#MDZS Fanfic
noenvyy · 2 months
"A Good Man is Hard to Find" Nieyao Fanfic Excerpt
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So happy to finally get to post this amazing piece which @littlesmartart was gracious enough to take on as a commission. I have admired their 3zun art for so long and I was over the moon to be able to have part of my fic "A Good Man is Hard to Find" interpreted by them. Please check out their amazing blog! If you like the comic you can read more on A03 at the link below. Please also check out the fic that it is based on "All Men are the same" by @mostlikelytofangirl Who allowed me to write a companion piece for they incredible Nieyao fic You can find the link to their original story below at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29890200/chapters/73559001
Note: Art reposted with artist permission
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prinzsorgenfrei · 1 month
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My second prompt fill for the @xiyaogotcha4gaza!
@dumbbo-yyy wanted wlw Xiyao with butch or masc Lan Xichen and I tried my hand at it! I hope you like the designs I came up with and the additional drawings I made - I got somewhat attached and now i like them more than the main event ^^'
Oh, and because I don't have my life under control I also wrote a oneshot for this.
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Fanart for my dear friend @lanaserra for her newest fanfic:
Title: All it takes is a push (or a demonic cultivator)!
Pairings: Destiel, Wangxian
Rating: Teen
Words: 17,932
It’s a crossover but if you only know supernatural don’t hesitate to read it, you can totally understand it and it has much Destiel goodness
(Prints available on my redbubble M-O-E-M)
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maichan808 · 2 months
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My prompt for @mdzsrbb 2024. Many thanks to @ashayatreldai for bringing this scene to life with your beautiful words.
The Choice I Make With Unclouded Eyes (7.5K | Reverse Golden Core Reveal) by AshayaTReldai There is a cost to every decision, every path taken. And there is nothing Lan Wangji would not do in order to spare Wei Wuxian from pain and suffering.
read on AO3
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eatmyass-x · 1 year
One afternoon while Wei Ying is preparing dinner, A-Yuan looks up from his toy trucks and asks, “Baba, how comes lots of people in my class have a mom, but I don’t?”
Wei Ying’s hands falter at the chopping board. “Every family is different,” he explains carefully. “One mom, two moms, one dad, two dads. There’s loads of options.”
“But who decides?”
“What do you mean, baobei?” Wei Ying asks.
A-Yuan looks at him like he’s being silly. “Who decides who gets one baba, or two babas, or ten babas?”
Wei Ying laughs. He’s relieved A-Yuan only seems curious and isn’t upset. “Well, grown ups usually decide if they want a husband or a wife. And then they have baby radishes together.” He gives A-Yuan’s nose a gentle poke, making the boy giggle. “But some people like me decide to do it alone.” His explanation is probably not the best, but A-Yuan’s questions have admittedly taken him by surprise.
“So grown ups can have a husband or a wife…” A-Yuan holds up two sticky fingers to demonstrate. “And Baba still doesn’t have anyone?”
“I—” Wei Ying is gobsmacked. He stares at A-Yuan with his mouth agape. A-Yuan looks at him expectantly, like he’s waiting to hear an explanation as to why his Baba is incapable of finding love. Wei Ying quickly turns away and starts plating out their food. “Dinner’s ready.”
“Aunty Yanli said—”
“Eat up, baby.” Wei Ying grins wide and feeds A-Yuan a mouthful of rice, effectively shutting him up. And that’s the end of that.
Or so he thinks.
The next morning on the school playground, A-Yuan escapes from Wei Ying’s hold the second he spots Lan Jingyi, running into his friend’s arms like they’ve been separated for years. They see each other every weekday, and sometimes on the weekends too.
Wei Ying laughs and spots Jingyi’s dad looking similarly amused. The sun is out today and Lan Zhan’s pretty eyes sparkle in the sunlight. He’s utterly breathtaking. Wei Ying's heartbeat still stutters every time they see each other, and they see each other almost every day. It’s humiliating, really.
“Good morning, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan greets, voice as rich and low as ever.
“Morning, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying gives him a big, beaming grin. “How was your weekend without us?”
Lan Zhan doesn’t quite smile, but there’s laughter in his eyes. “Messy. Jingyi got into—”
“Mr Lan! Mr Lan!” A-Yuan runs back over and attaches himself to Lan Zhan’s leg like a limpet, creasing up his neatly ironed slacks.
“Yes, A-Yuan?” Lan Zhan’s hand instinctively goes to A-Yuan’s head, patting it like he does his own son’s.
“Baba needs a husband, Mr Lan,” A-Yuan says.
Wei Ying’s blood runs cold, his whole life flashing before his eyes. “A-Yuan, no—!” he splutters, trying to get the boy to stop.
But A-Yuan forges ahead without a care, voice filled with glee. “Can you marry my Baba please, Mr Lan? Then me and Jingyi can be real, actual brothers and be together forever! And then— And then we can all live happily ever after!”
“That’s enough, A-Yuan!” Wei Ying exclaims. His body feels like it’s on fire and he can hear the blood rushing in his ears. He crouches down to be at eye level with A-Yuan, despite the shakiness of his legs. “Remember what we said about thinking before we speak?”
“Ummm… that we should think before we speak?” A-Yuan blinks his innocent doe eyes up at him like he hasn’t just ruined Wei Ying’s life.
“Exactly,” Wei Ying sighs. But he doesn’t have it in him to get upset or annoyed with his son. “It’s time for you to head into class. Your teacher’s waiting for you.” He kisses A-Yuan on the forehead. “Bye bye, radish. Love you.”
“Bye bye, Baba! Love you too!” A-Yuan gives him a fat, slobbery kiss right back and then skips off to his classroom, hand in hand with Jingyi.
Wei Ying grits his teeth and slowly stands back up. Time to face the music. “I’m so sorry, Lan Zhan. I promise I didn’t put him up to it.” He doesn’t quite have the courage to meet Lan Zhan’s eyes. “He’s been asking questions about families and moms and dads and I don’t know, maybe I didn’t explain things properly. I’m so sorry, Lan Zhan.”
“No need to apologise,” Lan Zhan tells him.
“No, but there is!” Wei Ying insists. “Tell me how I can make it up to you?”
When there’s no response, Wei Ying braces himself and hesitantly looks up. Only to find that for some strange, inexplicable reason, Lan Zhan is smiling. “Let me take you out to dinner, Wei Ying.”
“A date,” Lan Zhan explains, like it isn’t clear enough already. “To make it up to me.”
“But Lan Zhan, I— You—” It seems that all Wei Ying is capable of today is sputtering and making a fool of himself.
Lan Zhan steps closer, still with that amused glint in his eyes, and gently brushes away a strand of hair that’s blown into Wei Ying’s face. “Don’t you want to live happily ever after, Wei Ying?” he asks.
Wei Ying feels like he’s died and gone straight to heaven.
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erivroom · 5 months
idea for an tgcf mdzs crossover au:
wei wuxian isn’t actually dead, he’s hiding in ghost city!
he accidentally finds out he can use his flute to make hua cheng do things because he is. in fact. also a ghost.
he doesn’t make hua cheng do anything too much at first, just joking around making him dance embarrassingly in public or flip off the wrong people.
and then in walks xie lian. hua cheng is insistent on being the self deprecating clueless lovely idiot we know him as.
wei wuxian decides to take it upon himself to be the #1 wingman ever and speed up the process by getting them together with the power of flute playing!
eventually hua cheng also convinces wei wuxian to return to the land of the living for lan wangji!
wei wuxian: bro he obviously is in love with you! full on flirt with him! stop being so cryptic!
hua cheng: mmhm ok whatever you say… and what about you and that one guy you knew? what was his name? lan-
wei wuxian: *flute noises*
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deathbyoctopi · 2 months
The air was heavy around them. Suddenly there was a bright flash and a loud clap of thunder. Xiao Xingchen gasped in surprise beside him as Xue Yang felt a large droplet of water hit his cheek and trickle down. He looked up, only now noticing the dark clouds scudding across the night sky. Raindrops began to play a tinny tune on the stones around them, random notes here and there that began to blend as the patter of rain increased.
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(...) Xue Yang wasn’t sure when Xiao Xingchen’s hand had slid down from his forearm to his hand, but as they stumbled their way through the town and he guided Xiao Xingchen through the maze of coffins in their courtyard, he became aware that their fingers had slid together and they were gripping each other so tightly his fingers were becoming numb.
He didn’t quite know what to make of it, but also didn’t want to let go or draw Xiao Xingchen’s attention to it, so he kept holding on tightly as he stepped over the high threshold into the house. He immediately turned and placed his left hand gently but firmly against Xiao Xingchen’s chest to slow him down...
THIS is an excerpt from The taste of rain on skin, by @fieri-sentio-et-excrucior and with the incredible art by @wrathyforest, two amazing and talented artists whose work I recommend you all to check!!
I'm honoured to know such wonderful people and I wish nothing but the best to all of you. Keep writing, keep drawing, keep creating things that make me happy please! >w<
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yingandzhan · 7 months
I felt inspired.
LWJ... Is that you? 🤔
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Saw this on Facebook and instantly thought of LWJ doing this after moving house and noticing a tired, worryingly skinny fox trying to get comfortable under a peony shrub in his new garden.
Foxxian can't believe his luck! The next night he visits he finds a plush, comfy basket and snuggly blankets that smell like sandalwood nestled in amongst the shelter of the pink peonies. The night after that, there is fruit and vegetables (green ones he refuses to eat - he's hungry, but he's not THAT hungry). The night after that he arrives to find meat, actually MEAT and it's not raw, it's been cooked. It's so tender and tasty and foxxian can't gobble it down fast enough before he falls asleep all cosy in his heavenly scented bed, curled up amongst the layers of soft blankets.
Just as his sharp eyes slowly began to close, his belly full and his mind drifting off to the land of nod, he could have sworn he saw a beautiful man approaching him, hand lowered to show he meant no harm.
Long fingers messaged that spot between his pointed ears on the top of his head, the one that he never knew could feel so good to have stroked. He can no longer resist the temptation of sleep, too relaxed to care that someone knelt beside him, smelling just as intoxicating as his new favourite place to sleep.
Before he drifts off into an amazing, warm and comforting dream, he thought he heard the man speak. A deep, alluring voice that made his heart soar.
"Wei Ying..." the handsome man all but whispered.
This voice. This scent. This blurry outline of a lithe, beautiful man. So familiar... So comforting...
His last hazy thought drifted through his mind like a rolling cloud in a clear blue sky... Lan Zhan?
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sasukimimochi · 10 months
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I'm a little late, but I realized Jin lings birthday just passed like a couple hours ago and I had this drawing I did a while back!
A nice little sneak peek of Jin Ling's and Fairy's design for Ghost of Mine! I always thought it was odd that Fairy was simply "black" in the novel but is portrayed as a husky everywhere else- so I looked into black dogs indigenous to china and picked out the Tibetan mastiff ❤
Fairy is the best support dog, she comfort (❁´◡`❁)
See more MDZS writing, art, and projects in my masterpost! ❤
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factsilike · 4 months
Now that it has officially finished, I would like everyone in the mdzs fandom to read this absolutely phenomenal, jaw-dropping amazing fic about WWX waking up in a modern era and adapting to modern life-
It is so so so good, the way this author understood and wrote WWX just the way he is in the novel so well, with all his genius and intelligence and resilience and quirky humour, it's a breath of fresh air. The slow burn is veryyyyy slow, but this fics leans more into practical and realistic what-ifs of WWX waking up in the modern world, and the romance is more in the background. Still very sweet and wonderfully written!
Of course also featuring the juniors, aka the ducklings. I promise their earnestness, sincerity and clumsy righteousness all the while being dumb and snarky and absolutely hilarious teenagers, will have you laughing and giggling hysterically the whole time.
The well thought out character analysis as well the long research in the notes are such a bonus. I was so enraptured all throughout the reading experience and learned so much about the intricacies of the modern and historical Chinese languages, as well as the thorniness of the past Chinese dynasties and so much more.
Also the way this author manages to analyse and understand the characters and original story in a way very few do is astounding to me. Seriously, this should be The MDZS Fic Of The Fandom.
Everyone go read this ASAP, and thank me later!
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lanzhansexual · 1 year
The whole exes to lovers trope for Wangxian just doesn't work. It would never happen.
The minute WWX and LWJ know how each other feels, that's it!
They are all systems go! Totally and utterly head over heels in love with each other. They are an unstoppable force of pure devotion.
Once they are aware of their true feelings and come together as a couple there are no misunderstandings any longer, they are completely on the same page. There are no secrets, no things left unsaid, just utter commitment.
There is literally no reason for them to break up and become exes in the first place. So having such a thing in fanfic is just out of character.
Wangxian fall so deeply in love with each other that there is nothing that would stop them being together. Absolutely nothing.
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noenvyy · 3 months
Bring Me Tomorrow/Stay With Me Commission #2: Chapter 50
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A million thank you's to the amazing artist @silverink58 for their beautiful piece. Please check them out on their blog! https://www.tumblr.com/silverink58 They are incredible and this gorgeous art is everything that I dreamed of. I had wanted a piece from them for so long, (I was literally star struck to be able to communicate with them) and have the incredible fortune to commission two pieces. If you are interested in the comic check out the story its based on. Its on AO3
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naehja · 4 months
Because of a failed expriment, Wei Wuxian meets others versions of himself who have been adopted by other sects and who have more of less differents lifes. He must help them to return to their own universe but learns interesting things about them.
So our WWX has to deal with:
- A Nie!Wei Wuxian, adopted by the Nie Sect at 5 (gave his Golden Core to Huaisang, was sworn brother with Jin Zuxian), knows Lan Zhan since he's 6. Was called Nie Ying and then Nie Wuxian until he does defection to save the Wen Survivors. And then the next actions are the same. Jin Zixuan dies, Jiang Yanli dies, Lan Wangji save A-Yuan but let the boy know his uncles. Wei Wuxian is brought back by Mo Xuanyu like in canon. He hate Jin Guangyao with passion for what he did to Mingjue during the war and what he did after, killing him with the music who should have helped him. In this universe Miánmián marry Mingjue so Huaisang and Wei Wuxian have a niece and a nephew (twins born 6 months before Mingjue's death). He knows what Huaisang did but said nothing because he's just proud of his brother. Nie Huaisang is a lot stronger in this universe.
- A Jin! Wei Wuxian has been found at 7 by Jin Zixuan. Wei Wuxian becomes a strong cultivator, a pride in his sect. He sees Jin Zixuan as his brother and loves to tease him. He knows Jin Zixuan feelings about Jiang Yanli and being forced to marry and help him to getting to know her better. He goes to help the Jiang when Lotus Piers is attacked by the Wen. Then he's captured and throw in the burial mounds. Following that, the events are the same than in canon. The incident on Qiongqi Path is even worse since Zixuan was Wei Wuxian's brother and this death broke him. Yanli doesn't die. And so Wei Wuxian is brought back by Mo Xuanyu 13 years later. He's very protective of Jin Ling and feel even more bad about Jin Zixuan dead. He hates Jin Guangyao with a burning rage when he learns the truth.
- A Lan!Wei Wuxian, adopted at 5 by Lan Qiren. He never lost his Golden Core and is renowned for his inventions. He never touched demonic cultivation and is married with Lan Zhan for years. He's sworn brother with Huaisang and Zixuan. He's the only Wei Wuxian to still have his old body. He didn't have to learn demonic cultivation and create a lot of things during the war who helped to win. When he has decided to save the Wen Survivors, he asks Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen to come with him. Since he's sworn brother wirh Jin Zixuan, he's still Jin Ling uncle. Nie Mingjue never died because Wei Wuxian was visiting Huaisang one day and heard Jin Guangyao playing the "song of clarity" and was like "wait something is wrong about it". And so Jin Guangyao was discovered to poisonning Mingjue with dangerous music and has had to face consequences. Mo Xuanyu never died because Zixuan and Yanli decided to literally adopt this new little brother. Lan!Wei Wuxian is the only one to not die and be bring back to life or to lose his golden core.
It's just funny to imagine that all the Wei Wuxian became good friend/brother/sworn brother with Jin Zuxian, except the canon!one who more or less dislikes him.
Also all the Wuxian are in love with Lan Zhan. They're soulmates.
Feel free to write it if you are inspired =)
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ninjakk · 5 months
So my friend has a crush on someone who hosts those home-selling parties. You know, the ones that sell everything from bath products, skin care, tupperware and even sex toys.
My friend keep going to their parties and buying random shit they don't need, trying to work up the courage to ask the vivacious host out. I found this rather hilarious and very Wangxian coded.
Now I have an itch to write a one shot about LWJ desperately in love with inventor WWX, who hosts parties to showcase his own line of organic skincare products that removes all those icky toxins from your skin the natural way - yes, an absolute nod to guidao. LWJ can hardly move in his house because of all the boxes of facemask and toner he'll never get through in his entire lifetime and is trying to give his brother 20 boxes to take away with him. LXC just laughs and suggests LWJ should just invest in the company and ask WWX out already before LWJ runs out of room and has to rent a warehouse to store it all in.
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
take a random snippet
“You know how to pick locks?” Lan Jingyi said in a voice usually reserved for his idols and golden-brown chicken nuggets.
“Why do you know how to pick locks?” Ouyang Zizhen echoed, significantly less impressed and shifting around his phone so much that the screen was practical useless at providing light. It was fine, Sizhui had done this in a pitch dark cellar before. Shady far-away street lamps and one shaky phone were an actual improvement.
The lock clicked and Sizhui shoved it aside. “I feel like you’re purposefully forgetting my father is an internationally wanted criminal.”
“But you’re not,” Lan Jingyi protested. “Just cause Hanguang-jun’s my cousin, doesn’t mean I’m automatically a great cultivator.”
Lan Jingyi was, actually, significantly better than anyone else of his age group, but Sizhui saw his point, even if it was incorrect.
“I’m actually a kidnapped indentured servant, if you want to get accurate,” Sizhui muttered under his breath. It wasn’t quiet enough - he heard his friends gasp, up what did it matter if somewhere in Jin Ling’s family’s murder basement was a file for little Wen Yuan. He hadn’t gone by either name in years and they were currently combing through the murder basement to free his not dead undead uncle and hopefully make it back to class in the morning without anyone noticing.
Someone would notice, at the very latest his aunt when she found her brother standing in front of her again, but maybe they were lucky enough to get in and out without being detected.
As if sensing his thoughts and deciding to shit in his dinner, the alarms started blaring.
None of this would’ve happened if Sizhui had just kept his mouth shut about the inaccurate lure flags.
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eatmyass-x · 6 days
“What do you mean you didn’t bring the fob?” The bubble of Wei Ying’s bright pink bubblegum pops as he speaks.
“I mean I didn’t bring the fob,” Nie Huaisang shrugs.
“So then how did we get back in?” It’s three o’clock in the morning and they’re standing in the foyer of Jiang Cheng’s fancy apartment building, in front of an elevator that cannot be operated without a security fob. Their arms are laden with snacks and Wei Ying is chewing five different flavours of bubblegum together. It’s an interesting combination.
“The door was open.”
Wei Ying turns back to look at the main entrance. It was open when they stepped out of the building to go hunt for the unhealthiest, ungodliest snacks the local 24-hour convenience store could provide, and had remained open this whole time, right until the two of them stepped back inside.
“We'll just have to use the stairs then.”
“Jiang Cheng lives on the fourteenth floor,” Nie Huaisang screeches in alarm.
“Exactly.” Wei Ying pops his gum again. “Easy peasy!” But when he tries the door that leads to the stairwell, the door does not open. So he tries again. And again. But the door refuses to budge. “Don’t tell me we need a fob to use the stairs too.”
Beside him Nie Huaisang taps on a sign with a well manicured fingernail and reads, “The stairs cannot be accessed without a fob.”
“Fuck.” Wei Ying squints at the empty security desk. “Jiang Cheng will have to come down to let us in.”
“He’s going to be so pissed off,” Nie Huaisang says, but takes out his phone to message Jiang Cheng anyway.
Several minutes pass as they wait for Jiang Cheng to respond. Wei Ying watches as Nie Huaisang taps irriatedly at his phone, his frown getting deeper and deeper. “What is it?”
“He hasn’t read any of my messages, but they’re all going through so I know his phone is on.”
“Maybe he’s in the shower or taking a shit, or something.” Although Wei Ying remembers Jiang Cheng complaining about the time of night and how much he wanted to sleep. “Try ringing him instead.”
Nie Huaisang nods and puts his phone to his ear. Wei Ying leans against the wall and waits.
And waits.
Eventually it becomes more than clear that Jiang Cheng is not going to pick up. “He’s probably fallen asleep,” Wei Ying groans and slides down the wall to slump onto the ground, nearly choking on his bubblegum. He spits the now discoloured lump out into a tissue with a grimace.
Nie Huaisang follows him down and buries his head in his knees. “What do we do now?”
“Break in?” Wei Ying suggests, and gets a disparaging look from Nie Huaisang in response. “What? I could totally break in! Remember when—”
“Yes, I remember,” Nie Huaisang cuts him off. “I know for certain that you’d be able to break in. But I’m really not in the mood to get arrested tonight, Wei Ying. Please.”
“Well, what else can we do?” He’s already eyeing the security system, thinking up ways he might be able to bypass it. A packet of gummies hits him square in the head. “Hey!” Wei Ying scowls at Nie Huaisang and tears into the packet. “If only Jiang Cheng had a girlfriend so we could call her to come let us in instead,” he says around a mouthful of gummy mush.
“Yeah, if only pigs could fly,” Nie Huaisang scoffs.
Wei Ying gasps, “I’m going to tell him you said that!”
“Right now I wouldn’t care if you told him I fucked his mom. As long as he wakes up and lets us in!”
“I’m going to tell her you said that,” Wei Ying tells him with a grimace, unable to stop images of Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng’s mom getting it on popping into his head.
“She’ll fuck us both up, and you know it.”
“That’s if we ever make it out of here alive. This whole building is a death trap!” Wei Ying gestures aggressively around the place. “What if there was a fire? Or the emergency services needed to get in? Or an axe murderer was chasing us? What would we do then?” He puts on an overly saccharine voice and bats his eyelashes, “Oh sorry, Mr Murderer. Please give me a moment while I go and fetch my fob.”
Nie Huaisang grabs the packet of gummies from him. “Rich people don’t give a fuck about safety regulations,” he shrugs. “The building has a gym, pool and a sauna.”
“A sauna?” Wei Ying perks up. “Why didn’t Jiang Cheng tell me?”
“Because he's a hater.”
“That he is.” Wei Ying fluffs up the large family pack of chips they’d bought and places it on the ground to use as a pillow. The marble floor is cold and hard beneath his outstretched body, but otherwise the building is mostly warm. He closes his eyes and settles in. He’s slept in much worse places than this.
“Are you really going to sleep here?” Nie Huaisang sounds appalled.
Wei Ying cracks one eye open. “You won’t let me break in, so what other choice do I have?”
After staring at him morosely for several long moments, Nie Huaisang sighs and balls his jacket up to make a pillow for himself. “Well, at least we’re not trapped in your apartment building. The rats would have eaten us alive.”
“They’d be better company than you,” Wei Ying huffs.
Instead of responding, Nie Huaisang sits back up and punches his balled up jacket several times. “This pillow is shit.”
Wei Ying’s own makeshift pillow crunches loudly under his head. “Should we sixty-nine instead?”
“What?!” Nie Huaisang shrieks, his face rapidly draining of all colour.
“As in, you sleep on my ass and I sleep on yours. Although I’m not quite sure how it’ll work.” He uses his hands to try and figure out the positions they would need to be in. “And my ass is way juicier—”
Nie Huaisang interrupts him with a gasp. “Brilliant idea!”
“What, sixty-nineing?”
“No.” He gives Wei Ying a disgusted look. “Using grindr.”
“What?!” Now it’s Wei Ying’s turn to shriek. “This is not the time nor the place for hookups!” He looks around at the confined space of the foyer in distress. “Are you planning to have sex in front of me?”
“No, you idiot,” Nie Huaisang says, pulling his phone out once again. “I’m gonna try and use it to find someone who lives in this building so that they can let us in.”
“That’s a great idea!” Wei Ying crawls over and makes grabby hands at him. “Huaisang, I could kiss you on the mouth!”
Nie Huaisang pushes him away. “You’re not my type, Wei Ying. How many times do I have to tell you?”
Wei Ying laughs, “Fuck off, I’m everyone’s type.” But his laughter quickly fizzles out when he sees the look on Nie Huaisang’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“My phone just died.” He flips it around to show Wei Ying his phone screen; completely dark and unresponsive.
Wei Ying takes Nie Huaisang’s jacket, wraps it around his own neck and says, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end it all right now.”
“Oh, don’t be overdramatic.” He waves a hand dismissively at Wei Ying. “We can just use your phone instead.”
The jacket falls limply out of Wei Ying’s hands. “But I’m not gay!”
“I’m not asking you to suck dick, just download the app.” When he makes no move to comply, Nie Huaisang snatches Wei Ying’s phone out of his hand and downloads the app for him. Wei Ying watches with terror as the unfamiliar black and yellow icon appears on his homescreen. It takes just a few clicks before he’s got a profile up and running for Wei Ying to use. “Here.”
Wei Ying takes his phone back from him with a visibly shaky hand. “What if they want sex?”
“Then you give them sex,” Nie Huaisang shrugs.
“I’m just kidding.” He huddles close so that they can both go through the app together.
Wei Ying has no idea how grindr even works so he lets Nie Huaisang take the reins. But that doesn’t save him from having to see a throbbing hard penis in high definition right off the bat. He yells in fright and nearly tosses his phone into the wall.
“Don’t be a baby,” Nie Huaisang laughs. “It’s just a dick!”
“Yeah, well—” Wei Ying splutters. “Find someone less… aroused!”
Nie Huaisang snickers at him and then disparagingly narrates his way through a few profiles until he comes to a stop. “Oh, this guy looks normal. Message him.”
“Why should I—” he begins, but the rest of the words immediately die in his throat when he lays eyes on the profile. Fuck. The man on his phone screen is beautiful. Face of a movie star and built like an underwear model. Wei Ying can’t make himself look away from his golden eyes, or the terribly low-slung waistband of his sweatpants.
“Earth to Wei Ying!” Nie Huaisang punches him in the arm. “Message the guy. I’m pretty sure he lives somewhere in this building. He might be able to let us in.”
Wei Ying almost tells Nie Huaisang to message him himself and then realises that he doesn’t want that. For some strange, inexplicable reason, he wants to talk to the guy himself. Wei Ying swallows to wet his dry throat and croaks, “He’s too… He’s probably a catfish.”
“Who cares? It’s not like you’re looking to marry him,” Nie Huaisang rolls his eyes.
Wei Ying’s cheeks turn embarrassingly red. “What if he’s an axe murderer?” But he’s already typing out a message.
WY (03:55): Heyyy
“That’d be kinda hot, if you ask me,” Nie Huaisang says, biting his lip. Wei Ying gives him a disgusted look, but when he sees the guy’s picture again he can’t help but imagine him wielding an axe and covered in blood and woah. Wei Ying feels a bit dizzy.
Nie Huaisang reads the message he’s sent and nudges him. “Why are you messaging him like you do want dick after all? Tell him straight up that we’re trapped and need help.”
Wei Ying scowls at him but does as told.
WY (03:55): Do you live in lotus apartments?
WY (03:56): This might be a bit weird but my friend and I are trapped in the foyer on the ground floor cos we forgot to bring a fob
WY (03:56): Pls can u help us 🥺
Several long minutes pass but they don’t get a response from the guy, even though he’s definitely seen the messages. Wei Ying can’t help the pang of disappointment he feels.
“Maybe he thinks you’re lying to get into the building, or something. Just try someone else,” Nie Huaisang suggests.
But Wei Ying doesn’t want to do that, so instead he snaps a picture of himself looking pleadingly up into the camera, eyes wide and lips pouted, the same look that always convinces Jiang Yanli to give him an extra helping of dessert. Then he takes a quick picture of Nie Huaisang where he’s once again slumped across the floor with his jacket over his face, the foyer easily recognisable in the background.
WY (04:06): I promise I’m not lying look
WY (04:06): [2 images attached.]
WY (04:06): PLEASE 🥹
WY (04:07): We’ve literally been stuck here for over an hour
He’s still typing when a blue reply bubble pops up on screen.
LZ (04:07): Coming.
WY (04:07): What?
WY (04:07): To help me?
WY (04:08): TO HELP ME RIGHT????
Wei Ying’s momentary relief quickly turns into panic when he doesn’t get any further replies from the guy. He stands and starts to pace around, ignoring Nie Huaisang’s huffing. When the light above the elevator lights up, indicating that someone is on their way down, he knows he should feel relieved that the guy is coming to help him, and not anything else. But instead he feels jittery all over. He’s not sure what would be worse, if the guy really is a catfish and looks nothing at all like his pictures, or if he looks exactly like them. The elevator pings. Wei Ying wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and turns to face the metal doors as they slide open.
The man that steps out of the elevator is the farthest thing from a catfish. Six-foot-something tall and bathed in the warm glow of the foyer lights, he’s somehow even more attractive in person than he was in his pictures.
Wei Ying feels his breath catch in his throat. “Wow. Fuck.” The words spill out of his lips unbidden and Wei Ying has to slap his hands over his mouth to keep it shut.
The man slowly looks him up and down, amused. “Likewise.” His voice is deep and gravelly.
Wei Ying’s whole body heats up. “I mean— You’re not a catfish. You’re…” Beautiful. Breathtaking. A dream. Every single word that comes to mind cannot be voiced out loud.
“Lan Zhan,” the man offers.
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying repeats the name. It makes itself at home on his tongue. He licks his lips and sticks his hand out. “Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan looks even more amused as he takes Wei Ying’s proffered hand. On anyone else the look might come across as cocky, over confident, but on him it just looks good. Instead of shaking Wei Ying’s hand he gives it a light squeeze, thumb stroking over the back of Wei Ying’s hand, and makes no move to let go. Wei Ying does not want him to.
“Ahem!” Nie Huaisang coughs loudly from behind.
Wei Ying reluctantly turns to look at him, still not letting go of Lan Zhan’s hand. Nie Huaisang has gathered all their snacks from the ground and is tapping his foot impatiently. He’s almost invisible behind all the junk food in his arms but he still manages to look irritated. Wei Ying rolls his eyes. “Thank you so much for coming to help us, Lan Zhan. We would’ve had to spend the whole night down here if it wasn’t for you.” His palm is so warm and large against Wei Ying’s. “You’re a saviour!”
“There is no need to thank me.” He tilts his head towards the elevator. “Which floor do you need?”
“Fourteen. My brother—” The word feels much lighter, easier than it used to, “—lives here. He’s probably fast asleep in his room right now with his phone on fucking silent. Me and Huaisang went out to get snacks and forgot to bring the spare fob with us.” He follows Lan Zhan into the elevator when the doors reopen, Nie Huaisang trailing along behind them. “What would we have done without you, Lan Zhan?” He bats his eyelashes. Just a little.
“Oh, I know you,” Nie Huaisang chimes.
Wei Ying doesn’t like the sound of that at all. Does he mean he’s come across Lan Zhan on grindr before and hooked up with him? He whips around to frown at Nie Huaisang and surreptitiously makes a very rude gesture to inquire whether the two of them have had relations before. A dick sucking gesture.
And then he looks up and realises that all four walls of the elevator have mirrors on them, and Lan Zhan has just seen him make that exact gesture. Wei Ying wants to die.
“No,” Nie Huaisang shakes his head. “We’ve just bumped into each other a couple of times when I’ve come to visit Jiang Cheng.”
“Oh.” Wei Ying turns back to face Lan Zhan with a sheepish smile, running his hand through his hair. “I see.”
Lan Zhan’s pretty eyes track the movement of his hand. “I have not seen you around before.”
“Yeah, um.” Wei Ying eyes the phone in Lan Zhan’s hand. He figures he has to explain himself now. “I’m not, I’m not really—” But the rest of his sentence feels stuck in his throat. It had been perfectly easy to yell, ‘I’m not gay!’ at Nie Huaisang but now Wei Ying struggles. “I’m not on grindr,” he says instead. “I only downloaded it to find someone who could let us into the building. I don’t—” and this bit feels important for some reason. “I don’t do hookups.”
“Mn.” The intensity of Lan Zhan’s gaze does not waver. “But I meant that I have not seen you around in the building before.”
“Oh!” Wei Ying wants to punch himself in the head. “Of course. Yes, I— My brother. Jiang Cheng. We’re good now, but we fell out a few years back. So this is my first time visiting his place.”
“That explains it,” Lan Zhan nods. “I would have remembered a face like yours.”
Wei Ying’s heart does something funny in his chest.
“Can someone please hit the button?” Nie Huaisang groans.
Wei Ying nearly jumps out of his skin. He’d forgotten there was someone else in the elevator with them. It’s impossible to look away from Lan Zhan, despite Nie Huaisang’s huffing and moaning. Like there’s a magnet beneath the surface of his skin, somewhere inside his ribcage, pulling him towards the man.
The elevator hardly even jolts as it begins its ascent upwards, but Wei Ying stumbles anyway, a step and a half closer to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan steadies him with a hand around his waist, warm through the thin, threadbare cotton of his two sizes too small t-shirt. Wei Ying looks up at him through his eyelashes, his own hand coming to rest on Lan Zhan’s chest, sturdy and firm under his tentative fingers.
“Which floor do you live on, Lan Zhan?” he asks. His voice comes out low, murmured in the air between them.
“Thirteen.” Lan Zhan’s hand slowly travels further along his waist, slipping just slightly underneath his shirt.
“Right below us!” Wei Ying gasps. The gasp is less to do with Lan Zhan’s words and more to do with the touch of his hand. “Lan Zhan…” he breathes, watching Lan Zhan watch him chew at his bottom lip. “Do you think it’s fate?”
“Maybe.” There is laughter in Lan Zhan’s eyes, but it doesn’t feel mocking. It feels indulgent, good enough to drown in.
“Yo, what the fuck…” Somewhere far away Nie Huaisang sounds like he’s drowning in disbelief. Wei Ying has never found it easier to ignore him.
The elevator pings as it comes to a stop, breaking Wei Ying out of his reverie. Lan Zhan follows them out onto Jiang Cheng’s floor to let them through the final set of doors with his fob. Nie Huaisang is quick to push past them and make his way into Jiang Cheng’s unlocked apartment, muttering something distinctly homophobic under his breath and slamming the door shut behind him.
Wei Ying on the other hand, loiters in the hallway, unwilling to part ways with Lan Zhan. He doesn’t know how to draw this out any further without saying anything, but for the first time in his whole life words are evading him entirely. When he looks up at Lan Zhan, he finds him already looking back at Wei Ying, still as indulgent, still as beautiful.
“It’s not my apartment or I would invite you inside…” he finally says, mustering up as much courage as he can. His intention could not be any clearer. He can feel as his face heats up with a vivid blush.
“It is late—”
“Of course.” Wei Ying’s heart sinks. “Yes, of course. Sorry…” he laughs awkwardly. Lan Zhan had only come to help them and here was Wei Ying, practically throwing himself at the man. “Thank you so much for helping us, Lan Zhan. I won’t keep you any longer.” He thinks about getting Lan Zhan a box of chocolates or something of the sort tomorrow to thank him properly for his help. At least it’ll give him a reason to see him again. He really hopes it won’t come across as too desperate. “Thank—”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan interrupts his awkward rambling. “What I mean to say is that nothing will be open at this time of night. Will you let me take you out tomorrow?”
“Out?” Wei Ying’s mind screeches to a halt.
“For lunch,” Lan Zhan says. “Or dinner, if you’d prefer.”
“Oh. You…” Wei Ying blinks. Hope bubbles all through his body and pours out of his big, stupid mouth, “So you’re not going to just hit it and quit it?”
“No. Not unless that is what you’re looking for?” Lan Zhan quirks a brow up in question.
“No,” Wei Ying is quick to correct. “No, no. A date.” And it is with no small amount of astonishment that Wei Ying realises he is feeling shy. Something he has never, ever felt before. “A date, right?” he asks hesitantly.
“A date,” Lan Zhan confirms with a smile.
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