#Lyra Shelby
lyrakarma · 10 months
Relationship fun facts: ❤️Jake X Lyra💛
1. Lyra met Jake when she accidentally missed her bus going home when it was pouring down rain. Having cat like tendencies, Lyra hates being caught in downpours. He was the only one willing to take her to her home city (she worked in one city but lived in another at the time) and she paid him handsomely for it. Also brought him extra towels for getting the backseat of his taxi wet.
2. Hated the silence so kinda talked his ear off that first ride. He tried to keep up looking grumpy and a hard ass but it was HARD. She was cute, funny, outgoing...basically everything Jake Lockley wasn't. But oddly he kinda liked it. And then he spotted the cheetah in his backseat and knew he was a goner (thinking "Dios mio, she's like me" o.o)
3. After about the third or fourth ride, they kept looking for each other. Neither will admit this to one another but they'd tell anyone who asked, thinking nothing of it. It was just business...right?
4. Khonshu was NOT happy about learning that Jake was essentially doing favors for his ex's avatar. Mafdet was at first not happy about seeing her ex's avatar in the driver's seat, but she thought it was amusing (and she's petty as hell at the thought of her bitter ex driving her around) so encouraged the relationship...just to piss Khonshu off. Smart? Perhaps not. But it made her feel GREAT!
5. Jake was the one who asked Lyra out (note: the pigeon was NOT happy about this, and Mafdet was smug as hell) and their first date was at a sushi place. It was something they both enjoyed, and again Lyra led most of the conversation.
6. Neither of them knew of each others hero identities but worked together on a couple missions. She only ever met Marc and Steven as Moon Knight and had no idea that Jake was a part of their system.
7. Jake and Lyra made themselves official after their fourth date, which involved Jake breaking them into a still closed ice skating rink for a quiet and romantic evening on the ice lit by Christmas lights (he got inspiration for it from her favorite Christmas move, Last Christmas).
8. Jake told her about his condition shortly after that, and he was afraid Lyra would freak out or end things. Life with him wasn't going to be easy, and he wanted to give her a chance to bow out if she wanted to with no hard feelings. But Lyra admitted she loved him, all of him, and wanted this to work. She understood why he was the way he was, as she came from a similar background.
9. Lyra took actually meeting his alters very well. She knew them as Moon Knight and Mr. Knight, but getting to know them as people was interesting, as it was for the boys learning about her outside of the Lady Karma persona. Telling Layla was a whole other story, and at first she didn't take it well, but Lyra refused to let them give up their marriage for her and Jake. Of course Jake was hesitant but ultimately agreed with Lyra's reasoning. As selfish as he wanted to be, he couldn't do that to Marc.
10. Fights between them are rare but are kinda comedic. They go back and fourth between Spanish, English, and German. One of them will say something wrong or mess up the grammar in their other tongue and they'll stop the argument to correct them (gently of course, no matter how serious the argument is, learning a new language is hard peeps), which actually normally stops any disputes. It's actually amusing for the others to watch.
11. They have a lot of nicknames and titles for one another. Lyra calls Jake Mein Falke (my falcon, as Khonshu was depicted as a falcon in mythology), my knight (sometimes calls him Mein Ritter), or simply love or Liebe. Jake will call her by names in his tongue too, such as: mi gueparda (my cheetah), gatita (kitten, if he's feeling...extra affectionate), mi Reina (my queen), or, like her, simply love or mi amor. They get really extra about it
12. They did have a very small wedding ceremony. Nothing legally binding, but Lyra wanted a traditional Egyptian wedding. Steven and Layla actually worked together to plan it, as they knew more about ancient Egyptian customs than Lyra and Jake did. While it wasn't legally binding, since it was done in traditional Egyptian custom, in the eyes of the gods Lyra and Jake are married. Tawaret, who was super happy about this, was there to witness it and make it official. Again, Khonshu was not happy and wanted to object, but the other gods basically told him to shut the hell up and let his avatar have this ONE thing to make him happy. He sulked the entire ceremony and reception afterwards....
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
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whosangitbetter · 1 year
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Baby name ideas for the Empires Crew
Cause apparently yall need some now?
Theme: colors
Ash (associated with gray)
Beryl (a pale green stone)
Bianca (means white)
Carmine (crimson red)
Fawn (light brown)
Theme: Sun
Citrine (light callback to s1 cause citrine is a stone formed when amethyst experiences intense heat)
Alba (means Dawn)
Soleil (French sun name)
Theme: gods/holy/Greek
Theo (means ‘gift of god’)
Eudora (Greek name meaning ‘generous gift’)
Ouranos (Greek spelling of Uranus, father of the Titans and also a word meaning “the heavens”
Theme: dichotomy of glimmer grove/strength/beauty
Janus (words with contradictory meaning are sometimes called “Janus words”)
Hecate (goddess of witchcraft)
Farris (‘strong as iron’ according to the website I’m looking at)
Valentine (both a romantic association as well as having ‘strong’ as an earlier meaning)
Sterling (steel)
Theme: music/independence
Theme: strength/common western names
Barrett (mighty as a bear)
Cash (last name if a famous singer)
Wynona (first name of a famous singer and a personal favorite of mine)
Colton (I know so many yeehaw boys named Colton it’s an epidemic)
Theme: animals
Ursula (from ‘Ursa’ meaning bear + light callback to season 1)
Mariposa (butterfly)
Theme: peace/safety/protection/rabbits
Jack (jackrabbit)
Peter (Peter cottontail)
Olive/Olivia (olive bran em has symbol of peace)
Alexis/Alexander/Alexa etc. (All meaning protector of mankind)
Anthea (goddess/flowers)
Crysanthos (golden flower, name of a Saint)
Theme: history, ancient stuff, stones, memory (amendment: I couldn’t find many good names so I just found a bunch of really old names)
Sophia (lover of wisdom/knowledge)
Beowulf (both a name meaning ‘intelligent wolf’ and the oldest known work of Anglo-Saxon literature)
Alareiks (gothic name meaning ‘ruler of all’ modernized as Alaric but I think Pix would use the older version)
Áleifir (old Norse form of Olaf and that is such a downgrade on spelling why did we ever stop using the original spelling????? Also means ancestor’s legacy which is PERFECT)
Caecelia (original Latin spelling of Cecelia, means both “blind” and is the name of an ancient religious martyr)
Cúán (“little wolf” in Old Irish and I think that’s just cute)
Demophon (literally “the people’s voice” in Ancient Greek)
Ingo (an old name and also a reference to a character who accidentally travels back in time in Pokémon: Legends Arceus) (I’m running out of ideas can you tell?)
Theme: water, treasure
Diamond (it’s not that weird I went to high school with a girl named diamond)
Cordelia (apparently means daughter of the sea)
Hudson (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Caspian (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Jasper (a personal favorite + matching initials)
Theme: names with negative meanings, more stones (no I didn’t use them all on Joey’s list actually)
Deidre (sorrowful)
Kennedy (misshapen head)
Cain (I don’t think I need to explain this one. It’s also a favorite name of mine)
Cameron (crooked nose)
Lorelei (literal translation is ambush Cliff, but colloquially the meaning is ‘a woman who leads a man to his death’ which is metal as fuck)
theme: herbs/witchy stuff/creepy stuff
Desdemona (Ill-fated one)
Rosemary (both an herb and a character in a classic horror film)
Belladonna (comes with the literal translation of ‘beautiful woman’ as well)
Morrigan (literally ‘phantom queen’ and a figure in Irish mythology)
FALSE (if she ever logs in to participate)
Theme: obnoxiously British as befitting a steampunk theme
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thatbiblob · 2 months
“oh my gosh, ur a system with MCYT introjects- you must know all the lore of the SMPs you liked!!1!!”
aimee, alex, athena, art, david, flynn, ghosty, haley, hayley, lyra, metta, micayla, nox, phil, rina, river, sarah, shelby, skylar, sylvia, toby, and will :
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xoxo-bunnydumpling · 1 year
My husband and his dad put together a model of the Millennium Falcon quite a long time ago. It's pretty big, big enough that it needs it's own fair to middlin' size tote when it's swaddled and packed away...which it has been for longer than something that badass should be just boxed up and forgotten about.
I have accidentally made him very emotional today by suggesting we take it out and hang it up to display it.
"We could hang it by the ceiling in that corner, and then my Enterprise D can go in the other corner like they're having a very serious meeting or something!"
He didn't say anything, just made this face at me: 🥺
"Or...I dunno...are you trying to keep it safe? We don't have to hang it, but we can if you want. I'd be VERY surprised if Lyra could reach it."
More face. The fuck?
"OR...we could get a display case for it if you wanna look at it without it getting dusty?"
That's when he hugged me. "Shelby wouldn't let me have it out."
"Man, fuck Shelby. She doesn't live here."
So we're on track to put together a super nerdy living room. Lightsabers, a bat'leth AND a mek'leth, and whatever the fuck else we want. And no one can tell us we can't.
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Stephie Stilinski used to go ice-skating as a kid with Heather; while her brothers hated it, Stuart was the only one the triplets to flat out refuse to get on the ice. It wasn’t until their mother urged him to join her one day that he realised it wasn’t so bad. The Christmas before things got too bad, Stuart went skating with his siblings for the first and last time.
Lyra has oppositional defiant disorder, much to her sister’s chagrin. Over the years this has caused some tensions for Lyra, put her in situations that she would probably have been better off avoiding, and yet it isn’t something she personally has an issue with.  
Dmitry has tried to learn sign language over the years so that Annika doesn’t feel so alone; however, it isn’t something he’s ever found as easy to pick up as her daughter – and his best friend – Zariyah. He’s a little jealous that Nikolai managed to pick it up relatively easily as well, but refuses to be beaten.
Cece makes no secret of the fact she doesn’t like Thomas Shelby, but the truth of the matter is she knows that she possibly owes him for the fact Hal came back home safely. That’s part of the issue between the two of them, and one that causes the most friction.
Lily learnt to hack in a coding lesson that her school put on. It was an afterschool thing that she wasn’t even meant to be attending, but she sat in by accident and kind of fell in love with it all.
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lixbilities · 4 years
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askvincent · 7 years
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// Misc doodles! Including Lyra updates
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lyrakarma · 10 months
In the Arms of My Love
Summary: just a cute little thing I'm writing off the cuff. Could be part of a series of one shots. Lyra and Jake share a moment before she has to get up for work <3 sweetness and fluff ^^
Warnings: none, just sweet fluff <3 possibly bad translated Spanish and German, I used Google translate and I'm slowly learning German myself
They didn't sleep together in the same room or bed very often. Lyra could possibly count on a hand and a half how many times they slept together since getting married. For most, they wouldn't see this as a legitimate marriage, but Lyra Shelby-Lockley took this more than seriously.
They were married before the gods after all.
So getting up from bed early to get ready for work was always a challenge. But it had to be done. Leaving the warmth of his arms was the worst and hardest part, especially nowadays with it being cold and all. On top of that, Jake was a cuddler, he clung to Lyra like she was the only person on earth. He held her tight, even in his dreams, and Lyra understood perfectly why.
When they first met, the poor man thought himself unlovable. Nobody had really given Jake the time of day, barely even his alters at the time. Jake Lockley was a love hungry, touch starved man with a longing heart buried deep under his usual brutality. Something about that just hooked Lyra in. It was like he existed to be loved by her.
So now he was doing his usual clinging and cuddling her close and Lyra knew he was awake. She smiled sweetly against him, reveling in his warmth, his scent, and breathing. Lyra gently caressed down his chest, just over his heart before moving her head to kiss his neck.
"Mein falke, I have to get up" she told him.
"Not yet, gatita. Just a little longer...por favor?" Jake replied, still a bit drowsy. (Kitten, please)
"Sweetheart...it's six. I gotta get up to get ready" Lyra's smile didn't fade, "bitte...". (Please)
Jake shook his head and ran a hand through her thick dark brown hair. "Quédate conmigo" (stay with me)
"Honey I just looked at my bank account" she playfully lied, "ich muss gehen" (I have to go).
Jake kissed her head a small number of times, something she absolutely adored. Even so, he held her tight. Jake laughed softly.
"You're not in until noon, gatita-".
"And I still have to get ready because someone decided to distract me from my routine last night".
"Eh, lo disfrutaste". (Eh, you enjoyed it.)
"Not saying I didn't" Lyra giggled softly, planting more kisses on his neck, "aber entscheidungen haben konsequenzen" (but choices have consequences)
"Sigue haciendo eso y tendrás más consecuencias". (Keep doing that and you'll have more consequences.)
"Oh hush you" Lyra shifted a bit so she could put her hands on either side of Jake's handsome face, "what am I ever gonna do with you?".
Jake smiled and without missing a beat he answered: "Love me, feed me, never leave me".
Lyra rolled her eyes but she knew she would never get enough of that damn smile. She loved it so much. She loved him with all she had.
Even without murderous intent, most folks would've found Jake Lockley's smile unnerving. But not Lyra, not his sweetheart. She had come into his life like a warm ray of sunlight after a long winter. Lyra alone could warm and soften his heart, rendering him near harmless.
In her arms he found refuge and the love he had so very much desired for years. In her arms he found his equal. He could forget about who and what he was. All that mattered was he was hers. That was a gift he would always treasure. Always.
In his arms, Lyra found her safest place. She found the place where not even her resentment could get to her. With Jake, she forgot about the wrongs done to her and others she loved. Her role as a hero didn't matter when he held her. She could just be who she was and be loved for it. For that, Lyra was eternally grateful.
She smiled sweetly and snuggled more into him. "Okay, nur noch fünf munuten..." (okay, just five more minutes)
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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setaripendragon · 2 years
Little Sallyanne
Hi, I'm back! Sorry for the long absence, but RL sucks, and I haven't been writing much of anything I'd be willing to share lately. Except it's now Camp NaNo, and I wrote this in a frenzy instead of working on my NaNo project, of fucking course XD It's a Peaky Blinders fanfic, because that seems to be my go-to comfort-fandom at the moment for some reason??? What if Tommy went looking for Polly's children sometime during the first season, and he found Sally-Anna-Sallyanne-whatever-her-name-is-does-anyone-know before she died? WARNING: It doesn't come up overly explicitly in the fic, but it is Very Important for you to know that Sally was a child when she was deported, and this little ficlet was, in large part, inspired by a couple of articles I read about the truly horrific circumstances deported children ended up in around that time. This Sally is a deeply traumatised thirteen-year-old survivor of both sexual and physical abuse. (And Tommy knows this, knows it was done to her by the people she was given to because the government deemed his Aunt 'not fit' to care for children, and he is half a world and a month of travel away from being able to exact revenge.) If that might upset you, this may not be the fic for you. Please proceed with caution, if you decide to proceed at all. (Also, jsyk, when writing Sally in this fic, I was picturing the actress who played Lyra in the His Dark Materials series, because I swear, she looks a bit like Ada (and also Polly was the voice of her dad's daemon).)
The train rattles and clacks its way along the tracks, and Sally resists the urge to hold her breath. She hadn’t believed it when the guy in the flat-cap loitering by the Home’s fence said he was there to take her home, and she still hadn’t believed it even when she was fleeing into the night on his heels with a fire blooming out of her bedroom window behind her, and she still hadn’t believed it when instead of turning out just like every other adult there he put her on a ferry back to England under a fake name. Now, here she is on a train back to Birmingham, after ten years of trying to get here, and she’s still not quite sure she believes it.
She turns her passport over in her fingers, and looks at the name above her picture again. Miss Salima Elizabeth Shelby, it says. That’s her mother’s maiden name, she knows. She remembers. Everything from before being fostered is fuzzy, but she’s clung to what she does remember fiercely, because mostly what she remembers is being loved. She remembers her mother, her dark hair and warm voice, and she remembers her brother, mostly how funny it was to put mud down the back of his shirt and make him yell, and she remembers her aunt, with her piercing eyes and her secretive smiles.
She’s desperately glad that whoever that guy was, he thought to use her mother’s maiden name for this, because she knows she can’t be Anna Gray anymore. Even though no one’s called her Anna Gray for ten years, it’s who she’s been in her heart. Anna Sarah Gray, her mother’s little Sallyanne, no matter how many other names she’s been given. None of them were her, were hers.
But Anna Sarah Gray was deported, and she’ll be deported again if anyone finds out she’s in England again. And she’ll die before she goes back there. She’ll kill anyone who tries to fucking send her back there. So, she needs a new name, and it was a kindness, a bewildering, unexpected kindness, for that name to be one that has pieces of her already in it. Sally Shelby is a name she can fit herself into, can make her own.
The train screeches a warning as it starts to break, and Sally looks up sharply. Outside the window, she can see the sign that reads ‘Birmingham’ outside, and she stares at it until the train drifts to a stop, and then she pinches herself. It hurts, so she’s not dreaming.
She’s not dreaming. This is real.
She hasn’t cried since she was five years old, but now she feels her eyes sting. Furious with herself, she knuckles at her eye and jerks to her feet, snatching up her case and bolting for the door, not caring who she elbows or kicks on her way. She’s been fighting for this moment for ten years, she’s not going to waste another fucking second dithering about having feelings when she could be getting one step closer to her real family.
“Oi!” someone shouts after her as she swings her suitcase into his knee to get them to move out of the train car’s door. “You little-!” they holler, but Sally’s already hopping down onto the platform, and looking around, getting her bearings and trying to remember where she needs to go.
A large hand grabs her arm, and something that’s kind of like panic, and kind of like rage lights her up inside until she can barely see straight, and she brings her suitcase around again but the guy is ready for it this time, and he blocks it with his arm. “Shit! You watch what you’re doing, girl, or-”
Sally bites him on the arm, since her suitcase isn’t working as a bludgeon anymore. The man yells in shock and pain, and a smack catches her in the side of her head, but she only digs her teeth in harder, until she can taste blood. He lets go of her arm, but his other hand grabs her hair, trying to shake her loose.
And then she’s being let go, because the guy that grabbed her has been slammed back into the train, his heels slipping on the edge of the platform, and there’s blood streaming down his face from a cut that goes right through one eye. The man that’s pinning him there raises a blood-stained cap in the hand that isn’t fisted in the other guy’s shirt, and slashes it across the other eye. Blood spills.
“You’re fucking lucky,” the guy with the murder cap in his hand snarls, “that I’m only taking your fucking eyes. If you ever touch her again, I’ll cut off your fucking cock and make you eat it before you bleed out. Am I making myself perfectly fucking clear?”
“Y-yessir,” the other guy whimpers.
Murder cap guy nods once, and releases him with a shove that sends the bleeding guy staggering down the platform and vanishing into the crowd within moments. Murder cap guy takes a breath, sets his fucking amazing cap back on his head, and only then turns to face Sally.
Oh. Those eyes are just like Aunt Marra’s. Sally remembers that piercing, unearthly blue. “Yeh alrigh’, Sally?” the man who has to be her cousin asks, as if there isn’t blood splattered all over his cap, and he didn’t just blind a man just for touching her.
“Can I have one?” Sally blurts out before she can think of anything smarter to say.
Her cousin, she’s not sure which one, the older ones all kind of just blurred together in her memory, looks taken-aback for a moment, before he smiles. It’s a crooked little thing, and more than a bit mean, but Sally doesn’t mind. “I think that can be arranged,” he agrees, tipping his bloody cap to her.
Sally grins, fierce and feral and eager.
“Do you remember me?” Her cousin asks as he tucks his hands into his pockets.
“You’re my cousin,” Sally says, because that much she does remember.
Her cousin tips his head in acknowledgement, but what he says is, “Half-brother,” with a nod towards her hand. She looks down, and sees her passport still clutched there, and remembers that she’s not Anna Gray anymore. She’s Sally Shelby.
“Right,” Sally agrees. “Half-brother. Mikey’s my cousin.”
“Tha’s right,” her new half-brother confirms, smiling that crooked smile again. “I’m Tommy.”
The name sparks a memory, and Sally brightens. “You used to play horses with me!” she exclaims, remembering being carted around on Tommy’s shoulders, and yanking on his hair to make him go whichever way she pleased.
Tommy’s crooked smile becomes a crooked grin. “That was me,” he confirms. He hesitates a moment, then holds out a hand to her. “Come on, the rest of the family’s waiting for us back at The Garrison.”
Sally thinks it would probably be safe to take his hand, but it doesn’t feel safe, so she doesn’t. She just hefts her suitcase and looks at Tommy expectantly, making it clear she’s ready to go without touching him. He nods to her, accepting her choice, and sticks his hand back in his pocket as he turns and heads for the exit. Sally hurries a little to catch up, then falls into step beside him.
“Aren’t you going to get in trouble or something?” Sally asks as the crowd parts to let them through.
“Not in this neighbourhood,” Tommy replies blithely. “Anyone ‘ere gives you any trouble, you just tell ‘em your name, you tell ‘em you’re a Shelby, and they’ll know better than to mess with you,” he promises. It’s a nice promise, and Sally almost believes it, after the way he said hello. She believes it more and more, as people keep giving them both a wide berth as they make for the street; him with his blood-stained cap, and her with blood on her teeth, side-by-side and ready to fight the world.
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Feminine Names
Abi  Abigail  Abby Adel  Adelaide Adelia Adeline  Addie Addison Addy Adrian  Adriana Alaina Alana Alba Alejandra Alex Alexandra Alexandria Alexis Alice  Alina Aliyah Alli Allie Allison Ally Alondra  Alyson Amelia Ana Annabelle Annabella Annaliese Annie  Antonia Arabella Aria Ariel Arielle Arya Audriana Audrey  Aurora Ava
Barb  Barbara  Barbie Beatrice  Beatrix Bella Belle  Bessie Bianca Blanche  Brandy Bridget Brie Brielle  Britney Brooke Brooklyn
Callie  Camilla Camille  Caroline Cassandra Cassie  CeCe Cecelia Celia Chris Chrissy Christie  Christina Christy Claire Clara Clarissa Clementine  Cora Cordelia Cornelia  
Daisy  Delia Delilah  Destiny Dora Dorothea Dorothy  Dorthy Dottie 
Edie  Edith Eleanor  Elena Eliana Elisabeth Eliza  Elizabeth Ella Ellie Elora Elsa  Elsie Emilia Emily Emma Emmie Esme Esmeralda  Estella Estelle Eva Eve Evelina Evelyn Evie 
Fauna  Fawn Felicia  Flora Francesca Frankie 
Gabriella  Gabbi Gabby  Genevieve Gia Gianna  Georgia Grace 
Hailey  Hana Hannah  Harriet Hattie  Hayley Heaven Heidi  Helen Helena  
Isabel  Isabella  Isla Ivy
Jessica  Jessie Jolene  Josie Julia Julie Juliet  Juniper 
Kaia  Kat Katarina  Katherine Katrina Kennedy  Kira Kylie 
Lana  Laura Laurel  Lavinia Layla  Leia Leigh Leila Leilani  Lena Lenora Lenore Lindsay  Lila Lilian Lily Lina Liz Lizzie  Lizzy Lola Lorelei Lorena Loretta Lorna  Louisa Louise Lucia Lucille Lucy Luiza Luna   Lydia Lyra 
Mabel  Madeline  Madeleine Madelyn Madison  Mae Maeve Maggi Maggie Magnolia  Maia Makenna Marcella Margaret Maria  Marie Marina Marisol Marni Martha Martina  Mary Mathilde Matilda Maude Mauve Maya McKenna  Meadow Melina Melinda Mildred Milly Miriam Molly  Monica
Naia  Naomi Nellie  Nelly Neriah Nevaeh  Nia Nicole Nicky Noelle  Noa Nola Nora Norah Nova 
Oaklyn  Octavia Olive  Olivia Opal
Paisley  Patricia Patty  Penelope Penny Poppy  Princess Prudence
Rae  Rafaela  Raini Regina  Reina Riley Rita Roberta  Rose Rosemary Rosie Ruby 
Sadie  Sally Sam  Samantha Samira  Sammi Sasha Savannah  Scarlett Selena Seraphina Serena  Serenity Shannon Shauna Shea Shelby  Shiobhan Shirley Silvia Simone Sloane  Sofia Sophia Sophie Sora Stephanie Summer  Susan Suzanna Suzanne Sylvia 
Taluluah  Thea Theodora  Tiffany Tilda Tillie Tilly  Tori Trish Trisha
Valencia  Valentina Valentine  Valeria Valery Velma Vera  Vinnie Violet Vivian Viviana
Whitney  Wiley Willa   Willow Winnie  Wren
Zenon Zoe Zoey
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magpiefngrl · 5 years
Regarding my last post, I find it illuminating and disheartening to see that my fave characters are all men, because it tends to be male heroes who get the characterisation I enjoy: snarky, emotionally constipated, usually amoral, super competent utter arseholes. I like the Kaz Brekkers, and the Laurents, and the Dracos, and the Ronan Lynches, and the Sasukes, and the Walter Whites, and the Thomas Shelbys of this world. I find them compelling to read, and I’m drawn to them like a moth to the light. It might be just me and my choice of reading material, perhaps I missed the Book or TV series where a female character is all of these things. I’m not saying people don’t write great female characters, far from it. There are fantastic characters in tons of fandoms, and I love Katniss, for instance, and I love Lyra in His Dark Materials and Polly in Peaky Blinders, but I can’t seem to find female characters like the ones mentioned above. Who are main characters and utter bastards. The only person I know who writes women like this, deeply flawed and incredibly compelling, is Gillian Flynn, esp. in Sharp Objects.  It’s one of my main motivations to get back to and finish the fantasy series I started 3 years ago (B.D. = Before Drarry), the fact that two of the POVs are women and they’re... not nice.
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thefifthtm · 5 years
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Hello hello! Pops here, wanting to spread just a little bit of end-of-year goodness to all of you!
As you’ll probably know, I write as both Five and Two - Five since September 2019, Two since November 2019 - and despite these boys only existing here for a matter of months, they have made some firm friends along the way, and I want to just give a few lines to those who have already made an impact on them, as well as those who I’m looking forward to writing with in 2020.
If you are not featured here, honestly, I adore you, but my mind is a mess at the minute and I am forgetting the slightest thing, but honestly, I appreciate you and I am so grateful to be saying hello to 2020 with you, so don’t think that you are not loved!
First off, we have these lot: 
@conn-ar, @master-koschei, @noteveryonedies, @therapardalis, @baptizedbyfires, @krazy-rp-hatter, @doctorvii, @timemilitant @thirtnth, @governmentofficial, @bertievi, @storminmywake, @crypticcandyman, @lefaemun, @neartmhar, @masterofthelivingforce, @applesdrowned, @lightcreators, @londonx1965, @drapetxmaniia, @soulstcne, @themanwhoforgets, @the-11-doctor, @thesunsingsforthem, @chokethelight, @ofheroesandscholars, @hipstersbleedroses, @quite-motley, @walkingthroughhistory, @the-twohearted-dalek, @koscheis-bitch, @stxnlcysdcxthpxrk
If you are featured here, these two blogs simply would not exist without you! For your own unique reasons, you have had a hand in helping Five and Two to grow and blossom into what they are today. From the very VERY bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH! 
To the following blogs who I haven’t interacted with much yet, I want to devote just a few words to why I’m looking forward to writing with them more in the new year:
@alreadybrcken - Listen, I’m a Brummie. I wasn’t born in Birmingham but I have lived almost all of my life here, and I have roots here stretching back to my Irish ancestors, so when it comes to such characters as Tommy Shelby, they are special to me. Thus, I’ll admit, I tend to verge on being fussy with their portrayals. Saying this, I ADORE how you write him. I’ve been wanting to write with you for far too long, and now we’ve managed to get a thread going and I cannot wait to see how Tommy and Five connect. Feel free to come bother Two as well, he’s a very different sort so I’m curious to see how he and Shelby might get along.
@namedtardis - SUSAN. That’s all I need to say. She has two versions of her Grandfather here who she is more than welcome to say hello to. Please please PLEASE never hesitate in doing so if you want. I would love it so much.
@theednygma - Another character that I have a close bond with. I wrote as Nygma for about six years, and I still have his blog. He’ll always be one of my favourites and you write him so well, what with the way you acknowledge his DID (something I picked up on as well, although I thought I was very much in the minority who thought it). Come bother my boys anytime, they’ll always be happy to see him!
@imperialkingpin - Honk honk. Cobblepot was one of the best characters in Gotham and your entire blog, I just live for. I hope we can introduce our muses together in 2020 - Two is another short man who wears black, so they might get along well? Who knows?
@starnamedlyra - LYRA! You’ve been hovering around these two for far too long as it is! Come join in on some thread fun, they would seriously love it.
@relativehumanity​, @ohhfiddle​, @brazenlass​ - Two would be NOTHING without his posse. Jamie, Victoria and Zoe need to be on my dash with him more often in 2020! Please!
@crimeswithoutnumber, @symptomofinsanity​, @sclfmastery, @followthedrums13 - Masters. I see you all. I know you’re there. I will harass you all in 2020 with my boys, without a doubt.
@gladtobeunique​, @10nthe​, @definitemadman​, @preposterousbutitworks​, @shesxinxcharge​, @tindogowner​ - fellow Doctors! How could I resist getting Five and Two to say hello to themselves? We have all the time in the universe for it, but why not start soon?
@youmoveon​ - Another River Song to hopefully drive Five insane? Yes please. Five can seldom handle dominant women and I live for it. By all means, bother Two as well. River annoys him to no end and I thoroughly enjoy annoying him.
@ofrxvia​ - I don’t even know how Five and Geralt are currently drinking in an inn together but I LOVE IT? So much? Just, two completely different sorts of people engaging in a casual chat? Boi I’m hooked already, and I hope you are as well.
Running very short on time, so I’ll just drop down a few more names here with the promise that we WILL interact together more in the new year:
@aquestionthatsneverbeenposed​, @madgirltm​, @marblecarved​, @thespywholovedtea​, @flyingupward​, @evolviing​, @shipwhisperer​, @lonelybxstards​ and everyone else!
Before I dash, here’s another note wishing ALL OF YOU a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love you all so much!
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shprka · 5 years
Hello, I read your post on female characters and now I'd like to know which female characters do you think are well-written and likeable?
I had a lot of fun with this, thanks for asking! After a few days of trying to remember and asking some friends, I made a list (I wanted to tell a reason for each and everyone but it ended up being quite long).
Here it is:
- Sarah Connor
- Ellen Ripley
- female characters from Killing Eve
- Beatrix Kiddo
- Princess Leia
- Mrs Wilson
- Brienne of Tarth
- Daenerys from Game of Thrones (seasons 1-6)
- Holloway from Cube
- Ellie from The Last of Us
- Lara Croft (whichever version you like most, I like the Angelina one even if she’s not well written, she’s still fun)
- Sam from Until Dawn
- Marge from the Fargo movie
- Lula from Now you see me 2
- Michonne from Walking Dead
- Carol from Walking dead
- Kara from Detroit Become Human
- Farah Black from Dirk Gently
- Amanda from Dirk Gently
- Anne Lister from Gantleman Jack
- Revy from Black Lagoon
- Balalaika from Black Lagoon
- Roberta from Black Lagoon
- Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan (debatable if she’s likeable, a lit of ppl don’t like her or find her annoying, but I like her so she’s on the list)
- Annie from Attack on Titan
- Clarice Starling from Silence of the Lambs
- Mary Jane from the Spiderman game
- MJ in Spider-Man: Far from Home
- Polly Shelby from Peaky Blinders
- Aloy from Horizon: Until Dawn
- Lyra from His Dark Materials
- Wonder Woman (you can argue she’s a mary sue but she’s stil fun and likeable)
- Tess from Last of Us
- Atomic Blonde
- Elizabeth from Trance 2013
- Elizabeth Keen from Blacklist
- Furiosa from Mad Max
- Mulan
- Rampunzel
- Female characters from Disney’s Atlantis
- Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet
- Moana
- Meg from Hercules
- Rampunzel from Tangled
- Female characters from Stranger Things
- Peggy Carter from Agent Carter
- Jane Doe from Blindspot
- Major Samatha Carter from the old Stargate tv series
- The main character from Stick It
- Tia Carrere in Relic Hunter (maybe not the best written but still delightful)
- Adelaide from Us (2019)
Of course you can agree or disagree. And sometimes they don’t have to be the best written but written well enough, but most of them, I think, I can desribe as likeable in one way or another.
I might have forgotten some, so feel fee to add your own, if you want. Hope that answers your question 😊
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