#M16 Drop In Anchor
FIXDEX GOODFIX industrial cologne exhibition in germany
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jimitjain · 2 years
5 Types Of Anchor Bolts In The Market
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Anchor Bolt:
Anchor bolts fasten structural components to concrete structures and secure them. In general, anchor bolts are used to fasten structural elements, equipment, and skids to concrete. The anchor bolts have one end that is buried in the concrete and the other end that is left exposed.
It is actually a stud constructed of two adjoined pieces, one-piece is threaded at the top end and the other end consists of a process that includes a wedge and clip that is expanded between the stud and the wall of the hole in the concrete.
The anchor bolt are generally a good option for a heavy shear application and for heavy load. Also the heavier duty seismic wedge anchors are used in areas frequented by seismic activities.
Anchor Bolt Types
Sleeve Anchor Bolts:
A sleeve anchor is a type of fastener used to secure objects to a concrete or masonry structure. They can be used to join two or more concrete structures, or to fasten an object such as a shelf to a brick wall.
Headed Anchor Bolts:
Construction fasteners known as headed anchor bolts have a head on the non-threaded end. In order to secure a steel column, beam, bolt, rail, or other structural part in place, this end is placed into concrete or masonry.
Wedge Anchor Bolt:
Consideration made by wedge anchor bolt manufacturers in India: The diameter of the wedge anchor should match the diameter of the holes that are drilled into the concrete.
Additionally, it is only used for solid concrete; it cannot be used with stone, mortar, brick, etc.
Bent-bar Anchor Bolts:
Bent-bar anchors, which include the customary J and L bolts, are threaded steel rods with hooks on the end embedded into the masonry.
Drop-in Anchor Bolts:
Drop-In anchors are female concrete anchors designed for anchoring into concrete. Drop the anchor into the pre-drilled hole in the concrete. Anchor bolt manufacturer use a setting tool to expand the anchor within the hole in the concrete. Drop-in anchors require a setting tool to install.
Best Anchor Bolt Manufacturer In India
Ananka Group is one of the major Anchor Bolt Manufacturer In India offering a diverse range of anchor bolt in a variety of sizes, grades, and scales. The majority of high-tensile bolts, screws, and fasteners on the market are blackish-coloured alloys.
We are one of the best wedge anchor bolt manufacturers in India and anchor fasteners manufacturers in india.
Our website also provides a prominent washer weight calculator offering a diverse range of washers in a variety of sizes, grades, and scales. High tensile fasteners manufacturers in India follow national & international standards. Anchor bolt manufacturer use a nickel-copper alloy that is resistant to corrosion in many environments.
Contact us today to discover why we're the best in the industry. We offer a wide range of products, including 12mm stainless steel rods, M16 threaded rods, stainless steel threaded rods, and 12mm threaded rods.
We are one of the best Eye Bolt Manufacturer in India, Our Anchor bolt manufacturers use a nickel-copper alloy that is resistant to corrosion in many environments.
We are a High Tensile Fasteners manufacturer and Inconel fastener manufacturer.
For more details:
Product Source - Anchor Bolt Manufacturer In India
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kenzieam · 7 years
Sera Shadow - Chapter 1 (Ivar X OC)
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Rating: M - Mature (angst, swearing, violence, murder, smut)
Genre: Drama, angst
@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @my-emotional-self @bloodyivar @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @heathensisterwives @kduran04 @charliexowrite @angryschnauzer @rachiieee @ivarinleatherpants @ivars-heathen-army @neonxwitch @theheathenqueendickubus @dangerousvikings @zpandaqueen @irishhiggins @romanchronicles @didiintheblog  @mercy1997 @kawennote09  @iammarylastar @sparklemichele @son-of-anubis  @beltzboys2015-blog @paranoia-love  @captstefanbrandt  @ivars-valkyrie @fullpeanutkoala @ruler-of-helheim @poopercoot @magical-mischief-makers
@angelswannawearmyredshooz @kc-7 @laketaj24 @ithinkthatsmykink @josthockeythings @pansexualpancakeslife @read-all-day @g4u15
@chessurkait @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @dina-m16
*If you want to added or delete to the above list, let me know*
Holy shit everybody! Thank you so much for the support!!    
“Who wants to be King?” Ragnar roared, eyes scanning the crowd, zeroing in on his five sons.
Ubbe stepped forward, everyone tensing as Ragnar stalked towards him; sighs of relief and disappointment sounding when the King pulled his son into a rough embrace rather than striking at him. The crowd began to dissipate and Bjorn waited another beat before pointing at the figure standing a few paces from Ragnar, apart from the crowd, their hood hiding their face.
“Who’s that?” He demanded.
Ragnar glanced over his shoulder and, with barely a perceptible nod, brought the figure forward. As they reached his side, a hand appeared from inside the cloak and pulled the obscuring hood back. The brothers stared in shock.
Her hair was a deep reddish brown, her large eyes a stormy grey with hints of violet. Faint freckles danced across her cheeks and nose. She calmly assessed the men in front of her, sweeping her cloak back to reveal twin war axes hanging from her belt. She was dressed as a shield maiden, her leather’s well broke in, speaking to many battles. She looked to be no older than Ragnar’s youngest son, the one called Ivar the Boneless.
“So you’ve taken another wife?” Bjorn spat, head tilted incredulously.
“She is my daughter.” Ragnar replied.
The princes glanced at each other in stunned confusion; Ragnar had only been gone ten years. Seeing their puzzlement Ragnar rolled his eyes.
“Not the fruit of my loins daughter! But in every other way, every way that matters. I have raised her and trained her to fight as if she was my own blood.” Ragnar scoffed, tilting his head and throwing his arms wide in that quintessential Ragnar way.
A thousand different thoughts ferried instantly between the brothers but it was Bjorn who spoke again.
“What is her name?”
“She possesses a tongue, ask her yourself.” Ragnar growled, glaring daggers at his sons.
Almost as one, five pairs of eyes swiveled towards the still silent girl until, finally, Ubbe spoke.
“What is your name, sister?”
“Sera.” Her voice was silken, slightly husky, her accent unidentifiable, giving no clue as to where Ragnar Lothbrok had been for the last ten years.  
“And how did you meet Ragnar?” Ubbe continued.
“Ragnar found me as I lay dying from the fever, my entire village dead around me. He saved me and raised me as a daughter.”
“How long ago?” Sigurd now spoke, his tone scathing.
Sera’s cool grey eyes swiveled to him and she silently assessed him, her eyes traveling up and down his body before she spoke. Unseen beside him, Ivar grinned, amused. “Eight years. I am now fifteen, still a virgin and have killed eleven men, some for less than the disrespect you are displaying now, anything else you need to know?”
Sigurd blinking in astonishment before reaching for the dagger at his side, lip curling in anger. A war axe appeared in Sera’s hand and she reached with the other, beckoning Sigurd forward. Ragnar threw his arm across her chest, holding her back with a look. Bjorn stepped between the two figures as Ubbe and Hvitserk pulled at their younger brother, hushing him and pulling the dagger away. Ivar’s eyes grew wide with excitement and sudden interest.
“Enough.” Ragnar grunted. He glanced at Sera before turning and glaring at Sigurd. “You are angry with me, not her.”
Sigurd scoffed and threw off Ubbe’s arm, stepping back a few paces with a sour look on his face. Ubbe turned back to face Ragnar, his eyes flicking to the girl still standing sentry at his side.
“Peace, sister,” he called, but Sera refused to replace her axe on her belt until Ragnar himself nodded once to her.
“Why are you back?” Bjorn growled.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** The reunion had not been a glad one. All four of Ragnar’s sons that followed him up to the great tree had roundly rejected his idea of sailing back to Paris, their eyes flicking occasionally to Sera who remained steadfastly standing over Ragnar’s right shoulder, still not trusting her new brothers.
She’d remained silent the entire time, assessing and listening to the point that the four princes began to shift uneasily under her scrutiny. Finally Ragnar had glanced back over his shoulder to see what held his son’s attention then smiled almost sadly. He’d patted his bent knee and Sera had moved to sit between his legs, leaning back against his chest. There was nothing sensual in the movement, merely a protector and his chosen dependant sitting closely, probably something they did all the time to stay warm and for comfort. Ragnar had rested his head in the crook of Sera’s shoulder and raised an eyebrow. Better? His gaze asked.
Faint looks of jealousy passed through the prince’s eyes. They’d missed out on ten years with their father, and here was the girl who’d been gifted with that time, who played at being their sister, at being Ragnar’s daughter, with no blood connection.
After a bout of heated arguing the unhappy group fell silent. The princes glanced at each other, asking each other without words if they were ready to head to the town and Sera surprised everyone by finally speaking.
“I know you don’t like me and you have no cause to. Your father abandoned you ten years ago then promptly found a substitute child to raise; in his absence you have grown into men and feel you are no longer bound to the man who helped give you life. But I can tell you with absolute certainty that Ragnar did indeed miss you while he was gone, and regretted leaving you.”
“How would you know that?” Again Sigurd, who seemed to take Sera’s presence as a personal insult.
Faint colour tinged her pale cheeks. “He had nightmares and cried out to you all, asking for forgiveness, for understanding.”
Now it was Ragnar’s turn to flush and he turned his head into Sera’s hair, murmuring, most likely a gentle reproof, to her.
This bald statement, a hint of vulnerability gave the princes pause, what cause would this girl have to lie? Especially if it now appeared that Ragnar was embarrassed by her confession.
“I will go with you, even if no one else will.” Sera declared quietly, then stood and plucked her sword from where it rested against the tree trunk, replacing it in the scabbard across her back and quietly jogging away.
The princes watched her then turned back to Ragnar who murmured, his eyes still on her retreating form.
“I’ve rarely heard her speak so much at one time…. She likes to hunt by herself, she’ll more than likely return tonight with a deer, perhaps two.”
“You trained her for war?” Hvitserk asked.
Ragnar met his sons eye’s squarely. “I would not challenge her, at times I wonder if she’s half-berserker.”
“Where did you find her?” Ubbe this time.
Ragnar gestured vaguely. “I hardly remember, I wandered for a time, lost in my thoughts and regrets, not paying attention… it wasn’t until I discovered a dead village and a dying child that I shook myself out of my fog….. do not punish her my sons, for my misdeeds, she has been the anchor I have tethered my sanity to.”
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Sera returned that evening with two fresh deer kills and gave both to the great hall cook to use. Ragnar had left instructions for her to stay at the hall, for Aslaug wished to speak to her, and afterwards find rest there. Ragnar wasn’t comfortable, or welcome for that matter, but he wanted Sera to be treated with some degree of warmth. After a quick wash, a slave escorted Sera to the great room, where Aslaug sat in her throne, a cup in hand, waiting. Ragnar had not taught Sera much in way of manners but she dropped to her knee nonetheless, lowering her head respectfully.
“Thank you, Queen for your hospitality.”
Aslaug nodded in acknowledgement. “You may stand.” She studied Sera, standing before her in worn battle leathers, her hair bound in shield maiden braids, but still long and wild down her back. She had not been allowed to bring her weapons and looked distinctly uncomfortable without them.
“So you have lived these last ten years with Ragnar?”
“Eight, Queen.”
“And he saved your life?”
“Yes, Queen.”
“Are you with him?”
“Do you share his bed?”
“No Queen, he is like a father to me.”
Aslaug nodded thoughtfully, but said nothing further on the subject. “Well then, Sera Ragnarsdottir; Ragnar has asked for me to provide shelter for you, treat you as a guest. I have a room prepared for you and, if you wish, there is food.” She gestured to the shadows and a thrall appeared. “Hild will show you to your room, she is yours for the duration of your stay.”
“Thank you Queen Aslaug.” Sera bowed her head, she had not expected kindness from Ragnar’s wife, was all too used to sleeping out of doors to have even considered a real bed, and she was grateful for the offer. She nodded once more to the Queen before following Hild.
A scraping, dragging sound hit Sera’s ears later as she sat at the main table. Hild had brought her a cup of mead and plate of food, and Sera was eating slowly, winding down from the day. Sera watched as Ragnar’s youngest son, the cripple called Ivar the Boneless pulled himself into the chair at the head of the table, where Ragnar himself should be. He glared at her with narrowed eyes, studying her and Sera took the opportunity to appraise him back.
His blue eyes were stunning in colour, but all the more striking for the sharp intelligence behind them, the cold observation. His full lips were twisted in a mild grimace, almost pouting. Sera couldn’t help but admire his body, he may have needed to drag himself around but he was built like a warrior, shoulders perhaps broader than Ragnar’s, large hands rough with use, bound in leather to protect them as they pulled him along the ground. If he had been able to stand, he would have been unstoppable and Sera found herself thanking Odin for tempering what could surely have been his most fearsome creation, his most ruthless warrior, with this one weakness. The world was not yet ready for Ivar the Boneless to be unleashed.
“Father says you are a formidable opponent.”
Sera nodded once, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
“That he would hesitate to challenge you.”
“He is generous with his words.”
“Join me and my brothers tomorrow. We will go to our training grounds and practice, I should like to see what my father has produced in his absence from my life.”
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Sera walked silently behind the one called Hvitserk, watching as he and his brothers carried Ivar on a chair out to these training grounds she’d been invited to. Her eyes scanned the terrain restlessly, alert for any danger. Ragnar had looked pleased when she’d found him this morning and told him of her invitation to join his sons. His eyes had glittered when he’d clasped her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Make me proud child, fight like I have shown you.”
They reached an area cleared, surrounded by a crude fence. There were a few stumps, some deer carcasses hanging at the opposite end and Sera rolled her shoulders as she scanned the surroundings once more before shrugging off her cloak and pulling her sword free from between her shoulder blades, giving it an experimental swing. Ragnar had presented her with this sword last year, after she’d fought bravely beside him and resisted a band of thieves that had tried to rob and kill them. She’d not asked what wealth he’d paid for the sword, had accepted it humbly, admiring it’s fine lines and perfect balance. She’d named it Shadow Sting.
Ubbe bumped her shoulder, ignoring her hiss of warning and leaned over to admire Sting. He nodded once in approval to her but made no comment, instead pulled a bow and walked over to where Ivar sat on a stump. Hvitserk and Sigurd where already sparring behind them, but Sera was curious as to the prince’s bow skills. She watched impassively as first Ubbe then Ivar struck the deer target in the head, then tilted her head curiously when Ubbe turned to her, holding his bow out, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t like bows.”
“You can’t use them?”
“I didn’t say that, I prefer not to use them.”
“Show us.” Ivar goaded and Sera stepped forward, taking the bow from Ubbe. She aimed quickly, then turned her head, fixing both princes with a withering eye as she let the arrow fly. It split Ivar’s arrow, shooting right through the deer skull to hit a tree behind with a dull thud.
Ubbe looked impressed, but Ivar looked irritated and without comment he pulled his bow again, firing an arrow between his two sparring brothers. Sera watched with growing respect as Ivar handily won against Hvitserk; even sitting he was deadly, then barely smothered a startle when Sigurd knocked the mead cup free from Ivar’s hand. She bit her lip to hide a smile when Ivar retaliated instantly, in a fashion much like she would have, and heaved an axe at Sigurd’s head.
After a few moment’s hesitation, Sigurd regained his arrogance and pointed his sword at Sera in challenge. She debated a moment then caught Ivar watching her avidly, so she dropped her axes and pulled Sting again. Without warning she attacked, flying at Sigurd like a Valkyrie and the fight was over before it began; Sera crouching over Sigurd’s chest as he lay sprawled and stunned on the ground. He was uninjured, but Sera had disarmed him easily, using his underestimation of her to her own advantage. Standing upright she extended her hand to help him stand and after a pause, he took it. When she turned Hvitserk was grinning broadly, eager to spar, feet spread and sword ready.
He did not underestimate Sera and the fight was much more even, but eventually Sera saw an opening, and Hvitserk ended up on the ground as well, Sera standing above him, Sting at his throat.
Ubbe laughed and clapped his hands and Sera turned wearily away, tired of proving herself, but the arrogant smirk on Ivar’s face goaded her into action and this time it was her who raised her sword in challenge. Ivar’s returning smile was frightening, his head lowered, eyes glaring and Sera felt a thrill of anticipation.
She did not expect an easy victory, and did not get one. They were evenly matched, moving in sync with each other, almost as if they could anticipate the other’s moves, but finally Sera made a calculatingly desperate move. She was tiring and had to throw Ivar off balance, quite literally. They rolled heavily to the ground as Sera launched herself at him, their swords flying. Sera ended up on top, straddling Ivar’s broad chest, ready to continue the fight but Ivar guffawed instead, his large hands dropping to her waist.
“Enough!” He laughed, “you win! You win!”
The princes stared in shock at their youngest brother, he had never conceded a fight like this before, had never seemed happy to lose. After a moment Ivar noticed his brother’s confusion and quickly pulled his face into his signature scowl instead. He realized he still had Sera held against him, still gripped her waist and he released her with a grunt of embarrassment. Sera stumbled to her feet and Ivar sat up, cursing his flushed cheeks.
“What are you all staring at?!” He demanded.
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camielee44 · 5 years
Different types of rope joints
image: http://www.tayplay.com/spare-rope-fixings
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Iron cable tensioner wire rope railings
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Stainless steel fixing
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Gripple wire joiners
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There are two different types of Carabiners, one is a simple clip carabiner and the other is a screw carabiner. For the purposes of this project, the screw carabiner would be more efficient as it would be a lot safer for holding a lot of weight and slightly more difficult for disconnecting the carabiner from the rope.
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(Group Members: Myself, Tayla and Sophie)
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What Does scaffolding London Mean?
Scaffolding Companies
Our scaffolding erectors company make use of steel base layers measuring 150mm x 150mm which are used to support the upright requirements remaining on single boards or tredda base plates to spread out the tons troubled the ground.
With the years, we have built a reputation for providing top notch as well as affordable aluminium scaffold tools, making us one the foremost scaffolding companies in UAE and also throughout the region.
Everlast executes Scaffold layout as well as Scaffold build with 2 purposes in mind. The initial is to secure all those that establish foot on our scaffolds and also the 2nd is to use our experience and competence to save our clients money and time. Via a tactical partnership we can give a Scaffold design plan for all scaffold erections that fall outside the scope of "fundamental scaffolds" which is specificed within NASC support TG20:13. For non-scaffold layout and estimation works we utilize the NASC TG20:13 Conformity Sheet We support all our designs with the appropriate site certain drawings and layout computations.
At Everlast Scaffolding, safety is our major concern. We make every effort to continually embrace as well as adjust functioning methods to not just fulfill, yet go beyond the demands of the current regulation. Whether it is our very own workforce, specialist's dealing with the scaffolding, or to participants of the public. We provide danger assessments, safety and security plans, and method declarations. Over the last Ten Years we have actually seen a substantial adjustment in the building industry, none extra so than in the scaffolding field. There has been an enhancing need for business to satisfy the greatest health and wellness standards to shield from mishap as well as damage of their own staff members, the labor forces and also public. We freely share our wellness and safety details as well as competence with our customers, as well as deal with them to improve all round performance. As component of this we have implemented a total Security Administration System to assist ensure that the business is completely familiar with the constantly changing demands of the sector.
Scaffolding Companies
The Everlast service begins with a full survey reviewing all prospective safety and security risks and also acquiring a full understanding of your develop requirements to guarantee just what we supply satisfies your assumptions. Preparation is a crucial part of our work guaranteeing crucial Wellness and also Safety requirements remain in area. What sets our deal other than the rest is the completely bespoke service we provide. We don't believe in leaving safety to chance so we just use the finest quality tools which is kept and also examined at regular periods. And our team of highly skilled and experienced scaffolders are kept up to this day with the most recent industry criteria through continued development. We provide the adhering to scaffold services:
Hilti connections or physical connections are utilized at 4m sq interval to tie the framework to the structure material. These sort of ties are typically drilled right into the structure with M16 anchors by totally trained scaffolders or specialist scaffolding erectors.
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We could supply as well as build accessibility scaffolding and work platforms custom built for your exact demands, giving you the safest and most effective service when it pertains to gain access to devices hire. Whatever you should raise or take care of, we have the ability to deliver a broad array of tools from a rope as well as wheel, chute to hoists. We construct the safest as well as most effective ways of accessibility to almost anywhere, allowing single or numerous tradespersons as well as their equipment fast and also simple accessibility whilst likewise giving them a safe and secure job system.
Scaffolding Companies London
Our scaffolding erectors utilize solitary couplers which are made use of to safeguard the transoms to the ledger tube at the correct periods as specified by the Wellness and also Safety and security laws on single couplers as well as scaffolds.
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Training, credentials and experience has never been more crucial. Our skilled team of scaffolders are totally managed by the Construction Sector Scaffolders Record System (CISRS), carry CSCS cards and also are certified to the relevant sector requirement.
Facts About scaffolding London Revealed
We set up short-term roofing scaffolding, from a little range service to cover a domestic building to commercial structures that must be functional throughout jobs. Short-lived roof covering is an exceptional option for the building and construction market. Protection over the workplace makes certain marginal time is lost as a result of bad weather condition, enabling faster job conclusion as well as succeeding expenses cost savings. Possible applications consist of:
Getting My London Scaffold hire To Work
Our transoms are positioned approximatley 1.2 m apart. The transoms are made use of in the structure to support the scaffold boards on the working system. Our scaffolding business makes use of transoms that vary in size.
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M16 BZP Expansion Drop in Anchor
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manufacture Drop in Anchor
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zinc plated 3/8 drop in anchor
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Drop in Anchor
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M12 Drop in Anchor
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Sleeve Anchor Bolt Drop in Anchor
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M16 BZP Expansion Drop in Anchor
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