confier-boyfriend · 4 months
Put that strangely very heterosexual mild-to-strong-homophobic man/woman into more homosexual situations.
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sarcasticscribbles · 1 year
I made a curious cat and people been asking about my designs so I thought I would share it here too If you have any question too you can send it here or over on curious cat!
Under cut is a very long monologue about some design choices regarding my s1 gang, Gerry and some avatars!
S1: Jon, Martin, Sasha and Tim
Right off the bat I'll admit I had seen TMA fanart before, but I assumed it was a game from how consistent designs are (Jon and Martin); however when I started I avoided fanart (but I am not immune to TMA fanon designs). I'll explain S1 gang, they are my favourites. I find fcs helpful to keep them consistence.
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Jon: I have a basic Jon design: short, brown man with long hair and glasses. Jon has a put together façade but, he wasn't qualified for the archivist position, and he doesn't know what he's doing. Therefore, I like him with longer hair he can't care for, therefore messy. It gets longer with the seasons and adding on all the marks he gains from the entities. I gave him half-moon, golden glasses with chains holding two eyes. I like to think it's a Beholding artefact, so Gertrude wore them before him. I used to have Dev Patel as a reference for him, but I've switched over to Riz Ahmed!
Martin: Very basic: fat man with fluffy hair and glasses. When I heard his voice, I thought of Harvey Guillén, who stayed a reference for Martin's body. I pictured him in a dorky attire; round glasses, ginger, comfy yet business appropriate clothing. I added eyes in the pattern of his jumper and added freckles. I've recently play around adding a beard, because I think he wants to look older than he is (re: CV; "I'm only 29!") but haven't found a style I like. I keep him fat throughout the series, instead of him losing weight s4.
Sasha: She has some canon traits: tall, long hair and glasses. I draw her hair up to stay out of her face. Contra Jon, I think she was more qualified for the archivist position, so Gertrude started preparing her for the role. She wears an eye necklace I draw Gertrude wearing that's in the same style as Jon's glasses. She has a matching bracelet with Tim and overall is one of my favourites. (notSasha): I took what was established and flipped it; short, short hair, no glasses. I imagine notthem could pass as cousins (since they still need traits to the victim's family?); no immediate resemblance but with a few traits of the original.
Tim: Canonically described as hot so I have my own bias. I started with general attractive traits: tall and fit. I think he puts a lot into his appearance. I use Keanu Reeves as a reference, and he works great for him. He’s a hair guy, gets it professionally cut and owns expensive products, skincare routine and dresses in fitted clothing. His standard is a shirt with an eye pattern. He takes pride in his appearance, so S2’s worm scars troubled him. He stops shaving to let it heal properly but they never go away. He never liked looking at them and they are a cruel reminder of the past (however, one scar splits his eyebrow to x2 bisexuality). S3 he stopped caring about putting in effort, the stubble grew into a beard and his clothes aren't fitted. He loses muscles, gains weight, and isn’t who he was in S1.
Gerard Keay
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I had just assumed Eric was hispanic (for some reason) and then I connected that he's Gerry's dad, and apparently I headcanon him half hispanic lol
But it was why I wanted to draw the Mama family portrait to play with genetics. Letting his dad be rather tall, tan with dark curly hair and Mary be ginger with paler skin; Gerry's pale, ginger with curly hair as a child. He grew up looking like Mary and started altering his appearance to be more like his dad; dyed dark hair and taking some of Eric's clothing (I also gave both a beauty mark under their eye he'll highlight despite wearing make up). Alternative scenes and goths tend to straighten their hair but I let Gerry have naturally wavy to still resemble his dad more. I tried to give him trad goth make up, mainly looking at Siouxsie Sioux in the late 70s. And a fun bonus to have his hair often cover one eye because, The Eye
Gerry cared for his dad, even if he died when he was a toddler (if I remember correctly). Gerry's chosen name is the nickname Eric referred to him as, which is also where my trans headcanon comes in (afab). I haven't thought it out fully, or how that reflects on other characters since everyone else calls him Gerard but I think there's some symbolising there having a chosen name relating back to Eric
(some) Avatars
Oliver Banks: "the Egyptians believed the most significant thing you could do in your life was die,"; I take inspiration from Ancient Egypt for my Oliver design! He wears an Ankh around his neck, but I want to look into more about Egyptian death symbolism (he has a cross too, but I'll probably remove it for future designs). I've also taken some inspiration from Nordic mythology, with Hel (Hela In English? Loki's daughter (not Marvel) ) as half his face is beautiful, and the other is a corpse (skull). I don't wanna mix too many cultures just for the sake of it, but it was a really fun design decision. And he's goth. Bonus death aligned I next time I draw Georgie I'll draw inspiration from the Death's-head hawkmoth
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The Distortions: Michael's 60s and Helen's 80s inspired, no reason, just vibes. I like to think of Michael as a spiral while Helen's a twist, if that makes sense, I've been meaning to draw them together to demonstrate, but I'll include a doodle of it
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Jane Prentiss: I looked into a lot of paganism, and fell into a rabbit hole. She's described as a modern witch, so I wanted a subtle alternative look with a shaved side and gauges. One of her breasts are exposed because (boobs) in old pagan traditions a lot of rituals were performed nude, to be closer to nature. A lot of pagan art has a very strong feminine force, I want for Prentiss. She has one eye, but I'll probably remove the other too, I've seen a lot of people do for more holes
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Nikola Orsinov: Drag king. Because we need more of those. I love drag so Nikola's has a mix of both male and female attributes since he's just trying to imitate a human. Their design is also inspired The Toy Soldier in the mechanisms (haven't listened? To it but a lot of people pointed me to that designing Nikola!) that's also her actor Jessica Law! I put all my gender into Nikola lol, and when I can sneak an IT reference in I will
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Breekon and Hope: Wario and Waluigi
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Annabelle Cane: She's described having web keeping her skull together, but for some reason I imagined it to be down her neck. So I pictured her head occasionally falling off and being restored by a web. So I gave her both lol. Her vintage style is old, goth Hollywood glam to me and I love looking at reference for her
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Bonus Agnes: I haven't drawn her fully, but I wanna take inspiration from Scandinavian culture, think Midsommar (both the movie and the tradition) and maybe Norse paganism. I love Agnes story and how it's only told by other people, and her relationship with Gertrude is so interesting!
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Responding To The "Aromantic Manifesto"
So I found this aromantic manifesto earlier today and I have many thoughts and opinions about it. Mainly that it's really bad, and it is homophobic. It uses a lot of big words and complicated language to sound smart, but it's not actually conveying good ideas. I'm going to respond to it piece by piece. By the way, I am aromantic, but I am also gay, so that's the perspective I'm looking at this through.
The main points of this manifesto, as outlined in the beginning, are:
"Romance is inherently queerphobic."
"The organisation of queerness around the celebration and pursuit of romantic desires and pleasures reinforces queer oppression."
"Queer liberation must abolish romance as its long-term goal."
Point 1 is bad because the activism for lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights has LITERALLY been all about being able to love whoever we want to. We didn't fight for centuries to legalize gay marriage to have someone say that us loving someone else is inherently queerphobic. Implying that gay love is somehow oppressing someone else makes you the queerphobic one.
Point 2 is wrong because we've been fighting for our rights for literal centuries, and we've already decided that trying to repress our sexualities for any reason, is actually bad and contributing to our own oppression. The only way to make real progress in solving queer oppression is by expressing ourselves loudly. It's okay to dislike amatonormativity. I dislike amatonormativity. But that doesn't give you an excuse to be homophobic.
Point 3 is even more incorrect. That's because a movement that is fighting for people historically marginalized based on who we love isn't going to have abolishing romantic love as a goal. It's okay to be aromantic and not want romance. The problem comes in when you try to force everyone else to repress their romantic desires because you simply don't like it. That's bad.
The next part is extremely insulting to me as a trans person. They compare gay men wanting to date other men and not wanting to date women to gay men wanting to date trans men. Newsflash, assholes: trans men are men!
If straight people can’t help who they love, then neither can gay people. Nor, one might suppose, racists and transphobes, and people who find disability and fatness unattractive.
This is an obvious homophobic argument. They're implying by this that gay men not wanting to date women is the same as gay men not wanting to date trans men, implying that men who don't love women are misogynistic. It's transphobic to compare the experience of being gay to transphobia. Tell me you've never spoken to a trans person in your life without telling me.
Queer oppression is not just the experience of prohibited desire. It is also the experience of hierarchical and violent desire. It is also the experience of undesirability.
What the fuck are they even saying right here? Queer oppression is literally about the experience of prohibited desire and the lack of experience of expected desire. I can maybe understand where undesirability comes into play, since especially as a trans person I get cis people trying to equate my sexual attractiveness with my worth as a human being, but experiencing hierarchical and violent desire?
This reads as someone saying that queer romance is inherently evil and we're oppressing ourselves and we're totally at fault for our own oppression. QUEER ROMANCE AND SEXUALITY ARE NOT INHERENTLY EVIL AND SAYING THAT THEY ARE IS HOMOPHOBIC, IT'S 2023. Why is this even a hot take?
The next section talks about the "privatisation of love," which is a model for why they think that queer activism has been missing the entire point. Let's see what this author has to say about that.
While the domestic sphere fashioned by heterosexual kinship relations has been historically designated as private life, queer intimacies have instead been regarded as a matter of public concern due to moral panics associating them with predation and perversion throughout history.
This is a very sloppy, incomplete reading of the way that homophobia works. I'm not going to get into my theory of how homophobia works in this post, but anyone who's actually experienced homophobia in their lives will tell you that this ain't it. For one example of how that's incomplete, in recent years queer people have been encouraged by society and especially the right to hide our queerness and abandon our culture in favor of mainstream society. This isn't trying to make us a matter of public concern, it's trying to make us disappear. This isn't how oppression works.
This next section focuses on how romantic love is allegedly used as a hierarchy.
People who regarded as romantically attractive are invariably upward-mobile, white-proximate, gender-appropriate, able-bodied, slender/muscular etc.
Maybe. Just maybe. That is just a reflection of how society views people who aren't white, aren't gender conforming, are disabled, and are fat. Racism, transphobia, ableism, and fatphobia weren't invented by romance. The way that romance in our society works simply reflects those things that already existed. "I just find them unattractive" has been an excuse to discriminate against people for ages. That isn't because romance is inherently THE hierarchy, but instead it's because it's used as an excuse.
Often, calling romantic partners “compatible” just means their placements on the romantic hierarchy are relatively equal in privilege. Calling romantically unattractive people “compatible” with each other, on the other hand, easily sounds condescending.
I don't have much to say about this. This is simply not how romance works. While compatibility is not a great concept and I have critiqued it before, this ain't it.
Queer romantic ideals remain incredibly heteronormative, only celebrating the most privileged and “compatible” of queers and condemning more marginalized queer people all the same.
This quote is really interesting because it's pointing out a very real issue with society (the fact that society encourages assimilated queers) and tries to blame queer activists for it. No, we do not want to assimilate. Society wants us to assimilate, and some of us try to do so. However talking to most queer activists will reveal that we don't want to assimilate. We want to be treated with basic respect.
Queer romance does not resist heteronormativity as much as it assimilates queer desire, making us hold on tightly to whichever relative privileges we have and hate ourselves for whichever we don’t.
Hello? This is projection. This is exactly what the person writing this manifesto has been doing the whole fucking time.
By peddling the illusion that romance can be made queer, heteronormative capitalism forces queer people to try solve their problems of undesirability and unhappiness privately by finding the “right” partner, rather than directing their anger towards public action.
Gay people in the past got into romantic relationships that often got us killed. Did we do that because of heteronormative capitalism trying to force us to find someone? No. What the actual fuck are these people even talking about.
We propose aromanticism as a counterpublic that responds to queerphobic violence by mobilising public resistance instead of escaping inwards. Aromanticism is a principled commitment to finding radically nonviolent ways of relating to others.
There's so much to unpack in this quote. Firstly, the author believes that aromanticism is a choice. It is not. I was born aromantic and even if I choose to get into a relationship that does not make me any less aro. This is also implying that (gay) romance is inherently violent, which is Homophobia 101.
If you already have a romantic partner, we are not asking you to “leave” them, but to aspire to love them in a different, queerer way.
There's no such thing as more or less queer. If you're queer, and you love someone, congratulations, that's queer love. It doesn't become more queer if you call it something other than romance.
I'm not going to go over the last part, but this last quote is some icing on the cake of homophobia we've just eaten.
Just be aware that similar hierarchies of desirability exist in sex as in romance.
It shouldn't be a hot take in the year 2023 that claiming that all sex is bad is a very culturally Christian thing to do, as well as being very traditionally homophobic. Sex negativity is weaponized against queer people far more often that it is against cishets.
To conclude, I'm just going to say that this manifesto takes real frustrations that even I have with amatonormativity, and turns them into denial that romance exists, and blatant homophobia. It's also very hard to understand, so if I misinterpreted something, please do let me know. While I do think that aphobia is bad, being homophobic isn't a solution and is just going to cause us to be hated even more, as well as alienating gay aros.
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bloopitynoot · 27 days
13 WangXian Social Media Au's
This list was requested by @yiling-laozu-is-loml and is all about WangXian social media stories. NOTE: All of these fics are tried and true! They include fics I have read an enjoyed and wanted to share.
Social media can include; group chats, online forums, blog, tweets, OF, youtube etc really the public eye (I included some actor/famous/reality tv with fans fics too) or chat based fics.
if applicable Bottomxian only
book canon only if applicable
If you want a specific rec list for WangXian dm me! I love putting these together :)
Enjoy the list!
1 Welcome to Pepper & Bun! (9560 words) by PaidSubscription
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dating Advice Columnists, Relationship Advice, Demisexual Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Bisexual Disaster Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Mastermind Nie Huaisang, Inspired by Twitter, Autistic Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Has ADHD, Getting Together, Fluff and Humor, Those Who Can't Do Write Advice Columns, Idiots in Love, Mainly Wei Wuxian Because Canon, Podfic Available Summary: Wei Wuxian: Did you catch our first letter? Shall we meet up and discuss it? Lan Wangji: No need. Sent draft just now. Wei Wuxian's email pings with 'Column Copy- Final Draft.' It contains two words.   "Dump him." OR: Gossip Editor Nie Huaisang strikes gold when he picks Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to be co-writers of a new dating advice column. The only slight problem? Lan Wangji has never dated.
NOTES: Okay this fic was so damn sweet!!!! If this was a real advice column I would be invested in an unhealthy way- the two of them are adorable. It gives a little bit of frenemies to lovers and I am always here for this dynamic- the duo who seemingly has nothing in common falling for one another. My heart! Also Nie Huaisang is a marketing genius.
2 For a Good Time, Call (170842 words) by ScarlettStorm
Chapters: 21/21 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lan zhan, sex worker wei ying, in this house we support sex work, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt(tm), way too many details about onlyfans probably, they say write what you know, No beta we die like wei wuxian, mental health, therapy is good actually, in which I reveal my true otp and it's anyone in the untamed/therapy, okay so actually more angst than I was expecting, a surprising amount of genuine feelings, whoops?, Background Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing - Freeform, background lan xichen/nie mingjue, background Jiāng Yànlí/Jīn Zixuān, Nonbinary Nie Huaisang Series: Part 1 of See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! Summary: The picture is of Wei Ying, that much is clear. It’s of a lot more of Wei Ying than Lan Zhan is used to seeing. He supposes that, technically, Wei Ying is dressed. It’s a bare technicality, since one of Wei Ying’s hands has rucked up his black tank top practically to his collarbone, showing a long expanse of abdomen and one nipple. Sweat beads on his sternum, catching the light like jewels. His other hand is--Lan Zhan feels his eyes widen, as though unable to look away from a train wreck--on his hip, one thumb tugging down the waistband of a pair of red briefs. Wei Ying is biting his lower lip and looking directly into the camera, sultry, his eyes dark and inviting. His erection is obvious, outlined against the red of the briefs and framed carefully with the hand on his hip. Lan Zhan’s brain goes wildly, screamingly blank. Or: Lan Zhan accidentally finds his best friend's OnlyFans account and has an ongoing emotional crisis.
NOTES: I love an OF plotline and this one is exceptionally good. Poor Lan Zhan going THROUGH the moralities of not only finding your besties OF account but also subscribing and also finding it too hot to handle. The amount of tears and cash this poor boy spends. It has a happy ending so no stress with his moral angst! ALSO the sequel is so so good KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in (pls note the sequel has them tagged as switches so full disclosure there if it is a deal breaker for you).
3 兔's Clues | Tu's Clues (12296 words) by Anonymous
Chapters: 2/2 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Single Parent Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Minor Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Minor Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Niè Míngjué Series: Part 2 of AUs only a mother could love Summary: Most childrens’ show hosts are cheerful, energetic people who wear eye-catching clothing. The man on-screen is none of those things. This man (“that’s Lan-xiong!” A-Yuan says helpfully) is eye-catching for completely different reasons. When A-Yuan had started talking about 'Lan-xiong' and rabbits, Wei Wuxian had briefly recalled 18-year-old Lan Zhan sitting back on his heels with two baby rabbits in his lap, but the idea of his high school crush hosting a childrens' show had been so ludicrous that Wei Wuxian had chalked it up to coincidence. So either Wei Wuxian is hallucinating or that is indeed Lan Wangji on-screen, talking to two rabbits. As the host of a childrens' show. --- or: A-Yuan's new favourite thing is a show about solving clues left by rabbits… or something like that. Single dad Wei Wuxian is very much not prepared to see his high school crush hosting a childrens' show.
NOTES: So listen, this is tagged as Crack Treated Seriously and honestly the energy was not so Crackish. It was a surprisingly adorable and very cute fic. Lan Zhan WOULD be a stoic AF bunny handler as a children's tv host.
4 shoot your shot -- hot or knot (51435 words) by defractum
Chapters: 5/5 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Alternate Universe - Hunger Games Setting, Canon-Typical Violence, Extremely Dubious Consent, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Humor, Additional Warnings In Author's Note Summary: "Hi, I'm Wei Wuxian. I'm a Career Omega and this is my fourth season on the show. I like spicy food, archery and alphas who are funny. Or maybe I don't, I haven't rolled over for one yet." On-screen, Wei Wuxian winks at the audience laughter. Hot or Knot is the world's most popular reality TV show. Part dating show, part survival show, Hot or Knot is everyone's guilty pleasure - and Wei Wuxian is a fan favourite. - The Love Island/Hunger Games reality dating tv show A/B/O au
NOTES: Okay, but here's the thing. This is S tier crack fic and no one can change my mind. Did I think I would be out here reading a Love Island/Hunger Games/ ABO reality show fic- absolutely not but let me tell you *slaps fic* this baby has so much good shit in it. Just pls trust me and go in with open energy LOL
5 episodes (34947 words) by kasunn
Chapters: 8/8 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Fluff, basically all fluff, Youtuber Wei Ying, Social Media, Actor Lan Xichen, Artist Jiang Cheng, Chef Jiang Yanli, Babysitting, lowkey kidfic, Surgeon Lan Zhan, Canon typical feels, Taiwanese Wei Ying, Copious amounts of Chinglish, pets!, Secret Relationship, Kind Of, bad pet names, Established Relationship, wen yuan is a wen Summary: “Lan Zhan-gege,” Wei Ying sighs when he reads the tweet and Lan Zhan pats his knee. “I said hello,” Lan Zhan says. That he did. The tweet simply reads ‘Hello’ with a waving hand emoji. Terrible. Wei Ying is ashamed of himself for not teaching him better. “Your brother is going to kill me,” Wei Ying says. (or just a lot of domesticity between Wei Ying the Youtuber and Lan Zhan (his husband) + a mild, mini mystery for Wei Ying's viewers)
NOTES: I love this fic so much. The wholesome domestic energy is everything. WY is a youtuber and quite popular online in this and his husband is a mysterious man no one sees or knows anything about- obviously fans get curious and oh, Lan Zhan gets twitter.
6 you are safe / loved / worthy / enough (150003 words) by everythingispoetry
Chapters: 28/28 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Social Media, Mental Health Issues, Healing, self-care, Anxiety, Hurt/Comfort, the mortifying ordeal of self-acceptance, Falling In Love, Depression, Slow Burn Summary: One of the more timid-looking posts, in pale greens and creams and yellows, says Hello, I'm managing to be fairly high functioning right now but I'm really not doing as well as it may appear, and Lan Zhan feels as if someone sneaked into his mind and read his most secret thoughts, the ones he's never even dared to admit to himself. (Lan Zhan falls apart and finds himself through the most unexpected means.)
NOTES: So a few things with this fic; first it takes the prompt social media a little lighter as in social media is used for healing and there are social media talks but it isn't the forefront of the fic, second CW if you struggle with depression this fts that heavily and in a descriptive way. So heads up there. This fic is stunning, it's about healing, recovery, autonomy and love. That being said, your boy Wangji really goes through it in this fic. The poor guy is Not Okay. It is a beautiful fic though and he does get better.
7 Badreads (37442 words) by arabii
Chapters: 8/8 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Writing & Publishing, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Bullying as a Flirting Technique, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian in Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian's Body Summary: Lan Zhan rated it ★☆☆☆☆ August 12, 2022 shelves: should-have-abandoned Picked up solely because I thought that a book release clouded with so much controversy would at least be entertaining to read. I was wrong. How does Wei Wuxian manage to make a book containing cannibalism, necromancy, and a sex cult boring? Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian are romance authors with large social media followings. Nie Huaisang sees an opportunity to get publicity by faking a relationship between them. This action will have consequences.
NOTES: I absolutely LOVE when Lan Wangji is a Bitch and this is peak Bitchiness. WY and LXC are romance writers and LWJ is a book reviewer with 0 fucks to give. The brutality in which he makes a point to read and review each of WWX's books brings me so much joy. and OFC they fall in love.
8 Falling to the Rhythm (128916 words) by Selenay
Chapters: 14/14 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Alternate Universe - Dance, Alternate Universe - Strictly Come Dancing Fusion, Ballroom Dancing, Dancer!Wèi Wúxiàn, Violinist Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Pining While Dancing, Oblivious Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Gratuitous Costume Descriptions, Gratuitous dancing descriptions, Slow Burn, Rating applies to later chapters, The unbearable romance of being cared for, Podfic Available Series: Part 1 of Wangxian Strictly AU Summary: "So it's a bet?" Jiang Cheng said. "Dance the showcase if you get him, fancy coffee machine if you don't?" Wei Wuxian considered the machine. "Fine. You're on. I want it in red." "Don't start planning your caffeine overdose yet." "It's in the bag," Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. "There's no way they'll match me with someone like Lan Wangji."   Teaching Lan Wangji to dance in front of the nation for twelve weeks, how hard can that be? Wei Wuxian is about to find out.
NOTES: I love everything about this fic. It was so good and light (a tiny sip of angst because competition and some pining). The Strictly Come Dancing (basically Dancing with the Stars for North America) is *chefs kiss*. Also the fact that WY went in on it for a bet because he wanted a coffee machine I cant.
9 Gusu's Drag Race (55079 words) by DizziDreams
Chapters: 15/15 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: the gang's all here, Drag Queens, Drag Race AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Nonbinary Character, Gender Changes, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, whistleblower, There Was Only One Bed, Alcohol Abuse, ambiguous setting, American political system - Freeform, Big Bang Challenge, Background jyl/mianmian Summary: Meet the Queens of Gusu’s Drag Race Season 5! by QIN SU Oh my god, we’re back again. Hot on the heels of the shocking finale of season 4, Gusu’s Drag Race is back, with perennial judge Lan Qiren, Gusu’s grumpiest shufu, and featuring the return of the grandmother of drag Baoshan Sanren. And this season is already promising one. “We’ve never had such a strong cast of refined, professional queens. It has the makings to be the greatest season of Drag Race yet.” Big talk for the Emmy-award-winning show that has shot dozens of queens to fame, bringing drag to the mainstream. “The mainstream may be taking notice, but there’s nothing mainstream about drag done right,” says co-host Baoshan Sanren. “Drag is about disobedience. It’s rebellious and anti-mainstream by its very definition, and we’ve got some queens this season with the chops to prove it.” With all that to look forward to, let’s Meet the Queens who’ve already captivated our judges.
NOTES: I know I said that Hot or Knot was PEAK Crack, but this one is up there too! We have the MDZS ensemble, we have Drag, we have unionization and the fight for working conditions, OH AND INCLUDED ART. This was so fun to read.
10 Yesterday Once More (22725 words) by Sweetlittlevampire
Chapters: 7/7 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Long Lost Family AU, Adoption, Family Reunions, Reunions, Lost Love, Getting Back Together, Family Feels, Found Family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Angst, Happy Ending, Podfic Welcome, Podfic Available Summary: „I remember him as…sunny,” Sizhui tells her. “His whole personality radiated sunshine and warmth. He was always smiling, always cracking a joke. He loved playing and rough-housing with us kids, but he could also be very gentle if he wanted to. Looking back, he couldn’t have been older than twenty-five; he was probably even younger than that, now that I think about it. But despite the short time we’ve spent together while he was looking after the kids at the orphanage, he always felt like a father to me.”   In which Lan Sizhui goes on a TV show, to find the man he saw as a father figure while he was in the orphanage, and who disappeared one day. …and who just so happens to be his adoptive father's long-lost love.
NOTES: Okay way less crack, this fic actually made me tear up. A wholesome journey Sizhui centric in which he goes on a reality TV show to find his Xian-ge. The "show" was so beautifully narrated and "produced" and the ending ultra sweet.
11 Love at Second Sight (49893 words) by flowerofgusu
Chapters: 17/17 Rating: Explicit Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Luo "Mian Mian" Qingyang, Wen Qing (Modao Zushi), Wen Ning | Wen Qionglin, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui Additional Tags: Background SongXiao, background mianqing, Romance, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reality TV, Musicians Wangxian, Comphet Wei Wuxian, Coming Out, Demisexual Wei Wuxian, Rated E for the Small Amounts of Smut, Eventual Smut, Romantic Comedy, Falling In Love, Misunderstandings, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage Summary: Popstar Wei Wuxian agrees to go on Nie Huaisang’s reality TV show, wherein celebrities play an arranged married couple for a month. His manager, Wen Qing, insists this will be good publicity—plus, the funds raised will go to a children’s music school. He’s excited—he’s never been in a relationship before, let alone a fake-arranged-marriage. But when he finds out that he’s been arranged to be married on the show to his rival Lan Wangji, he doesn’t know whether to grin and bear it, or run the other way. How much can he act smitten for the cameras?
NOTES: On a good day I am already too invested in real life trash reality tv so it's no surprise that I am here to include yet another reality tv dating show au. This one was so good. I love a good "fake it till you accidentally actually fall in love" trope and this one does that plus a solid slowburn to realization exquisitely. These poor babes so oblivious- such messes.
12 cookin' up a storm, piece of cake (9562 words) by livinginaworldofnoise
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Social Media, Baking, the dumbest comments u have ever seen, wei wuxian being a troll for nearly 10k words, lan wangji suffering the most that any recipe blogger has ever suffered, Baker Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian is a Little Shit, Crack, content warning for absolute unhinged nonsense, told in the form of recipe comments and emails, Epistolary Summary: yiling_patriarch: first time making a cake with alcohol! it’s still in the oven but it smells great so far ↳ Gusu Lan Kitchen: There is no alcohol listed in the ingredients for this recipe. yiling_patriarch: i didn’t have any oranges or orange juice so i replaced those with a can of orange sparkling margarita! tasted super weird [★★☆☆☆] ↳ Gusu Lan Kitchen: Are you being deliberately obtuse? OR: life is tough for baker!lwj when online troll!wwx won't stop commenting on his recipe blog
NOTES: I know @yiling-laozu-is-loml has already read this (and the next fic) but I legally (not actually) had to include this one on this list. This fic is so damn cute- flirting through bad baking, trolling, and blogs??? What is there not to love. It is extra sweet how they end up together in the end.
13 don’t threaten me with a good time (60023 words) by livinginaworldofnoise
Chapters: 11/11 Rating: General Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reality TV, Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off Fusion, wwx is a chaos demon determined to make gbbo more exciting, lwj cares about the Integrity of Bake-Off, who will win????, Fluff, Fluff and Crack, gbbo au, content warning for absolute unhinged nonsense, Enemies to Lovers, by enemies i mean BAKING RIVALS of course, the last two chapters are the twitter reactions to the show so, Social Media AU, Podfic Available Summary: “I’m using orange liqueur to make my cake more interesting. Give it a bit of a kick, you know?” Lan Wangji’s expression has only changed minutely—not a lot of range there, it seems—but Wei Wuxian can tell he is perturbed by this information. “Alcohol? In cake?” “Honestly, I’m not sure any cake should even be made without alcohol,” Wei Wuxian says, offering another beatific smile that Lan Wangji does not return. OR: the great british bake-off au???
NOTES: Bake off AU! BAKE OFF AU! It's got cakes, scandal, disasters, enemies to lovers, and clothing so distracting WWX bluescreens. A very wholesome social media + reality TV competition. I highly recommend for good vibes. Bonus with the juniors idolizing Lan Zhan- such little cuties.
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look I know that the Poly!AU is mainly for König to live his warriors harem fantasy but I adore the childhood friends sapphic yearning side of it (sorry if this isn't what you're interested in, I'm just a fem leaning bi who loves a slowburn that ends in an explosion lmao) so here are some random thoughtsTM.
imagine if Engel was being bullied and Bestie stepped in to help her out, hissing at them not to bother the poor girl (earning her the nickname Kitty). and Kitty also being into knives and guns having grew up in a hunting family and having the same morbid curiosities as Engel, cue late night sleep overs reading stephen king and R. L. James.
I love imagining Kitty as being even shorter than Engel (Engel is 5"5 and Kitty is 5"1 in my head). and having hella soft features like freckles, curly red hair, round face, etc. (König freaking out internally because where did his Engel find a Cherub?!) which makes her the more feisty one in social situations a lot more fun because hey someone needs to tell the waiter they ordered no pickles.
also I'm so weak for Engel having to translate southern phrases and words to König because she grew up with her. or if Kitty came back from a family get together and is extra southern they both have some question marks floating around their heads.
Kitty braiding Engel's hair and putting lil flowers in it, telling her how funny it is that her bf calls her angel because "I always said you were as pretty as one". Engel always twirling one of her curls around her finger.
also Kitty being a biter, loves leaving lil bite marks as a love language. doesn't matter on who or where , shoulder, face, boobs, neck, ass, its all getting bit.
DUDE I am so invested in this little bisexual southern gremlin it's not even funny 😭 I'm sorry for leaving an essay about what is essentially an NPC but I heard the word southern bestfriend and went feral a bit.
I've kept this ask safe inside my inbox and read it like it's the Bible for a few days because it's SOGOOOD (I want to kiss and squish you anon you're a genius 💋)
I wonder if Engel first developed a liking to knives and weapons while staying in her house, these two gals didn't have pillow fights they drank hot cocoa and stayed up late, Kitty reading IT and Misery to Engel... (Engel listening to her every word, mesmerized by the stories, wide-eyed and heart beating so so fast, when it's time to go to bed she's feeling too scared and Kitty has to calm her down and repeat it's only a book it's not real you silly little thing 🩷)
I also love how both König and southern bestie kind of just adore reader/Engel so much?! Braiding her hair and putting the flowers König brought home in there too??? She's so loved and taken care of, and of course in return, treats them with her specialty: salty caramel muffins and chocolate cookies and frosted cupcakes (König always eats at least half of them and isn't even that sorry 😠)
+ a moment of silence for König, having to go to work with Kitty's bite marks on his ass and neck & Engel's lipstick peppered on his cheeks ❤️
Southern gremlin sounds such a cool and adorable little menace! (I need her in my life 😭)
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malicedafirenze · 10 months
I just finished re-reading Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco and I'm going to make it everyone's problem because this book is so good and so underrated
I wrote a more conventional review of this book after my first readthrough this April, so if you want more concrete info and slightly less incoherent gushing, head over here please.
What to love about it
SO many of the fantasy romance books I read end up being unsatisfying to me because they either have a main romance that feels cheap because it moves too fast, prose or writing style that grates on me, or because plot and action just take a total back seat because the MCs need to get their rocks off.
Not this one. I mainly gush about the romance (because hello it's a bisexual MMF throuple and the dynamic especially between MMC and the male love interest is deliciously hostile for much of the book) but a core reason for why the romance in this book works so fucking well for me is because there's so much quality going on all around it.
The plot is about a strange new species of vampiric creature that's attacking people and villages. In examining what's going on, main character Remy gets involved with two powerful vampire nobles and finds out disturbing things about himself and his family. (keeping that very vague for spoiler reasons)
The MC is a vampire hunter who's excellent at what he does but looked down upon by everyone for a variety of political and gossipy reasons, he's also traumatized by a shitty af father and the dangerous expectations/situations that shitty father has laid upon him.
Relationship dynamics
Remy meets the two love interests very quickly in the story, and realizes to his dismay that the two of them are engaged. He initially dislikes Malekh, king of the third court of vampires, but is infatuated with Xiaodan, his fiancee and heir to a vampire court herself. In travelling with them, his emotions grow more complicated.
Between Remy and Malekh, you have these enemies-to-lovers vibes, though they're mostly on the same side but pissed about it. There's an exchange between them later in the book that goes “It’s just that you’re always so hard to read, I never know if you want to fight me or fuck me” - “it’s both, Pendergast. It’s always been both.” and man if that's not a fucking mood, I love it.
The book isn't the spiciest thing I've ever read, but it has a handful of incredibly hot and detailed scenes, that includes some cruel teasing, some very desperate mutual blood drinking, some angry flirting while sparring and more. All in all you know what the three of them are getting up to but also I may need to write fanfic for a few 'missing' scenes.
Reach and readership
Silver Under Nightfall has a bit over 3000 ratings on goodreads. The only other bi poly vampire book I also know and love (A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson) has over 40'000.
Some of the popular queer fantasy books of recent years like The Unbroken and The Jasmine Throne have 9k and 22k respectively. I am not sure why Silver Under Nightfall has not gotten anywhere near as much love or attention as these books - it'll be a complex combo of marketing reasons and mainstream appeal I assume - but I cannot help but want to shout from the rooftops that SUN deserves so much more love and attention than it's getting.
For me, SUN sits perfectly in that sweet spot where it is more "fantasy with a romance subplot" rather than "romance" but also doesn't skimp out on the sexy bits. And I personally absolutely fucking love it for that, but
So there you go: READ THIS BOOK IT IS SO GOOD PLEASE. Is it perfect? No probably not. On my reread I noticed a few stylistic hiccups and I find the pacing works much better in the first two thirds of the book, with everything happening a bit fast in the last third or so.
Is it for everyone? No probably also not. But if well written queer poly sexy vampire romance with a mostly serious tone but dry humor appeals to you as a concept, you absolutely should read this one.
Also if there's anything like it - as mentioned, A Dowry of Blood is the only thing I know of that comes remotely close imo in terms of being a queer poly sexy dark vampire story - then please do tell me about it.
If you've read this book and want to talk about it, my DMs are always open <3
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chronicswitch · 1 year
Call me Lee. I’m disabled, trans, bisexual, polyamorous, verse switch, and I fucking love T4T. I’m also happily in a partnership with a wonderful puppyboy who is also on here :3
Accessibility: Image descriptions in read more and try to add alt text to all my original posts.
Cishet people allowed if you behave. 18+ blog. I blog about hard kink* and other things.
I interact frequently from my main (s****666), mutuals feel free to ask also for my Discord
No DNI as aforementioned, just no people under 18. Blocking is my second fave hobby next to blogging. **If you want any of your content removed, please message me and I’ll delete the post. Respect consent.**
*Find more weird shit at my side side blog: @chronicplay. If you need to block me, no hard feelings.
FYI: I believe in liberation and don't tolerate racism, transmisogyny, Zionism, etc. We love and respect our fellow sex workers here, especially trans & disabled SWers. If you disagree die mad and gtfo my blog. FREE PALESTINE
More below the cut if you want + image descriptions for header and icon.
Header image description: An edited and kind of deep fried meme of a cartoonish sassy old lady in curlers and a pink bath robe. It says: “I may rise but I don’t shine until I have my wake and bake !!!”
Icon: Art of Leviathan from the Obey Me! otome game. Levi brushes purple shaggy short hair out of his face while eating a watermelon, and is wearing a fantasy outfit.
Hi again! Let’s get into the nitty fuckin gritty. My pronouns are they/them, and trying out it/its if you’re nasty. I also self-reference as we, dw about it. We prefer only other trans people to use my it/its pronouns unless you have been told you can use it/its for me. Also Lee is an old performance name <3 I do use another name on main.
Multiply disabled including psychiatric and physical disabilities, and I’m autistic (so hi to all my fellow hot autistic people on here ❤️❤️). Also I have some color vision fuckery so this is my subtle plug for checking your blog’s color contrast related accessibility using this WebAIM tester lol.
Won’t doxx myself toooo much in this post but you can figure some of it out if you read enough of my blog or see my main lol.
Basically my energy levels are all over the place, and so are my joints. (Speaking of joints… if you haven’t noticed I LOVE WEED. I’m doing the Cali sober thing because I can’t drink because meds 😑)
I’m disabled and love exploring disability, sex, and kink! :) It’s been hard to do with the continuing COVID pandemic because people do not take the precautions I would need them to take to fuck me irl. So this blog is social distanced way for me to still connect with the community, be horny, etc.
I love being a pup handler ^_^ I mainly have been playing in the last few years as a daddy dom but also I am indeed a switch.
I am a former part time cammer turned erotica writer/blogger for free but may be starting again soon. Stay tuned xx
Thanks for reading!
Also a recent BDSM test if you even care:
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justsomekpopstuff · 7 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @vesvosmozhno to do this! Apologies, this will get VERY long!
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Who are your favorite groups?
Seventeen / Monsta X / Ateez / Stray Kids / NCT 127 / KARD (I also stan a whole bunch of soloists but I'll leave them out of this!)
When did you discover them?
(lowkey actually had to look this up bc I had no idea its been so long) Seventeen: late 2016-early 2017 (the first comeback I was here for was "Don't Wanna Cry") Monsta X: 2017 Ateez: ...2023 (I was SUPER late to the game I KNOW) Stray Kids: 2017 NCT 127: 2017 KARD: around late 2018? (I knew about them then, and listened lowkey, but I've relatively recent become more of a stan)
Which member sparked your interest?
Seventeen: Joshua (a meme of him and Seungkwan got me in to Seventeen) Monsta X: Wonho (back when he was still with the group) Ateez: Seonghwa (he was the first I could recognize, even before I knew who ateez was, and I was like "hot damn he is BEAUTIFUL") Stray Kids: Felix NCT 127: Jaehyun/Taeyong KARD: I want to say it was Somin
Who was your first bias?
Seventeen: Joshua! (thanks memes, I appreciate you) Monsta X: Changkyun/I.M. Ateez: OT8 because they're beautiful and I am VERY indecisive Stray Kids: Bang Chan NCT 127: Jaehyun/Johnny KARD: Somin
Who is your current bias?
Seventeen: still Shua! Monsta X: still Changkyun/I.M.! Ateez: Seonghwa (I was able to pick but he is on thin ice every day) Stray Kids: still Bang Chan! NCT 127: Yuta KARD: Somin/J.Seph (despite me talking about BM all the time)
Why are they your current bias?
Oh god if I gave the long version for each of these we'd never leave...I could talk about my biases for hours!
Seventeen: the more I have learned about him the more his personality just makes me love him; sweet, kind, gentle, and also the world's biggest heathen - what more could I want? Monsta X: very similar to the above; he had so much talent and charisma, but I saw that he was appreciated so little for it, so I took it upon myself to show him the love he deserves! Another cute, sweet, heathen (who makes d*ck jokes on national television) Ateez: he and I are very similar in a lot of ways, like with our nerdy interests and clean-freak tendencies, and that really endeared me to him a lot; he's also a sweetheart who will also find a way to create chaos when space permits (he's also super fucking hot have you seen him???) Stray Kids: I saw just how much he cared for the rest of the members so early on through the Stray Kids survival show; seeing how much time, effort, dedication, and passion he had for them and for music really made me fall for him (and, he is also a sweet cute heathen) NCT 127: Another case of a member going so deeply underappreciated that I decided that I will be their biggest cheerleader, and the more I learn about him and his devilishly charming personality the more I love him (and another cute, super hot heathen) KARD: literally just bisexual panic. that's the only explanation I have. That and both of them are so talented and have incredible charisma and stage presence that its hard for me to look away!
Who is your bias wrecker?
Seventeen: Wonwoo/Woozi Monsta X: Kihyun Ateez: literally the rest of the group, but mainly Hongjoong/Mingi/Yeosang Stray Kids: Lee Know and Changbin NCT 127: Johnny/Jaehyun/Taeyong KARD: BM/Jiwoo (full group!)
Which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Seventeen: Cheol and Seungkwan (I am ride or die for them despite neither being on my bias list) Monsta X: Minhyuk and Shownu Ateez: FREAKING JONGHO ISTG Stray Kids: Felix NCT 127: Doyoung and Mark KARD: this is a cheat but BM (big tiddie gang for LIFE)
What are some of your favorite songs by this group?
another one where if I list them all we would never leave...
Seventeen: Pretty U (classic)/ Super / To You / Don Quixote / Left & Right / Fire / Trauma / IDUBILU / Highlight / Habit / Don't Listen In Secret (see what I did, whole groups and then by unit!) Monsta X: Beautiful / Shoot Out / Destroyer / Shine Forever (I like their old stuff, sue me) Ateez: Bouncy / Crazy Form / Eternal Sunshine / Arriba / Silver Light / Wake Up / Halazia / The Real (Heung Version) / Wonderland (Symphony No. 9) / Dreamers Stray Kids: My Pace / Maniac / Case 143 / Gods Menu / Wolfgang / Domino NCT 127: Touch / Fact Check / Angel Eyes / Chain / Simon Says / 0 Mile KARD: Icky (banger) / Bomb Bomb (another banger)
Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No, I decided to do a dumb thing and get a Master's Degree instead and put myself in crippling student debt...but now that I have a real-person job I'm hoping to see at least one in the future!
I now want to tag (NO PRESSURE!): @vcrnons / @myrockstaryuta / @itstheghostofmypast / @multi-stantrash !
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redheadbigshoes · 11 days
i saw a tiktok and it said basically that it wasn’t very bi to think that you will be missing out on women if u date men, do u agree? obviously ik youre not bi, but idk where else to go and i really like your blog so i thought i’d ask! i’ve been back and forth on being bi vs lesbian, i like men and women, women definitely more, but i do agree with the statement from the tiktok, i always had this feeling that if i were to date a guy i was scared to end up with him, because then i would never get to date women. overall it’s all very confusing - dating and relationships for me and i haven’t quite worked that out, i don’t really see a spouse for myself in the future, but if i were to have one i would definitely prefer a woman.
also do u have any tips on getting more comfortable with being queer, i feel like it never bothered me as much as it does recently, there’s a cute guy at my school but i don’t want anything else it’s just like i think he’s hot, but i find myself trying to like him more if that makes any sense? there’s also a cute girl who caught my eye, the point is i feel like im trying to like men so hard, i haven’t had a crush on a girl in a while mainly because i liked this other dude for a year, but now when i don’t like him anymore and i’ve been thinking about being queer more i feel like im trying to like men more recently, i also kinda feel like internally i may be struggling with homophobia. i don’t really know what to do, i watched and still do watch many queer shows, try to listen to queer artists and be around as much queerness as i can on social media, but it doesn’t really seem to help with the fact that i seem to want to distract myself from getting to a point where i am into a girl. it kinda feels isolating to think about.
sorry if this is messy, but it’s late as i write this and my mind has been messy as well. thanks for the help!
I feel like this isn’t necessarily a sign that you’re not attracted to men, but it definitely can be! This was my exact thought when thinking about dating men vs thinking about dating women. But there’s bisexuals with heavy gender preferences and some of them can have this similar mindset simply because they don’t want to date men (but they’re still attracted to them).
There’s a few things that could help feeling more comfortable about being queer, like making queer friends and interacting more with queer people (online or not). Something that can be very helpful is interacting more with wlw content specifically, like videos or through social media with sapphics who post specifically about their identity and relationships, but also watching movies/shows or reading sapphics books can help too.
Maybe since you’re slowly realizing you’re queer, you’re unconsciously trying to force yourself to like men (regardless if you’re actually attracted to them or not) in a way to avoid thinking about your attraction to women.
The things that personally helped me a lot about accepting my identity were reading reader insert fanfics pairing fem!reader with a female character and also talking with my queer friends. Having queer people around you is always very important, but especially when you’re still trying to accept who you are.
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thexgrayxlady · 1 month
What I Read in July 2024
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty - 4.50/5.00
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If you could synthesize a book in a lab, just for me, this would be very close to the end result.
This was a fun, swashbuckling adventure, staring a retired pirate and her middle-aged crew. I love how despite being older, the characters are all still hot messes and absolute menaces to society. Amina, despite trying to reform for her kid, is still an adventurer at heart and you feel how much she loves being back on the sea, getting into misadventures. I was having too much of a good time to take too many notes.
Also Raksh sucks so much. He's just the worst. I love him. I want him to keep trying to serve Amina magical divorce papers forever.
It's really just held back by its ties to her previous series, which is mainly a personal grievance because I'm finding interconnected universes, especially when they don't need to be there, increasingly uninteresting. The part on the Peri's island drags a lot and they take a lot of the tension out of the ending.
The book has a fun, Raiders-esque feel to it. The plot unfolds at a pretty fast pace and I never got tired of the hijinks the characters got into getting the band back together.
Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan - 3.00/5.00
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I'm always weirdly disappointed by these books. Like, they're not unenjoyable, but I always feel like there isn't enough focus on the speculative biology of dragons. The pacing for this book is a lot better than the previous entries, it gets right to business on Isabella's voyage around the world to study dragons. It's very accessible and easy to read. When the dragons are on page, they're really interesting. I really liked the illustrations. Unfortunately, I'm just not terribly interested in the politics of this world.
Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert - 3.50/5.00
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I gave Katee Robert another chance and I liked this so much better than Electric Idol. Wicked Beauty made for a fun and easy beach read. The characters are less annoying, except for Hermes and Dionysus, who are, yet again, just so irritating. I hated every second they were on page. Fortunately, there was not very much of them.
I really liked Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus. They had a fun dynamic between them. I appreciate that while they come to care about each other, they have incompatible goals at first and they eventually work to figure out how to make their relationship work. They're all messy bisexual assholes and I loved watching them being messy bisexual assholes.
The ratio of porn to plot was a lot better in this book. The plot is kind of dumb, but it's entertainingly dumb and, let's be honest, you're not reading this series for the plot. There are some things from the plot that I would have changed, one of them is genuine and the other is just a personal preference. I wish that Helen defeating Paris had been from her POV and had more time and weight dedicated to it. It felt like the author was rushing to the end here. I also wish there had been more drama around Patroclus' injuries in the second trial, but that's just my preference. Hiding injuries is my catnip. It was dangled in front of me and then jerked away. Like the football. Jail for Katee Robert. Jail for 1000 years!
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson - 2.75/5.00
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I see the appeal of these books. They do not appeal to me.
To it's credit, it is very accessible. Maybe a little too much so for my taste. I am, admittedly, a pretentious asshole. This could have been a fun book. At times, it is very close to being a very fun book. Unfortunately it settles for being the MCU of fantasy in both a complementary and a derogatory sense.
The language is very simple, to the point where the few times where complex vocabulary was used, it was somewhat jarring. I think I can count on one hand the number of times figurative language was used. Everything is very surface level, if it's what you're in the mood for, I could see it being very easy to turn your brain off and enjoy this and not have to worry too much about missing out on subtext.
That being said, everything is explained so often that you have to ask yourself if Sanderson thinks his readers are stupid. You just want to tell him that yeah, you got the point like three paragraphs ago, just get on with it. The over explanation of the, admittedly interesting, magic, the simple plot, and the beyond simple characters lead to the book feeling tensionless and bloated.
I actually like the magic system. When it wasn't being explained every other paragraph. Learning about Allomancy became very repetitive fast and I think at least half of it could have been kept in the appendix for a much tighter book. And because it was so overstated, I became kind of pedantic about it. The magic system doesn't even go as far as it could with its own logic. Why can they push and pull non-magnetic metals? Why is that road copper when it could be a much cooler magnetic metal? You could have a road made out of cobalt or neodymium or even nickel if you wanted something more mundane. Why is pewter the metal that makes you stronger when it's really soft and malleable in real life?
The world itself feels more like a themepark version of itself than an actual lived in world. I wouldn't care about this so much, but Sanderson gets so much praise for his worldbuilding and I do not get it. This is due at least in part to how flat and lifeless the characters are.
Vin is wildly inconsistent. She says over and over and over again that she doesn't trust people and she expects to betray her. Yet every time she encounters someone betraying someone else and she becomes surprised pikachu. Like, she should not need to have what noblemen do to Skaa women explained to her. She should not be shocked and appalled by it. She grew up with that threat constantly hanging over her head. She should not like or trust the nobility as much as she does, as quickly as she does. From the very beginning, she feels more like a sheltered noblewoman than a homeless orphan who makes a living by stealing.
I've very rarely encountered a character as annoying as Kelsier. You can practically see him tip his goddamn fedora and hear him say, "M'lady." I'm not sure a whole chapter goes by without one character or another extolling the virtues of the goddamn Mary Sue. He has one pretty good moment, when he returns to the Pits of Hathsin, and another when Sanderson has another all too brief flash of really good writing with Kelsier's death. The first is nearly immediately undercut when Kelsier single-handedly destroys the Pits in two pages and meets so little resistance in doing so that it feels like he could have done that whenever he wanted to. If he could so easily do this, why does the rest of the plan even need to happen?
Sazed's the best character and even then, he's still wish.com Alfred Pennyworth.
Because the main characters are so overpowered and the antagonists have very little presence on the page, plot has no tension. Everything just feels too easy for the characters. Everything more or less goes according to plan. And when it doesn't, it doesn't feel like they have to struggle to get things back on track. At the end, I had to ask myself what was the point of 2/3 of the book spent gathering the army when Vin and Kelsier were going to solo everything.
The tension is not helped by calling the oppressed underclass The Skaa.
The logbook bits at the start of the chapters are the most interesting part of the book because they're allowed to stand more or less on their own and they don't tell the reader everything that happens, then explain it in the narration, then have the characters discuss it again just to make sure that the reader knows what happened.
Admittedly, the last fifty pages are a blast, but you shouldn't have to slog through six hundred pages of repetitive, annoying, beige prose to get there. The Lord Ruler's entrance is really cool and creepy. What Vin does with the metal arrowheads is creative and frankly just nifty. Unfortunately, my copy had several misprinted pages right when it was getting good, so I couldn't really even enjoy that.
At the end of the day, it honestly feels like Sanderson would rather be writing manuals for a TTRPG than a novel.
Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse - 3.50/5.00
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The cover is less criminally ugly than Fevered Star!
I want so badly to like this book more than I do. Unfortunately, it inherits too many problems from the previous book to land as effectively as it could. The author still has to scramble to move characters into place because of how much time the previous book wasted futzing around.
The whole Teek storyline feels rushed and I feel like Xiala should have gone through most of it in the previous book. If her mother, aunt, and the matrons were given more time to develop, then their massacre would have had more of an impact. The scene on the beach where she starts to Sing is really good and I wish that it had the impact it deserved. That being said, once it gets off of the Teek islands, watching her come into her powers is pretty cool and her storyline moves much more smoothly. Her reunion with Serapio is very cute and I love their relationship.
Naranpa's storyline ultimately feels superfluous and hastily tacked on as the conflict pivots away from the Crow God and the Sun God. At the end of the last book, I thought we would get at least something interesting happening at the Graveyard of the Gods and it just never happens. I feel like you could cleanly excise her parts from the book and very little would be lost. It's ultimately just so shallow and disconnected from everything else that it's hard to care.
None of Balem's flashbacks were needed and just leave the book feeling bloated. Frankly, I don't think that Balem's POV is needed to begin with. You could get just about everything you needed from that with some minor tweeks to Iktans.
Serapio's POV is easily one of the strongest. There's a scene with the man he thinks is is father that's so good. You get such a strong sense of his religious trauma and why he feels like his destiny is his only option. You really understand why he latches so strongly onto anybody who treats him like an actual human, like Okoa and Xiala.
Like. I loved the first book in this series. I love these characters. This is such an interesting world. I know it doesn't seem like it from this review, but I like this book. There's a lot of very good stuff in here. It's just held back too much by mistakes made in the previous entry and I wanted it to be better.
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longingintheuniverse · 4 months
Hi. I am watching Bridgeton and need to know which character you woo over so I can mirror them so you can woo after me lol.
HI NONNY!!! You’re watching Bridgerton?! 😍😍😍 Benedict is my favorite. He’s so bisexual-coded it hurts and he’s an artist, like me! Plus, I love his dry sense of humor and his desire to find passion in life. Colin is also pretty fucking great, but half of the time I think I mainly like him because Friends to Lovers is my favorite trope. He also has an unexpectedly dominant side which I find kinda hot. Thank you for the ask! This was so much fun. 😅
Also…ladies don’t woo. That goes the other way around in polite society. 😉
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littleelephanty · 6 months
So I read your blog and I saw your lesbian content too... are you more into guys or more into girls?
That's actually a pretty good question, to which I don't really have an answer myself yet. I'm in a heterosexual relationship (with my boyfriend, often referred to as "daddy"). However, I don't think men look sexy and I could never cheat on him (for so many reasons, because loyalty is very important to me!) but partly because I never really find other men erotic or hot. I do find the idea of being fucked by men (yes, many of them) as a punishment etc. cool, but mainly because I then no longer see them as a person (and can't or don't want to imagine a face to go with it, otherwise I find it kind of disgusting) but only as a sexual being who fucks me. That's humiliating and disgusting for me, which in turn is kind of hot. But I don't desire men. When I watch porn, I only ever find the woman attractive and I would only want to kiss the woman etc. However, I can certainly find it attractive how men behave, how they sound or smell. In other words: I love my daddy and he turns me on very very very very much. He is the only hot man to me. But visually I only find women attractive and I would say that I am definitely bisexual with a clear inclination towards women (at least on a sexual basis). But that's just how I see it at the moment. Thanks for listening, haha.
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The Whole "Being Gay" Thing~ 🌈
I haven't told a story in a while. So in honor of Pride, I'll tell you how I found out how gay I was. Hey, they can't all be about the dead x3
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Lemme take you back to my childhood values. I was raised Christian. Which is all well and good. Black Christian household, taught to love all of God's children. Cool, fine.
When I got older I learned about the LGBTQ community from school and my gay friends that I found out I had. Now, still embracing the lesson of "love everyone", I decided in all my older kid, preteen wisdom that I was supposed to be a protector of the gays.
Because I loved them so much. It was my job to keep them safe from homophobes and other ill-willing christians. My God would want me to help them in any way I could. Arguably one of the better takes you could have. I was for the right for Gay people to legally marry, and to adopt. Cause why not? They are just as capable of loving and providing for a family as straight people are, right? I mean I'm right but still.
My gay friends now knew not only was I a safe person to be themselves, but I was also someone to bring their S/O around and be unashamed about it. Which pleased me~ They trusted me, I was being a good ally!
Now when I said I was a protector of the gays, I meant it. I was always ready to battle. I was hostile at the sight of homophobia, proudly proclaiming I'd be the first to throw a rainbow colored brick towards homophobes if it meant keeping the gay community safe. (Ms. Marsha would be so proud) I was fiercely fighting for them. Matter of fact, I was such an ally I would pretend to be my lesbian friend's lover to defend them since most people would pick on my friends if they thought they were alone. This included hand-holding and kissing. I was dedicated to the cause. Because...you know...safety...in numbers.
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In high school, things got...strange. One time while I hung out with my friend and her girlfriend, I realized them kissing gave me some strange feelings. I wasn't a homophobe so it wasn't disgust right? Cause I definitely wasn't into girls like that. Only guys! Only Guys! ....Right?
Junior year rolls around and I just left my now late fiance for the first time of about five times before he and I get the fucking program. I didn't know how to be alone, so the first boy who asks me out becomes my boyfriend. Which turns out to be one of the worst decisions I could've ever made. Spoiler alert: it's the dickbag who my ghosts hated in another post I made. You know, panty toucher. So after a miserable 60 day trial of the worst boyfriend premium, I decide I don't like men at the moment.
I jokingly fool around with my girl friends mainly my now wife who was crushing on me for a while during this time and since all of them were down for it so it kept happening. I get kissed by a friend of our group at the time and she rocked my world with that kiss. So at that time, I'm thinking...did I have this all wrong? So I test it out with my now wife. Which turns fast into a FWB.
But I'm not...gay right?
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Well, that was my mindset during the time. Until I realized I wasn't straight either. Regularly sleeping with my then best friend and now spouse, will do that to you. So what was I? Well, I did what every struggling kid with internet access did. I took an Am I Gay? quiz. Several of them. And I ended up keeping the label Heteroflexible for that time being.
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That is until I started liking more and more women. All the girl characters I liked as a child and was obsessed with was coming back to haunt me. But the biggest blow of all
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The late realization where I realize she had young me in a fucking choke hold for years.
Over time and many breakups I slowly moved into Bisexuality, then I realize I find all genders hot as fuck. But I have a masculine preference and will seek them out more often than not. So...for now...Omni.
TLDR: Years of Christian repression could not stop the gay. I was so fierce an ally, I turned around and became the very thing I fought so hard to defend.
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There is no one universal sign of bisexuality in males. All men are different whether they are bisexual, gay, straight, or asexual. There may be a few common traits but these traits may wildly vary from person to person. In this blog post we will briefly summarise sexuality, explore what to do if you, or your partner is bisexual, and then outline a few common signs of bisexuality in males.
What is sexuality?
Sexuality is not about who you have sex with, or how often you have it. Sexuality, or sexual orientation, describes the types of thoughts, and feelings, that an individual has for others.
What is bisexual?
A bisexual person is someone who can be romantically attracted, or sexually attracted to both men and women.
How do I know if I am bisexual?
In 1948, Dr Alfred Kinsey created the world-famous Kinsey Scale. Kinsey believed that sexuality was not binary. Instead, he suggested that sexuality should be viewed as a spectrum with everybody having their own place on the scale. On one end of the scale there is exclusive heterosexuality. On the other end of the scale, there is exclusive homosexuality. People exist somewhere between 0 and 6. The full scale is below.
0 – Exclusively heterosexual
1 – Predominantly heterosexual
2 – Mainly heterosexual but sometimes homosexual
3 – Bisexual
4 – Mainly homosexual but sometimes heterosexual
5 – Predominantly homosexual
6 – Exclusively homosexual
As you can see from Dr Kinsey’s scale, categories 2, 3 and 4 would all be classified as ‘bisexuality’. This means that if you feel as equally attracted to men, as you do women, or mostly attracted to one sex but are occasionally attracted to the other sex, you could still self identity as being bisexual. There is nothing abnormal about not being equally attracted to both sexes. In fact, the massive 2013 Pew Research LGBT Survey found that over 80% of bisexuals in committed relationships were with somebody of the opposite sex. Some bisexual men may have a preference for men whilst other’s might have a stronger preference for women. Both are completely normal!
Should I come out as bisexual?
Coming out as a bisexual man can often be just as challenging as coming out as gay. Insensitive comments about bisexual men being ‘greedy’, ‘indecisive’ or ‘wanting to have their cake, and eat it’ are sometimes made when a bisexual man comes out. Moreover, the depictions of bisexual men in the media are rarely positive. They tend to perpetuate negative stereotypes around promiscuity. Therefore it’s no wonder why Stonewall data shows that just 14% of bisexuals are open to everyone in their family, while 32% say they can’t be open about their sexual orientation with any of their friends.
Despite all of this, coming out can be extremely liberating. For many bisexual men a weight is lifted if their shoulders, and the finally feel able to be themselves after coming out. However, before coming out it’s important to make sure that you are in a safe environment, or can get to one. This is vital if you are young, or in a vulnerable position.
How do I come out as bisexual?
There is no one predefined way to come out. For some men it can be incredibly smooth. For other men, it can be messy. You may feel comfortable being open about your sexual orientation and gender identity with some people, but not with others.
The one common experience all queer men share when coming out is that they have to do it over and over again. LGBT individuals do not come out once. They are constantly ‘coming out’ to new friends, extended family, new co-workers, and sometimes strangers on the internet!
Before actually telling anybody, take a few moments to consider – who you want to tell first, and how. Many bisexual men tell a supportive friend first, and then move onto telling other friends, and family afterwards. However, you may wish to tell a parent first over the phone, or in a letter if you feel that they could be the least receptive upon hearing the news.
Your family might be shocked, worried or find it difficult to accept at first. But remember, their first reaction isn’t necessarily how they will feel forever. In time, most families see beyond their son’s sexuality and continue loving them regardless. They might just need a bit of time to process the revelation.
What are the signs of bisexuality in males?
As mentioned at the start of this blog post, there is no one universal sign of bisexuality in males. All men are different whether they are bisexual, gay, heterosexual , or asexual. However, these are a few of the most common examples as identified by experts and bisexual men who have reflected on their journey to sexual freedom.
Past Behaviour
Past behaviour can be a key indicator of bisexuality. If a man has voluntarily engaged in same-sex sexual experiences at any point in their lifetime it could suggest that they may be bisexual. This could be as small as a passionate kiss at university, or mutual masturbation in the army, or evem anal sex whilst under the influence of alcohol. Despite identifying as ‘straight’ during, and following these acts, this behaviour suggests that there is at least a small degree of same-sex attraction. On the Kinsey Scale, a man like this could be predominantly heterosexual (category 1), or mainly heterosexual but sometimes homosexual (category 2). Remember, the categories on the Kinsey Scale are fluid and can change constantly.
Homophobic Behavior
Modern society is more liberal now that it ever has been. Many men may not understand homosexuality, but they understand that who somebody chooses to sleep with should not matter to them. However, some bisexual men who haven’t come out may be extremely homophobic. This behaviour is directly linked to years of sexual repression. Sometimes closeted bisexual men feel that by being homophobic their friends and family will not realise that they themselves are not completely heterosexual. This homophobia can manifest itself in passive ways through the use of derogatory slang in the presence of others, or become more extreme. Gay bashing, and aggression towards other men who are perceived to be gay are just two examples of this.
Fantasies about other men
Every man wishes that they could be somebody else now and again. Who wouldn’t want to have David Beckham’s right foot, or a body like David Gandy? For bisexual men, these thoughts become sexual fantasies. Not only that, but a bisexual man might even fantasise about men they see on the street, or on the internet. That man with the joggers you just walked past could consume your thoughts for hours!
Tactile with other men
If you’re reading this as a woman, think about whether your partner is tactile with you? Men regularly touch each other when they shake hands, hug, or hi-5. However, a bisexual man may be especially tactile with other men. Some examples are frequent arm touching and leg stroking. Your partner may even offer to massage his male friends’ shoulders. In isolation these actions are fairly innocuous. However, if your partner regularly does this, or seems to find it particularly pleasurable then this could be another sign of bisexuality.
Disinterest in sex
When a man appears increasingly disinterested in heterosexual intimacy, there is a small chance that it could be because they are bisexual. The chance is small because they could also be having an affair, or be in love with another woman.
However, if you are in a relationship with a man that you think could be bisexual, this would be one of the more obvious signs. It’s not uncommon for men who have been in a monogamous relationship with a woman for several years to become dissatisfied over time. Instead, they may yearn to spend time with a man due to their innate sexual desire, or past behaviours.
Spending more time with attractive men at a sports club, at work, or at bars could be a short term fix for them. Pressuring their female spouse into trying pegging, or anal play could also be a short term solution. However, this may not be enough for them moving forwards.
Staring intensely at other men
man doing a workout
Humans can’t help but stare at people. Where do you think the phrase ‘people-watching’ came from? Sometimes people stare out of sheer admiration, or horror. Sometimes people stare out of lust. Either way, if you can’t help but stare at other men and compliment them then it’s a sign that you could be bisexual.
But if you find yourself only staring at men who are more muscular, or taller than you, and you have always had hang-ups about your size, then this staring could purely be linked to insecurities. Only you can tell which scenario applies most accurately to you!
Watching gay porn
gay hot kissing
Conciously choosing to watch gay porn between two consenting men is a sign that you may be bisexual. Porn categories are organised in such a way that you actively have to seek out gay porn videos, as opposed to just coming across them as you woud any other heterosexual category. When watching gay porn if you find yourself getting aroused, or wishing that you could trade places with the actors then it’s quite likely that you could be bisexual.
Sex feels right with men and women
If you have had sex with men and women, and found the experiences to be equally intimate and enjoyable then this could mean that you are bisexual. For most homosexual men (category 5 or 6 on the Kinsey Scale), the thought of sleeping with a woman is inconcievable. The same is true for heterosexual men (category 0 or 1 on the Kinsey Scale) if you asked them to consider sleeping with another man.
These are just 8 of the signs of bisexuality in males. However, as we’ve said previously, there are very few hard and fast signs that make it obvious. Only the man in question can know his true thoughts and feelings – and that’s okay!
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mxdotombra · 4 years
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Bloom! So I am indeed rewriting season 1 and honestly Bloom is one of the more changed aspects so to suit her I changed her style! This is not set in stone at all, well her fairy form at least.
More notes on outfits and how I’m portraying her under the cut! 
Bloom is a very flat character to me, or season 1 really. While yes she is a good character, she seems to respond to situations weirdly to me, her whole returning home and just abandoning school comes out of nowhere to me and I literally had to read about her tendency to run away from the wiki. As well, hobbies are mentioned in ep 1 and a little in ep 2 and completely abandoned! Like?? My rewrite is sticking to the plot, so I changed her to make it make more sense.
Bloom is incredibly family oriented, its her everything, especially in a town that slowly began to turn against her for how strange she seemed to become over the years. She’s anxious but curious, willing to face the world yet is seated deep in a pit of fear and only willing to open up to those she trusts. Even than, she is compassionate and protective of her friends, and can grow angry and emotional when those she cares for is threatened. She’s also incredibly stubborn to a fault, strong willed and willingly to get angry if she trully thinks its whats best for her family, friends, or herself though is often strangely a mediator between friends. She’s a fish out of water and afraid of the world of fairies, largely due to her obsession with traditional folklore and belief of them being like traditional fae, and as well, she’s afraid of herself. 
Still, she’s an artist true and true and adores her strange little friend who looks like a rabbit but acts to smart to really be one. She once preferred to spend her time in the woods drawing where the people of her town who hated her wouldn’t find her, yet now she just adores being with her friends, who, while she is deathly homesick, become her home away from home.
Bloom is based in issues of identity and family connections.
ALRIGHT SO AS A NOTE: Bloom is a bit tanner because she spends more time outside in my Fanon! She also has a bunch of freckles because of this! Also she has lizard eyes, and I’m not going into detail with this cause spoilers for ch. 1 lol though its not big. Her hair is still long and that red thats so shocking into almost impossible, I like to think it moves like fire in the sun. She’s also got sharp teeth! She isn’t very used to them and bites her tongue a lot and its just generally annoying in general. I think this is also pretty obvious, but I have a big issue with the original body types of the characters/how they’re drawn. Now, I won’t go into it today (I may one day because reasons), so I’ll go into the reason for her specific type? I like to think fairies are generally lighter in order to keep airborne and have less strain on magic, BUT I also think that their kind of magical attacks can affect their body type. Bloom is large shocks of power and getting away. She also draws a lot, bikes, helps in her mom’s shop so she is also active but apparently she also really likes baking? So idk. She needs to get hit a lot but I also wanted to display that and her having a softer frame, obviously having meat on her bones, especially one who isn’t acrobatic or working out constantly. I hope that makes sense?
Her outfits reflect her past really, she isn’t the richest of families so her clothes are supposed to be interchangeable yet still comfortable. She just likes feeling safe. 
Outfit 1 is what I wanted for ep 1 really, the sweater is handmade from her grandmother and yes she wears it in the summer. The little hair pin I like to think is from Stella who decided it matched Bloom’s eyes. Mainly I like Bloom wearing pants because she literally bikes everywhere in my fanon and chases Kiko in the woods. 
Outfit 2 is just what I wanted for fun! Her favorite colors are white, blue, and pink and gosh dangit she can wear her favorite colors! The locket (not that you can see it lol) says Daphne as a small nod and honestly I just like baggy shirts.
Fairy Form? I had no idea what the fuck I was doing with this. I wanted a more armored princess effect with shorts because. She. Is. In. The. Air! Gosh dangit! She also has scales (thanks fuz!) because dragon motif, they offer armored resistance because she hits hard and takes hard hits, she’s a tank basically. I wanted to keep a few key points, the jem on the chest, the crown (symbolism lol), and arm pieces, but I altered them a bit and darkened the colors because it looked weird originally on my design. Her wings are meant to mimic the bones ones of dragons and I like to think they’re stronger than an average fairies but she can’t fly as quick with them. She gains a bit more gold in her eyes. 
A few fun facts?:
-She runs at a hotter temperature and isnt affected by hot temperatures, as well cold doesn’t bother her as bad. 
-She can’t see auras but she is an empath. 
-She’s bisexual in this, because my friend likes the alliteration of Bisexual Bloom.
-She has a few hobbies! Drawing and reading mainly though appreciates baking.
-She likes the little magic creatures around Alfea that are more like the traditional folklore, even if they are a bit more cutesy and strange. She’s friends with the brownies and little sprites and such!
-She and Sky would break up Season 2 fight me. They also wouldn’t bond with pixies because I hate them with a passion.
- A lot of her clothes have burns on them and she refuses to let anyone magically repair them, especially her favorite sweater which she’s waiting to get her grandma to get.
Oh and you should know in my rewrite she somehow becomes really attached to Tecna? Like they bond a lot? And I’m so down because its Stella, Bloom, and Tecna and its an odd dynamic but I adore it. 
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olivetreeathena · 3 years
So do y'all know the fucking online call-out posts about the bisexual burned out gifted kid with adhd?
I spent so long thinking haha silly meme person that's not me but now I'm lying down in my bed at 3:30 am thinking wtf it was right?!?!?!?!?!
Like lemme run you down my coming out story as a bonus
So in 8th grade middle school I thought I was a straight cis boy, a friend asked me if I was gay because I had long nails and they were like omigod we gotta buy you a bra, this was my only interaction with the community and I didn't have others until high school, so cut to sophomore year where I met some pretty cool queer people in my science class, they helped me find out I was bi for a short amount of time, and then shortly after they helped me find out I was genderfluid, after a couple of months I was like y'know what I'm just a very FEMININE man, and then I thought that I had a preference towards men, and then that grew to "Yeah, I'm just gay now". So, as a quick recap, at this point I was a very feminine gay man, cut to my junior year, where the world wide panini mainly took place and remote learning had to be done, by the time Christmas hit I had gotten myself a smartphone with all the cool apps I have rn, with the power of the internet I found out that I might have adhd and executive dysfunction, thanks Tumblr and others, later, in my senior year of high school I found more awesome queer friends, through their help I found out I am polyamorous, and through a reddit post, I found out that I am demisexual, I then later found out that I am a trans girl after realizing that my she/her sorta phase was lasting longer than normal, I also found that out because I just like presenting myself feminine, always have, anyways fast forward a couple of months into February where I met and got my 2 boyfriends, fast forward into March where I was in a call with both of them, one of them asleep, and the other showing me clips of Steven universe and then he got to one clip where stevonie got invited to a rave, and the first thing she does, albeit nervously, dances super fucking awesomely, and MY FUCKING BRAIN WAS LIKE FUCKING :OOOOOOOO, omg they're so hot
And now I'm a fucking demisexual polyamorous trans bi girl with undiagnosed adhd who was seen as gifted in elementary and middle school, who is now burned out from everything in this world including class
Fuck u internet, fucking calling me out on shit I didn't even know about until now
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