#MAGA dni
vintage-tech · 13 days
Just when you thought this guy could not be any more brain-damaged or his devout followers anymore gullible, then he says this amazingly crazy thing at a couple events.
The article leaves out one important detail: Nevermind that no one does forced gender reassignment surgery on school children, nevermind that schools would love to stay the hell out of such personal decisions, and nevermind the absolute absurdity of making such a statement in the first place; Gender reassignment surgery isn't done like it was your adnoids being removed. There is no leaving home at 7:30am as Billy and getting home from a hard day of transitioning as Jilly at 3:00pm. Only those who are truly stupid would buy such a timeline. But as has become obvious, there are some gullible ignorant folks out there...
BTW, out of due dilligence since "don't believe the MSM, he didn't do that" is a popular response to factual criticisms of the man... Here's an article that contains Newsmax's video of the speech. Surely the doubters and defenders would believe it happened if they saw him say it on Newsmax, right?
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spicyghostpepper · 3 months
I love getting openly racist people online fired :) karma!!
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This coworker of mine really overestimates how much of my mind I’ve lost to the sauce lmao
Yeah I’m informed on some conspiracy theories (don’t believe most, the ones I do have literally been confirmed), yeah I’m interested in metaphysics, occultism, and religion, yeah I see where you might draw certain conclusions, but buddy.
My guy. My good sir.
You aren’t going to convert me to edgelordism. I’ve spent my time there and I was worse off for it. I’m happier and feel more myself now embracing my queerness and appreciating diversity and speaking out against injustice than I was when I whined about ess-jay-dubya snowflakes.
Knock that Satanic panic shit off, man. It’s embarrassing.
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weepingfireflies · 2 years
"Why are you always so upset about people having shitty takes? You live in Texas"
Because it's not supposed to be normal. It is not reasonable for someone to hate and kill people who are different from them. It is not reasonable to try and force people to live their whole life in fear. They are not "just Conservatives" or just "people who think differently," they are dangerous people spouting harmful bullshit, and it is not fucking normal. It is not normal to have so little regard and care for other people, and it should never be normalized. The people who say, "There's always going to be people like that," need to realize that they are ACTIVELY hurting people, and that is not a normal or appropriate response. Don't make excuses for them. Don't let them get away with it.
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blondegothic · 11 days
After so fucking long, taylor shit FINALLY endorsed Kamala Harris. (Pretty late in the game for someone so interested in her internet following) And people are praising her that she did is kind of hilarious. Like she did it to get attention, her Maga bf and friends probably not enjoying it.🤣
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Blue magas hero
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princesssarcastia · 5 months
i have a problem with the theory that by not voting for democrats and letting democrats lose badly enough this november, we can force them to take a good hard look at themselves and swing to the left. well, actually, there are a couple problems, but here's tonight's object lesson:
the problem is the RNC Autopsy.
Republicans got pretty well spanked in the 2012 presidential election, and VERY well spanked in the 2008 presidential election. people decided not to vote for republicans, and let them lose so badly that the republican party took a good hard look at themselves.
The result was a report released in 2013, wiki page linked above. And they did exactly what some people on the left hope democrats will do in the coming years, should they lose in november 2024! They said hey, apparently being racist and hating poor people and only talking to whites isn't getting us anywhere! Why don't we try a different, kinder, more inclusive approach if we want to win elections?
Nice, right? Good proof of concept?
Unfortunately, history didn't stop in 2013.
Unfortunately, we all know how this story ends. It ends with a fascist reality TV star becoming president and encouraging the republican party that actually, its problem is that it wasn't racist and poor-hating enough. Actually, Trump told the republican party, your problem is that you've gone too long without saying the quiet part out loud. No more euphemisms, no more obfuscation, and definitely no movement to the left. Be full-throated in your hatred of immigrants.
And, like it or not, that did win Trump the election. Which convinced the republican party that he was right. They completely abandoned the ideas proposed in the RNC autopsy, and I don't know that they'll ever find their way back to that point.
So, when people say they don't want to support democrats, and they hope that by letting democrats lose the elections they'll move the democratic party to the left...i wouldn't be so sure.
In fact, if that happens, what I predict we'll see is a democratic party prepared to swing to the right. Sure, it'll still have a progressive wing. The Squad will live on. But they'll be increasingly ostracized by a party that will be even more obsessed with courting the forgotten white man, by toning down its inclusivity, by backing off of more expansive social safety nets and wealth taxes.
Like it or not—I certainly find it depressing to consider—Joe Biden is the most left-leaning president we've had in a long, long time. Certainly since Jimmy Carter, and perhaps since even before him. If he loses in November, if his party loses in November, I guarantee their washington insider strategists will find a way to blame it on progressiveness and walk us back at least a decade, if not more.
I'm not happy about any of this. But this is, I believe, the reality we're facing.
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jackiesgirl · 30 days
apparently i need to say this
my account is not for republicans.. dont follow me if u are a trump supporter
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tacticalhimbo · 27 days
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ERIN REED: Heartbreaking news for trans youth and adults in Florida. The 11th Circuit, which has allowed a trans care ban to go into effect in Alabama, just ruled [src] that Florida's trans care ban can as well.
Florida's also restricts adult care, and the order allows the adult restrictions to go back as well, and denies equal protection to transgender people.
Many trans people have already fled the state.
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ERIN REED: Many Circuit Courts, filled with Trump judges, are stripping equal protection from transgender people. This is heading to the Supreme Court currently, expected to hear transgender medical ban cases by the end of the year. If the Supreme rules that we have no equal protection, the sky is the limit in what kinds of laws they can pass targeting transgender people. Basically, you imagine it, they can do it.
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autistichalsin · 1 month
About me
Just making an about me to be my new pinned post. This will also serve as a masterpost for some of my things.
Name: Sammy
Age: 30
Pronouns: they/them only (I do let people close to me use he/him- you will know if I consider you that close)
Fandoms: BG3 obviously, some posts sometimes from Better Call Saul, Ted Lasso, Sumikkogurashi, and Pokemon
Generally I find DNIs useless as relying on others to enforce your boundaries never works, but I do not wish for my posts to be interacted with by conservatives/MAGAs, antis (people who think what you like in fiction is what you like in real life, that harassment over fiction is acceptable, etc), kink-negative people, etc. I also do not want minors interacting with me, and will block minors I see for both our protection. I will also likely block anyone who hates Halsin; I won't have anything for you and you won't have anything for me. I block as a form of content curation- don't take it personally if you get blocked.
Disclaimer: I post and reblog only takes that interest me. This is not a blog that will interact with all Halsin takes equally. Some have called that "pushing a certain view of Halsin". I don't care what you call it. I call it engaging in my blog in a way I enjoy. If you don't like it, the block button is at the top of my page.
Disclaimer: I post controversial content, including MPreg, omegaverse, and bottom Halsin. I try to tag MPreg content, but I won't always remember. I suggest adding these terms to your Tumblr blacklist if they squick you.
Permission statement: It is okay for any living, breathing person to use my headcanons, metas, and fics as the inspiration for fics, arts, etc, and you don't need to ask me (though I would appreciate being tagged!). This permission does not apply to AI. I do not consent to ANY of my posts or works being fed to AI.
My content:
AO3 is here
Get to know my Tavs and Durge
I will add the links to some of my Halsin-related series of posts here when I make them.
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st4r6utt3rfly · 3 months
Od paru dni bardzo dobrze mi odzie z jedzeniem(jem malo) narazie przestalam liczyc kalorie bo nawet do konca nie umiem😰umiem tylko w fitatu zeskanowac kod zeby wiedziec co zjadlam XDD ale zeby np zobaczyc ile kcal ma obiad to juz niewiem jak to liczyc😭pomoz ktos
Ogolnie jestem teraz w szkole i burcxy mi w brzuvhu mega i z 1 strony to dobrze ale z 2 to mi jest jakby wstyd przez to ze to tak slychac😭😭chyba 1 raz w roku mama mi nie zrobila kanapek do szkoly wiec tez supi
Wiec jakby posumowujac to narazie nie bede liczyla kcal tylko bede jadla malo i postaram sie jesc np tylko obiad i najwazniejsze to taki maga malutki cel to nie miec binge do wakacji😭
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jisreal64 · 25 days
I updated my pinned post and removed TOH, SPOP, and Nimona fans from my DNI list. It took me a while to realize that not everyone in those fandoms is a Disney Hater who jacks off to evil CEO caricatures of Mickey Mouse. In fact, part of the reason I hate the hatedom so much is because I’ve been bullied by them all my life for liking Disney; and me bullying people for liking stuff that is either used as a symbol by or was created by members of the Disney Hatedom just made me no better than not only people like ND Stevenson and Ron DeSantis, but also all the reactionary trans people and their allies who mindlessly hate on and harass people for liking the Harry Potter franchise. So to all of those people who are fans of those three franchises but aren’t part of the wider MAGA-esq Disney Hatedom cult, I’m sorry… 😔
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spockeye-fierce · 1 month
Here is my DNI list. Nazis, Fascists, any other white nationalists DO NOT INTERACT! Anti Semites of any kind DNI!!! This absolutely includes "antizionists" who somehow think they deserve my ear and respect. Go fuck yourself and stop using words you don't know the meaning of. TERFs, radfems and other transphobes DNI. Homophobes DNI. Elon Musk fanboys DNI. MAGAs and other Republicans DNI. Ammosexuals DNI and go fuck yourself. Tankies DNI. Harry Potter apologists DNI, I know some fans are ok and don't support JKR but I likely will not follow back if it's a HP blog.
Let's see...what else.
If you inbox me looking for money I will report it as spam. Don't bother trying.
Here's a nice picture of Spock jamming with his close friend Frank Zappa to reward you for reading my pinned post
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moominpunx · 2 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ intro⋆⭒˚。⋆
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info about me:
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my name is oliver/ollie!
i am transgender and my pronouns are he/him. i am on testosterone.
i am a minor!
i have adhd, autism, and dyscalculia.
i make music under the name dayflower!
i am aromantic and bisexual.
i am an anarchist.
i am white, able bodied, perisex, and verbal (saying this since i tend to post advocacy and information about the opposite of these things)
stimboard sideblog: @sillie-stimz
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about this blog:
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i mainly post about lgbtq thoughts and issues, being autistic, photography, random stuff i think of, and my art.
if politics and discourse is something that upsets or triggers you, then my blog might not be for you.
majority of my posts are reblogs though, so my own posts are under #moominpunx
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stuff i like
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special interests:
• dogs
• oceans and sea life
• music
• cinematography/photography
• moomins
• good omens
• invader zim
• my little pony
• skateboarding
• fashion
• regretevator
• art
• kandi
• guitar
• will wood
• cavetown
• against me!
• bears in trees
• mother mother
• addison grace
• noahfinnce
• chappell roan
• against me!
• pierce the veil
• paramore
• hozier
+ other ones idk
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DNI/“i don’t like you please go away”
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honestly basic dni criteria. you can tell who this blog is for just by looking at it
”not all cops” mfs, MAGA/trump supporters, anti xenogender, anti furry, radqueers/transid, queer exclusionists (you know who you are), racist, homophobic, abuser sympathizers, people who argue for fun/trolls
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triggers/don’t tag me in this stuff
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• self harm
• suicide
• eating disorders
• loss of family members
• paranoia
• panic attacks
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ok thanks bye bye 🦕
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piniatafullofblood · 4 months
Finally got around to doing the intro post thing. Okay! Hi, I’m Drift. They/them. My main content is gonna be fandom related stuff, the occasional political rant, long-posts where I message with my mutuals, and sometimes a diary. I’m 15, so keep that in mind and don’t be weird.
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I’m pretty much your standard ‘of course you have blue hair and pronouns’ type person (except imo a lot less polarizing and violent than the blue extremists. NOT saying I’m a centrist but also not saying I’d vote yes for another hunger games) so if your somehow like a maga republican and you want to follow me, don’t, I don’t want you here. There’s gonna be a lot of anti capitalist/anti imperialist/anti police content here.
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Also, don’t follow me unless your voting blue in 2024 or would be if you could vote/lived in the US. Third parties can’t win, here’s a youtube video explaining why. A vote for anyone but kamala is a vote for trump. If you want independents to be able to win, we need ranked choice voting, which will only ever happen with democrats in power. also, palestinians support kamala. there is no excuse not to vote blue this year, and if you find one suitable to you, DNI.
oh also dni if you think humans are intrinsically evil. I don’t need any of that coriolanus bs
endeavor fans dni
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for fandoms, it’s DW, mha, GO, the sandman, Loki, the mcu, I/ATSV, THG, MLB, nimona, ATLA (NOT lok) BTVS, SDV, SU, PJO, and also if you ask me about HP I will respond and I can still tell you all the lore even tho I haven’t participated in the fandom or read the books in years. I’ll add more as i remember them.
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in ships wars; bkdk, lokius, yowzah, zukka, love square, spuffy.
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in tags:
#things that matter to me for things that I would have pinned if what I didn’t currently have pinned matters more to me
#piniata politics tag for politic rants
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that’s it. be nice or I’ll block you.
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finnegancosmos · 4 months
✎﹏﹏Welcome to the Cozy Corner﹏﹏
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◟ About me .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂❄️
〘 Pronouns 〙. . . They/Them 〘 Age 〙. . . 21! 〘 Name 〙. . . Hi! im finn, and im your host in the comfy corner! I am an age regressor, neurodivergent and probably close to being physically disabled soon.... I like the winter, and i stream a lot! mainly with my husband :nodders: 〘 Theme 〙. . . Christmas theme!
◟ Relationships .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🎄
〘 Sexuality(s) 〙. . . Pansexual, asexual spectrum! 〘 Gender 〙. . . Nonbinary, but i can't tell if there's a fem or masc lean 〘 Status 〙. . . I am happily taken by my loving fiancé ! We have been together for a year, and are working out long distance. We will hopefully be together in June if all things go well!
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◟ Boundaries .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⭐
〘 DMs 〙. . . Please do not DM me and ask to be friends. If you've only just followed my blog and ask to be friends, i will ignore you. Do not DM me to ask me to make things for you, i do not take customs unless paid but will be nice and do samples (like channel or other templates) via asks, and don't DM to be mean. You will not get a nice response back. 〘 Romance 〙. . . Do not interact with romantic\sexual intent. Its gross, its weird, and im taken. I don't wish to see your dick, or your pussy, leave me be. If you dm pretending to be friends just to take advantage of my kindness, expect to see the barrel of a gun. and i don't mean from me 〘 Stealing 〙. . . Don't steal things I write/make, post them as your own and claim them. Anything I make that will be FTU will be marked as such. Don't be a dummy and get reported.
◟ Do not interacts .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🧤
〘 Bigots 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are homophobic, transphobic/lgbtqia+phobic, racist or back the blue, pro-life or MAGA, A zionist, transmed, a terf, anti-agere/petre, and sexists. 〘 Dangerous 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are a MIK, MAP, Anti-recovery blog, Thinspo/meanspo blog, pro-ana or other, engage in dangerous kinks(like g_n play, r@pe kinks, etc), post pro-self harm, gore, or believe regression can be sexual. Age regression is a coping mechanism. it is not DD!LG, Icky kiddo or other. 〘 Age 〙. . . Do not interact with my posts if you are under 13, or over the age of 29 (so 30+ DNI)
More may be added later
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◟ Tags .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⛄
#☽ ⌇FinnyAsks = 30 days or question lists #⟡ ⌇ FoxAnswers = My answers tag #☼ ⌇ FinnyPosts = Any posts made by me #☆ ⌇ FoxReblogs = Reblog tag #♡ ⌇ FinnyMakesStuff = Any discord stuff i make and wanna show/ letters for discord !! I will let you know if my things are F2U
◟ Links .ᐟ ₊ ⸝⸝ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂🥾
〘 My Twitch 〙. . . https://www.twitch.tv/finneganstravels 〘 My Twitter 〙. . . https://x.com/StarryEyedFinn 〘 My Server 〙. . . https://discord.gg/Dej2ewcZYf 〘 My Ytube 〙. . . https://www.youtube.com/@FinnegansTravels 〘 My Agere blog 〙. . . @space-station-nursery ⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ‧₊˚✧ 〘 My Husbands Tumblr 〙. . . @fdtw1 〘 My Husbands Twitch 〙. . . https://www.twitch.tv/fdtw4 〘 My Husbands Server 〙. . . https://discord.gg/VemeEES4Rg 〘 My Husbands Ytube 〙. . . https://www.youtube.com/@fdtw_
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Banner made by me, DNI, will be used at the end of my posts
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