang/faction/corporation do they align with, if any? He prefers to keep balance and mutually beneficial relationships with everyone strictly for business. He always looks for people reasonable enough to bargain with. 
25. which radio station(s) is their favorite? If it’s a car radio then it’s Vexelstrom most of the times. He likes hearing heavy rhythms in the background. When it comes to listening to music at home he has a variety of genres in his playlists from classics and jazz to heavy metal.
26. if they do merc work, do they have one dedicated fixer? if so, who? It’s Rachel Vogelman (another OC created by @bnbc). They used to be corporate rivals during their Arasaka days. To add fuel to the fire their colleagues believed them to be siblings because of certain visual similarities between the two. When Max lost his job Rachel was the only person he could ask for help. It wasn’t easy, and it still isn’t but they focus on the business side of things. Or at least try to.
27. have they ever had run ins with the badges? He doesn’t like to attract unnecessary attention. Nobody likes when you’re the star of TV news.
28. are they quick to help a stranger in need or do they prefer to stay out of other peoples business? He most likely won’t help unless it can benefit him in any way.
29. do they have any favorite celebrities that frequent or live in NC? how would they feel meeting them? He doesn’t give a shit about celebrities. But he knows Michiko Arasaka, and their first meeting face to face left him baffled to say the least.
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner? Something in between. He hates useless small talks and fake politeness but understands their necessity when required. 
31. who are their closest chooms in NC? He doesn’t have any. Never cared enough to rely on people and always expected a knife in the back. His most regular stable contact is probably Rachel Vogelman but  they’re not even close to being chooms.
32. do they have anyone they would consider family? His mom and his sister are the only family he needs.
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? He loves his mother Jessica who raised him to be a well-rounded personality that can always land on his feet. She’s an economist with a good sense of humor and interest in arts. But he doesn’t have much emotional connection with his father Mark, since the guy is always busy with his retail business.
34. do they have siblings? He has a sister named Brit who is 15 years younger.
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family? Max is close with his family, although they’re all often too busy to meet regularly but they keep in touch.
36. who is their biggest enemy? Detective Marc Sanderson? Hard to say for now because there’s no official lore information on him yet.
37. tell a short story about your character with their best choom. His rivalry with Rachel Vogelman was almost comic at times, which only worked against them as their colleagues called them siblings on purpose. But since the two have mutually beneficial relationships now he can admit Rachel is pretty good at what she does. He won’t tell it to her though to avoid giving her the pleasure. They have both grown up after losing their corporate jobs but some habits die hard.
38. do they have a love interest? if so, who? His current LI is Michiko Arasaka. Initially he'd met her as Ichigo (a Japanese name that means strawberry) in a cyber sex VR club while he still worked in Arasaka. It was a series of encounters they both enjoyed until he abruptly put an end to it during his unemployment. He suspects she started digging info on him because she reached out to him some time after he had made a small name for himself as a solo. 
39. are they in a committed relationship or do they date around? Given the social gap between the two and solely sexual nature of their affair it’s implied they’re in open relationship. Besides it’s unknown if Michiko is still married. However, despite loving sex Max can be picky because he’s slightly fixated on hygiene. Michiko also sparked genuine curiosity and creativity in him with her wild and magnetic personality.
40. has your character ever been in love? if so, with who? No, what is love? He won’t recognize it even if falls in it.
41. do they believe in soulmates? No, he believes in shared goals.
42. do they believe in love at first sight? A ridiculous notion.
43. describe their ideal date. Their idea of romantic evening is to hook up in clubs where it’s noisy and crowded enough to ignore them but also to tickle their nerves. Sometimes they have a follow-up in motels (Michiko knows all the right places) if they can afford it. I don’t mean financially of course. Currently such state of affairs suits both of them perfectly.
44. would your character ever get married? Theoretically he can but marriage is a serious commitment, and right now he’s not interested in making one. And when it comes to Michiko it’s a no-no for a variety of obvious reasons. 
45. what was your characters first impression of their partner(s)? Michiko Arasaka was not someone he expected to see when Ichigo asked for a real life meeting. She definitely enjoyed the effect she made while Max was trying to figure out in his mind if this was a setup. She was bold, straightforward and irresistable - not like anyone he has ever met before. The whole situation felt like getting into a sports car without breaks. Once in a lifetime opportunity, a one-way ticket. And he took it. He suspects he’s not the first and not the last such input for her but life is too short for missing out the fun.
46. are they open about their relationship or low key? how would other people feel about them together? Somewhat semi-open. Max’s mom knows and she’s worried for him, although she knows he can take care of himself. And Michiko doesn’t mind him telling about her to his family as he has no friends and isn’t the type to brag, and she doesn’t care if anyone recognizes her in public. Her social circle wouldn’t care about him, and those who might won’t be able to do a thing about it.
47. share a headcanon about your character and their partner(s). Just one? I’ve already got plenty. • Michiko calls him Max and he calls her Ichigo or Ichi (one) because that’s how they’ve met and it's something of their inside joke, a secret; • Michiko keeps him at distance on purpose. She studied his profile long before they’ve met face to face and probably knows what he wants for breakfast before he even wakes up. So she knows Max has opportunistic tendencies like majority of mid-tier corpos. But another reason is that she also doesn’t want things to get serious and complicated between them because it can ruin the fun. She appreciates he doesn’t ask stupid questions or demands more attention than she can give him; • Michiko likes to подъебывать Max. I guess the closest English equivalent would be to tease - cracking suggestive jokes on him, giving him simple presents she finds hilarious, sending him nudes and demanding payment with his in the most inappropriate times. She is amused Max tolerates her shit so stoically - but she’s never malicious, disrespectful or obnoxious. In return Max knows it’s hard to impress someone who comes from the Arasaka bloodline & that it would be safer not to get on their bad side, so he focuses on making her feel good. And strangely it makes him feel good too.  • Max loves to touch her hair. Michiko always looks flawless when they meet and he adores her for it. • When Arasaka Tower was under attack Max called her until she finally picked up as he was genuinely concerned about her safety. He asked if she was alright and offered to take her home but she refused. She doesn’t know he was waiting outside.
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s). Garbage - Bad Boyfriend Eisbrecher - Exzess Express [translation] Eisbrecher - Rot wie die Liebe [translation] Bonus: Dinah Washington - Relax, Max - a song Michiko likes to tease him with.
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons. Mature, confident women who know what they want and don’t waste anyone’s time.
50. name three of your characters biggest kinks. Touching Michiko in public - it’s the kink of kinks.
51. do they like having multiple partners or do they prefer monogamy? He doesn’t like being in relationships. The secret to his successful affair with Michiko is that both are totally free of any commitments and expectations from each other. Normally he prefers flings, BDs and cyber sex. But currently his mind is occupied with one specific woman with blue hair.
52. do they watch porn or braindances? Porn is ancient, BDs are far more superior.
53. would your character ever make an explicit braindance? He doesn’t have the right implant for that. He might though but not with Michiko - he’s not that stupid. 
54. do they have any cybernetic enhancements that serve sexual purposes? He’s no netrunner but he got himself a Stephenson cyberdeck that supposedly prolongs orgasms. Turns out the cyberdeck can be useful for other things as well, even moreso as now he doesn’t have a corpo protection and needs to be more careful.
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications? He doesn’t like cheap implants. Other than that he doesn’t care.
56. name three of your characters biggest turn offs. Poor hygiene, naivete and girls who don’t know when to quit. 
57. what is their ultimate fantasy? or ““secret”“ kink? Michiko is his ultimate fantasy now. There’s something liberating and intoxicating about having her at the tips of your fingers moaning your name. He feels like he can try anything with her and she won’t say no, although he is aware it’s an illusory freedom.
58. would they ever use any substances like aphrodisiacs, alcohol or drugs during sex? Yes because why not? It’s not necessary but it can’t hurt.
59. what is their wildest sexual experience? A corpo group sex party. It was fun but he doesn’t like joytoys, even premium ones. Had to do a medical check-up afterwards.
60. are they more submissive or dominant? Dominant. But one time Michiko cuffed him to bed and he didn’t mind.
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached? Unattached is best at the moment. Though he’s not fully aware he’s currently attached.
62. has your character ever participated in group sex? In the past, during his Arasaka days. 
63. do they like to sext or play over the holo? Why not both, depending on situation. 
64. has your character ever ghosted someone after a sexual encounter? Yes because he doesn’t like attachment. The reason he didn’t ghost Ichigo was that she was always creative during their virtual meetings.
65. how would they react if they were ghosted by someone they like after a sexual encounter? If Michiko ghosted him he’d be probably pissed and then upset. But he suspects she’d tell him first because there’s a certain amount of trust between them.
66. do they prefer kink oriented sex or spontaneous passionate sex? Usually the latter but the former is good too.
67. how do they get down on their own? quick and easy or do they have to romance themselves a little? It depends on a moment.
68. in what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress? Naked is the best. He dresses sharp because that’s how he was raised and also because it makes him feel good about himself. He mostly prefers clean black suits.
69. do they like having music on while they have sex? share three songs they’d play while getting down. He usually doesn’t care but Michiko likes to put on something energetic and loud when they’re in motels. This is just to give the idea of the mood: Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama Beastie Boys - Sabotage Mylène Farmer - Des larmes
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Please can you continue the angst and do Bryce and MC breaking up after OHSY?
OK but... why would anyone break up with Bryce Lahela????? 
Bryce and MC (Becca) OHSY/OH3 Breakup 
Bryce and Becca’s relationship has always been easy. Everything flowed - their bodies fit together divinely. It was natural. 
So natural that they didn’t need to verbally define anything. They didn’t need to. 
Now that Keiki was at boarding school Becca could stay over more freely and more often. Nothing could have been better than evenings curled up on his couch with the duvet and a bucket of kettle popcorn.
As soon as they got the official letter that Edenbrook would not be operating any longer, Bryce put in for a transfer at Mass Kenmore. He’d applied to other places but Boston is where he needed to be. He has his apartment and needed to be close to Keiki. 
He was happy and a weight lifted off his shoulders when he got his acceptance letter. 
He kept the news mostly to himself, only casually dropping the info one night when he was grilled about his plans by the gang. 
He was attacked with a hug. Everyone was so happy for him. They celebrated with shots and then the afterparty in Becca’s room was slow and sweet. Savoring. 
For purely selfish reasons Becca would not apply to MK. She did not fit in with the likes of Tobias, June and Landry and really couldn’t trust a hospital that did. The idea of working beside them made her skin crawl.
But she didn’t want to be too far away from the life she built in Boston. 
So she applied everywhere within a 3-hour drive.
No responses from anywhere, or bland rejections to try again next term. 
So she threw caution to the wind and applied to other cities: LA, Miami, Dallas, San Fran, Phoenix, New York.
Still, she hadn’t heard back from a single one.
In the office one night, while reassigning paperwork, she spoke of the issues with Ethan. 
He considered things and offered to reach out to Chief Fredricks at Weill in NYC.
She wasn’t thrilled about moving back home, but she accepted the gesture nonetheless.
The next week, she had a truly competitive offer from Weill.
The salary package and benefits were astounding. She couldn’t believe it. This opportunity was too good to be true.
She called Bryce immediately. “No way! That’s awesome, Becks!” “I know! And it’s not too far either, we can still spend long weekends together” “Totally. Look at us getting our lives together!”
Then, unexpectedly, Edenbrook was saved and Ethan offered her her position back.
She wanted to accept. Oh, man, did she want to stay. But the Weill gig was too good. Edenbrook could never match that. She’d be a fool to throw this opportunity away.
She declined and Ethan told her the position will still be available whenever she wants it. “You’re one hell of a doctor, Lao. When you’re ready, we’ll be here.” 
She thanked him and promised to revert back after her final year. “We’ll be on the same level then, you ready for that?” “No,” he huffed with a smirk. “You’ll always be a rookie in comparison.”
Later that evening, Bryce was waiting for Becca at her apartment. Every staff member at Edenbrook got the same email about their jobs being reinstated should they want them back. 
He was miffed she didn’t take the Edenbrook job. 
He understands her issue with the MK internal team but... her old job was safe. Nothing has to change for her.
That was the start of the longest goodbye.
They still made the best of their moments together.
He packed up all her things and they took a road trip down to move her in. She stayed in a family-owned apartment in Brooklyn and was lucky enough to save money that way.
It was a cute one bedroom. They christened it immediately.
As they settled further into their residencies and the weeks turned into months. The weekend meetings became less and less. 
Becca made a whole new group of friends and even ran into a few from her youth. She had a new local bar and 24/7 eatery. New parks and food trucks and cocky colleagues to help her destress after an egregious shift. 
Bryce couldn’t stand some of the MK doctors - they were arrogant and cocky, and not in the wholesome way he is. He tried to see the gang as much as possible. But Donahue’s was a bit farther now.
He spent most nights commuting home and leaving Becca video messages about his day when she’s unable to pick up his call.
Bryce never really noticed how lonely he was before Becca and Keiki made his apartment a home.
They’ve spent 4 weekends together before the distancing feelings started settling in. 
They were growing apart.
For their 5th weekend, Becca had to cut it short one day because of a case and then two hours before leaving Bryce was called into emergency surgery. Besides Tanaka, he was the only one available that knew the procedure forwards and backwards. 
Instead, they had a video chat date. They got in their pajamas and snuggled on their respective beds with a snack, some beer and started watching Deadpool 2 together.  
“I was thinking of coming back to Edenbrook next year,” she said randomly during the movie. That week was one of the toughest she’s ever had and all she wanted was the comfort she found in Boston. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in months!” “Better than when that hair product company sent you a free gift basket?” “100%. Without a doubt. I can’t cuddle my hair gel every night and leave kisses all over it’s body. I mean... I could but it’d be weird as hell.”
They talked about what that would be like and how fun living together for real would be.
Everything seemed good. 
They seemed happy. 
They seemed like they were planning a forever. 
Well, one of them was. 
Three months later Bryce finally made it down to see her. Their last few trips had been rescheduled again and again and again and it was finally here. 
He ran out of MK so fast no one dared to stop him. 
Becca planned a very lowkey date night for them in Williamsburg. They had Tacos at a pop up and drinks at an improv studio. Nothing seemed to be different. They held hands over the table at dinner, she rested her head in the crook of his neck perfectly carved to fit her. They joked and laughed as they walked arm in arm back to her place. 
Then why did they feel so distance? 
Why was she having trouble look him in the eye? 
Why did the edges of her lips curl down when she smiled now? 
He held her in his arms, folded her around him as they snuggled on her couch. 
That’s when she told him. A mumble into the heat of his skin. 
“I thought you were coming to Boston when you’re done?” Bryce was stunned. 
He thought they had settled on a plan weeks ago that she’d be back in Boston and they’d share his apartment and they’d start their lives together. 
“I was. But they offered me an opportunity of a lifetime, B. And it’s kinda nice being close to my family... I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on..”
He said the next words so quickly and full of honest intentions: “Do you want me to move?” 
She didn’t expect him to offer that. He knows how important his career is to him. 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.” “Sure you could. I still have three years left of residency. Could transfer nearby.” “Another transfer? Don’t you think that’ll put you behind?” “I’m the top resident at MK and was at Edenbrook. Didn’t you know?” 
He tried to joke but the way she wouldn’t look him in eye has his chest constricting.
“Do.. do you not want me to move?”
Tbh she hadn’t given much thought to her relationship or goals in months. It was all just wishful thinking when she spoke of things with Bryce. 
She had her eyes on the prize and that was becoming the best doctor of her generation. She’d been much too busy fabricating her new life.
“I don’t know.”
Bryce sat back. He thought she was the one. “What are we doing, Rebecca?”
She gave a confused furrow of her brows.
“Are we end game?” he clarified, trying to keep his calm. 
Her jaw opened and closed, trying and failing to find all the words she needed him to hear; “I don’t know.” “Okay. I’ll tell you what I DO know. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life making you snort and smile. I can transfer residency and move here for you. All I’m asking, is if you feel the same way.”
There was a wall of silence between them towering so high. 
“I love you so much, Bryce.” 
It was said so softly he might’ve missed it if he kept talking.
The sadness etched on her face and the light reflecting off the glistening in her eyes told him she wasn’t ready to commit.
She wasn’t going to commit. 
Bryce grabbed his bag, snatched his keys and wallet from the table, and walked out the door.
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taboofables · 4 years
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CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮 [x]
1. what is their full name? do they have any nicknames? what are they and why did they get them? Vincent Laszlo Toth. Everyone just calls him V because he doesn’t like getting too personal. But if he feels comfortable around you he prefers to be called Laszlo. He’ll tell you himself  
2. how old are they? how long have they been living on their own? 28 as of 2077. He’s been living on his own for 10 years since he joined Arasaka
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising. He was born on June 10th 2049, which makes him a sun Gemini, moon Libra and ascendant Virgo 
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them? The Fool, the Hanged Man, Death
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way? Neither but his experience made him think of many things and he’s coming to a sort of spirituality in his own way 
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them? Fire for his inner strength and transformation through action 
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc) Chaotic neutral 
10. which of the myers-briggs personality types are they? ESTP
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor? Circulatory system: Second heart; Frontal cortex: Ex-Disk; Arms: Projectile launch system; Ocular system: Kiroshi optics; Cyberdeck: NetWatch Netdiver Mk.5; Integumentary system: Subdermal armor; Skeleton: Titanium bones, Bionic lungs; Legs: Fortified ankles 
12. what is their occupation? Arasaka’s personal lapdog? He’s not sure yet because he does a bit of everything but his competence in weaponry and hacking earned him a good score in the eyes of Saburo and Hanako Arasaka themselves. Sorry Goro & Oda 
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be? Combat netrunner
14. what is their weapon of choice? M-179 Achilles precision rifle, Malorian Arms 3516 gun
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice? Villefort Cortes Delamain no.21 & Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X.  Depends on his mood and how fast he needs to arrive
16. how would you describe their style? He’s a shameless looter and wears only the best from his fallen enemies :)  But mostly it’s neomilitarism
17. are they a early riser or a night owl? Night owl. He can adapt but at any given chance he stays up late and wakes up late
18. share three songs you associate with them. Devils Got You Beat - Blues Saraceno Nu Disco Remix Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff Jonathan Davis - Walk On By
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them to night city? if yes, what area of the city did they grow up? Charter Hill, Night City. It’s a corpo district, relatively new. Used to be a nice place until everyone with big pockets got the hots for North Oak. Now it’s just the most affordable comfort area for mid-level corpos
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. He currently resides at the Arasaka Family Compound outskirts of Tokyo. It’s a huge ass fortress in a feudal style, beautiful and old-fashioned. He has a simple but spacious room in a traditional Japanese style with a futon mattress. He loathes it & most of the people around but at least he gets fed well regularly, and he enjoys spending time in a cherry grove garden 
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC? A garden in the Glen, he found it refreshing
22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food? He doesn’t like vending machines and enjoys the food served at the Compound, even if it seems exotic to him. But occasionally he eats street food to remind himself of his past life
23. do they prefer the city or the badlands? Stone jungles all the way. He was born in the city and he doesn’t get the appeal of dirt, sand and wind
24. what gang/faction/corporation do they align with, if any? Arasaka. He always thought it was more promising than Militech despite his parents’ lectures. His fate within the company wasn’t always good but he worked hard to prove himself. In some twisted way it did pay off
25. which radio station(s) is their favorite? He switches between Pacific Dreams, Vexelstrom, Samizdat and Morro Rock
26. if they do merc work, do they have one dedicated fixer? if so, who? Not really but he enjoyed working with Rogue. Johnny was right, she is the best. Her charisma is unmatched
27. have they ever had run ins with the badges? He prefers not to attract attention even if he has corpo immunity
28. are they quick to help a stranger in need or do they prefer to stay out of other peoples business? Depends. If stranger seems to be innocent then he might, but if V smells they brought it on themselves he won’t lift a finger for them
29. do they have any favorite celebrities that frequent or live in NC? how would they feel meeting them? V isn’t into celebrities. His closest experience to meeting one would be abduction of Hanako Arasaka. It wasn’t part of the plan and at first he thought he screwed up even worse than before - she was his former boss’ daughter at the time and he was practically begging her for help. But for some strange reason she reached out to him more than once so maybe he wasn’t so terrible
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner? Not exactly a butterfly but certainly not a loner. He socializes well but currently the world of top-level managers makes him feel out of place. Not a lot of people to connect to and it’s suffocating
31. who are their closest chooms in NC? Jackie was. Now it’s Viktor Vector and Misty but he hasn’t seen them in a while
32. do they have anyone they would consider family? Judy and Panam as they went through a lot together and supported each other
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? They are Militech managers so they weren’t happy when he chose Arasaka. They don’t communicate ever since
34. do they have siblings? He has an older brother Andras ‘Andy’ Toth but he hasn’t spoken to him for a while either
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family? Estranged
36. who is their biggest enemy? At this point anyone The Arasakas point their fingers at
37. tell a short story about your character with their best choom. Not exactly a story but V regrets never telling Jackie how much he affected his life. Jackie was a real force of nature
38. do they have a love interest? if so, who? He might... But he’s completely oblivious to his feelings and she’s way out of his league. It’s Hanako Arasaka
39. are they in a committed relationship or do they date around? They’re not and they don’t
40. has your character ever been in love? if so, with who? Once, with another corpo girl at Arasaka long time ago. It didn’t work
41. do they believe in soulmates? No, he believes in luck and mutual efforts
42. do they believe in love at first sight? He heard about it but it never happened to him and he doesn’t believe he can fall for someone just seeing them for the first time. You literally don’t know them at all at this point. He believes that love is a mutual investment and work
43. describe their ideal date. At this point it might be something as simple as watching sakura trees blooming. Small pleasures of life
44. would your character ever get married? If he had more time to live then maybe, theoretically. If he could be with someone special and circumstances worked in their favor
45. what was your characters first impression of their partner(s)? Not a partner but rather a love interest. He thought that Hanako handled herself well given the overall situation, and even was arrogant as fuck. Maybe that’s why she impressed him, it left a mark on his memory. I mean, you kidnap someone and they pretty much insult you? Fuck yes, no gift wrap is required
46. are they open about their relationship or low key? how would other people feel about them together? They’re not in a relationship but if they would be then it’d definitely be low key. No one should know, otherwise it may create serious problems for both
47. share a headcanon about your character and their partner(s). He likes to take and touch things from her table when he’s pensive during their conversations. Occasionally he spouts self-made haiku when the mood strikes him and boy - he’s terrible at it
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s). Chris Isaak - Wicked Game Jonathan Davis - Basic Needs The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby? Hikaru Utada - Heart Station
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons. Nice derriere, beautiful eyes and maturity
50. name three of your characters biggest kinks. Not taking clothes off; Voyeurism; Footsie
51. do they like having multiple partners or do they prefer monogamy? When it comes to a relationship he’s fully committed but he hasn’t been in one for a long time
52. do they watch porn or braindances? Both but BDs beat porn. He doesn’t do it often though
53. would your character ever make an explicit braindance? No, he’s not interested and not in a position to make one
54. do they have any cybernetic enhancements that serve sexual purposes? No
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications? He doesn’t care much as long as he likes the person. Organic bodies are soft and warm, they give different kind of sensations. But he’s not picky
56. name three of your characters biggest turn offs. Low IQ, overly sexual behavior, manipulations
57. what is their ultimate fantasy? or ““secret”“ kink? Don’t ask because he won’t tell you even if his life depended on it. It’s bending Hanako over her piano and giving her a hard fuck, and once they’re done it’s breathing heavily in unison against her neck, their hands holding each other, her golden fingers leaving bruises on his thighs afterwards
58. would they ever use any substances like aphrodisiacs, alcohol or drugs during sex? No, he prefers natural sensations. At least as long as his nervous system is working properly
59. what is their wildest sexual experience? He accidentally almost drowned once during sex in a bathtub
60. are they more submissive or dominant? Dominant
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached? That depends on a situation. Intimate relationship heightens the effects but aren’t necessary to derive pleasure
62. has your character ever participated in group sex? No but he received invitations
63. do they like to sext or play over the holo? Yes, if there’s a appropriate time for it
64. has your character ever ghosted someone after a sexual encounter? Yes
65. how would they react if they were ghosted by someone they like after a sexual encounter? He’s already been ghosted by Meredith Stout and he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. It’s unpleasant but why focus on something that doesn’t work if you can find more opportunities?
66. do they prefer kink oriented sex or spontaneous passionate sex? If he had to choose then it would be the latter 
67. how do they get down on their own? quick and easy or do they have to romance themselves a little? Quick and easy, all he needs is imagination and a shower. Just don’t disturb him
68. in what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress? Anything that’s clean, fresh and comfortable to wear
69. do they like having music on while they have sex? share three songs they’d play while getting down. He never tried it with music but he’s always open to new experiences and suggestions
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beyond-far-horizons · 3 years
Given the majority of reviews and fan comments...I’m not sure if you did Greg...
Interesting article with the MK 2021 writer Greg Russo. Spoilers and my opinions to follow...
There are several major points here that stand out to me and corroborate why, while fun, MK 2021 didn’t work as well as it should have and I’m afraid a lot of that was because of the script as well as the editing/direction. This is no respect to those involved but it’s useful to know as a writer so we can avoid the same mistakes. This is just my view - if you liked the movie, that’s fine, but many had issues with it and I want to address those.
Here are my main thoughts - 
1) He says he knows and respects the lore - as a big MK fan he should do, problem is he doesn’t. The main point about MK is there is a Tournament every generation and 10 straight victories gives one realm a chance to invade another. But they cannot attack each other’s fighters before that. But that’s exactly what Shang Tsung does repeatedly! He even rubs it in Raiden’s face. So no stakes, yet we can’t have Shang Tsung use his full power straight away in that case cos the protags would get trounced and we can’t have Raiden step in cos he’s too OP so we get caught in this nonsensical plot where Shang sort of breaks the rules and Raiden can’t really stop him until the plot needs him to which undermines both of their characters too. I actually liked the prequel set-up but it needed to be more grounded. Let Shang Tsung bend the rules but not so blatantly break them or give us better reasons why Raiden can’t stop him at the time.
2) The studio needed an audience surrogate but Russo didn’t want to rehash the original movie so he works in Cole to do something ‘different and original’. The problem with that is a) when you adapt something you have to take into account the previous material otherwise you disrespect your major audience - the fans. If you didn’t want to go with 1995 audience surrogate Johnny Cage (and I can understand they didn’t want another white dude or a wisecracker along with Kano), Sonya or Jax would have been perfect and they would be given more depth and investment. b) Cole Young is not original, not his story, not his powers (which weren’t great tbh) and having to establish and centre him on top of loads of other interesting heroes and villains derails the plot and dilutes the character building.
3) Russo repeatedly states there was so much lore he couldn’t bog the average viewer down with it and that exposition is dull. This is a key misunderstanding in my opinion as a Sci-Fi/Fantasy writer. Exposition can be tricky to write but it’s only dull if you let it be (like when he has Sonya exposition the hell out of Cole like that conspiracy theory meme, wall board and all!) There are lots of creative ways to depict lore without it being OTT. Show not Tell etc etc. Critically we need a certain amount of establishing to care about these characters as an average viewer. Russo talks about the Hanzo/Bi-Han rivalry but said he couldn’t get into it too much but that means any mention to their clans falls flat and angers your other main audience - fans, because they don’t get the adaption they wanted. Stripping Cole & his family etc out of the story would give more time to focus on Hanzo and thread him and Bi-Han through the movie, tying in with other co-protags Sonya and Liu Kang. Even better have Shang Tsung’s centuries’ master plan (as was hinted in the movie) to corrupt the fighters of Earth and set them against each other before each Tournament. He isn’t technically breaking rules, he gets to use his sorcerer abilities and be the shady f*ck like we know he is and build him up as the ‘Final Boss’. This also explains Hanzo and Bi-Han’s powers and rivalry and what we are likely to expect from Shang Tsung with the modern kombatants Sonya, Liu Kang, Jax and esp Kano. 
Ways to maybe make it better.
The plot could have contained the essentials of the MK 2021 movie, hit the studio requirements and remained more faithful to the characters and lore if it had centred on the Scorpion/Sub-Zero rivalry from the past into the present and had Sonya and Liu Kang’s stories interwoven with it. Sonya and Jax could have given us an introduction to the world being a Special Forces secret unit tracking down Kano and running into Sub Zero. That leads them to Liu Kang and Kung Lao and all the protags have to deal with their insecurities/issues whilst encountering Hanzo and trying to bring him back from his curse to fight for Earthrealm. Movie can follow similar lines with Sonya not having a mark and needing to get one (i’d have her manifest it maybe?), Shang bating and attacking slyly whilst Raiden has left ‘to consult with the Elder Gods’, Kano betraying the team, Kung Lao having to sacrifice himself and Hanzo deciding to (Get Over Here!) save the rest at the last minute over battling Bi-Han, especially Liu Kang who in rage and grief runs towards Shang Tsung and is def going to get his soul sucked. I’m still not quite sure how I would end it, I think Hanzo would still kill Sub-Zero but he would do it for Earthrealm reminding Bi-Han he has become a pawn. But basically they set up the true Tournament to save Earth and retrieve Kung Lao’s soul with Hanzo still banished to the Netherrealm but promising to return and fight for Earth. Sonya, Jax and Liu go to find the others and we get the set-up for Cage. 
Maybe this is crap, who knows, I’ve had a day to think about it where as Russo’s had years. I totally understand it is a difficult job and there were behind the scenes pressure like the studio etc, but despite liking Lewis Tan I don’t think Cole Young was the answer and they now have a big problem on their hands with him in the sequels. 
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cbspams · 3 years
ONF - New World (Performance MV)
The last one. Ahhh, when I first committed to watching RTK, I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't know anything about the other groups. I'd seen TBZ's Reveal (Catching Fire) which lured me in and I'm grateful for it because I got to see all the other amazing performances everyone pulled off. Beyond just the performances, it was really heartwarming to get little glimpses of the hard work everyone puts into each stage and how they're always supporting each other, within their own teams and outside of it. I would definitely recommend watching RTK if you're interested in getting into any of the groups featured, and even if not I would still recommend watching the performances because they're all so unique in their arrangements and stages. It's the kind of thing that can only happen on a competition show.
Thanks for putting up with all my ranting and know that I love you if you've read all my different thought posts. I hope you all look forward to Kingdom: Legendary War as well, it's gonna be HYPE!
Alright dudes let's get down to it.
Admittedly I did not love ONF for a lot of RTK. They're a great group, but I felt like their stages didn't favor the same kind of theatricality other groups had. And when they were ranked highly for We Must Love + Moscow Moscow (2nd round, My Song) stage, I was frankly a little miffed.
I adored their stage for It's Raining though, and all throughout RTK even if I didn't love them I still thought they were wonderful. Their reactions were so entertaining to watch and their stages were all fun and well executed.
I struggled watching New World a bit because I couldn't get over the fact they went back to more simple performances when It's Raining had been so elaborate.
The performance MV for New World is amazing. I understand the live performance had to be filmed indoors and that because it's indoors and because the stage is black and the stairs are black and the bleachers are black, the impact is different. But I'm really sad about that because the open air film location they did for the performance MV fit the song's vibes so much better. The kind of controlled sunlight, the open air lattices of the building they were standing on, the contrast between the dark outfits the members had and the bright cream of the building's plaster. All of those contributed to such a different vibe for the song, which is so bright and fun.
The opening to the light performance is a short film, similar to ONEUS and Pentagon. I'm not too sure about this but it seems to start with fast cuts from their previous MVs? And then slows down marginally to give a bit of storyline that seems to be a combination of pre and post apocalypse/societal collapse in a fantasy/cyberpunk mix world? Yeah, I dunno I've watched it 4 times and that's the best I could come up with. Especially because the ending shot is several very large meteors crashing through the atmosphere and like, those are pretty deadly so...?
In the pre-performance bit with the ONF members, they had discussed a theme of Pandora's box. Most people know that Pandora's box is a symbol of curses and tragedy, often tied to themes of humanity's greed versus humanity's innocence in listening to the gods. On opening the box, all the diseases and negativity inside flooded out to torment humanity but Hope remains in the box to allow humanity to maintain light in the darkness, and only humanity can give up hope.
NGL I was really excited to see how they would execute that theme. But then?? They kind of treated the box as a time capsule? I could kind of see it like them put their hopes into the box, which is an interesting twist on the tale of Pandora's box but also Confusion because that's definitely not the theme of that story. I kind of let it go though, because maybe they were just borrowing inspiration from the story and not actually trying to represent it.
Moving onto the actual performance and song. The intro is so intense! It's a really interesting fit because the rest of the song is way more dance upbeat/electric. But as far as openings go, pretty impactful and very pleasing to watch the ripple effect with the backup dancers down the aisle.
Again with the colorful flashing lights. Cool? Yes. Contributing to the aesthetic? Not particularly. Productive to the storyline? No. Part of the performance? Yes. Shruggy on this one, I don't really have anything to add that I haven't mentioned in previous commentaries.
I do really like the song though. Just as a piece of music, it's so fun to listen to and has definitely joined the ranks of my usual kpop bops. The kind of light, fast electro beat is something to jam to. Wyatt's voice is just so good, especially as part of the pre-chorus. The contrast makes it delightful to go from verse one to chorus. The lyrics and message of the song are really well thought out and executed as well, talking about reaching a better world and turning away from hurting each other/the environment/generally being hurtful.
OKAY. So this part is actually something I really adored: the sort of robotic formation. Wherein the members stand in the center of several backup dancers who seem to place on pieces or armor or something onto the member's limbs. A very clean cut, fast paced dance sequence that really strongly reminded me of early iron man scenes in which the different parts of armor were installed on the body. Also lowkey reminiscent of magical girl transformation hahahaha. But it's done so cleanly and while the camera angles make it hard to focus, it's still such a treat to watch. AND THEN. The members come up to the shoulders of the backup dancers and for Wyatt's lines, they're just!! In control! If y'all have watched power rangers or Gundam or Aquarion or Neon Evangelion or like, any of those then you know what I'm talking about, in which the human character slides into some massive machine and controls them from the inside to fight monsters (kaiju) and stuff. And the next bit with J-US and the hands! Creative, interesting imagery, just a complete delight to watch. It's just sooooo fun and I love that for ONF, I really do.
I genuinely think that their theme doesn't make much sense without the context of the lyrics and even then it still feels clunky and sort of inspired by rather than actually embodying the concept. So I'd dock point for them for that personally because I think that when themes are introduced and performed, they should show up as more than just a simple prop. But also I acknowledge that dance and musical performances like this (not musicals) aren't necessarily intended to be storytelling, especially in 4th gen kpop. I do like their theme with the keys and opening, I feel like the performance would have been enhanced if instead of using pandora's box, they choose to use the gateway to the new world. A bit on the nose but a lot more impactful with the key turning bit after the second chorus.
On the key turning bit with the weird holographic box: Dude. Those backup dancers? So clean. Nice stiff steps that feel very robotic which goes wonderfully with the costumes. The keys they each take actually read RTK ONF if you go clockwise from the left (MK). Just a neato little fact. Attention to detail is so good. And the timing of the key turns, of course it was gonna be to the beat but like still! Satisfying af.
Why Wyatt grabs the box and slams it to the ground I don't know. Maybe it has to do with the line dive into new world.
The high notes. Again. Literally just. What the fuck guys, they're so good. I'm gonna cry. The stability, the pitch, just. (sobbing)
The LED screen in the back is interesting? Is it supposed to be a door into the new world? Probably?
Dance break!! Guitar solo!! The door tradition into the weird stripey LED screens that just feels so chaotic and kinda like I'm going through a movie warp portal. Somehow when combined together it all works lmao??
I love the bridge. There's no reason for it, I just love Wyatt's fast paced lines and the kind of dun dun dun fast tempo beat tapping.
The ending of running away from the camera, towards the little cliffs and the LED screen was a good choice because the last lines refer to how they'll never stop as long as they're alive. Not the most impactful ending but definitely satisfying given the song's lyrics and meaning. Again, that lack of pandora's box kind of haunts me?
Overall if I consider this ONF performance compared to their others it doesn't feel quite as thought out and executed. Similar to their We Must Love + Moscow Moscow performance where I couldn't really see the marionette theme, I couldn't really understand the idea of Pandora's box in this performance and I really wish they had chosen perhaps a gateway to the new world or some other theme instead because it would fit much better. It's also a little lackluster compared to the performance MV that had a lot of contrast which created more focus and contributed more to the atmosphere of the performance.
Still, as a performance on it's own, it does pretty well and I'm really happy for ONF to have performed it. Thank you RTK for introducing me to this song and to ONF in general, I hope they continue to release some really good stuff.
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thekaijudude · 5 years
Darkness Ultras: A Harbinger Conspiracy
So after refreshing myself on Ultra Dark Killer lore, I can to a very interesting realization
Cause as of now we have no idea where did Geed and X Darkness come from and everyone (even me) is just assuming that both of them came to be just like how Ultra Dark Killer created the Dark Killer Brothers
But this is where it gets interesting, there's an issue with that assumption, there are great differences between the Dark Killer Brothers and the Darkness Ultras
1. Colour Scheme
I pointed out this in an earlier review post that all the Dark Killer Brothers have only black-white colour scheme while the Darkness Ultras have Black-Red-Purple color schemes
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2. Naming
And of course the Dark Killer Brothers have their prefix of 'Dark Killer', eg Dark Killer Zoffy and Dark Killer Ace etc
But Geed and X Darkness?
It's likely that Ultra Dark Killer did not create X and Geed Darkness, which led me to realize that know who else has the exact SAME color scheme and naming?
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Now this is HUGE
Cause if we can rmb, the Zero Darkness form is achieved when the spirit of Belial possessed Zero
So I have very strong reasons to believe that Belial is somehow involved in all of this:
1. Ambiguous death in Geed
I pointed this glaring plothole here back in Geed when Belial was seemingly 'killed' in exile space where Geed pushed him there
I reasoned that because the wormhole was closing very quickly, Geed might've not been able to check on the condition of Belial
So it's very certain that TsuPro left that plothole there to have Belial's condition shrouded I'm ambiguity
2. Belial is a Reionyx
We learnt in Ultra Zero Fight Season 2 that due to the core spirit of Reiblood possessing Belial, Belial can never truly die, just like Reiblood can't as well
And this allow Belial to exist as a spiritual form even after death and be able to possess other beings such as Armoured Darkness and Zero
So even if we assume that Belial was left confirmed dead in exile space, his spirit will definitely still exist and could've been wandering around
3. The unknown whereabouts of the Darkness Five
I pointed this out in the first episode of Geed back then when we weren't even given any information on the whereabouts of the Darkness Five during the Omega Armageddon event
And I've always found it very suspicious that we have never heard about the Darkness Five throughout Geed
And considering the fact that Belial and Kei had planned to continue their operations in a pocket dimension near Side Space Earth, it's likely that the Darkness Five were involved in this plan too
By the end of Geed, we can only confirm that Kei truly perished but till today, the whereabouts of the Darkness Five are still shrouded in mystery
And considering that Belial and his crew have gotten smarter and smarter with each appearance, it should not be a surprise that Belial would have the Darkness Five be prepared for his eventual death at the end of Geed
And if they can harness such advanced technology in the Kaiser Belial Movie to achieve interuniversal travel, it's should also not come as a surprise to have the Darkness Five enter exile space to retrieve Belial's body and/or his spirit
4. Taiga is commemorating Zero AND Belial's anniversary
From the recent leaks we know that Zero will make a cameo in Taiga to give him the Plasma Zero-let to commemorate HIS 10th anniversary
So it's likely that Belial will make an appearance somewhere this year as well, either by proxy or as himself
Reasons below will be going into speculative territory:
5. The lack of involvement from the LoL
From what we can understand so far, it seems that the events taking place in Taiga seems to be within the main M78 universe, but I pointed out if that were the case, since Ken has universal+ clairvoyance, would they come and immediately rescue the Tri Squad?
At the end of the war 12 years ago, right after Toregia poofed all the Tri Squad, Belial makes his appearance and has been keeping the LoL occupied
And even if we look at the war 12 years ago, why were there only Taro and the New Gen Members involved in the resistance against Toregia? Where are the rest of the Ultra Garrison?
Could it be that Belial is causing havoc back down on the LoL and that's why they have a shortage in manpower?
6. How was Toregia able to escape
I pointed out early on in Taiga on how did Toregia even manage to escape Taro and the New Gen Ultras but now with this new information, it's likely that Belial may have entered the fray after the dual Ultra Dynamite detonation, which may give rise to the possibility that Toregia and Belial were in cahoots all along and working together to enact their own vendetta
7. The Ultra power within the Kaiju Rings
Although my previous theory of Toregia's corruption was killed by Ultra Galaxy Fight, but now it points towards the source of the Ultra's power in the Kaiju Rings may have come from Belial
Let me explain, in ep 3, although Taiga was able to pinpoint the appearance of MK 2 Galactron to Toregia, and yet each time the Tri Squad gets a new Kaiju ring, they never connect that obvious dot to Toregia, a development which then I pointed out was absolutely retarded
BUT, it might be foreshadowing that the power of the Ultra that was hidden in the Kaiju Rings arent indeed from Toregia, but from Belial himself
If Belial can harness the powers of the Kaiju Capsules, he sure can enlist someone else to manufacture the Kaiju Rings
Although I have many more reasons that support the possibility that Belial is involved here, I just listed enough or else I won't be able to finish this post
So overall, what I suspect is that there's mainly a tripartite working relationship going on between Ultra Dark Killer, Toregia and Belial.
Perhaps with Dark Lugiel and Etalgar playing the comparatively minor roles (although imo each of them individually could literally play major roles by themselves sigh)
So it seems that Ultra Dark Killer may have first created the Dark Killer versions of X and Geed, but since Belial now only exists as a spirit form from the end of Geed, he possesses both of them to create X and Geed Darkness
And while Ultra Dark Killer and his league of Darkness keeps the New Gen Heroes occupied, Belial and Toregia might have already intruded into the LoL to cause havoc there to keep the others occupied
And the 2nd act would involve Toregia siphoning the Tri Squad far away while Ultra Dark Killer, Belial and his League of Darkness continues their assault on the LoL
The 3rd Act would perhaps involve Belial meeting up with Toregia for perhaps the grand finale of the Taiga movie or just something after that
The possibilities are literally quite endless at this point but I really hope TsuPro brings back Belial and really add a whole new dimension to a conventional series by making it just simply a portion of a GRAND PROJECT
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ajmichalka · 5 years
review of the tour please!
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damn ok y’all are eager
Overall I dislike almost ALL of the changes. They seem aggressively arbitrary and don’t make a lot of sense. The whole production is lacking a lot of tension and feels a bit disjointed at times. BUT I love love love love love love so many of the performances and am riding on a high of that. I definitely still had a great time and I do like a some of the new lines and if you see it you’ll still have a good time and the DNA of the show is not altered. 
more specific thoughts under the cut
- MK as Janis. I am so fucking blown away. She is perfect for this role. She’s the closest anyone has come to Barrett’s performance and she really makes it her how. She is having a BLAST and you can tell she loves and cares for Janis so much. Also vocally she is fucking incredible. There was a part during I’d Rather Be Me where @janisarkisians and I both had a full body reaction because we were so taken aback by her vocals. I also loved her chemistry with Eric they were v. cute. 
- Megan as Gretchen. Her Gretchen is so funny and has a different energy than the others I’ve seen. Her What’s Wrong With Me in particular was a perfect balance of comedic moments while still feeling pretty sad. Overall one of my favorite Gretchens.
- Dani as Cady. So I’ve seen Dani in all her tracks on Broadway and LOVED her as Cady (before today her Janis was my favorite of hers though), so I felt like I knew what to expect. BUT I DIDN’T. She has settled into this role even more and made Cady completely her own and just given an even stronger performance. Her Cady is so soft and sweet and I just wanted to give her a hug the whole time. Her vocals were even more incredible than I remember and she did a fantastic job effortlessly leading the show. 
- Gaelen as Adult Women. Gaelen’s Mrs. George is definitely also a hockey mom or something. GOD that woman is funny. Since we found out Jen is leaving for Company (which I personally love to see it for her) I’ve been nervous that someone new wouldn’t be able to live up to the comedic standard she’s set in this role for me but Gaelen did and I’m so happy about it. She’s very different from Jen or Kerry but I loved that. 
- Adante as Aaron. First off: boy hot. Second: him during More Is Better made me care the most I have ever cared about Cady and Aaron and I am still in shock about it. I’ve never loved Aaron telling Cady that he liked the girl she was before because it always plays out in a very cliched trope-y way but it felt genuine and sweet and from the heart when Adante did it. (I’ve heard this what Curtis is like too I would like to see it Mr. Broadway).
- “More Is Better” foreshadowing. There’s a bit of dialogue in Apex Predator they added for Regina where she tells Cady that more is always better and it’s a fantastic set up for Cady using that same language once she becomes queen bee later on. 
- The new memes!!! I love that they updated the social media posts and memes that pop up on the screen in the bit after Rockin’ Around The Pole. They had Instagram Stories!!! It was refreshing to see new ones. I’d love if the put that in the Broadway production too. 
- kind of Stars. I LOVED how Stars sounded with MK’s harmonies and I like the idea of not just Cady leading it but it didn’t all come together for me. I think the blocking was a little disjointed (Janis and Damian go up on the platform and then run back down soon after?). Also I’m not totally sure what they’re trying to accomplish with Janis going up there because I think a crucial line is missing to set it up better which is...
- ...um where is Janis saying “I also did bad stuff” we need this 
- They cut one of my favorite moments where Regina asks Cady if she changed her hair and she says she likes it. HELLO we need this to emphasize that Cady is becoming Regina (and also sometimes Taylor delivered “I like it” in a soft—read: gay—way and I am constantly yearning for that delivery).
- LET. CADY. THINK. I seriously miss the “Cady Thinks” (that’s what all of Cady’s musical asides to the audience are called according to what we have seen over the shoulder of the conductor at the August Wilson). They took them all out without really putting anything in their place and it feels so disjointed and choppy a lot of the time. They’re very vital to the structure of the show and I think it suffers tremendously without them. 
- Jonalyn as Karen. I saw her as Karen a few times on Broadway and I liked it! But she took the aspects of her performance that I disliked and dialed them up x10000 and I came out of tour actively not liking her performance. It’s not really how I view Karen (it’s much more about her being dumb and dopey in a very goofy way), and it strips away a lot of the elements I love of Kate’s performance that I think elevate the character beyond the surface level expectations people have for Karen coming in. The audience still enjoyed Jonalyn though and that’s what matters, Karen’s always a crowd pleaser and Jonalyn is definitely still that. It’s just not my cup of tea when it comes to this role. (I will say the funniest thing Jonalyn did is fake laugh and roll her eyes when a man at stage door came up behind her and said “You’re not really stupid” I DIED)
- Mariah as Regina. I was fully prepared to love Mariah and then I didn’t and I’m bummed about it. Her vocals are fantastic and she looks amazing and she’s doing everything right on paper but it doesn’t come together for me. I think a lot of it comes down to what I think is key to Regina which is that everything she does is effortless. Nell has talked about that quality being the reason why they changed Someone Gets Hurt in DC because Regina doesn’t have to do as much she just is and with Mariah’s performance I can feel her Regina doing the work. She was by no means bad and I still enjoyed her (her reactions during I’d Rather Be Me were *chef’s kiss* which is a quality I value in a Regina) just not as much as I thought I would.
- Boy just a lot of the new lines please change them back
Overall, let’s take these performances and put them in the Broadway production
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Introducing Skuld into the castle experiments story didn't even have to come at the expense of Kairi, Isa, and Lea. There were supposed to many victims, adding one more wouldn't be too much of a stretch. But I guess they wanted to make Subject X unique, so the stories of others were harmed so she would stand out more.
Yes, I have thought the exact same thing. It would have made 100 times more sense if they were ALL test subjects. Then it would actually feel believable that they’d feel a close bond with this girl. There was no need to make them apprentices of all things. 
But I’ve also wondered if there was a different reason Lea and Isa’s story was altered. Was it because the original experiments into the “darkness of the heart" were deemed too dark and had to be censored? Unfortunately, I find this very possible.
Were The Experiments Into The “Darkness of the Heart” Censored By Disney?
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Alter- Our usage is trying to follow the programmers usage of this word. A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers, to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind. The alter’s identity may be a gem, rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. It all depends on its programming.
Alter Fragment- An alter is different from an alter fragment in that the alter fragment is a dissociated part of the mind which serves only a single purpose. The programmers will give an alter a history, and insure that shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters and alter fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart.
Switching–This is when one part (fragment) of the mind takes over from another, or in simple terms, this is when one alter personality (or alter fragment) takes the body from the alter which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the Programmers’ codes for calling up alters, or by external or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes, and for outside observers, who know the different personalities, they will observe another personality take the body.
It’s possible this MK Ultra-inspired subplot would have been seen as inappropriate for a franchise that needed to reach as wide of an audience as possible. Maybe it was fine in the past when the series was more obscure and flew under Disney’s radar. But once the series got so big, Disney took notice and put the brakes on it? The cancelled game was called A Fragmentary Passage. And maybe the memory experiments with Skuld were created to take the attention away from the previously mentioned experiments on darkness.
There’s a lot of rumors about Disney being linked to various mind control programs. I think most people have seen stuff like that on Youtube. Many celebrities, including former Disney channel actors and actresses are believed to be victims of mind control. When Britney Spears had her famous mental breakdown, the subject was talked about a lot. And some say that Disney movies were also used for mind control programming. Like Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan. Here’s an example:
TINKERBELLE PROGRAMMING (never grow up/alien)
Capt’n or Cap’n (captain) represents the programmer in Peter Pan programming. Tinkerbelle is a young alter created under Peter Pan programming. ‘TRANCE DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL RIGHT FROM YOUR OWN BACKYARD. THE DIMENSIONS OF YOUR PYRAMID ARE TO BE 9 BYE 9 BYE 9 BYE.”
Alien programming (also involves Peter Pan programming)
“RIDE THE LIGHT” - Peter Pan programming meaning to go into hypnotic induction attached to a light that is seen when given a high voltage shock. This is given to make experiences seem like they occur in another dimension.
Creeeepy. Maybe Disney didn’t want that type of content associated with a game under their brand, thinking it would fuel more Illuminati conspiracies?
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Wizard of Oz Programming
Over the rainbow in Oz is for the Monarch slave to be in a trance, and into a certain area of the programming. To be fluctuating at both ends as an observer and not a participant or to go to the other extreme and become a participant. The theme song of the movie goes, “Somewhere over the Rainbow…there’s a land where the dreams that you dare to dream really come true.” These lyrics are a method to hypnotically confuse the brain to perceive that the “over the Rainbow experience” (which is usually horrible abuse) is a “dream”.
The dissociative mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream, which is lived as a reality for a moment, but is nevertheless recorded by the mind as a fantasy. The term for this is cryptoamnesia, which means the process where the proper functioning of memory is hypnotically messed up. The slave’s internal world becomes “reality” and the external real world becomes the Land of Oz which is perceived as make-believe.
I have always found the subject of government mind control very interesting, and have read many books about it over the years. It’s a big reason I found Lea and Isa’s story so utterly fascinating and overflowing with potential. And it’s why I am so mad at how terribly it was handled.
Tin Man Programming
The Tin Man programming is all purpose versatile program for what ever the master needs done, it means that the slave is a well oiled machine. Sometimes the slave is reluctant to do a job but he is being told that he is a well oiled machine. The exact words may vary with the mission, but the following are exact words, “LEAVE YOUR SHELL. ACTIVATE: MACHINE. COUNT DOWN ONE TO TIN….” “SOON WE’LL HAVE YOU PURRING LIKE A WELL OILED MACHINE. ALL OF YOUR MOVING PARTS ARE PIVOTAL AND GLIDING WITH EASE. MELT INTO MY HANDS. TAKE MY COMMANDS. I’LL HOLD YOUR JAW TO KEEP IT FROM SLIPPING WHILE YOU SLIP THROUGH A WINDOW IN TIME.”
There’s something called the Tin Man programming.
The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as “A WELL OILED MACHINE” by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson, one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Man programming when he told a slave “THESE ARE BUT EMPTY SHELLS OF THE LIFE THEY WERE ONCE POSSESSED. LIKE YOU ARE–EMPTY AND VOID OF LIFE.”
Book 3 Ozma of Oz: “I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens.” This is teaching mechanical dissociation, and coincides with Tin Man programming.
I think THIS is the true reason why Saïx hated Xion so much.
Day 150: Dealing with Xion
As expected, the Duplicate is starting to show its limits. The Program showed promise, but a puppet is just a puppet: something to be toyed with until it breaks. I am utterly at a loss as to what Roxas and Axel see in that thing. How best to dispose of it merits my consideration going forward.
She’s a machine. He can’t see her as anything else. And he went through Tin Man programming, so he subconsciously remembers being called a “well-oiled machine”. And to make matters worse, she has a HEART. It’s only natural he’d despise her. I can’t even blame him, honestly.Stuff like this is why I found him so utterly fascinating. And why I thought his characterization in KH3 was a total JOKE. 
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“SILENCE!” is both in the movie and a command of the Oz Programming. This word SILENCE stands for a code of “no talk” which runs deep in the mind of the slave. As in the movie, certain slave alters will talk to their masters as Dorothy did, “If you please, Sir…” The keys (and triggers) to control the switching of personalities and to give orders are frequently based on Wizard of Oz material.
There’s also silence programming. Having one’s mouth covered is thought to be a sign of someone who has been mind-controlled.
“Very well.” Finally, Xemnas stifled his laughter, though he still sounded intensely amused. “You’re reinstated into the organization.”
“But—!” Saïx jumped to his feet again. At that, Xemnas’s smile disappeared.
“Silence,” he growled, returning his attention to Axel. “Where are Naminé and the boy?”
Look how he growled at Saïx when he said “silence”. Sheesh.
In the Round Room, Saïx looked up at Xemnas high above. “Are you sure we’re dealing with Xion and Roxas the right way?”
His tone was markedly different from usual, as if he spoke to an old friend rather than a superior.
Saïx grows more and more obedient as Days goes on. He becomes more and more one with Xehanort, his mind control handler/programmer.
“Is the device functioning properly?” Xemnas inquired. He and Saïx were the only ones in the Round Room.
“Yes, sir. Luxord and Demyx have been placing them in various worlds before Roxas visits.” Saïx couldn’t fathom what Xemnas’s true objective might be.
“Sora or Xion—it matters not. But we need one of them under our control. Bear that in mind.”
Saïx nodded, and a serene smile came to Xemnas’s face. If that smile meant anything, it was beyond him.
When Saïx nods at Xemnas obediently, he smiles serenely. Veeery creepy. 
The codes for slaves follow patterns. There are standard and unique codes. The internal programming alters have the power to change codes if they need to protect the programming.
They will have to hypnotically work with alters when they trance out at night. In other words, most of their programming of front alters will be done when a System lies down for “sleep”–more accurately described as “for trance.”
Fits the “sleep” theme KHBBS and KH3D had.
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Scarecrow Programming
Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain like Scarecrow. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them.
The alters who are programmed not to have hearts are hypnotically told the same thing the Tin Man says, “I could be human if I only had a heart.” Some alters are taught they are stupid and have no brain. Scarecrow is asked the question, “How can you talk without a brain?” Scarecrow answers, “Some people without a brain can do a lot of talking.”
There’s also programming involving fire, and brainwashing the person by telling them they have no heart. Sounds kinda familiar.
Vexen: Unnngh… Axel, wh…why…?
Axel: You sure love to talk. It’s about time you shut up — forever.
Vexen: No… Don’t do it…!
Axel: We’re nobodies, Vexen. We’ve got no one to be — but we still “are.” So look on the bright side. You’re off the hook. Now you can be nothing instead of just being nobody.
Vexen: M-Mercy, Axel! I don’t want to…go yet…
Axel: NOW you can tell me I don’t respect my elders.
Can’t blame Axel for killing him.
Delta–This is a Greek letter shaped like a triangle which symbolizes change in calculus. It has become a favorite word to use in naming things for the occult elite. Delta teams are 4 person assassination teams which usually are secret teams. Delta Forces is an elite unit that operates under the Joint chiefs of staff that is made up of highly trained total mind-controlled slaves. Delta models are slaves whose sole purpose is assassination. Delta alters are alters within an Illuminati alter system which are programmed to be assassins. These alters are often some of the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or with Umbrella programming.
Delta is shaped like a triangle, which is also the alchemical symbol for Fire.
Porcelain Face Programming
Fire/burning torture is used in the porcelain face programming. The charismatic branch of the satanic Network (such as the Assembly of God churches) uses porcelain face programming. This is done by using wax masks upon the victim, and giving them fire torture. The person actually thinks that their face has melted. At that point, the programmer pretends to be a god & a hero, and tells the person he will give them a new face, a porcelain mask.
These new faces by the way, look like the ones sold in so many stores. The memories of abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the masks. To take off the masks is to abreact & burn again. If anyone touches the faces of alters with porcelain face programming, the alters will feel a burning sensation because their masks are not to be tampered with. This means that these alters have via torture & hypnosis lost their own faces! As long as these alters stay in denial of what has happened to them, they do not have to face the burn torture memories.
Is this the true backstory of Axel? It would make a lot of sense. Um. Yikes.No wonder Axel never wanted to leave the Organization, regardless of how fucked up Saïx was. He could never abandon Isa and leave him in a group like this. Never.
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Keys to the Kingdom Programming
The Catholic Church has long said, “Give me a child by the age of 5 and they will be Catholic”. The Catholic Church is one of the largest parts of the network that carries out Monarch Mind Control. It is a fact, that if the Jesuits can place in their programming–what they call the “Keys to the Kingdom” Monarch Mind Control within a child, they will control his destiny. 
One Jesuit priest is on record as stating that there is nothing he can’t make anyone do with torture. The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art in the Inquisition. Imagine the expertise they have brought to the Monarch Program which begins torturing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children?
Is this what Ventus was?
It was true that Ventus’s heart had been damaged. Master Xehanort had originally raised Ventus to become his vessel, but Ventus had proven to be too kind. Thus, Master Xehanort had split his heart into light and darkness so that he could make use of him in another way.
While he had succeeded in birthing Vanitas, Ventus had remained unconscious, broken after the removal of his heart. Though Master Xehanort had initially tried to discard Ventus after he failed to awaken, for some reason the boy had come to his senses.
In the novel, it was stated that Master Xehanort raised Ventus. Maybe he was originally just an orphan Xehanort found. Or maybe he kidnapped Ven?
Xion: But I thought we were friends.
Axel: Hey, I’m not about to tell you ALL my dark secrets. Got it memorized? I bet you keep a thing or two from me.
Roxas: I don’t have any dark secrets.
Axel: Ha ha, relax, would ya? I’m kidding.
This is another reason why I would have preferred Ventus and Roxas to be the same character. Roxas and Axel become very close. But Roxas has no memories of his past. Axel keeps his past a secret. But if Ven regained his memories, they would find out they had a very similar past. Roxas does have dark secrets. And so does Xion, which would be Kairi’s past as a test subject.
If the Programmers want, they can shatter a front alter and create a new alter to replace the original front. The abuse can be done by the victim themselves to themselves, because programming alters are given the ability to pull up horrific memories via codes. Those traumatic memories, which shattered the mind the first time, are still capable of doing it again when they are abreacted (that is relived by the body & mind).
When Ven meets Master Xehanort at the Keyblade Graveyard before he tells him about Eraqus, is this what happened? Yikes.
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In review, the elements that make up a single whole personality–family history, personal history and memories of abilities, talents and one’s self image have all been stripped from the child when the mind divides itself up into sections walled off by amnesia walls. When the programmers work with each memory part, they have the option to give it all the elements of whatever personality they want it to have. They can even make it into an animal or an inanimate object, because that little fragment has has no chance to contradict what it is being programmed to believe.  Although the memory part of the brain (which provides a person’s personality) is divided, other parts of the brain function intact.
Is this what inspired Isa’s story? MK Ultra is intimately connected to Satanic Ritual Abuse, according to the testimony of many survivors. Mind control experiments were alleged to be performed on children in connection with Satanism (and other churches). For example Michael Aquino, the founder of the Temple of Set, has a very dark history filled with ritual child sex abuse allegations, going back to the 1970′s.
The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals.
Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a Satanist who was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He also was a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an OTO leader, a chief in Stella Matutina, and a MI-6 (Br. overseas intelligence) agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians. He wrote Moonchild, first published in 1917.
If Isa was Subject X, what does that say about him? He was kidnapped as a young teen. He has an X symbolizing death on his forehead. He gets a heart fragment of a cult leader implanted inside of him. He develops amnesia afterwards. Isa is the fictional equivalent of a kidnapped and demonically-possessed child victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The goal was to produce the “Moonchild” – a being who embodies physically a spirit deity, but not inhabited by a human soul. This being is also referred to as a “Magical Child” (essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon). The process draws heavily from rituals and magick that Crowley derived from The Babylonian Ishtar and the “Great Whore” from the biblical “Book of Revelation.”
The idea of the Moonchild is that by use of black magic, a perfect soul can be captured. The belief in reincarnation, which is prevalent among the Illuminati and Satanic groups, lends itself to the belief that souls compete for a particular embryo. On page 107- 108 of Moonchild, the idea is expressed, “To produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity, and should have the environment which they desired for him.”
And Isa was seen as special. He was dubbed “X” for a reason.
This perfect soul in a proper person is called Homunculus. The actual rituals carried out to create a Moonchild are described in detail in three of Crowley’s writings. A vague description of the rituals can be seen by reading the book Moonchild. The ritual took place at a villa nicknamed The Butterfly Net. The villa was really an occult temple laid out in sacred geometrics. It had figures of satyrs, fauns, and nymphs. It had statues of Artemis. Lots of silver objects and crescents and 9-pointed stars were at the villa, because these objects all relate to the Moon in magic. The moon’s influence was repeatedly invoked. A small triangular silver altar to Artemis was used. Prayers were made to Artemis, and there was the reenactment of the capture of Diana by Pan.
And he does have a weapon named “Artemis”. Yikes.
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Another better way of looking at what happens is to understand that the part of the brain that records personal memory–that is the personal history memory section, is divided up into little pieces by amnesia walls built to protect itself from the repeated traumas. Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia. Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it. Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind. And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality.
The programming is not designed to damage these areas, only to control what emotions they contain are linked in memory to the various memory fragments that will be made into personalities. The reticular formation is the location of the brain’s mechanism which determines the state of consciousness all the way from alert, to hypnotic trance, to sleep, to coma. It interacts with the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain. Each memory is a function of several parts of the brain working together.
This all fits into the “bits and pieces of something whole” theme of A Fragmentary Passage was supposed to revolve around.
“Well, it’s a break, in a sense… Xemnas also went out, you see.”
“Hmm… it’s rare for him to go out,” Luxord said, quietly, tidying the cards.
“No, he goes here and there fairly often. Because now is a very important time for the organisation.”
“What’s very important?” Axel asked, peering into Xigbar’s face.
“The world is moving. We’ve gotta be worried about own fragment’s movement, right?”
“Fragment?” Luxord leaned his head to one side.
“The rest is a secret,” said Xigbar, teasingly, getting off the table and starting to walk. “Be really careful not to let them use you.”
At Xigbar’s words, Axel and Luxord looked at each other.
This is a really interesting part of the Short Stories novel. Xigbar is privy to something going on, while Axel and Luxord are not. And it involves a “fragment”. This was no doubt supposed to foreshadow A Fragmentary Passage. They had ideas for that story planned all the way back when the KH2 Novels were written. It sucks that we’ll never know what it’s all about.
When a Monarch slave sees an hour glass they may switch, but basically it is a reminder that the slave masters have the power to run a person’s time out. One slave was told, “The sand that sifts through the hourglass is a measure of your worthiness to live or die.” The hour glass shape is basically two triangles which touch at their peaks, or an X configuration with the tops of the X having lines.
Young Xehanort’s Keyblade has an hourglass keychain. Master Xehanort switched to Isa to attack Lea at the end of KH3D.
We can practice unconditional love, peace and Harmlessness. This helps to integrate and heal our Fragments to unify, as well as neutralize any Negative Emotional Energy in the environment. When we stop feeding the energy reversals, they are gradually taken offline. When we can hold compassionate witnessing and refuse to be triggered into negative emotional states, we are refusing to be manipulated and siphoned by the negative entities. Additionally, truly empathic and unconditionally loving humans may also gain the spiritual power to recollect and transit the consciousness Fragments of sacrificed children and traumatized people that are trapped in the earth realms, and this is an important service we can do to help heal the earth.
Furthermore, the concept of soul fragmentation and soul retrieval is big in various esoteric and New Age circles. They believe they can help child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and mind control, who are trapped in the earth’s astral realms. Isa’s character seems largely inspired by this concept. Which I must say, is incredibly unique. I’ve never seen another character with a story like that. It’s very cool and extremely fascinating and I have to give Nomura and the writers credit.
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Beltaine with hunts of slaves, fire festivals, and blood rituals
Bride of Satan Ceremony
Demon revels
Drawing down the moon
Druid Feast Day on Jan. 1
Duels to the death like gladiators where the heart is cut out and eaten
Grail Mass, the Grand Climax human sacrifice & sex rituals
Invocation of Hecate as Crone
Lammas sabbat where a female is sacrificed
Pathworking (done before 16 with Cabalistic Tree of Life pathways.)
Rite of Deification Rod of Light ceremony (consists of text from Cabala, black candles, ram’s horn blown, and victim’s mother’s name sounded)
Sealing ceremony at 19 yrs. for Mothers of Darkness level
Secret ceremony where people paint their faces half black and half white.
Sister of Light rebirthing water ceremony (victim is bound and then pulled from water and wrapped up in linen, and a green branch is place on the chest)
St. Agnes Eve St. Bartholomew’s Day
St. Walpurgis
Summer Soltstice Orgy
A list of occult ceremonies.
Note the ceremony called “drawing down the moon”.
For those who are not familiar with occult terms the following are ritual items: Paten (the holy dish), Athame or Glaive (the knife used to sacrifice with), the wand or sceptre (an ornamental staff which represents authority & usually has an electric shock), and the censer (to distribute burning fragrance)
Xemnas’ Ethereal Blades fit the bill here. The Recusant’s Sigil is also a symbol of authority.
In upper level Illuminati slaves, Dorothy in the Oz story will represent the Mother of Darkness alters, Ozma will represent the Ruler of the Castle, and Glinda will have the Great Book of Records. The ring of Glinda gives protection.
Xemnas is the master of the castle.
‘‘I’ve come a long long way to see you” -Words to say by System to John or to person to be met. There is an endless variety of contact phrases to indicate that the right person has met the right person.
“I’ve been to see him. He looks a lot like you.”
End-time Activation Codes
Most slaves have end-time programming. When a slave is called in with end-time programming they have pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. Part of a sample of one of these is as follows:
A team leader will have a down line of around 4 people–which are coded red ray, yellow ray, green ray, blue ray. When the activation code hits a slave team leader during the end times, they will in turn activate their people, who in turn will have people who are team leaders and have a down line. At least two false callback alarms will be sounded (tested) before the real one.
There’s something called end-times programming. Now look at these passages from the Short Stories novel. It’s from the same story that mentioned the “fragment”.
“Won’t you keep it in moderation? It’s loud, I can’t sleep.”
“Not being able to sleep cause of the noise is kinda, well, human-like, isn’t it?” Demyx said, smiling. His hand kept moving over the strings.
“Fool. Nobodies need rest too. A terrible force is moving this world. We gotta rest to store up power.”
“The world? I dunno nothing about that. I dunno anything you members from the old days are thinking,” Demyx spat in a loud voice, continuing to play the sitar. Xaldin frowned in displeasure, and disappeared.
Demyx’s sitar continued to play.
Xaldin was privy to the same thing Xigbar was. Demyx was clearly not. Yeah, I always thought Xaldin was important in some way.
Who the hell made the neon lights in this city?
Axel looked up at the pitch dark sky.The sky of this world is completely black, with no moon or stars, like it’s pressing down.
“Where do you intend on going?”The person who calls out like they’ve been watching me all along, in a place like this. It never fails to be him.Saïx.
“Anywhere’s good, right?” Axel said, without turning around, pulling his hood over his face.
“Don’t leave this world without a mission.”
“This place is suffocating,” Axel said, as he started walking.
“…Can’t you hear the world’s screams?”
Axel finally turned around, and looked up at Saïx standing on a stairway.
“The time when we should move will come soon.”
“I dunno, whatever.” Axel turned his back on Saïx, and opened a dark portal in front of him.
Saïx was privy, too. But he might just be reciting programmed code. Axel was definitely creeped out, though. Weeeeird. I can’t imagine how he felt after watching his friend get turned into a mind-controlled zombie robot. Poor Axel.
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CHI (return to cult)
Chi programming uses a lot of idiosyncratic phrases, and little ditties. Some of the nursery rhymes listed in the song section will be Chi programming. Some of the Chi programming has been listed in the Alpha programming section.
This is why Xehanort is always able to find them with the X. It’s why he retrieved Isa. He had to return to the cult.
OMEGA (Internal Computers)
The Omega programming works along with an Executive Control Board (or Grand Druid Council) and Internal programmers. The Executive Control Board is associated with both numbers of the clock, and precious gems and metals such as “9 O’CLOCK GOLD”. The Beast computer can be accessed with Scripture triggers associated with the Vision of Daniel of the Beast, and its ten toes. The Ten Toes are important part of the code in some models. Program numbers on some slaves are put in by touching the third eye with the index finger and speaking the number.
Saïx was given the scar on his third eye, a new name with an X in it, and a number in the Organization. “As you flesh bears the sigil, so shall your name be known as that of a Recusant”.
The Traumatization and Torture of The Victim
The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used.
This is no doubt what Xehanort wanted to do to Isa. Leave him completely blank for programming purposes. But Ansem intervened and restored his memories.
As a child begins its programming, it is monitored in a fashion similar to hospitals where charts are filled and then these charts are filed. Tests and evaluations are done regularly. Goals are set which are six month programming goals. These will say in effect, we need to accomplish this by doing a, b, c, d in the next six months.
This was probably Kairi, Lea, and Isa’s situation. Think about the notes on Subject X.
A male Monarch victim remembers a large hanger building at China Lake with a concrete floor and row after row of cages suspended from the ceiling filling the large building. One of the Programmers was dressed similar to a Catholic Priest. The electric current that ran to the cages made a hum, like an electric fence. There was a marble slab that served as an altar where black-hooded robed people would take a bone handled knife and sacrifice little children in front of the other children in the cages.
Would explain the cages. Organization XIII is actually really disturbing and horrifying if you think about it. It’s basically a Satanic Cult.
Along with the suicide programs that can be triggered are programs that jerk the victim’s mind every which way, which include: Bee Stinging Program (put in by placing the drugged victim being near large swarms of bees humming & then letting a bee(s) sting the victim). Cutting programs are often hidden behind the Bee Swarming program.
One of Xigbar’s weapons is named “Killer Bee”. Did he give Isa the scar? Would NOT surprise me one bit.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation.
A sense of time & a sense of self are attached to autobiographical memories–these things are stripped of an alter as it functions within the programming. Memory storage is also linked to the brain’s state of mind at the time. Hormones released at the time of an experience will modulate the strength of the memory of that experience. The limbichypothalamic system of the brain (which consists of the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, fornix, septum, certain nuclei of the thalamus, and the Papez circuit) has a central modulating part which interacts with peripheral hormones. Peripheral epinephrine will be released if the amygdala is electrically stimulated. The adrenal medulla releases epinephrine that is vital for memory storage. In other words, there are hormones which help the brain remember or not.
The experiments were all about getting a subject to renounce their sense of self.
The mind of the victim is not only divided from itself, but the very process of torture, makes the victim distrustful of humans in general. On top of this distrust, the programmers will layer in programming to isolate the person from healthy relationships, which in turn increases the victim’s feeling of helplessness. They are divided from their own parts (their own self) and the world in general.
Yeah, Isa needed the power of waking. Badly. This is why the story left such a bad taste in my mouth, and why I complain so much about it. Isa was kidnapped and forcefully inducted into a Satanic cult as child, through use of mind control techniques. It just infuriates me that poor Isa was not rescued from this disgusting shit! I could never consider that a good ending. Fuck no.
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jvc-yearofservice · 5 years
8/25/19 - 9/2/19
                 Last Sunday, we were invited to one housemate's boss's enormous and lush country home, which had a great pool. Some of the other Mercy volunteers were there as well and were super friendly. The way to the estate was pretty hilarious. First, our car stalled out, and then the supervisor gave us the most confusing directions ever. She initially sped off super far away on the highway even though she knew we were following her. Then she called us and said she was actually in back of us on the highway and that we should pull off at the nearest exit. Once we exited the highway, she called us and said she was actually in front of us the entire time, so we had to get back on the freeway. We originally really wanted to put the address into the GPS in case we got lost while following her (which we did), but she insisted that the address wouldn't show up on the GPS which was pretty sketchy. After getting off the highway a second time and following her down a dirt path, I joked about how she might be luring us to a killing field. This woman apparently bought her sprawling estate with all her divorce settlement money and paid for the property in cash, which I thought was pretty impressive. One of her employees who was a former member of the addiction treatment program joined us and had an "IAmSober" license plate, which I thought was funny.
                 I've decided to create an Instagram account (@everyday_mustardseed) with pictures uploaded every day that I work there. Work has been pretty nuts lately. Firstly, we doubled the student population overnight (originally 10, now 21 kids)-largest ever has been either 40-60 kids at once. I finally got to meet the LCSW who works there full-time, and she seems pretty nice and helpful for resolving all the trauma in the children. One day in particular was kind of grueling because a parent was nearly an hour late to pick up their kids. We have a protocol at the school that if a child/children are not picked up within a certain amount of time after school ends, then we have to legally call the police, which I really dreaded doing. Thankfully, the parents showed up after some time, which was a godsend because I could only watch so many old episodes of Wishbone with them while they repeatedly asked me where their mom was. I can't imagine the abandonment issues that these kids experience as compared to how I felt whenever my mom was even a fraction of a minute late when I was a kid (and she gave me no reason to feel that way). I've also assisted in compiling files for the intake forms, and I have been taking pictures of the kids for their files which has been surprisingly cute and wholesome. One little girl, however, tried to throw a gang sign in her picture, but I (very gently) grabbed her hand to hide it before the picture was taken.
                 I've noticed some very peculiar behaviors in the children at the school. For example, many sibling groups act very close and are almost at odds with the other sibling groups, as if they were engaged in turf wars, but I think this is another coping mechanism. I feel so sorry for the children who have no siblings since they are pretty much alone and unprotected from the other children's bullying. Many of the kids have expressed not wanting to leave at dismissal and feeling sad when the weekend approaches and school isn't in session. One of my co-workers has a theory about the children's behavior. He thinks that the most well-behaved children are the ones who are the most chronically homeless and more used to it due to them being so grateful for everything they are given, whereas the unrulier kids are newly exposed to the homeless lifestyle which is why they are acting out. One of the teachers spoke about how the more chronically homeless kids are "starved for knowledge" and relish any learning in the classroom.
                 A second car driven by a housemate has bitten the dust (the one that stalled on the way to the supervisor's estate on Sunday). It's unfortunate because this means we are even more restricted in terms of going places and visiting other JVC houses.
                 A fun community night activity took place this week, where we all shared our love language, Myers-Briggs personalities, enneagram numbers, and zodiac sign. My love language is acts of service/devotion, I am INFJ, Type 1, and a Gemini-Cancer cusp. So far, I have learned that there are the following zodiac signs in the house: Gemini-Cancer cusp, Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, and Aquarius. The personality types are: 1 INFJ (Advocate), 1 ENTJ (Commander), 2 ENFJ (Protagonist), and 3 ENFP (campaigner). The most common love language are: 5 quality time, 5 words of affirmation, 3 acts of service/devotion, 1 physical touch, and 1 gifts.
                 A little bit of scandalous news-apparently the JVC stipend is and has been too small for some time. It is a well-known secret in JVC history that many volunteers have side-jobs to make more money than just the monthly stipend. I remember hearing that my dad had a $100 stipend each month, which is kind of strange since that means the stipend has not been adjusted for inflation (aka it's much more expensive to exist today compared to back then). Additionally, California is notoriously expensive, so I'm wondering if the JVC should have made financial changes for stipends depending on how expensive the cost of living is in each city (for example, $100 a month would get you much further in Scranton than Sacramento). Furthermore, apparently the Jesuit Volunteer Corps of Northwest gives their volunteers $300 each month and has much better housing accommodations.
                 This weekend, we drove to Oakland/Berkeley, California, and stayed over at the JV house there. The party on Saturday was 60's/70's theme, and a couple other JV houses from around California came to stay over as well. We got there via car from a former JV and another car that a co-worker rented for us. Then, all together, we traveled to Baker Beach in San Francisco, where we sat on the beach, and I even saw a dead sea lion on the beach, which was understandably gross. P.S. part of the beach was nude which was super unexpected. When we were getting the alcohol for the party at the JV house, we were walking out of CVS, and a bunch of the worst-disguised undercover cops were waiting to card us again on the side walk. Gladly, we handed over our IDs, and one cop even asked one of us who the governor of Wisconsin is (none of us knew). When they were looking at my ID, the cop turned to me and asked suddenly "What year did you graduate high school?" and I immediately answered "2014". He gave it back to me reluctantly, and much to the horror of my housemates, I asked him, "Are you sure you don't want to check it again? I could be lying." That Saturday night, a couple of us went to Taco Bell after the party, and one of my housemates cracked a beer open in line there, and the poor cashier had to ask him to finish it, so he very unapologetically chugged it in front of everyone inside the Taco Bell, which was hilarious. On Friday, we attended a baseball game between the Sacramento Wild Cats and whatever the team name is of San Diego. We won, and there were fireworks, but more importantly, I got to drive an electric car for the first time ever (a fiat)!
                 Lastly, a funny story that I was told this week during community dinner involved a man who told everyone that he was married to a key chain. Since the person who told the story works at a mental health facility, they were not too disturbed by this fact, but they were surprised when eventually the man who was apparently married to a key chain brought in an actual wife one day (who or what is the key chain???)! Another funny occurrence happened to my housemate who works in a kindergarten classroom. They were in the middle of a lesson, and one child raised their hand. The teacher called on them, and they said simply, "My birthday was on Friday." The teacher replied, "I know. We celebrated." She waited a moment and then said, "Anything else?" and the student said "No." I laugh every time I think of this story.
Peace and blessings,
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minijenn · 6 years
Satisfied (MK 2.0)
A/N: So, this songfic takes place when the MK 2.0 are older and they haven’t seen each other in a while, until they meet at a ball. Then, well… you’ll just have to see. I had to alter the lyrics quite a bit, but I think I did a pretty good job, considering that songs from musicals are often specialized for that exact plot. Anyways, this is with “Satisfied” from Hamilton
“I remember that night. I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.”A ghostly Ava watched on, lamenting over what happened in this memory. It had happened months ago at a ball. She watched herself, going through the crowd, awkwardly and uncomfortably as men approached her over and over, trying to dance with her. Behind her was Abigail, talking happily to some of the boys that approached her. “I remember those charming boys, tripping over themselves to win our praise,”the ghostly Ava sang as she followed herself through the crowd.
“I remember the dreamlike candlelight like a dream that you can’t quite place, but Comet! I will never forget that time I saw your face.” Ava watched on sadly as her memory self looked up to only see her childhood friend, Comet. It had been a long time and he could certainly be described as handsome. She couldn’t help but blush when he noticed her staring at him. “I have never been the same. Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame.”
Comet approached Ava with a smile. “Hi!” He said, happily. However, Ava didn’t respond. She merely blushed and glanced down, confusing Comet a bit. “And when you said ‘Hi,’ I forgot my dang name! Set my heart aflame, ev'ry part aflame!”
Suddenly, Comet took a different approach. His eyes glimmered with a playful and somewhat flirtatious intent. Upon seeing this, Ava lifted her head as she finally gained the courage to converse with Comet. However, the ghostly Ava behind her merely gave a pained and tearful expression. She knew what was going to happen as she sang, along with the rest of the dancers in her memory, “This is not a game!”
“You strike me as a woman who’s never stopped fighting,” Comet started, causing Ava to look at him in confusion.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. You forget yourself,” Ava replied, unsure what else to say to her childhood friend. What was he even trying to say?
“You’re like me. I’m never satisfied,” he explained further, referring to his ambitions. Now, it was blatantly obvious that he took advice from Lapis, but that didn’t mean Comet wasn’t charming like this. There was definitely some wit there.
“Is that right?” Ava asked with a teasing smile, causing Comet to grin back.
“I’ve never been satisfied,” Comet replied happily, before winking at her. Ava blushed as she struggled to find words to say next.
“My name is Ava Pines,” she said, before immediately cringing. He already knew her name! Why did she say that? However, Comet didn’t make fun of her. Rather, he understood the situation and followed suit.
“Comet Universe,” he replied charmingly. Ava smiled teasingly. Since they were doing introductions again, she might as well continue the conversation as if she didn’t have a childhood with him.
“Where’s your family from?” Upon saying this question, he got uncomfortable and fidgety, as if unsure how to explain his family. It made sense why it would be awkward. He had the Crystal Gems as a part of his family. How could he explain them? Before Ava could apologize for saying such a stupid question, however, Comet responded.
“Unimportant. There’s a million things I haven’t done. But just you wait. Just you wait!” Comet answered as he walked away slowly. He turned away, but Ava couldn’t stop staring at him. That conversation had gone so well! There might’ve even been some good flirting involved! Her social anxiety didn’t stop her from talking to her crush, and she couldn’t help but think about it.
Euphoria immediately took over Ava’s senses, despite ghostly Ava’s lamenting gaze. Immediately, Ava started singing happily with a smile that seemed on the verge of mania as she put her hands on the sides of her head. “So so so… so this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level! What the hell is the catch?!”
Without any attention to the surrounding people around, she started walking and leaping, putting her hands up from the excitement. “It’s the feeling of freedom, of seein’ the light! It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a kite!” Then, as a side note, she turned to a boy with a playful expression, not directed at him, but rather, at the interaction she had with Comet. “You see it, right?!”
“The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes. Ev'rything we said in total agreement!” She gushed as she put out her fingers, counting the minutes before standing up straight with her eyes closed. She pretended to dance as she sang the next couple of lines. “It’s a dream, it’s a bit of a dance. A bit of a posture, it’s a bit of a stance!”
“He’s a bit of a flirt, but I'mma give it a chance!” Ava continued as blush continued to cover her cheeks. She couldn’t stop thinking about him and her successful conversation with him. “I asked about his fam'ly with a wink and smile. His hands started fidgeting. He looked askance! He knows me, but he’s flying by the seat of his pants.”
“Handsome, boy, does he know it!” Ava finally sat down at a table where she was able to observe Comet from afar. Her hands held up her chin as she continued to watch on. “Peach fuzz, and he can’t even grow it! I want to take him far away from this place.”
The ghostly Ava sat beside her memory counterpart as they both turned at the exact same time to the left. The lamenting Ava was the only one able to sing. “Then, I turn and see my sister’s face and she is-”
“Helpless!” Indeed, Abigail was standing a little ways from the table Ava was at, singing the only thing she could. Her expression could only be explained as the look of someone in love. Her cheeks were bright red as she stared on.
The Ava from the memory looked at her sister, before following her sister’s gaze. Ava’s heart stopped. Comet. Abigail was staring at Comet. Ava’s initial euphoria vanished as she realized the horror of such a revelation. However, the ghostly Ava was not fazed. She had seen it before, after all. In fact, she seemed to summarize how her past self saw at that moment. “And I know she is-”
“Helpless!” Abigail said again, this time turning towards her sister in embarrassment. She approached Ava, ready to say something to her, but all Ava could see was her sister’s eyes. She was clearly lovestruck. There was no doubt about it. “And her eyes are just-” Ghostly Ava sang again, as she closed her eyes, unable to watch any further.
“Helpless!” Abigail whispered into Ava’s ear, oblivious to Ava’s distress.
“And I realize two fundamental truths at the exact same time!” Present Ava sang, almost in anger at fate and luck.
Past Ava stood up with a new mission. She smiled at her sister before confidently approaching Comet. Abigail protested, but there was no going back. Ava looked so confident and happy. If only it wasn’t a facade to hide her broken heart. Without any pretense, she took Comet’s arm and dragged him through the crowd towards her sister.
“Where are you taking me?"Comet asked in curiosity. Ava paused and put on a smile.
"I’m about to change your life!” Ava replied, cryptically and playfully.
“Then, by all means, lead the way,” Comet answered with the same amount of teasing and playfulness Ava had. It almost hurt Ava to do this, but there were reasons why.
Once they reached Abigail, she immediately bowed before him awkwardly. They hadn’t seen each other in so long. That must’ve been the reason why she felt the need to remind him of her name. “Abigail Pines. It’s a pleasure to see you again!”
Comet’s eyes lit up with memories of his childhood with Abigail. “Abigail!” He repeated excitedly.
“My sister,” Ava agreed with a nod.
“Number one!” The entire scene froze as the ghostly Ava was given time to explain her thoughts. She gazed at Comet sadly as she sang. “We’ve known each other since we were young. That decreases my chances. I’d have to be naïve to set that aside.”
“Maybe that is why I reintroduce him to Abigail!” Ava turned to Abigail, who was frozen, blushing and smiling. However, there was no ill will in Ava’s gaze. Rather, it was more pitiful. “Now that’s his bride!”
She turned to her past self with an expression of disgust and anger. “Nice going, Ava. He was right! You will never be satisfied!”
Ava from the present disappeared to the background as the interaction between Comet, Ava, and Abigail continued. “It’s nice that we get to see each other again,” Abigail commented happily.
“If it only took a ball for me to meet you again, then it will all have been worth it,” Comet replied, flirtatiously. Immediately, Abigail blushed in embarrassment at the compliment and looked to Ava for help. However, Ava had done her job, and she didn’t want to help maintain this interaction. She just wanted to help Abigail and Comet start talking. She waved at those two, looking at her sister with a teasing smile.
“I’ll leave you to it,” was all she said as she left.
“Number two!” This time, the scene faded from view, leaving only Ava from the present. When she sang, it was aggressive as tears went down her cheeks.
“I know my sister like I know my own mind!” She sang, putting a finger to her head. “You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind!”
Ava turned to the white screen behind her, which showed dark outlines of Abigail and herself. The two girls looked at Comet in admiration. As she sang, the shadows portrayed the hypothetical situation.
“If I tell her that I love him, she’d be silently resigned!” Ava’s shadow whispered to Abigail, whose smile fell. “He’d be mine!” Ava’s outline kissed Comet’s, with Abigail watching from afar.
The shadows disappeared as a ghostly version of Abigail appeared, smiling happily at the new couple. However, the Ava of the past merely looked on sadly. “She would say, 'I’m fine!’ She’d be lying!” With that, Abigail’s image flashed to scenes of her crying, tears going down her cheeks silently, only to be replaced by a happy facade. Then, Abigail disappeared as the scene changed to a night sky on a grassy hill.
“But when I fantasize at night, it’s Comets’s eyes, as I romanticize what might have been if I hadn’t sized him up so quickly,” Ava lamented sadly as she looked out across the horizon, before smiling sadly. “At least my dear Abigail’s his wife; At least I keep his eyes in my life…”
The scene disappeared as Ava returned to reality. She stood beside a pedestal in her blue dress. Her eyes were closed as she took in a deep breath. The crowd was waiting for what she had to say. Her hand held a class in her hand. Then, pushing away her sorrow and pain, she channeled all of her happiness and excitement as she cheered.
“To the groom!!!” She cheered happily, looking down at Comet with a smile. He was in a fashionable tuxedo. He grinned in response to the toast. The crowd echoed her toast as they lifted their glasses. Everyone was there. Her mom and dad were there, as well as Steven and Connie. The Crystal Gems stood with pride as they watched the toast commence. She stepped down from the pedestal and approached her sister.
“To the bride!!!” She cheered in kind, and just like before, everyone echoed the toast as Abigail, dressed in her finest white dress, blushed happily.
“From your sister!” Ava continued as she hugged Abigail close to her.
“Ava! Ava! Ava!” Everyone responded.
“Who is always by your side!” Ava spun Abigail around, arms in arm until she let go and spun into the middle of the crowd. Everyone echoed her last three words before she started again.
“To your union!” She sang loudly, lifting her glass once again.
“To the union!” All the humans yelled out in response.
“To the revolution!” Gems responded in kind.
“And to the hope you will provide!” Ava cheered.
“You provide! You provide!”
“May you always…”
“…be satisfied!”
Ava ended her toast and the crowd surrounded the couple as they exited the building to party. A sad smile appeared on her face as she looked to her sister and her new husband. “And I know she’ll be happy as his bride and I know…”
Tears fell from her eyes as she bent over and put her hands on the sides of her head. She looked up for a split second in her heartbreak to see Comet kissing her sister. “He will always be satisfied.”
Once again, she bent over as she sobbed, before she murmured the last line to herself.
“I will never be satisfied…”
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woozi · 3 years
twt being no.1 on updates, true that <3
not jaebeom speaking abt the mark, hui, btob youngjae fight on youngk's radio show at the time i was typing away abt temper 😭 dhdjdkkdks it's so funny whenever these guys meet someone has to mention abt it and then everyone starts talking. it's like that one story in your friend group you all just can't let go of and some might be like ' how long are you gonna talk abt it?' & next thing you know they're also talking about it at some other time djdjsksk. (but also not him saying he hugged mk to stop him 😔🥺 this was new info to me) i get what you're trying to say hdjdke <33.
oh no alexa pls play you can't sit with us by sunmi. sorry jaebs you are not allowed in our club anymore </3 dhdjdk. RIGHT?? need some silly things to hang on to, to make life interesting jdjdkdkd. naur <///3 i love yugs' smile and laugh sm. i like calling him, chan and seungkwan(even tho sometimes this one makes me want to fight him) ' babu ' (it's a cute term of endearment in my language djjdd idk how to describe it in eng it's something btwn bub and cutie but tbh comparing it to these two makes it a lil bland djdjdk also i feel like sharing this will give away my identity bc i use these a lot in tags 😭😭 also idk if you got the notif but i accidentally liked & then unliked last ask jdjdkd) anyway all 3 of them make me very happy 🥺.
im starting to l*ve u and ur taste too 😿💗. i'll be honest i don't know which bsides have choreo from old albums ( i only know of current ones bc i was there during cbs djdjk 😭) unless someone tells me abt it, i haven't seen it yet but that's what i'm gonna do after sending this. also samee i dont wanna get my hopes up but since jus2 are basically from same agency i am also looking forward to them being in one track in future.
gotsvt chef's kiss 💖. i think ppl just start naming songs they personally dislike, flop these days djjdke. maybe it's just younger ones or just those who listen to title tracks only. there used to be this one song i listened to, of jamie, it was also a feature can't remember name of it, but other than that i haven't listened to her discography much :3. tasteee it's a banger! on the rocks makes me want to miss my non existent s/o djekdkdl. the lyrics </3 the vibe </3. i think drive you home comes close to it for me. after on the rocks that's another one i love with capital L.
dhdjkdjdek that's okay i tend to repeat same phrases too, and trueeeee live performances hit differently.
it's funny how you say i'm keeping up w g7 bc i have no idea where jackson is or what he is doing and until his 2nd bday live i thought mark was in china but then got to know he was in hawaii 😭 i've given up on keeping track what they're doing off stage/irl unless i get update via ig stories through them. keeping up what their releases is still somewhat easy so i'm just doing that. ( i had no idea jaebs was gonna be on eric nam interview but finally today i got the chance to watch it 🥺💚) also!! yes i had didn't know what or how bam's agency is like but everything abt bam's cb i was content with and loved it, i'm impressed.
omg you're chan's age??? i'm a 97 kid :3 and yeah same that's what i thought too, couldn't really find any answer as to why he wasn't :/.
also no worries abt playlist jdjddk i'll slowly start listening to their discography here and there. BUT ALSO i saw there is slchld on the playlist you linked, I LOVE THEIR SONGS OMG. NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE BUT I LOVE LOVE LISTENING TO THEIR SONGS, yerin baek too!! after woozi's cover i started listening to some of her songs <333 also kehlani 💖 i love her voice. thank you for sending in just that too <3
also did you notice seungkwan's ball which got stuck om roof, is still there in same place in 4th ep of in the soop djsjskslsl 😭 i found that so funny for some reason. no one bothered to bring it down.
i hope this week is being kinder to you since last weekend was one rough (else i'm fighting it), stay hydrated <3 yza 💗 goodluck w uni - 🪂
literally how many times have they talked abt this... AND EXACTLY FDJKFJDKFD it's the predebut fight bond for me <3 ok but i can see jaebs hugging mark so he won't beat the living shit out of the other boys that is So Him 😭
YOU LISTEN TO SUNMI... EVERYDAY U GET SEXIER.. WHAT THE HEAL.. it's like that w astrology to me too KJKJDFKJFDKJ i would also fight seungkwan no hesitation tbh it'd end up w me headlocking him im just so sure of it <3 OHHH I THINK IM FAMILIAR W UR NATIVE LANGUAGE THEN??? filo???? im not so sure though fdkjfdjkf and no u don't have to worry abt that i don't check my notifs anymore JKFKJJKDFKJ i just check mentions replies and asks <3 i know i'm missing a lot by doing so but it just takes up too much time for me now :/ and i will pretend to not know even though i have def seen those tags KJFKJDJKFDKJFD
dw i don't know most of them either KJFJKJFDD i just come across things!! i don't even know A Lot of things abt the groups i liked ever since i came back from my kpop hiatus jkfdkjdf i dont feel like i need to know Everything anymore just to like things lol 😭 im hanging on to this frail hope... jus2.. BLEASE....
ik :/ and there's no reasonable.. idk guideline anymore for "successful" songs which is also weird to me.. i think thats bc of streaming and shit :/ JAMIE IS SOOOO GOOOD!! i knew her from her reality competition days and when she eventually debuted in 15&. jype fucking sucks though she could've been v big now :/ the vocal chords on that woman.. incredible. <3 JDSKJDSJ WITH A CAPITAL L!!!! jacks' latest songs are always abt heartache what is he going thru 😭 how did u feel abt LMLY?
i know like.. only 13 words max nowadays so 😭
i think jacks is just always busy so we both cant keep up with him 😭 AND MARK IS IN HAWAII?????????? I THOUGHT HE WAS IN LA WTF 😭 i actually am not keeping up w them as much as i used to i just still have a lot of g7 moots and i follow update blogs so JKFJKDKJFD i still love the boys sm though it's just that im becoming a svtpoppie now 😭😭😭
yes i am <3 he's just a few months older than me!! ALSO WAIT we're the same age as g7 and svt's maknae lines 👁️👄👁️
HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! i actually don't know who they are either i just listen to them too fdjkfjkkjfd lately spotify's doing most of the work for me <3 ALSO U KNOW ABT JIHOON'S COVER... UR SO- ok we're besties 4 life now <3 CAN I JUST SAY... WHAT THE HELL IS UP W JIHOON.. DOING IT IN THE ORIGINAL KEY.. HE HAD NO BUSINESS SHOWING OFF LIKE THAT OK UR TALENTED N IM A LITTLE IN L*VE W U WE GET IT 😭😭😭
looks like it'll be much better!! i'm kind of excited for uni ngl <3 i hope everything's well w u as well and that all ur endeavors are bussin <3 u stay hydrated too and get lots of sleep!! <3
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