#drop-in anchors
sleepyseals · 8 months
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[Image Description: Two unfinished digital paintings / sketches of the hatchling and Hal from outer wilds. they are standing with their arms around each other and the hatchling has their head leaning on hal's shoulder as hal watches the supernova in the distance through the doorway of the museum. the first image is the scene viewed from behind with everything lit in bright blue with dark shadows. the second image shows hal's face looking in fear towards the light and is only partially colored, the rest sketched over a gray background. End Image Description.]
something you'll run back in for when the house burns down
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tennessoui · 6 days
june ko-fi: pirate captains au
ok ok so tbh in my head i was sort of counting the third and final part of the mermay au as the june ko-fi upload because it was technically posted june 1st in celebration of mer...june, but i got a few asks about if i was gonna post a proper june ko-fi fic and i decided like. sure! i can do that! and then i did <3 and now it's posted on ko-fi!
unfortunately im still on my water loving bullshit though, so this ko-fi fic is set in an au where obi-wan and anakin are pirate captains of different ships (obviously the Negotiator and the Resolute respectively) and they have a bit of a history. mostly they're just attracted to each other like magnets. mostly i just wanted to use the words breeches and tankards cause i think those words rock tbh
here's a snippet!
“Hatred is a powerful motivator, Captain,” Anakin says, and Obi-Wan would usually pay attention, but he decides it’s not worth it. Anakin’s lips are soft and his thumb catches on the bottom one as Anakin speaks, slips slightly into his mouth. “I’ve found that many things are powerful motivators, Captain,” he replies as he takes a step forward, closing the distance between their bodies. “And some are much more pleasant than hatred." Anakin huffs out a laugh, lets him approach. Pushes closer. His eyes are dark in the moonlight. His eyes are fixed upon Obi-Wan. “I joined Dooku’s crew,” Anakin murmurs as if he thinks that they are still talking about his past. As if Obi-Wan is not interested in their future. “To find you again, Captain. To kill you.” “How very innovative of you,” he says and he removes his hand from Anakin’s face, drops it instead to his neck and curls it around his throat. It is not a threat.  Mostly. Anakin grins back at him. “You are an easy man to hate, Captain Kenobi,” he says. “I believe that your saving grace is that you’re also an easy man to want.” “And you want me,” Obi-Wan says, like it’s a fact. Like it’s a foregone conclusion. It feels as if it is.
as a quick reminder, these ko-fi fics posted in my gallery are only visible to monthly supporters (ps. thank you sm to my monthly supporters!!!!) - at this point, there are 13 fics there (all 4k-7k in length), with plots varying from 'what if obi-wan was a werewolf' to 'what if they were both mermaids and i wrote 20k about that specifically'. i'm always open to discussing these fics here on tumblr and i currently do not plan to post them onto ao3; if you sign up to support monthly and then cancel that subscription, you should retain access for a whole month anyway so you can read all of the fics there!
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justplaggin · 25 days
inside of you there are two drives
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anchoredarchangel · 5 months
Do you think you’ll write anymore RWB ff? You’re a super talented writer!! Have really enjoyed your story thus far :-)
Thank you!! I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the series!
my enormous not-very-well-kept secret is that I’ve actually been writing RWRB fanfiction for months, long before I ever posted anything. I wrote for myself (no pressure that way) and all those wips live in the depths of the Anchor Vault.
Now that The Consequences is out there… I have no clue how I could ever follow that up. But you know, I’m never saying never!
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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(WIP) Music Monday / The rules: Post a song that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it. I’m also including the lyrics.
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Prefacing the first one by saying it's not exactly THEIR ship song, but more of a Mer and Joseph dynamic song (ANTI-SHIP if you will) and how she sees him as an imposter, a fake that feeds on people, the real snake in the garden. Also can we talk about the album cover and how much it embodies Mer as aesthetic (esp side by side with her updated ship banner), then we have the actual album name that is Santa Sangre = Holy Blood.
Take you time, pretending she's your little concubine You keep a secret in the darkest mind You make her smile but she's screaming, yeah, she's screaming 'Cause you're greedy You take what you want like you need it Leave her bleeding You're a snake in the Garden of Eden [...] (outro) You should be scared of me
Late night, it was your intention Got a bible to swear on, well Not satisfied, old temptation Listen, I'm a keeper, baby Honestly, all my life, all my days, always Survive on your footsteps Just a cold call away Your light, oh, blinding me Like a goldmine unfound I'm a keeper, baby
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That girls a problem, call the police yeah She's a fire looking for gasoline She'll steal your heart boy, piece by piece And make you pay, oh, you better believe Roaring like a river Rolling like the thunder Wild like a hurricane Wilder than the rush of the flames She's on Fire She'll pull you in and never let go She's dynamite, she's ready to blow She'll make you never never say no
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Taste of desire colors the room Love makes you crazy, no way out for you Told you once, told you twice For what we have done we will pay our price Watching the nightsky Sin never tasted so- I don't want your secrets I just want your love Don't ask me to keep it 'Cause I've had enough
Tagging, @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @cassietrn @direwombat @simplegenius042 @madparadoxum @onehornedbeast @jillvalentinesday @shegetsburned @purplehairsecretlair @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @theelderhazelnut @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @voidika @socially-awkward-skeleton @florbelles @dumbassdep @strangefable @corvosattano and anyone that would like to do the tag ❤️
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malbecmusings · 3 months
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hershelwidget · 2 months
I need to show y’all this fauckin. Creature
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Errrmm basically What if The Gups. Were more Animal than Vehicle. ignore the name change btw
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pink-gladioli · 6 months
you know something that I never really understood when first watching the show was jestros job, like before he became evil. the wiki says he was "King's jester" which probably just means he entertain guests at parties (that we know the king freaking loves). However, jestro, if we're honest, wasn't that good of a jester due to his low self-esteem. Jesters are supposed to be witty, confident, musicians, and storytellers, and we never actually see jestro do any of these things in front of a crowd besides the first episode i think. i mean yeah he tells monstrox about his past which can kinda count as storytelling and he is seen to be pretty witty, that's only after he joined the battle on evil on the side of evil. this leads me to believe that he was more of a clown than a jester. he doesn't seem to have a close relationship with the king (jesters were sometimes a king's most trusted confidant), he is only brought in front of crowds for juggling (not jokes or storytelling), and people don't respect him (they laugh at him, not with him). also knowing jestro, he probably felt like a failure as a jester and that definitely didn't help his self-esteem
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hazardsoflove · 5 months
it’s been one of those weeks pass the vices and virtues by panic at the disco
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loafofryebread · 9 months
I'm so excited its gonna be almost 30 chapters + side stories
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renslice · 3 months
newest wilderness update makes it so you can click on things for 5 minutes while cranking your hog with your other hand and still make ~150k with no risk
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vampy waking up on a beach in cancún after going on his silly goofy little spree disoriented asf except there was probs a lot more blood involved
vampy, waking up naked on the beach at 3 am, covered in blood with Mitch frantically shaking him: HARRY! HARRY, GET UP WE HAVE TO GO! NOW!!!
vampy, not being able to recall a single thing from the last few days: What…What’s going on? What happened?
Niall, nudging a dead body with his shoe and scrunching up his nose: You took the term “open bar” way too far.
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berryunho · 7 months
rewatching my concert videos so if yall were wondering this is what my blood curdling scream sounds like look no further
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scarletiswailing347 · 8 months
so the unfortunate thing about me is that, when it comes to the media i consume, i tend to have one 'anchor' (very rarely two) to keep me interested
this is necesary cause i have an incredibly hard time being interested in things in general so i have to purposefully spend my focus on one thing so that i can keep being interested in it cause otherwise i just kinda feel meh about the thing, i mean ill still watch and enjoy it but i wont be as interested as id like to be and may even drop it eventually after struggling to keep interacting with it (this is unfortunately what happened with empires, x-life, yogscast, and the lsmp seasons without mumbo in it)
if i ever drop that anchor whether purposefully or not then i lose interest in everything that ive ever connected to its rope -- i could still enjoy them sure but then at that point theyll just be like every other filler content in my life, like music when im washing the dishes
for hc its mumbo, for dsmp and smplive it was schlatt, for the scrunkly squad its boosfer and baablu
for lifesteal its zam
idk what happened behind the scenes but ill be honest its not looking good and theres a possibility i might have to drop him :/
#mine.txt#not sure yet tho cause without enough context it just feels like im doing something unnecessary that the affected party (lila)#may not necessarily want#i mean intuitively it seems like something that someone would want#guy who hurt you loses support? sounds great right?#but thats not really something everyone wants and i am Very Sensitive to feelings of intrusion whether by me or other ppl#either way im def gonna loosen the hold at the very least#i mean i Could look for another anchor but its a lot harder for me to attach to an anchor if they were attached to another anchor before#so for me to stay interested in something even after the anchor dropped there has to have been another anchor at the same time#like boosfer and baablu with the scrunkly squad#even if one of them drops i can still stay interested in ss (although i may become more focused on one inner circle more than the other)#also ill be honest i just dont really care enough about lifesteal in general to do that#what a shame i really liked zams character too#both drawing and making stories of him#just gonna go hard on baablu and mumbo if it ever happens ig#oh man just realized im gonna drop gen too if and when it happens#nooooo not my saturday morning cartoon T-T#it is what it is ig its not the first time this has hapenned and it wont be the last#honestly the best option for me to stay interested in something is for the plot/lore to be my anchor#unfortunately that very rarely happens cause of how character-driven a lot of stories are#and esp with cc-content its even moreso considering its nature#...just now realizing this May be part of the reason why i love mystery stuff so much#yeah the characters are important but they mean practically nothing without the plot like they wouldnt act the way they do without it
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inafieldofdaisies · 11 months
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WIP Music Friday (late again eheh)
The rules: Post a song that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it. I’m also including the lyrics.
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Finish me last night, I want more forever Cold hands on my body in the coldest weather Fell in love last night, swear I'm yours forever 'Cause just like the knife in my back, we are one and the same When you're close, our bodies in flame Hold me tighter as ever if feeling comes one in my brain 'Cause you're in my blood, my blood is the stars Everything's nothing and nothing is ours You're in my blood, my blood is the stars Everything's nothing and nothing is ours Sell me your soul, you won't regret it My love's a drug, I know you want it You're a fiend, I'm mean but I'm sweet when I want 'Cause just like the knife in my back, we are one and the same
All the vibes of their first chapter/how they got together ❤️
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You're like gold Mhmm, black gold My kinda poison And I would do anything just for you to be mine I'll take it all, I dont wanna be fair
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I've tried sleeping alone With these undertones, there's no, there's no hope I can't get enough of you Tell me what I want to know Love me, say you're never gonna leave me Even if it's only for an evening
Tagging, @adelaidedrubman @cassietrn @clicheantagonist @thesingularityseries @direwombat @strafethesesinners @madparadoxum @poisonedtruth @detectivelokis @shegetsburned @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @theelderhazelnut @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @voidika @socially-awkward-skeleton @florbelles @euryalex @vampireninjabunnies-blog @dumbassdep @strangefable @v0idbuggy and anyone that would like to do the tag ❤️
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scottstreet1 · 1 year
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