lucasdafnee · 1 year
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Love these two ❤️
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malsfefanfics · 3 months
OC Profile: Rosamund
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art by @/nessiemccormick, edited down to icon size by me
"You wish to know more about Rosamund? She's rather easy to talk to, once you get past that Vestra pride. Though I honestly don't know her that well, given how Hubert didn't even tell me of her existance until recently. She also tends to keep people at dog's length from her at all times. Yes, I mean 'dog'." -- Edelgard, about Rosamund.
Full name: Rosamund von Vestra Nicknames: Rosa (Raphael, Mercedes, Caspar, Constance, Claude), Rosebud (Hapi), Rosie (by Dorothea), Petal (For Hubert Use Only), Little Rose Wolf (Yuri) Birthday: Day 6 of the Harpstring Moon, 1165 Age: 15-16 (Pre-TS), 20+ (Post-TS) Crest: None Family: Marquis Iason von Vestra (Father, Deceased), Medee (Mother), Hubert (Older Brother), Tancred (Younger Brother), Rigel (Best Hound) Nationality: Adrestia Titles: Master of the Hounds, The Thorn Huntress, Devoted Bloom Voice Claim: Jeannie Tirado (leaning more towards Rose from Resident Evil Village in tone)
Interests: Hunting, History of Fódlan and surrounding nations, Weapons and training, Singing Likes: Sweets, Dogs, Her brothers, Fish, Healthy Competition, Saint Cichol Dislikes: Her father, The Church, Saint Seiros, Noble Society, Liars, Formal Dresses, Herself
Favorite Meals: Super Spicy Fish Dango, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Pickled Rabbit Skewers Liked Meals: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Trio Bun, Grilled Herring, Sautéed Jerky, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish Disliked Meals: Daphnel Stew, Bourgeois Pike, Cheesy Verona Stew, Gautier Cheese Gratin
Tea Preferences: Lavender Blend, Almyran Pine Needles, Mint Tea, Rose Petal Blend
Liked Gifts: Hunting Dagger, The History of Fódlan, Fishing Float, Smoked Meat, any flower, Stylish Hair Clip Disliked Gifts: Gemstone Beads, Goddess Statuette, Blue Cheese, Book of Crest Designs
Lost Items:
Book of Hunters' Fables: A hand written book of fables and folk songs shared by hunters from across the continent. Looks well read.
Family Dagger: A dagger with a pink blade and a green handle. Reminds you of primroses.
Children's Music Box: A silver music box that plays an unfamiliar lullaby. There's the coat of arms of an Adrestian Family on the lid.
Starting Class: Noble Preferred Class Path: Noble --> Fighter/Myrmidon --> Archer/Thief --> Sniper/Assassin Strength: Bow, Sword Weakness: White Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic Budding Talent: Authority Personal Skill: 'Howling Shot', increases power against Demonic Beasts by +5.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: D Lance: E+ Axe: E Bow: B Brawling: E Reason: E Faith: E Authority: C Heavy Armor: E Riding: E+ Flying: E
Base Stats:
HP: 25 Str: 7 Mag: 1 Dex: 8 Spd: 6 Lck: 7 Def: 6 Res: 7 Cha: 9
Learned Faith Spells: ??? Learned Reason Spells: ???
Recruit Requirements for Canon-Compliance AUs: Crimson Flower requires C-support with Hubert and Edelgard, and B-support with Petra or Bernadetta. Verdant Wind requires B+ Rank or Higher of Flying, Faith, and Reason, and must have majority of Black Eagles and Ashen Wolves recruited. Cannot be recruited on Blue Lions or Silver Snow.
Potential Supports:
Crit Quotes:
You wish!
For my brothers!
How annoying.
I'll never lose!
You call that a shot?
I thought you'd be a challenge.
I'll cut you down!
Time for the hunt!
No goddess can save you.
Defeat Quotes:
I can't fall here. Best to pull back for now.
That...could have gone better.
I'm sorry, brother. I failed you.....
Your Majesty, please....look after my family.....
I guess I truly am....the weakest Vestra.....
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
I can use this on the hunt.
This is easy as pie.
Another day, another lesson.
I can do that? Explains a lot. (Budding Talent)
I....I actually do that? (Magic)
Level Up Quotes:
As to be expected of a Vestra.
Excellence comes with hard work.
Getting stronger and wiser.
Missed the mark, it seems.
I can hear the old man scoffing from the grave.
Not sure I have much left to learn.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: Oh, I love this! How did you know?
Neutral Gifts: Thanks. This will be useful for later.
Disliked Gifts: You might have better luck elsewhere.
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blaiddydbrokeit · 10 months
Manuela Casagranda's "All I Want for Saint Cichol's Day is You", except she's sung it to Seteth and he's having a crisis, and Byleth saw it and is trying to take a few tips now.
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fodlansbestmom · 7 months
Anonymous asked:
He closed his eyes as he leaned into her touch. People can fish here without issue? That's lovely. He can't wait to- His body stiffens when she asks him that question. Choose? "There was no choice." A slave's only purpose was to entertain people in the arena. Then again. He did choose to continue fighting after he earned his freedom...
Her next question gave him an easy out. "Mhm. Fresh honeycomb is delicious." Straight from the hive! Just make sure not to anger the little bees.
He quietly listened to her, smiling. "Why don't you pick the clothes out this time?" A little treat for her. Besides, he's not really used to Fodlan and its... fashion. "Hmm... We could always put my stuff in its own little pile." It's meant as a joke, but he wouldn't really mind it if that's what she likes.
And the names... He can barely keep up. Byleth, Jeritza and Manuela are teachers. Right. He'll have to remember that. Wait. Manuela will have her eye on him? Oh no, does she already know about him and not like him? But how- "Oh...! Rhea and... Sedit, right?" The archbishop and her advisor. Of course they'd be in charge of the monastery. Makes sense. "I'd love to meet them."
(in my defense this was just supposed to be a shitpost and it went off the rails real fast)
Brows furrowed at the stiffening, and the answer. No choice.. Sothis shook her head. She won’t pry, not entirely. He’s still so.. fascinating, to her. She can’t entirely figure him out. But the ‘profession’ seems like something he would’ve chosen. If there had been a choice. She kissed him softly. “‘M sorry.” What was she apologizing for? Bringing the sore subject up, him not having a choice? All of the above?
”I have not the opportunity to have it fresh from the hive.” Least not in this body. Perhaps before her death? Seems something she would enjoy. Something sweet, something refreshing. “What do you make with it? Or do you simply eat as is?” She inquired. Before stealing a kiss. Or three.
“A pile?” She wrinkled her nose but s smile was on her lips. “There is room in my dresser, and wardrobe. Would you like a desk? I can make room for one.” How generous She’s being, but it’s the least she can do. He’s living with her now.
“Seteth.” So corrected with a chuckle. “They chose those names. As a..cover? Their birth names are Seiros, and Cichol. “I can arrange a meeting! And you can meet Flayn too at some point. She’s simply the sweetest thing.” A nod.
“Oh! As for clothes. When would you like to do that? I can rummage around first, or you could come with me?”
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
White Clouds calendar notes
Just notes to myself about the caledar and events. I definitely missed some, so I'll try to update on the next pass.
Year 1180
Month 4: Great Tree Moon (April) Prologue (Kostas): 4/20 Picking a house: 4/23 First explore: 4/27 Mock battle: 4/30
Month 5: Harpstring Moon (May) Practice battle with Knights of Seiros: 5/18 Saint Macuil Day: 5/21 Kostas at Zanado: 5/31
Month 6: Garland Moon (June) Reports of Lonato's uprising: 6/1 Sweet-tooth week at the dining hall, choir festival: 6/8 Edelgard's birthday: 6/22 Interhouse reception: 6/29 End of Lonato's uprising at Magdred Way: 6/30
Month 7: Blue Sea Moon (July) Group announcement of the mission: 7/5 Looking for clues: 7/6 Quest from Seteth regarding thieves north of Faerghus. Sword Tournament Give teapot from Ferdinand to Lorenz as he bought two Rumor of Death Knight, also students wandering around at night Saint Cethleann Day: 7/12 Claude's birthday: 7/21 Rite of Rebirth: 7/26
Month 8: Verdant Rain Moon (August) Briefing about Miklan: 8/1 (Edelgard nightmare: 8/2) Fish bounty festival: 8/10 Conand Tower mission: 8/31 Quests: clear out bandits at Magdred Way (for western and southern merchant shops), help the blacksmith get ore, visit to Sitri's grave with Jeralt Flayn kidnapped: 8/31 also (though after we return from the Conand mission)
Month 9: Horsebow Moon (September) Mission to find Flayn: 9/6 Gathering info: 9/7 Hunting festival, choir festival, delivering admiring letter to Cyril, horse pregnancy herbs for Marianne: 9/7 also Leicester Alliance Founding: 9/8 (Byleth's birthday per Jeralt's diary: 9/20) Founding of the Alliance celebration: 9/21 (so far apart?) Manuela attacked by Death Knight: 9/30 Flayn joins Byleth's class after being rescued
Month 10: Wyvern Moon (October) Manuela up and about: 10/4 Fishing tournament, Harvest Festival: 10/5 Battle of Eagle and Lion: 10/27
Month 11: Red Wolf Moon (November) Byleth collapses due to dizziness: 11/2 Faculty and Knight mixer: 11/9 (Tales of the Red Canyon available, brawling tournament) (Quests: two-toned whetstone, mock battle with Fraldarius knights, investigate missing students from Seteth, ) Holy Kingdom Founding Day: 11/21 Founding celebration, Marianne's birthday: 11/23 Remire mission: 11/25
Month 12: Ethereal Moon (December) Mission briefing regarding the chapel and Jeralt joining: 12/6 (mission delayed because of Jeralt's absence on another mission) (Quests: woodcarving for Gilbert) Choir festival: 12/7 White Heron Cup: 12/16 Dimitri's birthday: 12/20 faculty and knight mixer: 12/21 Garrge Mach establishment day: 12/25 Old chapel investigation (monster outbreak): 12/26 Saint Cichol Day: 12/27
Year 1181
Month 1: Guardian Moon (January) Rhea sends large-scale investigation near Garreg Mach: 1/2 Spice festival: 1/4 (Quest: practice battle with the Adrestian Empire's Imperial guard.) Saint Seiros Day, Rhea's birthday: 1/11 Interhouse reception: 1/25 Solon discovered in the sealed forest: 1/30 Battle against Solon: 1/31
Month 2: Pegasus Moon (February) Seteth confronts Rhea, Rhea instructs Byleth to enter the Holy Tomb: 2/1 Bitter Eats: 2/8 (House vs House Magic Tournament) (Edelgard's coronation) Ritual of the Goddess's Revelation: 2/29
Month 3: Lone Moon (March) Saint Indech Day: 3/2 (Intended: Graduation ceremony) (Edelgard declares war on the church: before 3/15) Shamir reports back on the Imperial advance, two week notice: 3/17 Choir festival: 3/21 Last mission briefing: 3/29 ---> CF: preparations for battle at temporary encampment: 3/30 Imperial invasion: 3/31 (Intermediate lance tournament, quest: gather information on the imperial army)
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ladyaster · 3 years
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Tag yourself, I’m Baby and Palois
You know, thinking about doing these for the other factions, just wanted to give a little love to the faction I feel gets most overlooked in spite of how they’re all actually really funny and deep characters. Let me know if you’re interested in seeing that!
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mightysort · 4 years
@cichole​ said: drunk for manuela ffff
some one word prompts   //   accepting
        in retrospect , she ought to be thankful it’s seteth that’s found her over someone else who could’ve taken advantage of the situation. but , that was something for a sober manuela to be gracious of ( up until he starts to question her morality or something of the sort --- manuela typically did not listen for long ). right now ? well , she just wanted to head back to the tavern.
        the night was young ! and so was she ! and her perfect someone could be in there waiting to sweep her off her feet --- or , rub her back as she bends over a bucket.
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        “ i don’t need your help , seth ... seteth. “ she attempts to show this by beginning to walk away ... up until she tripped over her own feet , hand flying out to steady herself on a near by wall. 
        “ see ? perfectly fine ! “ she was not perfectly fine at all.
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Her Lawyer is Seteth
Dorothea (about Manuela): She got a boob job, dumped her husband, became a stripper, got a DUI in her Porsche and is now dating her lawyer. I’m making her my life coach if military school doesn’t work out.
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remnantoforario · 5 years
Blue Lions Ending
Finally finished the Blue Lion Path. Here’s my endings:
Gilbert returned to Fhirdiad and resumed his duty as a knight, serving Dimitri for yeas. When he finally retired he spent his days coaching the young prince in the art of combat.
Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach immediately after the war, at the same time Linhardt abandoned his claim to House Hevring and disappeared as well. Everyone assumed the eloped, but no one knew where they went. A decade later, after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, a sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the major crest of Cethleann enrolled at the school Over the next two years a boy and girl with the same crest also enrolled. Crest scholars deduced they were siblings, but nothing could be proven.
Seteth remained at the monastery and worked to restore the authority of the Church of Seiros, adopting a tolerant stance towards all. His encouragement of believers to respect those of other faiths helped the people of Fodlan find common ground with others.
Lysithea (See Black Eagle Ending)
Petra returned to Brigid and inherited the throne from her grandfather. She declared independence from Fodlan and worked to secure friendly relations with Fodlan and Dagda. Her descendants carried the torch she lit, securing her people’s future.
Hilda and Marianne stayed in touch and deepened their friendship through letters after returning to their respective homes. Hilda started an artisan academy and Marianne pledged financial support of the house of Margrave Edmund. Soon, artisan schools appeared all over Fodlan, producing many craftsmen and high-quality trade goods that bolstered Fodlan’s prosperity. The accessories Hilda made for Marianne personally became some of the mostly highly valuable in history.
Bernadetta (See Black Eagle Ending) 
Manuela and Dorothea returned to the Mittelfrank Opera Company, breathing new life and prominence into the once collapsing troupe. They toured all over Fodlan, sometimes even the front lines, soothing hearts with their songs and donating profits to relief and rebuilding efforts. Once the damage from the war had healed, the pair once again retired, this time to a private life together. It’s said their relationship was full of light and love.
Leonie (See Black Eagle Ending) 
Mercedes traveled to Fhirdiad to pay a visit to her father after the war where she introduced Ferdinand, though left out they were engaged to be wed. Marrying in secret, the couple worked together to reform the new Duke Aegir’s territory. They were so successful that Ferdinand was offered to work as a leader in the central government. It was busy work, but coming home to a smiling family made all the hard work worth it.
Ashe was formally knighted after the war and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. He faced a great deal of difficulty in governing until he met his new adviser, Cyril. Using the skills her learned as a student, Cyril helped Ashe grow into a worthy lord. Ashe gained the respect of his people and his land prospered. The pair swore to help one another and remains best friends for the rest of their lives.
Annette returned to Fhirdiad, taking up a teaching position at the School of Sorcery mentoring many great sages. However, she remained quite clumsy and was prone to many accidents; one neartly taking her life. Separated from her students in the mountains, she thought she would be forever lost until she was found by Caspar - who was passing through during his worldly travels. He escorted her back to Fhirdiad, and the two fell in love during his time there. Their story inspired a generation of starry-eyed students.
Dedue returned to Fhirdiad to support King Dimitri after the war as his vassal. Shamir was close as both Dedue’s trusted partner and mercenary for the royal family. Their relationship blossomed into love, and they were soon married. It was said that when no one was around, they would let their guards down and engage in secret jokes and idle chit chat.
Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of Sreng as Margrave Gautier. Under his leadership, nobles were persuaded that relics and crests were not as necessary as they thought. Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, he couldn’t have done so without his wife, Ingrid. Sylvain was ever loyal to his wife and they had many children, and while none bore a Crest, they were wholeheartedly loved. 
Dimtiri assumed the Throne of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly, along with with his right hand adviser, Duke Felix Fraldarius. Their bond was so strong that when Dimitri passed, it was said Felix’s grief was more potent than the Queen’s. Their stories were passed down to future generations as chivalric tales that rivaled those of Loog and his sworn friend Kyphon.
Byleth announced his marriage to Catherine shortly after becoming archbishop of the Church of Seiros. While he focused on the rebuilding effort, Catherine worked as his bodyguard and mobilized the troops when the situation called for military force. Fodlan entered a new era of piece under her watchful eye. A common saying among the people was that the archbishop had two weapons: the Sword of the Creator, and his fearsome wife.         
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jojosbizarrefanfics · 2 years
A Sin to Lie - Seteth x Reader 🍋
DILF alert 😮‍💨
This includes: acts of debauchery in a church, some religious themes obvi
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The moonlight shone through the stained glass of the chapel, and the only one there to appreciate it was you. Dimitri was here sometimes to appreciate its glow with you, the way it made the colors of the glass look so differently than they did during the day, but you were in your solitude tonight - something you were grateful for as you made your way to the statues of the four saints.
"Ah, there you are."
You turned at the sound of his voice, the smile tugging at the corners of your lips instinctively. This was exactly what you had hoped for. A moment alone with Seteth in the chapel would, ideally, serve the purpose you hoped it would. He was hiding something more than your stolen kisses and intimate embraces, something that you saw lingering behind his eyes. It showed in the tender moments you shared alone in his office or when Manuela was too busy drinking her sorrows away, leaving the infirmary where you worked alongside her to just the two of you.
But here, in the chapel, he'd be faced with both you and the Goddess.
"I'm surprised you're not in bed yet."
"I heard my wyvern crying. After checking on it, I figured a late night stroll would help me retire once more." He was so stiff, still uncertain if you were truly alone here. "Is it just you here tonight?"
"Yes, unless you count the statues of the saints here."
That rare grin, soft and casual, graced his lips as he approached you. "May I ask what has you praying to the Goddess at this late hour?"
"Oh, I'm not praying to the Goddess," you corrected. "I'm praying to one of them."
His eyebrows raised in surprise as he stood beside you in front of the golden statue. "Are you, now?"
"Mhm. Saint Cichol, to be specific." You caught his gaze as you said it, unclasping your hands to reach for one of his.
Seteth maintained his expression. "Interesting. Do you pray to him often?"
You looked for any change in Seteth's demeanor, but found none. "Not particularly, no. But legends say that thanks to his unwavering faith, he was able to perform miracles, and I'm sort of hoping for one."
Seteth's raised brows slowly lowered and then nearly met in the middle as they furrowed. "Is there something you need?" He took your hand - the one interlocked his own - and held it with both of his hands now. "If there's anything you need help with, my dear, you know you can ask me. Right?"
"Oh, I know. It's just... I sense someone close to me is hiding something. So I pray that Saint Cichol can help me. A miracle, so to speak. It's not likely that I'll ever find out what it is they're hiding without divine intervention."
"Perhaps they'll come around soon, then," Seteth said, though his gaze had dropped to your hand that he was holding.
"Seteth," you said in a way that forced his eyes to return to your own. "You know, it is a sin to lie."
He let out a breath that almost sounded like a laugh. "You are correct."
"I will say, you are fantastic about hiding it in public. But when we're alone..." You sighed. "You look at me like there is so much you want to say to me, but you refrain nonetheless."
"You're absolutely right." You were surprised to hear Seteth admit it. "I have my secrets that I keep."
"I hope one day that you'll trust me enough to share them with me."
"I assure you, it has nothing to do with trust. I... I do trust you, earnestly."
You rose a brow at him and said nothing. This was usually how you got him to open up. Your silence put the pressure on him.
"It is just not a burden I would expect anyone to bear alongside me. Besides, I have been holding on to it for so long now that it's hardly anything anymore."
He sighed, caught in a lie. "A sin, I know." He lifted one of his hands to brush some of your hair out of your face. "What ever shall I do to repent?" Seteth then pulled your hand up to his lips, brushing them along your knuckles.
You decided to be more forthcoming in your suspicions now. “You could grant me my miracle. Despite the fact that I seldom pray, I’d say I’ve been a rather devout follower of Saint Cichol. Wouldn’t you?”
Seteth’s jaw tensed. It was so subtle that had you been anyone else and any further away from him, you wouldn’t have noticed it. “Are you saying this because of my Crest? Has Hanneman caught your ear?”
“With how much Hanneman and Manuela bicker, I try to avoid him so I don’t get stuck in the middle. So while your Crest does play a factor, I’m ultimately not.” You smiled at him, hoping it would encourage him to open up. “I understand it must be hard to open up after losing your wife, and I don’t expect our relationship to be the same. But I do hope that I can see your heart one day. After all, I’ve bared to you mine. So much so that, if my suspicions are right, I’ve even prayed to you.”
In the silence, you could hear Seteth swallow nervously. “What makes you so certain?”
“You drop the façade around me a bit more than you do everyone else. Don’t worry, I don’t think anybody else suspects what I do.”
“You can’t possibly think I’m actually a saint,” Seteth said, almost as if he were reprimanding you. You’d heard that tone taken with the students before.
“Oh,” you said as you released your hands and moved closure to the Saint Cichol statue, “but I do.”
You looked up at the glimmering, gold figure and the way Saint Cichol held his axe. The soft yet stern expression across his face reminded you of the looks Seteth often saved for you when he was sneaking you smiles in public, your relationship largely a secret from the students.
Seteth’s footsteps echoed in the chamber as he came closer to you. You turned around to face him, the back of your thighs now touching the base of the statue.
“We’re truly alone?”
“That we are.”
Seteth’s knuckles caressed your jaw. “What if it were true?”
You smiled. “I might pray to you more often if it were.”
He laughed, the sound music to your ears. “Have you told anyone about your theory?”
“Just you. I wouldn’t ever dare, Seteth.”
“I know you wouldn’t.”
His kiss that followed felt like confirmation. His hands ran down your arms, holding you close to him as your thighs pressed a bit further against the statue. He said nothing else as your kiss continued, instead letting his roaming hands do the talking for him. It wasn’t like Seteth to usually be so public, but perhaps the late night hour granted you some privileges.
As his hands ran down the front of your blouse, he lingered at your breasts. “May I?”
You nodded, feeling the thrill of being in public course through you. Seteth’s long fingers were meticulous as he unbuttoned your white blouse. Once open, he scooped your breasts out from your brassiere with one hand and then, with the other, scooped you up from behind your thighs. You wrapped your legs around his torso for support, your arms draping around his shoulders.
You were elevated now, with Seteth holding you against the base of the statue. He dipped his head and ran his mouth slowly across the skin of your chest before his tongue darted over one of your nipples. You choked back your soft sigh as he brought his mouth to the erect bud and took his time there. His green hair fell in his eyes as he did, but he looked up past his bangs to you as he switched to the other.
“Is this how Saint Cichol rewards all of his followers?”
Seteth chuckled against your skin as he pulled away from your nipple. The cold that took place in his mouth’s absence was instant. “This is reserved for only the most devout. I’d say you’ve earned that title.”
One of his hands ran up your thigh and began to hike your skirt up. Seteth soon reached your undergarments and pushed them aside to ghost along the spot where fabric once was.
“Proof of your devotion,” he mused. “Even in a place like this.”
“Is that a sin, too?”
“Oh no,” Seteth said with such softness he almost didn’t sound like himself. His hand lowered to undo his own bottoms, soon revealing his hardened cock to you. “I’d say this is sacramental.”
At that, he was inside of you. You couldn’t help your moan upon Seteth’s entry; he never failed to strike at just the right angle to have you wrapped around him from the first moment. Your nails dug into his shoulders through his navy top as you and Seteth found a rhythm, feeling especially intimate now that you knew the truth of who he really was.
Seteth’s face buried into your neck as his thrusts continued. He was too embarrassed to face himself in this way, so much so that he couldn’t even say it outright despite the fact that you knew. ‘Of course you knew,’ he thought. He loved you because of how observant you were, how quick-witted, yet still so gentle and soft. You had yet to be hardened by hundreds of years, yet your eyes saw his very own for what they were.
He tried to shake his thoughts so he wouldn’t get ahead of himself. His movements were slow yet sharp, allowing the both of you to feel each other thoroughly. Seteth wasn’t completely sure what came over him as he remembered where you were, but it was too late now. The sound of his thrusts lightly echoed in the chamber, amplifying the risk of being caught but fueling Seteth’s sensory overload. The way you felt around him, the quiet mewls that escaped your lips when he wasn’t kissing you, the cool touch statue behind you—it was all too much.
It was exactly as you had planned, unbeknownst to Seteth, though you hadn’t planned on this. You could tell from the way he took his time with you and the way Seteth looked at you that a burden had been lifted, making him more at ease despite being in public.
“I don’t think anyone’s made me feel this way in a thousand years.”
You smiled as he kissed you, thrusts going deeper now. Seteth’s hit just the right angle to make you come undone on him, your moan silenced by his kiss. He wasn’t far behind you, releasing inside you. As you pulled away from the kiss, your chest heaved while you tried to catch your breath and both came down from your orgasms.
“No one can know of this. At least, that we did this here.”
You grinned. “Our secret, Seteth. Luckily for you, I’m good at keeping those.”
Seteth pressed his lips to your jaw as he helped you back to your feet. Once you were both certain you’d left no mess behind, he held an arm out to you, bent at the elbow.
“Shall we?”
You linked your arm with his, a hand resting on the side of his elbow, and retreated to your quarters.
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mithraeris · 2 years
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You know how Manuela wants the book Tome of Comely Saints in the two-toned whetstone quest? Well thanks to Three Hopes datamine we finally know the contents of the book:
...the veracity of this fact cannot be determined, however, and this text will not take it into account. That lengthy preamble out of the way, what do people think of when they hear the term comely saint, if not Saint Macuil? Countless songs and poems have been written about his immaculate good looks, among them "The Breeze Upon the Maiden's Cheek"... "Winds summoned by wings Rainbows dripping like glaze Your beauty sets My heart ablaze" This song was composed by the Empire's first female poet... ...But we must not forget Saint Cichol. Some claim he had countless lovers, while others insist he had one true love throughout his life. We have very few records of saints being married, so when we consider that we know Saint Cichol did marry, and that his own daughter was made a saint as well, I think the latter theory is likely to be the truth. But of course at the Rhodos Coast... ...As another example, though much said about him is likely fiction, we have Saint Luca and his many offspring. The man loved love, and had great affection for the many children he brought into the world. However, appearances can be deceiving. Was he truly the comely saint? If we consider that perhaps he was simply using some sort of power to change his appearance, then... (A book about the saints. It contains many portraits and is well-worn.)
So basically Manuela is into Seteth fanfic/fanart
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
~☆~ the gang's all here ~☆~
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Run updates, for the like two people following along:
Okay, we did chapters 3, 4, and 5 today (whew boy)
All of them went very well. I've used very few divine pulses so far - using ng+ was probably unnecessary, I feel OP. As far as class progress goes, everyone is level 16/17.
Anna is not doing so hot... we're working on it. She's now a pegasus knight w Byleth, so they're flying around and having a nice time together, but reclasses for higher strength growths during aux battles.
Yuri is stuck on the ground all alone, currently as a priest bc otherwise I would have no healer. He uses a sword half the time anyway, and is still stronger than Anna. I've decided to make him my dancer, have Flayn be a bishop, and have Manuela be a trickster. I think that will work better than the previous plan (trickster!Yuri, dancer!Flayn, bishop!Manuela). also considering falcon knight manuela, that could be fun
Edelgard is now on a pegasus, soon to be a wyvern, and will be a lot easier to keep out of the way.
The big news:
I recruited Shamir! I've done the first week of exploration in chapter six, so snagged her ASAP. Now I just have to get her caught up with everyone lol
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The Kill Off the Kids plan:
I have *ahem* disposed of Hubert and Bernadetta (rip Hubernie, ur one of my favorite ships so I'm letting you go down together). Dorothea is next, as soon as I do her paralogue, and I'll send Petra down with her (my OTPs will burn together ok it's romantic). I'm recruiting Ingrid so I can get Luín, since I'm doing that paralogue anyway and it seems silly to do it without getting all the rewards. Therefore, I'm going to also recruit Sylvain to do his paralogue and then send THOSE two to hell together as well. Lorenz is up next, he has no soul mate and will die alone.
Caspar, Ferdinand, and Linhardt all have to survive to part II, and I'll need to recruit Lysithea, Mercedes, and Leonie for those paralogues. As long as they're already recruited, I'm going to keep Lysithea around to pair with Cyril, and keep Mercedes to romance her. Leonie, I haven't decided. It feels appropriate to keep her around, plot wise? The boys will die for sure though lol rip. Lysithea will have to be trained into dark flier so that she can hang out in the sky with her bf, so we'll work on that.
btw i'm not doing every paralogue, only the ones that are for my actual team or I really want items from (ochain shield for Seteth bc lol hes Cichol, thyrrsus for hanneman, rafail gem for Anna, the inexhaustible for cyril or shamir.)
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
Due to 3 hopes i changes quite a lot of songs and even added quite a few. I also changed the order somewhat.
Please enjoy this Character Theme Song playlist. I worked hard and am very proud, let me know what you think!
Full track list under the cut
Edge of Dawn
Black Eagles: Trouble - Valerie Broussord
Edlegard: Monster - Crashing Atlas
Hubert: Reaper - Glaceo
Ferdinand: Glass Piano - Kathleen
Dorothea: Shangri-La - Caitlyn Scarlett
Bernadetta: Courage - Clay Finnesand
Petra: Finish Line - He is We
Caspar: Call me Fighter - Matt Beilies
Linhardt: Fly Away - Lola Blanc
Jeritza: Cover My Traces - Reach
Crimson Flower: Jericho - Celdweller
Blue Lions: Panic Room - Au/Ra
Dimitri: It Knows Me - Avi
Dedue: Walk Through Fire - Chuxx Morris
Felix: Playing God - Paramore
Ashe: Lions! - Lights
Sylvain: Sky Full Of Song - Florence & the Machine
Ingrid: Handmaid - Xenen
Mercedes: Stand In The Light -  Brody Ray
Annette: Climb Higher - PinkZebra
Miklan: Come And Get It From Me - Sun Heat
Glenn: Blue Skies (Remix) - Workday Release
Azure Moon: Soldiers - Fjoka, Neoni
Golden Deer: New Tradition - Saysh
Claude: Wander. Wonder. - The Arcadian Wilds
Hilda: Time To Go - Jilian Linklater
Lorenz: Prodigal Son - Rationale
Lysthiea: Future Me - Echosmith
Ignatz: Dear Doubt - Michael Schulte
Ralpheal: Fighters - Kris Allen
Marianne: Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienne Vega
Leonie: Keep Fighting - FireFlight
Holst: Never Surrender - Liv Ash
Verdent Wind: Into The Wild - Connell Cruise
Abyss: Can't Go to Hell - Sin Shake Sin
Ashen Wolves: Alarm - Score
Yuri: Monet Issues - Chase Petra
Hapi: Like That - Bea Miller
Constance: Talk Too Much - Coin
Balthus: Botton Is A Rock - Mother Mother
Alfreic: Cruel - Everlove
Cindered Shadows: Breath Of Life - Florence & the Machine
Garreg Mach: Feels Like Home - Atoms to Ashes
Catherine: Lion's Tale - The Miscreants
Shamir: Things - Matilda Smedius, William Beneckert, HiP CouLouR
Cyril: Old Scars/Future Hearts - All Time Low
Alois: On Your Side - CiN3MA
Gilbert: Dreamer - Brave The Royals
Hannamen: Conspiracy of Silence - The Swoons
Manuela: The Grey - Annelle Staal
Jeralt: Guardian - Aether Realm
Sitri: Solitude - Valahlore
Byleth F: Valley of The Dolls - Marina
Byleth M: All Eyes on You - Smash into Pieces
Anna: Adding To The Noise - Switchfoot
Silver Snow: Heavy Hands - Ryan Lake, Joshua Duchene, Mary Clair Le Plante
Saints and the Apostles: The Call - Regina Spektor
Rhea/Serios: Plenty - Aeseaes
Seteth/Cichol: Stories - Lilli Furforo
Flayn/Cethleann: The Glow - Shannon Saunders
Indech: Chasing Twister - Delta Rea
Macuil: Feel Good - Weathers
Aubin: Make Them Hear You - nine
Chevalier: Legacy - Lost Star
Noa: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Emilie Autumn
Timotheos: Broken Bird - Jared & The Mill
Sothis: Legends Never Die - Ty Brown
Agarthians: Hush - One True God
Solon: Violence Fetish - Disturbed
Thales: Long Forgotton Sons - Rise Against
Kronya: Warpath - Tim Halpern
Cornelia: Alpha - Little Destroyer
Myson: Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright
Nemisis: Woke Up A Rebel - Ruebens and the Dark
Blaiddyd: Run Wild - Laney Jones
Fraldarious: Dare Ye Cry Mercy - Sirena
Dominic: We Are The Brave - VERIDIA
Daphnel: Indestructible - Daniel Baron
Charon: Savage Daughter - Sarah Hester Ross
Lamaine: Dragons Accoustic - Annelle Staal
Gautier: Soldier - Fleurie
Gloucester: Crooked Ways - Motion City Soundtrack
Goneril: Helios (Burn Me To The Sky) - Alpine Universe
Riegen: The Darker The Weather/The Better The Man - Missio
Maurice: Monster - Gabbie Hanna
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agoddamn · 3 years
is Flayn a child or an adult by Nabatean standards? This isn't some purity thing, I'm genuinely curious.
I think that Flayn is a young adult (equivalent to 19-20 maybe?).
Her participation in the War of Heroes is my big clue; Cethleann seems to be viewed as a Saint in her own right, not Cichol's assistant. Even with the dire straits they were in, I can't see Seteth letting her on the battlefield solo if she weren't at least equivalent to fictional age-of-majority.
There are two major reasons Flayn reads as young: Seteth's behavior and her own naiveté.
As for Seteth, he's canonically overprotective (his Japanese personal skill is literally Overprotective). And you gotta admit, his behavior isn't baseless. He lives in a world where people want to kill his daughter and weaponize her corpse; he never knows if even casual interactions might inadvertently reveal something or be heard about by the wrong people.
And...he actually is completely correct; Flayn being at Garreg Mach is what let Jeritza and the Slytherins kidnap her. Seteth's fear is textually justified. Complicating that further is Flayn's long-term state of being unwell; if you had a child who just got out of the hospital after being unable to leave it for years, you'd probably be a little smothering too no matter how old your kid is.
Flayn's own behaviors and perceptions of norms are very literally not of this century. Not of this millennium. If you look at her profile, it says she came to the monastery what, a year or two ago? She's genuinely not sure of how much norms have changed. She mentions to Manuela that opera didn't even exist in her time. The social landscape must be completely different.
tl;dr I think that she's a young adult who reads as extra baby due to Seteth's smothering and her own lack of modern social mores.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Oh I meant poor Seteth in a shitposting sense lol
Like when he goes "no Rhea, you can't go" she's all "yes, I have already asked Cyril btw, i don't care about what you say :)."
Or when he's all "I'm not sure it's a good idea to take Shez with us", she looks at him and then goes "ok Shez you can come :) "
To end with the ultimate reason why this super sacred shield is hidden in a mountain "Indech made it for Cichol, but Seiros passed it down to Great Emperor Wilhelm because he was just so awesome" and you can see how done he is with all her antics - it might not be the first time she "borrows" his things but he doesn't care anymore
I actually didn't really like how FE16 portrayed their relationship - maybe to highlight Billy's special status - as not downright antagonistic or negative, but Rhea's keeping things from him to the point where he can ditch her in CF because "she's not the same" anymore and he's ok with letting her die against Nemesis V.2. - something this game changed, as we see him doubt and initially refuse leaving her.
From the moment Shez meets them, we see through their interactions they're on the same wavelength - his words to Cyril about how he knows how Rhea thinks because they often think in similar ways have more weight in 3 Nopes, because here, we see how they interact.
Seteth is her (tired) older (brother?) relative and they have been working together for years !
She's not, like FE16 tried to portray, some cryptid he used to know but doesn't anymore to whom he feels some sort of obligation when his allegeance/bond switched to Billy. For instance, Nopes!Seteth would have rushed with Billy (or even rushed in first) as SS!Rhea was crashing in the cathedral, he wouldn't just be "there" letting Billy be the only one who cares enough to go after Rhea.
Even FeH tried to correct what FE16 tried to portray, Billy and self-insert privilege be damned, when Halloween!Rhea complains that Seteth would surely call her dress "immodest", implying he already made similar comments about her various attires (I think there's a 4 Koma gag too? Where he freaks out because she's in a bikini, but she bullshits him to play with other heroes).
FE16!Seteth? With the main plot's script alone, no one could imagine he would ask her to put more "appropriate" clothes, given how they are always talking about work, disagreeing on Billy and whatnot.
I wrote about it in another post, but by removing Billy and the doylist "self-insert", the characters still have bonds with others, bond that cannot be artificially thinned to sever them at will should you choose to create a bond between this character and the self-insert instead which is, thanks to "self-insert privilege" be, of course, the most important bond out of all bonds a character can have.
(iirc Seteth doesn't even mention Flayn in his Billy S-support?)
Back to Seteth and the other bonds he has, it's a damn shame Manuela had to join the Bullshit Eagle Sus Force (when she was the one who rescued Flayn and tries to heal Rhea after the Shambala expedition!!) but he had some professional relationship with her, Catherine and maybe the other knights (where's the Seteth'n'Alois support?? Oh right, Alois decided to ditch everything he is to follow Jeralt, because "Jeralt <3" is more important than anything else like his duty and his love for his job as a Knight of Seiros.)
He develops some relationships through the war with other people, and they can even become great friends, but I always disliked how FE16 proper underplayed the preexisting bond between he and Rhea.
At least 3 Nopes managed to correct it (3 Nopes is a wonder when it comes to Nabateans (bar Sothis), they can shine and flourish when they're not limited by the self-insert and their privilege!).
Now, I really wonder, what are Seteth's opinions on Rhea's various actions, like cooking up the lie about crests, the Elites and relics?
While I want to think he agrees it was the only solution to protect Nabateans without condemning the children of the Elites he would have had a lot more reservations about bringing Sothis back - regardless of what Heroes retconned but would have nonetheless understood where Rhea is coming from, if only on the "I just want this continent to know peace" angle.
(with a firmer "no" though on the homonculus projects).
I confess though, my vision of Seteth is partly biased because of his JP!VA, I love Koyasu so hearing Whitten's softer Seteth always feels odd lol
(btw, did you know Jp!Arvis in heroes is voiced by the same person who voices Bleach's Aizen? I'll never cease to cry about no dual audio in heroes)
That was definitely a result of the whole Byleth influence and needing to highlight them as the important main character, so Seteth relationship with Rhea definitely suffered from it. Really you could say a lot of stuff suffered from that relationship wise. I like Byleth as a character but I hate the way all the characters just kind of... get obsessed with Byleth. There are a few exceptions where it’s plausible, but the whole cast is too much for me.
The stuff in CF with them retreating and ditching Rhea if you let them survive I feel was more just kinda forced in because they had to somehow fit in the player sparing them but they still have to fight Rhea. Since it’s on Edelgard’s route, I guess you could also chalk it up to like, if the player lets them survive then they can’t just return to stay at Rhea’s side. In GW I guess it’s the same idea except they choose to retreat on their own, plus they’re well loved characters so I guess the devs figured it wasn’t necessary to have them killed?
I feel like Seteth got some better relationships overall in this game, kind of ironically considering his lack of supports. He doesn’t get as much agency in AM/VW despite being part of your main army. I understand the writers had to focus on the lords for each route, but they did better in Hopes as far as incorporating Seteth into the important talks in AG.
Manuela is definitely placed oddly to me because she hates war and bloodshed. I’d be hard pressed to believe she just went along with Edelgard’s motives (same with Hanneman, regardless that he isn’t playable in Hopes).
Houses imo did give a nice relationship to Seteth and Claude, so I’m sad that was taken away in Hopes. I liked the way they didn’t really trust each other but seemed to respect each other by the end of VW? They were able to put their awkward interactions behind them from the Academy and work together.
My guess on Seteth’s feelings/opinions about what Rhea does regarding Crests and all is that it’s a necessary way to keep things from getting out of control in the future. Kind of like, a necessary evil? I don’t think he would agree to that kind of thing with malice toward anyone else, but if it put Flayn in danger for the truth to be out there, he’d probably just accept it.
In Houses he didn’t know about the Sothis-Byleth connection, but I guess that’s because maybe Rhea expected him to not be okay with it and so hid it from him. I have some other thoughts on it too though.
I also love Koyasu! hurr hurr levin’s voice actor too kEK
Heroes techhhhnically has dual audio, but you have to change the language of the text itself too and play the whole game in JP.
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randomnameless · 2 years
i legit felt bad reading your rhea-sieros post from yesterday but knowing that at least wilhelm wanted to hold her hand even if she was not the human seiros pretended to be made me warm.
Hey -
"Hand Holding is forbidden without proper courting", is what Seiros the Warrior remembers from Rhea's brother, Cichol.
He might not be alive anymore, but she intends to respect his wishes and sermons, since it is the only thing she has left of him.
But he never said anything about "naked social bathing", so she can join Willy whenever he invites her!
More seriously...
Another beef I have with Nopes is how Seiros the Warrior transforms in front of everyone - Seiros the Warrior, through her hood in depictions or hair dye, took great care to pretend she was a human, it's not to blow her cover at the first difficulty!
Even if, in FEH, Seiros calls the IO the form "given by the Goddess to protect Fodlan", FE16's Rhea is still very worried about that form, because she is deadly afraid people (humans? Billy?) would reject her if they knew she was not a human and could transform in a "bestial" form.
(Rhea finally dropped the hair dye in 1180 and we know how it ended)
So to Seiros the Warrior? Pretending to be a human is motivated by safety reasons, but also, judging by 1180 Rhea, the need/wish to blend in, and the belief that she will not if "humans" learn what she is - whether they want to turn her in a pair of daggers or just ostracise her because she is "not like them".
(Tru Piss?)
Comes Willy, a human who learnt what she was, and yet, saved, supported and helped her. Willy was apparently not afraid of her alternate form, nor rejected her for being a dragon, because he modeled his crown after her IO form!
Let it be for shallow reasons ("Poor Dumb Willy was manipulated by his peepee :'(" ) or more nefarious ones (he saw an opportunity to become an all powerful emperor and wanted to rule over Fodlan), Wilhelm accepted Seiros the Warrior and Rhea the Nabatean.
Something we do not see anyone from modern Fodlan (bar Billy in their S support?) do - because the devs dgaf about Nabateans, and as a result, their existence and plot importance is completely dropped.
Let it be in AM/AG/VW, the lords and the cast can possibly never know Flayn has pointy ears and how (if it is possible) she can live in a world where the majority of people have round ears.
Honestly, it's a damn shame that the only person who received this "revelation" and had to think/act about the "consequences" of this revelation is a guy who never appears, exists in 3 lines of text and has been dead for more than 1k years.
FE16 has never been a game focused on coexistence between two different races, no matter what the Claude/Clout routes try to sell. As a result, only Wilhelm got to knew (99% canon wise) Seiros was a dragon, and since she didn't conveniently died after the reveal, had to give a reaction bar "surprised pikachu face" and move the goal post about his precious teacher having a rock in the chest.
Fodlan AU : Manuela ultimately learns Seteth is Cichol, and the first thing she asks him is if he really had countless lovers like she read in a very serious book, and if the story of "Liora and the Magic Beast" was based on one of his paramours.
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